Newspaper Page Text
16 THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-SUNDAY. MARCH 13, 1898. A Wondrous Hosiery Exhibit. We doubt if vou hsve ever seen the like of our showing of Women's and Children's Fancy Hosiery. An almost endless line of Fine Imported Silk and Lisle Hosiery, in STRIKING NOVELTIES ' in colors and designs, from France, Germany, and England, in a surprising opulence of assortment. The most exacting require ments will iind a delightful embarrassment ot riches. Lovers of exquisite Hosiery should be sure to see this dis play. : i?*" the many plaids f V\ ouM yen M rijition <>f pibro.h*. ??f "Bonnie Scotland"? HasdaosM Lisle I'l.?i??Mii ifanoH -?'fiva bfa variety. And ?Plaid H?<fc*ry ia tkIv i/?ir --35c. t<? $2 pant, Btxit Patterns in 1.1 -It- .in?! Cotton, in light and airy colorings esjK-ci.illy BMtfleto wear \v_-h filniy .summer fab rics?as, 39, 50, Beautiful UWC I.ffacts and Fancy French Silk, i 11 plain Mack, in an abundance of new aud catchy de rigna- ?joe. to ?12.50. Infanta1 Fancy 1'laids, Roman Stripes, Stkl Open-Work Sox, very new de ?gua, 19 to 50c. Lsdiea1 licnnsdorf Dye I-'ine Lisle Tlir?-a?l 1*1.?in or Drop-Stitch Hose, 9- 25, 35. 50, 75c. $1, 11.25. Ready-Made Tailor-Made Suits. Great Suit event to-morrow, illustrating the inexhaustible Meyer resources, appreciated by clever dressers, who, by look ing around and comparing, have learned to look first to Meyer's for the correct things at least prices. This great show and sale to-morrow : Ladies' l'.?tirv Cheviot Suits, in broken ! ?reefer jackets and full lined skills, nee ?:i?l nobby, $3.59. Black snd Navy-Bin?- Sage Reefer Suits, jacket lined all ?through, skirt full Width, (its nicely, $dJ*$. 1 and Navy-Blue BtOfl Suits, jacket tad skirt Kith trininieil with narrow black braid, J*' Black and Naw Blue Storm Beige S.nts, jacket lin?*tl with best ?quality Black taffeta, akiri with beal quality percaline, jfio. Black BkNWe Suits, blouse and skirt tx>th trinuned with rom? <>i satin, blou-e lined with ahsd?ed taffeta, #16.501. Navy-Blue Rlouse Suits, tight back, high-cut front, trinuned with bands ?if sitin, wide lapels, ?12. Tailor Suits, in refined, almost invisi ble plaid effects of Tan ami Blue, coat and skirt taffeta lined, #20. In Se il Brown we have the swell? -4 of creations, lined with bright Orcen ?satin, edged with Gold colored taf feta, finely tucked sleeves and jacket, $25. Black Camel's Hair tSetVC Suit, Red satin-lined, elaborately braided with Black, real cut sU*el ornaments, ele gant taffeta sash ends with orna ments of steel on loops, ?35. This of Muslin Underwear. Ltufies' Gcums tWFt'JBa?.fine cambric Empire style, large collar ?>f lace an? beading, tucked yoke Ladt at $ muaHn, Bm pire style, linen lace ami embroidery two rows of in-- rung. I.adu ?' Goums lit pie.?muslin, roiim yoke of embroidery. Ladies* Goumi tit fUC.?nnuslin, Fnipir? S?d Mother Hubliard, two rows o lti-i rting and tucks. I.miu G 91 ?J 90C.?muslin, tucket yoke. /.iittic>' Skirts gi$I.8o- -muslin, 2 row: ?.t V?alencaiennes inserting, s_o with ruffle of ?mbroiderv. I.iuiii s' Skirts at 8ot .-?muslin, wide urn lnella rttffl?' of embroidery. I.atlies' Skirts at 60C.?-muslin, wi?l< umbrella ruffle of embroidery. Domestics. Housekeepers Linens. supplies at lower cost than ever. This telling concerns splendid Linen news. Domestic news, and a sale of Ready-Made Sheets. Full sue Bleached Sheets, 25c. BaB rtica Blenched ?Sheets, full size /or double bed, 50C. Lin?, n Sheets, hemstitched, Isundered, reads tor u-e. si/e QQK96 inches, ,$2.50, Lar^e size Pillow-Caaea, good cotton, 5?-'. Hemstitched Linen Pillow-Caaea, 15s. 96 hwhes, 39c. Domestics. Yard-wide Bleached Cotton, 3e. 10-1 Unbleached, 10c The best Blesched Sheeting mule, the New Bedford 10-4, at 3" ' ?c. 42-imh Blenched P?tow-Case Cotton, ! Heavy Unbleached Cotton, - The regular i2*.e. Cottona at 10c. .12-inch Bleached Cotton, ?^c. 45-inch PiOaOW-Caae Linen, 39e. Linens. Pure J.ineti Washed Crash, i'? inches wi'l", Be 22-inch Plaid Crash forpillow-co-era and other fancy work, 13c. Check and I'laid ?Doylies, fringed, ic each. SS-inch Colored Border Plinged ?Doy? It... worth $2 a dozen, at lie. each. Colored Border Saitm Dnmaak Knotted Fringe rowels, toe. BstlS largB size Turkish Bath Tow els 5<\ Bleached Linen Turkish Bath Towels, extra good value, 3<x*. Bate:-.' Turkey-Red ami Cardinal I>am tgUSraateed fast color- instead of 5?s-. .at $J I .c. Ladies' Neckwear. The very BWeUeOI ?'ollar of the new season, the BtOOkWell. made of heavy White Pique, Me., ami two more good lit mi: The Masara W?ter-HoB s .nt, eery natty novelty, tl.??S. Lia? k Satin ?'.on 'l'a? s. lOc. Toilet (roods. Oree! ?aving? on w ?ittiii wares Toilet luxuries ut small cost. B item: ! aurler FtOW h Vtotot ?SoSB, Sa f.ike. Meade A Bal -iUc. bottle (large alze). he OranU'? Orita Viol? He Du ('z..r. 7.V. bolt!?. I'luau-la Extract Vugetal. u!t MS odor?, ?lile, bottlf. JewMiury * Brown? Oriental Touth p_?t?. BBe, ?Sfaue). Richmond has not yet had a "January Sale," a "Half-Yearly Sale." "Clearance Sale," or any other sale that offered the tempt ing values that this simple an nouncement does. And, too, you can depend upon these garments as being correct in every way. I'hey're more fully cut, more gen ?rousIy trimmed and more taste fully made than any garments rOB have ever looked at. It's say ng a good deal?but it's true. The following items but hint >f hundreds more not told of here : Ladies' GtntntS at $?.io? fine cambric, Em pire style, With three rows of inserting, wi?ie embroidery raffle. Ladies' /Careers at 7QC?muslin and I cambric, row ?of Valenciennes insert ing, wide ritffle <?f Valenciennes lace. Ladies' Dtmaottsat /<*<-.? muslin, um brella rutile of embroidery. 1 Ladt, s* Drawers at toe.?flmaHn, Uttfr brellai ruffle trimmed with linen lace. : Ladies' Skirt Chemise at oSe.?cambric 1 and muslin, sonare, round, and V neck, trimmed with lace and eni 1 broidery. I Ladies' Chemise at 7QC?muslin, square neck, trimmed with embroidery. Corset Covtrt at o8c.?muslin and cam bric, handsomely trimmed with em broidery and lace. 'j Cottti Covtrt at rut,- regular 25c. covers grade, nicely trimmed with embroidery. Shirred Liberty This de Silk, 50c. \*9 ***** fashion j fancy is here in all the newest springtime colors. Most stores ask seventy-live cents for a yard of it?here it's fifty. White Venise Inserting, 1 inch wide, the kind that I2C?here at tic. New pretty Cut-Out Edge I\nibroidery tor .(?'. yard. 6'4 ami 8 I-te. Cambric and Swiss Edge and Inaeranga for 5c. yard. 23 and 30c. Cambric and Swiss Fm !>r titleries, all widths, for 20c. yard. IC. for Torchon Lace 1 inch wide. Pine Nainsook Beading for covering seams, 5c. yard. Cream Oriental I.ace, t inch wide, sleeve width, for |c yard. 12-yard piece of Valenciennes Lace for IOC White Point d'Paris J.aces and Insert ing!?, 4, 6, and 8c yard, instead of 10 UM i-'.'jc. vard. Wash Thousands of yards ! Goods. are here. Every want ed weave in the very ! choicest printings. Here is a handful of goodies for to-mor row's selling. Note the prices: Beat quality yard-wide Pernales, 25 dif ferent patterns, stripes, plaids, and ligures, .Se. Lace-Stripe Bat?ate, the very choicest floral and vine decorations?instead of ?Sc. at 3c. Handsome Linen C.renadine Crash, for shirt-waists and suits, plaidand strijie effects, MC Grenadine aBarege Suiting, exact coun terparts of the foreign gooda, i2%c 3' -inch Jaconets, in every conceivable design ?instead of I2j?c. here at 8c. Art Embroidery. ?Hera are three extraordinary Items. Just like finding money to pick up such chances as there: BtSSaned Duck Doylies, sizes 9x9 and V2W2. regular 10c. goods. i.V. each. Morals, Linen, and Hemstitched Stamp ? ?! Ttaiy-t'luths. ,,-,. n ?Irawn work, rear?lar Be. Hoods, si BBe. Crochet t?.\k. all colors, .'ie. spool. Sales of Writing-Desks. ?'u tii?.' third floor, furniture Depart ment, there is ready for selling a Quantity of Ladles' Seer? t.ui.-s, of liinl'.s-Kye Mai pie, Curly Birch, Quartered Oak, und Olid M ilicgaiiy, just the daintiest bit of furniture you could Imagine to east five doliera, in to be $:: 5i>. I Japanese Rug Sale. The very finest patttrns of the Oriental Hug?, 1 >ard wid?:. 2 yard, long, Reds, tilues, Tans, the vt-Vy heaviest quality, tl ?3 each. "eve ?SrWSPrpRiv?l^pT (&ff\\\\\\ Or\^^TKE SIGHTS OF THEV J^ CITY. ?me w \*?{LtwJZuu?e The Annual Easter Promenade is always looked forward to with intense interest by well-dressed ladies everywhere. Especially is this true of the ladies of Richmond, whose Easter Gowns vie with one another for beauty, style, and elegance. Tobe well-dressed does not necessarily mean expensively dressed. Wool and Silk Fabrics were never ?riced more in your favor than they are now?here. And it's the same with everv bit of apparel needed to perfect the Easter get-up. The Meyer Store is now at its springtime best?ready to serve you with pre eminently smart creations for ladies' complete outfitting. Easter Exhibit of Dress Goods and Silks. Newness marks every yard of this great collection. Its an exhibit that ladies everywhere will be interested in. It foreshadows what will be worn by Richmond's best dressers, and you'll want to see it. It's a magnificent showing of the newest and nattiest fabric loveliness gathered with a generous hand and with a discriminating taste. Favorite wear for fashionable dressers is found in these fanciful weaves?fresh from home and distant looms. Our great outlet for distribution helps us make the pricings to you lower than ever. i.i.-ii ;. j?re.-is ?. 45-inch Black bayadere Crejion, mat of Wim!, mohair, and silk, handson di -igiis for separate skirts, 51 .?98. 45-inch Silk and Wool Black Frene Novelties, ??.50. 45-inch Black Figured ?Poplin, hig finish atnl bistre, J1.50. 44-inch Black Blgh Lustre Moha Brilliantiiie, all pure mohair and be; finish made, $1.25. 44-inch Black Double-Warp Genua Henrietta, extra heavy ?weight an finest silk finish, $1. 54-inch Black Cheviot Tailor Suiting wid? walk- and pi:till fabric, $1. 45-inch Black Heavy Crcjxin Suiting just what you have wanted for skirt, 75c 40-inch Black Imported Poplin Suit ings, 75c. 43-inch Black Crcpoii. in strijied cf fects and li^ht weight. 50c. 45-inch black Cheviot Serge, all pun Ml, extra heavy weight, 49c. 45-inch Black Stortii Serge, all pur? wool, ciav aetge weave, extra aped* price 35c 38-inch Black Surah Serge, all pure wool, extra weight, 25c. Doable-Width Cashmera and Black Figured Csshmeie, 9V2C ?Vlen's This is our po Clothing. !icY: M To makr an interested friend of ?very customer. To furnish worthy goods at lowest possi )le prices. Never to do less han we promise, but more if )ossible. Money returnable or [oods exchangeable for any ust cause." Come?view the newest pro cessive Btep which has been nade in Richmond merchan lising. The prices, needless to ay, will be on a lower level for ligh-class goods than washere ofore possible. For to-morrow we have: Our second ahipanenl of Men's A-UWool Cheviot Sack Suits, Blue and Black, fs. At ?7.50 we have the best $10 Men's Suit value in the city?Cassimere, Cheviot, and Wonted Sack Suits, spl? ?i'lidly tailored. Our $10, 512.50, and ?15 Men's Suits are positively so far superior to those that you've been accustomed to find at theee prices that WC tell you it's to your interest to see them if you de sire to s.ue. We've a $t Derby in the newest spring ?block that matches any >s hit you ever saw. And a splendid line at lower prices, in both Alpines and Derb) -. bor the little men WC offer to-morrow a ?Sp?cial in Junior Suits from 3 to S years, with deep aailor collar, trim med with four rows of braid, at 98c Por the bigger boys, from 9 to 15, WC otitr neat Striped Cheviot Suits ;it fi.25. Complete lines of Cute Vestee Suits, in every wanted color, arrived just in time for to-morrow's selling??2..4S to $5.98. ?flings. Two suggestions? and the department s lots more equally as impor nt. 6-inch French Hair Cloth, in plain and the new gau/.e weave. Price, 19c. the yard. ,11-Pure Linen Black Canvas, light Weight A positive 12Jfc grade at gyic the yard. tecial Stationery Items. Tea extra-good Items In Stationery t'l! heap UM Oll 1*8 agoing at quiek ) time: guiar lOe. Linen Writing Paper, heavy quality, M sheet:? of paper anil Bnvelopaa to matth. a^. box. ory-Finlshed 1'la.ving Cards, -. ?rade, ut lie. jrd's Regimental ??r.iy Liiuti Writing Viper, Ptrletly BOW, Envelopes to nutcti, ?3c. Quire. ecial Lot of White Goods. n.?tiling like 50 pieces, about 2,500 Is, of the genuine Merrlmac Shirting ta tbe v?jry best made, tor '?7?c. a I. ling Cambrics, thousands of yards, M HsclM and Slates only, for ???jc. n ? ard. entire ease of Imported Corded P. "... large welt, for 10c. yard. * 'ERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY <-*Cj _oiorea im?ss i ;?????i . The Paris Exclusive Sorttltitt arc n nificent, ?beyond the ?power of leaden t t'i detail. Tl'.ere's more tlian a hiiiu in the group?no t\v<> alike -our OWU portation, making exibasiveness a tainty. Prices range from Jl.98 on 11] $3.50 the yard. 5.1-inch French Broadcloth, ?non anu? shrunk, five new colors, 5*. 42-inch Silk aii'l Wool Novelty S inga, in handsome Changeabli co tngs, rich. ?stylish effects, $i.A&. 45-inch Silk and Wool Checked S ings, in tailor effects, in hands?; colorings, 51.25. 50-inch Scotch ?Bicycle Suitings. bsndaome color mixtures, for ?.it atreet ??r l?n \de mun. **i. 45-inch Melange ('.ranite Cloth, new crepe weave, v 42-inch Scotch Novelty Suitings, ha: BOtne color combinations, Xqc. 42-inch Solid-Colon ?1 Granite Clo hi new color designs, 75c. 42-inch Silk anu? Wool Novelty Si ini-s, new tpringOOlorOWnbinstJO foe. 45-inch Covert Cloth Suitin mw color mixtures, ?toe 4<?inch Fancy Silk and Wool Bsyad Suitings, hauulsouie shot effects, 5 I'?? pieces Fancy Dress Goods, . eluding Overshot I.ace Noveltii's Two-Toned Effects, Fsncy Cbevk Tricot Effects, etc., 38 to .}o incl ?ride, 25c. Arnold's You are i KniiQoods. ?**- to -*tw the demonstr tion of A nold's Kn (ioods for b, biesandchi dren, whir will contint all this wee Mrs. N. i Reynold?, profession? nurse froi New York, 1 i n attent anee and will explain them. Mrs, Raeynolda Iris visited nearly a the promitietit phvsicians ot this ? i* who highly CD merits of th Arnold ?specialties. The Gertrude Boita ?and Diaperi ai especislly <>f interest, being mor practical und more healthful thi the "Id at* Ie ol dn -sing ?babies. A complete line of Arnold'a Knj Goodawill he found in the Infant* Department, 011 BeOOttd 0OOT. Baby Good? at Baby Prices. Infants' Fmf>roiilere?l Cream Ctthmer Cl? iks. ribbon trinum ?1. \ Infants' Cloaks, niaile of tin* 1 >?.--t f)U-il ity Citshtiu re, with. .*, rufilcs, trinunei with half-inch ribbon to form yoke ftxotx A beautiful line of Inlauts' China Sill Clo.'iks, ?3.50. Infants' Cream ?Bedford Coed with wi?le lace and ribbon around neck to form Mike. ,$1.45. Infanta1 Morning ?Sacques, msdeof best quality Eid<rraown, colon blue, 1'iuk, White. aii!>! Ked, rib!'Oil piped, Children's Dresses, ages 2 toOwars, made of French ?gingham, solid co lors .nid checks, empire fronts, Ham burg trimmed, very full ?skirt, Infanta1 10c Honeycomb bilis for 5c Infants' Quilted Bilis, with Sl luoidereil edge, 25c. Inlauts' Silk Mull Caps, shirred with lace and ribbon trimmed, full ruche around face, *}-1.95. The latest style Bonnet for children is the MAY QUEEN, made of White mull, very sheer. Va!, lace and rih bon trimmed, full ruffle around face, it. The daintiest line of Tucked and Em broidered Mull Caps, some in ?double niche, some in single ruche and pOtnpoil, others in the cute Dutch style, 50c. Infants' BAND-MADE IMPORTED LACK CAPS, J/2.50. Great Notion Sale. inrts of little Items at rldloulous y little prices. These but hint of what ve have for you: Li?ht-as-a-Feather Prosa Bhlslda, sizes 3 an?l ', warranted Impervious, Hie. pair-1I.03 dozen. Preach Ii??rn ?Bone, all slz?-s. Be. dozen? 50e. KIOSS. Clark's 200-yard Spool Cotton, .111c. doses. Le Loug*a Be .i<-< sad l->' t, Bo, card. Bngllata Tape, 4 pieces In bundle, Be. bundle. Corset Clasp*, 1-lneh st- ?1 ba.-k, Bs, 1 Dress Steel?, 3c. dozen. Black Mourning-Pins. le. box. i importers, with felt button Te. loquet Carpet, 69c. ? omea a bountiful supply of the ?ry best grade of Moquette Carpets at le. a yard. EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY Tin* New ?Silks. 19-inch black Peau de Soie, high lustre and finish and extra heavy weight, 27-inch black Satifl Duchess, extra ?weight and finest satin finish, note the ?width, 95c. 21 in? h ?Black Fekin Stripe, ?Double Broken Stripe Effects, the finest finish and beet ?rearing Silk v:.t\ *, snd the new, correct styles, ?inch Black Brocaded (.ros-C.rain .silks, new designs, 48c 2oinch Colored Satin Duchess, all pure silk, 1-; new spring ? ?>!< >rs, the cor r? et weave for Shirt-Waists, 98c. 19-inch Changeable Taff?eta Silks, all pure silk, eight color combinations, 48c. Cream Faillies for (nmtirmatioti Drc*.-.?"-. fjB-inch All-Pure Wool Cream Alba tro 38-indl All-Pure-Wool Henrietta, Ger man make and fine silk finish, 50c. Silks lor Confirmation I>res-?"?. 22-inch Ivory Taffeta Silks, 75c. 22-inch I'ekin Stripe Cream Satin, the new weave for continuation art 98c ?China and Japanese Silks, both soft and hard finish, st 4,1, 4s?, 50, 59, ami 75<-' Wrappers. We tell of two specially inter est in?j items. Interesting be cause good?and cheap. At 85c.?Wrappers of good ?quality port ?ale, light and ?dark colors, made full Snd wide, trimmed With braid. Bull fronts. At $/.><).?New ideas in Colored Satin Wrappers, full fronts, pleatsinback, ribbon trimmed. I ! Men's Here's twelve Furnishings. ***{***, ijafirs * ol ?Men s Im ported Sox, seamless, warranted ! fast Tans and Klacks, double ? heel and toe. | It's an u n - doubte?! nine teen-cent value. They didn't cost us M much as tiMiul, so they are yours at I2!c. a Pair. .Mi-it's 1' ancy S?'.?mil M Box, Fast Black, with colored -'.itching, u'jc. Men's All-Linen Hematitched Hand kerchiefs, extra fine linen, plain white or colon 1 border, the pnce is 12 .Men's Nigbt-Robee, made ?>f extra* good mu-lin, embroidered fronts, with silk stitching on collatr and wristbands, 53 inches long and full for 37 '_.?-. Ilen'a White Unlaundered Shirts, war ranted pure linen bosom, Wamstitt.i muslin, ?patent n< ckband and guaeets, I and continuous tl lye, every improve ment of the $1 Shirt, for 50c. each. Mm's White Unlsund? red Shirts, rein forced back and front, full length bosom, and made of gootl muslin, 29c. Ifen'a Cheviot Working Shirts, light Snd dark colors, iyc. Boys' Cheviot Working Shirts, checks aim! itripes, si/i-s i2}. to 14-inch, 17c. Men's Laundered Real IVrcale Shirts, attached collar an? 1 cuffs, t-earl but tons, alll gooil patterns, 39c. Men's Wool Sweeten, Navy and Black, with cape collar and laced fronts, 88c A Mattress Sale. W* >wn a lot of Pure South American Bod llaiir Mattresses, BOTOTOd with best A. C A. ticking, and made up as well as It Is possible to make a afeltrssa costing up to twenty dollars. These came to us through a single transaction amounting to a thousand dollars, and by it we can sell these 120 Double Mattresses for tH.HH. Samo in Sin^l.-i!. .1 Size for JAMB, Bicycle Sundries. Double-Stroke ?Makel ?Hs, tic. Wr? nones, ,8c. I *. t n t : Guaids, le. pair. 9M9 Uli? Cj'i 1?.meter?, 30c. 1. 1IMJ1 i 11 a,. -1.. t -, Se ils, Jl.?10. Hells with Docks. Me. Mt?sengL-r Saddles, $1. Gold Standard Lamps, nickel-plated. ene. Searchlight Damp?. a$3.B0. Great Wall-Paper Selling. Freah and dainty, spirited 0r sombre. Whatever your \\ ,]{ Paper taste may be it will find in stant gratification here, and toT morrow at auch prices a-i thes? GOOJ) WHITE BLANK WALL PAPn'o, with ?9-inch border-, to mat<*-li, jv\\ ?,n,\ rolls, regularly aold for 8c our mi?, , HANDSOME C.OIJ) AND SATIN rv,<? PAPERS, ;,<? different ,1,^,,, ?J'Jg ver> newest colon rigs, n-jular prur ' our price ox. 1'AkLOR PAPERS, the ment escltwlverf fecta, including ailka, lesthera in?4 li??vl pfBHed r-ajier-v-oiir prine ,m~ BLACTIHL PAPERS i?V lot J dining-rooms, with elegant i8-itu e?l ftie/.es to mad h a larg?- ear regui.irly sol?! up to 30e.?our price MJ? Big Basement Bargains. Special prices that are special in the true senso of the word will hold forth here to-morrow. Never, in all your days of buy, ing have you bought Housefurnishings at prices so iwieulously small as what you'll find here. Here are a few: Qray Enamelled Ware. Coffee-and Tea-Pots, 2-quart siz guiar price 35c, at 15c Coffee- and Tea-Pots, 3-quart siz guliir price 45c, at 17c. Coffee- and Tea-Pots, 4- an<1 5 si/e. regular price fax.*., at 25c Large size Dish-Tans, regular 60c., at 25c. Large size basins special, 10c. 1'reserving Kettles, 3- and 4-ipiart regular price 30c., at 15c. Ssacepsna, -t-quart size, regular 50c., at 20C. Lathes and Skimmers, worth 10? Large size budding-Pans, regular ; 15c, at 9c Saucepans, y and 4-quart size, < rent shajK-s, worth 40 and 50c., a ami 3?oc. rinware. Kxtra large size Wash-Boilers, hi tin, well made, at 39c. Hre'id-boxes, good size, nicely Japar and stencilled, 25c. 50 do/en Fancy Canisters, tea, co sttgair, rice, bairley, etc., regular r 15c, at 9c. Spice boxes, large box with six canisters inside, 10c. Dish-Pans, medium size, regular p 15c, at 51*.?only 20 dozen in the Extra. Genuine Copper Nickel-Pi; Water Kettles, large size, reg price S5C, at 59c. Stew-bans, 5-qusrt size, 5c. Wire broilers, medium size, 5c Wire Ivgg-Whips, 2c. Genuine Dover Bgg-Denter, the bes the market, at ,sc. ousefurnishing Goods. Spout Strainer, tc Tea- or Coffee-Strainer, black han? 4c Sink Brooms, KB. Ironing Wax, ic Wire Coat Hangers, ic. Rotani- Flout Sieves, best made, 9c. Good .Steel blade Chopping Knife, Same with double blade, 5c. Kitchen Knives, ic. Cast Steel Hatchets, regular price 2r at loc. Butcher Knives, good size, regular pr 2-;<*., nt toe. flirt- To Richmond's be /aists **ne D^ Shirt-Wais * we add three mo candidates f? your fa v o Shirt-Waist to gaina pla? on our com .ters, must 'correct \ every way. These are very attractive: // 50c.?Percale, Lawn, and Dimi Waists, in Light and Dairk coloi with separate white or colored c< Isas. '/.VA'.?White Lawn Waist, standii white collars, attached culls. M %!.?Solid Black I.awu Waists newest pouch front, separate blu< Cobalts Ik Works of modist aists. art properly price( Silks by the yare th the dressmaker's charge led, cost far more than thes dy-to-wear pieces of spring e dress. Many are exclu e. ack Sait in Waists, with rows of smal tucks .across the front, one of th newest effects, f-.y ?lore?! Taffeta Silk Waists, with tei a-madl tucks ??cross front, finishe? with mftle, ??5. unan Striped Silk Waists in all th? it-west colorings, blouse front, pleat ed back, f.3.98'. cgant Black Taffeta Waist, bia ucks front and back, superbly made Sweat Purisian design, $6.50. tractive Plaid Silk Waists, large am imall ?lesigns, dainty French color gs, pleasing to the eye, J7.50 and ?.S. itney Baby-Carriages. only the best made, but the larges1 tment are now ready for BSioetlOB rraiiKcinent we have ?orno upecl.-i ns to sell at 112 no aaefe' others, %S T. cial Table-Covers. re should be a quick response to a Chenille and Dama-k Table-Covers c. They are In two aiaes?yard ami If s?*uare and one yard square - fringed and In every color auch 1 are usually made??Oc. each. art! Wide Organdie, 19c. t of about seven hundred yards of Whit?* Imported Organdie, l yarda perfect In quality, at ISe. yard. :rythtng for everybody e, re c, re quart price size, price :., at price liffe * *t ravy med ffee, ?rice mal irice lot. ited ular tin Brushes. 3C Whisk ?Brooms, well manir, food ?n ?^ Clothes brushes, regular pr at lot. Shoe Polishers, regulas pnce : ?Shoe Polishers, with D a pri?-*e ioc., at isc aScrnbbing brushes, ait 4C Dusting Bnislies, regular price 15c at gC Wooden ware. Knife Roxes. bard wood, felt li Chopping bowls, good si. Salt Hums, large size, I? MC., at PC. Rouing-Pins, 3c Potato Mashers, *,c. Coffec-Mills, warrant?*?! gtxxl grirnlei j, 19c Crockery. Pine Porcelain Dinner Sets, ino pirre,, new shape and ni? civ decOCStsd nt fd-fS ?Fine Porcelain Dinner Set- 11 1 an Including soup tnrei n, asman ami nice utidcrgla/t d d<? at $ Pine Porcelain Dinner Sets, too rich filled m ami gold lined tion, ?splendid siiajn-, at 06.95. Extra. b?st Franca China ( Limogea] Dinner >cts, i***o pi,.,, 1 ?shape and rich floral decoratio guiar ?nice -frcso, 9p1-ri.1l for tint will bt$\ : - only 12 s. is m English P? ??. "lam Tea lets, '" *' and iitcelv decorated, apeeislst?).25. Toilet Sets, tull ?ire. very rich filled in ami gold lined decoration, s[? #2.95. Lot of White Ponulain Dinner Ware at lialf the regular price reduced ?belonging lo thi*? line. loo dozen Fine Decoriti'i ? China Cups and Saucera, at ioc, Nie -lv Decorated Pitchers, 2-qiurt si/e. at 2tc. Carlsbad China Cusp.idores. very rich ?lecorations, regular price yx*., at 29c The best line of Lamps in th?j ? ttv Nice Table Lamp, ?h-ci-ritcd stand ,uid ahnde to mstrfc. 65c IBampiet Lamp Special?Fine Decorated Lamp, with large globe to m.itch, at St-ms. Cas clobes. We show the latent thapea and etchings?go?td ?'?lobe from jsj. up. An Important Weareijlad Shoe Talk. that th?. pub. 1 1 c accepted our invitation to compare our stock of Shoes with regular stores' stocks, because the re sult of that comparison was the largest shoe week sin??? our opening. We are prepared to duplicate last week's salM * I>?-* week, and we know that stuli items as these will do it : Ht?re's a worthy lot of *.???? tun Oxford Ties that CSOM to us a! half regular east?it's a certain nfscturer'a tray mi showing t. preciation of ??ur business with hun. Coin and ??p. ta b es, sonn* Southern ties. They are positiviiv a g?x?d *2 Tie?we price them <?v pur 4.?-? pairs ot Boys' $1.9*, C.eiiuine - Cailf I..'.?'?- Spring Heel Sh gola tops, leather backst up in the best!e. ?*\? 1 -. ; ranted solid leather, ?for 7s1" Ifiaaes'Genuine Goal Dongola Si I T? t ! button Shoes, fsir stitch? I coin t??-, pstent iesther tips :r wart ttlte?! aolid leatther. J Carlisle %t ?Button aii'l I. ?? el Ladies. Tan and, light 01 ahsdeisn, iti 7 dig?rent style the newest ahsfies, ?2. SOROSIS, the mw Shoe for WOmi D If your doctor prescribed roui ahoea he wouM ad-rise Sorosu ' they are hegienic. If your.fas; ble milliner should ncomt'i. Stuart boottobewora -a it h the it ?would be Borosts M row tai!??r suggested the ehoSI 10 '' with the spring suit, tluv woe Sorosi.s. Sotosi-, Shoes are M struct?*?! thst tluv an tin extreme ot atrle and the ?perfection ot is more attractive th. I I some ItM.t ' S'irosis will u so, no mait'.t r what rise y?ui The price *; -?? a ??ur. ?,?> .. the best .at j : Swiss Tambour Curtains, $2.95. A remarkaNi; lot of Lan ?Tlirtaina? l<- ela.-t '1 on ?ale that si' g.itht nil in by knowing p??ople. They att Heal PWtaa, Tambour, Irish Point | ' ?I -.?? Pure White at J2.B? a pair, th?: SStaal ?elllnir value being more than doutil?*. Fine Dress Ginghams Less Than Half Price. Upwards of 50 pieces ot Fit- M Drees Ginghams, not In r? tnnar.t?, iarasfei m any way; just plaids s and other patterns. Th?*y ar. real 12 l--c. ? ualities, to sell at 5 a Polka-Dot Silks, 19c. Japanese Silks, solid colora. Re?! I Blue with Whit? Polka Dots, ars i for selling* at ISc. yard. st ts; re if r. s, 3e n 6 c II EVERYTHING tOR tVERTBi