Newspaper Page Text
i 12 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. MARCH 13, 1898 _ On Exhibition Monday and Tuesday, /larch 14 & 15. ! Under the Personal Direction of ?. QR085BAUM & 50NS, uronc's LMtftof Art Collcc I015, o? 113 New l?ond 5t London, W. a> U .. ? " One of the Greatest Sales of Modern Times." The Marquis de la Fourrenay's Collection of Rare Art Treasures : AN11QUBS. OLD PAINTINOS, BRONZES, BNAMBL5, ARTISTIC FURNITURE, At the Art Galleries (?reeden & Talley's Old Store), 309 B?st Broad St., RICHMOND, VA. 7*T?MF^BBWBjrn*pBSBT* p |*-*lipr y^-yre- - ? -*. _________BB_B uib 1.'-: I?1F.Y ARK PLEASED. FMB RH -? \i? uni. M\ui: KiM. MDOMI I'ldi-i i. tixri'V. THINK IT WILL HELP BUSINESS. I ?< !*. ? Claaa laaafclng Fmtmrmru to it *i\l?li I ?Hi??-in"*?? Mim-Ii Talk nil Vnr-I ?itiitiy N?",v?i mu? IVrmnial . It ?-nt I on. ? ?I.Mt.KN. k NTT, A \.. Ml!' '.. ii ?be gin thia v\? .. . rallro id to ?rua *A i, *n ii in man) I II thusi 11-m N nia. m N? ok t.? th? th it tin-- !-??f and much?! railroad will i i .H'tivity throughoul ihm section, ?u?! tin simple : ft |.|V 1 I. I Hi. i ff. r ? f BBaklUg ?'?ir p. ?Mil?- ai ant an?! 1u?|h1u1 ;ts if ;in ? r.i of ?gr?ai ?!- abonl t" dnwn upon tn.i: Bth? poat this raiil ! [aoht on haul i n talk? d ?-f !? ro, iitni all bopo, and app in aUy all w of its t. lag h'.n!' i' !,i i m? " bv - bt ? i by our 'it th* nnnouncoment Ibla nreok thai work on it would begin ai one? caused aa nuca sur ;t ?ial .i? light Almost ? vt iv por bob who on m??vin a homo .a hope . of haullnc" wh? o tl f eon la fairly d, ?nd th? hundr? la of Idle men and boy? nil along enter? ?t.i ?j m? nl !- ? m? np th? b? nt M lb a ! to ti : m loi ipl? !? .?. as : ; lanninc to i . for th? . to build the !? -. ! will create a r? dy h? ? market lor milk, ?butt? :. I aa the . is of the son. TALKING OF IVAR. Th*- nghl after atul road i>y | this sectlor just now ? In ni.iny y? a keen la tl it the r? follow t lu- n--' of the blowing np ol th? bnti ar.- ?inn?- Impatient tor a solution of th? matter, and Ih? m? v tti\ . : i tbe w? ||?lnform?ed i th? y , gprt n 11.- 'n? r< to ??ff.-r th?"ir oountry should am m? rgei ai the ' 11 for Vila Bt me ; th? old n aa. r. talk of v. ir wltl i Ii i . I a a.- i a ' mi * : ' "kinks' from their limbs, and than they TA olll,] 1? ;\. th? Ir l'-"U -a aitl'l liai ' t h? ir ? onnti v re cheerfully now, it n.. ? ?ary, than they tii?i In Mr. I-. any M neighbor? I. I \\ ? liltii;-!ioia.-.- ?and Itl lauta wer? consumed b? On laal week, will i n bare on I man sion n n? b t" . i? i ommodlous n th? ??ti?- buin?'?i. a?n?i without linn-? II The citlaei ol the county have ' ill.nt, ?I th? la 'ail r ltd rial of I ull Uni i ' mal :. ?i will i- hauled in ; /.? ia-. Without ' t i .\|r. ? i pt ..|i. ? ni also fui ?for bin ta Boon a it I i ?mpl? t< i. Nearly t ?ugh iiinii?. t to build and a? anug sum ot m Bubacrlbed tor I h of ih? ?lay on Air. Milalty l?..-t hi? h COUNTY 00880*. ii.i-" bnndsome edition t.? tl jtiti rectory at King Qoorgc Courtl i? ?about completed ?and ?ready for pane). i n?- ol I ?"?, -?-g a < mnory at tUTa Wharf, on the ?Potomac, noar here, wni .... n t.- begun. A ? n I'lnniiiK-mill will be built am.) pul In operation .?t ?Son Hooch ':. at on the Potomac, m tnta ? aunty, tia TIM " v\ -stiiii.r? land." th? inaianiti.'.-nt or to rim from Not folk t.. i t k burg, Ma?!?- ii? r grot trip of tb i ..I |.iit th? ; ?>f thl luntlea In .. ?i ?;i itn? h touch 0 it b Norfolk. 11? tiiiiK? arr- ?Ml I hi? WOok ity t bo Potoi and aro < onunnnd? lng bu? i <'-H turn M I., b ikt-r, of Bhlloh, this county, ?a. of our moot prominent citi naao, b ia bo? a eonflned to his room s?-v ?iai week? t?y ?in attach of rheumatism. '!!" : amity Motb 1 pal church, of this county, n. i.i an Inb rgely Utt. a ?th? r thini oonslde - .i for .n m? rtalnm? m t.. b* li'V. Il .M til,- ? '??Ultl - . ,|,, y 1 ' 1 all.I COUl ! .mi at "Wavorly," i a t'aia kin l : Oi of Publie K oov? rod fron A. t'a to Of M l:. Wl an t ' t fat no t. - i. ' f? i to dl? Au ? \? I' ).?. litt Wl I I wl! .\ to i.o fol 001 lit.I ?boa tha dot -in Btn it IlKaiMI B Arnold, of ' wiio is attending school In ?? U. C. thi? >'"? " bora with b?.- | , h, : - A V. a . ?if and hin m. i at 1er und i thii t. i n m? t i ?! i tut.. In ?',, - i-- Joan w. walkW is ?Okmjtahn Ut.i.r.aiK.M'., v smith-shopa In . tru ?kind In tl ' ' t th? ooMnit? , ' .?i! arriva ' '": ' ??t bla h.?nic* .-?t King George Courtho tc-tlay. iielng on? o? Um nw.i uquoUu -Mi la. tlon t V T ?'Il t and lav?. Hoi i ?????????N It ich r; inty, h?- will men with a w?i? i:k\ . MR. MOND8 CALLED. R, B, Monds ha* accepted b rail to tii?' paat rat? of t b? M iptlai a w ? itmor? ity, Mr. Monda Ib a young mam, bul is now paator church In thla ? ounty and ?r? or six in tu?- counttea ?f land and Richmond. Mia tinm?i is Westmoreland. ti' ? mi. h? a aart rai y< ol i::? .?iinnia,! < toll? a;?' and pr? ached "" U ' I ful and was imnit .n,it? ly tender d the i ol on? of th? largest chur<shea In a.nt.-,. He t nod to the mln? ii i at "i the work, - which ?un.- h?- baa been ?called to and ims a- of the n. at prominent i l burch? s In Um Nottbei n N< cB That farming In thla section will >'<\ " a ?great extent, changed tins \ ? ar roin the "exl to ! ht: " is ? \ i?i?ii.? i by the ?--n unity .?r rock fertilisers arriving h?tr? thla week, II as by tbe ; ici thai many truck? ? .r. ?i. to th" ?ap parent neglect "f large cornfield?, which h i hi i ? tofor? i? ?'?iv? i th? i i men' and att? nti"n In th iprlngtlme. Bvery "expert" trucker rrom the regular trucking section? of th? count!*) North and ?South?who baa rlalted tiii-- s-."ti?.!i pronounoea i Ac . w? n adapted t?? the truck ng businei . ami tin.- ims grot . our farm? i to .?<i-?i?r it in referenc gtenfllve syst? m ol arming, which r? rent d< el ol ibor and oth? r exp? ??i R p M'l.i: s ?POPULARITY. n. promln? nt gi ntlem? n ?f this count) a ia ;?sk? ?i th? other day ?.hait hi? views wor? In ?regard to th? relations ht tut en thla ?country .-. in, anu? whnl warn the pr if war. in his Opinion, ?between tht; ria lona H? replied In ?substance: "if y??u haw read the ?Richmond Dia? .ait'-h yon bar? my view?, and it ron ,iii wail till i can got and it ! to-dhy'B Hopntch i may |>e able to gire jrou my aa to tii?* proopecta for lontlnulng, b? raid; "My opinlona on na?t publl questions ar? fbrmed almost ntir.'iy from th? In Um Dia au-h ?and one or two other reliable and i)..rin. i n? ' ' it was demon? mail: i opon ?recently that ubllo ?entlmeni here on certain Impor? nt tiuistioii- I- ' '! i'..iu-i' t.- . - mould?sd and fixed UtoriaU In ;ho Dispatch, I k- burg I- a .Maar, th? io*t generell) read by nur people. The ntlmen ! in iMlghborhooul de - -.! nt, opon t?a. a nt of the ?paper circulating m?oaf ?gen? ally in that neighborhood; and it is v thai editorial? are much more ?t.m factors In moulding ?public opinion hong the n tl i in ?i districts i;m is supposed by ? ? i i t< ?ri.? 1 writ? i . "r of by thoee who have not and carefully ?t.ii th? LOST <?N Tin: 11 UM!. UIh'IIc i ?riiiliiailion ?if llu? ll??|i?*?? ?if Miirrl?-?l linir?. . u\. blngton .'- lar. i ?Particularly ?pathetic when the but? . - taken Into tlon waa the death of William ? gunner'a mat?, tn.-t ti i ? ?battleship Matin?-. He was married a winsome little woman, i ? thla city, who has boon engaged In t .it In "McFadden's >w ?.i i-i ita " His term of enli I ?s to have explr? ?i In Aug ist, and he i his wife haul j I? all their ms for having b little homn In this v. .hast tx fore in- i Um? ly ? tin- brave and devot? i f< How wrote latter to hi? litti?- ?wife, n h i. iirmi after abe had b? airil the a ,i i. m ws of )" lng ?rldowed Th? t? r contained, am lowing I l) y on ha\ ' .' ? : 11 Will tak?' \.?!1 np to th? 1 May. and my Um? ?will Im out in L;:-t. and than wa v.Ill b* tog? Uw f for? \unir., n? \?r to be sepal ited ar. you say that When you thiiak ol m happy w? wail be are m thing will happen. Now. dear, don't . thit. for the a>a.i God is not allow anything to happen, and that m ol our liv? - of living in isblngton will ! r- alls? I ( ?h, when am a ! tt.-r-i at ta? i- in Washington how j n i comfortable that little bom? '. bo!" ii: ' Ived a 1? tter, of ichina tins tlm?, ?from h? ; Ft ry 11th, In i t?. the '. Ensign Breckln ge, who wa \\ ! ! ovei board Cusblng .tmi drowned, u was a* ishlng, a toi;?? ?i.?-!.. it, baa Just a? In with ordere (oi d* Lut a knots wbat the) Th?- Cushln .". illest its we have. She Is hurdly : ami launoh, yel th? ?a i- is t a ?.m K< y Wt t. and arrived here very mncb wrecked, her nchlona all Im at, and I a a ?ael aiii r. it waa very roui le, the res Bometlme? twenty feel i,iv?! ,\a\? - wash? a Knali he a iter. H? was In i h???ir g) minutes before they could recov? r .i on? tlm? tii' re were three i in th?- v. ttei The i si *n a m nol i a a? ?' taken on board, ?bul Im ?i???? o? k. and now lit-- ?m our In th? iiuvi h* ?served tt-li oo, it is a rei a" !'! u horn he a .? rl? ?i. t it nd foi her? Think how i feel v. h? . .0.i ) OU >Wil] ii"i ? . d I me, ! can Im it the Em will . the m ?.-. your l I ]....k at vo'ir pie? i turn in. it s m- th a t of ? h< ? rfuln? m I Bl little liM. ma : W? ' th? : for a lona iif.-. you but we win i" happy in I home. Q my darling, and Ood bl? - i " -" r I? now In W i, srul the sympathy of *o ii n ?i? lion,- > Btumomtgoum, I? ntiai alee? ih. i will b host of discussioi queetlo n ?j mon | " ai d How? v ?i Inioni m i?" dlvld? i lus?- |>ointH, thi*re is hut one public i a opinion, ;m?l than . rdlng th? m? rit etter's 3tomach Bitters us rented) uni preventlv? i ' mi larla, a* well a* ratlve .?f kidney complaint, dyspep? on? i.'uaii*'?, liver tumble, ur.?l rncu? 4IIU BLACKSBORG GOSSU .m:avs or thk ?ti iMMm a^ MOBTQOMMM1 i hii:m?i. Cuenta Ar*? !\?>t Jinai?l?llc, B Wnniil Fluht In a Minute? ihr IT pnaril Hilllrond? *|rlruI?n? ?? I "' I'erionnl. BLAi KSBURO, VA . Murch I : h.? annual ?pul of U Maur) i. ty ?vm Inka pin< on ti,o ?ivonlng of th- Kth or AprlL ahould lit v<- i ? n h? Id on Un Um ? Han ?i. bul : ' ?nonnt ?'f literary work w ocMty thougbt bmtt t" (ttapooa ol batoi th." ?a,ol?.- debato^ TlM f'ilovvinif ni th.? gt ntiemea led te appour Un il l'rtsltl. nt. Mr. I>. M. Taj l'?r, of Haiiov? r; ? Ut. Q L F< i ..f PortBDBOUth, and Mr. H. .N , of Norfolk; Debet? r Mr. Julia A. Burmoa, Of Richmond; Mr. 1 'i ? ' ? 11 ? Wilson, of ' m"-?; Mr. W, y Ferry, <?f Charlotte' Mr. O. Boewell, ? 11? Bl . .Mr. b a. Beapnrk, of RlehmonoV wit a quota of assistants who win vie wll him in will do th" 1 u?o t v. a..a a, a m it ha l-In Th? foung Mi it' i l iaris'i - a ' ntlem? act . iv? monthi i Mr. w. M. P a lotto; Vice-Pr? s?? Dt, Mr, H. A Burnei Of ROCklngtl i m ; ii? aia ur. r. Mr. * a I McGregor, ol Ubemarle; ?Secretary, Mi 11. a. wait).i.-i?. of Ali" marl?. R? r, Ur, R, i.'. Vlneon, of Union Thf?o W ho |?l< a?. Ii. ?I in th ti n? ai ?inn ti on last 8 ibbai i morning, and In tbe i iditortun on th.- lng, h.a?i In euch line audit n? a to b? ur bim. n?- mud? : mo t favoi tu.' impression while hew His mi-: ion la to go to evt ty CO the ol ?ims of th? G pel ministry. Mm J. Bl 1 ?"liman. Who h ? - I n flail " left foi her hon ounty. Mr. A. O. i- * ' a, of Embreyt 111? T'-nn., who i oonnected with tht? Ten ? ?onl and iron Company, b t.i h? re "a a to a ion Mr. Mobam H. n tig, of th? lenlor < 8. C u ft ? oil? .'". Mr, Haig h ?i off? i rille, B !., an.?I It wa b? loft Miss .-i ha? returned horn? ifter a vlall of la w? ka to friend? Ir tlchmond, md w? beau im? i b) .m . ia friends : THH C kDETS PATRIOTIC, Tbe announcement mad? in th? D captain at irg ha?! offered bia be Oov? i nor In ca t a - With gft Bl Int? r? ? ai m do? . not, how? ver, ?bui i u.a.' here? i in him than In orpa. i y al a moment'? ail to figbt Indeed, I think nothing rould afford them ure m - two-weeka1 hoi ??lay. The i' ? whole ?ara very con? iv.ativ. notably tbe old Oonf?ederatea, rbo know wbnl war mi They wtah h.- national honor to !? preserved; they lob Bpain to know tii it si.. nil our ling, either In the? person of our tntlve or at th? b? Mpo, without paying dearly for it. but Here is a Bpiril ?V < In r< i > f? m r them, i ti" prest nee ol i ; o? ral ?Lee ad his m.'iL-i.iii?'. i,t ooui in n ibana oder tin-- moat trying clrcumstnnc? I Ithout doubt can lively Int? reel in ?all >9panl h lil.aili ail' .'. . oil \ 11? th? whole 11 te, fool? It tell bonoi ed o a ntatlv? whom th? whole and ttio whol? h.? name of Let la Ilk? t cl irion irginlans, anal || \\ Itb Lalght-Horae" Harry Lee in m; R, i-., i.? in the civil wa ? us than nothing can Im more I itural than i hat ntshugb L ni nephew of bia uncle, aa be humor i- ly sau, ahould i the figure upon inch all eyea are now turned in th? lala i?? Iwet a this ?-.?unti-,' ni spam, 'ii,- ?.otry'a ?recognition ol s qualitl? s is mat- ful to us, who know htm au.- ?sot ?surprised, n? r it that the hour baa mad a- man i dj made; th? boor of a Lut found the THE PRt i'' ?BED RAILRi > \I>. Il a ?andoned th? Ir pui ?poi ? ?.i* ona lacksburg b) -..aal with on th? .ii.ik and w st< i a. They w? . ral day? t ins we? k ron itii other gentil a. |if? to th? i?. me. Bual groa log ?? i ir town, and l I b shall luv.- a railroad I i?ti? ni? a, i hi u some othei v. Ill i a i Th? ton II ha.-' an ill . unity to rapport ?t. ?and Imn posits in Bl vo neu ii let ; t.? ?be built In th? ?inn \ir. Bn)der will i>ut up on lot adjoining th? ..!li 1- t?t t.. 'malt by r. Harm i K U h? ha? reo ntly built Mr. v. tor in < ai'ii ?"as-'. air. ,i ?m.- C ?wi a. tr.mi th? river, was town thla a fl i i n,in-all WIlHama, of Lyochborg, visiting Blacakab u g, aa the "' r in. n.i Mm, AI? ?ander Bia k, who - i... nt I) moi ? ! int.t h? r ii in J lome nee, '?n Main Btr? et [I V A. I'll!?a-*..r, of I "on u.iais.iurc. t ;: fon t" vi it ). aghtor, ty, of ?Chicago. its. joim r. Johnson has ?oturned bori via-it to f n- in Phlladol n. Um Annie L. i ot t h. . n during Uk k the at ??f b? r friend, Mrs- W. F. n A l' I RMKR MfDLAWI Il Idltlon to bo rn? r of the nu mi" t - of th? Farm ciul once a n a-il'aral n Tuesday last he * ntertalned t! home i ii? oiit-kia ta of < Ihriitl i. ? is w. i. laid I t*, to :>m a dinner wa? ?served that aaint in all 1 ipiinv con nty men <: it? from Pu Improvement a Itb u> in. pi i? i vv.- mai k? his n v tv low t"it now they are bring high? i a A horse ??f g.t si/. action can b< raid her? ill.- moni hi gone i t -' "-' n< '"" ]? wh. iti teady. holdli - I "" a al P ' r bush? l. very much Is ?being si Id, but hoi lily refuse to pell for ! . rs hesitate t?i oay so m? h Mean i<\ the 1 -Mill Is { ipltal busln? - -. having all the g It can po i d? i. moi ry to work lack of mon? y. t Im? has ? ora more n ??ur country ?public schooli must bo i. ah ?honor I r falthl ully ni s? a I? y dlscouragi m? :-. an I oft? htmi it i l w-ait.-r wool,i reftiM with fin? ?corn. ty it known that many of them r? only Ut a ?month ?and no !.. as hard a day*a work as any man Th? ir work ?i", i not t a\ onl itanl v\. ..r tear on mind and heart aa well. nui t xt-rns?-. of Glade ?Spring ?,1 took place "i. Wedne? day evt ulni; w? re very er? ?in ible t.? t? ach? r and i ? n alike. They were larg? ly at ad by the atudent*. who seem?*d to urn? ?l there ?xUnoat In a ?body evidenced th? Ir appreciation ol is. s by frequent and rigorous ap 00 doulitinii the efficacy of Dr. a Cou?h Syrup, it cur?.* every time. TALK IS CHEAP! DONT PAY $100 FOR A TALKINS ?MGKI?3E I whoa ?roa sao bay one which foe anni.irnietit will tla-a ?liai !r?*u h.i-pv ami OSOSB tiic old folks to 33 sra le. ? " ';? nt?? ! ' gel out ?if order. pTHtU,NlTF.I)Sr.'? IKS TALKING iMAfHINK ^.?t-it-B-y.^ rabie ; bo part* to break or gel _**t_^ out ". order, An? t bild cao op?rete It, It is neatly entj?sed in -I hurt! wood box, ll finished, sis* ?'-.. kuJ-. with brass hing?? un 1 Catch ; ha* h?--.. : : tab?? for twt? veriiins, on? (H?*r Uramophooo) record Bad twenty-Are needle pointa Pi with oae Record . < - . pre] iid) $ w* ht 4 1 Retail by BAnk I ?raft, gspraefl- or Post? ler. A?;ci?t* v* Poi terms? ? UNTBD STATE* TALKING HAUIINE CO.. ?DEFLVi) 57 E- 9th ST.. NEW YORK CITY tu i ij->i'.Tu*lh4t) X. A. PATT?KSON. President, L. 2. MORRIS, Vicb-P_b?bb?t, JAMBS 11 BALL, Cashik?. The Savings Bank of Richmond corner Eleventh and Main streets, In National Hank ol Virginia liuilding. Capital.,.$100,000 00 Surplus and Undivided Profits.___ 52,232 44 Sums of $1 und tip-rnrds rcccired nnd int?r?t allowed. Ne^otiabl? Paper discounted. Loans runde on ?-fa! estate. Open dailj from 9 A. If, to 3 P. If, Saturday? till 12 ML '^***MBJmB ?ii_\V) |\Sl II kXtJU ST\TI-:?KVT. [rraunxD ut ?crnoarrr oy the aimtok ok tugue aoooontg or tus ?jtAfg ni- naonru.] LfNITED BTATE8 BRANCH NORTHERN ASSU?ANCE COMPANY OF ) LO>UON. ANNUAL ?STATEMENT FOR Till'. 1 KAK ?ENDING DECEMB1 i: Hat, A. I). IM7, OF ii.',: CONDITION AM? OF THE l NITED STATES BRANCH NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON, ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE KINGDOM Ol'' GREAT BRITAIN, MADE To TDK a i lili'oic IF i'i t....? .l Nit OF in. ?STATE I >!' VIRGINIA, IX l'i~K SUANC : OF THK l.AU OF BAID ri i ; Oenei ?i ?Manag? a m i; WILfi urKaiiii^fd or I men? M Bu n - i:c6. L?CAPITAL ?STOCK. Sill'*---: Ibed for Amount of nu.k authorlged.115,000,000 fl6,l Am unit of capital paid np in cash . I.C0 Amount of net l- r Oat ?.;' previoua year.. P.TRJHS) Extended ;?t .a,TS6,lw0 27 II. INCOME DURING YEAR, BY THE l:<"?KS AT in-Mi; ttiii- . ?ri!. OF Bl SINESS DECEMBER Fire, premluma ?and bill* unpaid at dornt of pruvious year, as t .I _J,7_M 1 ' lUl t a)!'' Hi ' '!-.. I .? Bl pi m uins written ?and renewed during th i r Item X pa VI. i'.'tail.Sl,:i'-*?"*r*5 21 Deduct? 1 bills I . .\ . Entire pf nilunis ? Ilfag th?' ' l miiiin.s ... 1.1.. -.? r than ?pet I ' -'*> 1.0MJB 1"J i: m con 17,000 1 b h ?i own buildings.i " ." i dividends on sto? k ?su ' ' >m ;? 11 j. . . i fr?.m I; . ii. m ail ?ali. r sour? es?vl*.: (Ii - i" ..nt of that year.... Total InCOttM during '. '. III. DISBURSEMENTS DURING YEAR AB SHOWN BY ill1: BOOKS AT HOME m hif,: AT CLOSE OF Ul SINESS DECEMBER 31st. a,mount f,;ii?l f Deluding ?.5.11>.</7 ofoiirrln?,' in pi vi'.iis . ir?) . ? -'-.*- - ii .?t previous years), Cl! It . amount paid d the year 1 . Rents ' for .'?.iip m* ?s) . 14.? : ' ' ?ma Insurat municipal H . . 12 i . Remitt? during the year...???? Total ? \; during the year...."?.M.134,1 a. . . IV.-LEDGER ASSETS, AS I'!.. ?R ACCOUNTS SHOWN BY '?ill: BOOKS BER ::i-t. " . s 115,00 ... . 1 ' Deposited m I. 71,1 U9M . 1,491 I. DUCT LEDGER LIABILITIES I . I* i net lodg I . ' NON-LE t due, 83,962 ". and accru ri' J ii curried oui. . . I lut- . . 1 ' . . . . Net amount of uncol due... ni "T :;?st. more ta.m a from .Mutual Fin i. . . :,]. panj - in''' ?. ?.817 t,' 'J72 M : . CT ASSETS N? ?; ADMITTED. i . il ui ....1816 ::s 1 OER LIABILn : .n?.du ment, or in tiding .ill ' ." . LosBes r? slated Im a. .11.972 ill!.I imount of claims f??r ; relnsui u ? ' 0 Net amount of unp . . Oross pren , ,ii unexpli from of i ??li'-v. Indu i premiums i r cent.) . i:: r. 77 ??t..--? promit upon aiii unexplr?.! Hi from dat? of policy, I remiums (pi t- , Total anonrnod premiums, aa . ep? .-?.y -,, Salarle*, ?rent, expena? 1 ' . . - and brokers, on pr? n ild . .I Return premiums, - - _- ;_,, u AN TI ?TAI iMOUNT OF . ALL i.iAiii.i r * . . T?.t:.l schedi: SUB??WN?O"AT "THEi'c???PANT?.*** Value. V ... __ Deacri] R001* Value Deposited the 8 ,-V, /VIA ' I iiiini.11, 1 nlted - I, 4 per cenl, .. , U. ait ' ' - -.' - ' > Richmi I d with thi . Istered, 1107, 1 1 . ron at nd Inlted stnt*s ?funded loan .-nt. ity of Sal? m, Ore., 1911, I i" r ? ai. " ity ?'t rial- 111, ? >r? .; v... .1 1 m lew York? 'lt> of 1 :- Loula, i'.i!. 1 . . .lau- of Ms cent... tl, 11'.'. t 1 - ' ' ?!. : ?ennsvlvania ?Railroad l goit , luipment, IM1 ? per em. i/( hi Shore Compi ny Kuamn I : '. 1 . , Ity of Omaha, I - :'-. Si. Louis and Ne* tail iny, Memphis Diviston, gu r anteed, 1961. 4 ?per cenl. 4? > 0 Rock Island and V Company, flrst mor? bs ad collateral. 1?M, I 1- .- . 1. Paul, Minneapofl* and Manitoba Rail . '..n.pan;,. COnsolJ lat? I, I!' 8, '? p.; Substituted* by exchange for Ch Uwauk? Faul Railway Com iny ?ia-Xi 7 p'T cunt. ?bOI C7.27J) 10.?W 100,000 ?so...? : .. 09 I .., 11.275 00 - ? I .. .. ... .j Total ' : i-.i . >i - BUSINESS IN m'- STATE OP VIRGINIA DURING THK -oss risks written. premium? reoelved. ' aid . . . . (Signed) OEOROE W. _.,- u: New York, eounty of New York ?__ leal.I 8ubs?:rlbt?d ?ni aworn to January 27, K?S, btfore .?- JuHN a. HILLERY. Commission?. YEAR Fire Risks. .M.9M.K] on . ?' . 4.1,1 )? . 4.loi tto BABB, Attorney. The t ? 'I 1 The n Th* . i n - Th T T The T The ? 11 ? in la N'.-t Il.ti Sum! v T? ?In Allloii Of Ain?.a I Anvil Amou In ii-. . R. W?LL-P?PER CHEAP WflLL-PIPE?lsG DURING DULL* SEISON Ovi*r 100,000 Koll? M W all-I'a|M*r in Ni?-<?|_. We will he pleated to tfive estim?tes f?>r work in eHv a\??*?] of country. Samples sent OH application. Blaukg ?? per roll u? I, C. HUGHES 4 CO,, M and 211 W fifth Sireef, Bit1 '?in ?j?;ii)-sii,w*K) ' ' IXSI It \>? I. 9TATEHE\ r. fri'susuKi? ut ?unumnr ot to auanon or nrauoaooocara or rag ?tat? ,-. .-. tfOBTflWEOTCRH MUTUAL LIFE INSIIU.NCK ?OM? AM. INSURANCE COMPANT. ' ur-t Locatkm of Home or Mndpal '?nice of said Company?Ml Character of th?- Company?LIFE. President?H. L rALMEK. s tary-J. W. SKINNER. Organlud and Incorporated ?MARCH, Commenced Business NOVEMBER 23, Name ?if General Agent in Vlraglnla?T. ARCHIBALD CART Rea ? a RICHMOND, VA. The number of policies and th? ?MaWUnl bt 11 ?d thereby m foree at ??nd of ?previou? year .. '-o 113 j,-.i . . The number of poltciea issued and r.-.-iv.? during the ruar, and the ?amount of insurun..* by . T.' .; -.. Tl mber of pollcieo an?l tbe woui * hav? ?se?aod to !x? in fOTCO dining iho >> ar . Th?' Whole nambiT of policios In fore*. an?! bllltiea or rioka thereon . : Th? .-?mount of premiums and annuities I th?' r.115.12 Th? amount <?f Interent ?received ?from all ?oui ? 1 . 1 Tin? amount of all other receipts. Total. Th.- imount of loeeee and maturing flow? rinx the year.1 I In? amount of expenditures for all purl and maittirivi endowment . I Iho amount of dividends paid . Total. - *. ? . . Die amount of losses endowment | Uli-? amount of all other llabllltloo . Total. . j rh?< aiinoaint of aaset* and . .n hand and In hanks .I a Real estate unlncumbered . . Unit . county, town, and municipal ?bonds. : Accrued li ! rent . ; Pr? 1 - .' . Loana on company's policies 0 ral . Loana on bonds and mortg ble .?t for wh aid ti-. .- from any pi ior Incumbr Ii, r regaling $1 * * aor -. for whl u - full ndemnity . Duo and deferred prwnlumB. 1 , ?Deduct agents' Credits. e?te. , Carried out at mark-' tail . BUSINESS IN VIRGINIA 1 famber and amount of pollClM In fon I D year .M*x j. , 'umb-r ami amount of pollClOB lOOUed ?lurii * . Total. 1 flint number and amount which have during th?* year, Including removals from the State 0t.1l number and amount of policies In t mount ol md dalflu on pollcieo unpaid \< . .1 mount Of loeseB ami ntlDI on policies In? ? | 1 . Total .a, . ? ? mount of losses and claims <?n policies ?paid during I isaessments, ?premiums, du in Virginia during th?- year, in cash and any deduction for looses, dividends, oommisslot . or cre?!its . Total . 1 II. L PA Seal of the Cot, '"*?.) J W. BKINNI ate of Wisconsin, City of v * -Bwon \ b.-fore -? ?0HN B. CARY & SON, GENERAL AGENTS FOR VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA, 201 EAST MAIN STREET, Richmond, \/a. (fe ".'O- law-isr) IN??I It \\? i: v| \ Il vu \ ? s. [n ri.i-Hi.ii BT At nioiuii- m- :ui:it. BUG un.i MON CENTRAL LIFE-IN8?BAN0E COMPANI. NIAI. STATEMENT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDIN ' DAY IF DECEMBER THE ACTI AI. CONDITION ? ! ' ill CENTRAL UFE-INSURANCE COMPANY ORGANIZI LAWS OF THE STATE OF OHIO, MADE TO THE AUDITOR ACCOUNTS FOR THE COMMONWEALTH OF VI THE LAWS I >F VIRGINIA N mpany In Full UNION CENTRAL LIFE-INSI i\' PANT. . in of Hon '.\<iN\.\ baracter of the Company LIFE IN8I RANCE. JOHN M. PATTI8ON. E IV MARSHALL. . -.I Business _?7. il Agent In Virginia?R, ri TtJC% tesidenc? RICHMOND, VA \ number ?>f pollcle* and th? amount ol hereby In I | - .1 during ii?? year and a u if tnsi.. ' ' ?I. | numb? tare ceased to ho in foree during the year .... ? miml>er of ; md the amount of abiliti? . amount, of ?proBatuma raoolvod during tbe yen? lauranc? at <?f Intereat receiv? 1 from ill sources . . amount of lo es, mat 1 vain? -: paid during the yeai ? amount I ?r nil pun ?amount ol divi.i. . ??tal . amoui - r liabilities, indu \ , a?. ' ' >"> . . araoun -h on hand and In Banks . . t morti te . -'ato . .'.'.".'.....'.'....'. : it. ?1 rit- . .' .............. .","* ,'*.'.'.'.' ....' ..'...'.'.'.'. deferred and um?_.. ...... niture . .1. irrl? ?1 out at mark, t value?Total 1 INBSS IN VIRGINIA : ,. . unt tier and amount ol force D . : amount issued du ',l1 a .! . I t numb? r and amount which I . won- :i 1S97. s? ; nt Ol : u. of looaea an I claim* on ? 7 tal H $ nt of ! 8 1 UMO* premlun \ Irxinla during the y< luctlqn for loose* ?livid I munissions. ?>r ?>th??i -?---__ J??HN \! |'A ail of the ' ~??- : . K IV MAKSMAI.U S-. r.At of Ohio, count) of Hamilt? n -??-? Iworn to P?ebruary :*>.:? I of Notar-. JOSEPH T HARRI? S. TUCK, General Agent, Chamber of Commerce, Richmond, Va. __..i.?