Newspaper Page Text
THK RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1898._ tu.tMMMMllM^^OMM.? lll??M?tf?l j It's a Great i Occasion ! | THIS WONDERFUL I Over-Valuc-Giving Sale i OF OURS. { But the rule that every season must bear its losses is inflexible with us; i hence these prices : ^ *^ 1^y I'll,, clinic.' (?! ! < "ir--ii'i?-r?'s. ?'hovi??ts, ! JX ?gj ?y* y Brighton Tweeds, l.?-nl Derb) Mixtur?*? <-ut in \U* f ^L |?Bk. > iiurl?' ?i??l Doiil)!?' Breasted Sucks, tlutt Were ^L i*-a In ^1 good value* al $13, tlO, nml $7.00, an- now of- _|% ^_ y %y>mJ tie.l m FIVE ?DOLLARS t|/*??*/ x a have the unrestricted choice of 272 Suit h i ..f <?l R <?\\N M \M-: sine-l?' and ?Double i Suck Suit?-, iiiii?!?' from ?the ni?i-t relia- , Me fabrics; lit splendidly and i'nultl?->.-l\ trim m?-?1 . Suits thai have been (S20 nnd #15 ?per ?Unit, SINE DOLLARS \M> FUI \ the price to clean oni il e '''-t -?'Hers ^^?SSB_________________| $9.50 ^^^^^^^^1 A GREAT TROUSER SALE, j Two hundred ?andaixt) pairs : 20 kinds AlAv?? !i!Hi?livc!;ni(lsiM\ paii'.s;-" Kinns a^ . _ /"*__ to select from : pood, honest materials . U ? I I *j well cut, properly trimmed; were$2.60, ^1 ?|| S22.1 nntl#2; are now ONE 0?LLAB l|71#nrU i AND FOBT? Ci.NTs. T * BOtio Jniiulr.'?! nnd ciulitv-six ?pairs of . ,. remainder pf twenty-two adn??*-*?| fifi j lots i ami $4 & *o bow at \ / IIII 3 TWO DOLLARS . t^-eWeU" J _ - - - J C Nearly four hundred pairs Pine Clay * Dts. thai wi ' and $5.50 eftr^A f* f\ 1 kinds, now TWO TOLLABS ANDF1TTY % I k| I ; All-Wool K.-i*-? v Overcoats, and fino c'tssiineiv-liiicd at } tlls,t. worth - ili.r with aliundrt'tl ormiti?' J , two, three, or four of a ?kind, that have _b* am f\/\ 4 been ?selling and are worth from ?$8 to ?-?lo, ?go in tlii? I H E POLLARS. $5.00 i NOW HERE'S WHERE THE PRUDENT MOTHER MUST SCAN CLOSELY. : ?Knee Pants, all the small lnts of ?'? ?. . s*a paw X and now at TWENTY-BTVE L^lC* KTS. ?^VI I -,-1-___?? ? Think <?f one dollar and fifty cents ?_*iv- ^^ I ing you the choios oi all the ?small lots of ?fi^ I f??F ?f\ X Suite, values up to $8.50, bul most of them t^M ^\\ ?9 3 t $3 and $2.50 kinds.,. M^_#v_#Vr Two hundred and ?sixty Laundered Waists, the dollar grade at 1'IFT .- CENTS....1.| 50c: Only 11 doMS ?Unlaundered Waists?4?Sc grade, OUTS DOW at. 23c. i Fauntleroy Waists (soiled), $1.25 and $1.50ones . .eas___ia__B___i^ass___ia__s___i 25c. : ?Un?derwear for Boya, m<? l2yearaof age,slight i mu? wi'.ir mi' jio.vs, ,-*.u> r_'v?arsoi age, slight- -IF 1 ly soiled- prie?' lias been >1, now. __-?3Ce f Tes I ?or Childres 1 to s yean ?low ll>-1. Gray, and Brown; oott ?' _>''"_ *** ?f\ t it TWO I >OL- 7S/ ^11 t LARS \M> I'M W < ?Als . M^__r#v_lFVf ?J A.SAKS _ CO., "SAKS' CORNER." : humimmmMtMimm ttrt1111 n h n n t m m it ?AII.I. I'l RGB THEIR HULL. I.e.- Caaig V.l.?I??? n H?-s??lu?l?iii l.ook liiK l?i Til Ih I'n?I. hait. Tb? i nun. ad? i .roe the ?i.-,.m ,.f ? Moon ited thai tl which was adopted : ? of the ?*lty of Richmond b? in), with a copy I Iv th? I-eglMature Februari - the That th? . with ?miar action i:i th. ir I III I'ltl-OMIt ?II /I.MM. Thla Spli-ndltl Play l4r????.?iii?.,| Her?* h> m **itr?uiit Cesepaay, When Anthony Hope .-, : its flrti iner of Zen?. lit lliat it w?iuld i itfht forth this "" "'' laut s*en as the bosu? ttudolbh. ?mi ; acting of the character is u , ,,,. with his polished art und man. bell i and -Mis?; , < afl Xntol . both ??f whom .n.- great its strength. A matinee rno performai IliKht .'los, S He lit. \t Monday and Tuesday nlghti with a matinee oti the latter day. Dlgb*. Hell, supported by Laura Joyce Bell an?: mi his latest flattei Ing succ? is, "The Hoosl? r dy-drama "f written by Augustui Thomas, aui the titie role Mr. Hell is cone d.-?l by th? hiev? I tin- d : Mrs. (.'entry linpri?*. Liu. A. C. Btrj . Of ISO south Lite k- .,i' ? y morning, which ? a! tlrst was QUltS serious, but '< . Improved last night moth.r of th, [ate .; "-. ?pular tieuspaper man In hi:? day, and is .. Hebrew H oui?' \ s..., in I Ion to Meet naual meeting of th.- association . ,i in the lb-brew Home for th? ,i Infirm arlll i?.- b? i?i at Betfe iyncgogue to-morrow .; presiden! Henry s Huts ; ami Mr. Isaac Held, tl .. ni be in attendanoe. Meeting at the Measaarlal " ?? ? let-?-. rate M? moi: ! Museum, " s. v. ral matters of lm R . ittended to. Th? A Venerable MmUt.-r Dei.,I. I ibly the minister in this ; n la hi about 10 o ,. I 1-* Hudson He | m for a Mi Wood roof . all. d their ..f tin- Mountains. i.d work for .he Mask--.. A STEADY BATTLE. IHK ?U'l'IMH'ltl \ Tlll\ BELL HAS TO nui I i:\ lim im NO IMPORTANT CHANGES MADE. In the Seme of rwn.laiit Oppoalll?>n, ?In? Mensure Is He line forced Tlirot:ali In 11s (iriulniil Form? Man) L.m-iiI mil? Passed. The day ii ?! yes tmat without distinctive . the continu? ?n or ths appropriation bill la the House. The ?Bght ai-aiiist the reductions was very ib lernilned, but the flifht for the bill was Just as stroriK, tin?l It was Changed In Magls Important particular. Thei Ighi session of the 11 but only local bdls wsrs passet, J which thsrs was no ?lebate. The m?>st imp?t tant of th<; bills j> by th g "M th.- I'llch.-r bill, b v\ - ing u tax on nets Uf-e.l in fishing, which was. hoVever, amended b par? ticulars The constitutional convention ball was p tponed until to-?lay, when it will up at 1 o'clock as th rd.-r. Tln> Day In Hie BwOMtO, '1'h- aveaed at ll o'clock, and the ppenlng prayer was dispensed with, WblCh h is !.. ell the i Mr. M.-llw .ine reported from tbe Com? mittee on "Tiding for a uniform law on the SU] of negotiable Instrumenta n? sai?i tin bin was framed on tin- lines suggi i.y th..- American Lar Association ssverel years ?ago, and was the hubs bs tit* now in for,-, |n x.w York. Connecticut. Florida, and Colorado, and S Slmllai was expect,,I to shortly p nlte.l state- The law, be ?mid, mil? .1 th.- law ..?J "Snglsnrl oil negotiable paper, but had b? n ? a t.? ?.t tingulshed English |u Mr. McllwMne moved to peas the bill und? r n of thu rules, bul. In r - Mom Mr. Wlcl I lid that num.-r.ius sections of the Cod? would be repealed by th.- tot, and as tie 01 enumerated In the bill he consented to allow it to go over until .. v. ie n a romps nl. -, ting forth th- t* cUons repeal. .1 win submitt? I. r 8 bill v, authorizli, ommlsslon the last session to secure uni? formity ..f laws by working In With the commission from Lar As-..?, lation. The bill Intro? duced by -Mr. Mcllwalna : lit of the lab? rt ot thia commission. N \'!i; BILLS PARSED, motion "f Mr. Lowr* taken up first, and the following powers Of th?- Richmond 1 ny. To I Me hepungo Bridge Compai , ,tnao. : the protection ?.f Rame in An. countv. To luthorise building and oda? tions to changa trust? To incorpor?t? the Qrayson and Carroll Railroad < !ompany. Abolishing the office of Register of th? Land Office. To allow thi qualified voters of 1 Haven to vote on question of r<?>?-ni of .barter. To t wild w To protect turkeys in Accomac and N11111 To with the necessity I motion for a Dsw trial In T.? prohibit th- s.d.- of Cider at Palmyra, in Flu inty. To Incorpor?t? the Portsmouth and ifleld Railroad < 'ompany. To incorpor?t'* the Home for N< Women To submit question of hog law t.> v 1 omac county. To ?-i.i-.v. 11 to er.- t a Wharf. mes P. K. Waning. For the relief 0 Lind li? f ol .lam? s L. Adams. he rcli.f of Thomas J. PieMer. Lor the r a whom. For til. reib f of A. P. Cook For the T* llllam I. Hurt. To authorise Issuing by Portsmouth t railway of stock. To ' the town of C be to raili To incorporate the Old Point C? D Coll? . To incorporate th.- k Whe? 1 Club. To authorize the Governor to appoint commission for the promotion of unifor? mity in legislation In the Unit? For the relief of W. W. W< bb. To suthoi .- ' he ? k>v< 1 nor to ?grant s condil '?tin? d in th- ry upon tin- recommenda? tion ?>f the Board of ?Directors. To incorporate the Virginia Central Fair and AgrlCUltUI Farm Rail? way ? "mi any. P01 the ! Hi f of B. it. M? To pr..te< t ,,\?. To establish a circuit court for Buen? Yista. F??r ibe r.-lief of George W. Williams |.-.,r the rellel of Bamue] i.?., k.-tt. T,, the Mutual Benefit In 1 'ion. To allow s pension to Sarah Right. ?low a p.-n-ioti to Mrs. EltS Grady. 1'H an of the < ode. To limit Board of 8 Ingham count' HOUSE BILLS PA88 To amend lotion to terms ol Supreme Court. To tion 12439 le in ads. Mr. I.- tch? ft bill requiring the I fldai to d- ' ' printing he Sim.-, aloe ami the bill was recommitted. TAX ON PIBH-NETR Mr. Boyktn made an sernest speech In favor of the am? ndm? ?us, which h? - ub n.itt.d to the Pilch, t bill, Imposing a tax on pound and purse-l "'I1* r dshln Th? chief am? n? : Was : applying to thosi 1 ,r then- own. consumption. Mr Liai. he should bill, l"I Ie- did II"' 'Hid, 1, visions. II. ' ?Id In bad m-v.-r I known a flsh bill to be r.f.-rr. .1 I Ibis , e,.u.-. begsn with the r. The tiiii was | IN.-'I L.\N? ?: BILL PASSE1 T'V. The special ami continuing order for _?th Bous? bill : previ nl fire-insurance ? omp tobtnlng to pul up rates was passed by until to-day, i similar motion with regard to the tltutional convention blU from Mr Withers in op? position, and on.- equally warm from Mi : in .. h ocacj, The niotk.11 was car a vote of 0 CHANGES IN BCHOOLr?BOOKS Mr. Opl< spoke at length la favor of nl to prohibit changes in school books, other than histories, until th ? shall nave be? n used four time adopted for uae. This was not lb original torva ol the bill, but i< ?h inged i? ii; by an amend menl Mr. PI.I, Mr. ? ipl? one oi the groateat hardships which i i lents bad to ' I h* ?ll Bin up >'i their | buy l.,?.ks for their chil? dren ntly in ord? r to keen up with the , onstanl ;'i. | made in text ?books. The bin wa& ordered to its ut. NO CROSSING AT GRADE Th? i the bill ric and other street railways from . ole. Tills conclu.1. d the .alendar. bills w- , bills were then taken up. Mr. Claytor opposed the bill requiring is from Roanoke t?> be taken lo Richmond for trial In the Buprem? Court, ol of to Wj t hevtlle, iter and ? litigants would be Increased. Mr, M the bill, as did Mr. Muuford and it w i.- passed. Mr. Massle bad pass..!, under sui sion of ?i.- 11 relating to the working of ti?. ?..el - In .\- , tv. The bill to requir? tb State Library to i. k? pi ?i' n from '. A. M to .' p. m Mr. Munford, and p l hus:>. tub ? ? ill? Tbe Sena?.- a.ijourn lock. Ilona?- ?if Dflrita?. v The House m to order at 11 A. M '?y Bpeaker ityan. Thsrs "was bo pi l p,,n motion of Mr. Jennings, of Wash Inijton, the np??ia| ?arder was i????-? until 12 o'.'iiicK. in ordtr that th< ?-alenda might iw cniieii |? the moan tin" - ?. I? measures as causeil ne op?posltiO could I??. ,i|a,?,....i ,)f A remiliitlnii wu offered by Mr. Wintern-?, snd sdcpt-M1 provMlng thiif when the appropri?t! Mil wit ?taken up llv? minutes i ?owed aiiv member In which t?> off>r an? ?Ilsen?-?? un aineiiilment and tlv<- mliuit.. I??- snowed tii.. opponents <?f su? h amend ment 1 aptaln I'ark* offcro?l a r?solution win? h was adopted, providing that ?srhei 'hair wa,s vacated at 1 10 I? ' ?umt-d ut 8 P. m . ?,t whi.-h h?,iir Iocs C ?11.-.! ?it? until ?'SO I'ft.r whlerf the appropriation 1.111 should TURNPIKE ni?vi.,: TAX. Mr. s. s. Thomas nur, >_*] tc authorize turri|?lke c-OJBpsnleS to lmpo? and Ilx tolls on bicycler?. The m "that it shall he lawful f??r any turnpike companies, duly ?liait? i??i l.y ths Iswb of tais Bute, to lm?poas s t - 11 in?! exceeding .*. cents f??r ?secll srbeel on for trav? i ovi r any lect?on ??i inil?'s of th-ir ?respective roads, and In proportion for 1- ?n of ?five miles." I following "relief" hills IntfO* Hy Mr. Palmer: ?Jnr the relief ?i! ford s.ittertleiii. Loulra Beamster, B. L. \\ inn. ?and ?Hague in?. By Mr. ?'. ,i. Campbell: For the : of Thomas II. Shi?. I? r. ?By Mr. ?Cardwell: For ths rell-t! ?jf \v. H. Oardner. PlaACBD ON TMK ?-ALRNOAR. Til? followini; h?ls v>? i-- in? t ...?n?'.-'l. an 1, iin.ler suspension of the ruh'H. piara the . alendar: ?By Mr JenninKS. of Lynchburfr: To ? halter lile Hill C?ty 1 v< il? Il 1 Relief it?ull. ?By Mr. ('arrett. of Henry. Tu extend orporate limit- ??f the town <?f Mar? tin ?\ni?-, in Heni., county, Va. B] Mi. Jordan, ?n To quiet Hie title of that certain lot in Hi?' of Wtnchsster known as the old <'ath?.i?? snd to provide for Hi?? removal of '.he i. in ilii- .:,' rrsd tie r.iii ami thl I ?1?- of sal?! lot Hy Mr. I'ow.-ll, ..f Newport ' amend and re-enact an act ??f th? i ?relating to the appointment of survey,,r and superintendenta <?f Hi? poor u I county of James ?City. Hy same: 'i<> amend an a? I t" "ellas ? lawful f.nee f,?r the county "f Wanrlck. Mi Walk, > au? thorise lbs toara of Fsrmvllls t?? gi twenty-flve-year franchise ?"<> sny Incor ?i railroad ? om?pany to lay ti ?tc. ?along Hi>- publl? raid town. By Mr. lint.!??', ??f I'm To i?. unit residents of thla Btati '?? capture wild water f?i\*i in Laps ??r nets in ?the county ?.f I'rlni-e O ?ir?,'?'. By Mr. smith of Northampton: To el ! . .|ualiiie?l ?.' '? is ? !' ' 'apevill" Magisterial ?District In ths county of mpton. to vote on s fence law. By Mr. Parka sion bill. ?This is 11 THK aPPROPRIATION THI L. ?PrompUy al ?Boon the appropriation bill tak.n up. Mr. ?Parker object* tii?- appropriation "f 11,000 f??r the salary >.f tiie lecelvlng ?and forwarding d '. He ti? the duties "f this clerk wars simply t?> the Audi! to th? i i ',, 'l ? i?, amend tie reducing proprlation t'r??m UM9 to IJaO. Mr. ?nderson ?asid that this ofBcei only set? i ?a messenger, but <li?l clerical Mr. Reddy opposed maklns any i tion. The man who ?Mied ths offlce had held the ?position for s number of ? ami thoroughly understood his business Mr. I'.iTk? r's am? tidmi 111 by a ?rote ?>f n to ii". THE CAPITOL ?POUCE. Thi appropriation of ?14,330 for the ralari? ?\ policemen at th? Capitol. Mr Campbell, <?f Amherst, offered an amend? ment, ?making the approi riation I This w??iil?l make the salary f??r these officers i''? per in??nth, and th;it amount ufflclent. il, ?li'l not think a ?police? man h the Capitol ahould receive more ,i'l at the i nttentiary. Mr. Cralg though! ? too much foi i to tot erre. Mr, Jaaaes ?Mann ?also opposed the amendment. Mr, Withp'w sai'i the special commit? tee hul recommended thai four Coi I , : a- polic? men, ury of *i" per month, and uniforms a year. He ?ii?i not ?see thai mure than four ' and he thought th?ry should be vetei commended by the com? mittee. *>?'-'' W thi ? a amen I? l?r. Winston said he ?was ?rilling I? anything in the world for the ?? nefll of oldler, ?bul Ing Mr. w t.e ?loinc an i' ! M IdOWS Of Vet, Mr. Campbell's am. ndment was then ro? gna Mr. Witt,' tut". ?>!"> vlding that th.- appropriation shall a nit thai four abl? i tilers shall he appoii positions on the Capitol i oil? be ?allowed, In addition to their two uniforms eacb ten pre Mr. ?Taiir objected t" the iatt?>r amend in the ?ground thai it wa l?gislation. He ?ii?i do! care whether old b? Ing : In office ii was ?bad policy to -?? ii an amendment Tin; AMENDMENT DEFEATED, pending queetlon was railed, and Mr Wi'iii dment wa - rote of M l Blaki :: ad, Blenton, ?'.'irrir,-. "iripliti Churcbi ?ke, ?Dai - Early, Bmbrej McClanahan, M m? r. ylor, TI.?as. Turn,t. ru:i?in ,i. W. Williams, Wilson, Wlthrow, nul \?. ' looker. Browning, C. .f Cam raiK, Digga Duk? i ' wick, ?Fltspetrl? k ' ."-?es, Galleher, < : ? tl Oarnett, Hi?''<s, i.i'iiis. < . n Jet lagu? Murph ? ?u.U. Para 'ow< II, Reddy, Saund? ; lharlea Smltl ? v\ ilk? - Sllaa H \\ alker. w iVellford, Wharton, Wlllard, William ?: Williams, and Win REFERENCE T? CONFEDE? RATE?, Mr. T. D. Jennings offered an amend OVidlng tha? Sbll -l""li '! ? l'-rate sol?! ?i the preferenc? ppolntmenl Mr. >_mbre) thougbi such an smend i). nt would endanger the mire appropriation hill, a< he had no thai such a provision wa Hitllli0ll.ll. If Hi" i' on this question, it should do , resolution, and no! bj i lav ?.?i the ?subject Mr. Thomas ?said 'hat a ia?l gotten ??ut i I* III thS Old ("'?lite?! lu ale favoi ?if anything that vould benefit th?-- veterans, ami he was n this instance. Mr. Jennings's amendment was then ?lac? il ?t. ?1 by :.?! as follows: Blakemoi ..?i. ?"nail, s 'P. Bland. Caldwell, Carter, 'arringt t?. Churchn 'ooke, Karly. Else rston, Kltz ?africk. Hale. Tipton 1' i, Love ,,. McClanahan, Minier. Newbern? 'aimer, Quesenberry, J. P, Smith. Btoner, .I'ir. Turpln, ?j II. Walker, Wnarton, .1 ,\". Williams, Wilson, Wlthroe Ulen, Anderson. H.-rry. loas, Honker. Browning, Buford 'aini'ii. II. Thomas J. Campbell, ?arnall, i ik> Embrey, Folke-a, iallaher, Qarrett Qarnett Qoad, Unison. Hicks, Hobbs, Ivej C H Mann. Mur? ker. I'arks. IVissfiioi .., I'..?? || teddy, .- Smith. Ipratt, Turner, V" Harding V'alker. Wellford, William <;. Williams, \ in? and Wlnrton?IS. Mr. ?Parker object?^ to providing for wo Janitors, on? i"??i tbe basemen! offices ml one for the ^all- I ss, ami m ulke out the appropriation of ? he latter snd require the form, i .n i to ii?< entir? ?building. Tl.. HAVE N<? ENGIN1 Mr Maupln moved to Insert an ln?le endeat Une, providing thai UM I be Capitol. Thai ,.>iiion . sbollsbed by th? aenl ?>f ?some time ?ago. This Mr. Maupln th?-n offered anothi r amena? ient ? resting ths oft? a si I ker thought that ?*d**Bply he, au? limitent was a I ...n \?hy a ?i?. ii .il ti.- made. The second of *?> to 43, constitutional vote being r<-<iun Browning offered an am? ' !? fur the Mspointmenl >.f .? n?i*ht n.m tot the I'ourt of Appeal?, g] alary ?f MHO annually, as . nt | ne watehinun Is required to utter??! to report He Tb? Roysl is Um ?M-jkost grada bsfcls? pawdctr kMttn. Actssl teals s?*k?w it fsss ana third turtfc-ir thss any otbsr bread. POWDER Absolutely Pure soYAi ?WKiN-a power? ro., srw yosk. entire Library building. The am? n.l iii'-nt ted. The ?hair wa< th? L, the hour having ai i \ Lang Main Session. Tho chair w lock. the lir.-t i Ion of the nt ?'..lierai Ass? mbly, snd th? nee was as large and the Interest, not to say confusion ?nd disorder, fully as ?.-teat as at the ?lay session i. Al thlfl became so great tllat ! had to >? ral mlnuti s rapping for order, and then otilv partially securi ! 1?. ; Mr. Campbell, Of Amh'tst. moved to pone the special order?consideration of the appropriation bill--in order to tak? up uncontested local bills. Mr. Willard op and Mr. WitbrOW advocate! the motion, which was adopted. A number of Mils wer? this man? ning the next hour. Th?- Senate bill prohibiting the Imposi? tion ?.t a lie. use tsx .?n H > publish? ... ..f which Sen.r M? Ilwslne th?- ?patron in th, Senate and Mr. Charles T. Bland in th- n among tho. SENATE nil.i.s PASSED. 'I',? : providing f'-r ? ! ir,-: to "'" ? I pap.:- of cao T.. am.-tid ami re-enact sub I ,.,,,?? n 5 of tin- ?'ode. with r. t,, the construction - T,, amend and re-enacl section us, or Code of Virginia in r? latlon to va cancies In county, corporation ana uis trlcl ' ' , 0, T,? confirm the title ;' the v, Audi. .. in tim ? ounty of Nruns wi,.k ,,, n re "f land upon whi.-h - u,i chur? I '? "f I-',4V' '. ill'" luthorizlng the B of Charlotte county to al? low th.? jailer compensation for fuel Bur? nished. , . , ._.. amend ind re-enacl Code in relation to the M imon Council, finance, city officers, and to s la an Independent section to cb an a.-t entitled an ad to pro?. 1er for the city of P IS am.nd. d by proved April I January 25, 1890. To r? li a .- the title of the < ommon w. .?til to land "?nty in the nain.- of H? nrv R pur the Commonwealth al sals of delinqu? To protect black bass and p in tbe Rappahannock river ami tnbu taries above lid? authoriz? "'''* n V1 county of Rocklngham to u thP , ??g to th- appointment 01 M and r? - ,h.. , ;. in rel ?tion to Int? rl . _ i Incorpor?t? Rallr? iny. To In? o ?nd Mr Railroad Company. 1H ?l SE PILLS PASSED. To entitled an ict pro? viding rorking, op? ning, and kei p Int? in repair the roads In the i Brunswick, Nottoway, and Amelia To am? nd and re-enacti ictlon 3922 of he entitled an acl touching tl L- 1 ? .loll 'k . V Wyna ' :1IlU fr,'m : .1 ro- ~r To amend and r? th.- c,?|e of Virginia In i to the er of the l. , ?. To authoi !/ the sup? n laors of Kim Willi U 'nt*>-*! to ,,mM 'l t nag munkcy riv-r ut or \, n ? '..-'I. Perry. To amend an I in approve, February i 1892 entitled an act to ..mend ict chapt.-i for th? P,n- , .,.?? . To am.n.l and the Code of Virginia as to paymenl ol witnesses In misdemeanor cases, pro? viding nor nior.- than thre? witnesses shall id In any iirt- , '!',, am? nd and r? , ode cone? rnlns harbor piasters and dock i !in'{ to p] -,pointing p-OWer with tl Governor. , , , T.. modify st lining the criminal Court of unty I our county of Fred rick, ,! -Sln chester and county ??f Frederick, the Cod '!'r,,s of ,,f fiducial thorize the - M '>'" ,{U trict. In Patri'k count: M the vid.- for the appointment of vlew . n ,.,.- tun tell roads in the ounty of Frederick. ... nd and I rd to the appointas? ?it T.. make certain lln? Patrick B* ? 4 chapter In relal "' hy "*-**** " m. di? in?-. [" Cpehur M mg ,,id records of th? county ?f Northam) _ . . I phon ? '''pV.'v. nl placing ol riubiic r. ounty of P 'to C?UU in?' of Jerusalem voting precinct In Southampton county, to o.inland VOt # _. tion <?f part ii quail in. Pittsylvanta county. end the '?4,i "f .ill... in Henry cunty. ' to provide for ascertslntng and pub lifhln? a statement of the annual i ind disbursements of the .'?milt: -it?, s in the Commonweslth V.. amend and re-enacl sect...-, I? of n,,. ?-...b- of Virginia to permit three '? i?..,i truste.-s for even school district In the county of < 'rail?. - -nd and I selllni Honors when i .o??a?ue/.land, Accomac eminty. ?ervatorAftl i ? _M? of To amend and i the code of Virginia. In rolatlon to erar? ants for small claims'". To amend and r? V f,, mi entitled an i "l" "" .,,?1 ex mil Rallro To .m, nd .nd i the Cod? "f Virginia In relation to ". ri il of an issu? oui ??f ele"1 ' .,-,, .,,?, t an a? i ?. i-?. bru iry I UM, entitled an acl horlse and empower th? laors of r.fui,ditlK thS count., the penalty of the f the County Tresaursf of aukusiu To laeerporats ths DM Polai I 'ollege. _ , ,, Itng river. In Cami?b.'!l ounty i lawful I ,, nd the -iiirdin?- the i which the citisens of ubscrlptlon to To rell? Ihelterlng Ai u-,..r,t .t the Inheritance I the hunting ??f Rame In mice . ; unty. 'ii.- criminal jurisdiction of oorts of Richmond d.lish a circuit court for Bristol. u court for Irlstol. Marter of the Mineral ? vuipanv ting the fee? of jail '. to.) Por the relief of John Qutney Adssee, if Amherst ...unty. To abolish s toll gats on I'ry river. Th.- H i motion of Mr, Adjournment was taken ut 11:06. Brass? Tw sa? s s ?s? s vi aa??*-*/'?*???. Thf fnne ol llnrt Tirmlnn l???l In >llil ?aseeWS < ??niil) l??arl. S"l'?i:\toNT, VA.. February Thin 1h the third day o? th<- - ruary term ot t?hs ?Middlesex County ('?nut. The case of th?; Coiamonwealth against H. F. Hurt was given to the Jury at 1 o'clock, and the c?mrt t??ok n i. of half an i ? ?ame in ?with s ; Kuiity <>r ill and ?battery, and im?,?,s. ?i g One Hart bstSg a liad "auch to ?i?, with th?- ?leniency of the jury. Tin? ?a.-, of \ M. s.i.ii. r. charged with ?aiding h_ in BhOOttag at Harks on the ?*>**_ ..; ?."?iiiier laat, ?was ?.?u? ?i. ?and his eouneel, Mr. ?Robert McCanndllah, declared to the Judge that Mr. Sadler bad lately trie* commit sali Ids, .itir-.-iy un! testify cith-r in his own ??.half or that of his. son ?and -'oii-iu-Iaw. win? wer.- joint? ly Uadieted with him, ami thus Induced Hi" Jmlir?. t.? i ?rials until the next term. Mr. Jones, th.? Commonwselth's Attor* i a nolis proeequl in th* i of Mrs. B. A. Stiff, his principal wil he .Iu?i?/e refusing t?' tinue th?- casa Th.- ???urt then ?adjourned until ?tits n.xt r.t;ii! ir t?rm. PB0SPBRI1 v in m:\i\\. Jinny New Mo lldiiiu s to l,o I p? l.o?*nl Opllon Klcclloii. Ii:XIN"?iT?)\. '!*)" H'l? k<> into bins?, a- ?-?reparations i i?.,m ?aomi I Th.- W. I,, i ',,.,!?? h,,<is.- .1,1 I loi "" Main ?ni|. i??'il for UM9, t?v William A. Andf-rson, tal Dlstrli t s? hool ?Board, having Burplus ?funds ?.'i ?hand, li.-*>. Clded ' ? tie- dis? tri'-t i w?i we? Its Ion t. im for runnini oun Thls will rnak?' tlie ?schools in th.; ??strl. : M Hure will be much build i is evil* there ?are not a I nifled tti.-ir int? ntlon t?> put up : and if all of tinm m iterativ. Il will ? . ity with the build Ths spring term of the Circull of It,,? kbridge county will o| Tuesday, Judge William McLaughlin pre? siding. T.. late the dock? I small ??ne. Th.- following Juroi L. T. SI I? Edmun Is, J, V*. ?: Mi?. Klrkpatrick, W. A. Walker, .1. M A. Ii I' A. ?Demast? t-. Thorn .-: E I ?Ixon, l' H. Fix, William H Lowman. ? i lohn M. Bar? . D. B. w ilk? r, P. N. Bur? in Bwlnk, .i. i: own, William McCormlck, ?Samuel m ?Davidson, ?LOCAL-OPTION ?ELECT] Jndgs William P. Houston, of th? ' ioldlng of Ifon* i Ion?f ?! ?cal-option uni found thai I: was ?: i I? ictei I applicable i?> Wash rrould r? celve tl piion petition in . .-. Th.- petition, as final!) ?l t?? him, ?hi will be h? i?i un law. rii.. ?ballots will ?be printed and tun The itre? ts <>i' th.- town in honor ??f th? i Marshall i I ing tin, ?lilit.uv 1' hat the fish hal upled by tl ?rill n??w be mown ?is M< \uoi m nu ?moi f BALMS. Ilie KariiiiT. VwWt Hn*?>-Old I.a.v iiIt Kn?led. BALEM, va., ! ' "!i?> wheat crop in this c.unity Is n. ami the farmers ?are ?all antlcl line hurv. omUtlon, a i,.i ploughing for i bs principal ths rural in i.abita . Rev, T. J. Shlpman, of "1: V.l'e.l tile Mr. w. |- chairman of ths loard ??t rs "f this count ? ? ive.i a letter ?from a?' ? in which they r?un til?- circuit Court >?f Albemarle ounty Id loanoke and others, r< I? inty from all llabllit* ? ? th-- Valley allroad, and perpetuating Hi?. Injunction swarded in this ase. Th la not likely. a In th?' ?-oui ? ?? ?I employed .' J. l: .1. All.-n \ ml .loi?' r the m. \i-i:n i'uis??m:i? IKRBSTEU. ??Im 1". II?mv(I> iliell trr-uli'l in II lull In ml I <>iint>. MONTEREY, VA., Februs al.)~ John _. Howdyshsll, in?m Marllnton, w* roaght ?to town last night by Sheriff K. [. Arbogast, and lodge?! In | rat ??f ther prl ?n. made ? i ; rom j.?u i ig ??ut .- - from th ml removing ?.thing ha?! rd of thi in until .11 was apprehend? ?I at i,iy. and I earn tann? Irglni.-i author!! mi Hov/dysheil win bs sent on la a J i ? Miller tfRhoads. Broad Streu, Near Fifth. Ladies' Separated Skirts. A gl I! both Int? UV ' market. Cnevlol Skin ..IlKho'll | . tinish.'-l off skirt binding value, y. Hrely ie ' ing, perle* t : quality, your pi. k Th" (few I ' ?a rfgular ?is v.i, MS. Ski: ' lin.? lin?,' full. ' k ?I. It?. Miller &Rhoads, '* The Always-Busy Stor-j." 4 <??<?i. inn in m ,,,.? ,,,u> IVilllniiiKliiirK OAOM I?, tin?, .,? ,,. Kiu-tnr.v?\.??, iluii.ii,, M ILL I?Parties % r. a in tRicbmond t? tor the plant, WhiCb, it win be sreil-knoa a F)rli h ?> All I tiome for hli ?lumber ??i ? itructlon in ?Wl'.eil ' < I | u Hilara Mrs. Milton f_ Booth, fi Halifax . i nui Mr. .Mr. i : At th.- Lin amone tl, Itber arriv laitim? . ?ik. Comm - o th.- i?ls' ?ichmond. return. ' ,t bis si>t?.r. Jull ? remb Sn \- p ; young led rip o?. .Mr. Ai thur 1 " . 1,. Mr. T. M V. ' sting from Jenuai r.,m j ! voi NG ?i \\ \ i i i:?tii * **' i< mi iiiiikII I ?illler, ?it IVliT?lniru fee** i.iiuiin Hum i asli ? ?i ? ? PETERSBURG, VA y takln? 1.un?an,.m. I ! indition, ami n w . ad pur? ' tion ??f lu? is ule, ' 1 Orders far pi In! ?,ui| any w l?l th ft suro t?> please | Blew Monday" as you will, that's the soap-users' ?uses them up completely. a "blue Monday "with the r of Pearline warning No nil ?>eak of, no wear, just i-oaking, boiling, rinsing. Things wash cleaner and woman who wasl able to enjoy the time saved J*. *?__ (leH-Tu.TbSs-Aweow) COTTOL-C5E. That Can marked Cottolene, contain? the shorteninK that mi?kes crc? in the market basket more fit for foo?l. It is the sign of a health? hold, where lard has been thrown aside ; whereiu thrift and b and fr-**edom from dyspepsia result from the use OF COTTOLENE ?? juin?? Cottolan? L?K.M ?t-tt our tr-Ml?? iu?rk?-"?*o?t wr+ith?on ?r+ty tin. M?U? oujj by w lien? In on? to ten pound yelK.? ' totrm" ?mi tleer'i A-<ui "... .Not -;ti-.ri?nt?-?ct tf -. The H. li. t-'slrkataU < onir??*. l.*bU-s?j. St. L?ul?. Nvw Y or?. MsssemL W? AA?\AA '