Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WHOLE NTMI'Kl;. 14.530. RICHMOND, VA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1898. THREE CENTS PER ???IT. ?e excitement: Hail From Maine Officers Gi?es Rise to Rumors. ONE FACT OF ?NEGATIVE YALUE. . oses of Theory That Boiler Ex? plosion Caospd Mam Wreck. w um n \i ; i t s i toi ,:??. ? RegSirS? ? ,iill> ? oi.tlnii. I'"'"? I I".l loi.xnnl Maga .,, I xplo.l. .I ?Hill.lin,? ll?.l|,.f -| |,u| .elo.lo.i \\ m n on? ?n l-.1,1,-. ly at. the r <! Oi ni ' : ' m Hu? ll Of thi? ululer This : I the the 'Iniost un as to g of the s - to tbs If lliy A ALL I! ' I-, m SD, pal ob the ly ,1c I thai tl. .: ' artly, : i that lipped ' rial n In a th tie ti ? ling the ' ?Hellt ? et > thing has been doi plain \ ' day; '' >; light! i k Chief, | Ixine Il Iltly the Jir.-si'lelit 111 of i of the ? ft' cl upon tbs , el-.i'elL'. ! attl Bl] tint tllis iry I>.ng, in ruin?! ..-Haiti public a g ... : ?Uvera onti , tak.ii. ways nt." arard ILK. ill thinking of rday i ting, tl bnnk : .. atna all of tbl baa 1 i sea, ; for ( thai . ?, .., | on* i 'I In? for ., aboni taran? Tb. n nil was i|iii?-t :.n?I .1. in live was n abo,, '-nt S. ? h* it of Ail It ii* nai?l. bOW? for ?? titear ; . \ ?M ! ' , la Baaapaoi the 1 the rom hl? .i,..ut t" yolunUrtly rstofosd to A f(.,riu_l or?l< ? was BSBde ??'it ,,'i,< tot? ?I.-r , r.-StS I .- ?ou- ' n*mOBA. |V . pg*4 -bul i Th K, ? * ' W? ?louble-tnr,,,,,, tTJW||t0| ? i.- order? ,.. "? ? not needed elaewhere imme "r,V' ' AIXSPS Nietn? x,, BBOORO, I l?rll?-|.?|,M(,r,.? ...._.Tr| ? ?,.., (o Dr. Hsnabeigoi. KHINQTON, ? V-A r?_ I ed ?and brin?-:. ', : from whl ?gin. I It still I ' "f that : ? un_ brackish odor. The blu. i ' printing .?in.-.? a?. ,,. out- "'- ""' ' the i?.urn the ?metallic Ink used by th.? navy, m nothing m th.. book g upon the d Iribui methodical habl ' "" th? Malne'a m r- thai the record was br?oughl ui> " the laal moment ?before the ?wreck of the ship, the lasi ?entry being February I >th. N.i orders have y, ; L.,ne out to th- ?big double-turreted monitor Terror, so ?that to h?t remains as it did r.lay, When St . id try 1.,,i?k that ah? m ?.- i?, no,- held for Norfolk. BENSATIOKB ?S? lUELCHED. Consul General Le*. in the com friendly talk in h .ms, - : I he view ti are at pressai otbef planea ?mor? 6 M?- as ?.-sorts for ?persons who have no particular ?baatneea th?*-re than Habana, but i!i?' s- tmenl euthoris ennounoement that it ha advised that ?be has either officially or lly delivered himself ??t any Mlon on 11 Th?? Spanish legation also ?I, ports that ? ;. neral Lot hat tf* ?? any such warning, and it is als.? said at the rtmenl thai no has been yed to th? o\\ ie ra ol seis ?al N- w Orieai I are thai it would not !> safe for iii-iii to vieil Cu? itan ?porta at this time. ?battleship Texas and th?' ?ui Nashville will leave Galveaton, Tex., to? day f??r K.y W..-1. ?rhere ?tbey win ?re? join 111" other ? . .l'on at t!; N" Ordl ' i ?by tin- Navy ?'?i that it ... !?v which th? two -hips w< re ' ? remato at Galv? the 17th ;?? ?to iii ti there, and M t?' K?'y Wf.-t ??11 11" ! ir? th? m i tint ovement is ?said to ?:i ?s DISABILITY. The n.??'il in. from Admiral (Heard, at Admiral l he tils health, and : ?be ui'.ai'i? i" ? " t?? ?sea erlth th? II.- ? ill remain on BhOre at tus of il i that pi.? ms in ha'\ v. boa ii b? coatee necoaaai t . go t.. quadron. id the ?squadron be ?>t>lie.?i - wiili tiie Admiral ill al K. > Wesf, ?and t? piain ?Samp - 'I in the Investigation al na, probaMj tie cdtomand of the ?squadron Would devolve upon captain Taylor, bow commandlng4the ban ami commonly regard? ?i Ighteei and bi.iini..-: offi n th<- naval service. Simultaneously srith the departUl .in?! the Nashvi le from Gad ?. the Marbleh? ad will leave Neu Orl?aana - ? t i ? t tbe ?Dc?rolt will have Mobile for Key W? **** movements are ; ? i f- ? a ?part <>f th? orders ?given early this month, ?before tbe ?Maine The Montgoin? . for Key d th? Itth. The result will be t" lu in. th? ' number ?<f r?esela under Admirad Btcard al Kej West and the Imm?diat? vicinity ??i t)i" cruiser New York, now at Tortugas; the Indiana, the us. the Marblehead, th? Montgomery, the Nashville, A.?-, the ?Du? Is in dry-dock al Mobile, ?and Ph? Brook? lyn is also cruising in the W< I t present, en rout? from ?St Thta? i uz. ?'???n affali i their noi i ? i lv? ?i no reports "f ?any i nlng Hi?- Maine or th? irogr? ' an? il.ili.nia in Investtgatln? PATRIOTIC ?LITTLE GIRL. i ?1er for ?i from the i.\ - Publishing Company, of Bi ?Conn., ?wit! dnlng hat i' bj patriotic llttl? ?.nn.. who di dr? ?i i?> help other little ?girl, orphaned by the th? Maine. The glrt's name ?la .alia < an of 111" 1*1 - il't of the to the editor of the Brldgeporl nd ?said: "Thtough jrou I Cook tor her that it shali 1 n the : ih?- little American Mould have though! of th? children ,r jh? - ho w? ?re drown? \ m? etlng of the ?wlv?.- of the chl? Na* ) I?? panu'etit h? Id ai tin' "?h ' tke clock this morning t?? de? ?leans for th<- relief of th? fan .rs a i?" 1"' ' ?I" "' Ii'?' bJ I!l" ..lie. Th.- newapapera of the city were re i t? that an i?ers"i?s desiring atributa t?? this f'"?'1 ibo?uld com* munical. with Mrs St. wait. Bi ?_U NOW H nu shire avenue. A form of ciivular Inviting- contributions - it.mi'i??! and ipproved, ind i BTdered to i.? ?a ni t?. al navy ?. ?Ml naval stations, an.l all ? c-seb of the na v y. Secretary I>ong Eds evening received the *oiioe ?Vdmlral ?Btcard: v We* t. ?Febea r Navy: Right Arm tUTlv? tail morning Capta . Kperienced man, wl*,o wl ,i,i,. i. Ice. ?".?pi.?in ?Samp? il.iitloU Of Wl." 1??w.-rfui applls cute. Con sends contrae! with best-equipped wreck? ?mpeny t?> ?remove material and lift hi), without delay. ?Forward half com ?Jetelj ? aft apparently Intuit, la minor niatterik" II ANN A "M B Cir.-u :. ?ii r thai i confll? the was ?imminent, ' . il? ni? ?I Hi? in. i lieve tin > hing In tli?' M MCLVP?D O* 'i'llil-D PAOS STARVATION IX CUBA iLiiitim.i: ??ixiiiriiiN ?if i?i:iii?i.r. 0? >l \'lWA \S Al.?l\K. FORMERLY WELL-TO-DO HOW BEGGING I ???r lnad?(iuii<?> ?if l,?n?nl Rollet MotawuBB Spnnlsb i-BlkoaHlaa* at '?? Enii ?if Their tSmtmmianatmmm * m?rlii,m ( IHaa-S In Ared. (<' ?rr.-Ki.on.|. ),, " > t?QO DE ? i i;.\. i . ,,,.... While ths I BftOd Stat. | .Moiit Ifatanaaa recently a HM.-.l t?? inquit. the ? ondltlon ..r th- pro Although ti..- ass . . ,f the >?l"'tt aie ie,i known. It may Ie '" ?" ?arm thai then ' ly without food an?! Ctothlni arltbbl UM city limits. About "ll'? thoui in i ..I these live in small huts ?f L '0" bi buts i'??i m ; square "rlliagi osar th.- Nut-up pon of tbs city. The other live ill lbs ?ut.-ly without ho. n, r. ..f ths laboring - >. who have i . a Into the <'lty irmii their country bomSB, which have bien destroyed la tho war opefa tlona. .Most of tii. in ate women and ?,hil if'ii, and they ai.- all emanlaasfl. nick, and almost beyond relist*, unless that have the benebt of rsgular treatment in Hi. hospitals, As It is, they ar<; dying IB til' V. (.f food. According t., Kith, r- .1 from th. b.-st otll'-iai sources, the number of d?Batba in tie- province of afataaaaa from starvation is mm, ami the miralxr of atarving people at present in tba provlneB is estimated at 98,000, out ?if a total papa latlon ..f : '?;. ;!?, in 1?.,, tnl 1 tbs number of the starving is rapidly In? nig. In th.- city >.f M on,, th? re have besa about U.4M deaths durini past y?ar. and thi number Is Inen dally. 'The death-rate 11 present av? torts -sis per day, a - ahoa a by 11 ti on, th.- . The Inere the deatb-rate is dus to tha thai that Lit* ' 110 lODgST .-OIHilieil t,, lb. laboring cl most of arbona have al? ready perlahed, It hie- n,,w . vr.-n.b-d to people ? h" before th.- war were in m...i. 1 inf.atable rliTiinaatannaa. Tho? who are now begging in the streets ai?'. ?M a large part, well-to-do peapl*, or till.Ir.-n of the ?7?ell-tO- lo; and, in ad? dition, th.- dtlaens of the city of Ifai themselves are beginning t.< suffer far 1 he of lif?-, h dl aile d tie ir : o order to sup? ply the n? ?L' .,;' tie- laboring 1 la -. who le,] !l|?.:i RELIEF SYSTEM IN ADEQUATE. The Oltlsens of -Matanza- have an ?>r -t? m of i-.iief for the starving peopl entirely Inadequate, and (lartngly so, for the ? 1 were well-to do are rapidly diminishing; whll? ?h ma- onstantly I ntly n_ death-rate. 'i/.nn ' ,1 by tbs ?.flier- of th? thej - tbs h?.u children, and the Board through which they were admitted to the relief Th?t*re they found niiii 'tis for whom the c\' bad been able to pt??? i?!- ratloi in a room aerosa the court-yard of the - and is many Wl I' idled with a OOOked in and Wl t* arranged In roe tilsti Ibutlon the famishing ?eople wno were in H lili: ! pail ! tile hollSe. Lilt. - lid the three Kli-f place- In the ?ity , n to I3 '..d to the 14,0M pso tan Ing la tl for tl Ihre? ' at a tune It nbou ! h' addl ?I that a larn. - have fed 1 |n tt,. a front <?t' , ...-., Lot tb? - ',I,/..,- Illelll ?,.h-,, h. "f privation, ,,,1,1 ui ",! '""" theB1thej will be compelled In self-pi ,?.,n 1 Mi?' work of ch.iri' which tie '-"'' :""' emlngly >; dvatlon for the ??r'furnh nourish,,' ?,e dlrec?on of the dt) phyaldans. URGENCY OF NEED. Th? fa-t- rived at Of I'nite.l t?i-., .t will be It the atarving thousand-, t., Sa 1,irly . e wie11 th?- United landed tic ' .n.M. WO . hilaren, who Importuned them In the ni"?t heart., ndlng manner f?.. I . xhe Ui Ited Btat? s Consul al ,1,1. undei bu( when tie Montgomery l,.1, [here In the Aral daya ol F? bt . Consul had only enough ration mutnlng t,. last about tv after which th.- fund appropri?t? I would hav. been exhauafbd and then the rs ,,t vi.. 0 "i Include the \in. rlcan ?itiz? na at that ; have relief through the [Tnfted SUt? *?- "* **? ""'" t1"* -..,,su! had ll,<"1' totmnaO by ... eitlsena of Mat insas, s.-t ,01th in detail th.- n.ed 1.1 which Hate r?-li.-f from tbs tion. 1 n,.- board or officers of ih" ; .in, Matanzas ; ?ply of food f"r 1, |,,r at I? SSI one month. In n to suppliea of c-tmd?**nsed milk for ,! medicines of all kinds. The people of Ifatanaaa an- also in irg.tit nee.I Of rlothing, most of tbSBO Ming in flltby rags. The Spanish authorities, it may be said n conclusion, have rendered ?ill the as u hi? li it aeswia passible for thsss o pinvkie. On tWO ft* th'-y have pv.ii ?00,000 t.. fu- fun?! for th?- relief ?>t he ?lestltllte. bUt SO ! IxilUXl in. thi- was all th.- go\ Ibute to th?; vlicf fund. _ Tino w ilkKsiit,uni: no IL, I'.* at (nui ? y ? > -Y?-?? ?if \ l.ilrui-i- on l'art uf Striker?. WILKLSLALH!-:. LA. L. bruary 23. 111?' defence Cilllt !||I|. (! !.. testify to-day. In the trial of Sheriff Mar? tin anil his deputies. It was brought out lhat the atrlk? t?> Quit work, and win N ??tie of tb<-m re' - struck in tbn back with a -lone thrown Bt B -?'ilk?-r, and badly burl. a number ?>f other wltnsssss teatlfted to lets of ? the sink. ase 11 train luc atonod. .\ Jubn Uviub, forcuiup t?f >b?j Uurwogd J fc colliery, was the moat Important wit tfei da*. He ??Id: "On 8ept?*m coming, and told all my men to g? borne ' th? \i Ado striker? came upot wheel?, and said: 'We are g?,ing to stoi the min.?, aad ?Irlv.? the in. n out' 'When the strikers came ?some of then d to cut the r.,p. ,,f s,,, | plane r-lnad Of men wer.- being hauled up and If the rotie had I.n cut they w.ul? been kin-.i By bard talking l man aged to persuade ? the rope. Tiey ?t???i as they left: w?,n': work any mor? for a month. Il -lo we'll kill you." nber ?th, a crowd tararood b . with clubs am ?ton? ?the br??aker, find wen! through It, lii'iking for m? n win? weht hiding from mem. They found noie the Bobotskl and .lohn Euhlt-kl told me that ?f ;my of to work they would be ?killed. Thai ninht I got twenty proclamations from Hi" Sheriff, ami posted them from I I to Hafwood. i i id on? ? f then and the riot a?t to several seen. Tta men bad just told m<- that the McAdo? men had I strik-- unless thelf demands were ??rented. We tried l?verai times to g'-t th.- breaker atartsd, ?Tml time the med who wanted to work wen dri\ ?and tlir. ' with death." The crosa-skamlnatlon did not ?bleak down this testimony. FAIl.t RE DF CVBAB AUTOBOMY. < oiinul-Oenen?! ?Lee*! Im.iorlBiH Offi? cial H??|Mirt. ?Washington Star, I A very important fact with a i billty of B slgnibcant ?bearing BPOn start? ling ?'vtnts sime. i< ?that th- letter ?front d-d n<?rii ?Lee, which snnounosd to ?I tu.. lit tllH failure of au? tonoms In Coba, waa dated December nth. and. therefore, has beea a long tima in ihe hand- of the department. General after giving his opinion thai autono? my hi? proved a failure, discusses In this ?letter the condition <?f th.- Island. The announcement of the failure of autonomy Is very positive, and is corrobor?t? letters of lat.-r ?lute from all the Ameri? can consuls in Cuba, each declaring that autonomy Is a falhll It Is probante that the Spanish authori? ties wire aware of th? announcement having b.-eii m;i?l" bv ?'encra! Lee, If not at the time of Its writing, at rward, slae? ii" ?Lome ?would na? turally be lnform.-d by th part men! of the condition of affairs rep It la regarded a- quite within th.- ?Sounds of n??-?-?um thai the extraordinary ??' tlon of I??- Loane, resulting in his retire mi nt, and later tbe terrible disaster t<> the Main.-, may have resulted directly or Indirectly from a km that Spain was n?-;ir ihe end of h?'r I ?Knowledge >?f an Intention on the part of the Presiden! to send a n Congresa conveying th" l. letter, and himself announcing tbe failure of auto? nomy, might have had bad a wry ,!is turbing effect upon the temper of Spain. The correspondence bearing on this question has bsen called for by the ?Sen* ml the ?derk?- of the Stol m?nt are now preparing It for tran si..?). Th.- resolution calling for it per? mits the ?President to withhold it. if he thinks pi-op. t- i?, do ?so, ?and th ?m, ?Ion ils, ?n vl"W of th? pn critical si it? of th? > lettons betw? n ?he United Fiat.*?? and Spain, that the ?President will conclude to withhold this ?from the public for the nt. -aaaa,. Gl M H M. ?Illtltl ! I I O ?UNO SOI I'll To li!H|i???l 1 muH Defence???hi? II? i-, ii I ii i* A n n ?in I Trip. new YORK, ?Februarys. ?MajoMIene ral M'-n-itt. rammender ??i the ?De?part i' an iiispe.'ti?)!i ?if th.- defences on the U.I ' s.iuih of N?u York. HI understood to Includi Atlanta. New Or Mobile, i nnah, 1 in '.lie iiam?.I. Tin HIVI1..:- his trip .' annual Inspection, which te- !i??i bail lti contemplation ?.?r about two month.-. ?llts, \*d\M>\ BOOB DEAD. I n inral ll??r?? To-Murmvv After? noon?llr. Caarlea B-mBee. WASHINGTON, l'- bruai Mrs. Amanda Hoge, of Richmond, ?li"l I dene? ??t* her ?son-tn* law, Rev. .1. A. Tailor. MB Pierce P Her i"iii:iii:? ?will be token to Richmond, and ?h" funeral s? t-vic.-s will !?? h? i?i at the Firs? ?Baptist church ?Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. ?'liarles ?Hasker, of Richmond, i*? the i friend, Mr. E. ?'. Crump. pi:??l hui. Mr. Hasker was ob? of the officers of the Merrin I D? of ?Asi to li av< It GENERAL i.oitnoN BER10USL1 II.I.. I ijiilil?- ta K?-?-|i ?i I ??lure Enuiiice .ni in Talada. TOLEDO, l'ebriiun :. Oanafal Gor? don, the dislinguisli?".! sol lier, i ?led to la last evening. Every seat la the Valentine Theatre bail l.eell sold ill .l'U.ill'". ' In the iii'tenio"! ui was ?received innounctng that GeBaral Gordo? ?had been taken BUddeni] ill at !'"i't HiU'ol?. Mii'ii., m?! was tO travel any fui-tlier. ?Private advbsee an t?> ?Use effect tiiat leneral ?"?onion la ?s-aioaaly si.k. THE ?LAKE ?II* nounou. lt?\?iir.l OITere?! for ?rrc.l ?nil I on xi.iioii ?it B?rdese se. WASHINGTON, D C, K?-bruarv B.? r-Genera) haa offered .t ...i convic? tion of the ?peraotM a ho burn? ?i lb? . :! Lake Cltj on Monday night ?and im ib. arrest and con i/tctloi ' murder? ?l th. im-- time. He itlnu? the tj 11 ??m th Hurl In Wen I.? I'rlxiin. PHILAJ ?ELPHIA, i < bruary .;. -John I\ Hart, pri'sid? m irt Steamship lay taken to th entonce : upon hini a year au?, by .lud?, Butler, in the United was at thai til ?f aiding a i Suben llllbu ? edition m the I to m Imprisonm? ni o? two y? nul t?. [ij a tin.- of BOO and the costs ol I the trial. An appeal waa taken to the tutted States Courl of Appeals, bul the | ippellate court oonflrmed th? ti i ul l n ** of / ihe lower tribunal. DeNperiKlit Mil. l-'iiur ?l??n. ?i.N. ni-:i'.. ! " ornar ial ?from Alma, tin- county ?seat ol ?Har? ?n county. : .1 has ju??i 1. tceived from MSSCOtt, this county, Ihat rhoin.iH Eon!, who ?Saat w.ek cut the hroat of his brother-in-law, ? - iped from ail i?.-i!d>, and kill?-?! tour men ?before i? could l??- overpowered. There ?a In ens?? excitem? fit la-r?-, and th.- ?Sheriff las l?-ft for Mascot." Aima is not a light telegraph otaca, and furth? r i uiiiot be obtained. <;irl III?????? ll.r I n i her'. Head Off. NEBRASKA CITY, NEB., ?FBt-taaiy ?A lary Kuwltsl l.-w h.-r father's head off with a shotgun llllle ' . !?. i-o? ? une home drunk, and the family out ??f the houa butcher-knif", and i to kill h.-m. He was tinally pacified ?and Indued o go t?. bed. it is suppos. d that terror rom fre?tuent occurrences of this kin?! rove the gin insane. si?e ? ssted. Two r?>arofi Lynched. l'\l)l?'AH. KV? February X-Two legroes (Richard All? n and T in Holm, si a. Ii.-.l at Mavll' ? I. h bbed a hous??, and Holme, killed ils wife six mouths ago. Mu.-hiilN Salir* fair \<irf?ilk. WASH IN? ?TON. D. C I for Norfolk, returning ?_* tour ui lb* AeiaUv ItAtion, FOI! PENSION REFORM IKl I of Tin: ii.?.i-i,iniii; nOBf TO DIMI SH THIS. MAKE THE HOME A HOSPITAL. This Proposition Mn?l.-. lint Vot He~ ? ?-Ived Mil h General I'n vor?Want am i:?|iill.-il)i<- Law? ? .initii-Hee A|i polnt? U to ?run a Hill. About thirty members of the two bran. ties, of th.- General Assembly, artaa ' nis of tba la't" war, having I in the ? "on'.derate army, m.t 111 till- Hall of tile Hollse Of I I. h night and discussed the question as to a law that WOuM be equitable in Its operation, and d.? away With tie- present abuse?!. That* was quita a s. nttm.iit niani' to abolish th.- Boldlers' Horn.-, or conv.-rt the Institution into a hospital for th.? care -<f ? i Uly needing m? ait-ntion. While so much <>t th.? appropri atii.n SB ?'oul.l thus b.? withdrawn should !..- us..! In pen - ?'??life.lerai- ?Midlers. There was even talk of reducing Lie appropriation t0 the I'diversity and '.Hier edil.., institutions in or?l?-r that th" veterans could I." prop.rly ? a red for throughout Ihe S Tin- body finally appointed a commlt wlth instructions to draft a gBHSf*al I ension bill to earn' ?tut pasted it th and then adjourned until to-night. ITS OBJECT IS KXLLAINLD. on motion of Mr. 'i', o. Jennings, l tain Parks was chosen chairman ?if Lie mietint; mi,i Mr. Jenninga aras mad, rotary. C?ptala Parka atesad that tbs body had gathSTSd in response to a call Issued during the day. requesting that _fl Confed?rate soldiers who wars members of tin- General Assembly, and who Were Interested in the welfare "t" the veterans 0< tbs B*ai Is in the hall of tl ? Mr. Darnall, SS the originator of tii . meeting, stated thai tin- oall bad lssu.-d in ord.r that the proposed appro? priation to tii.- Soldiers' Home mlS .-sed. He thought, from t abOWn by an Inspwtkrn of th.- institution. that it did not COBl HfiO annually for the maint, ti.,;i ] (,,. cloth? ing th.y vs.,re, he thought, was of the must e,million material, and the aeread t.? them was |x..,r. If th.- mon. y appropriated by the state was bals Verted, it would be Well for th.- Legisla? ture to tike aome steps towards other uslng th.- appropilatlon, so that the soldiers might receive ths full benefit of it. CAPT. CALDWELL GIVES FIGURES. L|. m..tien of Mr. PUcher, Adjutant Caldwell, of th?- Soldlera' Hume, was re i,.i t,. make a Btatement as to the management ..f the Institution. Adjutant Caldwell stated that n coal for rations far a man in quarters II .''-lits per ?Jay. The aver tb?er aeces. BssB smounted t,> l'? cent 'lav. L i SVXtM for th.- maintenance of the minai--- Upon tie- pa %S% of an MB men. ?a hen IS In Lie hospital his raw food :l c. nts p.-r day. tie- pi r capita for bta maintenance th? i Adjutant Caldwell i if lie did n.,t think any Inmate of the Institution would in- willing to u. apt ? pos ahm of iiiniially nnd II*.-. a! his own home. Tin- officer replied thai li and he , p. ,j , n,- in., been given annual pension, the amount turned tbSBB, an?! they had been dis? id? ligad. 'I'lie result had be.n in instain e that th.- veteran . din h had apent tin- aim.tint allowed him by th. State, and within a few w. eks again ap? plied for admis-ion to tie bOBS. KAKI IV A HOSPITAL, Captain Hinter said than was noques? y and well-meanin?,' of thus.? who conducted Li" Institution. Th- y were engaged In a nob!.- work. The ,.,ri t.. ! however a, i, not a favor.,! ?,-w I ad 10* according to the Ideas of the beaevolenl officers of tbs institution, ?arblls thoua of other veterana were aufferin wiioin rocoivlng, it is true, the me?. pit lane- of a pension of il", annually. He ht tie? horn.- should i?- convert? i into a h?.sp;tal. an?! ..uly those actually in incd of medical attention be received, v\?iiie tii,- appropriation oould ?bus bs ro i and th.- remainder !,? applied in equal proportloa t?. lbs needy Confederate v. i, rana a? ovar tbs state. Adjutant CaldaraU than atated thai th ii,mi'- was gradually beoooitng a hoapl? tal. and in six years it would, in reality, be such an institution. Tie- inmates grourlng anon feeble evsrj LVLLV DOL? AL WKi.i. SPENT. Mr. t. i>. Jennings said ii?- ?oul.l gtva aoms light as t?? ths question whether tiie inmates would ti??f pi receive a pension ami ?.av.. tha home. He cited ill.- casi of a veteran who had accepted ...I left the Institution, lb- aras now in Lynch! of charity. now entr.?ly anxloua to admitted to tii.- home. Mr. Jenninga ind given in two yeara they would kno?ck? M'.lii.-. Every dollar epenl on the latter institu? tion was "gloriOUSly and well spent." To ti?..-. who had recently been plaosd upon the pension-roll, be . or of i be ' m,,ant from |U to in?. . 150, He was not, however, in >r ,.f crippling tin- Soldiers' Home. Dr. Quese-nberry was in favor of equal? n list, ami' Inaugurating some tern. THE SVATL IMPOSED UPON. d as for as tii.? Roi 11?,nu- was concerned, no man had -h.-r appreciation for the institution all.l those who conduct..I it than 'I'd he in bis com. i were .>n the p. list, but no Confed? . i had - v. r been an Inmate of a poor-boose there, inn as long as be had a vol. m ills com? munity no one ever would be. The - was being imposed opon, bowevi r, la tns granting of pensiona Many w.-r?- on th. rolls win. w.-r?- not entitled to a pension, n.- . gplalaed his* Mil, which provldea that all pensions shall li>- declared null and void, and pr?.? ItloUS h>' mu?.? through the county courts i, any one shall bs piaOSd >i( ?n tin- list. The old soldi.-rs throughout the | w.-re becoming dlssatlsflsd. They getting little or nothing, and v.-t they beard of the state appropriating I or HMM to the Home, where tii? inmat.-s were being kept at aa of n. at! ipita anmnilly. The soldi.r, cu!.i bS k- pt at home for ?W? p.-r >ear. Captain Minier ni luent ap? peal to the bod 'ti " of the old CoOfSd Hers, for It would be but B f' ' ths voie, of DO v-teran of th-- bUS war would be raised In the < aibly of Virginia. C?ptala Hinter referred t?? th- c Btltutlon drawn up for the g ? f the Stale, draft-d. BO said, f?" ' DrippHng tbS ?'?.nirnon We had i to ti * atlng th unwillingly? Mr Canington waa bM m taror otOM turblng thi pension-r??ll. S laben with r? but he V, who waa now -ion. its said thai h.i bad been in Cavar* of tha SX_bl_ but aXtOmtanOM lor a special tax being lev!. support th?' Conf.d' ' -? *-* TAKE ?CARI <>! ' THE HoME. Mr. Wilson was opposed to d thing to cripple the Soldiers' I compared that splendid institut" H m. h he had i-ecently vl to ?Lee Camp Soi?n?rs' Home, and lured Ingn the m*'n "!*tn,t tiiur .. BlB !.?om Ing In the mor' I kn??w when - vvlM? which i" ?mal? I iln f "Cut down the ap iv-ersity ??f Virginia."" he declared. "Reduce the ;"n '? th? William m OaM\ "'an?' ?Senator Poster said he was an "!?i ?but h?- m from endeavoring ?<? ctl?ppl? ' tlons of learning. The young - were in th? strlk?' back If trodden upon. He caU?tion<**d the i?o?iy to g?> ?low, .'?n?) warned them not to strik?- one blow i! these iBStltU tions. if they ?lid. ?said ha, **yon w|" tP down In a ,f ?W pomattoa." is the T'nlv.-r sKy of Vli I other 10 tlons the public s<h..o! system, their appropriai!oae could I, In th.? fa??.- Of the clrcum ?stances. At ?present these in?*tltu*Mnns Ilk? barons or Old, ?I.manning I r, r tain portion of the Burning? et th?? people. ?FRAMB A GENERAL I : Upon iiKHion Of Mr. ?PII? ??rnlt t.'?' was ?appointed to ?aase! to-day and ?!< - n),.,,, soin.' general pension bin. which will do away with ?!i?' necessity of ?iy priva;?- bills of ?relief, B lish an equltabl The chain appointed ih>- following commie tors Clement. ?Southall, and Fost.r: ?Dele* gat.s Manter ?Featherston, and Hh Th? ?body I h.n adjourne.l to B to-night at ?? o'clock. WILL \ ETO BOBSLTH MIM, TO-DW. Ttuiimlii (?iiviriiiir T>l?*r'?? Mind t? Mude I ,,?ll.-.i.ilxlllon <ii??nled. it is i?ii. ved thai '?ovi-nor Tyier wW return to .?.it bout bis approval the bill incorporating th.? town of Rosslvn. against which tJMHQ such strong objection urg? ?i Mr. Samuel ?'.. ?Brent, ?>f Alexandria, who wish?:- to liav* the town Incorpo? ra ie,i, vistt-d Governor Tyler laal nigli*. i ?it reciv? ?1 from him no iiittm_ti??n that the bin would be allowed to becoi law. ?REQUISITION issvei?. Th?? Governor yest? rday ord? qulsltlon Issued for now in custody m McKlnney, Tes . ? ?i with the murder ??f Anbury Scott county, i?veral months ago. .'.is silting at his fireside short? ly aft.-r dark, when he was summ? to the door by some one calling. When In? opened it. two men cover?ed him wi'.h revolvers, and ordered him t?> throw up ins b ck in th? house, when Ihe men fti*ed ihmunh th? door, breaking his arm. He then ran out of his bouse by a back ?rap, but th?? men fouml him hiding behind a stump not far off, and shot him to deaths They then returned t?> tbe bouse, ma.le Mrs. Starn. s and her ?daughter up all it"' money tie i*e was In the house, amounting to ab? re mask? ed, and neither Mrs. SI irnea nor h?er daughter could recognise them. Thej carpets tied <?n their fe.-t to prevent a 11 si] b? Ina made, bul worn off In walking, and by this m< the keen-scented mountaineers trailed them t?. the h"?is, of Jack Pendloton, the father-in-law of Prendergi nd.T had Been tbe ni n following his trail, and went to a near-by store, ami purcibased soin.- ammunition, saying he . I in ihe search. ?3? not been seen In Vlrgl PARDONED WHEN DYING. i mu- Tiler yesterday gran!' ' ?pardon to lohn Smith. of Danville, who dying of consumption in tin- Danville jail, where he was ?serving a M-day term for petit larceny. Telegrama : Commonwealth'i .f ! said that If tin-!?.[i were not granted very ?|in?-kiy it ?muid b? t???? ?late. III (IT THE COOKS THHO\T. After ?DalMg This, Ullllnin?. Jumps Ont the \\ lu?l??w and Ewca|>??N. That William Stau???n is iioi i Aioiizo Williams is not a muni. the fault of t! Stanton is the cook at th??i negro alms hoiis.?. and V ;!l!.iin-, ? man about L'?? y.-ars old. has been an inmate of the in Btltution for sum?' time, and ha - .niton's assistants Tbe iw?> ?bed word? las! nigh! jus! ?before i- o'clock, ami i ?serious tragedy followed. Williams ?bad gone '?? i?? ?!, but. donning his out.r garm? tita In a hurry, he bed a rasor, and ?ire** ii.?- sharp - the throat of ?Stanton. Blood : ed ?freely, and, think d ?mortally ?rounded his man. WtOluma jumped of Hi?- wind ip.-'l. Dr. Kuckols tlly ?summoned, and sewed up the gaping wound in tbe cook's threat, and he will recover. Ill?? HOTEL Hill. ROT I'llD. A "lumia Man its Bated ?it the l.?\ I nu i on I.iimI Nlglil. A. E. .(?ihn- pi 11 ?ton. a young - an?l w? 11 ??. who clalBM i?? represent John J. Keller ?? ? of n? w \ oi '.., was ?arrested last nigh! at ?the ?Lexington Hotel, ? ii . : fallut t?? h tttl? bill ??!' BO. lb- " . - taken i?, the S Statt? . ???I. Johnson latins to be ? natl i Jersey, and t?> have ,\, from his liter his arrival - is| icion s?, in lnt??d to J of tbe fact thai a check tendered by him and bearing tii , Rich? mond man H bill tbe Bishop Sal.l. The I'iri.l: ?.ut that Bishop Van de Vyver, In sermon ?last ?Sundsy, attacked the ?go i??i its treatmeni of the Indiana, in ring the obligation ipon . es? pecially for work imong the Indians and called attention to the that the Indians, as the original <?w " '1 " of illis country, b ..I n : J be*n - luid li iv? . bul o at all -." - itional. HINTOV. m:\\ RIVEB .1 WESTBBB. Work ?if ?BWlHIng I'IiIh HoikI. It ! ?J " nid. t<> Batata at Haas CINCINNATI, I'.'brilary ,|al I to the ?'omm.ri ?al Tribune ton. W. \ l,as ' be.-n admiite.l t?, i.c.rd in the Summer ? County Oonrt'i clei*k*? .?tti. ? m t..v??r of ntlal Trust Con ,. a loan of pino.Oi?? to th? Hin?. ,, ,r an?! Western Railroad t'oin? . t It is said that tin- Wi?rk of building th" s road will begin .?t one- it is i,, ma from Petersburg, v.i , down ?th? New riv?-i to lllnlon, . will run headwater? of the ? ' ..* 1 river, down thai stream to J to <B Ml IN ? IN lit VI \MEHH %. I lliiaiilltlcH Ilelt>?-en I osla Rica and N I. a rn?. in, luimllieu?. .. Cu|.? )>.ii 1 \. Februar) tea l'ort f?Jason t?>-?iay unm-ume ii ml NI? ?>ut of the iji.ek In 0 Mon? da?.. . -?se - The Terror Its? Nut Mailed. yard, and Is no! Dr. Bulls Cough Syrup, th.* u! Alii ont? ii?'?: . ZOLA FOUND GUILTY. Hi: IS MATKXfBD To ini'iut-oi, jhktit a**o SCENES OP IKTEKSE EKITEIERT. A Mol? Tliat Berma Delirios* Shrieks (beers for the Army and Tamalta oae'y Dcaoaaee? an? Insults the Coavlcted Novelist. , ?ary ?-M. Zola an.f St. nx, manager of the Auroro, * re found ?tullty tbls aft?-rn??n. The following question? w?-re put to> tin Jury: ?jVirst-I* M. Perr?*ux guilty of having slandered the first court-martial o? by publishing In tha Aurore an sr tgned by M. Kmil* ???la, ?on in?-; th.- following attacks?" (Here i th.- passages upon uhUh Ibe in dictm? nt was baaed.) Zola guilty of having p?*ovld?sd M. L.-rreiix and oth.-r editor? th?- sana of committing this ?Ian Th.? Jury answered both questions In "u motive, M. /ola was .s..?t??n<v*d to on? year's Imprisonment, and to pay a An* of s,?* fnUK rreux waa condemned to lour months' impugnment, and to pay fine. 'Ih.- jury was absent about half an hour, and on reporting ??. : ir. d there -( minting circumstance* M. /??la, on hearing the verdict, cried! 'They are cannibals." M. Zola - la the maximum punlshm? nt. , Frantic , th.? aimnun? ment of M. /?.la's seiiience, and a sc?.-na of int. ns. i K, boric, m perreux, and some of th?-. othurs presen? I M. /.?da. slL'.ial POXJCK HEASUKKK All th-- appro? h, Justa - th.- polie?- , ..nimls? barged with the safety of M. Sola having declared that h?- co-lld ii?>t guar? antes tbs latter'.-? safety, unless streets w-r?' in thorough .'. tho pilurial m?'a:-ures weratnk.-n a public omerged from th?* Aswtae Court. Outside tin? building then? was t? cheering, and especially upon the ap ? . . Bgur? d m tba trial. I d hi triumph, as ehouts of ""Death to tha Jews!" resounded on all s?!. I A num txT ' : I Violen?*? ?X'CUlr A polies s? ?r.tary was slightly Injutvl. Th.- n : t?, h,- delirious, ab rieb Ing for the army ?ind howling down tie- Jews with H. H. >'"la ; sd from the ?" ?' ?! bis I for t-,inil|ltl.:??U#? denn? '; Uta of "Down with Zol .D The erowd ms carriag?'. but a strong bulwark ?if Intervened and anvBd him fn?m the turn of his denui 1 tornan of tb?? day in behalf ' strong plea for his cll.i ag In the cours? of his rmarka that Di Innocent. M. Clemcnoasp. tat !?, ii."\, made a apeecb, aectrndlni r. marks of M , udlng with .m appeal '?> the Jury, by th? quitta] of M /??la, to "remove from r of ndfgioua wars." ..d.? a be* _ Al.I. rAVOMITBB HKATK.f. New Orleans <;mii<- ?.oiiii for the? KI??K. A' OLLI y 2.1. vveath.r a irack were th. dltiona to-day. Th'" attendance was I, and as all favorites w? i the gam?; was gCKid for th?> ring. "in- m'l Leaf (X to ',> won. What N Sid, Klkin .S t,. li third. Time, 1:41',. "id ra??;??me mile?The K, fit ?ft- | ii nron, S?lanos ah ?5 to i an?i 2 to 1? tl third. T - Third race seven furlough?J '. tu 1 .'III,! end, R. L. s ick (111-? i> third, f Fonrth ratio ?pig furlongs?Dnve S. n; to li won, I I tOl BtOB .lui? third. Tim?-, 1 : | 111 1 h tac?on.- m L won, Brother Ft? . ?o ti ,1 to 1 third. 1 . i? furlongiv?Rouble L won. lv. i* ?].", t.. Whllenway (US to li third. Time, i --*?~ - I'rox ImIoh for New ISr > -DoeUn. w .8HINOT1 'N. 1 ? m.? {? pre:-. Iltativi !. lie Vaval Affairs ? - w Forli. folk. Port Royal, V and Maro Island. - llo.ibl?- \lolet?. .-.IM', a llnodrril. I UIIITTV. Main str? and : mad street. The ??mili. Mu I ?;<>. Entire stock of Men'a Kumishing <Jo?>ds it a a? l leiow coat, to ..-lose business. - S ?'..Uli! ind ?"helving for sal? n*es. K. I 71?; Mam street. - rs', to it th.- \\ B. ami La Vida I > inJorniatlori in reK or th Eiffel 'lower Fruit Jukes are prepared froaa Ipti fruit juices aud other wholoMiue logre? lenta i'l K.'Il.l, l.AliD _ CO, 8?.le Atf-ul?. I No l?f?B 9MBB90 ??an la bed lor Coaghs sag I any troubla of tb? Throat, thaa ? Hkokiuui. Tuxusa" Prtae aba v tn box?*?. "or Ultra??-? of ths Liver, Stomaeh. aad Kldaaye he Water ol tue Ureeabrter White Hulphor priait?* I . tillable bi A marica. PCBCBLL, I.ADDACa, WbolAsaU Agenta The Weather. i a.-. C-jg for Thursday: I \ rglnla? Threatening waa? tbsr in the early -a.iuin?. I ?ruwr weather; south sinds. 'a*?Generally fair ithweater.? WLAT: clear and pleasant. " of thermometer; ? A. M * 9 A. M.M ....17 :: p m. ..M .