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HIE RICHMOND DISPATCH-nt?Dil Y, FEBRUARY 25, 1898. THE MCHM<WDJ)ISP?TCH. ?Y THE DISPATCH COMPANY. DAILY ?s ?lellvered to , NTS P?*r h, payable to the carrier weekly or monthly. Mailed at 86 per eaaui ninths; 81 GO for three months; o month. Price per copy. S (tuts. EKLY DISrATCU at tt P?r annum. The SUNDAY DISPATCH at 81-0 per m, or 75 cents for six month?. ascriptions In all casta payat-W* !'? and no paper continued niter the aspiration of the time paid for. mousy order, check, or regis? tered letter. Currtsncy sent by mall will tu? at the risk of the sonder. Subscriber? *?*hing their poat-ofllc? chanfsd must give ilaeir old a* w*U as their new poat Sample copie? ..8 W -100 ? 150 .. 2 TO .6? . 8JS ADVERTISING I?ATE3. HALE INCH O?l LESS I time . I tiroes . 8 times . 8 times. U times . 1 month . 8 months . BuHinrss wants . Wanted ?Ituntlon. paynblo In ad? vance <X words or l?*ss>. ...... Above rates are for "every day" or ad- I Vtrtlsementa running ?-on-eeutlvriy. Reading notices In reading-mat ter typ?*, Ove linos or less. 81: in nonparlel, leaded. five llnse or less, 75 cents. Card of rates for more space furnished on spplicstlon. kno* linong other things, he ?hows how o.-r supply of info. ? to ,ho natural causea affertlng BBOl logical pheaomeae H limited b lag the at? and , ndltlons of th- far North. Heretoro* * "f ,hH ' ,. keen ambltioa t.. reach thi I Th:., ,,r ' rtShl ?III. we think, hur.!!' ' ' " -? -H ?V s" "iini nothing ?d IB the win continue to llnated to ambition lo unlock until thai ainbill.n When th- pole shall OOCO h ,,,. and its mystery shall I it is iotas arsis win doul . mina to asttls down to careful sad ids of the condl?OBS i ad of the polar tract. Ws dars wr. that had It been DO Men to h oa fresa his farthesl north, be would have actt Seed Sil m?. ntllie considerations to the fas? lasting q <>f denying the rsfloufl ">:<r rumor.? in which be The h i. mon ribte sis should spare blrn st tho pr? 'ure. B ??ni.i in DO VO ? ^ it All letters and telegrams must be? ad? dressed to Till-: DISPATCH cc4??d communkat'ows will not be retimed. _ All letton* iSOflmiTi SB fling candidates for office must be paid for to Insure their publication. This is a long standing rule of ours. _ Resolutions of respert to deceased member? passed by societies, to: tlon?. associations, or otner organiza? tions will be Charged for as advertising matter. IT-TOWN OFFICE. BROAD-BTR] PHARMACY, 513 HAST JT.OAD STREET. MANCHESTER OFFICE. 1203 HULL PTR' I BRUAKY. 25. : THE SI IIKHIM. I> II PA. Th- ; that want nml ?Ji- in im h In th? of t! woi k dally appalling; in the pi Matan m?!, mahtns all all I for difficulty in getting aloud to hum. This Braal with which side to the Cuban sti w?* may aympathise Th of m--n. rid children have Starved to of food; thousand's more are Btaxving, and th.- gauat latter dally aug rmnteil. What is true of Matanzas, Is, in other ? tiu- Spaniards. (stance has b> the Spanish authorities and this country, . utterly Inadi t-i n Day y It becomes m nt that th?. only hop? of etlcal dearaaitlon of the x?opulation ot the ii-land Is in t ration of peace, thereby opening tta for th?* starvin. OUBtry riistriets to return to the cultivation 01 the soil anil " of rehabilitating* As we I: 'unity in which to tesl the programase of i nomy. .That tl rilsiry has been acting, and le continuing to h in thlg matter, there Is no reason to doubt. It is incumbent upon the United s: m equal faith. V\ w things in < : with President McKinley, hut with him in i. -;on in hil ?Bsstly due to Spain and to our trii ndly r< : with Bpain thai | Basonsblf chao e to real): d ?ffi whlch tanda lrr? . It is triii Studied cart fully the Caban who have studied || ar.- entitled to wi-ight. are Quoted as ?. the oonvl lion thai sutoi g tn? ta- re bavi , Btly s?sii> lion with the drift on tin- lahrnd which would seem to testify | rictioa. on tho Qthcr band, the t ministry, the Spanish aui Cuba, and prominent native Autenomlsl lead? er? ?tIII DTOfesg impli.-lt i that the new programme will vindicate Itself. Th?>. too, havi a aide to the question. They faith that IS In them. This WO to lu? diente ,i r. BSOnahlc ?ha: Spain's reehslng bet sxpectatl ?Saw, then, la the r hu? manity Involved t?? i- dealt with? it has r that the International mat nltatlon h.?s bi nearly every civlllx ? ? ounti by Induolnj it of al] International through arbitr?t!.:?. It follows that it Would al? ? com.- within its pr??vii, I actually com t it mlgh* its ?flue? , settl. 111. ! i by international that Is, brins about of th? i ol the worl ..?ble with ? t for th? islan.l. The suggestion |s i dlsVusslriK. but in th must be bo 'tisMy 1u m1n?J. This coui _,<? Into such a < hews'hese ?tipuiat. (ilal jielfher the iortnatl? i ,?,, any act of it shall afford the ,e hereafter for any infria the Monroe dootrina. On that i lnu?.l be no in. %1-PI.V THK ItKMKDV SOW. Aithoagt lbs bin for the saJars^ment of the cell room at th.* penitentiary. which wg '';',p* wt"nt lata the Boa fins ? -*- -" 01 an adverse report fr<ire> . th. kjWSt branch to which it V..IS Pefatied, we hope that It will be taken up la the House and die? | vu its merits. \\. i.*it think thai if l! : and the urgency and tie the I as. ?I th calmly am! dearly, the House will concur in the a> tion t.f tin- Sonata. We <!?? n?*t fail to iiae mat In pushlag r?treachment, of the people, bul we are sattaSed that do nut want such retr? n'li? nn nt as would be Involved in a failure to el ,;|W? bnteni thai would perpetuate '? Bpofl tin* good name of the and, ;?t furthest, oaly stave off the ?evitable im- :i abort trme. It ? inythlns human can i,at the penitentiary mu enlarged In tin bobs future. 4s we have fieejuently gala, svsry day'g delay la salty for ' ii room. This is true f!"in th? Standpoint Of humanity. all itlon, aad of good policy, it hi proposed that the money f??r ti : come out of th?- future proBts of the penitentiary. As bearing mon the I pi'i.l.l? m, nothing would ? v putting off meetlni tin tWO or even four years. It Is, WS think, demonstration that no a substitute for the bin that bes been mtrodueed la either bousi will afford the relief ceiled for. and which it seems to us clearly the duty of the Legialsture to afford. Thi method (if relief oontemplated In t)i? bill is the result of careful study and thought on the part of thus?- thoroughly acquaint i ils entatfhg at the peni? tentiary. That method presents the only practical remedy for these evils, and BOOBSr or later the r. nittly must be ap? plied. Why not apply It now? Y. lleve that the people would endorse that OOOree as heartily as they Wfll endorse the Keneral retrenchment policy of the House. m:i;ko si kfha?.e. Th.- ChloagO Time---H.-ralil. in an artl rli on the I.otilsi.ina Constitutional Cdh i. says thai "ti'Tthern sllen?-? in i ! > the vir ual deprivation of Buf I -uth is the salon that the sons of the ; structionists mak?- to th.- sons of those upon whom negro suffrage was fbl Buffrsaje, ?t adds, was the btevita? hit results of the war." The WsatStagtOB POat takes issue aquarely with its Chicago conternporary un this latt?*r assertion. The enfr in :iK-nt of the negro, the Poet do . is not th.- teeyitable result <?f the war. Iforeover the fifteenth amendment was not the situation Th?* soie pur nf that amendment, continueg the "? insure th*- Republican party a ? ??ntinuanco of its huid on power, and i,, n who led fheir party , i of that blunder knew that the men who hail ji. utterly incapable of an ?tell <>r safe use of the ballot. The Post says farther, that the men blun? der knew that it was a crime asjalnsl s, and that the moat malignant of the white people of the B i, tve a'lvi.--. a bo gri al r bumllla tlon, ? xa*-p. ration, and flPBBOtal affilOtlOB for them than the BBhaSBS that pul I under the domination of the ex-slaves, l??i i | adventun . the fpil ' BUI It ma] and that Is in king of the malignant.-, who p negro suffrage aa statesmen. Their blunder was nol only criminal, but nan, in its stupidity? \ I'ul.lli lli-imnrr of BBSS StBBBJB Hi.iis?* Kill N IB BSl IS BB-. Iberia i)??- construetlOB of lines within fl I N'lrtTltiii' in pi inatloe <-f i .?f way t ? ..-asure of Importance to this Commonwealth. The effect of the mil if it I law ?iiirinn th- BBBBton "f the t.!>. Will be. \?-e S? Inform? i. th.- Imm?diat? construc UoB I ' ant] "' 0!, throughout thlg Coramonweelth, and the bringing of additional nue Into the State Tr. usury wlth .i.m.ige to aaj other teilegjraph lines ! con In the diminu? tion of its "ti of the com? petition. The bin i .i be the Committee on Proposltlona and Ortevsncea of the House of Dele ?! meitlngs, when they Ihitei '' ind against the bill. Including argaiment of the BttOT n.-y for the Western I'nlon Telegraph Company In oqDOsltion to it, and unani? mously i? pi.rteff it. On account of the lateness of the ses? sion and the Important*. of the bill to the people and business Interests of this Com? monwealth, it Is a matter Of Vital mo? ment that It be taken up out of Its OfttSf, and made a law WltbOUt del.iy. The Kluht Mnn In ?lie- Mlulu Plrtrt?. IN'' M? Torfe World.) Fitzhugh nsul-*;. n? ral at Ha bang Illuetrates the fundamental principle of civll-servic?' rSfOna, whlih is to "tind the right man for the place nntl him ther? O nei il t> l<; g Dermv-rat, n south *rn if. and was g bard fighter on the south ptace i?y a Democratic Pr?sident ??n gr;iiintls Of lit:?. IS alone. ||. gjUlCkly demonstrated a peculiar qualification! r,ir it ; dim mil duties courage, IntelH a i ool .' id b determined i atrlot? Ism. manner, and an unvarying discretion. Wh bllcaa President ?^ame in and found this doliCBtl and dttheull Imtrabl) Blled by g man of i site politics, be wisely requested B r? in,um " Oent ' I'.v. r\ is ?'in . but greatly I a ?tii the t V.'l. fe was difficult work t?> do, for which this mm lia*-- oeeuller and hi*? poUtfca bo1 sffi el BQisss, even In th? mot? st tl. [s Bol this the right principle? And i? nol tii?- country's satisfaction with its application In this ease th. beat possible pi? g for II 'tr.' -m *?|i?-ii?*?'r'i? Mile. c\. m \ i.rk i' President s imui i B] I the South railway, likes Mg mea with queer nemes. H W. A. Turk, a 800-poundi manag, r is J. M. Culp. His east? rn i- ag> nt in New York is Ales s. Thweatt, The saaiatsnl t?> the prest deal is sol. Hobba la auditor. Haw o his assistant The auperintendent of bridgea and building- |g Mr. [*um. The purchasing ag> nt is Mr. M inetr.-t-. Mr. W? Id i Btnraarnrpi r. if i want??! a fob under Bam, who w< about li'i pounds, gioss, i would apply un der aa atransjd b aaipe as i could Bad, and feel sur?- ?>! getting it. Mow iini'ii Toombaf (New York Pi Mi.-s Biker, lawysr, dselarsd to Ike Society for Political study: "v?ben ' ham UnCOln granted pardon tn ? very man who had carried arms against the nation. Mr. Davta wava the only one who rel it. Ami h?- 'had not a? eepted il to day he died." vVhers was Bob Tootnbe? It was his boast that h<* was the only ofBoi r In the ? srmy s < turneo to tak?' the oatb of sB the I'nit? m? nt. Hi I to I-'nglan?! to avoid return? d mob Bted. Itnn Tu?*U?*r niul i;nrll?*l?l. (Columba I (O.) State Journal.) When Randolph Tucker, of Virginia. and James a. OsrfieM were In Com the] w? re the aal friends, in spit.- of the fSCt that they WS1 poa? 'i to ach other poiitl? ally. Oarfleld died, Tucker was nanied sa cae of the ? k eutoi i ol his tsi;it,. The widow and children of the lent have just contribu? the fund for the erection of the Tucker memorial si Wsshli r"? versity. Anothsr Sowsr on the i a !! ol pollti_ A Bert sanee. F. bruary 2-i. 189S. To the Editor Ol tCh! people "n i"uit?m inn have frequently annoyed of late by thi fnim ih, . eatabliahmenta situ?t?-?) Bear thS river. This add i deetructtve to this hint to the wise will nt. v HENRI HARRISON. ( uli.iii Iiimlii?' lt?-ll?*f Knnil. To the B liter ?if ths Dispatch: -?. acknowledge the following con? tributions: Bpworth t>ague of st. Jam?-1? afeths* dlst Episcopal church, ?ity. Jll.i??. Mis. Joseph Augustine, $1. JOHN M. HIOOIN8, The Charlotte Observer says: "The associated Press has manifested a good deal of caution In handling the ??I that It has l.t t p COn? iy on the lookout to prevent being Imposed upon by yellOW journalism is quite manifest it hasn't been caught yet, but it had a close shav?- last night. About !" o'clock it seal out a bulletin to tins ? ff t it: 'it la re. it the tug EL S. AtWOOd ran Into B small bOSi in the opp? r be), which iia?i oa board i mender tiuiaie, ol ths Ytaeaya sad party. boat was cut In two, and It i ? thai sume of the party drownc-d.' I*svter on, bowever, it sent tot another bulletin to the effect thai : no truth in th. ; all, and another attempt al a yellow-journal knocked In the head. The reports, from thai maik.ib!, tur accuracy and m from sensational features, it ml continues to be th? stuft." Da, too abev- it gives ii:? plea torse a i i well Ibed by our North Candina con i -. mporary. On the Slump. Hi rlem Ufe.) "In the ?lavs of the WhiRs T WBS a Torv; in tho days <?f the Lib? ral? I am a rvative. I have alwai been con? sistent," saiil the pol?tica] candidate*, "You bave, ?deed," said Ms rival. "But. gentlemen." he a.hied. "I bsve been equal? h consistent though I am noi Con* servatorv." \n?i then he wondered why iy smiled. HeW A m iim< mi-nl AVantcil. (Philadelphia North AaMrtean.) "What's tii?- row'.'" .. BOOtfl American revolutionist aa ths Bbouts ol the multitude srere wafted up fresa the "It means we're out of a Job." replied tin- eternal opponent of the government; "the people have tired of revolutions, ami manding a new diversi?n." nil. ! <?!.i; w M II m , . itlon Of A? In an an ?a adding to the ?um ?,r the a? Now Is the time when you should taken Spring Medicine to jiurify your hlood, ItlorUnd?. of < ii linn Tor*?? Would Sana *iai*.- Bpaateurala iiunur*. k i?irk Bun.) In ' ?veen the ' Hiates and Spain, the Island of WOUtV nlsh rub- mii'-li more easily thnn |g Ronernlly Imagined. This <*?iuntry vmuiIiI not need to BSBd 8 army to thi hsi ind to flitht the Spaniards In the H.-!<l. Neither would It ird Behang nor attaok it in any other way. Perhaps the war w an without the Amertcaas tiring s single ith. r by f.iini m gaa. Though the -? menti may at onlsh ing. they are mersly tin* logics] conclu si.ins to be derived Ige of th" real state of affairs In the stru, Island. The Spaniards, with an army or 150,930 ni'U. of which not guiar troops, ail that Ig left ?>r the SB.O0Q aol dlers s? in from bpain since ISM and de? cimated by battle and sickness, control only the seaports and the strongly fortl Bsd towns In th? Interior. The country from east to west |s In the hands of the insurgents. Th?- eastern part of the island, inciudim*- Santiago Is Cuba an?i to Principe, is bald by lbs Cuben C&llXtO G I I K.'ibi, and Lope Roclo Loynaz. Th<-r?> the Cubans are gtroager than In any Other s?'?*tlon of the Island. Th? y have In these two provinces tt?CE men at loBSt, arrm-tl and with plenty of ammunition. Thers they bold the Spanish eolumn in constant check) and the recenl defeatg of Oenersl PaadO in Santiago ,! t'il t. al th tranca ??f the ?'auto river, and of General JimeneS Castellano-? al ba I'sp? ranza. almost within sight of Puerto Pria? las ?iiy. show coiK lusivily What the BOWST ?if ths < tabeas is n thi sast. Th.- central part of ths Islitid that is to say. the protinO controlled by Oenersl Maximo (losaos. Tn.- Cuban Coniniender-ln-Chtef has at iron thers under his orders, with Generala Carrillo, ?tfontsegjado, ai \1r17:. aad ?w/veraJ others as subordinate commanders. ml " ' 88 Insurgents in the of Hal ansa i and Hah ibb. This la where ths Cubans are wsakest, the ih fortified towns balas Bearer te ' r, and the Spanish army I numerous But, nev? they bave strength .nough t?? keep up a very lively Ils w.ii I.ire, raiding almost ?laily the must important towns, ami making ?lashing BttaOkg OB the outskirts of Ha clty itseir. The recent death ol th- ir plucky leader I \ranguren, ii ?s ; led their ard? i I < drO Kodrigae'., Ral le? de ? ard? lias, and ' n. is Davales, Colaso, and ??!h>rs are cut . of work for ths Spanish and the guerrillas in and Itatansaa provl I'inar del Rio province, the western ex tremlty, is a Cubaa atroagbold. Ths Cubana tb? i In Santa fiara, and bold the i?mg and Impregnable chain of mountains extending through tin- provine?'. They do bo) allow ths tSpsntardg to g*5' OOt Of tie ir towns. Q r.ils Delgado and lunas! ar?- tin- princi? pal cui. ia i- "i* rs m that proi I isi>a.\I* LAID W A8TJB. The result or this situation Is that the Spaniards cana l ?n the pro? of ?in- country In any part of the hrtsnd The country near the to laid and the .s'aiint ilk-? aii over <'ui? i. Ths extermination of the posroahle m liai.itants by banget Ig going OB rapidly. All ': - ara too notortoaa to b? d at tins time, 'i h,> reconcentrados, or aon-com be tents, etarva and di?- iiy utae th.* oooatry, ob which they exclusively depend, ?? not pcodudng food. The bnaargrntg k? .-:> of cultivation ?>f thir owa, b they raise Vegetables and store their tat? tle, but tiny so not divide tinir pro? visions with the non-combatants, not- do they allow vegetables tu tu- rslssd or cat? tle k'-pl by any on- but themselves, be it |g their policy to pr?vint the Spanish srmy from ootalnias a?y kino of resources m the country. The Spanish srmy, therefore, sxel Iy depende upon thi provisions Imported ii'iui abroad. Rice? i" ins, and tiour they m spam, afeal for the Inl tants of the seaports they obtain M. aleo ami PlorldS. T n Span? ander arms ssclustvsly depend upon raei - loaded with | prom . that enter th" <'liban porta, Nol a potato comes lato the Habana from the country. The milk is i ail contti : Impoi ted from the i are from Florida. Ai still toon Important, on ai com Itaaa clal ii ibana, the Importing : .?tits dO II"' Bl k ??I provisions, n tin- Imports are stopped ; Iy Of f'Knl In Habana will be exhausted by thi ,.) thS ?ity is li-ss than a week. Suppose now that w?r l obc The Cint.-ii Btstes, in th.!* . lias only to blockade Um o th? a bole Bpanlah and that without landing a - land. The Spaniards will simply be omm lied to ranead ??I the la? k of food. To pr? v. nt ' ' llty that might mas Inland to and gt t their vegetables and other provisions, boobs? thug might be done easily, oui-ki.v Importsoce In i Se. Card for insiaiH'e, in th.- provtace of Hatan ,n ths BOTthSI them. Cardenas was taken In ini'J by the Insurgent Narciso Lopea aith a handful i | Americans on i???ar?i a amall msrehaut Sn,? . then n?> foi i g a cannon-shot has been built th? ri. Tl us < sa hold ? -srde nas, and from thars oonununicate with the insurgents In th?- country. In B shirt time the wie?!?* cuban army may i?>* well armed by them and secure some cannon to attack the Inland towns, if ?rtthoui BUCb munitions and with the ?mu. risk and dlntcultiee thsy incur in re? curing scanty supplies from the f? nilbuatering expedltlona they sol only hold tii' ir own agalBat Spain, but actual? ly Imprison thS Spaniards In their and cities, it la obvious that possessing war appliances which will ptsee these, in this respect, ob the gante footing as the Spaniards themselves, they win exter? minate ail th?* Spanish columns daring to leave tinir fortified pieces and eventual? ly invest them in the principal oltl t iN'K DVXAMITIM-CX. With a alante dyasi?ite-nua of small and with tin- Ihres "r four thOU etved by him from several small ' \petii!i??ii> seat from ths Daited GSI ia has tlrivcn th? ?r?is from the greater part of the province Of Santiago ?1- Cuba. It is a fact. Which even Spanish dlple BrU] BOt ?lar. t.. ?I- ny. that ?i I of liiimi" ring th Cubans in the ' United Slat? s in th. ir work Of sendln sixty mil?-.? from Dry Tortuga?, wh'ch would probably be tin* centre of OB? naval operation?, Is It r.-.isonable to gup? thnt the Spaniards eoubl r< lib? r b- ?-y for??t few ?lays the proud Spanish stronghold, with Its ? tress and Its M . with It? min?*?! bay ant) It.? famous does, would be Bt "ur mercy, uno not very much blood would be shed. rHi:sii)i:\T wii.?ov? vikws. The Bg rsaisansiaf fjsaisrat*7 i?ie?n tluiul <?ur K??r?"l?n Pollry. LBXINGTON, v.\ . ?Tsbrnary '?*? <Sp? clal.) lu Ble pVsdaesday morning's ad? dress to the DalVOf .?lent Wilson, commenting on the disaster to th?* Maine, gsid that foreign nffairs are ander our government conducted by the i five, and we hail never had l to Mash for Its action la maintaining our rights and our dignity. It was our duty to await its Biqulry and report, mean while aoeepting as Incredible any theory which charged to b foralgfl eminent an aet which woui?i be that of a savage and a fool. Among those who lost their lives rn the Ill-fated Maine was NlOhohU T. Smith, nf LynehburS, who was a half brother to Mrs. William T. Moor.-, of this place. Young Smith would have 19 years of age had he lived until the next dey after the gasestsr. His body was Identified and burled at H ibana Il' had be?'ii an BBprsatlce for thi QaWBRAL SHIPP IMPKOVINC. The eondltton of Oeneral shipp. superin teadant of the Virginia Military Instituts, Is very much improved to-?lay, and there are bow imp's of mi* t.itimate recovery. Quite an Incident bappeaed the other night Bl the Washington Literary So? ciety celebration al the Washington an?l Lee University, Borne of the boys at the COnclUStOfl Of BtUdsnl PoWOH'B oration on the "Liberty-Hall Volunteers," st nt to th. presiding officer B telegram, which read: "War baa been declared aith Spain Waii-i.l. 198,000 non Ilk.* th?' Uberty-Hall volunteers." (Signed) President McKinley. It was read by the presiding ??Hi. tin* aii'ii- BCS, and with one accord the audience gave vent to applause which shook the building. The turps of cadets Of fh? Virginia Military Institute |,., 1 an invi? tation from th?* Committee of Arrange in regard to th?- Unveiling Of th? monoment at New Market in hon the battle fought tb? re, t" perl In thi in this battle that the corps of cadets of this s won immortal i ne. Tin: niiiM)i..-si*\ (orvTV < oirt. Kaufmann & Co.jMEYER SYCLE The Gigantic Sale. OUR ADVANCE 5H0WIN0 AND SALE OF NEW SPRING Tailor-Made Suits, Separate Skirts, Silk Waists, and Silk Petticoats for surpasses ?ill previous stforti in assortment, siyli-s, and ?\i?*|? tionally low priesa for such qunl itii's. You'll riml now is a moat opportune time to make a selec? tion. Good Muslin Underwear. In all our storekeeping we never saw greater values than we are now offeriiig ?n Iridies' and (Jliil dren's Undermuslins. Indies' Drawers, made of good quality muslin, with .! tap h?.*m and cluster of fine tucks, for only 19 Cents. failles' Excellent Quality Cambric I'm brsUs Drawers, wlih tlepp suill?- and trim? med with cluster of tuck?, ror only Andrimcossin Vard-Wlde Bit ton, 4 *?-4c. yard. Any Coat In the i IIS; Choi??-. ' ?<-8llk Twl Any Misses' Jgu B?t I ? wag fr?m ti ? |1'>. n?)w %X IS Hornan-Stripo Rastllsi I' each. the 50c. Corset?, \\ K*h. Infants' < Chotea of Children's K! ! New Belts, New Ribbons. Tailor-Made Suits. $:t.f)s f naltt* Gaurtars, ? TDK 2.V. 811.K BALI M IN PI Silks suitable for \\ In all colors and patter;,. 75c. yard; choice, *t*V-. rani 25 Cents. LaSlas* Knll-Slze. Hest Quality sfualin baantlfully made, with daep ruttli- of ? m broidery an/l cluster of tucks, for only 33 Cents. Led! a, made of best quality egunbrlc-flnisbed maattn, rail Isasjth and width, Mothi-r-i; \ |. front yoke ma i?- ? f dust? r^ of Una tucks an?i Barn berg insertion, fofcs of box plaltlnK: nach, nil front of yoke i with HamburK embroidery, for only MEYER SYCLE, 103 east Broad street, Next Corner First. Corner psSaVStl it. F. Ilnrt It ?ilii.-il In MU (hvn Ile luiif . eetes-Sas*. WTOBMONT, va, ?Tebruarjr SL-H ciai.)-?'(>u't convened at Salade t.. promptly at 10 o'doek. It rttok bet a short time to s^t through with the bosl ' ?r ih. < 'omtiiuiiw. .tlth. B. V. -, rtlmony in hla oa n bshalf, -' i thai ba Btroek Ni-isim, not in aelf-defence, bat to resent an Insult, sad bad bo rendering say aerioua injury. T. o. Jones finished his argui for the c. ?m mon w? aith at S JO, win n tlie court adjourned until to-morrow at 10 O'clock. It will take, all of another ?lav t?) gel tbrougb with the srgumenl both Bides. It will hai-illy ha i???ssli>le to tak?* up either one of the live Other felony ITS Saturtlay. it |B nmiur? ?I that nimonvv aith agalnat Mrs. i'.', a. stitr, for coaesahns a win. Bill b*- settled <?ut ?if court, as Mrs. Stiffs Bsrvoag c'UKlition will hardly admit >>t a trial at this t?-rm. \ot F'ven a llal-IMi?. (Detroit Journal.) "Will von attack a defenceless wo? man?" she aaksd, haughtily. "Pardon." muttered the Chicago foot p.ol, and ?lr?-w ti.-iiK. Tot h?* area aet devoid of cbJvslroos Ami even by the street lights of his native city h" ?-oultl mb that her bonnet was fastened on with a ribbon tied ander i hin. 48 Cents. Btlfal i-'mpin* Gotvns, aaads of fine quality muslin, with large collar, <?ig?*i with pretty Hambuig embroidery, and trimmed serosa front with wide embroi? dery to match, for only 62 Cents. Gowns ma?i?> of Sheer Muslin, elabo? rately trimmed aith lacs InsertloB lacs run.? b, mads full and large, f??r only 75 Cents. Indies' Fine Umbrella Skirts, goads "f extra goitd quality muslin, with deep rutli. Of ?awn. s?sed off with Bns Hamburg em? broidery, for only 62 Cents. Skirts of Fine Muslin, with rufflea of Hamburg embroidery ami duster of tu?*k-< above, for only 50 Cents. Finest Quality Mu-lln Skirts, made new Umbrella style, with ?i? ?*p. Bns lawn ruffle, edged ?jff with Hamburg embrol . for only 79 Cents. The On,*. fChlcago Dally News.) Traveller: Don't you get tired i ing so manv fool questions? Tickt t Agent: Traveller: Which one tires you most? Tick? t Agent: That one. Ilii'fr l|i, (P. L. McCarty InBoston Traveller.) What's tin* use ut looking glum.' < 'beer up; Brighter days will gursly com??, Cheer up; Tho' the storm-king holds full Tho* the torrente pour to Every cloud nill clear a? r up. No use shedding ??lie tears, r up; Don't give way to foolish f? f up; 'Ain't no use ol feeling i?iu? If the sun don't shine on you, Subs and sighs will never do; ! Up. If misfortune be your share; Cheer up; Time will lighten every i up; With the springtime's gentle rain Buda the faireat flowera again, I birds Bina B BWeeter strain; r Up ?the Food Drink ?Is the greatest tonic for nursing mothers. Nourishing ?\naplrlna - oothlng. M ?t-Nutrine la prepanVd bj the famoua Anheuaer-Buach Bri . ia'ion. which fact gaaranteeg the purity, excellence, and merits ?-i.??m.-.i for it neautiful Cambric Skirts. ma?l<* extra full and lat.'st eat, with d< ?p ruffle of the llne-t ?nialltv lawn, anil finished at bottom with ruffle of iinest Hamburg em? brotdsry, for only $1.25 OCR rHILDRK.VS MISLI.V CXDER UKAI? ARB MADi; IN THK VERY BEST MANN'Ki: AND OF THK VERT BEST MATERIAL, ?hiiiiren's Musiin Drawers, all gises. from I t. 18 years, made with tucks and daep hem, at 10 Cents and up. A*'? ORDING TO STZSJ. of Fit'?- Ifuslla, with frills of embroidery ;'n'' taeki 15 Cents and up. hildren's Fine Cambric Skirts, made In the best manner and trimmed with hem j and tucks, all si*. We Have Just Completed Arrange^ BBBBSV TO HANDtt IN THIS CITY The Most Perfect and Wonderful nine THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN. Tt ]?? PVi'lV ! ' the ^1<H? Typewriters, and is - '."? and S The ?general agoni for this machine will W at our pUi i bueixiess ?>n Friday, tii?- 'j.tii, to fully sxtbetantiat? ire claims. m? i*^ believing re earnestly in i to call and (>?* lonviixod. The Bell Book and Stationery C 728 East Main Street. [feO-W.FA-iu New Standard of Prices FOR ? Sterling Silver i ! s Forks and Spoons. [ 38 Cents. Children*! Kim* Ifuslln Gowns, nicely made, Siother-Hubbard ityle, with tmk y?)k.'. and neck and with ? mbroiiJery, for only A NKW STANDAR] St?*rlliiK' Hilvt-r Korks ??un ?utic?'?l by the Un?ier this n?-w ache? HnK Stlvt?r F?irkr ai . fi.\?-?l [il In ,t?-(or?l.ti:i > with i ? lHlon ??f the sIIvit bu v.i i \ in* wt'h thi design an.! w? i volved in II quantity of ittrllng u i>ouKht at eatrsmel) . while the almj l.-ss on lower price? than known, we nf?- r .- ? h? .)f pattern*? that will figure ONI." 48 Cents. s C, Lumsden & Son, ? Kaufmann &Co.,? 731 Main s,reet* To encourage cash buying I FOURTH AND BROAD. Shoe Remnants. OAKBMDATES I"K Ol ? '< ? F? IR H Kill CONSTABL QEORQE M D BLAKE, SUBJECT To DEMOCRATIC M \ l : 'i R > OTE SOLII tfe 20 .-...ittl) rru rI.o-d;iv ( Friday ? ?S cifanin^-up ?lay. SDd WS liavc gathered all tin* little lots for quick selling. 75c- Choice. t-TIp l-utton Shoes, size LadJss1 I'laln (.'"ommon-Sense LSCS, Take 4 New rorsra "Four Hun? dred" win? paitfctpatsd In tha. party m> nuishro"in n,. BBBSr ot tin- | '.?! Houw t.? ?it lint! thegg froaa thi ' b ni- rs BusJjBJonlanr w. BBBUlS think they niii,*l , BSSly, provMsd thsy a igth enough this modkine a fuir trial und vou will ils. give you good appetite, sound f-lciii, rpadltl? ? brathran; if. I . t !_ _*.?_?? "t prosecuting th? in in BO draatlc a man Bteady nervi.s and perfect OlfSStkMa. ' ,,., me during tas adral i That scrofulous taint, that skia tnm- Man of M ; *>->v in? at enonaoua <-"sf to thla country, ble, that liver dif? ficulty, that bilious tendency, that tired fneittag, are what will Sckle l'a ris So for sa <?n whlfh to v? i.f Its wrath, -i??w thai Sols : ,tr, at from ltn fury? NOUS verr?n?. The soil of Vlrtrinla. Indeed. I? not adaptad to the growth of Monte Carlog. > that little mutter of enllKtln?? imiMt Bad hi?? timfl rlnht reached upon by th?j neceaa.ty th<> Aassricaa navy umi the police a Junta and its ar?*n*s, the lS hers had in .n unmolestsd ti??' iblllty which bow confronts ua ?>f an International war would not <?xlst. Thei'u. bans, with no aaors than?b\bb9 bbsb i" tho all cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Give Beld, and with all ths odds against th. m. provad in till'-" It tlu-v aro than g match for Spam. With g ;?i sntple gupply of they can fr??e their Island without : h? lp fr??ni in ,? war bstwaaa Spain and the Unlt?fd ? . that tho v ?'ut-an army would l>.* ?>n tho Am* i There la ao sonbt sltasr, thai WOUld BJIfS th.-in all thS rlSsS, ? .?rtri.l?*. - , and csnnofl thsy Bsstt Thsy woald thon j would only Bssd to Wocaads_ the Spun Isrda by s.-a and let lassa of ?old make an attesapl with their aavy ts break that )'l".'k.!?lf. Th.* asntSSl would then Tu? as. Bui with their capital realize its positive merit. It is not what we say, but what the'people who are cured say, which provt's that Hood's Sarsaparilla^s^ etna. 0. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. i-i*.*v-i?*. Diiio <,ur? ,'iVOr '* ea8y to IlOOd S FlllS take,easy ^??PC-rate. 380. Mi : Ina Heel, IS, IS, l. -', in lace and button; regular Children's Rack of 98c. ch??i' < -. but what remalna ~. all warranted 11.60 10 l-l 1!. C, I?. Boya' UM All-Solid Laced Bhoea, six?s ! :'. warrant?- 1. r Bprlns-Heela. Tan. size l 1-2. i paira ii??'i. si/... i:v Mil I.? -iKins. the $t gra.I EQr Sprtna-He? v*?J?L. fi,, s-z.s i? Whole Dongom Quarter, regular $1 Shoe, 59c. $1.(9, $1.37, $1.69, $1.97 HACKS. Tasse last'Bsmed Of Fina Kho? making The VVhttt-htirst trustse buy make? . thlg aala, COME TO-DAY. WE EXCHANGE THE.M ANY TIME. Money back if you want it. Mill IM.V STOCKHOLDERS' MEETIN I nfwn, A s. Buford, af. !'. Jordan. .). F. Riaon, E. F. a ? i?'?*, and ??th. is. who. as of rec? ord, hold one tenth or n?< ?api tal htiitk of the Hound Mountain Mining and Manufacturing Com. meetlni <?' Bt?r?ckhold upany i> hereby called t.? meet at the Cummer lal Hank, in the city ^?f Danrllle, Va : RIDAT, the -.'?th ?lay ?>f February, it i?i o'clock A. M., for the purpoae of rtlllnK vacanctea in th f i>t. rectora, and for *uch other i?ueint??? us may come befor inn. J. W. (Aifl < iry February 9. 1898. f.- 10-oo.!tl (re 9 -U) order? for printing sent to the DUpatch Company will be given prompt attaatlon, an?! the ityle of work and yrloea will itihty miles from Kef WvxL 1 lu auru lu cleaae vou. AMLSEMK.\TS. THERE WILL BE A 111: ENTERTAINMENT TO-NIOHT al ? '?ran Hall for the benefit of t'uloi tlon Mission. Some of the h.-st mu talent In the ?':' tired, sad ! a. tro?.tf time Is m, la cents, children, 10 ? i _ SHt \?M)4 I ITIOS ?TAB COI l< *, i :. rOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN \ i ION II A l.l. MONDAI NIQHT, FEBHCART 2STH, BUSS Mil l-'HI'.M ii i hi n. Kugene K: I !"K' ?M HER i ITHMSVI ** ?, Rsasrv? ruary 25th. at 1 i v-'u^t vi \i?i >i\ <?r ?n ?n FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY : i ?1 AND 2STU. THE GREA'I nu: iMti*?i?M:n m /imja." U RITTEN BY ANTHO?1 H I'rii.-s, $i ; ??, .<!. 78. M and H cent?. B we give Tradinji; Stamp* ? ? or 5 per cent, discount. Ii ? ? (ji ii STREET-RA?LWAY TRANSFERS >n and after Suu<l.i\ ruary -<>, ]^i'.,?^, :i pass? will be entitled f<? o.NK ti fer on pajmeoi fare. Tran--tt*r-?t<>Foiii?Vrntli 9tl ?Richmond, and t<> Hull liant ii'-t? r, will be alio only on pajmenl of < fare. Passengers desiring tr n ticket? will notify condu when fan* is j?ai?l. RICHMOND RAILWAY 4 ELECTRIC CO. Iseif-cn I.KI II ltl>. I l.l Tl HE, "HOW TO OET MARRIED, AND Tl HE HA I ? at the Flrat Baptlci church FRIDAY, Fehi i? ?i. U'FAUi?? Atiuuteion, . (%fhU TYPHOID FEVER Th? i.' tr?ted, prvtligr-toU ??,-r ? t LIQUID PEPTONE \ R^?l??ri*. n. ict.. th? eircn iti?<ti?.t?ir MKTIXM? * .?-rt? ^%%*%?%?y?va?y%%%%<vt*aa%a?%?>?v U-FSBB) PAIJVTS. LE'.'. LEV?'IS S PI l*K U . IL. and all material for palntliiy. Oaly t?te beut Quality kept In stock. S l.l ?IM ?S Ol-ftUllll N nut am i <?ui Addr?