Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1898._ Il TRAIN AMID FLAMES. i i mm. mm;? IA1 - iiippi i? "i ? DEM l ON 111 IIMM. I "I I " I IBS. HORTOil, OF YOHKERS, KILLED. Rematninic PsaarsgeM Thrown Panic. Iliil None ?if I'll?m -? rl??ti?l> Hnrt??I antohaa Tnl??* IT*-?* from Ihr Treallr. The Plant s*, ?lent am! I Fiori.i. i '"?i"' ?-rain i" re St. Auku>" to a sudd? tie near ?? " '??"' " Sa vat ' Mrs. ?Heften, <?t Tonki rs. M t., gers Inte bu! ??M ' only ?Slight bruises. When the train stopped ?h? I the burning 1 the tir.- il/? ,.f the burrilii?; trestle a ,., the train | structun-, and a train-hand S ward t<? give a sinn..!. Ins * ??%< . aught, pr? vented the gas's Igg th.?, and bt ' I ?vitli no ** 'h. and i?' , n l \>ll it I \ ? I! \MP\?.\E SIGHTED ai Least, ? Veenel insaeaHna Her |)<-s< rlptlon, la. NEW TORS lank steamer ?Bn r:v?d here this afternoon from A that <n 1 I 'th. In 1'iti irsntly a t"r? n< hman. SI north* I bs bad two : irnlng, da were i I: ls pilte pi fact. Th? 'rom tl sd contins .low throw.)! the roll tSuii of Monday, with vsrj n Inform?*-* that i?I that doubl ta ?his ?mind as ?to ?tas dentity of i ik npent of . tion "i : ? .in Ninms tal lad with tha? ?e io"ke?l muck ; : doubt I ii? i- Identity, v. was in ion, <?i;ly IM9 miles l rieht in the track of thi ,. from ?Sown, thai what? n was i by int. it h?.t ad broken, ?aseeesitattng slow :;? thai th? . 1th thr. ?king on th? bat?*, so that even if two oylln?V : :?i still ?be ??ne t?> drive the long, He bl ?i' v. I - , .'i a couple of days. ZOLi M Ml" VI HI/KltS Pi MMII.l). slnnel i*i?-i|nart Pmetltsnlly <n??ii l?-r?*?l? Other Victim*. PARIS, i", bruary 2:>. -it la ?sefnl-otticialiy 1 that Colonel Plcquart, the lief military vritn? .- r I M 7. .la during e tetter's trial, will >bS placed on the ilf-pay of a lieutenant. Colonel rioqnart was also : form?'," which is r-quiv tshler lg liim, and on. i pronoun? ?i a punishm? nt on tl iinister of Wsr. In addition ? Mowed i wear a military uniform. A chap! i ..1. ah?: -, placed ?.. . Ic ?School, who ;. Hired. \MU HER III!. Till ST, -% inert? un Haj < ?ill.|.lin>?< a.-,.?HMI,lMMI-\\ nr.ln.ii?..- at lliiffalo. CHICAl ?,f th? i by ?'hi? v. Al ? 11 he in ?his ?elude i a a hundred irgest ?buyers ?i d llCblg The < A trad ot ,,, ?,. fOr .111 III.!' '.. Bull M hay t?. he Will ! i Nf u ?l ? . is IIOMI.M |; m? | , s |BO ON ludliineiit for ln|uri<* *)?e to a Hay??* Do?,. ?TRBMONT, ?... i . The hot-a? land of the Lite . x-l-i-i si,I, i,t I.nown as "Spi. !?on by the County Sheriff t?? la>-, to satisfy a Judgment, obtained in '. for UM4 ges, awanl.-d Mrs. A?t?lic M. Smith of ity. 41V? n a . . d In a runaway ? ,u*,t by b) the \\. nioum to "'i. MIS, \\ HITMffil Hi: i i i it he Is \?.t ret Out of I?aiiK??r? II???*, ??? r. A ** ' ?bars ls slight improvement in ?the coinfitlon ?i ?1rs. w. c. Whitmy t??-ni-.-Lt, ih. follow* n? bulletin i iey cottage: '"Mm. Whitney restad well Iget i more comtorta) ?slight I'm ?tioii during the not yet OUl iou-iy 111. mi: \m.-\ hier PHopiikh?.. rwo ??aasrlseu S-mng 1 n.ii,H .?,.,.. aenltil to Hater?a. 1 '''"""-y - i known u.d the ttO\ "<**jrewtn| I ?on. at ?Buckingham palac? . liant affair. 1 lilted : Mi nu Morgan. Ji **??iill??ii tom M order. 'IIS M?' rial lo th. Post-D .?, Binning. it icol? lbs a?,,,, mt John P. tiing-j-*-, ejUo, und v. _t?*-?__GS r -"-s- \jgar OOTS BNJOYS Both tho mctho?! ana minlt-i when Syrupof Firnis taken; it is jilcisant ami r?'f rosliiiijj* to the taste, ?ami acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Jiowels, cleanses the sys? tem effectually, dispels colds, head? ache.?? and b'vers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho onlv remedy of its kin?, ever pro? duced, ple.-ising to the taste and ac? ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effect", prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 rent bottles by all leading drug? gists. Any reliable lirnggist who may not have it on hand will pro i'iin? it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitut?'. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, A*. HEVII YORK, K.I. ?f? l-Tu.ilK.'-alyAweo-r-U'iir) ? a? ' - ---- -- ---- - -----?--?? -?--, i.- e ; 011,1 contt as? ?l tie His rial lasted two bo mom roil ? Ot wi:ii \M) PRIMED, Ike AwniiH ib?? "Tflaeaya in Bsusaptea IIiiiiiIm?I.ik-iiI Pol Ules. m:\\ PORT nfws, \ > Acting under orders from ?? Department, tho uutimi, a. tin miles In low the national i, oo tin- Potomac river, i?y to ?ight con aina km i hot for the modern IB-Inch inns low in p?a- f'.rt. Ariotl.i r nl will go forward |e_B01 srroi lg now anchor, d off >kf Point with two ?'.-im li guns in h?-r isthtinK top waiting th.. arriva] o? the , a. which I '-nicri iw, r m.- Spanish t not show up vithiii twenty-tour hour alter itil put t.. SM under seeled ordei . She ttghttng trim, at a moment inusual activity in Fort Monti??-. I'.cir t tiic ?toteen modsrii moviarg It Ot in pi !. and connc'tcd with So thai tl.- ' may I?- turned' on an iu-my at ?nice. If . ;y arisca loaded. rhUe the post is under double guard. Th? re does not now seem to be S par ...lilt that the two ?S . publican party of this city will gel work In preparation for ?he print 'Aith a rief to making ibllean 'his city have bt a seen in close ,, and it i ?understood that th. > ?nains f??r a reunion of Ihe ^n^ani-sa Ivs commit? . | ttentlon will he giren to candid Id with some nty that s full Republican t ,iii i,,- pul ir. t?a- fe id iu the tiny (rie - Ion. it is known that Dr. Joseph ?1 tie unanimous cholee of all th? i. I ppointed 1" wait ,n him and learn his lina! - Mr. W. V. Hopkins will be the rnn.?? t.- t,,r the ? party. I \H??I IN \ DI-PEN*-tit*. HILL. oui m Hie?- D.'fl.le? I?. H<-|i?ii-t II Without He ?-online litI n I Ion. W ".BHINGTON, D. C, Ii Carolin ry bill was ." udlclary again to-day, ou a motion for consideration. An amendment ! ady I'- I IMtlng any (Us? i iminatioii in favor "t tie ? ; > I be state, fis against outsi.i ni tie- oommlttee to-dey struck i ortlon that require? sll liquor taken ii.- State to ' I ? "11 I ,,?' the Slate. A motion to report th? ?i without recommendation . tlC 11 S ? i ? I l.\l. ON \*?ll 111? \N BOIL, Bl__1 Mea Irimn ti? I?.all, on -kn? it nu.v Trull, BBATTLB, wash Pebruary ! ?earner Noy ?, wi to-day, brings ?word : i at Summit ,ak?., ssveateen tolies inside or the A marl an boundary, and twelvs n irom Ikaguay. it is also repoi ted i,. .n t.... lath. Ireiiil, 1). .?-.-,, | ?a ? h I mi. l.liNDiiN ;, to .?iy Mail from Slngap "It is ? ii,on <?ini Cong that ? Mm. n-Wan, MO mil.-- south***? Imig-Koiig, and Informed th?. chli hut it iiiii-ti.! bulldl?trs " In? ilntlou i?i |.?nve Kraiit-e. LONDON, i -[ -II?I' lit of the Tin. : .?-'ll ll, g Ibis for h? m te leav? i Janaaess Waeaem. ?ni'-ii ??r Japaa bav? oft? . MitMikurl, i,i thS - mown them, thej UlttfUl, ' "' M?e. "' , woman has ??OWn time and gg .,,, -.-., ,, ' th- purity ?f th?- Japanese woman knows not wrhsre. r, wh?. AOllld ?h " her. .\:i tlll. ?,]. real autb ?;?-i Wim As u "other she is paid gi ,?-.. by !??-r children, in ly. a 1 ? ' ingee are ?i- - "ll tile win.le. 1 ?, -; thu Hi.- position ?>f a it. J.ipan ? . high < A!l * ? Bt* I,, ,|ie ?Tl Hh.r !.. y Di-, iiuU'a Cwugh irruB ?and/. GOVERNMENT WAITS. rom first page.) contents, but ?i large qui.iitl? ran out wh.ti the tafS M ShOVS the su Th.- complaint Is still mad? thai the le i mu - .?t.- of little ?livers, as in,, light Is faint an.! ' lain. h?> far a? r?'t?orts ii.iv? ?been made the workmt-n on tin- tttf Ri?ghl Ann. with the SSSlStaacs of th?' naval ?liver?, are laboring bard t?? i?ecover the ? under the batch which led t?i the rms. Shoring with t nsossaary, ami ths wait f.'i th. lumber t?, '< 'I !. I ! : ?Treta the Asaerlcan ?Jalli? only of delayed i All t bS Ani.ii? , nxlonsly Ing the arrival of ths Unit mall. GENERAL ?LEB WITH??! T ADVICES. Coiaaul-Qeneral Lee says !>? ! no aee*p <>f ?bnportanes from ?ths .?-tat.? Department to-day, nor luen notl llrd ! ?the arrival of any on.- of promtti? nee. It is ?believed her? that if any American of national reputation comes to Hebens ?BOW, it will !?? 1o stiuly th" situation for himself, and not as un offldal ctfmmls \ lo?k till? evening, when 'his dispatch i- iioi/.er is Htiii slseplng, under til.- Influence of an ?opiate H no WON? bS was this morning, but Is v.-ry low. Including him, there ITS s!v led 1' fi ; "f whom at? nsbly certain ?>f recovery. Borne difficulty ?will ?arias in removing them to i nit..I States, for all have leen ex? ud?os fev? ths quarantin? laws forbid their b?-ing taken direct t.? ? regulatlona won disregarded in of the ?Brat lot taken there on th.- ? Mlvetts 11 after the explosion, ?bul only ? tic sxtren proctor SAILS roi? BABABA. >:i??? His Trip lias No Polltlenl flg* iillleanei? V. lint?-? i-r. KEY W KSI", l-'l.A., 1'? biliar? tor ?Proctor is amoi rs, ?Before sailing for Haba: was shown a ?llspat? h publi-hid 1er?, saying that tl citi m i it, laugh, d, ?and said; id." in r? ?ply t . . i detail? <i stat? I ...unt? il simple and straight i ? bai a toil reral many lrlMids there. Pvs ?been Itshlng ?several ?lays la ?Florida with Colonel Parker, s ?friend of ?mine, ?and Habana.'1 a lated I think ? Mailing just now. Senator PrOCtOT ISUgU Ingly ?replied: "To tell the truth, w? just going over there ?le ?ses what's . oh, '.. be .\ le !? the i sottement is. , is not s ?bit ?if political slgnlflcance about it? i may stay in Habens a ?day <?r w.?k. I have not tl I Idea bow imander Clifford H. West, ehlef ??f ai s?? aid's ?-taff, ai i on the .?. When aaked the purpose of bis Visit t?i liaban I : ' 1 say anythli lloatlon." R? : ?admiral B ird is still In < I of th? ti? ?i. which, with ths exception of the New York ami the Iowa, g. The New York ami Th- admiral said to-night that hi i to be bettei so st Be looks much ?lmprtjved. When seked with reference to th? ?nival b< I ?W Of ?ait of Inquiry, R?-ar-A.lmlral B ?Mid: "I h ;i??iillcatl(jti of inim.'. When it does oome, r 'es court building hi To.- Admiral and ths ?i irlll t In a body to tin harbor. PROTI.? MON OF NEW VOItK, Bast-Blver i-nrai????? t?> p?.ri ?Being llciideieit ln> ill nern lite. NEW y i ?i:k. !' bruarj &? The B lyn Bagle to N? v. York invul nerable. A so-called sklrmlsb li. i from the w ? ?Point liann.-l to I Helm.? li III bs an? chor, .i ?so a - to m ike it Im ths Uns ?without being blown up. Tl .te?i with .1? ?trie wires, and to mak?- it doubly sure that their plans caa ?ii.t ?be fi .: ?l to ?bat end of the Une, m tl rains ?should ?be used by u snemy to iii- connection and ?break the circuit, th? torp?edoes could s'in !>< exploded from ?it li. r end ol "The ? I'?anii.-l is :.! the Will? t*s ?Point : I ' by two ol ?mini i twenty-two torpedoes, the forty-four to* ga ther containing 1,200 i oundi of ?Batteries Plnee-i in iinhr. TRENT ?N. N. .i . U. M? i? have rork placing ths *>?. ? butt, ties at S<a ?'irt in ??id r I I, how? ver, that this has any ?Blgnifl? ; bis work _ ?isual SI time of tin- paar. Merrltt lii*|i?-?-ls F't SlcPlu-rsoii. ATLANT I . \ FoACm ?tj U i ;< m rai m nder of th? De : ? ut Of t lig i;, to-day U .1 was very much i \?iii. tli.- appearance of all do partmenta. Hs left this evening ror the hi ?tl ?post m ?bis t- iriti'i-y- i cas, ola, HelHf Hill IDporlril. WASHINQTON, 1?. '".. 1 " 1.? u ?ry 2',. I! Commit!?.n Na\ I I to-day on the Boptelle ?Main?) relief bill, reporting it favorably to the I lie Terror Still In III.? Ponda. NOEi't'l.K \ V, I'liruaiy %\ -The monitor Terror remains at anchor in ?iiiiptoii ?Road . are being held aboard wmtanUy under . . un:,m.-. I In- \ MU? lus Off. W Ji.LK. i I.A . Ft truary 25 i: United ?States dynamite cruiser vina, Pillsbury; destination uakn PIIOM'I ? t ? i ??H w vit M,IM. Tills llu- l'r?\ hIII?iu ?Ipliiion of fh?> ( ?mi. re-ttiii en In It tell inond. Th.- raembera of Congress win? w.?re in Ri.iimoiid yaaterday ?talked ?freely eon* ceenlng the t- laitons <?f this country with ?-'pain, ?and soase ?Inter?sttns to?tsrvleas with ?them mod i.y a Dispatch man, who met. tin m ?on i and travelled p.irt of ?the ?ay wl?h ?them. ?Bailey was lema inelj the question lhan a n bis ?associates, but pr-css.-d the vi.-w that w.u was lm i, though he also expressed th? that it might be avert? ?i. d imson. the -.M-ll-known Q gla congiei i be ?lid not ?belli v. war won!,i result li??iu the Main.- o ter, bin he reared that it might com Is nol ?>M?)s.-?l to war. but ?a\> ili.t |b< policy ??i the .??Imlnlstiation is ?being eon , "If," sal money-1? iii.'t afCalrs In shape, ?and feel thai I governmental expenditure of UM,. > they can a?i?i to their already plet! win undoubted! of war to be Issued all pends ?o them " klr. D?. ?IraIT.meld, of Texas, did n?*l IS IT II HAHLEf A ?|ii<-illi.ii (Iftrii AHkeil hy 1 l.o-.. Aflllii??,! Win, piles. Is a atrnln.d Joint .-ur..?.|.-" Is local in? flammation rural?)?? ?if ?-..urae, if ? Ik piles. nl- til n I- -"ill- a!l!|.-t...l with pll?? and old "chronic" who ha? always persist-?! In th.? wrong mont and th? in by t.-lllng them th hop? I? They Iti turn dis, ..urng.. others, and th'is a diseaae that cas In ? i"- eared aj carofe! sad skilful handling Is allow..I t.. ?_p tli" ? n.-rgv of thOU who inl|/ht fi .- tin s of I In a f.-w .' I'vrumld PH.- COTS will cut" th. ,I . , . ..f hemorrhoids In 'an ishlngly v ! congested pan i the tumors Instantly, no matter host ths Inflammation, ai hing or itching at ? Thousands who h KP n stvs Hiitglcal treatment have been by th?? Pyramid Pile Cur?- In g number ?>f lastai i spent months in a hospital utn?, r a pile Sp?--ia list. It Is a that DOBS i.I fear to Spply even t?i th.-? most aggrtiv at? d, swol? len, Sad Inflamed h>-nimorrhol?l!iI tumors. If you are a_Uct?Sd with this stul.h..rn .- yon .mi master It,.?and master it kly. This rem. dy la BO longer an experiment, hut a nie'ii ,tv. It Is manufac? tured liv the Pvninid Drug ?'..mpany, of Marshall. Mich. I ?ruggists s?.'.l It si ?-' It Coming th.- nio^t popular pile cure this i ..un? i r known, and drug? gists every ahere ar ordering It for their mers. care I a n opinion concei nil situation, but amid thai If war was de? clared and Tea u oed loose there would i"- n.? other language ten Spanish spoki n in had? s for l ii" i Sydney p, Bpes, of Virginia war will b- d.-clur. ?1. lb said there was but one set the Bpaalsrds ' et r mil that would pre? Ipttate war. and would be t.. Sie g bomb in Mark Henna's i?< d< Captain John Istrlct, tak.-s pretty much t- ?lee ??f the situation that |fr. ):?.?- does. He thinks Spain win bavs I? be v. ry much mon ' nt administration to take action looking to war. Mr, r.oinl. ,? I.,, i ,,,,1 think aril] b. : a greact mistake In . Ing with th.? Cuban qu? itlon. He thinks . I Cuba's 1.. Illgen ri'1'1 ' Ins Spain to conquer her. He the opinion that if I Sin. would stand off ;,n?l give Cuba a fair would win b< r battl? the s - ?--. TnOIIILK IV rui M\IU\0. \ i'imiiii-hii ? rlsls Deaerlytl? of III?' Tin? Iteinilili?-. The little Republl Marino is US through . o flnanelal crisis, thing like an organised pillage ot the National Dank. Tl r *lls committed su- , embesal large sum of money, and several i ,,ir?- aid t?. hav.- i..-, n an. nta win i only to th.? Snanci il stability of t publie, but to its pioral r ths : ivs ? v.T been i f..r their atUI patriotic devotion. That a | Which has had the ! all th.- alluring offers of tbOM aho * tt. ?i the rocky heights ipltal into a gaudy M | ?crowded with pleasure-seeker? bringing w. ?lth in train, should I ' tlm |0 ov. ! -! <?;, ?itizetis, ?s grievous, Indeed, in this tinv rspnbttc of eighteen square-miles, o?) of I ' ilaritles ai t.. ? i.- s ,, Marino prid apon having had ..niy one traitor in all its history. Mor I is far from rich. The rocky of Mont.- Titano pr< win.-, which would I not, Ilngly i.adiy made. \\ h? ar and fruit an -'. and || as wh. tl furnished material for Augoatulum of Rimini, contain inex ible quantitl? - of very durable mtry lacks c. ' - the little it did ry unfortunate effect upon Industry. Yet San Mar?n" ... .at ii.r.-d airms sin? of Martnus, the Holy Hermit i... a: ron Saint, and its p . | ,nd and ^dependent thai mat? i | ibbj right then time of "gftt" in a community which, d< nnall dim, ?,.n. man r Ignty all the Italian nvjdd the strife of Ouelph ?ugh nil t?, . : nobles and In ng chui hospitality ' In c Roms In IM led ?t Into l from Austrian Jeal but the d iped, and none . avions ?>r an angrj upon th? r? pabll II - dominated bj Its ?Impregnable foi I capital pen hi d Centra] Apennlaea, s dosen miles from il, w is, no doUl i. S powerful thousand times more .iirtl.nlt of as than they ar.- BOW. Napoleon himself ro? ll d its Indep-end? nee, and, deaplts the i nlflcatlon of Italy, this curious little picturesque Nt of levalism overlooking the Adriatic. San Marin > _ lint.-niiiee of its in? dent dignity, a machinery of gov ? rnm.-nt which, in at all ? \ yields nothing to that <?f full-blown na? tions. There- is a Minister of the Interior, a Minister ?if Foreign Affairs and PI? iiii-? positloB mast bs a llttls ins Jnsl now|, a I .-rai. ..f Telegrapha Italy, which fully reoognla republic, ? ' rin<>, untry Is defended by a millrla rength of nearly one thou v. horn thirty-eight are offl lively large military fore?; Is sc counte i for by the obligation of . m?i" <it ran the BgeS ! IB Marino i never satrusted Its flsstkalss te a I i -.. Uwaya culftvated a fear of .anything thai might Into an oligarchy. T_S lUBC tioiis of president ar.. p.-i foim.-.l by two ?le and one .imoner, who bold ofll?ss for six months only. Th.-y ar.- appointed In very curious and plctni. "'- Tin "Arengo," Igt* Ci.uncll of Sixty, nomi three nobles and thru? commoners, and lots ar? drawn in the Cath.-dral. ThS written >?i I pd? itcd In :i stlv.-r hirn. Wh? ,re drawn by a yuug child, and when the installed th.-y appear, for that OOCaBtOB only, in all th.- bravsrlsa Ot ("ixt'-crith-itintury c-.w? tuin?-. San Marino claims an antiquity i?f .lurtes ?s a self-contain...i re? publl,', and if we may believe the legend will? h tells us thai the original territory i ti,i. d to Martnua, th.- enn mason, by a lady of Rimini wh,, ? ber false gods at in. Intercession ?luring tho ninth Dit it Ion, the chronology WOOld In substantial!-, hu. v. r may have | the ??rigiri of thu ?-ommunity upon Mont Hells Ouaja, it u foes back to : its aiitlnuity. . ....?I.mihimI l*o?nl Tableta. (New York Pi of New York's famous ruataura thlaks o? going out of bualneaa, A : i ,-. i red to him Un other day with thla (proposition: "l am r ?if the condensed food tablets, um rayiuiy t*tfroduclag iiivw. I am -ay they are meeting with ex ? ess. You serve - ' Certainly. II r? .pures um la, and is expensive. Now, sir. Is a tabl' . which you s??e Is no larger than that contains all that Is dsetrabls In S .'.-pound canvasback. Eat letHng It dissolve slowly in your mouth, ?and \ou have feasted In thirty II ths dock brought on the ami partaken Of In the ol?l wav a loss of an hour nnd S half of valuable time, am meats and drink I In a similar form. Whv, sfr. It could carry in his vest |>.>< k? ? enough food to last him ihr.-.- months. The ?Irlnk unpopular. M ff'f their whisk?-, and champagne in ?sxpanded than condeneed form." "What ?Iocs th" thing cost the custom? er?" asked ths restaurateur, examining I.let. "Only *-'? ? denen." was the ?reply charge |i for a single canvssback, but ws ?buy i?? quantities, ami ?can easiiv undersell hotel-keepers ami n rant-men. 'I'll,- ?anvasback ami ten are aliout the iru?-'f SXpSDStt mak". Th?? latter each tablet ?MJUlVa I?nt to a pound of dr. -.?, ,! t. rrnpln?-we s.!l at *_'" a do-? ii. which is dirt cheap. ??iir snrloln-steak tablets SSCh SQS ?ii.- pound of Ones! beef are in greal man.i at UM a doiam, or ill ?per hundred. Will you try a f'\v on customers?" "Trv 'em on mv CUrtOtners, sir? N T don't kn??w whether you are prevarl? ??r not. but rather than ton? . of your lozenges I'll quit ths business Pvs ben in for tiilrtv years. Vou want to deprive me of the profits of mv s to take a wav m\ crock??ry. my kniv,-. my forks ?ml spoons, ami ruin my bar, No, sir' ?n CapSUl? s is had enough, and further than that 1 will not ._ _ WHO'LL CI RR DOLLS NOW? Aillions Mother? n I tin* Door of Their ?Family Poeta*. rk Sun.) Friends of Mrs A trulla L?ib took her t., ?BelleVUe Hospital on Sun.lay ?vening ami left her tli. .'T Ik-r speech. Which she had lost temporarily OWtng to a ?MOOd-clOi on ?in? hrain. Tliev t?>! thai Mrs. L. il. was a widow, who made a'goo?! living hS dolls' physician. Now, ?hills' physidana ar?- <?r tho nature of phenomena in a world of inmm"'iplai e professions, so s Sun ! - poi 1er went up .- Ib'a i on ?'?! ?Seventh street, yesterday t?. Bnd <>ut ling about her practice. Entering ths vestibule he found therein ?an utn lii? lis ?>f contad ?'t'?mi ?beneath it oame vo tall, girlish "S?". i one voice, "sposen she should ?die .'" "Why ?Freda nrsl.-r." said t?he other ( horrified reproach, "ain't ev.n think such tin Whati "f my ?lolly?" "Mine tOO?" said ths voice which a?.''!?*? reda. "She's had whooping cough ami imption, ?so that her ?sawdust all legan to <"ini! out, ?" "I bsg ymr pardon, ladles," said tbi ?porter. Th? ,u?aks of sur and die-nay, and the i?ig umhrella tilted back, revealing two tots, mainly distinguishable by the fa? t ?thai one wore b o k hair In two perl ?rtaila erben the fore* r. Pour round ? yes sur* Intently. "is this where Mrs, Leib Uves?" i irtsr. "Y"s." Bald the littl,. girl with the pig? tails. "Have \ k ?lolly?" "N?>. ? i . : to admit "i;.?\. you?" rely tin? tot drew <?ut from und??r her little ' ! rag of dollhood. If th.-ie \< any BUCb thing as a deed ?loii, that doll was one. "This." ;.,iid ??s owner, bestowing a fond ?glanes upon ths wreck, "is my fa? vorite daughter, Candy? 11 I'm ?Preda ? ?rs*. t. I call her ? 'sndyetta," gplalni i, ' site's ? ?? k. and I li. |b to "I brought mir,?-, ?too," put In ths other little giii. producing s pb?snomen? m nailer her arm. "Her name's Imo got re?l "Why ?should you call her ?Imogens on : the reporter, feeling hltnself on ths verge of an Interesting dia But disappointment was his por? tion. "I Don't know," said th?- littl?? girl, blankly. "They mini ail my hail's brown." sh.? added, thoughtfully. "Ain't it tOO !l?"" ibiy. "Her talker won't talk, ami they took her t?> tli?' hoepltal to ?mend it." "S'ia Bays ?he' tidroother of all the 'lolls on ?the east Side," sai?l the tot, "and what our dolilSS will ?1?? without. her in; i don't know. I never brought Imogens up ?but for her. ttcb a d?licats child." "Mrs. Leib will take the dolly and look at it ami say. 'What'? |he matter with th- iiti! dearie this tune?* Then I the next d,y it would be ?almos I ?ta new," said deal nicer," add? "It was awful nice the v. Uked about 'em: just as If | Candyetta'a ?aotber, ".\n?l now Bhs can't talk at all." M \ I she's lik" the big ?loll from the tight h.r on?.?," sug ? '?a . [| l Ul I BS) 1 '.Mamma' and 'Thank you,' and \>e r?-il ..lker got broke, ami When Mrs. ?Leib tried to iix it, it got Sxed . and called h?T all klmls of ?bad nami < "Ob-h-h-h! D'y m b'll.-ve that?" ?Preda, waggling her ?plg-talls IS other Indig . "Didn't Mrs? Lslb t?-il ?t t?. ?Mtunle .. b, and Mamie tell it to Mary : Mary tell It to '. m. I guess Mrs. I^lb w??ulilti't aay it if it *.?, . Well, I don't believe it." Kreta, so positively that the reporter i t.? interpone. "What's the matter with Imogene?'' he that st:. tare's natural <r*? 11 up to view again. ?Una "f Its <'h?cks s d ?sad ths ,,iii??r my Whit? ?and It bad a strange g] ir.-, due, !>"i hape, t.? ths ?fael tha: Bt and the other south'.', "it s got something wrong." she said, "My l?r?ith?r T??m MJ*S it's got ?ths wil "Brothers are Imrrid." ?! ! I with convi? ttlon. "Mine broke my other doily's Isgs off, ?and pa kicked him good." "Imogens look* t?? ur.'.l ihe reporter, "as If she painted." "Don't elth.r!" replied Cora, with ln ?lignalloii. "She's got a ft v.r. that's what h?'r bo red. ?Rachael Enteman krrt-?lama-r doll and she patatas." ? lu-un "?'?i. " saiil Freda, "that ain't r< tde." "Well. I'm g?>ing to take my Imogene home before she catches cola," flinlarsd th? r littl.- lady. "There ain't PVS rung the bell, ami they didn'i ?aaawar." "I'm going, too." Bald ?rela. "Y Ion i ?Lslb Will come back by-'n'-by." "1 hope your dolls will i ?li?*-s," Sal'l t ll?s regOrter, as he stepped out to give fr.-e pasaags to UM big umbrella. "Thank you," sai?! the two mon ?and the umbrella began .' stormy >wn the ?Street In the teeth of the sportive wind. \i?pli- Exports Plfty tear? Ago. (Milwaukee ?Sentinel, ?Pebtvarj Tli.- I.omlon .- "The ?arrival of - fr.>m tli" r,, i. d StatW Of At i precededt in extent, ami ths quality is remarkably lim-. In ?several In ?m NVw Tork h iva brougbt ?as many as l.Ouo packages ??f this fruit ?>f the description ?knows as the American ?Newtown pippin." old u?u?ri> '"t sale ?il Ul? UlspJicU olll ?.as. JACOBUS'PRICES All the Men's, Boys', and Chil. dren's Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Hats, and underwear to be sold regardless of cost. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY: $1 FOR HATS WORTH $1.75 AND $; tl J Jacobus, lOOQ EAST MAIN. Extra: 300 dozen Half Hose. 3 pairs 25c ENGINES, 5AW MILLS, Threshing Machines, Feed Hills, Horse-Powers, Wagons, Buggies. Surreys, Jumpers. llariK \M> ALL KIHD8 <M Agricultural Implements AT THE IMPLEMENT CO.'S, 1526 EAST MAIN STREET, - - RICHMOND, \ \. CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION. [In 24-d-Th&Sa&* \ CONDENSED UV FREBZIXG. >.'\v rrocctm for rrc-riliu; IIIIU * - ii??niiit. i? (Philadelphia Beoord.) Idering ths wk of . ondeos? i nllh method Of mamilar! iiiin; ir I . N. Y.. I? lm -NMiant and Intere-Aln*-. The I ment mllh in a raeuum chamber to rid it ol animai . in.l m: . .. .1 In ths milk, which sppear at the eurface In bub nui tb ' is volume if the mi1: >ne-tentb Th- milk rills i Ii.iiiil,. i :,r th?. proper tOBSPS for the removal of th.? i teats by means of . cr? operator, .viii -h run ti.-avv cream, ring 'this - ton i lid partiel?..?-', which ai n . \a | .n.! the cream Iy to tii iroduct. Fron. tho Eat-free milk s ran of cope? r pipes, hrougb which ludng ths temperatura of ths milk fi After passing over tl ?oolliiK .oils it itlng rhambers, and conatantls stirred, in ibout inn" hoars the whole bulk <>f milk converted Int of Ira crj i ml milk lufflciently thick to f"rm Into lummocks. This Is again placed la a -entrifugal, and the milk reduced- In ,-olurne about one half. An I tuple if the lee, "whJefa looks very much iik?? ?now, ?fives, on inly about two .?f i per cent, of s?>ii.i matter. Ths iow thick milk is retained to the -al in alniiit Seven hours nor.? it Is reduced to s deass rystals. which, it rifiicd tt lient, only ?"oie-'iuarter ?,f the ?riirtiial bulk. A tliir.l fNeSlng Of four .tel a half hours, snd s teittrifugal bulk of the milk to 11 volum<*. Th.. fin..i step of ths process is th? nlztura of the heavy .?ream In pr. uoportions to tb<- ?at-frc.? milk. Thi!? Inal product, or condensed milk, is a fair tptt tentation of milk minus tho bulk of is water. Moreover, it is free from i flavors, ?mil h ma which t.. th?? milk fmm which Is Is ; It mix, With v. ormlng milk from which cream will I ,| milk. To show he great concentration of the mid onv be ! tted < i of nllk as a Q| t" I : ?gallons In the end. I ' water In ths milk ring an unfr talaaee ?>f very thick milk, which r? leate In milk rogar, casein, and Ii ally nine 'at equlvhlent added by the beai - moved in the flrst I lust? .1 in the final tragtn illution with wat.-r three parts end of ?;-l?) p.-r cent, of milk-far. wl, lormal praportloa la the Mlk. t is s' ' milk prep n this manner will keep indent ho mlero-oi Tli.? OpeiiiiiK of (himi. (\.-w fork Tit. obtained by Britein ?.f China la of an bnpor? and vain.?, quits InealculsI notbti q the opening of a b . ' t ..r China, hundreds of miles up the v., ng. Th? port proposed for the purpose by china is To-Chaa, or Yo-?'hu. This towa aa nearly as posslhls at naphlcal centre of China, ??n Ilse shore at ths Toag-Tlng-bo, which is tin- largeet of ths ?' lakes. Praea thhi iak? th-'i" ig ?mm which tin- sum treme western ttr?*-*alt!ee ot tie aa i ?-r which the boachn ..?i. w h mure to the purpose, commercially, ths * proposed P??rt is the natural "ill-irii.utliK " eeatre" of the ri Una, ths ?-real vilain which is inhabited bv the , greatest producers and th. ..r the Plowsry _tagdoat a The eonceaaloa, iik.- ell the other .??in- I rresslons insisted up.ui by Oraal Britain, is practically acclusive, although the'- r r..-ti. ally it la mad..- un <>?iual terms to all *" nation*. That Is t.i say, in the shOffllte r i' artificial restrictions upon tl in ths Interest of som.? otn. r nation, ?r Kroup ..r nations, Great Britain win de ? tho bulk of the bosbMM thai may arise r from th? concession. In view of her ?up.- ' rior facilities for doing It. It is a very ' ri?, h ami. lOinmeiviaUy, g very pronilsiiu: ! that has BOW for the time . besa placead, Gr.-at Brltah pr*. ? seated from ssplottlng it only i,v . ?,. i I r, Sad these are provided t***"****-*?'* i? r,,r. . haul; that Is t.. tending the great of a new tt port is an lana to <;r.- u , Britain thut China "will not alienate to | my .??.' ortloo of th.? Tang. tso Valley. il Britain ourselves ought to have the largest ?. of the trade ?if ?h.- ?normou??, fertile, aa i . populous rsglob Urns opened t?> ?-ompeti tiiinei. Isl exploit?t! >s,. already ha. ottnd, Shai ...min. una through the p?ri> open to th? much or th it as all Burope tegstht im. advaatages which hav? eecarad it t.? us ' oiiKht to Mean to us a Ilk?- share of th? trade <?f Cuba at mei - ?huit s ought t0 t?ke notice of the in ?A conditions In pr.?portion of the "?w trultlc of China ? Willch W? hav. had ot the old, We mu?*t not . nly produce good .: I? to the Of interior ? I'lna, Hi? quality um! J sad patterns; ?*?.? must prepared to of mil a, t " the m ?-. market. The certalBty that th. n.wl.? -. will verj o?- | ' rltith rt\e? especially desirable that Auktk ihottld be tion for th noteworthj . i..- men Ij in an In I-Tan? ? China , of th China. Th sdvanl propon ion to th? I'lie II ?>m? und the It? I.uory, ?growth "t" n So lu timir strogi f?>r th? f must Hi r a right thai this clT??rt on ti,. s?> Wi II for o'ir I llure ??o the pai i th. m for 111 all [?arts of the COUm I ' from time to time rumoi i 11 i in ?I iling with care. It la ?pert? should ..- sn ar . but a partial su born m s refermatoi*) ?very Inmate ? ommltl : I an mak? i for the child's ' f??r his body, ?mak for his governing, but him wit flOd ?li.: love in all . life-working ??, vi loping of a child. I i?. follow tl ?tiler : rental i Imme life growli w condltl nus m? many se? m all i - of a ti??i uni care of .. a Mi while t? w< II the . oii-..-.|i.. ii.1 ?be gloi in?! full in II herein. Th a to h lit.? eh ' '" . li.- li?.. - of the ? <f th?' i. ii' ! > at ii?" if.? until I-' * *** A' ? A ( h a nai?-. I ention gentleman ?n th h.? big umbi "You in..?'! " ' esp.-ct fully of Hut Hi. ml ew would hav? ome ?u? in i ii th.? ?big city. 0 l ip. his i ? no ! m \ t ii HUMUIUU i: \? ii ? i . ' : ruiur., i*??, at the ? . iiiii.i'.ii , I .\H>< ' B'etock r v' i rankltn Btl M(M>R.:. I:. Mineral will take | la H??!l\w, .? for printing sent to tl Company wilt be glvea l: ;. and the style of work end '