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THE RICHMOND DISPATCH. WHOLE N?MBEK, 11.Ml. RICHMOND. VA.1A?U?IDAY. MAltCII 12, 1^8._TURKU CENTS PER COPYJ PREPAREDFORWO ? - ? U Hoping ?or and Expecttoi Best. THAT IS THE SITUA' Authorities S ill Anticipate a Pe Outcome o? Spanish Troub>. DEPARTMENT OF SOUTH N)! pendent oi Department of and With Headquarters in Atlai 1\\?>> \\ MtMIM's nul I Ik* \ hi ii ?on n?. tutti n M ? I ?*r \ ?ail?l (?? III?"??* II?*,*? >ee??r?<l? \e?. inttlnafclpa i?> u?* iini >tt". frtini \..?,.| t nun. INQTON, Mar. 1, r.. ll,.;,i, but |.i-I..U-. worst TI ' '" M f W ..a i,,l Navy .*.< . ! .,- re m? oi th? aassa wbn? ring witi most -.tu) ?.- ' int ?r?; signtflosi ill.- do : Commltl ..n MU ai * for 1 and .-? itlng a 111? : ?v.. In Sil llkelillt?.. t a . hould .. . it! Th.- j.i. ?eni i?. p md ti.? which have I - n \-,r ' m sasnj ?baud " old ?I? I'airirn? rtnii-nt .?f the 8? will irtmsnt wll .ana, ( ?)i|ii. I "i. All ?.f th - - itta -h ? Ilerritt > tall) . for ? immand whicb pa m him by the addition to HE IvDQI ai: ?TMM IN Ail.\.\T.\ . . . ! a -'a' new ; V | a - value anil it> excellent railroad con a - - at th? lovernmenl ha M i a ut.a toe ; ti?- )? t the ? a ei intent, so it nil ?Hi to hin Um moat a ^ alis?le ti it ersl Wilson ? tilsl of Engin? i- Kpected t | | a ft ! tilica! ? - i . ..?lritry. the To For the tir?t time to-day, the .?itn /. Deport m? it dmlttod t nerv? to the ?I'-t'i a . their r without question the m< ? confidence In an ex-eeutive ??Hier rer hit ? Ithout li f..r the pui lerial, have done In the csse ??t Qeni l od the i iWility. but ev? i*j con? ? ?a : a immunltl i 11 y. II. Ill- 111 I IS? ll that it ' i th?* 1 building In England for Brasil. febtnet m?-- tin Long that the naval aitta London, I I Colwell, had tot < Imail n?il ri??ni him that a a Ni ?THING FR( 'M MAINE d >1 RT. gain ?without w< from tie nding .: of Secretary Loi that h? fed nothin ..? tn the c?uc Ju . 'i i? ?i . . i?-?l , -. t.? thii mi he ti is .t'liii : ti,- Colon a lia? lit : '..-ir. mud? V\ ?in? sd i) . j M Hi incur no '* ? ' af approv? ?i if. tu i* .. all m a ; itlng a -1 a. If a ,?. i b) v..ii n? oi ii ,-a.ii .n? submit ?i ' once f approval. B '' - Uli) ?s D LONG i, tpture i.? tw dpatn, manj nsv . N nd ?readtnei I ig ti,.- Un. ?.i th? ir- prof? asl in thi I,le for Hi' I" [LABILITT OF RETIRED list. 'I ! I ,tt of the t" nem| pul tvsllsbillt) "" tl time oi ara . . : ?Statut? im- al,left. Oft ?llowi .?t,,, r .?n the rotin d H na\ y -han t.t employ? .1 on ?, ,v. dut] p| in Ullie t?f B 11,. 1?. ..t.- amas atmet ? 01 ,?? eiiji.yin. nt oi h? tilth an . pjor, deopMe titt tmot tti??< the ability . n ,|,t UI.tlfllI'K ??i> ht LtlOtt. In ?-?t.-? ?I BhOUl ., !,, go t" v\ar in - |; V.trilllal I Wslksr, recently r? ?*> ""' ""> ? lent v thr Canal Coaunli ?XOTHINQ FBOU maim: COURT. r\. , -c ?aa pareaatentiy elreu 1. .. . th? report ??nie from those who* ?-Our? I ? ! in'.a.UoB Should ihht th? sdndnistrstlon w-> In i?i o) lotlmstiong or Information thut the 1* ult of the taa?c*Ug<?iion of the court o inquiry ai to the cause of the Maine w??eh^I??? 5bow '"", ,h" ?Pi??"? r,h ,' ' " " ?otUeahlr m? paternal agency, a cabinet 21*" ?.v*n ?y01?*1 ? "???*?"? >???? ;' """< tn-nt. and another r-,..?, we, ? ? - of the inquiry *, r" '" " > "'-?ry Long. .NN'1, l.rttiul.t to th? I "in I '.' ' K h" "" raise ... every ? - _ "There is not a word of " ' h "; """ ' be - ?.?i ?Mo word aai *** ' > th ,'i.-i.! a.t ..,- am s-hal the board oi Inquiry v. ni determine " TlllU.'.K M:\\ 11 ?. I i 1,1 silil'v. <? * of Tli.?, ,,, a* ,|?. "Mnln.-'_1?. rrsnaa ,,f Mhalnaa V\AMIl.\?;it..\ Man*,), 11,-Thre? new beitleshipn, of Um ateunoheei type afloat, ' ' i?> ?., n?.-..,- CommRtee OB Nav.,1 Affairs to-,lay. un?! | provision for their eonstaruetton taeorted la th?. naval approprlntlOB Mil, At the time the committee agreed ??n a maximum ' ; or ton ror armor-piste for .. the Par? a ?>r nsvsl marines i.v m mm, and pul msttsra In fair abspe tor a decision to-morroa ea the location of dry-docka, probably four in number, capable ? t accommodating th? ?t-siasa war-vsssst, committee was in session prnctl '?11 ?lay, and i?< f??re th?, decision on - ?.t Ships ?ras naportsd ttH-re was a long .irai Interesting dfcacoi - Representative Tste (Democrat), while Dg ?in increas?*. believed that tWO would be ample, and that fur ther expenditure beyond the ?point of ne t) should be avoided. >Whsn the ; tben w_i bul one dis sent isg voles, Mr. T?te insisting; thst two battleshlpa would be sufficient to . a . | ; . The neu warahipa ?provided f??r will ??? ??r :h. lat? si pattern, li will be m?. *. i.? rore they can b< Pia? ? ?i In Dommli ion. ? me of them, the committee dseMed, should > -;?r the name of the Ill-fated Maine. The appropris? tton tor their construction ?sat- not Bxed, r?f? an -<| t.? it,, BUb-Commltt? ?m Approprtstkms, which win rsporl to the ?mmittsa next ? cost, it i- Mig ??n i?. about lb.uuo.iM8 each, though, for the Bsosl yssr i In th?* win. the amount of ex? i??-t ?ittiire nia.y aoi exceed tare niiiii??ns each. ARMOR-PLATA Th** commtttse also agreed on a ?pro vision authorising the Secretary ?>f the Navy to ?purchase armor-piste, w> eon trsei or otherwl?se, at a ??osl of not ex | M< I I - I ton. This wais aur? . ?1 M. however, only with the express ?proviso thia Item should Include the nick? i ii-??-<l in the arnmr. for Which i lurgC outsid? ?percentage heretofore lias been by th? government This limit ?oi i-t ?iiiti at.-t prie? ?i? - ... n ka? nerall) m cted, anal, with ti.?- ex? eptlon of the in? rtlon of the ?proviso ais t?. nlokel, r?n t with little opposition In the discussion. ne ?>t tri.- mus? Important festur? th? Work on the t.iii wna an agrssmeni ??n an ?appropriation of 1126,000 for out nttlng, rationing, and unlfonnlng fit ad ditional paarinss. Tins Incrssse In the BU maule th?? Of ai apecisl and urgent request sent to the Mous? liter the submission of the reun ?an* recomo '\ iih the amounts to be paid for dry-docka and for armor Mat.- n, un- eggregste not yet deter mined, th?* mu. as it stands, currtes, ?n all, something like U*.b.I which, how will tie largel) augmented by the otbof in ms. Hai?i.i 1 made ?with the lui. .nui it is iik? iv it will be In uhsps i.?r ?report to the public Mondsy or I ll?s,laiy. II 111 \\ \ I 11 \>?H IL. Cnngtressls_nl >n?-iit ?Fined ?.'.?mi? ii?--i Craai Uurk MMestfs*. 11 \!<A \ A .Mainh 11. The ? ? ath?-r contlnuea to Its delightful, snd the city a anquii .-is the akies sre Mue. i'ii'ia... >3smpson sesma to hav? t> coversd from his sunlit Indisposition, and the i'nit'-'i Stan?.- Naval Court of Inquiry Into the lorn ??f the ?battleship M which he ?presides la pursuing Its usual COUI The i? lief work oi the Red-Cros ?let) in the ett] snd country la daily ?becoming m??', systematic, effective, anal regular. Misa Clara Barton and the Col lector ??t Customs hav? ti.i'i in??: t ?plea* -mi interviewa during which MIm ton assured the ofDoial thai thi Rsd? . rom |.. ,a.:. esrnestl) d? precst? ti anj npt, no matt.i .t..m what Bource, o evade or Infringe the customs Isws of 3 pa in ?u cui.a and the Collector ax? ?i hi? desire and Intention t?? do all In lu- ?power to expedite Hi?- adml .?a j. g?mate t?ill?i Th? Americas yacht Anita, which brought a : ?nal ?part) her?, bat ?i?,. ,i at:,'??. !<u it la alleged, n?>: bar? n proper ord? r. Th? i a* m.n who ?arrived here In the Ai Senators Galltnger, Thurston. and Money, and Repr?sentativ? a ? tumminga iud William Alden Smith accompanied b) their wivsa, were presented si the Palace ,,i in o'clock this mumlng, by Cimsui ai l. and wen cordl illy re pel? ?i by ' '.?I'tain-? i'-n* i ai Blanco. This . venlng the congressional party paid ?i visit t" a ?. . m|. "i-.-, con? enti The) will go bj asa to Mstanaaa fhlt afti moon the memb? ra oi the omisi Csbln? I call? -?i upon i 'om? . the binders of the Montgomery. The ?appropriate salutes D ,,,,, - -,\ i. .?t.-. a \ ed a - ?w the ,,,. ii, i ?i t lie day erbi n Oensrsl Parad -' tit* ?fovernm? nt, \ leiti ?t the Montgomery. \ ?Spanish repon ?sys thai >yov< rnmenl the Sierra Maestru had a aklrmiah ?with sn Inaui force, ?"?'I hnve Inflicted "numeroua loea upon the Insurgents." aW;?? enpturlng ?Ihre ner?, and destroying the plantation of the tiit-rny. The troops, it is further loal three men killed and ten ?wound? ?The court ot Inquiry ,,i(| UttM to day ??pending much of the time * itching the i work. Th" tine Impoeed '.' the Anita a u ?re moved by the ?yovei nm?ol when II ?wna round thai her i? ipei were a ittofaetory. >i:tii.f>ii:m' OF ? ih\> ui'kstiov raapaslMsn ?f ? " intanenay Like 'Mint nl ( iiiiiiiIii WASHINGTON, March U.?Project* foe the Bsttlsm? al of the Cunan qaeetlon ?are numerous, but most of them at?- regard? ,-,! in olti.-ial lir.le- as unwori :iy "1 M - rioua connldsrsthm. ?One plan, t'"-1 been ?presented i?? the Preeldent, ? hlofe bua moMved On approral la general way of leading ama ark me conn? ,, |? | ,t with the sdmlniatratlon, ?.?,1 there la reason to believe thai tt la the subject of Btudloua reflection In ih. Ci .?m? i. The proposed plan gli - lo ail of the lights, privileges, and 'mmudh t??. enjoyed by Csnada. Spain .wrviiii i, h< t.- if only auch rlgleis sa l.n,-.. md ov? r ?bar Colonice. a i.oi?i?*?? ooumrtmmMw, wh.ii an epportunltj for - * ' ''V/'^ roursell i- prss? nted to you. aalse It. thia ?? philosophy. Dr. Greene, of No, rteenth atrast, New ^'?rk nty. the distlngub-hed apeclnliat, sdmltted t<? ,?. the asa minent authority oa dto ,,.,. ,..i, w?. consuKsd psrsonnUy or t?y i,,,,.,-' n,,- Dr. Oreene'a wonderful . have 'm...I.- his name famous throughout ,,,,. world Tb?- wenk end debilitated, th. nervous and prostrn-led fn-m ovsm otR, ,.,,.,?s snd iii.h-ciHio.i shosld ase er write to !"' (ir" Trsntmsnl w> ' ttsi correapondsnee a specialty e?d eEerg an auuruncc of cure, ah MmmM ?eis.* this golden opportunity wlthja M|r pup without deUF *?* vo restored to h^ltb. J I LOME S SUCCESSOR '.mir i'?ii,?i v IHM Hi MB OMMMMMN IM MF. IXTFItl ii;\\i;i>. AIN DO :>Ni WANT WAR, HE SAYS. >? Will I?.. i:,er> thin* HoUornhlr In Her l'Hiver to \\?-rt It. n?* < Mttaaaa-Tariff Trent> wnii I Nlin, MASHINOTON, March IT fian Lads >lo y M? niai,?-, th.- new Spanish Minis r. wna ?sen al the pedtsh Ingetton to. y by an Aeoocial ?i Pregg reprsssntn? r% and for the tirst time atnea hi- ar ral consented to apeak aannirnlag tii-ti iffalra, obserriag mMi reMeeaea pbaaea a? dinlnamlM pm lOtJ r. ...uare,| !.. .Munsters arrtvul he has re tted a cablegram tnu Ckptaln-Oenetal ni"?. Itatlag that thf Cubun CaWlnet ia nssignetsd Sansra iTrallloa. of New "k. ana Hariila, aafrelafj ?jf the Ha iiiH ''haont??r or coeamerce, t<> an with mot ?ngulo In negOtjallBg a ?t.nimer ?I treaty I?. tween the fltateS id cuwa. ihf Mlnletet isferrod Ind? Btall) to this fad. as he rggjBfdsd it - another ?wtdenea or ?he complete itonomy will? h Spain hail ?ranted t?. i'?;i AJthongh Se?or i'.?i?> win b<- the enipotsnttsry m arranglhf the Cuhna esty, th?* Cubsn delega tea above na?amrt. Moan by th-- Cuban Cabinet, ?ni liara itlra control "t tin- tetms of ?wch ai esty. dp* iking >a tti.- pr?sent poHey of* Bpnla giving sutonom) to Cubs, the Minls t ??i'i. "it?? government hna graa?ted toi:' my 00 the brOBdoit anu? most iil.. ii Unes Naturally, with am Insurrsc "r, dragging toward ?t* close, there era tnculUes m un ws) oi a complote reail iti??ii ?.i pinna so oomprsnensive as to ;l I K 'I'? "ittir.* Inn nial m.i.-hii,. a f .?t n'?i. Th.* Autonom?a! CnMnst ? m IB /.? ?, aiiitl hi Its haituls is th?* dir?-? tlOO the domestic affslra el Um Islsnd, indina tbe not unta ..i the ?Cuban i'ar ?tut nt. '"ill.- nsmlng f?t Cubsn delegates ??> .m. '" Washington an.i arrange a ceoa isreial treaty, shows how fully tbe pins f sutonom) grants the Cubans ?control f their own affairs. This delegation ill have in their own bands the making f thla tarif! arrangement, ?mil without .. ??i i ? ?.ni.i do nothing." When Benoi Polo'i stention ama drawn at ci in. ai phases of th Spanish ituatioii, he ?spoke with much n in- Lee Incident hsppened wbOc in was n ?in- ocean, ami h.? kn?*w ?milling, be ?i?! .. th.- circumstances, sltboudh he ell confident ai misunderstanding ha?i ?rown ??m ?.t Mme ne ens I sliuslfl lenernl l??*e nol mean' as anj Intlmstlon hat til- recall was tit sired. P08SIBILIT1 OF WAR. The Minist? a aa Um ?i aaksd if be tort ? ?i ' h?- pr? s,-ii! condition oi ?tween the L'ntted States and Spain .-is ridlcattng War. After a moment'.- he-l aiion lc answered ?gravely: "i un sure tin- United staites dorn sot latin par, Just ai.- I am sur. that the ?patiish Government does not want war. ami will do everything honorable in Its IOWer tu SVSrt such a calamity. ' So far as the propOOSd trem? y will ?affect ? .aun. it ia- | .piWaWli that th*1 K-atllng .triff (un? ? ssions grunted t.? Asasiicsn mporti ertll i.n machinery, electrical ippliane?ea ? ? f ail k.ntis. and various roods Which atr.a used largely in Spain American petroleum ami cotton are the ?rinclpal imerl an importa im?? Bpnln, ?at it is not ?probsble that tin- duties wall ? reduced on those articles The) enjoy i m?.imply in th.- Spanish market, and t" his extent they receive all the aiii? li spun leels wstrrsnted in giving h?-ni. rii. \ are, mon ov? r, among the adlng .. * a?"- -i.lucing articles, and - ? i<i t.? i.. auch hat they could not i.? lowered w-itl.oiit njurioualy iffecting tbe revenue. In this connection, it is atated that Am? lican ' .tl"ii is litiiliiiK a I ?i -a- i. a' - K? t m Spain, anal 'hat in tie CataluniH iu-:ri?t. p n -n? alan i\ at Bsrcelona, mam moth ?ttt.-n-ia.-ton? i are building in .p.-akiriK t-l this t?? a Motad, Sen ?i I OM itated tint Americsna would be ?jut? ,ii . ,1 t,i know thatt th' output of sh msnufsetured cottona wda itok aesr lag it not exceeding, the output la UM United St:it'*s. As t?i the concessions which Spain hope? i , .-, sure in th.- United ?States, it i- un derstood that Units will Bgurc II,,. ,.., i ,ii.s will ?I.? aw > with the Spanish preferentlul rat? on flow nal will hav.- tin- I "nit ? ti BtStSS n?l Cuba i,, .p,-, t .-m arrangemeni by which tfila ountry nil! hereafter auppl) Um Cub? aa ?with this tira-t ascssssry ?if life. Pots ws - form illy rec Ived in his ntiiciai cnpndty by Secretary Sherman and Aaslstant-Secretarj Day ?.t tu?- State 11. pan tin? nt at n ?.'clock this morning. n, win be giren am andiene? by th. im. si.lent au the White House to-m?>rrow morning al U O'eloek. IRDICATIONfl OF VY Ml. Tii?-> Mrs llinnger Ifeai Militas*) llspni'lmsnli? f alada nt Bnhnnn. WASHINGTON, I?. C, March U (?tips a .li The Indications of war to-nlghf n-.- stronger aiai mon assured than at my time sine.- th? Mowing up of th? Mains, or th. ..pression ??i ai desire for ai,, ?..-a?ii n?. Consni-Genernl Ln nj tin -ipanisii Government it is predicted than next ?reek will bring the most laapettgUat? ii.'v<*i?ir?iii-ms. and that the peopt? ??t the i iiit.-ii state? will realiai thai their eoa i?i.ii. . iu pindag i."> millions at the [tt?po h< President wna not mis placed, ia* mestloa to-dny of the De portment of tbe South, ?fs distinct from that ??t the Bust, ama th? Irsi Intimation ,,? the at tu? army prepnrnUoos ?sow w. lag m ??i. by the administration. Brlgs ,ii, i -?;..ii. r ti Wlillsm a. Grahsm arm at Son Tex., tia- boss ordered t ? ? Kurt . .m< rii? i-"i. near Allants, to tak ommand of the new deportment, which ,,,,11 be ?i.liip?. -I "t tin Star?-s Of North ind South Carolina Georgia, Florida ,,,,,. a-sippi, Arkansas. LOUls ;..?,, ... ,t t? v a ah the truopa in the \\--i iiaive been ordered to hold th?*m in r. adln? h i"t team?diste truno (, r ,,, the d? f? no? - along the AtlsnUc ?l at.oaitt. It la- als?? said thait ii.tim.? nave been sent to the Oovernora of nil the ?Southern states that the militia may i?. called apon fot eerelea ta the United staites army. Perhaps the most nctiv? ?preparstlon to day w a- iba i i n"11 "' tit* 91 air Depart ment In making Fort Monroe, Vn., the distributing point for ordnance and am munition. Sixteen eaMoada of powdei ?passed through I ?-day fbe Fart Mc ti-oni WllmlntgWn, i>ei Ten BBortars snd 7?,,in> ?pound? ??f ammunition went through to-day, OVSI th? Atlantic-Coast Line to 1'ensscots. I The!, i-- ? vi.Piitly a crisis at ILibuna. AilVl??S from ? 'olisill-ljelierail _M gO tO shoe thai immediate action le asedad, it la apparent non t<bnt there win he short, sharp, snd dselsrre steps taken the connu? w? ?K. Among Um ?people who ?were at th? War Department lo-daj In consultation la re war?! lo trnneportstlon and ether gwt? ters weit? ?'oior?*i a. n. Andrserg, first ?lie aceeldeni of 'he Southern railway; Captain H Day, oounnsl ??f the ai iantit and North CUrollna rellread, ahd others. Preatdeat K?iwar?i OOrlea, or th?. National l'liot As??>clation, wa? al?o in eoaferenca with the tkurctuwry nt the l his histy departure for Pensa i V -Bighl Is regarded as an Indication Ml he gosa lo airan?*?? fur th? safo Dotage or snip? <-.n the FlorMs exist, h're the naVy will be mossed in th? e*t l-w days. I.AFIMi THK MAST? IV rOa-HTION. Voris on Krnnsrgr niul Kentucky. Mortnr? for Ihr Kort. NEWPORt va. Mareh u. ipedaL) QBE of the large ?steel ulllfiry lasts was placed m position ? IB the tearaarge ?hi* afternoon, and a Mg foaes l now working on the ether ma - - (Off !?? K-iirsarge and tit* two for the K-n ucky. Lath of Ibesa masts weighs leven tons, Is made of th> at asa an - *' I t I Inehee in hett-rht. ?ml i? 0 have armarn? nt of rapM-flTa gUUa In be lighting top. The fa?*t thai thena lasts are being- pieced in position b?f >r<? h?. launching l. ' i -i BTidagMW thai he work on ?both ahtpa la bMag rush id ?? completion on hurry orders 't la not ustoniary to put the ?masts in pia? ? nu il sftst tlie v-ss.-is leave the ways, tut I.mpainy is exerting every effort nnd vailing itself of every intervening eng a have the Kentucky and K? usijrge n? air edvaneei as poeelbla b??fure sent into h?- water. M'?l;TAi:s F? nt THF Ft ?HT. A freight train on the Chesspsske nnd >hio railway las; night brought into N?-w lort Newa tweivt mortai-t eonelgnod to ??rt Monroe. To-dny tbe formidable an tlnes of destruction and their ?intents ran shifted ta <?i<r ?Point and hav- been itaiinlniK all dav on the I 'h- BSpSSke and ?hi?? tracks, th?- objssta "f mu? h ? ur1 sity among the few j.pie who have ?. >ti sble to retch a ?yllniapse ??f them. I'll.- mortars here s.-nt Into the Fort un Wr rover of darkness ??.-night. Other ?hipni? ?its of war .r.ait. rial will follow hta one. It la said theee erar rappliea ?OHM from th? tiaivy-vair?! gnflsh ip at Washington nnd Gtoveroor*a Islsnd, M?tw i? rk. M qi l-ilTK>> OF VA IHSHIPfl. rassthly t nci?- snm win ?Pweehnss Five ?ir ?>i\. WASHINGTON, Msrch ti -Most of the IBM "I te-ttri\'s C.ilnia-t in?-, tint? was aik.'n up in the ? ?if ais asares rhicta have leea put into operation for li?. a? i|iiisltion of naval V? s-?-Is Wy tlie [overnment One of the m?embei I n t. r t he mesjttng: it is now altogether ?prObsMa thai ve will secuge ;w?? *, --?!< thai pure ?in* ! i .?on -traction for the Brasilien Qov rnni'iit. it Is nut possible to Bay at his time JuSt how asan) ?hips m ail h? government will h- able t?> secure t has options on a number that have i?.a, offered, Wut nothing Is likely to ... definitely accomplished la tlie way ?f acquiring them until aa examination s into their condition, f??r whi h lurpo a a nai y'i i ..tti. ? r t: i - i ?*ri dlspstcb? .1 ail.roanl. "We ?i?. not v.ami ai loi ??t ?russets that itber ?unions contracted t.? t??- built, snd i?iw timi air?- not up to expectations. 1 -h'.iiid not be surprised but whan the ?/resident would be able t.? get tiv.- or -ix vessels in sll. Th. 100.9611.000 appro iriated for u*r ?purpose? will ?be expended n this country, exrepl auch ha may be is? ?I In the pviri'ha-e ?if sblpa and muni lona of wnr that ar.- not obtainable here. "Yes, i think the aympsthy ?>f the t ?rit isii Government in this controversy is with the i nttt-'i States AI any rat?*. -h.- dosa not si.l?- ?With Spann. I do not mean by Utia etateeaent t?. our* you h> fer 'hi' the Hhiglhflipa*e artll openly a?l rocnte our - us? and ? stand as ?inbatnn tiati help, wut they ertfl give us (heir moral support." I Cr.l.lN?. IN M Mil. Ill Commaeret .1 l'uni??-OtepleSawre With i-?Wsedtsrd Distribute? Amas, MADRID, Msrch U. Pnrther retaforce? ?sients of tr<oopa have mlled from Bans tanner f??r Cuba, 'in- feeling ? t?. the retattoejg betw?eea and Um United Matea which has pervaded oommerelnl circles foi severs] culmine ted on ntursdsy In a hsavy rail in funds All Um m arspapsra call upon the government t?> itop Un punie by ?i ?prompt aritt el.-ar Ital the r?-ai ?.iiiiiti?Mi existing in Cuba, and also defining the Interustionsl situation. The newapnpera r?-?? t.?. tbe ?profound itlon and dlsplensure csua d w* lb? t ntteii statea aeadtng tin* cruiser Mont gomery !" Hal. ma. a t... I 1?\ I la?- a ppi ?,pi ! l - tion "t * " ?.000.aoa roi national def? nee t alted State?. .Mini-i. i Woodfoi i. whi! returning from lite drive to-day, ?alighted an the ceaaeten *i Um moms ni of the interment oi tbe remalna of tbe eels inaifd toreador HYsecoelo, who ?li-?i leal Toeedsy. General Woodford llstrtboted numerous alms among the p?i"r. who sur rounded his carriage. There was g ?n-ut crowd, bol no demonstration of hostility towsrd Um Amia, am Minister, and the incident is much commented upon. A Slmilll.nn? I net. \i:\V TORE, March it-Th- n.-rald win to-morrow print the followlnn: "John R. Lead who was msster-at aniiis of the ?battleship Maine, awal who came to New York in command ot tour other eunrlvora wbo were not assigned to ?iiitv ,-it Key West in*- been given shore lesve, and la living nith tus m?. In-law, l.ouls lit in.-k. In Jersey City, H. hsa t?? ?n ?ery guarded In bla state? iii?m- t?> representatives of the press. He has mid to his friends, however that a slgnl?canl fact which bad apparently !... n overlooked was that a launch a Maine's which was al a little distance from tbe stilt, blew up ?before tbe Main. did." Fern ?nil? Will? I'rin I ?loin?. ki;v WEBT, FLA Msreh 11. The ?Fern sail?-i tot M itanssa to-night with ? cargo of provisions for ths starving Cubons ?From Matangas she win go t?. tegua Is Grande. Her departure wai without Incident. The tornedo-bost Doponl Was arri\.-?i from MoWlle. There la ih> unusual activity among osvsl ofltaora ?here. n?a; Croases Trthlng <>?? store?. PHILADELPHIA, Msreh it. -The >Mg erulser Columbia was taken out of the League Island dn -do? k this afternoon. sh>- will ?begin taking on store? ait once. The Columbia snd the Minneapolis will satii South in a fen lays Their destins tlon is not ?positively known, but it is sani Um tirst p.iit touchsd will h.- Hamp ton lt?.a_?l^. Tor|ieil<i-ll<nit? Tallin! nnd ?.?* > n. Ni:\\ PORT, U. I . Mar h 11. The torpedo-boats Talbot and Gwyn ar rived here this .? uliiii w ? I e at ??n turned over t?> Commander Mc i.? in, commandant ol the station, th. ?boats hsvlng t.?-" n accepted by 'tie ?gov ernment. The) win ?receive their equip ments and Bupplles al th?- station, am?! an? ta u?. Into commission in ? feu days, Jnp (ruiner? \??l lu He .?? niclil WASHINGTON, !? ?'. March 11 The ne>gotlstlona for th?* purchase of tbe two japan? cruisers now- building In this countr) at Philadelphia am.| Sam Fran? Isco .?re off. and th? pr?s? IndlesUons ai t hat ao fun w? i rt? p> will he taken toward acquiring thi nips Itunli W nrL mi Aiuuiu ni tlou. LYNN, mass Match n. The Ameri can Ordonnes ? oinnany*a fa?*tury in this i try is running night and day ?n orden for government ammunition, and extra men hav?* been put ta wurk. Thr Fo??!e I ? a ? ? ? i??r Ke> W e?t. NoitniLK. \a, Msreh U.?The tee?? psdo anal ?Pnote lefi Old ?Polni at u*M !< V West. Slit- pnSSSd ??lit tt?,.- cap?, at n M -itiiiil?h Tor|?ed?i-ll<ialH Kail. LONDON, March 1J A speiil ,p. pit? h from Madrid says the Spanish torpedo squadron ?it ?*ai)!i will sail for Cuba t??-<iity_^^ Why cough ami annoy the whole and!? en?, when L>r. Bull'? Cojgh Syrup wil1 btop itl M?O [S THE PEKIAK9 WO WKl.L-KSOWN POLITIC I \>?. MAKR STATKMKXTS. 1 g? - t L. ?;? ISW?ATION AND A STOUT DENIAL, g ci latter Will V.t Likely Ite Pressed st <' to mi lu? ne?Tlie Ueuixirar? Are on I a the ?tul l i ? .* and Kml Soukht Hi lire? Altiiiiied, Sny? Mr. Hooper. pg hiive yet Ween taken to as?*er iiu the extent to which transfers I <?.? esa f?jrg?d or to truce to 'heir source hos?* that came to light oh Thursday, articulan? of which were givn in y? s t*i?ti?> s Dlapatch. Mr. Qeorga Hoopar, r., vil???-, nain? wa- fOCged on ill? While ranster. said lust night that ha ha?! been ngaged all dnj in an Magertest i?gai use, and hail had no lime to give to a fnr lier consideration of the transfer ?matter. le hardly thought anything was to be uin?"d Wy foraaally reporting the eircum taaoM to th.* Btoctoral Board, ami he ias of the ??pinion that there was no need or further BSttOa, as t ti. end desired had " li alrssdy attained, since all I h?* legi-? rnra tiani besn plnced on their guard. H? ia?l aliout made up his mind, he said', not o i ik. anj further notice sf the forgery t nis ?rignature to the trainsfer. The BBUttet waa not brought up at ihe neetlng ??t the City Committee last light, .iiui Set -retairy Gordon saiid l.e tlid 101 tiiiuk it i ame within the ??rovi-i-e ??t hat body, Wut was on? for the BlsctOml Joard to ? oaaldl T, mi:, hau kins s ?EXPLANATION. Th?- Whit?- transfer wsa banded ' > Mr. looper t?-. Mr. Brnest Hsarklns, son t>i dr, 0. a. Hawkins After tbe publication n y?'-i.-t.?ay's Dispatch Mr. Hawklna ailed "n legiatrars Hooper and Bev<er i|i"e, anal Btsted that W? th the White mid he Kutni irnnsfsra ?had besn obtained ee him by Mi. J. Samuel Wilkinson, un ! r tbe following chrcumstances: 'Son,?; im.- age Mr. Wilkinson cuum Is htm ami isksd if h?* tend any irlanda who wished rsnxfera. Ha Imd been acquainted wnii Mr. Wilkinson for many y.-n*-. and kUOW inn h?- liad basa eonnscted with Demo Tatlc headqnsrtera for many ?ana; -, lalng assigned to the eoUeotlon ??i twuns Eers and registration of votera. Mr. Hsw Une anya hs employed Mr. Wilkinson t?. :o??k aft? i transf?ra for boom of tus gup ?porters, in?.mx tin- number being Mr. White shd Mr. Kuhn." DENIED I'.v MR WILKINSON. Mr. Wilkins.m was seen at ills ir*d tJence, on north sixth street, MM Bight. ii?' had we? n made acquaint? ?i ? H h th? purport ?I Mr. Hawkins's Btstement, which ii- genled In eel t?-ims snd with much display ?>f indignation. "Mi. Haw kins never employed me." be ?mid, "Ha lint me out one day and asked ni?* to take cbarg? of list of tras (fera, i -""k the lia-t. Wut Ister told hirn that 1 couldn't g? t tw? transfers, \<*ith?.r tbe name of White not ??t Kulm appeared on tin* Net, i know absolutely nothing ??t tins matter, i have known Mr. Hawkins for twn >-live or tnirty rears, ami i am quite sure ?Wait be has aovar known me ta be ?guilty of a crooked transaction of thla aort, :'or if he ?ini he would surely never have empfbyed me. I have i)'-*ii getting Irnnsfsra tar csndldstea for vsry msny rears, snd auch a chatio- a.- this has not. not < ml?! it have been, preferred agalnei mq. Tbi ?matter oi obtaining a legitimate transfah i- BO -imple and SSSy that the l?l?:i of ainv one but B m? r. BgWlCS BtOOPiOg i" B tlnng ??t tins -?nt i? absurd." i in. i hi m\i*. um KIIGMMMI " < it] ? ???n m i t ? <- Am?sgame ?Oetnllsnnd leleeta Judgsa m??i Olsrfcs. ri: City 1'? mocrntk I omml .. beM Its tinal s. .-si.m Is*! night t.. an I dstnila ??t th" prlmnrj election nest Tuoe day. i be ehairman and recr? t try pi I i committee win be at the Powbal "uw i.? m Mondny afternoon to swear In the fudges "i election. All - of ?lection an request? .1 t?? come t?, tin club-h Mondny between the hours of t and I P. M., to be sworn in and lheir qoots of ballots, All registrars are requested to ronM t.. Ute City Hain ??n Mondi\* M A. M. snd ?'? P. M. t.. gal the booths, as votera will hatv? t?? mske oui ihehr aal lots In the booths fust us in a.u general electloi The ?sommlttee will meet st ?Ssnger liaiii Tuesday night at M o'clock to re reive the election returns, and the public win. as usual, w.. admitted. The list Of VOtlng-pll - anal the name of the fudges and clerks f.iiiow: MON ROB WARD. First Preclncl No t south Piral street. Judge??A. w. Miller, Joseph Gerrtng. Clerks Jsmea C. Hannon, l.. T. fh-/. gerald. ?Second Precinct -No. _2 north Bwond street. Judgi R B Bnead, Loui? Br ?u dt-r. ?Clerks G. D. Pleaaants, Jr., - ander Archer. Third Prertni t N,? | w? at Bro id . Judges Andrew Krause, Luther Martin. Clerks Frank I. Btarke, D. A. Lacy. Fourth Precinct .\'<>. Ml north Thir?! street. Judges Joslah Ryland Clatborne Robins. ? lerks?Valentine Brown, ?Georg? r Matten Fifth Precinct- No. Ml east Canal srr.-.d ?between Second and Thud. Judge? \l a. Allen, W. T. ntsgerald Clerks-Leigh Tut? nucid. Wllllsm BranUey. IEF PERSON WARD. First prectncl No. is north Pourteenth street. Judges I. c. .lohn D. Lottler. Clerks -Goodmnn Dsvte, w. f.. Tupman. Second Precinct?Old Ma.rk.-t Hall, JuiIk'-s B. F. Bedford, C. Manning, Jr. Clerks?Peter O Sullivan, David Connell. Third Precinct No. CIS east Main Stleet Judges Thomas P. Shea. I.ila Gregory. Clerks?F. P. Msyer, Charles Kosa Fourth Prednci No Ml north Twenty first street. Ju?Ik?-s W. T. Atkinson, .1. it Allen. Clerks?Wllllsm Simpson, \\ . W. < ???oilman JACKSON WARD I'u it ;'i?-i-in-t No. T'/j Brook ivenue, Judgm I' w. ?France. John McGovern. Clerks Philip Neisa ?Plus Keller, ?second Precinci N?. IM w?si Duvsl it. F.. Felthau?, H i- ? - mann. Cierva .t Ja? oh P >b, J ihn Mc? Eneany. Third l'r?? In? t In r? ?r of N?, 761 s. ?-?iii.i sir?? t. Judges-W. J. ONell Chari.m M Welnbrunn. Clerks Chart? Booth. < ? w . <;. Fourth i'?., ?tat N??. ?>-j north ?Seven? teenth street. Judgre M. B. Gary W. a Disney. Clerks James Rogers, it. J. Ryan. MARSHALL WARD. Piral ?Precinct No Mil Lester -? ludst - K A Cav? do \\ iverly Nuckois. Clerks Thomas Duffy? John tiigi s.-.-.iin! Precinct n n oran Hsll. Judges i p. Hubbard Henry Schmidt. t 'lei k-^ \. s ? ; ... ,i Mont? ti? ?m. Thar?! I'r- .tr.. V 01 lc 11 all Ju?d| W. M William?, John Fiat Clerks?E. lt??menl, C. W Smithtrs. MADI?tOM WARD i';.-t Precinct ? Powbatan Judge??Thoma? Bonder, J. F. ?Crons. Clerks I.. R, ?Barnes, P. Kemper ?Rector. ?Second Precinct No KM north Ninth stleet. Judge? C. ii. Johns?.n. T. N. O'Keef? Clerks C. A. All? u. W. F. Richardson. Third ?Precinct No. m north s venth t. Judge? II. S. frl??-. Inm?.-* !'. VS.I. Clona W. C H W, D. h.i dsn. Fourth Prednet Seventh ??nd Cnry si nets. Judge??Thomas W. Walsh. Msxwstl T. Clarke. CMTlU John C. Nolle, 1/oUls l'aiull. CIJtY WARD. First Precinct? Main ami Morris streets. Judges?H. V. U. Moore, Wlllium Fine ri. ?Clerks?Jame? Winston. j?i?w ??#. ?on. ,, , .? ond Preelnct-No. 7<? west Broa?! eet Juds*e?-J. IL ?? vt-vnlge O.-orge Fower?. Clerks-J. 'V. Per.lva!, orna C- Waller. hird I'rrelnct-No. 12fi west I eet. fudges- P, S. Purford. J. H. M?>r r. derfcs?R W. Lark?*. Austin Nun maker. . _. '..iirth Precinct-No, 4!T south Flue eel. Judges??W-orne J. Hooper. Jr.. trence Bsrwood. Clerk??P. L. Wade, nrles Carter. _ ? lfth Precinct-? \ir y and Reservoir *?ts. Judges-!.. K. Buaaer, E. C. T?te. i-tks-Fluir Meanley, tleorge 13. Jon-s. I AETI-LMAQOM PMtWHt-MA*FtM nrnlinll an?! Jeffer??m-VV?rd tniidl ?l?len fur I ?iiincll llrnrd From. rh?> tnint meeting of the Marshall W 11 I ?i Dslofl i?. riiMtiatic clubs, bead la Oor? t ?in Hull MM niglit. was a session of ?podtatton. it was emphathmlly "unti iguy." the keynote l??*lng struck by iptaln Curtis, the ll all mail at Um ???r t. and taken up i?. everj candidate for e coum-ll from Mai-halt and Jefferson inls. The hall was festive with bunting. id a large Wraiss Wamii blared out the t?-: populsr air- tt.-twcen the torrents eloquence that maid?, captive th?. ?ears a large nco. The ?gallery was till? ?I Itil lilil?es, who evinced a k.'Ml interest the piroceedlngs io.v.inor Tyler an?l Hon. J. Taylor Kl son. who boon Invited to be present, acupled seats on the platform, which a? crowdi tl with candidate? Csptaln Curtis, who wa.s elected to pre t?. was introduced by Mr. John Meanly, i?l acknowledged the compliment In a ? f speech, in the ? nurse of which In lid his compliments to the league by tying that hie denied Its rlKht to dictate iw men should vote Thnl Ml the ball tiling, and every candidate for the ?'<>u?i i hud <om? thin? t?? saj an the subject. The ?reception accorded those ?gentlemea idorsed by the league was manifestly ?ol, yet -.oh declared that the endon. ??nt was unsought, mid thai they hsd tt been trammelled by the league in any ay. while some, K?iai?l?-?i t?. desperation . the i'-'Ts <?l some ?irdlllt ptillti. tail. a?i?- the repudiation even mot?, em latlc Mr. w. T. Woody said he had no mnectlon with the tongue; Mr. T. n. -as?, said he tiat! ?nothing St all to do itii the league; Mr. Fr.?l OaYber said * was n??t m favor ?if the league; Mr. . B PergUiSsoa said he wais bound to no ague or clubi Mr. Harry LawdsT dle his conn?actiOB with th?* lesgue. he other tw<> estidldstes endorsed b] i< organisation ?li?l not spenh, i ifferson-Ward candidates were v. n the privil?ge of the t!??or. auiil one f them said be could -talk? hands with le league only en om point -that be was i fsvor of the elty iivtr.? within Ms In >me but, I.?* added, he ?ai only in i v<>r of thla bei a.!,: dime If the Income ere sufficient to meet all requirements would w?.- wlHlng tO Slep OUtSltle than to?me and ?borrow money if it w?'i?. no itwary Two of the candidates fiom tins an-?!. ?Ah?? lire said to have w?*?>n endorsed y the tea,une. were ?particularly emphatic i their denunciation ?>t its endossement Tin* regular monthiv meeting of the lay-Ward Actives wfll be li?al?l in the n?,*. room ??i" Belvidere HgU to-night, 'tus is th? lasl meeting of the dub bo ire the election. _ THF. LHA0VB ISSUES % i i- Being Untied to Bvery Mu? in It I<"I? moiid. The Bxscntlve Committee ??f th.. Qood ???vi rnmeni Lengua nur Mst Bight snd .?nie |ta arrangsmsnteifor the la ays of the campaign. very encouraging reporta csmc from an na?t', i ? ?.r th? city, ind the leaders ate ?ry confident >>f the result of the sess ion. Igue ha-? ISSU? d al fOUr-P Ige p? t-r, "Priman Pointer??," which Is t?, he enl to every man In the city ?>f uich lond. Three thousand copies were mai'j ti last night, and tbe r? at ?will be asm ?it to-day. The paper la of the ordinary i/..-. and is full <?f interesting reading natter. In addition to ?.-ruiinK the ?paper o ev< rj Bildreat given In the City Ul ectory, it win be distributed by hand. Till: RATPLESHIF Mtl\K. I Houieuir of ?Mir Ill-Pnteit WarnUlp tor IliniiHteli ;i?-n?l*-i?. Sines widespread nui Seilest Interest entree ?round the on??- mugniflcent Wat le-diip Maine, which now Ins ?wrecked at the bottom Of Haitian I llailW'?!', and laoa U?-t destruction is like i?, mark a ;itat epot ti in OUT n.?Con's history. re Wa\?' prepared for Um raedera ?if'the ?ISI'ATCH. a souvenir of BOT. li i-- a ?l.'ied pWtiire 9 l-l\!5. cleverly ixeeuted la ever) detail, anil taken from m oU-pnlnttang done by F, n. Atweod ta IMS, ?na?! <iw:,'-..t by Brlgndter-G [I. A. Win ? I? a. It will b?; touml .i I nimbly suited foi [rnmtng, In ardor t?. obtain Um ptctare, out out i coupon ?which will m found en, and tt't.r March 1 it li. t the tWttOm Of tio* est ol Um : of the DISPATCH, ?nid bring h with See oenta i i our oounter, it must Im reaaombsred ne art; mailing th? picture, out it is jtiiy delivered an our counter nt the ibove named rats Those ?pictures can be Imd en and at after ?Monday, ?March Nth. British Frotext lit China. PEKIN, Msreh 11 The British Minis ter, Sir Claude M. MacDonald, vi-it?*?i the Foreign Office on Tuesday, ana i BtrOUg protest .??ailiist til?- c?-s sion of ?Port Arthui to H m ?ylng ir would destroy the balance of pouet m china. The Chinese officials, however, de ciar.-.t their uiai.iiitv to withstand the : demands ?I'.ci RE l?n It V tLUABLES, tOVO I'Ik-im In Virginia Trost Co.'? lire- noil Ho r??lu r-l'roor \nult?. Tin- Virginia ?Truat ?Company offers ab solute security for -til ?valuables ed In its Storage vault, the only one In Virginia. ?Parties ?are Invited t?? avail themselves ?>f euch tot i The boxea in the ?nfety vaunt of thM oompnny ennnot w?- surpassed. Both vaults sbsolutel) fir-- and burg1ar-?proot, End lo, aie?! in the only tin-proof OBBOt building in this ?-it y.;, model ate, I UMIIIMi OF BATTUBflHIP* l\rnliu"li>" .-tii.l "Kearanae," Miir.-h '_ 11 li. Th? Chesapeake and ??hlo railway will run a SPECIAL FAST TRAIN from ?Richmond to the Munching, leavind Richmond at 3 A. M March L'lth. air living Newport Newa ? S a. m . at ONB DOLLAR f'?r the ro?nd-trtp, ????.t k"Ii.k ami returning on the special trains only. Returning, th?* Special will leave New ?port N I IP. M *nd iiiontl 7 F. M. i ? Orrsetlen. i n.ier the beading ot a Geographical Krror." In oar yesterday's . a-int of th? iosat of UM? wort?, of diamonds in a cable-car on Bn Nt w York. et... mil that Hie Mdj was buyer for a fewelry ho i><* in Richmond, .. Mom th? Nes j t k sun pf ay, we added: "Unfortunntelj for the im-;?: Interest which Um atorj t illailetl tO arouse. Mis I jn,. is not eonneatad with ani fewelry firm In this *lty. nor la ah i known h- i It ha I - n* d? 1? i ?! thait th.- lady who loot the $ ' MO in d in* N. L. Sin,? u?i- the n? - > manager for Mh Cohen Compsny'a Millinery Prfsrtmant . - told w. have m I?. n a. a u ? m red ta i n ?parti? Mr* Sinnuiits is among Hie foremost known mllliii. is la N? W V?,rk. in--u Iwnored a at the m?i?t august positions ?rlth Le BoutiUMi Hi?.th?a-s nnd other ni?>.-t preminei liana, Mrs. Stmomls was fortunate enough ??ft. i a gaol deal of trouble, t?> have iiei valaablea restated, and nill s.i?.n be ?read* to introduce herself and her miillnerj talent to the people of Richmond, Wt heairtily congratulate her for her g->oi lutk nil'- JEW-A PROTEST IX ELOllliM BMRMOI nv : xn?g ? Ml I ?IX l|. t.KVT. ?HCIEHT AKD MODEM-DAY TTPES. ether ana Flssdaaari TiBsaglia of Hcrl? Time? .?.! Modn^-nea deteewfar, ot i ?(cr Pnsm EMMM wilt French Attain To-Omy. "''"' '*?" * i i ' "." w.t? the "-ubjecg of u strong sermon pr,** -h.*?l *? Ahnbn synagogne last night Clifton II. Lav* ?,i New York. RabM Levy Is on? of the foioui?Mt He Wr. w .Ilvines la the FrUte?! Slate?, ??J his larxe aadtenee. including sevoral not of I he Jewish faith, enjoyed his cloque?? discours.*, involvin? as it ?lid the funda mawtality of Judaism. Ue. Lsvy'a rermon b?-gnn at ?M oVIn? k. nnd though th? bee? part of an hoar was uonaurs?*! in Us d. Usury, he h?M?f th, nttoaUea of in? and! ?*n?*e to the Mm. 1W i? a ?paaksr of re markable force und i I.N-ttene?. "Th.) Jew," he kam!. "9 m himself ?a jWOteat Tin* itr.-t .Jew was th? llr?t protester When Ai.raham pre > against the Molnhry ?>r hi? native und and In.rne. h- j.,11 the foundation of aI li-m. This attitude of op) the false wher.-v? r found Is th.? m-.-t striking chsraateristic of th?? Jew srha Is true to hi* falltl. II?? must pi. ??r t.ase lo tt?*. Y.i It would be a take t., think, the Jew-? protest Is pure!) aegatlve; that he 1? consttth? tionally in opposition, and has no pom* tiv." work to ?Ja, "Th.* protest, which is nothing more than a denial, Is.not very valuable I B Abraham's ?lav m? tins the jew has beer? ?Wi'l's lu inn proteaL II?- has bren r t.i ?protest, even against himself, fur tbo history ?>f Judaism is one |ona ' development?, on** generation prote?timg tin* ?>f it*- pr< rising to levels of tlxiught .uni action. MORDBCAI ANT? FSTHKIt. The f? ast of Furlm. ?*?*l? Write,l ?luring the past week, e?>nimemor.?ies th, , - tit?ns of two not?ble prot? > lee?! and Bather. Al"l?l.'i ai, the faithful pa triot, yet protesting against the evil coun cillor; ?Slather, a constant protest against (hone who think than by rlt?tng lo lions of wealtt ami honor, City ?re ?lit? f-trenl from ?Weir own race .i tafth 'Tlie ii.?ist striking modern typg of tins Jew " * a M" th?? famous ?age of the laat century. F.?g hi- life he taughl at new lesson >f tote? r nue to .lew and German. ?I" I , down toe age-long su**ertitltloos of th* Ghetto, ami < "! much to Instruct ?Gere many m ? new law of humanity. it was ai striking Instance .?i th?? f.?r*?- off this man's Individuality that he ..?tilct i Ins douille Wattle a| row nena of hi? own , > long that subni - -'*.:?^c.?l ua ist the hatred of ths t ; mans "Il st m-- t miracle th:?t one mair. coul<1 hmii the Ghetto walls, tak?* his own ?peo.? pie forth, snd ?show the w??ri?i a asm cIhrhIc ?ni the immortality of thj ,i. II?- is tin- typ?- of Ci. m "i .1? - one who i- -nil ?from convtctloa, who. dare i."t yield to the temptsitfon I otherwise, because no ??tlirr faith ? I lid alsrii, ' . hlm. "The Jew of to-dsy must Rtill continu? his work of protest, becauae the World is far. v. ry t ir. from ?being p? - r hat the Jew I? p?-i-f?*i t, Wut ?because there i-, m .nni'ii-it? ?l mas? of thousand? ?>| \a ?i- of moral teaching ?behind him. n i In ought to stiiinl ait tbe In a<l ?if Um world m every depsrtment of life, oot ais master, bul as ?h?. noblest type of manhood. That It is not so t? ?partially .. n own faillit. POTHER'S I'.N. VMl'I.C l--?Ml?KVTTF.N-, \\e forget the example <>f Ember,, wh?) m ved even tbe ?pooreet of h?*.r ?peo ple, W? deserve to tie Wl ime?l t>>r th? i .alts of Individual Jew?, uni? - our i. I te bring a,n ef u.?in to n?e 1 It v. I. "Nol only Jews, but all of ev.-ry faith tery creed, must w? uplifted. Th* j? . la the natural and r pro tester <?f the world As long as Hi? world needa the Jew, Il s ti luv? him, F must hsv? him, ever rislnu to th? ! f and highest tyi I - . n m li moralising work to b< ind now. Mut 11 ? J? w' tesi a - him lelf- nol his words '.' i tin true, noble spirit ?peak? from lip, ind Wa.'W. wh? it all his life h>-st . ,. ? ?i. tl.? n. :?i'?i only then, will jew* pi Then will it do c- real work, perform its misil.??.? fi t mankind." lu. l.-vv will preach Mtis nvirsing at A M Hi ?.int Mrs. L, \ . ?i* th? KaWhi l'ail??-!', arid Wif? - ' 1* > ? ;, , >< -ir? et. They ?will n* at home to th.-ir frj? l aft? rneen. The Msne? Snwsa opens to-day at No. '." Broad -<-..r.-..t, all tilted U[i foff ??.m m--p??-<:Uon or buyu.K'. Bvei vw?>?iy i-- Invited. . rt to-night from I '" W o'clock by the Ddison Concert Compung?) a n? w ?Phono-graph of the Mb provem? nt -, f Itri ptec? s n??m -. Band, I ' Re?gim*nt Band, 00? lll"l?S Land, W:?a ' '-' '? <>H*>? II. all. This new Clothing Btor? and Men'a Fur* ?real ?pan la v?ur fu tur?* dress, and' everything thai cea '??? of see t?> tiiiin. youth, or Is.y wlh I r? It able basis ?t ut* d? lpt1 ?Look oui tor UM red Hght >lr. < harlc* A. a-?|?enoe, loag with the tailoring f, with Constable i-' *' Itaim r.illor-, Shirt Manufeo ,,,,? Men'a Puroishings H"tna 'phone MM You will find the celebrated g*HEl'SRR-BI MMI It o ? K 11 K K ? in DRA1 OHT TO-DAT by theM <;u?i ..- it IN r? Tub tmkoit. -itso*-s s i aoscaiu iROCH?jg actdir?"-?.-t!y ??n Hi" ? ol ta? roM?. Tb^ b?ve ?d eiiraoMio?rr "rt?*?-t ic aU duMirdera ot th? tbroat. _ _ Aaupausi ?Brrraaa, mo world-r?ao?m?d ?p? ii Mfigaenter, tiapm? ? aei??-M>?M Bivtr MaSertnks ?m<l cur^ ly?i>?p*i?. ?i*r. rti.?-?. f-vnr ?n-l ?ga?. Trr U. '??.t t ewata et ?-, ?iitrtrteit?. A^k f??r rt? ??nuls? a?no?l?rs, iui?n'if?cture?l by Dr. .). ?*. H. sieg*rt a Hona lor IJi?ea?e? of lb^ Liver, Stos?aeM anil Until?*?? the VY?te" ol tbe, iirrenurter Watt? s? ?prisr? I? (he moat valu*bli la Am?-* IT ? Ki.i.. Lado A Co . Whole??!? Ageste The Weather. ? - w \s(HN?;r*?N, March IL* S Hi I ''" ***** I j i'or Vltgiuie ThresteeshM 99M ? th i, with Bhowsrs; Miuthrrlj tttnlng wea> rn portikmar rly w.rvU. F??r .-. Una and <? ?. r.i?y ? | e.??l to ??uthert] mads. IHK VI. IMONI Kl ?AY wsa clear and pleassat. ? a. 9 A. M . .M 1^ M . .M I 1. M. .t? ? F. M.? 12 nignt .M Airan temperature .92 h