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4 _ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1898._ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. B? THE DISPATCH COMPANY. The DAILY DISPATCH Is delivered to subscribers at . 11 . *. I BMW P" Lh. payable to th?1 carrier weekly or iu!y. Mailed at H PSt annum. M lor tdx months $1 W for three n. ^0 . < ..: tor one month. Price per copy, ut s. vita at $1 per annum. The SUNDAY DISPATCH at $1.50 per annum, or .5 cents for six months. Subscript ions la all eases payable, in Kiid no paper can. the szptratloa o? t). , > order, i . letter. Cunvncy sent bl be at tho risk of tho SSOdST. I ilng tu.'ir peet?ossos changed give thilr old aa ? < U as their new post yfl,.. . M ?" AD\ : KATES. HA 1.1' INCH UK LESS. ; ? ? .:?i2 S time? . . ? ? ?" . a time? . """?"".:::::::. I monit. I months . yn Business -Mtim . Wanted ? ion. payabto in ad? vance (25 wot ?Is or USS). Above rates sre for 'every ?lay" or ad? vertisements running conseeuti.. ly. Reading notices In reading-matter type, five Hnea or leta. 0: in nonparlc!. leaded. live lines or less, 7& cents. Card of rates for more space furnished on application. _ All letters and telegrams must be ad iressed to THE DOPATCH COMPANT. Rajoutai communications will not be returned. _ All letter* rccomp-.fndirg candidates for office must be paid for to Insure their publication. This is a long standing rule of our?. _ Resolutions of respect to deceased members passed by societies, cor tloas, associations, or other OfganlBS tions will be charged for as advirtising matear. IT-TOWN OFFICE. BROAD-STRKKT FHARMAtTT. HI last BROAD FT. MANCHESTER OFFICE, IBB HULL STREET. SATURDAY.....FEBRUARY 5, L8W, III i: |ss| i; JOIIfRD. it may 11 ?eld that 1 o re? fairly Joined In m? ml >rt ol Pub? lic instil I the bill relating to i other allow Both look to retreta hm? I The pro? ome of tho bow? I annually. Ing ha-i ? taki n In . nia for n administration of the government ration to m? et, a b? n It ? . the debt. Ion now Is, Will tb? L_ I, without or i" ivorltlsm, or will it faint and fall rk It llshm? nt of which Is th? ir, or will It ' work i" i i t-? a cc. entered tl end a ilon, al) things eon n "iir first '.' Will It Ity that upon or will it shirk that Ity? We hope and I It will \\ ..? i.'L unmindful of the fact % til" kllif.? In : the ! Mil In ?in? atlon, til'' ' It \ not unmindful i fad work hardship. We " the int.r. ata aff. ; :. Bui the altu for tirmn. M on tl ami !:' the Legislature will i ;n .iin linn, duty, it may i. | though it shall m.ik. | the i it; and ' ..I policy, ?t win i.. . Hi but a willing to iru>t the m of the body as to that. Ol It III! ITS l\ GBBVAirr, Immediate]? following tie- m wt thai Prussia bad excluded all Amerl? in fresh fruits troas her marketa on the -(round which make them da a or? al that the Bund? eral ' ; Council of the Oennaa empire?In : ttlng, had red its coi thai a ?ji-'i-. should bs : Ibitlng the Importation from Ami rica uf lire planta ... the aatae. Tl ! will re Ameri? ta! fruits. In "tint- arords, K a that th?.? empire and i In this j?test anfault opon An. ' to the true Ine elimination, th. re la a d I "Pin? ion. Two nit. rpretatlona put apon rohiblUon. ? m it is to? i m is the bus in ! fruit. 'J he oth.r is. that it Imple. In the interest ..f ; fruit i agricultural tai The N?aw for th I?,: itlon . fin?. I. arould in\ .irii dation, the W'.irkir | igricultural landlords who bavs bean clamoring i"i from An mpetltlon, icked i m therefore, urges that Congress should lm i tliiw country I 1 Of the I Usa i a? ti.. i aergeaey. That lea r? "That whenever the Presidenl .a.iii be KHtlMiicl that unjust discriminations B mwd?- by or un<l?*?r the authority f,,i .iK.ainvt Oie ?mi'uriitiuii t ?, BtNtS <?f ??"Y I'?'' d i.i of th* United Btate )> mai , ?mi such pro? ,, h forolK'i .. Fi, i a.? he may d??em .i,.i from Impoi Fnlted States: la make proclamation < . ins direct loa i th<> premises ami therein nan.? Um tin a auch d ' Imp'.rlatl' ach dats u Importation Of th" - mied la BUI proclamation shall b? unlawful. TTa Prei Id? nt may at sny tb ... dii , his opinloa tho pabilo li as n me . it strike.?- ti-, thl \ SWad In th,' light Of tile ?ff.ct of Qdi man..''', sction, th?- contention ?>f th.? Joui nd of ?uiiiMiet.i? lavolvao a dlstlnctlo without a difference. The overshadow!? and pia. thai fa? t is, that the dl nation is a I >\ to larga in*. i. its in the country, whettK i .t i i eardiii U tariff r? talliii'on or a dir. .u.,) OUI "1 hind attack upon our tl i i \( l.s \s. DBPBXCBS. Bg lo ihe eov? riiim-nt llnancl; t ?or January, th? lacn 1 iii>' WM ?l.',.",i?7.Tl in iie?i-it during th-> montbi es eluding; Union Pacifie payment? and r? ;?i; total ?'it .-inc.? .lui i, i ?:?;. s. \'n aeenths, i.d.<..-.] ,h2/. in th ?even niotilhs $H<i.tatO.?*S?<? was pal, out In pensions?the annual junsloi! ex tur? I- ?nt: ? stimai? d at *OJ0 la i-umni-tiiira ?m tl raa a doubl? -bai reih i gun, ?'in- chati;,, ?i. piierlnK both tin tariff and the pension Iniquity, and tin lodging in its entirety in Um latter The fraud-swollen peaalon 11 Tim? s. in ik.s a ?hlicit Inevitable ex under a Lion whlol is at ones biii-ii i'.sonie ont producUve i:m. it adds, our pr?s-nt tarilT, which i; burdensome ?without being producUve, i? an inad. 'lilat'- l.lian--.- ?g?in?t th, strous drafts of the p?-i;.--?on. i>. Oui N?a York conteraporary then declaraa thai under a proper ?nd just system of pen? un,' aid only to thOM U ho ; uf frutn actual diaabilltlos Incurred in th" service, our penaion payment? w<?ui<i hardly h (25.000.00 w have, however, it continues, not only ?itravagi rit In allowan? bul wa have ?quan? ts of millions on the p< i rured orrthy. In otber words, |l*ft.000,000 a year is I for political feitce-bulldlng, with the result that the War Depart? ' " Of tile .]). Is for buildiiiR and ?quip? And what makes th? matt > wa r"r in ord' i that a? ?a sch? m< - might be ,t, but for th,- pur? | work actually begun, which, it is admitted, i.- absolutely wry to the placing of th? i clUes Of the country in a satisfactory condition to repel attach by ?.i:i:\t nun \iv> \n?-\\ bm. It -.- i UtBl th-'-e who jump, d to the conclualoa thai Great Bru la had i down on Um ' w? re a- ording t" ! rw? red th Interviews s?':u out from St Petersburg .'.iiat after the manner In whi? h th? ?MnaaUoaal tel? ."ram of Bmperor William of Germany to i Kruger, during th? Tranavaal public complication. When that made publl ' t Of SS was thrown Into B an insult British nation, and a mena,- to British prestige, and ti:- government was ? otly cat? going to do about it. Weil, th ment responded to the telegram by luletly, but rapidly, surrounding the "tight little isle" with warship?. All were th 1 and ly i lu. ,l without birth?! ?,--.' ' : - Bl ! ' raburg with a Ruaalan admiral ami a Rum lively, tiii? w the Bl Itlah and 'he British pubUc Into a , 1 state than ?lid the <;.-rn?. D Km I'aui, and be? ; he ?jov? rnm? nl was sU? nt for the .. the Impression gol Britain had backed down. A ivernment was crltl? I But now w? bar? th? ?newer to the In laratlon? from s?. Petersburg, d?Cl?tve and Ofa ; mbi iced In an order to the i judian, th,- Australian, ?nd quadrons t,, : The Brit? ' ; F.mj eror BiU-H? of Germany bits off t-, spit? bis face in ?barring out mother of i. huws lur g] upply "f Albemarle pippins annually for u r own ?sp Clal ?nd imperial (.'onsuniii lon. Five hundred more "f the povr-rnm.-ru th.- Klondike hav hipped from Norway. They will reach tmation probably in time to >n is report 1 t" be one of thOM ??aught in th" ?Ira ! I- dOlng ? ha? In big brrestment should snj left. i Lee is reported to b? ?specially .d by m? mi-? i.. of ' ?arty la Habana, but what are rn : hr.-ats tu a '. In view of Un- i - tiering in of , s ,-,s it Pro? ra? ought by al] i "An . minent enea red u tan is ?Imply ? ondena? ,? an." llttlS bi. - .-.;. , hOUgh, isn't The peculiarity of cur :, naturia! Cupid ; tie fact that U if ? particle of ?pidity about him. Ths i?,ut ecy th.- : '"fiii'-il National r;i h ' : v that "promoter." And BOW VS aie ;,, ;,,;., g jdug-tubacco ' " ' i ":'1 , tak? i Um .-ake. l)l?l :? Hi-role Tlilna. ?SdttOr "f th.- Flspatch: i '". in l.-w words to express my imlraUoa of th.- heroic s i of ?Ung Walker last Bight in CBStlBg him- I if IntO Hi? ;,,e I bis outtr ?Tot? || BBO<Wlng ?1-- I ' ..! ' i - .? a ? Ufa it is worthy of th? ? . i y* uf uar o! I ' 111 li. ltUUiiKT b. ii. VAlMSTltikm I?I'Ti:n*.|ll RU. I a Trillin,. i<? mi Bn-Confodorals DMIiMi. pp.Tkpsi.i i;.,. vv. p.binary t \. p. inn damp "f Conf? arans IHaii <*. whitti?'. of ft iu. <m "Tbs Cruise of tin? BhsaaLndOah,*1 red tin? hearty commendatl? a o v. ho h< aid it. J. ut the meetlni o( the eamp. t: ing resolutions, offered by Com unanimously adopt? sd: "Resolved, Thai the address of i William ?'. w hittl?. ?i i v? r< d !" - for.? tbl I ? uiii. on Januei If in v orthy of in") ' than our usual formal sots of inanks. When we remember that it ?ara i Whittled ship, the Nashville '.;. i d the t C rato 1 fops, and that haul, d down i" th< harbor "f Liver? j??>ot ih,. last i -..nil ?i. rate iim. months after the war a la over, we a ^ Oiled with admiration for tin? hero him? self, but when be relstsd to ua the of that la i.-* with daring deeds, end ao marked aith patriotic do? a .nid metchless skill, ws ar?- deep Ij i. nslble of tin- honor he bai upon "in csmp, and are proud to maks grateful acknowledgment of ?mr obliga? Rarelj ci tb? fortune of ' ' Sllell Cuts from the lips Of OlM who could truthfully as. s Ith A? |uoi urn para magna fui." Bul curled an we ?ir.. with our |u we WOUld not I"- unmindful Of the futur.. \\'e si i the fad thai this gpi? n? dld address i- a mn-i vaiuald" contribu? tion t" Confederate history, containing as It ?!" ii.. i. fiit.itu.i. of the saper? si.ins casi un the southern sailor, and we srouM urge upon the distinguished naval oAcer the duty of putting it Into ineni foi m for the f fu? ture readers. \\. hope that Captain Whitti.? win consider thla auggeetlon fa? vorably; ami for this consummation we winiid . ate? n; It a privil?ge to be al? lowed to CO-OP? rate." The resolution was < nt< red of i and a copy s? nt t>> Captain Whittle. The camp also passed resolution.-- en dorsin -'s bin for the tlonal mi. ?it i'?i. rsl In I?. I Roy Blaughter, for the the child of the former, who had i" M given Into the custody ol the latter. Judge Mullen t?>-<t.:y rend, r? .1 a decision granting the continued tody ?if the child of Ifr, Blaughter. I.' alls i look, who w. d in .. : ?ranted to an hi rg? of psaslng fraudu? lent ch< I 11 AMI ?1 I I l>\ 11,1,1*. iientii or h h ?tiii ? ill/en?Daaeaers Salta ? ..mlu'.ini??.cil. CHARIX)TTE8VILLE( VA., Pebruary i. (Special.)?Mr. Lawrenc? Pitman died .-a t o'clo? I Ing at tie - .if Mr. R K Pi innagan, In thi Of his . Mr. I'iti born and - "Red Hanks." Bhenandoah county, Vs., wh< re, aft? r he i ad attained bit jiirity. he farming for a num? ber Of y? ' : l"tteSV?Ib? ten i de bis home with ' ?ln-law, Mr. k. k. Plannagan, on J? Two sons and f"ur daughtsra aui him i u*. William B. I'itm m. of Lynch? :;k W. Pitman, of .ill... Md.; Mrs. Anna Mallory, of Wash?tgton; Mra H. M. Powers, "f Btaunton; Mra Florence Gardner, mis? sionary to T"ki<>. Japan, and .' Pitman, ?if thla The filin ral .-.ill take ; i the home ol Mr R. K. Plannagan, at :'. o*< lock to-moi ?n. Misa Isabel Harrii ol the Albei Pemale Institute, lefl yesterday aft-r ii'i'.n for Richmond I the memo? rial m r H II M ?iris. Til eiilta "f Tucker's Adminlati Bunch'a Adminlati itor, L D. I M, Lamb, .uni Y. w. Chambsra against Company, of x-w fork, for damagea, were compro I ..ut "f court, the - om pany paying t.. - ach plaintiff USO ai of suit. In the lirst two esses, the dam... sd In the B 000, Thi mita gr? w oui of the falling of sn si the Manhattan Company al th.- I'm ker ami Bunch w?sre kilted, and the other plaintiffs mor? i aertously Injur? d. ?it Court adjourned thla morning until Tuesdsy, and Judge Orlmeloy left for his home, In Culi r linn n.i.i: SHOCKED My tin? Mulden Death ef Mr, Baasael B. MeKtaaer. PARMVILLE, VA., Pebruary 1 .iai.) Th.- people of Parmvllli hocked this morning at the announce? <,f the death of Mr. Bamuel P. M brother of ex-Governor McKlnney. Hi- ?i. ath * thely un? xpected, as he had nut i..-, ? the I? ast sick up - hour of his taking off. Hi I morning at the usual hour, and went down i" breakfast, sppsrently feeling as wi i? as be e* er did. Boon taking nf the meal he atarted op the again, win n be auddenly fell back in an '* and in ta O hours he was di ad. Mr McKlnney was born m Buckingham count] M yeai ago. Be i lile and ? ngag? d In tbs mercantile buslnesa more than tw? atnoe, and for a long period was pan owner artth o the lai _ -t di y-good i the toe n. elfe, who aurvlves him, with grown children was a dsughter ?>f the late Judge P. N. Wetkli .tin r of Judge a. D. Watkins, pune,. Bdward'a representativa In the Legislature Mr. McKlnney had onlj two living brothers, ; ivsi nor McK Inney snd Mr. J: J, McKlnney, both ol Farmville, and the letter BU invalid from paralysis. Nu errang? m? ni rsl been made for c- ..-tai of the cMldr? n are being swslted, and a ' Prof? - " Rob< it r Ident-elecl ef tin State P? male Normal School, is expected to arriva hors to-night from Columbus, Misa Be will lake charge of the school next Wi Inesd ly. Tin: IWSPK4 T?OS ? OMMITTBKI \ ?-.?i Itaaatea Intttltatlsas Tbsaoa to Lexlagion. STAUNTON, ' ? ' ' fr. un liai HOW O S,.. ;lt tie lUon and the W _L Buper Intendent w. a Bowles and his i t tie form? r, cordially r. c? lv< i ; he li ippoi tunlty ?..r .u ii. irded. A line breakfaal wai served. Later visit was paid to the hospital, i ? > iint. mi. i In Blackford and his n-handed w? I? ? i the vi. Itoi -. The commit i* I with the aplc and of the hospital I ne \v B. ii, w II' nli tei tli er i.-' ' t?i .1 lie H is pn Cti AI eei dli in bu si.! An tb? in ed wo wa R Ti. Of II R In I Vi mli KM A lion Chi He ni. i ly t Be* i:. all ell'll thla . um he mar ?. , _ ? ._, , row ureconstljutiiiii and all ill "* ^^ . ,?.-.. Constipation ? fall)' half the sicklies?, in tins WOrM, It retalna the digested loo i too kasg la the I ami produces, torpid liver, hnil ISSttOn, bad U.le. toagUS, sick headache, in ?u?lllli;t. etc Hand's i'ills Pills results, easily and thoroughly. 25c. AlldriigRists. U rroparsd by C I. Hood S ??>., Loaren, Masa. (r,"!1 111'- wily l'i?su? uka with liovil* .iataaparilla. | Mf, ' th.- dinner served. Thi llft.T'loOll , w.'tlt to I.''Xln|-tol ' th" \ IrglttJa Military Inatltute Al I.FXINCTOX. LKXJNGTON, VA., February 4.-(-flpo TIM legislative In- ; mini' tee? arrived bars Ibis evening, and ari i"i at ?h?- ii,,-. i ifTrtngtofa. Will b.-Kln work to-morr<iw ami be re d with honor? at th?- Vlrrrinla Mili? tary Instttfi FAT\I.I,V III II Ml). \ llenrtreii(||nK \,el.leu? |n Kin? Cirorm? < .unity. ' FFFIiFKICKSIMU?;, VA., F. hruary ' ' Information r' .n-li, d ht of n sad au?i borribta irrod in Kin-: -uniy w.dn- -d i.. i,-.- whleh Mis. Bol r.| and fOttng daughtl r v. v. f, ly burn,-.! | ,'.: ,1 within a l', w hunts uf saoh "ih.-r. M ?Jon - . mi hi- wir,- having dorn? u?- girl ?Ions in the kitchen. Bbs had b.eti ale nt, bos a shui t Whit?, ? ben ? in ,,,,, on lag the room found th" child's clothing ?bias?. She Imi I is h tl" llame-, but i'l doing so, ?TBS i I'll- child <ii"?i a few hens lat. r. The neat morning f '! .? .1 Mr-. Bom 1 Ol b? r ?ing. Mr. H With -.?ri.-f. Mis. I.ueimla Fmbrey, one of our old? , ; di. ,! at in-r bog th? vial year f lor age. si, four children Councilman W. S. Bmbrsy and Judson J. Bmbrey, of this city; Mrs. j. c. Jennings, if Bpotsylvanla, and J, T. Embrey, of Bonham, T- x. cii.ik.kii un u ii:n.n nv. 1 rortni.ioiilli YVoiiiini Mixed I p in n I'ennloii ? KM??. NORFOLK, va., Ft bruarj i fait? ,i - ':; .. | | to-day , a to th.- grand jury Adeline Vick, tsmouth, ?m th? charge of i mjur> n a i S 'in.m bad t. :u her a],pi:, atlon that shs ?? ti," rldow uf Klijah Reed, bul it aras adds hat "' ill".? d to allutht r m in. ;?ie ?a i in ROO bail fur her ap 11' ?grand jury. Colonel? Gel Their CwsBSMlsaloaa. mt-General Nail? on yeaterday ?.a .i commlsalons to th? colonels wn?. urn;?-.--.- the : : 'f, ,,; ' ' )! ; ??-r. The Btatf is mad? up as rol < . o*B. Cowardln. Chiei-of-Stafl and i ?'. .). ? impbcll, Jos? ph Bui i w. ?i. Moore, W. W. ale, W. II. Mann. E Dorm ?. Cole. S. s : | :r, Aldes-de M !.. DawBon. .ii King ? '. Han tor <.f Rille W. M. Coulllag. Quartermaater-Oeneral. int, Paj mast? r-Gene il. w. ? ?. Bkelton Chief of irdnance. C. V. ' n, 8u General. i -. Bar!? y, ? Ion i leneral f Sub G. ?'. i'.-ib.-ll. Jr.. <'hi-f of Ariilhry. Ford, chief of i Colonel Joseph Button, it will be n u mi,, r? d. I: ? him. 1 l-.ll.? (urn I?, ill on < linrel? Hill. The Independent Athletic Club held ? ?zing exhibition Thursday night m the ub-rooma, corner *' Twenty-sixth and ! | I, h.el was a three-minute, three-round - ||ght-w? ?een .1. s. hlldrey and B. s B< i ; -air two ?; A M idrey and L. Fowler. Th. emen were quick upon their feet, mil" r of ti'i'e b - I I . a hieb ended without bloodsplll, id altfa u,- friendships crushed. : ..m of the ?renlng < William l' I .l,?m,s , w, feather-weights, ? In tor minute rounds, Fai ley ? , but New would have i.. tter showing h i-d on timid from th? h at times he aptitude. F ni,-- pul up i ;hi. and he mav - from some v in t. ?In- u Fit* and Jim ova lather of ??IIIup ?nd (?nn" II?Te. Hr. John W. Hutchlnsoa, ol isa., the ?utbor of the song. "The Blui d th? ? it iv." win ly sung .ml? W. ? tannin? ii . is s musi rly 12." Il Hutchii 's Identified - toi ule,! by a number of promt . ... v. ho hup.- t,, soon be able to - -n to care roi I. The Id? a la ; ph- who wanl to work put t,> making w and !? ilr th? iintry roads and citj streets. j-,,i?.u,: 11 , a walthy nortb? i 9 h? Im. Ir. Hut,hin by hli ictaiy, Mr. .1. Watsun, and Miss H. ? ?ne Memorial Presbyterian Camreh. this church to-morroa -hl at 8 o'clock will b? unusually In ,"i, being ' inthly communion, ei ilch time ths R? v. I ?r ' church, will pr< ach and admin mmunion. : hi I ginning b .- ! ! lings, tu be continued rough two ? i:,-, ? look, will b,- assisted In then. b- the Rev. uten, of Mam heater. Mr. Van Houtei a fluent and fui-,-, fui speaker I pow< ; the ?loapel ol list in all Of its purity and BWi Ordially invited to attend thefl i will be held ?t I P. M E rday. mull I Ire in th? Tim?-?? llui I.I I nK. hortly before noon yesterdaj Hre wm i among .. I"t of paper rabbi -n .. of the s ut tu mi ?Hallway 11 Tlmei ?ding, and for ? time created con i rab?,- confusion in the neighborhood, m was promptly turn, ,i ln box, No. M, and the d nt, In charge of ?'hi.-f ?Puller, res pond with alacrity. The automaUc sprink ?. ? itli which the bull . lipped, I th? : heir Incipiencjr, thus obviai Ins lit] i ! ' he ! - a tment using tus. A large volume of watei i thrown In it.-m by the sprinklers, I th'- R dalll i , l?r??|>ert>' Trim ?fer?. ?:. Phillip ii. and Kiaai.? curd. 28 feet on St John I B Arm! i I H - :..i:i conditions as to use '. !.. Hutler to Fila W. Butler, Il miles from Rtch nl, near Seven !': llllam li. Barle's trustee? to Old illding and I....m A ?aoci itlon. i id Tw< nty-nlnth . F, $W0. DM MU Want to (.<?. young man n whose , - ?rdonsvilli o wa ? tine I Hum the State pita! at Wiiliainsbure, was returned terday. Mr. Gentry's mind Is r, and lie rather ? I i"r a time at the \.- and ? ?hlO ,1,-pot ill till - panied by his slmer-ln-la ?-. d to get un the Wiiliainsbure a until u, i u-iui-d i,, rlo o ', . P ami Hulcher, w io talked calm o li.m : little time. . Mr. BotttmmW to Arrive To-l)ii>. V. '/.. T. Swe-liy. ? ho to th.- Seventh-Street Christian ?h. of this city, will reach Richmond afternoon ?t 2:ii> o'clock to t-nter on ral work here. Mr, B? t from Buffalo, N. t., where Has held a phenomenal meeting- m y respect?, and will preach tu-mor both niuining ant Bvenlng, at his comes s?? the city unattended by Ms ly. ?nd ??u be th.- gasal of i?r. i<e A. T..l?-r while lu? o tor tu? at. l! I lO? YEARS OLD. Her Health in Recent Years Is Due to PANE'S CELERY COMPOUND, Think Of ?C M"r?- than a century And her old sge la not a Mra Em Orlnn? II, who two agi i, at tl proprietor! of Pair.' ' c? lery con ? pact? d and unsolicited t? atimonlal, now two yeara often lived in good health beyond a century), heai t y ht: . the .? di rful gOOd thi h.r. in Bennli \'t., July ?'.. it.?;, .m.i la to-day living her deughter, the wife of Mai tin ??' liehest? t. l itlful tows I'm t Bthan All? n. lb . s a farm? er and hotel-keeper, .ne! ih lived upon th" farm until her m Mrs. Qrinnell i about tu?- houae, ai ! \\hen th' w? win permit, walka out aooi n . I. and ah? apeoda many hour Ch? ting and doltj "tk Sir- I m trkably w.ll-informei. She ,;. : '. and if |" opla half hi auch health der them? - whom ??i? living t"-r I ! 1 I - healtl Whenever I hav? dos-s ?if this i' mtsdy give me i >. .m. n, even though much younger than I. . for my appetite la natural, m. 11 can walk cjull with? ling tir. d. P? which I : : ' me of con itlpatlon, . t" tile wh? n ov? Mra. Em* I? Hyd ? Itinnell. Two yeara aft? r, Mrs. Grtnn? n. atlll vig? oroui writ? ful letter In ly thai has done ao much : Dec. 11. Weil-. Richardion Co.: lory coir i still I I do not nually, bul long, long ti" unen.i Pali y cqmpou In le ?.i of '. - Btnyle H tell. value rutting th epenl n a?i n. iv. by l'hvsi ;'l v. It i i by them In - te In the I'niia re health and gth. id ?t in i illdlng up tir?d Kleepl? impound ! - ?v. r\ of th? in its actl* purlfj ' IlUte k f.? up. The i the strengthen! irthwlth. and - ind. Tu the Mein Ix r* ef ?be Mou?*?. (Por th Dispatch.) Qentl? i handsome i i I Majo Ity poo from taxation, i bell? .i.? like'.. i here s 111 altlon. word. We are ill of mind on th i ol onom. . W? s nd will curl with ths i.r and helpless, who fee] the tight grip of poverty. We mua Ink "f tui ! or th orphana "?it of dooi -. w could up t" Bl ". n and aal Ths Bible says. "The bus! hi li tk," not cripple him. ? will not d'>, but our goo i work bl?. called and i ur asy lum. Two mothers bad died and left then homeless. A number of othera hav? loni hing adml ir Institution - > without la> We WOUld add t- n !? - ! vim: I - tO OUI nappy home, w ii. re they e .11 I I until well-tit;. ? lia II] .v.'llld We tal-. w. We tonal work, with We WilUngt) ?cup of cold water"' shall not ' . n. .*. ? - help; .hurt u& The church work la all In he Un? of economy. Il nal expenses" and promotea Indue! hrift. No man can be In doubt here. lie si:. I. ? >, . mint ?s a Messing to any city. The Ighteous -hail be held In everlaatlng re nembranee from Ion. ?"ir children ere t.. dwell here In leer old Vlri them rood company. W "in- committee our lai . a.i h bef? ?: W. W. PABKER. Febril;. : mull Fire at Mr. \ ulfiiil in'?. Home. A ?-'till alarm WS tUl lornlng at SJO o'clock from Boa ' :. i the department was called No, '"1 foul h Thli t it'eet. of Mr, B. B. \ slentlne. The are as in c beneatb the til? . arth, and s utahed s II ?liculty. The damage s Mamar y. (Wi h.,? (emory is the Unk that binds Th.- present to the ? "1- th? reflection That Was, but could not plcturi :'.i It ir; hat now la gone, with all its J re. moat fair, That fj ' '. a light . . some it : "t thing, Put tb III. 1 which tl to 1 In ti t:h, did on ? few It s!n:i"s out with The brightness of th. i ? is brightened by the : 1 Of ?;. d, thi Hol. ? >n-. ?MES SOL"! MAPI. WILSON. Smith's CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. ^c?t<tf& ?t?Z?: ? es omy ?*?p '.?-Tti?Sa tf-frj RELIGIOI s -?ut- Il Efl M M) W. Ktir SEC?N i) PRE8BYTERIA? rll! KCIl. -Or, Boob irtll preach .it 11 \. * ! r i tb? Rev. Donald <? ruais -.t -i r. M .- mea invite i to ii."h ? s*_r GRACE STREET PRESBYTE K.'AN l'MI'l.'i'll ' '.V:i m K-t U-, l'as'...r-"le.'t.? servie? B at 1 1 M. sod HoA-loca I' >l. Pre the pec ?er. Sunday seta ? - M.; Whiv _p-ir PARK PLACE METHODI8] EPISCOPAL ? II im -;r lets)?Uer. i ho>? \-i **. l'on-., i?.i?. senii-i b al ii A. U. and H P M . conda ?ted b; toe Psator. Subject it taoroiog Bermoo? --\v?ii nur N??i_'tiior in the Cloud Ul I v n ;... t "i .. ' : "**li Rags* CbtldroD, a Bear*. Broken w Ite nn?i a Drunse? 11 .-1.ti a What eball the Barree* Be? ? - p. M. Mi. .in! M'-. DOBBIKI sill ?rive one o tbelr i.'fvitiiuiiv illustrated ?one aervi Bpip Without a Pi!"*.." a cordial imitation.? all. ???THllOAD STREET METHODEN t ill I'? II'corner ?1 Brosd in I l.iitb BtrsstS). Miii Pu school9:30 A H. Preaobtag ut i i \ \t. -mi n p.m. i., me pastor, Ksv. m ?. .st\ki(. i? P. Mornlni boo*? t: "The I .-. Lead At ntghl : \\ p? ii to Bleue Wean a icons Man is Forced t< Uve and DiePeonUee*by nVbal .re t -uiei it., Wroaga "t the Re i ."' Acorami welcom ?nr IN?o\ BTAHOIS U. .* : CBUfiCB, vnl HI ?Her. Osotos 0. sues, i?. !? , Psstor.?Ssrvleee cooducted ?? m Psetoral 11 __, X. and 8 P. m. :<:i.. I M. Sunday acb? <>1 ard morning V p. M.: "The Widow's Bon" i *ual eerrlcei Momoav, w i I'SKM'A*. and TarasoA* Nn.iii oniciul ineeUog li ?-hay .Nioiir. ffcar OLAY-STREET .METHODIST RPI8COPAL i iil'K? n ooroer Utami i its)?Ksv. ".. H Rawi i ' -? Pastor, - . a. M. Pies i s'it ? i a. If. M. t?v the Psstor. Coiomuoton aei tatng boar. Kvei Word tu :he Prodigal." V\"" ni m Mif.i i try llDg UoXPA* \ I IKKMW'N nt I Il I oeeting Ti upa* Cvsmno it H.\. Midweek prayer aerrtre Wbpmssoat IraNtsa ... Bpworth Leag ? Darotiooal . g t KiDAT ?.VSNIM _W FBI ENDS. - M BET] _fl * FOR diruie warsliit, gVSBY lASBATI Mokmn?. at 11 o'clock. Seats a? dl are wt iv' *ir?.?t .ii. ,i 10 'j''-l??-k A. M. on WAONBSBAT. ts WkT SEVENTH-STRt ET CHBIH TIAltCH?RCB- Serentl sadUraceetr | Preach lea al li A. U. and M P. M. t?> It-,?, z. ! r. 8WSBXT. sndtne pubhc cordislty IHM' "!. friri.IFF. AND ADVENT CHRIS? TIAN i iii'k.ii, cri; tteeervotr atn hlne Si Boar si I I M. sad B i. M Br?alo? sii>j.??r? " Temptation, It'n ... iiesik.ii, nuil i-n i." Bandar s?-liool et l?:30 A M.. ? ly at 3:30 P. M ni!. htr PIB8T .?api im OflUBOB ol 1 lifli ami Bl ..... ?.i:uk?,k C "ir?a; I). I)., Psstor, will preach at 11 a. m. end I P M. inM? -ti ..i -.t ii::to A. M loues Peopl? All cordially welc? &?' SECOND HAITIS!" CH.'B.'H ? n end Msts -tr eii it..-. M . ??und - A Cordial welcom.?. to (ill. OaT OR?OE-Sl REET BAPTIST ? Bl l'a li Bev. u ?i. t Un. gta P. i?., i i s-erii'?-. at tin? 1 i BelTi i aebool at .?:i j A. m Preeeatas at ? l ?.. I . \i, Youne People's Colon at 4 P M. Prayer rseet iu_r \,.- .loot n: ^ o'clock. IBSBS pr-iyur-meoting > MLimiv Niua s'etock. _ 9mT (?ROYE-AVENUE HAITIS! mi l.i'il ,?JroTt? avsaas '.?ar iirt.-ch ?>-r. Ksv. J. C. Uiutv. i>. ?>.. Pastor, frsaiaisg at 11 A. U. SBd I tin? l'as:or. I'Hfior'a bible ci??? nt lo A. M. tu mam am jisbcs rooBs. Haaday aehcel il Oil6 \. vt t? tW (i W A 1 H M F V RAITIST (Hi HCU.-llnv. J. II TATUNL ?. 1)., ?>t Salea., vs_, HMO a. M_.aa4?P. u. Rheumatic Slavery Abolished! tortui- - ac lumba <<ll, com? The r? Fren? now being; dull) ?. as tl, Of Phil ! ] of Baltlm? the immer, Kins and I.uml Polynice Oil. Import?-,1 ft th'. 8 i:oi Ik BEN Dr. Alexandre, BPTBCIAU8T FR( ?M P I No. ?504 ?v wash in, ?j;? B Royal Seal Bond! A OENUINE, FIRST-Cl BOND PAPER, \ I 40c. Per Pound-120 Sheets. Regular Price 75c. Best value for price on market- Quantity has made price low. Full line of other Writlnrj Papers, 10, 15, 25, 35, M), 50c. per pound. Newest ?Styles in Corre? spondence Papers. Monograms, Crests, Wed? ding Invitations, Visiting Cards Engraved? first-t lass work. Hunter?Co., 629 cast liront! street. STREET-CAR TICKETS. ON WDM It R SI IM NiMH 9 'i the sale ol tickets in lots ol IS for SI will be distontinui'd. ( ond?? tors will nintinufc to tickets at the rate of b lor 15c SCHOOL TICKETS will hemfterba wld to school children only ;it the.twm.pan*) 1 ofluvs fool "1 >? '.' Mi and corner of Twenty-ni and 1* Btreetu, Pupil ? d them will I??* required to p lenl certifl wring lion 1 r? ?m prinoipd nt BchoOl. RICHMOND RAILWAY S LLECrp.IC CO. [a?? 'a i ni ? \ i :??% \i . RICHMOND COLLI SPRING TERM, FEBR1 I Ji \ P. W. BOATV? RIGHT, ! LAW SCHOOL RICHMOND COLLEOE ROGER -, JOHN i:. MIX ?R. B i. i ; .\ : .. \ ' ; ?. BtUi I th? s ni i - .1? ' TuiiIon is CO for . For : r. v ,\ RIGHT. :, Vs. MElllMSJB THE MEMBERS OF HONOR - ; I - In? at } ? '.<*._ ITi -* ' - A SPECIAL MEE1 IN . ' ? ti m 1 ?.;, i\i ' \' .' fi-r th? ,.< ma} ll c i s j | 12-tF? HI Oil ? I Ml \i? \? \ni:?i> ?.r m Ht FRIDA*! M \ : \ V. MME. NOIKII ?i? \. . (ht MAGDA American Lever Skates 50c. Per Pair. HARRIS HARDWARE t 109 BA5T BROAD ?STREBT, _ fs . ??Id piiy-'i? for s-la al tb* w?"B o til? ?j.