Newspaper Page Text
____THE RICHMOND DISTATCn-WEDNESDAY. MARCH 2, 1898._ I'KI'I.Y TOO ABRUPT. ,iUK WOaUBBBB, WKPUHTd OK ,i,;,. i -iiiMt;:ii<;i'.n'H a\*s*mf.r. gID COMMITTEE WA?TEB TOO MUCH Un?<,r Olsen ? ? <! IV H h *><?n.r \\ ? r' ' ' -f" Mn' *? *'rl?* Taken?Ilc ,. fioin Omelrrles mid ?V->|inr ,,, nt ot Fn-ada?Third Market. etlng Of the Ught Committee I, City Hall last night w .?lar Interest. U re Messrs. Waller*?? |n. bad Hawkins. Th?- City I?. n. T. August, appesre?! he . .mmiitee in.der Instruct! ns Chato ot th.? Cosmos ,1 intro.liK.--d Mr. F. U. ? ; , | 'h. laite Mr. Branch R. ? i IM* oeaaratt! of mains was oril?*reil on d ??n V.nable street. I i.urns were adjusted, and the U "f til?* department, ag ?".? r,? ;.rt|.rt .! to !,? p.,,,) a reported that the sat iippointed to consitl? r th? I . BOM WOUM !.. sub tmnant to : meettag, a ! ? ailed ft.r its i i'ti w lOdaoa rep?,ite.1 that h? th?- coin raiaklrg u request of Oatl a ?i.iiiy report <>r the tk* city. f??r the gui I BaltWaj and Fa ?Al It U :ri'T. : la!, lie said, had n? -t with any gnat tlegi 1!" bad, m tact, stated tin. mlttee wanted too d-d much. SUM n?.t comply with their Witt* SMWOd that charges shouhl nst Sergeant ghlnb to withdraw his mo D the r -."i. S'-iit.. . .,,,,, ' ted thait th (y i,, iteved ?1 persona w! ? bad at n i that his dally roue at Hi? pi iddltloeal duty, however, light, a loua (?urden. foaraed ta meet en -tant at .1 o'clock F. M. Hcports of the Ceuielerl?-?. m met al o Cbatrasau .i Vanaban i Messrs. Whnlen, M ?-eilt. lbs 1 ?per of Oakwood . for til?? month ei.ding February ihowed the total ?ash r? t n 1210.16. The caish r? r-Vlew (Vmitr-ry f.,r the ported ta be mi.?!?. ?? ring the payment of bills. mmitt? ?l?t< rmlned that as th. . ilas meettag fell ?>n ?March lSth, the body convine on the K the 14th would be a b i Mr. Blanks, Chairman Vaughan. "th* will want to b" around electl? .1 y. They tan COBN hotti h." ? f them will be r-ah-k day," i'\ causing a ?general laugh. Superintendent of Oakwood Ceme - uistructetl to pureheee certain t, .?nd he was authorized to opiea -?f the ruie.s ?governing the nt cemeteries. tig under an ordinance recently pted, clerk Alfred McDowell made ?Sowing repoH of the expenditure* he department during the pr i year: r.'ii appropria aided, I367..V?; unexpended, \ |< w Cornet? rj Pa3 -mil appro I it d. $2io; uncxpond -Hill c,-m?-i.-ry?Pay-roll appro ?n, $1 .??SO; expended, $i:t.r>; unexpend |U?estlon "f constructing a water it ? ikwooi! was then taken up. but - med advisable not t?> order th* until it could b?- ascertained r it nrouM be an Infraction of the forMddlng the expenditure of baa half of th? ?appropriation flu? li moatha of thr I e of Mr. Mooby, th?- ehalrman . ted tO gl I lii" opinion of th? a the sutiject. The coin n edjoumed, First Market M?-ets. Committee on ?Wrei Merket met morning at R*% <a*-t Main it. at nt were M? John M. ! in in?. liarrelson. Tanner, ; n?l rh reported collections on " - \ for the month ol >-r..n. aasouatlng ta $92.20, ***** ! paid. ::. ?tien Of Mr. Harrelsor. -ub commltti ol taro, oon*l*ting ot M? .-mit.'i. was appolated to tor the painting Ol ' : W* ' ?ved from thi* ]>cmocratic Club for tti? Old Merkel Bau on the eveninf .?1 for a grand rally. <>n Mr. Smith th* reo,ucst a a. m tik. t was Inatra : ?r ri? tiled r? iNiirs at the a. " a.iiourri"?l. at Ian ?pilar --nt. aiinlttee on Improveriii nt of r win meet to-day at I p. M., and ti:? L*ommlttee on School* at 7 P. M mi: I i \? ill.FV COMPASS PAILS. Domini A Co. Also Make Ansia liment. Dr. Moore's Mill Pr????al.*?l. L. athley & 00, ''??-'I a ?! --?I Ol ? a. m in the Clerk'8 offlc?* of tlm : :.. VS'th li.llllli Sd ai U '" W, t?. J.dms is ? , and t<? him Is ?.nvty.'d Oi laintl situated at Nos. ?MM and treet, w it h thf* machino and all ?property thereon, als,,, a Karton Heights, and all BK ' ounta, eta n ,. | ?h rotad ta the f th? Ot the firm in I order: All wages du?* t?> rnp! ... *jm for legal Borvto** to w 1 ? ?a- M?tritague A- Co., ?Ml .?.nhin. MU H. B. ?'lark.', $200; a. ll'A?. \;i other creditors <>f the ggrt | .* amount due tin ?. ?.. ?.out $1,010 FAILURE OF I kU * >\-MKX A igaaaanl was alee ?i? i ?by I, saloon-keepers at No. snklln street. Mr. v. Donati The iii'lenti.'e ?n oi .tu the st??ck of trage m band, uni among the ?aaset* of m is considered a certain cause of ? it BWM) mm **) stops Grip and Stubborn Colds, that "hang on." imb V M UN YON'S ?o?iETe-?i*.** _?f?*h on ?M gSS^i?i%Hnis?S?^ CURE ' w pending in the Law an?l . , ES nKi,,,ut K' A Bnuadere, Jr in. lUMHtle*. estimated el ?M divide Into the following .lasses: I'list L_g_] MUnsie and salaries ol ernpl? ? ' "id Heitl fig* on premises No. 1611 ' i r renktin stn t Third Hair?.,., Wilson, RU for prof? *? si.-nai servteea ' t? cull??. UM; Cook A Bern ' ' ' of Sew York. ?JIM Fifth-All other liabilities, In full. It Me; If not. pro n 'nu: lait; db, mookks BMTATB. The Will of Dr. Th.imas J. Moor. admitted to probate in this court y.-ster dap, end -falla (Maat Moore, his wife qualified a* executrix. The ?-?t?te is valued at $??.000, and is i" lueathed int.' end fe* aimpt? t.? Mr*. Jad?a Orani re. The will prorldm thai ne se curity shall b* resulted oi ike adtalni - tretrtx. J. P. Thurston ?pi tor of Indie Button Thurston; ch B ink? iship (|uaii!ie.i as guardian ol Chailea L Blankenshb> 'I'd? following decree* and orflera wer* entered: \v. n. i; ?wen n, it. c. Paym and i.thers -ardor dismh-slng the i M. a. Blaekwell vs. Moeby's Rut icutrts mil the same vs. Oerarifs Bbcacutrls ordei substituting trustees In pb oi deeeaaed trustees; Salic Ouerdlaa va Deem aad als order making allownnc? for support of infant: N. W. Borne, trht for, ate, vs. Mary Morton's Ad* mlnlatrator aad ais. Sacre* referring missloner for Accounts .v ?*??. ra Plttmea an?! al* auai Heulen A. Nightengale va. Ntghten and ails, ?decree directing certelr deedi ta !>? matie end mahing end ?>r th? Tlie ?souri will adjourn for tlie term on v 11? xt. the 4th instant. Judge Lam? has ?eas.d to take paper* of anv kind and only probat? matter* are n<?w heard OTHMB COUBt in the City ?'ircilt Court, in the matt"! of B, P, Amos agataa! o B, Taylor, th? lury fourn! that the f.ickory Umbel claim? ?1 in the declaration was th* ?pro perty of Arnos. Counsel niatd?- motion t( set tip* verdict acide, bat it we* over? mied, anu? jiidgm? nt was rendered by the court on th?- vertuet. In the notice of motion of W, D. ?Page vs. ("?-orge l>. Crawford A CO., the judg ment ?nt. ret! ?Monday was set asi?!?' aad th* motion dismlssf-d. in the Law and Equity Court, In th? "is s ?Fairbanks fc Co. againet k. T. JenninSe. Jr., verdict was returned in favor of tlie plaintiff. The suit W*l f??r, evidenced by negotiable note. in the Hustings Court Masera Carter i>. Johnaon and Jama* w. Oordon quaii ti'-ti as notarle* public. SMSV COMPAS- OIH'AMZF.D. Oflleers iiml IHr?*?"l?.rs ?if Iti?"l.i..o...l Trust .....I Snf?? I?? poxti t??. < luiNcn. A gen? meeting of th*- *tockbolder* "t the Richmond Truel and ?Safe Depoeil Company was heM yeeter-Jay at in o'clock an the banhlag-h?oue* of John l. w? iiatins <v Suis. Bvery ?Share ??f the stock was present In peison or by proxy, among the non-resid. nt stockholders ?preoenl being Mr. c. Bldaey Bhepard, of \? a ?Haven, N. y . and Mr. J. William Mlddendorf, of Baltimore The following gentlemen wen- unani mously elected ?atemben of th* Board ot Director* f?or the ensuing year: Mr. Jamas W, Allison, of Allison a Addlson; Major James II. I.leg, Mr. John L. Williams, Hon. William Wirt Henry. Judge William J. Loake; Major i:. t. B. Myera, preaMeni of the Richmond, Pied>srtckeburu and Potomac lallroad; Mr. it. a. Lanoaateri of Lnnoaat? r S L?icke. baahera; Mr, John .-s. Klltt?. presid? nt of the State Hank of Virginia; Mr. H. H. Haw.'s; Mr. S. W. Troven president of the Chamber ol ?'??mnierc? ;ind trea-uirer of the Virginin Caroline Chemical Company; Hon. Joseph K. Wilianl; Mr. Prank A. ! ?a venport, of I?avtnport, Morris et <"<?.; Mr. John W. Rotahert; Colonel John i'. ?Puroell, vie* presiden! ?Piral National Hank; Mr. W, M. Habliston, preeident citizens' Kx chaage Lank: Mr. Henry L. Cabell. vie? pi.-i.aint Chamber ??f Commerce; Mr. John Sktlt'.n Williams, pi?-i?ieiii .,( the Oeorgln ?and Alabama railway, member Of tirm of John L. Williams & Sons. l?aiik?'rs; Mr. C. Sitlney ?jli?,?ii?l, of New Haven, X. Y., director of th" Western Union Telegraph Company, Mobile and Ohio railroad, etc.; Ut. William P. Coch lam. ?if Yoiikers. N. Y.. director of the ?'entrai Trust Company, director West ? n Untan Telegraph Company, and 0?*or Kia ami Alabama railway; Kmest Thai man, of Ledenburg, Thalman A Co., benkere, M?*w fork; Mr. ). W, Mldden dorf, of Mtddenth.rf. <?llv. r S <',,,, hank ers. ?Baltimore; Mr. Robert C, Davidson, president ?Baltimore Trust Company; Mr. John w. Qarrett, ?>f Bobert Oerrett & bankers, ?Saltttnore a meeting of the Board of Directors, which was held upon th?? adjournment if th" stockholders' meeting, resulted in the ;.,,, oi the following officers: ?Preei ?'.-nt John ?Skelton Williame; Piral Vlce !-r. si.i.-iit, Jam, s w. Allison; Second \-,,e-Pr siil.-n?. James H. [??.ole.v: Sei'rc tirv and Treasurer, Henry L Cab.ll. The bow Trual Company alll probably occupy temporary quarters .'or the mi medlate future, with a vi-.v later on ol constructing, a handaaase baahtng-bouse end oSlce building for its own pun upon some tight yet to be determined up..,.. The ooapnny win oonwaoaoe busi ness immediately. The .hautet of tills compai., was grant ed i.v the LegWatttre less than thirty dare ago <>n last Wedneeday the books of subscription to the capital stock ware owned subeerl-ptions being Invited for IWOOOo'of Stock, and In lam than twenty four hours the book? of subscription were l.,s?*?l with subscriptions l??r $500.000 of Stock and further applications for stock w.te refused. H having been decided to limit the oapltal itoch at the start t.? -piVHHHi subscribers were allotted only 60 ,...,- ,..,.. of Ih* amount for which they ttp] i ed. I hi; s? MMBIISII Snarly i_.<kmi CMMaaa K..roiie?i? Hnnilrefls Admitted In Fehrnnrj-. The raSSlaf maotluS nt the City School Hoard was ht 1.1 In the City Hall yester day afternoon at 6 o'clock. There were pre?en! Messrs. J. Taylor Ellyson, Joseph C. Diekerson, Janus H. is, William M Tut pin. H. T. 1'riggs, and Charles Hotoler; William P. Fox. Super intendent; c. P. HaiTy. CM**. The ?Superintendent submitted his monthly report, showing the condition public schools for the past month. The t??tal enrolment was 11,379. About tii new pupils w<re admitted in February. end the total nnmbbr now in school ?a? 10 816 ?percentage, M i-10. The average ?en! In the February examinations 'i- the white schools was W 5-10. and In the colored ??-I?. Average. ?3 ?-10. After the transaction of routine busi ness the board adjourned. ( <?_rt of Jt-etl?*?* John. Jesse Hilton, the negro who was sent on to the srand Jury Monday mornln? from il.?: Police Court OU the charge of assaulting and robbing W. M. Matthews, was again In the While Temple yesterday morning, charged with assaulting John Kahle and robbing him, but was dis j charged, sa the evidence before the court ! w.?s not mii?. lent to sustain the ?charge. K. T. Turner (colored) was ?merged with creating a disturbance in the bar room of H. H. Felthrows, and was fined $ "> and costs. In the case of Oeorre Dlxon (colored), charged with striking Shirley Robinson with a brick, the accused was sent on to th. grand Jury. The case of Lucy ?Smith, charged with striking W". H. Harrison with a chair, was continued until this morning, and an attachment was Issued for Lucy. 'lli ?em lining vbltors wer?, drunks, and placed the usual $2.50 In the collection basket when Hergennt Thomas handed H around. Iiiipii?.! il,,,,,,- f,,r Aged Women. The monthly meeting of the Board of "?ers of the Haptist Horn.* f??i A ?I Women waa ?beld al the home, ?March ist. *l 11 A. M. The usual routine work was disposed of. bills ordered to !?? pah!. "'c. Mr. T. H. chairman <?f the trustees, came before the board and a statement of Its financial affaint. for which he was cordially thanked by the ladies. After all other work was disposed of, the importan' object of the meeting was enter?-?! upon, which resulted In th" election of Miss HetM?- Hill as matron. This lai-y In from Charlottcsvllle. and will enter upon the discharge of her duties S| once. It was announced that on Friday, the Hth of March, a "book reception'' will be bold, and rofreehnmnt* served, and the hop- was expressed thait all will remem H-r th- old Indies, and that the children. espcct.--.iiv. win hritiK some hook that will prove tini; te those who And In this pleurant hon,, ai refaga in their o?d ?age. <?ne lady nvomleed to sen?! the Ladles' Home Journal. Thanks wire returned to Mr. Bllley for a liberal don.ition. rrop??rt> I'm n h fers. BlehSMmfl: Oeorea II Bright and wife to 8t. Luke Association, i<7 t**i on ft. lain.- {.-tritt, northwest coin? r Baker. UM*, imana Augustine and adfa t?? Charles Straus, U tiit on Wee! av? nue, comer Boyd street. t>, I'?. I:?.If" B. <;ii?v? r and wife to Charle? Straus, 7T, f. < t on :-??ut!i side West ave nue. 75 fort west ??f ?Boyd street, feMSi Mary L. Hulchci's trustee to Jam ? W Johnson, 18 1-2 feet on WCOt side First rtreel between Duval and Baker. RM iMchmnnti Mai? ?irphaui ?Society to Oeorg H. Bright, U tmai oa Baker atreot northweei corner Bt Jeme* to eorreci ..n in former ?!? ? >\. J. T. Walton an?! wife to Annie M.. Wife of R. F. ("askins, M feet OS CSfl si?!,- Baiinlolph street, Ta f? t south of Blair, RM U uric?.: Kl? hm? n?l Ivrpetun! Building. L'.an. an?l Trust Cm pan v. to B'Tthohl V.. Benjamin R.. Kita. Iyiuis R.. ami iivin h. Qoodmaa'a trust.a, U tan on n.'lth side Clait'orne street, 312 feet west of Washington, $900. Ilentl. of Mr. OrlmsH-y. Dr. Hatcher has r??eive?l a letter from Rev. i", s. Orlmeley, "f Chlneetaeaue Island, Virginia, iinnounclng the, death of his ?am, Mr. William l. Ortmeley, This ?? it s., fraught with sorrow to many Kit limon?! iieople, OCCUrTOd on the ?SVO tllng Of February 2!sl. SUd thatt alter an illn? ?s much prolonged an?! m??sl painful. This excellent J ?uing man resided in ttichmond tar ?several years, sad al th? tune his siiknrss entumen???! h- was running ai soda and dgar departmenl In Miller's drugstore, corn? r of Kluth and Main streets. He was of ?popular turn. quit* enterprising, and gav?- promis?- of ai highly racceraful Ufa In Ih? Qrace Street Baptlal church, of which he Wa* a m< miter, he w-is one of th? ?lshers. an?l ?by ins pure life won the confidence and affection of his brethren. A Source of F.>1<?> men?. Though <>rganize?l Inte in tlie season, th?? "Bohemian Club," which cam?- into being on Monday nlghl at the enthusi astic meeting of some of Richmond's best-known amateur dramatic talent, a! Murphy's Hotel, promts's to be n SUC ?tss aiitl a source <?f m any pb-asant hours, as well as of lasting and valuable Improvement t<> It* member*. Already ?luit?- a number of well-Known ladies und Ktiitlemen have Baited with tin* club, and there are also many names which will be pNOSnted for membership at the mating t??-morrow night at ? o'clock. at |he saiiii.* piece. Th?- following yen tlemen have bora elect? ?i officers! Busi ness Manager, Mr. Corbin Shields; ?lOCTO taiy, Mr. Mark A. Wood*!!' Strge Man an,- r, Mr. Charles 11. Hickman. The l.okliunl Will Probated. Thi? will of H. A. Lukhard was pro bated in the Hearioo Couaty Court roa terday. Tho est?t?* is valued at "K?.ooo. An effort was made to upset the will, but Judge Wlckham was satisfit?! that everything was In ?lue form, so admitted the will and appoint?-?! the Sheriff ad miuistrator. The Board of Supervisors met yester day morning and transacted monthly routine matters. Th?? County Court adjourned for the term ycsterdaiy afternoon, and the March term will commence on the second Mon day. The Richmond Young Woman's Chris tian Timperance Cnion will hold their meeting ttiis afternoon at 4 o clock, In stead Of Thursday afternoon, as usual, at the Woman's Christian Association. Full attendance Is requested. A IT.t I LIAR FAIT. I ii?ii??n ml- of People ll.ive Dyspepsia In Its W Form nnd Do \ul Know It. A weak stomach is the cause of about nine-tenths of all disease, yet In most cases the wrong thing is treated and tlie true cause overlooked. this is because a weak digestion pr.> tiiices symptoms resembling n? arl> eveiy ? diet ase, because it weakens and illsturbs i ?he action of every nerve and organ in i tin* body; poor digestion causes heart- | trouble, kidney troubles, lung weakness, and especially nervous breakdown or per? vous prostration; the nerves cannot Stand tin: wear and tear unless generously fed by well-dlgeste.l. wholesome food. Keep the digestion good, and no one n? ?I fear the approach of dise a Mrs. H. M. LOO, of Rochester. N. V., writes: For the sake of suffering hu manity. I Waal t?? say that f?-om a child I had a very weak stomach, threw yp my food very often after eating, and after a few years naivous tlyspepsla resulted, and for more than tv.? nty years I have suffer??! inexpressibly. 1 trical many physicians and advert?s.d r. medies with only temporary rellei for nervous dyspepsia, and not until I com menced taking Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab!? ts last September, six months ago, have 1 been fro* fTOm suffering, caused by Ch* condition of my nerve* aad stomach?In short, chronic nervous dyspepsia. 1 have ri'commended Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets to many of my friends, and now 1 want In a public way to say they are the safest, pleasantest, and, I bolleva surest cure for stomach and nerve trou bles. I write my honest opinion, and I will gladly answer any letter of ln?*uiry at any time, und feel that I am. In my small way, bulging ?" good cause. Siuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Is not a ?patent medicine, but tbey contain only tho fruit salts, digestive acids, and pep- | tones necessary to help the weak stomach to promptly and thoroughly digest food. ' All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspeptda Tablets at SO cents for full-sited package, and ans one suffering from nervous dys pepsia, sour stomach, headaches, acidity, gases, belching, etc, will find them not only a quick relief, but a radical cure. lead 10 Stuart Company, Marshall. Mich., lor little book describing cause and cure of stomach troubles, giving symptoms and treatment of the various form* of indigestion. FINE LACES and all other fabrics that require careful washing should be cleansed with AIRY SOAP T?1E. iOAP OF THR CEWTFRY. Hold ereryehere In three ibse-tor the toUet, beta and laondry. MidecDly br TO I. L rillBUIC0IN1I, Cbta** **- Lo?-*? **9 Y<>rfc I Jy 2-F. Su. ?tW, SSt-W arm BUSINESS now opposite City Hall, but soon to ?go in east tortier Broad and Ninth, oldest ' " -* One owning its own building. For thirt ng men arid women for a occessful bu rtudenta, nusin. se-mea, and leading pap Stenographer s.f,--: "It is tin leading bus Four of its tean tors are authors of valua cessful In Its history. Five applications lea! week f??r it.- students t?. t?ke posi tions. Any kin?! of office help furnished fret 200 students In positions In Richmond alone. No vacation; both sexes; day and night sessions. Speehai new-building offer temporarily, 30 Writing Lessons, $3. I'hon?- MO fe b-eod&W COLLEGE ? ? lilil?..,, to its own splendid, new building, north iness Collegs in Virginia, and th* only y yoot* this eollege lias been preparing afneea life. It la highly endorsed by its ers and magazines. Tlie Philadelphia Iness college south ?if the Potomaic rlv i " ble books. Last month the most suc //?C?? Z?S PRESIDENT. T. W. TIGNOR'S SONS 1312 E. Main Street, RICHMOND. - VA. STERLING BICYCLES, $50 and $75. Other Wheels, $20 up. fe'JJ.F.SnAW) WALLPAPER, CHEAP WILL-PAPERING DURING DULL SEASON Over 100,000 Rolls ?it Wall-Paper In Stock. "\Ye will bo pl?\isotl to give estimates for work in city ami all parts of country. Samples sent on application. Blanks from 5c. per roll up. I C. & CO,, 1 and 211 North Fifth Street Richmond, ft <Ja30-Su,W&F) .a?na?. ? ?. mm R A. PATTERSON, Psbsident, L. Z. MORRIS, Vicb-Pre-torkt, JAMES M. BALL, Cashifh. The Savings Bank of Richmond corner Eleventh and Main streets. In National Bank of Virginia Building. Capital.$100,000 00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. 52,232 44 Sums of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed. Negotiable Paper diicouuted. Loans made on ?-eal estate. Opea daily from 9 A. If, to 3 P. M. Saturdays till 12 M. Ig Se**Xe**?***tfA nc*n' ?? I? I i r* * g S\ ,re?k?n??' ??lt. ? ! licBa^k ?"h"?- annoyln? I B_iii.?iiii>*<uii?iiiS of <^| lla^-f |:a.]"ir" l,;.""l, yield /readily tu tl.e ~ura live ?puvren of R. S. S., which vs i| ?- ? out all taint, ami tli'ii'iiinltl) ?-leaiise? the s>s em. It psnasaeeflj eaiaa ?msm of g\ mm au Ions Usadlas, even though all \~ %~ %" elM* lias failed. A ret-nrd ?if half A A A S oeutury U iu test of merit. *ar *of **? PURE SEPARATOR C ! fresh each ?lay, will be ?li'livered in glass jars?25c. per quart, 13c. per pint, 7c. pec half pint. With such low prices for Sepa rator Cream the public should en joy good coffee. "hatsworth Dairy Co., su North Third Street. ?de 19-Su,W_F? > THE S. Galeski ?L OPTICAL CO. : For comfort and preeervatton of your ' Ight, have your G la asea accurately tltted it our well-known Optical EstublUh aent. Everything reliable and loaeet charges guaranteed. 915 EAST MAIN STREET. Factory, 8 aouth Tenth street. Ja 16-Su.WAF f*? CklrhMter*. t'ntftt.l- DI*??S CraaA. Pennyroyal pills Oel_!-fcl **d Omlr Ornjtnr. ?re. aJw.f? rtlUH.. L.O't* . I;ri.?fl?t tor ?VcJU?(?r? *<v?l.?? Dia %J*ra,a In tied ui < ',, .n t_;::\ ?ira a?i*i ?rtUl Mm rlMoa. ' ?,k? ? etwee* **^*o,?a?tf****uh,iu* e ..? . ? ? ija t? ?i:??'..?:? ?tetiU *t Car yariUal*,*. %** -_aUu> *at tesa r M nil. H.SSS Sa?? rapar. Cal, ari'rrt U.**l'-.dCo..\S*.tl*.*mew. lo ?t.m?a Co? b.rtt>.Lar.. ?...' 'aov "11*11?./' for raidir?," ?a Wut.*, M nil. 1 ??.See 1-.?mmUia. ?am. !<??l' ?H _.V?.IIa.*?Vj?*r??. iMvj a.1 U?_ Pf?a*-""- l'Mll llt>A., li. (my t-Se.Su.W*weowly) PAEKtlFI HAIR BALSAM _rf and beatil.'k? ih. Ixit. _?rtei lmrur il ,r. xta . 2rar rette to Uatxoce i_r*y air to it? Tovi'.hful Color. *.rt*.f c-rnatr. aa itlhog. t?Ctse?tlObat Hniq??u (00 20- \V 1 V-tiW idwIv) W) ?seed! _ CLOVER, TIMOTHY, _ 7 GRASS SEED, * J NORTHERN-GROWN a\ 4 SEED POTATOES, ? ? SEED OATS, &c. 4 w \w make aapeefslty of Hltrh- 9 4 (ini.le FIELD SE^D. Write us k 4 when htiyinif. t {N.R.SAYAGE&SON, m Grain and Seed Merchants, A A Richmond. - - - - Va. f ? (J*9-W_?a4w) ?a :i I I' \H I l 111 OF s I t; a nil?". ?? y*. Y1GRM1A AAY?GATION f?_I 14M_?MPm' Ip3^ JAMES RIVER \ DAY LINE. Bteamer 1'OUAHONTAS leave? MON DA?. WEDNE-DA?. and FRIDAY at 7 A. M. fur Nofiolk, Portsmouth, Old Point. Newport News, Claremor.c. and jeaies-rtvsr landings, and connecting at old l'oint and Norfolk for Washington. Baltimore, and the North. tats-rooms reserved for the night at moderate Drices. Electric-cars direct to the wharf. Fare only RM and II to Norfolk. Music by Grand Orchestrion. Freight received for above-named places and all points in Kastern Virginia and Korth Carolina. IRVTN WKlflOER. General Manager. A- H. Drewry. President ?e if PHILADELPHIA, KI'''^ "flgi-W MOND AND NORFOLK *\*au\UBteau _TEAMSHIF COMPANY. Appointed sailing days; Every TL'FS DAV, FRIDAY, and HUNDA Y at d_v light. '' Freight received dally until 6 P. M Fare (lncludin*- intals and berth? sk on Friday's steamer. ' * n For further information apply to , a .. J- W. M'OARRI? K-. Oeneral Southern A?xent; office Rocketts. W. P CLYl-K * CO., fs t General Agents. Philadelphia _OOBAS SI KAMSHII v FRENCH M.\*_ ? ?nil.iiRiile ?.e.terule Truaaa t lun ? it| ae DIRECT LINK Tu HAYHE-PARia ?. FRANCE). Balling every Saturday at 10 A. It, From Fier No. 12, North river, foot Mor ton street. La Bretagne. | La Normandle.Mh 19 Mar 1 or 2 La ciianipa'e. Mfia? La Champae, Mh ?? 11_?. Bourgogne, Ap 2 La Gascogne, Mar 12 La Toumlne Ail H General Agency for United Canada. 3 Bowling Gr???sn. N. ?. Hi? Itinoud Tr?n?frr Co.. Ulli tthtn ?t. Asdrew Welsh. 013 C. Main ?i* te lij-dcra ?OUTHERN RAILWAY. DKFABTVKH OK STSA?BAa. ,LD DOMINION fc'IEASSHIP COMPANY. O ? UAILt LINK FOU NEW YORK. itcers can leave Richmond DAILY ia Chesapeake anil Ohio railway at 3:1?? '. M.. or Richmond an.l Petersburg rall ?at.l ?Norfolk and Western route) P A. I., connecting at Norfolk with Old Do minion Line steamer, sailing same eve ing for New York. ALL-WAT Kit ROUTE Steamship OU Dominion leaves Rlch lond every M??n?lay at 5 P. M. for New ork via James r!ver. Tick? ts ?>n nil?" at Richmond Transfer 'oini'Hiiy'-*, *? east Main street; Chesa ? aike atntt Ohio railway, and Richmond n.l Petersburg railroad depots, and at OmptSny'S offlof. I2I2 e.-iMt Maun llchmohd. Baggage checked through. FR EIGHT or N?w V??rk ami all points beyond can ? *htppe?l by direct stearnere, walling rom Richmond every MONDAY AND RlI'AY iU B ** ; *'*?- by irteamer avii.K Richmond WEDNESDAY S P. ?. for >"<?rfolk, connoting with steamer ?r New Y??rk. Manifest closed one hour before sailing Freight received and forwarded, and h rough bills of lading Issued for all ?.-thern, eastern, and foreign ports. FROM NEW YORK. Passengers can lesve daSy, esespt Sun av to Norfolk or Old Point ?-.?mfort, onmsctlng with N<>rfolk and Western allroad or Chesapeake and Ohio railway. Direct steamt-r* ?via James-river route) ?ave eveiY SATURDAY (passenger and r-?lght). and MONDAY ?freight only). Sailing from company's p!?r, No. 2U lajrth river, foot of Beach atret-l, at a p. l.j Saturday. 4 P. M. Freight received and forwarded daily, Sunday. For further Information apply to JOHN F. MAYER. Agent 1212 east Main street, ?_.-... .. Richmond.. Va. W. L. Ouillaudeu, Vice-Presiden/ and ?Taille Manager, New York. m h 1 * -hed-alr F.ffertl v?t> January It* 1**** 'IHAIAS LEAVE HI? UMOND, VA. i.tfj tttgn .,., ? -.' - -* a**? dally for Atlanta, Augusta, am? ?points South. Blue ver Richmond to Danville. Greensboro', h.l.sbury. Charlotte. Columbia, and August*. Sleeper open at ?M F. M. Stops at all stations between -^'ch^ona and Danville to take on --d let on passengers. Connutts at Danville. BalUbury. and C??arlotte with the Was?lnglon and Southwestern Limited (No. *fJ). cairylng sleepers New York to Ashevl??e. Hot Springs, Chattanoo {a. snd Nashville; N?w Jor*,}* Icmphls; Now York to New or leaus; New York to Tampa; nnl flrst-class day coach betw?*e.'. Washington and Memphis. Connec tions are made for all pointa 11 Tetas and California. Sleeper opea for occupancy at 9M P. bt B:00 noon. No. 7. solid train dally ror Charlotte. N. ?*\. connects at M?>s?? ley with Farmvllle and Powhataa ra'lroart. At Keysvlll* for ?. .aiKs vllle. Oxford. Henderson, and Dur hsm, and et Greensboro* for Dur ham. Raleigh, and Vlnstop-Salsoij at Danville with No. 3"?. I nited Btate* fast mall, solid train, dattr for New Orleans and points Sou ta. which carries sleepers NeW tork to New Orleans, and New York to Jacksonville. Through sleeper Balls? bury to Chattanooga; nlso. Pull man tourist eleeper -very Wednes day Washington to San ifrancisco, without change. ?M V. M.. No. if. local, daily, etcept Sunday, for Keysvllle and lnterme TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. SaOO A. M. 6:20 r. M.. from Atlanta, Angus'*. Ashevllle, and Nashville. ?:40 A. M.. from Keysyl?>. LOCAL FRKTOHT TRAINS Nos. ?1 and 62, between Munchester and "en polls. Va. TORR-RUT?-?* UNS *U WWT POINT. THE FAVORITE ROITH NORTH. IK V * i; RICHMOND. 4 ?50 1*. M.. No. it, ba.Umoie Limited, dally, except Sunday, for West point, thero making close connec tion on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with steamer for Balti more; also, with stage at Lester Manor for Walker ton and Tappa hannock on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. 2 30 P. M., No. 10, local express, Mon days, Wednesdays, md Fridays, tor West Point and intermediate sta tions. Connects with stage at Les ter Manor for Walker?gn and Tap pahannock; also, at West Point with steamer for Baltimore. Btops at all stations. COO A. M., No. 46. I.ocal Mixed. Leaves dallv. except Sunday, from Vir ginia-Street Station for West Point and Intermediate stations, connect ing with stnse at Lester Manor for ?"?-??iv?.? ?- - und T-inp-ihainnock. TRAINS ARRlVfc AT RICHMOND. 0:17 A. M-, daily. 0;40 A. M.. Wednesdays and Fridays only. OO P. M.. daily, except Sunday, from West Point and intermediate sta tions. Steamers leave West Point at 6 p. M. londays. Wednesdays, and Fridays, and tailiimor* at ft r*. M- Tuesdays, Thurs ays. and Saturnal?"-, . Ticket Office a. ?ffition, foot of Virginia treat Open from 9 A. M. to < P. M . "?from 9 30 P. M. to 12 A. M. City ticket fflce 90S cn*t Main street. . M CULP. W. A. TURK, Traffic Manager.. _Qen. Pnas. Agent. y " ?iA.NNON. Third Vlce-prextdent ?,i 1 ?ne*-?! Manaeer. Wi??hlna-ti-.n, r? c f W WFSTBTTRY. Trav-tllng Paa enser Ag-nt, 920 east Main street. Rteh noT?'' va_?sal ANO OHIO RAILWi?. Effective January S, J "-.MM. I'UAlAs : .! ; A\ i: HIUHIiiMl, 11UO AII MHLH STAilUA. O'JoO A. _i., uaiiy, wiin fanvf ca?, ?u< Norfolk, Porumoulb, Oiu Point, Newport News, ana piincipal stationa. Connects daily with Old Dominion steamships for New York. 8:40 P. M., Daily, with Pullman, ior local stations, Newport News, Old Point, Norfolk. and Portsmouth. 0:00 A. M., Local train, except Sunday. for W. Clifton Forge. Con nects at Gordonsvllie for Orange, Culfeper, Calver ton, Manassds, Alexandria, fetid Washington, at Union Station, CharlotteHville, tor Lytichburg; at Basic for Ha i;erstown. 9;?B P. M.. Daily, with Pullmans to Ctn ? innatl, Louisville, and at. Loula Stops only at uiuK?r Btatlons. Meals serTed ' n Dining-cars. WO. 7, Local ','raln, except Sunday, fol lows above nain from Gor donsvllie to Staunton. 6:30 P. M., Accommodation, except Sun day, for Charlorte?rvllle. 0:30 P. M., Dally for Cincinnati, wltn F. F. V. Pullmans to Hlnton. W Vs.. and Gonlonsvllle to Clnclr nati and Louisville. Meals served on Dining-cars. Con necta at 8taunton. except Sunday, for Winchester, Va,, and at ?""ovlngton. Va., dally, I'UAiNa LEAVE EIGHTH - STREET STATION. 1:3U A. M., Da.iy, im. Lynchburg ana Clifton Forge. Connects at Bremo, except hunday, for White Hall, except Bundsy at Balcony for Lexington, ano at W. Clifton Forge with No. 1 tor Cincinnati. 4 DO P. M.. Except Sunday. Local ac r.r.rr.^tnttattfs" fO- (Vln?.M. rilAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND, DROAU-STBEBT STATION. S.'JO A. M , Dai.y. from Citnainnatl. 11:15 A. M., Daily, Iroiu Norfolk and Old Point 3-BO P. M . Dally, from Cincinnati and Louisville. 6:50 P. M., Daily, from Norfolk and Old Point. 7:43 P* M., Except Sunday, from W. Clifton Forge. rRAlNS AP.RIVE LIGHT?! - STREET' STATION. 8.6O A. M., Except Sunday, from Colum bia. 0.2O P. M.. Datlly, from Lynrhburg and Clifton Forge, and. except Sunday, from Lexington and White Hall. JOHN D. POTTH. Assistent General Pessenger Agent. RAILROAD LISP iilLilzJL; birilWiBLt ? hedale la K???t Jaaaary **\ 1st**. AT 12 O'CLOCK N?K)N. LEAVE BYRD-STREKT STATION. 4;lO A. M.. Daily, for Weshmai?!. .? points North. Stops only at Milford and Fr?.<i.Tl<_sb?irg I-iiimati Sleeptrs to New Y?.ik 8:20 A. M., Sunday only, for Washing? ton and ?nuts North. ???'?.?-? nt Riba, Glen Allen. AsV land. Taylorsvtlle, I ??swell. R?ther Glen. Pen?*?!?. Mil? r?trd, Wo<MtalAne. Guinea, Summit, Pr?l?-*rleksburit. 'liooke, and Wl?'.ewater. Pullman cur. 8.45 A M.. Dally, except Sunday, for Washington a n d points North. Stops at Elba, Ash Isml, Taylorsvllle. Doswll, R?ther Glen. Pen?la, Mil ford Woodslane, Oulr"a. Summit. Fredericks!**? rg. Brooke. and WIdewsUr. Pullman car. 0.1*6 A. M., Commencing January 2mh. dally except Monday, tor Washington. Baltlmoare. T*n?i? sdelphla. and New York. The New York and Florlj? Special, composed en?.??*-., of Pullman sleeping-, din ing-, and observation-cars. No extra chance other than regular Pullman fare. Doea not atop at Elba. 12 00 M.. Dally, except 8undsy, for Washington and points North. Btops at Elba, OI?m Allen. Ashland. Doswell. Milford. Frederlcksburg. Brooke, and Widewat? r. Parlor car. Also. conn?scta with Congref onal limited at Waahlngtoi.. 7 33 P. M.. 3ally. f??r Washlnglon and points North. Stone at EUi? Ashland, Doswell. Mtlforl. Fr-nlerlcksburg. nr?*?oke. ael Wlt1?*wnter. and other sta tions Sundays. Sleeper Rich mond to New York. ARRIVE BYRD-9TRKET STATION. lo A M., Dtuly biops at Widewater, Brooke, Fredericksburg, Mil ford. Doswell, Ashland, an?l Elba, and other stations Sundays. Sleeper New York to Richmond. I 45 P. M., Dally, except Sunday. Stors at Widewater, Brooke, Fredertckeburg, Summit, Guinea, Wo'-dslane, Milford, Pen?la, Ruther Glen. Dos? well. Tavlorsvtlle, Ashland, Glen Allen, and Elba. Par lor car from Washington. 7:10 P. M., Dally. Stop? only at Frede rlcksburg, Doswell, and Ash? land, and Elba. Pullman cars from New York. 8 36 P. M.. Daily. Stops at Widewater, Brooke. Frederlcksburg. Summit, Guinea, Woodslane, Milford, Fenol?*, Ruth?r Glen. Do**well, Tnylorsvll!?a Ashiand. Glen Allen, sad Bine, sleeping car. 0;60 P. M., Commencing January 17th. daily except Sunday, the NeW York and Florida Spe cial. Does not stop at Elba. FREDERICKSB'G ACCOMMODATION. ?Dally except Sunday.) 4:00 P. M., Leaves Byrd-8treet Station. 8:30A. M.. Arrives Byrd-Street Station. ASHLAND TRAINS. (Dally except Sunday 6 42 A. M.. Leavea Elba. . ?1.2?) P. M.. Leav? Elba. 6:40 A. M.. Arrives Elba. 0;O0 P. M., Arrives Elba. C. A. TAYT/iR, Traffic Manager. E. T. D. MYERS. President. ja II l f\ T ATLANTIC-COAST ^ V? U LINE. ?eli?"?I ule la Effect January IT, ISO?*. aTRAINS LEAVE III? HMOND-t MO\ DEPOT. 0:OO A. M., Daily. Arrives Petersburg 8:31 A. M., Norfolk 11:23 A. M. Stops only at Petersburg, Waverly, and Suffolk, Va. S*S6 A. M., Daily. Arrive Petersburg 9:30 A. M . U eltloii 11 .,j A. M., Faycttevliie 4:16 F. M.. Charleston 10:20 P. M., Savannah 12:5? A. M.. Jack? sonvllle 7:30 A. M.. Port Tampa 6:20 P. M. Connects at Wilson with No. 17, ar ilving Goldsboro' 3:10 P. M.. Wilmington t>:46 P. M. Pull man Sleeper New York >' Jacksonville' 2 55 P. M., Daily. Locif. ArM-?-* Pe tersburg 3:42 P. M. Makes all stops. g;30 P. M., Dally. Arrlvea Petersburg 6:16 P. M. M.ikea nit local stops, Richmond and Peters burg railroad. 7:30 P. M., Daily. Arrives Petersburg 8:04 P. M., connects with Norfolk snd Western tot Norfolk and intermed?ate points, Emporta 9:io (con nects with A and D. for stations between Emporta and i?wrenceville? ?a P. M.. Fayelu-vlli?, A. M.. Charleston 6:02 A. M-, Savannah 8:0? A. M.. Jack sonville 1 P. M , Port Tampa ?:_ P. M. NEW UNE TO MIDDLE GEORGIA POINTS.-Arrtv itig Alken 7:28 A. M , Augus? ta 8:10 A. M . Mac?n If A M . Atlanta 12:16 P. M , I'ull man Sleepers New York te Wilmington, Jacksonville, Port Taimpa, Alken, Augus ta, and Macan. 8.58 P. M., Daily. Arrives Petersburg 9.31 P M., Weldon 11:30 P. M Makes local stops be tween Petersburg and Wei? i don. 10'OOP. M., Dslly, except Sunday. The New York and Florida Spe. clal arrlvea Charleston 1:19 A. M., Savannah 9:01 A. M . Jacksonville 1:10 P. M., St Augustine 2:20 P. M.. Tampa 8:38 P. M. Pullman Vesti bule. Sleeping-, Dining-, Li brary-, and Observation cars. lO 5<i P. M., Dally. Arrive? Petersburg 11:30 P. M., Lynchburg 3* A. M . Roanoke '? 2? A, M . Bristol 11:20 A. M. Pullman 8leeper Richmond to Lynch burg. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 4 OO A. M., Dally, from Jacksonville, ?Sa vannah, Charleston, Atlanta, Ma?on, AugusU. and al. points South. 8 16 A. M., Dally, except Sunday, Al iarte, Athens. Raleigh, II? a* ?lei son, Lynchburg, and tr* West. 8-37 A. M.. Dully. Petersburg local. 8 53 A. M.. Dally, except Monday, fro? Tampa, Jacksonville, Savan nah, and Charles on. 8 OO A- M., Suncsy only, from Atlanta Ath.ns. Raleigh. Henderson, Lynchburg, and the West. 11 05 A. M., Dally, Norfolk. Suffolk, and Petersburg, f 11 p. M., Dally, Jacksonville, Savan nah, ?'harlesttin, Wilming ton, ?Ooldsboro', snd SU points South. 855 P. M.. Daily. Norfolk. Suffolk, W?v verly. snd Petersburg. 8:56 P. M., Daily. Petersburg. Lynch burg, and the West. J. R. KENLY. T. M F.MERSON. General Manager. Traffl?- Manager. H. M. EMERSON. General Passenger Arent. C. 8. CAMPHELU _Ja ? Dhriaion Peeeenger Agent NftWMSSMa __m- Scfctd?_s in ?foct I3erem.e*r 6. UMS7. LEAVE RICHMOND, lit RD-STSJCE * TATIOS. ?:00 A. M., Daily -Richmond and Nor? folk. VEST?BULO?. LlMii Kl>. Second-class tickets net u?jcepted on this trait?. 0.O6A.M., Daily. THE CHICAGO EX? PRESS.'' for Lym-tR-u?. Roauoke, Columbus, and Chicago Pullman Sleet if Roanoke to Columbus; aUo, for lUdford, Bristol. Knox* ville, Chattanooga, and la t^im.-d.ais point?. 7JWP. M., Daily, for Norfolk.., Puffoik. a ad'Intermedi?is stettaasa. tr? aid Kounok. Uotineits at K i? 10:45 P. M.. Daily, for Lyt? hburij noke wit.? Washington ??4 t'hac.snooga Limited Pull? Can .'?!?e{jer? Roanoke **t . m-jlr.? and New Orleans. PULLMAN si.EKl'KK bftaeen RICH MOND AND LYNCHBLRO reedy tor oc cupaacy st IP. M-, siso. Pullman ftloepei Petersburg to Roanoke. Train? arrive Richmond from Ly. c_? burg an.I the. Wot ?tally S 15 A. M.. w-1 ?M P. M Froux Norfolk and the K*#t 11KS A. M , end Vestibuled Lin.ited 4M p. M. ?Office: 828 Main street. R. W. COURTNEY. District Passenger Agent; W. B BEVlf.U, Oenertil Passenger Agent, Oe^sral Offices: Roanoke. Va. dm g