Newspaper Page Text
tup RTninir-iNn UlSPATCII-S.VTiniDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1898. THE STORE CLOSES SIT?RDIYS IT O O'CLOCK. For Saturday's Bargain Sale ?SSSS 1 lie prioe making for tin'.*-?' would fie;ir tin1 entire lots ?11 thin?:* will he found ii? <\it.v j?; 100 IX1ZEN LAI?!!'-' LIN? l-ARSi ALL THE NEWEST 8HAP IN ! I ?II - I im. Ki MIA 800 Y m ids, pari lall) i m .? ?obi much. H ?VNDKERCHIEFS thai ?;t. Btl quick for tl ? d I! ?port Hemmed I NEARL. i -' PA1 I'HL'Ei? HOSIERY, ?TOR lames - ?re on tbi Im i g .in count? is ? . ?ia\ : SO JOI > H" . doubl? to-day. '1X1 Rlbh ?I ?Solid-Black Hose, louble I ur. for 10c. Limit - Tic . ' for t Hing. But w. will. l.\? i *?. I all f?.rm?r values. N.t-Top Pi. Wide N*. t'1'o. - for ,i; Instead of k All-Silk Oh intilly I ! ird. ,..i, ,n ^-?11, /.-.. c e I ;.,?,. t] now 11 out foi 5PEC1A1 RIDDANCE what would ordinAnlj be ?'..n??i?l?'n4'i n whole Bt-tMrj. ttu ill ?.f ili<- stall's selectot o ,,m- receni stock i-urclms?- o $160,000. was ?I.?n?* by judging what i ?lav. Huii' of tllKS.- cli.aj of tin? store, Among ?torn ato i liona, n? w. putty sffeeto, All-? rv< r Nel Bmbr. foi . Il and 11 fer le v\ foi V 'ri. Skirting Width ind I3M-0. \ VI \M I V? Il ?II* FINI*. Uli I? i his sntlre sassple lins out to i . buy '?-m at 1? : - Cum his of us to-day i. line seal, l?v. I lloro I.- . i ' ' lined lor, BOe. kind, for Blacl ! her Bell th'T covered buckl? Imitation I'.lack S. a! kind, foi lour ?'.'tubs for le. day. I.V. IT'S PABHIONABLE "<> WBAR HIIHIONS With fringed en?Is We've ?itiltc a lot at mull cost. Very Pretty Ribbon Th s. With ( ends, for I.V. W.- have S?-inch for 49c. An Extra Handsome Wi.l? ti. for 74o. Also, special I?, day : 50 i I an? y Check Hit.bon?-, all colors, '. in wide, for 5c. a yard. No. 10 AU-siik Ribbon, .'??a InchM wide, all .rd. \ ? Willi) CAMDI ST\TF,?.1F\T. Only Candies that ar?- absolut. I\ pur? aid ara permitted to ?ntr this d?partaient. Several lots thai ws do not ?lab to keep Uli Monday nil! i lik. this: But r Scol i pound. ' Ginger or Plneapi I? ror 8c. a bOX. - '? ettclu ?.i B< Chewing-Oum foi ne Mixture for l'.'.c. h pound i?, a h ?COla e flavor (*.., .molc THE ?COHEN Ctt [THE COHEN CO [UK 55-TH CONGRESS. i;n \ 11: i OWSIDSOU mil OOBBBTT*! HlLIIT TO UMMBl.ii-llll*. ?NDRY CIYIL APPROPRIATION BILL. Diii&ilev -l'iill"- lie?. i-lo|.e<l ?Altnek Tli??r??<m ?M? Hiver n ml llnrbnr MiHNiire nt the l'r??eiit !?? ? w \sniN?rr??N. I?. C, IN bruarj .IV W. ? '.t '" i' *"' "* . from On under tion by tli- Senate this after ?on tor five hours. oner, ??f Wisconsin, concluded h which he began yestcniay. in ?vor of Mr. Oorbett, and was ?followed ,- Mr. Teller. ?>f Colorado; Mr. Allen, and Mr. Tur hes in opposition t?? the Df Mr. c??rbett. und Mr. Turner, mgton. in favor of seating him. nsbpiUKh, of North ?Dakol conclusion ??f tl . h?- would move to lake up the jaaka fa - **d railway right-of ray bill. .?f Mr. and at .25 1'. M. adjourned. BUNORT CIVIL ?BILL. Th?? ?BOUai t'l-day resi.lm d COI i,,n ,,f th?- sundry dvU a?ppropriatlon bUL I on a motion to ?trike ??ut th?- spprepristtoa Of flM.000 for v.nk in ??.ikliiii?!, CaL, its . eging thai n?1 contrael ?had > na.b- fOT th? -? rtlng that he riv. r ami h.nbor bill was to ..?t.,1 few giv.-n appro? illations in the sundry civil bill. The ap lon remained In the bill by a vote the Moo'ly ma? ittack upon an approprtatioB of n the sundry civil bill foi ,r, which is in Mr. i willing to . ny ami to bon? iblp but lor ene, b i to rebel against the leadership thai ga* proprlatl -n to Rockland, Me., ?an Inslgni that could be burled In Boaton vlr Qroavenor (Republican), of ? attacked the appropriation, and that if th.? lions?- all harbor Items to go Into the sundr. btti there would be m rlv-sr and fa i t?. the ., -luring ?hat BOmS "f th? aver ami harbor II ,:,.,? the com? . r of it. He said that ,.,?? cent of the mon? ir0prU .jiis bs h?!i?e?! i?- report than thrown au I?IN?'.LEY ON Till li at ack up???? him. The Rockland Imp he Mid, included i ir. iikwat.-r and ;i harbor of refug? roch anotbt ?belns built at Bandy [lay in Mr. Moody'* distiict. ?and On ?hlch UM.9M had been ?pent Bs Indis? wntiy repudiated the intimation thai be iad ever BUggested or Intimated that this appropriation should !? m tde In this bill. , d it had been made upon the ?-ecommendallon of the corps of engi? ?public Interest. isslp* ion ?>f th.- Appropria ?I?),,. Hou i-utry Civil Item, appro - har wh?? I pa ted in Hi?- -day that would I??' no ? ?arbor bill iriti ?!? teat all n the bill. i.itloi ' bill, but this intimation oui upon which "<??" ' if to-day, ?N. The evening s-ssion was lar* |y * the M .u It. o of the \\ ? ,.., ,,,,. '?f no ?pioniiii No npas ?could ' of m ill, and ?! At t R(j. ! until to-mon i ?ipi.'-ikinif for ih?- Bas re s as were put on a , it city last night, and ahlpped away. hey had giv.n power to ?1 their ?i, ami w.r. srarned ' it did not heed the warning. Then clceely pressed by the crowd last ight one- of their followers Hi t their pursuers, but, fortunately, <ii?i ot hit any ?>n?. They bad made quite n Impression on th? lower claes in that Iclnity. Five car-loads of NS-pound projectors i--- .1 through n? re to-day foi tl m ???.vertior's Island. Th? lipped from the Tredegar Iron-Works ;?f 'id. 1IHS. IIF'I II F COPH DFAD. ntuful \o?-i?l?'iit In Peli-rolmrp ? Military Beeelvw Beseel (sedara. ri-.ii-.usi'.i'Kc. va., Pebruary B. I Mr- i'.. tti? Cop.-, nd belOV? ?I Christian lady, dl< jorning at 1 o'clock at th? 1r. Thomas H. "Woody, on Franklin tract, ?ig.d 81 years. Mr? orn in Liverpool, Eng., but had liv.-d i this country for fifty-five years. Her ?.m- uf g. idleness and' kind and .vlng deeds. Mast.-r Lee Dein, the 9-year-??hl s?.n ot jr. j. it. l'.-an. residing in the e '?rtion of th?- city, met with an a ist evening, which narrowly miss?d roving very MtlOUS II. was playing lilh powder, and in applying a match M to ? itch tin- 1.1 IZf? rum th? Ignition in his face. His fore i.-ad and cheeks wer? pninfully d, but his eyes, fortunately, escaped In ury. (,i:.m;i;ai. NEWS. in the Mayor's Court this nv-rning Rim. let hlerkely (colored;, Who on lay ran oft with the wile of Jan colorad), in Chesterfield county, was .rought for trial. It was established thai n .'.aiple poseed ?s man and wife in . ant th? Mayor thereupon !m - and coati ?.n th? pri on.-r. in default of Which hi ? - o ?au. Th.- woman expressed contri ion, and. having two small Children, ?-he ...a- allowed t.. return to h.r huaband. a he commandants of the Petersburg ,ial A. I4. Hill Rlflefl ?'aptnins Nichols and Jackson-hav.- received M* .-ret Orders ot interest t<> th?- respective ompanies. In case of emergency, it Is believed that each of theM gallant com? ouid promptly furnish one bun? n-i -i young Rev. Dr. J. W, Rosebro, pa tor of the iai,i,-M' byterian church, will iai Mrmoi l?. iiiii the tirst Sunday night in M ireh. vs will a: on th? Mr. M. C. Plynn, the trolley king of BrooKlyn, has written that be will ar? rive here to-morrow in company with a number of Brooklyn gentlemen, and will visa th? battle-fields around th,- city. 11?. party I rooms at th? imperial >i"t? I. "?a visit is Till*, coi vrv TMBAgj Kbit DISKS. Anil Mnn> <'lit-Hlrrllelil I rieii.U llelp ? ?I Him to Psast chi:sti:hfii:i.i>. va.. Pebruarj .1 pb P. (lilliani. our I tain. ,I quite a niimher ot bis gentlemen friends at bis hospital.1. home. "Woodland," on th? Appoinaltox, Tuesiiay. the IM, that being his birthday. Soin.- ot those present were Messrs. Henry COX, ?'bar?es T. Hetilv. 1 ?r. POwlkeS, Win terpock; Pat P?wlk?ee, Clover Hill; B. P. Smith, John Blankenshlp and Walter Valden Chesterfield, and Belwyn Han? ildlothian. i'he table was laden with everything good that Well-kept farm can ah ducks, and last, but not I? ild Chesterfield ham, h the Doctor is ?m .Xpert at curing; hen ? ' pies, oiui tin- way tbe guests did justice t? th.- good things waa simply alarming, but a - i ? i i? Ik? genial host was hi M. D., his Is were willing to risk the possibility Of bad results. Win n th? tim? ?am. to leave all I Mntly sp?nt. wishing the Do tor many 11. ?uh of .1. K. Pleaeeate in DaarvUle, l'ANv ll.l.K. VA tS\ ? J R. PI? a - ?nt-, a well-known architect <>t tins city, ?li.-d at bis borne to i I ?. . native of Amelia county, but silent most of his life In Richmond. He had I nvllle for eighteen years. Por the past four ti. r. d fron ' I loll. m.? haul? h lymgalalae Witt alma llrroe?. WINSTON, N. c. i'ebruary : mil Junior i nt? d Aim ., ,,, M, ,.), .,.,,... v., liions ot - ,,,,. n,, ), .? ..n the admin? istration to vindicate our uutioiial honor. HEYCAME TO BLOWS ii:t,i,-uMiiiv ?i v m in?.nil ?MM I li.M I* IIVHIl LIM. II. UtTTKH-i. OG TEARS A CHILD'S FACE. Iltl?- Doimlnn? (iiinun, lli-lia?- l??-nf, Hid Nol ll?-iir Hie Wiiriilnn i;r?i?*'l? Wii?. I nrrsMliiir Hi?? ?in?? l'un??rnl ?if Dr. Ilroiiniiuti?oiln-r BOWB. FOR WORMS and other bowel coni plainti to which chil? dren are Habit? there is no medicine equal to AY ER'S PILLS Mrs. A. CASEY, rij-ott, Art ?r A. .1 Bradk r, B s. ?Bradley, n,i j.. c. ?Pool, tl ?knows M.?" iMster mea, ?bad s diiBeulty in front of ? ' i.nlns boni i" o'cioik. ?Sows i-.* U?. i red ;?u in? igiiiii , Hi. > were separated y frienda The tin- e ?g-mUem? n it.-r ?arreeted ?>n ths ehar-m of tighting i the street and ra-oognlsad for their ppc-aranoe ?before the ?Polies Court Mon? ay moi After Hi" adjoiirnineiit of ths criminal aiirt, ]? ?' by ?Mayor M ? quire Uthgow tu ?mit. and from a tt therein cause of what l that Mr. ?Pool, a bo is an attor unsei for s ?lUchmond house i a claim ?against Mr. h. s. Bradley, hich als?, indirectly invol? he ?proceedings In the court resulted in ettlng all three gentlemen ru0?sd, and Iscussion was renamed when <"urt was ver. Close upon ths words thai w? hanged ?Sams Neure, ttie broth? aging the attention ??r the liwy? r. The itt,r was struck once under ths ?.? ?' hing his f'iot against the ciirb icii. Ths Mesura, Bradli nscratc!i. ?I. I'll? RdS b. i. In! ???m aftei wai i tot tin-ir arrest n ?i ?and ?servi ?i. CHILI' KITTEN I'.Y A ?DOG -. the little deaf-mute child of i Conway, of Bs>t_ns>boro'l sras .rely bitten through the lip by ?i??g owned by Mr. j. p. ?Robinson on "1. The te-til of til?? aulne passed (bar through ?the U] hihl, but the wound has been caUteilTMd, nd t!,.:. la little suits. i??iiigiass. wbo is - iid, was ith ids father at Mr. I. ?StOTS bout 2 o'clock In tbe sft? rnooi ?bayed the Instlncl of a small I at the <i??g on the bead. The animal, hiiti is r? i the ?advances of tin- child, who as a stranger, m presumptuou it itnp.ii.-d ?m his honor I (Trout? !i bad received Be doubtlees gave IS warning gTOWl, but tin- poor little fel ?w could n?)t bear it. ?and kepi on his entle but offensiv.- caressing, Ths "anlTH prang ti i ? and sank fa in the oung fa? n. v. is called off. i >r. Rucker as called imirn . i ? ; 11 ? I \ Uteriged itv. The child t all ?dangerously ?bitten. ?FUNERAL OF I'll ?3RONAUOH. The las ??i i ?r. ?Tilliam N. Bronaugh wer mply ml Impresstvelj k ai the Presbyterian church, a.- Intent) ml s ( ?Hon in Bollywood Com? ' ten conducted the srvlce, assisted bj Revs. W. W / ?bur? li. .. imin I | ?pie, wh?> !???; ? In their thlss (??r tbe muy. wen , The Grays had a ?large attendance al tel George Wayn? f the First i;? L'itn? nt. visited the oom? land. 'SQUIRE CHEATRAirS COURT. 'Squire L W. Cheatbam, who ?v? r the tribunal of Marx Addition, had i numb? bet?r.- him y? norning. R ?Bailey, the young whit ?ho was -'ht on to ths ?grand jury a few ?ago ??n the ?liai::.' of Bteatli from Major Joseph Walker, was ii.. Brei offender. The cbarg? ?im w? cow and ?. "m. ii.- received snoth? rt to he ?grand .uns. snd was taki n to the rfleld Jail t?. aural! trial i on, of th>- County ?'??urt. The case of Hugh dill, charged with re ?m ih>- i . . r Walker tul Btsallng a lot of WOOd, was COO? inu?-?i until nexl ?Trlday, :?t th? >f counsel f?.r t!, William Christian, a coloi hau d wi'ti 11- n Holly ! "., t m he reokiee! ol the com] in the eaee of i ?ampbell, a ,'outh arrested on a v. ?y his father. Aid? n ('am)l dm with carrying .? ??? ipon, tc lad ?was dis? harg? ?i and the ?hargt ?i i?? tie- father. Mayr ?Maurice, of Manchest? fa White remple, had nothing ?before ?Bin lay mornlni but a tramp, an ?English* i Arthur Jon? ,i bave )" Ftei chinan, f?.r his ind fla! ?i iiini ?from th< i iii- ii ?nor wanted :?? know a by be ??i?i main on tl His ?reply v. . - that 1 't.. com? ?i i he ?and ?.: an?! "f i1- I ?the ?rave." Th i ic( Is, i he U tickled all over, snd nothing short of a ?felony would bave h : airy ,lo?i? I dOWIL PERSONALS AND BRI1 Judge Miib-r. ol Powbatan count] ?n ?the city ? it? rday. Mr. Stafford D ?n the ? rainy. . home wii h the | judge B. A. Hancock, of the Court was in the ? it> y? st? rday. Mr. W. Hugh Owen has returned h.,me fr??in a ?business trip In the North nu Btat Mr. W. .1. ' !al ' r '?' fl ' for Nor? folk, where be ,?1 "" hut i n .i. t. Woodall and Mr. .1. j. Corn have returned from Vt Henrj Jai h ion (colored) i ,,y p( night on th? charge of ht blank They tell tl?. ?r woes this momli n??v. Mr. Iweenej ?.s T-**>Dny. u. v. / T. Be tor of Beventh Chrtstlan chui n, who | condu? ta w Ired the i " hurch here that in- wii! be In the i-itv this morning, ?and win preach al s.v.i. ?rrou morning and ng, Mr. s 111 ?bow take up his work regularly here, it i that he will be awaj s put ol next returning towards th? ? : with his family. Tnlilt?! to Rev. IMk?* I'.iiht?, a tablet bai ?been pul sw'a church in rmii. 1??1<, tirst an.i belo? it will : to ? lew on Sun Ing for the Bret time, wie n an appro? pria! will be ,.r, tchi ?I by the Rev, Thon ??tor. s??MiMM<.?V?ii.f<,m?mi^ i W. L Douglas SHOE ? IIOK8 IIOL'UHT AT OIK STOIC?: H I'OI.ISUID HIKE. BEST IN THE WORLD. Catalogue from W. I Douglas, i'.r?.. kton, Mass. Our store i? lor. I h is necessary when purchas? ing s/iocs to consider w licit is best suited to your feet. % ?k^ We make over Iff ?p styles and widths, on ?j lasts especially designed I for comfort as Will as style, ^ and therefore can fit with case |j any foot not deformed. We \ keep a large assortment of \\ different styles and widths % at our stores ; so there will % be no delay in getting a ? perfect Jit. | This cut shows our BOX CALF ! 623 EAST BROAD ST. made on the < '.em Toe, a shoe much worn this winter, and one which gives the best satisfaction. Has heavy oak s<i!.\ outside back stay, fast - color, hooks and eyelets, and in i vi ry way a tirst ihoe. V. make shoes from other leathers,such as li Calf, Calf, Vici Kid, Russia Storm Calf, French Enamel, etc. B. F. TINSI.HY, Manager. ii.iiM." '- <.Mi.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiljiiia,1i,iiliiii1uiiiiiii<iiiy>'> $ FOR THE ALMA MATEE U.1 m\ m: of mm \\s ? OLLEGB i: IIIHI i ?m licit \\ fi r \hf. WOULD INCREASE HER LIBRARY. I'll I*? the Deliiiil?' Mm ' Thou? w ! > Bave ?in? ? sUe-fa Be Sear ii> elde On Steps Takea al Omen Twe ilriubl l'a per?. ry me? ting of the Alum?, of the Woman's College i i In tbe lib soon and the Inter? at In th? at u- i i was v.-ry ... :t number of c? w m? mbers a serai rs of imp, , the for which atlon ahould work. B? vi ral 'id with ?d i rowtb of the scbooL it .illy dedd oqulpment <>f tin m of the a lodation course, lora not probibil their eo-O] tion in any larger work that may in the I ?mi-- be an. rnpl i. but t f-ir '! wort at the alumnae, in pursuance ..: thia With tit* pi m-- f? i an .nt. rtamm. n;, Ivan soon. "Ai'TKU COLLEGE, WHAT?" After ti, ., 0|> i Ith great plea? SO ?f its m.i, rll'; ' ' I .'II the subject, "Al I, well known in literary and repu : In the which sh? read Sh? av. nues of usefulness ubi. ii the ln portunlty for bave i . . stud) irmed the - her tlm nine? teenth centurj | its full r< cluba. This is pri || t shall begin dutiea as ? it will pi,, but ii opportunity. HEALTH AND HIGHER EDUCATION. : th to eur abllll Iniiig . ducation. Bb? in m i ' , d, h . i i cl? ..i I) thing lnb< * i ..-m. bot-h? .,n th. piano, the other riots In air ??i he ?irl the freedom of <?ut m the big ition of u :>. Qive her the i>? neflt, not of ut!, r that will ' hi r la health h.aith and a s ! mind, i in may turn Thorough mental 11 log, whether ?' be In math ?mal sophy, or Latin, BVAOt - th* nt* ,: , ompletely a helpmeet, ai i . ,: tat i.? matuaU] helpful. THF TRIAL AT W II.KI>H4i!?I.V.. lurllier T? "? Im???? > '? l'AT**t Tin?! SirlkiT. Were Hi?.1er... VII.KKSr.AKKK. l'A . K.-hruury ? .?*? Tha trial of Bherlfl llertln and bis depn , ,s not proceed? d ?with this mon? Waeb-j l.urn. He I " '" the t?'x. ! ftsraooa. .'. Hasleton the ?lump there, when the sirll up an rch w,tn '' whereupon they cui . i raising hh I th.- ?ur-i. ?rtv? n. f the .1 u * ion Bella r, n? Sheriff of ? . i out by tic r Maiiin Si II nsptcuoua places around the various works throughout the ?gion, "?m ?September 1th," be Haiti, "i i .?Lout thirl ? 'hunk, ml took them to Audenreid There was ? ?iiistuibaii. ? ?there. Th? n.xt day, . irin?* strikers w to make an Rack tweaker at Beaver .? id'iw. i there,jS piiti.-s to follow. Wh.n I rea h? l ?Meadow I found Bheriff Martin * I itrikera wi reaching ?...ikcr la just in ?ie the Carbon-county line, it s ? ?ta tect 1 I ordlngly, l c tiled i Sheriff Martin . ami tiny ?did. There M ?ik.-rs. ami they ?'I? leer. W< drov? them ?back, using ir gun-- to push them ?along, but some ?gel through <>ur Un trove them out. man Bred ni a r? voiv r. My deputies came there until t. when th on by th.? Common ealth, be was ?allowed n? ?tell what ieriff Martin's ir were. He ild: "MartIn told tfa m lobs rerj boot saybody- that ws ?n?! not. iteml to do any harm, unlsSS it a rs our liv joint ' ?' i lern nder, manager <>f pi'iperties. sai,i t.!iat, ?TO ll'l ?Iain on. be s.'tit, ?an ?ptetnber 8th, for Sheriff Martin. The i th? re ??n the Kb of s ip ln fifty-six deputies. "I \a placed at their head," said ?THerren ' thai same day a crowd <>f about ,v?> thousand strik.-rs surrounded ths icak.r. They were armed with clubs. mi many carried ?revolvere They were and shouted ?and ?waved nur clul i hi? 'I In th<? air, a*,?i w open their ? rl?sd ?to -: 'Now ? 'ftaid.' Th.- ?rltness told how Sheriff Martin ireful how they handled their w? no one, 11111?---' in ?lan -a_ta? 0BL1 ONE l'lMHUIE WINS. ? rrniiile. al 1<><? I?? I ' niiie? In nt the llt-nil. NEW ORLEANS, February U loyne was the only Winning favorite to? uy. Th llghl rein during th? i but not enough to ?affect the i.d of the tra? i?. T te fi ?nir,- ??r* th ? .nu? s win. with odds of 100 ?First r 11 v."" i ami l?> to l? -? cond, P rl i third. Tin s, cond - on.I. .Lin El.! M'l to 1? tblrd. Tittle. Third race- mile and an loykln (1 to ! ? won, Arr? sao ?7 i i bit Sullivan ?I bird. T ' Fourth idlcap, one mile i"?l wenty yard? Elkl , id, Whal N? m '?. o :.? ?bird 'I Fifth i ron, E Sixth r ?,ii.l. L'dah ?i*, t.? l. third. Time, i teporie.i vesaenl <>f Proje-etlles. N< RFi ?IK. VA? Fi I ? n taken from the Fort Monroe to bold it Th? I ? i? Run Hun! ? Mub hound through ?' tethleh?m . hurch, '?? the club-ho Rheumatism. The pains iuciiliiit to rheumatism uro ,H? v? ?i i?y ?>ne application of ?Tbamher ait.'s ?Pain Haim, ami its continue,I use oou ?affects u ?permanent cure. d? 29 -Su. Tu.v finir r?????izn?i ! \ CLOVER, TIMOTHY, GRASS SEED, | NORTHERN-GROWN \ SEED POTATOES, i SEED OATS, &c. t W?' insake a specialty of High i (inul.- FIELD SEED. Writ.? us i wiii'i? baying. t N.R.SAVAGE&SON Grain and Seed Merchants, Richmond. - - - - Va. UA?-WJtSaJtw) BOOK AND JOB YVOUK NEATL? JTfcll AT I'll.' :? i PtUSf. NU dUlvS-a, BUSINESS WAISTS. JIATISFACTION I Our liest Ailvcrtinoiiifnt 1? a Satisiled O?toiiicr. ? ?STOR?KS. The Btorfot your fri?'ii?.H t?*l ou of our gOOCH and prices ;n? ?STORIES. 110,000 sai,i:s 1N ON K \V EEg apreoeilentod for i groMi*rs(ore, ?ut it's uo wonder, eoiisiiltrin?. rliat we Ibivc to sell, .'Hid th? ?rice?. .11 ST THINK OF IT I 6,(ioo dosen Finest Csliiornii iynip I'caclus, full tlin-e-jiouiH tuiulunl?tlics?? goodl OOSt W 0\ he f:t?'t??i'v?we are el?oeing oml he lot. per can. at 10. . We have other big bargains ?ut tbe papers cannot span- u he space to adYertise. We oonlc ise this whole side. VHIIIITFI 1) HAMS AM) I1A? ON. weighing from h ro H p"un?ls; ? "in? Of the lin'-st meat that has ever i-.-n offered on thin market; genuine One old Vir? ginia cured; wortd-wtds reputa- -If)/? tlon; per pound . I I PI I'FIl ? HC V VICKY HITTER. t Is the finest on this or any Other market; re,-??veil fr.-h four times week; order 0M pound or ten. It will only cost, "Rs 1 <r p .und . lvv rtW9 FAMILY Fl.Ol R. car-loads ?;00 barrels), per barrel I ItK LARD. $4.51 h >?sh Butchers' T-trd. per poun?l. Ulj ris >_a<"ge-<StM Mu fif Bardlnss . i I nist, ?crew top-, ?\r worth lie., for . uv latmcal, In 2 pound h Rf box . ut Egg Macaroni. Q-, package . ?in?? Importad Bpaghottl, per ft pound . 4,v ?enulno Ceylon Tee, p??r pound. 35c *rench Breakfast Mocha as ' \Ri Java Coffee, vor pound . '?'* urinK Beans, urown la ?Florida, -jfl/ 4-pound cans; 3 ?am-, for. *" ?allfornla pie Peaches, white '() .'cans . 1UV ?tove Polish; 10 .?ticks Electric 4(\p Poltsb . m 1flf 'ineapple, sliced, larire can*_ *v,v OTTEI) 11 ?i>i IIS "II? FD TOXGfF i Ham and Tongue) i fit ed, for . **'1 "lovee, Allspice, and Ginger, in K/ hair-pound cans, ?ach. All ..ruarle I'lppiim, in 4 pound cana, 4 can? . llackberrtes, In large cans, nice ??A? K'io?ls, 1 caria . ?-" loin? -.m ide Pros? rves, in 10 pound firkins, with handles.... "Tench Soups, ?piart I OKp gOOdS, I cans. ? *''* iorm.r prtoe, 2<K?., now . 0 dozen Worcester Sauce, only If)? for this day. each . Ippoloaaris Water la ?mart bot? tles . jarxe boxes Fin tin?. laker's Chocolate, large cakes, 00/ . ?iul CALIFOHM V SI IFOB ?. if? l'i \? BBS. ,,000 pounds Nice California Evaporated Peaches, ?> pounda.. Large Caaa Oo-pound) Apple- OR? Hinter . ?Jl 1 pounds Home-Mode Am . finest New Tort Put.? Cream -, 4 pounds . 10< 10c 35( 5c a 0( l?t k 3( 25( 10( 25( 85( $1.2 5K 50) )uffy's Malt Whiskey, per bottle ?Tne Old Mountain Rya Whlakey, per galloa . i pounds Arbuckle'e An?*! Coff?.? tor. P1MBST BBBBS rniiiiiii M\?i, 1,000 bales of this Fine Kentucky Hay, p??r hundred. km? F \\ BSTBBH LOMG-BLADB TIMOTHY. 0,000 i.ahs Extra-Pine Hey, per fin. hund??? i OW S i.D'm bushels whit? Corn.? . "*ulcher sad Ryu Whiskey, p.-r 7R. iptart . Idl . 'ti . vpl.Z il. son's Old Rye, Whisk half gallon . 'm? old Apple E-fraady, pat ea. 50< quart 5i lmporte.1 Holland Oln, p.-r quart. Pamtly Or? ; it Pork, per pound . ?,000 bags Pins Paatily Plour, on, bag . u"' n Boap . uvl IPBI i ?L PBICBS TO i MM BT1 ill IBB. 'phone your nun her. and I will - ml your .'l'.l'-r ten mil m the time th..- order la put up. D. O'SILLIVAN Eighteenth and Main Streets, Richmond, Va. (felU-'lh u wtfii, IOARDBRS ALSO, TRANSIENT AM rabie Boarders. l have aleo i.iiKht Rooms. Apply t" Mrs. M a HERBERT, 2w_ m w ran, ALL TO CALL AND BI BUPPLIB with BEST PUEL AT REDUCED PRICE8. 1200 wesl Broa : i?m east i 'an si VN rHLACITE. SIM.IN lONT V FIRE CREEK, AND UAYTON COAL PRICK and CONNEL?^VIl___ COKJ ' ilKte. Wool) Long, Saw-d. and Split. fe 23-d6t_f" !?.' ?' I i \\ \\ ll I?. MD-HAND MACHINERT AM all Casting; f-?r one-half to one-yai Clamshell Dn-Jix?. m good order Wrl n?i full partlculai ALEX SPRUNT mliiKton, X. (4._f. SWAM TWO, TO I.DMi MoNKV SMALL AMOUNT i;,.n.Is. stocks, en? th?r ct I Idress K??x lsu. _tc Citron, Raisin, Sponge Cakes, 21c. II MKRINOUB PIES, CINMAMOM w Coff.-e Cakes. Be.: Rye and Qraham Brea Rolls. ."....; i'ream 1'ufTs. Pa S tri Roll, Beaten Biscuits, le d-'z. n Fo < I. Crullers so nl l'KINKAKl? S 'Phone lio. it* < IMilllfll ?? 1 ??U ?.I I I? l For City Auditor, Chas. W. Fellows SUBJECT TO DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY (te 17.e0dtd? tuno*. lALK-MTbla i,.,. EN KE Al.. TAXK8 FOU THE (I KRfcNTT UAR TEAK AUL TO l?K |i RATA HT THS VENIH,K AN? to? VENDEE ? Tii* '?. TA went ?Brood ?t. fVN ACCOUNT OF a DlSBOLr t i ?.... .*-. ... ?? "-L* I Will , east Broad at THIS ?BATURDA* : at 10:30 A. M . LAM ' CHAINS. ?CHARM ?ing of V. Chaini Leih No limit; no day at ?? 1 P M WILLIAM - fe *S-H# Aterios BALHS-Tatare !? ?. i S nuitti TRUHTEKS" AUCTION SALK ?IRABLE ' DETACHED BRI? K No. ? ?.'-' NORTH BETV. * Hy virtu. 1 in ?he ? ' < "Hi t men! iiiK req ! S'il, bj l I premises, .?n LAN!?. With '! ' and oth'r n and being in th? th.- W.,-1 Uli" . a-- follow??: !.. Eirst i ami fronting ". . th? Eirst back be! we? n | ? ' TEEMS ? any I s' of $1,'-'<"?. with in' due of the pur? ; payabl? 111.Uli: acribe and tion, us the tru?-!. .1 I V. ?DONA AUCIIOS AT < ?BL'8 PASS THURSDAi ' Sab will ? A 1?.' of ' !.!' t'ARMI* . I'i'KM'l'! l:i. ? H. .is?. ' second-band. 'I'll.- :- ,1. ^.|| count Tlore will also ' MILLET in lai products ui'l b< TEE til pao' ' Thei V'idi-.l A 1 HI. \I. I 1 V I I'RIV ?, II ??Ml \ tin.i ?,! v hi: ich ? ?i? i M.i i ?. > ti I TEN ROOMS ANT? TV, : LYC! i:?:i*S 1?. S.\',i H . fe 2.-tE.:r7i FOR HIM 2 Hilt EBBT. '- ! No. 827 : north Eighteenth an I No 1??7 '.?, re. Wi.l rent all the al I ??It IIIM. A BARGAIN CAN BE Eirst? - a modem dwelling In tl? '.liar. ? '.all an?! ' It No FOU HLM PVRNisi ? i-mt itiA i. DESIRABLE BRI? f. li-im Klll'i.lll mis i w \\ i >?Tj \ \ I ! SITUATION I ? hund?a ? MERCHANDISE patch iiillei?,_ mil ?. ? i i ;iu v? \\ 11 i> REGISTERED CLEJ ALLS? ?N. \\ WII I?. T<> DI8PI ?: ti.ui of pr. \\ WII H ' M WII Y<>? week c . ,i\ m First COMPAN" \\ WII I? Carolina fo mill-supply hou trade reference. an?! (until .N ' NINE APPLICATIONS k fr??m I the "tli. e of tl'.c Si, lldlllg .i! brig!: ; ; \\ WII I. TRAVEL!.IN'?". BALES*! IN complete PAN* LOST, MR il UM, nu ? <?i 90. WEDNESDA1 A HI I'? ?IN an. hi w \i.i? STl: i:..M mi II 1?> months old. ? Cam - DodKers. ?t -? w or work, we * particular.