Newspaper Page Text
8 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 1808._ Nevor has this eiote net ' <<>. ... Ths ti?l?' <>i ba*4*t_?ini flowing in all directions. 'I to Iw disapjKii iu_? _J? $ ?. nttr.ii't v>i?li-spn-jul iittVntio.i Qpentio&s far bejond onlins su?.. NKAili ? WORTB all i LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAI . ycstcnhiy? lv.nly th liiornia : Tic and Mualln Gown trimme?!, prettily d< ,-ine Muslin ?.?>wn?, I ?pn,, i k Gown pi ,?, i?! i" ? in b. I In muslin or can .?Id? iv Tun in..) MuHlin Skirt: m and <i"'k; 18 ? Muslin Skirts, full cambric ruth? -.., neh-De i?. fl.?i a Jl SO Skirt.? trimmed ely in win lin.i. . 'ion. fO 1'X. mm.'?I In Torchoi ,,f em lerv, for 1 Irt Chemise, usual!* "v n? s ' ' ' OP _a, n-Strlped Satinette Skirts with sh flounce ?1.48: other-. ?,t %\ a like Um J sill-. There'll I ?stale 111. WKI T ? ? ! i: hero to-day. a Bale when all I price? are wiped out, and new and lower < take the stand. ., -? 12-4 Fine Wh v. nketa It. v rn We'v? ir motl r : ? LOAKf ?J?O w it ?PS. Now all L.i nenti In?ed, .<. .;?". larmenti I now. ST. ? \t.i:vu\i.'?? DAI II FAST M'? en?? ?CHISO. Charmin. I'l'l'll 1*8 i:\ta.\?;eemeNt ARB P THE \ ARIOUS I.ITTI.E TABL IN Tin: '.: x ?K i-epai.tment. Can't resist telling of what you'll find in THE HOVSBWARB Dl I'MCI >IEST TO-DAY. Blu? Chi to n, ,i. high, i'.i:'ect k> ma ht-Lamps, tch, com? : ! ' Plcture Fram? - OF FINEST FRENCH DBC0RAT101.B II pl?e<*es, m west .; >.?. full sise, U .1 THE CO H RM CO ? HE- .PE IKE \M> OHIO 1IOSIMT \l.<? The A????eln?i(iii?Ho?v It \. ?irk??Its Olije?-??The Flr?t Experiment. A totter in the Staunten pectstor-Vln ?lic.llor With l'ft! ?lice t.? th.- . Bttd Ohio Hospital Association ? Th?' object of thla a la to es tablista at auitable points modern, Brst,.|> -1 Britta . -. I : y ap? pliance known to medical skill, fo* of dlssase, or to iK-rform sny i ilble 'to human ?kill. AU ?>i m. . !t.oii ? n? ral man Linen, ;ue members .?t thla asirocla tlon. and ?ill equally entitled to Its la m - fil?. Bach memb? ? men! of U> to GO i > ata per month, according to the s of hospitals, which are now or ?All? shortly he e?l .Lllslied. AU th. plus la to be applied to a sinking fund, to I?. wh.-n needed, used In th? estab? lishment of ?dar hospitals The tlrst of ties? hosplt tal.h- Is now in op. - ration at Clifton Forge. The Chesap. ik. nnd Ohio rter constructing new hotel at East Clirton i lelled tht ?plendid building at V? bul a f. s had been erected at an immense cost to meet the requirements of a nrst-clasa and titt.d it n h h ? very appliance needed i., make it ?i compl? i> modern, ?nd ; .spltal, and the moB! id can bui admit, if he will go und look, that ?ucc? wned their East w. ?k the writ, r visited tb! ratal, reaching the building Jus! as the l.-ll ran? for breakfast. A stroll through the dining-room, with its ?now and neat, ?ubstanll tnllar In ; to the dining room of a fin hotel. As the in ?nul took their th. y u. re qui. kl> Berved with as .uni tu gotten any the lobby from th? Jlnlng-room is the reading-room, wl ;.il. r : I a.ii inter? During this hour In. u in with _ at tongu i and then k?v. ? place to the white clad nurse, who, '.??th winning miiiI<>. profiera 'ti.- bitter draught, which, how? ever, lose? much of It? bitterness when tend? red by Bucb banda. On reaching the second flooi n< met by Miss Richardson, the head nurse. Nature baa rictalj endowed her for the position st.- . and In i been cultivated at th.- best training ?booh* in th.- country. H?r assis! are gl A 11 p m the .lift.nut i ?ved clean, sell-kept, Inviting roon and Borne! In ?jonvei how- be lik.'.i the hospital, "Well." said I I d of thi?' I a 111. I .1 it bitt? t i> . I t Ould not v. what rinht tbey !.. ?I to make ... ,i on : mght I nted to he at I Wl! people cull! Ill thouKht I would ! willing to ?o '... , ! ? I llU( ? Ilek .'I BOW hell,.,. If my wish baa ,,?1, an.I l taken home. 1 would have now I... M j. my grave. My people, I know, a done .ill in tin ir power, bul tu. y venid not lave had the . ?I my It I foi me th it On- ' a It Is utterly .i him t.. be cared for at v>me us well as hi- will I And by n 1 fourni Un- . 'eellng ,t. All . v or, tile .nt. and hi? as?lsta> itlon on il under at at thi? hospital t..i throat preaeed films. If as mon i all? ? mplo) l?l tal as Itarlum a b. /nun.| mot?. lllploy?.?. | fit. well worth a place if I i).??ui?i n?4.d iu ri, is ho it ! if IS ?TELL COXDUCTE] Mien i:vhii:mi: is (?iw:\ TATUi ABLE TO Till: REFORMATORY. MAJOR STILES oTlTS MANAGEMEN' He Dwell? on Ihr Ksperlrnrr? i Those Who Hsir < oudocted Sim Inr ln?.llln(loii- In Other Cmm'i-I rii.? Taartasaai close?. S 'lu, lavaatlfattaai Into the affairs of tfe ton at Laurel, before ?M House Com I and Asylums, whlc had drawn itself out to su. h l.-nKt?i. va ?llnally !? :,-?nil *. I to ,1? ,-nl' upon its report. Ot the commit? , the day ;,n,i nu?, n interesting laatfa-aony wai lii,?iii;li: Olli I'.v tiht examination of Mis ,M?. Major Stiles, Dr. Jan. oihti 0, w hiii natura af the commit' . ?i, of ooun i. It !<* Mf? t" say that from all Indie;?? lad majority <.f Its member: ?ill vote tint th?? tbi mat it? institution bava not baaa sustain,?! by ti,, Invoatlgatloa it is likely that sot? modifications of ?M PT??nl law with rafer? immltments and limit of term m.iy Le recommended. ii,i:\sKi? with rrs workings. The eommitt? e reeumed its work ycs f morning at I'? o'clock in Room .. in the basement of tin- Capitol. ' n? I that Mr. Jennings, a mtmber of the Legislature, was aoqualnt ,,i with Lawyer Barr, of Abtngdon, and at any tin??? to appear bafoca th? committee and testify aa to the goad : that Kelltleman. Mrs. ?. ?r.i Langhorn?, <>t' Lynchbur-', Bl ; ?itni th? tins Of tho estai,lishin? nt of the re rormatory she took much Interval In it. Abou n ago, while living i" th? town o? Culpeper, she was Instrumental In getting two mu? waifs, named Hans boro', admitted. She sai-i theee boys bad greatly Improved, mentally and phy? sically, after oomlng to Laurel. The ?rft?. neas then described ;? visit which she paid to the institution on Saturday last. i,i .-lie requested to see Um workings of the reformatory, snd re? r numb* r of how s. She i witb all she saw. She . ladpline which sh> : onounced the f??'?l which , and wholesome. The dla ins of the boys ?ceased ch? rfui, Ihclr manners, partlculariy their the ran very good. APPROVED Tin: GUARD'S COURSB. sin? then told the pathetic story of the aarly life of the Langhorne boy, her ew, and the l.?,y who was sh<?t l,y rner, and during bar testimony much affected. The I nicd. had not condemned th,a of the guard, bul ha?l said that, if necessary, he WOUld hav,? done ander similar drcumatai When sin- saw th. iturday he tly Improved In disposition, to all appeeraneee, and gave her his prom Is? that h?.- would try ?mil <io bett? r In iture. Bhe alao learned thai since the BhOOtlng he had not r.celv. ,1 d? m.rlt. In reply to a queatlon, she that she had not been summon. ,1 to ap pear before the eommittie. but simply sought out Major Stiles t? ask if her tes? timony WOUld I??' of any gOOd to the cause. She pronoun?,,! the institution in h?r opinion, as one of the best In the State, and said she thought more r? foi matones were what was needed. By permission, she t??!?! Of the gOOd effect produced on ?i hoy senl to Laurel by Paul, of _4*n_hbu**g. Mr. Wilson ashed the witness s? questions in relation to her opinion of the punishment given a? the r< forma tory, to which sh<? replied thai she was. If, brought up under g vigorous ad tratlon of Solomon's receipt She ie had no children of In r own, bat she considered all the children i as her own. and was willing to r life for them, if ti? ? BS U y. rOR BTHJB8 ON THE STAND. Major Stil?.-, who v..,* Instrumental in rganlsatloa of the Prison As tahUshment of the Laurel i:? formatory, was the nexl witness. He ,i briefly <<n the Langhorne ease in opening his testimony, especially as to the weapon found on the hoy. which, be said, was an exceedingly dangeroua-look Ing shoemaker's knife. Continuing, he said that one of the most Importanl things, in liis opinion, was the guarding di the boys after being dismissed, and the keeping of them from oil. evil in opening bis personal state? ment, which he requested to be allowed to make, Major stii,- stated thai he i?a,i first taken UP the work as the one which i t<> him the greeted opportunity of ?loinK the greatest amount of good ?lu? ring the closing years of his Ufe Por this reason h? had made g most careful study Of the manix-r in which similar institution lucted i laewhere. In this connection he paid a high compli? ment to the system Of child reform in C,?,.it Britain, Which, he said, Was the only country in the world to-ilay where ?rime was not <?n a greater proportionate ise than the population it was ins to have ?? greater diversification of advantages 1er the boys, simii ?r to tho.-e givea in institutions in England, bul explained the enormous amount "I money appropriated by the governmenl there ii- denied thai the reformatory . prison, its obj? ? was not punish* m?nt, bul education, and general upbuild? ing. He next read a hill, which be had red at a pasvtoua session of the Legislature, but which had been with* drawn. This law, he said, was compild la part from repoiti of Institutions In various puts of the laltish dominions, extracte from which be also read, par? ticularly from th?' repoli of the Uiltish. Industrial U? form Commission. RAISING MONET Cou it. ReferrliiK to the Bnanda] condition of the Prison Association. Major Btllea i that he himself had raise,I *i;,,hi, rato subscription, and he knew ol it least one will, which mli;M be eon : but which, neverth? less, dot PCi.OOO to It, and he hoped others v. 'oilow thi? worthy example. Me regret led having to work the boys for long hours, bul it had b? p up with ,\| . | m S, and ?,, ?ripe rtaln debts, ii? horn ,i In the future to sec the Institution not run to Hak,- money, bul t?> make men. He "Id seine deeply pit, lest i lie, |ni -.. i ri spi : . i him, who had In en nol only *.,, the reformatory, bui who w? i ??risthm ec ivity. in ?. ply to the complaints i illy, be i i xtraord 'ii,- sleeping-room?, also, he con i Well ventilated As t,, |. nstruetloa, th ? Lalnly m haracti rl> ' ?nythli \ letter ron? ? ' core thai be ould not writ? entered n?,- ?. - amatory, wag I, ,_ tm, i. mi,.is of the committee. Stiles next made t van tatemen! In relation to the ? m did not suggest them Us -rplained, bul it was he Who placed the l hi place, Thai boy was now ut Of the InetttUtlon, and ?n ., position f trust, ?md had never regretted having i upon him Th,? uit m further stated ti..?. fr,,,,, lMs kt)0w.. louthall's character he w..?? lady to ?land by the ?ha-kling o? bim Did you ever taste doughnuts made with Royal Baking Powder ? during Hie early ?tine* Of Ml ill "' (?v the rising ?a* tbe committee. live BllnuttM to U o'clock, at which tit until 8 o'cloc THI) I'HVHI? ??Airi TEST!M<?NV. The cmmiM.. rasomed IU laborH at s. hat.- chamber, Dr, Lorimer Jan mltted to interrupt Ma for Stlh m.ny in order that he might fullil a pr nal api olnl ment. Dr. .? ordlnglp took the stai H ted thai i?-' urna pay*?els to the reformatory, and hnd ootntpt? that position for over two I that his duties aa aucb b I I him to the institution at all bo? day and Oght and, In fact, at pr.s.i he had -in ofAee there He mid all cas. of slckmss were promptly ref? him. The hospital at the rsformatoi Irai well equipped, and I trained nur; was ahnosl constsntly In attendance. , present there wttt ao bors who wet .sick. A fea? were confined nit trifling ailments. The epidemic of f.-v. antedated hi- oonnectloB with the lust lim.- tie !? had bee i otii? r diseases, .such a I ami kind!, d OOmpl llBta Hi OS J.laimd that there was a WeU-StOCk? a., under his supervision, an I th* through personal relations with th.- Ifod cal Collega ..i' Virginia und the Old Dc minion Hospital he had the privilege 0 Kettln,? the best surgical attention 0 inatltutlona f..r Inmstea of the ra lormttoiy BitbOBt any COS| to the a dation. This Included th.- asi Mich Burgeoni as Dr, Qeorgi Ben Johnsto and others aaaociated with him. Al affecting the aye, oar, or throe were treated free of ein rue by Dr. Buya .-iaiist in tilos.? diseases There ha? been but one d? atb ainoe his oonn? with tbe reformatory, ami this, h explained, wni one in which 'b. ..f filara no were found in time to pro tin".' death. These set d. he thought w? re perhapa sown pretrioua t.. th? coming to th.- reformatory, but h?' dit not know po.-itively. He .-aal hi COB Bldered th?-- treatment given the boya b* Mr. and Mrs. Sampson very kind: in hot kinder than ha himself would gtfl ondei Ma circumstsni MIGHT BE BBTTBB < l.< >TH ? ? ? In r.i.l.v to a quMtlOB as to hi? opinior of th.- clothing ..i Inm .tea Dr. .lames sai. h?' ilid not t II i ti K th-y w.-r. quite SB WSl Clad Hl had i. mon Btrated witb Superintendent Sampson on tbe point, liut that olll.ial told bim that he was airead*/ up t<> his appropriation, and that ho OOUld do BOtblng, Ha r.i.-iv.d only li..??. p? r annum f.>r his and if ooi Interested in tii? work in- would not think of ?loeptine; that sum for She amount of work, wtaieh be was required to .?o. ii. .. ,!,| t),,? ti ? bop sent to th? <?hl DomlnlOB Hospital had . v? r bSCB HSed for elil' practice; ill fact, tll'V were aever placed in tin- free ward. H" said la- COUld BOt state whether frei |>a ti.'iits were net us..| for the trying 'if experiments. He had heart! of thlnga He did not think thai the acautl m ss of clothing bad actu.ii!>' produced disease, for. if he had, he WOUld BBT? i*omplaln?*d to the board. Bveryttalag be had r. coinm. nil.-d for the promotion Of, h"aith bad i" .o done, H? nexl .... i d.seription of ? t. h bojr*a Outfit He did not remember t?a atine the BtsrllBf for bo\.! . 'i . Thi Plackburn la.y had once complained <.f aligbt bmlsea on his arms and BbooJder. Ho and never seen si\.ly whipped. This i tho Doctor's testimOBy, and In: was al lowrd to have th. si,nal. MR. SAJfJPBON A QO?D MAN. -Mr. Wright, of the firm of StOkW k Wright, foiin.r contractor! at th? re*? format..ry, said, WbOB he WOO first .0 at U'tnrel lie thought he could run tho institution much better than it wns being run. After awhile. hOB bl Found thai fie was mistaken, and in time he came to regard Mr. Simpson BS a really remarkable man. ami i . i of a remarkable degree of control those under him. He did BOt, STOB in lus Ums, before underwear wai given the boys, Consider that they iind"i Th.. food which they received wsa very good, considering the money Bpeol One ttaiag h.- BotJced waa ttaat son.. ..f the boys committed for the greatest offene??? were the flrsi t.. u- : out ? ?ne thing in? did not consider quite right was that the small boya did not have more study hours thin tin.' largi. boya but, nev? rth he told of numerous instanc. a great progresa in education bad been He saw no excessive whipping. Th. boys ware not overworked under his only worked s.v> n anil a half lean ii. , onsld? red tin oil: kind, humane, and Intelligent? He re? nn nibei" d a diffi renco of opinion tween Bupertntendeni Sampson ami i>r. cordon during the fever epidemic of as to whether ail the patients in th.- hospital l'.ally had til.' dis. .!? ((,- s'llollslv doubted wh.ther all hail the fever, but it was only his opinion. !!? said tha he had no intention of renewlag all con? tract at th.- reformatory, and the reason that he left was that his iirni area! into liquidation. He would Ilk.' v.iy \v. 11 to be able to go !.;tck. As to shackling of the hoy with the fev.r. he said that ??.-ved it necessary. }{,. VS;i. ,lut a boy, bus in almost SVSrj ! -; i a fully developed man. He believed that Urn boy in qoestlon at times Buffered t?ma I irarp attacks of insanity, and dtsd er cums_n??ei t.? .-how th?- sudden and pe? culiar changes in hi? actions. If, m reply t.. tt question from Mr. Wilson, that h-' did not doubt that there were ?outhem gentlemen who could take Mr. .n's plat. . hut the trouble, In his ?pinion, was to Hnd ana He told, in '.inclusion, of hoys who had lift thi n 'ormatoir, and wer? not worthy citiz.ns. MAJOR STII.ES SPEAKS ECKTHER. Major stii's resumed tin stand at this point, and Bpokc 1.rally of the Sterling ase, which had boon revived, ami then took up the statements of Mr. Wright n relation to Southall, and confirmed iliem by what lie h ad p. isonally ob? lervsd. He aald the solitary c.ii bad ...a tried In Schlags!, ami found t< in utter failure. Iu this case the l?mate Htke out of his cell, and with a piece of aantling in his hand defied any on?- to .ppioaeh bim, ?>n pain of dSSth. With a display of oonragi Mr. ahmpBon onquered him and pnalsbed him. Chsrgea rere preferred against the Bnnsrtntsnd? ittt in this cts., hut alter a BMMt tho nin.ition in court the warrant vas not only dismissed, hut th.- asso. ri l'.n, m a measure, reprimanded for not isving mai. the poBishmenl greater. He Uged the absolute necessity for the as oclstlon'a ; th,- pastera wtatcta is charter grant? ?i. n was Impossible ?. have a purely industria; school, am! certain amount ujf force was necessary. 1.' was pained that the use of raa necessary, but if believed it far ?"t tr than tin' solitary cell If tlM asco latton hoi ii.i a-, ? ?i-, powers, h. aaked hat they be tak.n away, (Of its m, m t is had done their ! - n thea drew ttentlOfl t" many of th.- Instinct? in which made it ditfhult to keep khi at any pi.,ce, particularly the amp Idea ii. s.ii.i in believed that m 'istanc I par? uts did eommlt th? ir 1 of I'm. and this he oonridsrad one of the i asila of tin- situation. H>- had led to this In the ??111 which he a.i in the morning, and he thought it .mid be vry v.. II to t ry .nid dy it v actual i Ho believed thai certain amount of feeling bad natural? erept into th?- Investigation, but he that If it were not for the fast ait a Yankee sup. rintemlent and : in (?u?'Htlon of expense were cm unanimous icport in ndicatlon of the instiluiion. lie aald made this ?talement advisedly, und did so ss a Confederate soldier, who w?b proud of his record, and who hu?l no apologies l?i mnk?. for having followed Let for four years. BAST man m: OOOLD find. Contlnutag, Stiles said, before rlnt M?. Sampson be had mad?? every o man. ?j 1 P Croea. Failing m this, ?d gotten ' M man he could and he doubted if !)? ootrid peeelbly have found the equal of the man he did ?ft. i with his rngggammi of .Mr. Sampson h.? told of a llttb* conversa? tion vhieh pew sea himself and the 1st? Majoi Olnter, in which th tar, 'n making Inquiries about who been engaged, naked if he bad ?gotten Old, brain 'i down Virgin! i | man, whom all his frlendl said w out by Providence for the place, on thai n be repUed thai be iv i not, but had gotten a live Yankee, and the ? was that a few moments later be ra? il a donation af 0,19U. Mr. lamp? son had offered his ?npiy gave th- addresses of ofBceraof Institutions where he had before served, and Inquiry among th??se brought the most flattering recommendations. Major Stiles took par? ticular pains to explain away the COffls plaints about negro guards, and Stated positively that there wa? nothing what? ever In them. Then? had never been any irifj repneed In negroee, but when be learned <>f their employment In such a way, feurlng It might be construe,? that they were, he had promptly forbidden it. The Question, in his opinion. that of expense, but after a minute reference t<> the money matters ,,t the Institution, be said thai he thought the institution amply worthy of all th?? SUp? poll whicgi the State gives it. He would like shorter hours and longer study hours. In reply to a ipustion from Mr. Bland, of King and Queen, the wll i tii.ii he was not prepared to make suggestions as to necessary legislation untll the present Investigation was dis? posed of. Be believed that boys who were too old had frequently bean taken in. I'i'Ki: si'Tinoi. -MPRACTICABLaT. In reply to e Question, from Dr. Win? ston, as t?, his opinion it? reference to th?? advisability Of establishing a free ? at the reformatory, similar to ptber fr,c schools Of th?- Stale, th?. a/lt nees said be <ii.i no) ?hink that it would be advisable, for the reaaon thai the ordinary puhllc-achocl teacher would be Uttl ?Iy Incapable "f controlling those Who would lie Kiv?'ii lilt??- his charge, and men would still have to be employed to ex? rcisi this control. In r. ply to another question. h> thi? h.? did not consider Ihe heading ?<f the institution's stationery with the words "Laurel Industrial School" a- ? ,1 clllal'd to deceive, but, if It was, It. should h,? remedied. He could net see how th.? association could po along with less authority than It had at present; but he ?lid not think that the retaining of a boy could properly 1,.? c li? st?n,d as depriving him of his liberty, gg it wag simply taking up the pow?r.j which th, parent had failed to | Hi I-law of but one Instance where a provisionally discharged, had tem? porarily returned t,> the reformatory, until he found employment. He said he did not anticipate any immediate n sity for the enlargement of the reform? ] ! ?m ace,out of overcrowd? ing, but eventually be believed that, per hapa, other similar institutions would b,- found nee enea ry. This <!.,s,,| the testimony, and the ' having no further witnesses which ir desir.d should be beard, th,? commit? I 11:1." O'clock, went into executive i. and, after brief discussion, de? cided to meet again this morning at 1" O'clock. It I? not ktio%vr. whether or not a report win i?? formulated .?t this m?ct Ing, but some lin,? of action in the will doubtbss be determined upon. Feoiiomlciil \dinliilitriitloii of l'iili '!< AITiilr?. To the Editor of the Dispatch: I.a grippe has confined me to my room for the last Sixteen I have suf? fered, and am still suffering, severely, but i have not been Indifferent t.? the desire and need ot tl of Virginia for retrenchment and economy In the management of public affairs; nor have I failed to sympathise with our legislators in their ??fforts to m> > t th.? .?usi wish and expectation of their constituents. The increase In the rat?? of inter, the State i!'-bt, Whlfjl Will soon take ] It nec< ssary to take steps lo i this Increased demand upon the State ?iy. There an? two ways by which this de man<l can be m? t First, by Increasing the rate of taxa? tion. ?idly, by public ex] Which shall it be? Neilh,r argument nor evidence la n? sary to prove that tin? present rate of taxation Is as high as tin. people of Vir? ginia to pay. or ought to be re lUlred to pay, in their Impecunious, con? dition. To create BOW Subjects of taxation would have the same effect upon tax in the rate of taxa? tion would, and thus Increase their bur tuiiy as an Increase of rates ?ould. All taxable property should be lifted ind uniform]-. | 1'roperty that Is risible that which is owned by men of n,,d. rate means, is sun- to be taxed. .Inch of the wealth in the State ?hat Vbich Is owned l.y m?ti of I e able to pay taxes, Is Invisible ., revenue officers, and, therefore, SS laxatlon. ,,dy said, Unding n-\v Visible sub tasatton would bul add t?. the pbo are burdened to heir full capacity. What, tlnii. should be done? i tee t?ut on? practical waj of meeting he Increased demand upon the Treasury rhlch win soon h,,ve t,. (? ?n,t. Reduce he numb.-r of otilo -li?,Id. ?TS and th?- s?la? les of thoee retained, so far ?is i? can without detriment to public In 1 do not mean to Join a crusade against th,,-holders, and n an] better plan ? la ,. | [.,posed than the one I sii?^?-.-!. I will eartlly advocate It. Inexorable D< onands the use of the pruning-knife imewhere. wie re shall it be used.' TO ?..quire witnesses to attend courts n?l give testimony In ?liminai cases ithout receiving any fees therefor WOUld oobtless lessen criminal expens? ik, l,ss money from the Stute TI khi i- now tak.-n to pay thes?? fees. Hut oul.l not that be (practically) taking ;,rivale property for public use without ist compensation"? Has not the Sta? I pial right Ut reoulre office-hold ho receive compensation for pub! re without compensation? The pninlng-knlfe must be used i.? fountain lead Apart from th- dl amis of n> ? ? ssity, it is but Just consider the fad that money po? uch greater purchasing power now than did when th.- pi.?-.nt salaries of pub I oilier,- v.- !iv!. The cost of living much less now than it was then. Toco id clothing can now be pUTCbai : per cent, less than th? y aid then. Hence, men with fixed s.tia .- can save much thCtO (the salaries ing the same) now than they could ten limes were better. I hope I will !> for ?tatlng a gt i,, show that I practically applied re ? ? asoning to myself. u. predecessor, I>r. Buekhannan. stated ' report, that the salary of the perintendent of Public Instruction wgg ,, tte to the duties and responsl .: th,? ottice. Qovemof McKln? \ >l!,,l th?1 attention of the Legisla re to this report, end recommeg of my salary. Some one, I ow not who, Intro,In. ,-i a bill, which s referred to the Finance Committ. >-. the Senate, imrasing my salary $?00 r ananas. So soon a? I heard of it requested tin- chut? man of that t to report the bill, and It was i reported. .eglslatlon cannot give prosperity, but can and should give equul rights and iteetlon to _n, a,. Immunities none. JOHN K. MAMEY. huriottcsvllle. January 29. V8A VI 'V: Bl w . ? I St St' i: ca ti? be rui lia foi s ii i I ota t n OR kii? the Ft ? car T nui f? | Offll lar. ,1? i Mil !'? I foi I Tl r,_l f.. O' t?n an notl be I and AH ruai Ja M TO H 111?' that IMS f{R] . . Women und French Legion of He (I'hiladelphla Press.) "There are B*t*g ?bx treme:* who I shone in hospital work upon th? I? ot Honor list?One artist, Rosa Ilonh one postmistress*. Mile. Doda. r-wai for a deed of daring In the presenc gg ?nemy, and n sch?*ol-ml8tre?s, Toulssant, for many years dir? the Technical School for Olrls. The actress whose name appears-Mme M Laurent?as not ?I" orated for her i nent p?'rsonlf)catl<?ns upon the ?tag? mother? In low life, but for her eftlc patronage of an orphan asylum, N I d??s Arts. Mme. Dleulafoy ' ?ed as an explorer and dlscovi of Persian antlqultl??-?. H?r red rlt Is worn on the or. ast of her coat, she I? still faithful to the masculine tire she adopted m (Ht Ho woman wr has v? orati ?i. ?or which -II t,, the blue stockings ?me ML Jules Hin although a woman's right? m I i le. H,? feared that sonic most worthy authors might win pn by rli-ht belonged to the highest exp .his of the literary art. A number Sisters of charity war th red rlM m. earned used to so docorati one pr? nearly ?'very time he went Into thi i vinces It was M. Carnot who 6 Mile, Nicholas, who In the course of flfty-flve years spent in teaching Utioti the Blcetre Hospital, was wond'tti -ful in calling Into activity < conscious life the merest ?erms of till Personal Salee, (Philadelphia Press.) Mrs. Charles Bray, the friend and I rary associa:, of G?eorge L'Iiot, Is ly dangerously ill at ?Coventry. I?r. Nans.-n has been honored by a gree of Doctor of l~?ws by Knoa < leg,-, minois. This is the greateel he In th? gift of the college. Mis? ?Edna Butermelster is study landscape gardening al the Washing University, St. I>>uls, and expects ent.-r the profession after graduation, i is Hi" only woman In her ?lass. I'll,- lar.? Princess Hohenlohe, wife th,? Qertnan Chancellor, was ?aid known for her charities throughout O many. | ind France. She Wai ' of hunting, and was an unusually g< shot. Though a Kentuekian. Senator Del ,i???s not like horse-racing, which J Blackburn, his predecessor, ri the greatest of sports. The latter o* Invited Mr. i>.i. to ?lall the Hennir track, but the Senator refus.-,i to gO. Bx-Prealdenl Cleveland was, i su? time at;.?, elected trustee of th.- New J? ii rical Society, bul though h?> w continu? t., i... a member of the ?octet the pressure of business has compel? him to resign the position of tn. I Huguenin, who m In Chicago recently, was the widow Oeneral .1 K. Huguenin. who was famo In both the Mexican and civil wars. Mi Huguenin, at th?? time Of the Chics tire, was one of the first women to ? ganlae the work of relief of the destitu? O_f-_.STO_--I.x___.. K \ Its ?M IRPKNBD, SOLLO*1 - GROUND WHILE V?) irait Th.? only place In the city where i don, satisfactorily. bNTERPRIHE M.' ?HINE-WORKJB, B. A. Blenner, I'roprt, north Fifth street. Phone M. te Mt? BMPLOl mi:m \\ im w \mi:d. V WOMAN To 1><? FINK LAUNDRT Vork and assist in chamber-work. Mui > " willing to take care of a chill | > i -i i Apply t sit Pek avenu?? f?- l-3t*_ \\ \n i i:d. ?. fJOOD ROUSE-GIRL, RKFKRKN?'H: etiutred. Apply at LID Governor fe l-.it_ WASTED, iCKNTS. MEN \\H<> ARB ALREAD1 ravelling, to sell Lubricating Oils, Lubrt atlng Orease?, Prepared Paints, and \'ar ish on first-? lass commission basis In Vlr i i ; i : i and other Southern States MANU 'ACTURERS ?'IT. AND OREASE COM 'ANY, Cleveland, O. Ja K-14t BVSIMEII HAM?. **\ \vn:i>. OARD FOR GENTLEMAN, WIFE nd t-yeer-old child, Qrace or Franhlli t, feired. State terms. Address B. I) i Hspatch. fe >-lt* no \HI) WANTED < PRIVATB FAMILY H\ A YOUNC M A X. References If d< sit, d. Address A. J. P. ne of Dispatch. fe J-lt* W IM'KD, ) SKI.I, A LADY'S PHAETON, AND so, Fo n -s? sted Trap. Both can be lUghl very low. Apply at C< ?\ S l'A HI. 1-:. in rear Of >-l WMt Franklin root_j a LOST, STRAYED, AMD FOt.ND. LOST, WHITE F"\ TKKLIKi; !>"<;. ?'th brown spot at root of tall. Reward return? LOST, YESTERDAY, BETWEEN DAN i.i.i: depot and church-Hill avenu . or velfth and Hank or Franklin Btri Ni'H OF l.BYS, one or two large inted key? and two smaller ones. Re ird paid If returned to owner, No, ttU iurch-HHI avenue, corner Twenty-third t, t-it* MEETINGS. First National Hank, . January 11, i V SPECIAL MEETING (?F THF. ?ekholdets of th.? FIRST NATIONAL INK OF RICHMOND, VA., I? I lied, In wiih chapter -, se? in i. ol ?he national-bank eel to be Id on MONDAY, the Hth day bf l-'.-i, try, iiroxlmo, at th? Ir banking h '.. ,1 1.' o'clo? k - the election of directors for the en? r, and for such other hu maj appear. H. c. BURNT-TT i l;:-tF- ill hi??, FRUI-O-CLS. Richmond V February 1, Li IDS WILD BE RECEIVED AT THIS ce until 12 M., FEBRUARY WH, for nlshing such quantity of FIRE-CREEK POCA HONT A8 COAL (of the grade ?wn as run of mine) as may be used ,,t Crematory for one yac beginning wuary i. UM, Coal to be furnished In -load lot? as n, eded. he Commit;,, ,,?, H?alth reserves the it to reject anv or all bids. HOARD OF HEALTH. V W 9? S ? Tud W?t_ Richmond. Va.. F-bruary 1. 1898. IPS \\ ILL BE RECEIVED AT THIS e until U M., FEBRUARY ITH, for nlshing the horses and mules ?>f this .iitm nt with the best HAV. GRAIN, .I.-FKHD. etc, for three months from iruary IS. VUE. Call at this otii n Of bid. be Committee on Health reserves the ,t m reject any or all bide BOARD OF HEALTH. t-W.F.Su.TuftWSt CITY LICBBS-M, City Auditor's Othce, Richmond. Va., January 22, 1898. LICENSES. ft-nera of Wagons, Hacks, Huggie.i, liibuses, and other vehicles, for which annual liens,? tux is required, are hat licenses for th.- same will Issued from thi Treasurer's ofllo afi.r th* FIRST DAY OF FEBRU the llrst day of Fdb - v. 1899. EDWA Kb J. WARH F. N. ?3-tFe 10_Auditor. City Auditor's ottlce. Richmond. Va., January M, p-jis. iVNERS OF DtxiS, BITCHES AM? .TB, residing within the city, are by notified that licenses for th. same be issued from the Treasurer*! ,,ii!. , ind aftd the FIRST DAY OF FEB -RT, LES, to , spire the first of ARD J. WAHR! 23-tFe 10 Auditor. REDICTIO!? OF INTEREST. c-tropolltan Hank, of Richmond, Va. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: II. METROPOLITAN HANK, OF HMOND, VA., hereby gives notice after the Lsrt DAY nP FKHRIAICi THF RATE OF INTEREST will be IUCED TO Till;; ENT. PER .'CM on all deposits with them now ing Interest above thi* U. A. WILLIAMS. l?lVO lion ur; led ? ??r tin? or on? irle ml of ent dm va? rat r?.n for af? ter ?ht on. re? ali? gn )n Of on. 'ty pi Ml it uy nd ?1 A?CTlOif lALKS-TBI? Dar. WHEN REA). F?TATE IS SDLD THB TAXES FOR THB CURRENT CALEN? DAR YEAR ARB TO ?K PAID PRO RATA BY THE VENDOR AND THB VENDEE._ By Button A Co., Real Enta te Auctioneer?, corner Tenth and Bank streets, TRUSTEES' AUCTION SALE op two nic! frame tenements, on the east side of twenty ninth street. m et ween t and u 9trbbt8. Nos. 1419 AND 1421 NORTH TWENTY NINTH STREET. By virtue of a certain deed of trust from William H. Karle and wife to the trustee? of the o?d Dominion Building and Loin Association, dute<l November . duly recorded in the Clerk'a office of Henrtco Counts Court, in Deed-B???k 150 B, page 126. which wai given to secure the payment of a certain bond therein mention-d. default having been made In the payaient of I part ther?of nit! being directed by the Board o? Dir.. tors of said association so to do. .we shall offer for sale, at public auction, upon the premia. ?, on WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY % 189?. at 4:30 o'clock P. If., the above-men tioned PROPERTY, being the ?am.?n veyed by the deed of trust hereinbefore mentioned. The houses contain six or seven room? each, and are In nica repair, having Ix-en recently painted ami papered. The lots front together 43 feet, and run back be? tween parallel lines 130 feet to an alley 10 fe.-t aide. TERMS: ?"'ash as' to expenden of ?ale. all past due tix.s, and the sum of U36.80; the balance upon a credit of 6 and 12 months, with interest added, secured by B deed of trust on the property. J??HN 8. ELLIOTT. JOHN ?. PUB? 'El.I,. FRANK T. BUTTON, Trustees of the Old Dominion Building and Loan Amoclatlon. Ja 2? By tho Valentine Auction Company, ? .on. tal Auctita 829 ??ist Broad btreet. HAIH AND HUSK COTTON-TOP MATTKESW.KM, BUl'S&ELS CABPSTS, t I.At'E CERTAINS. MIRRORS, PIC? TURES. PlOEo.V-Hoi.E TABL?, AM? A OENERAL ASSORTMENT ? _ HOU8EHOLD FURN1TURB, ?V?'.. &<'.. AT AUCTION. We will s.-n el our a room. Hi mat Broad street, this (Wedneeday) MORNING, fer. la, at i":3?> i>'?dock a larg? assortment of Fur? nlture, sucii as ?>ak and Walnut <'hamb?T Suits; Hair- and Husk Cotton-Top Hat? tresses, single and double; Wood- ami C:in?'-S.'ar i'hails, high BBCkSj FtMtbsT Pillows. Woven-Wire Springs, Lace ?'tir talns, Extension-Tables. Bureaus, Bed? sieati... Wsshstands, Brussels Csrpeta Art Squai wards, lounges, Mir? rors ami Pictutes. P.geon-Hole ! and oth?r Furnltara. me., aoid an ac? count ?if partas declining housekeeping and moving from the city. The ladles moM cordially invited to attend the J. H. VALENTINE, f- I Manage.- ami Auctioneer. AlCTIOSf SALES? Fa tare Days. WHEN REAL B8TATB IS BOLD THE TAXES FOR THE CURRENT ?ALEN? DAR YEAR ARE TO BB PA'D PRO RATA BY THE VENDOR AND THB VENDEE. Pollard ?fe B.igby, Real Estate Auctioneers. pOMMISSK ?NEBT AUCTION SALE \J OF TWO ?MALL TRACTS OK LAND, IN HANOVER COUNTY, VA.. ONB AT KENWOOD AND THE OTHER NEAR "KILBY." ON THE WEST SIDE OF RICHMOND, FREDERICKSBURO AND POTOMAC RAILROAD In execution of res entend by tbe Judge of tbe Law .nil Equity Court of tbe city of Richmond, in the hereinafter named ?m June a. will Mil by auction, at th? office of the auctioneers, Nos. 5 and 7 north Eleventh street. Rich? mond, Va., on THURSDAY, FEBRl'ARY 3. 189?, at i o'cltack P. M fl) That TRACT OF LAND containing 16 l."?-ion acres at Kenwood Station, ad Joining the land?: of Christian Droste and J. o. Wbitlock. Tills tract of land llee beautifully, having a frontage of 1,4100 feet on the railroad by a depth of al 7.'.! feel and la most admirably located for partiel desiring to purchase m ture suburban homes. It will lie sold a < 0 whole or divided in lots, as may .?? m best at hour of aals. (2) That TRACT OF LAND near Kilhy, on said railroad, containing 5?$ 1-* acres (less a .a u tbe north? rn boundary), and hounded as follow wit: On tin north by the above-men? tioned road H feet wide, on the east by R tract Of land owned by B. F. Clarke, on the south by Ooddall road, and on the west by the Slash road. TERMS: One-third cash; residue at six and twelve months, credit payments to be evidenced by negotiable notes, with interest added ami title retained until all of the purchase money Is paid. H. H POLLARD. W. I?. CARDWELL, i..| Commission, rs. Meredith. M trv E., Plaintiff, against ?vford, George E. and ala . i >? - fendants In tbe Law and Equity Court of the city of Ri< hmond: I. I'. P. Winston. Clerk of said court, certify that the bond reeniired of the ,i , ommiseton? rs by tha decree In of June 8, list, lias been duly given Given under my hand, this ' day of January. 1 P. I'. WINSTON, tds Cl.rk. FOR RE.NT. FUR lit: VI', THE VERT ATTRACTIVE DWELLING No IM south Laur? i il re? t, being two story and baaement brick, contalntni rooms, In alee order, and having the usual oonvenlencee, A eery attractive boa a very low r.-nt. Apply to J I? BLAI fe l-10t 1113 Mam Btli COl'RT til.l?! iiv VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COCRT OF THE CITY OF RICHMOND, OCTO? BER no'i ; to all per80n8 whom it may NCERN: In the Circuit Court of the city of Rich? mondi The Commonwealth of Virginia...Plaintiff, R. A. CoghiU's Administrator and als. a hints The ?Commonwealth claim? the sum of |2.162.70, wiili interest thereon from No? vember B), l<?. tills sum having been le 1 by R. A. COghlll, administrator of Franklin Hood. Mid lb ?>i died Int. In Neu Glasgow, Amherst county. Va, on or about the year lv>> R. A. Cojrhlll, administrator, etc . having died. I Scott qualified aa administrator. l>. i; N. < T. a. of aald Coghill, about the :?th of January. 189?5. Th?- ?taOVS sum la tha residuum of said Hood's estate; the ground of the Commonw? alth's claim b? ing that ?at?! Hood died without I an! this property is deiellct and without rightful owner. All person? claim'ng an Intereat In said residuum sre hereby required to i| sad make themselves defendanta to tin.? sun by the Bret day of tbe February term of this .our!, which is the 7th day of February, . E. M. ROWEEEE. Clerk. R. Carter Scott. Whltebesd ?ft Whltetaead, Solicitors, etc._n?. lO-UmW4m STATE .?K VIKOINTA IN VACATION IN THE i'l.EI'K'8 OFFICE >F THE CIRCUIT col'RT oF AMELIA COUN? TY. JANEAR Y 10. 188?: j, Hundley, executor of William Wrlggiesworth, deceits?-?! .Plaintiff, Levtala Wriagleeworth, James Wriggles worth, Walter Wrlggiesworth. Arthur Wrigglenworth. William V\ i:gglc.?,wo, th. Emm.. 1?. Wrlggiesworth, and Jesse Wriggleawortll .Defendant?, IN CHANCBRY. The ohlecl of tbll ?lilt Is to have ?fee trusts of the will of Willi mi Wriggles worth, deceased, adminlsi i,.| under the lir.. lion, of the court; to have the will onstrued, and settle the ?-'counts of thi j_-cutor. v And affidavit having ', and rih'd bal tbe ?torsadants Jamos \\ iigglesworth md Walter Wrlgglcswor'.h. or?, non b nth of th?? sin.- ,.f \ii.,'i.!,i, R |8 or l.r.d that th?y appear here within fifteen lays after due publication of thi? order ind do what i? necessary to protect their its in this suit. E II COLBMAN, Clerk. QeorgS J Himdle) pi _jal.'-WR Orders for printing ?ent to the Dispatch Company will be gl.en prompt attention, ind the style of work and prices will le euro to please you. pu j 1 1 Na Ti I .) ti tee oth lu t .tu. IE In? to at I.o rea des sid. SOU l~.l T exe of now tin got! sec i _Ja R S' LAI Ko! MO K AI full' publ at i MO) suba tain ?lor. ? Her? pe rt Km. pat.i TH AVOTW? CALES-r...,? ?, ^ WHEN REAL ESTATE Ig *,, ,. , TAXES FOR THE CL'KRKNT iai DAR TEAR ARE TO RE pah, , RATA HY THE VENDOR * ?, }, VENDEE ' * Uy J. Thriir?[i*<,n Hrown * , , Real Enlate Agent... und III? Main street. TRUSTEES' BALI Or* ONF.-STORV FRAME DWKi r i FRITZ STHKKT MKTU i JAMKS STRF! Ry virtue of a deed oj Richard R. Madison and ?. wife, to the un? April ?. 18M. and r. office of th,- Count) ,n bond th fault having b? quire?! by the benefli lary will Mell at public auction lues, on MONDAY, FEBRUAR-, ..'clock T. M. the I'Ri-; I In said ?1? ed, a.? fi All that lot ,?f land in H with lH_pro*t*en*ents there Ix-lng on th?* north Im? ,.? beginning at a p<ini V? : St. James wardty and fronting on Ml ; nd back bete TERMS: Co ih a? all unpaid tax?? ui?! ? ' lesldue In hIx months, se, _r .11 I.II S SI LAI'S W. f WKSTW J. THOMPSON J. Thompson Brown A Co., A N. B.?Eaater term?*? ataj at ?ale If agreed upon by ell i rerled._ By J. Thompson Hrown * I 1113 Main ?tr TRUSTEES' BALE or TWO-STORY FRAME DV DINNE1 N 9 ADDITION By virtu? of a Seed ? .1. W. Wall and wife to th< trust? i'.?urt "k HT H. t , ertaln bond then In default harina ? quired by '?o- in .; fi? ?.,. \ ? to a s. II a? public suction ?n t hi MONDAY. FKLLI \l . I... k I' " "' '! ! in said deed, as to:' All that lot ?>f land with Im? thereon, lying snd being in the Henrtco, Va., in l finne* n - ner "t II? i ts. and trot ' 20 t ??t and bai k parallel linos w feel to en TERMS: ? 'a -h a?* lo exp< ami *:?_4 ." *?. ?nd all unpaid I ,x?^. und ti residue in six month died. .11 Lll- STL \ W. .! W i:-"|\\.M.|) J. THo.V J, Thompson Brown E CO., Au, \ r, BEali r terms ?nay t? ?t sale if hgtet <\ upon b) ell i u _______f___ nv N v. Reai ?ALE OF THE FACTORY, W\I!I 3 U?i'-K, AND PLAST or THF BOUTHERN STOVE ? COMPANY, FRONTIN?; Ut TUST ON ARY STREET AND E' FROM TWENTY - FIRST TWENTY-SECOND gTRl AT A I ? I At the i v?>rks Comp iny ind ? ; >', \ :- ! i will seU, by public a ictl -. on FRIDAY. FKHRCARV t U o'clock M., the valu ibte PI living ?? fr? me of Cary itr? hole front from Twenty-first ' and having the ddltlon to .? fully equipped larxe brick warehouse former! > n't Factory," ry building, which iratlvely sm i n iltable for m. res ntile uses or -.?.. n m bevi - laptabllity for g< m ral m - The nia ch i i 1er and engine; ? I emenl o\ mod? itnery, and Is extensive enough nploj men I to al least fi: , an be I if el y asserted t ii it i a?k of the Southern Railway m be brought to the front of I rtv for the m.-re asking. nlted amount of property in tl which I side-track can be got? is an important factor In s value and desirability of tl rty. ions desire to trest for l iase ol ?bis property fir any fore the day of sale privat? r will I no i?. Pel rhe machinery ? 111 pa rat? ly, and if t obtained then th" propert) rsonal, will rERMS: i me third eai I 1?, months, f,,r not? st add cured by trusl Id property; or ail i . r. N. W B? a 19A;.'').Fe2,9-'td_ A By il Bald?n Taj let |i ,i Batati eorner Eleventh and Hank .-'reel.. I R?STE ES' HALE ti? 'WO TW'ii-STnl?V F! VIM: FRAME DWELL1NO-H? s. 711 AND 715 s??!' l'H LAI STREET, JUST MF.LOU HoLLY STREET. IH LOTS FRONT TOGETHER FEET ition of two ?I? ?is of trusl ind ?if? to s of the Home Bulldll | ual. one dated .lul\ er Sept? tin in D.' l the oth.-r in Deed-Booh IE I default having i nt of part of the bond - h ?leed and b >||)g dll ' ted ' ird of I nr< ctors of s.u.I Home Company (perpetual) w? will i I sell, by auction, on t THURSDAY, FF.HL 4 o'clock P, M , the HOI'S TS abOVI mentioned. cribed therein as situ of Leur? i ginning W th of Holly street. an<t front jr.-l str... t .*,jv 14s f.,t t., an ERMS: Enough , ish "> p?) CUtlng this trust, an,' ' ?hleh Is th. i ,- due on both 1 ?able notes lied by .? deed Of tl N D. MARCH' F. T Sl'TTON li. BELDON TAYI rmstees Home Hmiding Cena _2__ iPei Ry C. i- i h L Denoon, Ml | * and Att? ?.LE BY PUBUO AUCTION UK T11K HOE AND ?'??MM? iDlot a - IRJCK STORE AND D\\ l 1504 WEST BROAD S1R--T, ?T BUDATANTIALLY BUIL1 KCKLI-KXTLY ARK .NOK1 CONDI ?'TIN,; A GENER \ MERCHANDISE l?t SIN DRI oR the requet-t Of the | * , d,t? i iiiln?-?! to sell, we Wll tlon, on ti I'HCRSDAY. FEBRUAR? i:.*) o'clo* k P M . t,. ,. with all iijihI. : y fronts M feet on the id eti ' run? back I'? ll.-I lines l> C. L. .v n i. DK> uV> Au_uoi:v<ia