Newspaper Page Text
s THE RICHMOND DIS], ATCFt-FRTDAY. FEBRUARY 2.r,, 1898. THE STORE OPENS TO-DIT IT 9 O'CLOCK. Fifth Day of the Extraordinary Sale IS THE REMNANT DAY. A ? 0,000 may bi ? ?_. * h^? ?"5E?? i, sad odd loi ,?(',M,t...i.l)ytho<':.rt-io.wlH. J Ii? were I for little in the toyentor? of the stoc*. _? . wits their tunal Liberal bnsinoss tuclfltlfld t?) turn tho damage exists. In cas, o? any i entire soonAnlatioas over to yon ti CNVENTOE1 COST. Etch ?ten will be marked in plain fig Mi usual, ?ml llic mark "daui ev< i v (i?'k?>i, irbere ;mv nX)BE WILL NOT BE OPENED I MIL 9 0CLOCK STO] BH.RB sroWRMBRS of B A \ PU '?rain. up to 8 ru,, y Printed BsBni for .,',,.1 Coloreo Srooade TaRatae He **V Valour? I . i-yard , ICrieas, 1 yard lensth.-?., f I HI.M K OR? B8 ?.?Mil)?*. doubl? widths, for fox a Otl Width Wi a yard. nltc Cloths Whip-l Pifured Mol airs, that c< f.-1 All-Wool |1 Tailor Clotha for Pri. - uiiiii.n \ RaflnU ROODS, in \ .tri. t y of colora and were 121-2 . ' 9pring Fabrics for I I*o\ . 'or ea . lothB for 37 1 . I4RRRS. Pare liaea Table D imask, from 11-2 |5c. yard. in n'lif. r.-nt lengths, > - qualltj kind, for Th. Turkcy-K' 1 Table yard. l'un- Uni n Dinner Napkins for Ic 1 All-l.imri Colored-Border?sd Dollies, Heavy Twilled Crash Toe yard. Checked or Plain All-Linen Crash, ttlllTK GOODS. J the 12 l-2c. ?juallty. for i.'.-lc yard. lengths, for 9c. yard Th. ...-. quality In Nainsooks, "different -, i- 1. from 1 to 4 yards in length, ll-Sc. yard. RR Bf RBI 1 na |1 and H.R Crochet Spreads, only soiled. 50c. t 9 '. quality, DRAPBRT. Gilt ai yard. ;-4c. I lite Muslins for 8c. ; ?'urtains for quarter t?c. to RAMl 14 M \i)i: MUMBpS, costing uj im |L60 cl 1 lot 17 Ladl? t up t.. for $1. >w n I >r< ?iics for R (?1)1? SKIRTS. . St ?? Silk-Lined Br-rgc Skirts, were $7, for ?3. Ml BLEB I M)i:il\\ i: III. .owns toi I 11.50. imbric Oowna, ' Muslin Oowna, . ?i .' Muslin Bkll a imbric ? 'i- 11.75. Muslin Chemine, 12 l He. Muslin or Cambric Drawers, 50c. Muslin Driii. He. Trimnied Cambric Col til U High- or Low-Neck KMI' ? MH.ItW RAR. i Nal ural Wool V . Merino Pants, BOc. a * Camera-Hair Pants, th H .25 quality, foi Ladles' k, Long-S IS .. the ' ? w Neck, No Sleeves Summer Vests, Natural Color '. Children's M? rino Panl Children's ? h. OARPBTS, 11? A mini' AH-Wool Ingrain is. 11 to 21 yards, sold at 66c., n inn.nit 1 Moquette and Axmlnstir me with bordera, : . fold at 11.25. remnant pi I Wilton Carpel at $1.50, nmiiH' I 3 pieces of Dollar remnant pi Remnants o? Cocoa Mattings, I to 18 yards. Be. a 1 I Di I ? mon Ingrain, si/. I 'it $*.. remnant prlci Window-Shades, all coloi Holland snd gooa spring rollers, sold at 4" Bllghtly aoiled from >n:v? 11 RSISHIMOS, 17 bOXca Angi k sn.-i. 1..1..I NeKllg? Bhli T? ' K ^ and Four-in-Hand T aold II and Ii.-'' ? I mi. rwear for SO?-. r ne n 1.) ladles, any fol ROOKB \mi BTATIOSHRT, ?tai"i ird Handy Volum ont llooks to be dosed for In: Sketche? from or Thackeray, II Z-. book?, foi it slmllft?' reductions. S BOS OP PAP?? IMO 1 wi loi'KS, ?; in this city for Ic. A piuk.iK? of Paper and Envelope? to ma '. h both for .". i OTTOS PiWBRD 8. dors, 30-ln- ' lck i,,r * ' THE COHEN CO Imported Andirson's Gingham j . -. lid Colo:, d and Fancy I . Bleached Cotton. Z 1 i I-T1< k<. I 1-1. . Its. all Kind'-- lo the qualities, to be le s rai is. BOsHBOIDBHISbS, i.?-?i ro f"r fe, \ an!. ind Cambric EjlgeB, thai usually I for \z l-2c., are 0. 7 and nts of Erabroiderlos, In 41 I? ngths, for Ic LACS?. sa, in different width-?. - !,r"i wide M< did Laies, Se. quality, \ Orienta] Lues, frr.m 3 to 10c. yard: were i HRHRLLAS. ?Billed Bilk, close-itoilitm. Steel-Rod Umbrellas natural of Dres den handles, 11 50 and ?2 kind, for 7.V-. 98c Silk Umbrellas, about l<? In the u>t. for .""?c. each Th. Best Twill- Umbrellas, regular p?ce 7.". and He, for . HOBIBRT. Ladle?/ Past Black, Pull Seamless Hose, ; pair. I Top. plain or drop-stltch. 1I1-2C. kind. 6c. pair. Fancy sniped l?) H Children's Faal Black, Darby Ribbed, l" kind, ic pair. CORSHTS. 4 j. it. Corsets, sises It, '--. and M, 12.25 value, for ii. |1 U. & C,. Col BBS If. H, 2:.. and 9 for 76c. 2 "Her .Majesty" Corsets, .sizes 22 and 21, for ?1 7." 'from C 7.".. On.- lot of f ?i. end H.2x> ral kmd, for Be. .1, ana Waists for ]f>c, KID (?I.OVKS. 1 lot of ladles' Colored and Black ied-Kld Gloves, l-bntton. l-clasp, or Foster laclnn. at 7r.c. a pair. 1 idlee' 2-Clasp. Heavy Embroidered. Pique Olores, In Red. Oolden Brown, Tan. Black, and White. H& B pair, from $1 -" Ladies' 4-Button Heavy. Presv l-Tan Kid ciovs. embroidered back, termer price ?l S>, for P B pair. UREHR BUBMS aRT SALH. im Remnants KustlinK Percaline for lc -makers' Kid Cambrics for lc. Remnants Yard-Wide Stiff Black 1 Pacing for 2c yard. mams Black-Back Plgured B for lc. yard. AUS OP RBHRAWTB OP SHALL \\ ?ill I!?. I vards Velvet Bindings, always Wc.. for : Hump Hooks and Byes, I cards for 2c, Whalebone Casing for lc. pi? 8c. l 1 r for lc. ling, bunches broken, for inch. ir, bails only ' Knitting cotton (balls pulled), for lc. ball. ays Bafety-Plna, an] atas, tor lc dosen (papers torn?. Toilet Soap for lc. 1 Hind's Almond Cream for RC. bottle. rs & Gall? ' rums, i ottle. Curling-irons for lc. wrappers off, for ike. r >. 7-inch Rubber Combs for lc Large Wc. bottlea RosaSne forlc bottle. 1-Puffs fie tab] Powder for He. Lubin'a Powder for 12c. oackase. iihimm- OP RIBBORB NO, H All-Silk Satin Rlbb remnani price, 15c. yard. Black Velvet Kilbon, piece of 10 yards for 10c. p White Taffeta Ribbon, corded adgo, for 7e. yard. ncy Taffeta Ribbons. 50c. quali tv, for lie. yard. :. All-Silk Satin Ribbon for lc. yard. JF.WKI.HV HKMVWTS. VKTi) THE CHARTER. ?<)ssf.> \ Will. M?i lll'.COMK \V l\ (-(i!ti?oitA'f\:ii fOWIj yow. GIYES CONSTITUTIONAL REASONS. The i;,i??-rn?ir"? Vno Meaanae Alao In ?llcitlr? 'lina Oilier Mollvea I11 flnemi-,1 Ilia SStlSSI CslSSSSl H*r ley TRtaRs the Ulli n Rad One. An wed In ths Dfiipatch of 1 nor Tyler r? turned ts th. e without his approval, th Incorporating ?tie little town oi Rosslya, I the city of Alexandil.i fton, A great <l?>al of hSlSTSSl has to what WOUM r*s action, in view of tin- determined dtlsens of the town in? Ineorporated under sm-h charter. Which, It was said, was designed to turn the litt!. 1 'irlo for ths benefit of Alexandria and v. Ington Bperttni A number of CXC dient the Q ii In? tel tlon; thai the charg? s mad? by ati Bdrls delegation i un. .1 in the charter wi 1 unfounded, win law as to th.- oon tltui il th bill were submitted. PreTiout to the signing of I is Mil how* Colonel Baris) Of the lull |n the Rouse, wrote/ the G01 thai be bad further examined It, ind be? ll Should be Velo. .i THE PETO RR88 Polloarlni is the text of th accompanying the returned bill: Rid To tli B Senate bill Nc ' tied an incorporate the town of Rosslyn, In th. count indi la, is herebj rx turned to your honorable body. In which It origl* It la noi unusual for bill< to be pi? ed to t. pr< the request to lltutlonal otiji'itlotis d agalnal I and in that tl" 11I1 ol ofScera In th- m?mth of November ha* - B valid one. and. I fon hill. 1 LOUIS C. BARLBT. |v? d among ne HRiilnnt thin bill, p?ti? tion mtcned by four iiftin of tie- property llrn, and thirty-eluiu out of Hlxty whit- rotera si Old Roaatyni TWO >i\liiti lORB 1 RSI BROAT. ?Hi?- In the Knrly MiinilnK ?n?l t?n<* In ?In- \f Iitihioii. Mr. K. A. Sb.. ,,,| Misa ?.illlan I?. Walla. No 711 north T? nty-flfth street, > iloek, by it? v. Joel T. Tu. h ?End D in h. Th.- happy OOOPlS left on the curly train fur a northern tour of aboul two weeks' deration. Mr. Uouia Hbackeiroi !he groom, of \. epon M? -nan Mr. Sha I the Junior niemb?-r of the shoe lirm of A. J. Shackel!-. ' and is of Richmond ?"|l ,r jrouni . Hla bi ?de la 1 he iiiiieht'-r of Mrs 9, J. Wallace, end Is rig ladl of ? ?horch Hill. Mi. R. I.. Smith . I.HI'.. Dor* sen mai 1 k d > at? 1 noon 'clock, at St. John'i Luth? ran Chill ' ' I. I ' 1 ' p. i foi mini ' !" ' ' m. a). Th? 1 -"i? is a valued em: lo).f the .1. W TllbS? CO < 'oinpanv . 1 ..I one Of the department.- th? ?. foi : 1 - tive roung la.iv. The couple i-rt last evening nu en extended northern to ir. GRAYS ARE CALLED. RPHWIRff Of RI BUH?IRR OOsV i'\N> ?tnnioM:n ro vimiohv. OTHER ITEMS FROM THE SOUTH SIDE lleal RatO'S I miMiinl iJi-iilh ? I niiPfnl ?ir Dr. Wlllliiiu >. HrniiHiinli Tld? \li?i in,on ? IVrannnla and llrli-fa from Over tin- l?l\?-r. Combs for lc. pai.-; Stiek-I'ins for Toothpick-Holders, Re. kind, tor 1... Plated .Match-Satei for Be.; Bar-Rings, stone setting, 6c pair. Plated Infant-Buttons, Re kind, foi or Plain Rings for lc. TAHPBD ROODS. Stamped Doylies, soiled from display, for lc. Slamp?d Scarfs. 1 1-2 yards long, sliglu ly soiled, for 6c. ?rich. Embroidery Silk for le. spool. Applique Scarfs, slightly soiled, for l.'.e. roped Plllow-Shama, aligbtly soiled, for MC pair. RHHS IRTS n<M IBTR LRH, LAROR lots TO BE CLOSED TO-DAT. trie Stove Polish, le. a bar. Soli,? ?lak Rockera, With saddle m for 11. 75 : --;ilk Tissue Toilet Paper, abeeta, for lc. Ml Tin Mouse-Traps, 5 holes, for 2c. *' Large oak Bookracks for S Silver-Plated Knives, slightly tar - d, for lie. dosen Ebony-Handle Steel Knives and Forks for lc. I ach. Quadruple-Plated Crumb Traya and pera for 25c a pair. 12 Silver-I'lateil Salt and Pepper ikers for IOC. eaih. la China Krultstand- for lc. each. 14 Carlsbad China Pickle I ?ishes for 7c. ? Prench Decorate.) China BOWlfl for 7a in Imported Decoi .t.-d China Soup Tu for ttc. 1 Hivih.nd China Dinner St, f.-w pieces, for R-fid? value IL'O. I Oiiii Tee Sets, aome pieces Bllghtly chipped, musl be closed out for R.6U each. M dos? n Water Temblara, imitation eut bottoms, to eloee out for lc, each, .tniilation of t i \ ?ill IMITS-lROsTW \iti . l' of long i"ts to be closed to-day?all of the highest standard make. \\ II IT Vtu < w 1.1:1 l on tie. 1 Stew-Kettles, quai Milk-Cms Lip p. .1 Beueepans, Dipper?, end Cake* Il M ami lie. arflcl? s. r 11 \ 1 roi < \\ ?.I l por I???. Roulda J-lie,. k. is, c. - Mllk-Pans-all Wll |T KM i\n ,;i;i FOll inc. 8-quart Milk-Pans. LarWS Oblong ROSSt> Puddlng-P quart Buckets, and Long-Handled Bauoepaaa-e eaj o THE COHEN Ci> a \i;hv *Kitior?< (imn.i; Aaalaat Man fi Joe H?>>, n I nlnrril from Hnahliigtiiii. MANA8SAS. ruary 24.--. To-day. a yotns colored . Jr., war, brou^iu before e Rice os tho churga of criminal ?asauit upon ? middle-aged woman, Mr?. widow. Juati-. thouirht 0. ***** H ph to Jail. the prlaoner w ?.Ipuconib on a h md reiurn.-d to jail to await the in. March t;ii. Roy until lately, reaided In V. city. - Williams .1 trusted and tried brttk' is Branch rail* la) - form of! Station. Re was e;irry IriK a very b?mvy coll of win- ?hi ?tumble?!, and in falling broke hi? . hone. .< k. i.. * "hi. .-?oiiii i .itoiiii:i ? ?uiiii ?f habeas corpu?. but as. aKwi? ,. PSMIlBSJSSlSie f?*r Snsti < urollnn. WASHING were appoint .1 eb F. T. Cor bell. Close ol Ion, With the ed as qulcklj ami often members themaelvea do not catch ihe full b -arine of th? mi aaure. Then for? . In obJ??ctloi thiS bill 1 mUSl be lindel-' who gav? it their support ? Both the . t..; ami 1: me that In their judgment the Incorporation oi the town would be the best means oi pro? moting K<*i.| order at the place. || ??me,.1--,1 fac? that to have a monopoly of the gambling business in i: would be "f Immense value. I have given as much I Ible to parties 1 s. nting both sides of the question have read much of the roluminous n thai lias been ? for my coi ration. WILL B?PPRR88 LAWLESSNESS Th. r* ai- - to this bill both "f B. Constitutional and prudential nature. and I feel quite sure, with proper time inslderation, this bin would not have d either branch of th.- 1 ; . the moral or prudential reaeoi have bul little to say. It will ever be my duty to fullest every powei al mj command to suppress la \\|. kind. Whether or not it is the purpose Of this measure to create and ahield from out? side Interference a "Mont. Carlo" at tins or whether the parties designated as officers under this eh repu? table or dlsn pu table chai question 1 I ? upon 10 ' could not my approval lo h measure a -.lightest charge of unfltm and specially wh< n we should gl? - section mon In 1 plcion tecute the laws at aueh an important point. The Constltutl on R, for city or town officers under this 11 be fouth Thursday in and ' -. ! t shall enter upon th? (IrSl '. :: .-! Jul] ing." while this bill the election to be held on the Tueedaj the : . ivember. It is clain --ti..!! 20 ol article of the < ! matitul I rity la . for tlii.- extraordinary and unu featuri Th tugh I 1 ble to obtain the .pinion of ' In it, but viewing 11 Dom a I do noi think autho Ion z\. la the onlj one pre? scribing the time when county and town elections Bball 1?- held, and I think a maodatory provision. Surely be the opinion of thi I. It is ?onsi.ering the question of submit men Iment to the Constitution foi rig the time for holding reasons win tl bould have th< prrvilege of holding its . lections on an day than thai prescribed by .the Constitution of all other COUntli and towns in the State. UNNECESSARY IP NOT UNCONSTITU? TIONAL. The Code of iw cha] idL'i to i"iv providea fully for i! aatlon of toama I d 1 < <i\ - 11 for ?departing from It. The propo? sition to legislate officers " ,,iis town into office for a period of nearly four . which Involves the Ignoi regular elections, aeems to t. if not unconstli utlonal 1 ?ui Ins ih< time these officers thus hold their ofll the people Will be I Ins? tases upon tin m. Except upon the presumption that the le inhabiting the proposed town of lyn an- totally incapable of self government, thei. duel not seem t.. me any defensible reason why the General shoul 1 folsl upon th- 11. I four years a set of town officers In whose selection they are bo4 permitted to have any voice, and ol whose Btness ti;- General Assembt) baa had but little knowledge, and whom the peopl? reject under the usual methods ol popular eleel There is no ' laus? limiting or ruing the amount of sali molumeni tint may be paid and the ontrol of the funds of the town la In their hands. !.. ilo with ht. This la certainly a dangerous po The ataj or or the town la to 1 ... .1 ? ' .-. and Oi has Jurisdiction over all under 11"". The Sheriff and coi ndrla counts are forbidden to .my of their powers or duties with? in th.- bounds of this proposed town. How , ould pro? ? be - rv? .1 up? living in the loam when the amounl In controversy would 1 n, In cas.- the alayoi of the town ahonl guilty of m ilfeasano or 1 In office, before e>bal tribunal could he be tried? Again, the bill providei town may -.lei its criminal! lo th? of Alexandria county, pro? toarn such criminals. Sup : be tow n should minais than it has money to care for, what would it do with the nnmbei In e* This bill pertaining to the incorporation of the town, and at time limits the Jnrlsdlctl county officers EMBRACES TWO OBJE s ?i not embrace two objects, ami tie i- ' to Artielc Y, section If. of the Constltu There Is ? proviaion thai all in the town is lo ' counts provided 11 own roads, streeta, and schools and aup ils own po..-i. These ennui? 's uro not : '! of othei purpose 1 omn county, the cltisens of the lown of 1 lyn would 1 tempt fi om 1 isei levied upon thbse of ihe wiunty. This would be an unusual ol legislative pre in unconstltutloi Por these ?in.; ons that ml?h; ' th? ie.pi -: of the entatlve in tin H ou ?hat I would veto the bill, 1 am unwilling to tun- to s bill so full ol snd so fraught with poestbill turn It without mv Signatare, dly, J. BOOR TTUBR, nor. COLONRL BARUBT'B LETT] following is Hi?' l<:ter which Colonel r on the su Richmond V y Z3, ISM. To Hla Ei j. Hogs T 1 lu: ? l huv? aaauiu.. : .ln?ll?'<i Jiihn'a 'I'ri Initial. Th? case "f a. '. Johhson alls who was . 1111 obtaining I ami lodging un waa given a hearing in the Poll? Coui I ti rday nioi ning, bul linal hearing March 5th. Voi.i - aid to th? Court thai he was the son ol a travelling man. and had aired his ' that Mi" m. - tag? had not r? ached him. but would and he would receive money ' him lM ; \". |>. Woodward, charged with stealing an overcoat from J- O. Bur rough t0 ia'l '"i A.Iward has t.. en before the tribunal ol '"> many times . ing drunk, bul never before on the . ol stealing. o ..I,,r.-d) was charged with beim; disorderly In th? street, and Randolph V? with - W. n Harri and Bhed I The officers or th- Rancheeter are verj argent In their appeal for 1 ida ne,, of I h?- company at the Armory, corner of Hull and Fif'. ta, to-night. POT the past Week tailors have been k' for new uniforms for the piny, and it is (dated on all sides thai if war should 1 ome between this country and Spain the -Mar - .yS would DS or 111?- ' - of gallan I the train for Key West, then? 1.itp eat, and a . of signiiiean.-i | ' to this, it has no) been mi the Grays, but it is 'put. that Colonel And? Of Man. h bi iVe f'lloWS he COIjld l|..p,.,,| llM ?n 1 ncli *am bould rs 1 hem. No such good reason at - calls for a lull att. 11.Ian, , .,,, tin- 0 Sinn have bet 11 so Un] rerj man will be lu his pi DEATH AT BOTTOM OP \\ Kl.i.. Emm? tl Walk and d. idedly a charact? r of th i w. 'in. s.t.,y morning from th< ii To-Horrow? Dunlap" Hat Day. We open tin? s;ile for Jtich mon<i of t}?? faftlyeefobrRted -DUNLAP^ HATS, in SoHh, Silks, ftiid Derbys for Spring arid Bummer, 1098, TO -MORROW, February 26th. losfol Bitcl bo OORlillff I'its of hat-ar< hit?'c ture tlifv are. As for finali? ty?if you worn " Dunlai? - von can vonrh f<?r th;it. J AKTIOX SALK?U-Thl, |,.r. TAXE? FOU TH ST , , DAR TKAH AitE TO H?6 FAIfi RATA ?T THK VL.. Ei2. ' No*. I nn<l 7 north ?. TMt 0. H. BERRY & CO., j SOU AGENTS FOR RICHMOND, ? .MM.NANDTENTHSTS. t t ? R"R'iR>iR"t?if?iiS>>i#.iS>ii#ii#?i??iiiR \\ III. II' RE ( 0\l-'IIIMI-:i?f ? anasei m Osssnsnn Hall T?i-Muiii. An attractive musical entertainment win be ?riven at Corcoran Hall to-nlgjht for the benefit of [Tnion-Btatlon Ml chapel. Tin- programme, vari, d and inte? resting, will be B !;.ist-j:ii.l .Man? dolin Club; C H. Phillips fbj solo. "The Sword Of Hunker Hill"; H. <'. lected; the original "Kim? 's." Wilk Truman and W>i.-on Lon, in their latest sk-tcli. 'Oh! Aln'i He Rough"; .Miss, s Cav? naugh, eong, s ..I; ?3. o. Davl banjo-p club-ewingrtna, Mr. J. M Bales and dan_h \lr. Will Toi.r, tong, lelected; Har m.m and Hundley, Irish nketch; I End Quartette; W. D. Bykes, stump speech; fos and Gary, comedians; I'ro ': i and : ' i -11 > RogsrSi companlsts. BswthsMs ^???iiil ? lull. i! and Pleasure Club, Of Monroe and Madison war-; :/. d and opened its n. s BOUth Fifth stn-et. The club h rtalled the following frank P. Jone*, president; .1. M Hannan, Hrat nl : l?. H. Orlfllth, Mecond vlce ' nt; .1. T. Hanuist i rer; J. J. H. Brantle) ! to visit ill?- club tomorrow nlKtit. IS??1 Meellni? ?if llelir?-tv Hoirie. The annual meeting or the Hebrew Home for the ' Infirm nv?ii be held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock In the ment In th ?ill be sub : f..r adoption, and I on of officers and other Important business will ' Tall H?>?v I?, iiii Mitrrieil. h McP-den, an attractive and entertaining speaker, will dell\ the First Haptlst churcb to-night his hn on "How i . < ' i Marri'd and Then Be Happy." The le? tare is under th? of the I. Mwsi the church, and they hope I sttendan Ilr. >l?-<;iilri. Meiiilll? Improi liiur. Th-- tidings fmrn Dr. Hunter McQuire, who Is still at the Hoi Springs, are most gratifyins. Be Is Impi adlly, now walks about withoui the aid of either crutch or cane, and turn to the city. McUik-mm ?if Ilr. \ it iiiler*I ice. Rev. Dr. George C. VandersHee, | of Union-Station Methodist church, been quite pick since Rondajf, though his condition Is not such as .i inn. - pleurisy. of Inbailag poisonous cas at the bottom of b well be has been digging, w h m th? w .1 he was un and remained m until I w.? d whi n Bhnmeti -. well digger of ih.- community i terfleld Courthous?. in digging a well on Mr A. Horm r. Ir WBfl found some rock ob Lhe work after it |M,| proceed-.! ?om? ' d)ii.mut. was \?^<>\. *.>..n after the explosion W Ik? r was Ion into the ground to go on with h bul it soon became known to thoee at the surface thai something : cally wrong was the matter in ths square hoi.- below. Th.- deaf and dumb ms quickly drawn to the top, but was then found to be insensible, .v., furthe) restigatlon hsi been made, so ths gas inhaled by the negro Is still unknown. It was hardly carbond. >ne asphyx? iated in this gas readily recov? IS brougbl Into pur.- air again. He Would scarcely have lived tWO days with? out regaining consclo not full re? covery, If thus poison.-.1. However, car bondloxtde or carbonic quently found at the bottom of wells, specially old, Unused ones. KI'.N'KKAI. THIS A FTKKM l? i\. The funeral ?if Dr. William N Bronangh, eon of Mr. Joseph w. Bronsugh, Jr., of this city, who died reb? osan ' : irt idotm, win take place this afternoon l s from the Pr?s* iui church. T the church and grave will be conducted by Rev. Charles x. Van Houton, assisted by W. W. Lear, Bi .list church. Intemtent nil] be made in Ilollyw.I . folloaring young gentlemen have beea ill-bearers: or. William x. Dabney, of Baltimore! 11 F.-w.-ii Merchant h T. of Culpeper; J. K. Perdue, Jr., Richard T. Minor, R. B, Early, and Wil? liam R ' Thf remains of the young ph] reached : I irnlng from Harb nines via New York, and H from Hi" depot to Mm n ; ths family, d Tenth et PERSONAL- ARO BRI Mrs D. ?' Branch, of Norfolk, is in the city, the guest of ta Mrs. wii Mr. Vivian Robertson, of Amelle coun? ty, ?s the guest of his uncle, Mr. it. Btan* n. of Woodland Hall m a. Morgan, ths aged lady who was n ndsrsd unconscious Monday mil, Is much imp! Th.- circuit court of Chesterfield is still lOn and will be until Mr. H. a. Jordan, who has registrar of the Third Ward for s num bei of years, baa : iformed th? I thai he will i.e aaable to eervi this ward in ti. ome a citizen of tn Cond Ward. Ti) HAVH TWo OPRRA HOUSES. Rwnst'S A p po I n I me nt n? l-'eilernl liiilue for UeMterii \?>rth I'ariillna. WINSTON, X C, I-'.brucry 24. ciai.i- The Bsntha i it has informal ion from a reliable H C. F.w art will "illumed Ol United Bfates F? deral Court for W i .North Carolina District. It Is known in thai city, tl toi Butler has enough to prevent him fTOS lag in. Senator I'rii d through i it is l. anted dmltted to ,t fri.-nd that there was no hope for F wart. A prominent and well-informed Republi? can h.-rc thinks if Bwarl is d? President will name Colonel Jame? i making thi? prediction, he aaked: -Wonder it' Butler would fight Colonel Boyd's confirmation.rbls Republican i that Butler*? IWng lor Frit, hard to the Judgeshlp. "Hut I don t l>. he will succeed In this." said be. It was uggeeted to-day that Congi man Pearson a ible for Ba nomination lb need? help, as tin: poli? ticians say. In his district, and he thought Bwarl could do him some k<?"I predicted that s n itor Butler will fil charges and has Monday. rpHU.STKR'S AUOTIOB BA1 in rn .TH OK WHI' H rRIBCHKORN, BR.. Id ion of s d< korn and wif. i Chan?*? rv ' '.inn lTi. .i.r.init h.ivi' rn??nt of thi sell by suction descril to [ty off and d m lin- ?m?-* ?if the ??Uli. r?. \ , ." mu? 7 nirth Eleventh ?ti I'iMi'A v r*R?.*RUART al i a*? lock i\ \i the PROPERTY in* one undivided and tu the I in th?- city of It LOT OF LA PROVEMEI corner <>f Tweni ,' fronting on running . 2. HOT on north III b?'Kin. ??n - ti.-et and front back ' ' \A ft OP W Main and '! - frontlni? on Main I. LOT OF FAN' feelltll 15?-12 r * ' i f?-..t to :, I.? ?T < IF LA> Venabl? lei Un? a IS) T "F LAN1 . full deoth < ' TERMS: from January l" payments to o.ith Interest purchaser. 19-tdS the matter settled nvxt To Hell? Ihe in ban?. NFWi'i IRT NRWR v.\ f\ bmsi (Special ' Gov? mot Tyler to-nlghl pointed Mayor w. a. Pi I ' of the Cuban* He win organise the c<immitt< s night. Th" nn the dtj I inday In behalf of the starving Cul MORtTRff, Mt LEB, COWB, ?Sro. FOR BALE /TWO OR THREE GOOD HORSES AND MULES. Broad ?tn Ai'i'ly at fe law n Hy the Vsleni v HyTAflOOAVI WABDBOBR i>L CHIIPB l'K.-K. BBO-LO PICTURES MATTINGS I'AKI.' ?R f)RG VNS SPRINt Sell THIS lFri.1 < - i Ml 'liMV at ?air war- i t lock, I Vei Wardrobe, ??ak : ' l8x?M Mirror vice Sideboard, i Walnut Electric COU< : Odd \\ Co id ' and "H 1 ' .I H EMPLOYMENT WANTS. _ \\ iM'KI), IX A W HOL E* A F F rjLOTHINO for Virginia. North and Una. No one need apply rlenced on the road in and having itabllshed : \.idr. _ ' w \> i in. LPABUC AND EXPERIENCED SHlenman to travel \'\\-<< < 'arollna for an ? machinist and mlll-flupply house. ? ?ti.- win? can Influence employer, .\hlch must be for commencement. Adi (until i '.:,, Richmond, Va. \\ WTF.I). \c, WHITE WOMAN v\ n. th .\ i - .?- ' .- 11. . . .- .... . out by th>- day to waeh and iron, .nil,? applj at the Palth Home. ' AKTION BA?>M~?Tutnre De??. 1 s north 1 nth il TR?BE : HOB BA1 oi \ DESIRABLE MEDII TACHEU BRICK l>\\ Ni iRTH 1 i;i;r\\ i:i;x lkigh and by pub!i. Mr. T. F Taj i ' Of 'b. ' Btttj ' Clerk's Olllce. was very much worried Of on.- . bie young i>oNt-nmee Bebssd. COURTLAND, va., rshraar dal.)?Burglars blew <.?'ti the Ron ..r the post-otflce lc re last night and took therefrom abOUl ME ted, and the United States Marshal has wind that be ?rill come for bti i Bight Coughs That Mil are not distinguished by any mark or sign from coughs that fail to be fatal. Any cough, neglected, may cap the strength and undermine the health until recovery is Impossible. All coughs lead to lung trouble, if not stopped. Acer's Cfieprq Pectoral Cares Coughs "My wife was suffering from a droa?]ful cough. We did noi extxx-t that she would long survive, but Mr. R. V. Royal, deputy surveyor, hapfx?ned to bo stopping with as over night, and having a bottle of Ayers Catay Pectoral with him, induce?! my wife to try this remedy. The result wa? so benen'eial tlat she kept on taking it till she was cured. ' R. 8. BUMFHROb, Sssssj, Q? "My littlo daughter was tak?n with a dis? tressing cough, which for three years deiied all the remedies I tried. At length, on the urgent recommendation of a friend. I began to give her Avers Cherry Pectoral. After using one bottle I found to my great sur? prise that she was improving. Thrue bottles completely cured her." J. A. OUT, Trar. Salesman Wrought Iron Range Fo, St Louis, Mo. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in put up in half-due bottles at half price?50 cents. iiiiiiiiiiiu? I? >? *.* inirt If ?me i ii sal ?t II W ?-II-K IKMVII i'llKillNt. MstWFORT mows, va., rebntary H? It looks BS if Newport N will get tWO op BS t\\o cuin I'liiiies base anhonncad thslr intention of building theatres m the <ity. One of the ?tractores la to il i&o.uoo ami ths oth.r The work of excavating for one of the buildings han been comnu .Mrs. i-.uiiii.- Hawley has entered, through her i it. Benuni suit for divorce fr->m her husband, Bo i nth parties reside In this city. It has 1..- n reported that I v.-rn ni'-nt had sent "bUl I I the .\.'\\poit " Iiiii; and i nock Company to push to completion lbs ; s now being limit ler-.. This r.;.ort i? not true, and the tact <?f the matter is that the oompanj is hurry ins the government is possible. it m i p.n tad th tl Naval-Con* lor J. J. Woodward had i. orders from ths tttvry Department to keep a vigilant watch on the vessels, and not to let any ?tranger? k> on board ?>f them. Tins ord led a jrear ugo, anil has niw.iv- Been I'K'IK IIANZ1 AKHKSTKD. I'. t.- M n'/.i | i this city last Bight, and will btrbetd for the Ports? mouth authorltl? . ?s the pugillsl who roughi T? d w iiii -ms in Portsmouth Tuesday morning. In locaj sporting \ .11 know n. It will th membered that he parti u at..i in e prise* Oghl whi.h took ,:... al Po Novembi r. The matter w? - watils brought to the attention ..: Corporation Court, and tine Mils of In ni.-tin-nt won- found BgalBBi llansl i toi other lie. n dl in- condition of -Mr Chapi snot himself in th? i Hank last Monday, I? slightly bel II win he ten dai - Mr. Chapp. lie can I? SV? his home. Th.- work of Mowing up ihe snnkra ship W.viu day two i m ?n her hold. Th? i|-! - - w? ; Tun pound? -ach. . nd th I than l>y the tun "t th.- explosa I> >? Mill H?, x ? ?I l HlN-llll I. BUST. w \nn:n. A TOUT? WH<> MAS HAD SOME KX perience In shipping, to make ont lulls . t lading, unl< ] own handwriting, Pos? i city. \% \n i n. A GOOD WHITK OIRL, ABOUT IS years old, for gro<*ery ?toi home Irl. AUOl'BT v < int. am snot. Fulton, Richmond. \ a _ w \vn:n. BY A r/OUNG MAN. PRIVATE IN* ?tructlon in Hook-K- pin?:. Add statin?; ti rms, B. M . _ \K APPLICATIONS Ul. h from bustn<MM-m< the office of th for Its students to tak?- posii Special new building discounts ?fteren bright young people temporarily, ?'all or write for particulars. Op) Hail ." Iw?) ment piii d MOND W. FKIMir | : If., all ti: ' LAM I, w.i h thi and oth-r imp th.- wi >t Une : wide, running th and fronting on the ? h.i'k I.. ! w TERMS: ( any taxes due ii of JJ.lltlU. Wit I 111'- rjf puyabK mann? I their fai tlon, as the trus-. .1 | \* \mi:i>, ITKLLING BALESMAN TO SELL line of Lubricating on the tn Liberal term? to propel part) \ THE ATLANTIC REFINING COM? PANY, Clevelai (> 17-Ut It) II~BBI M w i I, \\ IITBD, TO PURCHASE STEAMBOAT, o d freight : low ? to i. n mil? p< r hour. Addn sa (' H of ltlchmond Dispatch, Richmond, _ w w nio, it'?A It Id-: U.S. ALSO, TR 1NBIENT AND Table ltrlKht Itooms. Apply to M A HERBERT w \\ it:n. TO CALL AM? BE BJPPLIBO with 3T FUEL .IT RED! CED PRICES AN rHRACITK, SPLINT, 1'OC \n?i> ! IRK CRELK AND GAYTON COAI K and CONNELL8VILLI for Si m iL B?JTA u ?. i Pmn i IALB \ lit?.IM \ III, % II (?Ml?, s \l I TEN i: kltih.-n. Suitable hoardii. I. AND T\\ FOR MM. ?t I I ?Ht Ul \ I FOUR i I i on bi : WM.K pi d I f'> 11-1 111 FARMS MONEY WOOD?I ?'. I II? rupiu-U) of th?- i"nn? win Doulileil I in air <llnt?'l> . : \.\.. Ket.niary The Lynchhnri Cotton*MUl Cosspaay, now ons of the- largest enter? prises of the kind In th?> South, will tak? Immediate step? to double the pi Itj Mi Max Oaggenhelaser, pri si dent of th,- company > that the .lenirtinl for their produ? : that an enlargement of the establishment i : tain W. '/. a popular at iorfoUi and Western rail Motile HarrUon B< u ! The Broom Is nearly I ti,,- brtd? u \\ i i:d, ' : Y \ m i ? lam A.Idi mlngt_fe ?)-iw 9 t Ml 111. ENCOI'RAOK HUME ENT1 b> giving us ><iur orders for II and Ra< In? WI to order, on short notice All i: Work don?? al our fa 'ain Street THE i; i : ann ax cil AI, BSTATI \?.in PS. ami ? m PB 1 (JKO. B.(KA?I osa. George E. Crawford cV ?Co, ?O.*! B?Bl Mum .sin HrOMBB?. < l.iri'IM.. Hi '.- . . CLIPPED AND ('LI S LEONARD H? cllpp. :_* employees all believe In ? ir Bull's Cough Syrup, ih? m?t) standby. LOST, STIIUi:i), AM) I Hi mi. NOTICS lc.ilion will In |n- to PON ?ON isiature ..r Februm 189?, th?? ?aras having be. i- - gS HUM \MI>. S? RA? BD 'K"M .\n 11. c a \\ HITE SETTER PUPPY, tin montha old. The . . lt,| win t,? ?iven if ri'turne?! to v [,, ??{ D. PROM MY K KSI lu.-. 8MALL i.l.AiK 8 BITCH Answer-? tu name of Hl mix around | blaoh !i"n rlnx". d if icturucd w Dr. W. II COlltl UltDSCMS ma in riiK ; RICHMOND, v OF Ja NT v iv Hollad ' I ?d Ihe .lion .?I..I I ' * IN ' : Y The object of ; l const ruction ?if t.. s toi to pr? A u;:kc. \la. he i Dillard papers tor i