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THE RTPTTAfOKn DTSP ATPlT-WRnVF^n A Y. MARCH 9* 1898._ ,\\\oN BILL PASS ( , , vtll l.l<>\* l*l?ll 111.IT ?-ivsl nt mu m:. mm. COI PATRIOTIC FIYE-MIHUTE SPEEI >lr>;i.?l? f?,r ? ? *--*- M ?- ?'n . ,,,-, 9 Ml. ll?.i.?.r. Mm ,- l?ill> II \\?r Co M,i,,,;i?.? inn ?;??? ?. to Pi aaMe \ i v ? ' . M m, and wioi ?it. . a -.. ni th? !i i a?, > ver\ h i;.-i?r? aentatlvt t?n -'i? l'r> aident'a - h Bltuatloi ? Mil ptadi * 11 to ' ilnatratton. ? i v? h h a a -rtbtllt* - . ai Ptxtt r ! hoa -atry. pi . which Kr a M foi i Um? ti an hat! tt? | 111 y 'a .a. il, J*l With o - m t i th? .. a .--.: ' ! V al not."" Bingham, ol I r- 1 ? ; ? vv ?t h B r. ?ly M t?ey liai?! I-. n 'h. m? ml GUARANTEE "' " PEACE 'h? r who a poaalbiUty ??f b Ifeat? ?l n i iront? nt ,? tie m the I that this appropria rar, wonld ?nove t-pjarant? , ? ?*th( i tbat ?\at s alaruma eronid booi an I Mr. Mann. t>f Illinol . ted, In all a aere tl ? 'annon, in o] del bat In *ih?- i?r. .! stait. this -um placing, liture in thi < ompiete dl a to the !. ?n nnaiiirr actlon, and had oi : ill he In' the appropriation aiv , until ippropriation, if it is he ? ntlnu r i with thla prop a-. i-?i r??w money or t?> Incn a., t" win? h almoat any other n earth would a obll " (TreaaMndoua api I .1 that thla appropriation rr ? i Int Notl "111 I II?' la: ? .? it. be aald. Thla ?handa : ;.. Executive to m all the nor--nothing DB01 a war pproprlatlon,'* t* -. that. In da, It I the unit? . h upon ti? ? R newed . : THE MlXt'KITV. king m? and enthuidaatlc of tl - Affaira ?'? a.i t.. ?party, arou ired that it could not .... . | au t ion a '-?in i had a , a . - . a . i ure in a if the a ..?i?! hi ild hi I action in the ?pa s in i fifty or ' ry, iiiilv aakl : ?itlii|i . in t?? 1'ift ad ?utility. . ! im; >? m ; /. 11 . I not i for t . sont (u II. a .1 til the i lion all t.' . .t*'ltUt and are i Kr? I' the flau? all ?at.' Al.i.s k . Ion to - ' l that if vv t ?>f t . Bpal jr/hl - : ?. : ittract I- | el It. ....,, a ,,f Aliltailli . i (R m), ??t ??hi", id.* Houee ulogy of tl H "1 >' a ""*" .i.? -a a I ?i Ink i,|, ol w.-ak?-? \ i.tii,.- i- |'i?l . lach Urea m, whit h rn? i guarantee? i .-.. . lit m?, and im-nt claim? it :;;;rii.t;.-.i?.v?'??,, ?,,,-;,;.,-,:.;:,, t'; M x I ''?Ml'l.lMKNTS tM**j i o wini ii ' __^rtop?-?n?-lBduty natioaT?dS ,m;,)m'"m> * th.- eatli-e j.'nif.,.-,,-,.,,i(;.,1,.r?ll ,^(,llu,dout iroan the gellei . (D.-m.tfrat). ?f Virginia aald ^;-ret was lhai, ,he S ?S ?_S M '"--^^^nummmiasi, did. M Blngham (Republican), ot Pennayl V;"? '.. ?ans..., ,?.. lr.| ???. ?f JJ5? ; ' " '< ?rai haart. While aupporting '' ,"1 aa ?general prlaclplea, he waa -'?"'iiy oui ?r sympathy with the com mon nterpretatloa of the meaning of th?* oui, and as i ooneeqaoace he waa vigor ously inss.,! twice darlni the preaenta lion ?if Ins leniarks. a? Blngham began by referring t?, the Proceedlnga of the Houee as "?kin o the methoda of yellow-do, Jooraal II- had n?. sympathy, lie ggld with the a.,.,?aunt tendenby of the Houee and none with th? evident dleposl tlon to ?els? the opportunity for a display "f lingotem that waa by no meani edify AM . 'i.KK sentiments HI8BED, "i care aotMag," h- eaplalmed, "for ii??- bravery and coarage ol Mr. Lee ,,r win. h we hear ao much on tins Boor " and he waa proceeding to ?say ?that what In General Lee a,, the preeent hHrttloB of his be*\ judg ment and common aenae, but the ?sentence Imoel drowned la shower of hieeea with which the remark was ?received. Th** ' -i ?taapproval came espe cially from the Democrat!? *Sde. it did i?i>?.?t- t.? dleconcert Hr. Blngham, l""N Ontinued his remarks t,v a m< nt of the war spirit. Vor this npprupriaiti'in," he sal?). |n lalon, "bul l ta.n? on thla Boor to-day the utteram ?- of any ?i.. laratlon H relations ?tf thla country with otherwlae than they hav? i... a past fri. ii.ily." This utterance - 'l with hisses, which were only ?suppressed by a vtgoroua ?pounding t?f the l's iMV.I. i" atrona con^raa^ with the reception to M' ?Blngham, waa than of Mr. Ot'iiiv-ti- (RepubHcan), ol i.iwai. ene ?>r the n. . h -ai m.mi., as of the Houee. ii aald: "With a tkooaaad relations ??t direct national latereet, not tu apeak ol the lerger and higher relations ,,r human ity, the I'nit.-ti SULfeh; during the course ??i the Cuban Ineaaaecttoo, ?have coaslst iitiv acted vvithjn at strict Interpretation of the law ?>f aeutfaatir. In the mitist nt raiiise anti t ttiifiisitiii, tin- ?President of Ihe United Btatea has stood unmoved by cla mor in Congress or out, ateadlly keep a nation witiiin the accepted ????i?* of Internetional duty, in the ur.-at hope peece ait hum the loss ,.j liberty for Cuba, and ?peace arithout the of respect (ot otftrfcelvea (Applaus? ? in that attitude II is ?gratifying to even I ns t?, gnow that he h*s bad the support "I the Ameritan people. It cain ii"t endanger t*n?* cause of ?peace t?t have ni., world understand thai mir ?solemn purpose of avoiding a-* far as posslMe the Infernal horrora ?>f wan- iio.-s nol In clude any Inclination t.? apar? Ither t >i ? ?. i or treasure in the protection of our na? i. pr? - ? a.taitiv? s or in the discharge ol mir duty.'* Mr. Elliott (Democrat), of Smith Caro? aid that If wan- came, Smith Caro would be awlft if? ?aid 1b the proteo . f the flag, h? a 100 yeara ago, to a.i'l in inaikim I Mr. latin? y dt? pnlilii ami. of North t irolina, i called the words ??f i??hih l i-, that in time ??f pf-a<-<- w?- might be partisane, but In tinn of watr w- must triotB. It 1 I Unit tliis was ? m? asure, lint, as an <?l?l Confede ..Mi. r, he sai.l ?he f? ared thai at p.i d1 We WOUldl In ar the l??"?in amn. VIROINIA WILL T?o HER 1 ?I'TY. Mr. Walker (RepubHcan), ot Virginia, v\i?. a u ai general In the Confederate army, said his- people were for ?peace, It could i" matjnteiaed with honor/j knew the horrors oi war, and they shrunk Inatlnctlvely fiora its renewal, but th< v would ?I?? their duty if it earn? Mr. ?Bailey, the ?Democratic leader, np port? ?i the bill In a 5-minute apeech, Mr. 1 "It ought to i- Bttdei - ?.!,. ,.: ht tO I"- llll'l?-!' ntood in every country on tha globe, while thla ?great republic atneerelj cates war, it is prepared for wee omet in? vital)!?-. (Loud ep t i tear thai we have ?.'on?- too ., , -? ape the worat, and i bell? i that we have gone further than would have i- n nee? ? ii i 11 'at the proper time we ha??i ?granted th? prayer of the Cuban . as. and had simp!-, recognised their to fight for th? ladependenoa ol their i.v. n i ounti y. (Loud applauae.) tine for thai dlacuaatoa has I, we must deal with thla gat > . ,. ,,,,. u We WOUld have it t?. tx ; am?! appreciating it In thla broader we stau.! ready t.? say to tin?-? who adaalnlster the govisrnmeat, 'hat what? ter may be Beeded for the aatlonal honor and the national d-efence, we are to give, aiid give uagrudgiaaly." (Loud applause.) -.,! || l UB say I?? aL u then: 'We are ready to sp?.n<! millions for defence, bul BOtonebenl for tribute." (Applause.) Ami let us ?add another and nobler motto: - luit m nal i in??..". . can be maintained with honor, but -, ,. -,.! honor If war la n?-< esaary to defend our Bag, or protect the represen tatives of American clttaena anyemere throughout the worid." (Applauae.) THERE WILL BE HO WAR. Mr Henderaon (Republican). Ot Iowa, -a?,i: "The leeeon of this afternoon is a. beautiful one for our country. But, Mr. Sp.aik.r. then- will he BO war. Thai Ii my ludgnaent. i do nol ?believe that war is hanging over the Am?ricain peopl? in tliis republic our greal aim should be for peace. No country "" earth would neek to avoid erar as thla country doea No country on earth need fea* wair less ham America. (Applaus? I "We all Bympathlae with the llbeity? loving, a.n?! fighting Cu?bans, but th?*y ?are Of another k??v> iiniit-nt. and so tion is before ua 1 fol? cl ti a? long aa thai ?rue low the advice of Woahlngton. recom -., ?i v..- mind trictly our own mendlllg thai! WS minu .?neu? ???o www busin? a -. ?Applaus?-.? ?Bul it they taoueh th? repr? ?entatlves ot this ? ounti a., lay unholy hands upon mir t.-rri tory ??r our r? pr? sentatives, then i b . . ............ .....i ?..t.. come the vlgorou fighting Quaker, and win Jota manhood of my youm? the vii'.'pm? riianii?"?" " ? ?".* .?- ?-s friend who anSke laat. (Applause.) -Thi Admlalatra?lon, ?Presiden! ami This Adm et, la as patriotic aa any mam ?aa door, and i dalm ao more for it (Applause.) Hut thla Administration wil look before n leape. This day's arort* ?an? to-morrow'a aahowa that whan the hn\ is taken this country >*?111 bt* ,,a<k ot ' ail III." I e,,u. 7.1 w. ........ --- red that ?v-r. member idiould k?> <?i lei 11! it Bvery ni''rn???*r prosont voted for Hi? i.ii). wh.n im? Sp?-uk?*r announced th? . M nays" an enthualaatl? demonstration aecurred. Tin* Hou?? then, at IM P. M., adjourned. METHODIST lUl.I. PASSED. To-?lav'K 81-ssion Of ISe Senat.? waa largely devoted to the ronxlderation o On- Ulstrltt of ?'olumbla appioprlatlo l.lll. After an extended discussion, th. > It. containing a provision for th?. re Mi. tlon to on*-half ..f t!,.. pr.s.-nt atea n. telephone- chara?"H In the I?!* Tlct, wan i?**.,] A bill appropriating SZWl.ono for th.? re lief .?r th?? hook agency of th?. Methodist '"T>l?-(-'? Chttreh, South, wa?? also pasn ?*. >s it has already ?peaaed the House he Masara n..w goes to th?? President lor hia signature. At 4M p. m., during lh?. dlfunisslnn of the ponding bul. a meeeeg? rived ?"?n the Houae, conveying t., the ?Senate i ?" bin appropriating for na tional tlef.-nee. Just p.,,-.,,] ?,v ,,?. ?. ?,,,,.. i n? bin waa laid ?before the Beaale, an?i on motion of Mr. Allison, of Iowa, r? ****** to the Commlttea ok Apprentie The Senat.-, at 5:1a p. M.. n?lj?.urn. .1. < I "TOM-?!??! si; < ?>>S??|.||li\TIOV. Prolemina DMsBjMlaBM from Norfolk and r?irt?nioiiili 11. :.--,-. WASH IN? ?TON. ],. C#i M,,,.,.h 8_(Sp^. ilal.)-Ther." is v?ry <l.-ei,le,l ?nd deter mlned oppoeltloo to tha coasolldatloB pro Posed by S.tniairy QagB Of the .ustom hoUM Ofleee in Virginia, ?esltl.s. ?;.?. ral Btlth Boiling and Mr. John M.-ciil. of 1 etersburg. who era here t?, proteet ?Kiitist th- m.-rninic of the Peteraburg custom-house luto thai of ?Richmond, tu-r? ai.- delegations h? r?* to-day ?from Nor.?>ik. Portamouth, and Newport Newa, nghtlng the measure to do away with the .N??rf.,lk ?'tu,,- anil Newport Newi the customs port of entry for both ?in? s Contrressman Tooog has been k?-pi Iniay to-day piloting these gentlemen and la troduclng th?*m to tha Treasury ?.fflrials ''"In re an'- about tw. .TV?. -Uve in all from the cities by the Baa. Mr. young look th. m to the Treasury, Where they bad a bearing ?if over aa hour amti a half win. ?Been t..? ? Howell. in introducing them, Mr. Young made it ,..ri?. tly plain tl- tl he ami m posed t.? th- consolidation <>t Norfolk with Newport News, or th.> latter with the tanner, He ?alabea the aflcee ta n mein exactly aa they are at pn Mr. ?Barton Myera sj.ok?- Brat in behalf Of N.irfulk. The ?l.-l? unions l'r??m city ami Potrtamouth were not aatagi tie to Newport News be Bald, bul therj were strongly opposed to consolidation. They Wish the tintera to remain as th?-y are, anu? Mr. Myera gave cogent r? therefor. Mr. W. C, Stewart, In behalf of New? port aewa, expressed the wish?- <?f tin* p?-opi? ??f thla city aa regards Norfolk. They were opposed to the proposed con S'llillutioll Mayor Mayo, of Norfolk, followed in the same strata. The cttlea are not making any tiitht Bgalnsl each other, but it the ? ?us? ii i?i ait ion is enfon --?i. oi cours? > i??i i?i\ arlahea the cuatom-hoBae t" re main within its ..wn bmin?!?-?. It If? a Friendly contention, and the eiti-s are ?acting in concert against the recommen dation of tha ?Secretary ef the Treasury. To-morrow, the delegations will sppear befoce the Ways and Means Committee of the House and make similar argu? mints. The N??if"ik delegation la as folios Mayor W. i:. Mayo, J, ' ?Carroll, u. B. Herman, it. H. Jones, !.. W. Davis r Camp, John B. Jenkins, and A. H. Lind say From Portsmouth air?* the following: Mayor .!. T. Batid, John W. Hopper, .lohn .!. Kin?. an?l A. E. Warner. Er??ni Sewpori Newa i ?. S Jonra, J. Li Pat ton, A. !.. Powell, E. M. I'.ratxtt.n. an?l F. W, Malford, Thompson l\ oil) HOMMBTBAIN II?. Im Qtvea nu ??violon nml Ihi* Piny l.really Enjoyed. i.ik?-* Tennyson'a Immoartal ?brook, I ?popularity of Deparan Thompaon'a Idyllic ?play, "'I'll?* o'a?i Houfceatead," ?law ob tor ever and ever. Beason after aseaaon alace ih?. ?play fin I raw the fooi^lBhta ol has the ?pastoral atory pf the di ir old people "f Swan/.? f 1??m aeen ait the Academy by that ?rated the eapaiiiv .?r the houee, and enrored the efforts of the ?aCtora until their patience wat s tested. \e,in the i?!?.- waa brought to the A( ademy laal renlng, aided tbl lira? I the preeenca of thai venerable actor and author, ?Dramen Thompson, who becam? rui the Brel time ?acquainted w th hi hi -i of admirera it? thla city. When the , irtaln rose there wai barelj room enough In the playhouse to iccommodaie the immense audience, it aa1 ?sith i-, ithleai auspenee until the entrance ol Mr. Thompson as Joshua Whltcomb, and then, with a tumuli of applause and ii welcomed him t?? Richmond, and ?son liiui. ?i through the play to make him f? el at* b] iaa.-.-sVMi a pp'.ains.-. Tin- purity of tia*- pi ?y has be? life*. N" one can tir-? of the simple, artful lllailili.-r the aiiltli'i- has pl.n-.-tl upon th? the Biblical rtory of the prmllgal -"ii. Joshua Whltcomb, as Mr. Thomp .--tii made him last evening, will loi cherished In th? hearts and meraorie* ol those vvh" saw n aa the acme of lovable stai;- character. He creat?-d lh? role, and matt- ii u monument to him elf that time win imt erase ti- wats con tinually applauded laal evening, ?and at various moments ?hampered In th? delivery <>f has lin?-s i?y u_ laugh! f.UlS.ll Mr. Thompson ha? a v.i. ible rapport, g hlch Includ? B William M. ? i ?Prime, who i- well remembered In tins city in th.- character on t??i m? r ?presenta tions of the play. The '-t>i?l Homestead" iituihie quartette rang ?several popular songs Hut were beartfly encored a matinee this afternoon and the per formance to-ni?>ht cloaee the engageinent. Dnatnes in-? u?- rragieaelie l*pa. |?l?'\.v . At the r?guler biweekly meeting ai th? Richmond A? adems ol Medicine am?! ?Sur aery, held hist ev? nlng In its rooms, h i...- ? 'amp Hall, the -p. del oroar f??1 ?llBcusslon was "Progressive Apoplexy,' i?r. Landon B. Edwards, leader. Dr. E C LeVy, tlr-i vice-president, presided Entering lut?? the debate wen Dra, w W, Parker, Hodgea, Oordon W, T. Op p? i.liim? r. and lb n-"n i u Henaon exhibited am Invention his owa for splinting a fraefured collai lu ?n.*. which was pronounced Ingenious, Dra Richard Pei-guson and J. F, Lyni were elected fellows of the academy, ? " _! SIMPLICITJ ITSELF \ smi'l.I*. HARMUOSI It I. >i i:i>\ . \ el li ? in*?*?? i in* paeea a Pyape pale Bad ladlgaaMaa. Dr. Jennieon, who has mad? a 111 suniy t?i Btomach troubles, saya: AI forms of indlgeetlOB really amouBl to th same tblag?that is. failure td complete! digest Hi.* f.i ?an. n, ao ?matter whethe the trouble is ;i?-i?i dj apepala oi ton Btomach, belching of wind, nervous dyi pep la, ??r liiss ?'f Beeh end appetite; p. r.s?.n will not bava any of them it th stomach cbb i>- Induced by any ?satura hairmh-ss way to thoroughly dlgeet wbi la wtea, and thla ..an1 be dona t?v a sin pi? remedy which I liaiv?- tested I bundreda of ?aggravated casea with ran pitti su.t-t-s.s The I'liit-'iv is a tion of fruit atn?i regetable essea?ree, pui aseptic pepaln, sad ?voi?i?-n real, put up i the form of pi? ai.-ant tasting tableta an s.ii.i b) druggista undei the name i Stuart's ?Dyspepsia rabieta. One of two? these tablets should be taken after m?ral and allowed to dleeolve la the ?swath aa mingling arltb the food in the Btomac! tiiK'-sts it completely before it has tm to ferment, decay, and ?our. <?u actual fxiif rinieni one grnln ? Stuart's Dyapepele Tablets will ? i i *i - - three thouaanda grata ??f araat, ?-??s??, ai similar wboleeoBie food n |f safe t?? ray if tliis wholesom remedy was i??*tt.*i knows i>v i.pie gen rally it would be a national blessing w? ?are a nation of dyapeptlra, and nil tenths "i ail dlaeeeea ??we th.-ir orlgla Imperfect dlgeetloa sad nutrition. Stuart's Dyspepsia Table!-, a a Morel p.?tent BMdtdae, Irai a '? -? ? nt pad HKt' win do aaora real ?laod for areafe Btasaach thaB B* worra ,;f patei mediclaea, and a pereon baa On UOB Of knowliiK Ju-<t what ho is puttll Into his stomach, which he does not knot when wideiy-advertii-ed patent Bgealelhi are used. All driiKui?'-* s,,ii Btuart'a Dgapepa TsMete; fuii-sir?'? ?jeclregee, r?o eeate. A llttli* book ??n cauae and cure stomach troubh-s mall?-?! ?free by ailitVes lug the Stuart Company, Maishail. Mh SALT RHEUM Most tortnrin-r and dlgflgviiinj-; of Itchlnir, burning, maly skin luid scalp humor* I? in. etantly relieved by a warm bath with ii ti t iiiA Hoai", af?nelo application of COIM i 11?. (ointment), th?? preat skin cure, ami a full d??ve ?>f Concuna rntx^rtatz, great?*?, of wowi purifier* and humor cures, when all else fails. (yticura Iinoltl ttiTm?th?mlt?i*v???Tld. PoTTwa Dm-nmnraiw. Coir.. Pro??.., Bort?n. ' H ? to Cur? i?:t Kh?'itn,"fr-?. FALLING HAIR f%^^1^^*^1^*^ t'U*?Ki bj* OntfU &OAT. STOCKS IMPROVED; liltKATF.Il OI\l Illl.M i:, 01 IIKT s TICK SPANISH Oil LOOK. MARKET AGGRLSSIYELY STRONG. Money on (till I i rni? -i.-t 11 ?K i.\ clinn?*.?- W fill.-W lient llluher?< i.rn I. m! O.-iIh Inipn.v <<l ?I'rov Inlon* Irrenoli? r?? o(H?n S(<-it<l>. NEW FORK, March S.-Th?- tOBB <*>f t., tey?a st???-k laerket was much lm?prov?sd mpai ?i with tli it i?f yeeterdaj. the ?grouad for n?. greater ? rottdence m values being the apparent desire ?>f the S; ni-ii t '"V i nmeat to Sepn c ite any Id? i that rti? v Braire a? raptare with the Unit? ' I ai i!i. ir own initiative. or rhait they ought to Irritate the Ualted Btatea '?? ?v? rniii'm int., aaaumtag the offenalv? Th? iT< cl ??f thla vvas ele irlj d? Rned la a sharp ra overy of tin* prl? - Of Spanish Is. hutli. j,, London ?.ml in Parie, Am.-ii were much i th?- foreign exchanges, ?hut then was nothing in ?the early quotattoaa from there t?. mva- a foretaste of the .i-ala.- s .,t th* '?p? nlng ?here. Bracket was quite aggressively : tiuriiiK Hi?' whole of the earlier l'Ut Of the ?lay, but it 1- a ?j,ii.-s ti'?n whether this w-aia- due t?. any large at "i buying tor a? a ? ouat That the Intereel araa largely laereaaed yesterday was raally u> be seen, atmi shrewd ?profeaalonal manipulators wen eblc i?? dlacern this morning that the m ?rki-t. wai- in an oversold coalition. The ?better ?lUti.Hik in tha relatlooa be tu? ? 11 Spain ami I lie United s moi ti? shorts nervouB, and there vvas s??m tiling of a Bcramblc to recover at the opening. Manipulation for the rtaa waa deaigned t?> overcome bear marglaa, aad th?- k?-i-a demand at the ?advance proved tla?- maitP-mivre t?> liatve li?-?-n BUCC? ssful. it did nol recjotre ai very large ?advance i" Invite further liquidation, and the laal hour saw pi let s fall almost to last night's ?point Coveting by ?belated shorts caused ht stiffening against the Bnal deal Outside of profeaalonal manlpulatlofl th? re was little doing In the market S.iiii." buying was reported l??r London A number of dividend snnounceraenta ?and the statement that no Iwnd Issue would p.- necessury for the proposed appropria tion of IfiO.OOO.OOO tor national defence were all factors t.tward the more coo Bdent rlert ol th* situation. ? i: rations, n? v?nil. I? M, were pur iu, ,i with caution, ?and disposition wsa to adopt 1 waiting ?policy. The i?*ept in a few of the ?Special? ijnltned to fractions. The l'ri?-? s of Northwestern railway th? r coaeplcuously sinnig. . it? of tin* eoBtlnuance of the transcontinental rate wan-. Th? Plttaburg, Cincinnati, Cleveland an?l Bt. ?Louis -??., - were weak, the i ommon loalni two poini ' and the ?Referred tw?? ?and three I . Honda ahow-ed Btrengtb In sympathy I with stocks, but resisted the late w.-ak- , ,,..< m th? * ' ?Pi in ".*** or <..,,,. ?consola which loet all of i , irller advaace, amounting to nearly two points. Total sales, U I " ' ' States new l'a regietered, were :' -! lower, 111(i, ?o., ?oupon. 14 low? r, bid, to-d -i j,,. eta! ralea of ?itocka were ' ?-'.lO? ?hares locludlng Atchlson preferred 7 t?. Chicago, BorHngton and Quincy, Louisville and! Naafcvllle, * Manhattan L, M.T75; bh troi olitan Trac H,jn s -..: R< idlna 1st pr? ( rr.-.l. ?, It?; fork Central 11.*?: Northern Pacific 9,7?; do., preterred, UM?; R-och Island 8.3?; St. Fod. til?; Union Pacific, 7,006; American Toba Qaa, W* ',- Sugar, 47.1'J". MONET AMi ?SXCHANOB. Money on call ftrm, at UKt ? l-Kt loan at I p?*r cent; prime mercantile | pi. ''I 4 1--. ?Sterling eachange weak, with actual buslaeea In tankers' blHi at UM for a man.i, aad UM 1-4 for sixty days; ?posted ratee, UM, -" *-v; ' " U.U. I; coanaer clal bills. MSl-WhH? Silver ?-ertltirat.-s, r.t'.iV?. liar silver, :,i l-s Meateaa dell ira, 44W ?'?'vcrrin.. Bt bonda vv.ak. ?State boiuls dull Ka' l.' linn. ;. aVt ?ORKMUCK ycOTATION?-.. Cloning Stocss. atetil??.*. r.>t>?S?i?QJ saai* f?? . Ll% Ai3(i fou, preferred. '-'? Baltimore sal Oai?. ?<l4 Canada Pa-IQ?-. . *?H Canada soutbera. 4S feutrai Paclflc-. } ChejaoeBKe am* Util?.?., 1*51 li en... an." Alon... ?. ' ' oaicaeu. Sarnassaaaad Uaiaey. Z*i* Clil.-K?? end Kastern Illinois. "'44 C. L..C. un 1 st. i.tjul**. rtH CU. ? . ?ad .St. ?beats preferred.7 D?''avtrar? aud BedMB.10.?14 Ueia.vrare.Lai-Kai'Taiiiiaaud We*?eru. l-??H.? l?on?.*r aad Mio (.ranae. '?' Uenveraud rtio(iranle, pre/orrad. 44l|? giirin?w?.. ?"?Hi k.rir ?Ufiir,. 1 ntpraierrt?.^.? ? 'l'*4 KcrtWarne. .1?? (?reat .Nurtnern, pr?t erred.' '? uooaihg Vauer .-. . " Illinois Cao trat. . ..?.It'll Laaegne am trentern.1:<M? Less aii? ana WeeAatm, preferred... 88 LekeSben.ISB l.OHln.llli" Uli NaistiVllle..... "'b'H *?aL biiinn 1...lOlJi ltearoiioliMli I'ractMM.HI vncbieac tJ-vntrai.....10314 MlBBOBOtasaaBl laws . '-'?^t elaaseoteeaest. Lom* 1st preferred? 88 M' -ourl I'viti?*. SAM vi-i !leaiid??ti'?>. '-'^i MitjsouM a. ana r. iUis M * ?.-i, K.a.i?! I. preferred. B4 :>ew Aliiany au?l t'bit.-a<o. '? Now Albniiv and ?,'hlcago ureferrel. '-' "> ven Jeraar centrai. Bl New i ora ceatrai.?'-'Vt? Mea ? or?, i nicwrnaui s\. L. i i% N. \.. fbieaifoaiin ft. L t". preferred.... B9 N, i., din-airo *.i?asi. u ",d ureierred.:ii?.|i N? r I Western . . ISU >inti AuiencanCompany. 92 N. rtitrii r-acitlc....'.'-"4 NurtLurn fac'?n& t?r?*i??rt?d. iHi4? (?iitnngan<l vvestern. I4>v4 ti eji?n K. au?i r??v.?. ?? 1 regoa saonUue. 'isvh I lttsoarc;.Ml? Bsadlu?.._?. 1???^ i hot-L;?land. M'i I Si. l.oni.i aud san h'i'.Mie*aca.- tt'? M. I.uuisand san 1-rancis.*? lntoret. ?O14 i. huais antt ??an Franeuv?"??'.'d prof:. '^.'il.^ It.Paul. ?' ** BMfaai u.-? ?rr*~.M.14t>%g M.i'auland t?iDSDa . St. I'duiund Uruabii. oraferrad.1 ,0 M. 1 nul. m. ?ad M.FU s,.utlierii!'a.*in- .?,.. HI sout'ierc.>. , ;? Souti.ern. ureferrel. '?', J 1 s ?.? r* t -in .*. 1 Ov^ DdK'D Pacific. ".7 (I'.U.audU.-. s Wanaab. t*w i/.ai? aal PaelOo..?.?W. ??^ MaBBBh s*.?Lonlaaad Partflc praferrao.. l ,\ Wbeuiiiic atil Li?? Km?.. i.\ Vil.i-ta i.L- and ana nraferr?!. ..i, xras.i-1 narasiai A'1?-i f Kxpr^s..lot Am. ri?-an Kxpraaa.|fg Lnlt?*?oMiatM Kxpr^ss. 4t Wriia r>argo aipreaa.||g m? *.< 1 ?s?a v A o. er Iran Cotton ?>U . 17 Aiurticsu Celtaa UM pralerre?!. ., ._!,, NIW YOBK BTOCR ?ylOTATlOXI Cloatna ?Stock a merU-an Spirits. .~ 7M menean spirits prefsrrea.- '?J* ruenran Toba?-ro Co. JIM BMlBBBTob?aoooCo. preferred.1 If ?teat' Ue. . BUa ?m. ? (?las.1 **>? orn. rab'e ? o m nan y.Ijf ol. Tuet AI.-?at. 1" ol.Kuei At. preferred...?,. 7? eacrai Clac trio. 8 '44 .liii'.it-teel.- 4? a?'lw<le htta.- 41 ?ad Trost.-.......? .10% ?no ureierre'i.10.1 atlonal flus** 1 (?11. '-jH 'reronlmorovement 'To. -.' 14 aciflevinu.... . . Bate ?i 11 man Palace.174 ilrerCertidcatas . ft4 taudard Uooe nod Twin*. -tH tancar "indar nann^rr.?...l'-'4Ve iuieri,"*n sugar Keflnery, orel.Ill '. c. ati'i Iron. ?? I. x. feather. ?i* J. S. ?eaiber preferred. BB . s. Ko Ober.......~. t?U4 . S. Kurber preferred. 00 veaten 0men. 8*?4 iortbwestern. . .ll'^t ?ortbwaatern, oref??rred.17?V% It. i .??in? ,-viil So ?.in?|.?ri . 4 It. I.?.hi* >?n I Soutb?**stera 1st preferred. 1? ?MoOrande ao?1 Western. ?B tloGraod? and Wes?ero. preferred. we .hlcaso ??reat Western. '0 lawailan Ce nma-eial Company. ' ??I leading 1st preferred. 4-~>4 ???? 41? LIST. united States 4'a, new. registered..18111 LnitedState? 4's. new. ?-aaipona.IBS l n-.if? MiKa . t legu.erei.I0ti\g Lnitnl *?ia?""i? s ?. .tail. n..Ill . nitfi Mites '.''s t-oupoo. >?S^ Baked Mates .' registered. _III ['tilted S ates Os coupons .Ill Dl?tri.-f.t ?.?'? .1IT Uabama (Clase A!. 108 Alabama (Claas Hr.1 ?17 ?Jai ama (Haas c)..10<> Mabena Currency.?OB Areb'.?on4'?. KltVi AtcblsoD adl. 4s.? '. ">8 [ ana?la Soiitnern g a.HIT a . .t* V P.. t r -,s. K.? ?'besapeaki* ?t: Oblo >'?.II."? f. Il.'t !>.44k. 104*4, Denver.'? !t 1?. 1st?.110 I "en ver ? K. ?i. 4?. "I >>iist 1 titini"?!???' ??ts.H?i trie vensral 4 . . 711*4 r 9. A D. lato, t. r. 70 l?'nerai as....10114 ti. I.. A s. \. Ob. l?4 I?. If.vs. \ to* .104 tl. AT. Central .Vs.119 B. a r. astral if a.104 iowa c. lata.u'O Kr.ima* Pacta? oonsols. t r.10(H4 Kati.j'ne lat? (uea UiV.l, t r.1?I1?>4 Louisiana new?*??iisols, 4's...100 U .v V I III. 9t. H"> Missouri ?I'm.100 VI. K. I.-Ml. fdlft M.K. T. (?...-.?. SH New York (entrai 1st?...,.H8|?J New .lerser Cnatral ." '?.118 Norm carmina O'e..ISA Nonht a.-??ttna4M. 108 h IB IB BIB I'aotncist.117 Ni,rtut-rnt'i?t*IDc as. M?(ty Northern Pan-ill?* -t'i. ?41*4 .\. I. ? . :.?.. I..4'a . 104 Norfolk ??itl >V entern O's. I '!.*> Nonhw-siermonsoK.14'J .Northwestern?len. on.11 ; V4j ItTseoe Navigation 1st. II.'I Oregon Navigation 4'S. 04't U. A l.lneii'n. (. i.tS? ?>. *?. i.las .Vs. t. r.I ??O*?, <?. Iiiiprii.eni.vit Ists.t. r.Iff (?. improvement .Vn, t. r.. .'?."iva Pat'ic.-oi'sof n? .lo:i l:.*!i!M'?<. S'2L? ?<.<?. W.l*t?. s'i st. L. A L M. eoaaol :>'a. 80?4 Ht. I- A S. P. euuera: O's.110 St, Paul ('onion, .140 St. I'. ? .& P. lits......- ...12114 si.l'auic. A P. ?'s,. .It? soutbern ?<?ntva' .'?. . 0(?V4 Stan?lar?l ?.op* arid Twine ?i's. BB Teunesnee new settlement T?. 8H lexasl'aolrli." I.. ?. Lets. Mi? lexa? Pacific r -eglatured 'it. SUM I . r. I? A ??uir 1st?. .?4?? WabashlHt.".'"?.lO?i* W uii-isli Ms. 77'4 West Sbore 4'*.It?!? Virginia Centuries. 09 Virginia Bsfefrsd. 4 Moeita and (??ioh'?. 7?V4 .NorPilk arel Western <oii?ol 4's.. SO Norfolk and Western pr?t stock..... 4.'-"?i iiiciiM??Ni? stock Mat v an ?am?se? Mar?*ti s. is?c gggBBBBtBBTBBJOainaa KIJ. Asked. UnltedStatei 4'b, 1007. 110 ST.???. ? ? a-1 IBB .N'vriliCaro'.l'.ia ?'?. 104 Nertti Carollnn 9tP. IBB Vlrgiola 3's laeai.- Tilt M Virginia ? eutury. OH?? ?i'.i^ en v aa . i t ra ilicbinund .*ltf s'i.. i '.".? *lti irnond ci?r Us. 118 lticbiuon.i .ittr'.s.. 110 ? KtcBmood ?*itv 4's it. IBSO-lB-ra .-.- H>;i^4 it an K?M? ?soasa A?naataaadcaaraate ist Pa . i is ... Atlnuta aal CBari ?tta g't'd In. ga. <?'-' Cbtir..C??l. ?t Aug. '-'.I 7-e. us l'-'O ??e.irL'ta. xjdtberu A IfioriJa V* ion loi yeiersMirt? at lern \ ?' . lid retantrata (Olees Bt ?'s. i it? Hi? Inn ?nd and Mefilenbtirg Hi ?-,- . 78 ?vititlterii "<v i .v v i'l? 01 Western Kerch Ceraltae 1st <)'?. i'4 (..? rgia A Alabearapref.?"a? 10414 1??.'? Ueorataeaa Alabeara eoaeoai. w;^ Kk-Smond rrsetwa&'s ...._ .... I?i Mtrtolk and W **t*rn lit innrt. aau. 4 pereaal. ... TB ... ST?)? n* Par. Ailat.tat ?.1 1 aarlotte.100 U0V4 105 Caesapeakeand Oaio.100 1!? id Nonb Carolina.....i<?o 1*1 .Norfolk an l Wostoru pret.10?? 4 *> Peterso-irir.100 1 .*?? K.. P. 4 K. P. It I', conn Vn. 70 ! (? Hi.'binond. Kre.l. ?mil Pott ma i-i'tiitliOU. 100 If? Iti'-iiriionii. l- 'rsdertcfcabarg lina ?'.. ?miiiediv. ehlicar'n. 100 lid 118 Itl'-'.uuonil ?un? l'e'*r*? urz... i(?i? I'.'O southern Kailwav. prsi. loo :;??v_ '2~t% Niiitbern Itatlway, ?-oiiinioii.. 100 8 Oeorgtaead .-vlabnma, pref. 80M SI Qeergla aad Aleaama. ooe_ to?4 1114 Bam bib Citizens ?xchauige. '?s f| 9ott ?.itvllauk. Via '!s Mutruuolitan. 88 '-'? ' National Hank of \ a..10?? 101M 10.1 Petersburg Savings and lu raraaes Oompaay. -? :'-* Security.100 lO0t<j l?BTt| state Hank of .'trginia.100 1 AM .... I lliiaii Haiti ?;i lti<"li>iii>Ti?l.... ?0 114 Virginia I runt Company.... 100? .... Ill Savings Hank of Itlcbmond.. '.'0 :i? 40 In -1 1? IHOI Ot 1 ? ?us. Virginiat-'irn au 1 llarl-i-j ... 88 :14'4" n? Virginia s -it >. 8B "'4 M|S?'BI.I.ANS01S. Aiuencau TSBBBM Compa ny (preferred).100 11 *3 Am?ri -m lau 1 aoOompaay leeiameal. .. "?0 ?0 ot Va.-Carolluat bemlcat prat. 100 .... 110 Va.-CaroliuaCbemicalt.-om.10U ,.. ;,, *i?uo(atloQs are lor bonds maturing lu not let? (ban t*n years. i.KAIN AM? COTTON BXCHANOB Ki? hiii'iiiil. \'.t.. Manli h. !?.?> Quotatlona: Wh?rat?Loagberry, H?9tt<tt; miv'i. Mc.?h$l.t?; shortberry, 9c.tyUM; .N.? I red. UM Corn White t/lrglnla, lag lot*-. .;'; -' :.7?.. No. 2 whit,, Xhmtlc. ; No. a; white, :;>;'< 1.;?;'-.-e. ; No. 2 mix? d .; ;?-.' .; No, 2 mi>:?-?l .:'.'-'-. ??.us No, 2 mixetl, :s2'<i:;2'.i- . No. :; mixed, 3l?tl\%c.; winter seed, 86040c. Rye- No. 2, 57?W RICHMOND TOBACCO MARKET. Itiihnioiiil. V.i . g\ 189?. Privait? rales to-day were aa follows: a 1 -. .'i hogsheads; Biters, 4 hogs heads; asmokera, M hogabeada; leaf (?lark?. a'? hogsheads; luags, l hogshead Total, 71 altls. United States internal reveaue oellec tioaa for ih? city ?>f Richmond, \'a . t?? ?l.-iy W-I-. Tobacco, >l U0.9; eijiars and Cigarettes, 0,845.05. T?.t ?I, |5,8S?Q, Crensbaw's was the ooly warehouse that ha?! a rale Ol tiarkn io-?fciy. Num ber of p.minis sohl. 1. lift, t'ol.1 ?' it. Barkadale is In the dly, nd is v.-iv much welcomed by his many t?iti.-ii ? " fn?mis of th. Trade. Mr. K. H Sarv-ey sssnager of Shoiko? Wir. huas- l> at his pust ngaiin. ailter bt - lug laid up with illness for quite awhile. The warehouae Loinl form was b?nin to-day with th.* Virginia Trust Com pany NKW YORK PRODUCT MAPKET. NRW *???>t:K. March %,?Fiour-Neg !.. ted Rye P!?.iir-I>ull at y.?fr|3.2*?. Buckwheat Flour- Firm at |1.30?i$l.?0 and noaili -?i Ha? ki- be it Qui? t. Cornnru-a! Hull. { Hye-??inet, No. ?, 58? ?'S :'i9c. ; State rye Un I? ?y?Dull; ?e?*dlni?. He. ?Barley Malt-Dull. Wheat?Spot tirm; No. 2 red. |!u7 7-8 Options ?.|i.*ni.l tirm on higher cable* an? Burepran war news. and. aft*r .1 middaj tleeiin". iimler realising, Bnally rallied and chis.?! 1-Su-s,, net higher. months were stronger on predictions o a ?-olil wave West Man tl tins, tl 110? 3-8 Mey closed H.W7-8. Corn -Spot firm: No. 2. 37*4i*. opiion opened s(.*.i?iy, wjth wheat, ?in?! sjdvenoed rul.-tl iirrn all day oa dwreaslng recelpu export?, and better lublen, and closed K.( et hlgh-T; May, 34%?36c., closed ? uly closed 3Bc. ?,,. 7. Oats?Spot quiet; No. 2. SUfcC. OrAU ull but steady, with com. eMBBBg | et nlgher; Muy closed 10%c. Beef-Steady; beef ham?. J"_.j0<a$23. Cut Meats-Quiet; ptckled bellies, 15.1 1; pickle?! shoulders, Hf?'VifH-TT?; pick um* f7.75?ft$8. ?Lard -Steady: western stenmed. 15.3. lay. $5.45. nominally; refln?d ?t??ady. l'ork?Easy. I{utter??t?iudy; western creamery, 1 fie. .do. factory, 11 *t 1 -">. -. ; Klglns. Pic.; Jr atlon ir-?mrv. M'a 17c : State ?lalry, 1 !?c : .it. creamery. 15?feT9V?iC. Cheese-Dull; large white, Septemb i , Kggs?Steady: State and Pennsylvan Hilli-Jc.; wester? fresh, lie; southet i>V/llc, ? I'.itaitoes?St.-ailv : New York. 12.37V 2.50; sweets. tLRBBI C-ottooaaad-Otl ?-Quiet; prime cru? O^c. ; do. yellow. Be. ivtroleiim?pull nn?l nominal: refln? iew York. $??.85; Philadelphia and Bal a?ore. $5.80; do., in bulk, $3.30. Roela- St"!u!y. Turpentine?Firm. Rlcc-^irm Molasses?Stead?. ?aibing.?St.anlv nnd ?lull at $2i?$3. CotTe**-?Option? open.?I barely steac it a decline of 7, to it) points, rated stea? ?n smaiil wair?ihottee oellvertee, aad we pot market, anil closet! ?barely st?-a? vith nrficea ?'ulo points n? t lower; sal? 9.?0 bags. Including March. $'?.10; Api !."..40: spot Rio easv; No. 7 Invoice a lobbing, 16; mild steady; Cordova, $8.2 m. Sugar?Raw ateady; fair rctinintr. IM centrifagsl, ?i-deijree t?-st. :t ?Vie. NKW YORK DRY-HOOPS MARKFT NRW YORK. March I.?With the a *ept!on of jobb-rs, operators in the dr i??otls market are transacting only ?k Itusiness. Tile price-ton?* on COttOO g??o la, however, weil BMintained In every lir except print-cloths, wliich remain qui lull. Woollen goods are quiet. Ki goods show m? change In any depertaaei but mill men assert tlmt In tin- l?*-s "tensive gradea they are k?-pt buey, wi I tlemaititl whit h is w.-ll distribute though on a, moderate (?rice basts Frl iltiths air.? still niimliiaitlv quoted ;?f 18 rents, but birsiness could be .Ion. at 81 tents if the demand ?were worth it. Mam faiiturers have ?llsposcil of no extras f over tw?> weeks, so fair as tin? repor show, anil are ?-??mpair.i tiv. I? . - tu de with, (?ilt! goiiils an? in unite st.-.nly ?1 iii.i ri?! in all ?railes Prints show 1 t-hany;?, of moment._ BALTIMORE PRODUCE) MARKRT. BALTUfORR Manch ?.--Floiir-Di and unchan?ged, Wheat I ?nil; spot anu? t!i?> mont ' ,? Fill; April. $1 O0ty?fi|l.<r0,4; Mai j! ni1/u$l u.t-%; ateamer No. | red, 9fiv4 n'?'..?-.; ?southern wheat, by sample, %c. Il.ui '..; do., ?m grade, '?'?V '?/H.0 ?. Corn?Firm: spot and tae munth. 18% :.:-.-. April. a-n/./.U?- : May. :< ?*. bi< sP.ini'-r mixed, :;.-;?4-.i:t:!Uj*.; southern wtii corn. .'?Vi-R1 . ' - ; do. yellow, 33^*tf34%c. (tails . Sp.-mlv ; N'.> | \\hlte West.'ril. '?4\? ??*" : No. Z mixet! do.. 'i'nW^. Rye Steadier; No. 2 near by, 9%c; N i western, U\\c. Steady; choice timothy, 111.68081 Grain ?freights ?rm but Inacth st.-ini t?> l-lv-'.-rpitol, per Iwshel, ::'-.-?I . Mi Cork, for order, per quarter, Sa ('?il/'i i lUd., March; la. 4'..,?i.. April. Sugar ?Strong and unchanged. Mutter Firm and uncbanged. lOggs- guiet ainti unchanged. Cheese ?Steady ain.i unchanged. Lettin -$! r/tili.:.? per basket. Whlakey - Uncbanged. CHICAGO PRODUCT MARKVP. CHICAGO, March l?Wheat daaakes. lato a bull mairkt-t late la the aeenloi and cloeed :'v bigher f??r .luiv ; Mai cloeed unchanged. DetHlnea result In frurn dulneaa and statistical news wei recovered bv buying by ?Letteri ;in?l l: hoiieea winch have ?Seen hravy sellers r c.-ntly. Corn was iirm ?m ib?- renewal t shipping business, urn! advanced I-*/ *? *4 ??.its closed l-8c higher. Provlaloaa v.*. i Irregular, ?pork losing 7?z.\ of its pn Viooa value, whil? lard and ribs show* no change, Leading futures r:iiiK?*tl ais follows: Opeulug. Highest. ;.owest. C!osln Wiibxt?No. -.'. March. . 10'.' May. lO.'.aV* lO?v-, 1114 104 Inly.00*|a'h '-?I'v^-i BON H COKX?No. ?, Mav.?lOaf, IBM ;I0 *M inly.:iva\\4 ?tl-S MM IM September.:i^Ha^ '\-\*> 9rt% 9A\ OAia-No. May.t.'??4 ?7 '2t\*i*.i* -.'(? ?aM .(uly.'.'4i? U4*"? '.MV- 84 viRps Pokk-rar Bbi. j May.I10.1.? 810.8a ?10.10 ?ld.Fi './uly. 10.38*4 VOtayt 10.1* ''-' j l.isu- Per Itia in?. ' May.?a. i'.'U, a.'.l"? $.*?.t0 ?7>.F> inly.?.-'-.'i* ...-.-.'u, ;,.r,i(? bao 1SH0KT ItlHS?Per 100 Um. May.........06.10 t^)."? *.*..o:. 43.10 July....B.18 j. !7J^ .. 10 0.10 ?'asi, quotations ?v.r." as folios Ko yellow corn, Re l-'han dull. No, I sprin wheat, Uv9a%c~ No. 3 spring wheat, W W^ac . S'??. 2 r? .1. tiViC.. No. 2 , oni, 21 lit? No. 2 tiaits. Jt;.,-"??.. N" 2 white, t. o. b l'?i/tCA-.; No. : white, f. o 1... :'S'4tiJ'.?'f? N??. -.' rv?. ?mi4.-. No. .'. ?barley, a?ial;. \'. 1 I'ax-ee.i, il.17; new. 11.20%. ?Prime time thy ?seed, 18.85. Meea pork, t?t barra ?l?i-hKti?l'i.l". l.;-?r?!. p? r 100 ?pounds, R.07%1 R.18. Bhort-rib si.!?*s (loose). ?^?-?11',.^ alted shoulders (boxetl), w.7.>i$ Bhort-clear sides ?t.= >x? .1 ?. $C.2S44$5.4| Whiskey, distillers' Bnished g.Is, pe Kaiion. ti.i.s'?i. Bagara Cut-loaf, 'aa changed. Butter Btea?ly; reamery, 181 i:?1-!-.; ?l.-iiry. 11617c. Cheefte qulel at R s'i?". Rggs- ?Steady; fresh, 18c, L-INCINNATI. CINCINNATI, Mar. 1? I Flour Hull. Wheat k.i?v. No I ?red, W< C??rn Quiet; No. 2 mix'?t. It' a-. ?a- Dull; NO. 2 mix.-?I, ZSc. Rye Finn; No. 2. I. ?i-I Kasv at $">. Hulk Meats ?Steady at $5.10. Bacon?Quiet at 15.90. Whiskey-Firm at ?.88, Butter?Firm an?! lower: Blgin cream try. -.'lij?C ; ??hit?, 18018c.; ?lairy, URUc Btiigar-Qalet. Kkks -l?ull ;,t t^,., ?'hit.s,- steady. THK COTTON ?MARKRTR I.JVF.RI'OOL, Mardi V 1 P. M.-?'oi ton?Spot, moderate bufllnesa; prlcea low er; American middllriK, fair, :; 1 l-l?i?l Kooti nihidiiiiK. J8-Md.; American mit ?lliiiK, S18-320.; I?tw middling, 99-ttd ?? oil ordlaary. H-8?L; ??rdiivairy, 2 i?-i*>? The sales nf the (laiV WON *> ON bales, Ir eluding ' **! for raecnlatlon .?nd expor aind InclOtded American, it*- ?lpt1 UjOOO bailas. Int-ludinK 18.188 Am?i-i?-:ui. Futures opened quiet, wim a mod?rai demand, ami cloeed steady; America middling, low iniililllnK clause, Marci IR-Md., seil.-i-s. March and Aprll,S_M4(l sellers; April aad May. |a_M|d., Valu, May and June. IS>44d., buyers; Juna aa July, 3 22-64?B3 23-OM., sellers; July an August, 3 22-844(3"_-84d.. buyers, Augui a,ml s? pt.-nibei. IB liQ8Uettd., sellen Beptember aad October, IS-Md., buyen (?'tuber and November, itl-ntcii value; Nov? aiiul December, il-'l-t.l : U-t4d.. sellers; ?December and Januar) 3 lM-?i4-?.! U-ttd-, Seil-IS. NEW YORK, March 8 Cottofl middling, ll-4c.; net ?receipts '; -'.'. bale? arara, IJM bales; export* - M l-'ranc? I 4?;t balea; t?. the continent. M batel forwarded, 4!?" batee; saies. I.BM haie? spinners. M balea; BtOCfc, l!*>?.?i!? bales. Totola tii-tlaiv : Net r.-?*eipts. MJBI liailes; exports t., ?irt-ut Britain, IM bales; tt> Klainc-, 1,881 balen, t?^ the ???n tin.*nt, 12.^11 bales; stock. 1.114.21H bales. Conaolkuted: N?*t re?-,-ipts. 71.885 Bal se export???t?? criait Britain, 22.111 l?al?s. t i-'raiice, MM ba!?-s; to the ?'ontinetil etMA l?al?-s. Totala sin?. .?'. pt?-mber 1st: Net re reil?ts. 7,501.716 bales, exports-- to tire* Britain. 2.625.?B3 bales; tl) Kran.-.-, ?ottAt t.aies; to the Contlneat, 2,2i?.?;7i basai. Cotton future*, opeaed steady at th decline: sales 5.800 ba?l?*s ?March, I??".; April, $0.04; May. R.08; Ji.n?. R88; July ?ill; August, $fi.H: Beptember Ml?; 1 >? tober, AW; November, ^08; i>? to nt?; Jaaaary, $?; IS. Cotton future? t los? ?i quiet aad ateady subs ??v'-i bales; Mi 1 Ii. Vi '? *>; Apr? $6.t)7; May. $6.11. Jan.-. ?12; July. Ji. n August, $?; 17; September, pit.',, tj $?.12; Nov?*mb?*r, $6.11, December, $6.u January, $6.15. Spot ?cotton cloeed steady; mi'iiiim? up lantls. 6 1-4c; do, Half, 0 l-2c ; sal? bailes. NRW ??Rl.FAN'S. March I?Option fu tures ateady; sales, I8.8UU balea; Marca l?.fA.ii' 1.'.?. April R.?7?UV? W; ?lay. V. ..'' J.V73; June. $? 7.Vti$3.76; July.%5.7S August. $6.80?t6sl; Beptember $. rtR $;, 7'?, ititob.-r, la * - N?>vemtx r $r, ?Xt-i$'t ?x?; Uecemtier, a|6 *>li$'?.tC; Jaau ' ary. $5.?C(l$5.8l. N A \ A I^ST( > 11 MARK KTS. ?'ll.\i;i.i:S'l'(?N. S ('.. March 8.-Tur p.iiiirie Firm at 25?^c.; ?rates none. ? Rosin-Firm and unchaiiK??! -?M none WILMINOTON, N, C, March t ?fatrlti of Turp?,ntlne-yulet at tAVtOMc.; red Ipta , M casks. 1 Rosin Firm at $1.25 and 1130; receipts 2?)U barrel*. ?Tude Turpentine ? Nothing doing prlcen unchanged; receipts, none. Tar-Firm at 11.10; receipts, 17? harnU SAVANNAH. UA.. Much 8. -Bplrtts ol rp._iitlne-.Klrm: sale*. BO . -??u*. ?t 3Bc.l ?sed. with sale? of I7& ciaks. at *_c. toiUn?Quiet; no salea; receipts. Lira n-.-la; ?in oi at ion* unchiniteil. NORFOLK I'KAN FT MARKKT. ?ORFOLK. VA.. Mir? h ? (Special.i_, ?anuts? Farmers' ijutet; faney, ift-Wb) -4c; atrhtly prime. 2 1-2?-.: prime. 2 l-v. i mmoti. l??ll-Ic.; Hpanlsh. **c. PHimUM TKANFT MARKKT PSTRRSBURQ VA.. March 8.-fHpe. ilT-Market firm; Vlndnlas. 13-4?. foe od Iota; Spanish firm at ft&c. I'KTERSBIRO ??rTTON MARKET I'KTFKSIU.'K?'. VA., March S?(Spa H.)?Cotton?Firm at 5 1-tc, for gooo 9, _______________ -? HOWOKK ilCTIiniilST?. aey PreparIn? for the A Mit ?aal lin Klinore Conference. ROANOKK, VA, March 8.?(Sp?cial.)? ht? Methodists of Koanok.? are busy epurlng for the annual italtlmore <'?>n rence, which assombl??* in Hlnton, W. a., on the 25th of this mon-th. I . -. ie nppolntmer.. of ministers t?^ the va ous chftcges throughout the conference, da in. ?ting will also appoint delear&tes > th?* Oeaaral Ceaferaaee of the Met ho st Fpts?*opal Cbur.-h South, which ie?fs in Raltlmore In May next. The .*? Methodist ministers In Ronnok?- ?te ?tting matters In ahape M that th.'lr ports to conference may show that the par's work In Roanoke has been, on ie whole, good, Only one pastor, ?Rev C 1' Hulla, Of race church, will have to be removed y I'mltatton He has been her.? for >ar reara ami will have t?. pa elsewhere. ; is hanllv likely that any other chaing?*?? 111 take place. The lay delegat? fnin ils city ire R?v. T I. Flshburno and ;. J. Anderson. ROT. I?. F. Hall, th.? pn-shling elder of ?oanoke ?District, has i?e?"n here for f??up ? airs, and will be ?removed by limitation. The Department ??f Music of Virginia Olleg? for Young La?tafl gave a most iteresttng recital last night. The annual meeting of the stockholders f the Fairvicw Cemetery m?>? and elect? ?1 ?it!!?-? is ;is follows- c. It. R.'l!, p. ?nt; C. Mark? I? y, vice prvshle-nU W. 1,. ,i'i!tews. racretary and treaaarer. Th... Id boar?! wis re-elect.-.I. The r?-port of Be treasurer shows th?' t oni|?iiny to be i an excellent condition, x The ni.-ii who wire broiiKht to Ronnokn eaterday, id>9tlflN ol tin- wreck n??ar h?"iian?l??ati Junction, are doing as well s could !? expected. Th" remains ??f 'in man l'urhiish WOTC shlppi-d to his !?l Immt." .it ?'??mord for Interment. IK VI II OK Mil. \\ ILLACfl HK1A\I>Q ? U.'11-Kn???!! I'lti (aitlt I ?ii.ln ? l'aune* \?r?n> \enr Sulrm. SAi.F.M. va.. ?March I ?si .. .1 ? v.. , B?reaalng, af Philadelphia, died ?sterilay morning at the home <?f Mr. lohn Scars, neair BaleM, Wheve be was itopptng for he.ilth. Mr. Ilrennlng vas f?.r twenty yean a number of hi? Philadelphia Fire PepartBMBt. and luring the Hr.- several months ago at the itore of John Wanaiaaber. be ? tmtraeted 1 s.v.i? col?!. Mis ?physician ad Bleed dm to com?' t?? th*" mountains to re?u p. - ate, and the change wais pr?>ving very " nt tit iail until a montli or two ax??. B '? n u? took a deer heat the expomir. on the ;r!p MUatng a iVactlOB for the worse. He was In liis r?t'th yeair. The remains i>,.rt" talk.n t<> Philadelphia for Interment. Mr. 1. ?' ?Harvey?ratter, superintend? rat Of th" W'tstti-n I'itlon T-'lenraiph Company, bais peu* t?? Florida, wher?- ha win auperlatead the ? ??nstruction of a lin.? from Jacksonville t?> Pnata Oseta, nu thC ? .tais!. ai* of -M miles. It Is thought the prospect of War ???-tween this coUBtry and Spain Is Un- ?a-asoti this ;. %v Mn. is belai established, as l'unta (lords Will be a.i-l Ml.("uta tit p??llit In Of Iiostiliti? a Mr. AdBtBB Rlddlck, who has just re tornad fro? Richmond. ?Will leaiV.- In ai torn ?lays f?.r Kractll. Ifl th?? Interest ot the Bonaai k Mai bine Company. Rev. R- F. Ball, ?presiding elder <>f thtl dtstrict, win i?- transferred te aaathei place ait the neat m?eetl?g af confer? n? ? his four v? BT havvltiK rxp't l. mh'ii??vi;>ii:n is in m.wpoht BRWI t<> it?? laaaed h? Pedas 1?? lie f yg v F.\ pen sen. NKWI'oRT M'.VVS, Y A.. March 8.? (Special.t At ?BOOB to-?liy iho Finance Committee ?>f thr ?"??rnmon Council upen i .! tin- sea!??! bids for th?' bOBdS wilt? h the ?ity will issue to the ?-xttnt of RIBjMI, t?>r the purpose of buildinjr a? lall and siatl.ti, li.tiise. putting In a BOB OB Bystem, ami aractlBf achool buihitngs. Tli?- hlgheBt bidden wer?! Walter Stan toa ?v Co., ??i N?-w fork, who offered ? premium o* $2.101, ant! th-**/ were awnr?|e.l th. sal? The bot?is wilt ru . thirty* years, ami bear im?i?s! at the rut?* ?>f 4 1-2 per c?-nt. a delegation ??r business-men left this evening f??? Weahlngtoa to uppt-atr be i.ii>" the Waya aad Meaaa Oommlt?tee of the House to-morrow to enter a protect against tu?a coosolldatlea of mas sect with Norfolk as a port ot ?ntr>. i HARIRI IVUCLLUiENCE. MINIATURE M.M \NAC. MAR. ?. UNR Bun rises .1:30 HIOH TIDE. sun sets.?miMorning.IM Mcton rte?*s .>j;06 Kvci'.ini; . FORT OF RICHMOND, MARCH W W9. ARRIVKI?. Steaarar Pocahoatae, ?Jravrs, N??rf??ia, merchandlee ?n?i pa9?mngen; Virginia Navigation ('??mpany. 8j h .oil'-r Island City. 11? nderson. Phila delphia, coal; s H Raw? -?. ?'??. SA1I.KP Wlnyah, Simmons. Phlladel? phla in-i? liaii'lls. an?l passeriKers; Clyde l.lii?*. l'ORT ?>F NEWPORT NKWrf. MAR. A (Uy telegraph ) ARRIVRD. m. r Qleamarta, ?Port T.. m ?pa. . Steam? r ? ' ?* as Mobile. Schooner George Ratify. Provklence. Schn.tiier ?Marjory Brown, New UaveBb schooner Jamra Davidson, liridgeporu SAll.KI? ?Steamer Oleaawrls, Ohent Schooner Mariorte, PortaaBOBt-, liar?,'.- Wasp. Norwich. ItarK" V??ltint? r. N? w Ilav?ii. ROUT ?>F WBBT POINT, MARCH 8, IM. (i:>- tetetgraph.) ARRiyRD, Steani-hip A? ??mack, Thompson. Nor folk; peaaaagera and general arg?>. BA1LRD. Steamship .\c<?unauk. Thompson, N??r?? fo'.k: pasteagera and genera! cargo. .' a FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR LOAM. WITHOUT l'KI.AV. IN BUMS T? > SIIT, on Richmond City ?seal Kstate. J. B. K1.AM St CO . rnh 6-Su.W.. Ill Main Street. 1107 tast Main Street. ?> Capital.- - - $200,000 Snrplns and Undivided Profits, $02,000 * > + + + 4 Per lent. Interest Paid on De posits. Your account is solicited. I'.. A. (A T1.1N. Prwideut. A. 13. lii.Aii;, (ashi. r. tf?l?-W,KA.Su-!ell.w) Cards, Hili-lleads. BtateBMo(\, Letter Heads. Note-lUad*. Circulara. H.nidbi.u. Dodgers, Ac. printed l?y the ;>:ap?(t.h Company at low prK a \\ ill give you good worti at ?ame priora wi puy ror Inferior work. Bend us your orders and me will guarantee jBttalhBttM in particular.