Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1898._7 PAGE IS PRESIDENT. i v\. i n to Tin: il f in ?>r i m: i ?k ai. ni h LSBOCI bTlEE, IHIOU MEETING OF THE BODY. ? \rr OEaaask, ?nd ?in?, Mmt_ ,,,. ..f lMttiaa-1 itrou?i,? i ?,*,.,. ,)U_ .'i?!"?-'-?-' Mniifonl to R^,|rn \, ?, i aw ?. : me? t.-.g ..r th.? Bar .\ .. f the eli\ of Hichmond was ),. i,i moan in the city itsuj tud though than oidlnary |tn. "dlnK ' Hug. - ' from the lathing HOU. L H Mmifcrd. ;,s tm "'? '?ds that the SU the gavel at the :,: st'" text from tad in the new laws. Mr, Munford t- a report -'.ed |0 pi : before tlo seal oaarterly . CONDITION. ' ' '''' ' 1 th" be ::. ., fairly ; dew loped th? ?1? iimiu. . m -1 !lv,-ly Ha. ;" ooHecttag the money ' inlzatloii. : - "- Mon, third ' ' ' K . Th >m v- ' I Peyton, Jr.. by the . ,: ' ' ' ' M John v B Chain c m n the from committ* ?n, Lib: I i ' ad. - TIONS OF RESPECT. i.airman announced thai Um B ' s- :! i ?J opt? d ' m h and bai. wo? "."n fr??m th. Nation mm? ndlni thai be under -iran?s f,.r the pi ihould be unless he had pro? un tudy quai i of the h.. :. i II n a?Ctlon taken In I V I I.(?(?I? ok \IM'I.I? ATKINS. Me?, Winit riii?-<-M ?n llu? Hour?! ?if Klnlierle?. - Ty]. r will n it make tin* an fter th-- Legislature adjourns. 'lhere ba*I pttca iitiii probably half that numb? ala? The '". malnlng three m mbei i be selected from -< > turns Of Virginia heir actual expenses whin- attend? ?ard. loned for tbe ?hair ptain John A. Curtis. ..r ,. Fletchei doiai B L Fs-rlnboll and Mr. w. Use, ol Lb w >-' r. Mr. ? ; say, "f Norfolk county; Mr. Naah, of uth, a! pn - m a oil rh b ..- Auditor of r unta, w. Nierai ?rtsmouth, '? cornu ti - f,.r the - Ip. Th? re othtr candidates lor the : cer ' the ostrv, which the bill provides - ibly t" up-country ,-. .-'.;.. . pr- - tution from tilii which stunt office tha the bill . .!. who have urged th? aptain Curtis to the | ?H-: O?NTER'B I'HATH. The clerk of tlM ?Circuit i, .... :.:h circuit. T? t will n to tilt that body or hint?tr*s ?i? , nsmoN oran hi> The Oovernor sod a re? , vernor of West S ir .1,'iiii li. Rutledge, wl .. ounty jail ,u w UBder arrest in Blue? . . . . : nor Tyi.r bs sanounced hi l.r DO ni , il.lll "Ullis api? o m examining ding t?. other put off. Inted Mr. of Fulton's promi Dotary public. lili? I >?<????. H.l.?-i?r?.il lo-Mglil. i. i an imp"-' w at the mar of Eleventh snd Mgr? reeta to-night. .. lew cm.; . . gun In ?-?' S will be ib.- niii-icii event <>t "' I* ity. l?.o|,.-r(> TrHiutfem. ' H nn suc i. northweel eor* Ittl ?06. I . i, a A? tho Ml i.-.-t went . ... . r .;. o wife On Kings!.mil from Richmond, At ng \\ ell-Il?-???r?.?-?l l'??nu??ti??ii. ting ot in. cm Build ' alleriioon Mr. > U for tne , : BO ' oithfui and . .. !.. past fea r*?r* as o . | Thin Children (MS SAMSfAf flOU in aivleg " Scott' taull*?"? to children 1* ? " ?? tlmtui fctorr & Bow st. N*w Y'urk. lend ui it Ir'allg yOJ St?op'f?i. s oms ?TsrjOY? Both tho method an?! regnlts when ?TTUpof Fit-sis ?ken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts pi'iitly yet promptly on the Kidm-vs, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys? tern effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of hi kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste andac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its efforts, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all ami have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all Issaifacg drug gist?. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro? cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP CO. SAM FRANCISCO, CAL. ??UWiUE, KV. NEW YORK. H.?. _lis 1 Tii.ih.?SalyAweow.ti-iir; ?i I v i \ \i:w tri st i (?Mi-w-i. o?,* to iieuin Bwsla.s. Us?a '?"looks (?P??n fur Stock. Tbe Initial step In putting into opera? tion the Richmond ''"inpany. to which the C.eneral A1 ently grant. .1 s charter, ws taken . i .1 a rm of tin- oorporstors, held In th. i.anking Of loi.n L William- ?V- Sons. Hon. W. Joaiah Leak? presided over the meeting, and Mr. Henry c. Cabell I ap? pointing Messrs. James W. AlUson, P. W. Scott, and Henry I* Cabell S commlt three t?, open bOOstS or subscription to th.- capital stock of the company, ten days' notice being required under tbs r, tb. i.'.oks- of subscription to op? a rVedneaday, February U, ISN, and close on Saturday, tb? Mth instant, it Is proposed that th. capital st.? k shall no! be ) ss than ?881,180 nor more than ". although the charter authorise? .. k to be I Thi ms say that the busi i company will i..- conducted strictly on trust-company lines, and that tbej do the mercantil. tanking business. It is also undOl that they win not go on security bonds a h< re thi i ?tat. or tund Involvi l is directly under their charge or ; | mpany will make ilty of th.- BxeculIon of trui: rlptlon, Including tbe admlnia? lallj em ,i by Its charter to act Bdmll ami guardian, and is especially d?sign?t ry for funis und? r th? Or the I nit. ..r Of any Of th? States and 'i Trust companies In New Tork, Baltl? have m reci nt th. nest profitable financial institutions, the stock of many <>1 them ranging from MOO to 8 000 per ?bar. on a par of |M8 An Interesting tsbl? wa? aub mltCd to the meeting yesterday showing th. condition snd earning? of th. trust companle. In New Sorb and Baltimore, and l h,- opinion ?,?. aa !i ely ?XD1 that there was bo reason why tb. Bleb mond , ' ducti d, should not bav. its full share In this lucrative buslni The charter lo dis company, which IS ..n?- of th?- most Importsnl giant?.i by in. uii.iy. was approved by th. Qovernor on Monday, Its (teen n pre? n m.-n, Including prominent Brian in Baltimore .nd Nea Tork, as well as in Btchmond, They are; Hon. Joaepb i Willard, of Fairfax county; Hon. \\. Joaiah Leak., John Bkdton Wii: - W. Allleon, N. W bn W. m. William H. Trigs, Hon. Wil? liam Wirt Hi nry, lb nrj L. fjabi ?i i a Davenport, F. W. Scott, W. M. Ha i, and J. -i. Ol this city; Boberi C. Davidson <?r she Baltimore Trust snd Ouaraatei Company, of Baltimore, and n-Ma* the city of Baltimore; J. WUllam Mldden dorf, or Mlddendorl bank president of thi U and Alabsms railway, of Baltimore, and wiiii..m i". Cochran, of New vork. .\ir. Cocbraa Is a director m tbe West, in Union ("elegrsph Company and also In the i., .nd Alabanas railway, in which many Richmond i??-<?pc- are Interest? I, and la fflstlngutohed alike for his wealth. ibiltty, and philanthrope PMAI m IBB 08 tiii:m. JastJee -laha Twits? Baarei.. an the ajateraal IBa I'oii??- Blve Him. The valiants of Richmond bad provided the usual Baetertal foi Justice jobo t" practice his ju I rday morning. i n.' cas?- of ' dekson, th? ne? gro woman Charged with striking Shirl?-" w hit? lad, with a brick, w 14 nntll tin- nth, on account of the inability of lb. lad to appear and th? uncertainty of his condition. Dr. Stover, s*aa called to m a th? boy, said thai hi> patidit was not yet OUI Of danger. Shirley was playing in the stn-.t. and Ing with which he had nothing thi woman took up a bricfc hurled it with gr.-at force st young Ro ll.-r aim was goo.l, the . cutting a deep gssb and erushlna the skull b.n.ath lh.? fleshy eOVi i ?r. stovi r found it i to put him under th. inSuence of chloroform to ra? the splintered I William H"i"' (colotred) was , With ti.-spa.ssing on tie promis, s of -joug. n , le, and Heyl. had to sol up Ita. They had . vid.-ntly ha 1 a ,?c.n .-.,, ne. and made Bp before court, snd lohn sabed Douglas l it m. ?aid: "Oh, well: there is nothing In it " "All rigbt." wi or*? reply; "you p ?y ' '!;' * 'A' '", (';,is to his rlghl bower), coliacl B.8D from this man. will yon'." '-'hi* ,f>*' rlghl how.. p.o. "i"' to ?lo In his attractive BBd but iiiways rrftectlve. wh? n there Is any bluou in ini tUHaniel Port.T. Ali?- Smith, Sarah Tren! Su?an Kelser, and Boas H.-w Of i he colored kind their admiring frie? the ?tree! Tuesday night, hut unfortunately for them. OIS Sow. II and BaUei W< r. among tb. ad inlrlnK spectators. It seemed a pity, it th, cruel-hearted asenta of tfct i up0n them, and In bws Urn? than .. tabes to ?reite II tb? P*" ? ?J tb. Cae. Terpslch'. i.? bind the the Second citadel, j'.hu w. Jones w?s charged w.o. striking Celia I ? ?S-*** man, in I *** ,,nP<1 !.. ?la was taxed tbe ?.me amount be n?t turning the other cheek, a? ..,,,?, nook ?ay?, ?h?' ?trunk bint hack with the fury of a wildcat. ,f Ed. Tucker, o? Swansboro'. charged with b?-!ng disorderly on Kl? trl.-Cnr No. M of the Four?-enth-Slr. Lin.- and aoeaulttng Conductor Tliuritiy was called, and the accused was ftn?*d P and gOSta Tin- flne whs paid. The cas- i | V. PaTCeU, also O Swansboro'. charged with striking Oeorg P'ircfll, was continued until ihe 1Mb, a tin bnv hSa not yet i-?covered, though 1 I? believ. d he will do SO. Oakwaad ?irsinriii i.n. Tin- i.- iftwood Mesaseis laii'.n an- arranftag to bass a tea a so. .".m, <?r o. gin ?t next i ooM venii.g from ? to 11 >'? lock. Kv? i .ill be put forth to make i> ~?oat enjoyable one. An ?jseeBeat pi" jrammc. musical and literary, Separad, and the ladles ?ir?? willing I ISSUrS all who alter?! a very good time. Revlvnl nt llo-nnrd'a (?rove. Tin- ravivai acivlcei at Boward'e??flrnv Baptist church, conducted nightly by th i'.stor, are growing In Interest and pow.-r .arg-?- ?cnKiegations are proSOM at ever; ?etvice, ?mi] tin irg have been aev?*ral con . rsions. '?'m. meeting will continue ?lu Ing the w.i-k. ami the public. (. he un. ,,,. urgently ln*/lted ti ittend. ?Prayer ami in : at la I'. M. Tli?. Were Trnnxpnaed. IB the ?omparutive statement of th Midgets f"t ISN and l*?'.-. published in th Dispatch ?ui Tuesday morning i imoiints appropriated for St. Joseph ?rplian Asylum and St. Paul's Chard lome las, year ware in olvcrtcntly trans ? sed. riie statement should ha'. *t. Joseph's Orphsn Asylum, EM Paul's ?'hurch Home, %1'fl. 'I I??? I!. U'li??. He, l-|,l| Tick.-ts for th. re, .pilot! of 111" >f tbe . . M.-moilal lut- lary So let;.', to b. heM at IhS .l"'T' I BOB I M H iry 19th. ?Ban be had by members of th. "'-?.-ty from Mis ThomSS H la iry. M? .' .?'nu?*, and Mrs. Norman V. Han lolph, DI east ? h at Mi mben ire entitled to two extra ticket- it th. brad i ' Chamber ??f Caaaaaaewe Nestlauj. The Bra! quart? rly meeting of tl aond chamber of Commerce for iv'lH am t* held this evening at ?'. o'clock in tin laaembly hall ?if the Chamber, Tin- standing commltt? I win t.. nnounccd on tins oOOSStOn, ami the word t the cut. nt y.-ar Inaugurated througi hese and othei agencies ??f tbs Clmmber ( <?? ?-n n n 1er m. ( oiiipiiiiy tl. This oompany of Covenanters will havi "tacky party'' to in-.i i ..? afternoon ai o'clock at . iih ?Fourth viiiie tins entertainment is especially t"i he children, it by i. i means excludes in? bier friends and tbOM interested in Iheil i?>rk. There will be music and refresh' Beata. 'hlr?l rreelin?! Marshall Wnnl ( lull This club will m,"t to-night to t'Ol ?anise and 11"' ' otiic.-rs at Bprlngni i? lall, corner Twenty-oixth snd M 'ids tout, is , omposed of only memben iving In the prednct As it is The lirsi nesting "f thi^ aeason, with the electloi f offli i -, no ? o dldate will be ? ? Old I.lidies ?if I.u\ t?n?ler TsSS 'Th.- Seven 'H.I of LaveiiiP-i 'own ' win ont? nain their numeroui Itreet Baptist Taberna ie to-night An interesting Programm? a i t.. n arranged, snd refreshments ail] <!. Tile pi" f Calvary Baptist church building fund. 1 *?ii?|iiei<niH ? linracO-r. A vallan'! of tin- Bocona p..|?. ion an a negro man named Eugene Brooks suspicious c!, nd Eugene win hav.- an opportunity u i.-pel th.- cloijd this morning bOfOTC tin lercy seat of Justice John. fHE CURSE Of mankind?contagious blood poison?claimed as its victim Mr. Frank II. Martin, 1)26 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. 0., and the usual physician's treatment ?lid him not th?-slightest good. His condition reached that deplorable stage which only this terrible dis? ease can produce. IHE CURE After all else failed, was at last found in S. S. S.?the greatest ol all blood remedies. Eighteen bot? tles removed the diseas?- perman? ently, and left his skin without a blemish. sss .8. 8. is guaranteed urely vegetable; mid itheonlylmown cure ir this most terrible isease. Hooks free; ddrtBB.Swift Spt-cii!,' Con puny, Allanta, li*. MAHINE I~TE_LIGK-CH. UNIATlLi: ALMANAC, FEB. 1". UBS. un i,-- .v men TIDE n Morning.7:09 loon Uses ....!":! ; Evening.7::w PORT OF RICHMOND, ?FER 'J, 1898. ARRIVED. Richmond. Clover. New York. lerchandlse and passengers; Old Do? rn,,.m Steamship Company. SAILED. Steamer Poeahontaa, craves, Norfolk, lerchandlse and passengers; Virginia ravlgatlon Company. i Richmond, Clover, New York, lerchandlse ami passengers; old Do iinion steamship Company, ?OET OF WKST POINT, WWB. 9, im. (By telegraph.) ARRTV1 Btesmshtp Baitiawre, Mun . Haiti ngers and general ?'.?rgo. s,i]i Elm City, Heynes, Matta? Did river landings- p>asseng?srs ?ano gene* il i ergo. SA1LKD. Steamship ?Baltimore, Murphy. Paltl u,r, and general cargo. ,hip Elm City. Heynes, Matta ,.;i river landings; p..?-serigers an?l gene ll .'.,: . ORT OF NBTWPOBT \i:ws. FEB. 9. (By telegrai u AERIVBO. steamer BtrathSllSB Cardiff. Btearoei Taormlna, New v?)rk. Steamer i1 ma. School.. ' Manning, New Toi k. naieton. ?Providence, Barge Cllntonla, Provlden SAILKI' Bteamer Brrln, Bremen ami Rasa Si? am? r < ?rlon, H iston. gteamer Sterling Portsmouth. Beware ui Iuiiuiium ,v *." ? % ?wofaP?" ^ ^Vt?vederx/?ine(/S ?Siuc*- * JON? WM*'? SO??. H*?**, *tw van. poJS?fMf] "The best guarantee> of the future is the experience of the past!' (Pat.ick h?n?.y). When you look back on Pearline's twenty j years' experience, how can you think that any less-tried WaUbtng powder will give the same security Je against harm? And Pearline r / costs only a trifle more than the poorest and cheapest Wishing powders. ?i . ^ ^?$Sz*^^Wg^m&j?ar4k?/9 il? S lu,'lb.1?i??o?i COTTOLESE. Louis Tanty formerly Chef of Napole?n III and the Imperial family of Russia,says: "/ will finer think of preparing for myself frying fat so tour as I will be able to get Cottolene, and I firmly believe that there is no neutral frying material except the most expensive and pure olne oil, equal lo Cotlolene for frying purposes." Cottolene 1? pure veeetahl. oil combined with choice heef miet, snd i? bealtbfnl, appetising, digestible. Endorsed by ? m i n.-nt phy?ieiana,und reciu m?nd?d by cooking? pert? as in every wsy preferable to lard or animal fat. Th? -f?nulne Cottolene I? sol<l everywhere In on<> to tfn I*.und yellow tin*, with our tra.1*M!mrk*.-"?y./ro/'n?" and ?ifart A/<i<4 In roll?n] :,ml wrath ,in every tin. Not juar ?nlct-l If mild In any other way. Made only hy THE N. K. KAlItli?. Mv COMPANY, ChloiWto. St. Louis. N<?w York. Montreal. * lapl7.Sa,T*J?%Thly.arl THE E. B. TAYLOR COMPANY, No. 1011 E. Main Street ana No. 9 E. Hroad St. For This Week We Offer a Liberal Reduction OD all cold weather px.ds. such as Cual Vases, Coal Hods, (?as Stoves, (?as Radiators. ( >il-Heatcrs. ('hating Dishes, etc. A new arrival of Inihieila Stands, in iuet;il. HVniisli stone, and decorated cliiui, at low juices. Complete Line of Housefurnishing Goods. ?e; <., Tii.e-Ti, we give ii?Kiiu^ oi.tin|??>. S. ULUTAN'5 SON'S BEAD BELOW. Low PRIOES in MTSnSl DMPAET MENT. WS bought from the trust- of O E. Anderson, .*?r.. some ol the GREATEST BARGAINS EVER FERED IN GROCERIES We propose io give our customers the Also, in old' r i 'line oil!' Immense stock at both B< we have inaugurated A CUT-SALE <jN EVERYTHING in our stock. You never bought g? "'i ai prie? - m this list. Illd can- J. Ilv . 1" 10-pound .ms Pur? Leaf Lard . 60 Zand? . 'Id Smlthtleld I, I .... 1" California Nect iriio-s. :; pounds for.. _'.", : Bags Hud Smoking Tobacco for.. 6 Ai buckle's ; nul. only . 11 Quart Preeervlng Jar full ol Mus* only . l't iy jowls, pound . Home-Mad. Catsup, bottle . 5 i'ottage Boneli - all ban. pound . *? Fresh Lemon Crackers and Ntc Nacs, pound . 5 Baker's Breakfaat Cocoa, can. l?> New Homlnv ami Crlts, pound. 2 North Carolina Clipped Her? r?n- aly . ? Best Granulate?' Bugar, per pound c Llght-Brdwn Bugar, per pound. v% Lire- Iiisli pot: to.-.-, p-r peek. M Cooper's Cocoa, liest on the market, per can . h California Dried Evaporated Peaches, S pounds for. 25 Large pa? k It clous foi lit? ikfast, only . 10 Rolled ? >..ts, in 2-pound | onij . s Home-Mads Jetty . ? Boi ton Baked Be ins, | ? r can. s ? ?rangi Count] ? ?raam? ry Butter, iiii.-.t on tha market, per pound.. . in Floating Toilet Soap, regular 5c. cake, i ? r bai. 2 taah and Early June ?'. as, per j cai >.i s New Currants |-Sundcan APP?? ?Butter ??_? ? Imnort-d Bwit* pound.... U New V^'fp?unds'-nir::::::::::::: *> KnOf M.?u Coffee, acknowledged by leadi-na nhysli ,ur,; ,A for dy-pepel?. per pound, only.... M Larae 4-Sthns Brooms . ? hiir- can? Pie P?C?ieS . ? Pineapple , . , ; ,:.; l? 15 *? I ^h^Xlina'lUu-.I.^ing-s, ke...lSj 1 pouV^l??.'00?* *?' . I Fr?ur-t?trlnR Bro-ma? ... . *? Rurer Corn, per can . ?rted -lams, In tins, ?-,.. rny 'mu?'- SWA 'per-.;?*::::::: ? Wins to" Jelly. Qusrt . 10 2 bar" ?aniLme-Mad-Preserves 60 rp0U.mckwheu? W pounds for. 26 Si P_ckags Prepared Buck und i J?KJ6 *~ 12 wheel ? . ? Rival ?-'.?hulne .; . .X Blackberry Wins, uuart ... ....... w Btrlng Bean^Pjr^^' ;;;; ; ?j V.ox.-s Jefferson ' Washing Powders ^ , i?r .''m'i la;,"Coffe.-, .lava and 'ffiS??r ?nl.K-. ?neat Coffee on .; jAork.t P'-r pound, only . 11 iVree iut,>'Starch, per pound.... I jftte?ronLaundry ?Soap, per bar.... t , ^w k. Bread Soda, only . 3 v?nula Byrup, P-r gallon. ? Blacking Brushes. i Lima Beans, ?JJWH*,; ' ,?c " __jl * Brat -Imported Sow Kraut, ?&c. g?i J,,,\',?;ryap!d-'r;per ga??n:::: PJ Krim'lnh'! Peaches Par pound. M pL\- Feet, .-r po*"-?! ,. ; SllVer Kins -Viinnesota Patent Family Figur, berraj .;;;;;; ;" Trv ?aur* bow'' 'SaowSaks'"?'aient l'iinllv Flour, made of best Vir? il nh? ?rheat, barrel.IE o r hu clfc . * ' i_t_? Cans Table Peaches, 3 for.... _i o?ia-t cans Mai . ? via Virginia Comb Honey, pounrt. lt> /?.?Tcsttfornls Feacheo, per . an . _. *?^* Cun Table Peaches. I v"w Beans ami Peas. ?P-iart. 5 * We haVe a hou??? full of bargains. S. LLI.MAVS SON, ANT? MB l'--*-s'i' EA1N BTKaurr. L'r-Town Store, ?ui east Marshall. Phone 316. 'Phono 3*.. It will pay you to call for our complete Irrlce-LHt. no 31-Sa.Tu._Tn CIT*. Lit KN-.ES. k City Auditor's Otllce, Richmond Va., January 22. 18M. LICENSES. Owners of Wagons, Hacks, Buggies. ? minibuses, and other vehicles, for which ii, annual license tax Is required, aie notin?d that licenses -for the sam? win _JjL_t!?-i?? _ city Auditor'? Office, Richmond, Va.. January 22. IHM. OWNERS OF D<>Uti, BITCHES, AND GOATS, residing within the city, are hereby notlrt?*?l that Ileuses for the same will be Issued from th? Treasurer's offlc? on and after the FIRST DAY OK FEB? RUARY. 189?. to expire the ilrst of Feb? ruary \m. EDWARD J. WARBEN. Ja23-tFc 10 Auditor. [CARTER'S! ff ! VER IBS CURE Sirk Hf?a/lacbe and relieve, all too trouble? Inci? dent to a blllou? atatnnf tue systeii. such a? Dizzineaa, Saune?, Drowsiuo??, Distress after eating. Pain in the Hid??. Ac. While t.'i remarkable .ur.-e-s ha? been shown iu curing SICK Ileadaclie. yet Carter'* I.ittlo Liver Vill? ?re e'pially Tiiluablo in Constipaiion, curingand pre? venting thisannoyingc >mpl?.mt.wliil?i th<-y also c .rrert all dm? r.lern olt nest oma.-ti,stimulate the liver and reg u Uto the bowola. Even if they only ~ HEAD Ache they would bo almost prlcole.? to the.? wbJ ?tul.-r from thl?.!iHLr.'<i?.ing complaint; butfortu? natelytheirge, i tendh<?r?,a:i ? Klioi.ncetry them will llnd these, little pill? Vila, able in so many way? that they will not be wil. ling to do without thorn. Hut after all ?ick /icatl ACHE lathe bane of so many lives that here I. whet* we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while fathers do not. Carter'? Little Liver Till? aro very small and scry easy to take. One or two pill* make a ?lose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or partie, but by their gent?oaction please all who nsethem. l'u vialsal'J3.:euts ; flvafor $1. Sold ?Vy druggists everyw acre, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. M R hd Dose, Snail Fries? (Th. Sa. Tu. & w) SEINE THBEAD, LINEN AM? COTTON Oil.I. NET TINO of ' verj di - rlptlon In a d.r. *? ? handl? all the leading brands ol sein? Thread. W. hav. a complete Btock of Twine., Lines, Ropes, corks, Otl-Clothlng, Rubber B i.owHHt prl L. LICHT EN ST KIN's SONS, i??r. Seventeenth and Fumkiin street., Sole Importer? of the Lion Rranl S. ;ne Thread; quality guaraatMd. Tu.Th&Su p DEPARTURE OF STEAMERS HILADELPHl?*, RICH MOND AND NORFOLK STEAMSIUi? company Appoisted .-ailing dsya: Every ,8*1188. DAY, FRIDAY, and SUNDAY at lirsrhr. Freight received daily until g j?. ,\[ l-'.ii.- (including meals and h?;rth), $?' on Friday*? ?teemer. For further inform to J W. M'CARRICK, il Southern Agent; oil it?. W P. CLYDE 8 ' f- i, General Ammts. Philadelphia. yiRG??IAlAY]GATION" COMPANY, JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. Steamer POCAtlONTAB lev?-., MON? DAY, WBDNESDAY, anu FU11-AY at 7 A. M. far Norfolk, Portsmouth, uia Point, Newport .News, Claieinont Jani?--j-riv?-r landings, and connecting at Old Point and Norfolk for Washington, Baltimore, and the North. 3'. itt*-roen*?s reserved for the night at moderate price?. Electric-car? direct to the wharf. Fare only $1.80 and $1 to Norfolk. Music by Grand Orchestrion. Freight received for above-named place, and all point? In Eantern Virginia and North Carolina. IRVIN WF.ISIOKR, General Manager. A. H. Drewry, President. as It EUROPEAS STEAMERS. AMERICAN LINE ?aiV YoKK?bUL rHAt?ffoX ?.Loaaou-Paris.! rWIS Sl'KEW I S. MAIL r-TEAM-llll'. .SAlllag ?veiv WEDNESDAY at 10 A. ?. ST. PAl'l.y?b. ISlSY. PAl L .Mar.-h!? NEW iOUK..Ket>. 23| ST. I.ul li. ...vmr-u (1 PAK1S.n?fch : i BBW tokk Bai RED STAR LINE. M?W VOliK .O AN I rt'K.W Mailing every WEDNESDAY at n.Hin. WENIHKNL'D.r**?'?. 1?. I KKIESLaM?. ..Mar. 1? UKKI.iN. .J?l)i .'.I KKNSl.M.l'.VU?r. 1H .mm. It HI. AM... Mar. .1 "AShlSi-t/lLDwh. ?8 INTSSSATIoNAl. N AVI-1ATIOM CUV. Plan 14 an 1 18 Sortti lilvor. (?" ?. 0 Ho.llof llresu, M. C. W. U. PAL?Kit i sib klcftmosl. Orders for printing aent to th Company will b. given prompt attention, and th? ?ty!e of work and prices will b? sure to plea?, you? miLRnvn uses. CUKSAPfiA&E ASO OHIO KAILVUT. Kit-clh-? Jnuuary 5, lfMMi. iit.viNs USASTE Richmond, UHOAD MUii.i station. >-"?*> A. ._., ^u...., ?? ?." i an'jr ?:ar, ?or Nuitoia, Poruinoutl?, Ola folnt. New/you .NcwJ. and principal station* Connect* dally with Ola Dominio?? ?teamsli. w Volk. 3:10 P. il.. Daily, with Pullman, for local BlaUOO*. .Newport w?, u.d PolBt, Norioik. and Portsmouth. 10:00 A. M.. Local train, except Sunday. for W. Clifton Forge. COO" i t? at Ooidonjvlile lor Orange, Culjeper, Calver ton. Manaasn?. Alexandria. and Washington; at Union Station. Charlotteuvllle, for Lynchburg; at Basic for Ha gerstown. S:1B P. 11.. Daily, with Pullmans to On ? ?nnatl. Louisville, and St. Louis. Stops only at Impor? tant station* Meals served on Dining-cars. ?>o. 7, Local Train, except Sunday, fol? lows above train from Gor donsville to Staunton. C:.'IO P. M., Accommodation, except Sun? day, fo- C-arlottesvtlle. 1030 P M., Dally for Cincinnati, wltn F. F. V. Pullmans to iliuton, W . ? < jordonsvllle to Cincin? nati and Louisville. Meals served on Dlnlng-car?. Con? nects at Btaunton, excent Sunday, for Winchester, Va., rind at Covlngton, Va , dally, for Hot <5nr1ngs TRAINS LEAVE EIGHTH - STREET STATION. ll;_i> A. M., Daily, ?u. Lynchburg ana Clifton Pome Connects at Bremo, except Sunday, tor White Hall, except Sunday at ?y for Lexington, ana ai W. Clifton Forge with No. 1 for Cincinnati. 4:0-0 P. M.. Except 8unday. Loral ac? commodation for Colombia TRAIN"? ARRIVE AT RICHMOND, BROAD STREET STATION. H.UO A. M.? Dally, nom Cincinnati. 11:15 A. M.. Dally, from Norfolk and Old I'oint. 3:3() P. M . Daily, from Cincinnati and Louisville. 6W_? P. M., Dally, from Norfolk and Old Point 7:45 P. M , Except Sunday, from W. clirtoi l'orge TRAINS ARRIVE I 1? IHTH - STREET STATION 8:50 A. M.. Except Sunday, from Colum? bia. 6:20 P. M , Pally, from Lynchburg and Clifton l'orge, and. except Sunday, from Lexington and White Mill !<>1TV D. POTT* _Asslstn'it Generul Par-scnaer Agent. 01> SOUTHER? fiBVT*" RAILWAY. ehoEwla BEsstfve dnnuar?/ 17, iSPSb TJLAISg LEAVE Ml? IDIOM). VA. LSruv ?Nignt, tin. -i .- '? ? " '" '-*' daily fur Atlanta, Aujjusta, ana points South. Sleever Richmond to Danville, Greensboro', Salisbury, Charlotte, "ulumbia, and Augusta. Ble? i" i open st I ?" F. M- stops at all stations between Hichrnoa?l and Danville to take on and let on; ?passe i igcr-j. Conned? at Danville. Salisbury, and Charlotte with dm Washington and Southwestern Limited (No. 37), vairylng sleepers New York to AshevHIe, H.t Springs. Chattanoo ga, and Nashville; New * ork to Memphis; N-w York to New Or? leans; New York to Tampa; and i i! -class day coach between Washington and Memphis. Connec tlons are m ids for all points In Texiis and California. Sleeper open for occupancy at I JO P. hi 12 OO m.on. No. 7. Boltd train daily for Charlotte N. C, connects at Mose ley with I'-.irmville and Powhatan railroad. At Keysvllle for < ?arks ville. Oxford, Henderson, and Dur? ham, and at Oreensboro' for Dur? ham. Raleigh, and \?lnst?'ii-Salem; at Danville with No, to. I nlted States fast mall, solid train. dv:y for New Orleans and points South. which carries sleepers New York to New Orlesns, and New York V) Jacksonville Through ileeper Salta bury to Chati SUBO, Pull? man tourist ! ry vvednes WaShlngton to San i-rancisco. without chante. ?:00 V M.. No. 17. local, dally, except Pun.lav. for Keysvllle and int.-.-me TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. ? ou A. M. S:SS P. M.. from Atlanta. Au?ruata^ Ashevlllo, and Nashville. 8:40 A. M., from KeyavUie. LOCAL FREIGHT TRAINS. Nos. ?51 and 62, between Maschester and 'Is v*B lOa-UTU UNE vu mm 90LNT, THE l-'-WOIUTE BOITTE north. LEAVE ItlLHMOM). P. -M . No. lo, iiau.uioi?. Limited, dally? excepi Sunday, for Weit Point, tbere making closo connec? tion on Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays wuh steamer for Balti? more, al.-n, arith tage at Lester Manor for VYalkerton and Tappa hannock on Tueedays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. 2:30 P .V. . No 10. local expr?s?, Mon daj -, \v dneedars. and Fridays, for West Point and Intermediate sta? tions. Connects with sta?. at ter .Manor for WalkertOQ and Tap pahannock; also, at West Point with steamer for Baltimore. Stops at all stations. 8:00 A. M , No. ?? . . i Mix??(i Leaves dally, except Sunday, from V'r gtnla-Str.'?-t Station for West Point and Intermediate stations, connect .lug with ?taue at Lester Manor for *.? .o - '>o<-k. TRAIN* ARniVE AT RICHMOND. 1?:I7 A. M., daily. 1U:40 A. M., \. cdnesdays and Frldsys only, s u?? P. M.. dally, except Sunday, rrom West Point and intermediate sta? tions. Steamers leave West Point at 6 p. M. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and Baltimore ftJB_?._JI. luesdays, Thure foot of Virginia M to 6 P. M . I M City ticket Office 903 ?ast Main street, j \| ? FLP _ W. A. TPRK, Traffic Manager. Oen. Pass. Asent. I t UANNON, Third Vice-President .- ? - n?gton i> ? C w WFSTm'RY, Travelling pa?. senser Agpnt, 9? east Main street, Rleh ?on?i Va. oe S __yt) and S.-.turr,*y Tleket ?Office at Ration, street. Open from 9 A. ! i from?:*) P. M to 12 / <) DGPASTURE OF ST EASE AS. LI) DOMINION kTEAESBIP COMPANY. BAtLl LINK ? ?JK NEW YORK. Passengers can leave Richmond DAILY v:.i Chesapeake and Ohio railway at H.5U A. M . or Richmond and I'etersbura rail rvad (Norfolk and Western route) t? A. M.. connecting at Norfolk with Old Do? minion Line steamer, sailing same eve? ning for New York. ALL-WAiEK Route. Steamship Ota Dominion i ave? Rich? mond every Monduy at 5 p. _i. ior tNew York via James rlv-r. Tickets on ??le at Richmond Transfer Company'?, i**1 east Main street; Chenu p.-aks and Ohio railway, and Rlchrnomj und Petersburg railroad depots, and at company's office. 1212 east Main street Richmond. Bag?**? cheek-ed through. FREIGHT (ST N-.'V. luiw -..v. t-wiOta beyond can >j<j ?iilpped by direct sicamor?, sailin? [rom Richmond every AluNDAT AND i. RIHAY at 5 P. My, ?1*0, bj ?teumer eaviuK Richmond WEDNESDAY O R M for Norfolk, connecting with steamer tor N?w York. Manifest cloae?! one hour before sailing lime. Frelaht rercdvrd and forwarded, an?! IhrouKh bills 0* In'.ins !?sue,1 f0r aJ, north?- 'rts. FROM NEW' luitK. t'asseuae.- . *c?pi Uaa. ii?y. to Norfolk o. old Point Comlort. MnneCtlng witn Nortolkand Western ? o? (Jliena^eako and Ohio ?allvvay Direct steamers tyla Jame??-river route! ?y SATl'RDAY ?paasenger ana :r?tgbt), and MONDAY (freight onlv) nom comuuny'G fpier. .\0 *m Sort h river, foot of Reach wrest, at g p U . S?iturday, 4 P. M Freight received and forwarded ?Salir ixceot Sunday. * For further Information apply to JOHN F MAYER. Agent, IJU east Man., street Richmond. Va. W. L- Oulllauden. Vise-President sng TYafflc Manager, New Turk. ** RAILROAD LISES. A, C. L atlant?c-coaw LINE. iebedol? In ?-.fleet Jaaonry IT, llSSft. lit VINS LK.WK Kl? 1IMO.NU--1-4IUS llEl'OT. t?;OOA. M., Dally. Alttva? Petsraburg ' ? ;i a. i * ii-at a. M. .Stop? ??iiy u? Petcrsbuig, --._.. .. ?Wavcrly, and buffoU, Va. 0:05 A. M., Daily. Arrivo A. M.. We.c.on U:3j A. M . 4:15 P. M . charleston lu 20 i Savannah IJ.-O A. M . Jack? ville 7:30 A. M.. Port Turins ?>. * ' P. M. connect? at Wilson with K ?: living Gold?boro' 3:10 P. ?M., Wilmington 5:4G P. M Pull? man s;.... i New Yeti ' Jacksonville. 8:55 P.M., Dally. Local. Arrivas Pe? tersburg 3:?t! P. M. Make, all atOi?a. 5:30 p. M, Dully. Arri* es Pelershnrg 6:15 P. M. Makes all local top?. Richmond ?nd peter*. burg rail. T:SO P. M., Dally. Arrive? Petersburg 8:04 P. M.. connect? with Norfolk an?! W>Bt?m fee* Norfolk and Intermedlnl-? point?, Emporta 9:10 (con? nect? with A. and I), for ?tstlons between Kn,perla and Liwr? ?ncevllle), Weiden 9:42 P. M.. Fayettevllle A. M . Cbarleetan 6:02 a. m.. Savannah 8:0? A. M . Ja.K ?onville l P. at.. I'ort Tampa 9:46 P. If. ??JEW LINK T<i Mil.OI.H UNTS.-Arrlv Ing Alken 7:28 A. M . Augus? ta 8:iu a. M.. Uaeon n A M Atlanta 12:15 P. M . Pull - New York to Wilmington. Jacksonville, Port T.napa, Alken, Augus , ,,i Macon. S:5?J P. M., Daily. Arrive? P? teraburg 9:31 P. M., W.ld.n 11:?) P. M. Mik.? local ?top? be? tween Petersburg and Wei don. lO-OO p. M.. Dally, except Sunday The N, a York ami Florida I d.l arrlvea Charleston 1:45 A. M., Savannah _"! A. ML, Jacksonville I'M P. M . K A'lguatine 2:8) P. M . Tampa M. Pullman bul?, Sleeping-, Dining IJ brary-, and Observation car??. 10-.10 P. M., Dally. Arrive? Petersburg 11 : > P, M . Lvnehburg * M \ M., Roanoke .'?:?> A. M., Bristol 11 -.1) a M. Pullman si.eper Richmond to Lynch* burg. TRAINS ARMVE RIC?lMOKI?. 4 00 A. M Dally, from Jacksonville, 8a v innah, Charleston, Atlanta, Ma.on, Augusta, ?and ?H 1 otnt? South. H If. A. M.. Daily, except Sunday, At? lanta. Athen?, Raleigh, Hen ui-mon, Lynehburg, ?nd the ? .-?t. N 57 A. M.. Dally. Petersburg locsl. h 55 A. --1- a?'y' e"?c,,P( Monday, froraj Tampa, Jacksonville, H,. van nan, sod Charleston H OO A. M.. Sunday only, rrom Atlanta, Athens. Raleigh, Henderson. Lynehburg, and the W?at. ll OB A. M., Daily. Norfolk, Suffolk, and I ?teraburg. 7 15 P. M., Dally, .I'leksonvllle, Savan? nah, charleaton. Wilming? ton. Qoldsborn', and ?il point? South. 6:55 P. If., Dally. Norfolk. Suffolk, Ws \eriv. ?nd Petersburg, H;56 P. M, Dally. Petersburg. Lyneh? burg, and the West. I. R. KKNl.Y. T. M KMKKSON. (Jeiieral Manager. Traffic Manager. H. M EMERSON, General Passenger Agent, c g CAMPMELI* Ja_W_Division Paesi-nger Agent. Nr^WHorfolk^Wesiem mia ? nal Schertals in Effect Ueeoa.O.r a. I*s07. li:avk hiciimu.vo, m ru-strket STATION. 8*488 A. If., Daily Rlobaoond and "(or? folk. \ , JE LIMU BJ). Second-class ticket? not accepted on this train. 0.O5A. M., Daili. THE CHKAviO EX PRESS." loi Lyrjcabur?*-, Roauok?, t'oh -ibu?, .ad Chicago. Pullman Sleeper llodiiuke to Columbus; ?U-.?->. for Radford, Bristol, Knox vilie, ?'haitai.'.oga, und In? termediate points. 7:30 p. M.. Dally, for Norfolk. Suffolk, and lntermedluto ?tatioaa 10:48 P. M.. Daily. r..r Lynehburg arpa Roanok?, Connect? at Roa? noke with Washington and Chattanooga limited. Pull in in Sleeper? Roanok? to Memphl? and New Orlean?. PULLMAN SLEEPER between RI?"H BfOND AND l.VNCHHURO reudy for oc i upan, y st '.. P If.; also, Pullman SUepsr Petersburg to Roanoke. Train? arrive Richmond from Lyneh? burg ami th.? Wet dally 8:15 A. M., and l .'?t? P. M From Norfolk and lue Ea?t 11:05 A. If., and Veatibuled Lln.ltcd i:56 P. id. Office'. 828 Main street. R. W. COI'RTNKY, District Passenger Agent; W B BEVILL. General Passenger Agent. Oeieral Offices : Roanok?. Va. de i R P jk p Rlctimood? Frelorlcks S3 l ' a r< borg _ Potomac "? Iieilul.- lu Kffei?? Jitiiiinr-, 7?, 1H08. AT U ? ?'< M ?cK .\? M ?N. LEAVE BT8HT ST8IBT STATIOH. -?.! A? M . Dally, tor ?> ashingion i ' points North. Ht. p? only at Mil: I"rederlck?bnrg. Puliman Sleeper, to New 8 SS A. M.. Sunday only, for Washing ton and poluta North. tH<H>? ut Elba. Olen Allen, Ash I, Tiylorsvllle. Do?weil. Riiilur Olen. Pen?la. M:l* foid, Woo,. Ian?, Guinea, Summit, Freo erlck ?burg. , Rrooke. and Wldewal r. Pullman car. 8:45 A.M.. Dally, except Sunday, for \\ aahinglon a n ?1 -joints North Slops at Klh?. Ash land, Taylorsvllle. Do?w?-ll. R?ther Glen. Pen?la. M?i ford Woodsiane. GulVies^ s u m m i t I- red. M,?ksburg, ?k?, and Wldew.ter. Pullman 1? O." A. M, commencing January 20th. ?laily exc-pt Monday, for Washington, Raltlm?r?-. Phil? adelphia. and New York. Th.? Ne? York and Florida la I, composed entirely of Pullman ?leeplng-, din? ing-, and obs?'rv.t?on-c.ra. her than i.gulur Pullman fare. Does stop at Elba l-tOO M, Dally, except Sunday, for Washington and point. N?.rth. 8t??p? at Elbs. Glen Ashland. Dwwell, M I I f 0 r d, Fre.lerleksburg. ke, and Wide.'. rlor cur. Also, conn? i I with Diiigrasaliaial Limited ,.t Washington. 7 88 P. If., Dally, for Washington and points North Stop, at Elba. Ashland, Doswel!. Mil? Krederlckaburs, Brooke, ?nd \*. .lewater, and other sta? tloss Sunday?. Sleeper Rich? mond to N't-w Y?rk ARRIVE IIYRD-STRECT STATIOB. .s.44? A M., Datty. Stop? at Wldewal. r. Brooke, Fr?-?l??rlck?burg, Md ford, Doswel!, Ashlan.T. ... and other -nation? days sie.p, r N?w York rt-cnaaoad. j IS P .'' Dally, except Sunday. Stops Wit? water, lirooke. ! rick ?burg. Summit. Culnea. WixKlslane, Milfont. d.i. Ruiht Glen, ! well. Taylors?. ?nd. Par? lor car from \\ . T;10 P. M.. Dally. Si I r*T?*d^ rlckibur? md A?b l;nd. 'in.Tr.ii.i Pullman car? ir? m N"."'. fork, b a6 P. M.. D.Hy ?--.op? at Wldew?t.r, Brooke, Fred--rl?*kaburg. Summit. Guin??. Woodsiane, Mllford, PenoJu, Ruth r ni, lioswell. Taylorsvllls? Ashland. Glen Allor., ?:id 8a. Sleerdng-csr 0.5O P. M , c.'iiinenclns January Ift?i. daily except Sindsy. ta? N. m York and Florida '.". ?ton st F'1 i'RBOERICKSB'O ArCOMSfOOAIIOB. ?Dell? .-xcept Sua<_> ? 4.4IO P. M., l-eavr* Byrd Street Station. r* :iu a. M ?*-rtV4rs Brrd-Wr??*i Statloa A8RLAKD THAISa. . > rxc-apj Sunday.) . 8*48 A. M , Leave.. Kit?. li.ZU p. \? . Leave? Bibs. 0:4OA. M.. Atilve? Bit*.. diM? P M . Arrive. E!i>.. c a TAYLOR, Ti'?file l*anar**r. & T. P. MYERS. Pr?sident. ja U