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______BB?BBBBBBBBBBBBBlM^^eBBB^HWMM^^________________________________________________.---??---?-_?__ 14 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1898. M VNY FAIR MS1T0HS. l.AKi.l. vi Mlli:it OF YOVXO LADIES WITH lllllim KRIKNDS. THE FAST WEEK IN SOCIETY. Nearly Kvery Fvrnin? Mnrkrd by One or More ?oclnl 1 t enta?<;?r anana, Receptions, nud Tt-aa the Order?Personal .\utcs. A large regiment et r i h.?s .t.-. march, d AOWB -POU Hlchmon?*. Their oto to II S UM noble James, I BgtOn's headquarters, ?t Johns church, white Patrick Henry made his libctty-or Speech, or even the Conf. derate Mu? seum. And ti. s must Indicate that we ourselves are a very att: set of people, having a reputatkm for hospitality to tho StraagSff within our ?ates. Among the then present In Kiehmoud I Patton. of Dlack.-burif. with atlas Lee; aflea Mai Miss Uly Urojohartj Mfc staying with lu r mal 1 ley. Mi*-? truest of Mrs. I Sue and Mary ilr.n, with M Marlon Dim III k; the M AMagdon, wtti lilas : rVhltlo k. Illas l re, ?jrlth Miss Amilo Lee Ail. . Mis? are with Mr?, vl ara< r Mo n phine Dtxon, of Buffalo, ths gu? lxiu 11. 'l Washington, at Ifra Misse? Moran, nt t .- Jeff? Ifiseea 1 lm ; y, at I . Bhlpp, with ." M Mar\ ton, th? cf Y tague; Miss Bmil) log w:th Mr. rs, of Flushing. N. Y. lira : of New York, with Mr? A. C ville, with Mrs ii Uey Can Re county, tl Louis; Ml t.. with I Anne Charity John) with Mr;-, lit rao; M?as Bayi ron, of 1 .of cf Atlanta. . ? Miss Doua Torapkini t I friends On Whol of all the d< ligl tful are t tality. Th the enjoj i of each gil d the genius In the dining-room ; room, th- ; lr-g on.- Into the I the walls with groups of and vases of T? . und white bro* cad?': liss Delia Tompkind ful pown of pink i arty with v. of Baltla Mi redlth, bine bro? -, blue silk; Juiia Morton, o< skirt; Walker, I s ?- ilk trimming; ' Tord it. Caperton, . diamond ornami al. Her i Across the room |] rllng Bawea, in i is and black all the choco! | mg young girls ng In the clini: : k silk; Nellie T< kins. pink rit i ri'.i Lladiray, pink i biff silk; Mamie Btringi line de Bole, oi Mlk, and A organdie. Among those pr< - nt were Misses Bklp* arlth, rel I'atton of . I irrle, Nellie Boykln, An' ' n. 1 hart. R Nina Randolph, Julia Annie Nas'n, II rlng feUow, LJia. Bi il ?if Win ter. Annabel .) nkln? Esl r Walk? Jennie Boyd I Flossie Talbott, M Archer, Nannie llklll, laury Worth, Amy Warth innon, . in. Mary Hill, i her, \<\. William .h r, M it. Annie Drewry, Kat? Harria, Lui inlop, Judith era, of Flu Williams, Grace Shields, and . Ta..-ley. . On Monday night the Richmond man CUib gave its fortnightly cotillon. This is the second from tho last Of the dances to be given bel' : an extra german, U OB February Md On Monday Mr. Wil? liam Palm? r lui a nun.: lltlful gorman figures. The dancers following his lead wi re the U Nellie Boykln, Vira, Adele Archer, (Jrant. Lisa Berrnc and Belrne, Annie and Leila <' iy, \ Martin, Eleanor B i o. Kate If? Annie Lee Alirc Bthel Pace, Mrs. Jo:. Charles E. Smith. M Bkipwith, Mra. Fred Pleaaanta, Mrs. Churchill Young. Miss u<Tta Wellford; Miss Rua* sell, of Wlaohoater, and Miss Forbes, of Warrenton; Mary Cameron and Flute I . Helen Cameron, of Petersburg; Bol Hayes, of Baltlfl ry Hill; Idxon, of Buffalo; Ihlpp, ?f lnicton. Va.; Cottman. of Baltimore; I'itt. of Baltloo nun, Tun of Washington Tenaaat; Mary Pag of mnty, and Messrs. Thomas Carter, .lohn Atkln int. John l: il i Palmer, Ad Morton, Fairfax, Lryan. '..'.trim, (*,. Williams. Otis Alfrleiul, KlrkWOOd inson, John nny, W. B. p. | i raon, Qranvl William i on. Jake And( re Mrs Tl Boiling Thomas Nelson Carter. A card-party was given \\>,i, evening by Miss Louise Allan r of her aui ;.hil.,. I, "f Lnfl iio. Mil te, who m Ou Meads" *,-:, \. ; .,;.. t\ -day was one of the plea aanteat featuree of an al sant ? O? oi,-. ii*< ,,. t ,, , , Miss l?ulse Allan Mayo, bbn l black taff.'ta, Jet ornamentation; ll Violet. Ml ? lov?iy in ptnk a-tln. wl;h trtnamtni chiffon and mink fur; Miss Mary j. Mayo, gre- i . satin, duchess and triolets; Iflsa L atln. with jiink eh aiu? uju? white airliKd taffeta. D s I the early hour? of the evening the hull i i > pla* Ing ; Miss Mary L. Moore gained the fir nnd Miss Josephine Dlson the ro n prise. The , i arrlvll Bt the end of the gam? pfsaanted the prises wii a witty speech <m the subject ol priai and thi winning. Among I of Baltlmor Bl '1 BUS Hampton T) II r, MkUJ Guile Harrison, < Brand -it??. Bei ;. Mrs. Dallas Fis '. i and An Quire, with Mw Pi y Boaher, 9 (,. Stunard. ChS Hlgrri; i.. ' William Johnson, lv i'unnlnf-hui 1 aptaln Allison, an . Lile. . On Monday BftsraoOa M'ss Nclll Neala, niece of Mr. Charlas (FB. Cowsj din. enteri lifted S few of her friends I n tea given In honor of Miss BrOob OUnty. The entct talnment provided irai an! ths i H ?re lempti 1 to III ger around I I la long u-aiai hour for leavtng. <>ne of th charming features of t ws th? mandolin and guitar duet, 1 Miss Nina Ran Oowardtn was In ' to the m?sica] treat bj bs ging. Miss La ' I? to the gU< BtB, who wer ph, Julia L' e, Brae Will i | ( thcrtne Mclntyre rlngfeUow; An i Adkins, . The Toi Bodal Club wa< y ent? rta'' |y by Mlai i "arty. I V ; the tiist prisas wei and Mr. B ond i"-' M I Mr. Charlie Willis. The B phlne Put* .i Tyler, Mary Lathrop, r Minor, and Messrs. Thomas Pur Th ry? H< nry and I ?kiss, Hill Urquhart, Waiter Tay* !. * . The committee of the r?os] : for ti on Wed fi om I to 10 P. k place in the store, No. tli r'ifth street. With results which ; to the l, The ladl? . on tho Committee were: Mrs. Bargnmln, Mrs. Q. p, | * E . in, Miss Isolent Moa? s, and Bj tiling. Be-era] of tho mi I ladlas ?freed the ' fit sb? wars: Mlsafis Anne and i lore nnd Lia Bargamln, ie Hunter. Kllett, Levy, Mr?. John Cullen, Mrs. W( bl.. MisS Idas Badla Button, and rrie Ley. The musical features of the entertain -,\ >: erere much enjoy? d t v. ' under the direct ' Mr. Iltvan. Mr. ga?ir?n , and tii are in tl , with ?j Ugfatfu] eflldi ncy. ro :.' : ?lph's s > ompanl piano (kindly loan? d by lar i charmingly rend? r? I Lilj I : bett, and Eu bank. Th' rind : ens were most tastefully ar g tlii in-'1 ther . a goodly coin bled at the Woman's Club for tho M'y t' a. Which WM i by ort. It was ed during the afternoon that Mrs . uroell bad Just t- earn d a b ! gram ptlng an to t-the club on Friday i, when an informal cption will bo tendered h<r. l'n Mond 1'. M. the second :. will be given, with - Williams as chairman. She ired the i i I of Misa Flot a. of New York, violinist; of Neely, of Norfolk, snprano singer, i Mr. Arthur BcriVOnoT, bat" lager. . The Oakwood Memorial A lava lean? -i over two hundred fully en : !s of invitation to a tea on February the lath, from 1 o'clock. The hospitable homo of Mrs. r. L. Tallafarro, MM aaal Graoe, will be I the Is ; which will doubl irove one of the most brilliant entertain* : given in tl The ommanders and members of th? Sons ' raus, tin* 1'.. K. Camp, and rnilll lations In ths city .. invited to attend in full uni orm. . Mr. and Mrs. Brydon Tennnnt gnve a honor of nor and Mrs. J r. The In all Of i - was one if ths B mi r. i. In the of the rooms and dinner i". beautiful contrast rid was the of the table, a Icr^e si: tosf] of tail whits Day lilies. The . J, B?ge Ti dr. ai i ."s?: i tax, Mr. lira. Alexander Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. : i:. C. Minoi ; . '. Williams, Judge a . iih. " . soi k is i., i n with the tea to m giren <>n Tut t of if "f the city. The ! : ic BL John's Circle of K: ilnm? nt in ,,, , Of tlnir aui . 'or tie r of ladl i to i- - ire and >t tin- , Btertalnment will In the hmne of Mr. and Mrs, i *'. Richardson, which win be .' d with pink Bowel amis. la the dining-room, where the ' ' I ( link will preside at the cho William Meyer at tl un. A fine musk-ale has luen prepared ind will be carried out by Mr. and Mis. ii i ; re the N Quartette, . ; Mr. I nd Mrs. Qrace Inlaid sa will be : bad by Mr, EL \\*. Clam* J. ; Mis. Stephan B? re \ 11 '. tin, tr . and Mi- Ch da, Mrs. Dickerson, and Mrs. D. Rl The attractive yo H m tii* din.' ere Taylor, i born, (entry, HeindB, BOOtt, Mc and tbers equally charming. Mis. John Ch.ulton ?aill have In charge i table for bOBBO-mada takes. . The young art students who are mem ly Logaa'i school : n r;iW?a may BlWBJ I . upon as a fort'. tn,t n Friday night the) were moi lauafly lucky. Miss Lega*) g b fancy areas bail, The oung girl? and their friends all came ?nd mingling in the of i and round dances formed a rilllant spectacle. Miss i a ' ! rugttt, wore a t ,,v? f black luco with Human pearl orna* nents. Sh?j received her guests ut the 4 h?r sister. Mrs. William P. de present i . ( ';' '' it''^ peai int; see; Dnlsy Hancock! i t, (lower girl; 00 girl; Louise ] uyloe. Colonial nortruiu Maj.o 1 ? ?t </ A TYPICAL LEADER IN SOCIETY. Archer, Tyi Colonial girl; A at, nun; n ?i** . Klondike; Williams, violet girl; i. ' ure, Italia : ; Bwsdlsfa p*-; - ant ; Nanti: snow maldsn; Mary Duon, Dolly V i Georgia Will ?n, Be i- - p? aaanl ; 11 ?rood Btevi EC ?te .' b rnathy, ii. ?n, afai - .Mrs. Kh Bruce; Posy Meredith, i Ham Townes, William Harvey, t gentleman; h Bklpwith, t: w,th; Mur?t Willis, Coloolal genth Adolph Osterloh, Robin 11.1; Tase I gerald, old-tin..- gentlemen; Bsv. Tuoki r, Colonial i Adderson I. Clsrsnce Thomas. Princ of Walea; Wil? liam Michaux, Prank (,? an; Lightfoot Hr.,ok?-, pedler; Fayette Wortham, Bam Tyler, Joel Perrin, Jim Tyler, . .1. Chri : Wortham, ? ry, ths Messi . Har? rison, Loarla Harvey, Robert Peyton, Littleton Pltsgerald, Reed i ? Mrs. Hunter Ferguson, of ?Church BUI, it reception on Ifoi night froto 8*80 to Jl i.'i-li?? k. Her hone; waa beautifully dsooratsd for ths o Al?n with vases of Madam?* Testout and ptnk-eb ided lamps and delatara. During Um hours of the enter? tainment throngs of beaatlftiUy?dri women and pruniinerit men fill* ?1 Mrs. UBOn'a PSI loi s. Among th? Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Frans Craigle, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. I.ati dlkln, Judge and Mis. D. C. Rlchkri Mr. and Mis. F. g. Cralgle, Jr., Mi. and Mrs. < 'ranklln, Mr, and Mi Fera^isson, Mr. and Mrs. j. R, i. .-., Mr. and '. . I dge, Mr. and Mrs. White, Mr. and Mis. Hard? Wicke, Mr. and Mis. Jn?kso!i, Mr. and Mrs. R. L, A<Lr . Of NSW York; Mr. and Mrs. Hobsoa, Mrs. I,; u MoPhall, Mr. and Mt M Angus, Miases [?ser. Ai sala, Wells. Ella Wall,id, ano .-son, Hundlsy, Brown, Briggs, und John Farsnasoa* . Mr Ftsd. C. Hahr on TTsdnsSdsjr Bight Kave another of his delight ful mti a As the musicale was to ccle the annlvsrsartas of Bcaamort and Mendelssohn's births, both of which oo i last week, tho aelectiona of in? strumental find vocal music were chosen antln ly from the works of th. -? two great mii.-ie|an.-. Mr. Huhr's pup:ls, WhO i took part, played and sang with nu. h skill. Mr. Hahr himself, It was general? ly remark? ?I. played superbly with more j than usual foros and finish. The follow- I ing prognuam?? was given: i. Scotch Symphony, second and third movements, (Mendelssohn,) Mils Nolttng und Mr. Hahr. 2. Heiiding, "Life of Mendelssohn," Miss Balsa Waddey. 3. Moment Muslual, No. 3, (Schubert,) Mi?? Mary Newton Williams. ,. Spring Bong, (Mendelssohn,) Miss Rosa Morris. 5. I*nst Greeting, (Schubert,) Mis? Bea? lle Pace. 8. Scherzo. "Midsummer Nicht:? Dream." (1 ba,) Master John Powell and Mr. Hahr. > 7, Moment Musical, No. ?, v i >ui ' to, (Mendelsa bn dker. '.'. R? adlng, "Lifo of Bcbul : | In. ".-'l r John Powell. 11. Impromptu, No. ?,, fjchub? rt,) Mis: f (Mend? uter. U. I i ?. i i - without words . - without Rub; id.-, . Ths "Virginia i * the < ' 'i L' ' , the oldl? r and stati sman na Btion of two great ware, and ' wife, who, as i noted so . : of Oeneral Dabney M founded the Southern n and has an assured place both |q . ir : y and among our many OthSI - Whi I I bomi Virginia. The young authors, wl prominent In Richm granddaugbters of ths famous srnor Henry Wlsa, Among the most In tlng of ti M inaay aie tie I 11 ths I the Conft . In s; Iti Of the t.-lu i<!y SkiSS I lit-iinKs of ' DUt to the park QUl ? t" ?- of spectators and playera. An I trame wad pi I . b '.he ! in the h' Bpll to . ajos th- I About dark the ooa loft after -i very d? Ughtful Among these on tho grounds were Mr. i. t. n. My? i . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ms id?, Mr. . Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Lsvta Joynea, Mr. und Mrs. Thon D Carter, Mr. and Mis. C I I I !!. SJcOtl , M ilbott, Mary Russell of Winch? Ad? lo ai bsn Mary and leron ?inb'-rt of Nan y .i i. -. and i Beirut, Mis. Chuy MUpwith, and Ml i,t a, llattie ROSS, Fanny I. gkipwlth, i Bayas, Una Forbes, ThrallUll Of Bt l-ouls, Ford of St. Louis, MHiy i:i., a \\ atki:.- aad the M i Mesara, Alian Talbott, l dolph Hoihn!.iv. Robert Campbell, Vvii liam Johnson. William Ferguson, John Chirria, William Townas, Richmond on McKeaaay, WaUaas i ill?? Gray, W. S P. Mayo. Charles'1 Htringfellow, Llnwood Antrim, John Young, Jordan Ix-ake. William Palmer. Oeorge oibaon, k. Higginbotham. Frank Hobson, and Lancaster Williams. . ? Th?? young ladles ?if Miss Allc<> Swain Hunter's vocal class eutcrtaiue-i a Jew of their friends at M pi nnely Part L?"For Wh i ," (Neldl -, "Oui i >a th? D? ep," ? "A in t..." from "l mm and VN 1 Kind." i\\. in. r.) Mis- ; I N? vin. > .* ? !amm ; : four? ni. ? Part 11 Luclle I'izzini; "Reverie? " (IN (Ardl m "Der Kreiscbuts," ?\\. !,. r.? Ml A I !. it. Howard; "I. IB," ? M nit? wit h ? . ' Th :i for . t well ?roi th attending. T is i immended by l '.. B| V. ell I I Mss 8 riollfltst, 1 from Europe with liim many laurels. Aaotl ; ins la M Mac? 'lana- ' dng of her rend-ring of Baek to northern j : de i t to an encore ami a ill? I, this tlm?* giving "I 'fl ' I . she I ,rs to the played her ow arorda of t nerrro turning his ?t- I be? | B l? gy little bat is as n ?g the p? rfumes of its perpetual flows, prosramm ? fhamlnads'a Bum? mer Son).'." tl.- Itlfal "A\?> Mar?:' Ol 1 tevsritsa 1 nint.g | Mr. inlnl'a fan for tii? G String on the violin, with only one ?tring. The ladi?s of th ' and lim eburehea win bold a sympo? sium in th?; W< man's Chrb .tlors, for the bSBSflt of that Utlon, on 1 I'ebru ary the 18th, at *> (/clock. This will bu Piano sol.?, Mtss :.i Mr. ; .i vie Blair, Mrs. Tit Mr. Williams; reel! it i Mary H. Crenahaw; mandolin and guitar duet, Khubert brothers; vocal selection, Mr. and Mr-. ?;. '.V. Warren; Miaa Mamie Leahy; solo, Mrs Harria Miair; Innloharp ami xylophone, HhuL.-rt broth balk t..Ik. Mr W. Mac. Jone?; noto, Mr. Frank ?unningham; gramophone, Bhuherl brother?. The Valentine Tea to be given on St. itlne-Dgy will be one of the mont delightful eutcrtalnmcnts given this real live th but will rlnla Hospital, whoas doors an seer of .o the iatl< nta iual if not ?. ? ?-- ? I the pay pa Idren srtll i . ia .hi' h the litti ',-. .11 le- ti lish fun, an Joy t I I 1 i\ M., on February 11th. Every entertainment within th of th-- J Club ma to 1 i th.,? d ,. givei ?it the club's , Thurs programmi mi rendarei ant that tru 1 loud. Tin Eisfeld, < ! Kahnwi fundo, and the m : .'.a, ami Lobman. Mr. Bam. Col i i-rrace ech, Intro utlonlst, nade a decided "hi:." bar audit U( tant. . lind the curtain after repeated encores, dr. Johi - ' 1 v an In. ormal hi p. a hit ii was nur .t. At U ;:. I .... Veiling Is to ire of the ladi s i witii the '?ai', on winch eooa* lions t! hall will b?* lighted . The annual I I IL-bekah '. tei Btli -j at 1- o'clock. i ' the Ufe -:ri. O'le if Richmond's nol larr, will deliver .i short s Mn h" members of the Memoi will as the general pub] :ordlally invited to attend. . ? The next m. ting of the Fortnightly Whist club trill take al i t ob I it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Swain, cor ?er of Beech and - . Mrs. John Crlngan has opened In Rleh BOnd a bureau for Social and ei-uircmeiits. Bbe bi prepared to fui nenn.-., favors, and design* for .?nter BlamantS. advice about cooking, market ng. and so on. - A silver tea) smvessful, both socially ind lliiuucUUy, took place last week at the home of Mr?. avenue. 3. J Graven, <,? Paf% for n*it oe given One af the chief Hm wee^l.n,, K.,rg..rron...ri. " h7a?!5 In the auditorium of ? \, <B Christian Association | nXtn \ the Retreat for the Weg. It ???,,,," vof r?uT ^"'^^^ the club, Mr?. K. I). H Mr? / , The t t... week at the home of Ml th?lr u very p Mr. and Mrs. . Judge and Ml ... Mr. ami M Miss Pergusson, M: Kdgar FsigUBBUII . * Tho fashionable world li much excited ?erar the n ? given Wednaaday ae? ai ig b Mrs. Jan. their palatial n city. . Among the most elegant of ei,t? rtainments In Ri inn. ? ? p; ion giv? M in honor of Miss i : ir * -. .. of i:.ilTim?)re. Th magniiiient airaasjssnsnt or Heauty rOBl . Mrs. Maas I her hon.-* In Ashland. to th? NgTSt <j( h.r nianv fri? : . * All persons desiring to tha Sheltering Am - |U?-< . t Leigh street, st oi contributions In tl day, Febra litre- t. . Mis? Harriet Gilbert, of il? ia the gu?-st of I ? Mi?s Bile Jackson is \.siting Mi?? i Currie, of N? wark, N. J. . ' Mr. Lewis II . ' , '?more, l? stopping at t!i . * Miss Sanity ; : young !: ?v night. . Mi-? Johnson, of Connecticut, I* guest Of .' . # Ml?s Vary I.ou Ol th? rir?t of Mrs. I . * who haa I visiting fi h) her home M . Mrs. William Ing Miss Lizzie . ? Mr. and Mr=. Atlanta, are thi an. Mrs. Cunnli rfc membered here as Lewis Btttt . Miss Lalle Gray left the city on y to visit : cities. Mrs. Ruf?eii R from DuvsJ'Si aui east i Mr. Rlcl '.? at th.-* Jefferson on a . ': lood. M Jefferson. nimn, wl on 1 r r?turn a at aa aarly dal ? rty. ? Mr. and I Cary street. . l AH? Henning and ' Beer Chureh, a' high noon the j??n?.uii snd byai Inl n a re ar? two oth.-r ?reddlnsTS i . Mis? Ann?*- T? nnant left R few ?1 to atl *. John Bk i ty of fr te tau, making the on r ths Georgia P . Marian i. m??n?l for B ISB-dB] hington. The Woman's ? waa given .? Madam M with M . Judge and ^irs. stmont ton. s. i., ars gaesta of Adalr ri? THI DTORD-DRKWRY fl Till-* \\ ? km ad the a will be th? and i Mrs. I ; Baltimore. Th? d by Rev. T the ? two large tannerlea In ' r? ach th? dt} VI Monum him in a privat.- car, Bill si feraon. Tl the J-ff< i Will have for an PETCH'llllii; SOCIAL MATTE??'? Several Inlrrcillng r,inell??n? Durllij. Hi,? I'll.l *?*?? ? ?.. PETERSBURG \ v clai.)?Kind Balara, la gpi of i? i o*rar the - f.?r our gayety-lo Ions of the v.. ek Mil Ilghtfully the Matines v. Wednesday, v. mer. Carrie Pryor L Per, Anna Led id a On \ B nmst ple.t? i r of fr; Ladlea' A found the r to the c r.-iK: The pn? WtereeUSBJ . UI to Misses : the , first, i bsautll painted cracker-Jar. ami the Meead. liver file. Tltose present were M Beasts and Lelper V?n ?hi?. v and Sallte Bernard, Ugh' Leavenworth. Mary and Marsjaret -*?? m.*r, Kll?e Harrison. Anna Ledt*?"-*' Mary l?atte?on. Koater of To???. m*m"* r, Orara McGill. LeavenwortB ?