Newspaper Page Text
Tin.? r-inttMONTi DISPATCH-TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 22. 1898.' J SECOND I SALE DAY. r? Not Possible to Get the Store Ready Before g o'Clock This Morn? ing. The Store Can? not Be Open Until p o'CIock. We ?III open this morni..K with one hundred and twelve additional sales people. A SALE MOST EXTRAORDINARY! ONE WHOLE STORE SOL?) TO 9 x -N ORDER TO SAVE FOUR OTHERS. We hope to aao+fi 't ?^ be able to give quicker and better service to the mu! Ml+fie-mT iT^f?l ill titude who crowded our store to its utmost capacity. TB*! Hr W\U With the increased force of salespeople, cashiers, " ,!?\ 1^!?-X bundle-wrappers? and delivery service we trust we wliTrtt be^^ the doors against the eager throngs of buyers, as was the case seve^ 0VER ,NT0 CASH OF A ONE miMfSm AND HFTY-THOUSAND DOLLAR STORE PURCHASE UNDER EX TOAo? CONDITIONS That is the reason for I K^yKWI';-?^.;,>;iV;u|S,v ?ow prices in every department. " ^t?t?ffi^ h0,d ??* l,nliI a" are S0,d ?Ut To dav's selling supplements with the following, which need no comment: Where aisle wivs are crowded please keep to the right. Wi* irivp trading Stamps, as usual. MEWEET ANT? 11ANT'S"M -UK-?. DROPPIKO OVE RIPE PEACH it coat 1-2 ird. I choc! 811k indi i-,' CO IS ' i SPRING ? ??i i ?in i \niti. I at til onomJ ones 12 X-2C ' ' ' ? e'K ?: THAN \ F\ LL C Ut-LOAD ?* i im: hi. \ ? iv nitiss GOODS, of the m< city. I gul?: . on our ' ' C yard? Mohair. Arm - ' ANDSRME ? ??I ?ut id DRESS OOODS like this I i on. idtn, Y\ |i ' onr ' All ' a yard, Ian ?'i..tie nably dealr ible Che**lota - gra a yard. Ml -?l.i N l Mil itw I \n ?? mi:. i. idJ i ".m?o aeerna. labon trimmed m embroidery or \ up to f:l: any Cambrif or Mualln Uowna plre, high- or V-neck effects, embi ry trimmed, H.M onea, tt Muslin Oowna, high ..r aqnan handeonlely trimmed m embrolc and kind, for Me. Mualln Skiit.?;. with umbrella mill. . mbroidery, or with Toi edge, StSO kind, for I Cambric Skirt?, with umhi ?n! dual ruffle, trim with \ "Uenciennea : Skn i muslin, with In in a ( 'le mise, ? II? lt.- \ 'lk?' of lery, wit; for 19c. Mualln or Cambric umbrella ruffle, or with h.-ni t? r tu. ka, im re up to He., any ! muslin, v I tucks, for 1"?-. Tin: STORM BLOWS BARD IN T WHITE eoOBS DEPARTMENT**. india I.inons fol aid? for .". '. tlf usual | a Mils worth n MORE THAN TEN THOUSAND I? i v READV-M IDE ?. \iimi:\ i ?. fore: a. half-lln fly-fronl i al i ??f M.S all - .its of Cov? ri ?'loth, i alf-silk lin lin? i a t'i-'l ly, ? All-Woo! at with ail-silk taffeta, m ? I ?-day for ft. ; for 114.50. iil.\? K MORAIE SKIRTS "FOE r,??e und, and i" irk.-.l SL flaring Empresa Skirt, ma ?Id for $10, our pr! Skirts <?f Sprinp Novelty MIxl rllliantlne Skirts for | Silk Skir? ?1 Wrappers of On? - Childl in ticiv. Int? ni' .1 t" :i iv?' h, - sold for m to 11.50, U.60. ?,i\ i:\-"\v\ w nit ?.PERU'.?. At To. a yard, all the I figured and plain, hundreds of leei from. n ; be Empire patti rna of Cr? t..tines, for . 'id fiirnitu! I ukon ?".?it i ' ".'! ? ry tor c, ::-i. ?-inch ("urtnin Muslin for ' KMT i \i)i:it\\ i:\it. S| ment. Lisle-Finished, Silk 1 for ;? -. each. d Chlldren'a Rlbb ich. - | | | Veal for .'"'. each. BMBROIDBRIEB for muslin I Il on. , widths, fo I loi.h li. s. with il. ir.l. all width-. ar, is. LAI BS. wi ii Width oriental - pi i yard, tie Th? I n.i. i 11 i-4:?-, a ?t w "i w mir. or i.iNi.Ns. ( Couldn't ?;.'t mar ?-**0**-*tl the ?-??miters. h Hers i??' tw. ihn. ,,i u. hiin ?Im'iI il? m ?Scotch or ? ; i m.m Table Un?ens, 11 >?tn 2 yarda ? m.?m :??. . y 71-lnch ?Double Damaslt,*?51-26 valu?', t??r ; UM kind for 75c. and ?i. lie. Rui .Napkin: l"i hall tin ir cost. il Towels for I Unen Hu? h to. r mm: m t >t nit i i i \s. ii Th? i?. i Twllled-Sllk Carole Umbrellas, [ular 11.50, our i?:!?" U. i. ?Ladles' or Twill?*d ? Oloi ? .i i dies, i usually so!,i for 11.26 and UM, ?>ur ? ach. * I L Hi m? n'a besl En-riish ' lea, ?rearalat i i ich. II ?NIMvPltl Hill s ion Vl.lliiM m?. I MIN?.. I'ni . I kerchiefs, the He. qual? ity, h. Hemmed or that usu? ally now 15c. each. ;. Hnndker <; mi. m. ion d Bon <; , i_ . ! Handkerchief* for HOSIBB1 \ mi i> \iti: Nii.i i:i I i:n IN I Mis | \|.|*. .' H snd ? qua!? 1 I the Be, kind. for i '" i Fa il Black, I ?ouble B .!.ir . for Ch 11 d r ? air. ' ? . ! ' f??r 3c. a 1 i mi. Niu I \N? ?i BIBBOMI ' Of ! :? run? .. NeW All |Q '-day. B Ml. N\ ?MMM BY THE TII'TSA'. B?OOKi Little Wos < ?!." by Stanley tT. ???h ?bound, f??r : I ' D or Rul? ?1 Writing T pa? k ill? ?1 from ?11"- . play, ?mark? ! 29c., for 12 1-2?-. i 1 lot .Ml-Siil; V. Ruffling for th n? ' K. marked I7c !' Buttermilk Soap, I ?ko. t box. | ? ?wder for i : iper, f"i- : pap \ inv color, an.?th th? r, hai i i 1 i-2 Applique ?Scarfs, worth i 1 i-t. i *- _'. and i 8-1 Velv? t in i Corduroy dina, any cilor; also, Blaeka, for BLACK CANT KB, PULL M WCHB8 l IB, TO BB ?SOLD FROM 1" TO ! || i*. ??: | ' . A YARD. A\ m?:n iioi -?I \\ 1MB is WANTED, B W COHEN'S. s Th? re's no bu? <h" \' ?South. To-day s half*] li ?Is nn- ?, a in. I Ins R? ' kinc | ?'nan SPA DORES, i:? ERT ON ? JUST MALI-- THE A! TUAL C08T OF ?MANUFACTURE 1 full 7?-. Imported chin n line U6 usa* il ally. s? for ' I r? : ?.?I ART CRANITE-IRON COF* ' FEE P? ITS 1'? ?R ?15c BACH. ? 'ut-Patti i ?r 1c. t? and ti 5 THE COHEN CO [ MR COHEN CO. THE COHEN CO. i : it vi.o..1 ?h? PARENTS.4? Dr. <.? <>?/ihm <? i. l)t?li\a-rM un Inter.-??! in^ li.Tur?? on This *?iil.jeel. i .oui and Km i . I and valu ' thlnkln found. ' Ile ; ' leo tur. 'I.'lt t le I .? itlon of " il i a fui |ir< ; which a a V iv... greal kon. l'ti .11 the lookou th.-ir chil of human Tie : the home where the found itlon ol lid. Thla apirit ? ? the ajr. M ike . : main ?the strong? si ol all iiiiiimIii Battekeeea iiim BealcaeB. \ Hutchei on, ??i the Rl? lua.I It"??- .?i? red hia i?T\. and 'le- Governor hat accepted ". el? ction h deren ti? ni! Captain Hut? had b? en with the Hoa for a nurn indeed, he ?lde?t ni.'iiii.' r, and It I that hia '.vitti him. i. i; A. Williams will probably succeed him as captain. gaaS of Revolution I?. llniiiiiifl. The Sons of the Revolution will hold i Unir annual meetlna to-night, and after '- the m-ietlng) a banquet will be served the member a at t li ? - Jefferson. When You Have a Had Cold Y??u want tli?- beta !ni(Ii?*ino that can i, and Uial ?is Ofaamberlain s ?Conga Bamied**. \.?u rant :i niiK'.ly ?hut will not only t ?i jaruittuent You want r? fiiody that will relieve tie \nugu hi, i k??'i'.'xp.ftoration i'itsv. ''? u aanl s ?renn iy thai will ? ? uuttr lenoj toward pni ntnoi D WHiitunint-tly that jh pit aba?taml sal' Chamberiain's Cough is ?the nil 0? 1 tin'.?.?- raqntretnents, an?] f.? u llll'i I t CUT? Of I I lQdj a it hont a |>?'or, do >' . I ! nr I ENTEN *?llt\ i? ES. To Be Held Bverj Week Da-j Save -nliiriln? I util \|.ril M \e\|. T"-in?.n..w I y tit* uial.r the BU held ?in?. on of ab '. :ii rom m ? ne? al v .Mala nd throughout _enl -. di be held between th? houi lock R? v. w i rk. will conduct the servi..- tomorrow, Thur -.lav and .. Rev, Lai i : M .-on dui Ing R. .. Thomas B< mmes during r. h 7th Bev, \\ llllam A. Barr dui Ing the we. I . 14th, Rev. Donald Uuthrie on the list, Rev. w. R L Smith ..i. the 3Sd, Rev. 7.. T. Sweeney on i. Rev. K H. Rawllnga on tha -ith. Rev. W. M. Cl'arh on the 26th. and the iule ?a il i I..- repeated during the Bnal w? ,k. ending April l.-t. Iuiliresnlniis of tin? \. II. ? . \. Meat? In?, tary McKee, of 'lull. with the ten d< elation of I mond ? '"lien., returned t.. th>- dtj nliiht from l.yn?-hi? i tlonal work, r held. Mr. McKee, when ?een la?l night, spoke enthusiastically of the m . the work all over ti Ing nature, and ?r< ?.?.If Tniiriiiiliiriil ill l.ilUl'Ml.le. The ni'inl.? r?) of the i ?if. ir lad? m- p.!- will hold a golf to h? tust of |hr< !. the Oth' h.-il. for April lllli and May lull THEY HARRY AT NOON W FDDIM. \ i -* I I.IIIMT. Or MR. rti.Mi?it nu miss iii;\\i\i;, THE CEREMONY AT GRACE CHURCH' Thi? < In. i.e.-1 ii<-?in?|iiili> l)r??oriil?-.l on.i ?in- iiiiuNi- OwOtmyOmB win? I rleiiilM of Hie l'impie?The Attend? ii ni?, Dresses ami Ones!?. v ?it poon ?'.' COp ?I church wan the beautiful ding. Mr. Edwin An r and Mlaa Alio? i ?. anlng ? . married by tin- re.tor of th.? I'litin h. Rar. Landen 11. n. before !> Of the fnsll lonahio jx-opie ,.f Riehmorid. Loos ''" th.- hour for th. th? frlenda <?f the i.rid.- and ; gather, while Mr. MeOee, th? orgi Oiled th.- t-lnir. h with beautifully m The ush? : ihn Currte and . Iranvilie? I rney and Edward Chi lat?an. Tha bride i wih ber maid ol honor and Si John (tanks Muns.n. of Raleigh, N. ?'. H-'l ei.-tiinie ..! i ill tltllsll la gOWn, tiiinm? ?I with Whit? front and ;;r.iy braid, with large bonqnel St vi'.l.ts and lili, s of Hie valley. In beautiful i ontrai I with th?- maM of ie noi 'a drees, ?>. hi? I piua? over old ros.- silk, with white silk and pink rOBBB. Mis Mu?s.m is the twin si-t-1 ot th? bride, who, .t' in.nor. At th.- altar Miss ILimu th.- groom and his ' Mr. Wil? liam H. Palmer, Jr. A PKKTTY WEDDING SCENE Th.- bMkground f"i tl?? ,?.? attlng m ?mis errangt ?i. Bank? "f fern? ami palma lined either wail of th.? chan e. l. ?uni at th.' bach r*oe< t?? ? tali arch ..r palme, outlined against tin- rich stained gtaBS wili?l"w ..vr the eoininu nion-taiiie. Th? ceremony was eery im r rn-o i. After waroh the young ???uple took ti"- train lor Old l'"int. whence they go for a trip t?i Ni? and apwarda throngh t?? Canada Tie- grOOm is th" son of ?'"Ion.'I Wil? liam H. Palm? r. pr. Rid? nt "f th" City Hank. ?>f the Virginia Fir? and Marin? Insurance Company, and ..f tie- Mutual Society, id- hlmaeli is th? . tary "i tie Mutual Aa B let) "f Virginia, ami a value i r m" Rlchniond society. Mr-v Palmer is a lovely and veag much .i brunette, th? ?taught? r .,f Mr Rob? h Henning Mra. Henning w? ii knowi Virginia m i . old home is admired by Raleigh, N. ?'. 'i'ti?' popu? italnty of her h??me being located in Rlchmo ..a] rejoicing, au. r March th? llth ml and Mi h anlng will be at bom? t?? their frienda at Mrs, . ' Th. . at to Miss 11. ie ||y said ;.. I..- one "f th" h lomea) collections given to any Richmond Among them w< re llv? r Ulft of th?' grOOm'fl falle ' o ld-lln? 'i -a bowl, thr.-. rilvi r ?lis? - with gold-lined ladle; rery hand mbroid? rle ut-gla ; QUE8T8 AT THE WEDDING. The ' satin ribbon w? ie Mi - Bispban, Mr. ano Mr. ne! M Mlaa Annie ? laiv Hill, Mi-- 1.- II ? Hill, Mr. Trank Hill, Sir. William 11.1!. Mr. ii.I y h. Mi. Frank it, Mis. Frank ?'ht istiaji. Mr. ! :. '. 1.- ;- h, Mr. 1'a?.'.. i !.. a I;. Mr. and uel Ml,. . ; ! Palm? r. Mi-- ? "laudia r timer. Mr. William H. Palmer. Jr.. Mr. and Mis. Ben. Palm? r, Mr. ?: mer, Hr. j.iiiii Palmer, Mr. n. c ChambHa, Mr. olid Mrs. John Mr. John Mr. and Mi-, ?askie Cabell, Mr. and Mrs. Junius Moi ' v. Mrs. John 11. COOke, Mr. and Mr-, Brockenbrough, Mr. and Mrs. w. M. I'aliaii :.... Mr. ami ." ,i,, 'dr. and -Mrs. Robert I !| ?nk.nship, M, ' ni.- Cooke, Mlaa F tnnle Mr. and Mrs John Ctlllen, Ml indlth and Belli? Deane, Mr. H. W. Par .nnabel Ji rkina, and Mr. ' 'i- rt A. ClAlbl Mnrrl?',! In th? Mornln?. >T"in..n\ Was *f)er "iiie.i yesterday morning In ih" pariora Carolina Hoi a Main Rev. J re-Memorial church, united In holy redlock Mr. Blonnle E McNeil and Smith, da. a Mrs. ohn C. Smith. -.: : The bride wore | tailor-made aull ot or. Th.- groom was att? aded by bla Mr. William Button. The parlor? were shaded In pink, he dlspceltion of potted, Bower? added - a umptuoua dinner was served to tha fi lends present. The music a a? furnish"?! by the stst.-rs ride and groom, Miss Mar) Johnson was married at th? rl church on Saturday evening o Mr. William ? Re? ' . m., rien.Is of the 1>eiil" .?i. Mr. ir is attached to ti uto n< tit. ui STMORELAND'g MEETING. be nid oaieen H.-iT.-et.-.i. ?nul I oui' \<m ?..i-, .-mor? I Iiom.ii. The V n't ? 'lui. held its annual and . he membei - Mr. Virgtnlua NewtoB ?? t"?i ni : Mr. A. n. ? 'hi ; tian was .main 11 ? -- -11 vie? -president, ami .Mr. j. it. Moa 1 fill . : n.I All thro? i Club ni- int.' rs ?r tii.-ir reap? ctlv? ofl all throe i.oi" l? dgment impllmenl confi rred up? n them. ncl? ?>n the ?Hoard AI. i: T. Arlington, J. J?. Purcell, Th.- ! and Of I v and tr? . .1. : nd they ?bowed th? dub t.. be in an ex- ? dient condition, . r oncluded ipper a is anaouaced, and . a I \i .1 in th? IH B Bitting? I'llll. Banker? ?? Beet n?-r?? To-oh.v. :th annual ' he Vlrgl? I a Bankers' Association will convene!) lia morning at l.;lo? h Th? conven oii win be held In th? essemblj hall of ; a- Chamber ??i Commerce. N.> get pro- ; ramme has i.-.n arranged, but the sea- ' on will hardly extend over more than a- day. t xe.i r?i?.nl?l? at the I? lier..m A large excursion party Of tourists ar- , ,i th,- Jefferson yesterday, en route, i . l-'lorida. Th.- palatial lio-i'ity i- hll'u , ith i-u. ata nom. _ _____--------^-----------M_^| . "Ager'S Kerry Pectoral saved my little pirls' lives when thty bad ?oping Cough.'* j Mrs. A. 11. BEEB8, Barnes, N. Y. ? UALF-SIZE BOTTLUS, 500. Ill ?I*KM WANTS. SATISFACTION ! Our Host AilMTtiscniPiit Is ft ?Satisfied Customer. -STOKIKS. Th?- l?orief your friend? tell yon o? <?in- goooB ?sod prioes ?in DOi . STOKIKS. #10,000sai,i;s in OHBWBBK uui?i?'?-f?l?'iitf?l ?for i ?grooeiystorBi lmt it's do wonder, considering W11 lit WB ll.ivi! tu sell, ,lll?l til? ?prices. JUST THINK OF IT* r?.iHiu dozen Finest California Syrup Peaches, full three-ponnd standard - -tli**-?? ?gOOd8 ("??st >J at th?' t'.ii't?ii\ w?? ?are closing <?ut tli?' l??t, ?per can, at lu?'. \\?' lia\?' other ?big ?bargains, l?ilt tin? |?a|??Ts cannot spare us th?' space to advertise, ne could us?? this whole side. S>ll I Ml IKI I? HAM*? \NM IIAl ON. weighin-* from I to W poui meal that been offered on I; that; genuine One old Vir? ginia cured; world ?- Ifip '??in; per pound . Iut' ? I I.PPI'llt I Hi: \ 111:11-, m TTKIl, it Is th?- Ansel .m this ??r any other market ; receh ed fresh four tlmea ? week; ord? r one pound or ten, it w?i only cost, tRp per ?pound . 10 FINI* 1AMIIA II.IM It. $4.50 Butchers' ?Lard, per pound. *-"-" ">.'""' e-Size M R-. Sardiins . Ol, Gold im-t. screw tor?, Rr w?.rt!i I.',,., fnr . o*"? Oatmeal In Z-pound ?boxee, ; R/? imported ?Egg Macaroni, *???r 9/? packai . 01. tti, pet fin l?"iin?i . Ob, I ?ar-l.i ids fU9 barrels), p. r barrel pi hi: 1. \ho. Qenulne C< ?i?n T? ?. 1 er ?pound.. 1 and 0 md . String Beans, groara in F 4-poui ?. nia Pi- - white ins . ?Stove Polish; i" EUectrlo !i . 35c. 16c. 10c. 10c. 10c. i. large ? see.... "-* po 11 i;n ?HAB ??ni? mu : 1 > TOBB1 B. tted Hani and Tongue, Iflp? ni.1, for . i"b Ulaplce, and Olnger, in R? half-),010 ich. OU Applea All.marl" ?Pippins, in 1- 'An . IvU. Blackberri? a, In large cana, ni "fin . lut. Hora ORn ni lirkins, with handles... 001, ?Fren? quart cms. bow OR? . ?uut. R,, former , now . ut. ?sen Won a, only in?. tot this . l?t. Aid " tter in ?mart hot- if\n . lut. i- I? Kiic . "ft. no? (Mil ??HM V i;\ \piilt 1TBD pi: vi BBS. '? ' ' ilifornta or? Evaporate? Pi iches, ."? pounds.. "Ob* Butter . ?-ut'. Home m tted ??fir. "in.'st N..-'.? , i -.??mills in OR? 8?C. Duffy's Malt Whiskey, ?per t>ottie Old Mountain Bye Whiskey, _4 OR pet gallon .... ?J)l- l>0 .", (loiiml-. Arliu? kli-'s ci. 1 im *? 1 1.ill .1 N 1 IHOTH1 M 11. .if this ?Fine Kentucky Ro? ll".. ; . UUL I MOM 1: \\ i>ri:jtN i.on?;-hi. M?i: TIMOTHY. 1".""" : ' 1' Cfl* hundred . ?ut?. r> car-loads 1 ids), 4,001 ?bUSheiS While ?'??rn. Fulcher sad 11 Whisl 7R? ?Uiart . I Ob. i'a Old Rys Whiskey, 8 <ri or I ?if ?gallon . J)i.?u ?!?i A?pple Brandy, quart . 60c. 60c. 5c. 30c. 30c. imported Holland Oin, ?per quart 1" 1 mi;> 1 : k, p? i pound . .-,..-.. bags Pine ?Family ?Floor, . . BPBCI M I'm? 1 ** TO ( Ol NT! TH M?i:. ?Drop BBS a |???-lal. or 'phone V'Mir 1111m mln* m th?- time the order Is put up. D. O'SILLIVAN, liighteenth and Main Streets, Richmond, Va. <f?< Ifl-'ltl.SA.SlKCTul U \N II I?. A PURCHASER TOR TV, BNTT-FIVB ?id ?Dominion Bulldli te April to P??x ' \\ IN II I?. A ?a.? ?1? SECOND-HAND COMBINA? TION-LOCK SAFE. Will buy "r trade smaller werlng must de Ox B city. \\ \n 1 1:1?. PARTNER. WITH ?U-. 1 u i-.i-..\ UMU 0 m cash. i" enter In a go t?mate buslfies?. ?nlj ready cash and meanina buslneaa oeeo w. P., care Dispatch .ill.._ \\ \n 1 i:i>. BKCOND-HAND ?MACHINERY ?AND ?If to ' ' cianisiieii Dredge, In good order, writs ut oiue, stating price and full particulars. PHI NT & SON, WU _te \\ \n ii:i>. ?BNCOURAOB HOME ENTERPRISE of ?giving u*? your orders for Hhjb-Orada RO?ad ami KaciiiK Wli.-.-ls. which a to order, <?n simrt notice All kltnl \Vork do !" to IS26 west M?ln NAN CIRCLE 'CYCLE CO. - LAOlKM fcChicheste?'"! English PeeiyroyaJ P!U 1 hr.nj.. aro the BMt.S?'i'. k^?i>i?. T.k, 0? ?' ' ? ? > ?., K.IW Z?rr&?Vhi^Fm? (jy l-Th.Su&Tuly) lor la? ChkhOBiar LOST, STRAIKD. A*?D FOI'3D. JTAIRE DIAMOND KINO. Cither between Tim r. -secon Ixth and Broad, ?>r on 1 n Hr ..ol and ? 'li .1 if left at ?US north Thlrty B-U m to the Dispatch ?ftven prompt al end lbs style <?f work ami ?wloas v?ii? >e oure tu pi 1 AUCTION CALKS? Wmtarm Dag?. WHEN REAL ESTATE IS SOLD THE TAXES FOK TIIK CUKKKNT CALEN? DAR YKAH A UK T?> HE PAID PRO RATA RY THE VENDOR AND THE VENDEE riy J I ' It? Agent and Au-tl?" ii?- i ?treat A DOnON BALE OF Qlfl ( >* THF, ?X. IIEsi HI -IMC-s PRciI'K?TlSM IN TUE CITY. WITH DWELLING ATTACHE!4. REINO ?Hill SEVENTEENTH STREET Rj reque?t of th i?n m ttiis property, i ?rill, on wkhnksI'AV, PEBRUAR1 m i?*? I oi'lo.-k P. M ?m llie pt f.-r f' , tloll 'tie IT?' I PERTT m? bove, front?n*; * on th j and Accommod re fronth *'1"1 a depth "i *M*' and th? dwelling fronting II f.-?'t wi?h a depth of 7?> feet, The Improven building, with a k<?"?i and two room- on the first lloor and ?II in Hing; iur?room dwelling adjoin Ing . buain? .' busln? now being ?lone th? re. The te ?ting r..r ? num. UM wortn of vour rnoie y TERMS: Very liberal, atol will be an nnui. J 1? < AKM.M. ' - FOK KENT. _a MB ** FOH Itl'M. DESIRABLE BRICK . AMD, BQ1 LF" on James river, \ a. fe 11-lm T F. ROGERS, j New Standard I of Prices FOR { ? Sterling Silver ? Forks and Spoons. .'. A NEW STANDARD of prlcea for S Sterling Bllver Forks and Sp? announced by ?he silversmiths. S iiid? r tlds n? S ling Bilv? ind Spoons are g sold at fix? ? i prices per dosen. The trefully ad in accordance with the pi ! dltion of the silver luilil.ui mark? t, 5 varying with the merits of the |n?li J ,..l design and workmanship in 5 \,>i\".l In its production, ai : i Quantity <>f sterling used. Th? B can now i>?' i tr.-ni.-ly reasonable *t ..?,, while th? simpler forms of ornate design are off? B ?owe- prices than ever before B ff, r a . holl B ,,f patterns that will figure ONE DOLLAR PER OU*4 ' f C. Lumsden & Son, ! 731 Main street. To encourage cash buying we give Trading Stamps 5 or s percent, discount. i. I'u_K. CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS. CURE Rick Headache and nlleTeall the trouble* Inci? dent to abilioua state <.f the system, auch as Dizziness, Nausea. Prow^n??..?, Distro-H after eatlriK. I'ala la tha Si U-, 4c. Whilo tlirfr moet remarkable aucce?-. Lu buen ?lio?rn in curing SICK Reii^ache. yet Carter'a Llttlo Liver Vills are s?iually valuable In Constipation, o mini; and pro v.-ntiny tkisaaaoylagoomplaiiit, while they also rnrrectall.liMer.l.-rMi f tlii,.ti.niali,?tiiniil?tetha liver and mg u Uto tu.? boweia. Evou If they only " HEAD Ache they would he alnioatpricrles? t.1 thoge whJ suffer from thiadiatreeaingc impla nately their go? I ? M.'ioi.ncetry them will ft id these little pills rihi? able in so luauy ways ttii.t they will net be wil? ling to do without tbem. Hut after all aick /.-?a?! ACHE la the bane of si many lives that l?ernlswheij we make our ?rvat boast. Our pi\U cure it while a ? 'a Littlo Liver Pills aro re?? small and eery ea*-. I er two tills m.ikea dose. They are strictly v>?|.;.-?_t.l.> and do not (jripe or puige, bat by their gentle artiou pleeeeall wh.? usetliam. In viilsat Meseta ; ti\o for $1. ??old by dru^?iaU everywhere, or aent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. UM Uk Small Frica (Th. Sa. Tu. ?St w) EMPLOI MENT W \ M v W .*? I Kl), s ?;. " ?i? ?'???'i-:. w i.i.i. i'i.i''?.\i.\!kmi M.n.l. Appi) T 11 north Sixth . | A. II. tO 2 M._ ?IM? h. V WOMAN TO s KV. AND I ?< > ? ter work. Muai i?-- e/llling t.. mal? . If generally useful Address HOME, are of this ..Hi. .-. \\ ? \ 11 I). \ . ; >? .i? C ">K'. NINE vi'ii.i? A i I? ?\s WERE RE ' ? i\..i las) week from men at of the Smith lege foi Special ri.w building hriKht young people temporarily. Call or _(fe 2"-lW?l U IVI'KIl, ?TRUSTWORTHY PERSONS TO TRA ! Salary t"!"W and ->, i stamped nvelop? THE DOMINION COMPANY 'hicago._ tv io-31 ' \\ tVTKD. ntAVELUNa SALESMAN TO BKJ aoet eornplete line of Lubrle.itlin? ?ill-, . on the market! .Ih.ral terms to propel puts. Cddres? LTLANTIC REFINIl fe i: WILL hi: ? LOSED. Mayors OfflC?, 1. im o- oary :i TC?SDAY, FEBRUAR4! a, IHM. BEINU holiday, it Is h? i he \ A Kim s OFFICES OF I HJ IE CLOSED ?>N THAT DAI ind work uspended in the \ et riment t?> the Interests of the i KICHAUl) M fc a-it_m ik- ami Ohio Railway COtjnpany, hmond, Va Pebi u?try is, The FREIOHT i OR i?l' THIS COMPAN1 w ? I> ri i:si..\ v i ??pt for th.- ?1 freight n thi hoi ; \ M .- Agent. ACCTIO-J SALCS-F.,?,., n_?* WHEN REAL ESTATE 18 *,,,, _?* ?R THE I'CRlii -, i-irV** DAR rEAR AUK TO i?. , ', ' ' I i a h al 7 north ? TKUST-BE-a AUCTION BALI ONE UNDIVIDED - WHM'll ?FRI?Sr:ilKORN, SI: . AND ?SF.D In eaecutlon of 274, d? fault ha Sell to. ?I Hi?? ol11?->" ??f Hi?* iiml Lu. . . |' .-. n ml 7 imrili I.I?-., a in ?FRIDAY, PEBRU IR' PROPERT1 , follows: All rlRht. til In-' to the foil in tie I. I.??"!" OF ?LAND PROVEMENTS TH corner of Tw fri?n!lni* running ? . l.iiT on north h.'KHlllil'?-' i and front?n? ol back i-tw? LOT OF LANI an?! Tw? fronting P. IV. 1 I.? ?'!* OF I ' teenth sti tree! I.. ?? ? -!' I.AM ' hie and . hi lii?' ?*. I fronting on MOS <?r less, bach t? full depth ?>f lot TERMS I froin January ' and two with Interest add? rust ?l?'"'?1 H B ?POLLJ fe 19-t'la_' ' | | .': TB?STEE8' Ale 11? ?N SALE DESIRARLE MEDII DETACHED BRICK 1>WI BEtw i-:i:n leioh ?n:> By vlrti cord? ?I in < 'hai we a 111 aell tn<* "ii Ml >ND v V. PEBRI ARI P m . ?all ! LAND, with ' the ' I TERMS: I J I V. DON VI I. BALI OP THE FAOTOBY AND ?O WARSBOUsS of THE S? : nu.: IMPANY, FRONTING :.-* FEET i "Al:v STREET AND FROM TWENTY - FIR TWENTY AT AUCTION. 11 ? ? ti y ?h the THURSDAY, FEBRUAR! . ;. ' PROl - i ne whole Iront from i a laving th? 1 ' buildln***, whir h m 11 . . rack .'f ii ni b? ', .ill) o wbl li<- va I or wl TERMS laid ; PBFJB LUS x ,i.\i.\ ?i .i? ?. -i? i ' Iti <*l?rk lO, I ?a: WEDN FEBRUAR! t i o'clock P m the PROPKH ?Tilled |l ? LOT PIECE "l: PAR? .A.\'l> front?n? 19 fe? I lepth ol ED M i J Thompson Urown ft I III I VI KIN M.. RICHMOND C?LLEQE. ipi'i.Ni; TEBM, ?fSBatfJABl I Ji Students r???i\.-<i ji.? formation BVS1KBUM ?iI'l'iiHIi Nl l li - Dill I.SIOHF. Ill health ... f?