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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1898. THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. BY THE DISl'ATfH (MMl'ANV. T?s DAILY ! 'ed to subscriber*--, al ! per Btonth, ?payable I weekly or ;hly. Mailed ?t $6 per annum; $3 for six month*; $160 for three month?; M cents for one month. Trice per copy, 4 cents. The WEEKX.Z DISPATCH at $1 ?pel annum. Tho SUNDAY DlgPATCH at $1.60 pez annum, or 76 cents for six month?. ?Subacrlptlons la all cases payable in advance, and no paper eenUaued sftsr the expiration of the time pai?: pot|t offlco money order, chock, Of ragas* tered letter. Currency sent by iv?fl wl" be at the risk of the sonder. Subscribers Wishing tgetr post-of?co changed give their old as w? U as their BOW : office. Sample copie. ADV! 11AI.F ?INCH OK I 1 Urne . t times a.. times ... tiroes. 60 times ..?.. month .... months I U 10 00 Business wants . Wanted situation, ?payable in ail vanee C2S words l Above rates are for "every d iv" Of ad? vertisements ?J-BBBlag con R-radin-c notice*? In ren?lin<-m u to Bv? lino*, or less, $1: in notiparlcl. leaded. five lines or less, 76 cents. Card of rates for more space furnished on application. All letters ?and talSgrBIBS must be ad? dressed to TH . 11 COM! Re'ecte-d communlcationB will not ? o returned. _ Ail letters *reoo-Bins??dlng eandl | must be paid for to lm.ure publication. This Is a long standing rule of ours. Resolutions of respect to dec. members passed hy .societies, co: tlons, associations, or other organiza? tions will be charged for as advertising matter. rr toy . s:, ckoad-st; 619 EAST BROAD . MANCHESTER OFFICE. 1203 HULL STR] : TL ! DAB] .'.',1898. Till*. i'i.M li 1 i IAB1 : I ii It bill appro? Of the t i ?.i the ? of an r farm or would insti? ls on a t sill?.? Ms. rk? d In the i th. n it much r:\ ?. It humanity i the her. not ?lim:: and Is at night like ? if!. In a ralla s* r. it not afford immunity , ay iu ?building : Wf!! Ion or ?any? thing I bill. ?I III Mill \ I IM. I It. The ; > no the i war, we 1. tO the ?Ht ?till holds r. i luring all : i Lome Incident ;?i??i the disaster to ?the M ?h turally the t?? the fro i ?prominent In? . i if ii it ??f luMtliiti w tis :i ?seat in t? ' of ti srlni it i ' t inunstloa ol Republicans of ?Th?rm?n v tti?- ?Senats, with the right of Bo fur a? his party in As loll?,' AS ' com? ?eeVrufa meet ?*aaVt? took llftvU out fo In tn t: N? t An ? Tl. ?MB rol foi il. .in. Dia tile ?psi will TI in m<>! hav j'iit; the In c (nui Witl Th tal ! issu? will Th who it h Tli? tinu? tag t M? K In *be L M. ?mail il in mont' Th. that bul i Is th. M. 1 Imprii of lie Ing t< hly ol Mlle Wind t l'.iitUi Rieht? both I the tat t?? him It is the Cabinet, ?nd we know the I t.n.1 tnroush admlt.l -trail..n PI ag himself appointed senate* ed m getting elected by tl hdatnre rflsan'e anesplred terai Bad the fall Mm vu,a, edit?', K OMBU I'll ?va tit* Sdmll tion (.aid its ?Seht <?f gratltnie <<> Mas. eel r ?uid the nation kB* | Um ?nirlK?!?' ?--ver alnio i "went up hiKher." Time wat? When th?r. men in tuilly. than -hip and pre? ll] thiit pn v< nt..! him from plane <?f <: the portfolio "f . ' . OS I rnlslit. Bad was totally Iti : Me j .u.'.i. The I, that a weakening to th.- Banna-Mc? ' too. ??i pTO |y that it OOOld not hi". . I the Intrii-ii. I : out him. Steadily, after1 ills Brat Sh. ? i t.? tl .- Iiaek'-rouml. t-. 1. t l.itii l.nme and the ' I 1 m. w nation In millatlng BxT rs that Sol.ral Is to ane Mi!., private life lic ion t.. talk too mach. Be 1 i m public s. tvi .- i.v his governm? nl -,\ York ri??-, "t'1 pressunptuous \a! at .: . ,th. His sending ?>f a member <?f the I? :u of the .y of no more m the mouthln?-.- .?unter of a .tog-shop, ami his visit to the .f no Importance whatever. He .. dlspat. lies, and tniarded the a gossip, and not as a naval or in any capacity. Sobral played th. . y last summer In visiting the thicitions along tit.? southern ?oasts. I of what h" had learn? d. "luluot, Sohral's ither display of gall, and h ofllciala have fourni him ?ait aim horn?-." In Hie light of th?' I I?.- Lome and S.'l.ral. it I be iiit.-r. sting to observe U? pment of Spain's diplomatic "m\t." Journal of ?'??mmerce, ing th.- spread of trusts and j s that tin se organ's e grown t?> an extent that f- . fd t?> Imagine, a . om? ition, conti' mporsry, ol ted with a '?ing production aie. : . ' for th? Commercial Tear.Book, no of Ital stock and b??nds -. gating 'tf.GC.'mOOO. ThlB total Is P' r cent, of tin- entire capital tii.- manufacton s of tho tea In the census of oi many cas .-s has bei B fr? Iy inst such figments a* . k Ipated profits, thi a considerable amount of uB "flation. Yet, it adds, the fa? 's not the less startling OB that n< it. ii aal. however? wi i gu?ate industry Of competition th?? futur. with amagar, which, . will ultimatily overthrow m. Ingly that ' ' "ii d as ? Con : is nndoul right man in He- right | must be the main reUanoe f?f the rnment for Information, otiduct of affall 'ana. I'.ok o a thorough Investigation of I . - i a : ser* Ice fdi s i! - is a Idler, and l" si.. i had vil < xp'ii vernor of nla for four years. In the way of | oiiitm? tits tin? wises! tiling, dent Inley has done has been to retain : Lee, Vfndl Ident McKinley'? wisdom in ro? of this matter. '."it. pro to rig OUt B balloon with a . ' summer of Andn.-. M. Godard; it will itart? .boon to search for Hi.- pole. similar Quest, but for lb t . i.l. him ti"- air minting him t in hunting for Hi?' daring inaut Who think muy nn,| .\mlr.e alive, 'f ?.?'ilii'.I! a iiis ventur? will after B bad one. (BOUS editor of th? 1 . Wi nt to prison Sun BVB ?lavs' onm.-nt for libelling M. Kein.?eh. a ?"the n ., H'.u - Bd 'liter of ta.- Ri publique lading him witli inteiiil ihe innocence of Captain ..f forged I <>f .nth res forci linesL aukee i hitches Btreet-raltway and ail ?? Fori aii.l etb> i ?el ram. that fell all ' le it s ? ] r f, ?t i,, >u\u. 0f ,|?. * The v. ilarly conducive t?. ehvroh-golag in BBd, but we hail a i ' ally have, 0VW ?iij,.-. 9 to havs 1 th" ' fOV4 rnorshlp <?f * If '' WB we may ' "" ' : .rm of itirely ?nd. Ively pointed out th_t Um i? ?un afloej Ti in in. st. thi an 1 f..i it ( 01 tro Sill 1 1, cal to up] urn T Ho sh;i in Dit lik? T tim M hav org Hi ' I'ni Tl thin X com If? P * .? *.?. OJ 1'M.i chan fot't i throi W. ; th.- i Th, liant "a h tak. i lau pitt.u Hie d with B Is cau ti'?i ai F Invitai if not or hlu. l'ill? 1 The oil ? in mit k m *?>\ mi ni r Th- i and ?the ? blldraa et Hte In ?art ?"?t. Tl saar h??\" i?? tn ...i an lbs ? s u-taii* ??f th< Inttei ?-> It may seem, It is the former and not the latter that a?.- 111...;.: Th. grit I it which the bin __ ar.. making a fuss Is th. th.- , hlhlren of life peers over them, which they "-outend Is a dlsttael violation of tho .stipulation under whi? h their im .1 their ! from Kill? Charles l. and Kin* Jam r whom ?soM these h? n ?ii; tl.i-? to any on.? Who ?BUS willing to pay !,|.ii].i?. I |.i i. namely, ?J** ?London ?ion it wns ai nth ?kings I the ?bnroaetn should "follow immediately ?after ?lbs fonnget chlldi whi? ar.' the lOW? il In days Th- ?bar?nsta already ob B ben Qu part <?f h.r reign, ? ?inf. rr. ?I a number of Ufa ] Fut when children of these life peers, whose dignity s BOt heredit?r, the t the ban Ud with indignation, I.IVe abat Hi' y ?I- ? 1 i ' ?tion >f their rights. .. la ?have formed union, with mi?, it ?Lorrain al it i ths i voul.l be ihrounh another Runnym v?.ik Times is ?lnfoin Inltl ''.r that not l?SSS than i.ity ?senators ? an b? I upon to ut? ?against ratlflcatloB of ?the Hawaiian If this inform.ul.m i-= correct, ?ben the oui - Has ??ian j<?t> | ?sad I . tors ?m a full but !ilt> en leSS than itutlona! ' hlrtl?- : for ratitii-atl'.n. A hi threat ??f til" PTOl t failure of I lid attempt t?> ?''iiisumi'i ?trough joint r? solution, that is hardly orth ?eonridsrlng. They ?would noi " ??r the Job that the ?i B teSOluUoa WOUld make i, j, Oould in nd? : rtisim? ut in a newspaper In Lskewood, '. J., Offering his bOOSe ??t Madison ave .ie ami ?Slzty-eeventh street, x> who wanl ti pro ] ! : . . I irii hi.-, ?back ?>n .Manhattan, wl X. s o?i really hi) eera i" ?have i ?good ?man* ai Am? the m? n of the aine, but still not so ?few foi ere might h We ?should ?like ;:, or the vast majority ??f, the IB of our navy repr?sentai merienn citlsenship. -Dwighl i.. i York In announcing his r? this city f??r one week nexl month, al? les to bis ?X mission' in a?l ??f S t Viva!. it has c lusi ?1 ? mment ' tton-mlll strikers of Nee ? ?getting Short of funds, ?*ted, and taken toe npromlse ??r ai . of the ount of Which they arc Te ring. "he m.mory of Wsshingto I i lo this country to-day by re ' that Vit. ;>? r hand of him, I my ?and all provi i a publican ?bosses in : ass an iii'iy, ami in m?>r.- ?.r lees trepidation, order to make ?j.I the ever-growing . v. r, la thai liai Is to ; lays In MeW York, taking evi is announced, after ahleb it trill irn to Savannah to complete tb ony. i-:. Wlllai atbed ) to the animation of which ah \\ .?nil b'i Christian 11 on, tpomm'-nt <?f Mr. ?Bailey's ad M will only further ?rhat the tab I? 'Pitite <?f our | what may he sur-' will ! ?' a d<Sdd<Sdly ?good g. >?!wln, the BCtor, F r divorce is mai i being ti. .. ne Elliott, a i ol bis le, the into innocuous ._ I-? I >MM. THE LKOISL \Tl RE. ? III i a i Cl.l Ma .'.'?I No B X T of D4 ? A i: and clal ? a Keni People Opamaoa to Certain lt<-1 re lie li men I Mi-iinur?-?. K. ni:\v ?KENT COUNTY, VA , nary XL?(S its, Mr, J. W, i : IgW tO 1" is of flour an i t" !' re d in v ?bushels bsrrsl of asm oil, and s i"t ol s< Ine-thi ii<h th,- negligence of hia freight man. ?. .1. who left ills hoat lyii bore all Bight s itb ?the ?goods tb? m to be very Indlg? the House Senate to tiy t?> enact a law to ?I ? aritnessea of their fees in m ?Se the ?fact that th? I - laborer is irortby <>f his hire," and th. common lew of our lead i from the ?Bible, we don't think the would "hohl water" in our I B. The justice? of the count] foaming at ths m?'iih with rage at tb? ir Bin a?ly ?pitiful iture Incri lilies til, 111 ? over all bable i or confln? ment In tbs ?p-ml? iliousness sed hy torpid liver, winch pr-u-nts >**tget*. id perm's food t?> ferment and putrttj in ?iii.icli. Tlit-u follow dizziness, h-a?! : flood's sad, rein-vil, hili'iiii fever lag. ii?.'.?i's tllll'illlte the 't.'in.ieh, th?? liver, eta . divine-?-?, eon- I _. _ a?. ? ' ?irugglst*. 511 ity l'llls lo tali? wtta Hood *. ?i.irsaparilla, [ TO R i'i rep? of : ? -m i sell II.Ml ? "IT prit: I'l fOI? Pills Cil tentlarv, whld) mak' ? Hi- ofBee B mOCh mor? i? Kp'inslble on-; but still th-y WOttJ I , ?it ' their thooaanda untouched. W* recog alse the fact that there la room ft hm??nt, and that a ?top should be put i" sobs? things, but as Lincoln lele .t of I'-nm-vlv.inhi when be . tailed for 10,610 men to stop the i - int.. his State, "thai his stopper was too small." so it Is with our law-mikers when they try to bring about in?' ut by stepping the poor, i.-i .- man froi I it? per be has work..I for It, <ir r? l of an air. ..?y poor!) ?;i\. a i pay tie m better, f?ir ;?i through the i; just!- to be adjudicated by our county courts. >ot ? < iin.ll.lnlc. ''. H , Ya.. February r.\ IBB T" the Kditor of the lM'!?it?'h: imoBlcaOon from ? a ',. ... K in the ?\ ? eklj o in tr.ii? U ' my nan. in the list ..t 0?ndldatl lunty Judgtteblp Fudge B too late that i am a* I the position. been. Ver illy, JAMBA M. LBTCHEB, Jr. CHEAPER THAN READY-MADE. SUITS TO ORDER, $7.75. Trousers to Order, $5.50. THIS SALE WILL POSITIVELY CLOSE I, Feb. 23d, it 8 P. ML It is to your interest 1er now. Morton C. Stool & Co., TAILORS, 826 EAST MAIN STREET. U BBERS TODAY. ir<>m the Yhitehnrsi trustee stock, of Main (?reet, Norfolk. Less than faet?n < osi thai] be obi price to-day, for ? ,r must dose the Rubbers ont ai < ni these ?-?viel s m ill f?ay yon < i? i?ut them uiaefora raihi 4 hildren'? Fu-?t ??null- Spring . j Heel..'....: 15c. i i le Spring Heel. 15c, < II- "l Thick Ktiiii" |to 8.80c. oaths'Spring Heel Thick Rubbers, sizes 11 t<> 2.25c ml:? * ' Spring Heel Storm... ? ^ytrr adies' ll.-i-l Storm, all sizes.. i *#*'-5*-'" ndies1 Heel Basket, small sizes..! !!< . [en's Sell Acting, broad and oarrow best grade, nil sizee, -yr worth ','? . ?3*5**" en. Stonn Rubbers.40c, ickle A reties, to day.... 7.*??-. adies1 Rubber Hunts.....$1.l*.~? Rubber Boots.#1 .oo adies' Piral Cfrade Storni?.II?-. -r'/- A speeial rank o? Ali Bolid *_j? # I-' nther Lace and Button 4-4 Blisses* School Shoes 7 .">? . ^OtM^ummaw mmt*stnmmxm?^ "^ 311 ! AST BROAD. fte | ' 1 -e ?J Ifl MEETING"! - IENERAL OPDER No ?. : \i ",'i ?VRTERS RICH M< ?N'D V\/ S'DERY, No. 2. K. i . -*V**' fimond, Va /\ n SDAY, February . m 730 P. M., in fatigue dreaa. Mem? mmander) ted to i of the Bmin? der. R. L. HECHL.ER, Captai - . W. M. \Vlil rd? i. -it Mar?n? i mond Va., Ft bi u ANNUAL MEETING iny'a oflli at, ;?t 12 "', lo i. M .RTHY . KH< ?L.1 ?ERff MEETIN? ?. of J. W II Ico a i ford, AI. I'- Jordan. J iv Aeree, and other?, a ho , hold on? tenth ?>r mor? of th? I - Hound .V kilning Manufacturing ? ' < ' ?ting of ?tockhol : ! company to B ' Bank, In Hi?- citjf of I? invllli FRIDAY, th? Bth i U f Di , .1 for such other ; ing. .1. W. CART1 IBB, ? ?Mili) ITB1 BOB mi H B. THE :? ?rLE OF THE CIT1 OF ICHMOND: rofoun ful for the confl_enc? i?ed In me in t?. : conacioua i faithful performance of the duties reapectfull andldate for re-elec to til. olBc? of COIXEOTOR ? ?K , tan KS, subject t?> the I >emo larch 1.'. l?iS8. my .tT'irls in th ?.Tv duty? bimV holding my r ady to ob.-y any call of my B? at, l beg your au| | illy. I RANK \V. CUNNINOHAM. K l'< Ml Th Th Th Th? Th? Th? Th? Th? The r. St St I ?M t?!?Il up, For City Auditor, tas. W. Fellows, IjrCT TO DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY. I UO (t. lr-oodid? 1 D l?Ib?q Company's a??S The essence of all that':? best in beef. Made from tho best parts of the best cattle, raised on the company's grazing fields in Unif-uay. That's why it is the best, and for over tbiity year.-? unupproacru?! for purity and fino lLivor. Genuine has i//____y /**> this 5l>-iiature VaC^^ijt^?-^q in blue : ? c< It ?oes a Ion? way, SYDNOR& HUNDLEY': Upholstery Department is in ?fine shape. Having jusl added many New Patterns to ? Upholstery of tlte Latest Designs, ami having ?also addi <l to our force in tin's department, we i prepared t<> ?I?? Special Work, Furnish Estimates on Re=U ?bolstering, and Guarantee Satisfaction. SYDNOR & HUNDLEY, Leaden 711 and 713 east Broad street. tte 13-Sn. I'u.U'i New Scale Kingshury. IVIUSIC sweet and heavenly ?manai from a New Scale Kingsbu Piano. It interprets everythii in musical sounds, ?from the sun of lav *?t' th?' bird to tin- 111? difficult classical music, with ton that nbrate through th?* soul. that would set the birds t<? niakii melody on ?the ?bough. We ha' all kinilsof ?musical ?instruments hut all of the best, and al tl most reasonable prices and term ^ICHrVlOND IVIUSIC COMPANY. &+A$OAAA$Tf_f_t?ETTSA****A*4? ** i> t ' FINE Mechanics' Tools THE BEST ARE THE GHEAPES1 au<i tho Isrgaa it Basortmeot ? ur -01 ompaoy la i :\-.i Leiug at tt.e ii-.ii ?.? moceeefsj uiaa m.? >!? liiiiii.??! Tool*, ai v tBetr full luu?. vj??? rial prie and cataloguai BALDWIN & BROWf? Heailqu.irten? f'.r th .-'-inetf ?hi ni'-.-ii Tools, Wit.-, ? -1 rnnp ?11 ?'.?rnijate 1 K? . e't'.rs. ??inter ,\.-., in aware, ? arrtagesiMl w rials. Peint, i.<"?1, (als, Varni gJSBSI ?l.iin ?treot (.?]?pi?. 1)1?! ?liiiKet, \\ ;ireii?.n?e : Tni.k I.'.? .V ? ?.. Km Iiiiii.u.l, \ , _ /r=-^s====^==**\-*-^ ?> * - .-?U*--C**r *** IN-I It \\? i: IT kTEMEXTS. [rUBUSBBO BT A? 1. ci.!. :>ll?ji: OS ruin?' ??viint? 01 tSU.J RATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMl'ANV OF \ KitMONT. RTY-EIOHTH ANNUAL BTA TOR TUF ?FISCAL r*EAR ?ENDINO THE 31ST l?AV OF DECEMBE HE ACTI AL CONDITION ?'! ' THE NATIONAL LIFE-INSURANCE COMPANY. ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF VERMONT, MADE TO THE AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS FoR THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, PURSU? ANT TO THE ?LAWS OF VIRGINIA. Name of tb? ?ATIONAL LIFE-INSURANCE COMPANY. Principal i Ufl STATE STREET, INTPELIER, VT. tap in) l.ll-'i-.. U IRLES i'KV' JOSEPH A. Dl .,ii?l Incorporate*] NOVEMBER ' al Agent In Virginia- ?FRED. PLEA8ANTS. Residenc? UICHMOND, VA. No I c numb .14JM 172,471 i? number ?*f poll? d during th ..l the .miniint ??f Insu. . ! number "f ?policies and the amount - anlcb I I to be in I . .\.m i? ? whole number ?bill? . ?amount <?f premium ir .; ? amount . . . -. amotii .I 71!? il of divid? . . .I amount of ;?ll othei liabilities . . . . I ..I. muni? : u,...r.ii. . HIS? ms irltb ' ll . . rnium note? on i . ?i . li in ?i.-inks and. . rred pr< ml . . . . I .1 . H g-*?, CHARLES I'K.U K\ I JOSEPH e of Vermont -?Sworn t>> l'"?i.tu.u'y ll, l$?8, before ?ULTON, -' Notary Public. The policies of the National are Bhort, free ?from restric? is, and contain the largest GU IRANTEED rash, loan, | and extension values. No restrictions on residence or travel. Absolute!] in ;nd Don-forfeitable. A few energetic agents wanted in Virginia. RED. PLEASANTS, GENERAL AGENT, one, New, 125. 1112 Main street. .Mllifl) OK AND JOB PR?UNO NEATLY EXECUTED AT THE MM'ArciI iiotu?. s sur ir?' HAPPY SCHOOL DAYS Examinations art who bib promoted sril] protide Pencils, ?School Supplies. Our Hi plete; an?l ( i B cheap. Our customers money by buying Hunter&Co?, 629 east Broad street. - FO A GALLON 17 og t ?1 or ig te 16 IS. $225 of First-class WHISKEY. Probabl) 1 bu thlnl for a P ??dmit thai ; quality, but w "Whiskey ; d f..r it. ? ;t sip of it?that'e what mai tiii-n bought I' .v.-ll. that's the w.iy you will , Hon. George A. Hundley BB \IM|I IBTBBS BOB l \M V GBOCBBIBS IBD I l ll|( ?Ills. BBS I" 1ST BROAD 11 i" hiiom: asi?. RICH ?him?. \ \. UK UN Will \. f. M\|>. .-. ?.ti .:..' I'n?-?' bist ??f Will? Bppli?sati< (Jal3.Sa,Tu*:Th) Billiard. Tool, a Ho!.. Hi!,: ill a 1.0 m ' I mid I' .1 ' >'' ?nd upw . "?. 100, ?DHort? "-- to 112.150 i b, THE KKaT: Til on?SI'? ! '? i,?r erosa ; lie.l Leal outlant three sets of any other k; . ? set, with fringe. Taiii.k? OVBBKACLBB and rtrt IB ?'iRFf'-T 1 OBOSB. Plgeoa-Hol? and Ban-". Bab Firroaa?. Beer-bi 1 i Table? made luto Too! 1 BowllnKBall? and Ten Pins Pool Tablet are 11, - matt ' I, Kichmon 1. V? Write for catalo(fti?? and pile*?, out?..' orders will have my prompt attention. (no 28-Su. Tu .?. STREET-RAILWAY TRANSFERS i >H ami aft? i- Sun-da). I ruary 20, 1898, a pa will Ko entitled t?> < ;\ E tr fer <?ii payment ? fare. Transfers to Foui it nthsti Ii'iclinioinl, anil to Hull ?-n Manchester, will >?' all?? onl) <>n payment ?if u i far?'. Passengers desiring trau tickets will no! when fate is paid RICHMOND RAILWAY & ELECTRIC CU '.' tti HARVEY & CO., FLORISTS, No. 5 West ?road dtl ROSES, VIOLETS Cl T FLOWERS, FLORAL DESIGNS AM) Dtt ORATIONS Onion til or ? it.- promptly at I ?1 to. ' 1. S.d.- In ? '. uissuLt noms <v- ? opa? : "hkhsiiii . Tin: r ? n.M.: nun. d-.l (fe l*-Tu