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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WHOLR NUMBER, 14,585. RICHMOND, VA., WBDNKSDAY. MARCH 2, 1898. THREE CENTS PER COPY. Till' MAINE MATTE1 ?I'OI*? OFFiriAL PARTICIPAT!! ? I.IM1>%TK|>. SAY? I.OXG. COURT CALLS FOR EXPERT x ? nil ?nalrnrlor Hoover tit. ?I <?? .? llflm. Brmm \re I-'nmllli ulih sirnrlnri* ut Hit? Maine, O i ?o K. f.. I |o II. - Mar.h l.-T ' ! i :i"ti with tho M;ii :;. ?1 io-tlai> in g S|;u?m? m 1 Long, following tho Cabin hat. in his persona! opinion, ai itlon bv tb.? Spinlsh Co ; in the b!<>wiri-< up of the Mali icailly ?liminated fr??m tl ea.nt was not of a formal ? <ir. and was made? by M ??s? b% ?.t!k'*d nw.iy from tli?> Whi As usual, the various Cabin? were lusicKej with inquirios i a? "ti'.ns ?before the mcetln?*;. an > thiso lmportunltus. tl x Of tho Navy casually summ? ss*on In a fow word??, statlr ?-noel "t the time of the mooting ha gee . : ?i up to th?; outrages on bOlOffl - nth. incblorit hud been putn ov ??re m? actual development 'ho excitement over t! i inaitcibiiiy stated. -. "I. in the same passinp wh; I ttlOn of tho Spunls ment m th?? Mowing up of tb actually ?liminated, in hi i? mark was speedily give a.?i. apirt from the ajaletia ?lilt h luid a>'Ciimpai!)i..d it. 1 innitii'., an?! wh.-n Mr. I/?i. \ Department alt? \. i-'iind that what he had la bllllH t*ven th i!i? mi d?claration ins ability ???r th.- dtsestsr ha? BtOdL in onler to make OlOS ai sa a pereonel sapreeelon c Mr. Long dict?t.?d the followln i ; .n things wo talke?! about i the outragea ??n poetauu a ? a White man m :i.| un ; ? ...n in S??uth Carolli . t . the ? ubaiti queatloa, I sal? th:n?*s ?. re nr??w in- .?.uj. t? day, an?I. ais ats my j'i'li?mttn I B - in. liii.-.l to think that an; Idpatlon ??'i tin part of th Government in the disaster w.i: elimlnatetl." ft VOtni ? ??nv.yed all that Mr irt'l to say on the subje?t. am much ama Riven only to offset en f ?Thai be bail sai.l , vin? tht closest relaili'ina tl Secretary sab! thait the opini.jf ' Waa any one might ?Uli the facts new at han I. NO NEW EVIDENCE. It \\ I put in any sense it WM C.v i. a c??nclusion drawn from new nee not Banda public, either froir iMtrt <>f Inquiry or from any ottlcei concerned In the iiHiuiry. Net thai nor Intimations have OOSBS frorr I .t- - - it is saii'l at the depan llt. Which WOUld Serve as tie basis foi 'don. The official declaration of Bsnor it BC, the Spanish Charge d'affair?-*, thai mines or Bubmarlne ?i- ?ist in i of Habana, hot eosne to tht " ntion of Secretary Long, end thin ment from the authorized ropresen a? the Spanish ?lovernmtnt ?ats feit r bese Ki\?n its due weight Is pinion express.-?! by t!le Se? I eta iy. Il was pointed out l?y persons UBaling ft ' - r i ?..?- ti? tl,.- St t-relary that the langues? used wais "ndn-iai pertldpatlon ci tlie pun of the Spanish ?J'lvcrnment." Ii wea said, hdii no bearing on the a. ?u Spain's responsibility. tfBclal partit ipatlon" of ?Spain thine while the responsibility of ..- tht tb tester It-roved to he Sl origin. Was quite another Tht aBourotsrj'a statement waa a' ?.,s explain? ll. t'? ?XClll _n from direct, official < ??niico ipathm in tha affair, in ttn that the act was due me fiiiati?* or person unoonm the government, ?then the Question a mtjr ?oultl still be . Mr. Long was niinh surprised that so ittentlon ha i b? m given tis ins illusion. fr"m this Ineiilcnt. the forth fow develomnenta of rtance ?rotating t?? tin- Keine No a - of any oharaotsr fro.n Key .? .i- the cmrt of inquiry is alt? were given out during the day, the rule of publicity is still in i'-'imably nothing cam?.- from -- I movements announced dur '!..y tnn d? vol?; of aalgnlflcanoa. S .? ?NOMOH AND KATAHDIN. ..ut fr??rn the Navy I?? | ttS tliis aft? ?moon t?? put the M a.tiitoiiomoh and Katahdln . ..n the Pub instant. They n ite I.? IgUC Island navy sbere they hat '<J up tor i two 1 : 1 at t 'iinent that the ?? putting tin in In ' oinmiss.ion D I..- berths for t!n survivors of MM ai K'.y R -*. ? titing court Of Inquiry, which without g \ ?i.V.- flnjahrfl with them by M inUmoOMfe la formidable dou ; Bsonltor, onrrylng lowr 10 Si,. -' tons -lisplace .iiis 10 1-J kn?jts per hour. itlon to i?.-?- main battery, she car? v baitt.-iy of rapM? -. SBd her turrets are clad with ?, armor. Her eoanaaand? r haa . uiitely s.-lected. but the er of got officers will be as fol ia, at. nan t-Commander Wilson, . Lieutenant UndOTWOOd, and QUI gn Colemaa wntch oil n.a B ' aver, and . - . Perks. era s h i m -s the tai." is a fi?-ak In naval STChl? and ??though opinions air?* divided I, r ; here is little ?loubt in any harbor would n? my anxious. She Ih - aioetly v. it? t with B turtle back of ttut 1 In thlckaesa from 2-4 to C Inches, or) ( ?her daalgnw. Admirai r this armor plat?- could ruck directly by ?' shot from an* ..,1 ?. uoh ?hot b iiaiislassly defhictai by the teel dech. In action, the eonntng I -moke-stack are atxiut all of t would presMil a mark. Th?* mail.- of ate? ! ?lnhtoen Inch.s '! he Kai.-ib.lm Is ? ram pure an?! having in ' '* of arji. steel ; rapld'flre gun? to :f i t torpedo-boai's. d? -?K-neti <i? r ?xpe? i was a very high mark, but sh?; did A. | t?J ll?T ' construction and? M*r ?ill I?- ?is follows: 1 I? t Vua.l. , at pr.-Kent N H ? Officer Lieutenant I?wc; Navi i - utenaat OUlror; Chief Enginaar a En Ign Campbell. . v? --is have ? it ?v.**. respec 01 l'?i and ninety M INCIDENT EXPLAINED. 'i ?-ta? for tite firni time learned at the IN I ae ay 9 If v ic n Sfr IneL?o^yJ' bU?y ,n ?* hnr had ?^n bo -?r1?11 annh01?-*. ? 'act thai Am?_?_.?_? ,or ??? o' the tho It i? atSJ? .i".UM of ,he <???aHter. 1? ok s.'-rv1,7.1 raU1h bett,*r ?PO?l?on ?? a ...irT?h-, ,rhanuWhon anchored, but It . ?**" a Bh P ***** her anchor Ir low fov r r,r f"Ul ?n" 5", h,,? 1 *>** ?hi r_T?wr and oth,r '',**' I:" Berna li Ktat??V??! lhnt ftfUr ,h? anchor ! ?o.\L r* I"1' m,,M *? ,nt0 1?<"**ntln? "pon her r.-turn to any Florida port. CALL Kor BXPE1 isA?nithnr'7t''>!? ,h8t Ul" ******of ,nt??"-y 9 either f?r from ranching any conclu or elss lat dispos , t? proceed with a view to making future discoveries, es aenttal or oth-rwlso. u the ?all for th.. assistance of <xpeats. It has already been a matter of com mon! that with all tho ability comprised IB the court it has one ?, ak si?.' name l>, the lack of practical ?xp.-rl? n? in the construction of a sh!p of its members, ihls is no part of tho duties of a line officer, so that no rei1e<-tiun is carried by the statement. To remedy their short ? ? mings the court has called upon the depnruaent to send to their aid a c??n 'or and a cari?, nter. and In com plianc?- with tin roques S?cretary Long has directed Naval-Constructor Hoover an?i Carpenter Helm to r?>port to the court at Key West. it is said it Is expected that they will go to Habana when the court returns there, and from their familiarity with the structure of the Maine, on which both of these men worked when she was built in the New York navy-yard, th.v will he of groat assistance, not only in suggesting easy methods of work for tho ?livers but also In identifying portions of the wreak, The latter oenstdemtlon is one of the greatest importance in view Of the Btetesncnta that have come from Habana that some of the ship's bottom platea have been found in the debris above water. It Is said at the department that If Ihls is true the fact will be of Imp?r tame, but It was added that It would no necessarily be conclusive evidence as to the sourc?' of the explosion, for It is ?uni livable that If the dock wore blown up It might <*asily have pulled up with it some of the frames ant) the bottom plating, which aro rigidly attached by rivets. Without doubt, the two exports will bo much bettor qualified than tho line offi cers or divers to Identify any such pieces of plate. THE CO! HT OF IMHIKV, \othln_ N?",t lie? elnp? ,|_ Interest in l*> ?>,-. .-?Ii ?i r_ ? I IiiukIiiu. KEY WEST, March 1 ? Tho second day's session of tho court of inquiry Is over, and nothing new is known regarding the fate of the Maine?at all ev?-nt??, outside the members of the court. Some, who con fidently declared a conviction that the court had already found that the v-<a,l was intentionally blown up. have moditbtl this conviction, and for the most part ad mit that such reports must baive been basal largely on speculation. Even naval Officers are apparently as much In the ?Lirk as civilians as to what the court's opinior* is nt the present moment. BxOOllenl progress has been made in the examinations, and the court will probably linish its work here to-morrow, when Its members will be taken back to Habana on the Mangrove. Interest In th* proceedings flagged some what to-day. owing to the utter futllitv of all attempts to gratify the general curiosity. The corr?r*?J<pondent of the Associated ?Presa placed b?*foro one of the members of th? court the letter signed "Maquinis ta" (Machinist), giving alleged details of the filling Of the Maine's torpedo-holes with dynamite cartridges, and their sub s? quent explosion by an ele?trlc Wire. The member of the court In question said thait ??t-ith? r th?* letter nor its developments bad been ofllrtally before the cour.. The Cubans here are constantly re ceiving mysterious missives from Habana, purporting to reveal tho method by which Ihe Maine was Stml to destruction, but ns there are as many suggestions or theo ries as there ?are letters, little reliance ana I..- plseed Upon any of them. Most of tho morning session of the court was devoted to verifying testimony pre viously given. Four engineer officers and ten enlisted men of the Mailne were examined. The engineers examined were Passofl Assistant-Knginocr Morris. Asslstant-En gineer Lowers. Cadet (engineer division) Washington, and Cadet Crenshaw. Th.? afternoon session of the court be gan nt li o'clock, and an adjournment was taken about 4 until 10 to-morrow morn ing. FUNERAL 0? MAINE DEAD. Admiral Sicard has requested Dr. M.i loney, the Mayor of Key Went, to pr? vint a local demonstration when the Muerai Of the Maine's dead occurs. He has asked that In the event of a para?!?' being forme.! l?y the residents, only Ameritan flags be displayed. Mayor afalonsy has promised to carry nut A?lmlr->1 Sieard's wistu-s, ?is far as ptiSSlblB. but doubts whether the strong Cuban and anti-Spanish sentiment can !..- suppressed. All Of the funeral arrang? ment s will t?.- under the directlo . of Commander M.?'alia, of the Marttb h< ad. As now planned, small details of marinee will ha landed fn?m the VOSSSla ht re and nt TUT tug?is, ?and the artillnry al the barracks ?ill join in paytag Ih? laal honors. The services will ?probably be held Thursday. The Interment Will take place in the City Cemetery. . .. Th, general situation hero remains tho eme The Beet has not movf.l, though there are signs of activity, which give rise to a rumor that an important naval Step is contemplated Admiral ??card, when questioned on this point this evening, .?iterated his remark of yesterday: "There Is no movement to-day. The ships have steam up alwavs, and they can go anywhere. The tugboat Merritt passed hero at sun t with a large scow in tow, and other ??' eking apparatus. She is bound for 1,a,'linU- ALLKGKD MINE. The report that remnants of a sub marine mine, alleged to *^**^m***? by the United States naval divers at Ha bar,*! W|th the electrical wires in which h.v hadl been entangled, wore brought here Sunday by the Mangrove and are .. - ?n ihe warehouse of the Light-House' apartment is denied In high official quarters li'euf would'be specially suitable. She has heed wouw. ?.wtric.-llght plant." -emarkably strong electri.-.-llght plant ,?,.- UOHKOKTHK DIVKHS. BBMpygg Dlrectlnic Spanish K*??.lnu ttuii Given information. HABANA, ****** ?-'rhe dlv**r* on th0 Right Arm got to work this morning In earnest. Captain Bveret. chief of the divirs, was IH charge, and the water be ing lower than usual, it was seen that the steerage hatch was partly clear. though Hooked lo goon extent by on ?f the smoke-stacks. The ?livers suc ,..,,;,,, |B entering the after-t?.rped?> com partment, where they hope.l to findIthS potto* of L.? ?.tenant- Jenkins and Mer rJ*t as well as the remains of ?rnb<^s of the crew of the battleship- Ihe offi cers m?nt!? ..e.l were last seen In the af t? r-torpedo compartment, t.p to this morning th? dlvera feared to enter It. there being great danger from the life lines or air-hose catching In tho wreckage about the smoke-Btack. The Spanish officers directing the ?livers of the ?;..*. rnment fit Spain called ?in Captain BlgBbee to-day, on board the light-houpe-tonder Fern, an?! WON given all the Information they needed. ...,,, Rgt I"' has beert ordered to the Dry Tortuga? with ?vo American wounded, all that are now loft here, and one body. This morning a collision occurred be tween a party of guerillas and employees of the Street-Cleaning Depart ment, nosr Truxlll?? Pork. Five police men Interfered to preserve order, and, meeting with resistance, used their re volvers. Four or the combatants were ?hot, and throe j-allcemen were wound??d, one seriously. Three arrests were made The affair, however, was only an ordi nary street brawl. ?AOABTA -I I.Ms ? Mil It | | U Humors of *Wnr, However, Weaken ina -|?t? ?i l?l. Government. MADRID, March 1.?The Premier. Senor Sa gast.i, |H quoted in an interview as say ing that he expects very satlsfactory news from Cuba before April, in the cours? of the same IntervUw Senor ?a gagta salcl: "In view of the Increase in the price of grain In Spain, the govern ment has decided to reduce the Import" Greater anxiety Is visible here In re gt' id lo the virdlct of the United St.'Ues naval court of Inquiry Into the loss of the battleship Maine than was apparent a Weak ago. The constant rumors of possible hostilities are harassing tmd Weakening the government, and are ?l*o trying the patience of the public. Admiral Bermajo. the Minister of Ma rine, is actively seeking the best means to procure additional warships. WOODFORD'S "PEACE FOREVER." LONDON. March l.-The Hobs, of Madrid, dated February Ntb lust re ceived here, discussing the P' :itlc I ?Rua tlon. says: "Nothing could bo more promi-a' ?; : ian the present relations between the two nations. General Woo?!ford's 'peace for ever' was hailed with delight. -tenor Sagasta, the Cnblnet ministers, en?) Gen eral Woodford all make Buch explicit statements that p?taOa may be regarded as assur?'d. This Is all the more satis factory since the late events pointed to a different issue." Tne government is considering the ad visability of entirely abandoning the Im port duty on gram. PRO? ron OaXaaVB o\* ni.Axco. I be Visen y n Reaches Hnhnnn, in..I la Accorded an Ovation, HABANA, March l.-Benntn-- Proctor, with his friend. Colonel Parker, and ?'on su!-G?"neral Loo, made a call of courtesy by appointment to-day on Captain-Gene ral Blanco. Secretary Joso Congosto accompanied th?* party, and acte?! as Interpreter. (!i neral Blanco received his visitors with great cordiality, and a pleasant talk on genera! matters .-nsued. The Spanish cruiser Vizcaya arrived off Mono Castle at 6 o'clock this evening, after a good voyage fr??m New York. She was met by scores of steam launches an?! gi.yly-decoratod yach'ts, with bands, and ais she steam?.?! to her moorings, enthusi astic welcomes were shouted from alt the queyS, which were lined with thOUSUndl Of people. The streets and plazas were gay wit h bunting, rockets WON discharged, and ?there ?Jas continuous cheering from all the boats. The Mayor of Habana, the Marquis de Esteban, as director of the festivities, was the first to board the vessel, going out In < leneral Blanco's launch. The officers of the Vizcaya will call first upon Admiral Manterola and then upon Captain-General Blasen, 1 he Almirante Oquondo is expected from the Canaries at an early day, and sho also will be given a popular welcome. The divers are much disappointe.1 at not recovering any bodi?-s to-day, but hopa to he more fortunate to-morrow. The Spanish divers, to whom Captain Sigsbee has furnished plans of the Maine, will begin their work to-morrow morning. The steamer Bache left late this evening f?r Toi tugas with th?: wounded. -Hi \liit??\ AT HONGKONG. Wilt ><-. .- >.! on si a..I'M If War \\ lib -ii"ln (Ici'iim. LONDON, Mairch 2.?A special dispatch from Shanghai says: "The United States squadron Is concentrated at Hongkong, with a view to activo operations against Mamila, Philippine Islands, in the event nf an outbreak of war between tho I'nlted states end Spain. Tha asjuadroo, whi?n Is powerful. Incliiiles the cruisers (?lympiai, Boston, Raleigh, Concord, and Petrel." I n? i of Wounded I ? i. ? .- Hnlianit, WASHINGTON. March 1?The only word received by the Navy Departm"?it from Habana to-day came late to-night In the following from Captain Wgsbc? "Bache leaves to-?laiv fur Ttortugsa with nil wounded men now here (five in num ber), as follows: Matheson, Kiln, Elles, Thomas, and Mack. All able to talk ox ?-pt Mattheson. whose jaw was brok;n. Sache also takes on?* body. "Bache will report to the flagship Thursday before entering Key West. Can ?ot tell when more bodies may bo expect ?1 at Key West, but Bache should return ?rompt ly." Work nt I.enxne Island. PHILADELPHIA, March l.-The work of preparing for sea the war vessels now al League Island is progressing rapdlly. A naval officer stated to-day that the only one to go Into commission immedi ately !s the Mlantonomoh. monitor, and a large number of men have been work ing on her continuously. At present sho has only a skeleton crew ?>n board, but a full complement of men Is expected to morrow from Norfolk, New York, and Boston. Work on the ram Katahdln Is also progressing. Ii. Lome lln.iii?-?! in Effigy. TROY, N. Y.. March 1.?Spain's former Minister to the United States, Senor Du puy de Lome, wa? hanged in effigy In this city to-day, and the police had to be ailed upon w? disperse a crowd of about nne hundred people, who had assembled to huil epithets at the object of their scorn. Placards on the eftlgy were thus inscribed: "Hang De Lome, V. H. R.!" "Sucker De Lome, V. H. R. Club!" Maine Monument on Morro. SPRINGFIELD. O., March 1?At a mass-meeting here to-night to raise funds for a monument to the victims of the Maine, a letter was read from Governor Uushnell, in which he said that if it is ?roven that Spanish treachery destroyed the Main?', l.o will be In favor of bulld ng a monument on the ruins of Morro k?stle. Powder and ll.e \nvnl Milltln. WASHINGTON. March 1.?Th? House ""ommittee on Naval Affairs this after loon agreed on items of 11.000,000 for the ?urchase. of smokeless powder and $60.noo or organizing and equipping the naval nllltla. Tuir ConlRlence. KEY WEST. FLA., March 1?The tug 'onfldenee, Captain Igoe, arrived from labana, and returneii to-day. Kl.KCTIONS U ONTARIO. l?i?nr?-i.c Defeat of Ihe Liberal Gov ernment. TORONTO, ONTARIO, March l.-Gone al elections for the Provincial Legisla ture took place to-day. and resulted in a Irtual, If not actual, defeat of the ral government, which has held power ir more than twenty-five years. The probabilities favor a slight Con? tv.itivc majority. Two Cabinet mlnls rs have been defeated?John Dryden. liiiisi? r Of Agriculture, .?nd J. M. Glb n. Commissioner of Crown Lands. Th? timber policy of the administration, hloh Is alleged to have favored M le hi un lumbermen at tlie expenso of Caria inri, had much to do with l'?ci:ii??r ?"erdv'a defeat. FRET OVER THE RILL REGRET THAT PAYMENT FOR BAI LEY TRIP WAS Hi-.? XSSED. mn WILL BE PAID BT HIS FRIENDS. ? Ende That Ihe Money May Not ne Taken Oat ot the Tremor, Work of Ihe Legislature Aboat *t\ er?Ile fore the ?.<> ? ernor. Tbe sensation of the day in legislative circles yesterday was the hot political debate in the Senate over Mr. Flanagan's resolution prohibiting the payment of money out of the State Treasury to de fray the cost of the Bailey meeting at the Academy lust Week. A number of gentlemen. Including prominent cittsens of Richmond as well as members of the General Assembly and 8tate officials, expressed the deepest re gret that the mutter had been discussed. "It has caused me the ?greatest mortifi cation," said Hon. Joseph W. I. -- Secretary of the Commonw??alth, a warm, per-tonal friend of Mr. Bailey. "I would very much rather have paid every p?nny of It out of my own pocket. The bill is a very suibII one, and while it has not yet been rendered, 1 know enough of the items to know that it will not ex??eed fl"5 by one penny." It is understood that the State will not have to bear the expense 0f the meeting, as the entire cost will be borne by a number of gentlemen who were instru mental in having Mr. Bailey tome to Richmond. ITS WORK ABOUT DONE. The General Assembly could easily ad journ to-day, so far as the business on the calendar in concerned, everything of importance having been pretty well clear ed up. The Joint resolution adopted Monday extending the eesetoa five days, will, however, preclude adjournment to day, as well as the fact that the Legis lature will have'to be in session in order to be ready to correct errors In legisla tion which may be developed as Governor Tybr goes through the bills. It was re garded that the session practically came to an end last night, and there will hardly be a 1'iiorum In either branch to-day, many members having i;?uie home. CONSOLIDATION BILL APPROVED. Governor Tyler yesterday signed the bill allowing the Rlchrnonil and Petersburg and the Petersburg railroad companies to consolidate under the naime of the Atlantic-Coast Une Company. Mr. C. V. Meredith, tbe City Attorney of Richmond, was before the ?Governor earlier in the day and argued against the approval of the bill, and Senator.Mc IIwain?.*, of Petersburg, and Mr. Alexan der Hamilton, of that city, took issue with him. Mr. Meredith argued that in giving the companies authority to consolidate, the Richmond and Petersburg Company should be required to release Its exemp tion from county and municipal taxation. He did not think the Legislature fully appreciated the effect tins bill would have if it became a law. Messrs. Mcllwaine and Hamilton as sured the Governor that the matter had been fully considered by both branches of the Legislature, and that the objec tions Mr. Meredith advanced had been maid.* to the bill before it was passed. OPPOSE LABOR BUREAU BILL. Mr, Carter Glass, of Lynuhburg, will appear before the Governor to-day, In company with sev? ral business-men of that city, to oppose the approval of the bill creating a bureau of labor statistics. Mr. Kizer, the patron of the bill, v***lli will also appear before the Governor to argue against a veto. He said last night he was not uneasy; that he believed the ?'.overnor would approve the measure?, as It had passed the House by a vote of t?> 5, and the Senate by a unanimous vote. It is believed that Governor Tyler will Veta the bill passed a few days ago giving to the Krede,rioksburg Butth Fleld Park Association the right to con demn lands. BUGAR-REFINERY RILL The bill Incorporating the Virginia Sugjir-Retlnery Company, which finally ..lHSed the Senate yesterday, will per haps In- (?insK.ered by the Governor to alaiy. though mainy measures are ahead of It. The corporators are anxious to have it signed, In order that steps may be tehen to enter upon the new enterprise. The Wharton Insurance bill will be con ddsred by the Governor to-day. The-re leSSM no doubt of his giving it his ap proval. CYCLONE JIM MARSHALL Ex-Congressman Jnmes W. "Cyclone Mm") Marshall, of Craig county, was at he Capitol yesterday, and loft for home ast night. "I am out of politics." ho said, "but i an't get politics out of me. Am I a. candidate for Congress? Way, of course, lot. But tt doesn't do mo any barm to lave people recall that I was the last Democrat elected to Congress from the S'inth District," and he smiled in a min ier like almost anybody more than a nan who could not be induced to take in ottlt ? . PRESENTS TO CHAIRMEN. There is a feeling of good-will per vading about the House, now that tho ast day of the session is at hand, and he esteem in which some of the members ire held by their comrades Is being manl ested In numerous "canings" and other avidences of friendship. Among those i'ho were yesterilay recipients of tokens ?f esteem In the shape of meerschaum lipes, sliver and gold-h?-aded canes, ot'.., ?rere Messrs. M. T. Cooke, Dr. Charles Smith, Mr. T. C. Pllcher, and Mr. E. W. launders. Mr. Cooke and Dr. Smith each ecelve?j a cane, Mr. Pllcher a pipe, and VIr. Saunders a handsome office chair. 1 Immediately after the House adjourn d last night Mr. Reddy, on behalf of he Committee on Courts of Justice, pre? ented Mr. Saunders, of Franklin, chair nan of that body, with a handsome of Ice chair. The delegate from Richmond ' ipoke |g the highest terms of the faith- i ul services rendered by the efficient t hairman of tfie committee, not only in c he committee-room, but on the floor of - he House. Mr. Saunders responded In an appro- g ?r?ate sf>eech. In which he spoke elo- ( luently and earnestly, and dwelt feel- t ngly upon the closing scenes and dying t tours of this session of the Geueral As- u embly. ' CANE FOR DR. SMITH. 1 Dr. Chi-.rles Smith, of Northampton, " ras the recipient of a much appreciated restnt from the House Committee on he Chesapeake and Its Tributaries, the lft being a very handsome walklng ane. The cane is of beautiful wood. ,1th silver trimmings, having a scroll t the head, upon which Is inscribed. For Charles Smith, From His Commit- j ue, Session of '97-'?." The presentation took place Immed! toly upon the adjournment of tho r ?ornlng session of the House, and oc- 1 urred In Committee-Room No. 6. There rere present the members of the com ilttee and many other gentlemen, who eard a happi spoech by the Delegate rom Portsmouth, Mr. Bland, who. in tie course of his remarks, referred feel- 0 igly to the love, confidence, and esteem si i which ?'hairman Smith wan hold hy n nose with wnom he bad been associated. r Dr. Smith aoc*?pt?Ki the cane In a very ??j ppropriate speech, which was replete '" llh choir* rhetoric and elegant diction. n?! in closing he paid a tribute to the ilthfulness of tbe -members of his com ilttee In attending ttriotly to their E duties, and said he would ever cherts the cane as a most valuable mement of this, on? of the moat pleasant oc casions of his life, and would hand I down to his children as a prize mor valuable than gold or precious stones. A BATTLE WITH PAPER BALLS. The members are becoming exceeding!; frolicsome, now that the work of th. session Is over, and last night the hall o the House of Delegates resembled < school-room left for a few moments t< the tender mercies of the pupils. Fot half an hour or so there waa a llvelj firing of paper balls across the floor, an? members were kept do?lging these mis siles, much to the amusement of man] and to tho intense enjoyment of th? pages, who for the first time during th-n association with the gravo and seriou.? law-makers felt at home and In tholi natural element The Dispatch yesterday omitted th? naine of Mr. William G. Howe, of Wythe as one of the new members of the Boar?: of Directors of the Southwestern Stat? Hospital He succeeds Major D. C. Cum mings, of Washington county, resigned. ?HF.KIKF MARTIN TESTIFIES. No?hin? to Aller Hie Main Story De? ?elope?!. WILKE8BARRE, PA., March 1. Sheriff Martin testified In his own de fence at this afternoon's session ol court. He told or his actions from Sep tember -1th. "when he was called from Atlantic City," up to the day of th? shooting. He ?lescribetl the dispersing ol numerous bodies of strikers during th? period. Getting down to the time of th? Bhooting, he saht: "Friday morning I reached Drlfton and found ail my deputies there. We went to Lumberyard, a central point. At l o'clock in the afternoon I got a message that the strikers were marching through Cran berry, bound for Lattlmer. 1 hurried off with the Hazloton deputies to Intercept th?- men at West Hazloton. While ?going there I repostad my instructions to the deputies about keeping cool and avoiding trouble, If possible. "The mobs wer? at us when we ap peared, cursed me, and would not budge when I told them to do so. I read my proclamation and walked through them, asking them to go home. One young man swore at me violently, and said they would go to ijatflmer In spite of me. 1 arrested him. One man picked up a stone, but dropped it when I pointed my re volver at him. "I told a crowd of spectators to gro home, as the striker? were desperate, and there might be trouble. Final!-/, the strikers left the mad and started off over some lots. Soon I heard they were going to Lattlmer, and I ?hurried off with my ?I? puties to Intercept them. I told them again to keep cool, and not to shoot unless their lives were or mine was In danger. After lining them up alongside the road, I told them I would go out to meet the strikers and try once more to disperse them. A deputy asked If he should not go with me. 'No,' I said, 'I'll go alone.' 1 thought one man was enough to die at once. I felt ?--omehow there was going to be trouble. I met tho strikers about fifty yards from the deputies and asked them where they were going. 'To stop the Lat tlmer breaker,' a lot of them cried. I told them that they must not go, and tried to read my proclamation, bu*. they crowded around me, swearing at me, and hustling me to one side. "One man tried to grab mo, and I then attempted to get bold of him, but the crowil Jumped on me and pounded me about the bo?ly, I dropped my paper and pulled my revolver. One of the men tried to snatch the revolver from mo, but fill ed. Then he struck me an awful blow In tho face and knocked me to my knees. 1 tried to shoot him, but my revolver woubi not explode. Then 1tu> ?hotting com menced. It lasted about a half minute. "In tho crowd I saw throe men armed with revolvers, and one with a knife. The latter m.?de a Btab at me, but missed. Two men wore shot Just ?behind me to ti? left. T wais In the dt*-?rt line of ftre." The <5ross-examinat*lon. conduotod by Mr. Scarlett, last.-tl for two hours, and will be resumed to-morrow. While many minor details were brought out, nothing was adduced to affect the train story. A number of witnesses examined before Sherirt Martin told of disorderly action by the strikers. PISH, GAME, AND OYSTER FAIR I ?iriiiiilit Opened In Ne?r Ilerne Y'es terdny. NEW BERNE, N. C, March l.-(Spe cial.)?Tho Fish, Game, and Oyster Fair was formally opened this morning. A long procession of military, firemen, and citizens paraded the streets, entering the grounds at 11:30 o'clock. Prayer was of fered by Rev, Mr. Potter, and an address was delivered by P. H. Pellltier, Esq. The exhibits are fully up to the form.-r displays In every department, except the fish, which wore not in place, but will bo to-morrow. The entries in the races are numerous, and some fine raoea came off to-day? The weather has been delightful throughout the day. The North Carolina car is on ?-xhibition here, and" attracts much Interest. CHARGES AGAINST KWART. Senale Committee Will Investigate, and Probably Summon Witnesses. WASHINGTON, D. C, March l.-Sena tor Hutler, of North Carolina, to-day filed the charges formulated against H. G. Ewart, who has been nomlnat* ?1 !>y the President for the office of District Judge of the Western District of North Carolina, It Is understood that Mr. Butler charges that Mr. F.wart is unfltt?*d for a Judicial office, because of lack of legal attain ments, and because he Is of wrong tem perament. The Committee on Judiciary will make a thorough investigation, and to this end will piobably summon several wit nesses from North Carolina. KLONDIKE EXPEDITION GIVEN IP. War Department Propose? to Sell Supplies, Including Reindeer. WASHINGTON. March 1.?The War department has decided to abandon. Its x??edltion for the relief of the miners in he Klondlkt country, because the con lualon has been reached that no necea Uy exists for it. Secretary Alger has written a letter to lenator Hawley, chairman of the Senate ,'ommittee on Military Affairs, explaining he department's position, and asking that ' take action, by Joint resolution, .ulhirizlng the department to dispose ot he supplies purchased for the expedition, ncludlng the reindeer which have Just rrtved from Norway, and to abandon hs project entirely. THE LOAN TO CHINA. -Tnnl Iv ?no-? Imu Treaty Not Yet Sinned. PEKIN. March l.-The Anglo-C oan contract? were signed yesterday. Nie Interest ?as fixed at 4 1-2 pee cent., edeemable In forty-live years. The con ract price Is ?:. The final KUto-Chati treaty Is not yet Igned. Alleged l.ynvher Ac?inltted. INDIANAPOLIS. IND., March l.-A spc lal to the News from DillBboro'. . Ind., rys: "Justice Craig. at Cross "Plains, this ??" ruing acquitted Hea Hughes, who was liarged In an -affidavit filed by Governor I???int with complicity In the Versailles' nching." Against Preiia. meul of Cbarges. C.ALVKSTON, TEX.. March l.-Judge ?avid E. Bryant, of the Federal Court, to-day perpetuated a temporary Snjunc lion, granted nome time ago, restralnim the Santa Fe, the Missouri. Kansas Ut Texas, and the International and Greai Northern roads from demanding the pre payment of charges from the Looe-ftai Steamship Une. The Judgr holda thai the demand f?>r prepayment Is In vlolatior of tho Interstate commerce law. Thii will affect a raet volume of tran*mis? stssippl business. BRITAIN IN CHINA. Her Inter?*?.??? "Paramount, But Not Exclusive." LONDON. March 1?Sir Ellis Ashmead Bartlett. In the House of Commons to day having brought up the ?Chinese ques tion and the advan?-e of Russia, Mr. Oat* zon, after some debate, said that "British interests in China were paramount, but not exclusive." The British nation, ho continued, would not be Justified In regarding legitim u? competitors with Jealousy, but ough?. rather to "use nil efforts to keep. In an age of competition, what was won in an age of monopoly." Great Britain's policy was to prwcnt the disruption and to oppose the aliena tion of Chinese territory, and it was not ?kely that Great Britain would regard with satisfaction the attempts of others in the direction of such disruption and -?alienation. Great Britain, he declared, had taken h-r stand upon the ireuty of Tlen-Tsln, which empowered her to oppose the im position of special tariffs by other Powers at Chinese ports; and no British Govern ment would ever coLsent to an abandon ment or curtailment of treaty rights. The matter was then dropped, and the House adjourned. FAVORITES IN HARD LUCK. Only One of Tbem Scores on ? rce?*e n? City Track. NEW ORLEANS. March I.-Again the favorites were in hard luck, and Sim W. was the only one of the sl_ to score. W thor fine. First race?six furlongs?Massacre (8 to 1) won. Delgado C?O to 1 and 4 to 1) second. Dazzle (3 to 1) third. Time. 1:18V?. Second race?six furlongs?(?lobe II. ?12 to 1) won. Thbouret 0 to I and even) se cond, Ben Frost (5 to 1) third. Time, 1:1?-**. Third race?mile and a sixteenth? Vanessa (.*> to 1) won, Inflammator (5 to 1 and 6 to 5) second, Nannie L's Sister (5 to 1) third. Time. l:.,l. Fourth race?hand.cap, six furlongs? Sim W (8 to 1) won. Brighton (5 to 1 and 8 to 6) second. Ella Penzance ("ft to 1) third. Time, l'M*7g. Fifth ?mes 'seven furlongs?Hot Stuff r. to D w??n, ?Dorothy II. (2 tt? I and 4 to 1) second, Orousa (20 t?> 1) third. Time, 1.31. Sixth wee one mile-King's Pawn (8 to 1) won, Jack of Hearts (tl to I and 4 to 1) second, Bob Clampett (II to 1) third. Time, 1:15. KING GEORGE'S ASSAILANTS. Another One of Tl.e.n Caught?There Wn? a? Conspiracy. ATHENS, March 1.?The accomplice of Karditza, a Macedonian workman nam? tl Glorgli, has been arrested. Giorgll has made a confession. He declares that ho acted at th* instigation of Kardltza, tho latter representing that to kill the King would be an act of groat courage, and glorify them both. Giorgit's courage oozed out at the last moment, and be was unable to hit the horses, upon which everything depended. A bomb has been found near the scone of the attack. It contained a luo drach mas (grammes) of ?lynamite. Karditz.i, when examined, admitted that he intend ed to throw the bomb Into the King's carriage. The general result of the Inquiry thus far appears to .?nitrate the existence of a secret conspiracy. THE CARTER < Ot KT-MARTIAL. It Meets In New York?Witnesses Will Not Attend. NEW YORK. Mar? h 1 -Th?- court-mar tial, which Is hearing charges of conspi racy, embezzlement, and conduct unbe coming an oftic??r, preferred again>ft Cmn* tain O. M. Carter, mot to-day, but almost immediately adjourned until to-morrow, owing to the nou-appearanc? of witnesses summoned. Acting Judgo-Advccate Colonel BUT ?aid that h?- had endeavored to get the witnesses to attend, but had not succe?d ed In doing so. Their failure ' > appear, he explained, was on the advice of coun sel. The testimony which tho court desires to obtain in this city is In regard to the payment of drafts amounting to over |2,')?)0,00iJ to banking firms hero, in connec tion with contracts endorsed by Captain Carter. Ill RHICANE IN AISTRtMA. It Sinks the French l.ttnliont Loy alty. SYDNEY, N. S. W., March L?A terrific hurricane has devastated New Caledonia, doing great damage to shipping. The hurricane also sank tho French gunboat Loyalty. Execution for Murder. COLUMBUS, MISS, .March l.-Peter Home (colored) was hanged here to-day, In the presence of ?>,?j00 people, mostly ne groes, for the murder of Anthony Brown. Instead of evincing an Interesl in religi ous services, which were held in the Jail for hi? benefit this morning, Horn?; spent the forenoon laughing and joking with his iellow-prisoners. The execution took place in an open Held. Kiste Health Officer III. HOUSTON, TEN., March l.-A private train was to-night sent to Austin, by the Houston and Texas Central road, to con vey to Galveston State-Health-officer 11. M. 8wearlngen. who Is critically III. It is presumed It has been decided that a surgical operation Is necessary, and this will be performed at the John Sealey Hospital. Virginians Marrie?! in Ilalliiuore. BALTIMORE, MD., March l.-(Speelal) Miss Cora L, Smith and Mr. John A. Allison, both of Rlchm??nti county. Va., were marrl??d to-day at the home of the bride's aunt. Mrs. I. L Morrow. No. 517 Carrollton avenue. The ceremony wais ixTformed by Rev. John M. Holmes, of Allnuit Memorial church. Hark Para Abandoned. TROUVILLE, March L-The Portuguese bark Para, from Pensacola for this port, tiefore reported as abandoned, then taken in tow to Falmouth, and upon being lowed there, grounding at the entrance if the port, on February 22<1, has again ,..-?-:i abandon? ?I. RuK-liffe Taken lo Prison. NEW YORK. March l.-HJward J. Rat dtfta, the actor, was taken to-day to Iliackwell's Island penitentiary, where he Ag? serve a sentence of six months' Im irisonment for an assault upon his wife, Ulce DeLacey Rat cliff?? Receiver for Georgia Bond. ATLANTA. OA., March l-<*. B. WH? ?urne, president of th? Chattanooga, ?orne and Southern railway, was to-day ippolnted receiver for the Rom?- an?I Cur oUton railroad. McCoy to ib-ri Cboysskt. HOT SPRINGS. ARK.. March l.-"Kld" ieCoy to-day accepted l,e ?'ttoynskis landing challenge, and has wired h na o that effect, th? meeting to take tila?.? n Hot Springs April 30th, LIKELY LEAD TO WAR. THIS THOIGHT TO BB V. .1 LIXQ AMONG NAVAL MBA*. MR. HASKER ON MAINE DiMRR. The Accident Theory Is Not B-getrd? ed Seriously?Warlike .*? >*?*arn itona la U nshlBgtoa-.Gi.n? iirlng Ca?il?TI.e Submarine V ram I OAofaJ utterances In regarl . tb? Maine disaster are as rare ai' .He dodo bird, and even semi-official sfit rn?-m are as colorless as they well osa he. At this particular crisis, ther . ' -, Junt what tbe naval officers connec'ed with the department In Washl igte tu-nk of the situation Is vastly In tort at In?,. Mr. C. H. Hask.-r, tho ol?l !>o *waltl of the# Confed?rale war. bip Virginie (Men im* e) returned yeaterde: f. >>m th? capital, whither he had gwn.- , o pug gest that If Congrosa ?sers gaff ej to vote ?1300.000 to the destroyer Ft tl. Mor rimac, in aneordaaoa with the term* of the resolution of Senator ?Chai r, of Maine, that the money aho'il) .e paid to him. and not to the survlvo" ; ct the crew of tho Monito- since h* had set lire to tin train whlcn bl?w, up tbe Mer? rlmae, In accordance with the orden? of his commander, aqd had been Ihe Ins! to lease the casemate ot tho ti!-fat?ed ship. GENERAL FEELING OF WAR. While Mr. Hasher was In Washington he visited the Navy Department tt*** quently. many of .?Is old aegg?iataneso being empljy**d their. J??* said to a DIs pait? h reporter last nt < : "Then. Is a, kind of smother?-?! f?< ling in regard to the Maire; disertar, bal every ens s? ms to be afraid tgat It will eventually load to war. The acrl.i??nt theory is n,;t bs lieved, and many of the naval on . with whom I talked are of the same ?pinion as myself, that had th.? magi xu o ex ploded, it would have blown the Lost to pieces. "If the divers can gret a fair view of the Ixfttom ?>f the vessel, they will C?*rtalnly be able to tell the cause of the acc'-lent." Mr. Ilasker says that there Is it good deal of activity about the navy vards, though the work being doue then does not admit of any "rutdilng." Tie particu lar energies of the department s?'om bent ?m tho manufactur?? of guns, cbioily of those from 6 to 13 Inches. THE ARGONAUT. Mr. Hasker st>ent some time In Bailti more with Mr. Simon Lake, the ?1? -Ignor ami builder of th?? submarine boat Argo naut. The boat, he Bays, haa be? de signed s|?eclally for submarine w < on wricks, but can be use?l as a torp?*?' -boat as well. He would be willing to go -j Ma 1n the Argonaut. confidently l>- B vi'ig, after a very careful examination it ic liable of doing precisely r!. .t in claimed for It. The meeting between Mr. Hasker ?nd Mr. Paine was a v?ry cordial on?.., tha latter gentleman expressing greu plea sure at meeting the man who ha ' tn-h a mlra'Hiious aecape from th*? to.-pedo bont which was sunk In Chariest??,, har bor. IT HRENCY-KEFORM III *\. ,*. Draft of 'i.iiMir,- to Halt ?. ..ut.ll ? II n s About Complete. WASHINGTON, March l.-The committee appointed by ? hatrmsn Walker, of tbe House Banklag toi Cot* rency Committee, to draft a eurre .* y re form measure for submission to i i Re publican members of that commute??, has been at work for ten days at the re?-' dence of Mr. Mitchell, of N< w York. While the members of the eub-com mittee have agreed to keep ?.? ?oluieiv se cret the nature and result of th?.-lr Iaoors. It Is known that they have p?.i?tlo.illj aipv.'d upon the fundamental pi'n.lp!-* to be embodied in the bill, and i, U th.-ir labors will result in reporting a c??i.i ploie bill to their colleagues. Mr. 1'rlnce. of Illinois, and Mr. M - i'leiiry, of Minnesota, are associated with Mr. Mitchell on the committee. PLANT St STEM III Y? A ROAD. TI.e Wnllcrltiiri?' and Westen. Ab? orheil?I'm, ?m..- A bnoinl?*. ?MIARLESTON. S. C. 1. M. ssrs. R. G. Irwin and D. F. Ja:k, rev resenting the Plant system of rallioinls. to-day complet.d the purchase of the W.ilt.rboro' .".nd Western railroad line, twenty-seven, miles long, extending "? ?m Waltt-rbor?/. S. ?'.. to KhrharJf, In M; ru well county, S. C. Major ?'. t?. Oadaden, et this uty. .-. .*? apgolnted praaadani of the road, ?n.? m? Jurisdiction of all the general ofllc? . of the Plant syst?-m wa?. Etend ?I to u kg orders Issued to-day. The price paid for the raflToed Ott stated, but the purchase Is absolute, ami control passes at anse. Th" r???d will hereafter be op?rai?*?! in connection with the Qgeea ?fond an?- Walterboro' Bian '? of the Plant system. The Type?* rll?-r writes In sight, bill bearin,/*-?. .kt from path?, outlasts there all. and .a ****** and by strongest guarantee. UAHDIN niMPAN ', 914 east Main stt t?. If tbe Baby Is Catling Teeti. be sure and use that old and well-'**'.?! ismadj*. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing A/rup, for t hlblreii l?'?'thlng. It soothes tbe chil'l, softens the gums, allays al' pain, .uros wind colic, and Is the best r-medy r..r diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a ixttle. Onr Ribbons and Carbon five the best satisfaction. Mlm?*?-*;*a,?h??, lupplles. S?*t wad-Hand Mach.a?-?, etc. dachines reatad. HARDEN COMPANV. 914 east Main street. The regular meeting of the Spring ?treat H??me will lake place Wedot-vlay t U M ut the home. Wnnletl, nod. reliable agents for the Willie. 1 "ypewriter In every town of Virginia. Tie Williams Is the easiest seller an I he most satisfactory machine extant. HARDEN COMI'A*-*! 914 east Main -tr? eg, - > The Weather. - * \ WASH IN? "TON. D. C. March ). fAIB *'oreCai,t ,or Wedaesday: | For Virginia-Fair weeth.*r w.tinesday. followed by tbi?4?> ning weather Wednesday nlg^t; easterly ?Inda. For North and South Caroilna-O. ne? illy fair weather. possibly rollowvd by towers Wednesday night; ea? ?rly ind?. _ THE WEATHER IN RICHMOND ESTKRHAY was ciear and wider. ?state of ih? rrii-uiii i.-r. I A. M.-*? A. M. M.. <?? P. M.H - F. M. Night. " Mean tetnixruture .UM