Newspaper Page Text
18 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1898. FEV.5!. ASHBY JONES l'KCTKD TUAT 1 cm ?? n *?? ni ? \m. iuw. ACTION TO BE TAKE? TO-DAY. The Cornial ?tee to Make Its Report Ot a Mr ?Una This Afteraoaa?Sketch of the Taleafed Yauag Ml at Mer. Rev. If. Ashby Jon????, of Barttetown, (t h bell ?e of l-eir church. The congregation will ! at S o'clock this afti '? the report of the eokUBUt to recommend a successor to R? ? vV. Ls Uri?ht, who resigned some th-.. months tgo, and that the commit're's i?e lect.'ou will be approved by the Church there la little room for d? Th? ?Nominating Committee Is composed Of Messrs. W. J, Wo-tw - ?.n. R. A. Gary. B. C. ?iarrlso? den. W. h Butler, K. Morrisaette, ? li. Maorjr, .. id T. B. Pi ed in th? i-? ginning not t. make public the name of ;. pOfl win in tl until it w sent? d la tie . bur? ' . and m Dilations until there ?aUsfaciory 001 DOS with tl ...Hi upon Whom Un y The decision of the OOBM ltd ab.ut tv... weeks ago, but und?-t the rule? of the eburcb t ?: could Id until to-? ?lined, when appn I on tl .y upon whom tie ? that Rev. Mr. i- I most certain. It is knot the names of a number of other distin? guished men were conslu BKKTOH 0? ?REV, MR. JOMDB Rev M.redith Ai-ht.y Jones, son of Dr, I. William Jones Mrs Judlt u Jones, v Dgton, Va. November 7. to toil the "Sons of tie- Revolul it leesl ?even distinct lines, bell ?lde-s from Other Revolutionary an? from Captain Jack Ashbg OB Ins ; Bde, sad boa Carter Ihe slgnSW !?f the : >n of inde? pendence, on his mmhi i I with his . ' Richmond in tx?r, 1872, and remained In re until Novem? ber, 1X*7. attending the I Mis; Jane Stanard mid Mr. John P. MoOuln until ho entered Ri.-hmo: in Oc tober. 18s?. At the aa*s of M profession of religion, and ? .rito the fellowsho . Clay-Btre? Baptist church (now Calvary) by t: pastor, Rev. 8. C. Clopton lb went witl his parents to Atlanta In 1W7. when hll fat!, on?? of the secret) I the Home Mission board of the BoUthen Baptist Convention, nnd while there h? became an expert stenographer an ! writer, and had positions in but houses and with a prominent attoi law. I'N'DEA A BROTHER. PRBACHTNG He had for years purposed studying lew, and was expectii . law school at the T'nlvet.-i: v ,,f Yirglri, that fall, when, in th? I] rlni i under the Influence of ;. by his oldest hrotlier. 70nes. during an later-eating revival it Dr. Hawthorne's church. In Atlunta. h. was brought to tec ?t to b? his duty t. presch the Gospel. li. thi Washington and Lee University, a a special course, after which I the Southern Baptist 1 nary and completed his cop: May, 1*3, having In the mean Un come pastor of the Baptist chui Richmond, Ky In October, UH, : the University ol il course of study under W. Kent and Noah B thr?e months of the time he wa? he h-ipplied the pulpit of the ? ville l'.aptlst church, wb rowdi waited on his ministry and lighted with his preaching. went ?us pastor of I Bardstown, sty., a useful pastorate. I r K??lng tc Bardstown he was marrie! to Mis Turner, near Blchmon I, Ky. op a FAMJi.v ?:ns. M: - to a family of flv? preacher?-his father, Dr. .). Wl Jones, of this city, and lus troth church, Louts* - !>s ; Rev. Howard of ths liaptlst Cbua idtooa av?au? and Bixt) i k, and him Mr .lone? Is a student, wldi at literature, as w? I us and thoroughly prepares his >>., > t. makes only I car'les a note luto the with easy, flu Ml!, i f|j!?d pulpit- h Athintu, Knox? prominent ? Slwn ?.!y. He Is gei and very agree? able In society, a fl and very popular, especially among the young. IPE. His wife Is well ?ducsted, accomplit I Sod i preacher's wife. Mr. J? e ?<.-, as I OM MM? with an earnestness ??? . with plalnne { pit*1 it, but with a sin hi ?h wlna. attracta. and move? If he Is called to the pastorato of th I lye! . hureh, and should accep 1 ?h?> call, he will enter, his friends pie diet, upon a career of wide and increaslni usefulness. TALI IllLH RRI.K'S nnCRIVRD? Interesting, Additions to the Coller tloa la the \lr|li?la Room. The l llectlon of relics In th?1 federate Museum is constantly being s ?meo to. i ne roiiowing interesting relics have recently been r*?celved for the Vir? ginia Koom by Mrs. J. Taylor Ellys.n: Mr. H. W. oreen sends a picture of Iho ! warship Stonewall, with a list of the officers Mrs. James U. Pace adds three ?bio and tntirestlng war maps. ?no Battle near Lseeburg, tni?.Tht October n, 11*61, from a . by an eye-witness ! publish??.! by Mr. Hauni M Main striet, Richmond; tu ? p aaoe/tng the t' a,Is of the CUckaAOmmy, and the position of the subs?quent engagements In the retreat or nay towards James river, ana po??'?'? or interest in connection witn tne BM0S M menmonn; aiso, tne Impor? tant points around Petersburg in 18*3 UM; map of the battle-ground ot ; | i iver drawn and pub;, by A. l'. MCitae, ? onie?jenUe ) Qultman Uuarda, First Regiment, - ia Volunteers. This last map Wat |] ?Major Jed. MOtChktta, who pro? noun? rare and valuable, and one wtuen is not among tnose belonging to the United states Oovernment at vvasiui. i, mmpeOB, or ?"etersburg, .. partly knit by Mi s i^ee, and sent ner mother to ! for some soldier, commissions ot Colonel Pow-hatan aittl.? am sent by his niece, Miss An army prayer-book, used by Wiliinm ? r, through Mrs. ingnam Olaiborne. Mis.? Mary C. Whittle also sends Ihe novel by -Mrs. Henry Wood, "Mrs. Hulli rroubiM," and twelve numbers of the Reoord, printed Is Kuhmond in - ueorge Moss senas a rrngmcnt ot ; tho Al'inmac, and throu?h Minor, .Mr. ?'h'lil.s Plackford, of Lyn< nourg, \ a., Ben?s an army prayer-cook. WILL VETO WOMMX \OTARIKS HILL It Is ThoiiKht Ciov?*rnor Tyler Will Itifu?.' lo SIk'i the Act. It Is regarded aa pretty well assured nor Tyi. r will veto the feaaali y bill, though he has not stnt-ed that ill do so. His action will be based a constitutional grounds. mor y.stcniay signed the antl mp bin. in the preaenoe "f Mr. M Blake, \vh?> led the fight for d who was given the pen with whleb if was signed. The law goes Into effect July 1st. Mr us, of Bristol, vtalted th? nume of John Jackson, cond? mned I Abtn**doa, A]?: m ?-n. i com? munal to life Imi rloonment. Jacke? cotivi?ti'd of the murder o? Walter L ard. In August lnst. Jackaon Is a VOUng man, wit? a wife and six Children. s says sentiment is chamdng in favor of Jackson, and most of ins neighbors . Bigned ih?; petition for the cotuinu his aenti n?ce. it is believed thai ?Governor is asrloualy considering the granting of the c?.mmutati??n asked. only on?* TRAnar&n ?vow. l'asseuger Prlvlle-ses on Richmond R'y nuil I-'leeti-l?* Lilies \bi idK, ,|. The Richmond Railway and Klcctrlc ?Company* wil?. beginning with to-day, considerably abridge the privileges here? tofore enjoyed by its passenger?;. An or? der hue bt "iiductora to re? fus? b transfers, which means : ? who have hit] rtddea to their homes for ?. cents will additional fare or walk. The rule is best explaliie-l as fol toa Heights ? go to th? given insfsr to the Clay-street lino at ?First t, and can then ride on that trans? fer to the corner and Main /HI then have to pay an . fare or walk a mile or two to th Ths rule applies as well to all blanch 111 Jini??* Lewis Rat a Candidate. There was an i the poet? ofllce building yesterday that .i ? ment ot . ddtll for tin? Ktchmond poet rship, und that tbe office would not ioi oi any ot the cundldj i , ; sing tu? ir claims so during the few weeks. ? a!!v d?-nied by -, who said that such .1, and dd ?t was utterly u foundation Iltrtbilay l'art?. il blrth 1 rlQay evening. Among il, Car Nolle, and Messrs. u, ,?, . Hooker, Wei* ? l, ind Josh s? hoch THE NEWS IN FULTON THF. HI? MASUl "KRADI4. BALL WAi A rKRFEt T BVOC-Wk THE SOCIAL AlfD ATHLETIC CLUB. It Is napldly Iaoreaslna in Member? ship?Peiuocrnts In the Hast Rnd Are Actlrely at "Work?Personal Notes. The bal masque, given un??er the auspices of a number of Fulton la ?lles at Donahue-'s Hall Monday equalle?.', If not surpaaaed, any event of the kind recently held In this section. Cards of invitation were, lssu-d, which had to be presented at the door to gain admission and take part In the pleasures within, ana' long before 8 o'clock the hall ors, and was, to trip the 1 i ti ; 11 fan toe. At 9 o'clock souiiiia of melody ?ame forth from the orchestra, and there slowly filed out on the wax floor thirty couples, mask..!, a ?ting tars Intel.'sting and unique, all of which brought forth loud and in.n'Jent applause ir :n the spectators. At 11 o'clock the participants unmasked, and dancing was continued, with little Inter? mission until a latg hour. Those pris? ent mi is in the d?claration that the v. :,.. ? was one of the most enjoyable tiny bad ever spent. The fol? lowing wen- pr. - i llardin, and Katie Mahona, Mary Pooh? llngton, Mayn.e Mays, Delia Atkinson, an, Katie Kavariaugh, Annie Burkman, Minnie PhelpS, Cora and l Knight, Bl gblll, Alice Adams, Lula Green, Au.i Hi atichfonl, Ruth At? kinson, Maggie Burns, and Mrs. Carter. lluidln, Lut ho I John Raul, Frank Polar, Willie Byron, .i >ha Mahona, Bd. Qeri laon, R Morris, H. Roanc, BL Duke. Thomas (e.r man, Tom Daugherty, Arthur Chandler, D. Alley, G.-orge Talley, \\ illlo O'Dell, B. Hobeon, Jamaa Lum?ton, and Messrs. Qilllam, Can. ?, and AI k 11 : A THRIVING CLUB. Should the nieml.i tship of the Fulton . Athletic Club continuo to In us within the paat two W? larger ijuurters will have to be sought for the accommodation of Its members. Fifteen were added to the roll last Mon? day ni^ht, and a B0014? th? w< . k pi? I and it is said that the s sent In for ballot to-morrow Bight will make the roil -hip nearly MO, As the club la now In its Infancy, the prospects for Its future suocaas are vary bright The manifested In it3 success la not alone centered in Fulton, as contribu? tions have beei. I from persons who at-' not i ( the suburb." tin Frank Cunningham v.-ry ^ OUaly contributed Ml books to the library, a gift which is exceedingly gratifying. Th? rooms are crowded nightly, many of the young men are developing their muscles and learning the manly art of self-defence. PERSONAL AND 0THRRWI8E Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mays hav ?sued cards of Invitation to th<* marriage A their daughter, Miss Brace J'.., to ' Mr. Louis Seal, a prominent young ? tleman of Fulton. The happy event will te solemniz?*d at Denny-Street Metho llst Kpiscopal church next Wedn? iifternoon at 6:45 ./clock. The canoldates from Fulton who have innouncod them soleos f??r municipal or f. H. Lowder, ,I?t: and James A. Mack. The latter is a candidate for r?- I a to the City ,c Com- 3 i Fulton D'-mocratic Club ?will nahne*! Hall tc-morrow night. The lall was orowded as it wa ?"ore it the Democratic meeting laat TUtoday ]} light, when the clui. met to take an part in matter.; pertaining to mu liclpal :.(fairs. Mr. William Henry Throckmorton oled rhuraday evening at his residence, in lenrlco county, several miles below the after long Ulni Mr. keistafr, who has tho t for the removal of dead animals g rom the city. Is making extensive Im io v. mints at his place of busine.-s, bout two miles below the city, on the Us of the Chesapeake and Ohio road. Tiii:v inn gRTBOT, y nnatokn Tribe, I. O. It 51., Cele- tl brutes It? llirlhdit.v Manatoka Tribe. No. B, of Red Men, " lebratl vent h anniversary lu-n m ght In i!. The entertain- I? ?at with which tho occasion was mark- ^? fr I was a thoroi^hly enjoyable one, and iH as In no way marred by the unfavorable te ate of the elements. The attendance Ji us larK?-. and the various numbers of e delightful programme were received Rev. J. Ii. G of the trlhe, lings with prayer, aft--r d? "> followii . : n- ?* ted: Instru? .ie 21 ade; vocal solo, ? w. Cunning- r,' mi; history of the tribe, Mr. K. W. Mil- ?{ banjo solo, Mr. Eu .-; dla- i?v Misses Esther Morris, Sis .Ton's, i:? .1 Bl '.ti S" 1, T.'zzln Morris, AI Burfoot Nelll? Wright; duet, Bi I //.I?: Morris ai I; reel- '' Miss Ktta Mallory; solo, Mr. }*\ II. Phillips; monologue, Mr. K. all.'is. Ifter th<* entertainment refreshnMnts red. ( sit ? oiiiiiiiinle.-ill.iii from II Uli on Van f"1 lea il?> \>??*r to U?> Read To-llm. fln light Rev. Bishop \. Van da Vyv?-r has th? tod tl ions tor Bent, whicn j',n 1! t read from the pulpits or a!! the fo'i thollc churches In the dlQOM? to-day. ^ ' dain.e with the command of tho aJ,' ird Plenary Council, of Baltimore, a wo le-tion will be token up In all the urches on the first Sunday of Bent, tor 9 I missions among the Indians ana "I'l'-- the 'he Btotn? of St. Benedict, of Sanrra- j.?,. |0, Which has been placed in St. (,,., s.-ph's colored church, will be bl? wen ws the Bishop to-nlglit. The order "t SX? ton Oil! be as follows: Opening hymn, Va och i.f ts rn'' Right BOV. Bishop Van de \ v- off . D. IX; hymn of St Benedict, by choir "ulr 1 tin? children; ?sermon on the "Lire or v. Walter Vates, ?il Md.; solo, "Call Of the Divin? iper"; solemn bene<n?**Uop! ciosing t nn, "Near. My Qod, to TOMO** Music flat 1er the direction of Mr. J. Louis Sum- wh? wet Int. dau e Ueeii-Itun ?lab Has an Exciting- "f ' Ilunl? V Jlouiiil Hurt. i spite of the inclem-nt weather yes lay afternoon, several members of the M p Run Hunt Club and their . was th? "Kennels" ami w. J*^ ing one of the best hunts of the sea- chu , The drag was laid from the "Ken- T1 - to the oil ?-. thence through wed rison's. passing north of DtUBbarton mat re some stltf plank fi jtlated; thence through Blunt m's by Mai Hark to Witwl.k's farm, on v Brook road, where a live iox had aH' . i liberated. Reynard led tho hounds m?t ugh the "Brook" Into "Brook Hill," chai n through the low-grounds towards Ml Chlckahomlny swamps, snd aft? r over app. - run was killed on Warwick's ?ISj" The brush wss pi i Miss j jJJJJ I Sophie White by the maBter, Mr. H. C. Beattfe. As ths ho inda were belnr taken back to tho kennels one of the best bad the misfortune to be Iwvlly cripple?! by ont of the Lakeside electrl* ? Prominent amongst those In the r were Miss Rlacker, Miss May Woodward, Pr R B. Teusler, Mr. Tomkins Mrilvaln. M. F. II., of the Rockaway Hunt Club, of hurst, N. Y. ; Dr. Joseph A. White. Messrs. W. A. Hlglnbotham. William Reu L C. Younger, F. Deafla Meaniey, M. II. Gamett, E. H. Savage, W. M. Leathley, T. M. Wortham, W. A. Townes, J. T. Anderson, J. Stewart Bryan, J. W. Talley, and .1. 11. Burnett, Tuesday being a holiday, the hounds will be at the New Reservoir at 3:15 q'clock Instead of Wednesday. The route will be published In this paper on morn? ing. MET DEATH IX JfORFOLK. J. I?. Manilo Loft tbe Gns Turned On aad Was Pound Di-nil. A afieclal was received by the Dispatch last night from Norfolk, stating that J. l?. Mantlo, of this city, was asphyxiated Friday ntgnt by Pieepmir m -, room with the pas tu*-ne?l on at full force. Whether Mantlo came to his death accidentally or with suicidal Intent ?s Dot knoarn. Thn special reads: "J. L Mantlo, of Kiehmond, was asphyxiated last night at Wtt'S n.'.tr.nti r-noiis?-. on east Main street. He was found in I ?! In his room thlB morning, with the gas fully turned on. WlH tl:?T or not his death ivas suJ* ' H not known. Mautl?-> came to Nor? folk In January last, rscOBUnendad by Mr, Edgar Allan, and received a position. It Is Bald, with the street railway com? pany as a conductor. H*j * nome tor some reason, ana, upon return? ing tn tne last rew aays, round hlmseit out of employment." Deeenscit was a native Sf Hanover county, whTe two of his brothers now r>?i?l". H?? was a woodworker by trade, ana was anout 40 years ot age. When In this city he resided at No. 802 north 'j winiy-imn street. A PtTltioTIC MAS.s-MEETIVO. It Will n?? Held Boat Tuesday nt IIoK?'->Ieinor|iil (horch. The patriotic BtaaB-meetlng which is at*** held on w i i Birthday by the Junior Onler ?United American * ! - chanRa will take place ot Tueaday umler tho auspices of the l)a?ighters or Lib. rty at Hoge-Memorla, church. The v.-ry Interesting Programms will y to attract a larra number of pen Tlu? six local Bound Ing a membership of 1.00O, will .rgely i on the ore lalon. . be gramme will be . hymn, "My Country, "ris ??r Thee"; prayer, Rer, L. m. Orner; s rtptnrs les? son, Rev. J. T. Mar Mr. Albert Samuels; prit. . Ob'?* ta j;? v. u M. Onser; duet, Mrs. jam. i white and Mrs. James K Taylor; "The In known ?Speaker,H m s v. r. "feaman; Mr. Haddon s. Watk?w; orator or the evening, Rev, J ?ki bymn "God f)g With Tcra TIM We J. T. Mastin; doxology; ben Sdlctlon, Rev. J. E. Cook. DISXER AT THE JEFFERSON. Mrs. Clements nnd Mrs. ?Plnrke En? tertain a Party of Krlends. Mrs. H. L. Clements and her daughter, Mr?. Powhatati C'arke, of St. Louis, who rtave be?n spendlnr I | tne "effereon, have been most agreeable aa litions to Richmond sootety, They gave m el?egant ?dinner at the Jefferson last ?veiling, American BsaBtlS? and violets the decorations of the table, as v? 11 as th?? s'avenir bouquets. The go? tabled in the Jefferson They ?arare dr. and Mrs. Thomas Rolling, .Mr. an?i ?1rs. ?Prank ?Deans Williams Mr. ana in Jai alboin; ,'. iss Ttnsley, and ! ork. the honor.?d gW Ioniens ano larly gra? dOUS When Piling the I and understand ovei luded in hospitality. It Is hoped that hese ladles may long linger In Richmond. Reception to Mrs. Stevenson. At the recent State OOaze**enOe of tho ?aughtera of the Ame? ?tlon it lv. .1 to tender to Mis. Atilai tevenson, the r> tiring ?; general f tlie BOdety, at i an expres? i?n of appreciation of the skin with hlch she has administered the affairs adot bur care, and her unfailing coutte f to all members of the association. The irglnla <! legation has also invited the elegates from Kentucky to receive with i?m. In return for a similar ? iteniled t?> Virginia by Kentucky on a rollar occaeioa. The date tor th? OB will , ! ?bil?ary th, at tho Woman's Club, Waablngtit*. ontlnental Cong] . and repr? urn every section of tho country win In the capital. The !' ?mmit e on Friday will conalat ??f d? h of the twelve Chapters and the antUCky delegation. De I iKlit ful Kntertalnment. Following is the programm. Of a v. ry tilghtful entertainment given ai High? inga l'ri ?ay uveiiing: " row's Prompt Obedienc " Mr. Aubin "Sweet Bunch i las Ruby Humphi mpanled tiy ...i L'umphrey?; l'itch," Mr J. C. Cone; duet, M- I Fisher, a song from Bwiss ' Miss iby Humphrey! song (?German), Mrs. ition. "Why the ? hieben iln't I l?o," Mrs. Dillaiil; BOlO Ml .lion, .\ir. Aubin Terrill; noun, taa Hudgina, i . Mr. J. ? ! si,,??? luto .Ve?? Quarters. ,until, No. ft Jr. ?.) I. A. M . i! move Into its own ball Tui The l M.iiiig, dinctiy <.|.]?.? S the Howard's?. 'ist churcti. ! as a BCfaOOi-bOUSe, was i this counell, and ntted up in ?> style, and is a very ? osey hall. Ah i members are szpectsd to be i thai dato tn honor ??f Washington's rthday, There will be tnr ites Initiation, an oration on the Ut? or I aahington by a past councillor, an a?i- I i ss on patriotism by a past councillor, ' wil .I the - sempllflcatlon of the unwritten rk by the Deputy Supreme Councillor. of ?111 til tl-, lil wl tn sli dli ? Hi. oh at. RI. M lin sti Ig an? nia les ii?'i ?la: tos Ir. Currinicton Dies in LonUlnnn. nformation I red here or i, in De Soto perish, La bruary llfh, of Mr. Robert M. Carring who was in his KM s a son of t!ie l urlng i, of "Sylvan li II Charlotte county, . .as an en, mber of th? ?Presbyterian Church. Hifl lilted from a short and severe mil?. Ills wlfo and da. vive him. Mrs. Heck's Remains Interred. h?. retaelns of Mrs. George B. Me?*k. er*in-law of Dr. J. Aiusun H??iges. In Ash'".. ... i i , ? " i N. C, and it? d thero yest. . l>e ia a graniid.iughtir of Governor r**hea<*. *-?' North Carolina, and a, of Julius A. Ora ir nid i a.Il.iii \ alley rall ,nd is a New York brokt-r. Married In Haiti in ??re. las Isabella V. Waiden, of Richmond. rled to Mr. Janus Leroy Brown, ??,re, on the 15th instant. The v i- p. rformed at All Saints' v. Mr Wrath. ]< bride is a popular danclng-sehool and the announcement of h??r i.lliig was a great surprise to hor ly manda. rabal Treat Espeeted To-Morrotr. i Kan Tieat, who waa sworn in d <>i the Tbira rlcl la Norfolk yesterday, will iMrhmoiil oBlce t"-m??rrow. iiilit, one ol Mr. i : was at tho otno sr the affaliB with Mr. Ja Lsants, who will continue ?for the , ?nt to act as distrt?.*t deputy. I Prlt* T flrr rar to em! bly mm Tl the day Ju U?l Ol Is 1?. I'm Son oral Ike tlm? Ot A FINE PLAY BILL. Ft i it stuom; our; \m/, m m\s ai THF. ACADEMY THIS ?WERK. 1?GUSTIK DALY'S LATEST COMEDY ?A Klght Off** the Opening Attrae? lion?"Prisoner of 7,en?ia" Return?. Melodrama and Romsailc Comedy Drama?Two ~cw Plays. Mr. Augustin Daly's company will ap? pear at the Academy of Music to-morrow night In his bright comedy, "A Night Off." which was successfully produced last rea? son In New York by Miss Ada Rehan. Mr. Daly Is, perhaps, the most remarkable man In the theatrical profession to-day, In that he owns arid occupies solely with his own company the most exclusive und high-price?! theatre in New York, where nothing but his own plays an?l reproduc? tions are seen. Mr. Daly does not confine his seasons altogether to tho production of plays or the Shakespearean class, but he has more than onco presented plays of his own writing that hav?* gained the favor or tne patrons of his own theatre and the public of othor cities. There Is a great demand for a genuine farce comedy Such a? "A Might off," In which it has been de monetrated that horse-plny and toplCOl gags are not the ttiiii??* sngai amuse under the much abused name of ly. The company that will be Been in this city lncludc5 Percy Bowles, James Kyrle MoCurdy, W. C. Andrews, Thomas HcOrath, Edna Lansing, ?May Haines, Grace Vaughan, and others. "UNDEB THE DOME." On Tu? . ?lay, Washington's Birthday, Lincoln J. Carter's scenic naval comedy drami, "Under tho Dome," will be In the afternoon and at Bight, ; . I to thrill with patri wrought out of the love of g sailor for d and his country's Hag. ry Indud ferry-boat trip from Jersey City to N'V.v . the ferry apparently moving to? ward:- the tatter city; a view of the Capi? tol at v> hurricane which SWepI Samoa, on March 1ft, aii'i play? the Unite?l I many, an 1 Kns-l ind, anchored si that time in the harbor. The wreck of the vessels Is graphically scribed In Bcenery and action. Mr. Car ads a No. I company to this city With the play. / TOB PAIE VIRGINIA." Mr. and Mrs. BUM Whytal and th.-ir company will present at the A? Music next V. and That nights and Tho n for the first time In I his ?By Mr. W'hytal's ro? mantic drama. "For Fair Virginia.*1 S story of life In Virginia during the civil 'lins play has been pronounced one jf th.- Imens of Am? rioan author? ship, and its tender boart-interast us stirring Incident*, and its striking Shai both emotional and comi ?. i fail to appeal to all clashes of oers. It is a play t: -r,d utirs the blood; a play of structural ?trengtu, built on honest lines; wholes-vine In tone, continuous in Interest, ami with literary merit In its lines. Mr. BOOS Whyta! appear j in a llght irt, ani t!ie company Is he SS Viola Fortescue, B. F ieph Bahner, Mabel .d Mrs. Whytal, In the title role, "Virginia." Tin: PBIflONEB of EEMDA. CllOfles ptaOon for the stage if Anthony H'ipe's charming roma story, "Th?> P : Zen-la." Will be dghta, with a matinee Saturday after? toon. Th? play wa ; In this city -an by one of Mr. Charles Froh v, and was well r> t returns this season with equally as trong a comps .il under the ' of Mr. Probm ' ^ if the entire we-?k ?ommences at th \ D | ; i.; now I ? aorning at 9 o' lock. | ' Dr. Wliltsltf* Day Hero. ?r. \Y. fi. \Vi;lt ient of Senil ary, aft? g s day h rrday afternoon ; : he stud? nts of Richmoi. ig? In th l son? - time it;? Dr. Hatcher, with whom he took inch. MARDI GRAB. ew Orleans, 1m.; Mobile? AIn? and Illrinlnehnni, Ala., February 02, 1BB8. to of one first-class limited fare if th? round-trip, to Hew 0 i ; ? n ..bile, Ala., and Birmingham. Ala., is tared by the Southern railway from I points on its line, to tho-<e wishing attend thee? grand festivals, which Tickets on sale Feb iary Mth to Bat, Inclusive, Bnal limit turning March 5. 1*?-.. Not (ml) does t lie Boothem railway fer this very low rate to all wl. ho short. itofeesl rout-', mom ms. Th.? Bouthern has d ShM running between all points on its ! in t! . - points ?cre the festival will be held. Th-?e Uns are composed of the I 1 most ban of Pullman uthern ral : tompleti . ; tun as to schedules, leplngH , aill i " serfully furnished upon application by y agent of the Southern ral ehmond Transfer Company, Mi iin street, or C. W. Westbury, Travel east M iin - :et, Bicha OLD POINT AM) WA<"llll.\GTO.~ ? ? liil. Via <'lie?i?p??nke and Ohio Itiilltvu y. "he Old Point and WaahtagtOB Special, , ,,. til dinlnn-car, vl., ika atnl Ohio I wi 1 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Poto- otl c, w: uie.l Fehruary ??ist, | th, vlng Old Point nt <JM A. M and Rieh .\. M., Mondara W'ednes I Fridays, arriving at WaBhir.g -id connect there with lonal Limit TlitiHilnirr Unit hers. his live and Wldeawak? dry-goods n havo added many novelties to th-fr tous departments of ttieir immense ck for this spring's tr.iale. H?-re an be aeen beautiful patterns and i bracing everything that you can think of, from ., est to the st sspenalv? art! heir store is lighted up from torn with the latest Improvements In electric II on the darkest a be seen to as g?>. itage ui* M I bright, sanry day. Iprlglit Plow?Oil Baricains!!! Ichmond Music Company. illus Sycle & Son will show Immense of New Spring 811k.? | ek Tin??* via ? he-in-icnl ? ?ml ilo Hnllwaj- Twelve I>ays frmu ililornln to I'.leiiuionil. 8. li .t ?.' ! i? pi Bting Earle it Company, of 1. recelv d for William Jenkins A. and M. T. 1'age & Brother car? of iges from Los Angeles, which made run in twelve days via Kanawha Dls -t Freight Line, about as quick i as on record. siiahtiy tat? right "lanos at half their former s. RICHMOND MUSIC COMPANY. of eb A he am hin oat J Th I th: ma Ms pli. tal? pin bro F the to Jv Moi ?a Tin-?? ok BMA try* Is Sal?! to He ??A Joy Forever." If Bo, Meyer'? New store Fills the Bill. By Invitation extende?! by the Messrs Meyer, wo aascmbled, with other mem? bers of the press, at the new Meyer Stor?. ?ushee and Broad s?. finding it gayly d?rck?*?l with flags and bun'ing In true holiday attire. As we were escorted through the establishment by the clever and versatile manager, the many things of Interest, art, luxury, and mechanical skill were a aource of un? ending wonder and surprise. WINDOW DISPLAYS. The show-windows, which extend all around Foushee street, tlrst attracted our attention. They are really vast Btoree dlvldiil Into B Saetas of compartments, only by the different character of the merchandise therein displayed. They will be a revelation or beauty to Richmond folk, and are In themselves enough at? traction to make upper Hi. v B*y lively. Th : Idea la a new one?the upper windows being devoted exclusively t?> furniture. A stairway from the Interior of the store give? easy ac? cess for a closer In p FENCING BCSNE. In tho lower windows a fencing SCeea between two Amaz? ? a heroic ?? ??'kground to a f******eet display, which la truly perfect. The snowy loveliness of the adjoining display of muslin ?: ?wear sh?.v. <-.i us a bit of lingerie with which we w?re her-tofore unacquainted. TWKNTILTH UBNTUKT (URL. The? twentieth-century girl la n^xt ragvaaanted riiimg an entirely new In a bicycle, surrourul.-d by all th? and fancies of true sportsmen and wo? men, including | *4f necessities, and seen Breproof ?if, i, in which one may be sure of DAPPER MEN Nest show we found more to our liking. II. t.? were two men lo??klng so dapper alad in their well-fitting clothing. *"""* rounded bf ? verythliig that a man I for his personal iis\ and if w<; ha*/? they can be well litted out. PRXMO iiAiN'in Other windows were filled with Hie Uns and colors of dftSTS *fOOd? for early spring, leading into the pink, bine, and green daintiness of Swiss or? gandies, dimities, and linens for summer. Then there ore all sorts of waists and furbelows, charming affairs for neck and glr<ll?\ made of ribbon, chiffon, hie?-, anil ta, just t?i brighten up ol?l Winter dresses and help resist those tempting swell gowns, made In the graceful Ru ? slan blouse, or If you are tailor mad? in your taste, you Baa lind a whole window of neat cloth and twee?! Jackets and skirts, lined throughout with taffetas of or sombre hue. Kven If we were men I In front of an fxqulsite display of evening silks and others ap? propri?t?? for dinner sowns, visiting cos? tumes, or for gay summer resorts. The largo show-case In front Is round ami imposing. On entering the store we found a vast bazaar, decorated ?0 skil? fully, so plefiresipiely, one can h. rehend how so many deportments I -?how colors to bien?! so artistically. . IW BCBNEL The centre of the huge building repre? sents a snow s?? ne. 1/ioking up to tho skylight, ons is almost blinded by the White Hakes of the snow falling on a mimic pine forest, which gives a ref lng odor throughout the vast buii What to loon at first! Ohl surely this Is lace for all of the feminine sex,.u..l the tirm so well knows tho foibles ??f Miff wives and Bisters that they have itlco boxes which can be rented by the year. So, beware of letters re?? on the quiet. THE RESTAURANT. Down in tho basement Is the delight of ill good notuewlfaa. ?Net/? was tie Complets assortment of ki' utensils, dining-room, butler's pantry, and It? r.-r<.om BUpl rything, from th? granito iron to cook In to tl In which to serve B dlnnsr. Rut. why go lu ?ni?? for lunch, when behind those silk? n ? the neat little WS lerving a most nourishing and .1 ttering si Who are enjoying ft and ;r< ams, whll? discussing their many bar? gains. The restaurant will no doubt be well patronised. Then, there is a complete bicycle and porttng-goods department. Just at tho afl of the of this the ronderfal oaab system, reeefelag and ?undie department. SODA FOUNTAIN, The main Hour has a soda-fountain for he thirsty, hurrying throng,'.. want toi nts and r? st, or the ladle?' waiting-room, at th?? ond landing, Is Blled with all ?son*/*** buioes. toiltit-rooms, eomfort and ?the nid daily pap.-r.-. wiiti a uantity of writing materials, and a let ;'r-box close at band. INTAL LUXURIES, Dg into this we. found a most room, draped In tr.?* i with antique orna unts, Egyptian armor, Turkish tabour t an rugs, and a m . h made us rub our ye?*?-were we In amend? :??pa lead to the maaager's otiice tai ?hose of the ; f the firm, ?e desks and rooms for adv "Ml TH0OI MKN AND pa: Tho second floor has a complete men's .?thing, hat, and aery an I lance y - |g ' va-r I a? for you. Further on are the lanicure and hair (trussing room.?. th? Ltlips om ti.i HOME Ol ?MFi .rth story .. and waii p<?? ?lr.g giv?;ii to furniture, found a? moat com; illahraeat of its :i?i in th? .""?.?utli?.?. pi I m. a, ain? n. and ? u be Sited oat d t?? foot ; wli??ro our bOSBl ? furnished from kitchen t? ?porlum clean, airy, ?rtable, -y of | iio direct c iff li; ii of lateros?*, giving : at to any. What requisad, one ?ran only ju ?k Is truly a pla?v <?r Ini ranks tn "the City Hall, ti -., and her places, as one of Richmond's new uity, and ol h !' b; tr tl el M I? o: t. fr. be CO to as Si: as th? a i Bf pr? ml i or ? ? Hie William?. Typearrlter is a m the highest standard Ps visit?;,. itlng, positive alignment, durability JL. ;., make It the b ne extant for -men. BARDIN COMPANT, No. nil east Main street. i really admirable calendar has just >n Issued by the J. L. mil Printing It Is very striking In ; ce, and In finish it is ?I'.iite up to the ;h standard of work Invariably turned t by that ?III?.'. - ulius Bycle ?*i Bon are Sgsntg for ayer's 1 ?g??s. m? 'he Williams Typewriter embodies all it la b? '-hand chines bought, solo', an-i ex? hanged. ?bines for r? nt Mlm> ograph ?s. HARDIN ? ?MPANT, No. 911 east Main - For La t.rlppe ? "u?h, N De! Daeid i ? m of puro tar. horehou?. st ..n earth" for ?'"' gh, cold, i nchltts, and all throat and lung s. I |?rlabt Plano? 1 lin run In. our months' use of u f&M ? ?user 175, and we are ami? sell the Piano at this sa rantee the Instrument fully, MANLY B. RAJ \\Y, _llHeast Uroad street. illus Sycle A ?Son will place on sale rtday another line of Hambuigg. Bg ?I s '1 : \ bot f?r an? Da bin all be r??n for cbV for J? a n bla ami Ma on Horthnrettern Matnal M fe.lasa fu??, Ceatpuar. Milwaukee, Wts., January St MM. To tho Trustees and Other th? Northwest? rn Mutu_: Hie Insurant Com; . The Bxeootlfe Committee, In present)-, a annual report of t puny, does so with the conscious-ins? th? the great and beneficent buain. i of which this . i a?? prominent n f . IbS n?w y?*ar stronger In , lldence and with th? record .,, usefulness than ev?r before m tory. Throughout the s? depression of th.? past five > ness of life Insurance has - . .- ..i II grandly, i .at It Is | le to withst.n'l a<!\ conditions than any . company has tolled during that .wn a lack of ?ti nents of ., marked, we d? sir.- to a to th- contributions w company ha* made to the grai total. Starting without . - are able to report ? of 1?W aeeets ?amounting to BO liabilities of l?l.Sfi".^ h. i.i to ni' et tontine p? Lk y 84; general Insurance In foi Only three com: .vhiVh is youngi-r firm tl. this company In si/.--, and th? itiotis CO* civilized world. It however, that the bustn? M Of ' pany Is strb-tly United Hi i-- ? that a strictly Unit? for a Unit em's new bos largely in excess of Cat writ-' r company working . United Btat Tie York than In l'eunsy'.vanla, an?l other* an .? contrlbutoi that, While more than ell the Bfs sin, Its bOBM I ern. Its superior merits ighout the en'i Tho following summary ?by ting: Insurance In Force. Asset?. In. "i I J.lM.lfT | 1.6*5,7? J Jan. 1. w u.mjBr sti 017 117.615.S23 28.?S,013 6. ft?. 119 I Jan. 1. 413.0S1.37O 103,375.06 M.OSO.ltS 10 The secni company are I high order an to - if.-ty ami ?an The Intere during the year amount.-d to f which Is e?pial to S.9 \ total gross assets at the beginning of th? The ratio of death toMM for th? to n:? t of Insu ane? w . per cent., or $9.S0 per " n porting to 2 i" r P. '? '. The result of the work of th* ihows as fol .Bl "? . mm in Ineoa we la Inauran? .* written.. ranee In foi No old niu-mber of a ?ompany is bet Ions unless tho rate of et; , ?gard the work of 1897 was emit?? notwithstanding bol ?he operation?? of the > [reatly increased. T1 f ma. f ln luronoe in force wa ?r rltb " >f all solapantes for \-<?> arm* I aving of I.'.-*) for SOCb th 'f Insurance oa th?> books, ui n la a with the favorable death be company, makes K r.irthwestem compare si favor hose of other corana nie??. The question By In manage lent Is properly attractuu- -en .an formerly, and hecomln?. i-r understood. Careful scrutli Itad to tins f.-a'.ure cf tho work M ompany. Th? r rfci -ess ' the Northwestern 'hu ?ble to the fact that at rebatr. of premiums, the rule of the ere.) to. . Lit in foi . ing the acceptance of from any on? not act with the company. It the limitation naively to tho agi . it the 1 "ringle cent tal amount lpp ?l ? mount t.. f return re? rde, the tot? ny, In addition t conducting t iade a tit to r Informal I and plans, . lierai Agents for Virginia /anil:: fVe will Mil tot I un... Co ils is tlo i-Towt: i. M6 eat I 'own St lain street; o?d 'phone, 31?. new | Ve sel! Carbon, Ribbon-, N iph Bui ' rent !*.l?-k H?-a?Ia?'he Cured 1 its return prevented by PUla. "ic If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth sure and use that old ?n?l s es wind colic, ?nd Is the b - dtorrb ' r-Bve ?ea ? ? diuH Syi'ie A H-.n w < ? w line of ? , - color? au?i For Rheumatism. 1 all pains In the muscles, ?J ?. and Mil ovitr, rub well with l? Nerve ?nd Boue L earth" for man and beset. 't rn^ REV. MEREDITH ASIl?Y JONES. The Brilliant Young Minitter Who Will Probably Be Called to Loieh-Street Baptist Cliur.h.