Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1898._ SMITHDEAL PRACTICAL -i ?w?ss^ v-?*?' ?7?*'v-~ s^_ _^ cz> ? ?**"> '?i m-^ BTers i-, USa until It goes into - ,.ew \ e titrer __.. ... BBS that ?ase ?xtra ) > a morras* of ling u* to,* V I lie BB1 an?r"rn'<! 'e-Entiy ek-ke com menial Arithmetic, Commercial Law. Buslneea Practice, Hhorlhnnd. T>pe writing. Telegraphy, praotkml Grammar, i.g. Letter-Writing, and E"^1"*1 ?V l>ay and night ?e?slon?. *otn sexes. No vocation. - ,_ lal Writing Tassons, gt. Call or "writ* for particulars. (de ttF.Bu.Toaw) f-* FAIRY SOAP PURE-WHITE-FLOAT?NG. Nothing enters into the manufacture of Fairy Soap but the purest and best materials known to the ?oapmaker'g art and that money can buy. The Soap of the Century Sold everywhere in one quality and three convenient sizes, ? for the toilet, bath and laundry. LMade only It THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. St Louis. New Tort j iS-ftsssessssssssiss?ssssssssssssssssssssssd a r in mvRBjrca i-tatembhts. _ rrTBLr-'nrD ht AnrnoRnv OFiiir Arniroa?rnrauo Acrofs^or thibT4Tkof viroinia.i T?Rn?H AMERICA ASSURANCE COMPANY OF TORONTO. ANNUAL 8TATE.MKNT FOR TUB TEAR ENDIN BMRER SI, 1W, OF EBSBCuXI) l> AFFAIRS OF THE I'RTTTSH AMERICA ASSU iii . V i iF T< ?!: ' DER TH1 LAWS OF Til i ': "." ' AC (lli \\Vi; vl.Til OF \ ? ?'.IMA, IN ? ' TO tit ?I- A. (..OX. I '. I ! - KENNY. T TORONTO U.UAI.Y Com? Insss II.-ASSETS. ACCOUNT OF ' !" THE 1 NITED STATES, AND OF THIS STATE, AND 1ER STA1 'OF BONDS OF INCORPORATED CITIES IN THIS STA1 ILL. UTHEB BONDS AND STOCKS? OWNED Ml'AN?. Tar Valus. Market Value. i -?-s bonds. 4 por cent. 1275,0 $310,0 < . ?00 ? f Richmo; ?" r cent. of Richmond, Vu., bonds. 4 per cent. . 1,900 < nds, -l i.i-r cenl. 0 00 f TolfKlo. < 4 1-Up-r. lu.Otw Co MjajgO Otv of Columbus, O., bonds, 41-2 per cent. 8"/''- 53.4T City Of Loi :?-. bonds, 4 per 1 . 144 1 ?Uy of Lon nds. 4 psr osnt. no 03 ]f..i'.'4 00 Cltv of bonds, 4 rxr cent.. aO.OQBM S)JN?M City of K ' onds, 4 1-2 per cant . io/woo r.02000 Cltv of Wlnnlpsf is, B j r 20,00u 00 A 00 Cltv of Brooklyn. N. V., bond.--, 31-1 BSf cent. 81.00000 IMOttS . bonds, f. per cent. ...>00 27,1--' Cltv of C< bonds, 6 per cent. 25.000 00 26.325 00 York ?m.i West Shoro first mort BjagS bot . 60,000 00 65,375 00 Central Ca?ad* 41-2 pit sent. ?"X> 25,00000 pomi;i M... U', (.?JO 00 11', ?354 00 Toronto El< ?trie-Light Company's bonds. 41--.' per cant. 20,000 00 20,760 00 i'lectric Transit Company's nda. par cent. 25,000 00 27,437 60 Ro'-ii. <?>' Company's . 25,000 00 27.0C2 60 j Saving? stok, 0 per cent. . 12.00000 12,000 00 Total par and market Value ? out at market value) . -3 oo soo:.,*vi3 <">o $ ?v. -i ? l to the company deposited In bank . V ued ?m bonds not included in "market value" _ 14 n In tho policies) In eour.-u of collection, not ini're than thl . 2o4,10S 14 Ken for firo, marine, and Inland ri'-ks.. 12.12.: 91 The gross amount of all tho assets of the company . fl.W.M ?a lit?LTABILl losses due and to be .113,278 ? .'?ljustment. or 1n in .94,274 ?4 Lw- e? ts, and other ex .10,730 4*5 Net ?i .j 11?"'ij 7| upon all , illcy, 1*. lu ?petual fire r:^ks, B nt ).1348,711 00 '"' and receivable upon all unexpired , ear from d Ue of policy, o rata) .22S,48? 96 '" elved and (?able upon all I Inland navigation riaks, $40, 214.4S; an? ? percent.) . 20107 24 iv? d an l i. ? ivabl? 'on nil uiie.v. . 1667 86 Total itf.fl above (carried out) _ 691 ? ?! 06 A11 ot]ur contingent, dur - vlz.j Commise! wck. i (,,,v am] to become due to agents \ and In course of collection S4170,>'J' return premium | ince, $1,394.13. . . -, 70.131 42 ? T?taJ ' all llnbl' 'uck. and net surplus? 783 415 B Surplus beyond capital und all oth.-r liab lilt lei. 4&4,900 H> Aggregate amount of nil llablliti.-s. Including paid - ud capital Btock and n. t surplus . * -. ?. 0.. ^, EtPTS DURING THE YEAR.. OnFlra On Marinn and i ; and bills unpaid at close of last year .? 1,19,782 04 .S ?""I^TsToT Gross premiums ?u, risks written anil n aewed during the year . 1,151,275 47 206,690 35 Total .31,833,287 85 S22U7lT3<r D?*hiet gross premium-, ? in course of collection at this dat?. 197,039 85 19.192 20 Entire premiums collected during the r .J1.13C.248 00 1205,180 1? Deduct te, abaten. and return premiums . 253.M9 f>3 47,48s i\ v received for premiums (carried out) ./..3 832.378 37 $?8,?SSi ?5 10110:0 02 ' 'ids on stocks and bonis, coflater.1l' ' ' lis, and from all other aourcea. 14Ml fl Aggrcgata amount of receipts actually received during the year In ."..?1 i?75 c:i 4t V :NT8 DURING THE TEAR. On Fre i Har?as Risks and Inland itisks. i* Id for lo?<s?>s ios?e? occurrltifT in .$300,679 22 $r?*,306 9S Ded'i? t salvriK'* iwli''i ?-es of th?. all am . for rein cm.. $22,318.67. Total d. . 13,77485 22,623 97 Het ?mount pal?! d . for .3186,904 37 3116683 01 fiiV> r.irr >? Paid for romiBlKaion ot hi . *U?'683 01 EH??? J- ?i-d an of officers'" clerk?" l-n-?!sllJb *?*- ?Il other . ' '* i,,?*?? Pal?! f i and oth? . S'- , S A11,,"'." , flrs"paV ?""5-13 m turned during the year..W,457a ' 'JW a ' nc,,,|r'1 '' ring the vear In ca = h S ?unis? aa i UiUNO THE RJ*ks arruten . -ri.rJ) . .3^ . . * . b) . Dominion of Jnce of Ontario rky of TosmS 2?? Ury' rn tu Jar *w?wuuj aa.| H?1 H. D. GAMBLE. -_______-p__ Notary Public. JULIUS STRAUS & SON, Agents, 922 EAST MAIN STREET, RICHMOND, v \. f???ltw4w QOIE AND JOB PaaTINQ NEATtT. ??ZMVWD AJL'IM?l>JLaia?VT?Jti J QUERIES A ANSWERS. nr.mnns or ?nininti nr thf: RatvoM'TionranY wah. WHEN CHOLERA WAS IN RICHMOND. John Mitchell, th* Irish Patriot? in? Otijart In Coming- to Amfrlea D?t* of Ills Death??Tnltnrr of Mna iiollna?Efts, To ?ha Editor of the Dispatch: rieuse, through your columns, tell me the ?-xsct date of the battis of Frederlcke burg? and obliga A RBADBR, iuike, Va. On December 11, 1M1 Mall?n* of Letters on I'.iatal-Cavra. To the Editar of tlia Dlspntch: Is there any law prohibiting persons from mailing letters on the postal car ef ?ni- mall train at anv depot? Lester Manor, Va. BUB? ill ITU. The Post-OfTlce iJeiartm-nt haa con? strued the law ns ?uthoriEing it ao to dlreot under certain circumstances. ?bootliiK !>> ?he It?mdali?. To the Editor of the Dispatch i it is the distan?a from the public road at Which a fin can be lawfully A VICTIM, No person ran shoot In or along uny road or within M ' I, or in the Street Of any ?own or city. The penalty .s a fine of $ ">. Boa section 3SC1 of tha Coda of Virginia. ?Inple-Tree?. To the Editor of ths Dispatch: Will you plaaae state la the Query col? umn of your papar tha beat time to top maple tTS READER, isrnabtirsji Va. The fall is th. best time to top or trim any variety of the maple. Trim any Urn after the : ire fallen. If ; limbs are rat off parnt over tha cuts with . t of thick. at the wood from decaying. pi. I.? Stcnmahlp I.lno. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Please let me know through your Query column, whether any steamers from Phil? adelphia, Pa?, passed through the locks at the lower part of this city witl.ln the last twenty-five years, and for what pur . either mer -handlse or passenger, and oblige, yours respectfully, Richmond, Va. READER. The regular Philadelphia Bteamer Une commenced running Into the Richmond dock with merchandise, in May, 1W5, and continued until November fX, 1*77, since which hitter time It? boats' liuva ll their cargeea at Rocketts, outside of the dock. Cuitare of the >t?? ; ?.olla. To the Editor of the Dispatch; riease answer in your columns thr way to promote the culture of DOBg from teed or slip. Yours, etc., W. G. W. Bmlthflald, Va. Magnolias aro usually grown from seed. Thete Should be gathered aa soon as they are ripe, and may be sown at once in good BO0| or mixed with rand, nnd kept In a cool place until spring; then sow In drills like garden pea,. Some of tho Chinese varieties can be propagated 1-y laying the ShOOtS clown and covering th . inches of soil, un'il roets are formed; afterwards cut them apart, and plant the rooted layers. When < uolern WaaS In Klchmnnd. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Vv'ill you pleasa tell me what year the i was beret i think it was called the Asiatic osaslera 11 wag somas in the forties, a SUNDAY READER. Richmond, Va. The first ?pid?mie of Asiatic cholera In Richmond was In is?, i It was very fatal There were upwards of 900 cases. The next appealanoa of tho diseaaa hereabouts was at Shirley. It was brought to Shirley in 1*19 by a Russian ship, which landed at Barausta Hundred. Mr. r, of Shirley, lost thirty-nine negroes la nine days. Tho disease did not roach Richmond. In 1S?3 cholera came to Richmond, and was mainly fatal among negroes in tha tobacco faotorles. The last epidemic was In 18C6, brought by the United States troops. From this epidemic there wer* very few deaths. T\v?i ?liiesiliuia. To tho Editor of the Dispatch: I'lt-nse answer In your next Dispatch tho following question: l. Why is Hon. J. W. Daniel called the Senior Senator? & What is the punishment for destroy? ing a that has been reserved lor tliat purpose-.' If there be euch a law, please statt? contenta. PAT, 1. Because he has been a senator long? er than his colleague, Mr. Martin. 2. Section 27^5, Code of Virginia, 18S7, page 900, provides that If any porson wilfully and maliciously destroy, muti ilte, Injure, deface, or remove any torn;?, Ejravo, monument, etc., in a cemetery, or work any injury to the flowers, s menta, or ahruba therein, he shall be fined not exceeding J100, or confined in |afl not exceeding six months. This atatute, while not given In full Here, comprehends every possible Injury which might be done to or in a cemetery. Section S791, on the samo page, makes it a felony to unlawfully disinter or dis? place a dead human body, and provides i punlshmont of not les3 than five or more than ten years for the offence. i t 1 i. t 0 q ti A Canadian Cane. ro the Editor of the Dispatch: A man domiciled in Cm ad a dies ln Igatata, leavtng a widow and several ?>rotheN and slsti rs, but no children. How would his estate bo disposed of'.' What share would the widow get? Would : be hers absolutely, or only In Ufa* ?tit? ?. U uond, Va. This query could be definitely answered jnly by a reference to tho laws ot TGHING For fifteen years ray daughter s u f fert-d terribly with inherited Eczema. She received the best medical atten? tion, was given many patent medi? cines, and used various external applications, but they had no effect whatever, t?. S. t?. "fiTrilA was finally given, "la/rMfl And it promptly UiaiaLllin reached the seat of th?) disease, so that she is cured sound and well, her skin is perfectly clear and pure, and sIfe has been saved from what threatened to blight her life forever." K. 1). Jenkins, Litbo nia, Ga. S. 8. 8. is fBsrsBtced purely rcfetable, nd is the only cure for deep seated lood diseases. Hooks free ; address, Swift Specific Company, tlauu. Ga. sss i --a I ROYAL Baking Powder is the greatest of modern m time helps to perfect cooking. S ' .. ?? ?? ? la, which are not obtainable here TbS pr? sumption, how. ver, 1? that th? widow would take very* much a? ?hi would in this State, as th* law? of Vlr glnla and England are In many casei plmilar. Supposing this to b? the case the widow would bo entitled to n on? third life Interest In the realty, and t< one-half of the personalty, and th? brothers and sisters would shsr? th? is ratahly. The distribution of Intestat* persona! pr.i'ii i ty Is .covernrd, not la Virginia only, but In civilized countries gencral !v. with ?rsU-Blgh universal consent, by the "lex domlcllli difunctl' flaw of th? Isafs domicile). Th* transfer of estate is r> :-.ui-i?? 1 by the law ot Ui" ooaatry in which it bo? its site. Mltchel, tlir 1, l-l, I'ntrlot. To the Editor of the Dispatch: i hava the following aatograidi Hn*"-, wrlttsa i?y Joba afltcbel, the Irish pa arbsB bs 11 I ; ?ubi ?que, ?." Wbal was his object In coming t? : and where dl?l he dial X. Th? : Is answered by John Mitch*! himself in the distich, pre? sumably from VletoT Hugo. Translated Idiomatically Into Kng'lah, the verse should be rendered thus: "I have learned to love a republlo From seeing so much of kin*?*." John afltcbaL upon Btfl I tara to Ire? land, : present Tlppe rary in the British Parliament, but failed to be s. Ki r i !:>sically robust, h? died, aftar a lingering Illness. In the year 1875. afJtCbS] espoused with ardor, and pos? sibly indiscretion, th? CBBM of "Young Ireland," andar th? laadsrshlp of the ti lustrous Smith O'Brien, and for sup; seditious articles published in the "United nan" newspaper, was transported to tlie Bsrmudaa, and eventually to Van in's Land. From tho latttf ptaOS ho made his escap?, and cam? to .\ w York, trbsrs h? aasoalatat himself arltb ii'M. Bgbsr in the editorial conduct of the ii." lie loved the South and the causa of home-rule for which she contunded be? ton end during the late war between the BtatSB, and threw the weight of his moral Iflflnsnos. both as lecturer and as editor, in her behalf. Itrc??r?l of Iter??Iiill?innr> Soldier?. Po lbs Editor of the Dispatch: Will von pleas? ?tat? BThstbSf or not nuthentic rsoord Bl names of ??ddlers bearing arms In the . tas Revolutionary army ral Washington as coma?aIndsr?*lB> tlmsl TOUT reply will BOUTHBRM RUAI In the? War Department, Washington, D. C, are records of thos? who served in :ho Revolutionary war, and who have IB-* 1 pay or psnsloa from th? United States Givernment. In tho doenmSBtg lasasd by Congress ire man;.- petition? for pay and pension or service, in th? Revolution. There nr* other documents, ??No, In th* Address Colonel F. <' f of the Bureau of BDd Rolls, Washington, I>. <". A number of the States composing the trigina] hava published lists of rvsd In trio Ri utlon. Among tbess are Massachusetts, .. New Jerssy, rack, aad Panaajfl vanas. Pai ire Included In variais histories. Maryland and Wheeler's ?TOrtll l alVS information severally j s. rfSIBSIBlBJi'a an I n's "Ki?isters" and BafMTfl "Re of the RSVOlOtloa also give ln ormation. The Virginia Society of the Cincinnati, t Richmond, has pabUsbad the original ?roceedings of this branch of the society, rit h a list of Its member?. Colonel Asa Bird Gardiner, Governor's sland, X? Bf York, BBOrslBrjr of th* Gena of the Cincinnati, hBS ; i history of th? society, with a omprehensive list of th* original mem >f ths several .Stat? societies, with logranhtaal notes. In Virginia the records of the services BOldlsn la tho Revolution are In :ie State Land Registry Ol?lc*, and in tie State Library, and in th* Last various 'iva document? and printed vol ajaong the last tho "Calendar of rirglnla State Papers." lag's "Field Book of tha Rovolu on" and Sparkes's and Ford's "Writings f Washington" may also be consulted. Oar OJBSttSt may apprehend than somo may prove laborious ?nd pro acted. It Is not known that th* adju lats of the States undertak* th* knotty ilutlon of queslona of servie* of un .tors f??r tho purposes of membership i tho patriotic societies, with which they ra Hoc The information desir?** is ?ot In tha Boa of the Adjutant-General of VI r nia, and the clerical fore* for auch ^search Is not provided him. Th? it and moat effective cours? for daslrlag information, as Indicated, for Ussbb t?. communicate with a pro d genealogist. Oppi atloni of the Park? I1I1L i tho Kditor of the Dispatch: Alton aa old subscriber upon ie following BS IB 'he Parks measure wit: Ths baw prsai i Ibas, as I under? and it, that tha Basas of tas dabtor h B liy thS buml.bidder to the Com r of the Revenue when he takes o list of "ponds, notas, atocha, i BOT evidences of debt," luid by the x-paycr. H?jw. then, shall that officer? UM law empowers him?"determine o vaina" of bsj ha to g* it ind? Is h* the arbiter, save as "an from his valuation tho county or corporation court?" id Is it pu uini'd that ?aid courts are I In the premise?, In the absence :ko of any kaowladga ol ucy raakara ami draa Id bonds til BOtSS, ?te? lONORAlfUS. US, \ a. ? the Fditor of the Dispatch: ?Vill you pleas.* answ.r tho following rough tho Weekly Dispatch: . A BUVfl Of B a tract of land, paying r same $5,000 (half cash ami I ilassat plant), ruder the "Parka 1." will B pay tax on $5.0*), value of his al, and A an additional tax on $-.' unpaid bond?? If BO, dosa Bot the elve taxes on $7.500, a value that rsf exist, alnce B ui | iy, d a sal?^ of hi? land may not more than I lend money on real j ata by order of court or otherwise, i will such trusta? have to pay taxea i h- trust fund, in addition to the U . I on the property? Will not th mount to a double tax on real setal and thus drive any aurptua capital out fate for Investment? K. X. X. Nelson county. Va. Kirnt, aa te "Ignoramus." The ta: -r la required ?o furnish a list. Iter !. containing the bonds, notes, atock l other evldencea of debt owned t him to the commissioner. If the tai payer clalma that any of these aecuvlth are insolvent, or of less than their fa* valu?, he will, of course, furnish tl commissioner the name of the debt. and all othar Information upon which 1 base? his contention that the note < bond I? not worth aa much as the au therein represented. The commlsslone with this and auch other information i he may have or aoqulra, will ttx tha val? of these dlsputod bond?, with the right ? appeal to the courta on the part of tl , tax-payer, If the latter is not eatlsfie with th? valuation. Second, aa te "X. X. X." It has b?? the law for year?, and the Park? bl makes no ehange In thla law, to tax land as land, according to its valuatlot Which valuation la tlxed once in llv \-ars, without any reftrciice to whethe uny amount Is due on the lsnd or noi Tha owner of the land, who may ow I MCUFBjd upon the land, either fo a part of the purchase money or fo money borrowed, can, If he owns bond: . Ideaces of deb? In returning this class of property t the f?ominlsort*lWT of the Revenue fo taxation, deduct from their aggregate th .nt due by him, including the deb or dahtS Secured on the land. The Park b,ll makes absolutely no chang? in th. law with n ;. t to this I .ijject, whicl has been the law for year?. As to X. X. X.'s second Inquiry, o courn? the trustees, or rather th? trie fund, will have to pay taxes under th. Parks law, Just a? th<*y do at presen on any money owned by the trust fum and loaned on real estate or invested ii any ept In some untaxabl. security. The trustee? will not, of course pay taxe* on the land owned by the debtor, which is conveyed to secure then the repayment of the trnst fund, whlol they have loaned the owner of the land The?? taxes, as we have seen, are pale by the owner of th? land. The law wltt reference to this subject has not been changed, and It has been the law foi years. If all the real estate of the Com? monwealth was exonerated from taxa? tion, with the extent of tho lncumbrance; thereon, the State would loso probably the larger part of the revenue from thl; source. Ilip Autlqae. fThe Obsirrvations of a Philosophical Friend of Our?.) "The constant service of the antlqu? world, When service sweat for duty, not foi met .1." ?As You Like It. "Quid faciunt atetnmat.i; quid prosunl \\ hafs the use. of stocks and reyalty? Translation. Tho philosophy of devotion to tha an? tique is not a [together ? bar and obvious. ?Monuments and old churches are tc 1 and honored, because they ke*p in mind the heroism, virtue, and de - that have gone before us. ralas the virtue, animate tho soul, and quicken all tho powers ot life, tin f arc of Incalculable value. They ioquant. To those who know their y they Impress the lessons of llfe and of ages at a glance. More portraltS and articles of apparel of the wise and good, Identified and as . . d with them, protract and keep i their influence and example. They them before us. The virtue and good senas of tho man gives tho 111 to the article. Moreover, a piece of furniture, an old a, or a suit of cloth-s in ay teach virtue by the excellence of its tarto and workmanship. If it Is genteel, of heart stuff, of the best nur '/planned, and honestly and thoroughly llnished, It BiBhM us. Inspires us, and estab? lishes our standards. Its virtue never Bat if an old house or relic has r.jthing of virtue or high humanity about it; if it i ummemorutes only tha pride, luxurious aiid extravagance and greed of an old proprietor, antiquity will not make it honorable. The setting of original sin in the human breast will sufficiently per? petuate all that. The portrait of a big wig, with ?yes lifted Dp and eyelids, O, BOW 1 "11 y ! with very lino clothes and a very red nose, does not get much better for age; but goes en keeping up Its vlcee. The 1-Jgyptlan pyramids aro as despicable / are venerable. They show what human skill and labor oan accomplish. Bat they Show how cruel tyrants may make men beasta of burd The destruction of the Bastlle removed from the earth the monument of the prid? and savageness of th? occupants of pslSOSa. and the originals of portraits. At;e alone dues not make venerable. The hoary hend Is a crown of glory, when it Is found in the way of righteousness. How ill grey hairs become a fool and | The world is not growing worse, but a pjraat deal better. And our age is showing men and women, of a style and character tqual to any that have ever been known, don't all have their pictures taken ar their blographiea written, Hut thtv make advancing civilization. They are the salt of the earth. They may never Da known to posterity. Th-y ?Mnbody the llstilled virtu? and wisdom }f all the pa?t. They are an unac? knowledged aoctety for the preservation of ill antiquities that are worth preserving. It is well for us to bear In mind that his ago is not progressing hind part he? ure. There are solemn words to b? re nembered. Think nut to ?ay within ,-ourselves, We hav? Abraham to our God is able of these stones to aise up children unto Abraham, by the aspiration of truth ?nd virtue. Moro ?ver, the Old Adam la te be cast Into a leep pit. Old things have passed away, mi all things hav? become new. <r\r Jeruaalem la to come down from leaven us a bride adorned for her hus ,and. The order of the day Is: The se ecilon of the latest. How a person can gain a 3ound a day by taking an mncc of Scott's Emulsiom s hard to explain, but it :ertainly happens. It seems to start the diges ive machinery working >roperly. You obtain a greater benefit from your bod. The oil being predigested, nd combined with the hy lophosphites, makes a food onic of wonderful flcsh brming power. All physicians know this o to be a fact. All JruftfrUt?; s<x-,*nd fi.oa CCOTT & UOW NU, Clwniiau, Naw Y?*t, \ ? LIFE-INSURANCE COMPANY OF VA. 3 OROANIZKD 1871. t. Annual Statement for the Year Ending Dec. 31,1897 n- ASSETS. "' Hecured bondaand mortgages.....t MdJMaM y Loads on collatarsl BAi-urit;. ?2,0rtl Hi t. l>el>tB?>tber?rl".* secured., . 20.8AS 'i I Cash In banks and office. 82,447 70 -8 United Htatus and other bonds and M stocks. a?.H18 ?4 Real amate. 8h ie hosos on polich'fl. j 1,070 O? ir interest due ?nd accrued. 2:i,S4 .' J ,' l? Net deferred premium?.., 117,131 ?11 Met premiums in course of colino ,r tlon. U.402 17 [xi Office property and supplies. M.uoo oo r- Total.$ o.v.j.4.10 4ft LIABILITIES. , *Re?i?rT?>. ?o?ri?,ri<>?. 4 p?r ef*at....| f7? 4*? ?? I report?*! but not da??... io'mj?? nl I'repat-J pr.v?iiomf, ?n?l Inter*??." 1 ??; . L'npnW diiniend? ?od txtlaoe?? *? j outotan-lmg. 3#w T*ut. 7r7TftO*Tat Surploj to pollcjr hold?rs. lfl4.?nj ?15 1 p.17 4?n 7? Or-llm.ry bruin??? prior to lSBs. at 4u oar ,-.?, ELEVEN YEARS' GROWTH. PBEHltm OTOOMB. 1??7, .... M,se..M ISMS, . . ?I27.U4II.00 1889,.$151,571.00 1890.$234,547.00 189I, .... $395.447.67 1892, . . $475.520.24 I893, . ..$546,151.15 1894, . . $551,?94.51 1895, . . $591,380.56 18%, . . $712.931.92 189?, ?. $52,214.87 GROSS INCOME, 18!>7, INSURANCE IN FORCE, ..... $T8J>,884.67 .... $17,601,815.00 TOTAL NUMBER OF POLICIES IH POKCE. . . K,?,44i* BTATIMIHT OF ?PKRATIOIU! 1887. Increase In number ef polte!?? In for?:?. If>lt| l?crense tn amount of Ineoraaeem force.."..??.SLAPl D atn claims, divl'l-ndf, etc, paid. 401.9s? ?j Total Payments to Policy-Holdcrs Since Organization, . $2,772,440.9*? Home Office, Richmond, Va. G. A. WALKER, President. JAMES W. PKGKA.n. Secretary. (Ja 23-SiiA\V?t) I\?-RAX( E ST ATE.ME JITS. [rCBLrSHKD BT AI'THORITY OK THK ll'DUOR Or fCBMC ACCOC7TT? OF TBB ST ATI OF TlRSlBUv.) PKAYLLER'S INSU1UNCE COMPANY. DAT VEJ, ANNTAL STATEMENT FOR THE FISCAL TEAR ENDING THE i OF DECEMBER, 1897, OF THE ACTUAL CONDITION OF THE LHRS' LlFE-INSl RANGE COMPANY. ORGANIZED L'NI'T?R THF. OF THI-) STA i MNEOTICUT, MADE TO THF, ALOITLR OF PUB? LIC ACCOUNTS FOR THE ' ' ? MMO.WVEALTH OF VIRGINIA, PURSUANT TO THB LAWS <>F VIRGINIA. Name of tho Companv in. ?full?THE I R.WELLERS' INSUR N I iPANT. Location of Home or Prinolpal Office "f Said Company -HARTFORD, CONN Character of the Company? LIKE AND ACCIDENT, lent -Jamen G. BATTERSON. try?GEORGE ELLIS Organized and Incoi JUNE 17, 1Mb. Commenced Bualneas?APRIL 1. Name of General Agent in Virginia?HARRY D. E?CIIELBERG Residence-RICHMOND. The amount of capital stock . The number ef policies and the amount No. of insurance effected thereby in ? at end of previous .year .?-.945 The number of 1 led ?Jurititi the y.-.-ir and the amount of insurance effected thereby . 5.25? Totals .3X.201 The number of policies and the amount of insurance which Imvo ceased to be In force during the year .3.7<H The who!? number of policies in force, und the amount of liabilities or risks thereon The amount of premiums received during the year . The amount of 11 i from all sources . The amount of all other receipts . Amount. .|1,?OSOS? OS ACCIDE No. Amount. JSS.Stf .267 00 lO.SSS S3M.Z? 157 0? 14.507.349 00 114118 6M.1' 1102,750,616 00 I 10.8SS.408 00 142. ?91 U3.08S.TU 00 ril.8S2.210 00 K..m tM0.2SS.S23 OS Total The amount of Ins?** paid during the year The amount of tor all pu\ ?O?S.'SI . Tho amount of dividende paid . f 2,463,483 60 E0.0K) 13 f3.283,577 6J l UM - Total The amount of lns^s unpaid . Resist?;.! for employers . The amount of all other liabilities I $ 77,627 40 17.1? ir,126,?5S0M 117,204,307~9S S I.V.. l.'J!-: 11,00000 3.612,64? TI J06 71 1.0'4.?)47?O MaMM VO laf,Tlf ? I ?\12t,lS2 0l I L3?1.90SI1 UjMlf II 75.00 00 S ? ? Total. The amount ot assets, and how : In hand and in bank . Real estate, unlncumbered . Bonds owned by the company?to wit.: United States bonds . t?tat.?, Bounty, and municipal bonds (mar? ket value) . Railroad sto.-ks and bonds (market value) Bajik stocka (market value) . Otaar stocks and bonds (market valu Ix>.'tns ?>n bonds and mortgages, being first lion on oalncumbered real eatata, worth doubla the amount loaned .... lyians on collateral security . Loans on this company's policies . Unpaid and deferred life premiums . Interest accrued, but not due . Carried eut at market value?Total .. BUSINESS IN VIRGINIA DURING Ml Number and amount of policies in force No. !"> icember Hat of previous year . 340 NUmber and amount o? pollci during the jreSBr . 104 Total . 444 Deduct number and amount which have ceased to be In force during the y?; ir.. 69 Total number and amount of po': in force December 31, hffl . 375 1,031,086 00 '*U?7 M M ?M I i.4W.a: zi i 1.942,061 0< 6,906,610 72 W?.400 94 1,106,1 - ISJV Amount of losses and claim? on policies No. unpaid December 31st of previous ?ear Amount of losses and claim? on po' Incurred during the year . 14 Amount. BAM H $22.8tt.'<M II ACCIDENT Amount 2?>?i t I 3 42S ?97 6.49f, ??,11. 8 403 10,084.064 OS 2.092 ?.OS 2 671 BW ia Total . 14 28,84100 64? 1 y.rtn u Amoimt of losses and claims on policies paid during t ia year . h $ sa.wi on ?sr s ?.**? is Amount of assei imentS, premiums, dues, and feea collected or aecur?"1 In Virginia during the y?'ar, In caal - or credits, without any deduction for ..vidends, commissions, or other expenses?TJfe. ?37 Accident .69.827 31 Total. (Signed) State of O01 . City of Hartford?ss.: - Sworn to January 17, 1898, before ?SEALII 1?ATTKRS?N,' "pr?sidant. ELLIS, Secretary WALTFR W PRATT. Notary Publia. H. D. Eichelberger & Co., 718 East Main Street, Richmond, Va STATE AGENTS FOR Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina. CITY AQI?NT5 : fT. L. ALFR1END, ACCidCnt " l-JOHNW.OORDON. JULIUS STRAUS & SON, 1 B. C. WHLRRY, ? SECURITY BANK, [ DIME SAVINGS BANK. J. B. MOORE & CO., Liability Department. _ [fe4-law4w] Department. A >?* *. Phrase. (Notes and QaaSiSS.) A very expressive phrase was evolved by a school board Inspector at I 11.. ?inber 2d. A woman. Child h.ul been remiss in attending ; admitted that ob a previous oc Bhe bad told a lie to save her hus? a the Inspector rema Ui a ?hO keep their chll thelr classes In order to escapa IBSB "lied Ilka gas-meters." With the Wl.a. Cuatomcr ?t perfuma ak?t-nu? chin* la a rank fraud. Druggist: Why, what's wrong with *T Customer: I dropp?.*d a nlck?M In it I < only gut a BBSat In return.?CtiicagO Nu?! "Mas." slgh?*<l th* oyster, aa h? himself bt mg COBYOJrsd from the <>ii tho end ?>f tho table-It ni f?\ ' 1? an end of all : >f getti''?, > good society.".?ludlaimpolta Jouraal?