Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1898._\ Messrs. A. Saks & Co. WILL PLACE ON SALE TO-DAY 800 PAIRS MEN'S ALL-WOOL PANTS, REGULAR $3 VALUES. AT $1.65. MAIN AND ELEVENTH STREETS. T.. .......... ~ . HAVE FEWER COURTS ... > * M rOTM I <?ll MIIMimim v i\i. ii? i his i:m>. Pi! THE CAPITATION TAX. [? i. i. n.. Reaalatlaa a?i<?ih<?<i i?> l'l?. r 111 n neb- Hill for Cnlnrgr. : ..i renn.mii,r> Biagiaeeod Ii - ..i i i? i ha Sal < t ><? ii?-?!,. submii im. Ills Ol : ,. ' 0 alK'lish county and ni dis d over Ion of an ?: c bull? Ins al the i" i It* ntla :.i la the . Uowod f??r "tin : t? daoed ft ..m lio-?.. n of the - until ". In the Houge was ilary <.f the ? I? anil rely, per The bill i- city o l.e afternoon I hS l?n* l.i th.? -?.nute. i: H lUng S i tnucn lg Usual. * . Ill?: ?rate ... i:\ti.\uv 1:11.1.. rd ot Ik? did - at un . mit) . 1.. ?n to Mr. : I. d that l in f the building, and while trongl ' on petltlon with : ; . "ii.i 1 Il? l-like to doing worn 1 : . ' .duat.s in . 1 mi. : - ?MENT I.' \ ''.?., and G .ri.i.v, Plana 1 K-. SI 11, 1, i?\ 4PPROPRIATION. r< 1 from R50.000 to I It he atnendiH it? : Igai nom anil; . . rpend He 1 lent nu i rimlnals. d the 1 "" ni h id tltutlons, ' no! I follow D ' 1 otblng by personal oa Ing BNDITURR ;,.- disliked to oppo hu? ll such an expenoi . .. , , - < ,. .. ?1. and v..1 n , . hill, it holding h. rOlllil be bUlli at a . bulldingi II trueted m . . 1. . Uttn oil.?r Btat I US pool their ?in? ' : d 1 a rely k' : .-. th? ' ' nded lt. H' ,li<1 ""' ''*" ; r. .- ."- -t ' '" '' m M depleted ??n many ' n ,..d in? Ml " " " l'? r Mr. Letcher, not b? tiiuugm 1 " ??? uy coin , *0\ ... ? not BI ENOUGH. bill. appropriation ST1 Jung ?i ?vded con Bui Why, A,r. ..?,??" hfi 'ii" world might en? 'all, or. hell break ?V"'','"'?? hive ever hap ' ii, o ,,,h i," COUld not thing it 0 abono, ( ?OWn salaries, and atl ?ray. ... make Bis income, ni ?-am,. ,iln? vote this great sttmfor g Nu- convli ' '?'-r advoea, .! llis am,.n,;. h" ,,,,k " '" rndld buildings to ac ',n,m1"'1'"' I ite's crimlnali t!':;"1:,V.1,; ' aas am,,.. Mr ? em,,,, thougbl the penltem ahould take Iti place at the fool of the nd receive only the appropriation possible, after all the had i". n provided for. He moved by. 1 the motion. 1! be wanted the matter settk d now lb- should f? el dtsgra?. d if h. ?-, ,,. t" bis constituents without having ?i. thing to corre, t the terrible condi? tion ? listing at the ion. Tin: AMENDMENT ADOPTED. Tbs v.,t.i Mr. Letcber*S amendment r? suited as foil... Boy? bin, Claytor Clement, Flanagan, Flood. Hartley, Kan.. Leteher, > Mnnford. Mushbaeh, Parr, Bands, st. Clair, Bteele, Turnbull, Wall \'. khiim -^l. -ton. Fair? fax-. .1. f?ri, K? / 11, i..'1'ai.i, Maynard, Morrli A SUBSTITUTE OFFERED. Mr. Flanagan offered as a substitu?", ?i Introdui i .. pro. vi?Mini for Hi? Farm. While Mi peaking to institute the hour for the conside? ration of the special order?Mr, LeCato's I utlonal amendment mak? the payment "f the capitation tax a prerequisite t.. voting?arrived. Mr. made a vei date? the am. ndment, and it te ol -J i., -i. Tu CORRECT JUDICIARY BT8TBM Mr. Barksdale's resolution to submit t.. to the Constitu kbolishing Circuit and County courts, was taken ii|i. 'i'li? patron of the bill a Sirolie; s|? BCh for his bill. II M Would ' ' 1 n Hie mljudi cation ' Mr. Morris said the bill was only an effort t" abolish ?'.canty and Corporation and w.udd not . -"lili? l?, i .id Ib.: |i:i?-an'' of tin? bill would C8 I 111 th Since the i' in.- county courts, ..r that which , take their id;?'", would be put the Stab-, and tile n from th?' coun Mr. Wlckham spoke for the with. ,|p aid that when an attack was made upon an oftce-holder, ?>r ?_ . ?n. the 1' en.-'.uii a phalanx as solid s ted to their He ti." ighl tl the i,< "i I? I t,, autb istltutional con ,:, m.aiit that they wanted the amendments to law. Mr. Turnbull argued for the resolution on the ground of the greal saving H would effect it mlgfal no! save the E ury; it would save tbs coantlM ini KEED OF THE CHANGE Mr. Munioid call?"! attention to the Ion adopted i'> ' he State Bai A ion at its last Hession, recommend on th?- i i" i ropoeed by the mon. and argued tor Its adopuon. . utallv in? said lie would like ! the oftii'?- of County Treasurer muted with Mr Boykln said he would not l.?r the amena? it' submitted, but he was convinced i v system needed reformation, and he though! the people should b whether that pr? ? th.- kit 'red. -.aid he v Suit? ing ,. ity Of the county ju prop ,....., l to abolish an OttOS which Th resolution was ordeted to its en :.,.nt. and ??ass- d tinner suspension of the I THE PENTTENl [ART RILL. ? ills w- re taken iif out ot ih. ir order, ami tic Senate then re? . ??.sid. ration of Um poaltonUarj bill. Mr Flanagan spoke toy his substitute bill to a.l.i t" the State Farm. lust. enlarging the penltentlar I the . Kreaiiy benefited i ! that com ,?, hl. relieve th.- eoagesUgo at the peaitentlary. ?.j?0 i Mr. Planagai VOtad. and will never v.u.-. tO tne i V|cu t.? any Individual. Th.- contrae! with the Davtg Bfa. ,,?,1 blot upon th" in-.' .,1th. I am tired ?seeing human blood coin? ?i Into ?loiiars ?gad by corporal. IHK BILL IS ENGROSSED. Mr Morris moved the pending question, WBjc'i, and Mr. Flanauaii withdrew his subatftute. ,?,,,,,,.,;,, to ll'S ENGROSSMENT. i to its engrossment by the following i kin. Egglee : [fries, Kan-, Reesell I - Leteher, Mason, M?sele, Maynard, Mon', - Wallac.-, a no IT. Barksdals, Claytor, Cie Hale, Hartley, .. and Turnbull?11. Mr Kggleston had paso? : sus Ul Inoorporanng the town Of Ki'vuvllle. Chailo". OOUnty. aojourn. .1 il ISA ?>'c|o,k. aSS ??f ?? lea-ate??. ::t. .? lively little Ighl 111 tl,,- HOUOS "Ver the bill to " salaries of Ihe clerks of the two l ., -. ended In a victory lot ed to so largely decreaatng tne i ntl|?end allowed th- The -hieb the amendment oflsred by Mr. Stuhl)?? wa? defeated on Tueertnv recn-ldererl. and the am.i.dment' Adopted, allowing ?he i I. k ,,t the H '"? a ?alary of t1,6H0 i imendmenl makin. the aaJary ?. Clerk of th? ?Senat? iLMt p- r annum ifter wbteb tb. bid i t.? iti engrosBBaent. Housi> wa? called to 0ffr8 I by speak? r Ryan, ?nd tr ; were BPaned with pi Calleen, AFTFHNfMlN Si: tOAIK tea wa? (ailed t< fler, Mr Parka : sotutlen rl ling the chair b. \ lock and resumed at 4 o'. during th. ,,r t?.is -,.. ' SOBBS objection t.i the adoption <>r reaotartlon, as it was stated that t i '.mmltte, .. tab t ... , ,,\ \.,Ck |,, th, a and Mr. I'd "n.r ml Mr. Pa hoth asked thai '. tb. resolution .raen - w bleb n - were to ?,. . or.-id.-r. d, ami in ACTIONS OF B-IBCTMENT, Mr, I .,f Krnr.klin. Introdu.-. bill in relation to proof in action <>f ej ment, which makes it incumbent ' th<- plaintiff to b, ? .,r pTOV. the I Bon of any Inclusive or excepted b< dary inside die exterior beundai grant, deed, or other evidences or t or t?. locau ?a prove aw h exception such grant under Which h<> claims cheln of tul.. but t t'a cl h 1 nid shall b. ?! ' ne -I prima tu ami tin- burden ?ball be on th.- defew to prove that hi-' claim i within th. opted boundary. i ano! ) r.-.'naet rsSettOB UK rde in refi n nee t?i ju.igrn- - non. ' t law I run from th? tlm? they are setually ta up by lb" i mi: from th? ginning of tin- I in. AMEND Ml'Ki'HANTS' I. H ' 11N Mr. Jordan, by, preoented a to amend and I law relative to im lehants' III . tl it laclad? s fresh-as? st desle? ; ddle from vi i. *i without ' pt j,, ,,!'.- ?'lid ill? ?.?u,it.d torils which have markets, 'in who canvass counties am! corporations th?' purchase ?.f horses and cattk excluded from th. provision.-! or th" s tiou. Mr. Jordan also Introduced by ?renn a bill to amend I l sotlon H ime i : ?. rel itlve to p. dler*a Been B - . n.icted in : of tino on ??i'h person engaged in pe-tMllng, whether on toot otberwl tin? tax on peddler? lightning-inds, whi'h shall be tL"?. '1 amendment does not Interfere with f farmer.-' privilege or that of th.- p. n selling articles made by hm DECREES IN CHANCEBT CASES. Mr. James Mann int. bill to : saacl aectlon MSI of the code of virgn in reference to how a CbsnO ry cause si Bitted It' vacation, how tb. do ; hoi. ami u- effect Tb preeeat law amended simply by adding the won "Exi 'pt that in tl..- ? .- of a ?: momy. tin- BBSSS shall be . ff, ctive or from th.- tini" of day i: i?- sntorod Of t ? '.id by said i l.ik." Mr. T. T. Powell, "f N< ?rpori " troduced a hill to incotporaU' tie .\ewp< New? Military Academy. ColonM B, \ Huffman (s named as the corporator, a ?low. I to hold prop i lint e\ce. ding ill value the Mini of MB <>?.?>. Th.- 11 .,f the institution is give boys a thorough prepara!-1 I tary education auch as la usually pr scribed in preparatory i Foil AN4XTHER MEW COUMTT Mr. c. H. Jennings, by request, intr bill for th>- formation of Jacks. county out of parts of Washington, Ro sell, ami Sett countli i to tl bill is tile vote of the CltlSOnS "1 Hi'- pOll lies affected on the question, wnlch shov It of li total of 7,: Vol. d against it. M r. '. joint resolution to appoint Flank 1 Wynn t.lit I and set! from th" United Virginia. I I Mi. John a. Parker, d provided that th. rights of B. P. Greei lia ja, -, n* Qer of Virginia, ai not impair? >i or ibi id appoint ment. Mr. Wynn was formerl) a restdei of Tappahannock li n! of Baltimore. OTHER BILLS INTROD1 I ED. By Mr. I'oweii; For th.- relief of j. 8 Curt?a, "t w sra a ^ county, t authorize the Auditor of Publia Acconl u said Tt< saurer with lo warrant. ,.- al all act . iititle ',.. punish th.- illicit, trafile in m toxlcatlng iniuois m th.- counties o Wythe, Carroll and Qrayaon, By Mr. Walker (by request): 1 porate th.- Staun! rosta Uailroa Company. By Mr. Wharton: For the reBet of * Mili.--, a disabled Confederate soldier. m.-; For th( i R. 'i Vaughali, ;i dlsabl By Mr. Jordan: To provide lor the ap polntmeni of vii wi rs t"i tie- turnpike I,,,- l'i, any, and to .1- ' duties uf tin- Baverai turnpiki oonsp nli in that county. By Mr. Montagu?; For th" r.-ll.f o Frederick W. Scott, a Confederate sol me: To amend and i ,ud i of tin- charter of th.- towi of Hampton. SALARIES OF Till-: CLERKB bill Axing th.- salari.-s of th.- cb-rks of the House and Benat? cune Up ill I O'ClOCk as a special order. Mr. (Jsrnetl inov.-.i to reconsider th.- vote by whlcs tin- House refused, on Tuesday, ; to Mr. Btubbe's amend men! allowing the Clerk Of th'- House a salary .,;' Jl.'ioj per annum. The Hoi red its action by a VOte "f -I?i to 4". Th.- .pi. stioii th.-n C mi?- up on MM amendment, and Mr. Wlnborn. offend as a further amendmeni thai the Clerk "t the House ie . tve a sal. b.r in entire term of ' ' per annum, as provided in the substitute. Mr. Wlnborne said I Ired to pay ?m annual salary " oflhoers who only worked a few months during two then he had nothing to say. bat he wanted the tax*payera t" fully understand what lotion the l-txly had tak.-n Mr. BaunderS Bald as far as hi? was lied, b? Bra? not afraid (or lus BOB? si it U? ids to know thai te- fa* "? ' '1 - tb? ci.ik of tiie Bou... ,,f Delega! annual salary of B.SS0 per annum, Ms though! that sum wad noi an exorbitant en.-, in consideration of th.- duties which that Officer had to perform Mr. Parker said h?- bad looked up the r, and found thai m?o Clerk of tbe House of Delegates had rei r annum. Tin: AMENDMENT U 4ft The all), n.lrm ni of Mr. Wit.! then pur before the body, snd was do? 1 a - follows: Vois \1- re, Mon Bei ry. Ill ?K. ; C. T. Hland, Fluiton. Itutord. Caidw.-li. C, J. Campbell, T. J Campbell, i i H.irlv, F'.swl'k, ! '? it h.-rsion. Qsj Goad, Ga*ynn, H. Jem jon.-s, Lovelace, McClanaban, MU I'emlli ton. S.ttl.. Sir ,.!, Sprall. Bwltxer, Tavlor, Turner, Turpin, S. I!. Walker, a,. Wilson, Wlnborne, a mi Wood Naya Meeere. Ab dor eon, Hurley. Bau? aerman, Qeorg? ?' Bland, Booker, Carter, Carrington. Chaplin, rhur/hman, ?' Darnell, Dtgga. Doha, Bmbrey, Fltapa trlck. Folk. lie, Hick?;. 1 v-\ , T. i>. Jennings, Jordan, Kiz. r. Mate, a. \\ H. Mann. Maupin. M?m Murphy, Newberne, Owen. Palm i i. Parks, ' Richer, Powell, nberry. it- ddy, Ssisndei J \- Smith, S;.ir, Stubbe, Thoma?. WalMO ' H Walker. W'ellford, Whar? ton. Wil'ard. J. W. Williams. William ('?. Williams. Winston, WlthrOW, ami Mr. Ryan Mr. QeJlehar was pavlred with Mr. Hatcher. Mr. Gollebei would ?iav?- voted i... Mi H lt( h WH.I. OH F IHM 11.600. The pending question aus called, which n the ?tubbs amendment, ami t ?t?Hl by a vot.. of 4? to I follows: Mesera, Anderson, Bar! ! 1 I ?like, Kml,r>".\ FUzpatrl? Hicks. In v. T. I?. J .) ' -Minn. W. II " ,,n MOBtagl '.. Newlfsrae, Owen, Park? '. . R? ddj th, gtubi Walker, We ford Wbarton, Will u i J. W. WUliaa William <;. Willlaaw, Winston, W'ithro and Mr. Si y, 111 ik- mm Bland, Bl ? impl-dl. T. J. ? ! Canin ton. ChapUn. ( hurchman, i Early, Blswick Goad, Owyn, Hale, H 11. j. \n. Ml t> r. Palmer, Pandleton, ?Settle, Bnes Swltzi r. Taylor. Tnrpl Walker, Wati on, Wilson, w ?i.i Wood ;i THE SENATE CLERK*! PAT. The s- < on.! ameadment offered by A1 Stul.hs. SllOWlBg the . a ?alary of Ji.;,?> par annum, i. ITS t? ?in. ' an.e up aei and was adopt, d by Barte?) ke, Diggs, Duke, Pltspatrick, Poll ?, Ricks, Iv? T. D. Jennings, Jordan, Kiz.-r. Matthew m, William H. " Montague, Murphy, Newl Parker, Parks, Passmore, Pllchcr, Powe R< ddy, Bound? : ' .1. p. smii v Walker, Wi J. W. W HlUuns, William Winston Ryan?a. : fool. Caldwell, ?'. j. Campbell, T. . II, Carrlngton, Chaplin, Churel Darnell i: , Oarrett, Qoa Owyn, n ?: H H. J? nnlng han. Mint.-, Palmi s n. ni, Spratt, Btoner, Burgen? r, Walker, S n m. Wilson, Wlthros Wood it. Mr Parker then oir. n ?i an araendmrti strlkim: out the i id tO pay for . Tin i t., ?without opposition bill th n came op -?-1 a who!? on effor ?nd reading, bu this mol ion m ss at f? at d, as it i a two-thirds I elved onl Tin-: i 'i.i :- OP JAIU Bill No. -it. in regard t?? th? Jailers, which wss published In tbs D) i ateb ye t? rday, was called up as ih. ne*rt special order. Mr. Parker explain?. thai in no ease, under the graduate? s.ale. would g jaibr r> ."ix. foe for Re. plag prisoners ?hau ander th? ?it law, and with the e\ three n which the amount wool? be the earn? I, I bs fa? wo iM bs than now allow..i. Mr. Anderson offered an amendment providing that the I ants for a ni rs ?>v> r titty. Instead of 11 i and made a strom: light tor it. but th amendment was defeated. Mr. Maupin offered an amendment thai these fees apply only to the i.rd of san prisoners, ami that ail OS Incident to th?? support ..f the inn of jails should be paid oui ol Treasury, This Kered by Mr. Wallace, prnvMlni thai the f< ' he II ' ' Btl '"i without regard to num h.f. An amendment striking oui th< . it th-- int should be In force fr?.m its -, then i Bill No. RI, i" amend :. provide tor I of personal pi?operty aador the control ??i fiduelaries, and the a reral courts of the i immonwealth, was made b der - The t.iii granting to th i my tea seres of i Mittid. The ' hair w ' I ?Util - k. The Afn-niooii leaalaa. w | : Ryan i I I ' tliirty m? mbers In th the bodj anything like ? bu ilandai was called ptly, and those bills to whi?h no ' their mi? aini the following H - To regulate the liability of Insui i impel ?- ; and isaoclatlons In this B In .? Main C To - oM,?,any. To authorise the Becon i Au? i o,ii],iiii bond, act of F? I In lieu of coupon boi (or noo, of thi ? ?yed. To ?x.inpt the ?rages of minors from garnlshm? ni pro To am. nd and t tO amend and n . the Code of Virginia, In relation to the sale of Intoxicating Uqooi nta, approved February .",. UM, and to regulate the ?viiiK or furnishing ot spirituous <>r intoxicating or malt Uqa n i to such minors and students To amend and re-enac! section )MI of mend? d by tbs in relation to . . oundary lin-to of lots and tra? I land may la- made g lawful f To ami nd ami re-enacl sect th.- Code of Virginia, as am? nded by an pprovod January U, 1SW; as further led by an act approved March t, IMS; and as further amended b o],| rov? d ! lauarj -' UN, In referen? to whai pro; h.- distrained fof and levi.-s, and to autli"rlz.? th" rowing tltnb.-r and wood A consump? tive hopes sad hopes, but a time comes kwhcn hope fend-i, and the black shadow of de?pair I forecasts tlic Ic'.miuif of 'death. Thou? sands of doc? tor- say that consumption is incurable. Thousand? of con.utuntivrs believe that tht?re is nothing much the trouble and that there is no need to bother with medicine." Both are wrong. Consumption is the most deadly of diseases but it i? distinctly curable. It baa it? inception, like all other wasting di> ra-e-., in disorders of the digestive organs, and the first step towards its cure must be the relief of these disoiders. Ninety-eight per cent of all cases of con? sumption are cured by Dr Pii-rce's (".olden Medica] Discovery. Thousands of con? sumptive? have testified to their complete and permanent recovery through its after they were given up by the doctor? and all hope was gone. It corrects all disorders of the digestion, makes assimilation perfect, fills the mood with the life giving elements that build up new, firm and healthy ti and acting directly upon the lungs drives out all disease germs. It is . specific for all lingering, bronchial, throat and lung affection?. "I have been troubled with indige.tion and dvspepsia " writes tito. H. Water l'?'., of Vates City, Kuox Co.. Ills., "for the laut two years. I gol a bottle of your 'C.?!drn Medical ??itcovrry ' ind took it a? you directed It did me so much food I am going to get another hottle and take it. t i? tbe be?t medicine in the worM for tho-?? who have stomach trouble. I have recommended it to several already." The BOSt medical hook ever published in any language is Dr. Pierce'? Common Sense Medical Adviser. Over t-?8o,cx-o copies of this book have been ?old for $ each. It contain? 1.008 page? sud vx* illustrations. ' It gives suggestions for treatment of all ail? ments. There are also prescriptions. This valuable Ix-ok, in paper binding, may now be had PRBJB for the asking Send 21 one- j cent stamps to the World'? Dispensary Medics] ABsociation, Buffalo. N. V., to pay i the cost of mailing only If fine cloth bind- ; ing is desired, scad 10 cents extra, 31 ccnta In ail. th.- renting of real estate, for the pay >.S a o.l ! . To provide ?he method of ele-tlns the Council of th?. city <>f Predertckebiirn. and to confirm th?- sleetlOns of ' oounclis her? tofore lmd, and th??lr ucts and doings. ? the clmrter of the city of Frcilerlckwbure. in relation to Justices ot ci. pesos, poli.?? justice, ooastabtse, and the p Id city, and in relation to the offle,. of Mayor. To protect th. pahllc health of the city of Fraderlcksburg. To allow the Corporation Court of the f Freihrleksburg to appoint one or more imnstablos Authorizing the city of Fr..|eri.ksbiirK is bonds t.. redeem what are known as her kiis and bridge bomls. To amend and IS SnSlll an act entitled an act to authorize the Board ?>f Super? visors of AlleRhany ?ounty to borrow mon.-y _,, redi in '. ds of the said cmnty. To authorize : of Supervisors of the county of IMtlsylvania to allow Company i. Messer ?ation, to a monument on tin- public ptjinrc of said county. To ? in magis? terial district In the county of Cheater Ipolntment o? a ly ?dtlrer, and to !lx his compen? sation. To p, rmit Proderfeb R Wyaa, a minor, to qualify us a notary public. To am sad and re-enad an sot entitled an a.-t ; Pa-Crash Draw-Bridge Company. TO provide f,,r destruction ot certain poll-books in tlie Cbrk's MOCO of the county and corporation courts. i and re-enact s. ctioo 117 of ' "I-- of Virginia, with reference to now jiniK's of eh.-tion appointed Calling and, who t.. T.. ainene and re-enact section i.? How tin? counties "f ...11, and Graj son, to sul. t.. the capital st...-k Railroad ? iompany. T.. prohibit hogs from running upon ' within certain : lb? d limit ' | ' To amend and re-enact section ?i of an ntltled an act to lacorporate the if Newport Newts, in the county of \\ n ?.'.: k, and t " provide a .harter there? for, approved January U, To authorial th.- Common Council of Ity of Newport News to cause t ! for, and in the name Of, ths said ..f d? ht or bonds in ad? .tition to those it is now authorised by law t" issue and to the present Indebted To amend and o-.not section 3120 of ths Coda of Virginia, ivst, in relation to payment ?>f money Into Treasury when '.i.-il In hanks. To provide f??r Imposing a speclne lionse tax on slot-machines Into whV h ara dropped pennies or nickels and need in the State tO dlOPOOS "f ???ars. dga? chewing Kiim, or other articles of tin nli ' I mi musical de! OB the nlckel-ln-thc-slot principle, to Increaes the revenues ?>f the State. To license employment sgenetea, pre? scribe regulations for doing buslni ?, and prescribe penalties for violation of the To authorize W. R Car Ii f to I and maintain s wharf ?>n his land near Pig Point, on the Nanaemond river, in Nansemond county, Authof-Mnhg the ?ounty Hoard ..f Ellas? both ? bonds for im proving, enlarging, snd building school? ing land and furni? ture f..r same. Granting to M. C. Armstrong the right ihlish a f.-rry from Rlaokh Point, ?m Hampton ero"k, in the county of Elisabeth City, to the opposite side . .1 (le. k. T.. amend, ratify, and confirm the char itton granted by ?'. w. Hill, .lu?l?i?' of ths Second Judicial Cir? cuit of Virginia, on March 14, UM, laoor? inland Lumber Compon**, seis, the Srhooi Rosrd ":' ham School District, of county of Wvthe. to hoitow id s?-cure payment of it by deed of trust upon iutborla the Hoard of lupervl . iiand to In? ity Court oi'.y. To provide for a road ? ?mmtsslon ' ', In the ampton. thi B?3ho '1 Ti it,,...!-. Csmpbell cunt;. borrow coo To protect v.iid turkey in th?? canal '. To provide that when an aetioa Ugh! upon an evidence of debt, In .ry. and Judgment is Ob? talned Igm? nt. provided it ?s not : he result of an With ths en I Itor 10 Cloak the us"iy. shall operate to debar the debtor from setting up th In any subsequent pro? ceedings thereon. SENATE BILLS PASSED, To amend and re-enact sections ., and UM Of t'n. CodS Of VIrgiala, in re? lation to procees for th arrest of barged with crime. To authorize and smpower lh- B II ?my t.. bonds. To Incorporate ths Halites Instil n \ Irglnia, In relation t.? ; dings to : To | res II ii"' tin- powers and duties ..i' ths cities am! t< Commonwealth of Virginia, snd to me. To amend and sections and Hfl <?f th.- Code of Virginia, In n tioii to search warrants. To at.i and i' -"na. i an ad i ni au Sd in relation to tin? appointment ol commissioners In chai IPPROVED in THE GOVERSOR. Ill- l\eel,ene> \ 111 m.. v. III. ->IkiiiI| illi lo n Largo Raahar al lass Lawn, rnor Tyler yesterday affixed ure to t: -; hills, which i,.id prevtouslj? pa>s,.,| ooth houses ol (he Id ? To amend and f., ^ tlon 4107 of the Cod.- in relation to th.- riKht ?,r to . .nut from tin? Jililgmailll ?.* nd just.ces of th.? p. in criminal (Or the dl - position of the gCCUSed, unless let to fall. the Issu.- of a lew wart'.Hi' or am. n.Inn ?it of the ori?inal warrant by tin- ?.'oiimy, Corporation, or Hual ?'"iirt, and to lix tin? rulo of procedure manta in the said courts. To astead the time for the colleci of town taxes or levies in A-'dual. authorize the owners of additions Nos. 1 and 2 ot the town of HLhlands, In ... 11 'ou-nty. to close th?- r| alleys of said additions. To emend and re?unset asotloa ]?jg of th.- Cod.- of UM, in olation to railroad companies inclosing thslr roadbeds with fences ami eraotlng ? sills gnsi : To : ? Wlehle, In Pglrfax ? ? Authorising th" Leeaaoni i:.i?. Church, In AOCOSBM county, i certain church property. To amend and Motion 13 of an act to aiBOnd Sad re-enact the charter ??: thn town of Ashland, as amended. To laoor potato the Daten Indeaanit* To Incorporate the Laurel Raliw Company. To amend ainl i.-enact section I.V.? ?f the Code, in relation lo lists of deed-. li? be mado out annually by ?h-rks ol courts, and what lets are to contain. TO exonerate certain lands in Koanok? ?ity from crroneoua taxation, and t. r. J. W. Lynch from liability lor To empower the Board of Btt| of the county of Isle of Wljtht to borrow , money to purchase team and applla to work it? roads, and t therefor. To declare a certain portion of ??round la York river to be natural ovster-rock. F??r tin- relief oi ?" H. BesmoT, S. J. , . M. Goldberg, RUa M?<rK??n. I. hers, an?i j. w. Richards To amend and re-? naet sections 23, 61, iufi, and It? i?f an act approved February Wo Movb February 21st TO _ FOUSHEE AND BROAD. ivery Part and Parcel of Goods in this House Reduced Except Where Contracts With Manufacturers Forbid. ?jttfe. Ladies' Coats, Cheviot and Melton ( 'Idhs, storm collar, shield rout, lined, sold at $?>, $6, and All at ou? < ?- > ?*/\ irice. ?-?PvJ.sJU 107 yards Ruchin-r, lied and ?r.iii, If inclu?s wide, former irioe ?r)0e., to close, *><t |/\_ raid. IvC? Ludion' Handkerchiefs, Swiss mbroidered, puttt-riis. Sold "i- LOe, ?BlBla, now four -"ier "or. ?-3C? Bors' rants, All-Wool Cheviot "hecks and Solid OoloTS, w. !'. ".i? and 7."e., reduced ^q ()'H' lnt Corsets, fire di?en nt -1 \ 1 ? -. extfg Lo&g waists, sohl i|?w:inls o! (1.26? on hoiee.0--/V-? 750 yards Percales, Satines, and (linirlnims, 10$ sod l.tye. m qualities, per yard. 3C. lfair-1'inH. 1 n v i si 1? 1 8, both Crimped and plain, 'lozen * papers. 3C? j OfJBj lot ni'-e India Linon, 860 y.trds, t?. elose, per -^3^ yard. ?4wC* ink Tablets, satin finish, extra heavy,?.)'?.. ?WO of them, 10c. ^% quality, now. *3C? Children's I loso, Fast Fduck, -, double knee, heel, q ,ind toe, now, pair. "C? Bl??kets, heavy twilled, Komaii ?stripe border, full 11-1 rn I si/e. bound a\ it h best tape OcfC? MER'S.Sixth and Broad. to provide a new i barter for ?he city of Itoenobe. To amend and r- (Jon VI Of BB act approved February provide for th?- ?ettlement of th? public debt <>( Virginia, not funded under th. provisions Of ?ill I Main and declBTS Vlt gtnla'a equitable share of th<- <i? nt cre? ated before and actually i voting at tho time or tb. pertltlon of her territory and resources, und to provide for the of bonds i-.'iiv. ". inn th? an me ami prompt payment of Interest thereon, ring for its object tie- r-oUeetion, rvatlOB, and perpetuation of th? minus of the .soldiers of Virginia who fought In bar defence la tbe war be? tween tb. States. To auttortsa and empower tbe Board Of Bupervlsora of Botetouti county to borrow M4M lo pay for s bridgs James river. For tb. I'i'.'servatii n of <iuall In the counties or Kin? ('.or*?? and Stafford. To sutboris. th" extension of tb. tit;*?. tin church property In Bo! county. To ,mi.lid and re-enact section l-, ,,f tb. charter of k.irmviii?-. To .niieiid ami re-enact sections ' '>. ;i, ami 19 of an act to ?Incorporate tbe town O? Bstrelville nit?., as amended and approy? ,1 To amend and ra-.naet the charter el tb? N'.rfoik Mcb, as granted by lbs Cori i .urt of Norfolk Ma) by ( haniitnj- its n use and extend ewers. To incorporate tb? Mutual Kite Insur iompany, To rei n It of an act approved ?December it. lsm, to incorporais th. town of cii.v. i. r ?my. To authorize the filing of :i petition In ding chai m tii?. ('i.'t'k'a Office, and to matur at iules. 'lo incoi; ;.hoiie Company, To allow th- . ' 'field county to vote on the fence law. nortslns. and arapowi ring I of Super*? ..ry of tie- County Judge of that county. r tii?' truste? - of t i . t i tltutc to issui bonds, borrow m..n.'.v Ihen on, ?nd to ut same tiend th,. tiiii.- rnmenclng and completing th.natructlon i I ni authorised under lbs act fip** proved March " . IBM Incerporattng tho "ompany. To tutors .uni oth.-r lidu rla? . i Virginia i i" r i atsua bonds Issued by virtu.- f an art ap i February n. I To authorize the Ho. tors ot I a Taaawall Coal and iron company to anltal atock, ?'.. amend ami re?enai i rwcUoa MM of amend? .i in relation to the jurisdiction of polie justice., jus-,. - to the trial of off? Bd certain To amend and n act appi Pebrvi - the time for holding the circuli courts in the Fourth Judicial ?'ir. 'he addi? tion thereto of tb. city of L-ynebburg and the eounty of CempbelL ind confirm an act conflrm Jobn C. Ollnger ami those claim? ing under him tbe t i -1. - t,, a certain tract of land it a tas ?ale, To amend ?.ml i - nact ?ectlon the Foundling Hi -,- - to allow an ni raber of its hoards ol ?luthorudng and directing the Attorney of the Btste to Institut? iVllUsm Elllnger in th.? Circuit Court of ..n Jurisdiction by sm B pro.-? d ..r from him the 8tB iln held i.y him in A "inty ,,,. to rtaln di i t Ion to bin from th r, and to do wb.tevi r may t.. maintain, prote.-t, and State at, .iroin.d, and n- < r I or island-'. , . nd and r CttOB 8U of :,-, as amended, preatnrnsng lb? penalties of bonds of county oth \ ( uni n-oiii Mr. I'rigr, Ifancbeeter, Va., February I, itch: Xhe M Manch.-s ter column of this mornings paper ?>r nal difficulty between Bayst 871111am 1- Olopion. occurring in ourt tbe night bet-are, is so unjust t.. sas that II ?st as tii?y occurred. Ws arete tngtgtd la trying tan Stinnally vs. Dorsett ?fc Bradley. I had in? o? tbe defendants, A. J. r inder en nation at th?? tin had partially worded or put to tun. s luestion, when his inansM. Mr. i . lopton 08 i at tbe same tlsne iuk onusr* .i ting n (which had not I |y put, and that 1 ?new it 1 , 1 thi? remark to pa?? jnnotlced, trusting and hellevlng at the it it had been wholly Ina ! myself ?Imply l>y mo* i.'stlng to th int.' counsel mat tira th.- Jury. ,i.i 1 did not care Tor it? in to hear the question until the Judge lad pass til on it. Keither tb? counsel nor . w tit to adopt my suggestion, so reed to word my Question again n the presence and hearing of tho Jury K* soon as I had complet?-.l It Judge Clop. m HKiiin ob.i-et.'.i. Brad stated kaadly and llstinctly, and with en evident deatr. to | be heard, that tb. was not fairly part, an?! tliat I STOW It. I had no ;ve then bul to i*"ti?'lude that hi? purpose wa? not a '. but that he deetred and in ? iid.-.l *to Insult me lib?Wlee I thererore Instaatly totd him hi? assertion was false, and he then rol ' ere a Igf " i" which i replied "Vou ar?? sn >ther, and tibie one. ?Ir." Th.? statement in v< or paper I? unjust to me, In that It broedlv conveys the 1m- * ii that I ?ajsTsinil mv?elf to h.? I charged with knowingly putltng a que.- J Ion I knew to be unfair without *ivtn* h.. lie to the charge. The court latorsgad toted tnr rning in court, that he hud given affront, ami Judgo Clopton *?~ ?rdlngl] morning in court arose at h?? withdrew the words. ,nd withdrew my SOftM, and the Coart thereup?m ?lis bargod Ibe p-cognlsancea. The linea your taper ts correct in aeytag, "?so." Begging your pardon for having to tres >n your apace for a matter SO ,ureiy personal, I am Very respectfully, CHARLES L TA?R. i m ?i IE m HM.n i\ PAGE ? ot ity. lni?|i??niiiKH In nml Vboni th?? Totea ?if I. ? ? ??>. LURAT, va., February y.-trfp small frame storehouao at Murkavllle, n this county, OOOUpiOd by 1.011g A Reld, aerebaats, was daetraya?i with its con? nu? on Monday night. The loas s about |M> partly OOSared by insurance. Mr. J. H. Walk.-r, of this plac. . who I.. : in civil onglnoertng t?i?. winter D the northern part of New York 8tat?>, that the thermometer there i as low as - ?_d that the snow is 2 i sp ?m .1 i 19 feet di p In di Mrs. John II. Sherman, of Luray, whose bas been n??i??d In thl now In a critical condition, ami n-r death is look almost any lour. Mr. Hob. 11 !.. M'Klm. a Stadoal ?>t tichmomi College, has retoraod i?? MM tome here somewhat Indlapoeed, to re?u Mr. Kdwln I. ?. ? | -. of Hlchm ?siting friends in Luray, nr> ordlal web Mr. C. T. Holt; man. the new!\-appoint. d postmaster ?>f Luray, has been quite iromlnctrl in Republican politics in this ?etion. ami ; of Ihs l?1s r. Hoitsm or mm >f Un- County snd - r tm? "unty, and Is well qualified ! discharge bs duties of ti.m.-.- for m n nominate,! by Presld? nt M ey. Tin: CASE or .1. .1. row f.i.i. *?> > Dssaaadlag lbs iii.tninn of t-r??<-n??a\ III?? I ?Mint.i < ?tart. EMPi ?RIA, \ \ F I ru ir-j rudge W. Samuel Goodwyn, of th? ?.: . lile ? ounty, went upon ii ihis morning, and r< sum? d UN rial of J. J. Powell, charged with feioay rhlch lias been In progress since lay. The Commoi lo o .- . and iba defen? .? t '.?mmeni'i.l the xamlnatlon of their wlt The trial will likely I . io klttger. Much int? rest Is matilfextcii. iri'i the court-room la ? rewded wli atoro, a lar^?' tiiimber ??f whom nre col ?red. The case Is rSglOSSUtsd ? kind every inch is lotly contested. J dwyn Is pre ildlng ??' er the trial with k? ind?ability. Ills loag tenure as Attorney ..r the Commonwealth renders him tno -oughly com with all n irUing In a criminal eise. Just as this . ;t-r is completed argument of couns?i ?I will likely I to-night. I the Richmond rotitig Woman's Christian Temperance 'nioti will be held ti, ,n at 1 /.lock, at the Woman i Christian Asso dation. T . it Franklin. Muslneas of nueii importance win he disease Temple, Pemberton, Cordes & Company, 7 and 9 west Broad stMeL \\'?> place OB sale .??-?lay on stock (>t new Colored Dress Goods in ths coming season's W9MT. \\<???l. J\( ?tl IRD*. ? ns, fall line of Spring tt, ll.lo. 11 SO. and $2. 1 KaiKKtl \ M HIM.. Full line of Spring Shades, 11.15 HE, EPISRUH. nt a ii. II.?ft, and rSSErflAfl ? (?VERTS. All iht- new Spring Shadings tl. |l.1H, tlJSS, a..'. H.."???. ? III I K M HIM.?. ?Entirely new effects, fail line of , $i and II a?. HRdAIMTOTIIX. complote assortment of all New 11.13 il V?. ?ml t?MS. I lit I.I.IKS. New patterns am! colorings, SO 7" Rheumatism. The pains IncUi ?nl to rhoiiroai'sm are ebarsd by one application of Cbembo-r? ain's Pain Balm, and it* I'ontiuuetl usa oou affect* a permanent cura. !.. ' .?S.? Tu t That