Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY. FEBRUARY I... J898,_ THE KICHMOM) DISPATCH. ,1U. DI81 IMPANY. i i a ; ?* ?SO ?. he a Olh , Al?\ R . ISINQ . INCH OB . 1 time . I times . I tirnts . tinr*-? . *? tlme" . l i. S months . Rus In ess wants . Wanted situation, vsnre C"> we Above rates are foi ' ad' vrrtlscmrnt?! ?mi five Hnee or lens. Ji. Carl of rate? for moro spare furnlfhed _ AH h44' ro ni1" .?i not io _ AU Totters I : of ouis. r.s of :< ' t mutter. _ IT-TOWN' C' IULL I M II I BRUARY 15, \ M.tgg'l M 1 r and . il all, IS II to us, ' ' ' f all Tin and In Nov. m ber 1 In " I th? ? ' . I principal ol IT in ' III "..!'.' (i:.-. ' ,! '',,vvn "r bt In? iBtrecl after Uh - '?" thing humas es i.- thrown 1?, ly (In* of n will oat t.. m. <?ui. k. .,hand..uni. i t bj tl.? | ild not ??"i i Of failli With Li-' | , : tn and I. .1,1 dread ' _ \ i in *-i 001 * i i\ i R iidonl, the tainou. . ugh! to ihla try a numb? : Ol hi- work- -i r II, did not . I : ,f duly ??Ii .... ?rlth flunl I \hihiti .11. 'I'll' .1 : \ nli. which the th? be work. Th? ' n until ti: ,i upon him ; '?r a D bond ex] ' d by tii?' thi Nee york eus 11, \t ver, tin- i . bav? i, Offl iiti? i i ? is?. THE DIStDS. in thai form. The Italian farn iffer n and cot ti ha? \ and the of Tuacony hardlj lor th? labor "< worklni them, m re? \ ? ars tli- - ?i. (line in the quality of olive?. : 11 -. Ihe finit. All ' with his little gun snd snare. Noi ih. ii i, nd ti thai iken r? upon the Italian nd s motion has been mad? In the wl n In , ire for th? no ... rid ?i i of the i us the ? vil of Indlscrim O. - in the our fan ny thou* annually. "Pi - thmic dllai .... ?i? \ lopnu i different r a l pad? liil hair, a button I n n the F luble i tii. nt, or will it bi 1 or a I ' i I th? hot time that is idii.illy ding, i pttj the ground i lv? d bj - to | . - ms; all ,' h?-!'. it !? suspecte?*] thai i? U th. klsssd who ?ir? raislug tii?' I Mit. 11111,1.? I.FTTFII. morning so op. i William R nia m ml ommltti ? llnllan ap. ,. " which Mr, Trlgg g 11.Mil I tnond The eonv? ntloa, in?, appoint? ?i aula11 a plan Of CUt"] i basing i?? i form? d thai d il >, th? pl.lo ih<- com m pproved, . bill. Ml il l - tlo in lh? Imputation that th? in i and pui ; be '_>'M m? n. 11 inythlng eine, ? chao H .i. Cl long, ?al. ful. and Int He r? national i ' the . I i . Whether? h Mr. culat? d to ?nd ui STEH mi:\ i i? in \ hm? ?i? er Certain Lei ? latios Pend?as Her??Tin- \r,i- ?ii Norfolk. \. i . the Vlr II tot'. lion against tl will \ i i r the In li the t rain, whti h w jury exon?i CHARGED W nil CI'.AM f. Philip \\ . Mi i wh.,. while h .i living in New lh, was placed on trl Court to-day, I i i Coun ir the i i nded ih.?t the Commonwealth had I ...weil had a w it. in N. s thai ild stand, and th? olng on. Negol purchase of th on the pa bidders for tl It . ATM OP A CHILD ?.id child of <:. T. N? is..a, i.. . iblng and on tha proi folk. ? . h has \ LITTLE <>! c\ ' 111 ill v.. the News 11 o. : in pn rla und ?. reeneai lile ( osnty. ; ? .i:? a. \ ' i \ law for th? will ll t the M I ' eial t, i :. 11 y _____ ( i I'm i\ ? 11 \iti ?i : i :.?-\ hi ?,. i ? i? M.-i t i-iniitiiiai iarnrlses?'I h< Hand ol llealh. -VI I.I.e. \ \ . 14, (8 : R. C. "> n tha a? ,l by ii, 1 ' dlesvill. I. ? DEATH ? m MRS RANDOLPH. Mi i ' Randolph, wit,- i i lata William L. Randolph, and m. ih? r of i ?i. w. M. Randolph, ol . ... ; i f tha city, in the >ear of bei i. complication ??i diseuses, and her III I abort du -:' H ndoipn dsughtsr ??i tha Iste -i ?'. u. Taylor, and granddaughter ??i lh Colonel Thomai Jefferson Rsndoiph, who n.- grandson i I Th The funeral t""k place si i- o'clock t?> duy from I pal church, ana tue . d lu the Monti? , ton I ' i- " ' i0ri ter of Mr m. c? of Mr. 3. <: Mart! a?. '; i Ml'Mlle. ' the middle of Janua* bul hei R. W. Nelso o ?m tfa ' I ' in tbfl m lin, ^ l.rit?L* an and v. to S ''Il --'ni "" mothei ! ' i .? .?, |di d ' The decei Thon ol the nd an dtl . er in : T.DIMOS lit??M *. l.M.n \mi.i: H?\vv I lu- ?oiiiil> ?Oiirl \?-r? llu? t ?IVr ?l?iinl Nul?-? WILLI VM8B1 RO \ \ P? l srj ! - loi.) Th? i ' the il this : ' ' - I in honor L ?i \t 11-: tile ? .Mr. A. i. Smith 0 ni *ell-k-nown young .1 by i : .-'i. hs ve In? dian : ' -III. Wll. L'olIei -oii -i7.him??The Ladles' i.? ter - r> ? i i?. ' from h? ' ! ' ; hall, Mortel | in ??ill Ha no? ?t. HA i i : I I n a 1.1., n ? n v. - in lloanoke, A (' I'ttnrl I" .- I !>> .? i.i. .. ! ' ... '_'. I . ' North p.??!meatrrs ?.,r Vlralata. WA? ' Liver Ills mess, 'i'.-i i -toil ai h. Indigestion an- |,i-.?iiiilly , Hood's rills, lli . srort liter ??inner |.?lls. I, All drug] hrepared bj c. I. Boas' & Ox, Lowell 1'uo t-iO? 1*4.11 tu '-il??' wltS Uiwu ? oarsaiMiUa. Pills I H??M IHM I*. II Ml I*?. I . i t mi. ... No?,?. ?>r th?. *?'iu|??iii?? anil ( III/*.??????? lli-nlh of Mr?. < aiiiiih? II. LBXINOTON, VA.. F.bruat \\ Ii \'oi- le. moiv1 maat, Will i i acted by tii" ??rah i-ii igton will b? t the unlvei on-! ih" Virgin! i state oral r?spectlv? ly. Both *>r I lake pta. I i-t "f M. I I'lM'T'l V BAD CROWD. \ - | re from 1 number '' pilgrims to l***-dgs with aad b. ? U III? ' ' Hi. journ? i'i lohn H Overton. of Nati '. Th party liad nine in i; 1 lodged in III" jail and III four -1" Il. and i llam -' illi-- .loh; ind in de ( meni were commll I Am, Bei i. and Emma i i: '.'?'?i ?.c MRfl ?' VMPBEl Kl >i ' I - VlV? 'i H will 1 . -, In BASKET BALI POP? I. I ' n [anix? d ii"?. ; for tin.- honot I form. II r? in i' if ; -.. play. no .a H< - n ?i n i ?a.*4 "I ; 1 Retn n ivith it. n t , Loan* i i op, pro i tkta i .m the ? > to I'>-,.'. iei I l'r?i,;.:i ; i - I Irr?. R8RY H'!?/"-c ""r r Milliard, I',.,,!, an . k.'Illlld.'lleil, ?t-fgV'' ..: Maud ( ill makes), "*--*p : .u t Pool-Table < oshlons, Bl D. All k'.ndi I'.:' piles. Be I Be ! .ml ? lid spa I Cue 1 . j,er i. .x ..f a.'v htnp.'l'o,.I 1;., ., Balis auk me best; rni grams wilt, aavsa WBAS Kr?fio p? r n Beat Blllii rd ? balk, 76a hers, ni?-, i 'ool-Table P keU, with fringe, 11.60 and iJ " r h?-t. i'ea:: uher Pock? its of any other kind? IJ.i'? i.i?r at, ?sith frln?-e. T-BLSa OVKKHAIIKI. A",D PIT IS I'KR'ia'T muss, i'l^.ui Hole .ml lhufnteUe Tables, lAHFiXTl'Rfc-.Beer I'rawitiK outfit*. H'tliard Obles msde into Poo] or ? ?..nblnatlon Ta ??wlingHalU and ivn l'liii. tlawi make ? ? it, l.tchinon.l. Vo. Wrlto forestslogae snd pitees out of town rdern will have my prompt attention. . lim la-Su, iu _ i. ?\MMl? ?TES ion OFFICE. Richmond Va r TO MY LID _LOW-ClTI? I tation ' of lh< Richmond, i an ' ; who ha th? * > V. ill Vi, . 1 ha - ' ! ion i" ' m? in th.' ' ' i I ' an will furnish ti and It? Ion. not be . as tin y ommand. illy, A LAID' SHOE SALE. The Oeorge R. Whltehurst trustee dock is becoming inore interesting, Hundred? of pairs "i duplicate siztss m sal?? to-day. Mi- Whitehurat is one Ik - beal citizens, und lia?l the eputation <>!' selling Pine Shoesonlv, mi r.oa we offer 11? ? 111 i" our lii ? 1 ? tiond custouiers for Dear!) HALF ['RICE for ? \-im; i . \?>. i enllDlill- l.'l.ll."-' * !l lin?nl Well SI.-. ii. lace and bul on, all sizes?, A to E widths _ . __ ?leprici . ?Pl.97 Button, Rpring Heels. Don? ; la Kid, and all solid ; lace also ___ size? 11 to2 -ni'' price. /i)**" Mon'- - . bbers, best nade, all sizes, in broutl and _ l?<>\ -' Si,, 11 hty i.? limited 1 !" . . nil rt??lid '.-; Sh? 1 - .LI for gu?rante? [ 1,, uorrow or as long as the) as*.. /5C '.?in?' - I <!< . iihv'kin?-, l? -, ';. ? ."?? . 31 i ; i_ i ?W'iffiiy. ?-?if mr SQHtlOL DAYS . rid all ,li?> are promoted will have to irovide the : B Padi and other plies. Ourli ! H : ( '.?I Books \cr\ ' ' can Bars by bayii li.-V i ?unter&Co., up* east Broad ?-trcc-t. if? ; -'--; t _ , HARVEY & CO., FLORISTS, No. 5 Wast Broad street. KOSHS, VIOLETS, CUT \vi:i;s. FLORAL DESIGN - AND DECORATION? Orders Ly mail t.r win? prompt!) ait.?lut ?d ta il***-?. 1 ?v i'iiDu BIND JOB WOKK Nivu J EX?t IlLUAi pu. msi-ATCH l'HIU' YOU MY FEEL SURE if this signature:? is on the label in blue, that you the genuino eort, of jierfect purr -, fino flavor. It go? a long way. Cock Book wot fna Add,-,; Co, P. O. Ho? -/.a. .\v, Liebig COMPANY'S, Extract of Reef ?SPECIALSALE OF ?Canned Goods THIS WEEK. ? Highest Grade, Besl George A.Hundley III \l?:?! - I *. M \ ?.II??? I'll II - , \ | ? m? i \??l III.-' 'PHONE HMO. RI4 BERN \l(i> ?..?.? im ? N Uu italion? ' !. riu Price l.i?-t "t W applical Ion. ?? ? IBIBIIIIB m m j New Standard of Prices [ 1 am -i FOR II j Sterling Silver Forks and Spoons, s I AN S In... 5 Ung Si i v ? r c s? S prices? I a !S a m 3 5 _ _ j ! *** * 5 , i S s i ; ... ; -i I ? a s j? I".M.AC I M I C, Lumsden & Son, f g 731 Main street. I lo encourage cash bu a we girt Trading Stamp. 5 or 5 per cent, discount. eUfMS-B' lIBBBIimOHHl I I " STREET-CAR TICKETS. 0\ AM) \II!R SIPUMBIR (he s?ile of tiikets in lots of J> for S?l will bt* discontinued. Conductors will continue te sell tickets it the fttO of I) tor l"v. SCHOOL TICKETS will bereifterbs soldtoschool children only ?it theoompa offices, to .t ??! 8 and corner o? Twenl -ninth and P streets. Pupila them will Ik* required s? nt ccrtii! ensuing session from principal of ichool. RICHMOND RAILWAY ft ELECTRIC CO. Or. FRTWeK'S****4^ RAINS of HEALTH CONSTIPATION CONGESTION Ii * HEADACHE " w IC r-jugera & Cc. New Yo.'K %mW PEBSO? M HAVING TH llll . Ol (Ii. CHI? !'?? B( :n.nul. \ .i l HKKWH? \r"?iN \ in> t?u?-i \Y J