Newspaper Page Text
_THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1898. LOVE TO H ELP OTH ERS And Hence They Give Good Advice About How to Make Life Happier. I > > A,?-* > ' 7"VT7 7 SHOES nor?;iiT $ AT OtTR STORKB POMNIII l> ikii:. o^**<?*99*>*>**99***< W.L. *3? SHOE BEST IN THE WORLD By 3 cars of persevering endeavor we have obtained about all the ; success possible in the man- J ufactureof the well-known \ Douglas Shoe. It is as close | to the acme of ?perfection as care \ and diligent effort can render it. j Being manufactured especially 9 for this trade, and sold direct, we give in the quality that which would otherwise go to the profit of middlemen. Our ? RUSSIA STORM CALF $ ?howti here, Il ,i S Winter Russet Shoe of the latest fashionable shades,? a ??crfert storm r. si?tt t : i-. BUMM on the < ladet last, has in ;ivv oak le.?tin r . . and tai? i. ju.. i hold their color .nul r grow braaey. If JOB ??refer ? otherli ather.weli.iv. a full assortment ? f t 4/ $ -4/ -V ?V ?1/ -.1/ I xi/ W w \V M/ mV i ~""BM I a lull assortment o| 623 EAST BROAD ST. ^^?' ?SE | B. F. TIN SLKY, Manajrer. Ki ! J *Bf*-*?*'*t?*Ir.4i4^.P^ I'M r utiMi i nit \ KEG \ i i \. U until a h tun art.I I,.??? Oil r-mrn?Tl I nl? er- U > \ ii 1111:11. -, ' niel of - in Juim Mr ' tiled 1 i*j*"-_ Hi t a winiiln. Mr Mr. ! ?. I Then I t. rsi ' . ii No. 1 r.'iiiin A. F White, G. I* Smith. 11 he do; It H ' 'I I old lions I ' ' d family, \ .:i all \iiitl>ii:ii in NOTTOWAY. I In? I'. Hr-liurii I' Think Tin? lin??- m Miii'ii?**<?iiuiit Culprit. BUt by this morning I : to be w. i'. a o of the m : very in offl? nt ut> thii -.?y ? wtt? . me to our city about two ? 1 m i ?..ok ., ro >m a! 1 he imperial onion, Walter Wright, n the Kurop. ;?n plan. . aft.-r th 1 a Buml and robb? rl< were eommltted The ! .11.1 Edwarde, and W, a. Worth were broken lato .""i robbed la Quick . mom y, eh.tin . and oth.r ?nt; 1 atol? II. I ' nid ay night al his ' l.Ut I In hi which Identified him with the robbery <>r th? thr..- Wright *?m ring moral , ?pel ty found m t , . Mr. ,?.1 tie 111.111 ul likely ' Mln> ly Cbt ing near aorn? o in deollnlng Ashlalid to when t of th. ih. ir HI visit t In !.. I night. The banqu? I A * wtg Bhovn in tiiui t.. organise a Wbatt BO ? sur? .-. :i tuiinsh ..ii.. of th? eluba for thai purp? i in: row \ OV BOBSLTB. ?.i?:it ObJ?otla_a t<? it? Prppoaad ? liHrter??ilt-xttnilrliin?! Oiipiini- It. ALEXANDRIA, VA., February 21. . ?dfy ty will I this morning for i:l< hmon.i t nor Tyhr in opposition t Which re Cent'' ! ' I . Mr. M. B. II;tr!n\v. ; Of the Bt ? '"inp.itiy. in nn in it, said In : "Th the. knowledge or coi . On that W? ... i *' this chart? r provlsloni :i .1 charter ?>f In? ri for any town in th ni that is. that th.- town of ... u uiii be -i veritable lioate Carlo.'' .Mr. James i:. ? Saton, tie i-. Company, arho has already enl _ lin-t the ..f tin- hill, will acoompany t. tion ' I and i who i incilmen ?>f th Mr. nil.?- nam? > osed erli further o d by Mr. I.ip. : i ; Ih. I.iih? r lliire.iu IIH!. NORFOLK, V.\ . r? i.r.iaiv B. com? i .in th?* i:.' i MIL i..inral ni-i.ii Miipp Better, I EXINOTl "N. VA., Improved to-day. He f FEDERAL ASSEMBLY. IHM, l'HOYiniV. lOH TU Kl I III Uin -i n*?i ??i BUT ? in**i - THE DISASTER TO THE MU?E. linn??? Joint Rrxoliitlnn I'riii Mlnu f?ir It ?*< ? ?er.v ??f IIikII??? I'rni.i pi I ? ISnptSi l?>" ?In* -? llflti?< ?Hiimlll.-e Iavestla*a*Uea onierrd. WASHINGTON, february 21 tiii". ? boors te I under Hi dleeusslns tii" ?bill pi-ovMlnn r?>i tira tektag of the twelfth and -.m? ? ? nsi! ill?- Ceoeaa ?Suman ?ander the ?Sea y ?if ths Intel Irrr, bul i ! ?Jia Y ens-nan ahlcb feUo-e<*-d disclosed so wi.1 B ?liv? rgence of vi?**,?? ?in t: i ttlot f??;?t'.irf< of tli? ne in? further u''tton taken. EA iesi.iutioM offered by Mr. alien, ol Ke?b**aaka, ?iirootinii ths Cotatnltb I Affaii -, t?. rinikf ?an inv -ti? .if th.- dlaaster t" the battleship ?Maine -iras a?.'i'i ?i. aIthoul ??fahl Th?? joint leMtatt-an pruvl.llnir. for tli ry of th? and mea ?frota Ute streaked ?battleehlp Maine. ' ..f \.ii'i.ii'ie property >ll tile Sl)l|l. Wllll'll was , V tile lli.use .?f i w.i ; nt.ii t<? the Senate sod i uBantmoual**. n tjairlei an appropria? tion of m Mr. Allen, of N'.lir.iskii. IntrodOCed Hi? Ion: Resol? ? 'l. That the rjommltt? - Nave] Affairs be, end it ?la hereb; : to make a thorough Inqulr) the deetrnctlon <?i the ttattlesl In ?Habana s thi ?lfith In port t., th? The reaorutlon ?as passed unsnhnousljr. ' I ??tti'I I ?n f?r Mr, ; of ?Maine, b? sen to coosldi r Mils on the calender, Among those l were the following: Bear masters and m Ut tons lO have it.. ? ?United 81 ' providin. th?- ?soil? r funiishli . uf titles t?> .m | i,'. : ration of otb?t*r WUa on Che ? alendar was dl the meaaurs proyMlng f?>r ths twelfth and proposition - I until 1:15 P. M.. when, without an ?a-rre? m? Into eaeeu* . -itiy afterward ad j.Mirn PRIVAT! Cl M..*-'. This was privat -bill ?lav in theHO inn little a i r-i.? i. owing ?to th? tact tli it most <?f tlif tini?? was coni in h bWa over ?from thi The feature of th? :.rit?'.i e bill tO pay N*. wb. rry ran institution In ?South lamagea sustalni ii a bile used I an ' F troops shortl) d. II wax ?JtrOTil by Mr. 1 ?iind-y and Mr. Dalsell, who annonncad their aa in to wer ? i.'in.- of this chai i?ut Mr Cooper, of Texaa, nrhe chata? ! by Mr. Mahon, ol Penn?yli Mr. Walker, of Maesachusi tts, ?and other Republicana, and it wai tin?il-. O'i in.ition of Mr, oratlc lead Efou* btngton's birthday by adjoornlngoverta-taorrow, ?bol Mr. i dee* i?;?- ?point of bo qoorum, before furth.-r actloa could be taken the lb.a under the rule, until s k. Th.? Republicans ?i? sirs I ahead with the sundry civil appropi nui to-?mon < \ *?\\ BBPIXQ REDlCTIOl?. ??iin-lr-. *l|?|.r<i|.rliitl??ii Hill it i?l uci ,1 ?I? ?r **?>.? <)<),< <)?>. WASIIIN'IT? ry _')._-..*. | Ing n ?bi'tlon ?if ovi ii th.? ut ?Jaw is ?made In ti ??vil spproprladon i?iii report? d to The to! .1 la f than ?r and supplem? ntal officia] and ? is than tl in w llmltationa snd plac? b all buildings, hen ?pur* icted. ipriatlon under the control of the I hi r with the .??it. a, und? i irisdlction and control J den Iv? an . ?1 ha? riii del An ill!? li.r Wli and In the cualody of the Secretary of tno TrMmiry, '' , hat In the untv. v. or other money? due prl ' r?, aallor?. or marinen, or th? Ir -entatlvee, th? allewanoee for tfttoi? itat.d in . tiii'Mte. and limits the expenditure (or th?' erection of 1 r? for reject . IZu.OuO additional f,.r ? oh idditional bat rrom any appropriation unlesa the iMiorlty or ? mted. I arsenals and armorie?, I1W.S75 la from I year; for '""" ,.'H called for f2.000.0ij.)); work ?.ii rivers and ludion ..; - ?iirvev of d watt i Atlantic, 82? ? ". .?n in' r? as? or : I'll?- buildings, *U32.?*|), ' duction of ll.lOl.O&l; for maintaining |?r.-?< ?nt light I. an Inrreaae or yi i_. (. It Ion. 1100.000; Nati Idlers' ' !. an Increase of ? irrent law. <?th?r items are: Uf.-Saving S?rvie.-, '' ' ; lik'ht-hoii-. ,. t., aeons, and ' I " 'ion of 1232.110; 'aving and Printing, li.i DR. W. W. M ? K Di:iD. Till?? I'm in I n| im \iiinm I'll > nli-lan I'lmni'n luiii In I, re ?I? lire. f.EEBBURO, ! ' ?l.-(Spe?-hl.) ; 'his community ?t the d.-ath last night "f I?r. W. W. Luck. Th? 'f l" w. J. Luck, of Mtddleburg, and can air.' ah..nt month? .-it,'., to in ited finely at Ho .?m... ..mi arg* regard a man of unusual pron I hl? h aeemed t.. prove Itself h? d a hold opon a i Ih b? waa held m : He .i""?' m j and his is universally lamented, ii' was a mem? ber "f th- Ifethodlsl Bplscopal Church. His remain? >? ill be taken ' Middleburg hon rrow for Inter? ment Pneumonia, followed by typhold i". ver, ?re thai? two v. Mr. .l.uie i i .- .. ' -.-. ." ! I highly -i, and father ? i i* Bltser, peator of the I - hnr. ii of th led on y niu-ht; a He wai lly ?in - cumbed t?> the ?ii IV. MK. BITZER CALLED. to the Presbyterian church to Huntaville, I it und. ? itlon. It s thought bj hat he will .-|.ei|,l. rthday will be quietly d. ai d looutionary ind mu nt at the i i that a muBlcal all nt will l. 'id a undertaking l? boj ed ill?! 1' t la will m to he fund foi tli" ?' ?i.?i in northern f th.- l ' ' tli" ? !onf? ?h-r.i win be for ? gold ami allver leiiai, the ?contestants being eight young [' ii putatIon .? i locutionli I LEESBURG M \X ON THB MAIM.'. Whit.ii (colon ',', who Ufa i.y tie Matti? disaster, wentj v., rom i.- Bburg Into tie- out Ight ] H ; li"i?; f s" [ill. .\tr. C. C. Mer?'in. of Loudoun, h . th.- I onUoni soon t?. op, ' ton, on the "Dry j _? olton " eeaburg ilrty-alx ? wea, whlrh ' ive y I . -:1I t? ' i me (lock nil.s fi 1! DOES IT Ml \\ W Ml f pn tit. B th. "? iitcn.ln???! kettelt) In Hie Vi\\ Innl nt ?.??i-foll?. ?ORFOLK, v.v. i- bruary IL?(Up ! i V.'.ok .. ' ik navy--. with nii . ov rnmeni actlv? I d all ?hipa at. tli:- ; made rhe lull rorce - mploy in the d' p?riment o? ib and .air will w..rk all tO-nlght, 'lio- non . wa.rk BU g th.- Ii morrow. Lut DO torty ht hours, and the work of the' i bunkera, and :al plumb : ittinur .on la aup? ad to be a irltan i re.i tor aei ,? the iv on ' ?.lurn. d t.. hi pt ?.f a large quanti? ,f ammunlUon at the yard Ii and lan W? 1 tun Ig* tlotl . d.i.: of B001 Tl raid the tile "A man is known hy the com*4 Above are the pictures of tW? aown au?i noble genUemen. One la the light it'v. BishopBdarard Wllaon, i>. i>.. d the other is Bar. J B. Ran ia. i ?. ? ?. I.l. I ' . |.i. i I ; Biverslty, Waahlngton, 1 >. <'. Tli riii-ii have s., ni. d th.- high poeitlona ley hold and the OOnfld? i'i them through tie fidelity they iivo shown to humanity and tie ley i- present Th i v?ho bave ..- confidence <>r ?hi who know them an v?. ii?? lore humanity .-ans in their power t.? .i.. . verythlng to ii.tit it. il .l.le, though not strange, that atienten have found lp and itii'ly. one of tin- great dll i ? Bishop \\ i have taken Warn. . .ti? great sdventags . ?and derived muob benefit from Its inheeitatingl* recommend it to my Is." In speaking upon thi? snbjset, Dr. re known of n who ?save red of I the kidneys and urii organs by the use .?r warn.-r's I kn<? in Bttallar '.iii.l Ing. 1 humanity, to r< Men lik" Bishop Wilson ?and or ?Raskin ?I., ?not apeak hastily or of thinRH of n?)t fully w '? . They ad worn? n and deeln to them i veil as m? i >f dollars could not for a ' mpi them to m : i? y kr.' w . 1] til.. ! Il lie. Th n Innumei rKrm 1.n worn ..ut by il Of Ufe. i than f'.rrrurly. who - Uob a hea they ahould i who do DO! kii'"'- ' inn f'.r all ti that in. kidti. y or iiv- | Th "UiilaloV ' ' their friends, and 1 When auch i nmlili' t and II ?3AMBLIXG DIN*. IN I I I.I. BI/AST. implniiitN ?if I.iiit. l?-????u??*?*? in .li-xaiitlrht Count?.. \i,i:.\-wi'itiA. \ \ , i ebrnary FL? i>. .i.ii) Da-Governor ? '. nail's cru ibUng in Alexandria nnty, si ?ii ?freak in the minds of many, without prai-t; I- upon ?fOOd authority it at least ii h establishments running ;if fnll bleat at dill nt?? la ths county. These i I- ? rate.i with? ittempl ilment. ?and the law openly defied. Kt t ii. m h 111i--, ns. .i liquor i i gaming ai m to be th?? or ?.i tin- day. Tli" county auth Burprlalngly in ?the ?mai Ing np so? i ?bringing ?the miscreants to joe* . for it is hardly supposed that the lent-exlstlni ly unknown t?> t?. iv for ling fraternity now h? ih in the ooonty, and for a Bomber trips ?bet* th?- Virgin] Uni*: h< i r ultimate destination ?being the ths lull above. Thli I known ani?n?? th?? sportin?? element, ent visit to it by : the it of fully t a al? - of ?S un. -, k> no, ' poker ?being t b t.? ?gam? smaltbier frequent? of th? ii'i'is,. whlls In another i??r- , t!le 1 f of | i hoe, wer.- Indulging in th?? delights " ?Liquor not . otten. Ii "iiiv." ?t w.ii he torn* mbered olli- I I i the en? i p. ?mpharnnlin sk z.-?i and i court*houae la this elty I Ing. ?Sob ftei ?intlit was Btolen, and Is ?BOW I lid tO , -fain 'it its old ?luart' ( , tether Governor Tyler will : ipls <?f ally j g taking a hand In tli". suppression of Indred ?vjis in A count with the i mu it ?mi inn \ ni K\i:i? id m: \m A Terrible Trn?- ><!y in the ? ?unity uf Tnaii wan Wall TAZ-SWXLL, \ a . Pi bruary BL I of on horrible occurr known in tiii- county. Mi i rncb? ?man. who I tar?n of Mr. J. B. Olli this i called to i be? ing. Mrs. Buchanan, irtng her h"in?-, thought ehe had id locked h? r children, t.. which waa I -, in the houi . Bosae work-fa on the Icing tin unusual amount ted to the ; d the bou but roof bad fallen and all four of the chil? dren wer?.? burned to a criep, boI the bones reman n in rday h"iit peering the ground m Inch ??f soli..' ice, and then turning Into a heavy snow, which con : i'.I. m: \ ru ?ii- it. < . iiiisi'iu it. ?nppoM.-.l (?ml l)?'|i?iH?t ere.l \??iir rYmm?etara-?Baeh Bseltoaaeat. DBTOCK, YA., F, h: nar;. | I:il.)? K. ?'. Hoepour, a w.ll-known citi- . M ?>f this ; Y m?-rn? t ng after an il'i month with J his morning from tie I church, h n<i th" ?mi iiii- nt waa it? H emetery, Bhenandoah Camp Confede ,-. v< a iiich h*> In body. h ter ??f Dr. W, ,\ at pi ! ir. CI Saumsvllle, five miles north i is tin,ught. will : anthra. BOBBNBT .1. ii tun.ton ?i\ i m u ? l.itrire.l ??III. in, \ll.iiipi nt Train Wrri-kliiu i" I'lilrfi. \. PAIRFAJ m.u The trial M . .1. Hamilton, under indi 11 .. Thornton Mere Ut h torne} C. V. 1 '.. W. Moor?. a ho baa I ? ?I by the ralln number ? ' ill.I ! rain ?mpln turn 1 to? Mr*. -Kill" Mel >* Dl?. H A M 1 ! elby v - o TEMPLE, PEMBERTON, CORDES & CO., 7 AND 9 WEST BROAD STREET. S-5.JS.i*??S?i>*3S-5i;*??*^ OUR SPRING OPENING. We bave now open for the inspection of our patrons the largest and best ?selected stock of CHOICE DRY QOODS AND NOTIONS ever shown in Richmond The liberal patronage bestowed on us in the past, and the appreciation shown by our patrons has stimulated us to new exertions to please and earn the good will of everybody. We can say without fear of contra? diction that we have the largest and best assorted stock ever shown in Richmond- and marked at the least possible price. It no trouble to show goods. We will be pleased to have you inspect our stock. m:\\ mi ks, humid t ?HID \??. ?Printed Chinas, entlr? ly i ?rular 75c, quality "><)?. i'itiN i ii? ro? i. 4MUU, TBc, and $1. i mi i? i \i i BTAJ, 1 i in.; K i M I ?CTAfi. unusually . ?:n. . 7.'. . I III! K I M III It, ?i? w. ?uii asaoiintent of every . li. At \m i. ill ? K l ?I l l l *.**. ' vli' h, $1. H.t mi? ?tOlO tTBIPBD i \i ill him? .' Mill) 111 I II W ly new i .?i l -.?i >LAH \m> UEJet i: i m 1.1 \s. ry ' of thv new uii. ?ii.inti ii ? \ i in?-. Ught, Midium. ? iik oiuiti ii IATII di i in ... d Hhlrt- I ?)i.?)iti:i? t in\ \ Mi,ik?, "c ->f .-olor- ^ ? und 7r#u, NI'.W HI, 1? B ?IIKS, 1 in. \< K indi \ \nd j \i?\ni:m: SII.KS. j 1 width, color, weight, and tlnibh, j - Ktra valu. .".' TB , |1, and *T M lll,\( K I \l I I I ?*?. ra good values, .*?<>, no, TO, Me., ji, ami I1.SB oi it PBK/lALi ?hi'.' TafTetn, i I lll.\< Iv ??I It 111'?. For ladies' e o values, ftlle. to it M ni. \i K intoi \di:d i mit: tas. ?Very desirable, new pattern?, extra 88 1 $1. II \l \l)l.Ill . MOIBB \ BUN It. . I'm <l I??. BILK roriTNv. Elegant v. favorites bid again opular favor. |1.SO, fl.75, and 12. i:i. \? B PB vl l>i Ml?. i weight, finish, and lustr?. extra values. II. I1.M, II ??). and H.7S. III \? B MIN DI I III -s. High lusti.- goo i wsight, unu $i, $i .".?i. and MTB. i \ i.NiN?. ?II4KB, . Btrlped Taff? tas, full line of eve- < ling shades, 11. mo? \i?i:d urn i \*?. Entirely new i ? i all deslrabl? I Veiling TB 4*-*' , 11. and I A Ml I I ? II IT I IS. ( i a good values. S.V. and it, N H H I. I \ I IN?. Unmet?'haiii... values, .".?? rie., Ji, nnd m -. w inn; s\tin in i in *?-. ?Purs White and i ti.ns, ?i.iMi, ?and lai. Mili ?.Itl'N \I)INI>. Mitirri? i.iiia tniM> Light i ?lors, ji. I K.I HI I) OBEN INIHNI - ?Black Ground ; ir-gy j i - > ?and III.II 1 \-HI??N I ion-Fran?. ? ? h Ir.iii-Kram? Grenadine " IU.\? K un??? \i?i:i? ?.m n \iiini IS, .'.?? 7.*?;. \ in Our si,,ck of V. Ivet? Ii tli?; mo t tho .- ? ompli te in the city. ?Pull ae . ..?'tin i nee shsdi R .. ? torn, i ,-i M. N \M! l.D.llls. Oh showing of new ont* i'itiNiii? n infra i> fax un ?Bael ? lili?. VNIIII -. n? w putteniM ?tiiil ?.'"!" ?Hi. \niiii; it \? i Bntirelv new pattrrns an?l M I'HIN III) I.INKN I. \\\ N?. rnas ?13c. .??i i ? \i\ Ifew nrrlval? in Golf Capea ; m: M ?.( on h aiBBVAMS. i The Mti.i thai a isb and wear so well? 2S. :t"# and ? x in'? II I M'l'l I ? '? /tlri-ly BOW, blight, rich ?"hirings, In pimds and strip. I?? BO l'ftiNTKD moi ?"?il iNi: m: son:. ^Entirely new ?>" ni w ? m oi{i:i) MtBSI ?.lions; mitioni in. i i ?mis. eh. s wide, toll assortment o. apiing " " WOOa. ? mi K*. ? t,-.i valu? --. Me. PABC1 mi\ i i m s. la.tin!', !?, full Um- ol spring ?hading?, "-" III \?.ON \l. s|;n,.| ?g. All wool; good i IhM of olortnga, I ?II I ION I I OITIS. !>2 lnch?'S wide; all wool; full assortment f hi sprite- *?.-, i ?mil. ? lli:< K?<. !l wo.d and silk and wool, ie w and ? 1.28 ad M.SS. \KNI.I I \N ? l)\ 1 It I ? i omplete u?s.>i 1 ht and M. din- i, 'a i.-, ii M and Hot.*. \ \i \ si ri iNi.s, ), 11 i IS. i:i'iN?.i i s i h ? id wearers, ver . It, tiw, |t.8S, and It.M, \\ ?Mil, I II ?k I.I.Il.s. N- w pattern-L ?Jgbl end Dark color?, fiUu SATH-STHIPKD CI! U.MI'?. ?New and strikingly bande?me ?pattar**?j ! am! coloringe, 7Sc. Hill) \I)CIO I II-. i Uno of all new spring shad i ta ... ?i .-.?i l'lti:\i II BIUMUM i <? i Bfi, I (tin-Finish Broadcloth, full assortment of sew Bbadlngs, 1 BUM iii.a? K BOOM* r.?r tb? wear, Oepons unusually i Is wonh your :,y of i he Btyl?ts shoe cannot be dupll? uuwm M)i\? - In All Wool. WOOL and All Silk, in Chi -. ?n tirely i i ? yarn. I HI I'llNV in All Wool, B and Wool, entirely i ? Ingly handsome patti: - ? * " i i?.t itr.i? WOOL ABO >!<hi\ih *n\ n n Km r? ?fu?)d vain.- ? M ? M fi 7.**, and U. < iu:\ mi v *-7 $1 and *l Sg -lull ?UBS. Unusually k?>" l vahiea SB, 7.*?, - and II. IMPMII ? i<> ? 11 and tl.'A?i. DIABOHALS, , Irable; ?extra ???'?-'?l valu??., tu tuno. iA.\ I m Hills-. olora "f i. at h? rs SSc. to |l J ?I? \NI ?I I l\v ? III 1 !" * ' < ., tO |1. I \l| OJI-M mi *?l ||s. ? ?ur ru. nt i-orop ' ?had. i In s||' tit ?. IT IN IE I s. I III \ I?. I M < I V DI ?.?.ON ILS, UHU4? olIDs IM) ? I 'M H* I I..III-W IT?.II I I ?. Ivl ?'lot I , . s|| K I NDKIIsKIM I > Konian Strip? Tafl uinhrilla )?)" ?> and Is In Silk FndersklrtM, and Co MII.K *?*? 1!?T?. " .o B*.