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WHOLE NUMBER, i!.;)L>T THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. RICHMOND. VA.. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1898. THREE CENTS PER C Till- STVTFS AFFAIRS Ir. Wickbam DIscqsscs Her Financial Condition and the OutlooL | FINE SPEECH IW THE SENATE. the Present Situation and Shows What to Expect. cPRIATIOllS FOR THE YEAR, ?i Allowances Compared With Those in the Last Bill. lAYIXa OK m lAMUA ffO.OOO. ? Inatltalluns Suffer I nr|. While. Mnny l>ep?rtmentii f.? 1-?U?* Sllabtl, " ,,, i,, ? rtaalaa] ('barge?. ?on bin i? before tb, aa the ! 14 body for reported from ''',:'n' II was ' made public until J N came Bp r? eagerly by the senatora as wvU -.? by rationa. I It come> commit:, a, it win , iuction ' IHT annum of " . . None of the cir id instit'i . and th? The Mus f-utuiiate The office-; of I-Wa-istcr of the Office M | at the ? " ?>ut "f the | aflOjf interesting 'i. Henry . in fornv tbe attention of mor?, interestlni?. The y at the SB? ech. whit.'. i *a: ii | iraa lull rmaBoa as to ".he condition of the I the outlook I two hours or mor-, -ras bear?* with close and ? fron Hanover dy congratulated upon hi? able and the niaiMi-r in which lie had .1 Just the Ini'oriua " : the ; bill r until Mdnday, and It was or? dered that as of the i in Mr. Wtckharn's speech be .. WICKHAVf FINE SPEECH. ff lehne ib ku?.I: "\\ rrired ? when it is necessary for the ts of Virginia to take a eotapre ve view of tba vh"; pollti* n in th! I It la i for h tad to i to the < cduslon of ?. it "in ot tin-, p? t? of that room, there more . nomy they have r the ich is th iy to on?- member: m you what baa heretofore iil you in y.-u no '. imlly from any tar.-. Proud of take id of . ._ *..- .? o. i in that lotla-n, .'. l.iih fives Is a tide m the . . dual to t his ?le ap hea with novernmenta as with sue, wltb a hillty. There Is nol .i:d Dot put that burden fro.n it ] la not one. . b riotlcally do his : : . . that the Divine all hear' ; . may look with -, our ;. rts, and be - 1b ?.ur may avoid tue dan . . . I> DANGER. s affect our organisation itrolling party In Ith, credit, r of tair name; and, ?ously pie of Virginia, thai f" .grk-ulturul ngers of tbe party. are in a and the at home, are hard to endure. They nie all? vi ill,?ii. for n the II :- but a natural it be to i t thai cry . and n of itlon mav n tho \:iKlo . for exist? ..lands pi of tu? tall to Keep their a doubt that an Indignant trning uith a . e.i by fill from ?A'hlch th.y h;., i, if you fall to pro te.i,..,- id tins ' ?I a I, visit idarae r had, t" utiKxk . and.let fly trotn thai .man kiti'i lora'? box. to i*- unworthy And the ?u will bin bis. and <?f the <ns brought upon >Oiir only will and i i i come U ... prop? .'',. . the loss . p>Hs of iioi?e. i our ?zed; nla a? though it i. spot, lour t ' ? B of \ OVEHWiil -? tne ] n aille Imingdan iront ot H?e great ag: ! tmH State l??l\e as well at? he :,'??? of work, Iom or loss of the - r '.hat that be ha? to avoid that dretuuu! Ua?Ker. gti.;. w?o"h , ,ve" ,n ,h? country In Vlr w 1 h 'luu iViw "ut ,n,lx wlth 'regency doea notia ? SL* V",'r ot th* "ft ?nmed,'ei>nn,l^hfr.n''r'U r,)l* l,:,v*4 "? ?Ry o? oYed^,dln*? *''n4?4 ?f the necea clty do, . V . ,h ?n<* who ,,v?? "' ?I? thing? te_?!i ?tl,,4-nK***- ?o mm, If any Mr ?.5 .'' r t,,an to the city dweli.r ' --''I ?hot I holSdear,., oi the ?JtLo\ n?Url8h W,U? * ****? f''"4 I a^?.n,l,l,ra' P?-0P'e ?f thla ? ?_* !__* 1tl" countrv of Vinrlnin 1 '? Srnnd to number mySkf with ?ho en who follow the plow. To BM the perfume is that of a plowed Id, and not the new-mown hay, aa the .is put it, but the iifw-turneii furrow. i make two blade? of grass grow Where .a ambition worthy of ?? noblest, ano' yet, Mr Prostdent, tin.? rlcultural people, with feellnga ana - a, with love, patriotism, and with devotion to all that men I i aeea Its. Ing from Its high .-siate, and i. we will bo even na the I w? re to th? Athen? of the p_*t. 'This i? but natural, Mr. Prtgldeut. Wu | aro but passing through one of the cy ciea that it pleaaea an all wise provt cence to aend in the revolving periods ?f time, when the difficulties and hard amps of the country drive all who can get away Into the cities, leaving behind, them a race, who, with the memories ot the past, atruggle on until In some cata elysm In the future desperation salce* th?*m~opulence trembles In her palaces, and the oppressed will have tbelr turn. "Mr. President, we want to avert that ?isaster; we do not propose for the agri? cultural people of Virginia to become cither peasants or Boeotians, it la our dutv. as far as we can, to heed the cry that comes from them now lest In the fu wc hear a sound of a difflerent Im? port. A CRY FROM THE FARMS. "That cry cornea up from the hearts ot thin agricultural People. It is a <ry ot" agony. I know the moaning of that cry. Th?-y are a proud and a reserved p< It is a ?ry that comes from the heart ol the wife as she sees her husband bow hta head, as 1 have seen ?.?one; as aha hearu h? r hUHband sob, as I have heard them: My wife, 1 have done the best 1 could; the tlgl't Is hopeless; I have despaired It la the cry that comes from the heart of the wife when she realizes th? withstanding the brave effortB true husbnnd. the home that ha terec' him and his father an?l his I father for generations before hin go to the tax-gatherer or to the 1 "Mr, President, I have heard tl and I know Its dread Import. It Is fore, with feelings of the deepest s lty that I shull undertake to pass view before you tha situation of y faire, involving the available asae the necessary expenses of the | ment. "I am absolutely consc'ous how ly feeble an?' unqualified I am f< took The magnitude of It fills m the gravest apprehension. Nothli the direct necessity makes me ap it. I throw myself upon your ki ?lulgence and ask that you will bes me with patience, while 1 review tr U?ando] statements which I mus force present to you. I lack the OS t?. make such a task attractive u but I know that you do not la. k tl tii?nism nor th.* wish to master tl tails of the subject, for it Is nee that you should know these details* n rive al a trie order to do Justice between the v. deportmenta of this government, In to lighten the bur.I? ns of the peop preeerve your party, t.. preserve th lame of Virginia, and give soin? measure of relief to the gn tur il people, whoso eis.- l? w.-?nlgli . "Now. Mr. President I take it tha mission hire Is to retrench our 0X| tur. a, and refoi m, as far as t governmental system; but I do no deratond that ommlsslone the people, save as laid down ir Democratic platform which s at the Roanoke convention, which pi? lb? party to such reform as wem] latent with the proper nutlntei and efficiency of the governmental vice. STATE'S REAP FINANCIA L <" I TK?N. "Taking that platform ns tt will premise by saving that I think i has be?-n much misapprehension a the pr-??ent nnanciol condition of and Its needs financially In future. 1 say here now that a rodu? in th? 'X.ition is at pr. tically an impossibility. f..r the SOB that as fast as we fetri ii'h in direction th?- popular demanda of the pie themselves cans.? it to be dtabu in another. We may saw ti?.?.?'??) hi re, llately there is a di mood to . I'm i '. We muy. however, ii n of general retrenchment, by s if more thorough collection "f r nue fr??m those ?arho now eseap? payrz pinch hero and save there, get em. y into our Tl muki In that we will avoid the danger default?to make it certain thai we not make the ocqualntan? oi M id Deficit for many years. "Put. Mr. President, I take it that cry from the j*?ople is not for the l" holders, hut for tbomselv? to thai cry by showing them where t ?an h? in themaelvea; by showing tl when- It Is within tbe?r power to t stantlollr retrench in th-ir county - for the tax-payer Is indlffei Into which coffer his taxes go-whel they ar- poM for county government State government, jt is but one to r I think the constitutional meosuree wt we have airead** poaeed will give re? If adopted, particularly as to the eou < >X1" nditures. I hope that if it be will of the. people to adopt amendment looking to th" better col tl ?n of the capitation tat that it - be then possible to reduce the rafe ?fate taxation, taken In connection v the retren?:hment and general saving money that we make on other lines, turn a .sympathetic ear to th.- ?jry of th people, and we place It in pO ?0 vote th.-mselves the relief they n? for. as I believe, Mr, Presid? nt. this from their h?-arts; they will sur i-ote it; they are entitled to that pr hey an? entitled to that aitv; they will avail themaelv? I ?11 get practical relief in that 11 ?OTHER METHODS OF ECONOMY, "Put whip- the burd.n ?an b- 1 payer, and We may hope for ventual reduction In the rate of St . o f..,- stai.. purpos. -i it til i amendments which we have si r duly now nditu we can in? : 11 v tlon In the lute n will be aubetontl it. 1 desire to lay 1 -i nato an estimate of what will 1. . . inn lal n now and . 1W2, when the first Instalment of ndi ioool Inter? upon th.- c urv I- i:i < nuil? Ctlon with tr m you erbat sums ira can appt ?r?ate and still ho within our reyeni . aving to your own good judgment t a of ? hat r< auctions yon ?".ill ma 'rom thoae eotimatee; what salaries y vill curtail, what, propon ion you w vithhold, for when you fairly an? ?air eetlmated recefpta you can s.-t yo :i order; you con apportion the - to th?- different members of t amily in such a woj as to lo Jnotlce; y m develop a surplus which. In coime Ion with th na i rom yo apltatloii-tax. the estimated gains fro rioua bills you have passed lookli o a reduction of criminal expen ay the foundation f..r a<m in tl ate of State taxation In the i.y no mesi listant future, unless i " ia*ed r luctlon tn tt I value of real ? :u UM give th.? relief hat v. "Now, I nsk you to era mine Table n th.- Auditor's report f..r this cnrri-i ear, and see th?; amount of taxes on re, nal personal property for the yen S"i7 in Virginia. "You will iPid the tax upon teal ?stai Hi, and upon personal propon s. Taking i ,o It ms l 'al.le 29 and making certain ?i? ?lurticm o which I will h.-reafter call your utter Ion; taking the eapltatlon-tax an aaklng certain r-ducdons therefrom, an h.n s.rlatlm taking up each it m of r. ?elpt in the various tables which accorr [?any the annual report of the Auditor, nd a total estimat-d receipts of 12,975, J3.89. "Against this, putting the salaries c our officers und employees as they ar? uttlng your expenses ns estimated b he careful officers in chare,, of yon ?t?te finances, keeping your crimina bargee as they are, keeping the appro nations to the hospitals as the) ate ad t.. your institutions of learning m.I the pensions to your disable "Idlers. Including the IHW.UOO extra ap roprlottoai to your schoota; payl?i rery ?i?>lh>r of Interest due on the Riddle .-rg.-r and Century bond-? and bonde instit ut ions o? learning In thlf 'at.-, you will have _ grand t ? " 6.30, leo? log a balance f receipta over exp? ndltur.-s ot j. A DUTY TO ECONOMIZE "This you Bee, Mr. President. Is not ii.hln the ?langer line, and it is our duty niize. It is our duty t., retrench; ut In our action we need not ' " ,. d with the thought that it la iJbt entirely osriible for us to s?-t our house In o-rd? i ; u us to do Ju r? n the employees ? ?ovemrnent ; tor us to bo ilthful, honest, and Just to th.- public reditors, Including our institutions or artiing, nn?l at the ?-ame time never for? et that we can do our duty by the tax? ai.d oppr? ultural peo I? In some small way, it is true?Put til! afford some substantial relief from neir burdens. I do not say that It would foi you to low.r the ta ow, but 1 do sav that you can d thai if the people of Virginia the constitution it mendmenta which ami tendered thon; ! they wish to curtail to the verge of . your public Institutions, an?t ) reduce the salaries of your or/leers In a to ti"- raes or ie farm, that It la possitile Tor you to 0 all this, and still maintain y?ur ? vernment in an efficient condition; still lalatoin your institution-, of learning and instituions; still give- t?e unie.s that sum.- p-?> le when they come to reaesess their ?amis i 1900, make such a reduction through s of th? ir own local ottlc the matt.-r in their ovrn tKinuls nd s?-<iire then and ther?- the pr a in tasatlon which th?-y demand; 'inmaterial to them w h? th? , be obtained through a d< i the assessed valsea Ibot h. - olng on In Virginia for so many years, nd has been simply an effort of th? ?peo i. to reduce their taxes, or who?her It . obtained bj means of a iilr. ;he mulnte .,? the old esses? THF AUDITOR'! ESTIMATOR Mr. Wickham then submitted a table. i by the Auditor, giving the eetl igted icceiptH, ba???d upon i s. In 1887, as ?.IT??.Ml.fti, and notber estlS?otlag the annual *-\ ipop the present law?) In reg? ard thereto, at C!.!4T2,'-95.''P "I am pr?pared," sold Mr. VVlckham. to ha\>- the Auditor's estimate <?ni ? ?t will be sharply, ? will t..? aid that the estimate of tl, 143,07.16 great :0NT1NL'ED ON l'AUE FIFTEEN.) | KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. IIIIA" II IVF, A GALA TIMF. I\ THE TOWS OP SUFFOLK. . Eat, Talky aud Are Merry?A Clo? thing- Store I??il?l??-d?A id in in | Wedding of Interest?Aboat the Nanaemoad People. SUFFOLK. VA., February 19.-{.'*H)? clal.)?Withers Company, No. 7. I'nlform ?sd Rank. Knight? of Pythla?, had a gala time la*t night, the owasion being the Installation of officer?, followed by a banquet. The, Installing officer was M;ij'?r G. W. Hattley, of Norfolk, who was as? sisted by Adjutant W. C. Wlthey, of .Norfolk; Captain li. Frank Vaughan, Re? corder a sarga m. To i. aas* ?sir Knight OSorae ll i.'lgh, of Company Ko. 15, or i'ortsmouth. XaO ottlcers Installed were as follows: -p. Jackson Eley, captain; Donald Al"l/...i, lirst lieutenant; O. Fen ton flatten, aocond lieutenant ; w. A. King, recorder; H. H. Morgan, treasurer; J. H. Kurney, guard; P. I* Rawles, sen? tinel. Major Battle** also put Company No. 7 thioii'M a rigid Inspection. Follow? ing th?) above exercise?. there were sp SBC bee by C?ptala Vaughan and the other visitors. The line of march was then taken up for the Whedbee House, where a banquet had b?*?n prepared for the. occasion, under th?? supervision or Mrs. L* H. WhOflbOS. whose reputation as a successful caterer was fully es ismisbtn. a? trm ?upper was one of the titlest ?'V?r In Suffolk. Bach table -"traced ?rttb a B*eaaf***-aat, growing cana my, emoiem or tn?? unirorm rank, t '?m tn.? ? otieiuston of the f??ast of good things the visiting knights were SBOOrtSd to the Norrolk and Western depot, and to??k the i?):??j train for Norfolk. CI/Vl'Hl.V! STOHI? ROBBED. One or th? show-windows of A. B. Doughtrey ?fe Co.'S clothing store, cor ii. r "i Washington and Ri.idick stre.-t-:, v. i : hroketi into at an early nour yeeteroay morning and about t'2o WOlth Of clothing, snoes, etc., was sc? ented by the thieves, who succeeded in making their ?scape, as the police ap? peared n tn- s< .-lie. Cards have been issued announcing the forthcoming marriage of Mr. Thomas Alonz.? ?Jaibas and .Miss Emma Eugenie uiuiam, WtUOB will take place on Wed? nesday, March 2, is:?*?, at 2 o'clock P. M., at the residence of the bride-elect, No. :vi Wasmngton .-?(piare, suiTolk. Im te*eeaately after th?? ceremony Mr. and Mrs. i'arDee will take- the Atlantic ? Une train en route to Jacksonville and ni*i--r points In Florida, where they will spend tneir noneymoon. falsa ('Hilan?, is a pretty and popular young lady ot charming personality, and possesses many admirable traits of ebaiaeter. .VIr. Kerb SB is a telegraph operator at tha Norfolk and W ?stern d.-pot, and formerly iiv.*?i at iMraaaa, N, C. Be is an upright, r.-n ible gentleman, who is bald In high esteem oy nis employers, and blS friends in nuiront ana eisewnere. Mrs. .\. ?s. BlBTi iseder of the choir of st. Pears MpeMopal ebureh, gave ,nn elegajit ante-lernten lunch to the mem* or tne cnotr last night at h-?r hui.t some horn?'?, on M.'Un Street. The menu was vanea and tempting, and the tooth? some nanos were serv???! in a mo : rant meaner Mrs. ??ley being a?? fait , a entertainer, as wii as an ?dept In musical management. i? ?sslBted Tft entertaining by nor sister-in-law. Bra. Df, A. W. ana m r sister, .miss Jennie Hrtggs. ABUI'T T1IK PROT'U* tiev. ?teorge <j. vanaerstice, i?. D., nna Professor f. .1. Kernodie, of Hichmuid, L-o'ii tormerly of Suffolk, were here the lin-l or till?! Wee?. Aiiss UAtAOt unite, of Summit. N. J., is the guest or tne H mp, of the r.iculty of Suffolk College. The nbove young ladles spent last Wednesday In seeing rno signts at ??la point and vicini? ty, imuer tne i-naperonage or Mrs. W. .1. HkiiOy, 01 himoiK, who iiincnea tna Baity at rhe Cnambei?n during the stay at the roint. Miss Myrtle Booker arrive?! home to OfLy irom IIIIIBBBHIUI. wn<?re une Bad been sin??? Monday with h?-r father. Hon. .). K. Hooker, rnemlx-r of the House of Del?* gates from .Nans.-mond county. Miss baara i.?'lgri .Mcl.eod. who has been stck with typo-malaria for the past lour ??hck?. la siowiy 'mprovirig, thougn still connned to tier baa Mrs. J. P. Webb has for the past week MSB visiting mends and relatives Jr. i.yncnnurg una at riampaen-siiLney Col? lege. .Mr. ira I'nniip? ana family, of i*"*ro?3 rorK, ca., navo moveu to f-mrrolK to re? side, Mr. Phillip? being engaged with the surr-uK aaa ?Bill company. Mrs. W. M. Atkinson was III with ner? vous prostration the first of thla \ but sho Is now Improving. BIG FIRF. IB St'FFOI.fC. Plant of J. W. Lynch ?t Co., Lamber Miinafnetarern, Deatro* ed. SUFFOLK, VA., BVbruary 19.?(Spe? cial.)? About half-past 8 o'clock to-night J. W. Lynch ?fe Co.'s lumber manufac? turing plant was discovered to be on fire, and before the department could get to work tbe immense building was a mass of flames. The firemen and other? ?Vid heroic work in saving th* neighboring property, th? heat being so int.-nae that bu? kets of -water had t.? be thrown en the hos. men. The st?-nm fire-engine also had to be COTOte? to protect It from the Th.? llames spread so rapidly that it was hap , carry anything from the mill or office. The dry kiln? of the concern were B*?*"eA, but the remainder Of the plant, with machinery, lools, lum b-r. et?., was totally The los? is estlmat-d at from $30,000 to 1:15,000; insurance, $13.700. About thirty hands are thrown out of < niplovm.-nt by the tire. There were about three-qu i mil? lion feet of lumber stored in the mill, sev? eral ears which were loaded being burned. The whole city win brilliantly Illumi? nated, and for miles around the reflec? tion was seen. The origin of the fire Is unknown, as the mill was not In opera? tion to-day. and there was no fire on the pr.-mises. At this hour (11 o'clock) the firemen are still fighting the flames, at which work they will have to ?pend the whole night, and possibly longer. w n.i. in: DfrTaU-BD to-day. Rev. Dr. Herbert II. Harrea? Bedford <H> *?? %??. BEDFORD CITY. VA.. F? bruary 19. (Speclal.)?At 11 o'clock Sunday morning BO"/. l?r. Herbert H. Hawe? will be for? mally Installed ar, pastor of the Presby t?rian church, according to the arrange K? tits of a special session of the Mont? gomery Presbytery held In I-ynchburg ?n Wedln sd.iy. Kev. p !:. Price, of Buchanan, will presld'e ami deliver the (barge to the people, and Roe T B< M - . of I.Michburg, will addrees the pastor up?n his responsibility on aa sumlng the care of the church snd con? gregation. In deference to Dr. Hawes's peculiar fondness for flower?, ?ome of tbs ladle? will grace the occasion by arranging blooming plant? about the table and roa trum. The choir have prepar-d special music. In which they hau the valuable asetstanee of Mrs. Hill, of Hluetield. a daughter of Dr H (Bree, who i? visiting him. Her sweet volco will be a great ad? dition to the muaical fOBtUI It I? very rare that In BO short a time a minuter makes so deep an impres-jUm upon a congregation as has been the cos? with Dr. Hawea. His preaching la a? earnest, spirited, and tender that on? cannot listen to his utterances unmoved and his sympathetic interest, kin?lj manner, and cultured mind render hin a charming companion and faithful friend. The sentiments of the church in regare to him are ?bared by all ihose of thr eommunlty who have com- within th range of his tnflueiice, und It I? felt thai th.? church ff?fi-f- choice in select? ing him aa their shepherd. Not only Is the Doctor an able preach er. but he la also a vers?til? and prolific writer on religious aubjeets. The pub? lished fruits of his pen are "? an Inqulr?r," "Is My Heart Change??" (both printed In pamphlet form), and his books are "The Abmhamlc Covenant," "Paptlsm Mode Studies." "Doubts of th? Divine Claims of Jesus.'4 a refutation of the Ideas advanced in Rob? rt Elsmere. His last literary production, which, he says, is the work of his Ufe, Is a volum?; of $99 pages, entitled "Bible Church S'ui.ies." This effort bus received appro? bation and commendation from eminent authorities In his church and from the press. The book was written In ro ISO to a r> ?goeet from Rev. Dr. Daniel Lord, of the State of New York, whom ho had never Been, who stipu? lated that the Bible should b? the only and exclusive source of Information in the preparation of the work. The. book proves the Doctor a ripe acholar, and an eminently .. vout student of the Scriptures. He was a native of Lnn-n burg, but later he became a resident of Richmond, where many of his family now reside, among them Messrs. 8. H. and <;. Percy Hawao, brothers. Mrs. Terhune, known In literature as "Marian Harland," Is a sister of l?r. Hawes. Bed ford City Is honored in having no Chris? tian and cultured' a gentleman to make his home in her midst. FUNERAL OF MRS. I.FFTWICH. On Friday morning the remains of Mrs. Adella P. P. ftwlch arrived here from Atlanta, and despite the steady, chilling rain were followed to Longwood Cemetery by a largo number of friends who lov??d her. The square at the cemetery was covered by a large tent, if Is a touching colncid?!!''?' that just one year ago Mrs. Leftwi.h. stood at the same spot, where h.r eminent husband, Rev. James Turner Leftwi.h, Ii. P., was then brought from Atlanta an.l buried. The floral tributes now, as then, were superb and in great profusion. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. T.ettwlch. or Atlanta; Miss Florence Leftwtch und Mrs. Delia Li, Harrison, of Davidson. N the children of ?Mrs. Lettwidi, accom? panied the remains. Mrs. Samuel Liman, of New York, and Mr. Samuel MePhee ters. of Raleigh, N. <"., w.'.e also present. The funeral services at the grave were conducted bv Dr. IP B. Hawe-a. Messrs. J. L? Campbell, M. P. Parks, J. 11. ?I'lV, F. O. Thomas, O. W. Wharton. and H. B. Claytor acted as pall-bearers. THE WOOLLFN-MIPI-S PFRCHASIM >. Mr. Henry T. Kent, of Philadelphia, who recently purchased a three-fourths Interest In the, woollen-mill nt this place, hag now Menrod the remaining one fourth share that was held by Mr. .lohn lloran, of West Virginia, and the work of repairing the building will now proceed, and as soon as practicable operations will be begun. This is regarded as one of the most en? couraging evi.i. . i of Increasing pros pertty and bustn<sea activity, giving em ployment to O large number of operative? of both sexes. The Alliance Wnrehouse, has been leased by Mr. J. W. i.lsh. of Rouimke. and W. A. Falconer, of Bedford City, who win apen a farmers' supply commission-house. Mrs. R. M. I'urtls. with her three chil? dren and slster, Misa Blanche Sllcer, of Montvale, left this week for St. Louis to Join Mr. It M. Curtis, recently of Vir? ginia, who .s now engaged ai> a. reporter that city. Mr. J. Parker Lambeth lelt on Monday for Lovlsa county. Mr. S. S. la?nbeth, Jr., who has been visiting his fath Dr. S. S. Lam .'th. for S'ime time past, will leave MOO loy f?ir Norfolk, where h?' will again en? cage in the practice Of law, having Is en <r?atly benefited in health by hla sojourn ?tere. Miss Fisher Luckett is the guest of 1er mother, Mrs Mary Luckett, at Ran lolph-Maeon Aeod Mrs. Sit well and children have returned 'rom Richmond, and are the guests of i?-r sister, Mrs. ?'.. A. Nichols, Jr. Mr. H. C Walk.-r, of North Dakota, ?vho has purchased property near town, s expected to arrive this week with bis 'amlly. Mr. H. E. Howe, of ?>ean Springs, Mlas., las arrived with his wi."?\ son, and laughter, and locute.l on a farm belong ng to COfooel J. L. Nichols, a short dts : rom this pla. e. Pedford gateada a cordial welcome to ail itrangers who desire to locate her???. DAMAGE SUT KOR SLAXDK1L. Detective Jame* Considera Himself Aggrieved. NFWPiiRT NEWS, VA., February 19. (?Speclal.)-A damage suit for slander will grow out of the sensational trial of O. W. Ashby for perjury, which came to a ?lose In the Elizabeth city ?'ounty Court eslerday evening, wh. n the jury rendered i verdict of guilty, fixing the punish? ment of the accused at 1 minute In Jail and Imposing a fine of 15. The compluin int In the damage suit will be Detective John T. James, of Norfolk. He will In ntitute proceedings against W. O. Brldge orth, of Hampton, Rridgeforth. It Is illegtxl, while on the wltnes-staml In the Ashby case, mode I damaging statement regarding the e of Detective lames. Attorney 9. S. Robinson, of this city, has b-een retaln.-d Be OOlinasl for Detective James, and it is expected that Mr. Alfred P. Thorn, of Norf ?Ik, will also I?? engaged. The amount ?if damages to a.* asked for has not vet been fix?-1. The fourth annual ball of the Boiler? makers and Iron Shipbuilders of America ?vas held at the Csaifl . list night It -as possibly the largest ball ever held In S'ewport News, over 2?J0 people being ?.resent. Oliver Thomas alias Horn Billy (colore.p. ?harged with grand larceny, was found rullty In the Corporation Court this after, toon, and given one year in the peniten? ta ry. Thomas Thomason, aged 45, a sailor, 'ell through the main hat??hway of the ?arge Rondout late this evening r-nd woe natontly killed, the full of eighteen foot ?avlng broken his neck. '?-O? FLAGS AT HALF-MAST. . ?iliiu?im lliiDur? ?he Memory of the "Maine" Victims. LEXINGTON. VA.. February l?.~(spc lal.)?Both national and State nogs on he Virginia Military Institute boated at alf-mast* to-day, out of respect for tn? ?emory of the victims of the Maine dis sU-r. The condition of Oenersl Shipp remains he same to-tlay aa yesterday. The funeral of Mr. J. B. LlnOOtn, wno led In Lymhburg trom a stroge ot .u.?.lysis, took place here today, ana >>nt was made In Lexington Come? gym, A mad-dog ?tras killed on tn? etreete his morning by Mrectton ? f a policeman. Thomas 1 liuutimuu v.?milled. NORFOLK, VA.. F? t 00 ?ry 19.-t8pe lal.)?Thomas O. Thompson, the Norfolk nd Weetern telegrapher who waa tried or enticing Naomi Woods, 17 years old, nto a disreputable house, where It waa illeged he assaulted her. was acquitted' >y a Jury In the Corporation Court to dght, after fifteen minutes' deliberation. Woman's Christian Temperance nt<m assisted in prosecuting Thompson. The regular meeting of Ptckett Camp auxiliary will be held on Monday at 2:30 '- M.. at thoir bau. Fifth and Broad treets. CHASED MANY MILES. PETERSBt RO POLICE PCRgll* AUB ABRBST ALLKUBI* HORSR-THIKB. lie Lives la Maaeheater?Mr?. Mary J. Hohb? Dead?The (hearts aad the Law-Breaker???Ceaerat New* ?f ?the t Ity. PKTKRSDIRO. VA., February ?. (Special.)-Chi'ef-of-PoUce Parkinson was notified by trh^-raph yesterday that a fin.? bor.?? had been stolen from the -ga? bles of Major Walker, near Manche? . r. on Thursday night, and was requested asj keep a lookout for thr thief. It was dis? covered that a ?tranger riding a horse had passed through Petereburg yest. r day morning, going ont through Dlnwi |. die, und High-Constable Harvill an?.' Of s were sent in pursuit The officer? trac?*d the man and bor?e about t>n miles out on the Boydton road, and thence along the White Oak road. Be? tween Five Fork? and Black?tone they? fouai the horse In the possession of a colored m-.n named "Hdney Boiling, and learned that the man who brought the animal there had gone on to Bliu katone. The officer? took a train to Black s tone, where they arrested a young man named living In Manchester, as the thief. Baile** was brought back to burg this mornln*, by Criticar Kane?, und will be hekr* for the action of th?? chesterfield county euthoritlea. Iiigh-Constubi? Harvill brought the stolen horse down this evening. Young Bailey Is reported to have expressed great ?orrow for his act. on acco-ant of hi? mother, whose only ?on he I?. SUDDEN DBATH OF A LAUT. Mrs. Mary J. Hobbs, rtilct of Peterson Hobbs, died very suddenly this afternoon at her realoence. on Old street. Sho had been complaining for several daye, but waa util?? to be up and about, even as lute as thl? morning. She was tukea 111 ?suddenly and ?lied very oui? kly. ?Mrs. Hobbs wa? *> yenr? of age or op. words, and leave? live ch i i-?Ten?ell grown. She was a lAdy of high Chris* Lian character, and enjoyed a large circle at friends and acquaintances, JAI?.ED FOR &IX MONTHa Walter Wright, arrested about a week ?go on the charge of complicity In the - ven I recent burglaries ??ommltted In this city, was In the Mayor'? Coast this morning. The charge of burglary waa ?ismlsKcd, there being no positive evi Jenc* to conne<t him with this, but he was convicted of larceny and sentenced to Jail for ?ix month?. In the prisoner's don was found a gold button, which wa? Identlfl?"' as th?. property of Mr. Samuel Kdwa ?, and which waa stolen from bla bo - last week. Who this man Wright l? or wh?'re he la from no one but himself know?. He waa in ?ompany here with another alleged ?rook, who registered at the hotel aa J. P. Hayes, of Washington. Have? escaped by flight, tiring at .'he officers who -?armed him. In his valise were roumS irtlcles belonging to several citizens -.hose houses he and hi? companion had lur-flaiizeii. On the Bth Instant Wright -.111 be tried for robbing the residence of dr. Hatcher H??wurd. \1) i.<'I ??'I*. KNIGHTS or I'VTHLAfl. On Monday evening, the "3*t Instan*, he Oraml Lodge of Knights of Pythias, t \ rgitiii will conven?? la .minai ?es ilon In this city. The session will be ona >? interest, and all of the loo??'? In the hate will be represented. Th- Grand jodge will b? wel<?, med by Mayor ? 1er. There are thr. , s In the 1st of grand officers to be filled at thia g. un the evening of th?* 22d a iplendia1 banquet will be given In com? ?llment to the grand body, at wi I hero will be many guest?. GENERAL NEWS? The funeral of Mr?. J. C. Shadbolt, t*ho v l t?> death In Norfolk, <.ok place to-day from St. . Joseph's 'athoiio church. Decea?ed had many elatlves eno' friend? In Petersburg. The Clty-?Sergeant today aerved a uimb.r of recomlemniitloii notice? oa itiz. ns owning property in thl? city ?long tbe line of the Richmond. Peters ?rrg, and Carolina railroad, with the lew of court proceeding? to ?eeure the ?roperty for th?* use of the road. R?v. Dr. P. T. Hale, a distinguished vangelist and eloquent pulpit orator of llrmingham, Ala., trill arrive here on .lon'ay to assist Rev. Dr. Battle In the evivfl nieeiini-s now in ;rogre?? at the 'irst Ba-ptist church. Tll| t"LARKF. tot \TT LF.VT. lot Little 1'luiunf Made by the War. Illnicrnceftil Oeeurrenc?. BKHHYVILLE, VA., February W-0*Pe lal.)?The Board of Supervisors of Clarke ounty met thl? week to make the annual ?vy for county and district tax?e for ISA, The report of the County Treasurer, howing that the amounts levied for 1BT ad been ?ufflcl.-nt to meet all the cur? ent expense?, and leavu a surplus on and, but little ebaSafB wss made In the vies for IM? The following are the everal amount? fixed for county pur osea. Eighteen cents on ca?h $1???1 of ealty and personality; for a railroad tax ) pay the Interest on and prov??!? a ?ink ?g fund for C- r.-.i?-mptlon of the $7".<"?> f bonds I y the county to tne h'ti.uidoah Valley Railroad Omit lad for county ?cbool purposes a tvy of 10 cent?. The County Treasurer ?ported to the board that M. W. Jones. Istrlbuter of th? dlrex*t-tax fund, Bad ?rnfxl over to him for distribution among 10 several r.iad boards In the county the jm of ll.lCl, to be used for road pur oses. A? "c I DENT ALLY PHOT HI Mr. Lawrence Milton, son of Mr. W. T. Uton, who accidentally ?hot hlmseif In ie leg a fow day? ago whilu handling an is Improving, and will aoon be ale to walk about again. Ex-United States Marshal George W. vi, wtio waa recently BUc-eeded by S. roera Allen, of Slaunton, aas return??? ? his home. In this county. Mr. Levt ade an enviable record during hta coo*? in office, and hi? county I? Justly r.' of him. os a disgraceful occurrence a tw night? ago In Josephine City, a cot* ed settlement en the suburbe of Berry lie, A festival was in progress, and. aa ?ual on ?uch ?ocasiona, too much liq?ior a? flowing, and tn concequence the ma -rity of the young "blood?" present came ? blow?. Pistola and raaors were usea eely, an?l several men were shot and it. Fortunately, no fafnilttee bave re? ?Ited up to thle date. The principale la ie affair have beten arrested. in of the late Mrs. Caroline B. ?rtnlnrp?, situated near White Po?t, lining 3? scree. is be?*n sold to Mr. Weaver, of Frederick mnty. Va. The price paid was *di.?m ph W. Bowles?, one of the meet -ooperoua farmer? of Clarke comity, aad tss Kate V. Gar*/in. daughter of Mr. A. . Gurvia, were quietly married on bursday morning at Um horn?! of the Millwood. The roupie left on tea ?rly train f?-r . tour ..? tha ?a?t*ru cille*. ....?.eti M.?"oriTilck ie vis?. n V ?. Mis* Id.. I. of Washington. D, guest of Miss Mary Lippitt. at B?mlngton." m Life Teraa for Treasurer Phtlllaa. 11. Phillip?. ^:^Vily Xtmmoot. THE APPROPRIATION IMS OP TWO YEABS COMPARED, Statement o? He Hems in He Bill of March 3,1898, Compared Willi Tbose Under the Bin kow Bein? Considered. Govfrnor, salary Auditor of Publl otBcW UbUC ***"*?*> ?-'-'rtc? in Auditor (Second), saiarv of .'..'. S <?? >'""<!>. four clerks in oflhse....1 o??c? (S,0?1"1'- ?--?Ongont expcn. alary of ...... '.. four clerks in '?trice '!'.'.'.'..'.'. 11 [ ? ni expens? .. o! i nwealth . 'ry of Commonwealth, clerks in or one of whom is Librarian . of Commonwealth, contingent . Land Offlce, salary ..'.'.'..'.'." ?"*? ' "i Load OS!? ' . clerk to .. ' Land Oitice, contingent ?x pensea of offlce, and for k-eeping waias and grounds in repair, etc., and for re? tracing and reblnding certain reports.... of Publie v, .;. ronttngent ox? s of office, iriclu?iitig salary of ; y . Receiving and Document c?erkiand '?-s ' r to 1 .... .... eg"*''"'. Engin? r at Capitol . Janitor in galleriea, Capitol Conductor of elevator, Capitol ..'.. n Of elevator. Capitol. ?i\ policemen al Capitol . One Night Watchman for Treasurer's d Audltor'a office . Tit Watchman court of Appeals.. Pu.n-.r and Doorkeeper at the Library.... Library offices . J'o pay premiums of policies of lnsui on the cap?tol . Conductor of Elevator at Library Building Fireman at Library- Building . nan at Librare Building . to Governor . I Itive Mansion . Pour t?l?phon?e in public imildlngs . 100, fuel, and light in public buUdlm-s and oflcea . Commissioner of Railroads . Commissioner of Railroads, salary 01 clerk . Commissioner of Rallroails, contingent expenoea ..f olBoe . VgricuRure . \n?i In addition fop all expenses in collec? tion of laxes on fertilizers and fertilizer companies . lo that the whole amount allowed the bureau shall not exrved $11,!> ?>. 'ommiemoner of Agricultura, salary . .'ommissiorier of Agriculture, saliirv of .:. Idjutoat-Oenersi, salary of (to be i militar] fund) . luperintendent Public Printing, aalar* hiperintendent Public Printing, aalar; . tuperintendent of Public instruction, i a i v . PEN] .RY. Ifflcera, salary of, including salary 01 matron and assistant clerk . luards, exterior and Interior . . 'l.-rk of S.nat,. including salary allowed him by ?' . \ eper o" R?.lls . .11 "! tEME COURT C Court . >ne Associnle Jud dent or Rich? mond . 'hr..- Aeaoolate Judges, at 13.000 each ? Appeals . 'ravelll . iTRCPPI Jl !" ill Judges, I . Sro ' 'n' ni: t mM9. . Judge . 'wo Circuit Jude- s, at 11,800 . llleoge "f Circuit Judges . of Chancery Court of Richmond ? . i Equity Court of kicu :' Law and ?'han? N"i!"Ik city . . epoi t? el 'OUTl Of Appeals . lery of Supreme Court, Btountoa . ?Tille. lerk of Supreme Court, Richmond . lerk Circuit Court, Richmond . . ivil contiiiKcnt fund . CRIMIN M. CBAROES o pay transportation of criminals to ntlary, or so much thereof as may be n?9cessary . n iation of Virginia, of which aa than M.O00 shall be ?expended in the erection of building?, . but than * ' "'> Shall be paid to | Jail physicians of Richmond oi Norfolk.. ill.lie printing . rlnling ncords of criminal eases In Su Court . irginia Reports, to pay printing, b?na? te. protection of, maintenance or tiers and vessels . GENERAL ACCOUNT OF REVENU-. ConunlssiOners to Commissioner oi Revenue, poatoge. sad espi . i on land- and property, booke, or registration of marriages und birth?.. N'SPiNS. > noy pensions. lifiiS . LUNATIC?, ippoii ?>f lunatics in Jail and In charge of priva!?' p.rsons . STATE IP'S Pi TA PS. ntral ._ ;. i (in addition to pay patienta). n tin addition t.? pay patients). ?uthwestern (In addition tog?y patients) , which n.-w buildings aro : and furnished, and i "iNOTITU'ri?NS '?' ?F L?? RNINI1. edlcal College of Vliglnla. Wchmond.... .inale Normal Bchool tU.?*** ana ir buildings . nlversltr "f Yirglni. , Military Institute, {30.000, whlcn .hall include .xi Visitors. ?except Ui(t ?djutai t-General and Superintendent ot Public Instruction, which egpense sbaii provided by law, und "-...ow . i Par Infirmary. nin.b, and Blind Institution ...... Polytechnic in,-Tut?', at Blacka burg VoOO for Inaui l . ,n?l ?11,000 for bullanga ^p'p^p" ..; illlam and '.' rim Is to Ii" ? ! by an act approved ?bHcCh ^*\?'Vj?*?\? , rn.d over to I of *-**U .?ton and by tha? board i . ' to ?li Ol the several i;,,, -s and cities of th.- Ootnmon ?S h sxcePt that f2.?V0 thereof wh ?;. I .an! Is authorized to expend r?>r or summer normal 1B Hom?-.'" under S;|!, .-.ileglate-Institute:: I'M i.? 3.IJ0U ?DO am ?jo 1.500 <J0 in m 2.900 00 250 00 ijoe m |v> OI t,*m m MO 00 IM. || 1,422 90 180 00 MO o?? 7? '?i '..? M ... 1.200 00 ?.O00 ") LMI 00 HI io o.i iO | .... ... PGuOOO 3,200 CD > iT.i'/.i '?i IAN oo i 109 ??? 400 00 cu?? co 1 .-. ... 100,000 00 "-K.OOO 00 M M 3,000 00 ?,,000 00 6,<ax? U) PJi? ?i) 2,.?/?? uo ?xto 00 m .?o 2,750 ??0 11,000 00 1,5-wi 00 8.000 00 IM "i 4,000 (?0 Ml "0 1,600 l"J 750 00 14? ? 300 00 I0Q ... 4, 90 M m m 360 OU 480 0?l 225 00 300? "3 G0?l 00 4?.i ??? IM M 3.500 M im "o l M M ut? Decr'e. Jncre. 9 100 00 250 VJ 1,940 ?J0 600 ci 1,4*1 00 MO M u?? UM 780 BO ? 100 i? 1,000 ou 1,140 00 1,197 00 7811 ?m P-Ji <? JOO ??i 113 00 600 (JO 1,500 00 1.500 00 1,200 00 600 00 540 00 1,800 00 v.f.10 00 21.?? 00 X.M ?10 um m t.nxt ?m 17.000 Do 2,300 00 2.000 00 2.000 00 ),GO0 ??i *? ?>' ?00 ?Kt wwm mm o? m 201 >>.i M ... 50,000 "0 6,000 00 600 00 1,500 00 25,000 00 60.1110 00 6,000 00 ' (,000 '*) mm " 1," 00 110,000 00 110,000 00 6.000 00 mm m 70,000 ""i 100,000 00 61,000 00 6,000 00 17.600 "0 35,000 00 16.000 00 6,000 00 mm '"x C8.50O0O 90,000 00 1,600 '" 49,000 00 2.0U0 (K) 4,000 00 MM M ir.,ooo (Ki 35,000 00 16,000 00 2,500 00 6.00U 00 ?ni 00 I ttt.fMon 'II..., on public debt hooi warrants . timuted mtereel *w pwMSe doW :OOl warrants . Jl,483.127 00 11,419,727 00 175,0a) ?X> *01.?K?0 S8 4-t Il 7?; 12,913,431 1? 43 11 76 12,850,031 11 pii.wa uo