Newspaper Page Text
t THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1898.'_ ORE OF YOUR WANTS. In Considering Your Needs Do Not Forget This. n roa iv? v?.i. w ?h Kale? a 1 out Mistake ?ii Thi?* treason Somethhitf of He. i? (?ml I'venllar In? ter??st .IiiM Saw. Th. spring m, or u i. cine. Th us ill Mrs. ??hnrlle Mnrtln. NO. ? ?ays "irtlf ?go I found l.iin.l me I w.u.: first ' and l prl.k' my ? an?1 my f? ?*t ??. of my left hau an. i uw. <-?* . up niiy ? - -. -.... .V,.. L??A A friend reeomm? re.'- 1 I" .. and I I im vur.i and took it. Th? i was entlr. Iy i ?av.- not returnee'. ? ?h, if > ? for i t h 3 good i -- ' MONEY HIM, PASSED. _ . i .11 ?.! \ \ m; m ?-hi:?* hi?: a ?ii vf PBOPB1 .no\ UBABI hi:. ITS FORM NOT GREATLY CHANGED. A iiuiidi.ienth l.ookii.K to 11 e.l net Ion ?Ica.lIU ?I IT .?re.I uii.l it.? M.-ii.lil> Voted in??? n?it mi i Pota Bfeewed oni> Twe in Opiiositi'in. The l at tho aft' i lay only tv ist it. amed - ?portion of both ;l ftei noon ?i final rote i?. Th. d, Bui "i nii ; Ii and With. :.-. \ every single in? bill pracl . i bang? ?i from a bat It a the ' OB D important Vgrlcultural Bure; bill proridlng maintained by the i r having iumb. r ol ? tl ions win be In birth i he i?i<> la Ike Beauate. tboi li _t thi i Mr In tl the '-?n?l Ohio? ?hall r tl - ' inunoawealttu" ill HIT ?'M I K?A Bi Ai' "l'1' " books. ..(...r than histories of th? United Btatee, which m?) be " p;lh,,,' ither important mes con lined in the . | mu institution. (?S Ht): ' turkeys In th?' rthsmpton. mend the act In d fowl in Ae ' To allow ' ' am. PRIATIOM KILL. ?WbeB t!o ti'?n ot \ Ion bin as in?- apeclal ana coalla ? order came up at B?_l o'clock, Mr. x "ff> r.-.l n r-s"iutlon. which ?..then- dissent, that speeches tl minutes I th?- hid rrom be . nd, which consumid nearly i .i?" :.u hour. :.., . ; .lotion t" lion 6 ami Insert m Its passage, eg? : ROVernmei blob it -?'?all g?> into effect ? o tie i " until which d 111 [arel. I ipproprlatlng end? Ing th?' Nth d?y "f >-pt. tniier. RETAIN THE OJTPICBR Mr. Wit ? ' SB aniciii.m. Bt M > t th? polloemBn ^c. c, ut a salary ol H< mini" an eloqu? nt sp ? ?if of th? motion, dwelling ui""1 military record of the Incum? tnendm? ars ?.f Mr. ople, providing for th- payment bf the insurance ?.-i the al. was . ' . inced thai the o,- engroaement ??i moment I ... motion to dlecuaa th- hill. the t pot. Probably a dosen n itive and ? . negativ? The ?'hair an d that th ' ed to its nt, a hiiti .aus- d aev? ral mem prlng to th.- feet, foe the Brel wliat had !.. m done um? : >U8 rn'.ti"ns to ft which wa bout .Mi. .?-.iin .M ami ii'lllielit. Which i, appropriating M t<? pay a ! .r binding, and | WANTBD It ?'i ER. Mr Turnbull moved that *?*. propriat? d to I i ol > 0, which wi reduction ol proprla tlon o : it cost m I ttltutlon, ? ind only ji-? at the Central i Hoe. 'The dlfl ? n< i.. t w.. n ?i white lad) Mr. Mushti.a li. the numl : int..a waa much larger thi .th.r institutions, and that Its al . in a mo.-t bu ii? opposed the reductkfh, i led without a murmur the ut ?.f ! lm< nt whs i?.st. A TT< iRN K V -i ; BM K RAL'B sa la l ; V. Mr. ciaytor nevad to aasend, by to? ucing the salary ?>f th- Attorn aI fron Mr. Wlckham a1?l*the Attorney-f.-n? ral w by the appropriation bl . ntiic S r??at ex- law v. r ol l.illty. and eOuM no. i lord to ii the position f'?r even the salary now aid. a large portion of his ?ted t?? his private practice; ?at it was unfair t.> reduce th? ' 'iditor and leave intact that ol i- Attoi al. Th.- amendm? nt ffered an amendment pr?t lat? r pf tin Land ?>f I at a salary of $1.J !.rk. Mr. Kat tlon of this od int the incumbent ha., saved to the lid the commit; tid befor? it the ?Mil I y the ing ind also the abollehm? Bt. H? i ftttOB of this ild be Of the people of th ommoBwealth. Tin- amendment a [CULTURAL DBPART-OONT. On motion of Mr. Barksdale, the * for fifteen minutes, 111 providing Of the I "?pai tin. nt of n?f? I I Ing itS duties tO P ftechnlC Institut- at art. fared a 4 the fertiliz. r I ?ed to support the departmeot without Itlon d appropriation, an I In in Rich? Mr. Tim th the afUBBOBl ?fishing the ild: "I know Richmond Is opposed to ollahlng th.- department, bul Richmond Sh? rani hs wants all tie Agriculture wbtch n a?is Why. be h h,ak- H mon bulk i BUCh r?.t." oi replying t.. Mr. | ich bill Intro I illarJ the departm? nt last let in th? ?Senate al that tti ! h- did not need any ' itioii to make bun do wi lh_ Id the farm. I ol th? I thos? of hiefly . .r of pin* th? departm. nt Intact at Rich ring ' : pr.iprlatioii fr..m the ?tlon ii ? t than any other In tution in Virginia, and there was no ed to transfer still further appropria? Institution. The L?gislature ne aaythli. tm? ni benefit ..f the at of this pertinent und h g\ ti,?.s ?j(. I. d. lBB| the bill, H?. id his county <?f trucking counties of the E tlUgera ami rtmeni rear t., th, ., A,. i the .ine.l transferred to il Bppro ati-d for th.- pun building. " ' ' ' t the Un. pur I ' ! the ?inly ena? tment put tit of fanners. A gr? ! It would he liiiwl- h u' > ?t with areat if. Barkedele Bloeed the debate la an of which h. a ' ' to get rid of this gang in Riehmond and have th. v re i. The men at BlacksburEI know r.utic agriculture than Dr r will Itute was adopts by a ?it* 1? to 11. i TO"' smpt to have th- hill passed 1er suspension of th? rule in v. hi ol st s! 1! tit 111 t?l th all IB <le IV th (V. Btl $ it t. M m l.o tl 1" of I sil I cv: Th ali 1 Oil .\ d'.l III I sai m. ha. are S did .\ n.;.? Wll we Th not ?. i H am M M it. {togg^i Oim KlVJOYiS Both tho method and results when ?Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly en the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys? tem offoctually, t1is]*els colds, head? achc9 and fevers an?l cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro? duced, pleasing to the taste 'nndac? ceptablc to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial m iti effects, prepared only from the most healthy ami agreeable ?substances, its many excellent qualitios commend it to all and have ma?le it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles! ,?y all leading drug* gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it 00 hand will pro? cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, Kt. NEW YORK, At. He i-1 a. i uis,-iiy,v\M-ov-teat* ?after p ?i from Mr. v ham. who ?said his object In wishing the mpl) I oui ??t the v delay Tt" . took a red - I until I o'clock. Afternoon Issstss*? Wh? a the chair waa ?raauat? to engi ?IS o'clock the ?"iisld, ration of the m the appropriation Ml] Mr. Turnbull Offered an tut <i"W n '. tal from - Mr i.i be had nevet thoroughl m adnUniatra ;he \\ IlllsB turn. H" - i re In* ??fi'n-ials were 'i"itig work than thai I of them, mlcal Banner, Mr. Turnbull < the administration at iVllllamsburg whl? h he had t?> ?make to ?hat al o?? mi ' 4 the lattet li ngth. Tin- ?amend Mr. w ? red sa an Hieing ?the appro] resten? Hospital from M *ti"?>. . money y other Mr. Wi?kham ai?l he did ?not vlillous tisons, bt l ?,ii.. i ! l|..'ll?llll. I.t I which ,-as adopted, mak l?ary of the lerk in a*?"* r,r ie offlc?' of - mmon ealth P MLl'I'AL ?'?.LLIa'.F ? >F VIL?; ' triklng I'l'i'in'ti Heal College of Virgin-?-. .?ugly oppoaed the nendment H?- made *. i what this InaUtutlon ?had done ?luring I? civil war ill ' : : and In caring for wound .m- ndment, bad one m in. Ahf It i,,,ii.i maintain two. He Utterly In? spirit which I . h id se.n displayed by the institute the State, which, though obj? eta oi th* ail!, r to loulder demandtnt which , y bad ?been ?rec? Ivlni : the time w?ould oom I, when ' town, _\ir. < ?, the work which I ind eald ?he hoped I dmenl would not prevail. Mr. Flanagan wane?! Mr. Barked at if he did not discontinue ids opt ti,m t.? th.- oommittee's bill be would ?be liny of th? SD "Id mail if a young Ollowed Mr. ? ?pi. . saying the a i (Mr. Munford) I? :.s,ni "ii . h? I' r ?the college He h a eloquent lit i : against a . ndment, whl? fa VIRGINIA MILI?ALV INSTI'I'? lir. Barksdala ? (I tion t.? Virginia Military In? ; proprtatlon by making t> but thouglit ! of a w beating sppsratus at the Virginia tltute, win He thought the inetltutlon could long with dr. Lot d all Mr. Pair x Mud ?Mild, a 'at Mr. ' ?. I spriated for ?the i ig the : the ?'.nut of A pi ?tl.GOO, whl? t? s i cleri? .: ei "?r. aa im? ndment i nlver y fr' : in ing ld?enl ?thai a sp? h was not j manlmoua, tion striking t the appropriation of U1M0 t?. tim wlthout objection. WILLIAM AND M A L V fr. withers offered an amendment re? ing the appropriation t.? William and iry t?. 17,800, Instead of *?!' peaking to the motion. Mr. Withers ?1 he was convinced, ,11 (be unbare <>r the special commit toe which i Inveetlgated the subject that ?the ik i.on,- by tb-? Institution could be ' v of Virginia. Ir Footer ,,,, aS j ? \ Mr, Wickham. ' ', lr. Turnbull. in perhaps th. at h ??f the day, sdvocated ths luctlon, saying he though! s running mad In the direction Ion. The great thing s to give the m |eci in n?... ?tducatlon al wiuiam and Mary did glv them sin >i. 1). . dlngly I,is r. marks, and . x? Ited laugh ami ithall st- i ,h,, ing into the deteS Of th. ik .i"' t li ngth r? ?luctlon. ?lid M would ther to i; dment was rej? THF. M [r. cinytor offared t?. ame id the bill making the salary ol tl if the at.? t9u0. Insteud of I ne recognizea' that tu^ Draaent I! G la ? ? L ?50? da ii. i re l I I da "I ?la S l(?? ? 1-rk was a most efti? l-tif nth.-r. but bl? salary was too gr?-at. Mr. Wlckhata '! the bill, saying the duties of fh?? Cl*rk were most onerout *n?l responsi? ble, and In- dl?l not think he salary too great. The rm-mlmcnt was 'I'par.'titly only cnst for It. Mr. Flood offered an amendment In pproprintion f??r cl? rk-hire ft** - from *l be amendment was amipted. TKK HILL I No farther amendments were -fi and th?- bill was als.'it to i ...,!. r.-d to it? had just ? Bl lid he ha?! .1 with th- l.oii-iiliis lui. i ?.tiimis BkM from th?: Mar); nur? and could not be pre? at 11. therefore hi lie- till Would not bi ' a 1 had titli? t'? Off? I leing th- appn . to ti- i ' if, i ' in and Blind i tut?'. He wanted the bill paused by until Bl? bill was or der-d to its engrossment, and, ind? r ii of th- ? . The fol : b? vot- on tie 1411 : kin. ? Fairfax, Flanagan, PI.I, ic] ithall, St. Clair. Tat.-. Turnbull, Walker, WI? kham ami Wlthel N'oes?Messr?? (lay tor and Mushharh-2. ' ssrs. Tunihul!. ami Wall.. their votee to aye, but th?- othera bald out. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION. Bev? rai local bills wer? i the tat. end then Mr I.' t h-r dnced a hm provt Uni itltutlonai ; iqdlHng an educational qualiflcatloo for voting. He ask.-.i thai th- hill I |< ndar. t.'it '.'.i. Ill ?in ohj-i tl ind it ... the Kl--tioiis committee. Th? hill pi bai "ail cltlseni of th- State win. i i an.! a nt- in th- Bngileh dl dtlaens l< gaily i ' ' ' day of Jaiul shaii continue I tii privilege <>f voting d." Mr. Mushbacb then offer? d I tlon as .haltm, Maryland Boun? dary? LI ne C?ommlsalon but on motion of Mr. Boykln If v. by Until to-day. and the B arm d at T?O. Beaee ??f DeleBntea. 'I'll- s. SSt-dfl of th- I: y was llngly ?lull i h.-r was on Hi.- al. i i | Then were quit? a number of bills Introduced, that wili. ?a ..II prob.ilulity. never ee< the light -f dB) after th- committee, tor \ . i bualneea this ?reek, tier, la little < i. ill? . rer i d Tti- House a Boon id Rev. T W. Camp? JUDGB8 BUST BE PROMPT. Mr. Will Offend the fol Wh? many of 11 the < 'ommonn i ar..- d-r-li? ' In th'ir duty ?n promptly oonventni their without aufficient cauae continuances ar? il, the i". having bU md the wit ind Juron summoned bm nnneo I and ni forth, much to their Inconvenient Um? and coir io summoned: th-r.-f.. | . That It shal of the of th? II ii promi and ? intln ' |? mitii ti. if the Commonwealth and I tlOB Of this riio tare upon shall be In force from its pas? sage. % AMEND THE ELECTION LAW. Mr. c. H. Jennli . Introduci d e btU t?? amend the , ?iiov. i March t, IBM, m in?nt mak nil iw ful f? be public highway with mi al.-.. puts a penalty ->r printer who shall live any Information,, mil? Of th?- Official ballot. ?. r? riii ?? thai th? ich V'ltin- place at ti.i\ h- examined bj and that it shall be inlawful for su-h ballots poat?d t?. be in my Wa] BUB OUT 0? CHANCERY. Mr. Wall mend In relation t.. th- trial of an chancery. Th pro In which a chai may ?III- ,- to .- tried In such ?oiirt. m in any circuit ration ?'?mrt, and the coot lav- tn? ?ils. r>-t Ion to direct -iti'h h o be tried I ?ken by either th- plaintiff or defendnnl b? shown by affidavit oi its, aft? kbit notice, t! be rend? tful i.y the i. nee of i : - party. H. Walker Inti i bill pro ???tni; tl ill k? ' P ble in the country and In Of 05, and in towns ?habitants end ov< r be shall | .' each tall th HER ru. Tb- following bill- w. n introduced and i to the pi Bj Mr. Bailey: Pw ti. M. Palrtu By Mr. s.. lBow th- County Wyth? count] m? nta .,f the lands of .1. ? ; Uy Mr. Wall.u- : In regard to ? ' JULIUS SYCLE & SON, HE TOWER, Corner Second and Broad. Specials, for To-Day. Light nnd Dark Call? ? p price ii, round d a i le r? n ami Lieht regular prie- 12 1 Clark's ?>. N. T., I i 2?-. i t;.is in Rlack silk > guiar i Pur? Lin? u and tu.?. Cotton, regular i i u i. A R. ?:. Corseu, r?gulai ti.-ila B Nursing ?r. Warn? r's Health ? _?,. and 21. :-?-g-i!:ir price $17 (hell Hair-Ph"-. r?gulai mhe, regular pi a pair. jlde-CombB, regular price 39c, to-day Mirrors, regulier ? M Bterllng v? r lip. regular prie- $1. to-day Be. ?ompadour Combe, r?-t.ilar prie das osmo Buttermilk Boap, regular price He. a box. few elsea left regular ee $1, ?..-dliy 60?-. lenulne ?'nstlle Soap, regular pn ake, to-day I for '.? . "lannellettee, regulnr prie.? 121-. 'alcum I" ?wder, regular pi shit.- Vi.det. Italian Viol. t. White ! Apple l?:?>?som, regular price I . l.-r.-.i ?iris-and'i r price . Be. ius Svcle & Son, Cor. Second & Broad. ro id. 'i ?i" nil gr to 'I 'I of foi 1 - In th. i m. X] In T tin del' 1 noi I toil pre oil P t.. Ma -oll siol Ti DOIfr BREAK DOWN. * ? Mm,, ii. ? ??,- wumra Do "A m*m tt i?, Hntireiy BemAioaA, "?g men on vital fores are exhausted, but bo? th el r energies, and break down tbeii ?tit?atIons. lb . ? ul p? ?i I? live lonif. whli' ?bust ly gravs. But, it may s?-em, many m? nduptliig the rlgh? been abl? would have Wiled the man. With remarkable d Of health ?iid ' " -ting to Hi." which are the following: s Anna M ??nth Sob?; I uffered from nervous prosit following a sp, 11 of sickness, until my life ?. ,;. I took th? Ian could out receiving tl Finally. to take :i cours,, of Duffy's Pare Malt Whiskey. I did so. and am ?... ii at? ep well, an? rapidly gaining strength." Mr. .1 M Qavi rl? k very my work Is very '?,?,,:. and I do not get, enough exer? Ise '?? i : iffy*a I'm?- Malt Whli i my food. I' .' ' , now feel bett? r than , id; before i honestly is there la nothing better f??r an ?aapettser nd beslth and people who do boI feel as well i teel ? an profitably h : bot i? aa a ventlon a : I bis remark key !s absolutely unequslk I, alai i bind I ??utity. Mr. W. ii. Mann: To aa tion *>:':! of thi Code, In appoint men l ?>f tai ?By Mr. Reddy: T act ?section -'!'>' of the ? '?g to BUltfl ' By Mr. ?Snead: To amend and re a ;.>) of the < lode, In ?relation I to returning to Lv Mr. ? To am? n?l am" gain to I? III?. Id upon condition. Mr. Jam? s Mann: To In? o of F. B. ?Dunnavant. Mr. Chura binen: For the roHi W. 'i'. Hum] in? soldi.''. in ih> t.iwn ?if Weynesboro*. if X By a?'t t?> provide for th? ni ?if ?i' ' . . ?mm Mr. \\ inboi ii? To ?permit J. W. ? to pr.e l'L.\? 1:1? ON THE CA? Ths ?following Ml and c'll ..f ' : Mr Turpln, of ?Bedfo a relstl n to tl u "t n?-"t| V. v. pa i \. a- ! t . : ' of N'lWp By Mr. Montague, of Bltaabetb ?'ity: p.? auf tintaient ??f true* iianip Franklin: To di? rect til.- county uperint? unties to tl.llisinit an? luallj to the 1 approximate ateten tmount "f i? Kiard. nd' '.'?> " rmit J. B. i:"?'k to wharf on Mid ?a- 1?. in the or, in Ho- county of North* tmberl Uithrow, of Hath: To 'a- Virgin! : B? dford. i'?? provide and w?>rk ty. ?Pllcher, ol r: To amend 0 of th" ? ' Mtlng oil rks of cour' if lites i?, th? Auditor <?!" ?Public Ac* ??unis. HARTLAND VT8ITOR8. h ?ir was vaca! B mark of COUT* ; commlttes ?from the laryland Legislature, win? entered the hour nam ppoint? d uniier the Q. w. ?Bland resolution t?> r t be .?>> - W. Bland, .biplan, a);.. \LL DISTIi LI Mr. J. W. Wllliams's bll! t?? In ?'i distlUera "t apple randy who ?I" BOl mak. ..v.. fortj gal d with an amendmi nt .-duclng th?- I LLLIFVFI? OF THE TAX The bill for th" relief of the latltutlons, ?ben? H? a win ' the lai.- m uns up by Mr. ooke, who ?said that auch an enactment . ul., simply be giving . th.? .states money, Mr. Andera, lalned th.- object <>f the m? i leo M?'. Reddy, after which . 't atheraton, Hai?. Liggon, ?and :? ?! in Ha Afternoon tossfl S at the aft? s.-ion to have bis bill in r tO-mOl ? ??. ' I ' bul Mr Saiu: cti ?i. Ti?? i ?elegate from ! rident that ths would i?e overa h? Imingj in the .*-'. nit- . that it a r til.- 1, time in It terstton, when tk no chance law, The ?motion to Bke the bill onier w.. ifeated. i be Hone will i Birthday I ?Mier*. a? his illK'l.ol ?littii'ulty which presented It It [..Ilia li-i'aii ing the ? \aiiior to pay the amounts i. when proper ? !l have i, .1 Wltl 'he compunion bill, in regard irlng all capital punishment t?? lie In | .thin Hi" St.ii' ? ! "tder for i ,,'clo.k. 'HE ?PROPOflED CONSOLIDA' 'h.- bin to authorise th?- ? ?Patsrsburg ni ? '??i- Rail ,.i Company, was ul 1 O'clock. Mi ? ?Well ..ff. -. ,! am? ndmi nl to prot Ids ths dd ?pay county taxes, Ths teraburg railroad un taxation, but by th.- rsorganlsatton y submit to taxation for State pur h .?ill not >ag| i.aolldatloB if the proposed amend? ; tain ?Parka would th' 1 n??t I : BILL**! PASSED. of Virginia, m relation t? nption of delinquent lands, epp - 'or ib..? reib ible Institutlona ncd in '??" v. ill > relieve certa il s and ?h i i: ildwin, ??t - . from th. ?v. ?I February II. IKMi, lni| collateral b? etc. Ig that the lot .,f l,?nd I? longing ?inty ??i Henrico, locsted on the corner of Tw In str* red to hV ?i ? ?>f II? nricc county, v ?'???he ' fh.-ir-a?s m and traaaact th*-ii- baaln amend and re-anact sectloaa UU Ilk w F? li?. f. l fr? Me L hoi to da* f ofl J. the tali c Dr. trie und ?9t9 of the Coto, relating to warranti for ?mull cl-dms. To pren "t the unlawful use of ! : ind Instrument m from InjUf] refer. To amend mil re-ei the Cod' ?.f Virginia, in retallen ' what writs may aot i ?hen -*rtit ot triBgBB ?nay issue. nd and re-enact section of Vlrrrlnia, In reist ration Cour? us civil ?nd criminal cases shall I therein. ! section the Cod- of Virginia, in T* nlfyli TO aaaend ai latlng to 1er of offences may be chari m.-nt. if mitt..I within six months; wba tlon ?.f m" -i 'or t. what for lai T . aasend ai the cod- of v limit T.. ame; ' 'iiinor ? t i n< In writing his .... for? nt to tak? knowl?r?-fB I o Hie Magisterial Dlstr Buckingham county to i '?ward the ' -nstructlon ara! I I branch ? ??-. ike a nd I ?hi. ting? th. r Basic ? ! T.. th- ? sitting in another to hold ? til t< rm. To Incorporal I Turnpike I th- ? '. .1- . ! Vi?. i unit the : its jadgaaont without consent of 11.>n. and to dir upon in t< rm, to tlon. To til. and t.. ? ii-i ijiiar anttne district ..t the BUaabeth rivi i?- a beard filin?- ?'oui' .inI a on tine III' di. . led and i ' Odittg III? ?. ?wera of said t?? land, ??ml TO : Roll? pany. >.f Boaaoke. T.? pi hri.lg.-s anty. To lie n ii Railway and Im? .t..?-m> Bt < tichmond, To allow Wllllt m P I IVard t Irbanna creek, in Mid To amend a: md l". and II ertaln act? ?.r tt irov? I d Town B ?a t with a | - To re Bl, entitled an i inty. - ti the tlchmon Wim* ounty. To in. iitin.?-i orfeiture whl? '.-. maj h allure t,,ii. ..thin the tirn limited In Us act of : and sut within which the said com my may i ommenoa and ? ?..-nj I? ill way In t1 HOUSE BILLS Por the r? Il? f ol r county. Por th? itherland, of i- county of Franklin. Relattni ?< (be? Ig an o ?i Ijiw uniform ith He?'t). H I >|l kl i ml .it p. tut- . of Hue ment <>f a?il for convict. For th W. H. Pren? h. F. - rother, ton. H. C -? William I - ' lui V. T.. am- ?titled ?on of the University ?<f \. i B . ! i entitled refers th- killing ??f deer in the county of oanoke. i aci t.. Incorporal ?ich, in t h '?-land, i Pebruai 1\. an: a. r _'1l Virginia, f"." tie aeeeeem? ' ti..a || of BILLS 1?. n 180 Of C nalty upon any m, ap bill lo an -una. in ii | . mi Judnmenib ot l: DFITM OF AI.FV B. M IHOOIJ. russes kwray iu BaaaTfii?Metlee? l? DJOOOlTB lnjui??'?!?? ?i iNOKB VA . i Mali.I ? 'Xbt at his of !-. art-failure. Mr hood v ' Peterabnrf. ami be i ti con and ilaatloi I urg for f ??lay from ,!or Order of ' nlted ?Vm? . of tliis city will fittingly .ton's Mrthdnj to-moriow ernoon. S. Ashwor' i of delinquent pr... tlon In the sling? Court to o. injunction , Judge n ' aining fur? . lings in ipplicatlons ; tula. " " ? ? up Is prevented by the tlm?sl] Bui]'? Coug . "h?* umthu?'* nd. fi h. J in : Miller g Rhoads, Broad Streit, Near Fifth. \ The Silk Sale. \S'<- feel thi teloetifin of New ?SpringHliks ?? In?? ' \ory wir? n ?gran! t<? the store, 'I he si j ]< - ni f'l.-i ' ?XClllSJ*, e || ,?? t<? !? fourni la nil -i Tiu* qualities arwl We stinnl Lack of with ?. inore tliHii ?list runt?-?? W'?' ?"iii a ( ?unir on a Ian/?' otis;. New French Organdies with all tin? Fron? li daintt li?-? ??f ll'itai ., Pr ti??wy n hite tin al . - delight ftill* proper sanuiierand even?n** il for all - b|y among the v <i. - is tln> MoltMM, IlLORY M.tii lilii? <'r<*?-ti. ntnl Pink. Dor . j?ri?? Miller&Rkoads, " The Always-Busy Store." J, M. Fourqurean & Co,, 113 East Broad Street. Quality ?5 the best trade drawer and a Good Assortment is half a .sale. This ap? plies particularly to our Superb Assortment OP EXQUISITE QUALITIES IN New Ribbons, Stylish Veilings, Beautiful Plaitings, AM) Handsome Leather Goods Many of the styles and patterns shown are en? tirely unique. Quality in Every Instance Is Far Above Price ! RIBl 1 :l?e n< '?> BLACK TAF1 - WHITE TA F FI TA RII?I DOUBLE 1.-. ? "olo FANCY ?'lui ' M?? y of widii. -'. TAFFETA M Sil. . I 11 PLAID 'l ? B DLACK I lllle .lu?s, hi v. trown, - *? to SO ' - - t.? . . '.?' ar.l. ;?ik. ! Um k or v\ TAFFF.TA ?R?CHI1N st in I.KA'IHFI: rtmaot ?>: n niel!? ?1 < <i ai:i? ? I.ADlls l?? m w l g 1 .| I'l'TTKI'I? K VA ,t M ?t? h SI . M. Founjurean & Co. 113 East Broad Street. DAVIS PERL IN, I.Al?ll>* I Ml OU. 1 il t It Ulli UK?? .1? -i : i* r?-turn?"l from th? < the [W SPRING STYtlS AHO SAMPIIS. ttl Ulli JOOI AM) i o F. WORK > KXavi'lgl* AT Tlltf 1?W'\IXU li) HUI SD,