Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISFATCH-THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1898. 3 a*? i?*"?? tlH" ? e,,*'*t er??? hoklo? pev,em -.R*-??*. A???**' '*" ***?*?** h f*sse**f t*M?*4 tsrtber thes say >t?ta?r ?bread. POWDER Absolutely Pure OLD BOARD AGAIN , hi mho <>i K n i ntii \i ? .?* ? i - i PU m n m un n THE FIGHT IN THE COMMIITEI ?Daiergat? Klaee Wtaa *-ingi?-Hiu.,i,, M?.- -nunr-ll????! Hill?lit?, ?mri,,, ,,,...1 Un r. n n?II..- HIM f,,r lux f,i . ..n t..)?'ni i?? geldlers. n i ?mm .... - - ' ' : letti t; ota a number ol ? i ?. m Mr. K Et TIMES. mmltti don'l know mor .... , w." i?l th d by laugl - - ' : 1. H. ' in th? for th? - '. ' ' ?Al ' F W, I ?r 1! II. ' i old i that .1.1 be for the i K i ILL 1 I " ' two I ,, i - . .IA1I Ths | ?.o?u?? yw?t*?r- | b.Us. hundred, U OP i:i;c<ii<i?s. - ?ti.?,. ' upon ' wan:- THE i;, .. .!:;, BBTAINED I I? ultur? through a : "r Colonel A B \. .1. 'h. mernb? ?. tin lb ' *>H*h?d. 'i .. ,,ie loi plan by - but Will Of <!"' |??r ",;,v" "" thorl ?n of i?? .n :?il fertilisers s?.i.i . n ?,,t ask ' ?t ?.? ?n . ni ,;.;. the It and dollars in? lly, giving to i' ai n?. im believe that this commltt? f"l ' n of this n ,,-. .... nia: 'You shall Intei Voll? il." - ' Which i: '?t for that ; only about IM 0 Th. In the appropriation bill for its maint? : : bill ?requiring II t?. h ! fr?.m the tas .?n f? rtlllsers. A bill. hlch Mi. \\ Ithrow I ?a, la pending In the I : .... fertrti the comm the P ..I Institute. Th?- friends Of the ? til: ?I will not lined in Richmond. PENSIONS i'"i: ? ? >.\fi:i ii;i:ati:s ' n t?. popula? v..t. fund with whi. h tu. nt in tii" S- and will. . Mr. H not km.w how th?' bill, but if they !l ! ?I tb? all. Mr ilutlon, memora mm? nl t" ? lorn bill Introduced in Hi" ?United ?State? Ben ?Her, upon t!n Rlp? Uampton l: 'ii,. Virginia .- tie- monum? ng the n hlch Commodoi*e Maun : in tin- world, ami ami.' r "f Delegate Harr* ' '? " "' '' *" "! ,'"1"* ml .lohn Bell Btgger ami hi- corpa at ;>?? dinner al I ? ? ?* ?-*?>-? ?Prattj Haaae WoAAAAm> CREWE, VA utlful home wedding t???>k place fus K ,, ?wild Wood , nome " " ?-* *"" . Mr. y i. -man, of Burk i'n. man mon* ''V u,'v- Tl1' pry, | U". iU '? mi? r. bleb an halld utlful and be lor |. n of her father. whil< Mr. W. S Downs, of i uple t"??k the ; h? i n ,h. ir honeymoon. On their ville tb- tr Wlllard'a Beeaalaa in ?Mate. ?CHICAGO, P< ,'' " Y - t w ..tu., n ilon, lay In stat? lard Hal!, In the Women'a Tempi? \. nlng. Thou people ? : he ? man ' time. Ai 5:30 the casi;?-t was : -ton. idents ii"in the Northw? -i? m L'niv? i ?w morning at B i; ? will i??- taken to th? ?Plrel y,.{) church ??! Bvai la.-t tribut? will be p 'l he Interm? ?ir. V ill take pi I Mrs. ?Whltaey*? Coadltloa < m ? '. \\ hll t in. rrlved on a sp? ? lal train from ?, ,,i K at 7 O'ClOCk this evi Din| announced thai Mrs. Whll Utlon _mMmmmmm^mmmmmmmmmmmmmm is |T ? l H IBLBf \ uiieniioi? Often a?-k?-?i b) i bu-? \nu? i? ?i U i?h rile?. ?if course, if People often becom? ?afflicted ?with old "chronic" Who ed i'l : ?naturally ig th. in th . ?n turn ??is.-??mage others, and mat can and ? han? - Ol the tl Cure will cur? thi .id- lo an he tumors mal top ii,- aching ',.., ,.r pent month! II : epph I,',, and Inflamed hemmorrhold if , Rlcted with this stubborn ?.as!?.' ii. ami master It '?Tli? ment. i.i.fac uipany. of idlch ;?n . a?. ,rl i'r . ? an ordering II toi customere? THE TOWER torner Sor ?mi ?nd Bro?d, Julius Sycle & Son. SPECIAL POR TO-DAY. 50 dozen QentieiAen's Pure I?inen Bosom Simts, real value . II? ?W ."ill?'. ...non yards French Satine, real value 25c., now LOc epe ( loths, ;ill colors, real value 12-Jc., now 10c. Percales, 1 yard wide, teal value l-.*.?-.. n?>w ?'.fe. Unbleached Cotton, real valu? 5c., now 'Ike Calicoes ligW and dark, real ?'? ilii?' ."?? ., now ! Bilk-Finish Henrietta, in Black, real value 80c., now .Vic. Poplins m Black and Cadet Blue, real vain?* $1.25, now B All colon in Percalines, real value I2_c, no*? 10c. Hair Cloth (genuine), real value 50c., now 39c JULIUS SYCLE & SON, Corner ?Second and Broad. _ SOME EXCITEMENT'. i i.iat. Cuba, that win lead i i am Rrml) oi the opin? ion I due to i court of Inquii > will lusion." Bt in 11 definite linea, The n Ullllll.'.i Op il in.-lit that 111 probabilltl? s that H vv h th.- pro? of the Inveatlgatlon. The most In? anxiety is sh.fwii by the Spanish offii lali i a with Madrid. Th that ths i th the Unit? d I teere nevei i mu? !i In danger of rupture '"i'?. hi !? ai hop? - ful "i Ane i lean Intervent lines, but what they base their hop ink notra. "Th.- in \ to win minor military s-, m on the i' . mm? nt. intlnue to an antl-Amei lean a? ntlmi ut. rently th? look for . .d, "PEPPER." i in: i m it i ni i Mit ut?. li Propaaei ?? Bnamine i.??-r> sur ? I ? or ?if I ll.? ?Ill I lie. hala?. \. L? bra rh i nit. .1 Inqulrj Into the 1 the *! ami axamli 1; and Chlel I Howell, ol on, and it lasted uniU j ?SO P. M. now obtainable the aft. tie Anoih. r visii was made to the a by C enpaon, pr. court. length of time thai the c-*?urt will r? : quiring iuv Captain G Id? ?1 that. examined t>\ the court, which will : Although ' hia Infoi n all Captain will . ilntment 1 dally, ?bul ' rigid rule r until tha aented, \ The I tn, of the M Ibap k and Wrecking ? 'ompai . \ arils from ti Ing tug lo? It IS r.-ported thai to her hur: : Il t be appa -ork win a la t? fore ported t?) Captain : by and Will . .'aptaln Si :? are let ?tow II. a at"*ong wind to-day n -ough, and added 'tu tha difllcultlee <?f the ik'd 'if'tn on bo mi the light* . U ?. III?.11 I lll\| \ 1 n VII \ N \. Maine *i\ .?nmid Doiiiu WmtS?Bimrmr? III'MM ?if l)l\?TH I \|?|,||||eil. RABANA, i? bruary 1 |,, ,, Blghl Ann, belonging to the Merritt-Chapman Wl., kiii- Company, with additi divers and apparatus, arrivnr here this mornli rs doing well Tii.- Olivette may take (WO | lie I i.leiitii.v ol the u at It 1- 1, port, d that the bodies, pi Ol moor th.- 1. to the Dre-room t?>-iiav. much cuuhr, tbs wind is high? t. an?! a Borther is thr atened. Wednesday Is passing rsry qt ly. Th.- churcbSB wera of forty . Jesuit : "-"I I.-. n . aere burled In a tomb In tbs cem? of ?Columbus. Thousands of Lie I pie w ay. xamlnlng the n . I.I , tii" qui ',, .'. to , whether the lu-in? h mags aine on ths , . . ibllc ahould !. ar in mind tl i?t 1 about In, ? 1 ths dlftl- < cultlss are, th? rsfore n tucfa .1 1 hip .ter. This a ot tii. re- 1 ( the dlV? : ( RBD CROSS Ll'.!.! . Barton t of the In the Lap. .1 States, I . now preval?a wn< rs lack of t was formerly n The ., iv. .i lu-.ia 1 their Brat aoall adi Hum I .1 warship viu-i <l< A larrgi quani tj ol clothing ; 1 .k? n from the a r-ack, and aft? r it h 1.1. ,...,, dlBinf? l'? on., atrad The mlsshiK Lieutenant Jenli Assistant-Kn? ut havs H"i i" sa ! oov? 1. -i. j .. ?I tlie former's room. nit ll was found that Ills body was not ths ahai l Ivan ubi '. bul tbe vultures lia-.. ?, tt 1 ly unythlng but tho skeletons of 1 * i who wer? entangle?! In ?the surface ?.r th? ?water. The ?bodies were not ?BOtiCBd |,v ,,,,> one un "1 it .1 th?-ir ghastly work. Fn.m the hand i ?.lain ? 'bj.iwi. k ruaov? ?it i gold iin'g f??r purposes ol Identiflcation. plain Cbadwick th.- to'.al number of missing is eight j -My.- ,,r . Igbi r* died In th pltal, ? ?f bl?.w-n t?> BtOtaa, BO ["?riions of ; I.i. . :'ii?l - i able num? ber of those wh? ! Will be Idelltitt, ,|. ?DEATH ri;??M ?BOMB ?aim.? ?si wouad? d on i plosion "t a boini, at ?i,., ir?joi Theatre whit? a ill wa- in prog i ess, died a wh?, w i i S. nor I*?? ? a i" pro* % favoi .h!y. General ?lerrano Altamlra, ?Qovernot of ami was day. r.rlga.lier-?;? n? rai M thi Insiir army. had i THE UNDERWRITER ?BTAB i ' iry E?-The erew of r worked hard all ?lay In tiing th- tug l.ft for New Fork ?She win leave New York ?Priday ?afternoon, ??ml it "1 she Will ' next Wednesday. n will con?! men. SITI \TIO\ AT ii \n \\ \. I on vlclloii OlWWt?g That Mn gn/I iii DId Bat m?,?? i p ?HABANA, via k'l.v WEVT, PLA., -Muatl'in, which may? be ?' .?ay BMBBSal ?by fri-sh ;ls min.d up. when this lit. this eyellilll-. -Mb-t.lti tlally as followa: Th? ? having <!!- o?ered i n bexegon foi I h? 10-Inch un?-xpi'.iie.i'. ami ?bell? iIng ais?? that ded will be fouad In the m ?sin? on thi m.ut?".u : forward, th.- OOaVlCtlon ?lows th? tain? 'ii'i not blow op [1 this bi to, many have Insisted from the Brat thai it IB, the that th? ?Maine A already wlr??l, th? main portion of 11.1 Il"t''?l ..'.? rican official h? r? i re con? it?rai Blanco and th? high ; lion, : tira ?rith the f a plot to blow n, M 'in?-, |f b.ui they tnior i-'i'iini-'i "tii?? r--. who from Hie natur? ?>f totngi ?nt ?with modern than their i'lib-1- ami sup? ri'i Ih" bottom of the disaster, if th? any OUl p"lt'.t? ?1 OUt thai it would not be tmpooolbl? I a mine ,,r w.t ?and dry ?gnimottan ?near to anchor, ?such B min?, oommunlcating with ?an electric ?battery on the shore, ii ?t that ne, for th? ?Aral Urn? ?luring her stay In r, lay ai th? particular spot wh"t. bIm wee at the I phe, ?and it la ?said, though riot bed, that tbe Main? a ii;ii war-v? ase] moored ular buoy si .', acute. Ail pllne o aitbout a i truth. complained of I ? th? ?rigid \ with which he enfon ad them. "' I be Maine ?and u? v< r had ??lent until she bor. IN CASH OP v Igh Am? i to a hat t would be, if II ?w? r? i moan from war. ?Still, l u would i iiv to ? o tld aachor tbe loara, the Indiana, th? and ; har? bor, to pr? venl ' he I.i supplies, arithout which tl and d olatlon. Even th? b live from ban I supplies brought from th. "If Ado? render of I hour? f"i- the removal of tie- womei childr? Id follow, 'I.I , OUld b di r. Su? h nitlon, ami bavi who x? w?.uid compel him t <u r-, the II. bants, and the VOlUBti a. things in th?- f iee. At tb? ri, ii for th" t?? .-? until thi r ? : - tb? ezplo v || a little ! ' - f IBM it had ??nee ?been ?proven I it ? ? ardly plot. t ? in try h??!d to ! ?V their ' I tbe 11 such ? Id ccottrol tb? ' i from sary." THE COURT 18 COOL. Tb ii- i. v cbronlcl all thi? ?A lllelllb. I ' H qiiii ? wti.aversed with t?? '. any ,c'' "( r'" .. ?pi? ?if th" I'lll!' I .Uv ,. lulted fi.iin oth than accident, i tation of ?Providence. Certainly, the members of th? court el ! *?_? experienced, ?and .udtclal, will I their heade, ,,,,,. tun blown up by an . mine, and ' tor? kn.,w.? COUM : tremendous resulto. Tl -xp!. "" *" '"" ***** *"-" ?all circle?. I deny that ma.? In an out ? This Is eb in even bat the ?" '" ""' _*_! ??i_. ' '." ? '? 9 ' *". main maga?lw II11"1 rrith i ' to Ignite, a ? I , ,,i,id. from tb? v. iy con of flings. ;bb Th.. wreck bas sunk a? al ?. d Will probably ??litillU" MINKS IN* I i \ n American oflta r of ?rank o entitle him lo ti?.- , ommand ? Is authority for : ..-nt that a naval Officer -.?me time a?;?? ?SOtd to the Washington state ?Department a map of Rabana b n bor, shoe Im m.iiine min? Ipanlsh r? th it tile exist only In Imagination. The If wt told you that your baby wutt.rvinir, that it actually ?h,li.'t gel enouch tu rat, y??u nn?ht rc \rA..." \ ??nt ? Asa )?-t Intf? *r<- tln.ti I UUI \ ?anils of bahie. ?I... n . ) the fat th-y sli.iil.l in thrir I??.?! KCInV / or who ar? uol able to liigrtt the uavj j Ul , ,, fM ?t 4 A let? i niiltioD lut all ! ; ttic onea one. ?*?r> aa?l thrtt itar? ot igt i* l?iter Uian u-taw ivr then*.. inms ?in. ?xiu? ub it. Tailor=Made Suits-Ready to Wear Hundreds of Ihem-lhousands, may be. You see but a few samples in youi stroll through Ihe department. To sor the line rightly, to "pick them lo pic requires more than a hasty glance. Time spent here is well spent. Same with money. Compare the style of these Tailor-iMade Suits?/*## *> to o-ffar-with the nattiest shapes from the highest stores of New York or Philadelphia. There isn't a fashion newness, there isn't a novelty in shape, there isn't an iS()S device that ought to be em? bodied in such a Su/t that we have skipped. Your own eyes will show jrou that. Thr best part of it, for you, is the absurdly little prices we can put on thes? Gowns--iibsurd only in the light of what ?thesecharges usually are! We dont ask you to pay for mistakes, or displays, or for experimenting. Youi money goes just for Quality, Elegance, Style. That is why so little of it is needeti here to command the best Ladies' Black and Navy Clot'' ?r Suits, jackets silk faced, ??Wirt full wiiitli, full lined, ?f,*..?99. [? dies' Mixed Cheviot Soi 1 uecn, Brown and Tan. Jacket lined throughout "*. * ? 111 chang?eabfe silk lined throughout, vclvcUcti bound. An except!?.n.illv rood fs value. We price it IS. Ladies' Black sod Navy Cheviot Blouse Suits blouse and skirt bot_ trimmed with bonds <>f black satin, blouse lined with best ends black taf? feta ; skirt lined throughout with eolen iltil percaline. Other Suits Mme sa shove, made in Reefer style. ?*.i<?. SPECIAL. Black sad Navy Whip eofd Reefer Suits both skirt and jacket lineil throughout with the best black taffeta silk, handsomeli tailored In ?vary viv. Compare with $22 Suits. Pri Ladies' Tan, x.uv, Black, sud Hand) liloi Blade Suits, skirts and jackets lined with plain tali some ?checked. Both blouss and reefer effects. They're $?? Suits -we price them *.'.'.5'i. flfl?-Mnterestincj SILK WAIST news to-morrow. Read it. Another FoUowin?cl< iy -<ni the heels of tin* Dihhrin Twenty-Five-Cent E, terday comes sn Veni. other of equal im? portance. \ rsre opportunity IS tin's. \ isls oi rtich Silken Bands, beautiful effeots and ever] wanted color. Their average worth per yard i- about thirty-nine cents. Vour pi?:k of the lot t?i-davat nineteen cents. Plain Satin Ribbon up to 5-inch. Plain Taffeta Ribbon up to 1 ! p m Ribbon up to 4 ?. -in? b. Roman Stripe Ribbon up t?? 4 Satin Stripe Ribbon up t? 4'2-iiHh. Pane** Gauze Ribbon, beautiful ef Boxed Paper. For H**-?' corr espon isrtiio?-'inl cr dence. Splen speuai, 5c. dW !)r;;(l(.?. Correctly finished Stationery; s?.in?- daintily tfod with baby ribbon. Boxed similar to tu ??nty-fiv ? - cent paper. live diff?rent sorts. About five thousand boxes, 24 aheets of Paper. to natch. An exceptionally g.I <?IT priced 5c. the box. I M un i!-??.r. m a en Cut=QlaSS Dainty Cut* Vinaigrettes, 10c. S! a V inai-l ijrett?--??I? cp catting, highly polished hinged tops, with glass ?.topples. Little beauty pnngents, filled with lasting, refreshing laven? der salts. 25c. would be .1 fair price to ,: BL We ?y 10c. dn floor, main al Indies' Hundreds of dozens ot Shirt-Waists. Zt^ wear? fashionably-cut Shirt Waists are on sale here at lower pri<?es than Waist-wearers have -ver known. Ihe twenty-nine-cent ones look as tony as their haughty silk sisters, and they're made to live in. i ,s?i dozen Ladies' [?sundered Shirt Waists, teparate collars, yok Black and White, Bine, i'ink, and La? vender : full line of sires usually 4?9c; these i ..? ' Dimity, Percale, and Dotted Swiss Shirt-V iie with white irate collar, and cuffs, same material, made in best manner, pointed nished with white m buttons. Not one in the lot worth less than ?ft, many up to Jr.50. We them 69c. 1 Second floor, left aisle. ) Rotfer&?allefs The bit * of 1 a < ? Perfumes. f?fAT _ sprin? ki??l with these extracts b?eomea inviste?! with an atmospher?-of exauisite refinement. Original creations, made from Russian Violets, Orris blossoms, Heliotrope, and the entire flower family. Prom the perfumery stills of France, thi jardens of Bulgaria, snd the spice islands of the Orient come helps that make the Roger .X (iallet Ex traits extingue and lasting. Pan D'Eupagne. \1 S??is Blanc. Violette De Patine. Y?, ri Vk>l< Heliotrope nia?.?. Banqnet Du Ai Opopoo Jockey Clttb. Complete hue Roger S Oallet Toilet Waters for hair and toilet, Bau de j nini Soap, Brilliantin ! Powder, Baby Powder, Pondre De Sis Powder, Lavender Toilet Water, Ba? chot, Dclitifi: Turkish Rugs. Th<art of "weaving ie An Exhibit. f.he *? ;f - the Orient, ranking among ths ancient In? dustries of the Persian, Turk? ish. Armenian, and other moun? tain dwellers of those countri?-s. It was bom in lands steeped w 1th the sun and saturated with color. I he patterns familiar to the East have descended through centuries, and may be classed as geometric, arases?**ue, and floral. Marvelloui Rug creations from $<>.-,<! up to $140 are now in our Carpet Hall. See them. ?-hestana. I'.okl. fho. - ?Persians. * Dressmakers' E y ? j : -needed fat Findings. '?' '; <h " p e r f e c making of the new gowns. You've seen assortments tha you've thought complete. Si ours. See what a really complet assortment comprises. Note the prices. Inklings : Ko,. and?*? inch? lotiK. 25c. -tegular Stockinet Dress Shields, *c. psir regular pi J. O. Kilt'*;'? Machine Cotton, wni ranted 100 j arda, i?- top* Covered Dr- tipped edgt Black and colors, ac. d>?/.en, worth in? Silk Stitched Dn llg, 151 piece, reguUr price De I.ou,'-; Hook and ?rd IOC ther Stitched Braid, m ditferen patterns, jc. pi?.v. worth 10c. Rubber and Horn Coanbs, ladies'an lar price, 10 t Window Shades, _ o the i2ic. Complete. * *;* Carpet Hall, third floor. \ pull of the cable and th< elevator lands you there in ai instant. It's an interestint trip?helpful, too. Linen Wlndoa x6 feet lon^ mounted on improved spring roller? with fixtures complete?-usually ?*?1. Enamelled a car-load to sell quick Kitchen ware, ?y- ,l'jalbis lot and takes op much coveted space in the basement. I hat has much ti do with the prices we ask. You'll find 14CW shaped ves? sel-, of every s?irt. Very likely just what you've long been look* lag for. Enamelled Ware at 5c. Wssll I', '-ins. Pie 1 Pudding Tans. Drinking Cups. Enamelled Ware at 10c. erving Kettles, Sam? pans, ?.'? landers, Cu Bread-Pans, lina Soap I..t'1'n t, Enamelled Ware at 15c. Large Si/. Dish-Paaa, Collet -Tots, i'ots, :i -, Cuap?dot Enamelled|Wareat 25c. Largest Sue Saucep i I..?t.-: I.arj-i? S?2 Bxtm latrmn Dish-i' Mufti ?-Tans, tie?, Ro.ibting-Tatis. Enamelled Ware at 50c. Pails, Hxi: acc-Tot?, I-oot-Tu: ^BJ*-_ 7 ** .TFMMARK: EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY us, on the other ?band, claim that thele ,r.- mill UU'l'f tie bor, leading ft? 1 ?sown to have existed f?, Fort Cabana? ?and m I tbli (?? [?? ral ?Blanco, on 'in- night <>f He r, was Mtting w ith ?J? n? ra! Mil win u in? ?beard the explosion ?b? lumped from his i ban. tV' burning: "At last they ll.ise put a ?Shell ill Hie p." i liATIOVAL ?REPORT! DsfnlED. ? u |i11?In ot lb?* \ Isen > it IIiik ltee?-t y i-d Ba *-??!II?'?. Order?. NEW rORE, Pabruary ordered thai i in 1 that men ii.? w?.rk day and night In tb denied to-day. On contrary, i in ?o.ling t?ia-i is usual, ?and ?90 efforts will i tap?ete tbe ! litad by t! to-inoi i [te that Captain Kulate had received no Ing orders. He wa- ordered, befOre Ing ?Lai !'almas, t?i ?spend "ii" wa k in ailing for ll.i atnt up to this time has I dieting with this order. IHM VI. PROM i.i:m i: \i ? II.? >?y? lit? I? \ttr Ar rim ?lu g 1?? ? <? lu K?*> **,>< !. HA HA N't :l-?;.neril ?Lee, wh?. ; number ol patch ai.lulling uH to the racy of the ?report thai be is an ' Cuahing ? v nator ?Pro? I h.- has bo present Intention ": doing To-day has been the oni axpMstoa, Tha ' all Bokmt .-tl] i.'r.'il? ri?-!? Ilolz.-r, Who ll slightly ?*. ti,, dlv? ra work, bul ta ?t thtrlr htht .'.him tin.-. n ti" ..f tbs szpIOKlon, are kopi Mrtctlj fur tha ' ourt of Inquiry. Il ja ii.i nine bodies hava I ui,.!, away. Lut only I'l: w du etioa ?if tii- v.! I.;.!, that the armor ii from tin- f?,i I i tii.- Utit.>ni > : , cans..I this. :. illllll'? 1 (Mil BOl ilfer-?, It is L aaaay, aWH And v??ry nui- at ths turc "* ?ho ?hip fo. . that tl Voik and l'ortton, i WOrl il llltiiiH ; siit?i? i.-nt ? ,, 11,. turr.t and to out tii The Oil? f,,r Key V vv.-n larifer thas 'i srSSl SHOSBsS ai i i: ma i i?i \\i, . i?r?l ? row?l,?l "With M*a l?r?lrl?i? to liiiU?. '" M-Kl.TlMA. lM.rauy . . ths paint.t? working on th? [aland, thai finlnh bar s.. that ?he . : at IU(ih tide t?.-m<." , Dlfht, and will renuni" at .1 tyllgbt in th navy-yarvl wa? crowd??! tO-Uuy I with men desiring to enlist, I adnatlon was too rlgbl for most of these, and only a few were ac? ACTIVITY AT FORT THOMAS. Haltrr> II, oblo "national l.uard. Al eaiilBBB for llreruli?. CINCINMATI, February ? There haa iii'i'h activity at Kort Thomas, In tcky, f??r | . lo all the troop? are under special discipline, with ?xtra drilling. Colonel Cochrane. the com to be inters upplled ids each. ttery B. of the Ohio National Ouard. Captain ?HeranBW. to-day adver? t?s, .? for i rults. ttuoltl n-f II? pulp of Wttr?hips. \ M yard the ?liat forktof ?Phi! i.i.-iphle, numb she have been at will In rushing to completion repairs te snips at th?? yards. < rowuUahleld la Maat?. iPA, i'l V. February 31~The I ttgomcry arrived In-re this eve? ning from I vtga Wssb . say anything about bis tiiii or bis 1: -gild lU? ?i ilstr will I I b?- ?Detroit ??IT I??r K . MO! ? htte to? day i Foot?