Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND MSPAT?H. _ WHOLE NUK-BB, 14,534. RlfiHMOXn va! TUESDAY. MARCH 1, 1898. _THBEB CENTS PBB COPY. COI RT AI' m WEST. Botli Begins ;?e Takinf of Testimony There, U HU BBTUB1 TO HABANA. iidenc? at Cuban Capital to irom Civiians and Divers. I V I I ?>\ I III I \|-| <l??l?t\. ,v ?. ? ? ?in- Week- Mi lure lourl 1MB L? ?ni?- ti It,-port ? mil. er IIiIiiU? DUMMteS I>n -it". N ., t.i Key Wet a !. ! WOJ ' , RD." ' this ? ??nimii itlon that tin- court I . urteilt f. : . th? 'ly no rawn . ' i ? port <>f .11 t-ktng 111?' tSStl ! -. Thin, upon . th.- mud which .?f til?' lent Ik. i ? . m. nt. . SAMPSON. . ?lu ?or Which kling* this m liter, Seer ? I 11 hiin - till here. To-morrow w? a. :. have . I M CSP I i the i will be tie ir \ a. : ? i ? - :al men tn? n it m r further Uvera, ?illy. iMPSON, \ ?-. y." RIES THAT AMI E ime 11 om K? t W? t - amone - .?tiny fa r b - laid that im or I from tl -l und put ir of at ?>r ? . tille. Bl) -. Hi I.? ntll Apl Bill had .:p tO Ha? ll Itb .ml.-t -i?.us bave . ... y t.. furia RT DENI El ?. I n p wltb him. v s fork I the ?1 the N THE PR1 nfgbi .n i m . > si about i? i- m? !. Isavlni uiii iii.iiKi? K <?** nn: WAT. * ".??Il ?...ntl> I ii.lllli.??- \\??rL ill n.11,,, ?j,?u,,i.h ? ?nUSMailee. lUdfB :.--. ?int. ?I ;it N >? "i It, with the der Hook ut a.i for ; ...i. rwrll n <?r ... ,- -. .?(?y faclll - I . mov< 'I"- tw . i.. i t -. i rt of tU* dlvere, nation Into lb? ? In. t ol - . ?i py th? ?Navigation H u ... upon iditora o? iba Treasury, who urn ' ',v Obliged to pa> ((V,T ?, _^ .___, i;-;?n?...n.. or t,.?, ?t ??. J ?tS7nheda_.^h?i^yUdu -?? ni o i i '" 0ov??'?-?ant on ac? ?m? or .?..?..,, pa, (? aepoalts. , \h^";;'"t tu- victim-, ?f ,h?. Maine, ,,.r / '^''''tment is obliged In man, 'it m, . V ? ""' **** "f -??Of/S "ii.?nt th. presence of th- bod? it u "-? ?'lb, ?i.mcialthi?aS?"|Jiita? <';-- Pert?hed In the enUa??ophe. dng the N.,v> Depart? 't fr.,,,, ?II parts ?f ??.mtr, ,,,?? I tite vl. tin,-, and It ' m numeroua ,., , s ther? '" "> - ror th? ?mall sums ' money or other propert) that I ' m? ?!..i? m? i,. N" LIGHT ON BXPLO0ION. i authoritatively th..? red i. ?? e ol thai h had ir ?stet i ition. K? | Weet, I " ?Phed thla moTmlng thai he had, ?rd? r, se? ori'.l a plot i,f -p-OUnd in th? ? n. '1 Wl 11- t, : red th? i. m.un- of such of i from Admiral Bicard will , " k ?ft? r ph? f m. ai r tngi h i . - ' in -i to T< i tugs? to ay, and Joli i ladr?n, i rt? ?i h< i .h rived at Tompklna? day. Th? ? : red at '"rt of 1 the West Ii Captain Dickens, ,,r th? on Bur? su . t?. Noi folk "ontrarj t., ?om< report? thai have bei n othlng to do rttb wai pr? parationa He went t?. In? peel th.- old tialning-Shlp Essex, which usa just r.iuin.ii from ? long cruise, ? Il ii :i t'l?Ii litlc.-s. in? siat. ?Department to-day received h? following dispatch trono Minister \ oodfortf, at M.i.ii ni; Ii tng Spanish Coi tee, Peb? int.v Nth. Ne-a Cortea ?rill meet April ".th." ?*.utlon of the < tortea had i>? o ?i. an.i it may i? attended arlth |m? -tortanl SPANISH ELECTIONS. The two ?parti? I liberal and ? tons? rva Ive, will now appeal to the country, and >n th? i? -alt will depend tin omple clon ol the mtnlstrj Thi - nlnlstrj. non In power, la Lib? ni It? etentlon In pow? r m? ana much si th? m? . for it wai on the sdvenl im- thai <"> m tai Wey i i ailed, the "i do" de : nulled, and the pr? ?enl plan ?f autonomy pul m force. Th? poll? y meo m an sntlre t? versal <?t thai under Ive r? elm? ??i ? 'anovas and and It i- fell that the on a quence of tin-; p??ii?a I than the ministry it^> If, In the ?f th? 'us. 111 be held not only In Spain, but als?? in Cuba and Puerto Rico. This, hould n<>t i" copfoilnded with the local election? of Cuba und? r th? i tlona will I??- confined entirely to the cbol? ol d? le? to th? Imp? rial 1 !. and will not b? th? autonomoua plan tur iba. The latter have >o1 been fix? d, and lb? time for them a ill be ?el by tin i hi: i mi? ii: \ \ i ki:v \\ i:>l. ????ri Rearlaia the Tal&lag of Teatl? iiiini> ? \uiklag Ulvea <?u?. . un ! oi in tulrj Into th? loss of tin battleship .Maine, In th-.- har? as i, "?i i this morning. in?, first wit? .. ?/tu | . kei cording to its i not according to the rank ??t th? wil Handln mai b? fort the coui t for ahoiil an hour. Tin- naval officer? sat In Judg? Lo k? . privat? tl ourt room. No marines were on | ard, but all ad, 'i bose who w< r< : as wltn? lun? ic "i,, at i i. wer? L Blandln, H.I, Jungen, and Blow, and Cadets Btooson and B? ?Lieutenant Commander Marlx, who : in?- list of wiin. ?SMS, said th? quiry wa? pr ng well. Tin- Detroit ?ailed to the Tortuga? to? day with provisions for the il? ? t. 'i he oourl of Inquiry reeonien? ! at 2 k thla afteiicon i.i. uti Ho? d wip? testified at Habana, was again lit ut< na nt-of-M irines ? atlin gave Idem ? ? i ni' k l >. and was fi Boatswain Larkin, Qunner Hill, and : Ho m? The i ? o last named wei a ?Hi shore at the tin. ild tell llttl? At t< ii minut? the court ad? J..UIm ,i until ne idg? -Advo? Manx said: "The stenographer? I all tiny can transcribe In re? ord foi m and th? re la no oat of our working longer ptaln Bampson seemed satisfied with work, but ?aid nothing could be c.l\? II Ollt. t- ! . ?in had i" en el? d for th? ? n 8 impaon hel i ? r with ] and tin n return??! to the Iowa, Captain Cbadwlck and Lieutenant-Commander _,< a on boai i th? N? ?. OUE88 AT ?"? >URT PINDIN? Fea know mor? than was known thla morning. An officer of the Maine, how? ever, " examined by the dm ln| th? day, talk? d at length with tlie com ipond? lat? ?i I , ?you " h" ?aid, "what line ol qui lopted, but the coul t will find, i thai the Mam. blown up b] design, though i don't think it will in able to ascerta bow, rather than on -positiv? rldence, B] this i mean that all the testimony beard : ;!i, Up on, | of thOSfl in? th? ?f Internal nus negativ? ??id? ne? u i . no poa Blblllt) of the court's deciding thai the -, ?was Intel nal. "Th? only alternative then i? it for th? i - to fall back on svtdenc? whleh ?pointa t?? Up Intentional blowing up oi I think, will be ,,,,1, - i formulate? tbeorj of rt n ,,? ?i, i.m. s that it does not know how th? disaster eooarred, both "i which conjecture? i think Improbable." . th? valu? ??t th? opinion m question it must Im borne In nun?! thai lw ?ran i?. for.- th? court for atxwil fifteen minutes only? and thai be baa si all tisses sprees? d him? .;! that the ? \plo km was ii.,I dU ( an ...???Ii nt. M? mi,? r< ??f i in- court, when the sub thi int? ? vi? w 1 IS l.r?nii;lit 1?. their ait. ntiou, declined to have any? thing to ?ay. ?411 tba high naval and militais offii lali I" " '' " a?k. .1 . iu ., ? ?tlona, p?'iitciy profess Ignoi OLMMI BMtkt laM MAM. It I? r.-leliml?,-?l 1? llnlllmor??? ni-ill niii GirsTsnns Mnlros an \?iiire?-. BALTIMORE F?t'iaiai\ -v v sol, run i ii., n poea of the souls oi thosi who lost tiieir lives through t?*M n non ol th? battieahlp Main,, m Habana was celebrated al th? Cathedral ner< this montiag. Cardinal Oibbona made an address, snd ad the et tor the dead. A aumoer of anvaJ ?ad mlllury ofil - w? r? pr? ni, Including ?f th, rnUltla and ??aval reaei The vocal music was furnished bj a quartett? from the "Brtde-Eleot' Opera Company. BOW performing In 1* ,,,,,,,,,,i. ssaoaa "th.r thing*, said. ' Too much ?vrais? canu-t l>? bvstow?td ?!, ?.!*-"*"1 nn'- on the ?embira i nis Cabinet, an?l particularly on th?. Mratary of Um Navy and his aecktt nis. ns wen an ,.n tho tWo immuj o| oivtreee, for the caln-neee aad traa umity. the self-control, am' tl, "h* -sHion. which they have cxhibic-i B"*lng Hi" fearful thronKh whlr-h '" ""intry ha?. BB? n |in*K!fiK In tie B?I VO 'lays. H n.-. de.1 OB]) .1 spark t?. IIMlS ;? Kre;,t Cunt?anla ti.itl. Hlld tie- pa ' al aad ?iiimiti.-.i bearlag cf the I legislativ? bodlee are ail th? mmendable in vt? m -?f th- mu and mi. nip. r.te ntterai ?toy Bensattonal news] : nation i* too bra* t?.?. -?tronir, " pow? fui. an?! to nenas in n unrighteous .,r pn ? , Itata war Lei ""'""tn?.? r ,.., ?f the world ' upon us, ?hat we oannoi nrliTs judgment, nal that we Will gain 1 "" appl tuse snd r? l for eurselvea y rahn d?lib?ration and masterly in Ctlvltp than b) r. rms. "I hope and belk n . foi the honor >.f umanlty, tnat :?,,- ,,. tructios ,,f th.? lain?- was caused by an I and la bal case Spain cannot be ait suppose some nendish Cuban bad f !i . in .?! 'ni'i.'i! ?air nation in a war with li mother countrj - in that r-a hould li ? I,.- held ? And v? n h..? ?...,?, fanatical s? I this strocloua crime, there rould i?e na t.?r reoom that WOUld warrant h??? Hltl? i wouM i.rid? nee thai th? : nmt m plaaned the laying ??f a ipe.i.. ..r th.- minina ol Habana harbor .or vessel cm i .!?? not be? nd n?. ?an man ? an believe, that a Ivilised nation would be guilty of Bach nhumanlty. "An able commission h been sppolnt (i i?\- th?- government t.? Investlgat? th? an?. of in.- disaster. Lei aa calmly i'i?l dispassionately awatl ')? n heir verdict, aad not sntt? Ipate th? ir inimii.i.t. "One thinii is certain, thla country tnowa how, in any emergency, t?? defend i? r honor ami protect ii.r Inter? .' HP Wl-ll lilt KRS IIIIVT dl' Ml. III.? Will II?? l.lvili ?lie I? I'lieilil le? n?? Pre P?saaMMo. n \i:.\N'A. Cebra ?is H ?Little wo h ses don? to-day by tie- dlv? ? Ug Rlghl Ann. ?'aptain Mr?,..-, wb? l n chai ge, i e? ma to lach ? ?t hoi Itj 11 i . i... wrecking people >?i otbera, and la in , t?? ???ik ..n his own Judgm? nt, tails. 1 'aptain BlgH on board th? BtntM light-house tender I ' mtit l P m He waited for the *-i ?nisi 11* i- bul thej diii not sopear. Captain ! hinkS Spain li.? a iiu.i nternational right to make an indepen amlnatlon snd i?>- win give th?' Spanish dtvei I ira pos? i fflculty ei ?odies i?: ii..i '?it th? livers. Th?- latter yesterday worked for i,?,. i,,. ne body, lit.let, ami ?a.f Hi- dlv? i I h al a 1? id aii sad ' got th- i: air-tub?i Even then th. dd not estr?? ate th.- rem . rtm ?pal effort * "f th.- dh tow directed toward clearing th.- upper Him??. ! ami gl I'!., n. if tad t" foi?, all l la- dead ? all be .1. One ??;' tin ?add i lv? ! by 'aptain Blgsbe? s ? from th? <.f wrote that wh< n ?a itb i-i Ma ti : i ?om< WCI Mr! Inlay, ami ?. ?.f tl-.' lit??? I ?ill \ Ml I4 Ml WHP ?.. iieitil I..-.-. III.? Will lull on Hin ne.? 'I'.i-llii ? . HABANA, ' Beaato* Proc? tor had expected t?? pay Li.- p- > ipecta to Captain-Oeneral Blaaoo to-day, n Hie company of his travelling ? "tn :>aiiion, Colonel Parker, sad Consul-Gsns .1 I , ... Put th? Captain-?;. leTal _Bfl ...a unusually busy in getting r? the outgoing mails. and has tlv ?1 1 ?'clock to-morrow afternoon foi Senator, Proctor*B ?-ail. Only one body has ?been recovefed t?? lay, and it baa not been Identified, though th? re are hopea that it ma) ba : With any other? recovered in time, it ivill K?? arith th.- wounded on th? Bache i?? th.- Dry Tortugas, ami then to KLey On her next trip noi th ti.. win Carry to Key West ti?- tiist com? aai.y of wounded taken to the Dry T.?r IUK.iS. ? iptaln Bigsb? w as much _> I . day, in good condition, his insignia i?f the Order ??i th.- Rod Bagl? a., .ni.i th.- gold medal pn aent? -i :?. him by th?- International Rsh? i hlbltlon in London in I8B Captain Bigsbee reporta that tl ,,i the -i??' i- to-day was slow, sad mus? necessarily continue slow, .?win? to ;h. difficulty "f makm?; an Impression upon the m laa of I?- a> ) debris, i. -, to-di y ?'apt un McG- '. of th" . i. : : Ann. recelvi .i orders from the . uch light? rs a iiecessai to i mov? th? debris from the wrei k. Tn i will I th? w,?rk of n- rally has i. : i.u. la? publish? d late this ev? nlng nut "f ?i battle ?n th? provine? ol Puerto Pria ? F? bruary 1Mb ami r.?th. ami In Which He ' ?lid t?. hav.? ).. I l?l kill? ?1 ami WOU1 PACHECO Mimih HIMSELF. > l?ii !?. I> ?'Ulcer W ho Tried to I nil ?in ?.? iierii I W ?oil fiu-il. mai dill >, i bi... ? ha ? ommlssa rial "'li?. i. i'a. be? ?. who i ? atly call? d ai tin- residence -.f General Stewart I \\.Iford, th? United Btatea Mlnlstei t Spa in. hut Who wa.- i a I I ?,. ... an 1 who wa.? Bent afterward t.? a mUttary a?i?.i m. i do? taring thai be was ii..iii)!:. loti ?ally mad," committed - tsrday bj shooting hlmsell with ?? revolver, Much aurj .i ,,t i im fad that Pacheco \ .n?.w?-?! t?? retain .< revolver taken he waa presumed t?? ba Insane, TBB1 BAYB v ? ?in- li i I I i<>\. I?i?uul>l?rn ??? Hi?- CoiitVil.T u> I'riinii- (Im?111? % i? M <? u um ?n I I und. 'i'ha local ob ?pi. t. i ?aught? i - af Um Confederacy, met at Lee-Caaip Hall >> -- nooa ami adopt* d a constitu? tion and 1?;.-laws. A l?tt?i WBS . ?a ?iv. .1 from ?a president ??t t?o Davis Mobb m? m a??.?, ?anon sakina for tka o-op? ra? tion of th. chapter) but In the abetnc? ??i th.- treasurer no deflalte aaswer could t?> returned, .?ml tin- matter was laid o?.er until th.- n-ai iineini?, theaa p. pledging themselvea i" -lo ?ill in tin ir pow? i t?? help : An app? .?i was .,.. , i, ,,i from Baltlmon that ail Conf?d?ral? women Bend contributions rtlCleS, us,-ful and ornamental, a .. books ami photographs of Richmond, t.? the bazaar to !?< held m I'.iM.r w.?k fili? l?,, i?- u? lit of arldou veterans. Bra N. V, Randolph was ap? pointed to receive sieh contributions, which must, bowev?er. i" aent befara the end ??1 MaJ.h. Il.-Ktli <?l Mr?, llalli?- I.?-lull Alit-n. mis li.itti? Leigh Allen ?u.-.i earl] UUa morning at her residence, No. Ml north Sixth street after a lingering ami pain? ful Illness? which abe bore with ki. at for? titude, ami even cheerfuliMeo, thougb at tnm- her Hufferlnga were Int.-ns. Mrs. u i in the Bth v? at >?t lar ?Age, ,,.,,( rour small children. She aas b loved bj a will?- cif.-l. .?I ..-,,.i,,i,,t... ?,ii,i esteemed .?s .? woman of Christian virtues by the congregation of Immanuel Hiiptixi church, of which aha was a .1, Bist? nt member. Th?. funeral arrange have not v-i i.?,m in.uiiL 1 . SOLDIER SLEEPS. MB, * % m. ii. i \ i i \ i in it?. im:?, ix ?.LOI < r.MTKK (Ol >TY !*L\UAV. ALLANT YETERAH OP TYiO WARS. Ilrllllnnt I ? **foaSSSl a? aa ?I n DnaliliiK < mi f. ?I. m le iiniei-r ? ketefil of TM? Prominent \ I ruin In (?t-litleiiiiin'n I,Iff?. OLOUCaOTBR ?"'?fpTiiorsr: va, try **& iSp- \ ;-,l i Majo? ? - 71111am i:. Taiiaf.rro died at hi-- botas un-lav nii<ht at It I.'-". .,"clo.-k, after an ?11 M ??f marly four in?.nth-. Th.- General n mu. ti mont tiii' i nt w h. n his eti'l cam?- h?- j hk. ?m?' **aRing asa i Tahafrto ha.l I,. ? n er.wlnkc ? Me for a > ?i ,, ,,* htt roen ?I taettlt Hi?. vision .?! recentl) beeoss? s?> w?takened thai i tdge. <?n Um aal ? l?setl?on?di i in- started to tin- polla n a buggy driven by hi? ?rife. Mi Ta pen d the cate -o tb? farm aie! he tienen! in |ttemptlng to drive caught tin- w roag r?m. snd tb? torse ahnosl upsel in.- buggy, Th.- ahoch ?f thi.?- seddeni L-T'?u*rht on an attach I hi? h i no??i. w ' lli i t" load the borse, snd Hi-' area slmoal i>roatrat? in th? bot ??m ot th.- vihici?-. h w ,? taken boma m?l f??r a Ion? Mm?' was Insensible and lis lift- was ii.-p.iii??i of for ?omeweeks I? was somewhat Improved In 1'..n?l..r n.i January, though stnee the beginning a this month in- bad been getting weak? H- would recognise friends, but it if?,m ??f min,i t., continue a 'ion long! r than a few tic surrounded durtag hi? long lll i wit?- and i irge family t loving children. THE PUNBRAL WKDNEBDAY. ' been re lc '. he family c\|it, -hv ,,t' th" mpethy, Anangem? nta u i "? n made for tin funeral at Wen I'll'h at 1.' O'clock on Wi-lll.'sda v. The hur? i: t II bi ? sduet? ?l by i:? .-. a B, Lee, and sl Ma? with u.v. William K. matt a? in. will commit th?- ritriaiiis t?> the Botetourt Lodge, of thla county, uni Oriental Lodge, of Mathews, ?/ill end in a bodj. i fi om the < M ila a ill siso i.?- in ,ti. nd? I "pull? r ? 'imp of ?'o ire In vit ?ad i. : ' inp. if Math?t*ws, and H?saly?Claybrook Cam**?, .f Mid nd all Confedi i i mty t< ?tti mi th? funei il , i .. ??>n from i. Camp, of Richmond Ths ollowtng ?re tic who H- al! M \ '." W i-i" .1 il Nye, a a R? * . r ii. Wolf.'. ?". < m.i i" i: ' 'rii.' honorary pall? |or William K Pi rrin, lui,n i: i ??movan. Judge '?. 'r. Oarnett, ::. i. Bander?, Captain J. W. Bobbins. \. Smith. F. P. I, I N". i?r. K ?'. s TaUaferro, tbe General*? foungi i ' a ?n; Major 'i hoi ilia hla tu,ah? i, ..n?! Judge B. R. Well ford i dl arrive from Warner reliefer. ?, anoth?sr ?on af ths General's, ?m arrive to m m en morning. Ilinuriiplilcii I. a Booth TaHafsrro was ... i.-r n'lntv. Va Hi? tatlur was Warren T. rallaferro, Esq., son of ?Dr. William Tall ifsrro, a distinguished physician of thai iime. snd member of the well-known Virginia family of thai name Through gra ndfather a n ' irand 'i i.i-i ,-.iii- i toa I ; a?rai Paiiai'-tTo aii.'ct?-.) ?ritta the riiinikmortons, Lani W irners, Baytops, and other promlnenl Virginia ramilles, snd through his nioih.r. Mis? PrancM Booth, ?with lbs TaW t, Rays, ids, snd'ol Aft.-r s boyhood ?peni at Bellvllle, lbs family ?eat of tii? Booths, delightfully situated ?ni North river, and ? tjrpleal Vlrginls plantatloa of ths old regime ?nd in attendance on various local ?cade Mr, Taliaf? rro ? m? red \\ llliam end \i ,i \ ? '..ii. ge, from blch he -rradu ited two ft-.?is ?ft? r ?rttb thi d? . B. He 11 I Harvard University, he studied law and? Istln _iii-ii..i jurist? sa Judge ftorj snd Mr. Ureenleat, returning bom? In IM to en? lags in th? practice of hi? profession. He early ahowed ?, "predilection for mill? ind at th? sgs of M held a commit "ion sa lieutenant In a loesl ?yol . impany, b< Ins tube? quently pro to the rank of captain, and then ,f m ij..i in lb? volant, ?f Ott i in th? 'i. claratlon et mat eg iln t-Mej h?- api lied foi aa I was ui\?-n >?v ****reel? denl i'oik a commission ?a captain in th? Eleventh Un!t<ed Btatea Infantry, ramand of hi? com? iny, nail? i ta Crus to join Bcott'a srmy In ths Of tl. it pi o i . All?it th? fall of Crus" followed tin famous march of from th? ?'.air to tin i \ico. in ?which Captain Tallaferro led his com? p ,nv with ?ui ii distln? ti?ii, Ing, march in tb? battle ? I He unantla, of Puebla, and oth? r sftalrs, Ival of th. ...nv at the ; rotaot? ?i to a majority in the Ninth I'nit' l Sut? s In? fantry. Daring tiu- occupation of Mexico. M Taltaf? i m a la d? lall? d, ?with hi.s com? mand, to *ruard the eel? brated ?liver niin.-s in the region of Mineral del Monte, ami to ?????ii the etlret trains 'rum th to iln- tinnt m the capital in the then condillos int.y, , AfB? uit snd dangeroua task, bol lughl by Me lor Tallaferro sa sfl better Held than the m iln si my fot adventure sad Individual distinction, After tb? Mexican w ir h? wa^ sleeted i,y the i.pi" of Gloucester to represent th. m in th? Legislatore, and ?erved ?ev . in the House ?if Delegates in UM ht mrnt pi loed apoa the Deaao? # ti? kit us elector, sad caava ad I] ill th? . listara faert of Virginia in that political l'Hit' ?t, and, with his R, i. Moutegue, J. Etaado4*ph Tucker, Jamea Barbour, and others, ths rots ??f Virginia for ?Buchanan and Hi.? klnrtdga Km i iinmh. r .?f y??IS he t tin- ?-ommi.nw ailli as prow and ?in In Important work? of Internal improve? ment, and waa ! " BOON tim?- at th?- h? id ,,i the Board of Trustees of the Militan Institute and bad seen oonnected as visi i,.i wi'h Othsri of ?>ur BMS| ch? n.-h-d Ill? 's of li.irnlnK At the tim.- Of th? !' 'in l'.r.iwn i .id. ? leneral Tsllaf? i re was tii. ?ealot iii in the Btate er si rotee, snd, as ordsr of 0?sveriior Wise, sa BUmed iiiiiin ?liai? ???niniand of all th. Sill.- troopse?engaged In ths vicinity ol Hi per'? Ferry ?and ? *h \tk tUn a. Whop the late ?war hrok? out h? ?raa ., major-general la tin- militia of tin State, and ?m th.- evening of the day on ubleb tin E "'1 ""in tbe Union iraa ordered bj 0<ovomor Letoher lo Nt ? f?dk to ergaaJaa and aaaoms i omnssnd ?>f the fore, s of V irninin t?> t? 1 ?I at that point. He rea? h d Noiiolk th.- s am- sight, SOd '??ok ???iiinianil of tin* few troops HSHenilileil from tb? ?it> ami th?' ?JBtrroundlna (*ountry. B? piann.-t ths d.f? mes of the city and ?atshushed tins? mhU ii w.i? aftei *ar?i. u I gn ?t fttt Dl adopted by it"' ?'onfeiiirate suthorftlea ,. .! suppli'd th? I'onf.'ileiai \, Ia ti moval In th? niniit from Fort Norfolk at area! pereoaal hasard In Its opertn? l mteiic. with ths Brat lar?.' .supply of pjwdcr it ?sbtnlnad. Wkaa tita rataataai rstcm was adopted by the Virginia ccn- f ; jntion, lor active duty. Oencral Talla- I , irro applied for a comand, and was mude ] ilonel in that service, nnd whs assign?.?! i the command at Glom.-ster l'oint. He 1 as afterwards assigne?! to the commiml t ! the Twenty-third Virginia. 1'eglm-nt, I id was, with his regiment. s?-nt out with i ??neral Ganu-tt's command to North- t salera Virginia bBaaadfately after th? < jsaster at lTilillppi. He served with 1 srnett in ssmpslge iad on his m.?i il..- retreati aad had Ike laBBadl- y te command of nil th>- Coafederata r ?ops eagaffsd la the battle af "Carrtek'a t or.i." Aft.r fKtsett traa -Bled h?.- took t ?mirand <-f the army, and Bafel) crn- 1 Bated it through a part of Marytaad to i i?- valley af tie eouth braaeh ??f the Po- t BBae, an?l up that valley t?> the tOWB j | terey? In the eeuaty ?>f HlghMnd.1 a :!.? army was recruited sad i GENERAL WILLIAM vi), n the linea aere ? igatn 'croea th? AU? - . ..ii,iii.?... i de, t it Oreenbrier river, which brigade b? i ?ommanded In the battl? of Oreenbrier t River, fought at thai place, between ?t?e ? lonfederat? troops commi : ' n- t rai Hi arj R .1 ickaon si d the Fi i 1 -l? ' by (ieneral IfBros Hs Incted hi- brigade In the terrible march ? made tl Cheal Moan! ilnl snd I up th-- Ch? t river in the faaaaua re-j 1 oiinnissanae mad? by 0? neral Lac in that v. in lb? winter of im be was 1 irdered, wiih hta brigade, to Winchester, 1 to t> port t?? Oeneral "8tom wall" Jo ikaoa, j ind h.? marched the flrsl CoBfederate ? troops, 1 .?i -lating ol \ik ?n- u Geoi ind Vlrginl 1 1. glm n< 1, d? a 0 the \ all? y 1 of the Bhei indoah. Ho was with Jackson 1 m his .. I? m it? ? march to Roma y. in t the ?aiiy aiater ol IMS In Pebruary, 1 M% he a 1- appointed by President Dai brigadler-genersl In the Confed?rate 1 ?liny, and ord? red to report to General loseph B. Johnston, who ssstgned him .. . brigade In the "Army ?>?' the Valley." He de in the battle of 1 "Mi 1 tow? i'.." ?mi (aft? r the wounding of 1 1 Edward Johnson) all ths Coa- ? until lbs sue- 1 :i t? iiiiinai?.m ??t ths light Hs BBS ' wiih "Stonewall" Jackson throughout hi I famous Valley campaign, and participai ? in most ?if these memorable patties. ? After the seven days' battlea around ' Richmond!, in which be was only abl? to I participate an the last*day, hs was sent II with Jackson t?? the Una of th? Rgpldan,?! and at th battle Ol "Slaughtei s Mountain," In which li ' was slightly wouoded, aucceeded npon the 1 tail of the n...Hun Qgnsral Charlea Win- i d.-r t?> the command ??1 the '?Stonewall : Dlvlalon," which he commanded during l the Bgbt He commanded thla division (Jackson's) throughout the succeeding . smpalga, until st the end battle o? ; Mana?-!-, he compel?? ?i to I? ?? the Held for a few months He repoi ? . for d ity In 1 time to 'ak.- command of th it , lebr ited be i? ittle of ?Fre lerick -- burg, aad commanded it la that gr it bat- i 1 He, In February, UB, he w.?? ordered to report omm ind -...u tmenl of South Car ?Una sad Florid . .?ad wa 1 ssslgaad try th ?i to the command of th? def? ncee ??r nab and the aurroundlng Ma-coast \'. hen tl i' fore? In July after wsrd a landing on the aoutb end of M iBlaad, In South Carolin 1, he votaati 1 n d 1 Itb the tro? operating In thai Bl ite, aad ha n is m command afederat? on m oiis Island, Un a ocupylng the north end of thai small Island, oon lined in 1 ,tt. iv Wagner and Battery and n.? i:.1. ?.I by ses and land. He organised and disciplined this com? mand, made aortlea from the fort, .'uni sustained on the Itth of July the aaoei terrific bombardmeol from the combined naval and militais- force? ..t the enemy aver up to that time, if ever afterwards, I wltaessed upon tb - continent aad re-l with i.7"?i men tl iltlng columns ??f th.- enemy, numb? ring. i"'??? inStcttag opon them a lasa of aver 1 ?" killed and over double that number : I. aad auatainlng blmaelf a lesa of only about IM In killed and wounded. He waa subsequently placed In command of the Important approa? h t.? Charleston, "jam. s isiami." with ths largest force in tie Departmeat -onsisilng of aeveral biIgadi 1 li- re be - mtly > b gaged aith the enemy for many months, in February, i????, he was ordered by Qea? eral Boaaregard to Florida to take bob*. mead of all the Confederate ti rating In that Btati, il?- s d to Suuih Carolins In April an 1 plsced In OmSBBBd ?>f th?- Sullivan Island .1? if? sad sfterwarda <<t all the defence? of ? "hark st..n and the sea ooaat \< the tun?- ,,f Sh.rmaii's BBBrch through Q gis h?- w.?- sent to take charge ?>f the troopa co-operatlag with Wheeler*? ?-.ivalry on th.- n.,rth bo?k ol th' Ba? vainiah river, aad t-. cover the re? a* ti.iii of Ibvi liiinii. When th" <-\ lii.n ?if Charleston was determined on In ' in-a quencc of tin- n ??tt Carottoa, Qeaeral Taliaferro was charged with that duty whiih graa BC4? "im listn-.i without the loss of a man. ami h? \> is it nina placad in ? iiiun nul of ?i dlvl in III.- li. Id In the army connuBBdB- I ) Oeneral Hards*. The battl? ol '"Averya boro",*' N. c.. in th.- u. igbl o? hood ol I ? Ucvllle, ?TBS fouKht pnmipallv l?> Tall aferro'a ?llvisiou. Alter the junction of the anny BBdai ardee with the army nn?l" Joseph B ihm-ton be BIBBaaaatMd diviston of rorps In th- "Army -?* *_<-*?_? ..." and with It participated In the bat i of it-?nton\i?i.4. operatlBi oa th?* ?x eme right of ?J.-ner.I Johnstons army that Important battle. He was paroled i Map, Wm. a maj<?r-K?n?*ral. and Ha? rmed home to And. after an ab*. r?r four yearn. m<>st of his pr??p- ")' Id wist?- an?) cuafiscated. in Bn he eras ssaln sleeted tn the I.e d - re? il tim? ?. presenting hi? county nil he was de at.'d by the n- ? ' '< ' wh,;i tal ni' an I While the Legisla un he u>??k :? i?romincnt ,rf m gil the proceedings <?f that body. ?inn a m? ml-.-r of many of the nmst im ?rtant committees meludlng th?' ooaa on Jurlaprudence and na the ka ami its Tributaries, which In n. TAI?AFERR? .I _8h Unlustra . Amolli; o which le a? rved .-r?- those to amend tin mstltu on; to mb? :; f the Senate ami HOUSe, * ' i.ui ??!' th.? Jull.t . ?in. nun th? English gentlemen who i : all Juckson, ami to i i ? ? i he .? im? In i?- Capitol Square; and on thai nppoint d to ? "ni r w nh a commltti a laryland Legislature on tin Btsu boua tahllsh th?' trie- Ina . As halnnan of the Hous? commute? ??f tins ?int confer? i Gen? ct< d in.m tn. m iryland comml ., preliminary t.? any i -,- r? rer fa bound < e located ea< ii Statt should in tn.- Potom in- boundary was finally settled as betas ti?- . null hank of th? '?'.' r, thai i? nt. proposed ami in mi Tallaferro, has been worth t.? Vlr? mi ? ?li niy man) mi. : In i*-77 ?i? ?era! Tallaf? rro w i i promt? i nt . andldat? for th? I ? moci il a nomi? at ion for ? lovernor of \ |i ginl ?. ? by 11,.- M ilium- wing if.-in.i ?v ?coming the nomino? - Te enter upon tho for th?- gubei a it.?rial nomlfl itl m, len? i il Tallaferro r? chair*? lanshlp of th? Democratic State Central 'ommlttee, whl? h ne had h I I foi mnbs i during hi?' Incumbency of which .. had organised and conducted th? cam? sign w lu. h s.? ovei w elected ir. Tildan in this Btate. Aft. r thli time the >? nei rithdrew from poRUcal i?f?- and Identified ilmself more closely with the edu< ! of the siat?-. ?n which he h is lam s tak? n ih?. d? ?-i? . being ?resldent <>f the boarda ??i Vllllam aial M 11 > Colll (? a! tin- Slat,. '.-mal-' Normal i' i'.irun ill?-. nd having tx sa m? mbei of tl ., .ah? r Inatltutl ins Though giving much <?f his time ami to public i 0 : Talla rrO had a: .! voted tu th.? n of law, ful iractltloner bel r d? r.,i oorta, niakimr a apeclalty of th?- illus? ions Involved In th?- s. . r laws ?t?-. which, m th.. TM ion. tni Misil .m?- of th.? mosl 'II .iIre i i- aches ?>f leg ?i pructlce. in ISM he was sleeted Judge of the "OUBty ? '"i;rf ?if Chan ? -t? r CO IBtJ . | nosl Sattsring v.?t.. ?.f the State i.?nis. . tur?4, there being but 11 igalast ban, seen the Republicans, with as acknowl? dglng the : Upon th? m t., ?. i man of su amenta m?! fin :' . . i ? - i I his Judl u.? never for gl? t? nn Of hi? . italth hi ad th.- exposure <?f hi- i aril? r life, n th. hands of tin- QoVOrnor, lo !..kc ii th.- lath ?if tin- BBOBth. i?. Pebru . h.-n a in- nit r ? ' th? ut. married M'ai S illy N. I. tunond, sho still pr. r his bo | Dunham v n the o.mks of in beautiful North river. Th. \ i,, i ,*ght hililr. n. leven of whom survive 1 fudge James 1 : \,y the ? lev? i a- i t., nn nut his r.iti.. air.-d term; Warren T i. professor ??r IgrlCUltUrc in th.- Maryland \.. : George ?Booth, residing at ths r bornent? ad; Wl im ? ' L..a mem. ?..r: i;,lw s ? student at the Richmond m- .m si i lege, and MMees Leeah and Nina. ?;, i,. r ii Tallaf? rro .?inl iient in Mssoalc ? Ir. 1- ? i i w d ?w.? 1.1 tn- a- Qraad I ...? of . i. - lti< hiiioml? r? lo Allrn.l the I iliierul. A large delegation ??f . v. ? 'onfed? ? and Masons will leave hen to-day for N? ck, ??loin-ester - at? tend th.- funeral of Gtiicrai Tallaferro. which will tak.- pi.,,-,, ?i .... m W? : : \ l'ha following telegi .' . announc in? th, d.-ath <>f the dial g?a? nt; s morning: \s ? 's Neck, v: Colonel .l.?hn Murphy. Rlchmninl \ ? r'.ith?! ?!>?'l last night. KUnel U . ?I nes l i\ 1- uYlo. n JAMES I,. TALI AFERR?. T?. iiii- the folios i-i? w.?- ? Richmond, v.i i4*?. i i i. Tallaferro Wai i Neck. Va.; Cunfed? rate v< tersns here mo'irn the (CONCLUDED O.N __<;oNU l'AGl. ) * \> JOIN HIS FATHER. IT7.III ?.Il I I**_*", JK., TO I.KAVF. To? ni?.n i n'OK It .IIASA. OES 10 Sr-END BIS YACATIOR. h?' ? ?tn?u'-?.i'in'rnr? Son DenIra Tlmt Want I? Knti-rtiiiicil a? to 111? Failit-i-'? >ntety?1n Con*'?at I"oru fii ii ii i<--tlo ii With Ulm. M Fltahngh U a, .Jr.. ??on of th?* (Jolted ,?nsul-(;.?neral toi'uha, will I- i.? :l? hmoit'l to-nixht f??r Hahana, whor? he ioln his fath.-r, with whom liu ill pr.'hahly spend si v. ?'al woe lis. This will not be Mr. LaW? llrst vialt to lahatia. II" vunt thmo noon after hl 1 tiler's at (?ointment as pon nd spent SOOM time on the island, but >r the l.Mt font or more has rallied In his illy, and hi id a position In the offne I <;? ?n rsJ-Managet itavena, of the <kc and iihio railway. He has en granted a furlough by ilr. Stevms, sd will ?gOBd the varatlon with Lis ?ither in the I'uhaii capital. The fa? i t? .t Mrs. baa nan beea indis? ? .- 1 for some day?t, copied With the ?port that h.r .s.?n would leave In the ?ear future for II than m, has -?.ven riso o til?' rumor that letters and tel ?calvad i "in i'.. lierai Iao sisee tin? il.iine ?li-isi.'r have basa such a? to ails?- un. as?n, ?'s ni, l hi- part of hin favmlly .s to the safety Of the COIIWl Qaasfal m?l that th? si-ti was (Oing down to be of sslsiain to his father by nilnslln?x with h. p.op;, snd a ??it i mm?, wiu'iin i assy instil? ?entlment exists. Sin -ti Mr. Lee as red a Dtspatoh n? orter last nicht w.?s not th ? i Ii nd the fsasity ?saturally foil i ncettnad s to tl " I'n'is-i.l < '<>moral'? Situation, in lew of the excited ?state at ths public Bind, hal thai they wer? constantly in ?., iiit of lettiT.s an?r i> I? ?tain? tnun ii in of tins most reassuring nature, nd, the son added, In- did not believe his atlnr was in any daiiKer or n? . ?l.d Um ?rvices ??f ?xnybody t?> him. "He doM not know i am nomlngi" mM hfl yonng man. "I have a few W". ks' ?i atlon i?i. a me by Mr. Stevens, and I lUrpoM ?pending it with my father. I i,im nt ?een him for tome Fdaee, snd l ? ii. \? i would rather ?pend what leisure un?' i hav? with him than with anybody I?.-. PI? as?- say for in?- thai w Bat ii"t my fat h? r to be la any daag? t r, ami if dancer threatens hi.n I ?onsider bim amply sbl? t?> tak?; care of dm ilia roit \i, m ? mui* iiii'oa i t:d. iiic BleeStaas >.itio'?? su.imlt Rttsnan*ss* in,- isantaSat Mr. Plood, chairman of the Commltfoa ?n ***rlvflegea and Elections, Introduced in lay a joint ?-?solution ippolating the Electoral board? of th.* ountiee snd ctttas et th? 'i h? appoint upon in .. "i Hi? Elections I'l.mmitt? - of tic two houses, and it is OOt thought that many i-lian.? . If ur . will be tu oi", when the appointments aro I'd in tii" ll?nate and lie i Mr. .1. II. v.-In...1er Hem*. Mr. J. ii. Bch< ?i? r. win. ha been ?reM* kiiown in i?.,I clrole? for .nn.v ii . and i - auction? r, ? d lust evening at 7:30 o'clooh, ?After befan i few daj - fr? u i_?ni >i. i??nl-, . t corn? r ?if Main snd tleth stnet s I ? i 1 i? iv?-s a wifo ind one ilaui AnnW K. ?School? er, ?.I U Ii ItIIff?, K>. Th. him rai ni rung? ment m have not ret been ma le. Mis. Medoru Ella Weymouth, wlf? ol Mr. ! :. .i. .. i i mouth dl? d ll n< . No. Wl it M il-'ia'1 'Mi.- funeral s in take pla? ? tront th I 0 o clock. A. P. \. \. Merllnir To-|)ii>. The regular i ithly a - i I th s 'entrad Commltt? e ol Preservation of Virginia Antiquities' sill be h. id at noon to-day In th ii la tortea I Society"? Building, on Franklin _ SHl ?.rnpliiiphnii.- Tu IM nt?-Miuli t ne?. \"tl will tin,! that it Is th? wonder of th? se it talks, siims, -reproduce? ail the ??ri Im I i and brass band no?lhlng ?of bal? tatlng your oam voles. We carrj . large r w ith tin r " i .,:. i i uppiti - for .?il Talking chinee. WALTER l>. M'i.'i->" ,?. CO., Hala street, oaamslts post?ofl?sn. Mil. lli'iulailie t nn-il snd it*1 return ; l by using l?r. David rain "Beet on earth" for blllou asUpatlon, . and ail Uv? r troubles. t luiime Of ?M'heiluli?Old l)oi,,liili?n Itasunaklp < oas-sMsnyi 1 1st, Norfolk duly, n. Cludlng S?mil.i;. ' M., foi n leave RI? hiatos 1 dally via ' v at P M., m : P ti., for Norfo I sect ?with ?ti u lor I.a l.rlppi- < iinuli, tak?' Dr. David'a ?' of pure ,,,-. horel I will ' li.rrv. n. ootd, cro ip, . ail thront and lang trena _ u i:iiM>n 11 ?it H. "H?lale IValUlll, \, tra. l'ur Itlii-linillllaiii and all pains In ?fc8*l ruh Well with tat at th" for m aal. Tin? fingst fruit onlr la ti?.'-d f?.?r tti? KtfTel Tom'! ("on< mitrati-l Fruit Jui ?, Try tbeoa. riHimi. Lisa>t ?.'??..BeleAgent?. r'ilK 1(1! liMS ANO ThKOAT I Kill BLB.i lire Hkowm? Hkomhui. raoensa Tb?<y reli????!! 1 liront irrtts t??u? can-? I hf ( ,,l?l or uae of tL? ?? SB. ________ For In? ..?. . of Ihr l,l?r?r, ???.iniirti, i. ii<I lvl?liie>e tb? Wlttf o< tu* i.ri-.iihrmr W?tt* Sulphur ypllnja Im the moat Talusbtrt In Aiimrl.-s. FcaCBUa 1*1" Oi . Wtiol??**!?. AKnata The Weather. [ I M ".SHIN';'!'""*?;. February "**, I FAIR I I i North ? ?" \ a I t a h I winds. Till", WBATHKR IN BICHMOMO rCSTKRDAY wai fair and ?sat Siaic of tii riii'itii. ur: I A M .? ? ?; M."J i. M.* I ?' M.** ' P. M.? ht .? .37 1-J