Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY JS^JMS. Ml!. STEPHEN HUNTER di vin ?in ?i Muy OF ruh \\ ii i IvNDW N 4.4 NI 11.11 1 V MRS. MORTON DIES QUITE SUDDENLY. i. Strlekea tu the Morning and r.\|??r? ? i In? Honra liil.r- H?n ??? ?* Din |?i: .?.-? \ ? n ? ?III h?*r 1 ?*-ri 11 - - hi.I | iliterata. . n uns \ ; ?t " ' In lvi". . ng i *vhot \ i i I " I n A - ran . .lotm Phil. I'm Mr?. Mar-tea i?i? ? SoSdaal ?. Mr. ' ' While dually : bro i ' I ' ' ; ' Other Death? nmi Paaerale. . I W . I - : i i.tlon until VlVfd ht V. H \t h , main? The W.,1 . from . oth . Mi. | mpe l nioiltSr. ' \ , im- I V. Mi I i Mi A. K.. i I 1 I I III M ..II I I Nl?l\ Ml ?I? \| | , it \Niih nu.? ?it n.? ii?,H, B-aeoeaafnl 'I an?! Bateraaie ? ? the ?.. un,? ' < - 1 tKaff), M,. "At. igasr), ?d Mr. A4 I. Below Actual Cost lit,, time remaining to "' ?viutir (foods is short 1 ? * h ?feel? lV j, we Av n plat* did spring stock on show, W,.nil. us ara adraaeing In price ?ver- day. Notsrithstandingthal i.u.( \ taarked onr stock, in instances, ln-loW ai' ?'ost snnfscture. It m?! I'.iy you t" take adran ,!. . !'.\?'ii if VDii _: I,,n t Deed snything now it will ? .?,. to jroar ?nteres! to bay and lay g isi?l?' for next fall. * Suitings thai were $10, I12.W, tl |15, ?nul ."is. all go ]i??w .it ??lie Suit to Order, $7.75. Suitings thai wert 118, $2? Hal $25, all go now atone '?rie Suit to Order, $12.75. ? 'I'dm?-. is that w. ** s.r.D. and 110, all . .? now at one - trousers to Order, $5.50. Mil C. Stout _ Co TAILORS, 82GEASI MAIN STREET. ?I [fe Li ?> . ? '..,?. ' i n?l ?Ml a,ly I? .. ' ,. , ? ... I \ irul n in ii? in ID.-IiiiiiiimI. . Kr.oil I. \'. lurpl From N'orfolk *t\ . I! Davis, ut Mur i. 1'. Thorn, . .d'!, at the ' lurpl.. Prom i I Mur? .i, h,it,i < 'annon, \. 8 - ; i me? McM? n unim, Miss Mar) I'. I. N. i't the r;.,in I; ' . -_. II. ' I'l.itu ' 1 J. E, ' , Jr., at ... R, _dmui ii hi ai Dl a) in di di: Di da da I'. A.' an tl? i ;, Rl Al I. ci ? Memorial Betete?? ??? st. Murk'*. holti mp, In ' at Dio . ' ' i?, iniu ?m Brasil, Soul * Mr. Tuck? i ' \ ,i.i,i,iii- Hull at Baager Ball, tful -min?- i . Iven by Mi. < ato A! m .i. ?la i.. his here wer? .. \. Marsi n,. d William K. ommltt? . and ,. I? Nul liii|ii'?i\ lui;. ' illy ?hot , loon a! OUth, I'. ...Iie.l Die citj Sun.lav, ' the Hi,',. d W J. ?in wl ii. I nn in. i: ( i . ', gli .! ' ('! th la I \\ 'I I THE TOWER, j t Julius Sycle & Son. S To-Day, Sale 5-><> YARDS ENGLISH j TWILL ? DUCK, ? tlml told for I.- and i.V., TO-DAY, t t t t ? t t Old papers tor ?al? tl uia yupauii pa ii i P? tr ii M \\ Ju I \ti 1'.'?' loi 1 11 ill Il-l be tti w m t?. bu i"i I, r., e. UMPLE, PEMBERTON, CORDES & CO., 7 AND 9 WEST BROAD STREET. 49*9'<9i-9*94m + %40 + m*mf + 0*9<-m*9 + O*m*0*m?w*9*9 + 9*9 + 9*-0>W*9* n Sp-nng Attire. -;-? ; -7~~' ? IT . T~i i ?..?. STTKS l'.l _CK _Nt)COLOBEDDBE8? GQODS,WA8HOOOD8,WHITE _JVBR? depertra.1 in ow hones has pu oa ita spring attire snd our stock o\ i ? s ILK*. ?LA BL, ^ ^ ^ Um, _ "^ coons ?v.- is so comprehensive as to suit the most fsstidiou?, this iionse has estaDiisnea one sou ??",*?? > ii.;(linll? U1(.,?M? n,,,., -** ',',,,1 1^,1 li,','i" ?v.-.v .?'?<? counter?. Th.l on, new .pring and .numer .took jnatl, eijtHle. n. to th? .hsn.,.-!..... pe? ?rlttatll ?-in* <"? <-o ,we?l and most desirable gooils at th? letal possible price. We invite jron to eianune on? ?tock and pas? jndgmen?. H MUCH i-inch Printed china Bin?, rail n? ? j -,,i ' "i"! ?, regul ' , :in i i ii i .i i mu?s. ill the <i' ?irabli I nue ol ai v el |i. Ill KID I III II \?. all ? ? )i.?)Hi:i) i \i i i PAS, i.i m.n and si itirri) TAJ i E i IS. lomplei : i U, HO i \i i i i \-. i? i <.ui:\ \ihni>. Urci - , mi a valu? ?, GO and , . Illl'l I) ?.111 N MUNI?. '.ia.-k silk Btrlped l II I \?IIH?N ll.Oltll?. d, and Strip 'd Bilk ? ' entire I y new, vei :. ll.Jsa, ie?mH__M??BSBSBHaasssaaa_a_?_?____i iHt m w ? ??i.?nun i?~a.?.- ?.???m*?. rala? ? \\ ??m. ? II M l.ll>. I <. M? **? \ I I N ?* I Hill H ? II Ml .' H, ll'IM.I I M \ IM I I ?\ ? ?l\ II. I *-. ' ? III ? K -Mil?, \ I?.?HIC M \ ?\ III?. . WOOL .? 14 tk\ Min**. putar Mil him. i i i: ? LOTH, I \ I IN-I IM-II u? ii rabli nu?) in? i,ii i,,?. -in? it Broadcloth, Immen?? line or si most every popular spring ?nading |1.15 i ad ' New in. ica DABS* GOODS, Por Hi' ' oming season's vi dines and ? . . popu i tele of tb i- up ?m m Kicn in.'lid. As ma: I. ihm. ' IH.I'ON?. j in all ?Tool ( ?.III N M.i ' ' ?flouai ' Hill \ I II*?. unmati liable va' ( id \ mis, Kl \l * ( ?? n II ?.IM.Il IMS, Di ; We plat e on ...? of I. -. which < '!!]; the newest Idea? and leathers for "tn cotnli : from iSc. i" ? \\ \mi GOODS. I... V. I Mill.' ' ' I'ltlVI I n :i'.M?li t?lf{i:i. \M). ?.IM.II IMS, ?????. \M?l i ni m i hi:m h ?hi?. .\nn>. LAPPB I I. Rtrlp? ?>h?.\mii BAYK. ! : ?. Imrii MOI **? hi: SOIE. Cm ir. I v n v. I IP INI ?i i 'ASS oar o?m th? ?\>in - ID??? \N-- I II?, ' I *.|IDDDD! HI ' SDK I \ll a(Mt II. I ?.III I .?' *-IID? I \\ \l $2. W . s. \\ non ,v ? o. ASS10*f. Bhllttles, * : ...-,? <)? ? uDi-il and Sel in Du- Intv il ml t ! ?, ?, i t > ? ?Hirl. tr. A. .1. W linn-' ;. and I ilitii: lu ' ' ilanmei l the bel " : n?? HablIKI? - ai. I ifter the payment of mi legal 'mi,ut, ti,, ?eis that th? and i?. ,i. ?'. i ?. . \ i'l'iH'.-ii i>\- ;? note j |. ,1 I*, binary 11, ISBB, pa] r .; .i. econd ? note n id.- to th? 1. Lui..fis,m and di '. r. hi.- at the piantci 'ni r.: t k; to tite Hordon -'.14. iiird . mond Btove Company, ?j'.':: .i. ii. Mc w. B. W? , D.SS; : 'i'. lephoi ,i. \s. . nltb-Courti -dwell Mach?n? \\ i 7: ''. W. 'l'a'. - I J . . ' un of J. B. * ' tinning ins! A. i'..i l, trust? : ' ring J. R. Miller llld li ? ' * unie I. Bo?* m TERM BEGINS. i. a l ESqutt ludes ; Hin L. II"'.: . Mike I lurk,' ' ;. I I ! \ II' I.. A. itor. udgrn? ui- were r? nd( I i?"\\s: ....n. trust? K. i '. . Died in ,\. ?i irs. <;. K I U ?. t the i lalnttft. .Mii.ii. a M,u aas alighting froth "no ,,i thai . .. inductor, when th? motorman, Hi.,ut it.dire .,1 any ?-"it. tun it, and Dv plainliil I' II. SUStala* Ii inri? s to bar spine. IN THE Hi STINGS COURT, the Tr i'. Murphy, Ar. Murph* iy i,y th. change of tin- location "i I i poton in tbe ! . . Uurph) and K. K. Williams an t \\ . ' n t""k th ?ttetV ?! Williams (colon . i ; ti ?^ coal, to ht? n days in jail. ' il'lILL M ITS AND .NoTI?"!..*-. nit wai ?',ii?i! Die Richmond Jr., and W il ii IL i u or d Improvement mpan* i". Pati ,', D. I ! ?1 and W. B, w in? \\ ni. m: I-OSTM \*? i i:n. ? \ |i|i?.Diliii< in i? l\|,,((,,| |,,. itiorro\> nr Tim r?ilu ,. ?i.- m? uiii.i th S Die I ? I ? - - - - \|?-, ' ?,, .,,,_ !ltIII..Ut. JlidL-e Wad 111; ;,t!,l l m, and it a believed ti.? i nit.-Iv settli J situ?? that wboevi i Jud? name? ' i.ldill lias not him* If in f way. last b? it llnfftun night or to-morrow morning, and it is innouncemenl will ,'? ti, tog? ther with a i . or Thun I ,n the candidates seem fairly conSdrmt, i" - -t opinion amona u?? iBijed ?rlthln it a week ago thi I Ml. U rat Kalghl v, -. th,- moat I-III that Se? i- lury '' ' th? I' i. and Mr, sie all taking a _v*iy _. i. th- appolntroci in favor "t i a* thi nan. it If ,,..r ;;. .Vr. John will be i i m? s OF < nil I) -I l ?i\ . Ilii?. Ill?? TIii-iim? ?it lit. ?. r<i?/miii? ii's I m ?i-i -?.?in:: l.?-.-tnrt? \ ???l.-i -tin |. . ballding loon "n "El ' !hlld Study," i ?r. ir.t n wai Christianity u ii>i re-, Blnce h? n i"" ti .-ni'i th? the people n mum '?iMn-n r t" the l.nun.nii.'i.'.i.i f dliine truth than tii-- adult y prejudlc? i i,, To i' main 1 i i. words oi i . be khit . iven." w old ! - are their time, , . ed on eir natural ! li?t tl the i lilt?! from ion and t: n opp \ urn. ". evelo] .111111* child - .-. i lotions and pr? m the pll liililr? n th? I ion. ,|. . hlnkli the cou 'lu Ir own from oui i n m to 111 needs. I n.l rellgloua training, the speaker ame to the conclusion thai Individual tould h ive Hi' , Ion. nun.-.hat- r. -'?It ..l I life will I,.- ,|. Home i ; te In tret ach child n"?:< or leas Individually, rill produce ?i better und?8rstandlni niiiia'i I a:i?l lia. , m.hi. The >!" aker ? i ths . autlful ! " \h. wbat would th.? world !> : ? u ::.o|, : ' in ti i tua I udlenoe tilled the I I ?...m, and was i-..nip i m r, ratnallty la Ihlld." < ?n \? i dnesday th ,ith . ' . i: - | Wi:iKI \ MKl'TIM.' ?>r THE SOXS. \ tiulil lin *.? ?? ii? lliilr IitlltiTN I Hi 1 Veil m Au??. The Bon oi Veterana n 'ommai : i "Waldron i i ict? i routine b mil'.- ,,ii Membership asked to be rt* of further duty, as ri?->- tbo he i for w ?u h n.. > wer? i i could I).- as ?, Il .-ni.-, r, .1 member ?>f the i ting dually In eiuU-avorli he roll - of th?. . 'l he hairman. II ai the ll-t. The r minii i Klii^ i-.ii i hem. n.i m Mori f the n ttntertalnmi nt. of thai bo? th dls i nil theli II. MU(K?-t? ?I that Ulf ,. i .. f hiliiy t.. I 1 the name <?f Judge VVellfoi "iimi B. Tl..m. : the Son- ni and, i",n i du n?? which ti? declared thai the ?>uii? en ?if to-day -.ii.mi.i not adopt tin making upoin -itlonH th??ii fathers had ak. II in th?. |.,tt- m -i TI?. \ Should 1" i in <i?-f'-ii.i th.-m. and i.? - ? ? that i i-'. indlttons were to ? xi*t ih?-> ' Itetnseli. -^ would In ail ' ?lily taki? ihu aun ...ncU I. Milt s? ni?.il r \ I PICKETT < IMP C?ptala Parks DeUvers n Plae \<i , i re?? Dellaht ral Entertalnuarat? I iwded ti ind thel A". D. wiiitio.k, and the enthua . itb which imp wa W nnml i ?* m* i routine m the Pulton Btai lin Cllih X. Koni ware. c. N. H?ufelt, Z, Essais, W. En roughtj Dlllard, r?l ov? rtui ri witii ni Mrs. Clifton Mahon follow??? with -t recitation and a vocal solo, win?! i - iclted Four Ts i . .1 ii. Da; J? H Da; . .1 Dayli and .1. White sang I? tlon with much d' - retion, Jam? duet, which i Captain ami, r? re, ga - "\ Ir HJllen 1 . ?iti'ully. an? th? n the i rincipal i Captain R. ? \y. and ilui I to G '. I th-- whol? uudien ' i lamp "11 D. l "?" Die I I k. wh? it? i i hi; in mus. n i w n in. ?in- piooassea .it.- Swtrttaal aa?1 ?in Material la \rt. An" b In tii,m. i upon wind ;:. Tutuii. i Inla lady, 111 daught? r of .i d ' ti n i Jhe pn lud? with '? ative uii!', .al color ill tin wh. With th.- t phot" gravur? > from i i inate.i paintings oi I o old m ad from th? v noted artist- subs?quent tu the : -.m. -, which wer.- tbrown Mr-, Tutwtle i tin different method? authors of Da ptcturea m a t?. gave . v . lient conception, . I to her in passing each oi th.- work-- received from her i . lion of all. Want llit? Wir??? I iuIit ?.round. VU tile II Thomp >f t lie . : -11 U lie: ill th. bu il IfopftagS al H??u.? ?I.'lliorilll. Hog? M? roorl with larg? ' ongr? est. F in Hou Manchest? I with graut j,"\v. r. M \ II It I \?.l ?. ?TERRY CO?E 'LAID hi: ITBS. DAVIS. Died, a i. ruaiy Hth. M ALTANIA i Tt ?-DA1 at n a. M. |? .n, .nui in ii 1 min i li i KI'HI'N HCNTER, in th. i Punen TO-DAY <"l',i. - lay), I .' MORTON.- Died, at h ,lf-,,., | ; ., , \ ,. . Biinday, the i:ih Instant. In i ' Funeral from ?Centenary v I ? hur h Tii-l. \\ i o'doeh P. m. "1 ''HI'? D ' r< I Dili at | I*. M., at hi JOHN PHILIP <"? ?l "LI'iDN m Hi, | , \\ BDNESDA1 at : u P. M. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY'S Upholstery Department is in fine shape. Having just added many New P I Upholstery of the Latest Designs, and having also added to our force in this depa prepared to ?I?? Special Work, Furnish Estimates on Re-Up holstering; and Guarantee Satisfaction. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, Leaders, 711 and 713 east Broad street. THE E. B. TAYLOR COMPANY, No. 1011 E. Mata Street and No. 9 E. Broad St. A new arrival of Kav?and A ' Stock Pattern of Dinner and T< i v. . dainty decoratkms. ( Ian be bought in am Bevi ral pattei ' ' ti Rnglisli i ' Sets i.? close out ai special pric< 3. . bo : itiful tThe Richmond) assortment of [mitatipn ('hi I Silver-Plated Top Water Pitchers and everyth? ing opened. A r.v,' odd ToUel Sets at half prii We lusive for the B. ?v II bey's Oui i fe I ?------????i ---- ------?.?.?-j? s ?-Ciii?ip and Corrugated Roofing Til?'-?1 li.-ml ill?' lint, .'iii'l " rer and pi np. < 'orrugat?*!, and H Pressed iri.-k. i ; \V at hi , ^ I'd w ;ll tiit?[ ?t to your In spondence solicited, and pro Inquiries. Addretta BALDWIN & BROWN. headquarters for the Wilson Heaters Vi'ritnp niul i'.urii^'iii ..I Roottn ter?, Kil n?*-. i?. ? . Hardware ? fan terial, l'unit. Lead, ''?l>. Varnish, (ilaiw P i 1557 EAST MAIN STREET (Opposite Oid _ WAREHOUSE TRACK, No. 12, C. & 0. HCMM0ND, \ \ ija :il-^ti,'luAt?] #..#ii?e?ji#?i0?i#i.eiie?ie?ie?i??ne?iie'?iewi'#?i0il^ii^il^l^,,0.,^t<0??0i,yt.?4?.i % JFURNITURE?! a we in ji'i tins v?. ? k. i?? .-i.- k e X of Purnittire, inord for oui g m .!.i\ a you ? .Hi ?save from : ining our stock, where you can und ,.11 t! Bedroom Suits, Parlor Suits, Dining-Room Furniture, i ?*1 Purniture, Bookroses, Rockers, I > -'.-. Coucl J ami, in bet, anything to be in a first-class furnitun ?* . and be <.'<>n\ inoed. a jj. A. GILMORE & CO., 4 7 EAST BROAD S?REET. ? ????e"e'?ei>e.?ei?ei?e??#i?e?i?e"e '? ' ? ??>*-??.??.<m?i..#~?,.?..? .?.????a???? FURNITURE SLAUGHTERED. We In jin (his v?. ? k t. , ou oui It KG I N i ?' COX VESTIOS PORTPOXI i I oiiikI It I in |t i-ii t-1 i ?-;, Ill?? l?i Hold |( la Wee-. ; T should ' I ? ? ills, ami their IN? OKI H VND i NI ?Ht? H. I ?-III |il?- IJiiiirt. I?, mi.| \||.? Mniiiili tgUlM I'lu?? I ?i?|.r?-??l??n. Th ih" reading of Ml?? Klvlo Bur? nett 111 thl ! ? iil.Tt.l'lllll.'Ill under the au?i Christian A-so.iiiiu n Dill I. Th? qjuartett? l? . ?t Messrs. I . \, I n.?\. i'n?ii -a.?? ?i ?i'<? I ? iiut-.-ii. R? \ ' ,ilv>n of III l.utli. tl?lia