Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DI.SPATCH-TUESDAY, MARCH 8. 1898. 6 __-??? * - ?-~-?????-1?_ Anticipate Your Wants. Spring business is already rolling in upon us. It will take us two weeks to make you a Suit of Clothes. Order now. By the time the 9) garments nre ready you will need them. Special This Week. A splendid line of neat and Fancy Cheviots. to Order, vPI.-tw.-3U Morton C. Stout & Co ?i TAILORS, 826 EA5T MAIN STREET. [mh -t.r ? ? "???SlSJ? We Have Issued the Call ! The ppfipl.? rain?". We liavi' invite?! rompu They hhwe 'oiiipaifJ, ?tud found jnst siu-li .'is adver tised, ?wifl plenty of then. Our bargains tin?? ??? ? k. av?II bo of ?ui ovtrl?istiiii4' rlia racter. \\'?- ??-?I th?- w.'?-k h ?strictly Ml Wool Black ("1h\ Wonted Suit, in I.nniHl and S?iunre fut Sii'-k- arid < 'uta\va;.rg, eol in I li?' aatart atyla ?n?i mmie ?_>/_ o?jr well, at.". ?DU.O/ Wa bave apscial aaUs on Chil? dren*? Suit?, from I to o?q~ 14, at. C5(5C. Our Cyclone Special This Week: Men's Hut?., ?Stiff and Suit, in Black, Brown, und light ? olor?, nt. 68c. ! STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, K. Fisher I Sod, Proprietors, Corner Fourteenth and Main Sts. liiiaiaiit?-?'?! us advertised <>r money refunded. mh s -pSBBBBSSSBSSSSSSBBBJ THE TOWER, Corner Second and Broad, SOLE AGENT EOR ?SlijaW, '*< The Thayer make is the b tho world. All n?'\v improv? - Bients oan he found on theThav? i Carriag-o. Every one sold with k'uainnt?<-. $3.48 to $40.00. Come, iuspect our stock. JULIUS SYGLE & SON. T. IS.?Every item adverti sed in ?Sunday s Dispatch will be on sale to-day. ***** sotiliiitN h \m:-h\i.i. LKAGIB. The Muifiiutea \.IJoorii?Arraitate nientM for <l,t* ?.cn.nn. MUMi.N.iHAM. AXJL, March 7.-The iiii'UiiL- of ill.- BOVtbera Le-ui-uo mag which ?bafl been In ??cs.s|?,n lieu- f?,r 1?'? urned this morning. The principal hu.-im -s transact? ?i th? ?t'i<>i>u-.?i of a m-Ih-.IuI?-. The ?season openH AjTil lull, and cloaca Auguat lotit. dub i?i<iying in. ssasaaa. ?Blrnilncham, At? lanta, ? "larlestou. Hiid N.-w Orl? ins open -u at home, their opponentl i .?-? M.'iitgoin? i>. Aaa-asta, 411?! MOMIO. I'eS|?ectU? ly. Tho adoption of an odlcjal league ball mid tho ealeotloa <?f umpires waa ieit en? tirely -iJeftt P?.\s The ?inking fun.i, whlota la . ,,f ,)l(, I important qiicatlons, was settled , per tent, or th? gi lt_ WJ|: he ?wed for ?the sustenance of tin- i,' ,??" ,wid to aid an) .,?_ hi,,,.,, ,,," ' fxi In tied ol i!n.., ?."" ' " ?> '> and t!? division m? ,-,,,, ''',', und it waa agreed - , visiting club lo each cbbo one "?'a jroso aute and frrandsbiii.i rwiDl. All of the Chiba were rei ? , . , ail tbe magmites pre ? -, -,' , ful year. It |? lml' .?V and .),- li u? ; ' "?' '?. lion of iu Ordeia for prlnttsaj seat to the Dispatch and the atyl? of Work ami eaunma wjn -* sur? to pleaa? you. V lU TO gERYE VIBOIW-V Many of Her Sons Are Eager to Tender Their Swords. LETTERS raOMMOSE FAR AWAY. Those Who Bore Arms Once Ready to Do So Again. OIKKI's I MOM 1H**V OITICKB?. They Want In Flalil tor Thrlr Olli f??nle it War ?? Heel-red-- Tli?- 08V ...,..? DaSSSBBBSa "" ?iuinil???.-"??? Troop?. '111.. .?*,. t? which Governor Tyler hna i . . ?v <1 from Virginian?, to BSrVB with the troops from this 6tate in ?v. at ?it war with Spain continue? to come In. A remarkable fart \fi connection with those litters Is that three of them an from West I*??iiit?-ra, now in th?- I'nlted s army. They w<-r?- appoint? ?I IS IBS national military from Virginia, anil though th?-y base i???sitions in the recolar army, they are willing aad anxious to tbetr sword? la 'he ?sanriea of th< should opportunity off. r. It la the .t.- lova thai moved Lea ?tad ether Virginians to sum-nder their OOaaBlaSSSBI . i: a-, fin?; it??.-ir in tii*-? yoanajor .tlon. Another of the applicants for a eommls in aveal ?.f war is (ataaer cadet ?m at Blaekeburg, ttbo now kokta a ?iniciit position at Toledo, O. OLD (XEfFEDBRATE. AMX?OV9, 'j'lie old Ooafederatss ?are 111..- most nu m? rous of thus., irhe are anxious t.? ea? ter th.- amrviet. ?Boats of the lettera are amusing, the writ? rs speaking lightly f.f ?Jtaty-odd > tl .i.l il? ?luring" they ine as BbM IS withstand the hardship:, ol warfare as in tin- ?lays of afanaanaa and Gettysburg aad Aatletant An o-Bosr who has besa retired by ass fn?m the Virirlii.'a volunteers, who BOTVOd four years in tlie war, Bad wan f'?r reara oonaeottid lelUi tbe Vir? ginia feeaea, tsadera inn a?reteos, asirlas that though In* is SI years of age he Is able to stand as mm h bBfd BSielOO as be BVer could, and is anxious to rais- a i- i m? nt in caso war a An old Confederate of Greenesville ruiin iv, who sayi? be BBtBBd four years in tbe war. was a in? nil.- r Of Pickett'a Division, ? irti?iipati ?i la Um ebsrga at Gettysburg-, aad after tbe war aerred three years as in Indian scout, wants a commission as in aide, or a chance to serve as scout. In. J. W, Eggleston. the well-known liiitlst Of this city, who served in the lonfederate army, has off? red his BOT? rlcea to the ?Qovernor, aad tmoOft ; al cominaiiil a battery or bat? all?n. He was made a ?sergeant of artll ery in the Confederate army only a i?-w .ays alter roarblng his sevviit- . i.ili birth? lay, ami rOBS t" tli?- rank of lieutenant. ? -. Kgglestoii has B fine war ISOord, and da experience In handling the big Kims. is wo? aa the unelltlae of tbe aoldler rbleb he poasBfteee, make it ?\-i<i. nt that m w??iii?i or?ate "i hot time in the <>i<i OWn" ?lid opportunity offer. i:i;.mkmhki: TH. OLD STATE. Many Virginians who aro in Other latOB have written off? ring their scr Amoai lia s?- is Colonel Janee it. IfaACn, formerly of this city, but now he BBOrotary Of th? American Bankers' iseodatloB, In New York. Colonel ranch is a retired ??ftic-er of the Virginia olunt.Ti.-. ami is anxiuus to BSW? the Id State should she need him. Mr. j. K. Hatcher, of Baltimore, a Vir lalan, ami a foraaerofficer of th?- volun? to eoflae back end ge over no tho Valley and organisa a eosapany, KUOM A G. A. K. VETERAN. '?.?virnor has received B hearty itter from Colonel L C. Wads, of Nor? .il., who Baterad UM Uaion army as a i winner boy in lv*?l and BOBVed in every rade te ?*n?i including that of colonel. le says he has been OOBBOOtOd with the ulltaiy in soiiie CSpBClty fOT tWOBty-flVO ears, an?l while it may to sonn- appear [range that b? ?I?-sir? s ? cianirnission as a offlcisr of Virginia troops, he knows , a where the honor of country is ivolv. ?I. ?'olonel Wad?- says be is H ?ara ??id. and has a fatally, "but Ood and luntiy befOVS family." A great many quotations from letters Hallar to the for.going could be given, ut they ail exhibit the same patriotism, ai particularly st its losa ?ml State ride. The Ber?loea of Virginians may not be eil.-d In the field, but it has air?.:?ly MB made evident that BbOUld war COMB i?- sons of the old Dominion, as in every bar war since Colonial baya, would and In the iront ranks as r>-garda both ami.eis und gallantry. Tim GOVERNOR'S views, lovernOT Tyler, in discussing the gene 1 outlook and the sentiment in Vir? il a. was very . -.?ntld. -nt that enlist Sata would ba v. ry large should troops n? eded. 'I i\o not believe tbe Ualted Btatea ?HI1 i., erar aritb Spain," b? .?-.?id. "Ibsve \?r thought BO, tboagb at times the ovocatloB Beamed aa sreat i could ar.-oly BOB lu?w war COtlld be a veiled. remember wheo i peeked ap my IH - tob ?m the morning after the Maine plosion, and read how our spbndi?! Urablp and her brave crew h;??l bot n nt to the bottom, my llrst thought was ,?t war was sur?- to coin?-, ami 1 I || as Quickly as p??ssiblc. 'Bttt 1 afterwards realize i that it iBld I ? UBjBBt to hold Spain rcspoii9l until her responsibility ha?l t.. ?n ?arly shown. That has not yet buen i.e. bit it may be, and jBSf as BOOB Be I board of inyuiiy shall have r. ported at th_ Maine v. as blown Up with the anlrano? or knowledge of th?- Spanish ?v? ruinent, the American ?iov-rnni -tit ould no longer b? BitBtS, and, 1 may ...|?l, do not bell?ve it will. VTOULD RESPOND PROafPTLT, 'Virginia will respond BBOSe promptly kti any State in the l'nioti," continued ? Governor. "1 do not BBBBB Is dis rage the patriotism of any of our ?ter Statua, but 1 firmly bsltave VU*? ila p.ople are more patriotic than oso of ?uiy other State. Say anything out the United Slates flag that is In I least derogatory, ami watch ho* Ick a Virginian will fire up. I ?in an 1 Confederate, and I did the ?best 1 aid to overthrow Um National Govern ?nt, and fall??d. The Stars and Strip.m I as much mine, and as much the flag any oiher man who followed Lee, as ! Is of lb?- man who followed Grant, and I I will s?e that it* first defenders will ! the men of the South. I pray that war may not come. Lut j I must not have dishonor us the price j peace." HI OOP* VIRGINIA _UI READY. le ?isle's Mllttnrr Fore?? Could He Moved r..,u.,.i?? Virginia's troopa will be moved with ! I utmoat promptness, if neaded," aa'.d vemor Tylsr yeaterday. ?he total of the organised military j ce of Virginia Is _,745 men. This in- i idea infantry, artillery, and cavalry, 'he ?State fore? is divided into four j -ImaatB and two battaHima of infantry, I battalion of artillery, und two j <?ps ?,f cavalry. The whole form a gade under the command of Brigadier? neral A. I* Philip?. C'UIU) UK 1'KADT SOON. II the iiifTei. nt ccmpanlea and batto i are located on Unas of railway, and y ?an be mobilised in a few houra. tm Is bellev.d should President Me- lai lbi) ask Governor Tyler for troon* to? entire volunteer for?a of the Bute ?i Have You Got a PEARL FELT ALPINE with a black silk band? Tiiis is the most fash? ionable Hat for general wear out, this spring, but it must be of the proper di? mensions, crown and brim, and have the proper "dip" and " curve." We have them in quali? ties to suit your purse? 98c, $1.40, $1.90, $2.40, $2.90. No Better Made. THE GLOBE, Seventh and Broad. _[mh K-lt]_ ivoiil.l be ready to mar h within a few lniiirs, Thtagb th.- orgnnizeil tOtOt of Virginia ?.nil. native!1/ email, it is ?illy to Iurnl3h a nucleus fOT tin- tl hat woiiiti rails! a i once should war i-? lecl?rsd. Th?- nusaber of ??ge for miii mry .. ?vi-1 in V'lrsjlnls in i-'.'j iras i"i MO vhit? I inlur.-d. making a tota 1 if M "-I". 01 cours?-, only a stun II j.ot - ion of ti if Ba-gt-ssjaie would erar i.?-- en* Isted, escepi under the nu?-? fleepi Ircumstjiii IVrannnl? nuil lirli-fs. Mr. Thomas Potts i-i confln?td t?? ma 101I1?- hy ?-ii k Mr, Charles k. Loonier, who baa i?ccn |Ult? ill. la ah??- to he out again. Mr. William l-'l'-t-ctiheimT, who hns teen v.-i'v ill -ni- eererel iiavs, ?aras sll**ht? y i?? it? r I ist night, Mr. F, B. DaHata, <?f Daitoa & Chap ell. who has been Hl< k for i ? cks, i- now able i?? be out. The Qaorm Washington Memorial Aa odatlon will meal Wednesday, tii. at I P. M. i.roiu[?tly, at 113 south -bird eti Rot. 11. C. Tucker, missionary to T.rn il. will deliver an address on "Woman's .'ork in Missions" at Centenary church ?-night at S O'clock. Mr. Frank Allen, of the AatOT House, nd Mr. Robert <'. Brown, of the Straijrh m iv storm Tobaoco Company, Near ork. atnl wife, ar?> puests at I "lit- Jaf? rsoii. Mr. .1. F. Hichardsoii. station HK?-nt of le Richmond, I-'iederickuliurg ami P<> .inac railroad at U'ilewatcr. is in tin; Ity, having twii called here by t!; is illness of bis nioth'-r. Rev. i>r. ii. W, Rattle, of P?stor?tburg, ?sachad at the Oraie-Street Paptist ibsrnacls Sunday morning and night, in I? absence of the pastor, lii-v. I.?r. [amber, and was hoard with pleasure y larsjs confc-reaatlona, lliclimomlrr- In ?.c.v Vnrli. NBW rORK, March 7. ?Special. >?W. '. Russell, Cosmopolitan; Mrs. w. Roaa ore, Everett: Mrs. J. T. Lawless, Im? liii; Mrs, L. Hor.h-is. Mrs. M. B urrall. Belvtdere; J. M. Hlsjrtns, ?;. /.. Idsjood, Bt Dents; M C. McConnat. roadway rentrai; v.. Pradleton, ,\ I I?? iiniioil. ?? I.lliellcd. !.\('KSii.\\ I l.l.l-:. PI. A. Mar-h 7 - Tt??* ?am lui: Dauntless was Ubetled to-day ? th?. yo\f:? nment, charged with fltibus* rlng. The v? ssel Is aom in cimrgo of a iputJT mar.-hal. :halhimer Bros.' One-Price House. Remarkable Sale OF MSH GOODS, irpassiiiLT al! formel <?fieriLi<:s. iperior ?_?>ods at milch leas than Inns ask for inferior irooils. New patferns iu Soft-Finished ?rcales, in beautiful colorin*/K id styles, at Reward?the r?"_ru r 12?0. grada Fin?> Dress Ginghams, in pretty aids and stripes, that you pay c. f??r, at Sic yard. .Just received another lot of one 5<&Shirtiiag Prints, in pretty .ttoi'iis, to sell at Me. yanl. lOo. gravdeoi Percales, in pretty, h patterns, are hero at life, rd. HALHIMER'S Fifth and Broad Sts. |rch8-l?l Temple, Pemberton, ! Cordes & Co. tl; ? hi 7 and 9 west Broad St, J ! !, _ JI New Colored I Dress Qoods. ? I English, ? French, and Scotch Tweed Suitings, I ! i entirely new, very desir- i | l(; able, in a full line of New and Pleasing Pat? terns and Colorings, 75C.,$i,$i.25?and$i.35. m Rheumatism. he pains incident to rheumatism are ?ved by une application of ('liaaaber 's Pain Balia, and its continuad nao n eflerta a parovanent oure. ?aem?e.UMbht PATRIOTISM AFLAME. interesting Debate in the House o? Repr?sentatives. THE ARMY-INCREASE BILL. Practically Ho Opposition to Its Imme? diate Passage. FIFTY MILLIONS FOR ?KFEV B. MeitBure Making Thl* 1'rnvMmi In Iroiln? < ?i hy ?i,. (niinon, t linlrmiiu ?if Committee on \ ii|irn|irililiinn ?nnl? llrt.vcrn Hail. > nuil Reed. WASHINGTON, March ".-The spirit ??f |iarii.,Usin was nm.pnht In th,- ?0UI to-day, an 1 by an almost unanimous ?rote the Bawls* bill, provMlni for two addl tlonal 1-figtia.tiite "f urtfUtiy ?um ?yawned, in?.I. r siis-pi-nfion af UM r'lliH. No effort was BBaade t?> obstruct notion, but Mr. ?ill.y. Ike I?emocrutlc lewder, I?l--:i<l 1 f?.i nu?i- time than the forty minim? allowed under th?- rules, and be? cause it v. . ' l. after the bill hail tX i pansed, li?. in t?!k-ur-it'-t a tiltbust.-r against Wsti ; of ?olumbta leflslaition that continu.-il all daV. Mr. llall.y il? .-inil tu ?i?? ak In favor ??!' the bill, but ?iiiil.l !i?,t gM the tin..-. ?During lbs da] b? bad savonU .sharp tuts with UpeaJmr it? Mod of th.- time mat, in ene minute speeolMa, Mi. Hawley refrnln?td from r.-fi-rriiii* to any em<TK? n< y lull, but , Mr. Williams. ..I" Missis ipl'i- i* f-rr. ?1 ?li reotly to -n-ObtMe war wit!? Spain, i: nu, salffhl be cemotruod ]nte ? refer . ?.? UM ?mpport of the govern lii? nt in a l-r-il-!.- OrtsIS MM fi^ with appttl NBCES?lTT FOU TH? MAN. Mr. Hall, in ??p.-nin? the <l.?/;?t?, ? x [iiiiiwii iiii.-riy tii.- i??r these iii'-n t?> man iii? oeaat def?nca? "f th? country. By July is?, he said, ?mi I uns ?uni M mortars vvoui?! bs mounted, ITU In all. These guns required eighteen BM n ?-a?h to handle them. The gains em placed .July ist woold require 7.'-'i, re gunll.-s.i of any exigency that might in-?. Kv? n If no exigency aros?, these inen, lu? Inststed, erptud" tu- pmoeeaaiy to i aii- f??r the fortifications and Kims, upon Which We were expensing million? of dollars. The charge that this bin eras .in attempt t?> Inoras the standing army o h? BSed possibly to overawe the citi? s be Mid h- : too frivolous to be noticed. Mr. Cox. in opposing the bill, said he would rote m cheerfully an any man In th?- House for this bill if it W?tre heeded fof th?- national definen as a war mett? eur*, but he argui-d that the President, ;;s < iimniaiid?r-in-ilil?f of the army. ha.I authority to detail men from the Other ?-ranches of (he service, the cavalry or Infantry, and that such d?*talla could man S?d care for the <ount dSfOOOCS without atn| l-i i tuan.-ntly tin- standing army Mr. Ii.-lknap (Republican), of Illinois, a -on ??f ez??Seeretary?of-W<ar Bolfrnsp. ?and Mr. M. ?l.-liaii (DeiaMMTat). <'f Iftstf York, i son ??f Oaneral MefJlallan, both wnrmiy idvucated the project In brief Spee? hes, Hid Mr. Hay il i.-inocrat), of Virginia, !?'d th? t1rnt epen enthusiasm by de larliiK himself In favor of taking <.v< T^ ^top now necessary to prepare for the -m irgency which confronts th? country. MR .iiiNKSS ??lUECTION. Mr. Jones ( 1). ni<>>, of Virginia, thi; ?Hi? i- Democrat win? Opposed tho bill, that the bill was not a war mea It bad 1?'". n-commeiiili <l for o\'iil years, li. ? i..irr.?. d t H BBBVdS i change in the line of promotion. I?; thought If an emergency existed the ireeenl artillery r?giments should be rn? rult'il up to their full strength. Four hon.--.inil men < oiild thus be- added t.? hat branch ??f the service without cre Ltlng two additional regiments. Mr. Shafroth, of Colorado, c.ins?'d a nun.I of applause WhOfl he SXpreMOd tus Sgrst that n, ?Inplo voleo should bo aiki-d against such r> hill at su? h a time. h-i.- was no ?buying th" faet that our orelgn relatlotyj with .^pain were oa the ?s of a rnj.tur. . War ought to 1-?- av?-it d, If possible, but we ought to prepare t once, he Maid, for every cmergi-n? y. Mr. Wlttams (Democrat), of Mississippi, ai?l that While in? \"i? - was now, as ver. for peace, it seeme.l absolutely ?rtain that ?Spain was forcing us into rat, to extrieat?- the reigning family r?>m the desperate .-traits into wl?ch she i .d by ber futile attempts to sub igate ?'uba .\lr- Lewis ?I ?. mocrati, of Washington, ttempted t?? offer an amendment pro? fiting th?- o-? ?.r these two regimen ta t?? ipprese strlhen, i u. till was then passed without a hrlaloo. The great chorus of ayes was r.:': . rciosa on th.- minority side, those ' Messrs. ?'"> (Democrat), of Tennessee; !. (DemooTat). of Virginia, and Ton ?. .-i" MleUgan. At I'M 1'. M. UM l ! . -Mourn.-?1. DISTRICT OF < '' 'l.l'.MI'.IA HIM.. -ion ?.f th.- Bt anta was d?? ?t?-?i entirely t?> :on o? the istri"( of OolumMs :i!'|-ri?i?riation bill, t the hour ??f adjoummesil the bill bad ?t been fllspoaeil ol .?'.u\ its ?ltscussion in be continued t? >moirow. The bill as it )ia<s,,i the Hoye carried MtMl, i:y the ?tenate eomml?ttae ?the aproprtatlona wer? Increased I aklng the total amount of the bill as : to the tenate M.07MM. MWIMIM KKKIIillT-IMTH <\SK. lie Neliriislvti I.u m Hi-Ill |n Ile t ii i-iiiisllt lit IiiiimI. WASHIMiT? >.\. Minh T-Ji.TKe Har n. in ?the Siii'ivm-- Court. to-?!ay r, n i-.l an opinion in the \i-bra.ska m.i\i ?n freight-rate caney boMbig ?UM x> ask.i I.?w to I??- contrary t?> the Kour ntii amsndmept, in thai it authorizes M taking "f prop.-rty without pror.s.? ,,f w, Jastlce Hnrlan'S opinion affirms the ?Inlet* of th.- (irt'iiit i Hurt of appeals the Batghth ?'ireult, which was a-aln?t ie maximum fr?d?:ht-rati law and te?TOr? .!? to the raUroada. This i-ase was Instituted to test the va lity m a law panned by the Nebraska r-glslaturo in 1893, prescribing th.- nia\l um rates f??r the transportation ot eight by railroad- within the St.ii,-. The act upph.-s up.-. itlrally to freight hose transit b?nins and ends In the ate. and there was no effort In its m tment to contri*, interstate freight. The law was attacked M the ground of i conatltutlonollty. I'd? case haa been twice argued In the ?> Aier's Cherry Pectoral '* \Vhen the doctors considered me ?curable, Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral ired me of Cfiroolc Bronciilfis " L 13. LARDINOIS, Rosi?re, Wi*. IULF-SIZB POTTI-E^ eWmmnmmB T li. to y?? th. ? !' :-li, me Aa M .?. ?1;?. ?u HI' ll-.l aiu Supreme Court, Hon. XV. J. Bryan appear? ing ?? one of counael for the State at the last hearing. Much Interest has been manifested In the decision ever since the case was docketed, because of It? proba? ble Influence In other States. The Judge sketched briefly the provi? sions of the law, saying it was Imposnl U?' to fix a maximum rat?- and classify rrelghts. He then took up In order the points at Issue between the State and the railroad companies. H?; (-noted u numb? r ?>f ??pinions, and said that In view of the adjinllcatloii?? ?M following principles must be regarded as settled: 1. A railroad corporation la a person within the meaning of the Fourteenth .ment, declaring that no SUrfe ahali deprive any i" raoo of prop.-rty without due process of law, nor deny to any per? son within its Jurisdiction the e?'ual pro? tection of the laws. S A State ? uniment or n-gulation es? tablishing such rutes for the transpoita ti'-n of persona or property by a railroad .il n??t adnil: of the carrier's earn? ing ?mil ? ??mpensatlon aa under all the ?ai. un s juat to it and to the pub? lic, wottM deprive such carrier of its pro perty without due'prosees of law, .md deny t?. li the et**BBl protection of the laws, and woulil. therefore, be repugnant t?? ta.? i'.,nit? > nth amendment t.? the Con? stitution of the I ml??! SI :,. While rates for the transportation .?I person? and property within 111?; limits of ,i st .t or? primarily fa? ta to lie cob? si,;, iv,i in determining the quootlon whe? ther .they are ?o unit asonably low us te deprive the carrier of its property without aucb campenesUoa aa the Cob? tltution secures, and, therefore, without du? procesa ??f Isw, they cannot be bo ooacluslvely determined by th? ?Lai tut?: of the ?Stete, <>r by resolutions adoptad ander its authority, that the manner may nol ?tac?me th.- aubj? | ludida] ln?t_uiry. Th, la ion, Justl? Hartan sai?!, cm r>?l tua , a > in ?point. The ?naga then prooeeded to make en exhaustive ?gaminsUafl into the ?ii forceateal or the rat?, prescribed upon Um tmeln?*r? ??i the railroad bam, show? ing tie- redaction to amount to _7.."n for the year? IBs, IM, and IBS, the r?suit beias t?> show that eaeb of the roads la? rohred w??ul,l for lili-- period have con? duct?-.I thai] Durinesa al a less, aith only one or twe ea< ptloa . ai ?i th? m far only a short while. The Idea thai any legtolsturs, state ?>r ?federal, aaa ooaelBBlvely ae*s?faalae for the p.-opie and for the courte that what it enact? la th? form ?>f law, or what it authorises Ita agent? to do. is eon? sist.m with tin- fundamental Isw, is in Oppoeitloa to the theory of our Institu? tions, it had be.-n contended that the Stat?' of Nebraaka could legally reojulra local freight buelnem to ba conducted even at an actual lOBB, it" tli?- company earned on Its interstate business enough to give it just compensation in nsp.ct >.f Its en? tire line on all its bSBlnOBB, interstai domestia. The Court ?lid not a>'?-?-p' fit W, .lusti??. Harlan saving: "In our judgment it BtUBl be beld that the i aaaunablaniiBB or unreaaonableneea of ratee prescribed by state for the t i-.msportatlon of peTBOBa and property Wbtob fall within its limits must be ?S? termined without reference to the bust? in interstate character .lone l?y the carrier, or to the profits derived from that bastneea. Th.- State caaaot justify inably tow rates for domestic transportation, oonaagbred nion.- upon the iroond that the carrier is earntag large profits on Its latentste business, i)v??r which, so far as rn Ihe St ite has n?> control Nor can the nrrb-r justify unressonsbly high rates in domsetlc buaineee apon the trouad ?hat only in that way ?an it m? t loBBOB IB its Interstate business." Chief-Justice Puller and Justice Me? K.:iina did not participate In the hearing )r in the decision. (Ulis WIM. SAME A TICKKT. I ?.?? ?i ? ?o II?- .\urr??w???l?Heimbllenii Ticket In Jnrkmin Waril. There la bo relief to th" tension ? _let? Bg betWOea th?? clubs and the (".?od-Gov rnment LaagUS? rather the situation rows mor?; ami BOOTS strained, and the ampalgn araxaa hotter aith each aaa? ei'ding day. The daba bava ao apted lation, and arc eadeavorlBg t.? i.irrofia the lesae down to e fight b? h?.lr nominees, anil Hi??.-.? of th?- league. i proposition has tteen stade thai each andldate for the Council who baa not -vu ? adorned by the lesgue ?hail appoint . gentleman to serve on ? committee, rbich .-hail i hoos-e fly? member? Ib eaeb rard t?> repreeeat the clubs. Tbe only bStaCla so far la lb? way of carrying ut this plan ins been the refusai of in.- inaldate? to withdraw from the BC*a thould th.-y nit i-acsiv? the endorse i?-nt of the committee. Tins Impediment i not insuperable. boweSf/, and t' chat will shortly i?e announced. JBPUBUCANS IN JACKSON WARD The situation in Jackson Ward has bad ie effect of ?li ?iiging the determination f the Republican? not to ? ater th? a effort la ?Seing made to reconcile the pposlng ?I? m< nt - of thai i art]. aad r??ng ticket will probably be nomina-..I i the near futur?'. The selection of ? ?n idatis will, ?t is said, be very carefully i.i.i. . a numix-r of the Mai*shaII?Ward dele? itlon endorsed by the <;.I-Govemmenl ?agate ?aid last night that the announce a nt aaade te the members wee in ao nee a ?repudiation of the league. Not ie of them belong t.? that organisation, tough ail of them stand for ?pood gov iiueiit, and, in the present state of af? in u waa deemed Ek**i to <l?-.-i ire that icy were not afflllat? d <*.nn the . MARSHALL-WARD DELEGATION. Mi. i.V A. Catlin, preeldeni of the aid that the declaration <>f the int lernen who had been endorsed In Srshsll Wall in la. way aft". . - ttitude of the league towards them. id i? ? o s? lected because they .re recognised aa reliable, safe, and con trvatlv? men, and nothing h.i?l occur?! ? ?alter that opinion. The gentlemen lemaelves had felt, and it ?Sad i?-. ?? ated by prominent members of the ?be, that they would not recels? rote? club men, simply becauBe they had ?en endot-aed by the league, end for that ?aeon only, they had been led to sta.t. mir Independence of tbe Good Qovern t.i organization. i\ THE CLUB MKil'i'lXGS. Pour crowd.-.i meetlnn were held ?>y Ubfl last night, ami th?' attend IS iv Instance wae very large. The 'est-End ?Democratic Club net early at I weal Broad ?treat. PVom that pot ni ie candidates directed their footsteps ? the meeting of the VVorklngmen's -mo? i-atlc ? 'lui? at Whalen's Hall The Irst Pre, ?net Club m? t u Straus's Hall, ?,i th? Pulton ciui? In the ?Sail Bad, as n??r tOO far away to attra? t the Of . -Seek'l . To-night th?? i'ocki'tts Deesocratlc Club ill nie?-t at their old quarters; the Wld? wake end Bolid-Shot Club will meel a I south Second '! ' ___ arraiiK' i\.- bean completed f?>r s rally at the id Market Hall to-morrow night. ILLBBBS OB' Mit. JAMBS A LUSO g. e li TiiUeii ?Mnldenl v, nn?l Ills < .?minion la Vet Serious. Mr. Jamao Alltsoa, of the a*aU?anaera m of Allison i? Addison, waa taina aueV >nly ami srri??usly ill on Friday after? ion, and his OOBdftlOO BXCtted the Hveat apprehension of his friends. He Is Buffering with an acute attack of ?ut, and his condition, which ha it leal since the seizure, waa slightly nellorat?-?d lust night, and he was rest - well v\hnn his physicians left him, ter midnight. Mr. Allison is being attended by Urs. one and Johnston. POR ?LABOR C??M MISSIONER. Ion. Charles (}. KUer, the Delegate >m Norfolk, called OB ?lovernor Tyler t?'rduy, and, it is understood, urged I claims of Mr. Henry V_ll. of that y, for the position of Labor Commls ii. r Mr Vail is a union printer, a mber of the Norfolk l*uslne_s-*,|.ri s aociatlnn. and is at present the man Ing editor of the Norfolk Dispatch. Ir. Jumes 11. Doherty la not a candl te for Labor Commissioner. He Balled th?- OaVBTBOr and hail an Inter-, i? w th reference to the Kiser bill, but ?11.1 : apply for the position of Commis mu, ?A'Utf l?;iar ui-iiU^U?as4 int. t??a C els s,, ha lu? 1?. B toa IS -, t la? s i. Da fre? Phi h?i\ AM mt??mmM1wmM?aA9m^ J B. F. TIN SLFY, Manager. Kl ! ' ! I J.M.FO?RQ?REAN&CO. 113 East Broad Street. GRAND DI5PLAY OF / Fine Art Tailoring. Our collection of LADIES' FINK MAN-TAILOR ED GOWNS should claim the attention of every on interested in fine art dress productions. The style are all of the newest creations, the coloring* of th latest French dyes. The finish and superb tailoring are simply perfect. SPLENDID NEW ELEVATOR SERVICE TO ALL FLOORS^ BaDAR BROW X NEW .-'MAIM.. LADIES? CHEVIOT SUITS, Russian BlOUB? Set ' . til-ii, in, d throughout; laps????, laarafl suits, $iv...^n aach. ASKKT CLOTH beautiful Lichens, By - front ja. w> illk line i, Suits, ill each. ROWN CAMEL'S HAIR Si ITS, u silk lined, bi ? '! d< atgi m? n trimmings; Suits, $i? ROWN CAMEL'S II IIR BERGE SUITS, Two-Ton? d Material; Hy-froni lacket, silk lined, ?.am-? hipped, very If '?i .. 'i. INK CLOTH RI SOI AN BLOUSE SUITS, il?"!-? ?-UK lined throus. skirt and Uousa ?lahorately ti i In buttons and fancy braided designs; :. ?lid ??ray ; -. ai | at a II:?h ; handsome tailoring; Butts, I18.M ettch. U> ?BLUE < Hi.v ;. IT SUITS, By-front lined, stylish ami full of eervtee; Bults $!.% ea? h I FINK I ALM HM B ' ' I bands, appllqued, skirt ?'in to I I lined tin i.?; .. kgnlftcentl) toa It BLACK BEROI S' its. color? <i rsight, turan ?11 BLACK CHEVIOT I SUITS, sulk Hi na.r.o mi h. BLACK TWILLED BICIL1 I . i|-|m ?I. I)'.- : I s 11 - ? i. a durable and .Suit. $IU50 fa? li. FINK I ; LACK ' jackets, with (only it- of ?ilk u ahupe .-kirt?). ?ni' -.?> An exquisite assortment of Fine Muslin l ntler vear, made to our own special order. Splendid alues. Second floor, elevator. I. M. Fourqurcan & Co. See tbe < ; ivenior lohn O. 'i liier aad I* a Todd, of IMH W IOMGI \.M) 1) W? I?. Ik- Ited-Meii ?.!?? ii I nli|iie IInI. r tn I n ni < it I ni I iiriMinin Hull. tertalnm? nl given lasl a y oran Hall by th? Indian a Pamunk? unique ind claimed f. ntioti of the 1 I ?mi beglnnlag t?? end. The character tn.iiiy the merit of th? ting was added I i\?lty. rti.-r?. s ' a mkey a v.-s In the nh tbeh* own o 'in.- per? th,- ! John Sml e little Pi ihOnl 'lilt: ? m- h. re Is peri -i attempt, also > hold tbe red mea i display compass, and trink flaally, wh?n t k.-i r curtoi tlsfied, how, With many Whoop ? bim to i'ow tan. w h ' ried and conuemned. - hi ad as the stoi stone, to l?. when ?i ahontas. In this case a little I i ol ibout 11. ui him, is tr??iip>- Brill : v? performan? ? ; here night and to-a-acres otght. Ilei.ini ?.i Dr. Mel.ulre. r. Hub) ' ' MeOulre. who bsa besa al the ?i Bpringa for several meoka f? r the m lit of his health, return?.I i? the I ii: has greatly Imp *oved, ? >ks like him and hop. Urelj? well. \lle_e.l ?111???. I I? I ?I., I,. I HKYENM'. "* ?TO., M ?r.-h 7 \ I to the t-Hin-I-J-ad-T CO-nlffht fr??ni H??ck inga, aays: Valentine A. Hays friends ,? caught and lynched three of the rderera ?>f Hoy, Trie m?*n lynched are I Johnson. B ?nun nam?-?l ll.nir. : third man, whose name cannot ? raed. Hoj ? ie i member of a sherliTs se whtab siarte?'. ??ut to hunt Johnson munleiing a boy. Hoy was killed in ight with n?nii' ?utlawa that Johnson I Joined. rr-li Kevolullon in 1***111 joajt... ? llNDON, Mar.h ? .V dispatch to the Iv Mall fioui Hongkong aav?, that a IB i-volution ha? broken ??Tu in th?? lipplnee. an.l that S3 Spanish soldier?? been kii'ad. No? furth?-r details are J5A *? ?UiU?k.-v?,. - - * SECOND OU? OF THE CLOSING KG O? TRUS?EC SIOCK Of SMOIS 30c. ON THE II. Ail thu jirii'.'?- the uni y H.-.s??rf nu-lit ii enough f?.r a BIG Vi i: TO-DAY. Woexnn ?of fing 8h? limit.- tli? &A QTT ill il? Ol I.H.ii?-? M**'s*??7 / |n hmtm an?! I? $t viJui'?. ?_runniiit.-.-i|. \ $1 s ?_r for a minute, anil snvf \ ???i i*.' ?>n gaVOfa f.iiir I ?*<i"?aiii? g L'i/tii'l un \i ? ai re ?and odd si t?. look l'in "< gr. We a $1.24 .Mi--.-' IlKlal W? t.iil. I?. ('. I? aient ?>fsi/?? Other tablee SPRCIAl PRlt'l - A DROP OP BPR1 N?. ! pragi i f ir?-_r * ai i :? Bhoeg, ami h?)?)n a?- will di??., h j pli'ti- lui?- '|\, day grg liii ; LaBatfgBTali lart'lllul IlUtfi'M I li?'.-l ami spring, i-alao, *S'2 grn?* uaee Children's Tau. ton, BOc. 7.M-., $l7#l.t5.$l ' " Tun St.M'kiiiK'-- t?? iiiat.'i? Economy Shoe House. _(?ill S) _ _ ? a?a?^aa?a?i ?.?a? "-* Slramt-r DmIiuihIm lit i .,111.??"? H A.MMI K?:, XI ir, steamer D-almatla il with the ?M-nriHii It? ?m? f F.-iul!, at anchor In ?:. macla i>r?>.-. Hit!.- Til platea ar l>r Hrinii ?prall In llunlii. r* M?>.\"ri;?i.Mi;K\ a \ Mai \. 1 luyan t>i> >K. im M mahl lo un aiidi ?hades ?.r pulltli -. \? hla audi<-tn<-. and h '? ' pUtform w.t* hearty. JiU ?P1&& *"* tti9Mm Lut mai IIOsU ^ **