Newspaper Page Text
?-_-_ THK RICHMOND DISPATCH-WEDNESDAY. MARCH 2. 1898. ? fl THE PREVENTION OF LYNCHING ? i* The Probtom In th? Southern Sute?. By Edwasd L Pso, D D m ? THE RUSH TC THE KLONDIKE ? 5_ , 00,000 Prospector? this Y-?r?U there Room for Thum ?-u-tli, -?a ?u. . T? '? By S. S. Bosh. Preuldenl of the Rained BulJ^e?w? K*' ft $ THE BLOWING-UP of the BATTLESHIP MAINE S $ SPAIN AND TUE UNITED STATES S A THE ZOLA-DREYFUS AFFAIR S \ Intends?*? with Zola. Ncrdau. *nd Drumont. Another St. B.riho?omew's ?Day? S S SILVER IN THE NEXT CAMPAIGN S The March "REVIEW OF REVIEWS" __ contains fifty othe.r limely articles. with many pictures. ? $ This is a Number no American Should Miss ? At ?11 Nr*..-stands, 25 Onts, or addresa ?da) ^ The Review of Reviews Co., 13 Astor Place, New York ? THE IJilI? BIL? , unit MAKBS \N i:\n\l s 1N, tPHM o i> ITS m.u U.K. IDOLE TO BE APPL1E ?i.nm-e?. Ih?* \.i<o??rnt ?if II llenar ot Hoi?t-?*?? en?Mr???. ,1,1 ?r "?Inlne M("ii-Mtni?k ? , mii.? inn. i -The Hoe ' >n ?>f tl i 1 "it Mr. I>iul. i Of .'in ?iiiv-iiihii'-i ' ' ' - ir.'- -l.iaa ait l?.ui up t.? i?? p. r ?sen : . ? Ion ??r the nean a lill'-tnlliii-lit I . ii opposition t?. Um mu. \- led? from ?-iai.--.-ii: tsi n.ail natter, which -?a? ' ! ? a lit I'.r 1't.un reprints ol a riated ' -ample < ; I f Iheir li.'ta-llilf cir.ulatti'Hi. A ly its term tin third \ - ?and. :1 matt- r, l?y th.? lull, ?ni ?peri?dica : ,. : Ion publiraitinii, .ind j.ulil a h i and* r th* aoapi "i- trait, rue] orgaalaattom re, having a meu t?: all !.<>?l. .-:-' I - ?publications at ?nd-ClaeS maiil maitt?T :ii . i?., the mu. baton depoeitln mall ni.i.ti? i* in m?' i it in United ?II? s, t,?r State-, ? in? *--. tOU ail ma ? Mr. Lottd i a . shaui t,\ n in favr ?>f the bill, claiming thai IIUII, lit p| ;-aii?l ai sill.sill proprietors <?f t"it?iit a which pom L- tt> the mail ? i transpon naiii nu.! ?ta-? bundling averaged *s per pound. ?. of '!' th<- hill, and Mi : - . Iowa, in iavo tinue untU Thura -Mil hill taken? at i k. II Rl/1 i:i? DOT. 'hin d?. i, ??I North Caro mi - at ?general speech ": ' order by the Speak? r tbal hi riaift. i- h. pi? h"!ii s>enibers strictly t<> th. in?l? r rodsld? ration l?y the He is? I ?would (" enfoi I a_- tin.-t It'.tli si?!, s. ti ?- mo? ral ?. <?f Teanessee " ' O. rut nt Of Ufil I . nsldered of the House, might I of the right of fr?*< ; ? ommltt? es wen tall-powerful, h?- said tn it it ?in committee ? I i report a measure on a ijues good, tiiat question would n eeaslderatlon in th.- 11 . thai dorias l*1'' tw?n reles in th.- House i,.- had -- ? n any dang? r of such a eontln? i 1-. Committee of tin- Whole tin i in the de 1' M. the House adjourned. !.T T<? MAINB MSN, 8 ' by .Mr. Hat-tin. of 11 a broase tablet t?? i" erect" : pi.?.. m the capital en nd sailors a lie i\ - in tin* Meine disaster. ! .| reporting th?' ?resolution, Of I '.:lif"i nia. from l! : \ .-. ti Affairs, said: ting at all tim? S for a UStlOB ./.' th" heroism of tin?- p : > .- ?! ui? tlt.-lr Ihre* in its servir?. nation Is ?siore ?;? aer ai, ,i . urea for its helplese who ?battled on land and sea. not in battis ?alone that iv'"'-' r< Bhoa n: n? lili? r is it only in a i ?. ?.til may eoase la the of duty wh relsua, M hile ih?' ? oiifli? t .u -..-a s, our I . |- '.. rive their . of tie ir ?ltity, tSggy ?He 1?K.- lit - / tti.-ir country. -. . . .a ! '.? aitll the H-?},' ; M., a . bad l.v his V. ! > i k stgaiSed his wllling e for th? : f? nee of the nation ef the national VVI 'a .!? ;.til ?-.line ill th? - K in He liailt.'i h. I?.. - than i' ile Kims. Tin* living . ,oii mould in which It. If It wer.- ?v.r fit'in-,' t'> i. rotlea to the eountry <>f .. i: i.- ntttag to ***** ' t**Un . who loe! lives . ; ,.f th? *';!..In?'. ... of tin- navy bsvt ? iid< of th.- nation; their hero inlsed throughout the i have brought i from ail chlvalro*ua peoples. la ,i ta has shown ..i, indomitable ? n I ma'le our ?fleets .tu,I wlti It !- it-.--lira ii- ? thai will ?til! follow our ting DpOS la ol -"" ?mo .. i, that raoo?gnltlon by Which S Keii.ron ei kIous ?Shall *>?* a****** to the ?'?.sitloii of th.- l'Hit?*?! .,,.,?. h- nor Sgalnst a , mainly iali Ah our ?Saetl ,r in? i> ai?' brav?*, M -u.i-1 and taalatmla that re? I,. nattions which nty as the .' hi is to the pro? .. iii.l!vii)u:?l." .k;:i l"j?Y BtLL ,.., ...... o. Mi a ur in the um ii'im. m* t., ih?? banhruptay ;,. . . |, iron, I at, Of ii. which he vlsoroualy da I y tit* u declared H ..r Int. nt, and - 'It only In KiiuUiiii* the ooor debtor the more deeply into th?? Unnncia Mr. IStewart spoke until 2 o'clock, whei k-, homestead aim railway rieht ' ?'i ?ras laid before tu?, s,,,*,.. '; ? nounced thai !? would continu? ins a?i?lress to-morrow. Mr. KaiwhoKs. ?f rtah, ?included hla ?rs! ? M,T,,,r,,"y'in *?*** BWART WITNFSSKS. An tolutlon Intro?!,,,-?-?! by Mr. Hoar ??f >!...-:.< hus.its. authorizing the Com mlttee on .l..?ii,-iary t? send for person. aa witnesses In th.- case of H <; Ewari ?ted as District Judge for 'ti,. u? ?*..,? 1,istn,., ,,f North Carolina, wai adopted. At .::*' P. M. t>?- Senate went into ex.?. '"" **i al l.-S I'. M. adjourn SORTS < \R01.1w roiirim. SOWS fro... th?- Stnte* I ..pltnl-Tron l?l<- Altoi.t IVilcriil I' KAI.KICH, N. ('.. Kerch 1. (Specla.l.) II Is stait. ,1 ?o-day ;,v p*0?la who ?)?? lal? th?'?- Is no dOUbl of the Hcctiracy of the statement. Hint Senator Untier has or .h r.d tin; People's l?arty to fuse with the Democrats ?>n nnngineeioiisl tickets. Th* Republicans do not Ilk?- the gn* pointment ..f ?R?v. liayius Ceds ss Qov ernor Russell's private secretary.' They say it is enother evidence of the ?;?>vcr icis Poputtstlc drift, one Republican saii?! it was an Ideal appointment, as no 11'm would suit the ?loveinor so well. A member of the Council of State, who was talking to-day about tile proposed of tlie Atlantic ami North ?'airo Ins railway to th.- Southern, said the Governor put that matter before the ?i with hla aWaat ?argumenta ami Ing it meant I 1-J per pent on tlie n.SOO.OWof capital stock, and that while if the lease wer" made it would be Immediately effective, yet it would i??- binding only after ratification by the Legisleture. The Stete Treasurer saya m rsgard to this leeee that !?.- hopes it maiy y. t I??- made, but sees no reason to change his expressed ?belief that the action of the Railway Commission has ciui.-d the mat ter. \*<?i'TII STATE ?POLITICS, Jamei M. Mbodyi "f HaywoM county, Is here, ami says the only politics he knows now Is thai the Ninth ?District will ko It'piitillcan. Some RttpubUcans say they cam entry nearly su iti? congressional districts with out aid. and that they calculate on clect \.?i ? iitmressin? u theniselve?, and in ty -> t ? ii;ht. A. .1. Muy.-, one of the Populist leaden, arrlting an open letter to his party, seys: "I am .1 fusionist, pure ant! simple, l?t - cause in no other way cam the true ?re formers hop? t?? accomplish anything. w - cannot succeed unless we vote solidly ther and lt.- ready to fuse with any piirty that will advocate our principles.*1 it s? < nis then is t'uite a small pox scar* at Selma, owing to the pres ence of two suspects. During February ther? were only three death* of white persons in this city. Th?' evidence In thai the-lire at the f'umnock coal-mine, which destroyetl aial the ?plant above ?ground, was incendiary, i;? building hais ?begun and new machinery Is ordered, out meanwhile IM persons arc ill?-. 'I'his mine is In hard luck. It's forty-five yatrs of history has been a series of disesters. 'Ile- ?Supreme Court to-day began the hearing of arsum?snt* <?n appeals from th?' Fourth !>lstrjct. ?SHOULD WB ANNKX HAWAII? Ai tli? Staite l'iiiverslty next Friday Iher* ?l'a !?<- the second annual debate between two numbers of the senior class nnil tWO from th;tt ?if the I'Diversity ot Oeorgle. th.* question being: "Ought the United BUtes to Ann.-x Hawaii?" B. K. ?'rnhum and W, J. Brogden are the North Carotina speakers, and take the negative Juliet" I'urilell. of the Fnlteil States District <V?urt, says he Is informed that th.. Feileiai! prisoners sentenced to con finement in I.enolr county .lai! are actu ally permitted by the Sheriff to go Into the town or country at plca-uie. He will Investigate this matter and fine the Sheriff if tin re Is proof. Some years .11:0 Judge Seymour discovere?! that a prisoner a? .-1 t?. jail at ?Beaufort, Carteret OOUnty, ectueliy had a key to the jiiil. giv< 11 liim l?v Ills brother, the Sheriff, end came and want as he liked. The Sh? riff of PasquOtank county refused to ?receive Federal prisoners, and Judge ?Pur? neii says he has gtven notice that if such refusal is persisted in he will hold court ?i?. long?er at (Elisabeth City, but at ?Eden? toh or Plymouth it is now required thai !"' stiaill open court at Elizabeth City, but Ii? says In* can Immediately ad journ it anil complete the term at any oth.r place in the district. I . mi;. Ion ninl Young, the two young men Who are supposed tb have committed burglaries and other criminal acts here Isewhere, are in great demand. They In fail In Raleigh. It is claimed that they know each other, but fh!s do.-s n??t appear to be a fact. They appear to have been In different lines ot roguery. Ill HDKH TKl.%1. t\ WIWSTOffl Juin. Hurt-It???.. In <I.HrK?".l With Kill iitu Metwnewa i*?ui st.M-kion. WINSTON. N. <'-. March LHSpsctal) 'D11 trial of .lohn W. Harrison, charged with killin/i F*Sl Stockton, a str?*?-t-car mo-.ortnaii. WS* begun to-tlay In the Su pottOt Court. Tlie large actpinintance of the prtSOOer and the man whom he Is al leged t?> hav.- killed makes this ono of the moat interesting capital cases that has ?v. 1 ?basa trl.-d here. Harrison, who ),,?1 been out on bond, came into court at 1U o'clock, calm, dellberate, und conH ,l. ?1 his attorneys Hl?- ! & Manley. Watson ft Kuxton, Jon.-s A l'atterson oiomo.mviiiK him. The prosecution Is by SoScltOr M??tt. WatHct ,, e ' Ho.ton, and J. W. UeHoUL The ,,,;-.?,?.... was packed by * r.presenta \! assembly, and intense Interest was manifested trom the start. All of the ? - ,. n, ? x.-.-pt erne, are from the ?NMe ?Sai *-z ;r?S ?port l.-J.'J M") uov,.rn?r H,?. 'x rs-sTW!.'". law, with hi"' M I I.I.I X? TO FIGHT. Many BmUtB t^rmUnim.o Are Offer? ,?K service?. rai?oh. n^ ?a? :??;,-:'? *'"" iit'Ki""'r, ?from t'o?.n?-l Wll ,'"- ,:;",*'",m.,?wv . ', "in ?3b5 declaration of war On Of the ,"!W"" ?'. .H . Vr--We.!i to furnish call uuon vou oy *"o * North Carolina's quota of troopa for th.i purpose, I hsve the honor to lend? r y?. my services to ralae a regiment of lr fantry composed of the sons of ex-?'oii fed? rate soldiers, to serve In that war." PRIVATE 8K*'RETAR Y HAS MEABl.E Mvat* Saeieiaiy Joseph k. Aiesand? ha? a severe attack of measle? at Ih Executive Maaetoa, H* retiree as privat secretary, aad r.?v Huyiu? cad? sue seed* him. It Is learned that Mr. Ale? badet will return to Winston to resum the practice of law. Mr. Cade was fo yi-ars a Haptlst minister, and Is also lawyer. Re f?.r a time sdftei the Pro gresslve Farmer. For severel yars h lias been chaplain at the Inlt-d *' Military Prison, nt F??rt LeaVStaWOTtl HI? home is Ixr.Ulf.hurg. The Clerk to the Penitentiary, F. I Wimblsh, was off? red by a New Yorl tlrm broken COffc* at S1-1 00?t* a p?>iin'l He ordered some, aixl th* firm shipp" him 2<?,(?i?i pounds ., 1!? n??v ha? an ?-l.-phatil ?m Ills hand?. Exceptions to the redaoed rate ?,r pas ?--eager fare ordered by the Railway Cmn mission a week ?ik?? will be Bled till: 'lap flrsl political nun of th? ?ampalgl of UM i?, fir. .j t.v the w.nreti county It?' publicans, who an? to hold a mass-meet Ins March Uh t?< heat speeches ?by Gael's? II. Whit? S?d .lames H. Young, an?! als. !o hear Charles A. Cook speak on th. legisletlon of the issl Oenersl Assembij THK HALIFAX fill \TY I'll! 111. I.nrue Ootv.U In \ llenilnnee?Fifth \ _ >. i i. - a Iwle ?if l.l?|..or. ?SOUTH ?BOSTON, v.v. Mairch 1 cia!.)--An uausually ?ar?,*,?- crowd attende? Hallfax County Court yesterday. On? colored person was t inivii-t? ?I of breaking Into and rohhing a store, aind S?*nt?8nc>M t ? three years in the penitentiary. A r?'w minor cases were dispose?! of. Th? r?: were ii superabundance of hot set a <>n the Street*, S?d th* number el ani mals, gootl, liad, and iiitliffer-nt, was rtever greater. Many ealei wet* mi?!?-. ainl more cash panl by bn\?rs tlian is usual ?it this season of the yeer. Fsr tlllser agent* were ?busy among the farm ers tatkiii),' orders for many kinds of tin ?r M ai.s. Houston has now ji iari;e b??ne ttour mill, waers quantity <>f fertlllaer lam be obtained by agriculturists. Mr. K. i'.asit-y is the general manager. Ihe liiKn prkSSS and ?general buoyancy in Ih* tobacco markets brought m?i u y solici tors from DaavtS* and ?Lynchburg, At a puiiiii- satit reeently Straw. n. ft. Ifidmundaoa ?and W. u. Bhepherd bought th?. Plentere* Warefeoese, In Danrllie, iur 111.?va?. Loot week they soM the same property t<? Messrs. Acne Brothor* a Keegen for jit.ikk?. As the time approaches When 'he Town Council will have to dedde whether permits win be granted to .secure llcens? if?.m tin- County court for the sal?- ?>t ar.tent ?spirits, tin* Anti-Saiioi.n League and Women s Christian Temp?rant-. Union ai?* circulating petitions among the citizens to ask the Council i" ?give no per mita Th? town was, ostensibly. "tin" several years ago, but ?system of "irri getion" was soon Inaugurated, by will? ii Ih?* back streets ware kept ?-nit?' "w?f." Rev, U It. .lohnston. p;ist<ir of th?- Pree byt?srian church ?here, win hereafter give ?me Sunday to Hot-Creek church, in Campbell county. .Mr. a. v. Daniel, of Roauoke, is visit ing friends in t?>wn, and wilding up some untinlsht-'l business, Rev. l>r. J. H. Ravis, ?pastor of Spring Hill church. Is visiting some of his many u leads m town. Captain W. t?. Bette, of lllack Walnut, who is an octogenarian, lias returned troni ?Richmond, where be spent ?several months visiting his i-hililt? i. ftSKBD TO I)i:i.i\i:ji %\ ftODMMSS, .lairv.1111111 Halite?. In? I I?.I In Speak Hefor?. stedeata. CRARLOTTBSVILUB, VA., March L (Special.)?Congre?man Joeepk W, ?Bal? ley, of Texas, has been ChCatM by tlit Joint committees of the Jefferson and Washington Literary societies of the l*ni versity of Yir.giiii.-i t?? deliver the final address befo.-e them at the June eorn iii' u? ?ment. ?Information was r? cehr? ?i b* re yesterdey morning of the tleatli of Mrs. W. H. In ities, at Aahevllle, N. ?'. Mrs. InlOe* re moved from Charl?te svllle to AekevHl* a few yeans ago for the b?-n?-flt of her be?lth. She was well known ami highly esteemed here, and was an seraeet Chris tian and devottd member of th* ?Presby terian Church. Th* body was brought befo this morning, and the funeral h?l?l at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the Pres byterian church. ?'an?s have ?bean Issued announcing th? marriage of Miss Bedye A. Mitchell, of l'.aiitimor?, (o Mr. Charlee n. Brgea? bright, of this city. Th? event will take place at Bethany church. Paltimore, Thursday. Marcii '.Olli, at I P. M. Mr. and Mrs. Brgenbrlghl will reach Charlotteo vllle on the 20th instant, and will reside at 110 south "Second street. A marriage license was issued in the County Clerk's office yesterday morning i?? Mr. I'aul Washington Wood ami Ml - Martha Wood. The revival services at the Methodist church will continue through the present Week, s.'ivltes ... Ing held each afternoon at 4 o'clock ami at 7:1a P. M. I?r. W. K. Etlwards, the pastor, is assisted by the RfcV. John W. ?'airr??l!. of ?a.t.-sville Cir cuit. There have been a number of con versions. The fifth annual tourney of the Fayer weetber Gymnastic Association, of ths University, will take place to-morrow eve ning. The Committee of Arrangements onsists of I>r. W. A. I.nmb.tli; J. <'. A vers. president; Form v Johnston, .it.-President; A. W. Moore, captain; R. (?. Heiner, secretary; J. H. ?Leaning ?mi lion p. Petera DEATH OF MUS. ?.DOI.SIIV. Sew* of IIovti?r?]t->|||?-?%Ke,| rolore.1 W u m i. u 111.-1, from lluri.M. ROWARDSVILLM v.v, Mereh 1. iSpecial.)-Mrs. Ooolsby, daughter ?if Mr. ProiBt, manager of Algoaaa farm, d?. d yesterday at the Virginia soapeton* quarry, where her husband was an em ploye* She was burled this morning ?t tlie home ??f her fethsr, In Buckingham. The aged colored woman, Delilah Mile*, who was so severely burned some time sgio ?it c.ieiimore. is deed, she er* > ? us old. \li-s Nellie Nash, wlio has been vlslt Ing her sister, Mrs. Dr. Cabell, at Nor SOOd, has returneil li'.in.-. Miss Nancy UeW? ll\ n. who has been teaching a private school here for esfe ral months, has accepted ai much ?better iml more lucrative position ai Hardware, ,'a.. to which place she has gone. Mr. M. IJenan has none to Richmond ind carried his little ?laughter, who has been spending a few days with her lurent* back to schuwl. ?aptiitn T. A. Jones, who ha? been at ending Nelson County ?'ourt, has gott?n ;ack. Mr. Graham, an attach? of the Llenan loapatone quarry, was In town to-day. Mr. Birch, an extensive stock-raiser of *..v. svllle, was in Howai'lsvll!,' to-day >n business. _ M eh ?-.-r I.? Tob?ceo Market. MKHEKRIN, VA., Marcti !. \?Special.) Ibout 70.000 pounds of loose |**f toba*** v? re sold on this market Saturday. 'i ices, 12 ?oO-V/lU.?"?. I.iiKs and other eoni aon gfdtl* were In great demand. J^iiig tat al?o commanded high prie? s. As an evidence of tlie s>mpatliy the Itlzens Of this vicinity have for the (?living Cubans. H<> w?*r> given at a col ? iiitii taken at tlie Meherrin'Baptist hurch here on Sun?iuy "v??iilng. ? u?.to..i.? Caere Decided. The general appraisers of goods pass \g through tlie custom-hoimS port m < > sveral ?le?"li?i??ns lately which until psas i upon bv the Secretary of th?- Trau jry will hold go???l. But While th? re ? lability in that quarter, no system f?ll ig In strength can be properly sustained iilaont the al?! of Hostellers Stomach Ittets. a genial tonic and remedy lor .alarla rheumatism, dyspepsia, consll itiua and biliousness. BEAUTIFUI SKIN Soft. White Hand? with Shapely Nails, I.nxi riant Hair with ?lean. Wholesome Scalp, pr dn?-e?l by Crncriu Soir, the most effeeth kin purifying and beautifying ?joap in tl world, as well as purest and sweetest, f? toilet, bath. ami nursery. Tboonly prerenti of Inflammation and clogging of the Posits. (yticura *o?r ?i ?old thi-oa?'fii>'-i??h. World. PtfTTtl Pico ? C?S?. ? ?tar . tel* Prap?, BwKmi. U. S. A. er'Uw m t'urifr **4 Bwutify Ui. Skia, s?*?' .nd Ha.r," luM fr?*. BABY HIIMI)0^ jS?WS?i?fa STOCKS ADVANTI HAIIINT A R1XAWAY III I MARKET M M A INK SMSSSa WHEAT CLOSES ON A BULG lorn 11 ron a?Oat? Also -ho Streimtlt?I'r.M Isl.inM Srore Snia Advance??lotion Dull? Oilier tie ? rnl llnrketi Iteports. NF.W YORK. March l.-The slock ma ket took on no w.-11-define.l chaniCt until after the publication of the stat in-nt attributed to the Secretary of t Navy, that the element of Hpanish t 0*101* r.sponsil.le for the Maine expl slon mlglu be considered to b?' ?limin?t? from the situation. Tills was In the la hour of the session, and the whole sho latervat spparsatly rushed to cover t short lines that have been put out I lie last few ?lays, on th? <levelopm?n f?.!lowlng the Maine disaster. The had been covering of shorts early In tl day. in continuance or yesterday*? mov in? nt. but a little later, other short sel Ing ?I. velop?"?!. on the theory that tl mark?! would certainly sag again, aft (he large short Interest had b?-en covere The market had apparently swung a Standstill, and was drifting rathi almle-"sly, without yielding, when a bu: ing movement set In on the long stat tmit. and the trailing took on all tl iipp af?n? - of a runaway bull marke Some of the advance* were violent, M? tropolltan Street R-'tway being push? up to 1531-1, n?t rise of ii pe?ala, Th stock closed at F.i. Manhattan, Suga and New York Central were also coi spit nous in th? movement, the form? showing an extreme advance of ? point and th* latter L'. rising 2 points SBCl There wat?; large buying, also, of th Oranger*, and ?Rock island rose ov? 2 points above la*i ni-giit*.~ level, tii whole list fell th* upward moves*! to a very notloaebl* ext?'iit, an?! tha la.te bulge, ad'leil to the very subsiai tiaii sdvacc* u ready achieved, makes showing of very striking Ml trains, lan?a Ing from 1 to 4 points in the |*B*n list, and abOV* that In case? Buying fof ?London account help.,] th strength In tlie early ?l.aillni;*-. Ther whs some ?reoovery In Spanish securttl? In London, and ttiis sssmsd t?i res-or confident*-* to some, extent over th?? re lotions between Spain and the I 'nite Stat. ?-'. The resumption of buying for Londot account is in fee* of a continued herd enlng of the money market In London The !t!?|iitry for gold for American I COUnt In London and In Paris is ?reporte to it?* still eery been, but no further en ?jugements of gold for Import man an nounced to-day, ami the rate f??r sterlini exchange hardened a fraction, but l stui at the gotd-tapori point. The oondttton* in the local money mar ket haiv* become more settled, the In terlor ?lemanils for currency being some what less saner. The announcement b] th" Treeaury thai ao ?further withdraw als will be made for the present of gov ernment deposits in New York banks o l'nion Pacific payments also aided thla result. The bom! market was somewhat mor? active to-day* an?l prices wer?' higher al aroutad. TQtal ?-'ales, gl.fluo.nno. Unite. new 4's, registered, showed a re tov? ry of 11-8, and 4's, coupon, the ol? is. registered, and the f?'8, one. of 1 each and the old 1's. coupon, one of 1-2 pet cent., bid, while the 2's declined 1-2 pel cent. The total sales of stocks were 4."2.70< shares. Including Atchlson preferred 6.290; ?"hlcago. Hurllngton and Qtilncy 2?,(535: LeeiSVlH* and Nashville, 6.681; Manhattan. 32?it?>: Metr?poli tiin Street Hallway. 10,420; Read ing first preferred, r-t52; New York Ceta? tral. 16tr)0; Northern Pacific, 14.120*. do preferred, ISM?; Bt Paul, mmo; Unioe Pacific. 1.99; Union l'acltlc D. and ?5., 5.100,' People*: Oas. 10,030; Sugar, 79,620; West? m "Cnlon. 7.2OT. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. Money on call active at 1 I 109 per cent.; last loan at 2 peT cent.; prime mi?roeatHe ?paper, 3l-2i?4 per c?nt. Sterling exchange ilrmer. with actual tnialnesa in bankers' bills at for demand and ?$4.0 l-2-ii$4.82 for sixty days; Meted cate?, UM l-OB?AMS*i aad UMM ?4.86; commercial bills. USHftLttl-t. Silver certif?c-at?-*?-, 65 3-Sii-?*3-S; bar sil ver. U i-i. Mexican ?iollars, 461-1 ???.v.rnment bon-ls strong. State bonds dull. Railroaul bonds strong. MW 10HK RUBS ??UOTATIONI. Closing ?toe is Stciil8?,a.TooeS? ?au Mais te. Mil M3n ?on, preferred. *?*? Baltimore aud ?Jui?.. **'*e oeJiaae ranac...,. *4U ' nada Moutnera. 5U entrai fa'jiflc. }' ** .I...K;.?n.f .il Ual*j., ,** vtnceeo end A ioe..**. ,**,, **aica?o, rtoriiniiona-id V naor. y,*T4 SMma* *ad ??-utora Illiuots..?44 Ouccaad !*t. i,ouis. Ml* ;..?..' C. ami SL Lout* preferred. ?1 )e!awar? aodllu?l?ou.I tola, 'eiaware, i.i la.vHuiifiaiitl Western. Ii " ?eii?.-r na i Kio??rau i??.. IS iriiifrtiii ftloUraaJe, preterr.?.?,..... * - '? L' 1? in-* '....? . 14'/4 tnedi'-w . in?rete?"?*.;. :n?v% ron ?Varos.Id1* ireat.Nortneru, pretorred .IM io *'.!.?: v aiiev .m.? '?l4 linon central.10'?.'H .exetne aal *feitern .t ?* .aketneaud Western, preferred... 10*4 .ake .-.h?re.IS2M .ouisrille ani N&sbirilie. -<'\ in n ha l ta Ii 1. ION Intropontan Iraetton.151 licblcan ?Jeotrai.i * '? Iliiiie.cta-tuJ St. Iajiiis . 1 "ni'-"in mm?>!. Louts 1st oreterreJ ... N? ti.'tounPacin??. . ? j, lo! '.lean 1 ? ?!. >. . '.'a1., Ilseouri a. ana 1*. f l'si...iiii, iv. ana :. preferred. STift lets Albnuy ami (meato. ! . w Mhtiiv un t c h .cago urt'ferr??!. SI nwjersoruantre..,... MV.? lea ror*i;eairai...~.?..l i--l4 is* ton. t aicur i am m. L. , : ., . ?.. t'tiicauosn?! 'i-L. is* ureferred... ?it* I. !.. l-ii'e?tu'o ai?'? *' '- ;-'tl ii'ittfrif 1. .. 3114 or.1.western ..... ...? 14 ot is American ?-.?uiiianr. ,1+ criben rac-iUc.m.?.... S41* i rtbern t'acin - >,r??i<?rre<l-. (I3U atarioand Western. 15"{ r-mnii- ?nt .Mi?. 4U reyon ?tnuitUu?. . V8t4 j i.teourg .leu ?MdtDS.?. .'-'S. C-l.'?llUl.>M.?W. ?*'i i. Loan ui'l .-an I raiii;'?.?JL. 7' i. I.?,ui?i nil? sin l-'r-ineis * a Ittorel. ;i?n4 i. and "?an ?-ra?n-i?v-ii 2d ocet:. VI t.Ps;l. U ?H f.Paoi 0-? irr--.^ ...........1 I!?, t. Paul and ??mat?*?. r.t | u l'aman?! ? la?aba, (^ U 1-auL U. and >i. II*? ?uttiern I'a.?tt; .tatet. IKU m*h*ra..,a. si? ill I MW TORK STOCE ?VL'OTATIO!?*?; < lestas ?toc Posttaern. preferred .... .-?* ~ le??, faeinc. 1 tlnicnl'acit*?-. 8 D. r.. I?. and?;. ..?. I i/mi? ni! ('?vittlc............ ' WaLeab. M bonis and P?--tt1c. pf ????rr??- . 1 WtieellDC au l _?<? Rtie. . -.. Hbeeiiss aod Late Srie nrsferrsd. 1 sxrsssi cosraMi?. Adams K s presa.. 0 Aniertcau Kxpreee. .?'-' J. nlteuStat?*** Kir?re*e. 4 Wells rargottiprees.Ill KHt-1'..l.lN?tllt American Cotton ?Il . Il Aioericau Cotton ??u preferred...... 7'. American Spint?.?. I Ainrrti-ati "?pints preferred. H American loba???? ?'?>. '" A ?nortean Tob??? Co. preferred.11. ? m -a*; ? ?.--?s . U? Consol?date?! (?at.let com. Cabi? Company.1 < ' Col. PnelA 1.i .....i ... - -' Col.Kuei XL.preferred.,M. 7* 0*a?r?. K?* trio. 94 Hl.notM Steel. 4? ?.a <'l??l? t,as.- *' Lead Trost.m. *?'. Loau preinrred......Hit Nati,ai?| ,.h.h.... l u.i. .. ?irer'mI mprorement ?Jo . S' Fa? lt.?'?lau..... ."* Pullman Pala?;*.IM KilverCerttnc-ii*?. t*7i standard Hopa ami Te loe. 4 A menear inter it? It ?rr.!'.'. Americansusar Kefln?-ry. prei.Ill 'I.' ant Iron. II 11. R. bomber... ? U. s. Leather prate*rod. e 1 . ?>. Itul>t>er. ._. ll I. s. Ku fiber i??- ?.erred. ??'< V? estero Union. . 8f Nortbwestern..1X4 Northwestern, ??referred.173 st. ?.?nil? and Southwestern. 4 it, l.'.u'Sfiii I ?v.atn* ..?lern 1st preferred. H Modrande and Western. I* StoUfeod* and Wesiern. preferred. '>', Chicago (?real Western. II Hawaiian Co'inne'cial Company. it Ueading 1st preferred. 4." BUBO Lift. Called States 4'a. new. re?ist?r??l.174 United?jtat?.s 4'?. new. coupons.1V4 lulled btatee * as legutereu.Ill tutted Maine 4 e. coapuu...I i\? Lotted States 2'scoupoo. ->:, foiled Slatee ' '< registered.ti-: tutted State? V* coupon?. .Tl:' District ?I ?1.?'? .1 IK Alabama (Claaa At. 108 Alabama tClass Alab*iii? ??'lasa 1 ). .......10) Al?b?ria Currency.too Atcbtson4's. ?: Atcblson t lu ?.? '. ?Jl lanada leeSasc* i ?.los ?'. * N. P.. t. r. ft? . S.*, ? beeapeake v Oblo ?a.115 C. II. 0 0. 4tt'e.104? DenrerA K. ii. Itts.110 l?enrer S K. tl. 4'e. U4 Kast Tseesssss uta. 100 Jfrt?? general 4l. 7'i t. W. * 0. Ists. t. r. . 71 Oenerai ?lectrlc a'e. .101 ('.R._*. \. d'a.....10? ti. II. AN. A. ?Me . .105 II. At T. Central j?.112 H. A T. ? entrai ?' .106 iowa C. lat?.1011 Kansas PacWcconsol?, t. r.10W Kan.Pac. Ists inen, t. r.I'll Loomaaa new consola 4's.101 I., .v s. I Hi. -1 s. ss Missouri tJ'a.I on M. K. T.Sda.. . ? ' U.K. T. 4'?....-..^,. 88 New Vork l'entrai Ists.tlttt New .lerser teatral ."?'a.ll.*y| Norte i;aroiliiii S *..Its Nonli ? trotina4's. 10:1 Northern Pacificist.1 g NortintruPaoitlc as. fM Northern Paetdc ?\,. ??I N. Y. c. ?ax, L.4's . 10.? Norfollt ?nil Western ?J's._lia Nortb w?8'ernt'on90la..14iii Northwestern den..??.1171 Oregon Navigation 1st. 114! Oregon Sanitation 4'a. m? ti. ?. I.lneO's. t.r.ISJ 0. 9, ?.trie ?'s. L r., . ?1^ O. Improvement lats.t r.. 110 o. Imbrorement ."?'s, t. r.. M Pa?-I0j?'sof 'w*>.1031 ltea<lin(M'j. . 84 it. O. W.lsts. 82' M.L.4I. U. eons?! F?. . ?4 HLl. As. K. eeaoral ?'*,.lis Si. I'anl 1'.mi?la, .141 M. P. C. A P. Ists.. 1--2H st. Paul?'. A P. ..a. .110 Suutlirni ila" ./t,. *?. U'I Stanlanl Hope and Twin? ?l'a. 07 Tennessee n?.w settlement :i's. ?H 'lesasPacido i. ??. Uta.lOOf 1 ?sas Pa?:IOc reirlstoredU's.-. 34 IjtonPaciQc l'a of 'OU.\I2TJ D. P. i), at.uir ista. :,h*. M'a bash 1st .Vs.....107' WabaStrMs. 7IH Weet ?bore 4's.110. Virginia ('untunes. ?ti? Virginia deferred.? 4 lima ?"?tii'i (?mo4's. 7.-,-, Norfolk aii?l Western coneol 4'e........ 804 Norfolk and Weitem pref stock., 40$ KICIIMONI? SfOCB MAH.Itr. Kl -in .-- , March 1, 1818. 8iixs.-Virglnla-('arolins Chemical preferre ? 10 shares at 108*,. Ojgmmgmugmroumtatitmt* Bid. _ske_ United States 4'a 1807. 118 sriTL saeemfus NorthCarollna *'s._. 104 Nortb Carolina O'e-.-.M.... 1-10 Virginia .'?'s inewi.- ... M V.rginlaLentarr. Otty 70?/ ciix saous tiks. Klchmood cit? S's.. 131 Ktt^hmondcltytfs. 112 ... Kicbmond ottra'>'9..^ 110 .,. Hicbmond city 4's it. ISSOsMM ISSJ| .... Kailkoad BOSDH. Atlanta and Cnanotte lit 7 t... 120 Atlanta aut Charlotte g't'd la. tie. *r* - Char.. Col. A Aug.'.'d 7'e. ISO Uoorsla.southern A ?iorula as 101 10i Petersoarg ??.i-?*?* AI 9ft. II? ... Petersburg (Ctaas Bi fls. fl8 Hicbmond and Mecilenburg Itl O's., W 8outt?eri' ?t?a?" ?v. 1st .?'s. t? ?ieorgia A Alabama pref. ?'s? 104*4 ]n5 ??eorgtaana Alabama console.... 80 88 Kl?bmond Traction iVa . 10'd Uitt* >ortolk and Western 1st mort. con.4percent. 80 81 RilUM-SiflfMBS Par. Atlanta and IXMItSttS.100 100 Chesapeake an 1 Oaio.100 tl '?I NorthCarollna?.100 lii? Norfolk au 1 Western pref... 100 4S 40 Patersoira.100 1?0 K.. P. A K. P. A P. conn't'n. 70 OS Klibmond. bred, ami Poto ma? common. 100 1?3 1M0 Ki.-bmond. l-'redertcksbiirg and Potomac dir. oDhaai'n. 100 llfl 118 Kichm?nu and I'etersiurjr... ?o?. I-'O ?ouitieru Kallwar. or?!. 100 '?H 80 Southern Railway, common.. 100 H** (?ecrglaand Alabama, pref. 31 .'f.?4 (?eorglaaul Alabama, coin. II 1 lag Bam SIOOSS. Cltlsens Exchange. '?f> MM !>8 City Bank. "?5 MH UrstNatlonal.100 102 Merchant? National Bank.. 100 18 1 Metropolitan. '- > 20 'A7 National Bank of Va. IOO 1?J2 lo.'i? Pstersburg Manngsahd lu rao."*Company. tS -14 Se,* ... H?s State Bank of .'Irglnta.10U U8I4 l.-iwaj Lniou Manaol Htahoiond.... >0 Ih?, i 17 Vireioia trust Company.... too ... llO'/tJ HaTiBfs Bank of Richmond.. M 37 40 In tea utos UJ 1J? "1?.*. VirgtolaKlraaul Marias.... -i.i 34?-- *J? Virginia state . -?. 24.?e MlS?.'ltI.I.ANtOCS. American TebessS Compa ny (preferred).100 113 Amencaa I joj. ..? 1.11 :.-t?ir (eommoal. 50 80 90 Va.-Carollna?'heml*?l pret.loo luti-, ion.? Va.-CaroliuaChemical com. 100 .>?a? 5S 'Quotations are for bonda maturing lu not lets iban too join. _ OKA IN" AND COTTON EXCHANGE. Richmond. Va., March 1, im. Quotations: Wheat-LOngberry, He, t?? UM; mlxeil, 97c. to $1.01; shortberry. 9Uc. t?. Jl.ol; N'o. 2 red. USL ?'orn?Virginia whit.:, bag lots. .;?; to 37c; No. 2 white. 3bl-2c. ; No. 3 white. 26c. ; No. 2 mixed, 36<-. ; No. 3 mixed. 36 to 35 1-2c. Outs?No. 2 mixeW. :t-' t?. ni-fe." N<?. 3 mixed, 31 to :'.! l-2c. ; wlnter-ae?-?!, 36 to 4?g*. itye- No. 2, .'?7 t?. Uu RICHMOND TOBACCO MARKET. Richmond, Va. March 1. 1?W. Piivate s:?les to day were as follows; Wrappers. 1 h??gshead; tillers. 21 hoa* beatJs; leef (dark), 3 hogsheutls. Totul, 26 hogsh? I'nlteil Staites Internal-revenue collec tions for the city of Richmond. Va., to ?lav wvre: T.bacco. $2.172.07; cigars and ?Haarens*, UMtM Total. $5,533.77. Hales ?if new ?lark loose leaf on the Richmond bt^ak? tt?-day were: Su.iae wall Warehouse sold ?.S45 pounds, highest price, $1'...'0. Shock??- Warehouse sold 4.2? pounds; highest price. $10.60. Cram shuw's Warehouse sold 4.26G pounds: hlgh ? st price lit.25. Total number of pounils sold at the thr?e warehousea, 15.IS6; bigh M| price, Ils M Stonewall War?*houae also had s sal? by aample over the hogsheads to-day of ?I.? 1K tobaccos. Prenshaw'? beat prices: Horace Urook Ing. of lxii:'.--.i county, sohl m pounds at $12.5?; 40 pounds at $18.25. J. H. Hro??klng. of 1a?u|sji ?-?unity. sol?l H?0 -jounds at $1W; US ii.iumU ,?t p.1S; BO pounds St U? W I. P. Urucc. ot Carolin?, count v. B?ld ?O pound? at $7; ?16 pounds at 99, 35 poundi ,. at $13.26. tu W. (J. Dlllar.l. of Spotaylvanl* county 2 sol.l 470 pound* at 17?; 250 pound? a $5.20; ltf) pound? st ?.70; 310 pound* st 9 'H ot Stt.-iewHi! to-day. % There was s bright sale st Stonowal 4 also to-day. Hoth bright and ?lark sal?! % at this w .rehouse io-morr?>w. la Messrs. R. O. JefTress, of Tarboro. N C, and B. L. Belt, ??( Rocky .Mount, wen visitor? here to-day. The result of the report ?t h well-nt tended meeting ?if the Tobacco Kxchnng? to-day will be found In the ltxf.1 columns summarizing, as might have been In f?rrea from'yesterday'? report here. NKW YORK IM?oI'I? K MARKET. * NKW YORK. March 1.-Flour-Firm 2 but not active. * Rye Flour- Firmer. _,__ _^ i? Buckwheat Flour Hull at $1.25611 30. 79 Buckwheat --Firm at 40c. U Rye-Steady; No". 2. 7,9 1-4*0."? 1 -2c; Stat? rye. 44'o?'h-. Barley- Dull. Berley Mult-Firm; we?tern. 521-IOiIc, i?j Wheat Spot firm; No. 2 red, $1.07 1-4. I? OptkNH opened easy ?and unchanged, sell ing olT under ?bearish oabls news. A rnllv on covering, du?? to ? llo'ie support, *t followed, the merket ruling ?lull until ?a near the (lose, when a spurt In corn >4 siaired shorts again, and prices left <>fl h ?it the top S-Sfn-2c. higher than bist ^4 night. N?>. | red. March, cloeed $i.or?3-4? '-? Mai v. ?"Ios?h1 $1.00 3-4. ? CotO Snot strong; No. I :!7 3-So. Op r* lions opened steady, and Were generally *? firm all da?v. particularly alt the I lo**. * when sctlve covering on export demand and clearances ware a feature. Final u prices were 1-8?'. net higher;?July, closed ?* 26 5-?c ^ Oats?Spot quiet ; No. 2. 31c. ?.pllon* ^ ?piiet but Stronger, With the other mar kets closing 1-aJc, net higher; Mav, closed 30 5-Sc Beef-Firm. >e <'ut Meats?Steedy: pickled bellies, i 5 3-4*f7o.; do. shoulders. 4 :!-(... tit?, hums, hi TI-40?O I_rd?Steady; western steamed, $.*.42 1-2; Mav, i.',.:*?, nominally; refined steady. .* Pork?Easier; mess. $tu.iv?i$10.75: short * clear. n0.7S?$12.60. * Butter?Firm; western eren mer v. 15<?*?3 201-2c: do. factory, ll'dll 1-:'?- ; Klgins, ? 20 1-2??.; Imitation creamery. 1:11 ? J State dairy i:Mil7<\ : t!o. ?reamery. 144t20c. Cheese Quiet; large white, September, , I Me, Eggs-Firm a' the decline; State and Pennsylvania 14 1-2?-. ; Western flesh, ltc ; southern, 144*14 l-4c. ?? P?,tato, s Steioly. N'.'W York. $2.371-2?? x $.1: Mtteem. Watt. i? ?'ottonseed oil Steedy; prime crude. 4 2??'<t21c. : do. yellow, 23'?i2t l-2c. Petroleum -Firm. i Ro*ln?Steady. * Turpentine?Firm. Rice-Firm. 4 Molasses?Steady. ?ail.tinge?Qulet at tVnX4.7*l. ? t'otfee Options opened steady at un * changed prices; ruled moderately active, with firmer uielertone. on continued large warehouse deliveries In tills country and a tendency of the American visible sup ? plv toward decrease. Close sternly and unchanged to a points net advance; sales, 4.750 bags, including March. $5.45; May. $5.1?. Spot Rio 'lull; No. 7 Rio. invoice, i $6.25; No. 7. jobbing. $??.75; mild steady: ?'onlova. $7.r??_$15.."0. Sales, GOO bags Mara calb<?; 300 bugs ?'entrai American, private I terms. , Sugar-Raw steady: fair refining, i 3 11-Pic; centrifugal, 9?! degrees test, 4 3-l?3c. ; retineil steady. NKW YORK DRY-GOODS MARKET. NEW YORK. March l.-The situation * In dry ?goods shows no change of mo nient. Trading ??t first _ perfuncto ry. Mail or?!ers are In f.-?Ir proportions. j The price-tone In ls?th cotfons and w?>ol \ fens is strong. Woollen and worst.mI ?good* , ?re selling less freely thai? heretofore. I Agents are not pressing sales, as th?' course of the woollen market Is still s ' matter of speculation. Reorder* are fairly heavy, but new go?x!s are being taken with ?'Oiislderable conservatism. Staple \ cottons show pra<"'tically the same condi tions us have prevnlle?! heretofore. Prlnt ? cloths ur** unchanged In ?imitation. Prints are firm and generally well distribu?.?! In demand. UALTLMORE PROPICE MARKET. PALTIMoRK. Ml?.. March l.-Flour [ Inactive end unchanged.; spot and the month. "I a $l.oul-&ir$l.?>0 1-4; April. $3.00 l-Z&fl.OO 3-4; i May. UMJ-4*BUM; st.'am.r N?>. I i-tl, !*". .--S'ati'i :',-? '. ; southern wheat, by ?ample, i ?7f.?j|1.ol 1-4; do., on grade. MMC.B I fl.00 3-1. ) ?'orn-FIrm; spot and the month. 333-1? I 33 7-K.- ; April. 31 1-Wi34 Me. ? steamer mfx i ed. 331233 l?4c.; southern white and yellow corn. H 1-4*134 l-4c. Oats?Steady: No. 2 white, "?l l-r.iSSc.; * No. 2 mixed. a-pmi-*c. K\e-Steadler; No. 2. near-by, 55 1-2c: No. 2 western. ."??! 1 _c. sales. Ray?Steady; choice timothy, $12.501/$13. ?'.rain Fr.-lghts? Very firm; demand bet ter; iinchu ng?>?l. Sogar?Strong aind unchanged. Butter?Firm and unchanged. Eggs -Quiet and unchanged. ?'i.m Steady and unchanged. Lettuce?$lti$l..'o per l.aisket. Whiskey?I'nchangetl. CHICAGO PRODITK MARKET. CHK'AOO. March 1.?Wheat was strong ami weak by turna to-day. but cloeed on the top of a bulge, May showing a 3-4c. advance and July a gain of 1 1-4-til 3-8c. Support from the Leiter Interests was prominent at times, but there was plenty of Influential bull news. The big abort Interest formed last ?reek was evidently far from eliminated. Corn was strong. nml advanced 5-Sc. Oats also showed strength, closing 3-8c. higher. Provisions scored small advasces heading futures ranged ns follows: Opening Highest. Lowest. Closing. Whrat?N0.2. March.10414 lO.'.l* 1041?-, Hi 514 i? -, IC4? n?.-.u luly.80^a?0 VVA Uth] ?14 COKN?No. at, Mav.30*^s<4 .l???-,a*?i 30 30% July.31V4 31 tu ?IM .'U*** September. ..M\4 33 : *-'-? 3:i OiTS-Na K, Mar..2*H 'ZtV>i !26'? 2ori*4n ?uly.~...24?i?i '-?4H '-'4H ?un MBsaPosg?Per KM. Mar.?10.421? eio.45 ?10.2714 ?10.42*4 Juif. 10.30 10 4.? 10.30 10.45 Larp? Per 100 in?. May.?. '.IS ?5.1714 ?5.10 ??.17H Joly. AFtki AXA .'?.17tf o Ma 8H0KT KiBfl-Per 100 lbs. May.........?5.10 l-Vjo gi.II ?.'> .20 July. .Y174 6.:.'j Alt ?'?.'-'5 ? 'ash quotations were as follow*: No. 2 yellow <-orn. 29 ?5-8c. Flour dull. No. 2 spring wheat. 93?!%c.* No. 3 spring wheat. ?K&Sec.; No. 2 red. $1.04 l-2'a$1.0? 1-2. No. 2 corn. -?3-*a?5-8<*. No. 2 oats. 2i;i-'.'t.; No. I white, f. o. b., 29?i?30 l-2c. ; No. | white, f. o. b., 28'?29?-. No. 2 rye. 50C. No. 2 barley. 32 l-2*U39c. No. i flaxseed. $1.211-2: new. $1.25 1-2. Prime timothy seed, $2.!???. If*** p??rk, p?T bur r?l, $10.35<U$10.40. Lard, per 100 pounds, l6.10gK.13 1-2. Short-rib sides ?l?Jose). $490 ii$5.25. Pry-salted Sboulden (boxed). 4 3-4ii5c. Short char aides (boxed), 1 $.*,,OX Whiskey, distillers' finished goods, per gallon, $1.18 1-2. Sugar, cut loaf, un changed. Hutter firm; creamery ):i'u'?ox. ; dairy. H'?/i8c. Che?** ?juiet ut SStl-Ss. Rggs firm; fresh, ige. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI? o. Ilereb l.-Flour Quiet. Wheat-Firmer; No. 2 red. 97fc98c. Corn-Steady; N??. 2 mixed. uMe. Oi.ts-l>ull; No. I mlxetl, 27 l-24i2*>?'. Rye- Firm: No. 2. Uc Lard?Steady ut U* Hulk MT-af*?B-iry ut $.*. vi. Papon?Stendv. Whiskey?Firm at $1 20. Butter?Firm sag higher; fancy Elgin reemery. ttc; Ohio, iimji-x-.; dairy, n^ijc, Sugur?Firm. Eggs?Pull and lower at 101-2c. Cheese?Steady. THE COTTON MARKETS LIVERPOOL. March 1.-4 P. M.-<VC ton?Spot in fair ?letnand. prices favor buyers; American middling, 3 7-16d. The sales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which Uto balea were spe? illation an?l ex l?ort. and Included ?..">*. bales American; receipts, 4i,u?J0 bale?, including 42,luu bale* A merles a Futures 0-jened ?lulef, with a moderate demand, and closed ?jute!; Ameru-an mid dling, low-mlddllng clause, March. 3 2S-C44V 2 24-tU?l.. sellers; March and April, 3 23-444? 2 24-?J4?l.. sellers; April and Mi.. :t 23-?W .'. 24-1.4?!.. sellers; Muy and June, t T.-*\4<t i 2I->4?1 buyers; June and July. 3 24 ?il Jnlv ami August, 3 24-4?4?l , selle?; August and SepteniBer, 3 24-?'.4?! . seller?; September und October, 3 23-M4i* 24-?S4d.. buvers; October and November. 3 23-?Ms :{ 24-?>4?l velue; November and ?December. t 21-4M-ii:l 24-Md.. sellers: He? .mber and January, 3 2Z-CHC1 Zi-?-id., eeller?. NEW VORK. March I Cattoa -Dull; middling. ?5-16C.; Mt receipta TM bales? Kioss receipt?. 4.?M4 bales, export a t.i i'i?. ? ?.ntinent. I?MS bales; forwarded. ?II bales; sal?;s. 11.7.?) bale?; atock. 200,198 bales. T??lals to-day: Net re? ?Ipts. a),4?) bales; exp??rts-to Great Brltulri. 10.741 bales; to France, 12.100 bale?; to the Continent, 2ti.? 777 bales; ?lock, 1.203,493 abalee. Consolidate?! N\ t r.t.ipls. 81.992 bal.-s; exports- to Great Britain. U.4.1G baies, t.? Frunce, 32,517 bales; *to Hie Continent. ?W.? 2*? bales. Totals ?luce .September 1st: Net r?*etlpts. 7.3S3.4?2 bales; exporta?? to Oreat HrHmtr, 2.543.20* bale??; to France, ?fl.7? haiet] to the Contlnenr, 2.11H.36? bales Cotton futures oprii.-d ?inlet an.l easv; sales. ?S00 t-Ml.?*; Muni?. 16.06; April. UM; May. K12; June, S?. 1L?; Julv. 16.17; .\ug-.sf. $6.a?; September, 16.1?, (October, N15; No vember, $?.15. Fu tur?? closed steady; sales. $12>'-.?V) bnks; March. **.?*; April. W.12; May. t?.tS; June. N.18: July. $?.21; August. t*t ?4: Sep. f""tnl?er. a, 19; ?October. IS.18: November, 1&17; De? ember. $6.19; January, 99.71. Spht closed dull; middling ?jplands, ?5-1??- ; middling Gulf, ?*M?c.; sales, \f. 700 bales. NEW ORLEANS. LA.. March l.-Co'ton fut-ires steady; sales. 22.0W) bales. Mir. > ?5.75; April. $.*..7?S: Mnv. i7,.7*tiV,.79: Jut?. . &M0SS.M; July. t?.8Mi$5.f6: August. 15 K.v?t $5.90; September. Oct.?lier, and November, < W, I-.?? ml., i. *??.taOtA9; f>.90tcnj.91. NAVAL .?4'.'ORE MARKETS WILMINGTON. \. ?'.. March 1.-Spirit* Turpentine Steady at Walt 1-2?'., receipts. 7*1 . a.sks. Rosin Firm at $1.20 and ?11.25; receipts. M li.irrels. ?'ru?lo Turpentine-Firm at |1.5?> and $2, r?-??-l|?ts. nothing. Tar St'-ady at ?6c.; receipts, 224 bar? reis. NORFOLK PKANCT MARKET. NORFOLK \ A.. March I.-?Special > Peanut- l'...? ?.. :.".-v?i-j:l4i".; strictly prime, tl-tc; prime. 2?U2 l-4c.; ?Ofirnon, ! -. I 1-I-- : Spanish, Kc. PE'i'ERSP.?KO PKANFT MARKET. PETERSBURG, \A.. March I-<8d*> clal.l-Market firm: Virglniu?. 2 3-4c f??r good lots; Spanish firm at /*?. PSTKRSBURO COTTON . IAHKBT. PETEKSBt'!*;?;. VA.. March 1 -OApe clal i-i'.ttton Firm at 5 7-He. tor good lots. USIIfll l\ u o il \m-iii in;. The Sexra of General Tsllaferro'e Deal I. Recel ted ?. H t. ?iirron, WlLLIAMSBPR?;. \ A . March 1.-(Spe cial.)- The news if the death of General Wllliaim B. Tullaferro was recelveti ?i'ra, wlitt" he was so well known, with ft ? I* irgs of ,!c..p regret, and univrrsal sorrow peeved** tii.? community over the s id news. At the time of his demise, and for a number of years, he was the pi ?lent el tbe Visltorlal Board of Wllll-i ; lid Many College, and one of the build lugs on th<? college-gr.iuinls la named 'l'a lia ferro Hall." In commemoration ni the Poserai'* devotion to the institution ami his efforts In Its behalf. Suitable ac tion will be tak?'ti by the faculty of which body several! members. Including th?i ??resilient, will attend the funeral. In Gloucester to-morrow. A number of our devotees of the chas? left here this-, morning for a hunt of several ?lays in the neighborhood of tin ?'hlekahomlny. In the party w?'re Mr. Winder Lane. Jr.. Mr. H. Q. Spencr, Air Ho. L. Spencer. Mr. T. H. G??ddy. \b*. John B. Spencer, and Mr. Norvell Henley THE NEW CIRCUIT .IPDQR. .IiKlge BlSekatOne, who succeeded til. late Judge Gunt-r as Judge of the Eighth Circuit, began his first term to-day at Warwick Courtbouae. Among the attor ney? from here in attendance are Judg? Sydney Smith. Ho. T. Arralstead, and N L. Henley. Dr. and Mrs. George H. Rose, who hart been here f??r several days visiting Mr? E. T. Bose. left this evening for a brl?-l visit to relatives in Gloucester, bef????* going to their home. In Norfolk. Dr. James D. Moncure and Mayor John L. Mercer left for Richmond to-day, and President Tyler, who has been at tho' capital for s??me time paat. ha? re turned. Mr. Penmead left last evening for I-hI timore via Richmond, when; he will stop a short time on business. The register at the Raleigh to-day shows the arrival of a party of Philadel phia young men, who came down oil a pleasure trip. . Mr. Parke Jones Is building for hiiTi-H?!! a niee ami weB-arranged home in Wtst Williamsburg. Miss Hannah Wilkinson, from James City, his been making e delightful visit to th.? f.imlly of Mr. H. O. Spencer, o? aren?is street. l?r. C. W, P. Brock, chief surgeon ?if the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway C?im pany. was hero y?ster<lay to see his ?on. Dr. Chaules W. Brock, one of tho ?BedI ?I stafT of the Rastern State Hospital. frr-T' Brock was himself connected with the Institution for several years, being one of Its leading directors us well as oue of the most popular members of the board. Mr. James Calhoun Sluter, who iia?.s been sick for som?- time, shows no Im provement. Mr. It. H. Wolfe, whr had a severe uttack of pneumonia, was out to day. The truckers In James City are plant ing potatoes and making extensive pre parations for tho trucking season. Owing to the ?"Htablishment of two canning factories lore In the near future, th" acreage In small vegetables will be mo?*e than doubled. n S?US1SM l\TEl.l.l<;K*<tf-*K. MINIATl I'.K ALMANAC M.M?'Hi's Su-Tris?s.?all HIGH TIDE Sun sets .t>:04 Morning.12:24 Moon sets .2:53, Evening. IM PORT OF RICHMOND. MARCH I, 11?. ARRIVED. Steamer Poe.ihontus, Gravea, N'orfoiic, merchandise and passengers; Virginia Navigation Company. SAILED. Steamer Wlnyah. Simmons. Phllsdel ?hla. merchandise and passengers; Clyde _ne. PORT OF NEWPORT NEWS. MARCH L (By telegraph.) ARRIVED Steamer BSeaaadoek, Liverpool. Steamer Kutsv???!. Delaware Break water. Steamer Saturn, Boston. Schoon? r W. E. Downs. New Haven. Schooner Carri?-. Baltimore. Barge Qulnnebaun, New Haven. t Barga Maleatlc, New London. Barge Solitaire, Providence. Barge Astoria. Provl'l?n?f. Barge West Point, providence. Tug I'nderwriter, New York. SAILED. Steamer St. Andrew, Amsterdam. pj , r Kelter W. CroSg, providence. Schooner '/ Shuman. Boston. Schooner James Boyce Boston. Schooner A. K. Manson. Boston. Barge coal King. ProvMence. Barge City of Atlanta. New lleven. Tug Underwriter, Habana. CuBS. ?ORT OF WFST I'olNT. MARCH 1. IS* (By telegraph.) ARRIVED. Steamship Ac-omack. Thompson. Nor olk; passengers and genera! cargo. mm Steamship Ac?omack, Thompson, Nor oik; passengers and general cargo. ??ORT OF BERMPDA HUNDRED, VA., MARCH 1, 18?. (By telegraph.) ARRIVED Schooner J. W. Bell, Cordroy; to load umber._ PI S A SCI AL. 1107 East Main Street. ?> ?pitll - - -.$?w,ow .orpins and Undivided Profits, $52,000 AB^UtBrtthr 4 Per Cent. Intcreit Paid on De* ?situ. Your account is solicited. R A. t'ATLIX. Pr?sident. A. B. Bi.afk, Cashier. _ (fe?.W.F*Hu-fell-sr)_ MONEY TO LENfc N 8PMS TO SI IT ON KU'IIMOND It y und Suburban Kr?-J?"_*_*VaAr? l"r o}t\t J. M. FiI.A'U ? * " fe ?7-8U.W*F4t HI? ****},******' Orders for printmg ?vent lo tbe Dispatch 'ompany will be ??ven piotniyt ?tu-ntu.n. nd iw style of work and prices Will a euro to pleas* you.