Newspaper Page Text
T11K RICHMOND DISPATCH THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1898. KEVMR.HPRTCALLED |U(, l VIM.I*. ?I?IMH1 I II I lis ?\ \M- M ?N? l?I\ IM:. THE WILL ACCEPT ONE OR THE OTHER mioiikI? Believed n>? win ,, itaektaa-Street Charaa?llla '?.ule l |*?Hod > ,,f |tr# .tli ??thi? rbl? Mornin?. ' ' I In li the ' . up? ! ! Is. the I . in Klntr I tl Hon ' ' fell. ' will t ho tlon. II Hurt to rs and f th. ir men he little ti ?RD. t the Bl the aount ? or I Hiding. ni th? ; hun . tile I iiirch. ughly hihl. It) will I -. ithin for it Ml ' i y the Igbt. ____^^^H^^H^IBItis m m the i the In this broke effort cnbalm f others who hav?: th w? i of Lu w . of the llourd a if ths ? mi - I, but : pring Ion will be . <;. w. ?ioi.aing, Th* rut huh in the Hunting? lv?urt. In *iilci ?** auil?g ?vis for ?I'-'.'-W i by Ho cou Is I .1 {Mgjft,: lioth the method an?! rcfmlts when Bjrapof Figg* taken* it is pleasant and i?fre-jh]Qg to the taste, and acta ly yet promptly on tbe KidneTt Uvertnd ?Bowel?, cleanses the l?m ffTi'ctnally. digpela colds, head. aches an.l fewer* and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Fins is the only remedy of its kind ever pro? dttoed. -paging to the taete and ee* oeptableto the gtotsach, prompt in its action and tr?Pv beneficial in it? Bffecto, prepare?! only from the most aiealthvnn.l ai-ioeablcHiibstances. its many excellent qualities commend it to all and bare made it the most popular remedy known. rap of Figs is for Rale in 50 by all ?Bsidbg drag? pate. Any reliable dniggigt who may not have it on hand will pro? cure it promptly for any one who wi-lics to try it. Do not accept any ?BQbetil CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, At. _ If? i-1 m Ihaga1yAw?ow?t-ai) ?l de it. Tim -?round of agreemenl the plain mono* ?u ipon her. In turn th? plaintif! nt. TIMABLH ?LADY. - - ' In these columna took place k m ?.in i' h. R? v. s n. m, Pi ducted tb? ?and i- In Mam y ? who reel and effective I Bttnon i.-??n. k. <*. Tins? >. K. ii. Busby, .). i '.?o. and v. ,.. jr. Iloa ' the m. n 'amiiy from ? h.? earn? h? re III ; Mi', and Mrs. Mr. and ml.: Mi Borman, In A. E. Horma-i. of Washington, Mi i. M. <". Gratanoa . 41 W. i-'. ?Vhl] M family who funeral. : ? r mam PER? ?N.\ 1 S AM' BRI! trip. n. win? ii . si home b i ?r M? i'ii '?'. foi "> rly of this city, ?>ut : I ?imili i. - Mr. Charlea i ?rlean?, ?g the ?Mardi Gras. The ihr. e i hllcfr? n of Mr. .1 ? ? \ at his home, on Tenth and Ing conducted at th? list < hurch ai lg in interest, and ?are well s I Ham Dunn, of th? John . In Baltln r hi' uncl? r J. W. Bi .?n Ti nth and i ? . i ?. Walk?- is kepi ? ! I ?proving si? Mr. W. L. irmeri the < ?id i Inlon t, in th? aja . 1 with the Its) |t\ \*?, i. OF \?n-w i:i?m>i?\y. r?lces in Ihe ( burche?, und for Musi aess*>Mesh p in all ?oiic chut* '"?" ... - - W . ; - I., nt. is a holy i net ided. ..p.,i chur? i ? ii? 1 season ? morning and evenln at the I for busln? ss-m? n "i" neo - and practical busti - ,? siiouiii stop both m l. ?is life and carefully ? ii?- m-, te nded. and the hearty coi nal sliiiriii-c. under the directorship "t ... . x ?xandi r Barr win com ,. m,. i church thi vies will be held ? Ing Lent, ?and will ba Osad Te-aplaae i? geaofan. '!or,?nf .- In hllett - rdinate lodge Quite a number ??' ean ' llvered io the I .um-h was : the night .;, ?Wheeler gave an Ulu - wltzorland ' uit?,n Lodge." b? William*!??. : third, to -t ave I)r. Oalleeh <;?>ne Io Savinnnli. h, rabbi Ol I.-It last Big] u Bavnnn m Th? Hv? ' um has : I With ?if the to D impllment. uailry Ils? ?Hone to the Aaylnm. who ounty jut). H rnlng, and lefl on tin aus ?bill' om he re-reeraix'.'?- -u? ?U H N V 1 I. I C l. i: i ti u F ?' I' ?7 N li? li N N K W Ni j 10 I i ? BI T ! v. ". and ?iKk.?l aft-r many of his him. ity Coun ?a ion all the i hi: hi ?in r i* -*i?.>Ki>. I*? llll.m tar It .'tit oval ?if f-k fillOSl I n.,U._I ?,ln(H i;??|,,, BT I Miliar,] M ""'i" Mag UM .ipj.roptiH f"f l.V'T ..nd maklr.i- .tloris lor 1898, common^ calM pie bodj "BOTBtng, inds at tl loa "f : la Boo l tion with the van.n. slight ..pi met with m the Council. STREBT COMMIT! i I ir the last mi ?und! * pe? tition, with m 13 that th. Railway and i I ay should m Hank str. t, w i t?. the Commit with? out h, ing ? id. Tb? BS up tb Instant. Ths petition living on tiic fine ol I with the ; tion of the rest i loon? .; ? t. Bhould ti : ikea up Mursa of tba line fi a In, down Main to Twenty-first, and up Tw< nty-i , tnpany In rs? ui"\i.'ik: th Which will also, if n up OB Ninth iklin. and on Franklin between s.v. nth and Ninth. Is tO gSt lid "f i i by the sharp , Ninth and Twelfth snd Baak, and Twelfth and franklin. ?'? ?i \< ILMBN TO HEAR B MI.KY. II, of tin- city ' ' tbe < i.ur r Hon. .i?"-' ph T i. in branch? the . b B illey delivered ' ernoon at 4 o'ol?jok la the A ??! my of Mm title the members I row ..f th? drei MMlTTKl'S TO MEET TO-DAT. Th. following Cou_<c!l tiommltteea win I P. M. 1 ' M. mitt Health snd Wat? i I P. M. .1II HI I???- John II..1.1? I lll'lll. Bel worship] .?. hit Temple pr? aid? Ju? orderly la th> and a m. Tylei Tom and Lena Judge, tl n worn? n. prlth at? i Una lot of fi'.m tbe Rlchi wi re r. .pin. ,l ' urlty in i In the ? a.-., of Benjamin Timh. ? charged with ai > nd cutting Wil? liam a. Smith, The al t? I b< n , up In conaid? imber "f penitent drunka, and s, rgeanl Tho announced luded until this morning, and thai he would like ti \ of his fri?-ii,ls out Ibl?. ?in Ckavare ?<f Stealteg*, M T. Polit ? -Station, on the i itealli from John J. Bur lohn Mus mon h Cancer BUREO BY Mrs. A. II. Cransby, oflOfKerrSf., Memphis, Term., paid DO attention to a small lump in bof breast, but it.soon developed into a can? ?-r <il" the mo? i ma lig? nant, type. The h? -t pliysirians in New York treated her, find fin? ally declareil ht-r 0998 bopolOBg. As a last r.'?<>rt. S. S. S. was ??iven, andan imm?diat?- improvement re? sulted: -i few bot? tles cured her completely, and nosign of thedis ease has return? ed for ten years. Br.ok8 on Cancer free; address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, (?a. improvement re sss >. ULLHAN'S SON'S. ?.Kill lid II Mtl. VINS \K NEVER BEEN. ? >R EVER EN ER WILL AGAIN. LASHES IN PRICES THAT A8TON18H LL OTHER DEALERS. BUT WE AR*. .ii. li? m SENN I I l. S l Kl END, AM? i 'ANT TO MERIT THE NAME. AN XTRA FORCE OF CLERKS, w ll? > ,11,1. GIVE ?OU PROMPT A ION. COME EARLY. . per bos. ry, a aubatltute foi per pound . ? Breakfast Coffee, la l-pound i l pound . " pound cans J? iiv . ?J r pound .... 9 . Bird Snrmk pound, only . I'? ll.u i Preserving J i full of Mtflh . t* ouiitiv j?.\\i^. pound .>.? ttle . ? Dttage Bon? I? >a Hi m i, all han. pound .," ;:,'" s r. oh Lemon pound . J Breakfast n. 10 ? ii, min ; - Ina < npped Hit - onlj . eat Granulated Sugar, per sound i? Icht-Brnwn Sugar, i er pound. ish Potat? I on tbe market. nftfornlLa.Drt'*a.Evaporate : oini'is for. ?, deli -,. " . . ,ts, In 2-poun ol oniy omo Made Jellj . ; ?,.?? naked Beans, per can. s Butter. ,,r pound.... id oatlng Toilet B lar do. ike Der bar. . boV-C&w 9ixai l'kki.s.^ i !','.' n- I Ll I I - : I ' cx ?und.. UP e are ?elllni ,. andean Apple r.. ... g I Bwltaer i hw Currants .;'*,';. .? Kins X pounds fur. ?> ,.lt Malt ' "'' eading phy re cure 'ur .iyspipMa. i" r pound, only.... 10 ir?e 4-atrtng lit.?oins . 1ft irge cana P - . f liiuk Enamel Stove Polish for.. ? niiital-i-i:?*h Butl ind.... U nulne Timothy Hay, per cwt. ?w .w Pru . , * S : r pound... 7 aeg.. 1 _> or .1 -,. -*? for . . st Sus i ''.. 6 i Jams, m tn.s. regu . J2 iv Mill.? Shipi-tulT, per ewt. 76 . 10 ' . 6 i" ?soaii tin ... b pal] Hon.. servea 60 w Buckwheat, 1<" poui 25 ouii?! Package Prepared Buck? .;. LCkbetry Win?', ?inart . 10 W. U I, I.MAN?H SON, 8? AND 18.- I ?'-^ ",1 SJ . -.wn Stole, ?-US oust Marsnuil. jone 81?. 1'iione ?. t will pay you to e..ll for our complete ir? no Sl-Sa.Tu*Tn ? ? Fi "Blew Monday" -X^ spell ?t ?is you will, that's the soap-users' washday ?uses them up completely. N a "blue Monday" with the right sort of Pearline washing. No rubbing to speak of, no wear, just soaking, boiling, rinsing. Things washed are cleaner and woman who washes is able to enjoy the time saved. ^ti$$?^m^^m^?W^^m?y^r^?!P (te 8-Tn.Tb.Ss-J?iweow) COTTOLK.tK. ?a----.rc*rc..p--^^ MRS. RORER the well known cooking expert, lecturer and authority on pure food, says: "Cottolene is a pure and unadulterated article, and a much more healthful product than lard, and as a substitute for the same I heartily recommend it." COTTOLENE is pure vegetable oil combined with wholesome beef sret, anil is un equaled for shortening and fryit'.!* purposes. It make*? your fuod light, appetizing, digestible. Th?> ?genuine Onttnleiie la ?old ovorj-whn? In one to t??n poiinil yellow tin??, with o'ir tra>l>' niarKH?">".,f/o?Vn/-'- ami ultrr't htal IK?on every tlu. Nut nu?j-antm<j 1/ solii Is ny other way Mad?- only hv THE S. K. FAIHBA.1K COT?PANY, ?u'o. St. Louia. New York. Montrent. B"a_a3x*xSa_t*.___x__xx__H M lap l7-S?,Ta*TlilT?orl IF URN I T?RE? iWeek ?More of Slaughtered Prices! \V?' I >?- _ ? 11 this week to slaiiL'hti'i' ]?i'i?'is mi our ? ntir?' stock 4 of J*" u ii i it ii i? *. in ?H'lt'i- t<? makf i'ioiii vat our ?Spring stock. i l'or t"M ?lavs you can save from ?38J t?i ?50 MI c?'iit. l?v o\ ?:i in i 11 i 11 ._r our stock ?where you can fiiul all th?? Lit? st ?! migDM O? licdi'o? m Suits, Parlor Suits, Diniiit'-Kooiii 1'iiriiituiv, ( Ml'icc il'lirilitlH'?', l>ookc;ist'S, Rocket's. Disks, Couches, {jOUUgBB? ;m?l. in fact, ?iii \* 111 i 11 _- to I??'in a iirst-class furniture stoic ( lome and ?be oonrinoed jj. A. GILMORE & CO., 7 EAST BROAD STREET. iff.* la-Su.l'uATlii ^0*-Ci*#i>#?i#i*O??#i?#??#i?#i>#i>#ii#i*#i?#h#i?#i>#.i?Jm#ii#ii#iiOii#h^|i>^ pM0M.?naa.BW..aM.awaaa^a_________?____*"*-?"???*a?a____?_____m____. ENGINES, SAW MILLS, Threshing Machines, Feed Hills, Horse= Powers, Wagons, Buggies, Surreys, ?Jumpers, Harness, ANI> A I.I* KINDS OI Agricultural Implements AT THE IMPLEMENT CO.'S, ?526 EAST MAIN STREET, - - RICHMOND, VA. CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION. _l.?'.'l-?l-T?As-,j?w]_ THE E. B. TAYLOR COMPANY, No. 1011 E. Main Street and No. 9 E. ?road St. ?A. new arrival ??(' liaviland tV Co.'a ?French China open Hock Pattern of ?Dinner ami Tea Ware - -beautiful, chaste, and laintv decorations. Can I??' bought in any quantity desired. Several patterns of Decorated ?English Porcelain ?Dinner to close ??nt al sp?cial ?prices. \ beautiful and bridan. The Richmond) assortment of Imitation Oui Glass, including Jilver-Plated Top Water ?Pitchers and everything for table uso, asi opened. A few odd To'N't Bel - ,it ?half pri< We are exclusive agents for* the B. & H. Lamps and Lib Hv's Cut (?la-*-. fe L3-Su,Tu&Th carters! 1|IVI I PILI ITTLE ?VER PILLS. rm CURE Mrk Ileadachf. and i-elie-reall tha trouhl*?? ind? ia i ,., , f the syptmii, euch as us, Nausea, Drowslneua, LM-are??, after Pain in tho H,l<\ he. While thairnioat rei_-?r*.abl?) ?ucchs baa boca shown iu eurii?g SICK llradacho, */i?t Carter's I.lttlo Ll?/er i 111? are squally valu?!!. . ;,,n, . iirini-?u.l pr?> iiMing tbisanuoy'ngrc.uiplaltit.wliil? they alao orrect all Ji..,r ? timulata the I,vi r and regulate tha bowels, t vtu it tUy 00.7 HEAD Ifhethey woiil.l h?, almost priceles?. to ttiosowh.*, -?ing complaint; bat fort*? 1 nena does aoteud here,and t ?.?se try them vrill find theso ltttlt- pilla ible in bo many ways that they will not be wit? iBf to do without tU.'iu. But after all ?ici _ica4 ACHE s the baue ?->f sn many lires that here la whet J re make our great boaat. Our pilU cure it while ahem d . Carter's I.lttlo LiT<*r Pilla are very ?.mall and wry easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. ["hey are strictly vepeUhle and d,-> not gripe or ?un;.?,, Imtly their i/oiitlaartlon ploaaeall who j*.* tlxstn. lu vialsa*'.?Scents' Are for fl. bold >)' druggists everywhere, or aunt by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. MU kl Ik y?fric* (Th. Sa. Tu. & W) ?m l. \N ??i 1. \M-HII-V FUI ?.< II I IM. tuipiiKnlc Generale Triiniintlantliiae ro HAVRE PARIS Sailli- -turday at 10 A. M., -Oto IV North rl?.r, foot Mor? ton al Mar I>? La Champa'e. Mh ti "Kn-, Ap 2 1 11 Api a ? r Cnlt.-d . Bowling ? l.liiiion.l Triinn?^r ? ?1.. ??i| Mi. In g|# Hire,* \\>l?h. O?a i:. Main St. >ld papers for sale at the EMfp_US oaiau. DEPARTIR? OF STEAMERS. pHILADELPHU, BftJH MOND AND NO!. FOLK i? STEAM8HIF COMPAf/T. ' Appointed aalling days: Ehren tttko l'A?,. FRIDAY, I daily uni l'ai (Including meals and berth) * t? on Friday' ' v K.,r further Information apply to J. W. M'?.'ARRICK i .I Southern Agent; office Rocketta fe 6 ' .?a. V1RGIHIA NATIGATIOlf COMPANY, JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. m Steamer l'uCA'iu.VPAa leaves MON DA?. WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY at 7 a. M. tor Norfolk, Portsmouth, ?jiu Point, Newport .News, Claremor.t, and jamee-river landings, and connecting at l'oint and Noifolk tor YYushlu_ion - Baltimore, and the North I 1 I reserved for the night at vu rate Diioea A. Electric-cars direct to the wharf Fare It* only 11.50 and |1 to Norfolk. Music by M. Grand < irchestrion. ml Freight received for above-named places nil and all points In Eastern Virginia and Korth Carolina. IRVTN WEISTGKR General Manacer. > A. H. Drewry. President. se II EUROPEA- STEAMER*?. AMERICAN LINE Mtw YuKK -souTtiAHfroN f'-aots Parlai , TWIN ?CSS* 1 S..MA1I. ??TKAMxilin? Sailing e?*?HV WEDXEhWAY at it) A. M. PAK1H.Batch '.'i NgW vtw. Mur.ti'?3 SI. PAUL .. .March 1? I SI. l'AL'l.Marcb :i?i si'. LOU IS. ^ March ie i Ml. LOUI-J. . April il mi Jfc '1 Co t | an Col Rl RED STAR LINE. m bu il?. ri l> a M for N_W YOKK. VU AN1WEKP. tin Sailing erery WEDNEtjlMY at IJ NOllUl'bANl)...4?Iar. 9 I V. _SlKltNI."r?..Mli ANH...Mar. ti >?Oi i H \l \Kk .Mu. 30 I no ??OT'.N ?tat. HI I N?'?>HI?? AM?.. Api. ? LNT'?RNAri'iNAu.NAVl ?ATIOM CU. l'lers 14 nu t 1 ".. .lorth Kl?er. omca. ?J Howling Uronn, *-i. f. W.&PALtfSKAOa, mb l.r?Ta,Tb?f|8alr ttlcbiaoal. TOI RB. ana ap. Ali ex EUROPE S195 SS-^?-r-i?. hVIIVI I- ]?itL) .luiy g& Hiuarar*. r?e? ot ?Zdwln Jones, MI Puma? avaaaa, Brooklyn, N. \ fall i?????. t?> Calrstlne 300 and upwards, ??IJ-lu.lbAsa)v?l i da: COI ral i toe ?r? I No V F RAII.R??*?!? I.IVKS, OHiaA.-i.A__ ^a?-fP^ OHIO RAILWAY. Effective Jauuari 5, 11*???. TUAIA? ?.KA\t |ll?LU?IO\U, UMOAil I?KI.LT VIAllOA. ?JIO A. A?., iflUi, ?.?- . ....,? I is ettota, i connect* du. iy v.lth o??* Dom. iSblp? foi .N>w Voi* 8:40 P. M.. with Pullman, lor local ?taUfl .?port mx ulil l'oint. .Nortolk, i For tamou 10;0O A. M., Local train, except fi for W. Clifton Forge, 1 ncels nt Uordoi'tivUle for Orange. Cuireper. Ca to/. and Wainhinjiion; at Luioii (Ration, Cfaariottesvtll?, for l.yiichburg* at Faalc ?or lia *fel**tOwn ?AB P. M . 1 -ally, with rullnians to On ran ?Louisvlile, an.l ist. .'.outs. is topf ilpOI' itlons. Meal? s? UK cars?, ???o. 7, Local Train, ?xcept Sunday. roi low? ?abov? train from Oo?' donaville to Staunton. F. M., Accom ?rt San for ('?-.irlottesvlll?. 10:30 P. M., Dally for Cincinnati, wKn F. F. V. Pullman- to Hlnton. .ille to Cln nan ami Louisville M??'* ved on Dtnlng-cars. ' unton, ?*\ '??lay. for \Vinch??i<tcr. Vu., ?nd nt Covlnuton, Va., datly, for Met Hprln?*?. rilAJ.NS LEAVE EP?lITH - STREET STATl??N*. 11.?i; A. M., Dally, uohburg ano Cal?ton Furaifc, Connects at Ho. a.lay, tor Whit?* Halt, ,,lay at Balcony fer LeAlngton. -im ??t W Clifton F??rge with No. i for ? 'inetnnatl. 4:>oo P. M., Except Sunday. r/-><-ni nc eoinrnodi Util*.*' AHHIVi: AT HICHMOAO, liROA?..1THEKT RATIOS. s.a.'?? ,\ ai i ?..,, [ron Cincinnati 11:15 A. M., Daily, nor? .\?.;toik und Ola Point. 3-Jio P. If., Dally, i'iom Cincinnati an?i Ia?ui? 0:50 P. M . Daily, from Norfolk ana Old ! Point 7:45 P- M.. Except Sunday, from W. ol? 11.., i F? :rains auiuvk eiohth 1 ION. 8:50 A. M.. day, from Coliim i. 6:20 P. 11., Dally, from I,yi?chb'irt- ,iti?1 Clifton I?"??r?;e, Sunday, fiom Lexington and Whtt? ! fOHM r> potts A??;1?'-,'i? <',on??rril l'i?<,-T Airenr. _~(5ft [IOUTHER? fiJlV^ RAILWA?. ?-; ?-<!ni?. i:rr.<iu<? Jaaaaei IT? i**i?s Ta*LAl**| ?UBAVa riciimo***.), VA. '?.im Nigni .???. .. - daily for Atlanta, Augusta, unu point.?? South, ?leepei kichniond io a,,-, S;:iii4iiury, Chu ? SI? ? , at .. -, Richmond . tUM let on pat Connects at Danville. Salisbury, an?! Charlotte with Oi?> Washington mal Southwest irn Limited iNo. ?~). cair>lii|- ni?-.-p. is New York to Ash. ville, Hot Spring*, Chat. ca, and ilci: ,i to New OT* t; New Vork i '"'a ?i.'iy coacl Washington ?nd Memphis, Connec lion ? ?" 1D T. ? open fop occupancy at 9:30 P. M -' 00 "ti No. 7 ?solid "*'?"' dully ff?r ?h ley with railroad tor Clarke* villa Dur hnm. and at Grei-n?-1 "'?>' tor Dur? ham. Kal.iKh, ?3al?m: at Danville with IS I'nlt-d train <<**'!.'/ for N'??w Orle;?:,?? ? Boutb. whl fb ,0 N?w Orleans, and New Huit t'j . lie. 'l hrough eeper S*?n*? tniry to chaoan... ? ?li? man ?ou? I u <in??a flay " ' r"i?co 6.-00 P M. NO. 17. lorn?, dally, exrepi for KeysvU!? ?nd Intoiase* THAI.NS All!tl\l' VI lllCIIMO*.D. I ?*<? A M. |-_fl I". M., from Atlanta, Augu?'a, Ashevllle, and * I in \ M from K.-ynvi? ?. ?LOCAL PRPTOHT 'RAINS. No-*, fil and G2, between Manchester and WfiK-HUf??l UU m uun ,-olnt. niK I'AVomii: i:??i ri: \??itrn. LBAVa itltilMi/Mi. ?ao P. ?M., No. u I>iinlt???l. for W?sl m. ther? making <:lo^.o connec? tion on Blonda* -"laya, and Friday? wlih steamer .or i nun- 1 Manor tor vYalkefton ainl Tappa 1 hursdays, iin.l Saturdays. : 30 P. M . No. io, local expresa, Mon? da) "??laya, t?>r %\'?it Point and I . ata tions. ? 'onnecta with si 1er Maiai: f ?i Wall Point with steamer for Baltimore. Stops ut all i ' ?tlons. 1:00 A M.. No #1, ?Local ?Mixed. Leeve? dnll Sunday, from Vir? ginia-St ?* ! S-tatlon far West Point ami Intermediate stations, connect Manor for h? imvk. nilll ARR1V1-. AT IIKH1I01D, 1.17 A 'I ? m a M., v. ?li.-sdays and Fri?la>s only, l OO p. M.. dally, except Sunday, from \s". st Point ?and lnt?rm?*dla?te Bta ta if.iv? Wc?t Point at. o p. m. inday?, We! ind Fridays, and lilmor. ?>9, Thurs ' : -?. of Virginia -et Op? n o"iu I A. M. to ?' P, M.. " M. t.? 12 A. M. City ticket Main atr? , W. A. TFItK. 'raffle ManngT. (htm. i?is:, Agent, I? ? : ? w. *?VFSTPTTP.Y Travtllng ?P-_ iger A? ?t Main atreet. Rich ee s O-PARTtRE OF BTEAMERa. r\LD 1)0 il IN ION ' (S^y^ MKAMSHircOMPANY. t??*iaff?i^? UAii.T ?LUI NEW ?OUK. 'asaeng' .0. DAIL1 , CbiH?J,?,y :i; ? M.. or Kiclili id tNorfolk and \\'edt?jrn route; 1> A. ting at Norfolk with Old atoa lAnS steamer, nailin?? same ?ve- ' ig for N.-w York. ALL- WAi Eli liUL'lE. teamsii . nd every Monday at 5 p. _.. ior . rk via Jauica river. lofcetl ?J'1 l?c-e iU I-lohmond Transfer < 'u-sa- : I ohio railway, and Richmond bur? railroad depots, at npany's oW'' .In street, through FREIGHT fit B ~?a ^.. v...i?l3 i ?.nipped by uii-ici an ai.iii?, ?aUiiig u? KictuaoB ANO I DA Y at 5 P. Ai 5 p. . .rfolk, co?. ?amer N?w Vprlt. , anliest clos?*t?i! one hour befor? sailing relKht received and forwarded, and oukh bills of ladln-r laau-l for an th.-rn ?.-"-*? - '.?>rts. FUUil NEW \ultK. assent-, , i?> .-?.ortolk o. Com/on oecUiie" Weiit?r? load o? ano itllnK ff*-"? ,h over, foot of licach ?street ?tap Suturd.? ? ... relkht r?-celved and forward^ dauv ,.llt Sunday. ', >r further Information apply to J K Agent. HIS eaat Main sire?!, I. va. . L. Oulllaudeu. Vie? President ??-?a me, Mnnaaer. New Tortc ne? . RAILROAD I.I1E8. A fi i ATLANTIC-COAST ** Vi U LINE. Seledale In ?ufert Jnsnsry IT, IMOft. ?.?\i\n m v\i; BMaMMSgl? IIS1SS DEPOT. l> OO A. M., Dally. ArrivM l'stsrsburi A. M . .-, Waverly, a M ?v. l'ion a.* P. M.. ? .' I' AI. ' 2:53 P. M., 1 M. Makes ull ?to...?. 5:30I?. I rlrei Pet- < AM ?tope, Richmond und Beters. burg rail 1 7:30 P. M . : uve? Pet? t with Norfolk a Hate Km riu I nects with A and D, f..r lltl'l lw?w . A M . Chariest, Sa-. son ville l P. M., l'on T-.tupa . \! 0 MIDDLE UKOI.OI \ l \ in? Aiki \ m . Mit?n, 11 A M K to 1?. (a. un.) M . S SO i*. M. Dally. Arrive* I , MV M .? - 1 ? itopa tw< ?.urg and W-'l don. IOOO I' M., Dally, except ?Sunday. The ' A .. ustln?* _'_i 1 I- M I im. 10 -.?1 ? M. 1'ally. Arrl.- *!ntr? 11.: ?? p. M . Lvnchburg \ toi 11:4? A. M. Pur per Richmond to L] burg. "ffeAIKl AFIIIVK RICHHOJID. ?1 OO f_ M *' O, Atlanta, Ma, on, Augusta, and Is South. S IS A M At" *? "* ** l|,.n. i.yn? nburg, and tue .? 37 \ Ml?? I1 K-55 A M- I ' ? ' .1 . lacksonvll nah, aa.l Charleston, 8 <>0 A M.Siii.'i.y only, from Atlanta, A t hi Lyncbburi and the \\ il ??.-, \ M Dally, Norfolk, Suffolk, and 715 P M. l'ally. J uksonvlll nah. ? h.111- Wllmlng? ton. G and all - nth. UB*> P. M., Dally, Norfolk. Suffolk, Wa nd Paierai 8 S? P. M Dally, Petersburg. Lymh burg, at I the J R. KKNI.V ON, ! uiager. ' ?N, \ .-ut A At. ja 16 Division Passenger Agent -WNorfi?fcWesteni ?ana* SClafSSlSiS fftft r 3, 18UT. LEAVE RICHMOND, 111 RIJ-STRKE P MAUUS. O.OO A. M bfttOnd k:?al ^,r liii? 1:U. Second-cl .1 not : on thla train. l) .OS A. M., Dally. 'THE CHI? PRESS." ?or Lynch* , 1 in 1 ? 1... lais; also, Bristol, Knox? aiid In t i mediate poll 7:30 P. M.. 1 a ?uns. 10:45 P. M., Daily, 1 burg and - notes with Washing 1 t'h ittanooga Limit? n?au Sl.--|,.-rs Ronnoke t* Memphis and Nea Orleaa PULLMAN SLEEPER between RICH? MOND AND LYNCHBI RH ready fe cupancy at D 1' ' Pullman Si? i'. terslurg t.. Hoanoke. Tra?na arrlvi | I from I.ynch b'jrg. and the Went ?lail> 815 A M, and M. From Norfolk an<l the I United 6.." M. OH! MET. Di?' nt; \V f! BEVILL, O^n. -, ^.?nt. Genem'. ? de I D V ft p Ric?mond. Frelarict. ?Ti,lx * borg?Potomac, Sclu-U.ilc In Effect jauunry I?, 180?, .-Y U <? ? I.?.? K NO IK, I I UK U\ RD-STREET STAl lO*. 4:I? a. M., Daily, y ul Mll'?-rd and Frederlcksburg. Pullman Sleepers tu V..ik ~0 A. M., Sunday only, f'.r Washing? ton and points North. . ' Doswell. Rui MU ilnea, urg. -rate?. Pull 8:43 ' :,t Sunday, for ihlngton a n d joints - Tsyl? i -. li.T ? ' . m m 1 t. Fre.I<-rt. kshnrg. W id. water. !)?>.*", A.M..? iry JWh, V. iishlngton. R.iltli: I " "" '-* ?lin? ing No , ? I . ?mi Sunday, for d points Ko Alien. ?sell, biirg, ke. a n <1 \\ i.lewater. lor car. A with Congresoloaal limited -non. : 3." (tea ?nd i:iha, ?;."..- v..rV ARRIVE IintlMTHKKT BTATIOM. h i<? Brooks, '?irg, Mu? f... and Ell ?/tattoos in r New York 2:13 1* M . I ? ? *. ksburg, g ' ?m Wash. 7:lo p. M.. i Im?n ?.ira >k. 8:30 P. M.. Daily. Stopa nt Frederick?! o Vil, ttlld i) 30 P, M ' ,ry Kth. the III 1)1 RI? KMIO ACCOM MOD AV?OS, ?. <-- 30 net Station IMU HI TUAIBB. -iuuday.) B:42A . s Elbe, ?i.-'o i be,. . UUOI C A TAYI '