Newspaper Page Text
______ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUN DA. Y. FEBRUARY 6, 1898. 15? THENEWSI?WYTHE 0OU3 mi \nint, bit j*< i \? K ?v SOOI M. I. M I Three SJatVeatB of 1er Slnec .Tnntinry yrateet *b?I"?i ib?* Xfw Osnuata** maer IVmminl Item* of In (,-if?i. to th? - \ . which will t.,kt k ?Ml tie I ' M. P. 1 , nupir r fntwro home, st ? by tie i. ' nti r luite s sei * to 6, at :. Miss R ' ' this ' ? Of the M UBSle :.\ ity. N < NTT. to the oil , I t cue third ol ' . M . v.- |, ' llmlti ' Wythe c bo it la b institution. But our * gotntr to k;vix, and that vigor* - ; he < '. lent day < I the tl. Sort was made ' ' it II Is though! thi - an entr?t. a? H. Maury, of Mr large iron turnaos at Btabre? was theit LIGHTS. >nn <-' sum ii has leased the ; . : to the Browi i of ||< ?n, Flank . I>. .1.1 I 'well. d to with th? -cent, '. air, and I. it. Hal Hia? to Hot I Ark. 1 Hpiller. of i j his old home, in ; | v \ : tield & Co mond, is In v.. ather i : and cold. was down . : gi . and our ' | 1 ion. has been In Norfolk on ,: ...i c Blair retornad from a i their old home, at Bedford i from to his son. In Knox' re* .st night. - . relattvea Mr?. IMm h*Ve Point) W. ? i ! IMSHIPI It I \ AGROl NO. i '. ??ei-nii Liners <.?-t Stwek on \? *?. ? orL liar. SB Wilhelm It, Nertb Lay on till sticking In the ? tilled out. y In I to ; . muy nning at Down ; - uvrlng for th a sud?'., n Although . - r. : th.n arith a ml] i ,v ..IT ih i id \i. OP I aPT vi> C tun < - >. h m?-u<itr> BrvMasBM i" '* i'*** lui If liitrodiu-*-?!. - IB some - f the c pted it. II was shown by tl - ; . \ \ ' ;. : - ' ' til Tuesd TOKIEI OF DI* ASTER. '- ?.t Malpara?** Oil tase roo?t <>l husrllfc. nruary 6 , flsb on Middle K Been of the wreck of at leant y foundered B| 'he gale. (-'?iitala Jullua Anderson, of the ?"y ,mt.,.r;,"Mk,n;- ' mile? ':,.,';; - -kod i,, t? ,.f .,?./;; "" chests y of th? v?d Kh" n "'" ," 'o which they n?,";\. ""!,,h.,"r u. ?'" -.m?* M,' "??!"'." ? <* Wreckage doubtedly belina V* 'hlU " ! day mornu raft, i That,- ?tx een mile? i with ai which Kl . V " *ne may be a not Neck P, .' ' '" B. probably -f Junk. cran ' ,hat ??h Marcellus a " ' lered at this pol tl this wa? thee i ; ' the wreck of an unkno, f tons, whll, ,li in the ator '" s at this point. H n M ??it MBTDSAlmi RBSICHI \tio Kentnek, Majority Mill < 01 linne to Itet-u, ?t n. CINCINNATI, ?... rsbraary ?,_a ?r BBOretal Tribune fro Ky., Baya: The majority *'i Its Intention to-di itlnoe it? appeal to Senator Ltn ??en. rerponp? to the |eKisi gaatioa, deU I with Intereat by men I both botl Mr. Meyers (Republican), of i in tho early morolo? prellmlnai i that body h week to article attacking Senat? Lindsay, and In ri? .*. ? thta he bo tespom to the resolution requesting his restgni ould be mad.- the j?>u ' "No" from tl ruled the motion out of or iti:i n r um K i.o mu k Ens. I Sited Stnte? ('overnrient BTBWSd tion Start?. PORTLAND, ORE . r?.-Tl expedition which the United States Oo* eminent is sending int?) the Inl Alaska with aupplles for the : minera who are reported to be la wsa sailed for Dyes ght, on tho stean Bhlp rs, flft; one of whom si and enlist? . who will BCl .. train which, it is expecte? will carry the supplies over the i IB About 200 tons of pn wsrs foi by the government fr??m her and an adlltlonal Bupply Will go froi Laya, ?TOP" AXSOB BBARD FROM. Say? lie I? *??> l'miper? Will Aeeep A.? (.III. CHICAGO, l"?!,.ary ?.-"I refuse t .; In the shape? of a git nothing. I am nc Old and am no pauper. 1 OBU OBTU m own living. Besides that, I am by t, means out of ba. -ball." Si? h is th Hon made by former Captain-Mai ? . Anson te Part of I ths form Of a Istt? r to A I I t;;,. . Athletic. Association to i tabllah an Anson t> MO\. SOSEPM r. SMITH DEAD. Director of Bureau of Ainrrlean He puiiii? ? l-Bvseoe Away. MIAMI, II.A., i bl . -y 5.--Hon. .Tov.'p _ Ba?il t Bureau of Amei . ibUoa, died here at i:n> tm a prolonged illness, by overwork. Be Caaw to Miami early In the sensor in order to reCUOSl ire of Pay Blscayne. The body will bs taken to Urbana, u to-morrow for Intern rim: i\ mow rOMC Te? I mnllie? Lou? Their All?Tu I ( Ulldreii Burned to Death, NhivY VultK, K. luuary C?The tour ment at 110 east lloustoi Ptreet was destroyed by ii'c to nftgbi families lost everything th-y own ed. and tWOCbil deatU The wort Tens ' *d Mlchae (a year jn I of Flilipp . a booth!.. SI I'l'l.IKS l'Oit THUS (IIUNv QaaSa St-nt to It? liev?* Wnnt Will U? Adiuilte?! Duly Pre?*. WABHINGTGN, February :?.--A tele. grar i at the .rtment from Consul-Gsneral L ?na, stating that the BJOVStl Consents to the admission of sup Its and suffering Cu> into any Cuban P"i't, free of duty. NO PR 1RS Allot T < UBA. Iloinfori'imi-iil*) I)?*o??l,*tl On ilefon lllamo l)?'i>i?r(iire. mai ?RID, Psbru ' " " Gulion Mlnlstsr of Foaalga AJKalra lg DO reason to fear any BBS tion ol " situation. Th of 15,800 nun to Cuba, the Minis' sort.. -as lM'In't II??*.? I.luney. (Washlagton Post) | mell la the House k. ' ;? inch with th?ir colleagui a tta in I about the H . bo more than one Ion has ?howii that he knows pretty different R membera stand on matt - ot ulna Mr R : : I aversl taken that Mr. Linney. of North Carolina, would kl h ovi r ths party traces ami refu oiutlon. On ths ?iff. .. the Speaker wondered i m the \ ,l" . the two had a brief Uon it did not, b< tlli. N linisn'B determination to vote fee the i-sWatlon, .,i,h. Baamle-lde i? Weed Virginia. ,-n *. W. V? f *"> [> TU< ker, a coal miner, at . home at noon found his wife with Wil He Bred Cour shots, klllini- both his Wife and McAllister |B itantlj ' uv" l,li" Xui k? r waa the mother n children, who llvi nom? :: A,Us' s 21. It? voliitiun ot ?on Joas. WA8HINOTON, 1>. C rM?ruary 5 t the State hepart , Ban Jose, Costa Hita, an? ea that a revolution wa? inaugu ' ' _ To (nrr m Col,l tn One Doy. ake I*axatn?- memo Quinine Tableta. UI druggists refund the money If it falls lo cure. ??-. Tho -.enulno has I* li. Q ?n escb tablet. JuliusSycle&Son 201 and 203. O ..BUSYTinES../THeT i THE TOWER. Corner Second and Broad. Spots of interest are as thick as snowflakes. There isn't a dull corner in the store. Movements mer? chandise planned in months in advance arc leading to record-breaking sales. From far and near the new things for now and spring are coming. Have yon missed the daily visit? You are behind the times in store doings if von h#_VA Dress Goods. ' Something new about tbeas. Our an ' trade, and rn dealers' tongues agoing. Th?v want to *- know huw the Tower can saU them at DO, f''ifh prices. laJte, win buy n Double-Pold ; Goods, in .'ii aew spring shades We .;ain. Di 0 .m nil - Spring Go? ds, i irly spring n- pri?. . ii m-9c, I'irk and Light Dr?>?.?< QoodB, nil wool, Zh ine ins wlile, a special bargain, f'- '?a m :'"r. Wool Cheviot, M Inch?? wide, to ho ,. sold for .ii" 01 It-inch Granite, fully worth lia a yard, ly In all n< for 80 . li-in h he found B hcr<\ worth 11.8, tor SO . Vlgnureas Suiting, thai has caused such a- a craze In the North; they arc tl Inch?'? v. ?ride, worth ii- but we were lucky ti ai ?* CameTa-Halr Serge, M Inches "- never :"M ItSS t ll;l Tl $1, WOrth |Ui? tO nni -t i i in all new spring p, shades. All Colors Mprlng fiergps, nil wool, BS& Black Goods. v. i..: . t:- renatation ol hiving the beat and larg^t atock at the ipaat money. Wo will k* ?.i> our reputation at auch prit es as wo will ofT>r to-morrow. a bargain Figured Mohair, Good Mach and peri". : IS 1-U ir.l. Ulack r.r.le Mohair, He. grade, to morrow, BSc. I k Wool :- B8 . '- ird. Black Ft i inches wid*. never known to sell I .in 50c. a , yard; to-morrow, ?17 i _e. Black Imported Berges, u Inches wbi?\ fully worth Me. a yard; Monday'? price, SB . Black Crepon thit Bold for fi, now SS iv ? i m. is- Unir Berge: thin quality known to sell l. ss than $l.ii; to morrow, BT I I s wide, at a 31? Ulan that sold for SOc; .'OW. ttOc. i p.-rc". M Inches wld? Old for |LM; to-morrow. BBc. loods M>ld for 'i"i and Soc.; all BSW Spring 1 .re H Inch? I wide; ' early bi ? f??e. : Silks. Expensive Silk expensive-* not that they were tuo dear before, hut ! ?solute selling Is the policy of the Towet and cheaper goods ar? -till ch? | iOc. Kiirur?'d Silks, for wnlsta and trim? ming, '.'ii Crepe Ptlks, In Black and Color?; to-morrow, i I Ji r..;nt il.i Esprit or Gauze Silk, R.' 75 and 89e. Figured Silks for waists; to? morrow .' ?? . vard. Light Shade? of Taffeta Silks, dta. B yard. (Be. Lining Silks. In New Spring Sha.I. ?, hi a wide, .'t!?< a yar.l. Ujrht-Ground Plaids, fully worth He. a yard, for :?h. 75c. Black ' 9.9 Black Peea de Bole to-morrow (only), tl. $t HIdck Satin Duchess, ?We. n Black Brocade Mika, ?S Embroideries. remem? ber, This week's sale will be still Pbe front .entre -i -.vith imbrlo Edges and Inserting, be [ Domestic Cotton Goods. No wouder t; ' ?i'Titer is busy! Think of buying I*>mestlc Good* of half pi ron Ginghams at B I I Cc. Unbleach? .1 Cotton, :? i - I l-te. Bleached Cotton. 1 yard wide. 3 7-s Kte. Hmw Shirting. O l-4o. a yard. 12 1-2.-. T? . itmpi. ? I ? llco? -, ;t i-rJc. sard wiiie .". Me. IJghr l yard wide. tJght and I?ark ?no remnants). O ! __ I Unbleached Jeans that sold for 8 l-3c.; now O I-4c. II 1-1 and 18c. New Spring- Ginghams at n>c. a yard. Baby-Carriages. The Thayer Is the a rid, We guarantee them, our li Carriage hss arheete, upholatered in cretonne, and 1 ell the lateet lmprovem<rata. u> have ] - them as high -1 ' Floor Oil Cloth-Monday Bargains t Oil-Cloth, i yard wide, SSo. n ...r i ill-cio h, l yard wl le, BBc. Floor Oil-Cloth, i'.. yards wide, BBc, i Floor Oil-Cloth. 'J yards wide, 4Bc Carpets. We need tho room; they will be sold at great aarrlflee. White Spreads. 59e. Spreads, already k*MBBBedi JIBW $1.26 Spreads, already hemmed, mmz. 11.89 Spread)*, already hemmed, |1. Organdies. Another lot of those 9c. Organdies to e sold st Ik l-i?e. ; In all colors. Mattings. GREAT IUK? IAIN'S TO-MORROW. Cloaks. Yesterday we toll you about Cloeka. : them were sold. It's no use to ut Hum In print to-day; but w* will Bell tern to-raorroa at the tamo prices sa dvertiaed bef?te. Quilts and Blankets. ullta *tt?.. tl Quilt?. SB $1.25 Quilts. O.' tz ?juTits, au ?.o'ors i^je. fcrgf. ? incnes wine, i .-ee our Kr?'.-u nar*;.iins m ? '. ano * i ?mes a winnow run, i 10 jo menea wiu'-, i -i-, r iuur ?_?u-< .mu, . jrjirua wm~i, ?-.. . -, maimri^, ?n ?wi, vuuuu m dm? ?.-.y-, <'i .17 l -? I Dr? ' to be SOld l to ?i."' a yai? ' 29c. Stair Oil-Cloth lor ll*v. I full size. $3.3?. I JULIUS SYCLE & SON. THE TOWER. JULIUS SYCLE & SON. THE ACCOM AC BAB ACTIOB 01 Tin: DMATM 0* rpsin i II. <?l ITIIV. Iteeolleetlon? or Oaase of tin* 1)1? <lii?iil?li<-?i I'riu-lltltmer? of tin (ounl>-\ llr? at I,oeii?ttille? Tin Oysteraaeav, ACCOMAC, COURTHOUSE, VA., Pebruary "i'11 of th County Court of Aoesaaae, held b- i g meeting of thi C ths bar and 00 i ra of tin court was hel.l to take action touebini Itfa of D, who for more than thirty years bad besa one of the a Inent lawyers Ktsolutlons rs perted by Mr. Stewart K. PoweU were unanimously . ttOUInS UM IS an honorable and s : lion, and regretting big untimely death. < 'n motion, Judge BaV-kstoae i be sprea | cords of the County Court, aid appoint* Im < Sdham, Bbq., to pn t the i Clreait Com its i; oadlng the luttons, Mr. s.?: paid a bag tributs to Mr. Qulaby, aaylhi ha bad knowa him ; that be ragsrdi d him a i ons of the i in? n and aiil'--1 law > el s lie known. Mr. Ra Wl I ll B.S I lively b young man, : senior member ol tiit* Accomae Bar la Whea la the lent in.-* -hot- of Virginia, I a Ight Of these Abel T. Johnson, William P. M. m. Judge John \v. Gillst, and Up abur B. Quinby ai John Neely, with whom Mr. Quinby was long d in the practice ?if law, has for - besa Living In Norfolk, where he enjoya a large and lucrative : .-?t? r, n??w recovirlns from a Ions and dangerous Illness, is on ths .t Court, and lien. John w. i? . rker in bla ??id si living in honored and graceful retlre I hie beautiful ooun try ssai on Oaaaooek creek; leaving Mr. the only member of the bar of UM i The A i. r i-, therefore, i atirely of young men, only one of th? m ol?l. day night the roof of R. L Mlllln? Bl Locustvllls, on the Ids, was found to be on lir<*. An . :ti full force and succeeded In . Ktingui blag I a high wind blowing at tho time, aiid a fSW minut?e tatet the Sie would have b. n would have, ?' borhood. The Sre la supposed to : from lefecttve Sue in the :.:? > just where it pass?e tnrougn the n .s.? one who lived here an?i visited tl? . the tldsl to th? . cor? lOB and i | low. d to control an mount of grounds of the State Tbi weether continu? very cold, and the young p? ople aro ? n;"'. Ing a ab carnival on the ' \?>(l?-e? of A?*\v Hook?. I '. BARS < ll I IRATORT. Daniel VVols? y Voorh? ami Speeches, Compilad and Bdlted i>y bter, la Voorhese a Brief ' His Life [S Thomas B Long, cf Indiana, la Two Potass?e, : n/ltb Portraits, Blstorloal Indiana] olla and Kansas ? The Bowsn Merrill Company, , RI Prtoe, from p> to 8l2, Aocording to ths Binding. Mr, Voorhese was an or tor Re bad glOW, the diction, the af . and the action. Forty yeaiS of gad m ii<\ for as th? man i?oet Bald, Toe! I I ^''Ittir, non fll," SO Is it with the orator. Rs may b ' I ami lini'tovl. but cannot be Bsanufactursd. What Is he bat a ? t.", t .* Bl | garb, and is BSt on rue with the flame of a viviil imagination. If a man has this m gift, it dlsplaya Itsslf In, or before hi? early i I was t.ik?'n u .-.ay in the P his M *nd subtracting forty from this would leava thirty, at which be bad already acquired MS reputation. Re was only *11 when h>* Bret entered Hie lower Haass of gres*?. The work before u . hOW? v?*r, has |M> ti- regard for ehronolosy. it opens with lectures; then earns poUtloal and econo? mic speeches, dsttversd in both houses BgTOBB Next, we have some of Mr. Voorhees'B great forensic eff?irts. some miscellanies. After Jttdg? Long*? short biography, the first volume open? with hi? fine lec? ture ?>n "The Il??!y Sepulchre"; or "X Lawyer'? View of the Divinity of Jesus Oi Na/areth,'' which has an liitr-reating prefl? in a facsimile of the letter of Invitation for him to de? liver it In Washington City la 1ST7, i by ths members or the its ami the Pi is no sxplanatloa as preparation or delivery of the lo OOrdlal trtbnte to Thomas Jr la, however. In I men of my own | Voortu lost hin B? oat. iimi bad I in hope of fuii rat ovary of had made lh i. rnniu-i at I tt\ Of I? etui finished for this purpose sketcb I KOBSUth, Lincoln, and Grant, an To-morn j b 1er, I win begin with the ?ths o i bave knoarn, esp those of my own state, and try u nithtn ti aaonahle limitai then I i ' th ! tare-tie!.1. If th? will only gr?e me health, my ehll i < ths ball thai b i written nnd aaM to ni,- i :i that | this nu I bat you nev? r n whim u ia tho roture, ai is my dearest wish " I reatad bis ?- n and death slleno tongue. Still, may that d? ir chlk a . ' d be? tit i'.'tn this, Mb am l!(l.|le What an arraignment Mr. Vo1 body iti bis sneei h i re h X (,>i! Whl CD of JeweU that eh In th<* P in 1890, ..n "Tl triff is Bating up th? Bul ; i harm? r Itvered la the Senate la it is : hen I up the : Mt, un at, Jan and still mor.- dellgbl : .1 to tun and ConkUng. Mr. \ ooi all did, to the brilliant speech of the stor from k, in whl? h be fit EX BMWratlS party ot count of the i ritlon o numl i r of d In the i' . and a tees irimher on the Re* can 'i the Union therefore, la his epul?n, the Democ pai to blame, and launched all his powerful |nve against us " hfr, ConkUi thus: There are but four sen who lensht in tin- Union s Th. y all all here now and the) irmy of th. rebellion, Bnatora sli bei who high civil command in t Mr. \ . i he could count three Union senators, but tanin?,' led: ": tie v. m cloei d t here bave I . in the <r by it. publican I ' l'oiir un . ty "f m in. a .ml hing in his own S h id S lo eeleel Bator a , v. bO lad adorned th. Vi.rk t>y his valor, who had ii by his berolam, who towering fi, lenator bad intercepted the pea Those who had won i. went to th.- rear, while the ! te . r. .1 i hleftaln went to front, and y.-t h.* rails on us. Ama apeotaolel * * I Insist that In u ot the gw of New York there are m Hoi.i; i sena ir the Republican party would only i them a chanca." During this tear! ss and trend) ?i. Mr. Voorhi. ; had i i : d o? them hfr. Conkltng s ai ' Me T Platt, was not much "f g soldi nor ?ras I bs former such s hlni - from Indiana Berti d; or If be was a kinii. th his path a Warwick who disdained tin ; ad d : htm an 1 Pli bul I to appoint any distinguished Un wan lora i i heir saooeeei Thi . | In t . the gold and silver o,U"stlo 1 affair?; the protection US abroad; election la the ballot-box, . ! . half of the new C Library. The second volume brings In ' ic dttpartment, of which the II is the ? !".. ace of John B. Co . for his Ufe nt Chati town, \.:.. In November, Usa, tor lnatlon la John Brown's raid ur I . i '..ok WBS th? Si P. Wtllard, <; ernot . so was prsaant ut I and bis Intimate ?rund, Mr. Vo, i hnn for frh .idshlp's Ski mplldty with Hrown v bllshed, and Mr. <7oorheea*a del i plea by way of "eonfossi ivoldanoe," with a strong th.tii appeal for mercy, and a consideration of the effect which conv tion or acquittal might have upon t mind la regard to those crltu and disturbing questions which were th itlng It. raid ami sd and tyj Be It' ! moot dang? roua sen ! in nny part of t ry. What a monstrous abeardl ami enormity It was for any one wl claimed to : illy to ' humane or Christian, to prefer Insu rectlon, ranina, and massacre, whi< necessarily Involved the slaughter in Bel of thousands of the slaves, the protective and eduestlonul treatmer nnd th? needed subjection and ssaUtan. which those slaves were not only r cetving, but actually ?njoylng! M Voorhees mercilessly excoriated Sewar Phillips, Olddings. Sumntr, Hale, Beeche und i'arker as the apostles and mach tialiirs of the ?rime for which young, ml; I Cook was being tried. He treat? thla old Commonwealth with the greatei deference, and apoke of her unexaropk ly . -rosity in having given to patriot; -a i the Union his own State and four i of her sisters, and he declared his ad* ' Ion to hai States' rights principles of ?d i. : Ii is defence of Cook, who was con SS Vteted and BXecnt?sd, brought Its author hi? attention of nil tl of Vir? io, und led to his being Invtl at delivi r nn address at the cloning exer i of our State University, which we r- think he did. with his u . a. But i i We do not find any mention of It in th'1 of work before us. His tributa to Jeffer ld son may, however, be taken for an ap "I propri?t? substitute. Another ?listin i'- guia bar, Hon. William J. Bryan, ly has recently appeared before our famous lh University, and his them?? was TbOBBBS Jefferson. rd We do have a splendid address id Vooi the two lit? i I Diversity of aflaaourl, t. .Muid :.'. UM, on "The Influenc?^ of the BOM I'pon the Progresa of 1b Civilisation." ?rn the -''th Of April, 1892, he spoke of Is "Magna (.'harta" before the annual IP tiig of the A SOOlntlOB of n South Carolina, at Charleston, and no doubt recalled to their Bffocttoual M membra! .\vn gran 1 orator, WO? i i h un <\ Preston. ?m the l-th of May. of the same year, i, when ths p- i mphls and aetgbborir; i ompletlon of the bri-.i?" aereas the ither of Waters," he dlaenaai than "The Louisiana Purchase ami th* hland of ths l" public." We illVe, BlSO, i drteka, Garfleld, and others, and yet I J ami bande?me vol irnos o i | only a part of the lucubration, of his Blind. Mr. Yoorhass was a constant : Blatant western Democrat, conservative, yet Independ? nt, and on . , -i be was fair* ,. minded and conscientious. He was bora ?y In Ohio on the 2?;th of Sept but shortly after his parents removed IB to Indiana, Where he grew Op upon hhl n father's f.?nn. Re was graduated from ; Asbury University, Indiana, in U I* admitted to the bar in UW. Be ? rery srldely known as the "tall Ic more of the Wabaah." This bo! B BOtnetlm? : to him it it was really compli? mentary, not only as significant of his tall and commanding pn bul indicativo of the height and magt, 11 of the man morally, Intellectually, and politically, in the estimation of his fel* I low-citizens. rt to appr?ci?t* the force of the an ; i'ini, one must bear In mind "how i sycamores do grow In that territory, and how fertile Is the valley of the W. all, two things i,re rnirring in this large, filial work. One Is an Index and the other a view of the orator's home. How could this last have I omitted In BUCh a work preparad by his own children and dedicated to the r of th? ?r motbei.' And yet, here n ' are a large number of pictures, BOBBS of d which appear even e?traneoua. We hope i two defects will ! la g suhseanesit edition, if not in a part of thla. The worst error we 1. "tinkling symbol," which may have been entirely typographical, TODiyfl NKW A8TRONOMT. By David r TodA M. a., rii. D.. Profeasor of my and Dir. .'tor of th tory, Amherst C Cloth, 12mo., : . : I'rire, American Booh Company, N';w York, Innatl, and Chicago. This ii 'W aatvonomi i to saeet the present roQulrenients of schools and students for a practical and identifie text-hook in this Important and most In* lg Btudy. Of the author's ability to write an Ideal work on the SUbpBCt, which should be ntific, ting, there can be no Ion. In addition to his former work in the United States A.-tr. .nonii.'al 0 ry at Washington, and BS director In the Amh? i i Observatory, he is well known to the public as leader Of two under the aus i Government? in- and as leader of another asir., leuiiioai expedition to Japan, orgaaln A m her' Hy placing more Imp?rtanos on the physical than on the mathematical I of astronomy, the author has mads every .< deeply inti r ?sting to the nt and general reader. While math? mat leal results are priven, the beauty and Interest of the s'udy are not by unnecessary mathematical Questions of universal mteroat, auch as "Where docs tue d.. . ' "Where will tho sun b* v "Where does the Southern Cross be? come visible'"' "What ors?" "What Is the diiT al and the BOtar day?" etc., icccive ,1 atteotion in the treatment. The Illustrations are an Important ire of the book, atany of them > Ingeniously devised that they explain at I of mere description not muk" dear. Th*y Include I from the author's own laboratory, aid from 'ions, diagrams daily Invented for this book, ami repro* du. lions from photographs by Barnard, rtS, and othera famed In astronomical photography. The fine colored plat tlcular feature Of the hook, one of -the frontispiece?being a reproduc? tion of the color effects as seen by the author during tho total eclipso of ISsJ In Japan. CARTOON!, Hy Homer C Davenport. With an Introduction by Hon. John J, Ingalls. Published by the DeWitt Pub? lishing House. The melancholy man wHo feela that Ufa hue lost its charma for him would do well to buy thlB book and devote several hours to lta Inspection. Unless he were on the verge of suicide he could not check the smile Its pages would proi The volume, which la large and hand? somely hound, contains a sp?endiU collec s^MamBHBBBHWBaBaamBBBBBgBmmmasggBaaaaB I tJofl Of the cartoon? of the Artl?t I'ave himself famo . DtU? campaign. Kuh p ture is a story in Itself, with a mor und forcibly drawn. To the soul STBSr and the gthrsr D? m?-rat. Mr. DOVC port's Inimitable caricature? must ha especia] merit, for the ?ting of his artisi la directly almost entirely again the Republicana and the geldbugs. Th rl and statesman Marcus AIoiizo Hani: to BffO .1 Inspiratioa to the <artooni?t f almost every page eontaina his ptctur tip and rotund ilgure of t! Ohloan loom? up In ev-ry possible wa and though the eye ?-es ?orne.hing Ine 'i r??lises th: the Senator has been used to point and adorn a tale Of political mach nations. Manna could not help b? coming famous -<>r infamous?witti icivei port as hi irlSt. The book idlag matte ICtloB by Hon. J??hn . la, who srracefu'ly telle the objeci sad usse of aarti the pictures ? Spoil aru ?tori.-? In themselves. VIRGINIA LAW BJMISTBR Pdf PSI ruary, lxvs. Publlahed by the j. p. i:c Company, Lynchburg aad tUcbaioad. This exCSllSBt magaxlBS, In addition t th?- weil grranged di cl 11 tori ?1 it coi of the late Waller k. Staples, which wa i by Ron Hsary B. Blair, Th . :. good picture ? imsotsd Jurist. The foUowteg ar the contents of the nun.i Unit? Declslot rial not? i Ds I tsd In full, a I Evsng vg Savias (arbitration and award); Bradley t?al Cotanan) ? Instruments); Thorn sa, '?bon (trust est?t.* for life); Norfolk and West on (wrl of prohibition) There are extensive notei to ti; ms. recent Vlrgl as: Insurance Compaay of Nortl America va, Gamble; Jones \- Bi etc . C"in pany vs. BrM : motiw? alth vs rs. ' Ivsi i ' un pany; Crescsm I ?nyon !?ern Railway Company va Smith. AMERICAN JOURNAL OP ARCRAB) OLOGT. Second Beriee. The Jouras of the Archseotoglcal Instltuti America. Mew Tork: Jetiemiiian com pany. Annual subscription, 13. Sln.'l? . 11. The Editorial Board of this pubUcatlor UStg of Editor-lB-Chlef John Henry Wright; l-Mitors J imes it Wheeler, Alisa Marquand, Harold N. Powler; Hooorary-1 an William White, Thomas Da - IT, William ; -il ! Of the No. ara "Edil " ?Vaaerl? can School <?f CTaSBkal Btudl s at Home" (first annual ri Sith an ap :;\i. This report aill be found re? with Information tor those late , ,1 (a u does, a most con I valuable sum? mary of the work of the ?chool. Pointed Tarn graph a. (Chi Shame seldom comes to B man unless be Invites it. . The airs of some people are of the tern. an ill Wind that -scapes and leaves a Babby tire. Irregular honesty is harder to manage th in regular dishonesty. An old maid ?s be? cause they are almost as treacherous a? It is often a h.inl matter to convine? a Bloa. A Witter says "that brains will tell. times they do, and sometime? it is that keeps a man fr?>m telling. ie men tell their wives everything that happens, an.i there are others wao tell them a great many things that don't happ? The woman who i- continually lecturing her husband either i rs 1 n has forgotten that a word to the wise la suffi Perfectly Impartial. ( 1 She. BO you I d to one of th I twins? Roa do you distin? guish one from the other'.' I don't try to. To A. M.-V (Written fOf the Dispatch.) The Unlit-bout? BtaaAg 'mid the ocean And aids the traveller fir and near ending with its ? mild A message gwset, that none need fear. So. In the depth of my ?ad heart Your friendship ?limes an?l lighte my Ufe, Ennobling it in every part, Though full it be of wrong and atrlfe. And 1 would a?k when far away, Amid in*'-- aorrow. want, and care. To ba remembered night md ?'ay By you, &'j good, so swi et, ?o fair. St? G. P. ArSouuet. (By William Watson.) I uhout overt breach, we fall apart, I tly ?und?: ou BOr I - of one intelligible whv. And both, from . winning equal ?mart. So, with resigned and a?quie?cent heart, WiT'im'cr jour turn? on some chance Up may lie, I seem to ^?-* an alien ?hade pass by, A spirit Therein I hnve no lot or ?art. Thus may a captive, In some fortress grim, From casual speech betwixt his wardora. learn That June, on her triumphal progress goe? \ Through arched and bannered wood? land?; whllo for him 8he 1? B legend emptied of concern. And idle is the rumor of the ro-e. --* *>. Old papera for sale at the Disputen office rOl'l I.ISTa Hl.ll ItMN?. HOME. Leading Alnbamlnna Will Meek to He I lit, , III IIIO. I ?, s . CHATTANOOQA, TKNX.. February 3 A special to the Times from Birmingham, Ala., says: A conference of a acore or more leading Popullats ot thla ?rounty held here to-day", Issued a call for a general conference of all the Populista of the county February 19th. to consider a system of returning to the Democratio pnrty, and participating in Democratic primarle?. The leaders of the movement any the Dem?crata adopted Populiatle principles Bt the Chicago convention, and that the. dug lor the Populista to do la to return to Democracy, act as a faction of the party, atul by united action wield a strong Influence on the party primarica and conventions. It la said similar efforta will be made in various counties. Jerry Fountain, a former Populist coun? ty chairman, la the leader of the move? ment, which Is now opposed by the State Populist organisation. ANOTHER EASTEH* WAOE-CIT. Keen ? onti>elltlon (he Caa.e-Tlirra Will II* No Strike. TAUNTON, MASS, Februsry l.-The employ?es Of the Whlttenton Mills 'uv? notified of a 7 per cent reduction In -, to take effect Monduy. More mlB are employed, and the ooi 'is th manufacturer of cotton cloth .n the city. Keen competition and the condition of the market arc ?Kin as the causea fer the r?duction? There will be no strike. The cut will be BOC4 p'. Congressman William Loverlng la presi? dent ot this corpoiatlon. Bid RR Hal saw CiODDIN-VAl'UHAN Married, InH.ill fax, N. <\, January SI, 1K8S. by the Rev. i: H. H.rring. Miss AHNUTTK <:OD DIN to Mr. A. SEDNKY VAUORAN, both of this ein. SBBBSB # -BBBBBBBSBMBBBB DR ITafS, \'FORTH, .ruary f. In Roanoke. Va., at the h "ine of brother < . v. Danforth, WILLIAM SI DANFORTH; aged "0 years. JOHNSON.?Died, suddenly, at her I No. < weal Baker street, afra, MARY A. JOHNSON, the beloved w,ifo of Jai .). and mother of W0 Johnson, Pridsy, February - at 1:1' P. M. Funeral from the Second church, of which she was a men SUNDAY, Fein iary ath, ?t :i P. M. .. tlves and friends respectfully invited to attend without furthi-r notice. I.OFLAND.-Die 1, at he r.-Idenre nt h'-r son-in-law, Janus H. O'Conndl, In Howard's drove, e.t 7:"*0 o'clock on Friday night, February 1. II ILMEDIA .am>, v.eiow of Dr. Heatetl i.-f* F'ie has goho to rest. Rar work Is done; A friend to all, A ice to? iler funeral will take place 'rom the :d's Prove llaptlst church THIS (Sunday) APTKRNOON at I?M o'clock. The friends ot the family are requested to at!. Philadelphia (Pa ) and! Cincinnati | papera please copy NKIN.-Dled. at her residence, No. 815 west Cary street, Mrs. JJIUI", KANKIN. II r funeral will taha from the rt Church MONDAY htOMI i -N? ;. February 7th. at 10 o'clock. M HUM ! M-I.l.l l?.i:Vi :l MINIATURE \! il AN AC l'i:H. 8. baa. Him rises . lll'Hl 1 II Hun sets .S9 Morning. M'hii, rises .. n*.6^*1 MINIATURI ALMANAC. FKII. 7. U Sun rlsea .7:< HIOH TIDE. Bun sets . . b "tt Mc-on rls<_ .7 IM, Evening.I_? * p< hit oi . i .??.~?, l?an. " ARRIVED. nur Pocahontaa, Oravea, Norfolk, merchandise and * pasaengers; Virginia itlon ? "oiii| any. boro', Tunnell. Philadel Lina, merchandise and paaeetiger; Clyde ,ine. PORT OF NEWPORT NEWS. FEB. 6th. (Uy telegraph.) ARRIVED. Steamer Dora Foster, New Cat/tie. mer Indra ?o?. mer Saturn. Rosten, geh?- Hart, Aliyn'a Point. Schooner Fannle Browa, Norfolk. lOOner William E. Downs, New Hevea liarge Oty of Atlanta, New Haven. ra* General Knox. Providence, liarge Ma SAILLI) Steamer Pisa. - Steamer Strat! vich. Schooner Spartan. Cost?n. Schooner Alle? Holbrook. Boston. PORT OF WEST POINT. FEB. 6, 1? (By telegraph.) ARRIVED. Steamship Acconim*. Thompeon, Nor* folk; pasaengera and general cargo. SAILJCD. Steamship Accomacg, Thompson. Nor? folk; passengers and general cargo. _ .u-amBaaBBBassws?easBWBBsmBBaaBSBBBBaanB Orders for printing sent to the Dispatch Company will be given prompt -mention, and the style ot work and prices will be sure to please you.