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THE RICHMOND DlBfATOH-THUKSDAY. MARCH 3. 1898._._ ?Hfc RICHMOND DISPATCH BY THE DISPATCH COMPANY. TI?.* DAILY DISPATCH is delivered t abaci ihe re at fifty CENT! ,< month, pnynbM t?? ths cerriet tnmmxy m??n?hl>. Mu?? ?! at M !" " -ati.mni; S f??r su months: ii.-'?1 fat them naonthi w ?-ims f??r one month. r? S ? ?ni*. Th.- WKFKI.Y DISPATCH at H i?r annum The SINHAV DIMWT? 'I annum, m ?:? ot nts for Ox f ohscripttona In all able ii advenes, and no paper ooatteeed afta th. expiration of th?- tun I-.??l (OS. otitc?' ?money ordei chsch, or ragla bared leth r. > am by muH wll ! ? at the rNk of th.- s? -ml? -r. Subs? rib? r wttkb?g their ' changed masi ?r .?.l.i as wen aa m m pen ???t. ADVERTISING RATES. HALF 1N?II OR LESS. 1 time .1 1 tlni.s. I . ?. tun? -. i". tiaasa. 1 ni'.iuh. S month*.. . liiisit ? a . w .i? la (9 erords oi lees. - \k*rn ml? ara for "? t iry day" or ad? TSTtiaaSSWlta running ?son Beadlnt not Ing-mattoi f,v, in;, s or l( - U; m nonparlol. I tl\. tot tooft .--pace furnish??! ?m ipi M ttion. Al. Jrsnssd te THE DISPATCH OOMPANt c. i. d ? ?mmunlcatlona arlU * AB Jett? aa? ding < andl for th-ir j.iibii?-ation. Tiiis is a long ataadlng rule I IS. _^^ n in- n tiona or ota? a Lona ?ill !" tor .a r._ UP-TQf :. BROAD-8TREE1 'PHARMACY, KM EAST BROAD STREET. MANCHESTER OF1 UFLL ?9TREET. _ THURSDAY.MARCH 3, 1898. nu: BBSPOSSinil 11 \. t m Tnosdaj thi !'?' ld( nt and h C ihl? tly, W< aft told, "the . I't.stniasi? >n in the s.iiuii." wnii what va a nol In form? d. bul il the >!' <' < a titt and tiX On (-I am. a !,. ni. W? I his ? - ?ni!?! nol f v< ry plain Killing. Wh- I tartlni ?point w< Und thai th? respond Mlity reata upon the R? publ|i an i ?.?i?! thai th? 00? lei 11 i at tin- banda of th? m.iiHi? in peopl? nil "f th.' lai.'it.s of tha Republicana during th?- last ?it ntial ? iiiipacii. Nol In "Ornad Old ?Pnrty" employed as many ?lifft i triumph sa it employ. ?1 in thai light. Nf ?i.i\s of H tion had II mad? a more MMcrnpulona light Not la yeera had ii essayed mora kind- of bribery, Hoi i?i - is bad n made more d< peret? nttempta in consol?dete the ?southern ne? . and reharn? - th? t" tin- psi ty chariot. ?m? ?*f tha chief ageadea In coneoli ?dating ths negroes end whooping them up consisted in promising th?-ir colored ic.ui?i.-- oAcea. "Pie" ?promissory notes were scattered ?among tha negroes with ii profusion thai bad n??t been known in two decodes. As to this there can ion. Washington < orrsspon I? both Republican and Democratic ?papera ?agr?a that not Macs ?liants i. ministration ha?* there been roch a horde ?>f nugro elBoa eaakera ?knocking al the door? of Hi?- White Houae aa thai which has pestered !" ddenl McKinley, Fur ther, some of thee? < ?rreapondents have Written that nol a tew of tha negro of? : w aahlngton i i witii promte?.- mad? al th? convention, end repeated ?luring the aiiaii ? ampaign. Ytoldlng t?> the importunHisa ??r the hungry brothers In bleck, and t" p from i?" ai a hit? polltl? ; ni who wh? tted lbs negro's appt tin tot othot ant a spltal ??ut of in- gratitude in local elections, the Pr? of theae pi omis? - \n-1 tl in the fact- of the prot? ral ??f the most iiiiiut nl lal ??f tbe oi. ?.- . n pen i v the L-i..?unis of pro that ?tii* could nol b h? i?i obligat??] for If lie could I" two ' . .Il!?l th -1 all' la n cause. Nona ??t tin- eonti ntiona found - with th? i'f ad? \ lost ws hi - qu? n- ?.t 1ns disregarding them R pr.'tulic. ? i flame In tb< commui wh? re negro offlclah a ilnted, and ly than ?i had done ih?- immi t-bell UTO |. when Fr?- ! ??t Mi Kinley'? party ami tin ?South under t in- ht negro .m?! in- ?i- spl< able and i . whit? allies. .?-. we .-.> l't? sitl? nt M.-Kinliy end his tha oweetloa ol int.- - npoa - ,,, s??iitti" until doomsday, and tii?> csnnoi >avt pwa} from tha i. i than their party ' ""' '" ' 'oi Thej cannot pel ; wa? from tin t" i thej had their i? ii t\ p'oiited by ? tut tit d ' had retard ?n instill? t whi n la common t.? tha white man the World ??v.?, unit ?shtnvn true col ?iiiatiou tor tha welfare ?>f the ni?! bava besa no outrages to di?cuBs. This la recognised ?aa wd) by Hi?- mtr-mtndi i : : ha North ?n?. MUtbcrn i?i? ? \> in r \\??\ t. It Is to I.?- 1? at' ?! that Shlv? ? ! i:.. ut? II?. Tom K. "is chit i n ,v,4| i >,. uiivi ofllcer. otht i g a ih? liuiiM- CosomRtee on Nun .?, lalhn into tlic babil end h., author of hi ? vp? nence, If be ev< r ?had , ? ,nt. most re ?-f ??ur ? ,I,?,. ,,. im-ally dealroua of ?knowing -; ?ion?-, or wh i is propow -i to the amtier >.f attengl red tor . blowing up ol the Maine. Appreciating this fact. .. v. corresponden) ol tha N bed Uoutellc, -,??i, with I to hin. th', .f"ll,*"l *H le what wai te be don? in i . JfWMIt? rWgislaUoa. HU migbUne_i however, Ina long boas Mahnad witn ?ii Idas thai ha is th? aary. and, fnrthi ; mere, he'n;; nettl<<!n/?"'r 'he aiida'elt of the Assistant Secretary of th?* NgV in i.r.-sumlng to write him a leitSI ft ?(lirsllni: lcKls|aat|..n which thf e' ai.i leersten of th? Nary thought n peiiuni. t?.* (tt'.nt-ii?a respendsd to th turn in the follow |_g m oro- to a : '"''<" 1'ubll?' can go t vil .' MOW, th- pub?: I ;,f"1 ^* '' ift up* touniry. The country is aagpoic i . ii?? re i?. .:, that It has a c ?institut ional rifh i., i;?, to tin deril" if it ehooeea h t?? ?! i:??ut?-lie's innlalaslnn ii noi asow oi thai ?right M??r<"\?" :io?i that it Is not t!i fault Of ' porllon of the ? ?.mp ni lp of ateta with which Boatell? besn'1 gone "i Vil." What With th? ' the i'i'i;--i??i Iniquity, aectltinalHin monop i i tingii \ !sm, flnau?..? blund? ring, and gei I '.? Bo . - loeda i upon tha old ibtp.' I |fl pi?.!. .'. ?ailii bai vt -nai.' t" I ?a\ j lock? r long ego, bul i ?? m?- bur* ?.i . ougfa Of tli? . !.. p !, i afloat. teg, -n undo-Jbi?fdly ?i ?ShlV? r-M?--Tiinbcrs ! ?..?.it.-l I? n. an i Ma poUtlcel matei ..aami- ? ' ' ions ?-?\ n it a d< mpulea In ihe din ?tion indicet? ?i c.iiiiitry wt'ii't "ago ti t!i.- devil." Ths Democracy will preven' n- s.? doing In tin* future, ?is it lias done in the I -t- 'I'hatt Is the mission of th< Democratic party, ?and carrlea with it the n to know if. n st until the old . no longer I?? us? ?1 as a piratic il ?aii t.- piundi : th? m i* oa and ail -inch as Boutelle h. iv. le -in? at? ?i th ?i polttl ; k? i ? hauling. Mt ? ??\\ l.vmiN. the faillir?- of Die tWO houses i le?era! Aosembl) to agr? e on a a- aubmlttlng to tha poopl? th? ?n of calling a constitutional con v? ntion. ?ii?- convention movement la ?.i ? ? ? i, for the ?'i' - nt, ait To ?un- min?! it many festures of the ?present Constitu tion we would likt- to see ripped up, but In our -Judgmenj the time bai nol com? a i .: that work by a con v. ntion. Wt- heve ?said mor. thai.-. In touching upon tins aubj? ct that we feared thai In th? prosenl temper of ths people, were a constitutional convention r?i' i-, .i, nol the mosi conaervatlv? do to the fr?tnt, and, r leal ateta might ba worse than our tir.- Vi taon t?? change thai . ; w. from thla, howev? r, wa : i?? i" ii? ve thai tha labora of tha legislature In the matter ??f ?Hr.. t ro> rent bm< ni and In opening the a of the Treaaury In future, g t?> show up ?better than the >ul?lic now expect, our |aw-makei don? well, nil things conalderad, tul if the calculations ??f ?some of tha ?i in tha General Aa embly mait-rialize. as we hope they will. b* arlsdom of not tsklhg the i?.-k of laving a convention will have been vindi a.tfl. aadn <?f King George, him a: ?good s? i-vi? f. ? iwlng > the far Bssl question, Great Britaln'a rouble on th?- Indian bordera, and the up ..i th? United ?Stetes bntti? hi|i Maim, both KinK Ot-ofge ami Ins ni?* kingdom wiie passing out of the mind. Tbe incident, how< rar-, nol only brought r. ." and In r ruler prominently to the ??ni again, but produced a remarkable ?SVUldon of filling in favor of N latt? r, Whoee voluntary or ?i bdloetlon some monthi ago would have ?cnaloned no great rarprlse. Ha mad? a lost call, but it is bow said that aa a suit of tha dastardly attempt on his ft he Is Stronger on his throne ami m ie hearts of ihe people of Greece than .?r before, Congratulations upon his ? at"- ami prof? salons ol loyalty continue ? pour In upon him from ?ill parts of ie kingdom. t art flii'i. or, rather, ?rediscovery, ?reported from ?Europe, it la ai Vandyke ?und In a house in the old perl of the t . ol Tricot? . '1 Ii?- ?it ture ?s saiid to , \ oung pi in?. m of the du? al I GonSSgue, Of Mantua, an?! has anT a curi.tus history. Hi ?September, MB. i? r the death of i luke Vin? ? ni n., antue was taken by th? G? ran in : he Imperta] army ?sai composed of da rters, who pUlsged th? city, All ob it, geolpture, and pictur? i that a- Gonasguea bad collected wer? carried way, including ths V tiitiyk? ?portrait. tie- picture as anally brought t?> Trieste, ?m.i there lias at lai-l 1? ? II I v i'i?iii/td gjg th* ; WOlfe. Commenting on th? fact that the i ing the cahangi on Bp iln'i ndltlon, the Cleveland Plalndealei ays: "ii would be a mistake to acl <>n the i. niii'tioii that Spain will not Hutu, b. - iir.iit im ans In? ?/itable ruin, end, .-. thai it is of little conaequ? nee i.i pi? teal la made ua< of for tin? it? ti lg war. The Unit? ?i ?States cannot afford ? make a mlateke and attack ?Speln on morally w? ihe is ?i.v.-i. ally wa ak. il. r very wi ikn? - ?t?d, m that case be her strongest -eapon ag*alnsl us, foe it would ?gain h? r a- aympathy ?>t oth? r nations and ?go t u ; she might ii?? In the despe ?tioii of 1er last Hurry. Once more the Mom of the Devy Crockett ?motto la i.i'iai 'Be aun yon're right, tl n a?!.' " Well considered words th i * nu s?-- tbe present Council abate.?? tie ?< autaanee, the ted of eligibility this * i - ? ?- for nomination t??r the Council ni i'iobab?) be liiiw tha ?ssndldste ?m?!.-, ?.a m? -, o? out atlon. According to ?leantor Blkiaa, w- an dn| i?, ii.iv. a ami with Csnadn a oom? ear, toi ?trade extension. "N?? man can be a gentleman who - -?'i a . ?see of hmaor." Th? I ?sition is funny. p ro tant aondoga do not seem to iVf been ?Mm dOgB Of w.u. after aili. aid bill ?rae will named. It Is a li ?iiing. Meinet tor ffl-ghtgews-L (Clndnnetl Enquirer.) 'i hare been In ihe buainesa forty era," sai.i tha Boor-welker, "bm 1 .hurt iew it ??il y?i. You teer tint young ?inaiii with the groen bai'/" v? >," rtplisd tha rtbbpa eterk. She cam?- up t.? me am) esksd If w? ?1 ?my nloe house? gowna especially sult :.- i .r wsertng when one was lookiim r burgiara." lift Prove,|. (Philadelphia Tlami ) ton, y l,,s MRU u ls freq..,elU)y ?Wa by fliers In the stock market. " RBWl OF I.I'MM.MIN ST! DIM*". Personnel ?ii Ihe Wnxiilnglon ?in LOO It.-s 11 'leum. LBXINOTOft, va . March %*-\n sveral eerj Interoettng photographs han basa ni ? ?i fot* tha aew ?talage? t.? b* lasa? ?i thla > ear bj the VlrgtnM Mm tary Instilute. ? me Is Of tlM Add bat' ti ry, ?ander command of Colon? i Dnrl '?'iaiit. and ?another or the cadet mess hell, with th? ii Mii?|.? r the latter m id b ?lash light ? ?tier int? i- aa about . Inditution will ?adora ths pa i n? m v oal ?i '-if. 'i!?. Rockhiidge Mme and Btoi pany put ??'T a? ? ? pound ? h mite In thdi at ?r tow i to-day, ?and a email earthquake area th? r? ?nit The Washington m.i I.? < Uni 'i nine "will, In all probabilltj. i? man." up aa follows tor the ?season: ?Pitch . rs. ?"""rail and Burnetl Cetchera, Alford and i*aiiik!i? a ; FIi I Bnyd? r (cep tein); ?Second Baae, ?Maxwell ?and Paulk n.-r. ?Short-Stop, Campbell; Third Bese Lifo Dai ? . m.n? Maxwell, and ?Baretey. Maneger Whtteatdc baa arranged ro? tbe fdlowtng :-? hedul?. which i mbra? ? - elghl more ?games than formerly report?td La fay? tt? ? inc? lied h? gun \i?iii Sd Virginia Military Institute, al l exlngton. Hai 11 an?! Agrlcaltaral C ? lei at Lexlni April a. .it Staunton. April 11th? Lei xln-iton. A| hnlc Insti tute, a.I I'.l.l. -kslf. April Mth Roenoke ?'oil. _ ? al Ro i April lit ii Harvard, al Lyn? btmra? ai UA Hampdi n-8 April Kth Unlverdty of Virginia, al Staun ton. April 17th i ; orgdosrn Coll? g?., el Waahln D l April mh MX St. Mary's College, at ?Emmittsburg. Md. May id si John'a College, of Annapo lis, at Lerington. Meydth McCsbC-School, oi Richmond, at i.? dng o May 11th Virginia Military In^tt'ut?\ at Lexington, May i ru, Ki'-hmomi ?'oil?'-?!-, at Lex ington. May -'"i Philadelphia All Scholastic, ?n i., dn fton. The nine is rapidly rounding up into form. am.i win I.?- strong in the batting and pitching depertm? nt, Pratl ha m w.'i ?speed, aia.i has aiii oi his old con trol; Burnett is a new man. bul lias ?stay Ing qualities, am.i will ?punie ins ??l'i?-? ii' nis when they ? oni" to face him. Mosl of the otber men are seasoned, and ?have play? .1 on tin* nine tor the pa; : two Mi:\ LEAVE FiiIt LEAGUE ISl.XM). Will Sene on ?In- Monitor Man t ??im m.-iii?\ Pnshlennble Wedding, NORFi ILK, \'.\.. March & (?Spe? laL) A dieft <>t men under Lieutenant Bos tick, of t!i" receiving-ablp Franklin, left here to-nlghl for tbe monitor Mantona inah. which " - The tug Underwriter, towing the der rick Chh '" tor H tins morning, but wea forced t? "n account ?>f atrong south w-imis. Apothecarj T. W, Com I I a-ut t.? .i"iii th Unil mahlp Wh eling Tia. ?Window ?li'i nol seil to-dey i expected. She will probably ?go out to morrow. WEDDING OP WELL KNOWN PEOPLE. At S o'clock thla afternoon, at Arm strong-Memorial church, Berkely, M Marion Stewart Bland, daughter of Mr. and Mr.-. Bamui i Blend, <>f thai | I waa married to Rev, C. I, - l?"\. r, ? 'haiplain Of the HoU - Ol I ? ! - of i tele war? Mr. St? ngl? s companl? d b) ? lov? rnor i:. w. Tunni II, who otii? :< 'I a- ?best man, At Id o'clock to-day n? .n ly the entire i ??-ta w ire I tature, thirty in numb? r, and the oil of body, ?-ami" down t?? attend the cer? moiiy. Th? ) stopp? d al < lid Point, where I h< veral hours. At 2 o'clock th" ?Norfolk Light Artillery i Brad a saint?- in honor of Governor n? 11. his staiff. am?! the Visiting members of tin- Legisla! ai Th.- citi/.'-ns' ice Company was charter ed here to-day with a capital stock of B00.000. ARRB8TBD FOB Mi*i:i ?i-;i: Charlea Williame, a negro, - .i to baya i? en Impli? ated In the murder of Sherman Smith, m Canaan, sbonl a y? n ago, an?! for which Nat Young waa con victed end ?sentenced to ?seven yeara In the penitentiary, waa arreated in Ports mouth to-day. LAWLESSNESS If BAB WELCH. *l.e Many ?rimes < oui in 11 teil on Wenl \ I ruin In llor.ler. WELCH, w.'\ a., March I -(Special.) Tero unknown m n held up <; at North Fork Junction last muht, ?knocked him down, and tx al hla h? *d I ? a pulp with a pit?.f railroad Iron, it is though! robb? ry wais th* ir pui a Eta] cannot recover, ?and has been un fonsi-ions ilnce tbe . Hi can not describe his assailants. To-day Jc-seph Cadle, Dave Held and Tom I'.uiic bave i.? ? n arrosted on tha . hart.'" of attempting 'to rob 1 Boli abury, on ?Barker' - Rldg< . neai h< r< When an attempt waa made to appri the nit? Tom ? ?adl? reaii ted an r. it, pulled his ?revolver from h levelled it ait Sheriff Cook, and ?snapped th?- trii but it felled to dlacbarge? ?'??"k drew his end that Cadle through the nuiit wrist, knocking the weapon oni ot ins hand Tbe Ihre? oung men ?are of x.i families. Their preliminary examination w ill i" held i- moi row. Last night Ed. sinit?i s ted al Upland, brought t.. Welch, and lodged In jell, ?ai a barge of f? Ionios - thai a in ?probebly ? suit In murder, it eet ne m thai Smith and Bob Hoeton at ri ahantying t?ogether, and qunfrelled over i. . ii o ton tooh hi and w? ni bon . ?Smith m -. run d i end following him, ?gained an to hit houae by bn aking down the door. Hi then pulled the rasor Do? ins ?pocket and ?nt Hosten eighteen timea <.n th? ?head, body, and arma There la little or ,,,, hop? of Hoaton'a recovery. ?Smith was one ol the bulllee of the coal-fl? i?is. THOUGHT ro ni". nr.\n. >lr. OeeigS W. I In ?i ii um ? Mut n Re in n r Un I? I - I :\|??*rl?"iu*?". FHBDERICK8BURG, VA., March t? sj... ;.i i Ths Boerd -f Truetesa ?if the ?ii? a,, here, sctlng nndsr ?tbe Instruo ions of th?- General ftasamhlj treebyterfen church, hay? sold tie* <?.i age prop? ' ty to Rev. IH P. P. i: >f Baltimore. ?Dr. Itaassay will i ike ?hurga of it ths lieginnlng of tha n-xt at-ssion. II. a a man of tine attain nenta; ?graduate of Union Theological leminary and of Johns Hopkins I'ni t rsity, and has ha?! ext? mdvc t-xp. ri? nee n sdncetlonal work. Mr. George W. Ptanagan, ai gallant ex "i.f. ,i. rete i ol II i. while bi akt" latlng at be boaaa of it. T. T. Arnold In i< i -i ^ leorga county, thla morning, audd? ;i appearances, expiri : n> a hrouil ?i: ins eoftin ordered, and othei pre- ira? Ions inatle for his funeral. Ii, ., few Liver Ills .ike biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, etlon, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly ured by Hood'? Tills. They do tin;- arork Hood's ?wsiiy and thoroughly. W*** "II !i?,t after dinner pilli. B~^ | I ?K IssnM. ah draggfeta 11 ?ww 'repaie?' bv ('. I. Bssd & <"?>.. LSWSfl, Mas??. .u?j uuiv 1'h? U> Ui_? KiLk Uutxi ? ?MUkapanlU. noon those around notice?! hIrhs of i turnln?; coriseiou. .?? .. end, applying i storetivee, aooo had the satisfaction ?seeing Mr. ?Planngan r?'?torc?i to his .i? mail condition, and eons th? wo.-:-,e for ! BOrd :.!?.-rien"e. M \ Hsu mi, , tSSUO -BMMHTBB He M 111 ii,- ( ?iir.ior ?if (n.loni?? A lein mirla. AUDCAffDfttA, v\. Maroh ?.-tt?\ Tha atppolntment b* th- l'r, si?.'. ' ! v of Mr. Marshall I? Ximc to <'.-.!l. "f r ..f ?'ustoms ait thlH port giv ?yenernJ Mtlsfecthm. Mr. King is a s ? t Mr. Cherlea King, tha ardl-hnoi merchaal ??r this dty am?! Cheriottesvll pt'tmlm :,t in .*-.,? an?! buslm i In Ira h? re. The appointment of I ?King |S another victory for th? Am.? i the Republican party, sad at t!. - ai dispute S hi' h has ?..-. n sgltatl thai ptsrty In Alexandria f??r s??m. th Mr. .i. -p. Johnson, who a i merry In tha United Bl iti Internal Rev rvlee here, srlll a? I aa ? tor King ** M? DBATfl of \ M I \tm . \ < If mptltili. I\m*ii|i?\ lie Fell from Hiuii Window. MARION, n'a.. March 1 (Speilal) lunatic by th? name ??f WBUam Pel was brought hen last nighl from Waa inutoii county ?n weal Hospital. Thla morning eboul o'clock be i?iok?- through tbe |l ?grating of ?? thlrd-storj irindow ?in?! f? I?, the ?ground, forty-seven feel below. I waa Instantly kill? d by the faB. Tbe laepsMnnee ?>r i.?i???i Bends. (Atienta ? ?Onetltntlon.) The ronda of a counto are Ita con merctal arteriee, and the Importance i keeping these arteria In ?good *-?.ti*iiti. cannot be too drongly emphasised, i lie- s?iiit!i we ?have not given the rabje oi ?good roads tie- attention which it pi? periy ?I? s. rret. and th? ? oium qui ne? i our metertal development Itaa !?< ? .-.'?if a hat hindered on tins ?xeobunt Bt the future la Mill befon us. and it ii? within our ?power to a tone In some ant sur?, for inn past ahortcomlnga by glviii ibjecl of |.i ?ronda mon careft attention in the lutur? . If we exp t I eecur? lor this ?section tti?* Industrial prei which its mervelloua wealth ei t, w?- cannot mak- a i" tter ??tat in thla direction than by putting ou ro "i- In ?good condition. ? if t ourse, the farmer will be the in to ?1'ii'iit. Mi.- i" m-tii of tins Improv? ment, i here of Influence win n< tricted to tbe teimer. Indirectl it will m iki it- If apparent la ih cbanged al itus of our iieople g< and t\ tion aril d< rive fr< ah ? n?srgy and lit'?* from H Invl ror itlng touch, s- .? rai d i ?r W. ?'. l.atta. of Purdue Urn ?.-fi-sity. Latas We, Ind., dlacu of ?good i Mme lengi ibllc address. So thoroughly tii ilshi ?: ducator ant? r Inl ti.- ni' rita of tie sut... .t thai aotae ? vten ??i" tbe salienl points of his addrea a mlaa In thla connectloi Without entng too mut h into detail, the* a in- ii .- ? m t?. thoroughl) i on dense the ?argument, ma.) !" briefly sum tnarlxed aa foil? ?good roan: t conomlse time and for? a In the lab ' rting producta from tha farm I th? m irkei : at ond, th? i to take idvanl lluctuatlona In buying and selling; tblr?! tbi y i?? r in ii tion ol farm pro i.hI purena- > commoditl? .?-i ring tlmi --i comparative I? lauro; fourth tu?-?- the wear ?and tear on horaea . and vehicles, and, Bfth, tbi i en be in.iik? t v ill Ba< !: of t!i"S' reasons aeparatd-, ron Bidered is aufllcient In Itself to nrsrran ?pie in putting forth th? Ir ntmoa exertion i to Improve the i ondltlon of oui ?roods, .and t?? k? ? p them ir. - tion. There Is no telling what our farm? re lost, am!. Indirectly, what oui p. .?pi. gent rally lia v.- ! OUnl "f b ?i road ; and, arithoul allow. . ! I? .- to 'liati" in.litT.Tfnt to tm clalms of this ?Important subject, it be* boOvea ua trom mis uni" forward l< ir roads th? obj? ? t* oi '?nr apt t? ? solicitude. When w> begin to <!o this, proaperity auch as W? han never before Known in Dixie will begin to r? ign throughout her bordera, ?un* reason why tbs Booth hns not Intend In the subject of gOOd roedS until tie- pr?'S. nt tine- is <!'l" m pen tt? tin- ?i? stitution in which lha late war left bar, and In pari t?> tha lai h Of sulfifit-n" agitation. F"r more thaai twenty years ths South ama ?tompell? I !.. struggle ?under the heavy burden of ?i? lat which tii" Inte war entailed upon h? r. and aha lack? f??r improving tbe ?-iiiiiiiii.'ii ?if h?-r roed . but things are new different With the lU'ht of ?better daya brooking upon her ahe i- non posaeaaed of ample meana with which t?? devote beraelf to the task of Improving the condition of ?her ?roads; and, ni".'' "-. r. - n- r??lise , aa - be I aa .ii/.. 'i in fore, the Import hia .-ubi. et h? r attention. Bh reallxea railway ?systems, no matt r boa much ib? v n iy be multlpl ? tend? d, ? annoi aupply the d?lit and than if tii.- t - , ever fully de veloped, Il mud Im eccompliehed 111 r ? > * i,-- ' | "I |.I roods. With this i i'ii . !? ti'Ui tirmiy stamped upon her mind, t!i<- ?South Hit? n.Is within tin next few ; ! .- ?herself with Bxi >i d< t? r nlnatlon to the ?task of building up ?good ind over thbSe i?"".! i ?.t 1.-- s!u- in march a ith stately strides Into h?* pmud inte ritaince which li.-s befo nr. II O II If I If *S (lllfllHI-lll Ion. i N? w rorh Times ? i Commit? .n Naval I Ited till this a-.- da) t?? ; i i?f- moal ? lementary In? ormatlon about tha naval miUtla ather vigorous doubl ?is t?. the tho hia knowledge ?regarding be department over a blch be and ii- f? lion -' ommltti em? o much tower la full) Justified The naval militia no Inconsld? rabie perio i been ? ecidedly Important auxillai ) of tl -. its -rrowiii lia- i" en rapid and t'-.i'iy. end not only Bl I itnn s, m Hi ?i of the nation, beve tia?! frequi m pportunlty, as v\. ! i a* obvioua i ?squire famllierit) with Ita '?iii?liti'..i end urpoae. Jfel Lieutenanl ?Bdway G. thick uiii. who commands tha Connectlcul ?ii i-i.f this body, is quoted aa raying hait "n t nil" ea ? " to some uinb.'s of the committee when he ?re eded thai in?* naval mOltla s u a tort i m? n. 'til of them mon or lasa dequately drilled in the duties Inddental itlng aui?i nghtina a mod? hip. rmtinulng, Lieutenant Buckland i \ . qu? stioned by C Ii man Bou t.? ths truth of tins ?statement, ,,.i i and 'h- other eommendera ?replied iaii ? was ihe Intention of the naval mi na to aid ths navy In whatever lins lioughi i? -?* by tha Secretar) of the faey." If tbh was aewa t?. Mr. tutelle, ?bora has he btmn for the lad three ? each of which Congreaa has gp ropriatftl 99M9 tot th.- naval militia, ,-i,i"s turning over ta II not a fen reo Is belonging to tbe goteinmentt ?Sturdy n organisation thai is w.-n represented i ?seventeen Statee, and to which the ewapapera ?have ?givra numberiea dlacusdon ??i"i description, should ot hav? escaped lbs attention of the ommittes on Nival AS?1rs, even if th.? (ulrman of it ttjopg oat eomn ttmn the tete of Dingtey, ?and even if be an?! tin* [her members do have a loi of strictly ?titled boalnesa demanding, or, ?it least ttlng, I large part of :h?-ir tun.-. t:?|iu*ed. (Weehltagton s* r I ?Young Mr, ?Baje? kt qatta statuesque," ?-?marked one yonng woman. ?,. ?..s the answer. "Ha strikes ttitudea ??n the thne he is awahe. SO e d'??S IS t?> p'tSf and 1 So Money In It. 'Z'Mil IChlcsga *' ' ***** * Hobba didn't have appendtoltM eft? ;i." 'Who saitl "Hia doctor; it aoema ha bsdnl aaoney QoUKh to ?m* toi a ski-."la1. ***i*ii***a,'' Ill ni THE >KW III-: MM-: 1'Mll. Fine Weather ?ind LnStgC 0B*W"SB Attendr.ncc. WWW ti Kit ne. N. ?*.. Hani rial.I-ThS Fair Ass.iclatlon WSS favoi with another si?eii ,>r tan weather day, and the attendance was lare?'ly i Tii Bstlmsi? i- thai th?- mi ber of visitors <?,a.s for ti escsss of a form.-r ?lay In the middle of tin- W* 'i'ii<- dlspieya are very ti:?-'. ?and the kinmente of tag* phows, etc.. of be I highly inedltable character. Th? sa | woman .".-i th doubl? -h id? d Ml ,,n Christina ere curiod?tlra rarely equal! in shy exhibition. Thro* divisions Naval ?Re ser vea were atiendan ?giving .inn, a w.iriik- aat et I t? Panons whs bave ?reguiarly t. iei???i iheee sunn 1! sxhibttiona : nounca thia decidedly the beal of , Much crodH la gtven ?Secreten Oreen l in- ? n? r?.-?-fif menagi-m.-nt of tha prallt irrangemente, and aii?o ,t-? Chl M n ibal Bryan tor hia skilful tenta a be moi* cali ulated m ?m? rest in the fair In did i portions of the statt.. Th.- wild - wen ?subjects of mn it thla afternoon. Te-morron i be th big day. ?f II at ni ?.?n Still on Trlnl. WINSTON. N. ?V. Man. h 2. ?Sp.-.-l;?t The Harris.m murder trial w?a contint in the ?Superior ?'??urt to-day. The ? fendant wa,? on ti?" sinn! for eeve boon. M?- was i-ailm. atml I"!.l .a sirai*. I rout b? ginning to i ml. Stockton In self-defence. The takl dence will i?.- concluded to-Boorr? Three speeches will be made for the ? f. ndani end two or three tor the Bte The pu.'iif opinion i; thai Harrison a be acquitted. a color ?I child was burned almost t? crtsp in North Winston hist night it still living, '?nt there i- no bop? for It * "V A >l?iil?*rii Hero. i\. w fork Thnsa > Lleutensnl Henderson, tha leader of t ? \p. ?laiion siin i.? England some moni han i art of the Gold <' <-1 blob land which la ruled ?by th?* Mobammedi chief Bamory, seems to ?be a hero of I sort bdoved by '?uiili and b) all tbe r? of us, for that matter, When he tit reached the Sofa ramp al Wa hi w ir? ait??i ?s a ?prisoner, and ins cepton ?li a i" fore him end with him the ma hit in which he wga o Im pul to deel The victim listened awhile till he w< weary of it. "? >h.,we!l," he i ild, "1 cei !.. bothered with your argumenta, r very sleepy; lei me know- when you bei made up your minds." and oil to Bleep i w? in. The unexpected performance eavi Ills lif? . in- ilm indifference ; Bemory*s neu thai they had to ?I?? wll -??m?- on?* of Immense Importance ii willing to take on themadvea the r BponriMlity for has deetli, th?sy ?sen! hli unharmed t?. Bamory'a ?'jar'. In ti Jlmlni country. !! found the chief on throne surrounded by i.???? warriors; v wb?n motioned t" do horn ige on h h.nais and knees h? ?lid nothing of II sort, but sat down ??n tbe throne b? il Bamory, shaking thai monarch worm! by the hand. Thanks t.? this, end t nothing : he s pt< ?i .as ti: r< or. - ntatlve of a | sign? u st? a?i of a ? iptlve doomed t.. .?. atb. wiiiit. in Cnne Wnr ? ?>mc?f t.i: iltlmore N< i n?' thing whl? h it la difllcu admire about the "yellow Joui nails." and ?s the boldn? s bl? h the . "fake" nev n'l eeei to worry them if" east bil n'l true, it would ?be Intonating, i anybody !iai?l the time, to gel up natry of th?- lbs th publlah? rince the M would probnbl f tax 1 I idiltiet The question now i-;. what will the) do I case war actually breaks out? They can' the) ' nlarfc th? sizf "f their pages, and they an al using red ink. They might prin upside down. Th is suggestion Is wort! consideration by the "yesos journals' after everything fails, it la sura t?? ataitli their naden, If anything can ?tart:? them. _ ltllll I'olitii-s. (Indianapolis Joui mtl.) "I shall tackle them." s.iM the youni politician, "withoul gloves." "Don't h" too rash," advteed the vete ratn. "it la nol dwaya ^?"?>i poll > to i your whole hand." Jtlftt ?tu????'. ? i ' roll Journel.) "i ?bete m? n thai quote poetry." "WliyV" "They ju-t i*o on and on and novel propo Th?- iiemi i.nngjtnngea? n *hlcego ?Record l Mrs. ?Reader: What an the ?bad Ian gU igt i, my de tr? Mr. Reader: <>h: they an pro! thai aromen have talked t?? death. ,-,--mat? Mur.-li. (F. i. s in ?tienta Constitution.) Hi i om? i In like ? lion ii.- botst? rou ily blows; He tilts tii.- lily ov? r And rump! - s ? The i-'? brua i y quiet Waa mon tha a be could I He n ?i- must raise a rid 'I'o 'liven up the yeer. He brings a breath ol i''?.m Boarertng fields ol M And M ain/jf . raii!ib?iw's r.iv. mor 'Hi i shall cea And ?Spring, a Ith lipa rose n dd< l, Im aa.' CASTORIA For Infants ?and Children. Is ft?? _> **? j:_;.i s^Ttf //fTx, 3 ? ?s 1 rsr.zttr s y x/-rj7********* 0T?r it *^?VV7/W(<? srapptf. ' Th? us lit lip 'in 27-ThJfcSa tf-frl Kill ? I IUNAL, LAW SCHOOL Of RICHMOND COLLK?E. profeeson ROGER OBEGORT, li. I... XA.. D., J 1)1 IN B M IN" It B. L., KKNKST M. LONG, I.I... R students received during Februury for the SPRING TERM. FEBRUARY ITH TQ JUNI "??D. Tuition is }-" tor Junior ?.'lass, or *S;?, for both da Fot full Information address i?\ w. BOATWRIGHT, ?President, Richmond, Va. (f?> 6-Su,Th.Sti3wi When You Have a Bad Cold You want tho best ruedidue that can he obtained, and that i i Chamberlain's Cough Kerne? I v. You want a remady that will not only give ?juick relief, but effe?'t a permanent cure. Yuu waut a remedy that will relievo tie Iuurs ?mi keep expector?t i?m eaay. Von want a remedy that will oounter aot any tendency toward pinutnoni'.i. You want a remedy that is pleasant and safe to tak<* Chumlw-rlain'si Cou^h Kemedy 9 th?! only medicine in use that meets all of these rei-uireiuents. ami tor the sjieecly and peruiaui-nt cure of had colds hUiu?b without a peer. <!? __>8a,Ta?rThsi Did pumngg los ?ai? at Um uis^au-n We Have Placed ALL of our NEW SPRING GOODS DPONO?BOOUNTEB& \\V would be pleased to h;tvo }'?'i call and kok over our stock. Our Specialty : Spring Top Coat, silk-lined tliroiiL'hout, made from English Covert Cloth, to order, $15.00. Morton C. Stout Si Co,, TAILORS, 826 EAST MAIN STREET. [f?>*.,r-.'U-t.-i.r HABANA CIGARS. .lust i-'.'iv.'i. .1 large aesortmenl of HABANA CIGARS, -?elected b) our ?u Habana, ?and ?guaranteed t" b.- nt' the very ?beul tobacco mli OSCAR CRANZ <S MADEIRA. A tt a aao? ot VERY FIXE MADEIRA still In stock. Imported in Mod? rate : rnh 1-31 ? ?SCAR CRANZ & C< ? PORT WINE. i ??n la nid. .? few ' laet ot in ry su i ? rlor !'' IRT WINE Importi d y? a r< ?ago, and "f th? m?a AB ORA N/. .". CO Great Sacrifices in Wall-Papers. 9B)AB)tB)iB)i Mcaiififiil W'nll Papen being *>?' riflced at Trustee _ eaie, Wo, 16 togt Broad street. Forth? nc\t ten days great bar ,'iiiii-a ciin be pnrchased In Wnll papera, consisting-! nil colon, ityleg, A.c. * 'nil and ?see t h.-in. R. E. FRAYSER, TRUSTEE. (mh I.Tuilii'.'t; PERFECT Tooth Powder AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY. Used by people of refinement j for over a quarter of a century. I (J.x (*-Thn.":t-n r) STREET-RAILWAY TRANSFERS On ?lud after Sunday. I-VI?. ruary 20, 1898; a ?passenger will be entitled to ONE fcrans ( ?'! on payment of a ?single fare. Transfers to Fourteenth strei t, ?Richmond, and to Hull ?street, Manchester, will be allowed only on payment of a cash fare. Passengers <i?"-iiin-_c transfer tickets will notify conductor when fare is ?paid. RICHMOND RAILWAY _ ELECTRIC CO. _ lrt?j!?-tt| _ -__ * MBB1 IN?. ALL ROYAL-ARCH M I . invited tO all. Il-I a all.'ll ol RK'HM? ?NI > R( ? AL ARCH CH \ r ER. No '. .,i i?-,- \i laona' Hall, on i-'r inklln i 'IMlls EVENING al " o'clock By ord? r ol the M. E. li. P. i ki:i: MASONIC NOTICE A STATED ? ITA l.t I DOE. Yj( No. d?. A. P. and A eld r**my al the Masonic T< mpl? TH1 I DAY, Id Instant, al : P m. .\? m ii.-i - ol sister lodg? - und transient three ?ir? By t?rd? r -if the W. If. GEORGE C JEFFERSON _!i?h :: " _B .\ OENEI BETING OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE CITIZENS' EXCHANGE BANK ?til I., held al the Mid Ninth and Main *tret>tx Rich mond, Va... MONDAT, April i P. M lu orcl.-r of the ?Board ot Director W. M. HAM.1ST. t\ ash -"'" _I'r. si,i. THE ANNr.\!. MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE HOOVEN MERCANTILE COMPANY will I,.- held ,,t the lee <?ttl. ol P H C. Cabell <*t?r n.*r ?Eleventh and Main streets, ?iv.*t the National ? Virginia, Richmond Va., un WEDNESDAY. .March :t imp . k A. M U . T HOOVEN f.- '21-lot ?Secretary and Treaaur?r. am DfEM i:\ts. \? \1)EM\ OK \:i si?. FRIDAY AM? BATCKDAT. MARCH I'll! AND 6TH MATINKK SATURDAY vil %HT ROMON, I N ?THE JUCKLIN8" ?Friday Nlghl and irday Matinee. THE HENRIETTA" ?Saturday Night. Prlcee- UM, $!. T?, 50. nuil 9 ?sente. _ int? \? VIIKMI or Ml Hi . WEDNESDAY AND TIURsday, March -'?i ?and '.?i MATINEE THURSDAY Return m,'HK'*m'-ni ur the Orlglll . .?"mythe g Rice Coined} Coni-pany ii M? I'HICMl IH?**?1 IMIlt," THi: C.RKATEST COMED? sua I'iic.-h: U. It, 50. ?imi Ut, mh 1-St old pegara for sale at the DM] TO THE ?READ EATER. There ik moro h?tll licss. Mol'?- plirity, lin?: UdioqgnggSi non labo s.'tv iiif. more 1 ??_-I-11 HUNDLEY'S GILT EDGE FLOCK tliJUi in *ui\ Moni' in milMoio. ici worth it?worth i.. Maple Syrup. We ote overstocked u ' bate i? duoed the price t ? (.??t *?? as to oloSQ i' NEW GOODS, II!.I? MEASURE, ABSOLT Tl l,V Tin: FINEST \M> PUREST SAP SYRUP. i'int ( Haag .luis, wc-re .'Mt-., reduced t.? 22c. Quart ( tlaggJars, wi reduced to -'{Te. Quart Tin (ans. wer? rednced !?' -''?T?'. Half Gallon TinCaoSfWen 86e?, ?reduced to 60c. George A. Hunij, IfK.tllOT l?TKIis I ?m: Fancy Groceries and Fine Liquors, .ViM KiMt Rn.n I "(reel, MMione .'ISO. - 111. ^ > BERNARD A. GAINES, Manner. (,) no t at ion s cheerfully L'i\nn .'iii?l price-list W ?nlB, < ''., _um1< ?I on b\ cation. its Beware ui ImiUUuiui *l*\ ** ifarceslers&rc (/} ?Sof? L_ ... -- frs?. ?l?V W*M?. osaannm-.-?' anRnanannHnB [He -' t-Tlily: CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS. CURE f?!?*k n?*?kla?*h<i and r<*ll.?Y<?all the'?". ! d?*n? t?i ? tulioin HtAf.i of thn ?jat?""!. Diz7ir.M?, Nt.ii.ifa, Drowsiness. Dt*'." sating. lain In the Ik ha, while tk Deiuarkablo aufreaa Las t?eoa n!i<>?rfi ;:. SICK Iftallarha. |Sl Carffr'a Little LlTfr MUS ?*s ? ually valuaMimCoiiati] .- ??mir * v.'iitiii;; (l.isann ;. intfcomjilimf. all disorder? of the stoou? bettln liver ami legnlala tin-bowel?. Eren litU'/v.-./ ""' HEAD gebethey wniii?! i.??alra.*st inri??1 Mi Ihoeswk * aller fr^i.i r.. XiaUtly 11 - I - ?r> i.?.-m ?rill Bad Ha ?.* UM* : aMsiiiKOiiiany wayHthr.t tlifr will I ling tu do without t'!.?-ia. but afn-r all sick met ACHE Is tli? l>ine et s?> la ? <i" ? VninakAO?r a-art-at b.'a*t. Our pille?MM Ufi?. d ? ? Little Liver PlHaareTsry * vary eesy to take One or two ptlls Tlit-y an. -i r letly vr ,.,: I DtS : Svefbr t by ?Iru^iita i.-\.TywlK-r?, or ami by I CARTER MEDICINE CO., New ? Iz?Et Uhi UM? (.Th. t?a. Tu. & vo ???lit. ?nttil i.? ? OMMI?SIOhKR'N mu i i IN THE LA\i AND I >F THE CITY ? IF RICHM? Pianti "And ii ai lirial ?i? ? <.unl of 1 I I i Willi i m ?on T i he ? ?mm la i trustee <?t' the .?-- tu ?Ir Hi-, .i. - ft ? '.i., ami a- i. r. . ' in || ; i -i-.ti.r mak' tioa "f the fund mirt In tlii** ? lUM In ?aid tie I rinitis ?i.-i. m dir? iraongst (lit- crcd Kr Co., entitled th< report ??f Commission? r Ja? It* Heretofore ronflrtm? ! In this "And * il?i ?*on \* ? ? <iinii t" ? >-? cute this it.. i r? .??.?'Hala?- notl? v ?>f the tias? ? -.i niakliiK ?I?? dUtributlons end ntf ?ni??- a Wt?ch f?>r f..air .?. ?! in the -non.!, which [Miblication shell i? to. . n| t,. |.. a -ill.?i -< r\i . ifflces " ' 'ommisaiitn? r ..' Rh hmosd, Va.. Februa . I*t> the P iiv. .1 .??i Mi INDA) tl \ M im?-, a ml ni\ "tin afoi or ?-X?-cutu.t? i '? ?I? oregolng 11 I t..t.?) as ? nmmlsti ? hm be and ICoulty C.( of the : tit hmond, tit?' ?! ifoi JACKS? >N ?.M'Y. ? nm .? Chrlstlun ft rhrlstlan, p. n I Pi? broil p .1 ikOOK. AND JOU WOUK. ?K-ATl 1 KXKOUl'tSJ iii--i'arcu rtu.-a-w.HVJii