Newspaper Page Text
a THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 6. 1898. (Warm m> y ANNUAL SALE OF , Children's White Dresses and Muslin Underwear. Never wns variety so gieal or valu.-s go gnid. Xo skiinpv ft menta found bei?, bat ?very p well made Mil under yaw own^iporviH?.n. All tl,' d?inty tri Dietty UVle diwee, in fa<, ?Y-rrthW that a mothers heart could wish foi is here at the lowest Dr. re. * r t. h fr >n 1 " ? Chlldren'a W li i t A?^Jfjt ' B, eTvM?t quality ^I<-lSwStV : '"' - H''*''?ar?l atyl?1 t?tTrvJvi ; k rfwwyftK?/ i?*?vv?m edufil with ^m ^HiT?m* broidery, for 5n ? T??\ " !IBNT* i?vf I 1 \ Cambric Pr? ?se?. Mo JHai lai th?r iiiiiii.ii i. witi M/jKLLJ^ i i pointoi yoke, witr ^"* j i innertion and tOCtU 1 fi | neck and Pleeves ^ f i LLy with embroidery, for ^? ^ no CENTS Drcsnos of Fins Nainsook, made wttr r ke, finished oft with ?i'?r ruftle of Bwlss and ; lace, neck and ?loeve? ??dged with lace, for ?3 CENTS. \\: t ?ok Presses, rn:ide with point??! vok?^ i.f Insertion, ; ?jmi)rDii!?rv over ahoulder, n? k. and i- edged with embroidery, for t?H ? ST?. r?k Dresses, beautifully mnde, square yoke of tuck?, finished with deep nil." <ed With cler . !i 12. Pine Whit With \ <>ke of * Mid in? fer? on, bretelle? <>f nil r? Shoulder, neck and i aitii embi ddery ?nd Ins.;: un, fur i 89 Hundreds of other ?tyles, made of -, and Nainsook, trim? med wiih the very fin? ?t of la 18, $1.50, $1.63, 11.70, SJi?l ?I? to } ? <? Infants1 Slips for 25c, Of C;tmr.rlc. mads Mothor-Uutibnrd style, i .?s finished off with ?m l i cry. Prettily-Made Cambric Blips, with yok? of i n?{ plaiting and Insertion, : ? VTS. Sliji.s made of Fine Nainsook, with daintv round French yoke ol Swiss and Insertion * ? "NTS. 1 i finished with 1 an?* *. Naln? Bcik ' "ii olnted yoke of hem ?tit *tiinjr and h t I im-back cuffs of | emoro skirt, lor . ?S CENTS. Infants' Lon?; Pre I of finest 1 of em 1 i>rr with i go ill or grades Linen Lawna, ranging in price from Slur? to |6 ?s. Al?o, Valenciennes i ice Christening Robes, from $,v;>S to 1?. ?Muslin Underwear. Values Never So Grand. children's Muslin Drawers, to tit ehll- ] dr.-n l and ". > ira ?ild. mad? of ext heavy Mualln ?md finished with hem and . cluster of three tin h - buttonholes In ? ??> IS 1-2 < 'l..\ ! S. Il Muslin, flnli With rurll?. of H ma eiiii-'ur of tucks, up from 18 CEN ' :her Hubbiird style, yoke made of tu hrol.lcrv, fill ??zp? to h' ? ni.uii-u, m -im . to U real I M CEN f fini " g'- ads Muslin. : of tucka and Hamburg ill v. i sdged with 1er*,*, from so CENTS up Chll ibtlc Skirts, to tit cbtldran from i to I yeara. ftni?rnMi with hem and r of five tucks above, worked but .(I pearl buttons on waist, foi NTS. Skirts made, of Extra Fine Cambria. sita rutila of Nainsook embroidery an! Ihr.? cluster of tucks ni.ove. extra well .ml all ?izr?. for ?tit CENTS. Also, s complete line t?f Ladles' Under srear at ail ortosa frota it? cents up. Cloaks, Capes, and Wraps. Reductions Upon Reductions. WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S vi.ways a way. and our way I? to ut the j.rii-f deeper end deeper, a* wa era letermlned not to carry a elngia Wrap ivor for next ssaaoa. ALT. LADIES' VI R *P8, CLOAKS, AND APES AT "?<? CENTS ON THE DOL? LAR, OR ONE-HALF BRICK. &I2 and $10 Jackets Now $5. All - Wool I.adlas' Fine Kersey Jacket?, In Black, Navy, and Green, strictly tailor male, full satin lined, for fg. All Hough and Tine All-Woo] Boucle Jack? et?, that pohi up to j: ; ?. bow 8bX?M. All Tailor - Made -, that Fold up to M, bow U.M. Children's Reefer Jackets. FOTE THE TREMENDOUS RED?C* TION. $3 rloth Reefers, in Navy. Tun, and ide with 1 irre sailor collar, trim ii l with Hercules braid, now 81.W. $". Mixed ?Moth Reefers, with triple >llar?, stylishly trimmed, with braid, DW 88, made of heavy f!r?-en loth, with full double cap?, trimmed Black braid, Empire back and <:: BO All the r.iiv.iin.1er of our Fin? i down to ONE-HALF ai ew Veils and Veilings. : v. Us. with Cha? lle !' Is, i B low 81 l ?TS - Veils, in ail thi new and fancy i. at Si.*?, 29, 83, 48, TO CENTS KAUFHANN <& CO., Fourth and Broad. Everybody Wears Patent Leathers. C. F. CROSS SHOE COMPANY'S CLEARANCE SALE or Ladies' Dress Shoes. Lot 1. Patent Leather Shoes, were $6. cut 4T* g " " Te. to. ^Ia5? Lot 1 ('loth-Top Patent Leather Shoes, <?h> f\(\ were $5 and $6, cut to. %P3a\/\/ Lot 8. Frenoh Enamel Shoes, were $6.60, %?'"} rZ.i\ cut to. m)-*V e v3U Lot 1. Kid end Cloth-Top Laos Shoes, <?'") AA wtn $5 and $6, cot to. . $?9\j\j POSITIVELY NO EXCHANGE. C. F. Cross Shoe Company, 313 EAST BROAD STREET. (. 0 so, wan THE E. B. TAYLOR COMPANY, No. 1011 E. Main Street and No. 9 E. Broad St. For This Week We Offer a Liberal Reduction on all cold weather goods, such as Coal.Vases, Coal Hods, Gas Stoves, das Radiators, Oil-Heaters, Chafing Dishes, etc A new arrival of Umbrella Stands, in metal, Flemish stone, and decorated china, at low pri Complete Line of Housefurnishmg Goods. We ghre Trading Stamps. ja 2:i-Su.TiuVrh CONOVER, SCHUBERT. warn Anu dkcki-tiyb sometimes, and so are pianos. A handsome outside is no promise of the merit within. So in choos? ing a Piano exercise the game ease as you would ii? choosing a husliaml. (?itaConoYerf8ehiibert or New Hcale Kingsbary Piano and you will get one with more real music to the square inch than in any Piano made. We wjh He\\ you one on terms that will please you. NEW SCALE KINGSBIRY RICHMOND MUSIC CO. !J? .T)?8i*AT<?| ??-- ?? "?? ?^ ----?-i?-*?--?--j--------j*---?--i-----^^ BOOK AND JOB WORK M?ATLY JSXKCUT?U) AT THE DiSrATQU JOB Ol'WOA THE FOURTH ESTATE. GROrP OF KKW??PAPKII-B1K? SERV?!*.?-; |\ TI1K IHM "E. SOMETHING ABOUT THEIR LIYES. Sketch?*? of M?*?ar?. ninnd of Porta moinli. KUit of Norfolk, Campbell of AmlifTBt, Etnbrej of Frrrierlcka linra. ntul Hook?*? of -.iifT.'lU. While th? membership of the Hou?e 1? compris? ?1, for the most part, of tho*e ?ed In ?Krlcultural pursuits, yet there are many profusions represented on the floor of that body. The lawyers, of course, In point of numbers, are next to the "formers," while the physi? cians follow close behind th-Mr friends. The mimes of five "newspnr r m<n" are also upon the roll of the BOSJSB, and while they muy not all of them have MR. CHARLES T. ET.AND. Um "?lft of gab." ?o essential to Rome <"if the other professions, yet they ari Been of industry and push. Tho "gentlemen of the press" nre Mr. Charles T. Bland, of Portsmouth; Mr. Charles O. Klz?r, of Norfolk; Mr. C. ,T. Campbell, of Amtierst; Mr. A. T. Em brey, of Piedertesurtmrs?, and Mr. j. E. Booker, of Suffolk. BERVUfO HIS SECOND TERM, Mr. Bland 1? now serving bis second term in th? House with satisfaction 10 his constituency. HI? experience n? a newspaper-man ha? been quite v.arled. He began the life of a nCWSgatherer several years apo. holding his first peal* tlon ns member of the fourth estate on the Portsmouth Enterprise, a daily of bis city. Hs serrad the publication faithfully nnttl it vas eOBSOlldated with another daily which began life after the Enterprise had grown old in the cause of the peopla and the D?mocratie part**. Mr. Bland then Joined the reportoiial staff of the Portsmouth Progreas, and remained witjh Ml he ac I . position on the rond n? a com? mercial trareller. Retiring from thevroad after re-entered the field of journalism ns memb*r of th" BtaC of th? Portamonth star, an afternoon paper of his city, He luM that position ll months. and next becam Itor of the Nor? folk Virginian. Wishing to broaden out in the field of Journalism, Mr. Bland took of the Virginian and w.nt on the Evening Times, of Portsmouth, as its adi? ad half owner. The Evening Times n calved the undi vi.b d attention of Mr. Bland until It be s*5par? ni thai I room In that section I daily i to tin' pportunity i r? I Its? If to him to I? come an of the. staff of tho Norfolk Pilot, he ae - in, and i tted In mouth, h in iglng *! of the Pilot there. Mr, Bland Is an active, -/ member of tho House, and is often K2ZER A PRACTICAL PRINTER Hon. Charles c Kizr-r. the fanlor nom* bar from Norfolk, I- ted with ths raent of the Virginian. Mr. Klaer Ik a ; 'inter, and Of i' ' BBS his ufl :. H.- was for many connected with the Ljrnchburg Virginian: for awiiii'- located in Richmond, and Obs of th- t the ?first - lated hiins.-if with the Norfolk1 glnlan, and has Binoa b<an continu frith that Journal. Mr. Kiz- i as one of the most hers of ti B ll.- closely scans all billa, and I tnce to his oom in .my Of v b mi v I I daily. While this la Mr. Riser's hr.-t | be is not without experlanes in legisla* tlon. havii : ni.uiber of the City Council of his city. The laboring nt has no warmer fr?en i in i h of the Qeneral k H has introduced many hills .! m, and he h is had the ; seeing many "I them enacted Into law. Mr. Klaer is a firm belli rer in doin? the gn and la a man of strong convictions, but !! is a memt Navigation, claims, Manufactures and T / w Mit. CHARLES (i. KI/ER. Mechanic Arts, and Printing, and be? sides promptly BttandtssJ his own cont, in? can L>- seen in BttSfl '. Upon th? meetings of OthSTS whSfl consid? ering matters dsSBSSd of Interest to his large constituency. HE RUN! TWO PAPERS. Mr. C. J. Campbell is also a newspaper? ni.ui, and conducts two Journals?the Am isrsi Nsw Bra Bad tba Nslsou Times? of both of which lie '. ' owni-r of tin' luriri. r and partly inter lBJ tiie ownership of the lutter. Ile is a member ?if tba Howsa from AmherVl, an?l Is an able representative of that county, from which he has been sent to the legis? lative hall? for several sessions. Mr. Caaapball Is 3:1 years of ?ge, and la the only son of the late Captain Josi 11. CBBBPbSlL He Is a graduute of thi Virginia Military Instil nil During the session? of U81-'f2 and KTO-'sl Mr. ?*.impii<ll was chairman of the Com? aatttas on fcbOOla and College?, and took tlTB latsrest In all matters rotating icatlonal question?. At the present session he is a in.-ml r uf two of th?* must Important committee? of the House? Courts of Justice and Schools and Col? leges. ale Campbell is a rising young lawyer i of hi? section, and enjoyn a large pri? ll?, was not a candidate for the House two y?tari ago, but at the last election his Bon? stituents. rsOOgnlslBg hi? fitness to repre Ssnt their interest?, returned him to the Legislature. The dtlegata from Amherst rarely MR. C. J. CAMTB I'LL. spenks, but when ho BddrSBBSB blBBSSlf t'1 a BObjeot he immediately commands the. attention of his feMow-enembers. Mr. Bmbra* IS another of the legislators who sometimes "shoves the quill." or Il h profesi?n Is the I raw tli ( ?if th" law, but In June. UBB, bs, with Major White, then tin? Mav.r ?if Ptsdericksbura*, purchased tba Dally Btar an?] Bsml-Wcabry Star, of Kreilerlcksburg. When the purchase was made M Whit?- BBBUmed editorial control of the papara, with tba cBSual assistances of Mr. Bmbray; bul In September of IM Mr. White, was taken pick, dying In November. Daring Mr. White's illness, and up I time of his death, Mr. Embrey ?ll?l the editorial work ?m the papers. At Mr. Willie's death Mr. Embivy BCQUlred Bole control of tho papers, ami has conduct?-?! them flnce. H<- ilo. * not Intend, bOWSTW, to make journalism his future occupation, ami is now making arrangcnn-nt - to have some ono else take charge of the papers for him. Mr. Embrey, while the youngest member of the House, Is recognized as an able debatsr, and his views, whether expt in tho committee-r?A*m or on the floor, are always treute?! with consideration. Eta La generally very convincing In his argnaaents, and is caiefui that they may be sound enough not to tie "knocked out" by any and every one who may not ex? actly agres with him. TUB GENTLEMAN FROM NAXSE afOND. Mr. J. E. Booker, Of Ninsemond. editor and publisher of the Suffolk Herald, who I in th it work atncs Ifflt, was horn In Prince Edward county, nSBf tlampdaa-Sldne1/ Colle**?, When vary young his parents BBOTSd to Cliarlotte v, where he resided until his re moval to Suffolk in 1877. Mr. Booker Luu bssa an active par? ttdpsnl in local politics, bb b member <t the County Committee of the Deinocratt? party, and as cbalrmaa and see rats ry <>f that body, ami is now the secretary uf tin> committee of Nansemond county. In every campaign, from the tlm? Of blS majority he has given the best of his time and means to Democracy. Ha is now aeiTlng his third term in the House of D?lav?tes, having bi an elected the first MB. J. E. BOOKER time la November, has alar ij - taa.liillty. ?u tWO over \- ry i In all li. ' work he BBS a BUN Ort? I : B BlCB S the Interest of the peopls and ... d for this d in him by sending him to t?. i? terms. As a supporter of the act to call a con II I by and through his p?fteT Che .h bis county voted for this in. ..- a majority of over HA He : y enthusiastic advocate for a new ! itutlon. Mr. Booker is chairman of the r l'on'.- ' ?, ano is als Finance and Manufacturas and M< .'?its commit' aVBtJgggSBatjBtJBBJBBJj FREE TO MILLIONS. A Vuliialilf LfttBa II?i?iU >?>i?t B*see for the Vil.iim. are not always later? illy to peo] health; bu I on In ten is perfectly healthy, ajid even with such, sooner or lata ' -une. it li .... o s well-established truth that Igtpate with iking down of I . h weakens and In -m, making it easy for disease to K.-iin a foothold. Nobody son omptlon, h isa, liver trouble, or a weak heart and - atar? ai long as t??. d and the Stomach able to BBSlBal* late plenty of Wboll ?ou?e food. Btai ikness shows it.-, if in a score of wi).-, and this little book de? scribes the symptoms and aaus? s and point! th.- way to a CUTS BO limpie that any one can on Th? i ; stomach le and do not know it. They a the 1 the languor, BCrvOOJ nnia, palpitation, oonstipatlon, and De oth?r . than th* true one. c,, t y ur dig OB the right track, and the heart trcmbl-'. ?un"; trouble, liver disease, or nervous de? bility will rapidly disappear This little book treats entirely OB caus:- and removal of IndigjBStiOB and it i - | ai no] m It describes the symptoms of A-id Dys , Nei vnii' , , Slow I): ala, Amyla ma Dyspepsia, Catarrh of Stomach, aad nil au cti ma of the di gestl* In pi dn languaga easily understood, and the i red. it gives valuable suggestions as to diet, and contains a table Riving length of time renull SSt various articles of food, nag every person with weak diges? tion should know. No price is ask. .1, but simply send your name and address plainly written ou postal-card to the P. k, Braart Coaspany, Marshall, Mich., requesting a little book on Stomach disease?, and it will be aent promptly by return mail. " i TO <, 4IN NTKKNGTH aft -r typhoid f???r or other waiting ditcaaa |ii:o, lucid* ooiiidutrattil, pra 1 I e?f preparation LIQUID PEPTONE Kriuirfi no further d*.(e>tlon. ?>!?? in- u*J vigor tnim*dial?ljr. (.'.nitaiiieoourufa tin. rliij'it fuor Jru((i?t. s.l ?. IMI a JKiTlK ?II., Ctmim$, VV.htt*., rv 'lc 0 t ..-.IIV4 SH0E5 HALF PRICE. 50c. Fop Dollar s H O S A Trustee Stock ! A Low Cash Buy? A Great Shoe Sale! 3 REASONS why. Every reason a word of truth, TV*6 bought the GEORGE R. WHHEHUB8T 8TOCK under Academy of Music, Norfolk, Va., at 50 on the dollar, which means SHOKS AT HALF ?'? The stock consists of the finest makes of Shoes for Men, Women, and Children, Also, a handsome line of TRUNKS; and now wo are pre? pared for the Greatest of All Shoe Sales! COMMENCING* MONDAY, I ? FBB. 7tl>, 1> A. M., V-s? /- OlVIlVIEIMCIN/^ the sale ho^ins, and we pro each and every pair a marvel at phe price, and guaran, o< money-saver. Cash shall be the order of tli?' day, and no :ial-sale ^muls Rent on approval. We will gladly exel my a1?/ all times. HERE'S A HINT AT WHAT YOU MIGHT EXPECT: La.!.- s* ?-i and j-, Hand-Made i Ki 1 Button and La? r-, ail ?-, -, A ?izes mu? width-, now . ?PX.Z4 Ladlas* 0 whit.hurst ?Shoes, ?t. , our price . -P*"??/ In Kid and Patent Tip, Lace and Mutton, extension ?I '.v. d. Ladl? ?f I'ine Queen Cloth-Top, <*. A~ ). 1 Pat? at Tip, from $ '. tu.... ?pi.?Jy C\ D, and E wide - all sises. ?Ladles' ail solid Genuine i?"n gOlBi Mutton and Lace, Patent fifi/? Tip, also Plain Common-Sense. 00c. Whltehurst UM Ladles' Bhoas, a?. 1C% sale price . And many moro. Now that house of regalar stock. Head on: Ladies' $3.50 CsJf-IinSd BhOSS.... J-? ?T Grovr's (Old Ladlea*) Comfort, Congress sad Lace, 12 and ?. now . 175 Ladies' Button and Lace S?.50 Kid and Calf abosa, now . l ** I... li.-s- U and WJM Slim s. V. Ik Ladles? Bpring-Heel, ? grade. 1 4? Ladles' Mox Calf. $.! Shoo . -? Oil RUBBERS. r BoOtg, UM, now.. Jl OO Ladies' Rubber Boots, 52, now. 1 lit*? s Rubber siioes. ".v., now.... a*. I Storni, Jl, now . - ' ffdlaf Storm, 4''c., now . -?'-? La.lies' Storm, ?Sec, now . 44 Men's and ChUdren'B, :::. ., now... 11? Misses' Storm, .' ., bow . 10 Men's $4 nn.l ST, Willow Cnlf Tan r.-1 Enamel-Leather, all slsss, ?ale lllOS. %'Jt 4M Box Calf anil Tan Calf Viel, $4 . 1?7H, Men's <2 '?**?>Ogres? . 1 l"? IngiHcel, $1 grade. '?? iiuys' iiirei, nil grans . u* TRUNKS. your funun? r Travelling Trunk iow; 25 ikt cent. saved. Skirt Trunk, ?. trays, all Irish ln?n Ilne.l, solid nia.le. Whlte lUiHt, pries US; FMle prie??. ]?5(l Whltehurst Bteamer Trunk, ona ray, Iron bottom, from *?i.5t> to. 3 7S, we wish to suit every one, we M.n's Plain To?, Congres?, H.50 i Tad? . I ?*, Ml n's Viel Kid. hand w-lt, $4 and j, now . -i 4.V Men's $2 and *S, now. l TB Hoys' t? Bhoes . i 4i? Boys' $l.2? Bho?s . Hoys' $1 Shoes . ?? HOSIERY. Our entire Hosiery Stock presenta an lr of special Bale: 720 paira men's Fine Cray Socks, orth Hie., ?ale pn.:e . I a 36c. Sock? . M 60 Bocks . ?? pairs Ladles' Una Binck . unless H guiar dry-gooda toro price 12 1-2 to 16c., sal?* oil V (Not over ?j pairs to any one cus HIllT.) Ladles. #9c. Hose . iff? Ladlsa' 28c. He?? . la j Children'? Dongmla and Boa Calf. ! sewed, button and ssOS, BBsSl ? to I ?and 81-2 to 11, IggBJlga 11 S\ ' hurat Shoe, ?ala prlea . as j Infants' and Chlld^n'? ;5<j. Whtte hurst Shoes, ?als prie? . ?7 Misse?' Hand-Welt Button. Pa? tent Tip, Whitehurst, S2.60 gTad?i, all eist*?, ?ale prie* . 1 J? Misse?' i,ao? and Mutton Patent Tip, all aolid 11.23, ?alo prie-. h* have reduced every article in the CHILDREN'S SHOES. j Williams & Hoyt ' ] and UM arad ..... I SB Infanta* 50c Mutton Shoe?. ?r-td.? .. ?..", I All from our 1 Shoes pries waa low before th? sale. Misses' t1.?/> Shoe? . 1 ft* - . -.-. Miss? . 1 i". Ill . Prti . s WiTO tOW 1" tors M ' I thins red-. POLISHES. We skins your shoes PRBB, r to buy ths Polish we ami - : . IB . 1. T. m ' . ? n Fr?mch, Be. sizo . . I Tan Polish, 16c. size. a SHOES. TRUNKS, HOSIERY, 311 East Broad St. ? " Announcement. Have bought the stock of the Virginia SampleShoeCo AT A GREAT SACRIFICE, which will 1)" Bold REGARDLESS OF COST I fly own stock of FINE CUSTOM-MADE SHOES will be sold with llif Virginia Sample Shoe Companj - at great reduction. Now'i your chance! FINEST HAND? MADE SHOES SOLD REGARDLESS. My business on west Main Bireet Will be discontinued Will lie pleased to see my former pa? trons at my new stand, CORNER SEVENTH AND BROAD SIS, SEYMOUR SYCLE. Sale8Men?*-W. Logan Porter, Jr., Philip Oarlton, Eddie Bra mayer. f? u .' ADIF^ French'Female pills hulrii? IfclW ark THE BEST. OrlelualntidOnlr ( enulnp. PAFK. .Milu i n liai . -. 1 lion ?in Is i A*k roux drnt?gto tot l>r Warttl't r,lU. en Aa.u I th.: I TAKE NO OTHFR. 1'ut ?pon?-Im im Ll I...!.-?. ?i(\th. FRENCH FLA? ontopof Hitf, Wliit'itii'l ' fe-iich . JHOUK, OR. MAWTEU'S M KELIKlT KliUUHMI S ' in iiiiiiu-ful'. ).iili.-iilar? ami l.?tl. monl&lsluiih.AM.l* II IHK I? Iteturu Mall I re?. ife Mttlt) UK \< LB POR BA?L - BICTCUfl. Never l" "PNEUMATIC." cars ol Dispatch i f?j Ht HKAI/TH RESORTS. TU 15 VIUG1.MA WOW aVatnrae COM? PANY. BATH COUNTY. VA.. UN CHESAI'CAKE AND OHIO U.VILWAT, ?.jw FEET BLaTVATIOH. " New Homestead." with all modern conveniences, including private Liana, to? gether with th? baih-liuutie. Opeo tha yaa.r round. Invalids made perfectly comfortable. Wonderful resulta to aulTereris from gout, rheumatism, and nervous troubles, AMUSEMENT8 AM? Sl'OItTS: Riding ami d r I v 1111* tattles dally; new bicycle track, Kolf-grounda. lawn tennis, pool, and billiards; finning, and hunting. For winter ratea und accommodation! apply to FRED. STKRRT, Manager, anh 21-Su t Hot Springs. Va, Headquarters FOR LOW PRICES AND BEST QUALITY GOODS. We bought from the Trustee of George K. Anderson. Sr., some of the greatest bargains ever offered m Oro We propose to give our customers th?* benefit of game, A'<>\ in order to reduce our immense stock at both gtor >*, have inaugurated a cut sale on everything in our stock. V i never bought goods at as low prices as in this li-t. S. ULLM?IYS SON'S THIS WEEK. Best Tomato-s, o'c. can: Best Corn, 6c. can : Early .lune Peas, Sc. can ; .') large cans Table Peaches for 25c. ; California Prunes, 5c, lb; Orange county Creamery Butter, l.'ic. lb; Mountain Roll Butter, 15c. lb. all UOODM (?iAK\Mi:i:n as ADYBftTISBD. Down-Town Stores, 1820-1822 East Main Street. Old 'Phone 316. New Pssom no?. l)p=Town Store, 506 East Marshall. Old :tri?l N?*w 'l'hotnvs :{4. OUICK SERVICE. WE RUN EIQHT FAST DELIVERY WAQ0N5. 3-pound can Jelly, 10c. 10-pound CAM Pure Leaf Lard. 50c. Zander'-? Gelatine, oc. Old Bmithfidld Hams small ones, l(Jc. California Nectarines, 3 pounds for 25c. Hhipstuff and Brownstuff, 75c hundred, 2 bag! Bird Smoking To bacco, in clotb, for 5c. Hominy Flakes, "?<*. pound, 3 lb. can Apple Butter for 9a Arbuckle's Ariosa Coffee, lie. lb. Quart Preserving Jars filled with Mustard, on*v 10c. 2 Octagon Sbapfl Soap for 5c. Home Made Blackberry Wine, 15c. quart or rJOc. gal. Boston Baked Beans, ;'*e. and 5c. can. Silver King Best Patent Family Flour, ?5.10 bbl,, or 3 tc. sack. Large 4-string Broom, 15c. IIome-Made ['reserves, all kinds, 6c. pound. Home-Made Jeliv, .'.c. lb. Sweet Chocolate, 5c. cake. 2 CfiaJmer'g Gelatine for 15c Baking Chocolate, ?-pound cakes, 9c. Quart Cans Maple Syrup, 25c_ Gt-ed Rye Whiskey, f! Our $2 Kye Whisk. the world; same as \o:i $3 for elsewhere. Wine for Jelly l?v. quart? er lUc. gallon. Snow Flake Patent Family Flour, made of * st \'ir _:iuia wheat, $5.25, or .>.")? - Cottajv BoneJfss Bai I, all Lean, only Be. lb, Wsod'a North Carolina Clipped Herrii .- do? n. 2 bound package pr Buckwheat, 10c Best New crop New Or leam HoTjasses, : Ion. Fresh Lemon Ora Ni<? Naos, only 5c, lb, Cedar Tul Large Cans Cali!' F< aches, 12|c can. Imported Claret W n quart bottles, 25c: regular pries 50c 10-pound Pail ?AsSOll 1 Preserves, 50c. Finest Orange C Creamery Butter, 15c pound. Carolina Rice, I . ; < California Lima Beans, quart Knall" s Malt G ft Lnowledged by all leading phyaiciatti to be a sure curt for dyapepaia, only 10c Hx ?il.1.1) CLOTIIIV?, ge. MOTOUMA.VS S>'i:? -lADOlEEDCOAT. guaranteed waterproof. Call and examine It. All ether kinds of OILED CLOTHIN?} and 111'HHER HOOTS, wholesale and ra tall. L. L1CHTENSTEI.VS SONS. Cor. Seventeenth and Franklin atreeta, de 21-Tu.Th*Su3m Richmond. Va. Old payer* for ?ai? at, this o?ea, PCMoA.oUr'? raclitk Vitmm? Bi-mA ENHYRO Y.AL. PILLS "K?ll.-f f.r I ?ai-^**?? I**??.?? I m ?a. i#,?k>?> ? .i.u.-... ?.?. ? - . ?Ckt?kw4?rC?Wl<?atV.M?4?w?m(<i?-^ ?Mb/ftUUrrJ IhutHM* i. vi??., i ? toy l-Sa.S>J.Waw?ovljrl