Newspaper Page Text
THF. RTPTTVinvn !.IKPATr.TT--W?i.n\RRnAY. MARCH 9, 1898. OOPS OF VIRGINIA. ,,?.,. ?M/i:0 Mll.lT\It\ T1UT .. m:\11V loll BBUlt n E. PEtMMt B EXCELLENT. i ,,ul|?iiiciil. UtuvrviT, >??! \l| Th.".? r?nuld Be llenlrc?!? The I unt ,,?tn' ? * i?"i?i fte Hnvfii m short otlee i' BmogemnmVFFt N lie Is BO busier ' i Um Sags when , y I :: lia, Cniia. and I . asion a great amount of routine ? tea thro? k? (M th? A? their - r.lay .?t enl utas SP hl ' . aimu Plr ? -I ; lie -.. that 4 ?.1)1.1 ! . in a ? ?? : : I ment ail In condit. . -t - ! t Aa Bed ?think II ? bom after u summons i n vlng." wing regtSMBta and ?I .Irglnlfl . ' I mi:.NT. la caaspoa. . B, C 1?. K. 1*. an.l Q.'cOIB anlngham, Oeorga P. v Crawford, ft Leatta Lieut nant - oompanlea an- Io ta!, with tl oa oi O, Which .,? Of M.ra lowiiig ar?' the ent; Hi I ; t ; ?rg< Wan BO And H. . ma 1 \. Kuyk. M. I?., majoi a ?1. I'llllips , I tin and chaplain. OTHEB BBQIMEN TO, .,. a- i- - : ; , A, ? . ptaln J. u. Magi i k; Ooaapanj U, W. Sailiavan h? ailtjuart ci > ait arg; Company i>. Captain John ? ?'..ans Bf .! l.v n '.'. Tayl mpanj v'.. ooke; Com In w Ingfleld Oiiflln, Sal? m; i-taun r ti - i - '. v.'.u ?on, Jr.. Mamona, aptain nd aa .a a M II ? ter; ? f. Hyd : lain. i tiers Of the Tlilrd | wnpoeed of in) A, Danville, oommanded i. ?m il.m y .?. Perkli Imsle). ?ul Parmvllle, Captain J. - tt? i 111?. ? V K. i e, Captain 1 laptaln Albei I 5? r y ; * irg, l-arta L i:?'ii?i ?n rama ptaln Ro. Bldor I Blaokstone, Flrast W. H. Cralle la i ?3 ! '. irg, Captain If. ? ? lovernor'a si iff. v. in.. alga?ed th? ? Ird Regiment i?? i nor Tyler, >oant-< Joloi lie Qalnee, with H? i \\ .-i surge?on; ptaln iui?i ?ptaln and quar Norfolk. Colonel H 1, and the regiment : of C lnpatny A, Norfolk, . nil.- pany B, Nor : tin ItarahaU Tarrall; ptalB P T. M In < W, ft Norfolk T, .1. npiny F, Sun?.Ik. - - Kolk, A. Norfl? *. Company A. Moiii-on. Bmlthueid; nkim. Captain ?'. C, . ?reglmenta] ofl ?urth ih.nel Han? ii W. Taylor, : | ma jor; p \. Bilisoly, in.ijoi snd sur \ captain and as i . , Taa. well Tsyl > . i . n B. Herman, . MU t< ' i- ' : W W. INFANTE. B \TTAU? >.\s. ; ittallon Of i BAS POI '.summit, ami is c?i:n > A ' . a Company B, cap? ?in E W. ttalloB la ' r log commanded by ' a . battalloni ' ln mond, imp -. a ii inklns; Com] . ' Cap on IS i i.. Job i- , aad ii is coi v ;-.-:- raburi S une cough mixtures thcr the cough. But the next ?breeze l'aus it into lite lin. Better put the cough out. That is, better go deeper smother the tires o? in nation. Troches can* do this. Neither can plain cod-liver oil. Bui ?Scott's Kmulsion can. The glycerine soothes and i .?(comfortable; the hy ] ; Iiocphitcs give power and Habilita to the nerves; and the oil feeds anil strengthens ? weakened tissues. 50c. ?ml $1.00, ?II drugf??!"?. 1 SCOTT U BOVVNt, ChrmUt?. Ntw York MUNYOiN'S '*<t. The Mainyon ?em?drPf-^.-i-... ""?ch-"ck? ep^r-ite cur.? foi e?, h ,U a P*?'?7 J??-P?-r? a ? oik? a *, ial lf v, i ? A1 V1 a>"**iwl?*tB mt Miinron. IV? Arch ??^o '7'?1, *'" ? ^ ??ltitely frf?, "lPPtl* I biUdalphla. It n COLD CURE ??in ??uni Webb; company H. Nor folk, ? ?ptaln ivw.r Shepherd Ji Com Penyc. Norfolk. Ca|K*??.Xc.nieven, 2?"J*f? ?? PeUrabnpg, C?ptala J*m,"?' KdJ V ? ^*f**l * ?Ortolk, Captain laivv trd W. ?lonld. VBTILUBRT am? cavalry. ** *** i. battalion of artillery compoaed of Battery a. Richmond, Lieu t< nanl R, a. Williams: Battery B, Nor* f"ik, Captain M. c. Keellag; Battery C Portsmouth, Captain <\ ft, Warren. The ?battalion la oommanded i?v Maj??r William ft Mmone. "i'ii. i.- are only two eavalry troop? in "Virginia Troop A, Ulchmond. Captain ft .1. ?Shikar, and Troop B, in S'irry county Captnla Q A Sav.dge. Th? total of the organized forco ?f u\< ?s'.at.- is 2.74'a. ' ?Commission! were yesterday sent t?*? a i D. AU? b nn.i ?Lieutenant R. ii Cralle, -i Company C, Third Infantry, at Parmville, and to Beoond U? at? nanl !'. W. Whites.-airver. Company ii. ?Second In? Balem, Ueutenant Whltescarver in the vn'.i.'i Bute? a I II1V . More Offci'M of -.?rvlce. Qov?srnor yesterday received with Virginia troops in the ' Th.- tii-st waa from Mr. Kr.-'l. ! ?. Nelllgar, n p!a irniauisi 01 uatt ..i the Waehlngton School, where ha aarved with a- II- a y s be Is willing i" at iv.- ih.- state in almost any capacity, ?should v? au oocnr. ;lit r offer cam?- from i'i ifosBQI J. .'. Belmonl ?and Hairy Meeks, of Rich mond, aeronauta, nia} say they render i.I aervloe as balloon engli I klOk they are fully QUBlll Wiir lu ?.loti.'.-Kter. DhltaS ?States KarshBj Morgan Ti. u at Qlouoeeter Courthouse Monday? ll was t iniit-tl.iy. nial l! | hfg crowd <?n liaiai. I?uiliii- t?a?- d phoos meeaagi a is issalved from v.. l'oini. statins thai Pits. Loe liad bei .. - ?t? I at Habana. Intense rxritr menl prevailed? and the people were on the verse of organizing for war when the waa oontradicted. THF. IH.U II \ 1.1. Mini: REW, llniliiinif nf Ilcnrlcn I.o?l_?? 10n Uurgted and Qeantly taauymurmB, Henrlco Union Lodge, No. ISO; Ancient, nuil Aooepted Marr*na. oeenpled th'ir hail, on Twenty-fifth atreet, Mon day t veiling, for thS first time sine? Auagnsl last, at which time tha buUdini wais ?placed in the hands of a committee -I'lt-.-isi ing of Worshipful W. M. Williams (chairman), Worshipful .lames m Worshipful B. c. !.. wls, ft C. Osrrlson and Williiini Wilson. With instru? tions to h alteratlona amti Improvem? ot as they n1 .nail pro par. Tha cosamlttee ?adopted the plan.-. submitted by Mr. ft M, Williams, sad with the work. Which has r?" in? nt of tha butld ' ni an entire change In the outward well as Hi Interior ar rangement of the rOOmS, staiii-.? - . The lodga-room hi furnished with Bew and ?handsome "ak furniture, oarpete, etc. The lirst ?loor. which will be need as ?? ?banquet-room, is aiiy vs.-ii adapted for the ?purpoee Intended. The second Boor is Intended to a'.? ?i f?>r bails. .i < rta, .itni other entertatanssnts. Special efforts war? pul ton ii to make this pari ol tha build ;ng and its accessories acceptable to th" t was pi Imarlly In t. nded. Sum- nt.tts about this hiiililln?-' EBB) prove Ol interest. ll wais built Ifl by t ptaln Qeorge W, ?Barker aliad with the lot cost about H?.O0O. Thi un ?l .-.t Springfield Hall, June ii. ! _S, l'y dispensation from th? hlpful (ir.m?i ?Lodge "f Virginia. Ti>> i ? Rev. Prancta J. ft apf'.ii mast? r, Charlee J. Bmton, senior warden, and f. T. Clarke, Junloi warten. The lau?- Thomaa Angel the It ' v-aini and tyb r for ; wenty four years. January is, UM, ti i lodge ?ii.i.v eoBsecrated by a commlasloB at? d i?y the ( Irand Muter. Oa thai - on Worshipful Brother Pits Wil llam RiJsler delivered a? beautiful Maaoaic address, The I i located la Hen? . i, Bro oi a?treet thc-n i he county ?in?*. In UBt, tha Grand Master grant? ?i lit?- buk.* concurrent Hi lion with the city lodg? s. The bas continued to maintain a healthy and gr.ntiiaal growth. It now numbers i ,."in members, comprising some of .."WH and most influential *?t i - Bens of the forty*odd brethren who have led in the easl sine- tin- formation ?i tii?? i?'?1k?\ at leaal ivv?. thirds have ?passed away. Alfred B. Lee, Beq., is the living survivor. Mr. H. x. ? is the pr. s.-ni master. It niiviht b?- added that No. MO for th? past f??ur or live months hive been using ?Id m . oni u 'H ,,!l Pranklln sir? I b) Invitation from Richmond Randolph j* _ Till: ROSBMAET LIBRAET. Ki?ll??i-?lni-llc MretluK <?f Hie Ilonr.l? < oiiio.It?'."? 'nr llic "??nr. '? b Board of Manager? of tha Rose nary aUbrary held largely-att-snied and enthusiastic m?.Uni- v stt-r.laty. The affair* of th? llhrury WBTB fOHOfl to be li< excellent i->i?(liti"ii. aii'l ita tin.mees in .,,,,,, . tory shape than ever be Thc following ataBdlag ooanmlt ppointetl: , tecutlve Commie - Mrs. Brace, Mra J. W. AlUson, Mrs. i*' a. Baundere, .Mr?- V, Newtoa, Miss i.v.ii Mrs. J- ft Andereon, Mra. Percy Montague, Miss M. H. Lee, Mis. u t Cramp, Mra W. U ?Sheppard. House Committ. -Mrs 1'ercv MonU (chairman), Mra. N. Savage, Mrs. ? l ilyburton, Mrs. M. Montaigne, Mrs. ft A. Bounders, Mr? T? > -Moor?. M, - Binswang? r. -., Committe? Mn '- ft ABderaon, (chairman). Mrs. P. A. Brace, Mis? at. panlei Mrs. Lefroy, Miss Olaagow, Mrs. 1;.,,,jli;; m,,, ft A. EzeKlel. Mrs. C. I'. Williams. , ,, . [Finance Commlttea Miss M. M. use, M?ss Guiileuaae, Miss MatUe Harris, and C. K.'1'.Tts.on. Publication Committee?Mrs. B. i .?htirman?. Mrs. P. ? BTSO?, end "'V' .. B? nd Means Com L Sheppard (chairman), Mra Pero Mon? , iru, mim Oulllaume, mi-* Olaagow, Mrs L i> Ayittt. Mm i:. a. Baandera, ?my Lyell. Mra C Davenport, Mrs I C. Robertson, Mis.? C. kt. Daniel, mi,s m n. Lee, Mrs. ft P. Valentine. Mi- N. Bavage, Mra. u. T. Cruamp, and Mia. J. !' - Halyburton. _ BATTIS? KlMTolt* MEET Ta EAT. w.iiilhcni < Jonrualia-ta nt Anlicililc. It,v !?r. A. K. I'l.-ken??~in, of the llelt ulouH H.-iaid. and ?laughter. Mis.*? Nellie; lira, ft H. Pitt. ?Ai I>r- and ft J. WilliuMiam left laut night via ?:? Southern road for Axheviile, N. C, ,? ilU(1!(1 ?ne anumol meeting of th* Hoiithern Baptist Pre? Association. h? ?Hun convenes to-daj at I CTClOOt , and ?.'ill hold the coneludln? k?-s atoo Prlday morning. The party will, r turning, reach K.ehmond morn ing The business meetings of thei-e rep. ,vea ,?f the naptU. press hrough oul ,,.. south win be held m the firs tapUet church of Ashevllle. while of treat aot-lni tatSTeSl will he the banquet ?the Mattery park Hotel Thum.lay unt. o,, this occasion Rev. I>r l'ltt lUnlOr editor of tin.? Herald, |, on tll, ,,,,,! unmme to dSttVer an address on "K?i| lorshlp vs. PtSStorBBlp," the youn? Hi? h m. nd editor Hp??klng In behalf of hi? ? r. ther Knights of the Qull!. The s?a Moni of this BBSBtaUOS are made nota 9? by the number of ladU?. wives and ?aughters ?f the editor,, who attcn.r. I'he territory of the association embrace-? ' ' ' B States or more, nnd haa. a m? mi?? r Bblp Of about sixty, all editors of weekly end montkly Journals. !?r. A. O. t?. Thomas. ..f BOBth Car??)ln.,. Ildent ?if the sasodat?on, and Rev. ft ) '.. folk, of _?_UM8SBSb Is secrctarv. The ,,f |fE was bsM at Tiim Pt-i I B. It i i pon .;.' that th.- la- Kl meeting vein be bald in Richmond fol lowing to?- patoedent aei last yaw <?t moving northward. The liiforinntlon *i\an Incorrect. 'I'he Information on Which the publica tion in ?Sunday's Dtspatok relative to a collision in l-' between ?Cb-asap? iht and ??hio train und nn electric-ear was iwly averted waa base?) provai UPOB invt siigati'.ii !.. baiv-e BOOB neoua. Th.> rallrosd gat.-x did na to work as was repeeeented la tie tch. and they were down When the which haid Mol ? - 1 at (?r'.eaiis lon, ais usual, drew bp sloa I The electric-ear had peasafl befor? w< re lower? d, and whoa there w: bo danger whatever. ?Both the Ch? and Ohio an?! ?he street rallw.i.. company ar.? very Mrl I in seeing that indani to a;.i:tr?l agali are n r; f # 11 y obeerved by their employees. Annual Sales ever9,000,000 Boxeo P?BSWS FOR BILIODS ASD BEHVGU8 DI80EDEE8 pu^li as Win'! an?l Pain in tho ?Stomach, Glddln<sss, Fulneea after meals, Head ache, ]>i/./.ine88, Ilrowtlriesa. Flashing! t.f Heat? Loes of Appetite, Oostlveneas, Blotches on tho .Skin. C?I<1 Chills, Dis turbed .Sleep, frightful Dieunis ami all Kervom and Trembling ?Sensations. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTE'S. Every aufforer will ackiiowlodgo th?;m to U> A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BBBOUarS PILL?, taken aadlraet ed, willqaleklyrestore Fsmahw to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions Or irregularities of the ays? teaai and cure hick Headache. Fura Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Beecham's Pills are Without a Rival Ami hat*? ;!:. LARCEST 8ALE t?f any Paient Medicine initie World, 25c. at all Drug ?Stores, (ja U--WASulMt aAf rote a i n? PURE SEPARATOR CREAM, fresh cadi ? I a y, will be delivered in glass jars?25c. pe? quart, l?8c, per pint, 7c. per half pint. With siidi low prices i'.'i' Sepa rator (.'le'im the public should eli jo?, ?good coffee. Chatsworth Dairy Co., 211 North Third Street. (de B*B\l.WAYF* ) THE S. Galeski OPTICAL CO. ? 'or comfort and preservation Ol your sight, hav-o your Qlasaea accurately Stted at our well-known Optical ?Establish ment. Kverythlng reliable and lowest charges guaranteed. 91", ?BAST MAIN BTREET, I".u torv, S south Tenth stre.-t. |a i?;-su.\v&F LADIES DO YCU CTO? DR. FELIX LE BRUNS Steel i Pennyroyal Treatment is the original and only FHENCH. safe and relisblo euro on the mar ket. 1'ri?. kl.uO; sent by nuuL J Genuine sold only by POLK Mii.i-KK DIM?', COMPANY, Ninth and Mam, Richmond, Va. m h 9-\V?*Su-nr Scrofula It is ?he only remedy to be relied opon m daep MM4ii C4B?-S. whether hi?re?1l tary or ??cq.iired, can be perma nently eradi? rated from tbe system Lj b.8.3. sss DUCRO'S yUl.lMENTAKY ELIXIR Is tiiphly ret o i uDi en led a* a lemody for lu?n ?iweami? sua it pnroUAn tor iy? i>b(iid. malarial, ar??l ail kinds o.' fevem Atems: E. KOl'UKKA ?t ? ?>.. New York (IK' 1 I-?\ .'? .'I) ? RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER I ure? nil iiloed eat t hronlr Disease*. Bead tarfTaa bi?t?"*r if rameJy and ts.ti iia.nia's to 'Hit Ka?l=?ui Micro!.? K.ller ?. < ?, 121 IVinc? 8tro?t, New York City. i : -.?- u sin ? -PARKAR? HAIR BALSAM CTTsWuiW sad f-"?Jtln?j tit? h*ir. ProuviHl s IsanutSKl fivrtit tlerrw Falla te X..U,re Or U-ar to Jis Yot.-.I.?t 1 Color. ' i d.?m? a h?.r !_.. ,',11'taij i?m^j_i Cauo t?-?!p d.?MM a - ??_.-(. iitv l \-&w e o w 1 v? Jy 2-F Su. AV7. lWt-w arm 2o Writing Lessons, | j ; Stationery, 45c, beg-Hunf* i.*.th March, 4 P. M. and h i'. M. Join ??ne of these class? s. Shorthand, Tyi?e writing, Siti?le-, Double Entry, and Joint-Stock Book Keeping, Telegraphy. Eng lish. *tC U_6cB uni gen tlemen in all departments tlu year round, no limitions. New batidlo? discounts tem porarily. Scml lor partlCTilars. Brt-tbt young iaen ?in burn sometnlnji 10 their lnt?r??>?t by calling promptly. Oppocite City tun. in_aaissaa_apsaMsn_sMa|B T, W, TiGNOR'S SONS 1312 E. Main Street, RICHMOND, - - VA. STERLING BICYCLES, 550 and $75. Other Wheels, $20 up. _[fe'aJ?-K.sgJtW 1 W?LL-P?PER. CHEAP WALL-PAPERING DURING DULL SEASON Over 100,000 Roils <>f Wall-Paper la stock. Wi will be pleased (0 give estimates for work in city andall pnrts of country. ?Samples seal on application. Blanks from 5c. ?per roll op. I C, HUGHES & CO., m and m North Fiflli Street, Richmond, l'a,, ' a.1()-f<u.W_K) _ s 11 1 " > R. A. PATTERSON, PtSSBSST, L. Z. MORRIS, Vice-Phbsh>kmt, JAMES M. BALL, Cashm-b. The Savings Bank of Richmond corner Eleventh and Main streets, Id National Hunk ol' Virginia Hiiil?ling*. Capital.:.$100,000 00 Surplus aud Undivided Profits. 52,232 44 Sums of $1 and upwards mreiyed and interest allowed. Negotiable Paper discounted. Loans made on >-eal estate. Open daily from 0 A. M. to 9 P. M. Saturday? till 12 M. Ea?W) _ o 6 ? ^^^ _ CLOVER, TIMOTHY, I GRASS SEED, J NORTHERN-GROWN A SEED POTATOES, t SEED OATS, &c. ? Rfo make a spe-sislty ot High ? Orad? FIELD SEED. Write us l VV llt'll I ?11 \ i 11LT. JN.R.S?YAGE&SON 4 Grain and Seed Merchants, 4 Richmond. - - - *' ; da *>Wt9aA*r) Va. PH?H'OSAL?. (Since ot City WaUr-Wortu Richmond, \m .. March 1. ? * ?.., KI) PROPOSALS WILL BK RE . .? this -V e until _ M- MARCH 1? ???_ 'or lt!?e fHll'.wlioc Wppllas ami COT ?? t work for the F*?9 sHEs Dt-cembc a*iBUnch Wa*w-Matom Hoch Water-Metsri ?8 ,-,"'l-,??'?V,.Vr? -'i i i'ipo to ', ru ?gSnStS?'-J ?stA CS to be ontmd -A8&pSS?i^ h3? ????ds Bes. WWufcldir. BRAS8 WORK. 100 l-2-ln<h Tappln? ?ocks. ? 3 i inch Tappln? C 24 i-inch Tapwn? ? ? ** . , , m For Hadesty Tapping Machines. i*> l-lnch Corp..ration ('???ks. ,.; !--M?;.-h Stop Cocks ' ' for Iron pip. ''T^'T-l-i'-aVi Stop Coctl CM for iron pip? "V?-?ich Stop Cocks (for load pips). i 4m? Mster Box? u i -tiL'.- Stop-C ?v k-l l>r t.?V. of SMI |">un?l!? f??r liaitilln/? P*| fron i. i i?> - ? i i to tr.-nt-ii.a-. ,-, . ,,!,,, yard f?T trca?ches ?in im ft ,-,,,. | m |.iv?i laBcsitsmltrri, smvallai :!l\ill"r!-V.'l'.,-.r| "mat.-iiai. to I.. ihkI.1I?-?! an , ',-rullv iatmmft!. and surplus in u.-ri. reThedellv?sry of ?upi.ll.-s to he aadsi the shop or pipe? "' "( tit* w.-?u-r-w..rk. to commence t?*n days sftsr awai of?Contract, and to . ?.ntlnu?. In sue quantities ?? may '"' demanded by tli B_?\rt?St?oB?' snd further Informal! T.!? must have the nam? of the bld?1? SrtttSTon thl back of it..? snvelops ?** ''?Vomm.tie on Water reserves II i ,??i t? liicreRUe OT ? -crease any of tt K HKht t.? ^,^1tK1N(i, mh2 5.?.9 l^l_jt_-----gllpg^>nt<'ndent TIOOK AND.IOB WORK NEATL J> KXEICTEU AT TUB D?PATC? PHIN^ fa Cti<.-Kr???r'* Facllth Blsasa? Braid. 'ennyroyal pills ,-<_.-?V Orl,in?l*i?S ?tal; ?Urn ?In?. A j^aSB_? 1 a?* ? I lr. Ke4 ??1 (J-U m,wJii."v\flr _r?BSS??l'? ??-?"?i wtU MM rl'.*vn Takt ^y ^?^ Byf no mil?"?. ."?*.?. ? i.i,? .... .' .i.-u ?win?. ??ii imtlnl.'.-u At i?rau,i>ti. or mb4 4a M Jil imiio?...?? Aii>rai:?i: . ' r p.-iOttaa?.. i"jtii>nl?l. ?aa "It. lur f?r l.aJUa."???'??'. (., r*taia Hall. 1 <?.<M?l> T-iilmoola.i Hatu r*y*r. - , CkUhnalrrl htjoilrmlC,*.,Ma?lliMiBN<iaai^, guld b/all t*-al lira-til.?? l'?lll -. I? . l'A. (my l-8*,3u,W4weowly) lit l' VI'. I t 1(1 OET STEAMERS. ,LD DOMINION b 1 LA MSUH'CU.VI I'ANY. O f^ DAILY LINK I OK NEW YORK. ^-rn ?an leave Richmond DAILY :.. and ' >hio railway at S:4H p M "i" Hi? in'."11'1 " Hetsrsburs raii '?t.tU /Norfolk and W. i-tern rout,-? !? a m eoansctins at Norfolk with old Do minion Line Hie.tiller, nalHBS Kam? eve i.iiiif for N? m I ALI.-WATKit KOl'TK. ?Steaniship Old DobiIbIob laa*vss i-tich iii.m.i ?v.-iy Monday at 5 p. m. i??r Nan fi rk ?via Jtunss rlvsr. Tickets "ii Sa!'' *' Hi'limon?] Transfer Company's, 9? esst Main st,v..t; Chaaa ii.aike anil Ohio rallWBV, BBd Rlchmtyi.l .in.t Patsrsburg railroad ?lepors. and tt company's ofllce, IMS famt Main street, Richmond. Basca?* checked throio/h. for N?vv York and ali points hevortfl ran be a-ii!pp?-'i by diract stsamer nailm* from Kiihmoiitl every ?MONDAT at .1 p m also, by steamers leaving hich nond every WEDNESDAY and Satu?. nA\ .,? B 1?. M. for Norfolk, connectin? vv.tli weaavw for Neva ?oik. .Manifest closed one hour before sailing Frel?ht rec-stvad and fonrardai, ami through Mils of lading loaned for all northern, esatsrn. ?Mid forslsn part?. FROM UKW rOJUL ?gen can leave dally. exr.-(.t ?ban ,t il P. U-. i.*?uturOHy, 4 p v.,. u>Norfolk or Old, Poiat comfnit connecting with NorfoU and Western railroad or Chesapeake ui.d Ohio lauiwuv Bteamei ivia James-river rouie tMv?es even I?VTURDAY 5 p. m. (passen eet and freight?, and freight by steameri viL Norfolk tvt-ry MONDAT mnj WKL? NEBDAY. at :i P. M. SaiUnSS fr?>m Companys pier. No. 2i North riv. r, fo??t of Heach stre-i. Kr.-iirht received and forwarded duily exc? i?t Sunday. For further information apply to JOHN K MAYER. Agent, 1?12 cast Main atr-.-.-r. Richmond, v.i. W. I?. Oulllaudeu, Vlc-f-Piesldent un? Traffic Manager, New York. rah I UCEA* STEAMSHIPS. UlEVtll l.l>E t ?stpsgal?" ?.-ii.-rulr Tranautlantl?!?? DIKKCT LINK T?J HAVRE? PAKl.-i ?1 KANCK). Sailing every Baturdny at 10 A. M . From Pkr No. .2, North river, foot Mor ton street. La Gasiiogn?. Mh ? i.? Hourg?,g*n< -, Ai?. La Normandie, Mh Id La liretagne, Ap. ' I-i Champagne.Mh * La, Norma.nlle.Ap 1 General Agency for I'nlied ?lates anc Canada, I Howling ??reen. N. ? III. I......II.I Transfer Co.. !???l Main Ml Andrew Welsh, in:i E. Mala St. te i5-d?m ?)l?l papers for ?ale at the Ui*P*tc ofllc? RAILROAD I.INES. OHIO RAILWAY. Effective January 5. IhOtt. I It ?41 NH LEAVE RI? HMOND, IIROAD STREET STATION. 8:80 A. M., Dally, with Pullman car, for Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point. Newport News. and principal stations. Con nects dally with Old Do minion steamships for New York. 3:40 r. |_, Dally, with* Pullman, for local slatloiu?. Newport News, Old l'??lnt. Norfolk, and Portsmouth. 10:00 A. M., L?x-al train, except bu inlay, % f.<r W. ?:ilft??n Forge. Con aects at Q-ordonsvOM for ?/range. Culp?-pcr, Calver lon, ManassaH. Alexandria. and Waishintaon; at Union Station, Cbariottesvtlle, for Lynchburg; at Basal ?or Hagerstown. 3:16 P. M., Daily, with Pullmans, to Cincinnati. I.nuisvlll*. and Bt. Louis, ?ttiiiut-tlng at CoVlBCtaOn. Va., for Hot Spring?. Stops only at Im port.nt stations. Meals served on Dining-cars. N<>. T, Local Train, except Sun tlav. follona fcbov. train tram Oordonsvllla to ?Staun ton. 11:30 P. ML, Ac?nmmodatlon. exosnt Sun tlaiy. for Chariottesvllle. 10.10 p. M . Dally, for Cincinnati, with F, F. V. Pullmans i?> Hinton. W. Va., an! ?'.??rdonsvllle to ?Inclnniitl an.l Louisville. I served oi Dlnlni; Connsotg ait Siaun ton, ex? ept Sunday, for Win tinter, Va., and ?( < eton, Va., ."ally, for Hot Springs. TRAINS LEAVE UIUHTII-M'HKET STATION. 1 1:3<? A M., Dally, for Lynchburg ami Clifton Forge. Connects at 1'.reino, Sunday, for White Hall, Sunday, at Halcony for Lexington, and at W. Clifton Koru?* with No. II for Cincinnati 4:00 P. M., Kxcept Sunday. Local ac commodation for Columbia. TRAINS ARRIVE AT Hllllitum IIROAII-STREET ST \TION. *<:30 A. M.. Dally, from Cincinnati. 111."? A. M., Dally, from Norfolk and ??1.1 Point. .ta.'to p. IL, i>uiiy. from Cincinnati ami Louisville. B-JgO F, M., Dally, from Norfolk and Old i'olnt. 7:15 P. IL, Kxt.-i't Snn?!.iy. from W, ('lifton Forge. TRAINS ARRIVE I< HIT - STREET STATION. B:S6 A. M., Except Bundsy, from Co lumbia. dud P. M.. Daily, from Lynchbsr? and Clifton KotRe. and. excej-t ?Sunday, fr.tni Lexington and White Hall. JOHN D. POTTS Assistant Oenern! Passen?sr An?it. SOUTHERN *" RAILWAY. Schedule EfTeellve .Innnary 17, IROS. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND, VA. IStOS ?NlBSt, ,vo. ii, .....ill.... .? y?----: dally for Atlanta, Augustu, anu ??onus .South. ?Sieeper Richmond to Danville, Greensboro', Salisbury. Charlotte, Columbia, and Augusta. Sleeper open at it w F. M. Slop? at. all station? between Kicnrnoim and Danville to lake on anu let oit passengers. Connects at Danville, Salisbury, and Charlotte with ihu Washington and Southwestern Limited ?No. 37), vairylng sleepers New York to ' ?ville, Hot Springs, Chattanoo and Nashville; New York to As-hovllTe. E J-?mphls: New York to New or i-ans; New York to Tampa, au<l Bret-slaas day coach between ?A u-'liiiigton and Memphis. Connec tions are m?de for all points in Texas and California. Sleeper open __ for occupancy at 9:1W P. M 12:00 noon. No. 7 solid train dally Toi Charlotte. N C , connects at Moe?* ley with Farmvllle and Powhstan railroad. At K?-vavllle for ?"?arks vllle, Oxford. Henderson, ?Vid Dur ham, and at Greensboro* for Dur ham. Raleigh, and v'lnston-Salem; at Danville with No. 3C. United State? fsst mall, solid train, daily for New Orleans and points South, which ?arries sb-epers New York to New Orleans, and New York 1m Jacksonville. Through sle?-per Salt?. bury to Caattanoogn; also, Pun man tourist Ble? p r very Wednes day Wnshlnrfton to San francisco, without change. ?SrOO V M.. No. if. loca!, dally, except Sunday, for Kevsvllle and Inte-me ? .? r Inf? TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. S OO A. M. S_M P. If., from Atlanta. Augus'a, Ashevllle. ar.4 Nashville. S:40 A. M from Keysvl'ie l/)i*A!, FREIGHT TRAINS. Nos ?51 and 62. between Manchester an?! N^nno'!?*. Va 1M-RIYE3 UNS m **** rom THE FAVORITE IIOITE .NORTH. LEAVE RICHMOND. 4;?o p. 9., ?no. m, nauimor? L:miu- ? dally, except Sunday. for We? Point, there making close connec tion on Mondays, lVediies?lays, am Friday? with steamer for llalli more; also, with ttagt at Lasts Manor for Walkerton und Tappa haniio? k on Tuesdays. ThurxJayt and Saturdays. 2 30 P. Ii.. No. 10, loca! express, Mon days, W'e.lnesJays. and Fi ?lays, fo West Point and Intermedian? sta lions. Connects wuh stii?. nt L?*?? t.-r Manor for Walkerton and Tap liana.i.nock; also, at Weet Pom with steamer for Iialtimore. Stop at all ptstlon*??. 5:0O A. M., No. 4*. I/?cn! Mixen I^ave dally, except Sunday, from Vir ginia-Street Station for Weal Poin and intermediate stations, connect 'rat.' wl'li ?tare i? Lester Mainor fo ?>-.?? - - ' T-inpttummrli TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. ??.it a. U-, auMy. 10.40 A. il., Wednesday? and Frivlay only. 8:00 P. M., dally, exceprt Sunday, frot West Point and intermediate ilia tions. Steamers leave West Point at 0 p. * Mondays. Wednesdays, and Fridays, an Haltlmore at f? o m. Tuesdays, Thun diys. and Saturnay** Ticket omce ai itatlOB, foot of Virgin! street. Open from 9 A. M. to ? P M ' I from .?-:?? I' M. to 12 A. M. City tick Jfflee. 90S east Main street. M f'ULP. _ W. A. TURK. Trafile Manager. Oan. Agent. i.- I,, tJANNON. r?, id vice-Pi if 1 i' ?I - ?J V " ti-'-r *.?' ?-h!ni/!.?n i? ?. w. WESrntmY, Travelling pai ser.aer Agent. 9?0 ease Main street. Rit?| mor?* ve oes DEPARTURE Or STEAMERS. YIGINRi, hAYlQATION COMPANY, JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. Steamer 1'UCArluNTAS IcaVM Al?ji DAY. WEDNL?DAl', ai.? KiUDAY at A. ii. lor Norfolk, Portsmouth, ?j Point, Newport .vus?, Ciar? u.o.-.i, ar Jamcs-rlver landings, and coiiaitctin-j i Old Point and Norfolk for Wasliltifio Baltimore, and the North. State-rooms reserved for the night t moderate once?. Electric-car? direct to the wharf. Far only U-tf and ?I to Norfolk. Music I Grand Orchestrion. Freight received for above-named pi?.r and all points In Eastern Virginia at Morth Carolina. 1RVIN WEISTOER. General Manager. A. tl. Drewry. PreMdent. M II pHILA?ELP?Ii, RICH MOND AND NORFOLK aTKAMSUli' COMPAN? __ Appointed ?ailing day?; Every TUE DAY. FRIDAY, and SUNDAY at da light. Freight received dally urtll t. p M Fare ?Including meals and berth). J4 ? Friday's steamer. For further Information apply to J. W. M'<\UtRICK, (}? neral Southern Aw-nt; oflice Ro? ketta W. P CLYDE A CO. te ? General Agents. Philadelphia B 00K AND JOB WORK ??ATLY Kaootaa AT TBS DisrATvii rauaaa.aaaii RAILROAD LINS?. R P ?A P BlcDmonl Pralancti LX'* LlSl?! bor* I Potrait h ao A M. 8:43 A. M. Bebed-Ble 1? ECeet January ??B, in!?"*. AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. LBAVB BYRJO-BTRRBT sTATIOS. 4;ISA. M., Da . tot IVaafclaajtOE and P?t_# North. Stop? oaly at Mlir?rd and Fre.l.;ricksburg. Pullman Sleepers to New York. , Sunday only, for Washing. ton and points North. Slop? s? i-'lba. ??In Alu-n. A?h land. Taiylorsvllle. Dosweii, R?ther Glen, pen?la, MU ford. WoodslAit?, Guias*, Summit. Fred?r!cksliirg. lirooke. an?l WilowatoT. Pullman ca?r. Dailly. except Sunday, for Washington and joints North, Stop? at Elba. Ash? land. Taylorsvllle. Doswell. Hi.?her <*.len. Peor,,? Mil? ford W??o?l*lane. Guinea. S u m m i t. Fr?*-d?"!ick?!>nrg, prook?. nnd Wldewater. P'iHman car. 0:05 A. M? Commencing January SKh, rfallv except Monday, for Washington. Baltimore, Phil. sd-iphla, and New York. The New York and Florida S?*>ectal. composed e-atlrrty of Pullman sleeplnn , din ing-, and obaervatlon-car?. No extra charge other than i dur Pullman fare. Does not ?top at Elba 1200 M . i ?any except Sunday, for Washington and points North. flt??p? i?t Elba. (ll?-n ?ll.-n. Ashlan.l. Doswell. V ! 1 f ) r (I, Frcdertckaburg. Rrooke. and Wldewater. tiioi- car. *il?o. co-neels with Congressional Limited at Washington. T-3B P. M, D'Hy, for Washington and point's North Stops at Elba. Ashland. Dosw? 11. Mtlford. Fr<*dert?*ksbur?r. Brooke. I ! Wldrwnter. and other sta tions Sundays Sleeper Rich ?" ?on? V. ?'..rV ARHIVE IM '( I?-* I it II. I STATIC*. fc.lOA. At.. t>-?w- - . . Brooke. 1* r? d. ricksburg. Mil ' fonl. Doswell. Asnkind, .?.??1 Elba and other stations Sni ?'.ays gleeaper New York to Richmon?! S 45 P. M.. Dally, ?xcept Sunday. S'op? I t Wldewater. il r o o k e. Fr??d?-ricksbur?-j, Summit, Quinfa, W???Hi?iane, Mdfwd. Pen?la. Uuthcr Olen. I?oa? well, Taylorsvllle. .?.inland, Cien Allen, and Klha. I'ar lor cur from Washington. 1:10 P.M.. Dally. St..?.s ..rl? al Btsd - i ii ksoura. Doswa-il. and A<h? land. an.T Elba. Pullman ear? frun New York. 8.S8 P. ML, Daily Stops at Wldewater, lirooke. Fredertrksburg. Hurmnli, Guinea, Wood-dane, Mllford. l'?tie/)a, R?ther Glen, Doswell, T??ylorsvili?\ Ashian.l. C.len Allen, and Elba. Sleeplng-ear. 0:SO P. ML, Commen?a? ig J inunn 17?*. dally ??x.-ejit Sonda;,. the New folk and Florida a ,- . .,., .. ,,,,. ..,,.., .. t-'| a KREDERICKSB'O ACCOMMODATION. ? Hyrd-Sttc-t Station. Ifvrd-str.-.t Station. (Dally ?v? 4 <k? p. m., ?Lana? H 30 A. M . Arrlv? ASHLAND TRAINS. ti ?.ni. i \i tot ?Sunday.) 5 42 A. M., Leaves Klba. ?i:2<? P. ML, LeAtO* Riba. ?:40 A. M., Arrives Klba. 0:0O P. M , Arrives Klba. C. A. TAYIiOR, Trifhc Manager E. T. D. MYERS. President. jal? A, G. L ATLANTIC-COAST LINE. Schedule 1m fc_>>ct January 17, I ? ?. 1HA1NS LEAVE It I? IIMOND?INION DBPO ?'. y.oo a. M., Dally. KaSl A. 7JWP.M. ?v.rlv. s FitersDur? II., Noifolk U M. Mi-pa mil) an Petersburg \v averiy. ami Sutlolk, \ 0.0.1. A. M.. Daily. Arriva Petersburg '.?.jo A. M., W? I'lori 11 M A. M., l-'aycttevlllo 4:11 I*. h... Charleston 10M P, M.. Savannah lint A. M., Jack sonville 7:30 A. M-. Port Tampa ?M F. M. Connect* at Wilson with No. 4?, ai !ivlnK Goldsboro' 3:10 P. M.. Wilmington 5:46 P. M. Pull man Sleeper New York ' J.uksoiiv die.. 2:55 P. M., Daily. L??caif. Arrives Pe tersburg |;H p. M. Makes all stOi'S. 6:30 P. M., Dally. Arrives Petersburg Hi P. M. Makes Hi Voted atop?, Richmond and Peters, bu.g railroad. I ?any. Arrives Petersburg b:'U P. M . connects with No? folk ami Western foi Norfolk and intermedia in puiiitij, Emporta '?.lo (?son* neets with A and D. for stations b'-awt' n Emporta and Uwriaa -. ?ii?-i, Weldoi? ?:tz F. IL. Fuy-jttcvill?, i >il A. M? CkarlSStOa S;I?Z A. M-, Savannah * % A. M., Jack sonvtlle i P. M., Pert Tampa r M SBW LINK T?> MIDDLE GEORGIA POINTS.-Anlv lng Alken 7 ZE A. M . All ta 8.10 A M., M.n 11 A M Atlanta lilt P. \l l'ull iti'iu Sl'?i?"-i New Volk ic Wilmington, Jacksonville. port Tampa, Alken, Augus lal, ?ml 3.1." I ai Dally. Arrives Petersburg .?.; . P. ML, Wel'lou 11 .? i'. M. Make- local stop? be IWeSB Petersburg and W*i don. lO-OO P. M., Dally, except Sunday. The Nlw Y??ik and I*'?? . clal arrive? CharlSStoa A M. Savannah '.? '1 A. M . Jacksonville Ida P. M . Augustine 2 m P. M , I >m-?A K:35 I' M. Pullman \estl buie. Bleeping-, Pining?-, L4 br try-, l ?H? n . airs. 1 10-50 P. M.. Dally. Arrives Petersburg 1 l ' 11 ::> ! M Lvn? A M . Ro ?i ?h I llrlstoi US? A. M I'.?liman <-'i. eper Rldimoad t?. Lynch burp. TRAINS ARRIVE niCir.lONIV. 4 ?no A. M.. Dad) .iron Sa vannah, ?'hurl si ?n, AtlanU. M? on, AURUaL?, ?uaii! ??il ^.iii.i* Soath. ally, except .Sumlay, Al lan'.H. Aiheiis, Raleigh, H?n derson, Lynchbut?, and me - Dally. Petersburg lo Dally, ext epl Mo/.da . from Tampa, Ule. Kavaii i?1 Charleston. Sun?i ?y only, frota. Atlanta. All.?-i.e. Kaleigh. H-inlersoii, Lynchburg, anJ 'he We-?t. on \ M..Dally. Norfolk. Suffolk, and e t< rsl T 13 P M.. Daily, Jacks?.nvi i Savnn *' nah. < la .il ai- n. W liming ton, Gold ?hoi ''. and an olnts 1?*ath. (Norfolk. Suffolk, W?e i Peittrsbnrs. I'? i- ?urjt. Idfnch i the weal \IKKSON. Trafile Mitiagef M KMERH?JN, 8:15 A. M. H3T A M 8.53 A. M 8:00 A. M. l?,l 0-55 P. M D Hy, rerly, 8S41 P M . burg, J. R. KKNLY (Jeii.ral ?Mas ja 16 Cem ral Passengvr Agent. C. r CAMPBELU Division Facsenger Agent " Scheddto ib Efbct U?..- ?_.orr i. 1MIT. LEAVE RICHMOND, 1IYRD-STRBB1 STATION. U.00 A. M., Da.iy Rl.-nmond and Nor folk. VK_?TiDULE DIM it'. i.D. Becoad-claM ticket? not 0 05 A. M ?hioaao. Puiiuian Sleeper Roanoke to Columbus, alaw, for Radford. Hr^tol. Kn??x? n ill?. inatiaiiooikj. and In termediate pointa T.?30 P. M., Da. 1). far Notl - * 3 ?Ik, and Intermediate ?tatloaa. lO 4? P. M.. l'Hily, tor Diivhburg and Roanoke Connet? ? ltoa noke with Washington and Umilrd. 1'U.l? Il ?n SleeoiTS HoailOK? t* Memphis and New Orleans PUIXMAN HLEl.i'llt between RICH MOND AND I ' NCHBURU ready for oc ?...van y at ?P. M . aUo, Pullmau Sloeper Petersburg to Roanoke. Trains arrive Richmond?from Lyn h? burg and lh<- West daily I II A. M.. and 9M P. M. From Norfolk and the Hart 11:06 A M , and Vestibule?! Limited 4M P. M. OtBce ta Main street. R W C?ti ?TNF.Y. Dlstilct Pas.-ettijer Agent; ILL, Osoaral Oftlc w. B aaviL... General Passenger Axent. le . Koanoke, A'a. do *