Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. VHOLS NUMBER 14.618. "llCHMOND. VA.. Till K-DAV. H-:ilRiX?tY~iO,~8^ THREE CENTS PER COIW. PE LOME DONE FOR. \pparently Made Himself Per? sona Non Grata. ? DISAVOW THAT LETTER, robab?y Have to Be Given His Y?aliung Papers .?, m i\\ o i i M 8*8*1 mil BDMBT ,, v\ " Prebabli Shatale iiie Btreeaa iM Ii.iiHiik WttB iln? I'roneut . -?.m. n It i Kind tlio Mi. . ?.? - e pub iph let? : I Of the letter, .::. 1. until It was tin ?lly Minis this letter rt the as In other I in the : ill tl ' d to I ?DFORD. In consul? t four times during the ofBctal i franrdng ' Madrid. Th( .- . itlon to D ixtment his I i che. th- ,t it to in an to add Itlon, that the - 'la-ut .1 to : to with I with th? , rly. - an in?.']' ' V. !' Moll, he undue I ment would d upon ily In the Blr Julian v . ?BABLY STOLEN. but was then ? ob , been M - public men. He i r the itonomoua handling b au two " ihe ; I ' Tl B icfcvlll. prece n . ,. lure ed? a i n?.t .sut!" ' l-ord IP - . ' cons? mi in that .' m ' that with : srritten s lett? Cal.. In t<? MOrch! itrth, In oaatlni arhere the Mb aould no' noer, soi ' ! His ... political . rj ill' n - pop? ., in powi r wa? 0"*?l Me bell? red, boa . .: in dealing with .i Baokvllii . I [J I Ml "ai MinUter il Loiidln. that 1 a?d daclared tlmt his reply to Mun - "' ther. : \ ,,. l,.1,','"ll-'"M.n:,lh,ll ?f ibeMlnletei -""i w. indiff?rai i Mi. Pin-IP rd Ballsburj i ,:,' '.,C ,lu' ,H'ai" ?Pre? ,',; ?.ifc,oa?'hei ' ?eni m the premli But Lord Sails),.,,y ,,,,, ,,,? xmkm kimn ? _ ",." '? ? '"?tn he had iplanatlon. He d ' to wart..:, call, "thus ?coding m '- Which won!,i not ,,.. ' if he diamlase ' ol ih.- United .stau-, '" **Ko\ " BACKVILLB dismisskd. th.- m I , robablUlj o ailing the Minister : proceeded to ?iism ?ckvllli the United States hs 1 "" lo inform you thai I knowi ? ment, b i.vinc. . mpatlble with in. tal toth( g. . r presen! o? tion In i ni.nt of in Iritannlc Majesty may Und another chan i?, iw-.-ii the two . m of their husmeas > h pli i sure i?, depart i am li 0 furnish you wiih the usual faculties ml With ISM I lew, 1 now I.. . ternary tormx." B kvllle I? ii Immediately, an? rom <?. toi., i - until late in th? reeent? .1 here onlj by a cl Ign of the .lisp rith winch n lew? d the tr.atm.nt of its Mini W HAT SENATORS SAY. were few a natora who I a.i The letter Win II tl HHl t" ay but then lively f? -. . m ting i?- eapresa an opinion upon ?o-rioiis m ii'.!-," said S'-n the Committee on Foreign I ly." "if it Ig tun-" sai?i Senator Foraker, leo member of the i I latlona Committee, "Mr. De Loi rnmedlately given hla paaspt roes at. nck. and inosi aatouhdl wart : "The -, min with Spain's policy and n. W do evei ythlng t" oonclllate lards; they by do? us." ' ala?Ml th" soi.- topic ??i ion among the memb ir Its 'OlltentS Wet'e i'"ll-?.|.l' I auch It. Chairman 1 a-il Affairs ? 'oniniitt'-e; Committee, an.i other leading i:< is, ?i? dined to express ny opin? an at this time, ?in the assumption that be letter was authentic, how.-. pinion was almost unanimous 'Unit ri" . government could I uch ci It bal De Lome's words bad put an tai. thai the real] ?>f Mlntetar De Lome, whll? their presen! ?- >n?iiti??n. mlghl irecipltate it grave cr?ate. DEMOCRATIC OPINION. ota mor? .ns. Mr, it rry (Dem crat), of K? ntneky, a .mnnt .-". said that if th" letter prove,I t., be : nuiiie. the Spanish Minister should be nade to walk the Mr. William Ahien Smith (Republican), f ?Michigan, s m? mi n At alrs ? '?'inniitt..-, said : "l regard th? 1? t r, if authentic ront, call it as w.i ninlstered to Lord Backville West in DE LOME -?CORNS DENTAL, i ?e Lome r? c? ?\ ?ad a numb? r of aii.r- during the day, and to thos? ?alning a doae relation to him h?- did not lueBtion ti Ity of the publb making it clear thai he would the sui.t. i I? Bial toi , The only question i the if th.- translation, for th? pub a severity t.> ielll rhlch v.? re regarded tat? menta. , ii.- sel ol 1 letter and making lensible than the writing of the I it wai the g? ' ! I t i p ... impropi that happen I in which th? - " Of nil Ul ll'"' <*Ue#" WHAT MADRID THINKS. 1,l.'i.l.nt I lingoisl trick, Intended to dto ,irll , between th? United Spain. , ,i [NION IN' LON1 1 (iM'i IN '"' I'lAlalv 1'? Wit!) th, v .',,;?, of the Daily th.- morning do ?oi comment on in- i ? Lome The Daily Mall says: cannot suppose th I? t nuine, but it H Is, then i I vouid be m the ?re. things bai wanted t. lon Even the recall of S would not sattefj or pacify the la? i o mi correspondent rf ?pillion that BeUOT D- Umn's i , inevitable, bul they believe Bpaln ?e allowed to withdraw him in the .le i u?l?can ci 5?,?w2 roti.Kiit of ?Lord Backville-West, it "i::. tap?netele to give hi? Ma "Th^Washlngton corwapoadanl of th? D Newa s,n -teal McKinley , reaolved thai Spain shall have no I a-, exeuse to ptoh a guarrel with he rolled 9enor De Lm?< tbout *" illghteal loaa of dignity.' ,?, |(,mk SATO TO HAVE Rl PHILADELPHIA, I ;"1 .,i m ?v ?tat? tha< He Loin? i hi? reslanatlon to tin to-day ?; Ul, ?, a late hour ?his evening lian ,',, ,?, reply Iron. Madrid. , M'MM.i:.^ |'IIII._%I?EI.PHI%. I, win Iteka r?n ? BMivotaHi I ,.|,-l.rnllo?> al BBS. PHILADELPHIA, Februarj nnarlvaate received ward ?..lay frim. ' M'^nL-y (hi t h? wi!1 p? .?..-n. OU K-liruaty Od a, t ,. .nmJ_, funi-tl??!. ?ifth.1 Fnive.sli.v In? .f ?VMhlnstona birthday. an.i m i a dress the faculty ami stiidentt of Si? .M..-uta in the Academy l n o'clock A. M. A _,,.?...,.. ?-Kl. may ^to-JJ txinv?on, i'ieiefore tal?? i>r- ^r? L'?..;;:'i S> cm. TAILOIIS" SECOND DAY \> niHiiciiNT BfJBIBMBfl SBWStOB i\ the innitMiov. , MR. CHARLES E. HYDE FOR PRESIDENT Hi? la * ?iiiiliinted fur lln? I"n??-iitl\ i* I Mil?-??l?rl-.r ??V.-I- III?? < l?>- VeaiiT diij ruad l*iil-?rli.lni-i! ill Malil?I In W, a. u'n Baaataa Beeeoaal >?ie?. Th.- Meri-hant T, dors' National Ex? change held another ???Mon yeeterday, and |.?sl?les the transaction of other im portaai buMneos, named th. officers who - . prOSSd. OVO! the organization ft* th.- nest assnths, Mr. Cbarli Hyde of ohi'-ago, being selected lor the xecoi Th. day largely devoted t.. and In th.- morning a long carriage drive | , Vl-ltOIS. WHO V,' I' drivn pal t .,11 th. many ptBI I S? his? torical inti-r.'st in the city. When tn-y hit th. .i.fferson. kiob, they . ,i m.- t 01] ii" ' o tab and ten making ?jatte an ImncHlng pro tbO) drove throiigli the ;?nn treeta, One of the features of th? drive was the visit to ol?! St. John's Church, wli.-r- th?- sexton, Mr. ?"riflina. vie the famous / MR. CHARLES H. HYDE (The Nomine.- for President.) k Henry, deltvi I ios., attention, and a hen he com luded Hie , lined jn singing Ameiios. After the bui don the tailors dined in full dies- costume, and then r> i to the lobby of th? hotel, a h.-re a tir- - t, with buch? and-wtng dam a for their delectation. Afterward? the W, A. D.'., (W. Are Dry), i aoclal organisstlon or .inter,-- ?'ni sewer? of doth, held high carnival In the assembly h..ii. THF BUSINESS BB88II ?N. luisiii. sa aeselon was heM -n and sldersble business of Imp?rtanos to the ezchange was rushed through? the prin? cipal business* being the Domination of from WblCfa nominations the Ban? tlemen who are to dtrecl th? raoveaaenta . inlzatlon 1 urli niiiK ri ,11 be choai n t( The session area no! quite - me.-tings. and at .*! o'docl DI ChaSB called t he body to order thi n m preeent, though many of tii. 1. re soon BU< d bj late? conn 1 -. The 1 ui snv ridi'd. where which the regular I -..e. into, The nomination of pn aldi . 1 esidents, and secretary and treasurer were <-?? 1 i?-?l roll of oil."i -In: il'- Behang? bs? ing osUi ?1. I i illed, nominating |U Choice for the various MR. HTDB NOMINATED. Mr. Mattl hlcago, In a brief; eulogistic address, placed t!?e num.- ol Mi. Chaules 1: Hyde, of Chli ago, i- fore the body for the preMdencj ; Mr. Doll, 11 New YOrh, sconded th" nomina!Ion. . ?S bo otber caedldate being named, the , nomlnationa for i hta pffl< were ,cl For f?rs! vice-prealdent, Mr, M.rwin, of , Nea Vork. placed In nomination Mr. John Bradley, of Pittsburg, who is de i at hi? lioiin 1 He paid ?1 high trihiK?' i" thla gentleman, and . pplauded liberally, the nomlnatl ?ns , for this otii i" The name of Mr. ! 1 nk Bomer?, Of , a plsced before the convi n tlon by Mr. of New York. \lr. Somera asked that his name be with? drawn, as he still a new member, but this requesl waj no! entertained, ( and his nomination . is n. Mr Frank W. Krofl ol Chicago, was ilnated for secretary, and Mr, Rich? Notbaum, of Mllw.ukei Thi unanimity of th. convedtlon elicited a short ape from Preeldenl Chase, who attributed II to th" balmy climatic conditions which obtain in Rtchmi ntlala, through Mr. Dunlop, ol Chii igo, reported, show? resentatlona from Baltimore, Md.; B< aver Valley, I a Mass. ; Chi? lli.; < 'I. v. land, 1 ?. ; Brie, l'a.; Knn iv. Mo.; i.ittie Rock, AiU ; Louie. ville. Ky . Milu ink..-. Wi-.; PtttsbUrg, I' 1. ; pi-,.\ Idem .. R I ; Rlchmoi d, Vs. ; Rome, ??a.; si. Louts, Mo.; spriii.gti.-l.i, ? 111.; S'. Paul, Mum.; Washington, D C.j Ni m York* N. v., it a a, n. y ; Wor 1, Mas?. EXCHANGES' IIK1'< ?RT. The Chi' lion, through Mr. Matthews reported that th? .xebsngt M mat city era? In ? most nourishing con? oilion, and EBBOU monthly in full dr. ss sniis The repoti from the Pfttaburg Bxchangi ?bowed 1 gratifying situation Bmoky ?City. Mr. B> sd, of Cl land, n i I a moi i :' ' ' : Ins r* port from Mark Henna's village, specially empba- i ihc t.m - derived from the KhlbltlOn HI eonilecljoil with th.- Nation .i Coi 1 Btlon. \ congratulatory t.legram from the -r. .-?.??-ru of the Custom ('utt.-r-' A dation, at Hloonuiigtoii. HI., w..> t. , I and ..r.i.-i- .1 to be Bled. t??, B1 Louis - rcbangc n ported, ab ?w? vi \ promising condition of afl -.. 1 Valle] sebani .1 a trouble ra its axchange, and the necessity f"i- the ezpulsloa of toro of Its Bv ml i - The Bri. ? schang?'? showed an mere.1-. d [.ros'ienty 1,1 th" trade of thai city. Committee on Fashions ?ubmitt.d ...o. showing that the developmeni - h id progressed satisfactorily, I tiled. Thi Coromltt? "i orted, showing B the treasury, and estimating th?- receipt. at UM*. I . -pended ti n s?-d to MM pi r " sraa sdopted, together with it? reconnu T!,. Commltte? on ('..mentions, thronu-h Mr. K?lf?r, ?ubmltted report, thanking tii.- n Richmond Bachang. f,,r ||. 40d th" llele ?r! was referred to the Executive Committee, together with a omendatlon lhat the cretar-, take up with Hie railroads th. fallar, of the delega! H|v' H uniform rat?- in ??Ing to this city. EXECUTIVE COMMITTBaTI REPORT. The most important. BS?sasBM of the meeting was ihe report of I Btlve ''"mi ary. Ml Q. J. Hafte, "f Buffalo, mittee made Mveral recommendatiofl or l"ss In ?inh-r of (ppropriatlons, prevtoualy recommandai, ' f the . itim, an?l niopt'-.i. "2 u a lengthy argumenl m of the 'ommittee, that ommlttee on exhibition i ' irg? f ? l?ithln?f to i the 'ion and dlspla table I'll.- commit - nth rlaed t.. incur ucb ex| i ; mry for such a ?iisiihty ai desired. Mr. Matthews thought that it would be well to have this display a public OOjO, Sad hat Invitations I it each > ir deal g< lit i m? n of ; he cRy rislted by the National Exchange, ask? Ing their .-itt<-nd:iti< ? ' inhibition. ' plained thai if v. , aas ..f the ob of the organisation to >t mission- i [try work amone I I th" ( country, and he tlmuxht thai bj display? ing the int. -1 fa.-hions and cats to ti rent lemon, great good would result for i ih.- trade generally. No action was taken i un ti. ion. DROP A l.l. DMLINQ1 BNTS position from the Washington ] Exchange for tie Ion to publish i fashion paper, aaa i .s foun.i to be I mi raetlcable An ?ther heated dlecusalon occurred on a motion t.. .ir.ip fr?im the membership of ii.- National Exchange such subordli s are in an > al - ill thell dtl lly decided i.? give them ninety i.- dropping He m Th- ?'ommittee ,,u Time and I Seal Meeting, was ?appointed, - toll Kiefer, <>f Baltluwre; Oard, of Buffalo, an.i .ho- -on, and : will rep.>tt to-iluy. The exchange adjoarned, to reaasemble , o i-, k tills morning, and a -1 a ol th.- Rxecutlv? ? lommltt? e held. Reports a upon. ENTERTAINMENT LAST NIGHT. Th.- musicill at the .1 last night, parti, ipated m ?j by th.- moa! i n t resting I I the < n .mint provided for them by the local committee. Numerous plantation songa were rendered as in ante-bellum ' banjo aecompanlments, and tin- old hink an.i Wing ?I !? - of th" and? m eorn-fleld "coon" i Ived an i giv?m in most smuslni fashion. The entertaintpent I al ou! a o'clock, and continued until II, ami d.i rinj; th?- i th- lobby of hotel ami th- spadous galleries were : with int .m. n. who liberally ap? plauded the ?larkies. ati.i rewarded tb with Mu ail ?"?us. win. h were ever . to tu. m After the entertainment the W. A. D.'s, th-- secrel organisation of the tallore which, it is said, : ' tie Mystk Shrine had > meeting m th" o .n. on th.- huh floor "I' ; h'' hostelry. Just ne in th?' room was aot stated for publication, Utfh carnival w .- bald there, an.i sonn' fun of th.- "iart st rintag? " wa at tin- ??pense . . unfortu ; tee T?> MEET IN DETROIT, Th?- committee ?appointed by tin- * change i" agree np"ii a thai and , tor holding tin- next convention will re? port to-day, an.i whi!. n., m? is'. if anything, i upon, i; s? .ms t.. be lly i.ii'lers?o().| that I ?. troll will rttertaln the tailors 'I . . - Wait for an invitation to \'-n a ?'?iy. I' | \\h. re ii l -lid when it -, and as then I i dtarap tion in th. loi il ?exchange a' i ? tr.nt. it is though! advisable to go there m the harmony, t "-'! (?change will hold two '. t Ti'ion Besslon wil; ;..- t^. titrni btislrteVs meetlag, and at ni^M the annual ; I I..- held. Th.- clothing exhibition was thrown Open >'<-steiday, ami D r. I of all kinds an.i cute waa bung up for on. The i display??i. and with thim i patterns, which will become the style la the ti. ur ful Mr. John .i. Mitchell, of Now York. th.- fishion delineator of Unertca, ?aras ?expect? i le .- to Ins] bul h.ul not arrive.I I ist night Vis agi Mr. Laney, expecta him this morning. PERSONAL NOTE Among fie tallore probably the moot popular is Mr. h. N. Doii. ..r New York. Mr. 1MI has th.- reputation of being In a ?oust u,t |.I humor, an.I be n?-v?IT his mouth bul h-- ' pringa some witticism on his b< irei How, The . HT. H Matt tews Ol N H YOI_. ahose polish'.i mannen bave won i"?" riim fri-tiis wherevei be moved, are quite s number "f military te n In the National Exchange Among the meetlt i i.. Chace, brigndli r-general ol the or Rhode Island; Main <;. J. H ,i'i i, of tin Sixty-fifth New York R? m.-ni at Buffalo, and ?'apt.m Matt. Kel tbe Fourth Msrylai I t, ?ol Baltimi Mr. Frank Bomers, who iras I? rice-preetdenl of the Etch o! Ih" most popular tn the EX? han''". dl nl ? '! '' "' "1" i: rtopular m? n m the Bxchai Ways a kin I word and a pi a.-aiit .-: .... Mr. B. L spinn? y, ol has bei "i ?lamond < rharlle" bj ?us ti idnda Mr. Weiss, ?>f New York, wears more than any of tin? oth.-r talloi - Be i "b : eell? d" all ov? r is an.I even on in* cuffs. , a stickier for businei i la Mr ? i - I ? Wood, of Washington, though be enj i little fun as WI II. THE NEW PRESIDENT. .\it. Chai I? K. Hyde, one ol the i [.opuiur men In the Exchange, wi..> will [?.- lay be el? cted pn sldent. la on ol Chicago pn peroua and most promt? n. Be baa i" - a In the merchant tailorti I in the Windy Cttj sin?-. IS it, and with other mercta in that i-iiy w?s hurii'il OU! In the gl lire of ^7". 11" r?--. sial.lishe.i Ins liusl howevi-r. an,i ! is been al one Stead for Iweiity-tive wars. H? i \ n i-piishient of the Commercial Association, one of Chicago's larg?set a laiitii. Organisations, and Is oas ol tae committee having in charge tin of un Immense permanent exposition building ?>n tin lai,?- front. Be la aa . nt of the i." al ? ich inga of <ni oage as well as ex-tn isurei ..t the Na? tional Bxchange, and wai member .?r the Worhl's Fair Committee from the N. I Bxchaago, which ?oonualttes erect? ed the lar??' M0.SM building f??r unr. liant tailor- bI thi B bits City, He la on. the i... In Stab ? t m ter ??f the second largeet lod?. in America, having boon its fii v. ni. n. Bo is on.- of the most genial men M thS convention, and will no dOUbt | i.'ioiully K""-' officer. Tin? (.i-.?'i???t?t ??f All ?aft*. Thi re is no ?Ift to i tred v. nh th. Non?' r?'.ilize this lik.- th.- sut. t? r. r from some chronic or long-standing ,-e. To sm h the ?(ft of rciow..I health Is prleolssa. And \.t it Is witrttn th?- roach of ail such sufferere Ths Kieat sp. ?lalist in the eure of all ; :- .m.i ehroale dteeaw i, Dr Qreene, Ne '?-'> vv? t Fourteeatb sti N.-w York etty, famous the world i?.r ins wonderful curt?., has decided to give ? onsult ?tlon and advice her? K.niemher, ?sufferer, thai yn . win.? him a description ot your ai;.i kg will return a carefully cons!? t.iii? explaining your ?its . giving ndvtaa, etc., without eharge of .my ky-d. Write to-Uay and hagltg w y ou re BEAR ONLY MEMBERS ?O OTHERS C\\ SPEAK AT OMJ POM!?]BBS'S mkktim;?. ?R. SAUiNDERS ADDRESSES THE CLUB rhe Member frnn? Franklin Make? a. lllutliiK ?p-fch and ..roua?-a ?.rent Eiitliualaain?Op|i4i?ltloa to 1.11 oil-(?<>\ er n in i? nt l.i'iiKUi-, I, Henry ?I. p, Mont L Wood, These are t^.e days wh.n ?h?- candidat. or municipal orach la r^obnce, nd when the most humble cl'Uz.n M Bad. t" feo| his Importance, ami swells rdto l.\on.|' wh.n he thinks or be |...w.r of his vote. Bvery one now tbe "glad-hand.'' Slid tb? worin MSB. bubbling Over with goo?! will and rf.ndlln.ea, with never an unktiui feel* H ir lb. harmony of this ; CriOd of the ? ity's his! This seeming lOV. feaal was ,|ui?* . tit last niglit at the m.'.ting of the WO lominioli I?? in??eralie ('lub, when g?lte Bomber of candidate? mingled with ltl?> tardy son- ol rj*e?BOcraoy or thai organ!? atioii. and gav then? th. rlglit band ot sUowship. Hon. B. W. Beunders ara? present, and ?as Introduced as "probabl? 'the most tistinguish.'d rnember of ths House or >.-! ?,at. >." The Prieajat. from Franklin a splendid sddres., which was v.irmly received by the organization, and it its conclusion be iras sleeted an tonerary member ?if th? body. lied to order about &:'?> ry !'r. si.l. nt Wood, and the usual order tinea, was disposed of. Bevo? si bow members ?rere elaeted. and tbetr ,?'in? placed Upon tb. roll Of the club l>V Taylor. The following ?tandtnsj ?ommltti. - wi re appointed for I . year: Ive ? lomml l. Redwood, w. H. Mollen, - "... E Bowden, A. omery, John ! '. Donleavy, s. ind i". M.inning. Jr. Membership committee- Henry J l. C. Adama, and L L w Employment Committee w. H. Mullen. \.iiin Dlocont, C. Manning, Jr., J. ii. and W, i!. \.iams. o.Nl.Y MEMBERS can Sl'KAK. red by Mr. corin, ?roylding thai a pul.lie mo-ting be bold i' Old-Market Hail on th.- night of March 'h. ai which ail candid ' - Red to peak. An amei dmerfl ? to this irovldlng that only those candidates w"io ir-- asembera of the club he allowed to rpeah a! the meeting. Mr. J. w. Gibbons latt? r, .?nd though! th.- <!< - nonst ration should 1 ? open to ?ill. at? - i i'ayior .ir?<i Mullen fevered the amend .lid also Mr. Colin. The ? ' a.- amendment was to exclude Tr??ill the representing th?. Good League. Th" president sta'.-?l this vary plainly n explaining th. position tin- club bad aken in regard to this matter. 11 wa? m allowing those m n, hemselve. "good Deanocrats,'1 and who rere now sttemptlng to "run t fovernment," a volee in sny meeting hod m.i.r th.- auspice, of the Old Dominion ? m.>? rali?' Club The resolution, as amended, was adopted almost unani si'i'Kcii OF Mil. BAUNDHR8. Mr. K. w. Beunders, Bjember of the .kliu county, vas Introduced to the ?lub. and mid- a nos! lin- ited that the ?v than bat in tho pi .bleb h?- was med to participate. Baders -aid h.- heartily approved ?f political clal - m a tb ugh! II araa ?nly in d?aling alth Importan! qui ?1 to-dai thai th? p irty could bop. v. support. Certainly, as far as rned, the mere actloB of a "?arty in the pest and in years long gom ?y, would bav? littls w-.-ight arltb him ?in- Dan - irty, ha thought, h id n the lea! flv? year, manifested a more ictlve purpoee to live up to it- platform . than in ! ?hi: party not degenerating. Mr. Banadera aaM be was not on.- of ho believed in the d< generation .i' tie- party, ami who w.!-- Imbued ?rltb i that those who the law? it to-day were Inferior to those i if old. For sin. wd tact ii - and adroit rchemee, 'tho.-.- old fellows of a bum red no! - v.n .\c. pting - rVa.hlngton I ra.ll) out do th. legislators of t b lit day. lie thought th" politic- .,:' !.. lay were as clean sa thsy hod ei .id he, th.- country ha.! -.- n th.- 11, ni.e ratlc pn ty turn its -v. v 'rom thi I look toward the West '< r a man to |.-.,d th.-ni ;i man who -.oui?! live up to th.- platform of his -tarty. "When we nominated that !.. ?Vest,1 w. J. Bryan," d "the p "pi" knew thai thi i m " -i i tic part) had pu! i ndidate ano meant buslm ild surround dm? If with a Cablnel thai would llv? up to th?- principles laid down for ttietn." Ami hence, Mr. Baunders, continued, the mom i pow? r h "i si Isen sue* nighty Influ? i ndidate. rhe latter wa? denoun? ed as a tbeo i-i .nid a dresmor, by men who wen "not worthy to li.- hi- Bhoestting." lAp FREE SILVER AND CLUBS Hi.-. itlon, Mr Sounder, said that tiios. opposed '." the i,.- col ' id no! deigned :?i discuss serious!) that gi but conti mptuousl ?n, when it was reell) a ,!'' ' > mlnatlon on th< li t., right the on-- to which i.. araa sddn islnj hi- remarks ,v.-re tie- bodlea to mak. the Influence felt in such problems, it was in Hi.- en? actment of such laws as th- "employers' and Hi" measure requiting .-i their ear-, t h n th" people wer. d, more than In .11 th. talk iboul Jeflersonlsn Democi The p. ..pi.- .-h.nii.I make candidate? .n iiouiice principles before they chose them ss repre.? Uli.I. BE NOMINATED u.AlN. Speaking ot the futur*. I of th? ,ir. Bounder? raid the contest of i.i i?- aagi ! on the Bans, plat? form and with t!. tii.- but Tl St i 'lie most enthusl istlc appls Mr. Beunders referred to th. ei of a Richmond dally (the Times) during ..iign, wh.n that -poke of i'.ry ni ?is ".?n leap's " The speaker declared that it w.i.s tii-- magniti'?nt ?peecb of that "i?,y" b.-foie t?,,. i ation ^.?v?- him tin- nomination, and lhat Ion made BO " !' take. Prolonged spplsoM als,, gi tins declaration: "When w?- s.-l.-ci him in -.. we voit m ik no more mutak. than ?re dM then," s.ii?! Ilstlagulshed si-?-a.k>?r, ss be con* Cluded Ins p marks. Major Helms, Bupseratss^ent of 18s ivniii-nti-ii-y. was prissent, and was In? vited to speak, uvt h- respactlvei] ? In...!. Mr, F. B, Brent, of I ?ras aba? Called upon, and made a few bi i? I bOl - urtlc > "'?be. a vote of thank? w:i.-> tendered Mr. fJbunders and Mr, Brent, and tb?) arere both elected honor.. r> r?waa*?8evs i ; club i ?IE CANDIDATES ABI HBAJUX The question tbeo nsrsn liner* Ing th?* candidate? for th? variaus city I to ad.Ir.-s-. the eluh. Th? dudare?! that und?:' Hi? resolution a<l"I?t ?.-d by the organization, nu oue SfbO vius J l int an i gtrfbutiag, or h? nember of the club, could a n Curtir?. Who Is n member of th?? luh. then made a statement 10 I >.t that he bad he positron of Sheriff, but had hot h- WOUM B '' run if tl taring to that oSre wet.- reduced. Re otloed that they h. Legletetare, and, therefore he re? notify ih ui.lie ,.|1 i h .Oll lie W'Ul.l le't Mr. Bughee announced hu? Intention ( pladi pie for ? -election as Sh-rlft. Mr. W ".1 the only can for City Auditor v.nth .1 to the rivlleges of the floor, a f*w smarks. Munford, Hawkins, am! ! of Comml f th?> ?Revenue, were declared entitled o the privile?-?? to speak, ;iml ?Id SO Ot h'- or.I-ft n.un..I. Mr. Hawkins snid thot. i. Hi- following ?gentlemen ?wonM ia|. I wiih him in the w?.rk Of he enV? M? are m i. Carter, T "W. oseph. .1. A. Haley, D. W. Mortoi 'h. odore r. BOTH SPOKE and SIN?'.. Captain Cunningham, candktete for vm ! -. tion t.. th.- oSfce <?f city Collector, ras invited t.? spieak. H- i ! ;h it be ad faithfully attended to Um duties oi is office* and naked an indorsation of ?^ record and past servi,-es i.? a i?. mo rat. No dab bad ever called upon him or Contributions that he hail not r? ponded. IP ' | upon f.u a oni?, and h??rortj hi !. he added hit that was an "additional coinpli lletlt." Mr. li?tes, candidate for th.? ofhve of ty Collector, spoke next. He sold be onldn'l Mag, bul ihn. Instead, he la? stated t" "wo around an.i shake hands . ith the boye" He denied ths ?ruth of lu? rumor that should he be elected i?i* on Would he his deputy. Mr. Briggs, cand ?Acs of 'Itj Sergeant, as dkl ateo Mr. leorge McD. Blake, candidate for the See of High Constable. The Uitl ie knew every candidate was the "work? ngman's friend," bat be, when g mom? ?r of the city Council, had demoa? trat. ,1 his right to Mi" claim by I n that body, ii.- wanted to know boa rany of the preeenl officers "f the dty rere oa the stump during the leal cam? itlng th" <-i?. tlon of i Mr. Reda.I, "in- ?>f Mr. fjarrtson's leputlee spoke for that oSteer In the ne.'. MR. MULLEN and THE BCHOOIA Mr. Mullen, a. member of the dub, an? lounced htamelf as candidate f<?r the Sty Council from Jefferson Ward. Be aid in- understood thai the "c,?n.?i-iiov rnment League" Intended to put up sndidates for the Council in tint ward. oppoaed t.. that 1.1 rov. rnm.'iit." that would deprive Hi'-' ichool children of an education, and vouhi r..i. Instructors of their -1 to thai rovernment" that would ?establish ? finance board." all nine to be dected u ? ftaj Ward, t.. rob th- i opls ?>f their inhts. He was to tl ..'.- ms,, ?i was compc u a ii" "?:-e(i th.- Democratic party, and Mp ."rt'-.i McKinley. These remar? :i ' ted w ith grt a applaii o . and tin? Ul .1.-. lar l'ion .au-, d th.- wild' SI li monstr itlon of approval, Mr. A. I'. Montgomery announced bim If as a candidat, tor )n iflStrate, and dr. Stephen Wood also declared himself i candidate for th? position Mi hall Ramos, in a few humorous remarks, innounceil himself a candidat i for Jus ice of the P< ace He, like captain Cun ilngham, was requested to sing, and lid s... Tin? ?lui? th.n ?adjourned, after ad? L resolution to hold week;. mm- ii. un? MXl WedBOSd OTHER CLUB MEETIM The Young " 'luh of Jackson Ward h< Id i m? heir rooms. l_l North Seventeenth number s .'.ele pr.'S.nt. Utld .'id' I '. w. Cunningham, J. C Smith, E J. Yarr.-n. E ?' Qarrison, Q. McD. Btehh, :. M. Nobles, 0. A. Hawkins. John and .). T. Bughes Tills tilth Wednesday night "Tammany Club" was organ!* tight at a meeting held near Second and meal sire.' n which about two bun red D?mocrate w< The foi? ?wing officers were elected: President. Ida. khurn. Jr.; Vlce-Prealdent, Mr. Celtb; Becretary an.i Treasurer, B ii. Krause spok? li I roi I be candi acy of Mr. Hawkins, while Mr. ? 1 - t rood'a claim d by Mr. J. A Democratic meeting will be bold to? normw nigh! at Westham il.ill. corner f Laurel and I whteb everal of th" candid it? i will ?p. ak. Pili li- r "pte.l an Invitation to a.ldi.-ss Ward A? tii Saturday night. NEW CANDIDATES OUT. iming out almost ?ally. The in?.st Interesting announce? rterd ?y waa thai of Mr. F. ?'. one of tin ?ration in the i s a candidate for Sheriff. F. B. Thoma on will run for .-?I |n M nil 'ou Ward, and Mr. i ?;. Armstrong m Marshall. Mr. -M-ld.-n lo II.? \|.polu(ed. tte Harry i Chesterfield, thai Hon. i tuber of thi Board the Polytechnic Institute, will be n al. .u .- of the i : C eitrol, which las the supervision of the Btat? I III.'. The >??vv 4.IIi?k?ii (.Irl. Mr. Charlea Dana (Ml drawn :i .u "? 111.son ? .irl." w In. li will be I . r of on,- of tiie popular period!? als. ii is non.- other than the artists lit!!.- daughter, .'i-"?i i year, and M ntltled ' My \ alentlne." i. ?d?, lor <li<? II i if s???r??. Julius Meyi t- Boni i .ai-ioad of go-oda from New York for beta splendid neu itere, on uppei Broad Into which they win move i" ahoui wo w..-k-. '. -'- Arms n Richmond to r? ' shte i.. nt of goode li?ll??r*' I-', ?.hi lilt tit ?'Tin' J .?ff? rl..lll.*, I will n- ..t u . ?n-rooras ail la) Thursdaj and Friday, Will i o hare all my patrons cat] and meet Une ?>t Barat?ala m ariii. EWl?;. No. iJwiiiK to the KlaaSlhal N'..; going to take Dr. David's lyrup- "Boa! on earth" for cougha, otisumptioti. bronchitis, and ??1 throat md lung trouhtge It Ig i Toe, Qeodyear, B elti d Mutton heretofore sold al $3. 1X50. and n. : this we.k during the epeeiil for imlv M.M at Tin: MODEL STORE No ?A?? Broad atr? If \uu Suffer tvith si'k headaohi-. use Dr. David 7111a "Beat ?ni . and all ind liver tr??o The Williams Typent .ks for VkSWe ?writing, ?i i Ul.llt, ItloSt ? 'ouvenielll. ..lid sin se mlmeti graph*, etc. Hood m i r rent. HAUDIN COMPAS . M .m. It "i. Well viih Dtele Nerv? ?ad Bone LtaUseai ms, aim li? "lUJili? iialiis. Cuica where ol? tali. eis niKv will mm tEFOHM'TOHY ltd IIU) DIMI'I'li^T. II) >\ I TH ? (?Mill TTEE'M UEIIIRI. RESIDENT C?SKIE WILL RETIRE lasSaara. A. II. ? hriatlan. \lrgli,|,,, BawiaSk ?ind ?iiIiit? \\?!' |. ,, i,,., SuH?Thej DaeMiee That Bsstalajaasj i?r iNNliliilioii Han II?-.n Impaired. rs of th?? Board of ilaitagasaan f the 1 u of Virginia r??. tard the report of thu H linltt??-. .aiii'.i Bcforaaatery as mtensebj lointiiiK. Wail, it la evMantly hi o i... ?m,i la, in f ot, a comptote vtndson? Ion of tb. board It is gem rally fait H.a. ?tile Irritatlnir criticisms have be?n ex? which ?n t by ? Hi ?? lop? d in th.- ,,f thi L'ligthy and most rigorous . i I ly Meatlfled with th. hoard le? nd the Investigation as one of th st blows to philanthropy In the I rison reform that ?oui?! poHNkbl-, < i? ?u <!..ilt. They hay that the o, i iblllty would have been to an) rre.t institution, and ?Whey bav. ?par??. leither .heir time nor their mn1 making th?> reformatory a t torn svery point of view, swveral prom nein gentlemen w? r? r Huir on the -, I with ptlon thi > i lympathy with tie board, ?ml . 1 h? coin-., of the inv' PBEBIDBNT CASKIB TO RJ9T1RM, : -noie than probable th it tin- In estlgition will lead to th?- i if m ally. If no! all, the niemtmr., toard at the next nnnu . which vill be In Id about the ndii.ll.' of April. 'resident CaakM lot think thi I it this time. Tii ,? takes ilSC. In April, and I ' .elation is that a \.i ?i an ting re from tl 1,'in y, thoogb not from th?' l*?.-u,J. My I.'termination to retire from the pr?j*l iency is not due to th- report ol the In? ling Commutes al ail. i h-ot .ad.- up my min?! to ?lo so nontlis ago. for i hsv. found tl eformotory and the Council ha. ?iking up BO much of my tlm. , i rieaci' cting my own h lad 1 t... n wavering I ion, though, thi? InVefAigatton would el'talnly liave mad,- in?- .: ilgn, REPORT hisai-cointin*!;. "I ?lo BOt Hin!' rstaild i i i. , .ai ot th..) oinmitte.' t., r. tl?. i in ''lent. ?n -,.... i , ,, rank to up.J that ther- ,. thing? n th? report thai ppototbaaj t" mmlttea found that there was say ' | lent clothing. In lefore them. The question, win?!' hould hive ?h.lins on teep them from running hOUld h" ..Mined 111 ,|i . is entirely matter of opinion. I'll.- managen in it heat t.. bos :n. and th.- commit', .hink It ' >ody that hi- ?poke, to me upon he sub. . to think that tin- re ormatoi*) is a very i.. thing in ;d i ho'?*, it will com inn? " do go? p?**slbl!ltie., lowever, seem r-? tly limit? I by the pi ?on." Speaking of in*, duties as pre?rld?nt, Mr, iaskle ?rent on to nay thu i \ ears h?; had given freely of Ms Ums nul his money t?> the Institution, tttid ia,! ; . i ? when Und? v '"'I. "\\" do not question tho riglit ?,f th. ire " h" continued, "to ffSte any Institution in th. State, nor ?lo to take into pi.? in th?? e.immunity rrho go to form an association, but we lv dlssppMnted with the report if th" nimmitt"-." MEMBERS WILL 8XB0 HKTIUK. Mr. A. H. Christian, Ji ,'i. ?-pr.sid? I:' vas als?? <>-n b) i I Mr. Christian would, in th" nati "Or, b. el' . I id tO / I '.'-Tkl?>, is the hi: I vie -pr.-r 'dent- Major BtBas has .iii- 'i ? long term aod ro> m th. doth s. which b? found loo onerous four years ago. Mr. 4'hri? rarfsass to ta Ire m April nom th. b Laurel Reformatory. My ssnrks nsiitiitloii b o voliuiiarHy. been rendered f-om ab.. ''union was doing ?orie rmation of the ? riutybel yousb ?t I believe that ite insMfuiawss has been rery much impaired by th?? cmi i-tn oi the . "mini; ilioutvli. <o far as 1 am '.the Mmllng ;ompletely sonei " Indi? vidual. . I do mit car?' to b? to sucb criticism In Ihe futur?-." Mr. Virgim ?' .?-m, thai b. woiii.i withdraw \prii meeting, win!" he sos n ictlve m the or He* affair. ,f th. Institution, he mys be ? li- knew thai they were in he band '' "" " ' :, lent hi* credit to the Lton .m I -"I It? paper. He re? be withdraw.I Ol Mr. I I - ior Btilee, and Mr. Chris Has Itsss th. Ilrectorat. as s public ealaratty, the belief that every m? < loctatlon will withdraw fn c, f,,,mat..r.' Board. Be dOeS no? mo iow tin y can do other. -'y?, for mir motive? bav? been impugn?-!, ?n-i he fact that limy ha. t??n\t ,f their time and ni"ti' He thii '. B IriMUHtlO? ' Am a sien.? YBT Krrrtt*rivs Rcs-mr for 1'br'oat asbrasaasB, bkow*?'? Bkonchui. Tsooasa taiul Or.-t In public lavor. Tbey ?V? absolataly '. f.,r tb???l!"vl.tlonof ?II Throat Irr!? i ? . a 1 ,r u??of tb? ?olee. Kittel 'lower Concent rnt?*?l Kruli Jalee? sr. nil.* in the .-entre o! the frul? dis?-teto* ?un.y rytn-itn. ITrtCBii, I.4UD ?t; ? a ?iKei.t--. _ For l)l?en?e? ?if II??* ll??r, **i > " ?eh. and Kidney? ibo Wat' ",r ?Vni's Sulpha | >pt in.? i? tbe m?j?t val?'?' '.-tea. i'l rata. U I.***" * V? Wbo!a*ul?* Agonis. The Weather. ? \, .\.-'!HNi:toN. F.'bruury 8? I FAIR for Thur'* j j | [-abate *??n??r.iiy fair I , lur; ?lightly warmer; ?-sat For North Caroltna-Oenerally fall ?lightly warmer; eaetertb :u IN RliAY was clear and pleasant. - oi ther mo in? . .W 0 A. M. ' . i .M U nlK'ht.? Mean teruperatur? m,Ult\