Newspaper Page Text
a _ THE RICHMOND DISPATOlf-SATPRDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1898,'_ Never Before Such Upsetting: of Prices. it will startle joe mhaa . o? w?i.i! 'tossibilities jhc <?!l Saturday Bargain Day. AW lend v??u a l.olpinir li?n?l for NOiir Siiiulayjicciis. mm pTOTS D*j Kl'llce!" prie s in t\? iv ???tail how (<> ccciioini/?? mid li<>?'. 1" Mi.ike H little _ <> for. *?re slwsys oil tlw lookont for tin ir benefit. Good Kid Gloves sre u\a kin.l tliai's clu.ip. Now ing <?f our usual prit ? I g - mnch in your favor, -, Heavy Embro liiaea ... worth 11. pair. :, Wide und V 1 'IV- '?' . ?; ack, and \\ hit?, *i Lad! Cluse-Tl Black, n Brown, and Ox-Blood. H.? s f>alr. -P Heavy Embroidered In 'Inn, ii.r.0 a pair. LAD1BS* KlUM-v All-Mnon ?Ooll Bhap?, ever 1????h than l?l-i?c., for 9c. ? L-,,. kind, for I Ribbon, any shade. i. for tr. ' Ali-SIIS - ;l"v .?.so. ?Polka-Dots, fur U i -' I>di?'s' 25c. Leather Iv?rket-Bonk l?nps. with <>r without chenille ?lots, ?asually X5c., tot 1 *ftf> A VA 1*11 S?c. Ifaltne Net Veils, with d?ep crepe jor Kni,? p Blue Boutte Ith chenil var<1 IK-Hm-p !;!.' k Tux? : > Vellli affects) yord. now THIS i SMLADICS FINI PIQ ' \M? DCPK FULL id: v i?i:si?;.\s. costing n? tu M EACR I I *i ? In the MIT AMI \\lt\P III I' UU'MI'.NT. --. li!!' d th with .ill colors from ?. for $l.r. 1.n<: - ilts. waists phk lined P2, for $5. Ladles' Pine Black and Colored Clotn ii.;,: w.-re ?7 and %*, Tor ?-.?O THE COHEN CO ?<T. \M)HI-:u'h ititnimitiKinn. Airsi?K*-in<'iil?. lor >eitl??e?i ?nil Coil frr??M??es? *?lr. J. 1). Wood toiiiinu. Th? day, to-moi i and Monday und r the council ?>f the Brotherhood ??f St w, have ?been finally .. and he tr enc? ?ill l>" h? hi t'i-niulit church lecture-room ;i I k. Additional inter, -.--, i- felt in meetings, as Mr. John W. Woo New Yoik, the "general ?Je<cretary of the l. will be on?? of the s?>. ;ik, rs, Mr. W ' ting ~-inii ib.irg and Roanoke, . to arrive in the city tBlfl ? ? - Bin? o k vi? ' ii of th? i?c and ?lino nul?ay, and while here Will be tin- | of Major r ibert s.s. i? i east Fr.mkin Tha fol tha proaTasaBic which hs - 13d: irday, February 6th, IOS P. M < "hiireli 1 m ( ?onfi ' i Mr. John M. Taylor, | local coun? :l : "Hlndram Spirltu .! Growth." l. "In Business," ad Mr. P. A. Arthur 2. "In So 1 bj Mr, J i: v. Daniel, ral," addles?? by Mr. John \V. d by general discussion from the floor. Tin-; ?SUNDAY SBRVIi lay, February 6th. 7::>? A. M.--AI1 Saint?' Ch , celebration Of y Communion. >ry ?ith, 4 ?". M.?-St. Service for Bunday-ucl.I and for member? "f boys' chaj Address by Mr. John \\. Wood, of Ne? Vi.ik S'ir.'liiy, February Stb, s p. If.?O ("nur, rhood m- n and ubllc. Address by Mr. John VV. Wood, of N?W York. CONPBRENCKS at ST. JAMBS, M": luary 7th. .; p. M Jain-s Church Lcct?r< nfer . Mr. Thomas C. Ruffln, of Epiphany ft: "The ?' m the Brothei - the Individu,a." add rend tjy Mr. A. 'hap icr," ?address by Mr. John W. Wood. Fol? lowed by general dlSCU Monday, February Ttii 7 p. M.?St, Chtn-ch I. s-ith ooffc? un for Broth? rl men ami then invited pruestB, Monda?, Februai p, M?St. Church Lecture-Room?C Er, w. \v. Bardwlcka, of St. John's er. presiding. Subject: "Th? h.rhoo.1; lt.~ Aspects?." 1. "To tb- Bro? od Man." addreas by Major Robert lilies. 2. "To the urotherhood Boy," ad by Mr. E B Jhureh Member." address by Mr. Th 2. Huffln. 4 "To the Mun of the World." iddiesH by Mr. John W. Wood. Poll >v ?i?'neraJ discussion ironi the | The services ut 4 P. M and I P. M luiidjiy will be op? ? to Is il as non, and all who fee! an Interest In tb? trotherhood and Its work ar?; invit ittend. AN ADMIRABI>B PORBTHOUOHT. Tho blch will b MOB immedlat.dy aft? ? in. ?; ,'clock ' has bean provld I at thoat? attendlnK can com?- imn Ih?!r business and tirouifh to tho ? clock, wltlmut th* nt-ix'.-is.ty of liavmir n the mi'iiii time Every member of the Rrotherhond ?rill ?e entitled to brin? a friend with htm to h>? conference at t> o'clock, and the sup n at 7 o'clock Monday ?<1 nae Mr. Wood ! by no m< ,??.-i In ttchmond '.? ?;?,-' visited this city Ime-j b??f?.r?i upon xlmilar mlssi.i ' '111 thr.-.. r*M?a in si ?k? ii ' hui -, ?I at Holy Trinltv church y ntght. Efmmt ?r. mil? u sni,i. ro th.- i;,in,,r of the i In th.? vi-iy kin: fives ?>f my last nlKht'* ?l<?K . th? r< ^ have t ' la replying to Dr. Toy's contaatlon houfrht of in.'. did not say ihnt -Vlthout tie lac ?if blood tb?-- in no resaiaslon uf Ib.t" 1 attempting to ?how thai 'bllst'S own lltteraiKi- is i Blate V IjUO ; -, thoi I recoi Jed ut< "This ??at ?Abiih I? shad for man? for tha ttl ? r you. M ? ' ? is My ? will jrlv?. for tho Ilf.? of the . orld."?John. ?XI. "1 lay down My life would ha? ni t , m? pin .ose. as ?li? as Chrlat'N Ian? uchmon-J, February 4, ?Ms. The haMng pow? der that will equal Royal In leaven? ing power and purity has yet to ?be compounded. NOW IT IS HORSES MUMULNl i'narici:?. Kl im iii:n \< THIN *.? IJWfl I V THE PROHIBITION AGAINST FRUIT Here* it Oaaie la n<* Mnitc??mi. luii V.lrii Wlihoni line Autborlty I'rolill.Hloii, a*evei| llenuilut Pracilciilly Hi Kn.'.-t. r.l-:UI.I.\." K.luu.iry 4.?Baron Von Hammerateln-Loxten, the Minister of IlltUrs, at t?i-<la\'s session ?>f the Prussian Diet, declared that A in? ; sd Influenza after impor? tation. lie added. "If the importations ln il certainly he fore. .I to , I a suitable quuruntin ?. In order to prot?t t ourselv. hsanzeigtr this afternoon pub? lish. > the following "The American Agricultural Department'.?, report on the San .lose shield louse led to an official InQjUlry here as to ths circumstances un? der which American fruit. Is Imported. Professor Frank, on January 10th, found on California pears arriving ??t Basaharaj mimerou.! living, breeding shicld-li? <-, nb BOlUtely identical with the truo San Jos.1 shield louse. He consequently expi' the opinion that the home fruit cultiva? tion sras ?xposcd to a grave material danger thereby. A conference, of th* other specialists th? reports of the Impel iai ottlco of h? dnsed this view ni every particular. Thu.-i, the ne ty of prompt measures for protec? tion was fully demonstrated," The K.ichsanzeiger then describ?s th?? "extraordinary harmfulness" of the San Jose louse, according t,, publication* ?>f th.? Washington Agricultura] Depart snd ths protective m?aaeorea taken in America, notably In On ?on and Bfl? tish Columbia, and continues: "It Is thus th" una voidable duty of the government to give efficacious protection to the home fruit industry from the danger of dis Under ths heading, "Order." Counter Disorder." the Tageblatt to-day the bungling of Frussia with American fruits, ?and asks: "Are we reel? ly ?Irifting into a fierce tariff war with the United Btah i be anas ws have pi I tod the Agrarian desire'."' EH .\v n* CAME ABOUT. The issuance of the decree was brought about as follows: The MlnlStOT of Agriculture, Baron von Hammerstetn?Lostea, saw Dr. Mlquel. the Minis*.?r of Finance and vice ; l.nt of the Ministry, on January 30th, and pleading earnestly, he asked that a be Issue?! forthwith, prohibiting lutely the importation of all Am.ri can fruit, fresh and dried, and all pro \:n? rican n ; i ?r. Mlquel tphed the order to all revenu?- sta? tions, makinii it effective on Fobi ist. Tip- United States Ambassador, Mr. Andrew l? White, immediately and vfgor iusly remonstrated at tin- Foreign Office, both In writing and varhally, and th, d? was temporarily annulled on ruary Id. During the annulment fruit iv,i- re?rssort at Hamburg, Kmmerich, i;, i Dusseldorf Tiie decree was re-established on -nary 3d. in a milder form, being ID nforcihlt' agalnat fresh fruit oniy. li M., in. an while Mr, Whit,- COntll nahlng strong protest to Bsron von Bus "\v, the Minister tor Foreign Affairs, She in c-onseijtii nc. had a special audi iio with the Emperor yesterday morn rig on the subject, resulting In th lundearath'a yesterday sfternooo holding i meeting ami i>.--iin, yesterday'a resola l.'ll. the text of Which has 11"! %.! lea.?l d Mr. White, but it is known that the .voiding is so loose as to he open to a score of interpretations. It is generally lurmlssd that it win praotlcally no iroblbitlon. Mr. White last evening lodged anothei ormal protest with Baron von Boelow, i-, m spite of tie- Bundesrath' ion. American fresh trull la svery where ixcludi 'I in- United Btatoa consul at Dusseldorf iy that only dried fruits n released, and tint th? i ? w< i a il'i.ut (,008 : ippl? s in the boai rarehouses to?d The United Btatea Ambassa delug? ; with appeal! from fruit who have been Injured by ths feral of them have thank, d dr. White f?;r his offoit.-. ACTION WITHOURT AUTHORITY. It appeals that Dr. Mi?iu< 1 and i'.aron '?ni n.iii'iii' tsiein-i.oM- u issu. -i tie- se? rse without the authority of the Pru.s i Inet or Bundearatb otiiciai atatement of th.. Reich? anteiger on the suhjeet ol the measur? , aben to prevent the Importation of "af \ : in fruit, tie., wag oom nunicattd to-night to the officials of the M itaa mbaesy. The Agrarian newspapers thank the ;<>v? rnment for the prohibition. Th" Tageblatt asks why the importa ion of health/, living plants is prohi Jted, and Bays: "Sucii i v?reme measures ?ill doubtless savvohe retaliation." VOM 1IAMMBKSTKIX WRONG, WASHINGTON, Pebruary 1?The offi I ths Agricultural Department em ?hatlcally discredit the probability of _m?ican horses' oarrytng the influenza ate Gsraaaay, ami say tjiai if they do m atter Importation, it is ooa? froni animals in that country. liie statements of ths Oermaa Minis? fr of Agriculture. Secretary Wilson ays, arc unwarranted. ih in the shipment of ho-ses -> Europe in tie , ST years has een enormous. These shipments In W7 -?ted In value SfTttJI littst in 1*3?. Tile value of th' sent . Geraaatty in isii7 was MSJM, a. eom Wlth WJJj in II MOD-MBSKA AT Tin: ACAOMMT. he Great !? .? ta s Fnah loiinbl?. Audience. There must be BOBSQthlsg strikingly ef ctlve in g woman who OM attract and i>ld from ths Stags, at all times and in il humors the ??lutnion of other WO? mg, mlddle-ag? ?j, and old sube. Modjegba, who plsyed the title ?le m Suderman's drama, ''Magda," at " Academy of Musi,- last evening be ire a fashionable audience, eertainly po - ils fortunat? quality, iver Polish woman is of the true act of art possessed; it is tern ontal with her; it vve horn with bel id (he character of Magda in the play t night was thoroughly-suffused with ma Is In four acts, the scene m m Germany, pr?s? ni time, and the ?solving upon the social probl? in though Illy caat, aendg a bright ?.rains ray thiough the Interlacing strips ...i f..rm the i.uKh.-i under which ber -ht is partially hidden Thi f the genius ol Modjcska absolutely nothing new in d! . it, or situation |;j it and la It would h,, a veri id., "fr evinced pleasure at times leu it was ohvioiis that it was hat pleased. Jl? : urlous ! of ?letr-u-tlng frum. m she I ade. Mi 'awortb gave a su)?oii> hracierlxAtlon ?s Major Schuber! tired Invalid soldier, stroiir? willed, faml oud, :?i?l with :? tin? Bens? of "tb. r elevei ?actors In th? c??l were M I John Mub.iif. who mud?? an Ideal \\ uUwoith Harris, who playi .n-"ll",-. ?)? . w\ l h? --"n at th?' matin- t< as "Marj Stuart," ?nd t-.-iii?l" will be th- bill. Hff^rrina t-> numerous complaints raa by pin rons of :., count ? ondltlon of th.? hon? .'i.i le?; M 'Il Sal ! thr,eiKb bo .'"iminv on his ?>?r The hot-air I that supply th h?.it are kept In blast day an?! night ? ih.-ir utm ly. Tb" fu, i ' lotallj n ,r the fti'i er h? of th. th? that a system of it? im b itlng lubstituted for tb? [rrtrall Boa m ueo. >l Ml l ll KID CAB! APPEALED. Iloilfker nri?K I??. I Im i'l??r?-?t?W. II .lolniHon V.n-?-lilted. M?iy l?.-id \? : latO the Hust in?* ?'"mi yesterday, and Hon. i I?. Wise appeared ?S h?r eoiins-l, am i- mu?.' by hin for .? )i"W trial. JudSJS Witt overt nl?< th.- in.ttons, ami thereupon Captain Wit* ?-iKiiitied his purpose to t.ike an appeal t? the Cull ol AppS*lS, ami will U blllx of this morning ? '..; ', b ? rellnquli to?d le of i ,, from th? rerdlct on th? ?ground that It ? contrar? to the law ami evidence; that the Instruc ti-n- offered ! " him and refused by tin Court, should nave been planted. The?? Instructions wer.- to the effect that tin false ?pretence? under which Mai Is said ti, have ??cured aioney from th? plaintiff, was so preposterous that no on? should have i>. - n de? eived by it. Jod??' W ded th-? execution Ol the sentence for sixty days, in order t? allow Unit for eouns--l to ?ppty to th. ?'our' of Appeals foi a writ of error aie ?sedeas to the judgment "t the Hust iiiKs Court. The record of the ... b.. in,ol,- up a-; ?peedll) as possible, Hin anted t?> the Court of Appsal? BODBBER Company CHABTBBBD A charter was ?ranted by Ju?I?<e B, K Wellford In the City Circuit Court yes? terday to th- <Bodaa?r Drue Company, which is formed for the purpoae "l eon ducting a wholesale and retail drug busi t.' ss In Riclimoiid. Tha capital stock is not to be l?as than $;'?i,<?<?ii nor mor.- than W.S90, divided ltd?. ?share? of fi"-? ?aeh, Th.- names of the "the.!? for the Hist pear ara: Prcsldeai C. I.. Miller, of Hast Richmond. Vlce I'residcnr, J. L Bodeker; B??cr?tary ami Treasurer, it. ii. Qwatbraey; Directora ?'. La Miller. R. R. Qwathmey, Joseph Anthony, Fannle I. Rodeker, and H. W, Miller. CHANCERY COURT DBCRBE8 In '.he Chancery ?'our; John K. Orines qualified as administrator of Mary Ann liiuniniili, de? eased. in Jeff. C. Powers ?a Powers et ais., decree authorizing certain de?'ds to be H ill et ;i!h vs. Perkins, et als. 1 authorizing transfer ol cartaln railroad bonds ? ii i ivi's Executors \s. Qreaner el ala I' :, adjusting, the rights of ? assigne??. Hughes, Sheriff, vs. Hargrove el als. lacree directing fund t,, be deposited in court, and quashing attachments, THE 1'I.AINTIFF NON-SUITED. Tin- COO* uf W. 11. Johnson airainst the Richmond Traction Company for $lo,??.<0 on Hcenuut ??i" an Injury to his eve. which consumed Thursday and a portion of yesterday in the Law and Faulty court, was brought to a sudden close by the m m- suit ? nn uf the plaintiff. This was done si th? requeel of Allen ??v.- Mien, sttorneys for th.' plaintiff, it Is said that they contemplate bringt nu ?n Other .-"ii in the futur--. wh?'ti sonn- evi? dence not BOW in their nossession will have b'.' n :- cored. Iteitialne.l Ht Their Po-ts. The youna ladles employed m tv? change of the Richmond Telephone Com . remained at their posts of nui-, morning nil throiiKh th?' .-xclte meirt Inciden) to the Ore In the building, Th.- management heartily ? omm?n<l?*ti them for th"ir coolness and devotion to duty. I'it-'ihiiI-, anil Hrlefs. Mr. N. B. Weacott, a prominent attor? ney at-law of Accomac county, is at the Jefferson. Mrs. Russell Robinson, of Nelson coun? ty, formerly of this city. Is at Mrs. Du val's, Bl , -t Franklin street. Mr. Qeorgs W. Ortggsby, County Super? Intendent of Schools of Blag Oeorge count-,-, was in He citv yesterday. Rev. Jamos B. Taylor, T?. D.. will preach at the Owathmey Baptist church. Han? over county to-niorrow at 11:30 A. M. and 8 I'. If. Miss Sarah Ann Perrin died yesterday morning at 1130 O'clock at her residence. No. 423 south Cherry street in the -list I her age. Miss Mary WlUla Douthat, late of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, will atrlvs in the ?it\ tO-day and will be the guest of Robert stnes. '?;.I Works" Will be the subject of the ?ermon to-morrow morning ?f n o'clock at the New Jerusaler? Mission, 7? ?real Ms ih 11' si: The Dally Palm Beach (Fia.) Biee?? says; Mrs Jam? H Blaii and Mrs Rolfe E. Glover of Rlchmoi d, Va., ?nd Mr. h. <? mi m,: >?alm Beach life as guests of the inn. James Brocket the negro who was taken from th-- steamei P. Thurada) evenlns In a erased condition, is still at the city tail wh. h* - iriLf , ' '' 'lover, and his Mends have bee? notified, Rev W. W H ?s conducting a ?nee bury Methodli church ?rill, on Monday afternoon delh e the Woman's Missionar*? Bocleti of Church. All ladle? in' :!' he w?d eom-'. Mrs. Campbell of Pladbury woree??^ tershlre, England, arrived ir, ?he city to day. as tl nd Mr?. Cordon McCabe. Mrs Campbell is ta? wife of II ?dbury. and b niece of the learned Dr Phllpott bo lon?, Blshop of Won It iehlii.i.ider?. III \??%v York. NEW FORE, Pehruary i T. F Th M. Smith. Astor; Mr--. F. r, Donnan, Colon, is what many a mother is looking for; something absolutely safe and reliable, that will disarm' her terror of that dread rattling, strangling cough, so fearful to the mother, so fatal to the child. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral it? a croup cure that can be relied on. Thousands say so. MRS. W. J. Dickson ("Stanford Eveleth") writes from Truro, N. S. :? "That terror of mothers, the startling, croupy cough, never alarmed me so long *g 1 had a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in tho house." " We have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in our family for yours. Once when our boy had a severe atuck of croup, we thought that ho would die. Hut we broke up the stuck by using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral." R. II. COX. Plaucheville, La. Agers Cfttrry Pectoral is put up in half-size bottles at half price ?50 cenia. W. L. Douglas ?S?-* SHOE BEST IN THE WORLD. You can practically test the value of the ] Douglas Shoes at a cost of $3.50. We can afford to give you more for the money than other dealers, because only one profit is made between maker and wearer, and you get the same material, styles and wearing qualities to be found in high-cost fchoes. We make a shoe of IMPORTED PATENT CALF which is equally desirable for dress, busi? ness or street wear. It is made on our fashionable " O. K." last, as shown in cut, with hooks and eyelets that will not wear brassy, Australian Kangaroo tops. Most dealers would ask you $7.00 for this shoe ; our price is $3.50. ' U If you prefer some other leather, * we can suit you with our Vici Kid, fine Calf, French Enamel, Box Calf, or Russia Storm Calf. Catalogue from W. L. Douglas, Brockton, Mass. Our store is located at SITOES BO?OnT AT OUR HTORKS l.M isilll? FREE. 623 EAST BROAD ST. B. P. TIN SLEY, Manager. ->?,j?'-*?*>?-_K-*-*--*?_Ni_>^?jse^^ I?I>|'HTS TU H TI HAS CAUI& *.n llSflusna Artillery ? ni,lulu Mir eiideri. ta ?lie **p?i lilsh. .?HABANA, Ptobreary 4.?Advices from Olbaia, Isntlago da Cabo, says that an vin? i lean, win. has been Bsrvtng with th..? insurgents si captain of artillery, and who had ..'i.Ono in his belt, lias siirrci. t.. th.? Spanish authorities tht-re. It is SddSd that the ? a;.Iain took this ' p i suse the Insurg? i la had failed for soin.- time to give him hla pay. sa ai upon. Th.- name of the American is not m? in i- - a boo of Oeneral Lune, the Spanish commander, has suffered the amputation of a leg. Th. Insurgente have ?-amured fourteen m. n. Including six volunteers, who e/ere bathing in tin- river near (Xbara. The fate of the prisoners is not known. HII NAME is l'A IM. Later. Major ir my w. Paisa, of the - who sum ndered to th. ih authoritlca al (libara, arrived here this evening. He denies thai he svsr . -ted paj from the li lhal he ei d to the T'nlt.d States army, as at first reported. H.- tieloiu,' i" a New V"ik family, whom ?bout to visir_ M ICIDE AT x \\ \\\AH. i:. I,. I'iiMiiii. Jr.. lau.-? T.fiinlnii um?. Mi? AfTulr?. Mrnluht. SAVANNAH OA., Kehruary i? I !.. Tattoo, Jr., commuted suicide last nipht by taking laudanum. Bs 'lied this B-OTB iBg at t o'clock. He left a note to his parents, who live at Columbia, t?. C, defending his eulcld? and denying that It was s coward*. resort. He had twice hefore attempted to kill himself. His letters narn.-d those whom be wished to aft as pall-h. aivrs. and Indi? cated the spot in Bone venture Cemetery where he wished 10 have his body inter re J li.- was a member of the Volunteer Ouarda Battalion, and left written re quesl for ih.- Ouarda Quartette, which he bad organised, to alng si his grave. The deceased atood well. He waa a Bte nographer for Tiedman ft Brothers larga wholesale merchante of this city. His al ire atralght. He was M yens ot '['her.- is a brother of his in tin- 1 Statea navy. _ pap ron Tin: soiTii. ' .Il<-*ll | III |"l I |l 'I | \ |l |IO | II | III,' || | M ?. ? on,i eg lesa \va?i.v?*t<>.\. Februar) i.-A num? ber of ?'i'i'- weft dlSCUSa? I at to-day's Csblnet meeting, but, perhaps, that of the most inter et m a - the dlsp? I*. dei ?i m the Bon ?v hi re the Rep?blica i p:"'|y has i .era! importan. ilntmenti will he ni ide In tti though th< Presld I i - not yi it? ly and finally deti i mined on them. G ?vernmen* reletlve to American frull was talked over, and ri??.r. s were produced to show the treat Importance of I , at in n and unpr tlon ?m the pai of Oei many. The modification of th mad' known by the latest sdvlcea from An ken aa an ? vl< the matt.-r is Still BUbjSCt to dlplo matii adjustment. II \ II \ Mill II \SK-ll til. TO I It. Wlili Mile "inillierii ? .lieue Nine I'? er> \\ ci'k. ('AMBI'M '?.K. MASS . I'- Inn tour of the Hat \ar.i base-ball been atranged Beginning aitn North Csroltna, the team will have a - w.ui some en. rery week day It is away froon home The li fames include the folios aprll lath L"i rth ?,'aro lina. at ? N ? ' \nrii istl gton-Lee University, i Lexington, Va April i'uh University of Vlrginl Charl? Va JAPANESE FLEET M A NOI'l.*, HI V?;. it Will N?*?i Preens?! to Oswiee la Ch?nese Walesa. fOKOHAlfA, F-l?. uir." I. v iioeuvrlnij- prior lo a i . in Chlnsse wat. The pr-ss Is sil.-nt on the situation in China, and it is believed thai Merquta Ito, Premier, is asrtdtln*. ths aettlemenl ..f the ??ernian cUims before committing Jspan to ai.\ poUc.. The Russian squadron is without aq*ok< coal, and the supply h< -in ill. " II***. KIIWI TO III: Ol VTF.II. <>. II. Fitly NiiiiiIiiii leil fur the (Inn lenton, W. Vit., I'oHiinimter.hli?. UAKiu.NiiToN, Pekraar. t?The _u> polntment ?>f <>. H. Petty to be poetmas Charlestoa, W. Va., has mid.-, afu-r a hard right. The Incumben? Of the offlee is Mrs. Kenna, widow of ir Kenns, and her friends have every effort to prevent any ?> sors being named. It is said that ?'<>n lirniati. u Will lie resisted by the friends of the Iste Sens tor. The \ n( In* I'nlma*. LAI l'A I.MAS, CANARY ISLANDS, u\ I Th.- flrst-clasa armored crui i iSpanlah) has mi i \ ed ><ena, and sails to-morrow for Mi w York. r British lln? Uii.inu A?mIii Denied. I: LONDON, February i tfrj Gerald Bel? I * four, zucinbi-r of Furliumcm fur the i_ ... i ral Division of I.i-eds. and Chief Beere ?ry to th.- L?>rd Lieutenant of Ireland, peaking at Leeds this evening, cm ihatically denied that th.-r.- was any oundation whatever for th? rumors tho' he government h.i?l ?yielded to pressura rom ?ny l'"\\.-r or had receded from the ?"sitio., n had taken on the Chinese neg? otiations. ? IlASSiri. triov of TOBACCO. 'ho 'iiii.i|i:i ? ?Kiiiil.rr ??r (oui nier ce Want? l.nne lo A??t. ( Washington Slar. 41k.) Messrs. E. R. Ciunbv. C. Lope-/, and ohn Wardlow. iepr?J?Blil?T|ltg tin- Tampa Pin.) Chamber of Commerce, are in Ol? ity. saving come to confer with the Hec i.irv of the Treasury regarding the In ion of the classification ?f tobae o un 1er th? l>inirb'\ |aw. "Wa bold that th>' cliaaatflcatlon of lear under the Dlngley bin was u. nded to be the saras as under the Mo Jiil.y and Wilson tariff laws." Mr. C.iin -.- said t,- a star reporter to-day "Wa ant the administration t> tak-' up the latter Intelligently, and ou?- purpose h?r? i to ?aaist In having it don?-. "The 1"> per eent clause of the Dlngley IW doesn'l admit the lmp'irtafi"" Of rade tObaOOO that enn'tnins any wrapper .vit hont s wrapper duty. That uestjon has bneii iak?'n into th.? courts >r settlement, but, pending settlement, .? believe that the Treasury Department jould take some aoUOU that will permit iislness to go on." -mmittee were ?grnnted aa audi nco with the Secretarv of th*' Treasury <?..? ?-,? sftsrrnon. Th.- Secretary toid >o eoninilttee that he would give the latt. r due attention, but that he must ave some time before making a decision. IPAJt/ISH STEAMER STOPPED. fi?? Is to Re Armed anil to Kscort Torpedo Fleet to Culm. BARCELONA, February 4.?The Prefect is slopped the departure from this port 1 the ?Spanish steamer Clodad d? ?'a.liz, id has returned tie? fares of passengers ,ok.-d to "ail on boar.? of h--r. The Ciudad de Cadiz will be ai-nv?il and .i cruiser to escort tho Spanish rpedo flotilla to Cuba. ?.? ?nein and Alabinna. ?\pproxiniate earnings Of the Georgia, id Alabama railway for the fourth week January: ISM, ISS; 1S97, 450-8 mile?; in en?e. 2 per cent. Week ending January 31. IMS, $.14.723; 16 per cent. Month of January. ISM, EAXtM', 1897, 1.078; Increase, (20,550 2:-; per cent. Julv l. lg*7, to January SI, 18M, J7ll,<m; ;. to January tl, i&>7. UO.0,9 1110,703 A p'-r cent wn for the week ding January 31, ISM, are th.? I -rt.-d for any one. wi.'ok in tie? story of the company. Winston ?V C.) Mention. rVTNBTON N. C, Pebruary 4. fJSpa? il.) District \",,ii'.??y Bolton returned hlngton to-day. He says a bill i! be nur,?i.I In both branches of ibly to-morrow, asklnir for appropriation of 1160,000 for a public. Ildlng here. on, who represented For th county In the ?Legislature ?" IBS. miming n?- ir K? in?nrvill< . iii.-i Betwreea PseweS i.?-Kisinto? ?.. AHi.s, I i A duel .u. M. Ales indrc Millerand, I.i F'-iite R?publique Fran?aise, and , of th l M. Henri a, d< puty for Samt j igbt with swordfl to-day. The : aid, d in the right arm. out of an alt? ? ring the discussion In th? Chamber iterday. lull ruinier* Tliriino Oui of Work. A, (?A., J liters, of the Atlantlc-Coaat Line, based the < 'barb -ton u \\. em Carolina road, has ?bollsh? th-.? auditor's and ?general man the pur?' ,-l. willen It of a Miss Huil?n ?.oIiik t?. ? nl?n. ;kw v??hk. f? bi if i The Cuban lief Committee to-day gai.ut in-* ormatlon that Miss Clara ?Barton win at on? r" mtnisl r to the i vit.?;, and to the vi< tlms of th? dt?? now ravage that unfortunata ?nd. I'osiinnsl. i ?. for Virginia. ,'AsiiiNc.T? ?N, Pebruary i Pourth? a postmast? . e**n appotnl gtni? ?s follows; Dicken?, B? ttU P. idbetter; Passapatanzy. Horace Hen Shuff, w. C. Carter; V? si ., Mis. th m Poley. A Qii.iiIiiii I.on n ill Ashevllle. snr,\'II.L1-;. x. ?'., Pebruary 4. -W. J. tnlan, the <"h nil'il National Hank th- Piral National Bank, thi?, city, whii'h failed some moniii-? ?, ?50 ? I > '?'.Ilion III lir?-L-.o|i. ?;??', <?i:!-:. I i ??us iclilln, the murdi-KT of John Le.irn k, [incher, was hanged at noon to-day. risgrtatasM sim wise. (Wilmington Messenger.) he Virginian* are often wise. The mi.? I I'hildr. n to 90 educat. d ed. Tho vote of the committee In rge was almost unanimous. V Ir? la still respects human rights. 1 ' 'a Rheumatism. 'h?' pains incident to rhenmstism are . veil l.y oneauplication of Chamber? 's Pain Balm, and its continued use a effect* a permanent curo. du 2?! bu, JL'iw i'liur Elected Caterer to the Deer Peeple. Read our HEENUE. and ITS A BELLECHAS SUR'S FEAST FOR SOME OF YOU Bargain-Hunters. PIltRST oi.n VIRGINIA SMITIIIIII I? BAM! A>l> HACOrt. weiKhing from 8 to R P"unds; some of the finest meat that has ever been offered on this market; genuine fine old Vir? ginia cure?!; world-wide reputa- IfljJ tion; per pound . v (IIPUPKR ?REAHHR? BITTER. It Is the finest cows c?n mik? . finest on this or any other mar? kst: received fresh four times a week; order one pound or ten. It ?IFj/? will only cost, per p?iund . 1WV' FI.N'E FAMILY FLOLR. .1 car-loads (600 barrels), per barrel PIRE LAR?. $4.50 le Fresh Butchers' Dard, per pound. ??' Good - Luck Baking Powder. 00a pound cans; three for . ' 5,000 cans I_arge-Slze Mustard R/? Sardines . Ul*" 2 boxes Gold Dust, screw tops, R/? worth lio,, for . wv* Oatmeal. In 2-pound boxes, por R? imported Egg Macaroni, per Q/? package . u Fine Imported Spaghetti, per fir? pound . ut QRp Genuine Ceylon Tea, per pound.. u"1" OLD ??OVKHMIFAT JAVA ?TOFFHI'. This Is a ff*an?l drink; has that peculiar flavor which only a genuin. article can Impart; 3 Qt\r pounds for . "u Preach Breakfast Mocha and 4 fin Java Coffee, per pound . ** Chowchow. large bottles, Helnz's ?JA?. gOOdS) two for . lvv' String Beans, grown In Florida, tritt nn?l cans; 3 cans for. ,v'v ?.'allfornia Pl# Peaches, white -tfl/] goods, 2 cans . IUW* Stove Polish- 1?) sticks Electric ?ifl/? Polish .... . ,UU Italian Olive Oil, quart bottles.. 9vk\ Onions, in large bottles, sliver- 4R/i skin, fine goods, n for . O l'-rv Sauce, vqry finest, quart R/? bottles, for . ut" Hneapple, slWd. lnrge cans_ *"? POTTK? RAM iMi H4CRD TtMTOVR. 3 cans Potted Ham and Tongue, -JQ/j assorted, for 'loves, Allspice half-pound cans, seek. ipplss?Albemarls PI pound cans, 4 cans llackberries, lr? goods, 4 cans lome-lfeds P pound firkins, with handles, "rench Soups. goods, 3 cans 00 large bottles former price. Re., now > deesa Woroestsr for this day, each LPPOl? tles >arge tine ?'loves. Allspice, and Ginger, Ir. R?. Apples?Albemarle Pippins, in 4- tr\n Blackberries, In large cans, nice 4t\/t Home-Rede Preserves, In i"- OR* French loops, quart cans, new OR?, 300 large, bottles Imported Olives, R? 30 dozen WorOfSter Sauce, only it\n Apjpolonarla Water In ?juart bot- A A? Largo boxes Finest Crystal Gela- in Baker's Chooolate, large cakes, 01? 2 tor . ?OU CALIFORMA R| A POR kTRD PEACHES. 5,0i)0 pounds Nice California OR a Evaporated Peaches, 5 pounds.. ?Vk\ i Large Cans flO-pound) Apple- OR? Butter . MV' 3 pounds Home-Made Assorted ifl? Preserves . IvL, Finest New York State Cream Cheese, 4 pounds . 25c. 85c $1.26 10,<)00 bushels Water-Ground Meal, ?0? per bushel . fll? 5 pounds Arbuckle's Ariosa Coffee R'? Duffy's Malt Whiskey, per bottle Fine Old Mountain Ry? Whiskey, per gallon . 50c. FIT-EST GREE*. TIMOTHY HAY, 8,000 balea of this Fine Kentucky Hay, per hundred. CHOICR RTRSTRRJI LONG-BLADE TIMOTHY. lD.'jix) bales Extra-Fin? Hay, per fin? hundred . ?vt. 3 car-loads Oats (3,000 bushels?, on* per bushel . d?U 4,1X10 bushels White Corn. bushel . Ful? her and Rye Whiskey, per quart . Gibson's Old Rye Whiskey, h years, half gallon . Fine Old Apple Brandy, per quart . Imp'irted Holland Gin, per quart. Pln?Ot Family Breast Pork, p?r pound . MR hags Fin?; Family Flour, per bag . 7?C $1.25 60c. 50c. 5a 30c. 30r. 12 cakes Palm Soap . fPROIAL nu? M fO COI MV TH t-RR. Drop me a postal, or 'phone your num iii'l I will send voir order ten min? utes fn-m the tinir- the order is put up. D. O'SULUVAN, Eighteenth and .Main Streets, Richmond, Va. (fe ?;A I'mi WANTRD. BOARDERS TRANKEN*! AM? Table Hoarders. I have als"? t?o Bright Koonis. Appl>- at Rt. Vt Main str.-et between Fourth and Kirtn streets._te i \\ llfTRD, ']'<) LEND M? ?NK.Y SMALL AMOUNT?. Bonds, st'icks. endorsements, or other col? lateral. Address Box 1*. i Sa.t&SuU ?niTTRRsTT WA?T?. A. A> TKI1, YOU CAN SELL SKIRTS AND COK? sets. Every woman needs them. * _,"> to $60 a v.e.k easily rn.ide. Territory assign.-.i PirSt outfit free. Begin now and su; ths spring demand. THE M'dKAW COR? BET COMPANY. McGrawvllle. N. Y _fe 3 Salt W4\TKd7 AGENTS TO SEU. THE ALLEN Clothes-Dryer. Bella on sight. We invite Investigation. Write Immediately and -?eure rour territory. THOMAS RAM? SEY, Williamsport, P ;. . it? W?RTER, A WHITE NURSE; ALSO. A COOK. Apply to ?S05 ?est On *,\ ivr_:n, LADY WITH TACT AND ENERGY TO l'ravel for old-established firm. IV lent; 140 per month and expenses .are Dispatch office. ja 22-SaASu8t LOST, STRAYED, AND FOI MI. I .??ST. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4th. 1!K tween G17 north Seventh stre*t, Thlr?! and 1. Ninth and Franklin street?. ool.D ICARP-PIN, with horseshoe-shaped nun oveknot. and diamond set. The finder will t>e suitably rewarded If relumed to tAH .ast Marshall street. fe 6-11* old papera for sale st the uispaica aaaytk WHEN REAL. MTatt- i. __i TAXES POH THE TI KHlv^L? T'"? ?AR YEAR Ah? T A ?*\TA i^**. RATA HT THE VEVrxi? /v'D pK<> VENDEE. v?W?t)OR A.ND THj? Ry J ,. **???, *-? Esta* Agent S"^,,., , 110? east Mam Street^1 A ??TION RALF op a TWO-BTr,*-, ^ FRAU? l)WSI.I.I>?; J bT0RT OK%Yl??RTHgFnVVo^? By requost. r Wlil. WFDNKSDAV, PBBsWABT ? It? at 4 o'clock p. m on the pre?!.- 7. for sale. ;|t ?oublie . ?. "T??r PERTY mat.?????\bVrT?\ ?feet on the north ?id- f runs back bet?? Ther.- Is a nice dwllli situated on oae h.iir of the - " '?fher hii.f being f"r building pvirpo,..* slrable proper!?., hs It u ir ,^:^Ldt'', Fnd, andls llkelv to Improv!? ,n t future, ?nd is now renting; for r. num. A h?rK?ln. as the ,,-, to elose buaii . r>'n* TERMS: v-- Uber?!. ?nd wi?> ?? ,? Ry J. Thompson }. Real Esta Uli Main Stl riiRUSTEKS' SA IF. E ONE-STORY PBAMB FKIT/. STREET BETV JAMBS AND ST JOB STREETS. Hy virtue of ? dead Of I Richard K. Mad wife, to th.- und? April 8, 1893. and n office of th.? County i I ??- lltook 143 B. pat- 371, cortaln i?ond ther? fault having be? n Ojuln d by the i,' i Will sell at public auction. isc-a. on MONDAY, f: : in Un -lock P. M.. the PRi scribed In said d? All that lot ??f land in lb with improvements thei being on the north br? and oaglnnlni 1 wardly and fronting on M feet, and back I? I -.?. ? I'Ki l, TERMS: Cash ?s t - f Ml? and all unpaid l , rewldue In six month deed. JIT.n s sti: \\ I WKSTWlMH) J. THOMI 'AN J. Thompson Brown ? ? ,\. ' r term-- n- i .1 upon bj ?d. liy J. Th Real Est?t?. / Oil Mi;i. stxeat TRUSTEES' SAF.K Of TWo-.ST??UV PRAMB DINNEEN'S ALDI Rv virtuo Of ? l-'d "f i , j. w. Wall .-?'i corded tn Clerk I pe.-d-H'.ok It,' B, cur.- a rertab- bond then I default ha\ Ing been ma I quired by th- b. neficlary so t.. s? I! at publie auction, on t: MONDAY, FKI'.Ki'AKV 7, ISM. at 1 o'clock F. M., th.- PROPERTY de? scrlbod in said All that lot ot land, ?lib Impi . thereon, lying ami i>-inK m th? Herir the south'sist I neen'S S""''* '" ?r?'1 frontina; street 3> ??ick ?n: TERMS: Caal and $424..",?), and all unpaid taxe?, :> residue in six nifxitlv. secured bj J1TUU-1 STK ? W. J. WTSSTWO? 'l> J. THOMPSON BR J. Thompson Brown <* 0? N. B - BSSltT terms ma at sal?- if ?greed upon by al parti-*? FOR HE.tT. FOR RE XT, THS! VERY ATTRACTIVE DWE1? No. gM south I-Aurei ?,? : eel two st<-ry and basement brick, cont rooms in nice or?1?-r and i convenience's. A vry attractive b? a very low runt. Apply to J. R ISLA] fe l-10t 1113 M IH?H!?OLlTIO*4S A COPAKT*<iHI<l?>IIM v Richmond, \'.? THE FIRM OF PABMER ft 8YD of w. n ?Tanasr Bydnoi an?i <l'>inK buaH? street, Rlehm v. d by m;.i . Byd nor having said Partner tn said busln assumed ?1Z liabilities of - The sa?l<t C. K S) Mod to COU?Of and r.-< I .; mands due t? Ira the lirm name In ll?i : " W H I Roferrlng to the ab-.v". I ? that I will Richmond, Vs ' C B BYDNt ?R ft CO ! I e th? nul f? | -,_.-. - . ? - =s=a lU'lll?! AI ?S. >?? I I? I Ol KIM??. \l, GE? ?It'll. M Vi Books? 11? ' ' taken the - in the her of ? ??mmerce. ?lit ii? i ,*4g] >. Cltj Richmond. \ ? l.b'K.N I ?wnefB of N\ ?? ( ?mnlbu*.?' ? , an?l ?.tbor , -- notified that llc?n*?* for tl be issued from tl i ruary. US?. F.DV, A ?'tt\ Richmond OWNERS -.din* within t i hereby notltl? d that In. ne m for i will be Issued fr< m on and after the FIRST DAY ? Hl'Alil ID J. WAR Ja ?3-" HI SIXES? OPPOH'ITMTIES. kim: hi sink?*?? ori'tiHUM;.' Intending to devote my win?! ' Oth? : MSBPS H R>HIII\?.-?.0<?l?s ? 11*1? SI ?,v \ I \ ?.III \ I M\U?. U>. This Is s no, to obtain an establish?-.! bus favorable terms. _ fe 4-3t_ WANTED. A : capital, to take the ?u for Richmond only, oi Washington. D C_)a U-t HKUt'rnO*? OP IMTERKVT. Metronol'iai; Rurik. TO WHOM IT MAY .' ,N? ?. r.S THE MiETROPOUTAN BANK RICHMOND, . v that after Hi? > im. THE HAT I RFl'i AN.NT'M on all deposite ? tn-arln* interest ubo\e this rats. a WILI-14MS jaJ-UPeS_<**** ' B(X)K AND JOB WORK N? KVti( I'lKUATTHK DISPATCU lui-"?