OCR Interpretation

Richmond dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, February 10, 1898, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1898-02-10/ed-1/seq-5/

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y w
Blue Shoes
Are Sold at $4
I with the maki
; li ns their samples
1.? TA t.? sell at
-Ve guarantee
I Si i iiiMlli? the
in l mi: ? IT1 ? ??i ni?..
. r (.ruii(?-?|?I riiKi, , h ,,f tin?
I ml., run l ?mi re |i ?v o 11 s.
. '
\... The purposes for which it la
. are pun apttai
I uiond. u.i\iJt
Maggle i.
-ul blehem churen:
. t.. lil) th. .
ranch, snd
?wing Jui
for |_4.W ;
i j \\
; the Jury
:.rm ?was adjoui
Lrylqg a large mail
i . . ....
' ' w( r?
i >. F. I
list T. K.
ill, for $2
id will !..
i was
m lHo
-NOT RE M.I V ? ??-KIM < %TIO\.
\? Popalaxly l'aderatoad->7ggwiharaf
? ollege iiimrii ?Talke ?m tin- Matter,
;et ion
of young
mber ?if I
-1 Ighl ment:
in of the ?'"ili?
on Instruction. It is a ml
: th.- author of the r
I. They art all
favorably disposed to-arard the
but it is misleading
ducat ton."
hey will consider, it
. and
t to them, the
m the implied authority
(Tying out its pto
r. that it
In of tbe h -
ion, and th. se under suitable
i- ntion
: nom the intention
. to make any startling
ivstton. They
. of putting the
In?; upon
rn. of co-education.
: . tlous young
,. ive Bnlobed the
by our
furthei on
mpelled to ko
north for soil Itles. The
. d. in i'.irt, to
ola:. y."
s? i - ms sisillt I (?it ILAXDER.
\. R. Thragnaarlaa bako !>>? Daaa?
??mur ? ?.?inly < ????n Navra,
- tne
th. y bad
. M r, \\
.uns? I for the plaintiff.
?, at the ): onty
,. '. '-''''V
-, UUm Pi? ''',,,
t on to th?- grand jury.
... i?.,..;.... i !oui > Courl
. th? rat "f the
. . .n.-1. whlob ?"mm'
.; T. WH?
.1. M?.i us
Starke, ?:.
' I ?uva I.
'Mm.ii Traaafos Cas?gaai 9immm>
h.. I ?1er? U?*?*l.
of the sto
Main sil. -
nails Of !;
fOllO? T A.
.: ijo? i: 'i o Myers, Uemtrm.
Hopkins, a
Moo i ( i.urt Orn,niil?*.<-<l.
law class
I S mou m '
ay evening, and hereafter the inen
? ?I have all '.he ad-,
a! c"
rosi? a
ill theapp
court. Saving i,
!k. ?horitr^. .ad co
l Id? .H?T J U ,,U1""' I-""''"'" of ,
-?Mowing commit:
s c
K ugg. a
H?. J. D. I'r.ir., |
?**. M. si.t,, ;,n,| AllRn D jones.
'"""-' Cornmitte? (to propos?
ot the posltloos of rapt
"f the base-ball team of t
e Bogny, W
1 Whltehead and H. i :.
IS Tin: COt m n, , iniMiiTii IS,
mpoplniil ??r.lliuiMi-ra ?? BJg ( ?,,.
?i'lrr.-il Li,!, l.?..i,li,K.
The I'l'iiinii',!,,. ,,:i KiiM Market met
i).omitir; gi 1 -
Joba M. Kits] cehairmati'
'anner, Whalen, and Smith wets preoent,
h? pay-roll and Mil. for i:,.- naoetth ?ren
?i and ordered to b. paid. BSM
:h. r huHitii a. of a 1
i "iniiiitt < on Ordinance, was eatl?
'i to mee! ai t. o'clock In tb? City Ball,
m Chairman Bloom ni.' only
ember who pin In in
Importance of th. ordinal
'il for a in.
'. i"- k this evening.
h- s.- ordinance, are: To prevent over
' 'oiinctl; . lAIng
hlmneys; to prohibit from sou?
sing custom oi emploj m wltmn
Ignos aim
. ?oda.
' "inmiliee on Health will meet tO*
tl.nnl In the I Blted Milieu Court.
' n oit ('ou?t oi Ap?
ril,iy asorning
ft? noon, with Judges Simon
?aul, and Jackson on th.- ),
I.lourn -d cae? of Marvin F. ?kaufe,
is It. I'urnell.
.- ? Dlstrl Judge, petit!, n
el tl? bill of I'.M'i ptiona m
v. \ Land Com
any. Argued by M. Silver, fe
Tb. i. k Company rS ale
. liants, again?! Norfolk and iic-an Vi.-w
mi my . t al? , appellees, From
i'"un Eastern Virginia, continu?
d from yesterday. Th" CSUSe was further
Jame. E. Heath. Jr. tor an
for White and
""l-'-ii. and Frank May, for appellants
nd by Rk hud B, Tunstall, for Norfolk
: and Trust, and stihmit
SnrprlMi'il Tlii-lr 1'iiNlnr.
The choir of Pairmounl Metbodiei rSpls
ChUTCh tendered th.lr pastor. BeV.
P. 1 i very pleasant surpris?
arty Tuesday night Th? party opened
y sinK-iim on the .tree! In front ot tb.
araonage, "Odd Bless fou," after which
bey wen Invited In, and they came aitn
sake! - a freeaere, and plates
nil of 'i liundies of fruits and
uta. They took possession ol IBS
uni after an hour or two of social
itlon, enlivened by ?i graphophone,
hieb tiny brought ?rith them, at to
'clock the tabli I, which
: Of the gOOd
- f,.r the Inner man. and after an
rep tal sociability reigned, and a!
. they departed, leaving a good
iipply of delicacies for the remit]
Th.- i he asked
lit i!. v,.is reminded that it
The Heari or ?Uhieeisre To-mhih.
who ilk.- a stirring melodrama,
?th its long-drawn story of love ami in
: mechanical
. will have B typi
to-nlgbt ami to-morrow aft?
nd nipht at tie- Academy of Music,
hen Lincoln J. Carter's lates! play.
Tii.- ii-art of Chicago," will be pre*
i time m tins city,
itlon oi Mr. <'.?i U r*. nanas
?Hi a melodrama no! only msans that
>u may
- in th.- play, hut that you will
... nan ?nal and novel stage
mtrtvanci that I i tor the au
li.ventor a fortune. The prime
?..i lorm ne .- ?ire sai.l
, b. th. paner.?mi?- view Of an Spprosch
ig engine bead <>'.. to the aodlen
lire tX tor.- and after
Iful work.
The I 'npitol Kli?-??? onii'i-r?.
Tin? aTtockholders of th.- Capitol Build
if ?nid Loan Association bsld th.-ir nt?
,-ntii annual meeting Tuesday evening
.lock at the oftlee of lie
ist Main street, ?u:.l after
celvlng th. reporta of tbe officers, which
. aatiafactorj ahowing tin
atlon to !' In good condition, .looted
i. follow inn 'in, stor. for th?- mailing
ir? Mesara. lames Ha?ti?y, m. Kelly,
H. Hlnchman, P, Stumpf, P. Sullivan,
illi.irn Wilson. M. J. < ?'?'onnor. J. t'.
Itsgerald, and P. J. Caropodonloo,
Upon the sdjournrnent ?d the atockboid?
.- meeting tbs newly-elected dB
et and re-elected tbe foiiow-in.? outers;
r. J li. llinehman. president; William
'Upon, viee-pr. sident; John B, Welsh.
?cretary and treasurer; Henry M. Tyler,
lilcitor; a. W. Rot . 'i ii. Welsh,
Id Jai rWOOd, trustee?.
('?Ill |>l i III 4? lit tO \ II'lilil? IIII?.
A writer in th. r-Yi.ruary Atlantic
onthly, ?" s carafuBy-prepared
n( Historical Work in America
"id." pay** the following compil?
ent to several ? r our Virginia historiaras:
Th" work Of tii.? Virginia Historical
iciity. uiiihr ihe thoroughly san. gutd?
ice of its s.-ci-.taiy. Mr, Philip a. Brace,
particularly srratlfying to tace, ?rbo
tve been patiently waiting for th. Old
i,mjniou to do jns'ti,-" to her heroic past
ra of auch Virginians as Proal?
nt Tyler, of William and Mary College;
r William Win Henry, and Mr Brace
v.- evidence thai tbe task is to I
eted no longer."
Baanraaaa I ???? ? ! ?ppssilB.
va M.rriman. Argued b) Judge
r appellant, and submitted.
u.M-k.-chai'iie vs. Rockecharll? and
by p. s. Klrkpatrick,
<o for appellant, and N. C. Maa?on,
.,,.] for appellees, and continued until
xt cases to be beard ere ?Board
Supervisor? of NMtovray ttonnty vs.
iw? ii. Treasurer, No. M, and Cbewnlng
. Wilkinson, No. 51.
Whether itchi?,,, ?SJrS*Sf, ble?*dinK ?<*? y,
ruated, pimply, or bh-tcby. whether ?imple,
K.rof..lou.,orhorediury.from infancy toase
?loedllv cured by warn. bath, with CrncoaA
r?rnt..tb. great .kin eure, and ?,ld toam
,f c, T.cr.A I^oLvrvr. -rreatest of blood
?nrlfier? and humor cure?.
^m^nfXoattluWorU. roTrB.D.t?..??C.?s.
''LZ'Wil??Jif?i Bloc- ?Aaaa*.-?**
r.Hlail !' ' * n*h' ?!?*"
W99 Tin: ?i he of HUig \\i? ma
TU. MSEASSM SO i.onoi.h
sas nssasnr,
I Modteal Dlawaisaj \\i.i??i, \\n
* bdagrs Hi.? I r. nimmt of All Sari
It has long been th-ouRlit. not ?.:dv b]
' tu? physicians, but :
ral, that the oomaaon, i daful, and s~
oeedingty annoying trouble, piles, ?ami
other me?:
than a aargleal operation, sad this be
lief hllF heen the CSUM Of V'lll'H of no'I
offering, because of the natura
dread of surgical operations.
ara many salves, ointments, an.
similar retadles on th? market ?ablet
afford ,,m. raft f in east! "f piles, bUt
the Pyramid Pile ''"re is the only pr?
ir Introdaeed that can bi
iMy depended upon t?> cure to sta>
eared .-v.-ry form of hitching, i,
' ?tl ?ding piles.
M. C Hlnkley, of No. ??1 Missis?
sippi street. Indianapolis, was told l.\
bar physicians that nothing bul i
glca] operation costing between IMO an?.
had ?suffi i
' t .'.en in such a .
th- Pyramid Pila Cura accomplish.,
a complete cur.-. ?si,. ' I kn? w at
operation would be death to dm
and tried the Pyramid with very i't
tie hope. _nd it Is not to !.. \.
that I am mi enthusiastic in Its pr
Mr. I?. K. U.e.l. of South Lyons. Mich.
"i would not take i"."" aad i.?
placid bSCh whir" I w
th?' Pyramid Pile Cure; I Buffered f"l
years, and it is now eighteen month?
i it. am! not th.- slightest
. r in. i roubl? has r i tun
The Pyramid Plls <'ur. is sold by near?
ly all druggists 1 $1 pe?
package, and as it contains no opium,
poisonous drills, car
he Us' d With |
No . iffer from piles In any
form who will give th' I p nc !>
a trial. Semi for bOOh on cause
of pu. - In g ?Pyramid
Drug comp.ny, Marshall, Mich., (former?
ly All.ion. Mich.i
HI'.I'OHT* FROM AI.I, fi It KIT Hl*?l
raSl ? 'EVl'UES Off THE WO HI.II.
Prl??c?i of Mon??y, llonds, Stock?
Grate, Tolmrio, ?tOttnn, Cattle
Country Produce, A??., I'ori'Uii
mill Diiini-ki,, .
NEW rORK, February 1?The most no
table fsatura of the stock market tu-daj
was a Strong rally in the I
minutes af trading. At - o'clo k Uk
Started ,1 laid, appal. ntlv With 'IW Off
ainatlon to ahaki on! w. ..k
ly-marglned holdlaga and to reach stop
orders. Tiny seemed ! ? I
Ing admirably In forcing down partees, da
clines ranging from one to tero potato si
through the list, but the appearance ol
support at ti.?' low i. v? i i- rerlni
iiiovemeni which became a rush, snd tin
y lik" a rout Of tin I
Substantial v<
generally, sad in i large number oi
the earlier decllnea gen entirely wipe?
The market was one of up- and down?
all day, the opening showing num<
of heaviness, In spit? ol hlghei
rangt of pi n i fi om London
Tin- hulls promptly offered support and
rallied the market, boMUng tie ir ad
vantage up to noon, when a ti
realise aenl mices downward
'i in? Cuban situation discouraged Off
th.- professional traders being dtspo
all ?lay.
Tin m was a dOCTt as.- in t!ie volume 01
I business also, and a falling off In th?- out
The declines, howi ror,
brought out good buying. Michigan Con?
tral, N'orthw.st. and Omaha BhOWa
cial sinll. Bgth, Snd the loial
stre.-t railway com]
quite vigorously. Union Paclnc securities
were all quite strong, the advance appa?
rently being ?lu.- t., a belle! that the n
organlaatlon had concluded to secure th.?
Kansas division, even at the gOV? rnmeiit's
own tl i 'in I North- in pi- !> ltd
was conspicuo .Mon ot nearly
i point- from its i'i'iit remarkable sd?
Vance. Pullman was marked up M-2
pointa, on small transactions, and Rubber
preferred scored s sharp advance. Lon?
don bought stocks hers ?>n balance.
Mon.y continued to ml?', below 11-2 POT
ciit. for ?all loans, and there w.
porta ..f burgs loans tor g year si 11-4
P>r cut. Tie- withdrawal of th.- N per
..nt. instalment of the governmenl I ! -
posit of the Union Pacific payment
reflected In a credit balance a! the clear?
ing-house for the Suh-Treasury of MBklOD
Tue Suh-Treasury has been having a
daily debit balance a! tba cleering-houss
Of Hffft.ffW or upwards for some tim?
Th.- plethora Of money was ant appr.
clably relieved by tha op?eratl?on.
Sterling achanga hardened sn addi?
tional fraction. The curren! demand for
ingS is la li-V. d tO he due to sosss
large Bnandal operations Involving .set?
tlements ahrosd,
The speculative bonds snowed a reac?
tionary tendency, in sympathy with
stockis, but the prices ol hon.is tor the
mOSt part held firm. Total saP-s, ft.(?.'.'.
United Stai.s old 1's. coupon, and
the new is, registered, were l-i lower bid.
The total sales Of ?'locks ?
: ii.u.s, including Atcblaon preferred, IS,?
irllngton ana Qutm
Ml; Fri?- (new), Brsl preferred, 1.180; L
rille and K?ashvllle, MM; Manhattan
Metropolitan Btreei Italie I
\.w v.iik Central, B.V0; Northern Paclnc
. 'blcago .Northwest. 1 n. u .
.ST.',; I. Bt. Paul.
Union l'aciiie, isev.: American Toh
7.1?-.. ?Chicago ? Ir? a! Wei tern,
pi.-'.- cas. 7.vi?'., Bugar, B,eM
I p. m. Money on call ? asy at 1 l-at
1 H ?i"! cuit.; ISSl l".Mi at 1 1-1 p? 1
prim? mercantile paper, Tul per cent
Sterling -
nk< re' billa ai ?ix. .".-vu
: demand ami ?I S3 L-S0S4.33 l-i
for sixty
I4.M1-I; commercial bills, M.Qi-l
Silv.r certlflcates, Ml-3G~Tl-2; bar Ml?
v. r. MM; Meg* in loUara, 1.' 1-4.
Oov( rnmenl ?bonds w< ? ? W
dull. Railroad 1.us Brm,
ClOslUiT St0?B_
Atetillo??. roD?a? ?ad *??at? r> .
At*u ?on, preferred. ' 1*1,
Saitiiucrp*'! 1 "-1 ? .
tanao?. 1'* i'i . ... .
( ?ulula ?outbora. A >%
( entrai ?'a?iCc. ? *
t'liajaoqaKe .11J o .iu. . ,'~:,Vt
tmciri??: M"ii.-. '>??
Obloaao, d unmet on'?-i 1 w hut.Mi w.
L'fcl.?ago aud Anstsrn Illinois.i??,,
C V.. C ?n I St UHW .
i...? ? . ?ini Si I..-IH-. orttttttd. ?*ii
Pfiuwart ?ud liud-wn.11 :\
Uwiaware. i.aeK'iw-.naanud A'?stern. 1 ?
Den-er aud Kio (iratia??. ISM
Penrertou ?CioUrvUe, prs/erroa. :>il{,
k le ini??'.. Ij?*
Erie ia?-?r 1. lsiar?(?rr??i. ! 1 ?4
Kort Wa-a*.1 Tl
Uroat.Nortoern. preferred .1 .0
Uocking V?:iey. ?il*
. im? 11 Centrar.?.K'."-*?
Lesciriu ami #oM?ri\ . .?71?,
Lane tin? and VV'emeri?, preferred.. 7.I4
LsMOSbete..... .i?i
Louisville and kMh-ule. H ,
Maubaitan I.. 1'4
M ropouta? iiAtion..I
.MiCMk'ttr. ?>ai'?i. .1
Mlunoflotaaiiu Mt. liOur*. J I
Si'.uimHot? Mnisi. tesis 1st ?rererrea.... nr,K^
Uieeeorl ?fSaMe .,.
.Vchlle and ?itr.?. 11 V4
gn-joun tv.and 1".
.viMtuUii, K. ami 1. iirrfnrred.
*>ew Alijnny .-.ni luengo. 11 v,
N.-w AilM.n? ?U'l ? Ul -(.Ko orototrvi. :? .'
h?-a terser ven irai. .... v~>m
...i H
1 I .
N?W ?OKK. fcTOL'l. ?VlOTATlOB* ;,
noetn? m?-**??
""ewroraosatrai....".-?-m<m?.*. $'* >
Nei-i?.ra. i i;i.?s?i,?nit M. L. '*
N.I.. i iii.-mrosni **t- U i?' Dref erred.. [
?SU BBS St i~ 'M Dreierred.-B7?S
w ' . *' ?
Norm A.:?.orinan i.'orupany. ***
Nort?erDi-a 'M ....- ? '??'j**
*m rtLern ."?einu. ?r?i??r?4Kl. ? ... ??.v? .
I onuu,oaa-i Western.- 1'^ I
1 ?.resonsna-tUne. '-' ? -1
r.tutiurc .is?
B?*din. ._. . * J*
Uockl-l-inl. ?'J* *J
Kl. Louis sud San Kran1*?..- .'J* *
M. taut? \a4 san Kr?ncu4.;j lstoret.?./je t
m. Lout, in, i -an Krain'i*-. '.'<1 or??r:,. 'i '?4
' ?M.r*aiil .. H .H | l?
M.fini n ??. ..??-... ... 1?
M. l'ail and (?man? .. 7 ??? ?,
M. l**uianl Oman?. or?ferr?l.MS $
m. m. ?nu M.ISS -
raPeclfle ..?-.. 1?**"%
I Southern. prererr?<l . M'A
Tataatamoa. ii*>? .
Ld . nl'wllc. . :t M
I . ?' . I?. und i' . .._. M?? ,
Waiiaa*].*.*. ?.oui* an 1 Pactn.-?.*J 7
War-ach. Ml Loulasad Pa?:iflc prererra?!., 1?*
H fe4*4wtai ?m uai* Kris..
v. its?. ?n?l Laks Krii nrsrerr?*. 13 ?
sxpkb.?-? co.ri.xnv
a ?Ism. ??xpre-s.18b
i American fcxpress. .11!?
l'nlte?iState? Kxpre??. 43 i
flouaafargoiavram. .u?*? i
! ?1-JtBl.l.ANEOL'i.
American Cotton (?1. . C04
A-iieri.-nn i ?aten ?in preferred.
\ > Anieri<*?n spirit??. Sf?J
Ameiiean Spirit? t>rer-rr??<l ... : I
1 An;". I ?ill loti.V, I',. HUI4
Amer.,-an TooaecoOa preferred.11."?
-> . . ?7"??i
: , Con?ioli'i-.ii."l (?-.f.? --i
coin. Cab ?. Comoeay.in-?
Col.Knel.tI ..?*.. '-' V, (
t'oi.Kuai tl.. rirdarrsil..^.c
?euer? ileotrtu.
I Ulis i--te?-i.
Lai ,.? i-- .,as .- -?i
LeadTrriat..... 3 ? 4 '
l.?H?i pr?wetTo?. . .t OS"?]
National ..ins??" I .?il. 18 I
i orerr.iiInit>r.>T"ment'.'0 . '-*S4 <
' FaclflrdiMi. 31fe f
Pullman Paia re..18*3
BUT.rCerttne.te. . 50M 1
Standard Ko pu and Twine.
1 A menear SS?.. <- v .
America 1,Sogar Keflnery. Drei.11 i y
I.e.ail Iron. Sltyj t
1 R. l.e'Uli-r. .
I . s. ,.eatrier preferred. I ,
I . s. l(u?;ler. . 1*4 ,
! I . *-. Babber nr.-ierre-'. 88I4
We'ierrt'nion. . 0 I.
1.1 *-'i
N(.rthvTe??t?tn. tirefi'irnd. ...171 ?
! f?oathwedtern . ... 4V?
St. I. m? -m I - . I'll?/ Bteri lut prnfnrrel. V%
"((?('rande and West?.ri. Z : .
Molirande an I Wevern. preferred.f>9J?|
'. l.l'-aeo (?reat W??inrn .... . I ,
Hawaiian OOTHB.ncl.l Company. '( '>
Brarlrsg lat **n arree. 011,4
?oN i? I.I-.T.
. net*. re-tBtered.1
DattadBtst??? i s. n.w< roapons...r.'si.
I ii-.ieii ?state? fa l?gl*?tSd.>.I|:!*H
, U Ti IT ? 11 IB M.I J I l^
I'mtei*. States '' coapoo.loo '
I 1.m-.) state. >'?*i roiistorei.
Dotted Bt.tM S*s eoapoM. .. ...'.. 11..1.
! II -Ti"' S do'a .. _.d??
Alabaras(Clsaa Al. j im
A lu Mima (<:ia??< H|.1,17
Alabama p'la-??i 1).?....lo-1
A!ab*i-ia currou-y,.pu
Ai.'l.'-on4V. ?i:','^
- AtchtM'.ii ad'. 1 -.....'.,. ,u
1 aiia'la**uu'u<*ra '.'?.ll-i-?
C. d N. P., I ' - . !S7
Cbaaapeek? >v Ohio .r?.11 . ,
. C. 11. A 1>. Aifa .(offeree 1C4??J
UonrerA K. ). 1-it....,.lioi4
r .t. r. u S'a.
Bsal i?tn. 1 .
Krl?? i'en? rai lu. 7:j
1 ?V. BOvIete, t. r. 74
(tenant r,io-tri S'a. 101^
1.. H.A S. A. os.103
i?, ? ?s. a. sa..io.'i
, H.AT. Ctiatral ." ?. 1 10
1!. 8 i, ?'dirai Us. i ni
!"Wi .'. intn.loi
, rums?? Pturifl? eotasoU. r r.1 iitv.
1 8sn.Ps. lett i"?n m v... t. r.i .'.-.
L?.ni?msa new consols. 4's. IOS
I.. m V Int. -?' . ???!-?
art !>' .loo
M. K. l.-.'ijs. 014
, M. K. T. ?H...-.
Bs? York l'entrai lit. .1 l ; ' t
o?rf>fly Central S'a.....11 1 ?
8ona Ur?roUee ?rv.r/..
Nirti, ar.o'i'H-i. .103
Nottasrs i'Ai'iiioist.11 ?
Noriuerni'vinc a t. ?!:m?
Norib.rn Psetoe 4'a. 1174
n. \ ?. i -t. U.4". . 1 1
NOT fol -..rniis..IS4U
! Nortrin-cHienoien. .1 ?.II L,
Oreeo. NengatioB lai. .114
? ."?,'ivi<.iti"ii r?.
' u s. i.in" us. a r..M...J-.'-,
0. S. i.itie.'i i. t. r.li.o
. n. I.niir'.? iii'iit l?ti.t. r.Il
(1. Jaieroveuient . '?, t. r.. SI
Keadin?.'-4'->. SSU
' II. (?. U. ' .?. I .
St. !.. A L M ".".-il ?'.-i. 04->fi
St. I- ?t s. P. ??fierai ti's.11994
st.Paul 1 .cisoi?,, .lili?
St. 1*. ( . A !'. tau. .) "n
' si.Pauli. ?SP.?'fl. lli.li
Stllltlel-ll Kan WS/,>'?. _. o I
Standard Rope ssd Twins Se.. .r>7i4
rso.aae?. new -.Ht'lennent 8*1.
I.xii-Pacirlc I- ... iHt.?.lui1,
lexasPa'-P IS'a. 8S4.
CnioaPsdBo l'a et '?"J.1271?.
1 1 i. 1 oalf Lata. .",; ,
Waha?h lut ">'i. I
\\..i',sii 'ai. M
West SSO?**. 4*. .IO894
' Vlririnia l'enturici. il
Vuflnis de.'crred. 44
Moli sand (.mo Is. SO
Norfolk ?nd Western MMQi 4?....-. B4W|
Norioik ami Wsstera preferred stock.
aiuBMOBiiaro. v. bahkbb
BlOWnOSa FeJ.runryi?. isriy.
Mi.Pi?.?Yirpinl? rcRifttered 3 per cent??0,000
atlU'w. N itioual P.ank of ".'?riiinla? .?j.'? ?hares
at 108. Yirfc'uiis trust ('iini|,iiiy-l'.' share? at
1 lC, Yirgir.ls-Carolius CSSSBt ,al, common?lu
hharcs at '>S.
(iOTEBNMKVTSs^'jairiBs. 1311. Asked,
,'s, 1!?U7. 114
srATE -act "amas
North Carolin i "'..? t04fd 1486*94
.North I'arohua (!?... ISO
\ irtr.uin.:* sinew;.^ 7:??m hi?
Cenmris?. 7o4 70?i
Citt ?r.?i'KiTir.4.
KichmoDd clt? ?'?. I3i
*B?V-b?soad?ity?/s. Ill ...
Kichnion.l i*ltr '?'s.. Ill ?,.
Ki.'?i.ioa.l ??Ity 4's It. 1B90-1 *'.'.? 108
liAll.KOAI. I
ati-aaia .sSi*a.i*inttt left . v:r> ,..
Atlanta an 1 C-isilotte g't'J In.
Ba . lu3
Char.. Col. ?B Aag. 8d T.. ISO
iieorgiaI'?ctllel?fi?K C. I'.''.'.' ,
(.? .iri-ia. >otiUiorn A riorid?. Ji lO.lv? 1044
, -isouri: (class A) a?*. Ill
Peteraour? idlas? 15? ii'?. 110 I'M*?,
Uleb. A M?cM??Bborg ist 4P?. il
.-ru 'in,' .*
j W.Mi-rnN. U I?' 6*?, < . HH4.. 11?
|isA Alat.ani t pref. as .. K'4'l 10ft
. a ami Manama consols.... M? M'??j
1 pi r . HM\i ...
>ortolk and MaaSsm 1st mort.
4 percent. SI S"i
j Atlauia ?mi i .arlo'.'.'?-IOS 181
' C'bessueakeand Oaio.100 '.'4
?lio?.Id ? ItS
i Norfolk ?hi Western prof...100 54 .' "
Peterw-ara .icm 11.14
' lt.. P. A ?t. P. ? P. '-omit n. 70 00
it ciiiii"iid, Fraeerteksbari
.BiPotOBBC ?-u,union-10 J LSI ?.,
Hi. iiiiiond. ?TiederkStsbBrg
?ml Potomac div. 0nliiiat'ii. 100 11.'J
Kictiin.'ii.l aU'l IV ers .ur?...Ion MK
in iia iwiv. arat. 100 311,
southern Hallway, eoiii.-i'iti.. 100 u
i.'iand Alili.ima. prei. 31 U 3 !?4
-.-. , an I A'aotina. BMB, 1-4 13
:liem and l-'!a. ,
1st preferred .- S", ....
1 (?eorj.? a Boutbeta su.I Kla,
^d preferred. 00 ...
(i....r?T>aSoutbarn and I'l?.
. -8 .?
IU.NK >m
Citiz?'iis?xcuaiis->. I
1'iiy Kauk. 81 88
Mr.tN'ati'jnal. 100 IB!
Bercbsnts National Hank.. 108 II ...
Metropolitan. 14 '."I
. .National Bank of Va. loi) lui'., lo.
Pi ii: :.t? National Hank? 100 881
1 P?ter-ii?iri; *iaTin?s aad In
r?n,*9 Company. SO 31
Se.unty. .100 .88
sut.. Bank of 7irgtals.loo 140
1 m.m no., ot ?1-n n.ai.... m im
Vin-mi . fruit Company.... loO 110 111
SaTings liauk oi ltlchiuond.. '.'a 37 :is
; VirciuiaKlreand darin?.... M M> 37
, Vinriui?Siese . . so -4U ...
i A uiericsn Tobacco Compv
ny prefi-rredi.100 113 .
, Am.ri -.?in I' ii? 1 mi' ? up*ur
i-.ii .:. o. 40 SS 81
Va.-Carolina cneinlialpr?t. loo 10SV? lOO1?
Va.-CarolinaCh?oilcsl com. 100 57 5M*j
('intatlons are tor bond? *n*tarlnc In not
lees than tea years.
UKAIN ANl'i'orro.N K.\*( HANI".K.
Kiclimond. Va.. Fehriiary a, 183?.
it?.,n?-: w ' Sherry, Mc. to
tl mixed, mc. to $1; Bhortberry, 'J.ic to
1). No. 2 red, $1.
t: White. Virginia, bug lots. ;i t,,
No. 2 White, 14 1-2 to 35<?-: No .1 wl.lta.
J 1-2 t?? :* .; No. 2 mixed, 33c.; No. 3
Oats- No. 2 mi*?"?!. 28 1-2c: No. 3 mixed,
ed, 36 to -IOC.
No. 2, 54?*.
Richmond. Va . February ?. ISM.
Private sal?*? to-?; . were as follows:
'iilers. :? ho? -mokeri'. 3 hog-.
I? if ?.lark?, l'i h lug?, 1
ogihead. Total. 17 hoj-sh.
- Internal i? VenUS ?oil. -
ms for th?' ?Itv of lllrhmon?]. Va., to
hruary 9th) were: Tobacco. *-'.
ILK; cigars and cigarettes, $7,2*?.?'. To?
il. ?.%
of new dark loose leaf on th*
llchmond breaks to-day: Shock?
; .i??? pounds; highest price, tl! ?. ?'" n
haw's ' price.
17.23. Total number of pounds sold,
1,410 pounds: highest price, 117.....
Stonewall Warehouse had no sales to?
Hi? breaks are expected to-morrow at
is ?lark loos.- warehouses. Fit
t <'r??nshaw's. This ?warehouse wnl
Ter some of tbs finest sun-eured bl.uk
of th* season from Louisa
ounty. The management expect to get
OOd prie? for them.
NEW YoRK. F<bruary 9.-Flour
teadllv held, hut quiet, owing to irregtl
ir action ?.f wheat.
Rye Flour - Firmer.
Buckwheat Flour-Qul' t.
Buckwheat Steady at 37?-?c.
("on : idy.
Firm? r; No. t, ." ' ' ". bid
Barley Malt ?Firm; western. ' 2-.
m .ri. i unsettled; No. 2
ed, $i tm%. ? i m at i par?
ed on better
?hi, s and foreign buying. Later, they
vous, and alternat- ly strong an?l
";ik on scalping operations, finally COl
ipslng under S raid prompt. <i by dis
ppolntlng ? \port developments, and
wer upon the near months,
inch had shown relative strength on a
s?cese of shorts, and partly l-fc. ..rr on
h-T positions. No. 2 red February closed
; V
.c options
peiied steady snd unchanged idvanced
, xport sales.
ith a linil slight reaction, following
closed ma han.'..i. February
. May clos? d :;iV
9\ ot Ormer; No. -'. Mc bid "p
ons Inactive all ?lay. hut steady, with
ish property, closing l-8c. net higher;
lay cli
! irm.
?'nt m: plekled bellies,
i-XI\ktS9i\M; do. BhOUldl rs, 11.75; do.
an?. 17
Lard Firm; western steam, tSM', May,
lly; reflned firm; ?Continent,
i."..?; South America, 16.8; compound,
Poik Firm; nn ss, $l?\nv;.|io 25; short
l"ir. tl0.50ii|12.r>?).
Butter- Steady; western creamery, IVM
< ; do. '"a.'tory, ll'ullc . I .; Iml
itlon cr? aim te dairy, Y.'M
nn? ry. I I'/IV.
Cheese- Weak; large white, September,
Eggs?Steady; State and Pennsylvania,
. -t-1 a fresh, U
Potatoes Quiet; New York, I2.ro1..;
Cottonseed-Oil ? Firm ; prime crude,
.'.'.i I'.*- ; do. \e||., v..
i um -Dull.
Turpentine Quiet at :'.IV":''<V
Rlc? Firm; domestic, fair to extra,
rapan, ." .
<'alibi: .t K.5ot?$4.
Coffe? Options quiet and steady at on?
I prie? s to a S-point adv.ne
il. .1 generally featureless, with
K'iriip. ni cibles w
ivorable than expected, in view of our
. .-line ot yeeterday, and the contlnu?9d
eavy r? IptS I Ki<? and Santos; closed
ull, with prices unchanged to a ?-polnt
.-.s, including
lar.h. ? i.i ! 'tidier. Ki.?Yi. Spot Cof
? Rio ?lull, but steady: No. 7 invoice,
IXIVk; No. 7 lobbing, M-?IH; mild steady;
..rdova. $7.50ii 115.50.
Haw lirrn; fair refining,
?ntrifugal, M-degree test, ti*"., salee,
fiom store el 1 t-lfc., basis
l-degree test; reflned strong.
NEW Y' IRE, February 9 DfJ
re on shout the same basis they have
n recently. The Anarket is universally
mi, but It is not a lively market, Cot
Is are firm. In staple lines ths
larket Is subi..'., to Irregular conditions,
town gl lUbjeCt I" a pretty good
m.iii'l of small proportions, for do
lestlc consumption. The call for ex?
ill goods continues limit??.!, and .-al?s
n-iimption are r>..th am ill
ml Infrequent. ?Print-cloth? show con?
nii'd Rrmness, with bids for exl
3-19c., which can l??> satisfied only oo
isionally. Odd gooda an In steady re?
des of consequence,
here is s fairly ai Uve market for all
nub s, but the strength of s? llers admits
f only int. i mitteilt sales. Prints are
rm, and report'.! in be the -abject of
in rally satisfactory orders. Staples are
lore active than heretofore, and fancies
>r spring fully as lively as in preceding
' ks. Ginghams are firm, and may be
quarters In tie
BALTIMORE, February h?Flour-Dull
ml in,
W-theal -Firm! spot ?sod tin- month,
. ; March. flf?fl.0014: Maj
mer No. 2 red, . south
-n wh-at. by sample, yo> _,? .*i?U.OOft; do.,
n grade. Mc.t9H.
?'.rii Firm; spot, :'-".V'i-!3 ?Vlc.? month,
.c March. :'.:: : learner
dxed 3Z-%c. bid; southern white corn,
. .I... yellow, 32'-i :i. .
Firm; No. 2 white, 80}i30'2e. ; No.
mix? ?I. 28628>4c.
Ry? Firm; No, 2 near by, at'-,".; N?>. 2
estera. SSVtc.
Ha) Easj : choice timothy. 112.6011113.
?'.rain Freight??- Qulel and unchanged.
Sugar Strong and unchanged.
Butter and Fee.. Quiet and nn.. ham;. ?1.
? bee?, i n?l unchang? d.
Lettuc? >_ ..-;$.". p. r basket.
Whiske) Unchanged.
CHICA?GO, Fein . liter ruling
rouit Until within fifteen minutes of the
at took a sudd, n and Inglorious
ill. Unloading, c redil .me to
udahy and Leiter, and by others to St
ouis holders, start?.! ths market down,
ilted in i i.ss of it %c. adi nice,
. t" side, tin- market cloning
lower. Corn and oats were dull
ni active by turns, but closed with very
it!, change In prices. Provisions .?gain
lvuiced shut n_ prlc.-s showing
Leading futures ranged ss follows:
Opening, illgnest. Lowoet. Closing.
?Thkat?No. '.
ibruary.-.. .. ... .. !>H
ty. 1*7 l?.V<,if?d ?074
iy.* -, S4*i my4
JOHN ? No. '.'.
bru-irv.'.'7-(? -'7^ 27*i<, ".7%
\y.t*Mi -?4 2t?\*A<4 n.'.Kt?.\
\y..:?0-V-i BOH ^??Via*,.
JITS ?No. '.'.
iv.^*9i?H B4M TiMaia
iy. '"'?'U **H *3)ftM gifea?
Ml ?' un- l'or uni.
iv.lia-ia $io.ti-?v?? g i o. 4 5 sio.fio
ly. 10.0."? lg 06 l?'.5? 10.01
..Kl -Per lili' loi.
?y.$mM 9*.l*H Ij.o?<v$ l?.io
iy.M'Ai ASSM ->-P-"-i b.S0
?uoKT Bas?Pas ?oo ils,
iy.........s.*?. i:> B&sg toi ci? g.i.-.'O
ly. ?.'2i? d. .7^ ?.-20 0. .'.">
Cash ?lu??'.nions were as follower, No. 2
Flour qui?
wheat, H? . ing wheat,
i . , No. 2 red, MOMHc. No. : <-or,).
' No. j . ats : ' No. 2 white,
o b No. :; white, f. o. b.,
No. 2 rye. Pic. No. 2 bar??
N??. i flaxseed, |l.2P.j; new, I1.2??.
inothy s.-.l. B.T7V Meus pork,
r barrel. $li?.5"^-$10.55. I.ird. per l"*i
Short-rib sides '
I uy-salle! shoulders (boxed?,
7.7n|G. Hh?,rt-idear sides (box-di. I
."" Whisker, distillers' finished
r gallon. 0.11
10. Putter-Firm; ereamerv. 1
liry, ll?llTe. t'hee.ce iiuiei at
ik; fresh, 13c.
CINCINNATI, F.-brutry 9.-Flour-Dull.
Wheat- Firm; N?> I red
Quiet; N?>. 2 mixed,
firm and quiet; No, t mixed, ?c.
Steady; No. .'. inc.
Firm at >l
Pulk M? n and higher at 10-50?
Firm at |?.7").
Whisk- s -Steady at 11.19.
Sugar and Putter Dull.
Kg???W?-ak and lower at lie.
JVERPOOL, February !>.?1 P. M.-Cot
D Spot, large bualnetta; prices un
Amencan middling, :i?-i?>?i. The
les Of the dav wer.- IS.????) bale?, of
ilch l.???J bales were for ?jpeculatlon
! export, and Imluded IS.huO bules
nericans. Receipts, 12,000 bales, all
in ri- an.
rutares open with s fair do?
lad, and closed steady; American mill?
ing, low middling clause. February.
S-?egll-(Md . ?tellers, February and
iUVilli?i Mll?ri' Uuk'h ?nil
'PHONE 318.
Brandie? and correspondent? throughout th?? Southern States,
Hank rgfgggQSgl Any prominent bank in the South.
Especial Attention Oiven to Out-of-Town Customers.
Tlie reaction w?? advised of came Wednesday lud Thurs?
day. The week's closing' shows prices again advancing, with
th? market broadening and everything favoring good advances next
wick. We better? in buying the whole list.
KINU COTTON.?We now feel like advising the purchase ol
OOtfcmOB any ?vaction, believing the liberal movement has been dis?
counted and the reduced acreage for next crop will help simulation.
Wheat is in the hands of tho professionals. Will probably sell
some lower, and then lie great purchase. <( 6-su.TugTh)
April, 315-64'?'3 lfi-fU.l.. buyers; April and
May, 3 lK-iiid , buyers; May and Jun<\
3 17-atd.. sellers; .Inne and July, 317-?!^
I lvi;i,| , sellers; July and August. 3 ?8-?M.i..
buyers, August and September, 3 1*
' '.., sellers; i>. toher and November,
:!'.'.?- )id.. huyere; November and Decem?
ber, 3 19-6*W'3 20-64?i.. sellers.
NEW TORE, February 9.?Cotton
Quiet; middling. 11-4?
bales; exports?
t" Orea! Brital foi warded,
baM; stock, 153,820
TotsJa to-day: Net receipts, 1
experts?to Great Britain, 24.712 bales; to
the ConUnent, 8JS6 bales; st?xk. 1,24
Net receipts, U4JSM baleo;
exports to Oreal Britain. M.076 I
to Pi so; to the Continent,
M.MT bal? s.
'[' .tais sine September 1st: Net re?-.
12 bales; exports to Grat Britain,
lies; to Fr 87 bales; to
the continent, 1JM.4BI bales.
Cotton futures opened quiet; sale-?, 3.500
. Mar.)). mMi April, |6.tt; May, K.M
June, mM; duly, tun:!; August. SN;
tember, M.0I: October, M.06; November,
F nur. s closed (Irin: sales, 363.900 !
February. 16.01; March. $6.ft4: April. $H.??* .
M .?v. M13; June, M.1S; July, M15; Au|
.?-' ?t? ; September, MJO; October, M.&? N?
n mber, MB
quiet; middling upland
I 1-1"., ml'ldling gulf, H l-'.'c;
NEW ORLEANS, February ?.--Cotton
Futures barely stead] * 100 bal? -
February, nominal; March.
1 $o.6&??|.).67; May, I5.71iil5.73; Jun?
15.77; July, l?SPi/i"..*^; August, i -
Beptember, $5.8S'>i$5.90; Oct'
WILMINGTON, N. C, February 9.
Spirits of Turpentine?Nothing doing;
pries unchanged; receipts, 18 eaahs.
Rosin Firm at $1-20 and J1.2".; receipts,
27 barrel
Crude Turpentin.?--Qui?'t at 11.40 and
$!.'.? ?; receipta B barrels.
Tar?Si.-ady a! Mc; r-'-ipis. Ml barrels.
SAVANNAH, CA.. February | Spirits
Turpentine -At B%0, bid; sales, ?.
rt celpts, IS ?asks.
Rosin?Firm, with a higher tendency;
no sal.? report ?ed; receipta 1.EI barrels.
Quotations unchanged.
CHARLESTON, S. C, February !?.
Turpentine Firm .it Be. bid; saleo none.
Rosin?Firm and unchanged; sales,
NORFOLK, va., February a?(Special i
Peaauta Steady ; fancy, IM#BI?4c.'.
strictly prime. ll-tE3t-ic: prime. 1 1-21*
Ic.; common, l#tC, Spanish, He.; market
fairly strong.
PETER8BURO, FA., February 9. -(Spe?
cial.? Virginias firm, with Nicht receipts;
gOOd lots, S1-4C.J Spanish firm at Me
PETER8BURO, VA., February ?.---(Spe?
cial.)?Cotton?Firm at 5 7-16-J. for ?00(1
lots. _______________
A Yn-rlely of I.??kmI. l'olitl<-al. and
PereoDHl gew-U.
RALEIGH, N. c. February 9.-<Spe
?lal.i V. S. I.usk and J. A. Smith ar?
rived here to-day, as a committee of '?.lie
directors of the North Carolina inllw.iy.
to auilit the expense account in connec?
tion with the suit to annul tbs lease of
that road to the Southern. They .-.ay
th'-y find th.- expens?-s of Bttorneya' !'?? s
to be about B-MI; o?ther expenses, $886.71.
Tramps are ggltS nUBBOTOUS now, und
by their statements are moving In all
ions. Tiny k.-ep aloni? the rail
and do not like the people In the
It is said tin lata Mr.
William H. Wlllard, of It.?high, approxl
iinii'm HE*M, ami thai II wUl be divided
am? ng his nine grandchildren.
Th.- State Audit"!' savs large numbers
of applications for pensions are now
coming in from BOldlera who were in th?
North Carolina Confederate service du?
ring tbe war, but who now live in other
States. Ity reason of the latter fact ihey
are barrad, as only residents are allowed
It .seems that under the act of 15S7
there can be no local option Sleetl ms.
this |
High Point suffers a s.v. re |OOB by the
burning of the tat.l. -factor?.
The loss is BT.OOa with B0.000 insurance.
Rev.mUO olhcrs mad-- two rahls yester
?lay, and ca|?ture?i' an illicit distillery in
this county and one near Sanford.
As y? t no arrangements have bOOU
mad.- r,r keeping tin State Library open
at night.
Mr. Culp, of th?? Southern railway, and
T. M. F.merson. of the Atlantic-?'
him-, ask tbe Railway Commission to
give them another hearing on the 17th
Instant, on tbs matter <.f the rodaoed
Of fr. ii-ht on car-l'iatl lots of fer?
tilizers. Th.y Bay they ?have ?made the
tlons but ?l.-sire to know whether
tiny are correct or not.
Onited-81 -t-Attorney (J. n.
k has ended his dUtlOS In that po?
sition, and Frank S. SpruIU, ?BOlStsnl
Attorney, Is In charge until Clauds Hern
aid is BWOra. Judge Purnell paid A \ -
cock a d.-served compllm'-nt yesterday,
winn the latter retired.
Ttie Board "f Alderm.n here is urged
to require building permits. Strang- to
the latt.r hay.- m ver bOOU required
In this city. There ought also to be an
Inspection of plumbing.
Tin St.-ie i;..a--.l of Health Is making
gOOd progress with Its analyses of the
r supply "f tli- i and
towns In this State. It (?mis th
Concord impure, and giv.-s varnlng
about it.
I'nknown persons yesterday plumb ?-?d
the corner-atooe of an oi?i Lutheran
church near Salisbury.
1?. A. Moore, of Oxford, Is apipointed a
deputy United ?States marshal for this
Farm-work I? going on very actively.
Tbs weather is admirable for It, and the
land In line condition. It Is said the va
0f i rope will Ik- greater than In
a I ) . ?rs past.
Auditor Aytrs ways in gag this weelc
..... d editorial charge of Senator Hut
ler's DS
The severe attack on Senator Butlsr
.itional Populist chairman, which
s in this week's Issue Of the Fro
!'iini?r, the organ of the Na?
tional Farmers* Alliance, was written by
p, u Dardea.
John Winston, of Frankllnfon, was to
day commission, i -. ond lloutoasat <>f
company F, First RoglBBSSl ?>f the State
ElHott Danforth. who, it Is said, will
be the next ?' nominee for Go-?
emor of New York, Is :
A lvM??k-K\i:i:ii VILLAIN.
A Hint Man ? mn.ir.-.l In \nrlh i nro
IIiim ? v.illmiil Nrrk Tobarro.
IT AND NFCK. N ?'.. February >._
(SpeelaD-Dunlel Webb alias Davis, a
cobired man, who has been a fugitiva,
from Justice many years, waa caught a
few day? ago by some OOSMOd persons,
whom he regarded a? his friends lie
ha* long been charged with abusing his
own daughter, and about two year? ?so
: li?t tii? undersign...I. a eornniitte?
>f the ???corporators of tin* Richmond
I'rti-t anil Safe l)epo?i? ( 'oinpany. by
liii-ction of saiil iticorp?.nitor?, will
.[.? ii hook* of aubscription t4> tho
npiful slo??k of miid eoiupnny at the
??inkiiiv* house of .John L Williams ii
Sons, Tenth and Main ?-tr?-??ts. Jiich
noinl. Va., at 12 oViock, noor. on
February M, l-*m. Th.? book? of aub
eribtion will remain open at th?
ame pine?? for imt less ihan four
lays. Baissai ?5.'.'>0.000 <>f paid stoek be
uibscribed for In ii shorter time.
.1 AMi:s w. ALLIS05,
'?inimitt?'?* of Ineorporators of the
lii.'hnioiid Trust and Sufi' I?.-posit
t'ompany. re lO-tre?!
Po Sold?es of tbb s i-kucknt.
sfOBTOAOB Bo.NT.-ni' TBB Sri.rilt B
Kibes Compajti Of Vihi.IMa :
Sealed proposals are invii???! for the
ah? to thix'otiiputiv of SI0,<M?0of it?
or the sinking fund. Hid? BIBBi1 he
n by February l'ith at ?4 M.. ?aid
i?,iid's to hi? riHh'oiiii'd F<?tViinrv 'J<>,
1888, Hid*? should hi? address.'d to
M? ?i?.]-1 ? i h redeemed on February
? ). 1HHN._j. l?.'.?7,Fe3A10
Richmond Perpetual
Building, Loan and TrustCo.,
922 east Main street.
Loans Made
on Real Estate
At Moderate Charges.
Negotiable Paper
Deposits of $1 and up
wards received and interest
illowed thereon. fei.Tu.ThA9a
Virginia Century Bonds,
Richmond 6's,
Virginia Trust Company,
Savings Bank of Richmond, and
Other Attractive Investment Securi?
John L. Williams & Sons,
Bankers and Brokers,
Richmond, Vs.
[Ja l??-Th,!4QATuJ
l BJatati.
J. H. KI.AM A ?"<>.
t" M-H_111', Mali
mmaammmammmmmmmam-mr-mmm>mmm>mm ? ? ,,
ma was also chcrged with outraging *
?*lrl In Chowan COuntjr, who asBa T84
rjovernor <>f the State hml off? r.'.l
waul for him.
Afu-r hi? air-st In? WBS impuil??nt to
th.' colored saca who had him la ?-barge.
M. ?- ?.I.!, and on?- ...1..r.-,l m..n
BCribtng him. v.?t.J h,- was "sloiiKh
I, knock-kn.I, .?n?! looked like th?
I.?vil with his r- il- will perrta-MB
b. (?arrl.il to CanTWaB county f?r trial.
Th?- County Comml -inn
thi? ?reek, raed, ?o order r..r machinery
wllh Which to work th. i Is <?l
A ,,,ior..i m-'iii name?! Blehard D
; to K"t th.- aster from
i ru,. ok.? rlv??r to carry a
v.,m. n When th. Ii'.a'
?inkiriK and carrying him down with it.
loar?, on. ?aede ' > ?oTort to eaten him
w.-in down, but ?ucceeded In get-?
in? only his .-ap.
Tlurt' Is growing enthusiasm ?iv??r th?
.pentng of mark.t here this
n settled, hou*??? have
reea ?? i?*?.l upon, un.l there I? a lively
: oad.Bce with warehousemen who
?ill manage the Interact? <>f the market.
rh.? tobacco acreeg? wHI be greatly In
l all through this community.
?In his.? not planted b.?fort? will
.lant thi? year, ?.n? tBoss ?ho have
f will increase the ssaat,
i.iok?? Into Jos? ph Stern's
)ar-rooin Bese laal TilJtht and attempt??!
o rol> his Bale. The knob to the .t r
.as wrenched and powder potirai In and
gnlted. Th?- door wan hlown ?lightly ?Jar
,y thi n. hut not enough to
{et It open. The robber? took ? few bot?
an?! B small amount of
. from in.' caah register They
evidently profe?<;."iai aafa blea
a In town yesterday,
ind su Bts to th? m.
fall?ate? tlir Xortli ?'itrollan r*.?Bi?*-i
.bruary ?.-48>e>
iai.) Th. grand Morts Kaposl.
Ion-Car ?? here, and Is belnr vl*lt?d ana
idmired by thousands of people.
Whllo in K.rii.rxvlll. last night. Juliue
:I?*?ter, a 15-year-old boy. wa? caught by
mo of tbe manager? mutilating SOSBi <
he tin?- piiiur.- .m ti >( the
ar. A warrant was .?tu?-?! f??r him to
lay. an?l an officer went aft??r blm. but
he luis fstl i -' ?" ni*ve hie
ion here for trial to-morrow.
The manager? say It will enst them
ewriii thousand dollar? to have the
: .

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