Newspaper Page Text
THF RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 15. 1898. V H! Vil previous irecorda broksi 'rr.l.iv ;i i|.:\ loll?? 1?) Il l?ii'iin.. i. .i in tli?' history <>f t4w e. 'r??-?l;iv shall 1??' .hi? thei The tide of bar? :s is i iv i 11!< -w lii'.- rn ? \ ' y y tli' rection. THE INVENTORY SALE must ??<? ;? month's Bclliup in t ! tlavM, ?SES. inaugurate these annual Bales n al! surjilus stock stored in their \;iri?-us warehouses are ?brought t?> the st").' and ma k.?l nt pin ? s |o clean them up quii k y*WHITE (.DS, EMBROID l.Kll.s. SILKS, LINENS, CAR? PETS, CTKTAIXS, (HOCKE ]:\ w \i;r? mu si.n kmsii I\t .?** ir., are .ill pu1 into the 8al<- it sacrifice. <?\ i ?t .. ? \??i i "i ? "' ros ooods, i' 12 1-2 t ?iiiunii?! Ill?'- tWO I \< B9. year r shows like this: rold Wilt ill V i k. all will : . Orl? Novelty V ini.-t i in i\\ i \ i. ut N *?u 'v BALK Not twl : '1. - tin Luxm th?i: i hi: mil vj:\\ \ i c i : ?w i,\ i?.k?. I \ i i ' ? their I : -, with wide pair. i'ut-1'., hand under? Q , hiii.i I urn? rM l " : fHE COHEN CO \( Hi?? ?...?? rutir'M ?Mil?-??. i i ,1 the Inc convi? ted li oun .?i hour m ail and DC railroad Iron, which h? Id to gel nom-?. The < ; V. \Y. S . . ni M I - ?Ith tl Tin- ?. un I will r? ion until thi evoted wme tlm? lull. Ir. I r<-n?.tin v? ? lliiii??- Itiiliht-il \kiiIii. . r-:i,? time a Ithln 111. las! fen : t;'i Upon I ilen. Mr. S|,,-ii,-,-r >ln> lit- I I. ?it-il. I: hod ?.I H? Is Kpb-ndtdly equipp? d will, I ! ,- present I to ? ? nit?.I l)?rli> lui|ir<?\ l-,?. Senator i >.. i . iht'.wi! li 'hiiich lolng well. H ? led. but till Uli ; OtAtmmi Hii|?ll?l I'leitt-litr. I In tin :-t preacher f nul In II I ?Hi- H illiiti.,. Rt.t.tritt tl. U. L. I ACROSS 'IHK JAMES ssrars <?f t\i?? bays aiMhUtib < ?III III Mill, ARRESTED FOR STEALING A HORSE ?.. r.l.m. Willi Haai Alln?e?, Ar poatr?! Ml I?uiI?h I .?url liniiae am H??lil l?ir Si?itii??lM?ro' Poll??*?Mll> ?> v.iiiiH'.' vii.u.? lg.pisasSaas, . -nan Vlh. it .V. A!\ I m from Loula sttog thai ' BUI Got lOB, w ho I- want . o in Swam i" 'r the chai m L.'imie Alezand? r man, had ' to th? -I."!-??' I-..11??-. ' tt. ni lo Loal {hi at \? 8 peak? snd ??hi' ?ian and r<* turn to th. ? -it v tins morning. ' n man . ,i to be s retel Inary ?orgeon, and und. i t""k i" cur? til?' ! rider, hut ln?t? .r\ be look I and Bed th>- oounty. This |a Is not khown what ;'s. Tin- | , .,. n irrceted Th? Board of H? alth will hold meeting this afteriuton kl B o'clock. 1 ?R m vi i:i. i: .i stick .? .: Hi Whit? mol i ing ? !\ att. and th? Which I. II ft,un h,s Honor's a greai deal of Impression on ' il and upon tWO I" ren Ian s Jam?. Moi a .int er In t h< Saturday by si ? ?ffic? i Ftoach "n th? of stealing ,; it ? ,m, out in that he driver ? tomed t" conceal tl under the -addle and take th. in !.. a .junk when h?- got outside, where he .?i them Into sR* i T .. ! ,i a sent? nee, which .?-. nt Moni? to jail for s?m> da .?a- up for getting drunk and saying ha?) word, about hi? neighbors, and w..- fini ! ?-". and coo t? H? r? is th. Other i ujion which his Honor's eloquei n Impression. THOSE VALENTINE TEAR 'i'h. val? ntln? tea given ? night bj th? m ; :. ? i.?. ..t ths Broth? rbood of n - of Mr?. E. C. Wilburn, was a most grati itnu ?ucceas. Th? Invitation, to which manj responded, was worded n ?'?.in?- " - . progi mn ting thing. ' > ,,ii will h and ,,ii s "valentine." I lie of Balnbridge sir. el "val? ntln? * >;iy< n at ol Mrs. M. L. Moody, on . off the i : the church, and the*,' d? uistii:?? .1 commi ndatlou for th? h.y have attain, d. d? light to all ttended, not .? little du? to th? th? I the gra A stl n at th? n Mn Krank FttSgerald, at No. i n y intil H o'clock. The i t ?. i la Bill b? , : | be Pr? ab] t? i ten church. MOTHER AND DAUGH1 Kl:.*-. K.-v. Dr. L B Thornhill, of Balnbii I ptlst church, i nornti (during il i' had v Ballfvan, ol 0 k-tHo*' ehurch, to bavi I mion moth*r and ds . irehes, and l< I th? Hi it I a? the day for that I".,,,-:, B Inbiidg? I oui at dlff? ' i"i' .. and The I pporting and prosp? roua be st rongly n debt ther? ma* four y thai time, s.. thai all ,,in heartily In the rejoicing an? if that time. PERSONALS AND BRIEF8 Th? Chesterfl? id Clrcuil Court com o-day, with Jude, k,. A. Hai oi h ot . condition of Mr. M. Stein, who was ak.-ti suddenly ill hist ?r'D'iat, is v?iy nu, h improv? d H? my Worth has been summoned to ppeai before th? Mayor this morning on dvi rtlelng MU? ta without .1 li?, Mi. and Mi-, i! '".. Manah in I? rt Bat* for Danv? ' ' They ? ailed t" that city 0 ..f th.* u. Bradstroet, Bra. Manah an. I lied in that city Krida>. Her funeral t< rdaj. Th? i well laity, when i her relativ?.-, vv bill " , i i i. nds. th? Ma", h? - ; r (?.? ill..ti I to I [tick at th? nu: \. a. i. ? 01 R i -vi vit 11 vi . ?aplata Hawes ??i Home < " loi h?M iliiiienl ?il the 4 ?i??'. i <; Percy Hawes Is at . . from Ho- \ 'Hilary Institute, , diet ol Inquiry, which was i i lleved rrhlch led to . ruption oi a breach of alth, but th.- ?h.,:. nuoualy <l. . mai 'i,',i failed t" de u ,|, rogaton '" Do' aDi In the, r. aOUld hat. I ll-lmportani win led to tostll it word that too ill u> attend. Th., Institute mi;,"!! . . upon Da -t.uid. and quired Into |...-. |) in i in- opinion "f the defen? leneral Bhlpp'a condition was n? - t., prevent th.- r-oort, as customary in UCh In-' on him. no M? d t?. - Insisted ih,it this i>o one, 'i'h. court, howevei i, fu i Bhlpp. Mr. lllnlr I*. Mluliil? It.i t.-r. lair, who was selsi d > irning, . ion. iiii.l though it i-? (eared I , \. i r, cover ' ntii | . Iieved that , win tally from this attack. Laeki Chaaee fat tin* sii-u and SaCerlssg. l'or th.- s!, k of our ?mmualt* which should noi i.?- loot ?Dr. Fourteenth u rorh city, who ha. th? largest prae? e n, o,.- work", and a ho is. without OUbt, Do n. . ,;! spoolBllSl in ill for.n? of n. i roue and chronic re rs t.. gtvs free consultation ^ mail i,, ail sufferer. You have th? i onsultlng Dr. <: l?*t 1 r.-fully consid. liag your eon I lly explali u your ?ymptoms, teUln? 11 tu- i iderstand rfaat Wl to him at une?, lor you rtatnlj caa be cured. W. L. Douglas g\ $3^? SHOE SIIOI N Ilot ?.HT ai ?>i ?: fTOBBS POLIS?JU) lUl.l.. Catalogne fron \v. i kton, Mass. BEST IN THE WORLD We believe that every wearer of the Douglas Shoes feels a sense of thor? ough satisfaction, which al? most amounts to gratitude, for his money's worth of quality and style that goes into every pair of shoes we make. Those who have never worn our shoes cannot appreciate this fact unless they prove their worth and economy by giving them a trial. OUR CALF SHOE sh"un herewith is made on the Oem Tos "f the be ?t < all to be ? i has both medium and heavy soles; calf-lined, fast ? olor ho? lets, and Australian kangaroo tops, !t is an i ; shoe, neat, dressy and i omfortahle. We can show a full line of shoes made of different leathers, es? illy adapted for this s?eason of the year. ( Kir store is 1, ?cated at 623 EAST BROAD ST. B. P. tjj?^ SLKY, Manaj-er. it? -> ?> ?????"??"?OOOOOOSSSfSSf ? "?-? "f# K9tt9?*9***+*4f*mt*?* > s? > ft | ?* t* ? # * S > > i "> ? ?> > h b * * f > s ?> > a s? ? # ? DARING ROBBERIES. i i ; 11 : it-in ii?; ? mSBM \ n TIMI OF m:\ i : it \i. hoi ii m m.i. ms. \ Hol < lins?- Al??-r On?? of tli?? ?*ii|. |io?..-.l ?HI? nil.-r..?\ n liii|ioi-t.-int \r ?? ?.I?lliK-li stol?-,, l?i-o|iiit> ll< e?i. nil?? hm . t, s,? v.. rERSBI RO, VA., r bru i During mini ber 01 ii iiiiu and . i the The police and one. ? hi ThurstJkj night th.? i ol Mr. day nigh! Last h, at the J tole SB in m": light, .\- .n. Worth ?nul , m- notified the poll?.. and phoi Hi- police w- re also notified by u tor ol lal thai i on to K St smite stranger, who bad i ' J i '. \v in charg? walk, whll? ' ;t up to his room to look ut Chandl i.mvince htm thai the man down .1 he l. m I? ,| back to pul him m Jail. When Hayoo, looking through ih?* win? dow saw Lieutenant Chandler haatlly re? turning, he ,i",i? to Sight, ' ipl ") down Second stn et In tl ?n ol the depot He led by the two officers, Ml Back firing several tin the fugitive, and the latt? r as many tun? firing a! the officers In return. The man was pan ued to the low? i w han he became los! In tin diligent sear? h ? ' ' <- ' m, Il is thought lu m I in the river to tii" Cheat? rfi< Id ide. A BTRANQER ARRESTED. 'fins morning anoth? i who tit, known t.. have !" ' i. . c imp ?nlon ol "ii a as. arrested bj . ai compll? e :,i I h? robl ries, w h? n : . cuff button >-. hlch hi li. ,1 I Ihr in the v ills? ai the hot? i i named. "l i ,y,,.," ami "Wright" "?re bell? ? ! t" .'.., notorio who can our ?-ii v to 'i hey . \\'?u. have been going aboul town sou? Citing and I oi.i.i. a list ,,i : "i quite a prominent people w l Intended t?> \Isll Isure. in tin ir .. and candle i. T? egrams 1 ' .ut for the ?iri'.-t "i Hayooi and II ti ii i m.i h. I ? tiitt ntiarv. HAD 1 HEM i ?N HIS list. Among tli. articles found in the valise : Hayoo t he burglai ; i small blank i.??.. which contained | names of i I ?mi i?i omln? nl ell is . ?long with the number of their resid? i m.I .1. scriptlon ..i th.m. it is evl? from this I if th? ,,:?t they 'i"i men? tioned in th. ir i BAPTIST Si M'A V BCH< OL Th. San? lay-8? lay . urcn. Inter? I Mr. Walter Wlnl | P he s - -?'i? "??"i ? "li'ii i'jii: A\ - rural Church . .i a . st'End . : Chun h . W i Q n I l-:itrlik . Ill M Total . 1 "Il BN i ival ni' etlngs iras com? .1 at the Mark.'t-Str? i t Methodist , hur, h lasi night it? i i: i i by ii -known evang? list la k. Iransford, ol Danville. g and largel) ?attended n rfrval m. ii- - j the 1st i linn h. ,l i uunclls ..f the Junli m this Ml, M- '. ho list . hill. ! nlghi to attend divina ?i , i: i: Blank? M Mp pin : m?.ii. ' klr. James Northlngton, un old and] >.i!-kiioi\n cltlsen, who was partially laralyscd on Baturdaj Is somewl ? r i"-day. -. . I? nt in? | went throt Halls t"-ll l> . In the Hustings Court to-day th? sun if i >r. styii \ -. i h? P< teraburg ,, : waj Company i- oa trial, in b? Circuit ('. un was heard a th. suit of Hui i, the Sorry, Southampton Railroad Com any. Thi? i I mu? h Interest. Rev. a. .1. Prtstoe, pastor of the Beeond "lurch, Ihis City, was .- n 1o Ight in he rumor ol hi? having fered t he Chun a Rli bmoi Id "thai he bad not recelv? d nt , aii from thai church; that be had i fi om a church In Berkeley, 'hlch h< in? d." Wei -. Mea at hi- r in this Mr. Webber had d upon fox hi: \ i n in n vi i nioui: I 'D?. >lnr> S. Wulilrri. ?if V.-.-oioa?' I on nt. . BALTIMORE, Ml?. Fi bruary 14 tal i Mi ty. Va., ... it th? ' Mrs. rtle avenu.-. I rrlll i"- tag? a he Bakes Caee Belag iii\??tiu.i??*<i. ' tain meml : ; : .1 n oh- In ed to ?r. Th it having . rn for Inv? atlgatton. The As thoroughly .?.k.?! into tiie matter, snd egamined h . ?, and i- now i n - to th? rai. L b 111 i n ady In ? two. Tu Hu??* Bore ii<? \ i nu ? eateete. Th. Richmond Amati ur Athletic Club, hlch w...- recently organized i"r the de lopmenl of il, will have , entertainment al Corcoran Hall Mon it evening neat, when several boxing : ling bouts and some egc? lient imbllng, club-swinging etc., will be th? mm? which will he dir? ctlon i f Mi J. B Rheumatism. The pains incident to rLu umatism iiru , r? l by one application of Cbamber In's Pain Balm, and its eontinned um; nu effects s permanent enre. de 23 Sa. lu .v finir i in < v i hin IL. RICHMOND COLLEGE. PRING T-RM, FEBRUARY ITH To Jl N stud, i,' iary In u tinenta ition spplj 1'. Vs. BOATWRIGHT, Pr? Il I? nt, Richmond, v i. Ctt) ?i? STEMS. APTAIN R T. CROCKETT DAS i ?A8T G ID V EH GREEN-GILL Ol STERS, a ill s.-ii fron ?i per she*. Call TO! as. DROPE Ulf o?_vs **,,*-fl "S is ,,, iuiv '...| .tuierara Iwtn .Iotas, -il!.' Putnam okr/B, .n. v. !l I ...u. to 1'nlc.tinr B3?I?) mi.i pwerSsj .liulMK't Mill INI.? i GENERAL MEETING OF un. LEAGUE l""K GOOD ?VERNMENT will h. held I'l'ESDAY, " 'k P, M Hall, corner Dread and Flrai ther the ol : Im? b .'."i l (' -.ZNEAU M'LK'iD. _. .? OfBcs Virginia Mai - ompany. Richmond, v , February 7. HE REGl'LAit ANNI ' I MEETING kholdera the. on i ,Y, 22d instant, at II o'clo k M. WM. II. M'CARTH"! . s. rt'tary. STih'KD' ?J , IND. pon th trown, s Buford, M. P. i 1'. RI?on, ad othora, I r**?* :. hold one tenth or more "i th? ?at i ! the Round Mouni ilu ..i I Manufacturlag Con? pan j , , kliol' :.|".ili> it the ?'un i Dank, in th? City Of Dalit Un . V I KID DA V . tile 25th d u'cio?k A. M , foi th? lilliiiK . if Dl , ii other bi r? t h? n l. W CARTEH iry. fv ID Ill TM-:.M ?I WANTS. Overwhelmingly Elected Caterer to the Deer Peeple. Read our HEENUE. and IT'S A BELLECHAS SUR'S FEAST FOR SOME OF YOU Bargain-Hunters. I IMEST OLD \ IRGISI \ ->unil - -: ?) H lH iM) H < OS. weighing from S i<> 10 pounda; li li? St iii'.it that ha "ii this market; genuine tin?- old '? ila cured; world-wide repute? IQr i ion; f? t pound . < i i i'ii'CH ? ice \mi:h\ m tteh. it is i in- Hip -i coa ike; i in- or any other mar? ke! : received fresh four tim? w< ek; order one pc h IRp ?ill only coat, per pound . i im: i \>iii i PLO| it. irrcls), per PI HI. tiltil. $4.50 5c. 23c, l'i? sh Hui. in is' I.nil per pound. Link Baking c?.w.i. r, pound ?ans; ihre l'or . I. irge si/..- Mustard Rp . ?1' 2 box? i < told I m-t. screw toi Rp worth i:..-., for . *'?' I. in 2-pound box. ?, pi r Rp bos . " Qp . Ul4 Pine Import. .I Spaghetti, per ftp vo, 35c. Genuine ? 'eylon Ti i i pound OLD OOVBR~MEl?T .l\\ ?. ? <?l FEE. This II a grand drink: has thai i?? cullar flavor which only a ulne article can impart ; 3 Of)?*. pounda for . ?7UV' rrin. h Breakfast Mocha and ICp Jai i . **'*' Chowchow, large bottles, Heins4! lAp goods, two for . v String Beans, grown In Florida, jflp l-poilri.l can-; | ?ans for. lulJ' California ?Pie Peach??*, white !flf goods, I cans . 1UV* Stove Polish; I?? sticks Electric Ifl-. Polish . *uu itaiian Olive Oil, Quart bottl? s.. *-"C. < ?iii"ns, in lai sllvi r- I Rp for . lu,*u finest, ip; R?*. bottl . uv' iOc : li sil? ed, Is i POTTED HAM ?Mi SLICED Hi.Mil B. ited Ham and Tongu? -j(]p. for . *'*/ Cloves, Allspice, and Ginger, .In Rp half-[..,i, _ ?L? rle Pippins, in i- ifin . lui". na, nice l?lp . loO. ii n in m- QRp I tirkins. with liai;.11. -s.... *>U?J. i Soups, quart ?ans. new ORn . ?Ui. Imported Oll\ Rp . Ut. V t(\n tot I 1 . IV?'* Appol. rt bot? !fl/? ?UU I- in . t\J. no? C il.Il ?HIM i i \ ti'iili ITED PE \< m ORp ;ounds. t. r Bkj V i jflp v York - n ne. inds . ?Ut. 85c. Malt Whiskey Pine Olid Mount ci oc Ion . tjl. ?.U el . Mus ds Arbuckle's Ario? c i im > r GREES riMOTHI H V4?. . intucky RHp i, i hundn d .". Uut. < Hill? i: \\ I.MKH?. l.oM.-m. IDE TIMOTHY. b '?o- Ex 1 ra Fine Hay, per Cil?. hundred. W *?? bushels), QOn i i bushel . U?l. ' -. hite Corn, per hush?l . Pulcher and Rya Whiskey, per inn quart . Hd R: Whlskej s half gallon . pine < ?i?i Apple Brandy, p r quart . $1.25 60c. 50c. 5c. 30c. 30c. Import? ,1 Holland Gin, per ?pian. tllj Breast Pork, per pound . Pine Tamil.. . Palm Soap . SPK4 i *?l I'dl< ES Til CO! STY I'll IDE. Drop me a poal il, or 'phone your num? ber, ami i will send your order ten min : i in the : up. D. O'SILLIVAN, Eifhtcentb and Main Streets, Richmond, Va. (fa - . i PET PONIES WANTED, AN EXCEPTIONAL cam: OF PONIES, n t,. . Mast i?- beautiful ti ain.-.i to the v? !. gre? to ??addle tnd In I ntle, and of reliable disposition. To be used by Id nil I. A gOOd I" i' ' S : Oiling 111 or will ? pait of tin 14-hand b I la the country, which are s trills t.... lively, and which 'ion Will hS paid t.? replica which do no! oontaln complot? d? - scrlpl :. ?'"i Irai B BOX W, ? \\ MPI in. PINE AM? OAK LOOS AT MAY?) 18 ?, t.. r.? Inches d tu me I i t-. t ?VARE l?. GAY, 10 -..nth Ninth itr? et, Richmond, v , _ V\ Will). PARTNER OR BACKER; PREFER bustling young man; strictly cash gro ' Ion In Richmond; 1600 need ?ad. PLUCK AND il SH tch. _tv 15-lf ?WAR1 ED, ONE D-HOR8E l'? ?w I-:?": ll tnd V? i M? ..l Engine, in go? . . i : ??a n,. M? ? it? ; a x 11. MILLS No. m north Ninth - i. Lit H will). IOABDER8. ALSO, TRANSIENT AND rdei i ' - ?two ni',] Applj to Alt-j. M. A. HERBERT, U li--'?1? .03 cast M un . At'?'TIO*. BALKS?This Hay. WHEN REAL ESTATE IS 80LD TH? TAXES FOR THE CURRENT CALEN DAR YEAR ARE TO JE PAID PRO RATA BY THE VENDOR AND TUB VENDEE _ C. H. Oliver, Auctioneer. ?2(1,000 WORTH Oi* ELEQANT FURNITURE To Be Sacrificed at Auction. owing to a. discontinuance of business, I win sail for Messrs, Habltston ?v Hro th??rs. at their large warsrooms, i l< ii an?! Main ?tr?? '-. "ii TUESDAY, PJBBRUABY 1..TH. at i' M v m. and i p. M? their entire stock of Klne Furniture, embracing hogany, Walnut tiak, snd Ash Chamber Cherry, Walnut, and Dak Parlor Suits, in siik. hrocatelle, green veiour, ami t I ? ?ak Front Wardrobes and Elegant Cnerr* , Mantel.?, with i' r? nch Plate gl --. Walnut and < tek patent Roller-Top and Plain Office Desks; *>-. Oak nid - .?-' at-: Mai I: Walnut ;.rnl ?>ak Extension Tables, rich and hand plain and marbi? top; and I "** l? i atendg; Library n d Mi rbl? T >,> lal Chiffonni?res, Folding Beds, Cou trimm d and untrimmed, and Library, Dlnlng-Room, and ' 'hairs im! i:,., k. r.. ,n I? . Hail and S'ai'-k Mattrei . ?, I" II'..?. S, le.-I'.S. Mil 1 Furniture, rvee, ?hould engage the a I tentl m of those in want ?da, the '<"' k having i? an ?? I? ted with w Ithoul r? sard ?, co it for which they ha v. served wtih - m to th? m. as well a- to othei over tut v yeai - Parti? - h h Ins here < will pleas? call for at ?in?-??, or it will be sold to nay cb ',;", u g ?'! I iirm will i and all Indebted to th? m will i in ir warerooi i tinued from da* to day al ' I P. M. until th.- whole stock I? dl. teRms fred. ii williams. fe 12 . Salesn By J, Thompson Drown .v R ,i Batate ?gent? and Au I Uli Main - I-1BDBTKB81 BAM 1 Or* SEVEN TWO-STORY FRAME DWKLL [NGS AND VACANT CORNER LOT, Noe. MS, HS, MT, IIS DENNY STREET. CORNER wiL LIAM8BURG AVENUE. By virtue Of ' trust from Philip O'Neill ami wit?- io the undersigned trustees, dated ? ? tober I, ISM, and re? corded In the cieik'- office "f the Chan cerj Court of the city of Richmond, I Book US B, peg? ment of a certain amount therein .1? serili."l. and default he i-, ,|u, ?ted by ti, '" do, we will s.-il at public suction, on tin- prem? laea, on TKKSDAY. FEBRUAR1 ' at i o'clock P. M.. the PROPERTY ! - . ,| ?n laid deed as follows: All thai H it '?K LAN1 ? with improven and being in the city "i" Richmond, Va., fronting togeth? r 118 2 Inches on south Hi i tween fe? t, TERMS: Cash and 14.000, with Interest from Octol D'n. and !,alance |n twelv? month? cured by tru?t deed. L' D STARKE. DAVID MITTLEDORFBR Trui ' .1. Thompson Brown \- Co., Auction? N B. Easier t. rm? ma - nt of all pai' ested. fe in DM BEMBSTS. \ ii.i'atim: hi:? BPTIOS CNDER THE AUS i ?F LADIE8* Guild, Park-Place hurch, In II cbur? h. TIT-:;-DA V AN I ' l\ EDNESDAY BVENIN? V T ? P. M . for the h.n.iit of ' ?l?l Ladles' Horn.?. . Attractlv? and mu -r.nun I IRMBR'S HORSB-B \? i: WEDNESDAY, P, M . for Mr. ! ; i-'lor i. Mr. .1. W. H IB? OCk'i K.lle. Mr. N. i H Mr. .1. T. Waltoi Mr. .I"hn l. pen till '? 1*. M. W? ' fi l - -11 ? lit ?I*?ESS W WT-?. CREAM PUFFS, PASTRIES, L-ARGB PIE8, ALL KIM'S CREAM Iponge, .'" ; Lemon ?'akis. la.' pound; :. .av.-r (' locolat? and Currant C telly R. U. Beaten Bl. c; Scones l(k*.? ?'ream Doughnuts, iOc. -o many things so cl DRINKARD s .-it_l:: north Sixth .treet \\ INTBD. ENCOURAGE HOME BNTERPRIBB .- us your orders for High toad and it icing vv heels, t\ hlch m 0 order, on short notice. All km,,;, i: >p ilr ?Vork .lone at our factory, No. 1312 to IMS .. - M? In .1 r. .t l'IIK BRANNAN ?CIRCLE 'CYCLE CO. _fe 6 Su,Tu A Ft? Lg DIBS I "prhichojter's English Pennyroyal Pills urt> the Best.8? T?k- uo o???? S..I ^ ' Returp Mail. . A? Cblclurralcr CL.'ralcai l o.. ThiUiU., l'a. ?y l-Th.Su&Tuly) EMPLOI Ml-: NT \\ INTS. a sai i:d. ?Ai ESMAN. SMART, INTELLIGENT, nergetlc, to call me for i test-known Arm In th? equlred hilad? Iphia, w \ N I 1.1?. INTELLIGENT TEACHER ? >K BDI - aied person wishl ra? ' ' i 12 A. M., or arri \\ \N I I I). A LADY OF EXPERIENCE DE8IRE8 Positlo i ; re 1 _ V) \N I I II. 'Ol R YOUNG MEN Ti I TRAVEL IN I men in the i Ity and oni for road mon.i. Va. _ \\ tvrscD. ;.?? >D AGENTS Ft >ic ; i,lvalue!. Call WALTER ?''.. <K si Clair il w \n n:i). CHAMBERMAID; ALBO \ COACH it (,. Franklin r?. i LOST. IfHAYKD, AXD KOl*ll>. ri<l REWARD POR A LADY'S RAVELLING BAG made of alligator \iu lost Sunday night on the road from vi it Mont" to Km,-n Station, It con ilni .1 ,t sil\.i- toilet --1 and .v.viKS H. DOOLB. ii" _ t. LOBT, A SMALL BLACK AND-TAN OG; ai. (port. A jit ihie reward will be paid if returned ? ?*. 11. PHILLIPS, Loom No. all._te 1.,-lt L??ST. ?>N MAIN PTRBET. BETWEEN 'UD-.nth and I", ait t.-t nlli. SMALL H'NCH KEYS Th.- tinder wl I p|? un Li l'dt east Franklin street n\^\ re ' _fe I.?-ST. LITTLE I HER. ' AN ilu? name "t ARXIK Return to in- Tower, i i and Broad. _fe ING" BICYCLE, colored Urs? ri. A Inferma? I'llVllMl'll VI., n .Lui. ALCTIOfl rAI.f;?u-r.tflr, Dfr, WHEN RBAL ESTATE is Soi i> n, . pOMMIHSIONKMS S M > KNOWN AS HOI SITUATED ON Till. ? ? a ?,, L. VIRGINIA SI SOUTHERN RAH. " WITH Th/lS?'8,^' - i ? In tl'.II.ol on th? * v" -ATI RDAY, FEBS i' 1 "'' lo, k I- m HOUSE PKOPEH Ing ..f ., BRU K uai:i;ii . ?I and upon win, h || 'I his : annuit) ' per annun igulshed ' :. payment I TERMS semi-annual of rit!. Upon th.- ; w. I. c th.- S| in -aid . i.. n duly : Olv? ' rin? that tl tllO* II will extend II I : v X u l^U.E OF Till: PACTOB. AM) O v. \!;l IP i Till-: s< lUTHEl FRONTING - CARY BTRE1 PROM TWENT1 FI1 T\\ i: W?lk ? o . Esq , I will premises, on FRIDAY, FEBR1 I ;. ,,i U o'clock M. th? PROPERTY Worl ' fi-, t ,,n t'i,- toa "i : embi hous? - pulp It tra? k of th.' .-' limit. .1 an it is an Im l! ? for . TERMS I, 12, I ?-ai.l . : N. v> Ja l'.v I Re rpBUSTEl - BALE J ?iF NEAT FRA ?E D\\ TV-si-;? ? '.vi l'A I' Bj nal r. tlon, on thi BATI RD ... k P. M PERT All h?- im. rot ng in the i ?outh? ' tnd - ?ending : - m li ividtll Of ' ' :rlangular In il i nl< , home. TERMS Bg l!, .v i 11: lalance at one and la i. Not? t Is i rlil HT??9 .UOTIOIS THE LA ROE AND ?VAIJ IF Dr. B KICHAR1 - .?AM COUNTY, \ ' i\\ GET U.M.I. ? -\ TH t AI LI! . il bj WEDNESDAY, >F THE : I.I.- ol llu-r n? TERMS ' ? X t w > ' II I .... FOIl ItE.N I . ion hin i. HO I 1ANKLIN Ml W? 110 v? IP. ?.?. Renti line. I ??It BBS i TORI : .. us wi trick Dwel nd a I w rent ir?'?-t._[ _ roa ri it, ? SIRABLE BRICK i iBI ed for busli f.? ll-ltn lISSOLI ii??>-- * tUPAltlM HMiit!?. Richmond \ I THE l' LR1 NEKSH11' ?>F I? 11 A I ! D Chalk I? tnd selling ??in ' . ii'N 'I . artnershlp, .-n?l will ?f.- I Old papers for at UM 1 a