Newspaper Page Text
?HE RICHMOND OlSFATCH-SATiJRDAY. MARCH 12. 1898._ ? STOCK PRICES DOWN. N, , pi ? MM.* OF FROM t TO a I-OIS I* e*a*\ THROI ?.H | FAT. I! IN WHEAT MARKET. ,, u,.. atene for ? Time to Setgsg ,,llt n,.ii. on Their rast -TNWMaa ?..nlit? ? '-nipnratltrl) *tea?l >?|?r?. .tt? I oii ,*r. '- YORK. Mardi p Th.-r?? ? y h bj -??ni?- st?,-Ks m iStefl thl* mon. * tip N a Y.ok part! ? <! | ' ' ragi ttuvaat? rot London as -' -W*--! ,n elltt. ' ' >'i?>;???siii >,.. - -. ??rtaiiit r . I Th* sta ' ' nt till, tn ?London 01 | onlv i thai asea - " a::- : - - | but waa s at's aoe . tas local - ! Ot HI ..' "1,1 vsitl, mi b\ Hi, ' tv\ .j, | K'' that The '.ill f p| ,nt in an bj ?31 I'.nil than : - a ".as \ a the * - rmsnd In . fleet? - ' call - r: ! ? 1 1-.' j ? r ' .mil I I this i ' mi . ' i win n., hnowi ?ank ) *- Th? ?I . in ; \? ? v.ik . ; aiinii- ; ' r Kcv M M M. It M. M IM M ?Ut >., ?... 1. Ir, I a-, w ?\ i * I N" t i U. A-a A A a Al .N? A-a ( ti Co ( o C'i (,K 111 I ?I I.-' ?a N? ?n r? ?'.. S| M 'i M I', t.. I. t , I . VN \ \ V M N h ; i ti i, C D I I t t I n I A N N N A I I' ( ( I: i ? r I d < ? 1 I ! I . use "t mon? y. The -, trat lais contl wW? h ilch is ; the importation of The wenknf"?*.*? in the bond ni.trk?-t to ller rntiTt than IK)! on at laal m 100. Fnlted - ?fi : . old 4's, coupons. 1-^ per OSnl * a tu anil Quine). I >. Noah ville, Rail 's a fork Central, ' fui, ,n 17.1W; Weet ' loan ai :' r? r ? i,:.; prune rllng exeha i :<. with - I for - f.?r s!xt\ . in] bills M Btln Mexican - its bonda dul! ik. . | The nh i lesiinga in the Unit? ?i 17, ?per luslve "i N>'- ? IN LONDON. a , ! it ??n i-ersd r. *.v H fall R ,. -. ','. ISil i- an-lin?* 1 - - :- i Pnth.r ISSU? "I P? ? ii,nt. - i. Ht In ooupoi .* ' - it no! partly to further liquid hours ep< a loan 1 iuetrallai ? ,.f dolasen, bol t'" - There underneath th.- qusr , ling, snd ' * thsn one im;.iol Jewish boose ?,.n,l?.n. An , premium lusing ' fr"m *? auxin M-y*, lOKKMO? K (ILOTATION-A. ciosiog stocs.. at*ls*a. roo-?* *?--?-??s r* .; }\l* AizL m ?n. pr??f?jrretl. |j s Baltimore sod <>m>.' ftU]ti> taaaoa fsalOc . ".'..* 4?iu .-.?lira. j |. i ?-titrai ?'?vine. 1(N?r tti??an?*Ke . ."'."..'. P.o ?. ; riii?: an?: A l??i? . * " ' " tdlU, tu ago, riurnmrior.'.'!'1 * ' ?? '' K?"?t?ni linnoiK. .. . -t. I. ?Uli. 87)4 ?lai .-.t. l/'in? vtttterred.. pt-'awtr? and Hudson._ ;'.'.'_., ,,, lifU>"BHwaDoa*ua NVe-veri. (j iUl Kio?*ra(ii?. 4%? t'M,T.r?iU'i KioiirauJ?, pralorrod. j * * *? - assj. .'" :,;?_ w.-. lsiuratsrr?; . *. Kill 1? ri A ?.vue . brsatMonssra. i>roterr*?i . ig . ?i ier .... ti .* fe?? grta h i j <v.?iit-rn ...IS ? .... ?1 ....???fi 00 -i.-ru. preterr^'I.? I.aae -. . 4SM ? l .Naahvill??. 1?k?2 ..'l.'lfiu . ?Uten t ra fou. . i?il? a Cssirai . "'* ?^u *s?taaoast.liOata .....? . ' ** -.. ixiuu l?t ureferr??a.... 4' ?il'Vltl? . .?? Udos'o. Joa ?i?*K*ti n ma ! . ?09 t* un, n. aiei i. grefeered . -rj ilosuy sod entsage. ." ..?s N?-? i'i iiiv ?i?j? b|, as?? ureferre'J. ' tenet uwiMm. ""'n.u ira ?;?otr?i -.?-. X.,C. ?.'??Mlhtli-.. * ? ', ? ?. ?n.i m. p. isisaefeers?..- .? a??ngee_o?i._.BSaeeeaeee_..... :.'h > r'* . Minri'-au (aim pan r. ootl R?nasrsi^eisa.-.V^l ? rti.eru y?cit*u. -.raneriea.....** )4w ?i tarn.aii'1 W??it?ru.* ..^ J'l vv??AM?ru." .. > eiton li. au'i Nav..-. .^JJ^. !l?IN f-ui n in ai Uuh. ittaourc ., '-S .?^., ?arg ?ii?i? t? t lnic? The a ml Whll In ! NKW tOKK &TO( h V POTATION*? I Bl t i ? - ( tooine Hioei?. ""':, L.alvi<l. M.,w ?-hu oui. and sau I ran?-***.. ?U ' Ml l oui. anl san franca ., in or?,',. baZ ! K?rl LOSil an?l >an Krancwcn ??i orer:. tgd I SOBI rSUI ...,,., . >U_ to ? Psni OMisrrss? . "I .l". "'V* ?4?u ! i'?..ian.n?r.,*i,% .;"~.??itj 2* B SS?S*?' wti"*:.?ta. itbern 1'a.?ins .!"..' . .' u ?them. ... rrr .".*. v?? mers, orafa?rrea ..*.*.' '*-. a? i a.itria. ,,, i? nln.-ifi?. . .,-,_ p.D.ose? ..."*;',.7 :',_^'IV Z'011" *' i"? ' ?? .' .'.'.'..".'.!.!? ?u n-ash. m Lvii.,-,,1 |*a<-H?5.prai0rr?w.. IAU i?-elii,c am |,, v? Kr.a | ;? eenoe an.l Laa, fcr.a eiofoefsg .*.*.... M?, BxrHs.i? eenrAsiBh ?ma I xpreie. ??.-, . rl-??n K\(rea. ... .-.,,', iteostates KxoroM. ?o Mai Kars?.Igpteea.".'.'.'.V.u.". anesuAEgsca teneos ?Cotton oil . 10 arru-Hi'i nil?n on ,..-, |, r,,. | _...... oh tt-rii-aii spirit.. -, I Dsrtcsn >|tint? nr-ferreu. JH Lobsceo ? ,,. gg ?atiesa fobeoooOo. uroierrod....IIS - *. h?V.<iat???l (.ar.17H? n?.caiit- oosaseai. ...... loo ' .* . Ils i.Fiiai .v.l.. nr?*l??rr??l..^. .".. ?? I * ' ?Bf rai m?v trio. S Ha ? ISOtSNtSSl .m 4.", is . ? 41 ? (1 Trus:..... gg ? i ,,- ??lerrel....... lOStf itlonal .'"????'I ?mi. ? ' NI M mid IP Pa non Bl ? ? 1< Ha M? NY f. ? neu ttlel th? utti WSI i l-I a i ?1.0 p? tloi K ' I !?,? i,* tn'itiirovrmont'-o . '-??U iclfl? ?lau.... . . g|~ H i man Pata ?e...Ill ? r?*|i iver Certificate* . My-*- fur ?.?'inri itooeaadTvloe. . !?-? . near ?iiiiir r<* In? .1%-*% I <mi neewasgagaf Kennerr, oret.Ill , |,, Cane iron. is^ q ? S-Lssssee. :,\ .,, . S. ...iiiilittr nraK?rr.? 1. .*.?! ?a, ?. Muster.?. 15*4 ? !V s. K?n?ber preierred. ?vju ' ,, ertsriit.nioa.. . s:? u.1 17 , i>rttiwos' orefrre-i.17MV? .. . Louis and Soathwestara . 4 \ ? . Puns ami Soijthw?s'?rn 1st preferred. H^ {, IhOmikIp ?mil WMittrn. 2;i -^ loOraod? nn I Western, preferred. ->7 tieagoGreat wesiara,. \t% I 'm1 Bwaitas Co-ufnH-r?iaU'ompnny . '?<t+ ; 1:;'" ea'liug I at t?ref??ri?*>*i. M ' $ ; C aSOgP l.isr. r ?lieu Stale? 4"-?, now. r-?it>t?ir.?,i..1?V.'V4 ! 111, pttcdSlot? 4's. new. eospona.P-'-'i* i F lr,t?-a M .(.-s ? - i?x?..,erei.110^4 Bl lltna Mu??.? . Done >?..I1HA, I C aitodStsiae -faooapoo. ?ih ^, I?? nlied Mates > reirts'.er?"!.1J ?U " | nlted Ht at ??a 0% t*oiiin)U? . UlUi i!>tri.-t I ??a s ...^...117 lab?ma (< laai A.V 10H^ labssis IB lass Hi. l.')7 '?abama (flaw? C).'..I0(i Ourronov. . .ji?0 ,tcfe!*oa4'i. sht^ rebl.on adl. 4 s._ . ,*,,i;v aiiH'ia Suutuera 'i a. .lorJoretniOO'-n . A* H, P,. t r. ft? . H.-* tiesapeake ?t Ohio .rs .n:;iv, . H.?U?iH'i .',oBeretJ)l 4% ' Bil1 ?enver.? K. t?. let?. 110 I lH< ??n v.-r & H ti. 4 s. mi Hk ?ist ret?nense* lats,.ion | In irl? geseral 4'a. ?h?? at? NV. * il. lit?, t. r. (in i 17.' ierierin trl'* 5's. .,..101)4 I :**! I.E.AH A. ?J'?.... .-ofTernililO!) In? ?. I! AS. A. SdS .104 ' du i. AT. Oeatral Va, .lot? s '. .t i. entriil O's. 1"4 I cei owa C lit-?. ofTere'l'-ioO j fln tsssss I'rt'ifl'"caus?la, i r.100 ?.an. Pao |Si i??ri inv.t, t r.111)4 .( ai-iiinti n? iv -onsols. -4's.100 ?. . ,v n.i at ' s. idfj i'.iRsouri ?t .I OU i?.ifl ?1. U. r. 4*? ...*....._^.. h'.M, ; lasTorkOeairai isi^ .HUH , >?"w -latSSV t entra) ."?'s. I t-.'t. - .- IBS I'l..I'.-"' Soril? .'arMISS 1 ?. 101 ?? rttiern I'ac.incist. . .lP>t?? Si.riu.-rin'a'*iac -is. ...? rn PscirJc ?'s. . l?-l?s <. Y i . S. st. L.4'8 .(ffcredl 10 ? lorrelk ano Weetern B'a . iSfl sortfiw-ternt mis'ila..(offer?;?1.'l4 I SorttiwsstAfsdso..? s.117V4 iregos N-ivitrn'ii'u i ?st .IIS Navigation pa. HI I. gLUssO'S, t. r.1-'0?? ?. a. line > ?. Lr., . ISO ?.Imoroiement 1st"?, t. r.,... 10'. ). imorofsaasBt A'a, t. n. 6Sfj l'a.-ttij?Vsof w>.lo:t Keaf1ina.'4'-?. . ?1V| H. ti. W.Imi?. Hi? -t. L. ?t 1. M. ?*?:is?l ;,-?. hi? si. !.. As. l. -rsuoral t?'t?,.ofleroi)! I? -t.Pa.0l i' )u?oi8,.141 -t. P. I . A P. int..118 st. PaulU ?P. .">'a,.*.115W MatSorn itetiwoeA'*. mo stanlarl rtopo aol Twine ?i's.- ">tl I>cueases n?,? set'.lernent ?'b.. .(?ftere,!) M l'ezosPoelSo L. u. ists. 07 I eiasl'a; lili-ii*,'lstnre.PJ'S. :tl'a-4 t . p. n gasifista. "> '! Wal.ash Istft'S.....10.'??-? NS.-il.isli 111. ?.'l ?Nest Shore 4's.IOIO4 Virginia ?entunes. ?IH N iraiuia delerrsil. 4 Mota ? ai.'i 1 is. 7rt Norlolk an>) \\?-?*t?rti ?nnsol 4's. 7HV?? Noriolk and N\est</rri pref stock. 14 KK'll.UO.NI) ?Kl'?i MAI vier. Ktotvi.-i"--.', Vfin-h 71. IS ig, Sai r.s. ? R. < .?VirglDla Centiirief.?3.000 at OSti; Viriilnla i ??uturiea?1,000 al ?90; \ ,r_inm ? at UH'?; VirglDla (entunen-7,-'?DO at BSN. '? ? ?? BU. Asked. Pnltedlstiie* fe. IM?. l'l HS en >? 1 a?nas {forthCOaTOUOS 9*t. 104 ... North Carolina ffi. ISO 132V! Virginia 3'a (aewi.~ VirgiuU century. .. <>*?? ?Crrt sajus.i < Ktchmou'l eltv If*.. I .'50 !ti liiiiui 1 civ'i s. 1 I -V_ Rtcbm??n.i iitT-?". *10 .?:,,. l<? 1,11,01 1 .*itv41 U. ISB0.10SS l? -U"5** itAiLKOAp Bonn Atlania arid I'tiar.otie lit '< S . ISS Atlanta aul Cnarlotte g't'd la. Char.! Coi. & hug. ".d 7'?. ISO ... irgia, - ?-.r.iieni _ giorlJa V* 100 aun: I? o??* Aa >'-. 11 Fai.srsDiirir (Class B? ?Ts. 11? Hii-hiii lid and Mecilenburg 111 tt> got .'I! pr! 1 * alia 11 Bid fei fr? ar i? M) ?i? rn ?n ???y let l'a.. Ig **. (?eolgia* Alabainii .*f. ?s... 104 10A lieorslesnO?isbsnis eossela. "ls m -lui.?'lei 'I racoon .">' ? ...... 101 >.?rlolk and V? fst?sru 1st ui ?rt. ,, n. 4 perrsat. i* *l UutROAi? STOCKS. Par. Atlantu an i OnofMU??.100 t'7 101 k oad Woaterattfei..lOO 4.? .i"" I" i: . p g H. 1- ft P- conu'i'u. <?> ??<? H i snd P. common. -100 i.".' .... hieb mono. Krelericksbu-t; inri Ptitoinacdiv. oDliaat n.i?" II' 11,s^ aosa and P0ierasnnr...'tOtj ISO >ouiaeru Kailwav, prt?i. 100 :.'<? >,.utneru Hallway, oounnon.. 100 71? ... <;eorgUantl Alabama, pref. 30>4 ..nA Ceorgiaanit Alabiitiia. com. li ' Mask IMOOgB. CUUensKxobauge....- Bl '-"' -^'Hi l IH llalllK . '- ' 9t ??tri'uolitau. '-' ' SO ... National Bank of Va. 100 10l?4 10d i'stersburg ?savings ?*Dd lu sirau .* Couipvi) 20 :i4 -; .ion lOdW .... state Bank o.* .irglnia.100 id* I nlou iiauk of Richmooa.... ?J n> VirtriniH trust Company.... 100 ....^ J i?iy?j ssvini? Bank of Ki-bmond.. -. Bl o? ?>,i u i' i * > uns Vicuna Kir? and Marino... P> 'M*i 'dbU Nil- K1.I.ANK01S. asaetteaa Teeaeee compa ny preferred).100 112 American I'ooA-voi.-umpaur (common). *'? W 4 V_-Csr.?linaCbem!oal oref.100 .... ]0im Va.-Caroliua Chemical com. 100 .>o QlUltellong are lor bonds maturing in not lers tban teu yean. ,i\IN IND COTTON KXCIIANOH. Richmond, Va., M i^ ti, *** Wheat l-""?lMi:!^;.r*l.J1? ti til mixed 9t "> P-?l; sh?ntb?M ' * H .u mixeu, r Virgiiiia ^ ?;F:? g#*l_AOT?^TSi '\ '. ,.,?.-0 '(I to n i -'- winter? i*,- No. i mixeti. .u ? " -'i - 'ro. to 10c. Hv? to ^c. l?'r,V;it" Hrl,;?^h n> tillers. Uhojs NNiMi-i"' -. >"**'' hogshssds; lugs h 1 ?ftSi nun',.??-.- of b?gatenos " ^^tvtosr%wsK*vtf,? Isy mere; fobu? ?o ? UtuiM. , igarattes, ?W* ?V"" 0o*Be je?r *- ?he HhU-s ol /'?^uJ ?o-.luy were: ?tonewail Richmond break S to 0 - >*_?.. highest ^rehouse ?^0?w?l%ouM sol?! 5.0? prlf-, lio* , T"', '.-Ice $1?'- l'renshsw'e poond?; highest ntkofo a? hiKh t .^.. ? jr .;;;,';;, ?urnti?.'..r pounds sow. ?? oHi"lo?rEmSng ?lock, while al this week, htive not been of as leaf u vaB ,|^|rt<| or luwted e. brie?* .-oiitliiue v?-ry ?mtlsfaclory. Pouls Morch?*rs. the Auetro-Hun un ? i.nsul und t ?l,;i. ? ,, laiy.r. Is 0 again, after a three months' trip he Continent. lie gire? aaoursnce I? future hearty support of ?his mar as he und.? his government s.ttls wlth his -eieetlons. ?Finer and er crop* wlU all the b?"tter suit his re, thin ,,r any season. Thia order ne most Important ??ne for ?taik i?t ?os i??,our rebsndlers and planters. "ts are for profitable prices a f!n?r OUtpUl of line ?rades. f,,r IB v.iy fln.. prices have ?seid ruling eooe tobaeee. W YORK PRODUCT MARKST. i'.nn vmiK March it Klon Weak sightly lower; ?-liy-mill patents, ''; Minnesota patent, F Wilfi.'?". ? ?Flour 1 ?ull Flour-Lull at {1.30011 .GO, ilnally. ickwh? .n l.. a. t- at M-30. " HUI' Il I ?Uli. v.* Kaeler; No. 2, GO 1-ko? 1-2c; 31 -. I ?le. irle? lilil?; fe,'. 41 l-.V. irley Mait yin? t. 'heal Spot weak; No. 2 red, (1.06 7-1, ?. li. ? ?pilons ,.; s, rattled -iinhtiv on covering, and n i ollspsed, m rt -p? ais. to a raid by romlnent < * ?>i i ? n ?_ . elevator man. ?n?1 t??*ar er??w?l gensrslly. Hulls fr?re rly routed, aun! in,ole no attempt fi ll a. recovery all day.. ?Prtees i loe? ?l 9, net lower. Heavy liquidation was ' ature; N... I r??l Mardi. cl ' 7-*? -Maty i-l.i it 'is 7-gc. ?rn Spot steady; ?o. 2. IJ Me. ? ?i> is opened steatly on the gOTernm?rnl i?rt ant! calile news. There w tber advance on heavy export orders, a Inte reaction, with wheat, <i<>:-!iik 'hanged: .May closed at .??l-sc.; July ted al .:?'? l-4c. ata Spot quiet; Ko. 2. 3ii-te. On. ?s niotier.ttety active and fairly ?steady, h corn, dosing unchanged. May do I KS-lC, ' ? f Plrm. ?n Meats null. ard?Steady; neater? Mas raed. U.9; y. F? S7, nominal. K? llne-i ork- Dull. Utter Steady; w?stern cr?am?-ry. lMi a da, factory, 1P<?1.".<*.. P.liilns ration ci*?*,?m?*ry, U?yilc; State dairy, lie.; do. creamery, 15619 l-2c. Dull; large white, ?September, TI! I ON nt I.Ik? lin? \<> ?In ni: to-m in n ?Mi Pirm; ??'tat. end Pennsylvania, ill l-tc.; western and south?- . io 3-4?-. -?tateos Quiet; New Norw, MJ71-1B ?a sweet, H.7Mit4. ?'ttoiis.-e?l-( ?il- Quiet; prime crude, 20i? -.v. : yellow, Be. '? troleum? Dull. tosln F trained, common to ??i. 11.42 l-2-.i?l.i',. 'tupi ntine Steady tics?Firm. lolasses?Stssdg. s 'abb?ge Quiet at |2(iF.. Options ? barely steady, th prices i.'oiD poims lower; rated mod? ttt-iv active, with w.*:ik undertone; al itrniidutinn, inspire?! by heavy Ptai ian receipts; weak local spot market, k of speculative rapport, and tear? < conditions, !><?ih In this country aiul pretty much all ?Europe. Closed a,'!v aid .V'll' points net lower; Bales, r?O i igs. Including March. $."? l.'.'fi*-..- '. iv. $."..ZVoF?.30. Sp.'t Hi?> weak. N?>. 7. ; |c. ; No 7 lobbng ?' l 4c M1M Il b ,i atesdy; Cordova, I l-i lugar Res atesdy; fair refining, 1 ?5-So?; ntrlfugsl, ?N-degrse test. 114c. ?So* ed qui? t. IB~f ?ORX DRY-GOOD? MARKST. ci'.nv FORK, March P. -Conditions an n qui? t In moat branch?e of dry goods day The saies of cotton anil woollen ?da at first hands, both by mstl orders ?i it? store-trading, are nominal. The es-tone is still susttalned In aearlj all although th? re an ni?-. Thees, however, an ?jesreely >j?oe ?u-, except where certsln linea show con lerable accumulation. The hopeful i ture of the market Use in the reporta un western and Interior kibbers, who a evidently ?loin? a ?rood buslnese. Print ?ths h.a\*" sold quite extensively al IH n;s. oaTT-i-ic of Fall Rlvar Rsgulsrs ,. ?., n,.?i. rat, i, qu? -'. ? m?i goods are niv actlvi in demand, at prices laased the .it">\< quotation on rsgulsrs Aboul 1,000 piece??, oddi am,l extrss, hsve I hi. l'lint. ami ginghsms ihos no ange of ruoment In any ?sra tarter, BALTIMORE) ?PRODUCT MARKT. BALTIMOfUC, March 11.-Flour-Dull 11 unchanged, Whesi Steady al a decline; >-i>ot and e rn-Mitli. '.'*' a'?4? .',-*'; April .ay. 90B99^c; Bteamer No. 2 ?red, ?MB '4c. ; soinh? in wheat, by sqiopie, 96? '-?i-.; tin. on ?raiile. W'?i'.?!?i'. Corn Steady; sp"t and ths month. 7-v,/:tit.. Apni. ?4%&343-8c.; May, 34>2<-. .mer nilxe?!. Bl ?BM\kL.; MUth? n white coin. :-, c, do. yellow, 4 ""t1." nit-? Steady; No. I white western, UAjgf, i ; No. -' mixed, do . 32fr32Vfcc. H\'. Bt? civ. No 2 n? ar b? ,,. j western, .v,'..-,? n,i\ Firm; choice timothy, MJ0W13. iiiain ?Freights Very dull and un langetl. Bugai Strong and un? Imngsd. Hint, r Firm and unchanged. Quiet and unchanged. I !? Steady am?! Unchanged 1.? tiui t $1 2'"iti.'" per basket. Whiskey Unchanged, CHICAGO PRODUCT MARKST. CHICAGO, March it -It looked for a w minutes in the wheel market to-day s if auch a flurry would ensue thai n light swt.-p the tn? Pulls oft thslr feet v'hait appeared t.? !>? sn organised raid as made on Kay, broken offering th?n ption at pints 'i'/'.''. under what Leiter rok? is were bid ling f??r it. hut ?refusing a st ii to the latter al I? aa than the .? it. i- l.iti prim. July broke se in the xcltcment, and continued weak t?> the mi. closing at a l?osa of 17-Sc ?Leiter, bj eavy baying, finally cot the market un et control, ami succeeded In holding the lay pri?e an yesterdsy'i figure it ??t. Th? aiark?-t was at vi? ioiis on?* for at time "he fars, grulna showed a good deal of tesdlnesa m th.- face of the wheel bn ik ?tul lost only l-Sc. of their pr? ?rloua lines ?Provisions, stairtinu atropg, i?? t m. weak, and cl???? .1 2Mjti1\ac. low i The loading futui - raasged aa follows; Upeinn?. lllgtiost. ^owost. Cloftng. N\ itr at?No. *.'. MSt? t?i4 ^8'4'iH hilt ! ?if II Is th ?1er I cludi egpe and lag y ail w? el Th St.-I re|a( NN ,s fht r crea tare the Indl Th t?, I. ?Bag geo? and tive boui that: IT.I1 Chi? der tur. Ti nort wh< ? '?lia Uve m this and Hi i ?n 1897 1^ ? on pol of ? Si Tf'l V.". bus 1VII In? M VilM mm m,I aa] aoa lo fai mi; pro h M la ?lui kel tho cou ait, ma ?ts an* Ici ha?! T bu? I - poi eli of agi BUI II th. sal t?o l"< In ala pe ,t:> is! 104)4 B ?'ja''. 3.*^s M a;4?4 ilari'U_,. ... 4av. P??!-? uly. OU'jt', CORN ?No. I, Jar...30>Vvr*?fi luly.:ti-?vn?4 lept.-I'^s (>A1.s-.Na ?at.87M luly.M-4 MIPSPOKA --Per III,I. ?av.?io.:?o lio.:?:. luly. lo..lj^ 10WM LAHb?Pur 10 ' 111 Say.*?.'.'.-. g;..?:? luly. j 3 H ...;i.? HHOKT Ban?Pat ISO Iba Muy....-....*.,. P. IJ.1 ?S 'uly... .."?.U'J^ ??.gtki Cash quotations arsre a dull. N'?>. 2 yellow torn, 2 spring ai.'-.ia?i,, i'la-,????.; No, -' i No. 2 corn. '?9 l-4',r2y i : .? 1 2, . NO. 2 white, f. No. l??:ti4 304*^, K\nii ;'-'4 i 91Hal4 :tl4?ai, ISMaH 3-'HaH V.Aat -' *v* S8 lt0.lTVeaiO.S0 in.-;.' 14.50 10.1 1??.S0 o 30 15.10 15.1814 5 15 1 7>.j ?s foHowe: i-'i"iir v 1-gjS l-lc. No. No. :; spring ti. *1.02''<-tl.(>2 1-2. ' . N". I oatts. o. b.. 30 l-2-.pilc; 3 whit?, f. 0. b.. t81-2?ti~?l-2c. No. 2 rye. 49 1-4.- N?i. I ?barley, M' : U?-. No. 1 flaxseetl. $1 IS; n??w. $1._'. l'liin. umothv seed. 99 Mesa fork, p?r ?barrel, tio.p. i HO.??. Parti, p?-r 100 ?pounds. S". l.V,iF..17 1-2. short nt? aide? (loose), |64it?.30; dry-salted shoulders (t>ox?'?l). U.I&tfU; slmrt cl.-ar i.l. s t!..?xe?l). F?.3(K(lF?.40. Whiskey, uls ? ill. rs" I1nis!i.*.l ?fOOdS, per ?gallon, UM l-i Siii-atr. cut-loaf, unchsnaged. Rutter atesdy; creemery, U9Uc.; dairy, 11017c cheese quiet ut ?Bt l-4c Rggs Btendy; ?resh. loc. CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI, March IP?Flour -Dull. Wheat?Quiet; No. 2 red, Wl-Sc. ? oi-ii- stt-attiv; No. I mixed, .!! l-tc. ?>ats- ?Firmer: No. I nitx??J, Be !; N??. 2. 54c. Ijtr.l Stiai'U at F' Hulk Meats-Steady ,-,t a$r..lO. Hacon-FIrm at 15.90. Whiskey-Firm at $1.3). Butter?Steady. Sanar? Firm. Kg??? Quh't at 81 -2c <"h? -ese St?att|> . THK COTTON" MARKBTI S LI V KR POOL. Mardi 11. ?* P II. -Coi ton-Hpot in fair demand; prices lower; American middling, fair, SS-8M.; ?good niltltlliiig. 3 15-32J.; mitltiting. 3 :t-*?.l. ; low nuddiitiK. Il?4d.; g"f"i ordinary, IMS.; ordinary, IV4M. The tale? ot tin Say wert i'?.|a>' balee, ol which ooo bales were for apeoulntlon snd export, ami kncludi ?i Amerl? an; i? ? elpts, -iiju i.ah all American Putures opened quiet, with s moderate d?niant!, aintl closed Steady; American mhiillti'K. low-nilddling clause, March, S an-4>4'ii:t 21-64?l. value; March ant! April. " 20->*?4<f'3 a-?>4d.. seller*?; April and May, 3 'Ht-t4f{ii ?fl-64?1., buyer?; May and June, :i 21-<M<1.. buyers: June and July, 3 21-tt4d., buvere; July snd August, 3 2l-?j4,/3 :2-?rlii m ?lers; AugiUBt and September, I 21-(M?!., huyeis: September ami October, 3 21-G4?!., buyers; October and November. H 21 -*V4?t., Bellcrs; November und Uecember, 3 30-44-j' ESTATE OF TRADE riMKI? ACTIVITY l\ m:* 111.1 AM. D!?THIIIITI\ K MARS. ISTRIAL SITUATION BETTER. I> lo He Improves by Kail I a*; of er Fnnlnnil ? ?m ?..,,. *mii -.It-Ikes? lltisloess,, or Hin t?ce \n*i n hrrr. NV FORK March 11. -Pra'dsfred's arrow win -?.?y: ?Cantinned activity itlv ?ill lin*s of ?li.-trihmivc trat?,-, m.ire particularly at th.* larger ? hi.-s n NV? st. South, and far Northwest. 0 most fSVSeahle feature cumin? un notlee. Othef favorahle ffatunu in ! the h-a\:r f,?rcli*n ?1? mam I f?>r it and Boor, aa Indicated t?y in? t rls over la -t WSSft and last year, tho bank deanna*. heavily exceed >*)bndtng periods "f previous s, though small? r than In recent ta, Less favorable fsnturea era lew. a ?volume ??r (nstasaa In the iron ami I USde l" repdktad very large, with iv. ly h.'-t ?.ports i.-ornitig from the t. Plg-lron production shows a f?r ica ?t.. an?! si,?ks show- g slight in 1.arge sales of , ?|?;.?i .?r,- a fea , and ptteeg are report??! higher for w?'k. ais aire also the qnotStlOSa tot an ? "in and wheat fisnr. - industrial eii?ia?i..ii s? ?ms likely c Improve?! by the ending "f the New land eotton-mlll ?mikes iiusim-ss is rally aettva at the Brest ?Suulhera southwestern buyers are mor?- .*??" at St. Louie. Kansas City pocklng lea repon a? denwnd one-third Isrgsr a that ?,f last v.-air. A ?perceptible im i* m? nt In (ltslrihurioii I- noted at many Hnee of ti ide An or for in.!??? tona of ?steal ralla i- a Iha? of ih? week's business ;it thai city. ade P of Batlafactory valuase at the hwesl ?Ex-port ?business In Hour :?n?l .it from the Pacific Coast Bhowg a riderable ?gain. ?Boat building I on Alaskan account. A good tnsi ig at the ?South. laineaa fallut, s la th.- Called - w.'.k wer? M7, agslnsi m Issl week Bl in the corresponding w?-? u ?,f p:?: usin?es fallares in Canada this week iber H, agslnsi 27 laist w?-?-k ami H In irger whesl and Sour, bul aaaaaller i. shlpmen? i ature of the ex? i trade thia week. The total exports (flour Included) from the I nit? t i Cat ids tin- w? ?-k were t M buahela, sgslnsl ?MIM busheli last bushels in 1?***?'?. - 7.0 l?J hela In INS, and I.MM6D ?bushels In . Corn exporta were smaller, amount to onl !,?ish?-is. agsinsl ? busheli lit week. NO HINDRANCT ANYWHKltK. R. O. I ??in a- ?'?. 'a NV, ski] Re? * t?f Trail.- will BSg in Its lasse ??f to T'iw; it |g most gratifying than do ustry or branch of buslnesa ft ttrictlon or hlndran< e, bol thai o- ii.ive ?been rapidly gaining for the t W'.k an.I month. The rallwayi an?' ning even while speculstors are asll their bum ks. and the d< mand tor 'iucts for ml the ln?lu-tri'-s is r? asliitc, .1 a ' "iiiiriK fr,?m Europe thsn needed 110.00,000 having b?pen ordsrsd Ins the i??-t w.'.k and mooes atar s Ben ail.' not . t la? r m.-tl or ~i rlnnent. iiKh reasonably more cautious. The ntiy r?-ts assured that its Inda - lost all of its business, tie fore gn ?i i ? i for its products, snd espscinuy all i i ill of a power, an l that the countrj 'a i'?r anti foreign Interesta aire in anfa ads. In- wh?-at ? xp? rt- have h? ? n 1,171 l'?7 -h'ls ?Hour in?'lii'l?-di, agslnsi 1.MJ71 t jrenr. ?from Missile and ?Pa? Mr i for two weeks T.SB.TIO bush? . agslnsi 1.010,541 last year, sports corn, in .-|.iie of ?smaller yield, ?save n 1.T9?M4 ?bushels in two weeks, ?Insi I?.:',::?.?.:? la-t vean, when they f.?r passed ?ill r.'cords. Wheat declined bul ? oui did n?'t ? hsnge ?luring wt-.'k. Cotton declined am eighth, the ?s of fertilisers Indicating les* n* lu. - u of Rcrasgs this Mir than was ex ited The exports "f principal products February wen 111.64,091 In value with Incrssss over lost yeat of about ** r , en' il, breadstuffs, of 2.'t p?*r e.-nt. and "f 2.". ?per ? ? at. in the eg? rii.- ?weekly output of ?pig-Iron waa HB. . tmis February '..?t. oui 234.430 Mardi -. and the Incrssss over unsold stock? February was only kUt tona weekly, ivlng 225.532 tons weekly for export or nsutnptton, against &1.467 In Jsnnsrv t in November, IMS, the month ?greatest consumption before this yenf >r f'tur months production hsa ?gslned little, hut order? still mor.-, other con mption. for rsllrosd cars for vessels the laik?-. f??r elevstora and oil-pipe .- for agricultural Implement worse, nl for iheet? Is ?beyond preceden! and ructural and rail works srs crowded Ith orders, though non r< elving few. ie minor m? 'als are gsn? r illy sti i, mand, ?Ths -nl.s Of WOOl for th!-- w?ek hiv ..?, ih?' -man? m ?in? the w?eeh of , itesl alarm in Augu Bl not any mu?s ?have stopped work. B ?,i,i. ?boyera; (December ?mil Jsnnsry, jh-?'h'i:i _-44d . buyers m:nv y? ?RK, ?Msrch II. Cotton Reas ; ilddllng !i?t i?-? ilpts, n" ?bal? s; ipi - l. u?; h ai. b; exports to the ontinent, 68 ?bales; forwarded, 11?; !?ai-s; iIt-a :??i liai?'.-, spinners, M bales; stock, 9.224 b Weekly: Net receipt* UK bal? ; ?irosa i ?IptS, :'t Ml ttalt-s; expOl rn ??n. 7.721 ! ] i; to Pian- . im bslos; t the Continent, 7,141 teles; forwsrded, 2x7 beles; nil? I butes; spinners. U9 Totals to-'iar Net 1 >*ripts, 81.148 ?bales; lo t' ! al BiItal ?les; to -m Continent, 14,11 I ?ck, 1,071,000 ales. Consolidated Ne! ecelpts, 143.522 bal#; Kports to Ores! Britain, U,9t bolt 1; to 'ran? ?-. n W2 ?bal? -; to the Contli H hales. Total.- sines ?September i-ta Net re i-tpts, 7.573,742 bailes; export* to UN It Irituln, 2.072.178 bales; to ?France, ? '?nathi? m. ! . .,.'?.r.?7 ?bales. Cotton futui idy; Mies, 1.000 bales; April, U.9; Ma . MM; June, 1 9; Ju: tugust, M.12; September, 5.10; <>? ' \ 16.07; ] ?. - ember, v? 8 January, M.10. Kiitii-,-, clow d stead les, 117.400 . m n, ?? i-?., ?prll, ? - M une, U; .Id'- (''O-'.. August, F?."?.; ?3ep ember, M04; October, MOI; November, I "i. n? cember I ' try, F><*>. Sp??t cotton closed essy; middling up ends, ?. Mi??- . mliiilliim Oulf, 17-lie; al? -. MH balas The following ara the totsl n?-t n -. at all ports sine S.'pt? ml?-r Bl i;.i,.e-t?ui l,fM.(Bl battra: New Or 'U l?;7 hail? s ; Mobile, 324,771 bales; i,i\a;;inii,. L<SB,110 ttai---. Chsrlraton, ?rj. II ?bales; Wilmington, N. C, 301.S41 ?bales; Norfolk, '?"'?. ' :??'? bsles; Bsttlmore, U,19 laies; Now Y.trk. lXt.91 boleo; ?Boston, 50,243 ?bsles; Newport News, 1,173 bsles; 'hlladelphla, I M 1 iI?m; Rrunssrlck. M?tM haih's. P??rr Arthur. 5.4M bates; ?ensac?la 9,%tt ?bolee; ?Port Royal, UMt isles Total. IM. 7\2 boleo, NEW 1 ?Pi.pans. March 11. Cotton? "aiiir.- st?- uly; sil.-s. ',! 000 ?ball s; ilarch. F. >"Fi.?>'. April. F? * ' /F?."?'.?; May, "'?.i/F?;2. June, M*teiit?.66; .j?j|y and Au ?ust, $5.i?6-'ii$5.?7; ?September, U-tAtuMM; ??totiii and November, M.MMK.W! l'c ember, IS-M0IB-7O; January, 5.70@I5.72. Nan'Ai.-tSToliK MARKBTK CHARLESTON, .S. c. March ll.-Tur i.'iiitii. ?Finn at M1-2C.? .-ales, none Roaln- Firm and unchanged; anlee, ions SAVANNAH <:.N . h 11.-Turp?n m? Nothing doing; receipts, tu casks II,.sin-Firm; sales. MM harrels; n* .ipts. 1,314 ?barrels; A, P. C, ami l>. UM; p $12". F, UM; c* UM; n. H.G0OM--M; i. iit??, k and m. U.U; s. UM; window ?rlass,, wuttir-WnitS, 12. SNTP.MIN?; T??N. N. ?' March 11.? ?Spirits of Turpentine ? Nothing doing; prices unchsngod; receipts M ?asks. Rosin Firm at $1.23 ami $1.30, recelptu, rete. Crude Turpentine?12012.10; receipts, ? hau rela T.?i Firm at $1 K?; re? ?ipt.-?, 241 barrels. NOKFOLK PKANI T MARKMT. NORFOLK, VA., March 11.-(Special.)? i ns?Farmers' quiet; fancy, 2 ?VH'ff strictly prime, 2l-2c; prtms,3l?4c.; e.immon, 1"? 1-'-'<' ; SpuiUsh. PETERSBURG PEANUT M A It K ET. PBTBRBBURO, VA . Mat? li 11.-(Spe cial.?-Market Arm; Virginia-, 2 2-lc. tor gotxl lots; Spanish Arm at 5*c-. PETERSBL'BO COTTON MAKKST. FETERBBL'Rt?. VA.. March ll.-(8pe cls!.)?Cotton-Firm at 6 7-8c. for goou lota. RED k ROUGH HANDS hh?e, s?-al?r. biWdlog pelm?, ehc,j**\*ee noil?, i| painful ringer end?, pimples, tilacahvada, ly, 10-uthy akin,dry, ?thla, aod falling telr, tl?h t, eeidy a<-alp?, all yield quickly to warm bath? lth ?.it? nil* Soap, and gvalle aoolntia?* 1th Ci tu cha (olnuaant,,, the great akin cure. (uticura ? iold thmat^'ra? tbr wort-: Porra? Dato axa CiW. oar.. Sol? KroM , Uo??on or -uo? M tnAme. *A ?VHto UaaiU," lr<*. TCHING HUMORS WUfiSU? m is c tton good* have a large dlxtrlbution. 1 prices are i*en?*rnlly steady, though ? utsl.le dealing* print-cloths are B ?1?- lower. Prints sre in better ?1? n?l. "ailnro!. for the weg have been 2? In United states, against BB la-vt yaar l U in Csnsds, against >'?i laet year n?.ml Vt-rilim ?.f Woman'? E? aSssaSJSk h- anntnil mating of the Kichmon?! change f??r Woman's Work took place the com-? of the ?Sxchsnge at U lock yesterdsy mornlns. The re-ports th \?an* were most Interesting ami *ouran,in?. Bbowtng quite a?, large In? a"--.- of ?soles over Isst year. The ei<? n of Officers was next in order. Mrs Kinius Newton was elected president inlmously. she having tilled this posl n with s., much discretion and jmlg nt during th?* paist year. Mrs. Qrorge n' ?ma elected first vice-president. a. Taylor Ellyson, second vies- great It, Mrs. r. William PombSTtSn thlnl ?-pr-si.lent. Mr?. William ?Doonsn tsairt r The various eSSSnilttsea t?,a coming year will be appointed at the if ni'-.-tinx ?>f 'he hoard. AMIBR I\TEI.I.mK*CK. INIATURE ALMANAC MAR. 12. 1?W. - - .1J? HI OT! TIDE. .4:14: Morning.7:23 ? ni ri-?-- ....11M'Evening.8:04 NRT OF ?RICHMOND, MARCH U, P8* ARRTVKD. Bt? <m?r All??niarl>-, ??lover, i tigers; Norfolk. Old O'J Tchrtn'llst? and mion Stesmship Company. SAILED. S""am?-r pot ashostss. Graves, erchandlsa and paeesagera; aivi? a ion Comoany. Steanvr Yemaasee. ils, aaerehnndlse ?and ?passengers; Clyde Ine ?Schooner .i??hn M ivonne. N. J.: BtSVCS. ?Schooner John s. Bsscbsm, N ewsrk, N. J., ?rsllroad ties Nortoik, Virginia O'Neil, Phliadei? llrowii. Holmes, ?HT OF NKWP<?PT NKNVS. MAP. 11 (By telegraph.) ARRIVED, s?, naer Otto, f*|sw fork. Bt? imer Plympton, Qalveston. Steamer Kanowha, Liverpool. Barge a. h. ?Smith, Now York. ?Barge Nancj Pendlet on, Providence. ' lintonlS, l'r,c. id? nee. SAILED. S" iiinr Orion. Post? u. Steamer Plympton, Hamburg. Steamer Appomattox, ?London. Schooner Jamea Davtdeon, Eltl >rt. TI u o N Nei ?hit OF WKST point. MARCH ti ip.y telegraph.) NUI'.IN PI?. Steamship RSltlmors, Murphy. Paltl BOre; passengers and general cargo. at<:tm?hl|> Blm City, Haynes, Matta oni river landings; passengers and gene al cari; SAILED. Steamship Haltlmore. Murphy, Raitl nore, passsngsrs and ??eneral cargo. Steamship K'mi City, Haynes, Matta lont rivei Undings; passengers ?in i gene ail t*;i i if?_ DEPARTIR? <>K ?II.OIIIIS. ALU DOMINION MEABSUir COMPANY. 1'MLY LINK KOK NEW YORK. Pass.ngcrs can leave Richmond daily la Cheaspsshe and Ohio railway at Jia4<? '. m , or Richmond and ?Petersburg mti ?):t?l (Norfolk and Western rout. > 1? a H.( connecting al Norfolk with Old !??> nlnion Lin?- ate inter, sailing sain.? ev? - * i ri K* for New V??rk ALL-NVATl'.lt ROUTS. Steamship Old Dominion leaves Rlch iioinl ever/ Monday at "? P. M. for New N"?ik via Jsmea i Tickets OB aala at Richmond Transfer ?ompsny's, M esa! Mailn stre??t; Chess tanke and Ohio railway, and Richmond md Petersburg rallr??a?l depots, and at ompaitiv's Office, 1212 anal Mann street Richmond Baggage checked through ' ?PREIOHT far New v??ik and all points beyond ?an i,. ahlpped by direct steamer ?allin* fr.m Richmond ?very MONDAY at S !' M . also. b.y?teamers leaving Rich mond every WEDNESDA) and SAT! K i.AV a a ?r? P. M. tor Norfolk, connecting with st? amer for New > ork. Manifest ?lose?! um? hour before sailing UmC 11 1 4 freight received and forwarded, ami through bin? of lading Issued for all northern, eeaiern. nn?i foreign ports PROM NEW VOKK. iftn .an .cave .Lilly, axoapt Ina it d v m. (Mturday, -t i to Norfolk or o!?i ? \ Boilings trom compnny*a pier \0 North rtver, loot of Mach street ' ' Freight received ?and forwarded daiiv . -. ?i't Sunday. '' For further Information apply to JOHN P. MAYER, Agent 1212 eaai Main street, Richmond, Vs. w. !.. OulUi udeu, Vice-Preatdent ami TratBe Manager, New fork, mh i ocean steamship??. Kiti:\cu l.I\?K toni|i?inir U?-ii?*ral? Trau*atlauti?j.ue DIRECT LINE T?> HAVRE-PARIS (PRANCE). Sailing every Wednesday ami Saturday at IS A. M., From Pier No. 42, North river, foot Mor ton M'reet. Lai (lai-goKne. Mti '.? I i.a Boui-gngne.Mh M La Normandie,Mb III Ls Bretagne, Ap. 9 La Navarre. Mh 261 La N<jrmau?lle.Ap Hi General Agency for I'ntted States anu Canada, ' iiowiing Oreen, N v. M ?elittioii.i Transfer Co.. '??n Main St. Andr?e? \N ,*t?i.. Ill it E. Main St. fe ii-c!6m El'ROPE AU STEAMERS. AMERICAN LINE >AW YORK -BOtfTRAMPIOM (Uuat.a-r'ftrii.) TWLN SC'HKVV L S. MAIL VfiUltlBiPS ?ailing eraiy NV_ON*SUAY SI iO A. M. ST. l.OLT??... March lS|ST. LOL'H ..April (J NKW YOhh..Mar.."ft'?;i | PAH1K.April PI si. PAL (/...March Hi) i Hi. PAIL .April Ml RED STAR LINE. SIR ?.OitK rOASTWBSr? Sailing overy NVF.UNK.S1JA Y at noon. KKNSlNciT'N.Mar. 10 I MOOKI)I.ANU..Apl. 0 VVK-tl l-:i'.Nl.'O..Mh. ?H rulKMLAND. .Apl 13 bui rHWASIL.lte.SU I KBMSlSOTON.Apl. '20 WrSSNATloNAuNAVLiAriUN? ??.. Pier? 14 and 1 ?. .Sortu ilu*r. Office, d Rostlag Oreeo, S. f. W. B. PALMEtt*CO., mb l??Tu,Th*Saly BloUmoai. rot h*. ani ap. EUROPE ?; . it;-: ruina"? avenue, rls? of Clwlu Jona?, Brooklyn, N. Y. Pall Tniiri to Palestina S390 aud upwsidf, iel5-Tu.DiA8al3l _ oid pup?r8 oflk?. for sol? at lb* DUfStSS RAILROAD I.I1ER, SOUTHERN RMLWM. n? i *-? i??*.? Unie E(r?-etlve Jmnnory IT, IS?*. 1A1SS LKAVU KKMMOM?. > A. w f?.g..i, .-,.?. O, -->?-?.? ? * ' ?telly lor ?ltenla. Au^uau. an.? point? aguutb. SI<Mper Richmond 10 Danvllte. Greensboro', Salisbury. Charlotte, Columbia, and August?. | Sleeper ?pen at :*) F. M. H ot all stations between Kichnoo.ui I and Danville to take on ano let on. pOKHeiig?!*?. _ Connect? at Danville. .Salisbury, and Charlotte with the Washington and S?Mithwestern Limited tNs. ST), a cairylng sleepers New York 9* Ashsville. ilot Spring?, Obnttunoo- i and Nashville. New \orx to ] Memphis; New York lo N??w ?Or leans. New York to Tampa, an?i flrst-cls?? day coach between Washington and Memphis. Connec tions are mide for all point? in Tex?? and California. Sleeper open for occupancy ?t ?;*> P- M ?O noon. No 7 solid train dally for Charlotte pi r , connects at Mo?e )?y With Karmvt'ile and Powhatan v.'lroad. At Kevavtlle tor Oarks vtlle. oxfonl, Mtt'nderson, an?! Dur ham, and at Greensboro' for Dur ham. Raleigh, ami V'lnston-Salem; at Dan villa with No. Si. United State. fa?t mull, ?olid tratn. da'iy rcr New Orleans and points South, which carrte? sleepers New York to New Orlean?, and New York M Jacksonville. Through sieeper Balls bury to Chattanooga; also. Pull man tourist ?leeper every Wednes day Washington to 8an Francisco, without change SOP. M.. No. if local, dally, except Sunday, for Kevsvtlle ain?l interme ,+ ? ? . r*--,tT?t?. RAINS AltHIVE AT HlUIHUNI). 00 A. M. I So P. M-, from Atlanta. Augusta, A-tovUle, and Nashville. 40 A. M.. from KeyavlVe LOCAL FREIGHT TRAINS. on. 61 nnd 82. between Manchester snd ; ipo'.is. Vs. MUIIII HU m WW POINT. UK IAMUii n; i ?: sun m. LEAVK initniitMi. SO P M., N? IS? tfcuilntare Limited, dally, t'xc?*pt Sunday. foi lVt?t Point, Ut*r* making close connec tion on Mondays. Wednesdays, and ! Friday? with ?teamcr for Balti more, also, with Klage at Lester Manor for NYalkerton and Tappa haniioi k on Tuesdays, Thursday?, and Saturdays. ;S0 P to . No. 10, local express, Mon days. Wednesday?, and Friday?, tor West Point and Intermed?ate ?ta- I .tlons. Connects with stage at Les- i 'ter Manor for Walkerton and Tnp pahannock; also, at West ?Point with steamer for Haltlmor?. Stops i at all stations. ;00 A- M-i No 'w? r-0cal Mixed Leaves ? dally. except Sunday, from Vtr- ! ginla-8treet ?rtat Ion for West point ! ?nd lnt?-rmed!ate stations, connect. Inn with itaice a? theater Minor lar .,-,?..,.. ...? t.' *wm4x, i it UNS ARR1VS; AT mi iim.(M) .17 A. IL, Salty. ;40 A. M.. NVeUtiesday? and Fridays I oiBy. aoo p M , ?Lilly, except Sunday, from I West PoiSt and intermediate ata? ? tlons. learners leave West Point at 0 P. M. | mdays. Wednesdays, an : Friday?, and ! Itlmore at .-> P M Tuesday?, Thurs ys, and Hatur?ia*>* lcket Ofrue m dation, foot of Virginia ?et Op-en from 9 A. II. to I ?V M.. A rrnrn!? " P. M to 12 A. M. City ticket Ice 90S ?-a?t Main strset, M.CTJDP. ? NV A. TCU'C. [ raffle Manager. (ten. Pass Agsnt. t r. UA !*n?? N". ! hird Vice Pi 1 ? mi?-' ' Ua\ '.'.' ?, ,,?!,,? i. , 3 W. WE8Tm*RT. Travelling Pa?? street, Rtch oe j t,i; lio K JO R4S :'-?-: 7.JH AR 8.1? 2:4: fill m a o | nu I ?I * :i a 4 tt.'A a i s ?4 1 W. ?*tr.noi? tit, ? ? t v ngsr Agent. 920 east Main st nr.?-* Va A. Sei? CHKSAPEiiKE r" ANO OHIO RAILWAY. I : Itee I I?, i- Mil It'll I?, IS1?M. at V?AS LMAYM RICHMOND, IIROAU TMMMT station. >oO A. M., Daily. With Pullman car. (or Norfolk, Poitmnouth, ? ?hi Point. Newp?iii Hoars, and principal stations Con i... is dolly wnh Old i?" inlnlon steamships for New York. t:4o p. m., Daily, with Pullman, f??r lot Bl st.U u.l ?, New-port News Old Point, Norfolk, and l'ortsnii'Uth. );?M? A. M. Local Hain. except Sunday, tor Clifton Forge, con nects at Oondnsvlll?* for Orange Culpeper, Calver ton, Man iwai, Alexandria, .mi Washington; ait Union rilaitlon, Charlottesvllte, for i.yn, hburg; at Basle for Hagerstown. 1:18 p. M., Dally, with Pullmans, to Cincinnati, ?Loulsrllls, ami St. Louis, ' onm ' ting at Covlngton, Va., lor il"t Springs, ?tops only ?t im* portant statl??na Meals served on ?Dinlng-cai - 7, Locaii Train, ex? -pi ?Bun day, follows above train .?rom OordonsvlUe to Siaun "U. A commodatlon, except Sun day, for Charlottt svllle. BL, Daily, for Cincinnati, with 0:* S ? ? ; 7 v:??? p. m., IM P r. f. v Pullmans to Hinton? N\. Va., an?l Oofionsvillc to Cincinnati and Louisville. serval on D'.nlng Connects si ton. except Hunday, for Winchester, Va., ami ut 1 '"-. Ingt ?a Va., d.illy, for Hot Springs 'MAIRS UUV1 i:i?.il lll-ilTti;i;i S'!' VTI??.\. A. M., Dally, t.?r Lynchborg and Clifton Porga. Com Bremo, except Sunday, fot Whit?- Hall, ex? pi Sunday, at Etelconj for Lexington, ?i i 'Itftori Forge with No. U for Cln, I ?mi p. M . E\< - pt Sunday ommodatlon for Columbia it \i\s \itni\i: ai m? h vi.m, lllt(?AI?-s|lti:i*:T ?TA'II(?>. W.-J?? A. M . Uaiiy from Cincinnati, 1:18 A M., Dally, from Norfolk and old Point. 8'.'to p. M., Dally, from Cindnnstl ami Loll!- . 8:S0 P. M . Dslly, from Norfolk ?xndOid I'ulnt. h 18 P. M., Except Sunday, Horn Clifton l'on:?* rRAINS ARRIVE EIGHT - STREET STATION .Sa.10 A. M.. Except Sunday, from Co lumbia. 0:liO P. M., ?Dally, from Lynchhunr and Clifton Forge, .n-,,i except Sunday, from Lexington and V\ hit? Had JOHN D. POTT: Assistant Genet .*..r Atf. >n A in M P DEPARTURE or 1TCAMKH1. HILADELPHIi, RICH MOND AND NORFOLK .- i 1?AM.SU11' COjut'AN t 3fc Appointed sailing days: Every f__n LAY, FRIDAY, and SUNDAY St day light. * l-'i-elglit received dally until 6 P. M Fare (Including meals and berth) at? on Friday's atesmer. ' For further Information applv ?o J* W. M'CARRICK, General Southern Aifent; nfllcn Hocketi? W. P CLTiNK a rn lid_Genera! Agent?. Philadelphia. VIGIAR?A NAVIGATION COMPANY, JAMES RIVER DAY LINE. Sieunier 1'UCAtl?JNTAS leave? iiu.N DAY. WEDNESDAY, ?i.u FRIDAY at T A. M for Norfulk. i'urisruouth, ?j'd Point. Ntwport isew?, Clarenionc, and jumw-rlv?!- tai??!!?**,?. anU coniicciin_ * u'ci Point ??-?i Norfolk for NV*.?hi*,t-i.oii Baltimore, and th? North. State-rooms reaerved for the night at moderate price?. Electrtc-car? direct to the wharf. p%re only ll.W and 11 to Nortolk. Muaio bv Grand Orche?trlon. r Freight received tcr above-named pla?a? and all point? In Eastern Virginia and North Carol?!:?. IRY?V WWIflTGER _, __ Genera'. Manager. A. H. Drewry, President. m il T?OOK 1ND JOB W0?K MSATI.Y KZgOUrSl? at rat, DISPATCH ftiN:NU.lojH I H Ml.II?. M? i.hix P ft p BIchmoDd. Freturle--. 1 ' * * hnri A i_t_s_M Il burg I Po?oiBic. sie Ib -Seet Janear, tu, tnog, AT 12 ?..' I.? . ROOM. %VE nYRD-KTR__r STATION. A. M . ; - Ni.r.h. ?, | , .. Mlipjrd ai, g. iViinmn hletper? to N?*? Yorb A. M.. Sunday only, for Washing? t.iU > All? t?. As A? ! m?t. Tayi- ? ?weil. : Hither ?,!en. p. oU . 1 ? .?r?l. Woodcla.i?. ?.uiueft. Summit. Fr. ?ler?'ksburg, ?ii'Htkf. ?n?! Wide water. Pullman car. A. M.. Dally, ?x'-ept Sunday, foe Washington a? n ?1 .?olnis North Slop? ? Elba, Ash land, Tarjoravlile, Poswetl. 'uther ?i'.'i, : i-i?. Mil Woodstane, ?Juin??, Summit. Pre.' ? i iiro?>k?. an?l Wi'ewater. Pullman esr. A. M., Commencing January gJth, daily ex.-ent Monday. for .ngton, Paltitn-Tt* Phil adelphia, and Nes I ' Th- N? w York an?! ? " .??-rial, composed entirely of Pullman sleeping-, ?lin ing-, and observation-car?. No extra char?,* t>ih?r than reliai Pullman fufo. Does not atop at tflba. I M ??ally except hunday. for Washing^??" end points North. Stops at Elba, Qlert M'en, Ashland. Doswall.. M i 1 f ) r (1. Fredt-rlegsburg, {'.lo.'ke, and Wtdewster. '?rlor car. Al??-?. ? ??iniects vutn ?'??ngressionail L'mite?! ?it Washington. I P. M . Daily, for Washington, ?nd i olnta North mope at Elba. Ashlaml. Posw? It Mllford. Fi*?!ericksburg. P.rook?. ami Wlrtewaler, an?! oth-r ?to 'l?*ns Sundays. Sleeper Rich? ,,.,',1 , See v"r?< RIVE niMD-STRERT 1TATIOS. > a. M - nor. Brooke, 1 i?il< iiek?hur|, Mil ford. Doswell. Aehland, aii'l Liba, and ??ther stations Sundays KWl)T-r New York ' Uichmoml S P. M . Dally. ex?cepl Sun?lnv. 8, ope t WMewater, in a o k e, Fredeiick?burgK Summit, , Miir.ird, Pen?la, Ruthei Qlen ?Des? ? - il - - lile, A-<hland. Glen Allen, an t Elba. P ?r l??i car fr.iin nn Mblngton. 0 P. M . I ? ml) St Freie tii-kshuig. Doawell. and Ash Ian l imTEIba. Pullman cars > .'? w York. IIP. M. I?.?h ?Stopa tt NVldewater. P i " i-- k e. Fr. ?lincksburg. > intuit, Guinea, Wo.ttlatanea Mllford Pen?la, umher Doawell, TavaVor?vlll?v Asbian?l. ?Pen Allen, ami Kit.?t Sleeping ear. o p. II., Commencing .i'inuary !T'r,4 daily except Sunday, ths New York an! Flwlila ' cii! n cnKRICKSR'G ACCOMMODATION? ( Dal 1] ? O P. 11., U el Statl'tiu o A. M . Arrive? Byrd-Htreet Sta?'on. AS|?|.\Ni) TRAIhS. ?I tally except Kui day.) _ A. M Bibs. ;?? p M . Leaves Elba. ,?> A M . An Ivea t Iba. m p, Nt . Arrive? Elba C A T NY!."):. Ti ffle Manager. ! T D MYERS. President,_Ja U ft I ATLANTIC-COAST ? L LINE. .? In ...?e, t i ?"M h , 17, i >:? <, UNS LLANL Hit HMO AD? LNlOs DEPOT. MA. M., Dstly, a.h,. Petersburg Si.Ji A. M , Norfolk U tt Aj M. Stop? only a! Pet? i -uurgj NN .?v ny. and butlolk, \ a. WA.M. Daily. Arrlvi Peu-raburig S?.o0 A. .NI.. NNel'loii Hail A. M., Fayettevllle 1:15 17 .n. . i aarleston MJt P. m.. Savannah i--?u A. M., ?Jack?* aonville 7J1 A. M, Port Tampa t> 20 P. M. C'lti'ie'tg ..i Wilson with No. 47, ?r. rivang C"l?i. hi?!??' 3:10 P. AL, N\ iluungton o.i;, P. m full? man Sleeper New York P5 j i ksonvllic. B5P.M.. Daily. Loe.if. Arrive? I - teisburg S;M P. M. Makca ail ?toit?. BO P. M.. Daily. Arrives Pi-i.rsLurR 1:16 i'. hi. Makes -.11 tocnJ ?top?, Richmond and p?i?rs? bi.ig railroad. 80 P. M., P-auy. Arrive? Petersburg 8 n P. .NP. connects with Noi folk aiil NN -tern top, N- rrolk af,?l im? i?olnts, Emporta 9:10 t ?>n tS wnh A and 1? for si,liions ?bets n Euiporia urn] Lawrencevllle), \N ?idol. t:?ll i'. M. Fayettevllle / a ?I fc . A. M-, Savannah ?"?> A. M , Jack. Bonvills i P. M.. Pou 'l ?imps D.t? P. M NENN LINK TO MlDDLI-1 GEOROIA POINTS.-Arrlv? lug Alken T 2S A M. Augua? ta B:ll A M.. Macon 11 A, M Atlanta 12:11 P. M Full man Blftepsra N? m York tg NN llmlngton, .ia?*k ?nvHie, Pon T imps, Alken, Augus* i.?. aad at . SO r. M. Duuy ?trrives P't't-burg ?:tl P. M . \Nel?l?ui 11 2f) i\ M M ?k? i I???- ?I ?t"i ? ' i we.i Pelt-raburg and WeU don. no P. M., Daily, except Sun?!ay. Tue New York and Florida 8p? - , la! iv??s Cbarissten PM A M., Savannah ???1 A M.. racksonvtllc l ? P. M . t?t. A i^usttii?; |:M P M . T ?mp? p M pullmsn \eut? hule. Sleeping-, Dining , U? brary-, ??n?l oi venation??? I BO P. M.. Da'iv. Arrive? Petersburg 11 : ) P. M l.'-n.tii.uiK S Jg \ M i: M., BrlBto H ;?l A M P altmsii |m nd to Lynch? TRA1XS ARRIVE UK I'^IOXD. 1 OO A. Ml vauottb, Charlestou, Aiuuin. .n, Augueu, *? nn. PIBA M. Pally, except Sun lay. At? * lu'-... A H*?n*i ?i? rson, Lym hi ur0, and tag \C, l-'IT \ M D??ily Peter-burg I? ig* A M.. Dally, i for< invlll?, .S_v?n? nah, and ? - i ?m> v M..Sunday only, from Atlnnto? Athens I'ulelgti. Henderson. I. ii< hburg, n d tb? NV??t. OB A M-, Dally Norfolk, Suffolk, and l', tarsburg. M.. Dally. Jacgsonvlll?, s?van i IS P. _ nah t hail. ?ton. N\ nnilM ton, Qoldsboro*, i ointa Heuth. I SB P. M. i ?ally, Norfolk. Si.ft?>ik. Wm eriburg. |;Sf P. M., Dslly ?Petersburg, Lym-h? i, irg, and the weal R. KENLN T M EMERSON, Qeneral Manager. Trnftl?* Msuagsg? H M EM EUH? ?N, Gen? ral Paasenger A^ent. ' s CAMPBRLU ja 1? DlvlatAn I'ass? nger Agent! ilSial nylf ltviiuin*v^*'f rv? m liii" Schedule in Eftsct Dces_*S?r S, isu7. EAYK 111? 11MONU. UYRU-lTRKRf hlATlOh. | o.oo a. M., Dsii) Richmond ?-..a Nor? loik. VEST? BL'LR LlMU'V ED. Sec?nd-cl*?a ttckeia sol accaptvu on tl.1.? ti?_n. 0.OBA. M., Dany THE CUICAUO ID?? >S." (or L>i an Slaensg ltoauok? to Coluuibua, also. ii a_ iioaiioke, Columbu?, ami nicago Pullman i?laep?C Kadford, Hriatol. Kno*? vtlie, Chattanooga, and In? t? i mediate yomi?. T 'dO P. M.. Laily. for Norfolk, Surr?!*, and lnterm??lut? ?talions. 0:40 P. M.. Dally, tor Unebborg ?ng Koanok? Connect?? at Rva : oka with \\ a?tiin?ton ang Cnattapooga l^iuiied Pull? mi '* P?.ti>ke tn M?jn?hn- And New orieaae. P *LLM\ - .El PEA Uli???,u ltl?'H ?iOND AND I.V.M ltnpRG l?Mdy for o? lupancy at ? P M ?.?o. Pullman aieepeg *?ter?bura to Roainike. Trains arrive ki?'kaao'W! from Lynch? >urg and th? V. est dally 8:U a. M 4 :6?1 P. M From Norfolk aa* the C??l 1:06 A. M . ami Vestiou.ed Lin It?,1 4 ?? i\ Id. uffle?; Vit Main ?tiMt R W COPP.rNBT. D-airta Pa-ititrnfe*" Ag?-ni; W. N BBYlf.L. ? Genersl P???e?i??r Agant. ' ?a*??r*i o?r.???: Roaook?. va. da I ?