Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DiSrATCII-TFIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1H98. |y' JACKSON WARD. . ? MFlll < (?I M IL , iMilDA rE? WI1 NOl l PRIMARY. HJS KTION SEVERELY CONDEMNED. ? .minion ? In?? .1. .On i ?... .n.? On? in That Orge at? ri(l?? * -?'b.-.liile.l for T.>. ?!W. ' ? ' I Pollock, si. Third F :i thi ' n ' i . ii. ?Dona incll, . J r the .1. 1 ? trom omany the foiloa '. noml . "f Hi? ?meeting nd one 1 unjust 1 ndi -;!it. x.;. ? lui? club tlon, an?! the I ?il.ii ' by .' B8. Club il ?ii. i >n ' a ? lui?. . .! M. 11 I. T. ' i J. II. Bi ' a ight. MW- III I III I III It I ?.. Dniiwiu?- >n|t luniii*?! ?be TrncOoii ? ? ?? ?haaaerj Ot-aars and Deereea. . the Of Haiti' nd. a I. . Ir., ?i'.alili' I L Mein? M I*. How.ici ?in ii- .'. - im ii' 1 S. ': ' i and i.'i H.,i,i.,i ,,, ( inn-lilt?- ? ?unity. wer? I 11 : ! 11 :-l,n M? tiu.v .?a. SLEEP FOR SKIN-TORTURED BABIES An I rest lor tired RMChen in a warm ?mth iF.aadeetngleappl I ?Mat, tho great ?kin run?. El-mtCDtBa afford Instant relief, .t toaaaaedy ?atre of tortattag,dls< 1 ag,lt?jklng,burnln acsly ?kin and tettp humor?, otan p?leles bus. 'hr worl.l. ronn !i?ro ?hdChiic C? ?? .tm. itr* "'.l'.wioCuri?tin-Tc-tur?dD?tii??,"frt?, 8KIN Pr ""i,*?? MARKET QDOTATIONS. SBFOSTi FROM ALL QSBAT M Ft. SBH ? i STSSS 01? TBS WOULD. i Price* ?,r Money, SanSa, Naeka, ?. f?late?, Cotton. <i.?ii.?. ? "?try 1'ro.luc??. &c.f Uorelgn ?nu Daaaaatla. ry B.-TO. "f Bacurlti In th.- Cuban .?.ii ?? i?! away th? i bad : by uae I don over ths holiday. Thei : a ihe up to the L...,,:.m ; 1 out by the and aellln brought a flood irket. k, with a decline ?>f il ?lay. i ! '. at an i gelt? oo Bt declll its. The local were of weakneaa. Qreal North . m pn f- rr? ?i dropped off 7 points? morning was in thla market f?.r London a.-, unit. Esttmatea ?,f the v..i if tbla buying ran aa blgta sa ' :.- : . ind th.- Contl i an Impi isii.n situation, but tl am decline In a and l'.?ris In th? - l'a, in London showli with Mond i- o : t wei point of tl In the i illation. <'all ! at - per cent, te? to the nd the Sub-Tr. as-ii v had B , to Irawal Urn nt of the tti" Union P?? ment. only slight? ly in fa'" of tl . ndon buj Ing of line In exchange on Parta rked, Thla di velopmi ion >?t the r? port of tie- money which is go in P iis to i .on?!, ui on a. count of Ondltton Of affairs at th? Into American lard < 11 liquidating cert I alt in on the Exchange, bul to-day the open dividend dlstrll mid at uv Bonds v'. wltn lly in the apeculaUv? avy dealli i ?;ov ernmeiit bonds wer? decidedly i Btat? i lined "- ?; do. coupon. l-t; the Old -Is : . bid. The total sal -. Including Atchtaon (preferred), 10, inada South, peak? and <>hi... MS5; Chicago, Burlington ana Quincy. 27.11s; Loulavllle and Nashville, ll, danhattan, JMS; Metropolitan Btre? i ling (tirs.t preter?'.'lb New V"tk ?'entrai, Northern Pacific. M?O; Northern Paclflc (preferred), 11.7?; Chicago Northwestern, Bock Island, 10,114; St. Paul, M.?4?; i'iii'.n Paclflc, ' n union, ll/flB. MONEY AND BXCHANOE I p m M,.n. v on call, eaay at i i-'.""U loan at 1 M i" * <?nl.; rcantile paper, KM per cent. Sterl 1er, with actual buai inkera' billa at M-SW for de . ,., i,?- sixty bar sii Mexlcan dollai State bo.,,is _UU Railroad bonda w.-ai?. ?IWIOSRST-CSUWOT^-J^^ amaham.*m*xmk* mai Barnim * .J At W *. |<J Baltimore ??! OB?.'." ,s . t'aiiM. ? . " 4 ', ? anad'i .??out aira. 1 ,u DC. o,'"1 I'll???.: . 11 ,c6k'.. ead A't?Hi. ". OMcstO, ourniinot ".". t WHO T. .. ?in K%?.t9rn imno-is. : C /?ill -t. I.'.UH. S* ; St Lenta praferrad. Dalawar? aadHu laon -;; . . ... - . ." ! , a,i KioUranl??. i.r?n?rre,i...-? 1=1 '.rt?ierr-. : ' IVI1-?. ..i ro ..y..'.".i ? ' i trat. 1. *?* t ,,'..-.. l.-l.. .,* ole ,:ii I .NHhlivill?.... .107* ;a" I 144 . otitao I ra, ' : . .. Miebu ? . vi .Mli.ii?'??/taa.?? . i...m? tai neefarreo.... on M ell 1 I'l. Ill,- . .,' Motil . i??? Mi.aomi i*..'tnJ I........ ni, t?. and i. preferred. ueaiiv end < in?'?.'" . J , I ein? aad ?uhlaags ulafsrred. J?*t . ,-r?.?v c:t?nirai. 'or*<;->airai ... .. .?. ?i . *' Dreien . ' <*? ?. i . Ubica " i'-?4*?""'44??. w nimn - . .Norm Aaiorican Dompsuy. NortberuradBo.... .?. Si ntit-rn P-Mtttc. .ri?i?rf?a." *> ?r.t?rioHn?i ?V??H<*-rn.- '?nt nit. *ii<1 Nav. *' n -.ociiLni?. *"'_< ?TS."?** _ ! kMdius ..-- . . iff* , kocilslaod . __ * _.** m? ,U hi,,i Baa tint? . . 1 ht. i juiHiiiia ?on? i ?t oral... . i i and -au Fraud*'?? :-<" oral:. ?4 H : n,i'nii.' u.'i4 M.faui ortierfrim. att? M.i*auiainl?'maui?. ?lU . uaad Oina?a. oreforred.tin ui. vi. and M.<" '*? arnPaclBo .~??+. ? ?utt.erc.? ** :*..utiifm. vrettrrta . - * *? l?fa?n**a?*?nc. v,7" Inivtil'aoiBc . :-"' NKW lOKB slot K l?l ?U \M?i < loalDC Htoeta ". T. D. ?indu _ ..... '? ?ail?**., m laaw a?il i*?-*t?i.-.,. "?starb, m bo'imi'ii Fecinc.<**c<sf?rrea.. 111*4 * bteiiB* -??? i i.? ttt? . ffcetnas an.l laAl gr,. nr?r.?rr??l i ?daros Kspiew . ?.?j^eri -nti lUprr?.? ... .?-.'0 mien state? Kieme? . 4 ' ?r?,-" Kn.f m .Hi al Ll.l.lM!l)l.l itaarteeaC?***l sou . 10 \ m i? i u-? n ? ,.?t. n ???i t referred. v. ??4 ?.tiiTii-au s?i?irit?. 7^% lrs?rt?-ati sptnte sreferreo. ?men? an ln'iv?. to. ? ? Rican Toim?--:?0 ?' ?. nr-ferre-l.1 ? . . *>in. ?'??li ?. ? <rnrmuy. 1 .01. Pnsl I ._?_. "' ??.Kuoi *-... ore'trr?*.!.... . ?"" J-sera Eisctrio . bu? i- -t*.. i.* ni*. . ????? Less" Trust. b??'i prei-Mi .IOS Nations! 'uaesd <?u. . i * trae nini . PsclGi i?'i.. i alunan Pslae?.I . ... ? tiiieV.rl U.U.- ?nd Twin*?.,.. . ? -? A mer.- .)' '. ?m sosar KeOnery, nrot.111 t, i ?m i in n . U. 4 !.< itbei. . i *-. . eetb? . Ui'? I - - KObU r. . ! . 8. b'ji ter pr?t erre '.. We-teriii.iitoo.. Sortbweste a .' Nortlin.?ieii?. i??-..?.-i red. . ...171 ... ... ?*?! iissn?18on?h? Mere 1st preferred. ' " x Kl.'i'ranile ?ml ',Ve?t<.rn . M RtOUrsitda in?l Western, prelorre'l. . Chicago Ores! "A. . laH Bswailan ?Oo m?? Compeay. '' Uea<lu,. red. Ao\% k?/\:i l.l*?!'. CaltMBtatss Vs, new. registered. 1 ?Ctfal9,1 Dniwdgistea tVsew. ooapoas.... l nit? d Btstaa oreo..I ! i .? 14 -. I nit. ? Stats i ?. I S'.i? '1 ?OS .1 li , -, Dtatrv-I :;??.. - .,.i alaben) i'Cla v. 1081?. hi. A Hl KI' I? I 11-"? I).10 Alabeos ?.?irren-?.KM Al -I '-' n I . !?l?g At. Ins. 1 . ...". i ana a -' s.i? ? C. ?N. P., t. I . rb\\4 Cheeai - o ? ? .? ? . n. a u ?? /. i Denver* il ihteta.n? la-river IHQ l'a. . Raft i -mi . m Uta. M? Kri-? > n- rai l'a ./. . 7'Jli 1 W. t !>. ? '- ' r. ; 1 <;. i...t a '.. ?*"i. i" ? I?. Il AS. \ " is . . |l h. ?v r. Oeatt ii l's. i io 1?. A i. . . . ? .loi ? r. l??s i i ?iv. ?. t. r.i Louisiana ne?? consols, 4's.108 . I III. ? H. M* Mt-uxmrl ?t's.n ?u . ?. : T. ?va ... ......... NewYork Centra lata .?u?-:.? i i '7??. New Jereey .iiiVi Rone ?jaroiiDfi .-. .i . Nenn ar?nos 4*i.i i Northern raelileis!.i Nortu'ii ' ? . ? Northern l'ictflc -t-. r\. V r. *61 Lt'l .i. Not .Ik im ?\ BStern B*s. Nnr'liw- ?t? H. i .NortiiWifiletl let?. .. ".J !H Ore? n ?.ivii'H'i n ist . i ope,?n Navigation? ?.I j ?? s. bine fis, t. r. . i?. s. bin.?.'? -. t. r . .10*. < '. lin tu n?. in eut 1st s, t. r. 11 I < >. l'iuroveiiii ni ..'s, t. r..?U l'a'-in.'U'sof 'u'i .Uli Ken'liii '.-?. -? K. ??. W.lM? . h"?* st. L. AL h - . e''i. BULAAF. g J.Il*? st. l'an l i oiiois.11.' St. P. ? . a P. i-i . r.'.' st. I'aulC. ?P. .?'s,.tefler? i 11 '." , souti in.,. ... . u : sinn b-ii-'i Hope sod Twine < ... offsredj 00 rsnneesei new teislement :?'s. ? i Texas PaoUlo i ... 1st?. . .I???"*, lesea PsdOcre* . 33 t ''.'t!. t. r. i . ;?.<, I . P, n 4 Gnll l-i-. Wabash lai ?' ? .... in-?-j Wsbasb 'i-?.: ? -' .110?! Virginia Centuries. Virginia deferred. i Mobi m. i <? i " l'a. Norfolk ?nd Western oonaol fu . . . ? oriulk aii?l m pre! stock. lucit'i?? ? iro A't ?ter. Metalls ?, February M, U f?rtVRS???' Ht I. A.-k" 1, DaReda?elai i a 1*07.114 Man. -t* il B Nsrtt? OeroiiBa *' . . 1041e North Carolins ??'s.... ISS \ irumia:? u tno?v;.? , B Csota-tM. '->'* "'OSW cm 1 K:. Iiinonil rit? S'?..- IS] 'Ktfsbtnond ottj U - . Hfl i:i iiiii'iii'i oity ?J. Ill Ricbo b ' ''-'" l'?'"? WS lUlIK'.W? B Atiiua ? , 1 HO Atianta 11:1 1 OU iri itte ?'t' 1 la. f?a . .. ,03 ?i ,V ?iBB, '.''! 7'B .... I'-'?? Georgia Psdfl i-: iEC.,1 II I I 18 I ' ? . i. . itne d ? ' >? is .< i 100 IM \ . 113 ... P?t??rsbarx (Claae B? ?Ta. 111 l',.'l.. ?V Me'kleiil.ll',.' I?; '?'S. .'?? gi* A Alabama pr?t. 6'a.... i ???'<. G?orgie ana insola... *^% ***'*?--i Kiebmond Traction5'a .... io;?. lO? NorfoU and v? estera 1st m . eon. 4 ?par os?t. ?"H Fm hoi .r. ?Par. Iksad Western pr?? 4s -l'? r?tertoar?.hjo no ISO . ,;. i. \ !-. ?-??iin bu. ro ?o Hn-iiiiioiiO. P?rederic?ks>*mrg nun l'i.Ti.tii-.?- ?li\. <>i> lirai n. 10? ..-. *11H^ Kieliiii.inii nu 1 i'.- ' ?- ur.'... i???? 110 mij;:'?iii RaUwsy. ?prei. lui? ?sa" Hoatbera Railway, eoaamoa..100 h Qeoralsaad m bame.peet, .iii., :t'?. Qeorgia and Alabease, cota. Hank .-i.? >-. ? it'.zeiis K???lr*iige_. ". SS Cil? Baiu. 2'? tt rir-t ?Sllonal . 100 l'il M.? ru h a nu ^ ?t'.liiiiel lianU . 100 INI Metr?n?o;itftii. i? .'??-^ NattonalBaak ??' Va . lOu 1 ?'.' i Planten ??atioaalbaa?.... loi sal Pstereburg dariag? .in i te? rsa . ?? M s.? only.... .100 100 Stille HaiiI? ol iririum.l?i?l It.? . . I'nion i? i ? i ? ? .?li? Vireini : ? rus! ? ompeo-*..., lOu ... ni Savings Hank of Ki limon !.. '.'.. 31 ^S.'i Is i: , 01*1 - V'irfinini'lre aa? >l ir?a?... .'. | Virginia **ata . . M '-'4?-?i Mil ? Co:up\ ny ontei'et .100 US ? ii.i ? ,r ( , n a ? .. * ' '"? ? i.-i sroltna ? beml u ? i? ? i iu . u 10 ? a. ', *Om ' - ' i'.iil? m itirlng la no: ItS IIj.Ul I"'? ) ?ORAIN [TON i:.\?'H \\ Rh hm. i,i. Va., Pebruai Qu ' u- al Loi .. Abite Virginia. ??o whlt? \.? ; ' RICHMOND TOBAOXX) MARKET. Richmond, Va . ?Pebrnai i? follows : hoigs heads; cutters, .'. hogsheads; amok? -t.. ids. To? tal. '.'I h Fnlted E lions for the cltj of Richmond "?a-, to? day, - and Richmond i i War? bouse old i HO ?pounds Bh? \\ a rehouse sold 9,915 p price, 11 pounds; highest price, "16.26. Total ?., r of pounds sold ut i he thi . - Th? a I ShO? m .unan; (li- i a\ Si.ko? W r- house lo-di ,*-. ? \\ Bnead ol ? " ??oui ?Is al Is nt Wl- Nt v?. ton d?mm i-i, 0 :-.;:, pounds at *'.?.7.v (?,??i price? ?t Crenshaw's Warehous? I T, Klnnj "f Hanover ?it n I? ?' U&.i , uli'ls at ? : ?und: ?I ?.. ? are, of I. pound? ?, |,, K. ? 'h.-wn Ing of Hanover, 680 pounds at tin.76. Kt pounds at ?E.01-?, 2? pounds nt >v | ? Qammon of Louisa. *?> poun W7j ' J. ?. Pitta, of Curollnc III pound. Rt ?*S.?S2 1-2. H-nry Thomas, of I ?I-. nt tT. I*B pounds at IM.a " "( ' p??un? Johnson, of lia ' pounds at in. ?:?? p.. n .t^ it( n-, l'"un?l?. at Ja , ,ndi .,, J7?,? W I. I Rocky *, T S Wlltlamaon. of Dai I L.,ert?. of ' ' "! rg, and W. G Oui i?n. ??f Farmvilla, Va., v.. r? " ?shorn to-day. NEW roilK PRODUCE MARKS NEW TORS, Fehl " in?*: to th" lirm vl.-ws of ho and weakness in wh? . ir?Steady at 11 VA Hnrkwtieat Firm. 'ornmeal -Steady. 2. wffitprn, 58 1-2? 1 v M.lf-Klrm. r. d tl. ? pilons ... ,k political outlook abroad an a midday spurt, . ind weak all day, closing '?-?Wl 1-4? lower The only bull eli nrlni - world'-- vl and clique support: M p Spot easy: No. 2. tl H opened easy at i-?.. d< i lim . and wa : further by lar?.- i ll. .vy cl/ arli t; May clos. - ; July c|. t dull; N... _'. He. Op but fairly steady, on at Chicago. ? losing unchani i ..., ?'Ut 'lit'. Lnrd- Firmer: we*>t??rti ateam fitj.l?; May. (5.65, nominally. Ri atroni l*..rk Firm. Butter- Pirra; western rrpr?m"ry. 11 do. factory, 11 ill 4c. ; Elgin?, 20c.: te dairy IT-.: do. v. li white, - 11 -'.'.?. ' - . r- ansylvi : Pol S idy; New York, J2.?7 ? 'ottons? .' )-' >il I'irm; prim- i I : do v- li pi trol? um Plrm? i Phil id? Iphia and I: do m , a. ! y Tut; urn. Rice Bteady. llllll bli! : ' disai polntlns c i n holiday, and absence Rio " ki ipol buyere, heavy Km* vislbl? . and pr? llctions of further l Rio and Bantoi "I? ! st" with . 15 p ilnts n.t low? including M irch, ? Rio q let; X??. 7 invotci . I i Mild at? dova, 7 l-r./l", l-i nilla. on p. t.; -'? ? bac-- Central Am rl , Bugar Lav? st:,-: ' Bra. NEW ~ORK DRY-GOODS M iBXM NEW FORK, F< brnarv .:: The out lu the dr*? irk? t la ?< ira in both the I . irkets are kept busy I? vialtlng i". i i.- in large numbei . Mall orden ill lin.s were reported excellent. One ' abulate.l to put aeller if humor, and in the mal did BO Th? pHce situation In all lines of cotton good's, particularly t a, la a rery strong ti brown and bl? Is. sel dhering strictly to the sdvai ntly made. Conceealona m oi.- only to old customers, or where w, re i ok'ii for aev? ral strong, with a mand stin somewhat limited. Blea? i:.i- are strong, and. in some nd than h< retofon . buying being quite free in a color? d goods are ti with i k.-.i dem m,! no I the mark loths an r- poited quiet. I'.xt? an unchanged basis In nearly all grad? ?. Tl gtngha BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKE1 BALTIMORE, February St?Flot Firm and unchanged. Wh? at i ? .ii ind lower; spot and month. 11.02 1-4611.021-3; March, ?i - i i st.-ai No. 2 ?iithi m wh. do., ?m K?J ill 02 3-4. ? ',,! n 1 mil and I I ?nd month. ',. 343 imer n luthern white c< ... i-'ii m; No. 2 whit? -.,. 2. near by, ..'. I-2c; . olv; choice timothy ? qui? ' , dem, s unchanged. i Strong and un? h u Butter Firm and uncbai i i et and unchanged ii,. se Bteady and unchang? I. -k?t. Whisk.y -Unchang? CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. CHICAGO, !' ' ?Wheat i all day, and al the ?-lese ahoa declln? In ti:, May option a In July. The market was affeel Ipally by the decline In thi Ei ul markets. The disposition among win tradera to leave ?iat market for * in pit - caused a d? i in the Volum.- of whe it tradii b< avs. and declined %c. <> Were tirm. aft.-r earl) vveaktuss. a i loaed a shade higher. Provlal ; tiar, ?"?rk declining uVAjfi, wh lard and iii.s ?lid not change mu? b. rea ranged aa folloa : Opening, Highest, lowest. Cloeli WlIKAT-NO. '.'. Peferaary...103 KM lo.t i ??, . .10 MtlO?M 1? ',' t I0A 10, luir.oiV??!^? ?~vv. '-'i o ? UKN?No. -.'. Mav..:tOt??a?<, 30H SOU :t( July.:?iv,a>4 32 iff ?UKi -ept.-lllber :?:l )|is : . .' ?n.:.i X OSTS-Ka '.. ' Mav.BBV| 27 9B\i S8?I ; .luiy.,t*\t "4^ 9i\am%-i*%k V| P i : ' ?',14. i M?iv.??io.7". ?lo.!??) #it).;.-, tlOM ' .Inly . M.b - U)Uj 10.80 10.8. lop**?Per id i m?. ! Mny.S&.S0 S?.H'V? 14.30 10.* July..".n ..n ;..:?m o.:t; MU.HT SlBi r?W 100 it?. Miy.........?;,.i.-, p_?M 15 ,*5 #.v4." July. :,.::, a..;.14 .. tb ... i. quoi ition .N,,. I spring wheat, nominally; No si ilnn vv In . No 2 rid, <l "I \ . . No. 2 white, f. ... No. 3 iv No. l flaxseed. f!.2(1-2; n ?'um.- tlmothj si perk. ; i Ited shouldei Ix.x. O -hoi I -cl? .1 w sallon, ill4.1-3 Buttri i'nm ; 17c. Chi ? I-Je. L- , ll?'. ? IM'INNA'ii. CINCINNATI, February BL?Flow Plrm. Wheat Finn I |1. tiiun i . N Dull; N? - Firm; No. 2, S3c. < I'n ne i it : Bulk Meats - Firm I : ll on Fit in at f. ' Whial r Dull; I ii! LIVERPO P. M. i 'ol high? r; Am? rt? an mlddlli ; ;-i?,,|. "? ? ?I middling, 2 I rican mid dlit . low middling, .: l-4d ordinary, :*3-id. The sales of th? we: bolea, of which im wer? f??r speculation and export, and in elude.! !" R all American. Futures opened steady, with fair de mand, an?l closed barely steady; Am. ii ? an mid.iiinK. I'??4-' middling clause, Feh ruary. 122-64?! . buyers; Pebruary ani Ma Id., value; .Mardi and' April Itt-tMd., sellers; April and Mav. 123-ikl buyers; M?v and June. ttS4t/>?z Z'.aaaI sellers; June and July, sa-S*^3J buyers; July and Au?ust, ?t _.?-?K4.1.. huyera Auguat un?l Beptemnei 133-4-td buyers September and October, S33-S4<?3 2i-h(?i sellera; October and November, 3 23-moi :i "M-Md., s.-llfri?; November and Decem b. r, U YORK F.bruai.? .'.! -C.ittoi, -li?| bul Htcudy; middling, ll-lc.; rcceli>^ i.tu bales; exports?to Krltaln, 4.7b' bales; t.. Prance, bi-7 bstos- t.. tl I >??: bales; ?ales, non.?! st..-k. i:?:.. to-day?N< Oreo! Britain, 1771 b i Continent, 4.942 ?'. nsolldat? I N I Britain, C2.771 bub s: t?. mUnent, UMt Totals since September 1st: N? ' n i lirttain, 2.S06.I'.! ?I to thi Contlnenl <?n futures opened Ihm: sale-, il a?""? March. R.02; April Uli; June, RIS; July. 16.19. August. txU; r, $6.17; November, W.17; i ; b? _. , Ful . I quiet; ail? February, ROO; March. R.01. April. I June, 16.11; July. U.U nb. r, $?' 1'b ? lob ? Kb?; No 15; Dec? tuber. J ..sid dull bu! s! a.l\ ". mW? dllng upland's, ll-4c? da gulf. 11 B .ii" NEW ?)R!.KAN'S. P? bru.irv L". Futur, s barely - ' '}''.':' nominally; March, ?Ml <i .?- ???. May. *:..Wi 10.71 ; June. - '""* * *_ _! mter. J.*' M'./$ ">> Nov. nib? r. f". *:,' V,M; De? ember, lu.v*-*'!$.'>.?:?; January, 15.93, Wd NAVAL-8TORE MARKETS? rARLEBTON S. C, February 2*.? Firm at EC.; sales, none ;; sales. none. . \nnah. <;v. February E-8p Of Turpentine-Firm at Be. bid; sabs. Ill e.elpts for tw-?? days, 171 ?asks. Firm; seles, LW barrels; ire : \. I'?. ?'. an.l D, UM; K. n O, UMU 11 ?; H. 11.?'.??: I. IL?; K. 11.75; M I ' Norfolk. ?PEANUT ?MARKET. NORFOLK. VA., P? bruai i elal.? -I'? amitfl strii'tly prime, il-2c. ; prime, - ". : common, I n, 56c. Market nominal PETtfiRBBURQ PEANUT MARKET PETERSBURG, VA., ?Februery 23. .1 i Mark, t firm; \ lrgn. for good lois, ?Spanish Bnn al Uh\ PETERBBl :;?'?? ?TTON MARKET. .'krsi'.i >:?;. Y.V. : m at > I'M. tor g?"?l lots _ PI?SITOR9 IN KHKDKRICKSBl'RG. \fl. riiiiill. of Oi>- ??riiuiil.nllon ?if the iii.nI.--II.-I.I ?Pasts kaeaelatlaa. PREDERICK8BURO, PA., ?Peb-***-***y 2".- ?.-' .I] . Of P ?lav's storm have ?!: morn nb-r th.? warm rays of the ! '. t.ruary sun Th.- day was ?b-sauttfidly brighl of th.. Battle-FI? spent the tim-? until the d< of the mid-day trains in viewing the many Of int. i ,.iu bad roads ; ,i from \ Cbancelloravllle and ?Spotsylvsnla ? ' ;' ' an?! wife anil ?'.?lo '> ' I member of his staff during the war. st?< ti? the morning under th? ?lonel K. I?. ?col ernor Tyler*? staff, in driving about th? city. Th?? ?;. M, ,., expressed hli irpriaed si ?th? change? that hav? taken place, bol hi ised mgn* marks that wen familiar to him ?lu His ?rife - ?1 With her stay, an ?i a deelre to risil In exteneo the ?Held? mad? famons i?y th? ?heroic deed? Of her distinguished husband and his ?. allant companions Many of the visitors ?span! I pit isant boor last svenlng In visiting Lodge ?Mo. F I Mason-, where B hlngton wa i n id? i Mason. and where the usual Ed of F.-binary ?being ti?-l'i. The rell ? Ion i r. ?and s?. ?sacredly guarded by tb? ?lodge, were reverently Insp? i?y tbe visit??!-?. There won m nt, who wer? Introduc? I visitors. Refreshment? ? l an?! a m"-t snjoysbl? time was sprat. CHOSEN AS HIST? ?R?AN. I! ?should li?.?- I.n mentioned in this lence yesterday thai s. J. (TJulnn, ?Esq., wh?. rerved ?valiantly in a ini"ti? during the let? war tion. This wi ? ni"-i nttlng, and en th.- faithful ?nd in1' :, ince ol th?' work. The ?pen with which Qovernor Tyler I te, in Hi" abeence of tb? Hon. A. T. ESml ? lhalrman 11 ? t itlo ? !. I imu? i i. Baggott, of the I star. ? m.- bundled ?nd Bi ami telegrams were ?read from ?list?n- ' guish. ?l gentlemen, : they w r? unable to bu gnald Pendall, whoae ?Hidden d was noted In 'ins morning's papera, was well known ben . He was once ? mem? ?ber of tbe ?Ex?ecutlve Commltti.f the Mary Washington Monument Associa? tion, ami contributed liberally toarerda its Ion. Al the banquet which followed the or* >**anlsatlon of th.* Battle-Field? Park As ? i??ii. Judge .1. H. ?Sener act? d r, anil ?la f? lieitoiis words I ? a? u toast, Which was drank rrtsndlng. To Corporal Tanner's reply to the I "O?sorge Washington," justice cannot b? ?lone In Cold type, and it must surti??- t?> iiat his word? caused a ringing r- - from i ol th? audience Th.. toast. "Abraham ?Lincoln," ?s*as?**r fully responded ?to by ex-Senator William A Uttli ' ? tor Qallanl ?Dead," would hav? been spok? n of by Gen? ral I. Allan had In- n??! ben taken sick and ' himself. Colonel H. I? Norton, of Mas replied to the toast, "Til-- ?Presiden! <>f th? United Slat.??." Incidentally bringing In the n question and th.? Main.- disaster, i,n,i declaring thai the North ?and ?South could ' on to do their wh??!.- duty. Th? "Army of th? and the "Army of N??rth.rii Virginia." eulogised in beautiful language by Colo? nel W. w. Brown, ?>f ?Pennsylvenia, and General H V. ?Boyaron, of Washington, . |, , |v? ly. "Th.- Congres? of ?jolted ?SI the ''.nst t?> ?which Congressman i-imb of Richmond. vu., replied. His remark? were Int? ?lonel I'.at.-s. of Conn n happy vin to th-' : "k." -ft,. iaSt ??ff? ?red by ?'..> . r. who said: "Mr. Toast-Master and Gentlemen, To on? ol th? B? General L . and drink- I and turning towardi Mrs. ?Longntreet, drank m silence, whlli tin Intter ?bowed ber thanks Jl Rl I \ vm.l. TO lOEBB. ? tuto ??f H??l?erl IIiiiiilHo?? Continu??.I I ntii tbe Berat T?*> '?' FAIRFAX, VA . F. bruai dal.) .\s was ?general! :1 the ' l*;'' ,,r Rob.rt ?Hamilton, charged with tempting to wreck i ?Chesapeak? and Ohio train, ?dosed , night, the jury Wl ,t,!.. to a?gr? ? upon a t/< rdlct, alt! ?h?'v wer? kept together until about I? k winn they were ?Anally . ailed Into the court-room they sto??l four onvl?tion and eight for ecqult?tal. dlschargi d, and th? rm. im)i\n-h w in ii*. wire ?it. order Issued Fftrhiddin?-* lier it? turn i?, ib?- llenii-rviilion. ORBAT FA U.S. MONT., F.'hruar?. Major Fuller, agent of the illackf.-et In? dians, has issued an order prohibitln Mrs. <?irret White from living on thi loll. Mrs. Whit.? is the white woman who raoBfb ago, while a iBBChST In th>- Fort ?Shaw Indian School, elojied with and married White, a full-bl<.,.<l>-<l l'i. In.lian, ?-he |g ? sister of Rev. C. C. Hateman, army chaplain, at Fort Helk As return t?"? th?? school was forbidden, White lias been compel!?'?! to ac? cept a position M waitress in i hotel at Dupuyer, to support herself and husi The Confederate Memorial I.It ty will hold ii me?'Ung at the Museum ou Friday at noou. I'-I.IAX?IAI WE OFFER ^?^O.OOO First Mortgage 5 Pei Cent. GoldBt OF THE Charleston and Western Carolina Railway Company. Principal Due October I, 1946. Interest, April r.mi 0? lobe?*. ENTRAL FRIST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, Trustee. These are Coupon Bonds of $1,000 ?each, w i t h f registration, snd sre soured by s first d i limit : s H,()(:() per mili- of main track, upon the lim4 o! ra r??,i. 'ort Royal, South Carolina, to Augusta, Georgia, snd thence o Andereon, Greenville and Spartanbttrft in Sout_ Carol sa, distiiic?'??!' tin-?-?' hundred ?and tony ?S40) miles, together i'ith all extensions, branches, and railroad*? hereafter con? ducted, purchased, or owned, and all equipment, appurte anoet, Leaseholds, income, an i franchisee now own<d or hi fter ?acquired. ?ross earning, for year ending September 30, 1897. ? t.77 >persting eipeases sad taxes.594,769.11 Net ssrningi.|286,( Interest on these bonda. 136,000.0c Surplus.$100,0_ The iner.'.'ise in gross earnings, compared with the pn ions year, $103,735,99. For six months, July 1, 1807, to ?December 11, L897'? iros? earniiiL's.$438 149.87 tperatiiig expenses snd taxes.287,487.10 N?t earnings to? an months.|] m.??T2.77 leing more than the interest for the wl ol? ear. We have had <>ur own eng ne i examine the road, and his vport shews that it is in excellent physical condition. We also have a very full and satisfactory ?statement from he late Vice-President, Mr. W. A. C. Ewen, who baa had ?harge of the road since ita organisation in October, !v intil recently, both of which, aa well as copies of the mort? gage, we shall be pleased to show to any one desiring t o in? fest. The Atlantic-Coast Line has acquired possession of this oad by parchase o? all the capital sock. $1,200,000, and has nkeii charge of its operation,(having removed the oflieea to Wilmington, X. C? where its own general offices are lo ated. The financial standing and reputation < . the Atlantic Joast Line are too high and well known to require comm nt, rat the following table is interesting, as showing the pi nd for the various issues of Bonds on the Roads oWned and ?ntroU?ed by it, constituting this system. Thi ill l>i?ls, ind it is to be noted that even at these prices no bonds can be obtained, "Uchmend and Petereburg. S'a WM its Richmond and Peteraburg. re WM u?i Richmond and Peteraburg Cob?.. i i--i<? um - sburc railroad. . .. 114 ** rsburg railroad. ' "'-'? "s Wllmlngt? ... mao n* Wilmington and Weldon. i'??? hit Wii.. ? ??! ... eTs WlU Norfolk and Carolina. . " in.'ni nu? (Jheraw and De *' ,,,:to '" Manchester and Angosta. " |;M:? l*,M Subscriptions will le opened at th?4 office of the Mary? land Trust ?Company at 10 o'clock on the morning of Pebru iry 23d, and closed al 3 1*. M. ol the following day. The right is reserved to ?reject applications, ana to CLOSE rilK SUBSCRIPTION PRIOR To THAT TIMK WITH? OUT NOTICE. New York deliveries will be made at the office of tho State Trust Company. Price 103_ and interest, subject to advance without no? tice. MARYLAND TRUST COMPANY, BALTIMORE. (fe 1 W. A. PORTERFIELD & CO., MAIN OFFICE, 1104$ EAST MAIN STREET. 'PHONE 318. 'tranche?? an?! eoiiogpOM*W-tl throughout th?? Smith.>rn Sr?* Hank roforoDOOS ! Any prominent bank in the Smith. Especial Attention Given to Out-of-Town Customer*) (?ur _4vices are subject t?) the controlling hrfhUtWHi from day to day. Semi tor our daily market letter to keep posted. (fe i:i-Su.luAT_) We Offer for Sale State B. nk cf Vir?lsis Staut, Nir?i.ia l:ust \lomp?ny Stoc'i, Vtitioinil U.snk of VsrflsiS block, Virginia 3's, Virginia-Carolina Che?n'c..l fonpany Pre' 8 Por Cent., No- ok Street Railroad 1st 3'*, Charleston and Western (aolina 1st 5's, an.1 oilier nitra^tive InToiitmeat mjcurlt'?**, Richmond Perpetual Building, Loan andTrustCo 922 east Main street. Loans ?Made John L. Williams & Sons,, Bankers and Brokers, 00 K*9dl LStatC Richmond, Va. f* - *' T?.i" * *? At Moderate Charges. Dr. Lyons Neg?tiab|e PaPer Discounted? PERFECT Deposits of $1 and up? wards AN ELEIMT TOILET LUXURY. _loWe. tlltTt.UB. Tooth Powder M ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY, i used by people of refinement . . ., . , for over a qnarter of a century. LAIUAMfcK iX LllKL, llWKKH*? AM? ISIHOV Ga ?IThuKt-n rt ii??t m . \?. ..... -,-r--.. Orders for Brtat4"*? -ntu to Hi<- Mapat?** Company will ha given prum-.;;l?>n. { !'' and ths stylo of work aod i>rlc?s wlU A b* sur? to plea?? you. u i