Newspaper Page Text
IHK RTCmtONr, DISPATCH-STTXnAY. FERRTTARY 20. 1898. LENT NEAR AT HAND. | v >,,.Ml ?M? *CH l*.M?t T \_ q "i? *' v, ?i s rJ?MMH \ ? v. \>r.. 0] 'N?FRT.MNMENTS LAST WEEK. , , ?1 i.ermnn ihe Wnmrin'i m Hornea, nuil Rerepttnna . I .rnlnu? Quite tin-,?P,.r -??I \.... ? - em. r I 1: a i? the '. ve a * . that our mn in the ' : ' ' ' Mrs ' rn i X The f the r Wll S : ! now ir at the ' ainlon Anderson I ' r, Mr. C.or f tli?.' ' thing h? will ' ' I lrer ' v along - ' A. ' Ro* ' ' k M . . an fi ?**,' SU,n*rr *"* ""?* *" i dining-room, a? guests Im Mrs 1?..,,1??. x?. . . .imiii-ii were; Mri, , ' : _ * "I? Btrudwtek, Mist, aVK b- -lgf '." ^V I 11 Hooard, Mrs R p l >avenp?r? ' ph White kenbrough. I W ilker, Hiss Grant, Mis? / Mi>a Randolph! IP. M h Una an?l Mrs Mrs. Whitmell s. Forbes who rtaln f night to theV? ?1," ".raUkMI, of st. Lo?fa ration was violet l reo i bu ..-h o? ! *' *> viol Th* tal? P? with little afiver bells. John irnlshe.l the very elaborate sup? m black brocade and dla d. with Miss Forbes, pink Sown, and Miss Thrallklll, in Oh 1 pirn- chiffon. ly. Un- first prize, was .:. m. A Ivory fan r? ihe second ''. who was Mra. Mary . Mr. Robert Campbell won tht tleman's prize, a silver . M topped hai brush. "f ' - wi re cut for by . won by Miss Ann It : and Mr. Otis Alfrlend. i Ann? vatkins. I. Anne Montague, i Hayes, sn-.dgrass, Flossie Taibott, Evelyn ?"am.roti. Heb imm. Kate Meredith, An: May Lindsay. n, and M I t, L<? s Antrim, Worthom, Wll *k\m a Allison. John and Hai h McCartl Held F, ,- iVllllams, Vic ma, a. "A llllama Qua Breauz, John Rutherfoord, R Gaines, Preo? Nolond, a. lobeii Camp Paul Blanchard. . Virginia, who was m r In Richmond as Miss l-.tnma i;n liim. added still more to her popularity M t/enins. when she gave a beauti? ful i "her giri lock, when th? until the late hour left, all w.nt merry as a ntarrtagi bell. Mrs. rag.- re? alvi d ?sni b Miss ?'.ilium, and h. r mother, Mrs. Gll lum. who wer? mlng trio. The re daffodils and smilax. .tifn) old Silver tankards und bOWll I with the grnoefnl yellow fiowen ut the mantels and tabi. a, With wreathing* of smllax over tlie man . nd chnndellera The gii ' liera looked like gorgeoua yellow flow? is In thi'ir paper shades. in thf dainty shapes of the Ices and bonbons' ame yellow tint p**evsUOd, At th?1 game of progressive euchre which oocu? ths early part of the evening. Air, WOO the first prize, M!M the 80? '?ni, and Mrs Barton Orundj prisa Amon* thop. : bOmOS W. Jones . redits M'.n ; '::-.. MU Mrs. T. H. L* I | Mrs. Altr. ? s. Ogle, of Baltimore; .Mrs. rklns, Mrs. D, Mrs. Minor. im, Mrs. Keith, Mrs. C. Davenport a. Davenport, ?Tana, J? Ptuton, 'ioh. Mrs. man . (?athrop, Mrs. |>o..l.-y, Mrs W, Moore. Mi It lir Mitcn ta, Mi-s j. Dkenship, Miss Mn:. r. Ml SI Montague, Mra HcCance, Mrs. I. White, * . * rween the hours ? Jones, of Nu, '. : '.ankiin ati red a ' oharrrnn Mr. POind? srtlstlcally de? Mona and pink? msfiy fine portraits. among Mr. Cor fions. A dainty buo ! by fair ? wB mini ly td the wants .r guests. A earn' party was given by Miss Ruth Bight in honor of her orge, of Mobil? tin- game which oc during the rery pretty, the lllng to Miss Bmil] I man's to Mr. Joe 1'b-a thy was awarded to P iker. Th"se invit'il wer? Michaux, Agnse McCarthy, Uy Jennings, Bmily -, and Lillian Dally, ai Bti K? I Parker, Jo? Dooming Pierce, Stuart Crensbaw Chomberiaj ne, -I i,,,. After supper was .?, instrumental ?nd vocal, ea tned the gu. . ' MlSB Florence Dillard. the violinist, whe from New Tort to visit list? r has d? elded to remain in I After studying several y? n,.r | ... n1 to Boston, Cincinnati, Ivlm Bstructlon from cities afforded. niy went to Berlin and Haitr. who recognla .... irnest, and talented pupil, si.?- then w took leaving hlm an artist who needed tc for her success In Ufa .?ing from abroad Miss Dillar.l | work In New ill, without sxoepttbs . .. ,. .,, to i- Se love r which i< i ' r M ,h.. university, th? I nan least fortuna : UP. Ha , ,. WO. ' " ?race Shi? ?-S. With Cham. Pee Oesener n > HcKenny, rain... OU Tu. ??day gav ' ' entertulnmen of ti | ,,.: early . r of the J ,,,/ ' u,ul won' th dlnins back end ' - Bsstsatth, s arranca there. lAtt? distribution ,f the prises H wai f'und that both Mr?. Johg Hunter and ?ira. "Aiilinm Mitchell had the highest BO utlng Mrs. Mil won the first prij,,., wnU ,, Ml "?DM pt?, triamelled and set with piarla. Th.? eooo? pur.-, a K,,\,l fleur de ?S pin, was WOB by Ml ?Iriindv. MM Mrs. J. Arthur !.. v?d the ?on pri7.?>. ah of the guests pr?s? for the con rotation prias, so that ras no "unhappy medium" set ah "' ,h' ??ark. Isaiah White, M,s John Archer Coke, Mr*. Harry Hasard, Mrs. Id? ].;i|, | Chariottethrtlle- cut for the ma ? tier, rely a beg I Ml 1 pb a. White, Mi ibell, Mrs. Thomas 'Boiling, "it a. c: ?itoin? . Miss l>>ult*e Allan Mayo. Mis. John P"tts. Mrs. Wil? liam Boyall, Miss H Mrs. -until, v'ri*. Q A ha- apart, Mrs. Lia Mrs. Ogl?, of New York; Ml ' Leery, Mrs. **, p m? Ciar? n, Mrs sell i tfra. Oliii?, Mrs. p.r?. Eairfax, Mm. C. 10. Buck, Mrs. A. S. Bu? ford, Mrs. James w. Allison. Miss Ar? cher, Mrs. Thomas Boiling, Mrs. J. W. .??in. Mrs Alfr? ! On . lira th, Mrs. Judge P. Lathmp, M rd M lyo, Ml"* Thoawa N Carter, Mi miflia? 1, Mrs. Clay ?'hamblin. Mra W. S Mrs. John Enders, Mrs. Pr? ton C.K-ke, Mrs. C. O'l Minor, Miss Helen Montagne, Mr.*. R. C Morion. Mrs. Meredith Montague, Mrs Allan Donnan, Mrs. E. T. D. Myers, Mrs. James Pattern, Miss Pace. Misa Boykin, Mrs. Pleasant?, Mrs. Charli Mrs. Moaeurs Pi ralas, I. Plea? sant*. Mra Aahton Starke Miss String fellow. Mrs. E.lmoti'l Btrudwlck, Mrs. CorydOT* ?SUtteu, and Mrs. Christopher Tompkins. Thursday afternoon from *". to 8 o'clock .in? k?. <>n fjuy was the charming tea. Th? was Mis. i Duvai's old Colonial horae, when Mr. and Mrs. Qo) | I ter. The two nobly-proportione?! rOoml on the right of the entrance hail and hall to the rlKht wer.? thrown ..; n for the occasion an?. rmed Into a bower of palm--. bright-green holly, and laurel. : leome \ netlan pter-gls gaherai green tone of the da was thrown Into contrast by vases oi carnations of the richest damask rose pink. Another brilliant toucb of ocdoi was furnished by a" met oi ' ?i?l?'. The table, from the rive s?vt.r tankard hol?dtag ths rose? to the suver platters at was all aglitter with silv. family plate and stiver In Tiffany's latest na. Th?- pink ahades over all th? Lamps gave Very '.non?; light ThS ( "inpativ that thronged without. crowding the rooms during the hour, tot tin- tea, Included many of the band and young girls In th? in th? Guy, w? artag i beautiful gown of black duchess satin, with bisca : llow embi Md? ?red satin, r? i with |lr Eiank Nail?', Il : with (?ink b?>w aiil IB her hair; Mrs. William Win Heary, ?blaoh i ? tin, trimm.,, \j tiful old family lace, with diamond ornaments; Mrs. John A. ?'?.ike, Mack brocade, Jewell? i i manniticent diamond otrnameat Judge Lewis, tx autlful gown a 1 crepe, diamond ornaments; Mrs. Russell i. yellow en | trimmed In duchess l?ace and diamonds ; : ?over cr? ai'i-c"i"r. ?i satin; Mrs. John Hat*? 11.- ? 11, green satin, draped with dacheai mi>. Judge Muer, black dachest satin, trimmen in heavy d B w . pale-Mue trimmed In dueb I and chiffon .lohn Hunt? r, tui satin en train.-, with mink trimming; Mrs. W. H. Palmer, pink satin. with overdress of white I velvet trimm. mds; Mra Qjrey Bklpwlth, a bite dm fa n train?', witli s lace looped with diamonds; Mrs. Abbott, Lia?T broca ; lace adln? over black satin with garnet .rim. mim- atifal gowi of black lace '.i.'.' and Inch? Massie, whit" satin and | E. y, Valentin?. ' mtln, duchess lace, and dl 'arming bevy of young girls i dining-room, Including Ml Wat kins, a bit? i leane, a h Gllllam, brocadi i pink aatin v. Itb trimming; Sue Bklpwlth, white organdie Ellei organdie and pitik . I pink sash; Ann?..- <*>uy, white k; Pannie Guy, white organdie over primroee silk; Bue Peyton Kent, oi Wythevllle, white e iflh with pink *l trimming; Fanny Hau s?k k silk. Mrs. T n pink Satin, ' i Minia a in du ? ?i al the i inch bowl, wits Judge I'auntii'i'oy. whd i wn ol with j.'t John Ouy, black leo white satin with black j? il and dtJ lace trimming, M . Mrs Matthew Bland ?Harrison, in white erepi bene, duchess lace, and \ over the chocolate eupe. About g-g a number of gentli : in to tak? . r v,ith the receiving purty, which th? re was music and dancing unti about 11. * . * Among the lad nt at the tei Mrs. Otway Allen, Mrs, James Al< tur Axte'l. -Mrs. Dalla.n Barkadale, Mra, Charles BoMbs. Mis Thome* Lolling. Mis?es Boykin, M \m Calvin Bragg, Mrs. Dr. Brock, Mrs. Aus tin Cal ?ii. Mra, ai. ? ? ' ine i on, Mra. < ?amo*. Mrs 11 Cannon, Mra, B rtngton, Mrs .lam? i Caskle, M Mrs. Herbert Clalborne, Miss i: Miss Elia Cock? . Ml gan, Mrs, P. L ?"?.'iquest. Mis. Charlei at. Mrs. ? Hdeon i ?avenport, Mrs Frank Deane, Mra Ch?ri II. I ?OOl? y ihn Diinlop. Mrs. J. Taj l??r BUy son. Mrs. John Jr., Mrs. W. S Forbes, Mrs. M, M. Qllliam, ' 1 Mrs. F a I Bell J.n kins. Ml ':' !1- John Loneetts Kno?, Mra J. ?'. Lamb. Mis C i w. J. Leake, Mis : hi? haia L ?faury, Miases M I ?r. a Mary Saniai. is. Mi> .'am? s r. Smith, atlases sir M Taj l? .. Mrs s. W, ' Mrs. Dr. I'pshni'. Mrs. Cordon Wallace Byrd Waiwi?k "i W.-I ,.,,,1, Ml A. White Mr i). Williams, ?Mrs. T. C. H Eili'ls. v. M ?'ai.iwiii. Mlaa CaldwaH Nulling. Mis. J. M N ' . Mrs T. W. ! ton, Mrs. .*.' 's l'"t tiaux Robinson. Mi- ' ill Mrs m ? B ' are. J. B Mrs. <: Valentin-, Mrs. John W. Rlley, Ml E'. round stru'iwii'k. Mra. Ju? oulltag, Mi Ubert W.rth. Mrs. '?'h a port. Miss Olar? Bell brieue P MIhs Maria Plalr's party m? ? on Thurs day in Hoboken, to take ihe .\.?rth-Ger man la mar Pulda. They wil land a' throojgh th. southern countrbs northwai-da to e??k a,in!, rsttirning to America |q OotObst Miss Blair and t Bar parts' will be missed in man bolds. Her party Wtl I much envied, too, for the prlvl lege With so agreeable and culturel a w as Miss Flair. v Includes Fiiiiiia St. wart, si-t? r ot I ilvin art; Miss Mary ? "urt 1 Miss Maud MOrgan, Mrs. Charles Wortham. Miss Wortham. . Among the very largely-attended SS> inments of last week was the Con ' i. ?ftVSU on Tu. -day by the Osks ' .rial Association toother ttCBBOrial Sad military association? In the A large receiving party provided tor th<- entertainment of evtry | v.!.lie Mr. and Mrs. Clowes gaSe a great ; . .v.ry one nt. . s Amor.g the very pi?geant and largely : the w?Mk W< r<- those Of Mrs. Moneare and aisl?is, ti?.- Misses Wallace; Of M and their ?rill I it home Bga|n to-morrow noon. Mrs. P. L Conquest's home has been crowd???! during the afternoon hours for the pant three Wednesdays. H-r tuesta wer?? very pleasantly rewarded for coming to her Informal receptions. . v and H. len Morrison gave a Mne party at 71". east Franklin street, on M r.lng. lire was played until the Btroke Of ll. when the prizes given out. Miss Knox and _Q Won the two ladBjO" prizes. a I ? " Marshall and Colon<-1 M. L. BpOtSWOOd the gentlemen's Th dlon pris? fell to th" share of Miss Ella Sims. rated In pink; dlninc-rnom. WhsrS a handsome coll?t lor. i. in green end yell ?w. At the | | Robertson, of Mich ! S. Smith Miss Sims, Mis '. : 1 "I 1. Miss M. !? i ! h ' Sims. || trsbntl, B wood. Dr. Sims. Mr. Charlea Wa Mr. LeCato, Mr. W. O, ll it hsr, Mr. J C. Knox. . n Friday for a "- v. port N . I Nannie I i of Phurch Hill ? : rom s d' Ughtful visit rmantown, . Miss Mary Klnchi toe, Of Warrenton Va . and Wall? r Reims ol ?rlsltlng Miss Nellie Bird Mi^s KInche i the very popular niece and ad daughter of Warrsnton'a ? Reims, once a Rlchn girl, has many friends In this city as wel . Anna ?' Meada of Clark? county. Is the guest of the Misses Bt? . Mr. Mann Valentine on Wednesday I farewell din? ner i Ifoseley, who left the next day tO Join MtSfl Maria Flair's Hu?-.. |.an party. Among th WSri /?e Wedd Rutb Robins. Anna Deane i'arr. Kathe? rine Michaux, Elisabetta Wsddill, Nannie <"<>oke, with ley, Cooka C. Hobson, Joel Perrtn, Littleton FltsgeraltL . Miss Elite Trolling, r. .if Newport News, mberisyne, No. S I . * Miss Susi?* Harrison has returned from a delightful trlstl I rt News, nnd la the : th. . ' Misa Beppie Pi BVelyn Gordon. Mrs. j. j. MotU thryn Mon? ! Mils i;iie Maury Worth Rlchmonilers who will attend the grand ball at the CbamberUn Hotel Old Point, on the 21st. Miss Mor,' and Misa Werts Brill be the guests of Louise Hooker, of Old Point. " . ' Miss Ellis Glenn, entertained the Fort nightlv Card-Players' club very plea? santly on Wednesday evening. . Th?*- next, and last, cotillon to be g\ by the Richmond Cotillon Cl Lent, pr?t a very delightful. Al? an unu- number of ra have entered their names for late of the dance. . Mr. Wa" iny friend = me to maka in Philadelphia. H?> has sntl an li (Res In the City of Brother |y Live. . ll'a current event class continues to be one of the attrac rge audience gsthsra the Woman's ?'?lib. . ? pie are fortunate 'ust n-.v In having among th-ir visitors Mrs. Wi ow Is the ma st of Mr. Frank G gow, of this city. . * The next "SB by the lli.-hmon.' lub, on Tuesday, K? bruary ?o will begin promptly .?t I i of Ash Wednesdsy. . On Saturday the ' ''',c. Ml? Rua Watklna. I ".r. Mi Mr iki t-vlit. and Mr. Prank i> ,?,,. . .[ Point tO attend?!? it the ?'hamb.rlin Hotel. " . * There will be B called meeting of th. ' . t. B instant, at (JO P. M. . Of Philadelphia. Is visiting her loustn, Mra v. m. Rod at No. '' West Main sti'-t. . Miss May Temple left the city y ?lay at noon f"i Birmingham, Ala, wini. she Will S] THE ITPPER II N IN PETERSBURG. Muny ll. I lu 1.1 ful E?it?*r tn I n men I ? < nr.l I'n rt lei. Luncheons. Ac. peterBburo, P? This w? eh in th? Lenten isyetlei I | I the num? ber of aociety functions has squall? not - wee?ka Time Blee Bwiftly, laden, sa with pleosure-throni ? m \\ edn? sd ly aft? moon a prett) .i.inni/.. ii at the of I n- liuyli Stock.! 11, on l'i . that of Miss M .1 v Air alien Barri folk The bride, whose charming ; o man) frl . nd In Norfolk. some time, Is I James B. Fob B ? ? ll-known ) Only th.- - . . of the N rf.?k. I.r; le M I : of the i ' of th.- young ? s. . ted i number ' won ti." i ay's pris? while the gent! ' ! W. L. /.im? mer.'.Ni-, LAI ' DB. ' aft? moon with I - iM.-r H. r lOVI uitlv lighted and h te fragrance of tall white lines and . a it h theii . mg the eye with their beauty. Th? re kepi In ?i v.ry m . was pr?s. with .?ntalnlng nine bolle, i f..rf. ?ting to the wlnn? prlze-wii - II and Margar? t /.im Miss Bcott'e prise was a thlmble-case, while the second fell t?. Miss Zimmer. It was a sliver-mounted J eraser. Th? were Misses Mary M > and Margaret Zimmer, ?tie ami Lucy \ ?'"Hier, I ' Ill'tS, 1'a'SSl" ata: ' . II.? and Mary Meide Bernard, Nan. D (?ill. Carrie ill, Elise i :. ,iit and n ?. nworth, "il, Heinle I Inn. Et I,- vina Dunlop. Louisa R. id. Anna I^asnlter. Mrs. Alston H ton, ' . Mrs. Th Mrs. William Zimmer. Mi ?"am.ron. 1rs. David Dunlop, Jr.. Mrs. William McGlll, Mrs. 1 -,u* B OILL THE 1! John M?:?Jill was the hostess of an unusually delightful meeting >?f the Ladlea* Card ?'lub on Friday afternoon. IPr irlora were beautiful with rations of palms, lilies, and carna? tions, and the soft gin?* of hundreds of pink o on tho hand furnishings ??f thin Ideal home, making a picture not .a.Mly forgotten. itiotis were artistically perfect In ?" illty were Mesdames ? e Ma.?on, E John Herbert Clalb? John E. Lemoine, H. D. Btyll, W. H I . ?j. ?1. Hlnton, K. 1 W. J. Itt, H. P. Stratton, R, 1, H. M Bully, E Walte, ?;???>rgc ron. William McGlll, E. H. Patter s'ui, James Mcllwalne, W. R. M?-*Ketincy, Thon tie R. ?Laasiter, Al? ston Hamilton, William II. Worth, M Light an?l Helen Leavenworth, Mary la? . Gill. Vir? ginia Lasslter, Margaret Zimmer, Mrs. \ pi . ilmee Na?h, Mari? Bteele, Mary Roper, aal ' Gill. A PKETTY LUNCHEON. Ml lingly pretty lun in honor of net ier. of S in Antonio. Groups of palms and ? prol isl? itlons formed the tasteful d? the rooms pre I l?arm Ing appearanc? menu wa? apting on.?, and M D are Indebl Mar Watson, < Irace Mc? Glll, Malmee Nash, Lena Noltemua, Anna ? r, ?Saille i'- rnard, Mary R iddock, C Collier, H I in, and M Dunlop, Jr. The german ??n Friday night : and very much Mr .John Wataon led, Mr Wall in. Miss Carrie Pryor entertained the Mat! ?'lub on Wedi ai game of whlat waa enjoj i Zimmer, Lillian Nichols, ilua, Bessie Moiling. C? dl, Elise Harrison, and Ella Bernard. i Branch ?Scott, of Rich? mond. Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Olli, on Market si Misa Cecil, <-r Wh? eling, W. Va., l- th e Pryor, at Centre Hill. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Mil tolling left for bar home, in Baltimore, on Friday after s dellghtrul Hing is the moei ?popu? lar gni who h raburg for many years, and her departure was mad? amid general rei ; Ablngdon. was the guest for a fea daya of th? /.immer, on Washington Btri The Mi worth have returned after a short riait t.. Washington. - Mary Pegram is the guest of her ige Cameron, at ML Erin Toe Miss Mall of Norfolk. Is visit It, *- >.i McGlll, on Market street Kth? I Pa turned to i. mond after a pleasant visit to Mrs. David Dunlop, Jr. Mrs W, L. Zimmer is at home again il weeks to her pa ont. Va. Misa Mary Eir.l baa gone to \\ llliams burg to visit her brother, Professor Hugh Biro, Of William and Mary College. FROM eaOROBTOWB UNIVERSITY. 'I he Pool nml Milliard Tournament? Howllnir H?d llnae-llnll. OBOROETOWrl I'NIVEKSITV, Febru? ary 19.?(Special.)?Tuesday will be a holl? ?n all the departments of the unl rerstty. The Junior Law Class Debating Society hi Id a meeting some days since to dis? cuss the queetion, "Resolved, That the ?Uniti ihould adopt a more vigor n policy." The speakers .Will, Franc, and Hi?ks, atlir n.atlv". and Messrs. Tillmati, Van Casteel, laiiio-'k, BegaUva, A meeting of * law class has for Monday evening. The question for d? bate this ? venlng at ths m.? ting of the I ?1 Debating !. That the coast de? fences of the United States should be An exai***.iiat.on In civil law was held enlng at the law sohooL Judge?McComas was absent from the a M-?tula y a ml \ .', and Pro r Laker filiad his placo on tbOBC ?-v nlngs at the law school. The essays In competition for the prize offer? Edward Thorn] all be in liy the "tid of this month. The subject is. "Merits ami Do? ts of the System of Trial by Jury. I be Reme? died." . AND RILLIAIID.**. The pool aid billiard tournaments hav just t... a . ?mpleted, and the consolations "ff. The tina! same Ward tournament ara - Csppt and Mulligan, th" former winning after a very el? Mr. Duffy finiahed third. Mr. Head was only scratch man entered. M? Malany, and Mulligan llnlsh?*?! ad, and third, respectively, in the ?pool tournament. Th- bowling tournament has also com? mence?!, and the first round la almoal romp?? ted I pi and e L Byrfl? h Ben, and there ar? a number of other conteal The Merrick debate, which is t.? tak? betwe? n M w.ii.1 J. Brady, 'IS, and Sunn, i j, punan, 'U afavmative, and Messrs. Mor? ris B. Klrby, '?J?. and Th. 0 Neill. question, "Resolved, That it WOUld be expedient for | leb a national university, having control over all CoUeglatS sb?*drrnaa, an-i win . kers, while Judge tor William N. i R? v. B. L. Whitman will off? A num? h targe af. n?i. a ?" Club win na der several -?lections during th.* evening. The Ural pre a in b. on Tueedey n ?? veral (ouiity < rlinliuila Jniled. Willie Turpin and 1 .u.-i.-n Mayo, two ' N tried in ti ' months In | with | the Ufe of h She was all : a Its I ?the i reejnired to furnish Blity for ' aths. negro lag to n sous : trout an officer lea? I . ? lenca om stealing a hat, and sent her to jail for three months. The Ilnlley Family mid Their Home. i? was cum' ratly report? d about onnty court-:: rday that Ml \ | ,in?i. is, wb " farm of Mr. J. C. Bail, y, the BB ' -. i. lunders, Ji |>ertj .?f Mr. H mid not b id be knew BOtbiB*i ?>f the matter. "You can er, "that will not turn .? to satisfy a ?leeil of trust and l don't thli.i- will." Tu Cure a Cold la Our Day. take Br*Ofno Quinine Tableta All druggists refund the money If It falla to cu .t.o gcnulue has L. B. Q. on each tabieL 4#?>momoABto ?-? ?> ?> m4W4m*W4*+m*4b+W4**r49>(+v r'+o*o Miller &Rhoads, Broad Street, Near l*iith. ? U I iTo-Morrow First Showing I f \ \ New Spring Silks and Woollens, i | A MA??MFK'KNTCOI.LKCTKA' O? the new.--t ami 1 prettiest of Si?k loveliness ; ! with ;i generous h J J ?nid with a discriminating taste. It is a brilliant d of $ ? New and Sparkling Beauties f l in exquisite taigas add notaua pattern?-, ? Ming any former stock we have ever shown. Just what will delight you is het'o, ami all priced with due I l'??r <>nr < ? t.ih lished reputation for low quotations. Ho sure to see tht'ui. 9 9 l * SILKS. ?HEW WOOl.I.E*? a-Il i ii/ _ DRKSS STUFFS. bilks aro to be in inch favor . ?i _? T,, , ?.m Harbm?ers of the connus: this Spring. Its to be a Silk, _ ,, _ -i, e 'season?adv.iiuv guards of year par excellence. Silks for, Dresses, for Waists, for Skirts, sl,rlll~ t>__ i, ,,- ? T i *. Just a spritikliiiir ?'f what is for rettn-nats, for Jacket , , ,, l, . . . t?> Follow (lui'iiig the coming Joinings, and for Lining- C.r.-na- u,, k ,,ut we wlll ,.,,,, dines and other sheer fabrics, to-mono4* Qr visit All here in larger assortment profitable. than ever before. Illuminated Check? d Taff. tas, ?Se. the Yard. Glace TafTetas. 75c. the Vnrd. Taffetas, in Bfock ?'hi-.-ks, ft the Yard. Changeabl" Btrip?ed Taffetas. 7?*ic. tin? 'iiird. Loulslne Cheeks, overea st with small figures, ft the Y.-ird. Taffetas, with graduated stripes, ft the \nril. Brocaded Stripes, with Moire effect, ft the Vnr.l. Chamellon Surahs, in Black and Blue, Block and Red, cardinal and Cadet, and Oreen, and i CardlnaL RU?*, the lunl. Plain Toffetoa m-e here In olmost every wantaMe ihade, Including Tur? quoise, Burned ? I Watermelon I'ink. Heliotrope, Purpl'', Emerald, Light Blue, Brows, ;??d the different shades <?f I: ?*.*.? . Un- Iiird. Colored China Silks. :il)i*. the Ynrd. Colored1 Satins. 50?. the Yard. VK.OIIK \1 \ -I I ll\?.?. All-w supe? rior q fabric lot spring, in i dudln. l Me, ?he In id. ; ?5? 9 9 Black Silks in a variety of different weaves. Satin Dnch ets, Pean <!< Soie,Faille, ?Gros (irain, TatTetas. Surahs, Moire, Velours, Oros-Cirain ami Satin Brocades, ?Tapan?me Figurad Indias, etc. II. 1.1 HIN \ l il) BEIGES AU-W...I. i ; Inch? s Muht I shouei | lar w ?.- ? . ?I.<? iiir.l. ?;il win: mix 11 BJBI All-W 7r,?-. ?h?' I ?ni. ENGLISH Mil i?i\ ? tin sis AU-Wool, 52 Iti lent fabrli? for I tail, ?--made ./?''Wns. In the \riny Hlue, Arm) lan, 'c. so. the i -rd. BLACK DRK8S ?.?ions. Dame Fashion lias decreed that Black ( 'r?pons are to be MBOOg th?3 favorites for this ii. III.4?? K M?l|l\ll? ? HI I'OXS. 42 Inches ful lo?.m crea ity, ?*i..-.o O'?4 Vard. Id. \? K WOOL ? HKI'OIIS. ? Crspoasy 4?> Inehes wld*?. $1-. 44 inehes wide. In narrow and medium atrlpes, CO?*, the Yard. OH?. \MIII s. Imp?)rte<' < irrar.l. s, In new designs, highest Ions of the ciilor palnfer i 2r.c. the Yard. t> I a ? New Silk^Waists, Etc. New Silk Waists are coming in almost daily, ?f you have a want in this line, come in and lot us s??i'\ o you. Easy to gel it. if we*re not already prepared for you. a 9 -t 9 ?> i ?ARATH BK1HTB -Large variety Sturm i l'1*"1 Mohair Sklrt?s, jular i.'< value, choice, n Mohair Skirt-" cut properly, ut quality, per? ?line lined, regu - -' ?.?,.,? Skins, nil nlc? ly made and ?,'ular $1 valu.'; your pick, $" ?9 Kxtra Fine All-Wool CI Skirts very Btj lish. cut to tit. tine lined 'velvet bound, V? reculai" $6 ?? ,v F.n. I Rrilliantlne S erftlrel) !?n?. nicely finished, m o?.- 'up t.. date, regular $4 > yt "r ; ?? . a ., -., Heavy Quality Plain Satin very? swell, new, and stylish. r, regular 111 value; your Choice, $10.98. _. _-. . Fancy Fibred Satin Duchess Skirts, nicely mad? width, - $in valu.-; your choice, $?5.98. . figured OroS-Orsln Bilk, extra good a?-**?**? ",w *?*!?JP1*' r?'Kular $8 ; your choice, $6.98. of Changeable -l Silk Waists, fin ,-, fan blouse in.: iff, hnlsh? with :11k ruttlo, regular $7 73 value, your i Uedlum-fi k Chan??eaSle Taffeta Silk Waists, all - shad. ?, $?( value, j-onr pick, I line Roman Stripe Taffeta Silk v full Rath. tached swell, regul $:i Black Silk \ lined; y.'ir ? I Block Bilk W.ii?ts for ?2.J.*., full incy collar, your choice, $7 Silk l)r?-<s Waists for $1.4?; nt rtaa ?tjunllty. with br? r d win quality Val? ocien $ '. IS val'ie for $4.*i8: very choice line ft .? . pi--a; stylish, your ch<XCe, $198. New Linings. o 9 m i ?> ? 9 * ? * >? 9 i 9 We are constantly shewing new things in Lini Only the bes. find room here?fast black and fa-t colors? dependable wearers. striped Taffeta. In Black only, 32 in.-hes ?aide, absolut? : I value Buay-Stoi 36 Inches w id.*. I Is, with White, ' i. and : ripes, Block and C :v; the Always?! Ribbon Cloth, K lnch?ta erlde, Fasi thing to be had for i; this quality never sold I ; the Always-Busy - silk, 36 Inches wide. ! . Sells price, Fren, h I: In Black and *. 29c. 36 Inehe? Oreen, and l_.v?'iider ilgures; ah '. Miller &Rho ads, iirodd Street, Near Fifth. o j uiuauouccM . muh ? ?.?.? ?? ??? ^a-a?? :.?*a?vo-?a-e*o-?a?>a'4-a?4-a-?a?>-a-4*?-e#4-#*o?>o paasoi \l. Richmond, Va . i ALL I I? TO .MKS. a : t tnia I ROTH8?*Hll.D street, who me, | ?-it- I Ht MNKS?? OPPORTL.MTIES. THE"HOHEY-M?KER" VESTMENTS OF $1 A MONTH. By mull. I cents. A. 11. V. way. ' WANTED, CAPABLE to carry i ? Permanent * ' K?oa -, vx 30-M ntil *.-. i *?i<?: SPLENDID STAND AN ilth caJfht of BHiing. ?ese "AURI." car* Di-Ptch o?* le a-tt w. i. BAax*rii i Bra of ?t?? util. J \? M On?- ?''lb thi?4 f i??r t: : LAW SCHOOL Of RICHMOND COiXIUill. tessora: L, LL D., BiBdeaU during February foe the JCNl Tuition Is tiv tor Junior Claaa, or g4 for both classe*?. nation addreaa F v> I resiileot. ond. Va. I ' tfe *-Su.Th,Su4w>