Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WHOLE ?NUMBER, II.., i RICHMOND. V.l.. SUNDAY. FEBB?ABY 13, 1898. Tlll'.EE CENTS PER COPY. IHK VEENDAM I.OST. mut? Ml P *-? MM OS IHK SIXTH i-??. ? \\ I piSSEHGBES AND CREW ALL SAYED. 1t,,, \rf ROOOWOS In ? Particularly ?,?,.* und **Ulir??l Mnniifr by th?? ,,?-,,-.?. hikI trrvr ot <he St. ?oeri? Ran? v, .'. -..-.i:.v from s.?ithamp m 1. ".er.loin for w of the Toon? s. At ' ' V - :. ;ed as fol' i- th a i nine 'cabin, and a crew of rh Had '.s and | I m try .... : ' tore I ?p'* bottom and brol .t our ship water. We lm ; ':. hat not? time, all our I ry, to s notice, b?* nOW Sit!' .'y at A. M.. v mer. Ith frun us. We Ig of d; which the We then do? t r the i '?sers band >n the ship. Th : to 0g of the . bound from "Southampton 1 irk. W? hailed be? find re kinf*. and ken cfr. a - mmen. <d to t ra i ?Ufer o? i usinir Ihn at the pampa A M. Monday morning every .' left >., .vily, and r of the rs and .din's; the only : rm \\ , ' our : tlie 1 .-im." Fi I . [p. Louis com Wit?, ta, Hun i command of the off in a . I h pre to blm by l'r? sldent t t of i Im Am? i bis low in making the the nd who, according ro of the of the oecur I ' ,. ' . tUng. \ ' ? i the IIP? I | ddllng some l fr/un ' to be picked d into the arm? ?KO. ike a bore ih? i-fforts of H" Uly a?? -'.-. \n "<1 *? e St. Louli wag commanded by ueori? ,1,1^ Bd into -: ,?,,.' . rushed i: 1 his crew wore soon '"'? the Vesndam. o, ": Beer ?.f th. ?mended the third I ?lso tool d off ? >, ?eJf**nt*??--. 1 bad again arrive?! with my) -endan manned by The seoond - . :. i ,' ' I B.? when the last boai up to the ?Id? of Jus I three hours and ten minute? . By boat four trips, and tr. ninety rty-slx ua : 'tie X". .-!. made three trips and earrrl "The I ' have the, **< I had |.,u him swung 1, il ''* '' the ! n the Ship to her ' "Bjr this time the st, n of the Ye.-tida*n n eptlbly, am bar bow was r of the B leaving the Veendaia, Captain Its of th? ('.?bin. PASSENGERS BEHAVED AV i : _ a and children, a thi v. : running v.ry high, w? were in tittle dan? to the ship's si-i.-. Ti,.- i ?r< re I to thi skin, w, prot? -t d th. m ardid inline When th? woi '".- had drifted until let from ?ill that ? or of the Veendam." ia In which Mr. la prominent part dam was torn Star ateamer Haiti? B? Ifast, Ireland, by . Wolf, In . ..T'.V long, ,?f U I el d? ep. BMW i (iMl'lxv IN PETERSBURG. Important BaU*Bff n? |?, I nreeii-r on Open Conl-Ciir?. rFTFRSIM'i:.;, VA.. February 12. fal.)?Judge Mulbn, of the Hustings ? otirt. last ?vening granted a chart-r of incorporation to the Williams' Sons' C"m pany, with a capital of not lesa than BO, Th? pur] " . i Of the c.unpany, as staled !n the ? !. Is the handling and shslllng "f peanuts, th? ?'lining of cotton, thte grind! plsster, and th.? bandlii tal products. The of! for the first yi'ar an-: Of. U. Pools, i s. J. Williams, manager, and Mor? timer Williams, BupeBnffendent. three, with Mrs. Sarah M. Willi tms and Dr. u. i ?. McUwa tltute the i of !>irect"rs. The main ??Hi ess will be in Petersburg? K i*: n'[ dsrstood that ti.e oompany has purchased the valuable ptruperty on the Appomattos iiver, belonging to tl of tbe late I M. Williams, known BS the RlaltO Mills, wherein to oonduel finir bu und tiiat operations will i rigor? ously. All the st"ck lia - been taken. TMPORTANT Rl UNO. The County Court Of Prince Qoofge county. Hon. Timothy B ding, before it this w< ?k thr? indicted by the grand jury under tie tion of the Cod? Which make:- it a penl Bter any .-hip, \ river-craft, or rallroad car with latent Th? pi with ?ng a c:ir of th? Norfolk it to ; It that tli iy ths ear; thai they threw off ooal, and that they Jump I up - The court instructed ths jury that, . which t!. rs went for the a open and un rrithln the i. ' ate. Und? r tiiis ruling of acquitta] wen- render convicted of thi lmpo**tant I . in \ li a of ;t. I! Is believed iture will amend the law i cars and all vessel? With Open : rotection : , bill !" which effect is now ].ending In om the bench thai hs bad doubts about thi tatute, the ] entitled to iibt. GENERAL [TOWS. The residence of Mr. Baasuel Edwards, : Token In! night, whll? th? family w? re I t. and robbed of $<5 In money and ar ti< les "f consiiiiTabi" val An attempt was aleo made last night to enter and rob the reeidencs of the Rev. Adams, a i "!"''d minister, on th? t. The glass in one Of tin- wi.'i was broken, but th? thief was frightened '?ff I'lie thr. e councils of the Junior American Bechanlcs In this fclty will attend divine aervic? si the Bi tho dlal church In Ettrksk to-morrow : where they will he? serinon by l.OM. BJIOWB XI? OUST V(T.ES. *tVlHi**g **-" Staafc 'ITiiiikHt"' In ?lr?l?*r ?o O?? Married. OREEN BAT, v.x . Peur? m clal.) tona< :' II"' ' i'1'" ' "f L' BWB1 t lie sal? though! ?lie churdi BOW "W li? ai',! b- bought , warehouse, as B BOW BOU si,it? will soon be built bj that denomina r xv r form a ?a**riage at a late hour one i his week Th? ,,?1 was 00 hand with his "du ky . dollar in the world to pay the minlsl [ " d ' willingly do anything to bs wedded ing b, would Al-Vl'i: FOR 01 B BOl ,, |a aopea by rnany In tl ling and loa gr? -t ,. our Solona ..,,.,.. of thla place has re? ved piusa ?a? ' .'52 loi ? the "Lens "" " B ' " UtSta, having- an ,;U KMis, of Richmond, wa? In th?; visUin* Ms niany WS-* ? * , ?,V Wtl r I" . i .ici, ?, Uns her ?Mugh Mountl tM,^H'i^M.<'vxen.-vis,tl.,K.ciitivcs "'Ann wood, ot Nut B?B. ?rill Jg^SttBsJ .'.?ads 1? Nottoway county. TOPICS IN LONDON WHIT Till; HltlllMI rtlMTAL 1 TALK IM. AIIOl'T. THE DE LOME DIFFICULT' Knullah p?,,, Almnat I nnnlmouil Approve? Our I'osl t ion?*lo Chan? of A?-:,,,ii tul tar 7oln???Isdato-?? .->IH???lli? "Miment. "olhted, 1K*S, by the Associate l'i ' .- ) LONDON, February ?.-The De Dorr Incident has ?melted little interest i I 'I. hut the. press almost unan the position of II United The dally n?" With tho exc.-ption of the Morning To* have . vl, sv that the admlni tratlon took the right oom villi--VV nt, naturally, has bn much QUO-tOd, but It must be added thl It has always bOOO In the most friemll toward the U dted Bi The w? kly w > opinion that Fr.. lent MeKlnley wou! r to Ignoro Dupuy e that "a ma to OOttdUCt th? f"i'"!'' ..i the United Btatvm than m m would refuse to aotloe i > ben Ipatlng In the at fair," adding thai t. R"v. ruinent bast? ir,, "ii popular (suffrage has to ex; ?m, Continuing, the statist gayg it tern no See why I'resid'nt M> Kink-y, "who Is ac I smooth) a blllty ; . How such . ,?>I1 by foi Thi B] ' the di:?mtssn " :' Lome "ill produce mon? frictlo :: Spain and thg Unit Continuing, thi *: "1 Preridem McKinley wer,- ?.vise, he worn ; romptly de lared that he wool not pay any attention whatever to i put loin..i private latter, however genuini Pi lent McKinley should have publlct call'd on De I."in" and Informed him tha be ?li'l not iie.-.i bis assurance that Hi let 1er v p iv, the had I , vulgarity <>f the langui i" big ampi piOOf Of the foot If IM had had th nerve or wisdom to ?te that, he woui? have imm"t d hb ??i'-s'ige, ao^ ibroad and in hi* own <-ountry." ' ! '. INDFY WHAKNHSS. "At the game time, one cannot be sur that th? 1 mied States failed t treat u?,. letter ?with the contempt 1 no! f??r a mom-tit SUg o ?i th it the Executive faltad to ignor ?rant of d* or booaoee it was not giifBcientl' good?m be ?elf-reetralned un der provocation. The Americans ar>- a i i- ..iher people? and th? i political official? are perfectly well awar how Lord s liisbury or M. H would have iiisp..:-.,i of ?-nch mattei and boa Presldenl Dm? would huv ?t. it is not lack of mai traditions which mada the United Qovernment take the Incident tooeer?oo? ly, but rather a want of SmUMM, Whlcl bai been shown by the preeent admlnls tratlon throughout its teem The B| not Borry the "inomen proachlng when th? Unite? . ?top the 1 heir only hope I la th'- sternly d>-, 1 arin? that th. that the i own fat? bo morally Juetlftod In gaytts the wm there is n?. donbt for a moment." MADRID EXCIT? Madrid advic? s ShOW that the F ' i Th. pubUo comment . -a wen nobjeel lonable, bul tl an undertrurrenl ??f bitterness on all sides me _i ) i i" fore the ineid- at be ; ,1111" k' mi w.u.- rd to the relation with the United States, which ? i. m .1 by the une -States Minister Qeneral Stewart Woodford. An? ;k'-n bi :o.-P' ! i Uunigl ilion of news which was st.>!? ?reeks ago Por instance, quite g f?-r lient V. I to th. act that sixten ? a. i- off t be i : , and it wm aken up evidence that a bloc had already liogiui Tie? advent of the Prencb cruiser Du lourdleu at Habens was batted with do Igbl by the Madrid ptrOM, and rnucii wai tha polit.- r. marks g Idi ?..h gdmlral to Um govormntni diidai.s, on the occasion ..r Ms compU? visit. Those r? marks ,; 0 hay. Battering In regard tc he estahiishmcnt of the new regime uid were, it Is said, accompanied i>> learty p? ice would i uit from the establishment of autonomy, PAH FAST SITUAI ION. Although a certain -lass noisily per ?Ms in dlatruetlng the situation in the y aro abun* antiy satlsSed with tha Marquis ury's statement, and there Is reaaon to ?lleve that they wlB be still mon ?i in the not-far-distant futura, When : olio nt shall he in a position t?i ; it will be seen thai the conduct f affairs has b?een In -' Ft compliance , it h the pril d by half a osea i'ai,iii"t :, mil r is not in a posl , the wboli ??, as them i much y.t to m Ule, bul h? ?will I with all explicit t that be ?ill power to with China, rhlch give fr? I r>- port rhlcb i. :. under authority - at tl' "f an., l'ow.i whatso v?r. ittitud.' in regard ? lay, the Marquis of BtdisbuVg ha 'llUllitY Of pOliti ion betwe? u Oreat Britain and Qermany, ii not only produce uits u. bul hi lp to lUty of tin InternatlonaJ Ion. Brimin'a agreem? at with ,-iii proi : to be more hing thai. h assurance ; Arthur art, and peeing of Ta-Lien-Wau !o n tl. The Britlah warships bow on their way .lp \ ic? Qlbraltar, and the ,-,.-iiiid-i?i . ntura. When rch Mb, or th.-n .\ Haiti will have a prepoi: of srarshlpe ?.ver Rui D those w. NO CHANCE POR /-'?FA. Tin r.- is Hule (haue of the acq ilttai f Ftnil Zola. Th.- niob would bo i lynch the Jury, and Hi?? soldier? are iuch m I iban they appear to ,. Dta?tte "f 'i""' f-e'Tet trial, h Mug, a"'1 ghould II. Laborle'? eio , ilttai the . tent is bouii'l to fall; In which case the rmy may lsuue a pronunciamento. The chances an- ,1. iledly against such arn, lait there I? no lack ot minis ,r a revolutionary movement. The He rcwa are both frightened and enraged t their position under the parliamentary ?pubUo. MR. QLAMTONVS AILMENT. The Saturday Review hear? on good au lorlty that Mr. Uladitone la suffering I" from a specific complaint. Some of t apeclalists call it necrosis of the bone the nose and others feur cancer. THE GBOMG?TOWN glYDESTS. ' What They Ar* UoImk at Their Hai I>. ROETOWN FNlVHKsrn dry |_ (Special.)?A number of the at letes of the university have commenc? wearing on their Sweaters and caps capital "Q," the ejnhl. in oelng limited those who have ?cored at least one poi D a nv-nibcr of some winning tea intest sanction. : I the A. A U. There in a rumor current that Fatn Baraum I? about to return. It Is that by June the ne hospital will be i.,| work commenced under the supervlri? of the Sisters of St. Pran? m, of Holyok Mas?. Judge MorHn i? now delivering to po graduate? on Mondays and Saturday? of lecture- | , ?tltuttonal I. berty." lay night Professor Barnar of Chicago Fnlwr*-. I for near an hour and a half on astronomy, lllu View? : h-.m" by Mr. H g? ne Brady, clase of 1870, which i poned from Friday of last wo?, waa u ! tasl ? .' nlng. The in the 1Mb Instai will in? .mental mu? i Banjo Clu - for tl which will take place in liait? Hall, ha* -?laced In u of the students, and -i tendai ?ted. BA8E-BALLI8TS BOON T I BEGIN. \ week from Monday will be the fin ill team. 'it schedule of games has air? in those column?, and the nam? mom prominent gaudldates ha in? ntiom d. Merrlck debate, open to membei ?if the Philodemi Waablngton's birthday, Shrove ?sod win be ?m the question: "B That it would be tor the beal In1 llSh a nation' -y having ntrol over all co idgiate degrees." The arrangements at Mr. tiowland, an Mr. Bates I? chairman of C'.mmitt... As heretofore annou rs will be Messrs. Kirhj, man. and Brady, 1898, and O'Neill SHOULD WE HAVB A STRONG NA ? i lived, ThHt tiie United Btati should have a huge and powerful navy, was the qu.stlon for debate at the inttti meeting of the debating society of tr junior class at the Lav. uat Tuei day evening. Messrs. Schneider, Towi ml Neis were the affirm?t H ers and Messrs. Gall, Frier, and '?Not their ?ipponents. Th? debate ? ??. child In favor of the latter. Tt topic III "Resolved, That the Unit? bonM adopt a mom vigorous foi School Debiting Society, I its m.-, ting this evening. Will have, f, on: "ReBWved, That the Senat should : ?rote or tti peoph The I"'-t graduate cla*s held a no ?in dug. I evening the Law BcbO? Debat? ' hear.! Measi i. Bullir? and Mulvlhll!, affirmativ??. Van Casteel and Boyd. negative, on \\\ Immigrant) restricted." Thg I were declared by the j rgaments. evening Professor Baker ??-.'ture In the place of Jud;-e M,Cries, why w.i out of the city, Saying taken a trip ic ?about a week to J tctrpt^ymtt. A RS~N RAIMtOMl M |.| lit I.E. Will He l-a-tiil (<? ( luise, fit y?Ta Im?????? mill Other (ropa. CHASE CITT, v.\., February i:'.-(Sp<? rial.)?It Is expected thai the Booth?! railway will very d tluir Bog Air accommodation train to tins pu??.? It will li '. -A si.t arrive here ahoul I r?ioin ?sari moi nlng, rea? hing your city abo? 9 o'clock. l?md will I.-? donated for This ?m be a wlms id their summer months ton 1 have received a communication fior John T. Lewis, who h Bow In Rio d Janeiro. Urazll, stating that I i ?< pu tmenl p?otnted Urn vice i art. He held I under ? tonsul-Q? neral To? ; i, i || il arg t ?i.v, born 11 In thlsfcounty, anil shows what g youn; m m when thrown upon his own i .m accomplish ?with capacity ami deter -, to oven oiii'- ail obstad? mi m. The youth. G> OTgg 1 BptlSt, charged with having ?torn out some biaai checks from the book O? RobOTtl & Huye? >niats, aiui forged the mm "i s N. Walk, r, t ht ir attorney, and placid in the lo.'k-up bore tor sale k.o plug until taken to the county jail made b out. He has not b., n I. He i a mission-school stud? ut, and thu forger ?. well gescuted. The demand foi ' I by farm ers is very for one-hora VehiAl.-s. Tl Company recently had an order lor M one-horse wagons for hnrn? Xhe I ' ' ' active h-re and prl? than for no ISily preparing plant - another crop of tobacco. Th? pries have caused large order for '?i tlUi ville fugitive, fl visited here and k-pt on .?ant at on. Of our ban! . d as .' : 'ous person Mormon elders ai,- in this locality, nn< emulating thrir doctrines at pn Mr. Harper Brome, a worthy citlien : ?n-1.iw of John I:. ?1 county, < nir ?tr? -is wem m ??w In bel b than at preeent this season of the year. nlng has already com? re up and growing. i:\-li.\ 111(1 ? KINBIDtiB BBOWMED MmsIh-iI liu-rliiiiiiil In ? lien? y *? ?. II(mI) lt?????i\er???l. WA8HIN0T0N, Pebraary IS The fol? lowing toa .? Department from Com Bt Habana, ?dg ?*??Sga l. R. Hr-ckinridge, of th? Cvablng. waa wauhed overboard an?! I a few hours before th.- arriva "dy wat .. und 1 ain arranging to I, limed, and sent home tO-mOROW." IHgsheO. mi the Maine, makei following report to the Navy De partment on the sum? . Breeklnridge, oi Ike rushing fell overboard in a heavy sea by the part log of a life-line, and drowned. Body t break news tt family. Will ?end body to Key Wesi to-morrow by Olivette, if pr.i Otherwise, by cusning. win ?end Gush? ing ba.k When ?c?a ?ubsid. The Navy Department has given orden that a naval officer ?hall meet the re mains, which ar> to reach Key ?morrow evening, on the ? will be Interred at the home of th? young oAoer, at Islington, Ky. The ltoe?mi?-rr Leave? Hablilla. WASHINGTON, February 12-Consul . I?e? has cabled the State I meal thai Mr. Hearst'? yacht, the Bue left Habana al i o'clock yesterday evaulng. TRAGEDY INT A HOTEL Mit. A rill.R GASVEV MEETS DEATH IM BIS ROOM AT MURPHY'S. HIS THROAT TERRIBLY LACERATED. xt till.? Suffering With Epilepsy, Be i Into a Window and Dies Prom the lOeci? of tbe Injnrle? Re? ceived. Mr. Ather Garvey, a prominent busl of Ko-ky Mount. N. C.. met a ? h,? king ?I- Ith In his room at Murphy's Hot mornliiK. Just how the rred Is not known, but that it was an accident is well assured. The was not found until some time after 8 S/eloek, and then he was lying on tin- floor of his room between the win? dow and the bed in a pool of blood, WhtOh had llow.d from a frightful gash on the left side of hi? neck. Life xx as then quite extinct. Mr. ?'.irvey came to Richmond Friday, and, regBtertng at Murphy's, was as? ?n T'J on the fourth 8aot : , iking Eighth Ha wa? sul> j.< t to at!a<ks of ?pttepsy, but went to , , d at nul,; ti ..ling in th..? best of hsslth rday morning he arose about 7 k, and was heard to fall ae-avily to the floor by the g- ml? tn.n occupying ths room It was subsequently i that the larg?- pane of glass in th? window of 8B room had bed, and th? n the gentleman who , and WAS A OHASTLT SICHT. Murphy i i of the matt? r, and, with a couple of bell ? Went up to the room to ascertain Whal wrong. No n to tl . ?or, ths b for, and he ! ice t" th? room, where '-he tly scene, a.-, described above, W.i.s nted An alarm was ipiickly *d*ea, and tin; afabulan?*? wa- BUmmOnOd, but Mr. Garvey was already dead, and th.? physician. Who promptly respond? I, ? im? ply ? body, and suggested that tho Coroner Le notlfli d. Coroner Taylor was siion on tho scene, and mad.? an examination of the body, which diaolosed th? fad that the deceased bad died while suffering from an At* . This, t??gether with tho position Of ths body, the broken gla the window, and th? terrible gash on tho I ne. k, gave rise to tho belief that I? (l1" Ihn attack, he had fall? n headlong riadow, and I by received the cut, from which he bled to death. Ji '?i LAB X'Kfx BBYBBBD. Th" ' espted that when b? from bis bed In- was overcome by and fell and that in struggling awaj from the broken pane he tote his neck and beitifcT unconscious, was un ' " ?-*I1 for . He could not have survived the. cut aVSB 1 bed him though, r,,r his Jugular severed by the glass. The Coroner thought an Inquest unnecessary, und h..? ! uin.-d the body over to tin- hot?! people, who , .,tii!.-d the authuriti ' Mount. placed upon the b id, and - i lb i ad a ?mall aatchel, which was not opened, ami in re two nock, t Uni. : ral cigaura, and a number ?,f ac< North -?.-book on tho I ink of B ' int TELEGRAM PROM K'i.'KX' M?U*.\*T. Bubeequ itne fr ?m the Nor;', town th? following giam: rs remains of Athor C.arvcy pro by first train t.? Rocky Mount, H. c. \\'. T. Muse ?rill i.moud thi Oing to arrange Ills afl "J. F. CALHl ?1 : The body was thereupon turn, d over to [Jadertaksr ?Laube, who removed it t?. his i rn?r of Fust and Broad streets, and s?int it South last evening. MBT BT A BROTHBR, The body Bag shipped on the train bavins la a o'clo'k. Th.* dB* ptaln .1. t. Garvey, ductor On the Atlantic?! ! up from it"' ky Bount on th? train arriving here at l?i o'tSook, and meeting tile remains at the depot, whither tli.y had been saoorted by Colonel John Mur? phy, accompanied them to North Caro? lina. Mr. XX'. T. Muse, ?r Rocky Mount, .;y ?Tith Captain Harvey, and remained over !.. I r*e**taln all tiie particulars of the BOCldent and Settle Up , Mr. Oarvey was a native of K.x-ky Mount, and was for SOSAS tune jiropiie ti.r of a saloon In that city. Ha recently and was pre? paring to ?to into tli-* grocery liusisaan ii was ?.n this a? ? aunt that he waa to mond to buy **oods for the "tew con cern. Be was well known to tli? whole pile ta of Kiciimoiid, bavins ,l from them for BOOM was a married n*an, and ?j rairvived by hil.l, who reside In Kw-ky Mount. Mr. Mil : last night at Burpby'a Hotel, said Mr. Oarvey was I to a! lacks of ?pil-psy, and In readily accepted the theory that the nt which resulted In his death was Lb.iiivul-ioiis. ron i i:iti:d hiixii or rtXMii. The ( ??tirt A?i 11 lied of the 1 ici ?III? Heed ?>l TriiMt. NORFOLK, VA, l'-bruary I-.'-(Special.) Thai qaeetion of the f I I the la.ouo honst gf Joseph ProaskM '"annon, tf8o ' ' onspiriiu' against his ?rife, up before Judge Hanekal this morn? ing. Tin? Commonwealth's Attorney mere? ly pr, fact that the bond was ,,r th? bonded Burroughs, n p* . | lirst that the bond trag Bieg I !'"* court had BO BOWS! '" b"iid a m.iii att?-r cm victlon, an? ' -nnon was B mi!- dd ii"t bS held, and his bond could not be h- Id, being the bond far a minor or infant in the eye? of the Li?. The court took the matter under ad , nt. A GBATB OifaBfCB. this morning before Justice Tomlin, charge?! with the abduc l Maggie ("line ami Mary Ryan, txvo girl? of 1? or 1... whose homes are in is, between Old Point and Hamp? ton. The girls. In short dresse?, said ihit they wers told that they would l light house-work, and therefor. Norfolk, i icy had no suspicion of the character of the woman r,r her The woman was aent on to the grand Jury, being bonded In IB A ?leed of trust from the Norfolk Street Railroad Company to the M-rcantlle Trust and Deposit Company, or Jialtl more. was admitted to record In the rk's office this evening. Th company conveys to the trust company all It? property as well BO it? right? and Thi? 1? a first mortgag". S?nV* !,,j?A??ver, to a de-ed of trust now ex? isting amounting to nearly a million dol uid ?ecurtng bond? to the amount "f 1125.000. For the acquisition of addlti >n.u try, franchises, new line? of rail ar for the ?tension of tr??k?, a? well as for the purpose of proyldin? f?>r bessaed ladebtednass, the rail? road company ?x?cutas fifteen hundred $1,000 6 per cent. bond?, payable forty.six years after January 1. ISM. The party of Scandinavian editors who havg been visiting the South with n view of locating a colony of former? from Nor? way and 8w?seden. were to-day I over Harnt de and shown the model truck farms on its shore?, also Inspected the fortifications at Fort Monroe. While there they were the ;: of the Busin' - tssoelatmn lad Board of Trade. 'To-night th, y left by Mr for Baltimore. Monday they will go to Washington, and will be received by the President ut ?.non. Till: BVOAR-RBSnr I.MHSTRY. - ??? ?is? HI?- Farmers Discus.? It?A 1'alnfnl AaoMoWt. SCOTT8VIL.LF, Va., F.hruary 12. (Speclal.)?A meeting of the farmers and other citizens of this town and vicinity takes place thin afternoon at the Carlton House t.. .r-beet Industry. Th.y wish to be enlightened on the aub Bg to the hot lands on which the !.. "t will grow and produce most largely, what kind of culturo Is the best, bOO where the lined, where will be the m?)st null ion for the plant which manufactures them into ?u gar, and other like pointa of inf? lion. Fr?)in ?what 1 likely to be u large turnout, an?! the sut> Je?'t Will : hing HlV. tlon. Ooorge W. Clark, Esq., M H. Pitta i il, an?l other? of our promin?-nt citizens seem to be foremost in the movement Everybody hop beneficial results that may help t the poor, hardworking farmer i again. Mr.--. Woodward, mi b? Hn-law of Mr. F. !.. F?.x, our popular depot . died last night at Hotel Ail" mari which h>T daughter is pi Sin in woman. ad during In our midst sndeared ben If to -il h?-r ;i,n?i i,i.i and bronchitis combined, wnich too s-v r.? for one Ol tut'oii to battle ag ilnst Bb? was a valued member Ol tl here. Mr. 7.. I-?e Uiltmr, one of our promi lt?ens, while on his ? iy home from Chariotteerille this week, met with a painful ac'cl.l.iit. In attempting to ite his bone, which is a spirited ??n?-. I sudden start, throwing Mr. GUmer across the fence, fracturing ?ir dislocating three of his i; quite painful, are not considered very se? rious. MR. PRANK T. HII.L SICK. Mr. Frank T. Hill had a return of tits former attack nul night, and was quite M4? Ho is resting much taster to-day, however. Mr. W. ? m, who for the IBM year or more his been employed In the house of Bool U'others, 1-ft Thursday for hi? home. In M,irl??ii. V a. Mr. Ja.kson Real, of Baal Frothcrs, re? turned Thursday afternoon from Salom, Va., where he has been looting after his inercantile interests In that placa He reports business In a very satisfactory Utlon, and the factories of that town nourishing. PSBBSONAA? ami MATR?MOSIAIs Ilio * :? ??* fr??m \\ y? li.'vlll???< hAB?e in the Mood Lam. WTTHBVTLL-, v v Pebruary 12. ial.i-Mr. H.-nry Q Kourrel, Jr., of this place, arc ' Martin, of rille, who a visiting m this piaco for some months, married at Bristol Wedn? night. There ? Ion to the union, so far as is known. Mr. Henry Jones, well-known \ man Of Marion, wi:o y.,,s known in Wyth"? Hie, di> d 'I'!". a brii f, but painful, ,n of H. ciay .i i l iwyer a* Marion, OS of on county will app! lature for g oharter te b rali?ov lino from CI fard, on the North Carolina Division of the Norfolk ai.d . id, to the Mouth of V. II i ounty. Such cltlseng as in J. );. Waugh, l ?yden c.y j. ?i I?, rkins, and Others ai'o tin? promoters of the The I loan] of Supervisa rmti late.I a new road-la? for th:- ?oufity. a copy has been mailed '?> Dr. S. R. Bayera Wyt h?-' I tatlve In i. lature, for immi on. The law is i'ke I'ui.iski countv's new road-law, the exception that the proposed change ooun? ty's road-tax shall 1.? ?pent In inadi la mizing the roedB In the several magia The - gem entertained the. Fnd Century Club al th??ir homo, on Main stnet. Thursday aitecnoon. A COMING WHIST PARTT. Invitations hav Been ?-sued to a Valen? tino Whiftt part\, tO be lliveii Moll'iny night by M ?n Williams at her home, on ?"'hut il Beig is on a visit to his old homo, in Augusta county, and while away be will make a trip to Richmond. Mrs. Ju'lgi; William H. Rolling has re? turned home from a visit of some week* to her daughter. Mi?. Normant Gait, ta Washington city. Mrs. Major William C. Banden will leave tO-mOCTOW on visit to her son In Knoxn I Helen, daughter of Mr. C. N. Ot?-y. who ly ill of dlphtl Is decide??y b< tter, and is now thought to be out of Immediate danger. circuit Court convenes here Mom an?i there ere taw? m m in that court tit than at any time for years. A VIHI?IM ?4 kl.nMHKB. A Rich <;??1?1 Vein Claimed to Eilst In ?Vulrfni County. ALEXANDRIA, VA., February It? ,.' . ai. \ indrl Hilly who hav? mtempUitlng g trip to the Klondike gold have horn..! with astonishment of the new Kl ?mOM II tb'lr ?Io??rs. Battles lflrm In every particular the truth? of the report that gold fan lng quantlth-s has been taken from I mine near Orea! ?falle, Fairfax county, about eighteen miles northwest of this city. A blast tired fh Wsdneeil > to have brought forth Isoo worth o and the gold Is pron ??nice 1 its to be of the purest quality. The region about the ?' Falls of the Potomac 1? wildly iiif?"*.d and pictui M at the newly-opened mine and Its immediate ?ur rounding? strongly euggem the "diggi. . in the lar VV? si. The v. ,11 of the precious metal which ci Falls eoBttanaMon Of the Montgomery county (Md.) lod", which la bring profit? ably work"?! by a nui und northern capitalista. The eurtfi t, following a souihwcstwar.lly i in Priaos Will and other counties of ila; in Western North Carolina, and bom Georgia owners of th. ills mine are sanguine a? to the c of their enterprise, ami will lntr.. the latest machinery and methods ta it? I ment. Kxtenalve preparations are being made by the Alexandria and Moaal rs of the Society for th?> Preserva? tion of Virginia Ant!'? I tea, which will be held in the ?.??.ily spring. at the handsome ne? -Mr A 1? Brocket!, on north Washington The proceeds of the affair, It Is stood, will go to ?wt-11 the fund which Is being raised for the reclamation of the site of historic Janie?t<?wn. (.eneral ?kipp ? ( .million?. LEX1s?;T".\. v v . im (Spa . lition of i : c t a I Shlpp is very much Improved tnls eve? ning. | FAilSTOJlEl. DEATH 1ITTI.K MARGARET PATTERrtOJ TOI1?I KS 411 T OF A T\ I MM) TV. LE?KIKG OUT, LOSES HER BALANCE, Fslls from ?be trroat Story BbOb si Area, ami |. Deng Wh**n lb> Mother BraSaBag ller-Fuml.? I'lnnajed Into ('loon*. I.irtle Margaret co irte.ey Patterson, th? 2-\e!tr-o!d daughter of Mr. A. W. Fstt-r son. g prominent | f the Rl??h niond Car. met a distressing death st he father'.- hams, .st Orace atrset rSBtl the aceldei.' of the saddest WB .rr?*d Ii this city In year?, caused the sympeth* of thousand? of hearts to go out te thi grlef-stri its. Ths little girl's end came like a stroln of lightning from a clear sky, and whetr. but a moment before hspplneea ha? reigned euprome, the deepeaf. gloom w? cast by the d -r appearanc? o th.- iingci ,,f death, who plucked thi luigh'.-: j w.l from the household. The child met I. by a fall from a second-story window, and was instantli kill?.I The accident happen?-?! a fsw niln -lock. w!i,u Mr. Fatlervoi ?.n-town at his offlc?*. In thi h?iuse at it,,, finu?, though, were Mrs. Pa* tersen, b< r in'thcr, Mrs. DiUard, and h? sist.-r. Bisa IMllard. who were vfe?Lttni lier. Th" little one. who was the light o i b? I side mom on the <*. ?ml'.y f this room, which over looks a and Is Inutn liatelj ..ver a Seep asea, ?ras raised, but the in ?nie blinds w and It was no thought ?that the little one coul?. tall out of it. .>H.\*K[> thi: n.I Margaret was playing about the floor and whlb unnoticed totblle-d be hiinl a table which stood at the window and -?lui leaned out O th- open xvindow a moment, and, login her bala ras i pit 'ted to thi bricks below, a distance of mor? thai thirty The fall naturally aroused the hon**? hold, und with cries of distress th? mother and other ladles rushed f? thi area and piek.-d up the already llfeloai body ?f the loved one. The bruised and bleeding bo'ly wal bom?* tenderly Into th?? house, and a mes a d f"r l>r Hin: . v/hil" another wa? ?eni for Mr l fJUiira arrlv.?? at th?* hum?* In a very few mirutes, but bt .-"Hid be dono for the little on? d had taken Its flicht. Th? tor ?rspressed the opinion that the 'hlU had <li? ?1 before she ?truck tho ground. THF BE?EAVTCD Mi?TI*?'!t ovi'lt comi: Mr?. Patterson was overcome with th? t gri.-f tb . bold, ami wiia so prostrated that th fclcian bad to apply powerful restoratlv? !,? . dm her. Mr. Pa! i on wa? niI-k ty overcome when he arrived, ani he, ' ", bad to receive lno.lleal attention ?ttlS Margaret, a lovely flaxen-hairs* baby, w i? the Tily child of the y.mnij pie, and was one of the pro children In the olty, She ***_ . ' p. t of the pelehborho" .r, of 'he , , t h'.m* w-? hundreds of friends o* the family, whl their heartfelt symparhj. The litt!,? one will be burn t in Holly, wood this afternoon. Th? fun?**-* place from the re?bl*nca at l:3( . k. mid will be conducted by R**v. r. D. D. -oip-toxi: ?ti titnir.s opesed up The Wen (Ii er l*Ten??unt and th. I m mein Hun?. H?.WARI?S\TI.1.E. VA., rebruary Bj ia! )?The Virginia soapatone quarry which suspended work last week on ao count of the cold weather, has resuma op.-r.-iUons. Miss Nell!.? Nish. who has been vlsltta? - ivUle, has returned. Mr. I' -librouirh, st.u ha? bssi of Mr. and Mrs. W. ker Gllnas for several w.-eks, has retained to hli in Washington. Miss Ballt? Scott has return-ad (Mr. ? very pl.asant visit to th? family sf Mr Hoi s?d-y, at Travellers' ?test. Mr. Wh"*i''r, who Is connects?* with ?hi Llenan Soapatone Company, was la towi lay. Mr. Cbsrles R. Irving 1? TtBttlng hli bioth.-r, Mr. J. H. Irving, at Senna. Mr. HrockeabTOugh, who has been oil OB B trip through the counties sf Nelson Amtierst, and A-rpomattoz to OOUeet a gang of men to aver'?; on th? Alberen?! railroad, ha? returned. Dr. Charla* MoCulloeh and his ?liter, Bias Lillte, left t??-day on a vlalt U friends In ChaxloMosvlll?. Mr. Hancock, who has b??n in ill he?Jtl for a lung time, ha? grown much w?akei during the last few day?. Tin? weather Is very springlike, air balmy nutt sky without & cloud, but w< fear It Is the calm befora ths ?tonn. Tbe farmers ara taking advantage ot th* weather and cl. _ln?* up their fields preparatory to sowing oats. It teolu as If a large acreage will be put In. 18 TBB VARSITY'* TOTArlf. The New? or t Un-dollesstlle?AboaS IM Bao? Hall lacu*?. umVanaBTTT op Virginia, rehru* ary ; !.)?The Young Woman'a Christian T??niperanca Union gave a very ?ucc<M?fuI "apple soclai" at the home of Mr. ani Mr?. K. L Carroll la; * evening. About 8ixty of tho fri? nda of temperance ?pipages* to ?njoy the Interesting pro? gramme. On Mova* iy evening the young ladles ?tf l b****4*h will givo a V?l?tn party, at wblch several charades will b<* |ue-.u'.?i by local talent. Th* Bubjt-ct f?M? debate at the meeting of the Jefferson Li< 'y oi the this evening was: "Iteaolved, Fntversity of Virginia should hav. nt." Messrs. Poltevent sod *l oke for the affirmative?, and install ?m.l Kuhn for tha ntga ?'fTe, of Wash* In_r tho University rrew at both the morning ' Msity base* of appli? cants for the team this evening. T? n mea wers dropped. *" bis "wceding-out" pro? cess I? i i h? ?eason, but It t of the) large number of applicant? this season. Jam? - I car-pent? nie ?>n his way home this morning. (.eorwta <"" * Alabama. Approximate earnings of the Ueorjn-. and . ?Ilway for the first ? in Februar?, . taw. wot. Mileage . 4SI 459 I ling Feb? ruary J7ili .I?.3M ?>' .'? 1 18? 1.B8-TT 1WI--B Ino'se. Ju'.y ,I<t to F? ary 7lh.1754,4"?* ?W.tSI UMM? Ml?? Berti? Bicker? return?*.! b?me yen . f thr-es weeks am-ui?; 8 ch?rlotti?villa.