Newspaper Page Text
PAGES 17 TO 24.) WHOLE Nt MKKk. l_l~545=:===== [T^T RICHMOND DISPATCH. RICHMOND, XA.. SUNDAY. MAKCH 13. 1898. PAGES IT TO 24. T1IKKI-; CENTS l'EH COPY'. NO DEVELOPMENT A Wonderful Week's Record, Tbou? in Preparing for Defence. IMPORT?T CABINET CONFEREE It Is Presumed to Have to Do W the Finances ci the Situation. UNI ORDER FOR SHOT AND SHEL K is Said to Be Without Precedent Extent and Importance, BERNAB? PRESENTED TO PRESIDEN tpiDisl) Minister Says His Mission to Strengthen Good Relations. .NOTHING FROM THE MAINE INQUIR litMtlliN Statement That Admint tration.Has No Knowledge of Report. m? i n LBM1 l tot nu; m \? o \v Arratnitemeiil*. II ?In? Mn?l<- fur Trnii ,i.itntli'n ot llnllerlra from tl Wes#?--Hesf Swwthern illlliary i> a rlinrnl tulle?! Depart iiif-nt ? the l.tilf. I no J icularly Importai <> In tt ! ?Cuba - ?ent hehl h loner OOn?STSM with Beerete-rles Alger, Long, an?i Gtag ' ' ' ' at. it I? tSUppOM the ?nanc?? of the situation. Vt : i ' i airtui-.'iit will to-in??rrc? * one of the lar.;, -t atOt i - lot and shell fur bssvy-csllbre koi known, th* pi [?Of th n fortifleatloa guns sow mounts *?t. -h Minister, Senor Pol :t.*(l t M? Kliil.y, Htxl the ?xehang ? ai;- m the oocaalos was aaoa ii*h ?Minister said th I of hi? mifilon Is "t.. i | *-o f?r M possible, m U i Spain and th Btsl r. -1 fti? tuiiy reis - " aient sai.l in r? i?!y ssara yon that my own efforts an : the fiait, i ?State* Qov>smmsn . U- be dlreel?'?1 On asnee high < o?." Af: nee above referred t u- a; the I <". o?-, t! - airain msde "with the amphaai thai i Is? ?i every nttersno on th** -iiil.jett by the President's tive edvfsers," thai np I no knowltiiffe of the cause of th?- n m?-. ;n:.i ta?, oommunlcstloi of any kind, had ?been ! tared ttmn th? t of Inquiry. It a,;..ars thatt th.- tit!.* of tho newly lora rn military department i? . a ait o? tilt- Quit, Th. ' a form .i. In i ? a rtm.iat ?>f the IrfltlTS. will: . Arrangementa are l.< intr msde to trsna t?f artillery imw* ?tt fortf. rd anO .- .' : A si'i.i:\!)ii> it i :< ?nt i>. Tl'bnt This Rwtton < un lit? for 11?* fenee When A mil".?-,). -!'!'- ? IN, Matt, h 12 -While to ai'.irktil l?y pu t i'tila t'y im ini events, the history of the week . ... .1 form '? BP* ndld record tpllsb? 't i-y the ,: | tima andar ?the :> to prorlde tor tl ins with the appropriation of followed rapidly mOOS qniiti .- wsr auppll?es, the Inatltutlon of for the i??'- ships .-r iii'-n for the ation of two a?i?iition - cmlaera, snd rsms; the matn ?jasts, ?anally, t b agt meni of the tmenta to .a military i" .; a a.. -a gon, now at M.are loess with . t .ry ??f tl.?- Navy -, ..f to-day. Tl t?. eriiise ?down il?- Pacific in from time t?> tisse si . ?nnectiona -iiat the ?!? - to give, i;i Ibla wsy, -a., will t ' '"Utti sa aha win await \ Vimiral Hi a?.i, while if it ?should i?? tat. sisaos! a from .-san . the ahe ??in be ?manipulated in ease of an IMPORTANT CONFBBNNCK. held a long at i about noon lo-day, v. Long, and i that the suhj'? t .?1 tits ; UM a-itu:itl..ll, , ?could ti"t i>e fully ti-aat ? ?i.iii? t meeting owm? t.? tiie a ?n au. i the conference ? u with thai ' '' terlaad . ??n the Mbjeei by '?ht ? .v. uiiv tbst Up t - . 1 ? j t. -1 y M kiittwl? idge "f the . tit-ii of the Mains, ai of any kind, had ?in of inquiry. lind judgmsnt m W tunee* , ? oses! eervlee a.' nia,y I??- ??fTirei! f"f tin II . branch ot the navy at th -., th, y h.?.? i>- a sided i rk 1 I v.f.i. I, will uinl'-rtak? tO VtBll ".a. I am! .o im psraonal Inapectlon ?>' i Ti..- !."...-?1 win eon a la- ut? inder Kelly, ! latsnt-Eta ?ixon, A"--iMtaiiit-.\ 'ruc . ......I J,nnt? unit Saixent. Naabvllle arriv.-?i si ICsy w?.-t to i irrived ? t 'J'!.. naval olfhialH Will not StgtS ?,f th. M l'a visit to ?. The war talk has had the usual result ?f bringing i War and Navy de P? rirm-nts a pwrfect flood of ?Uggeatlons *nd Inventions? .SHOT AND HIIKU. th? war Deportasen! <"> Mnndey w"1 H*o bMs for one of the lur-jeul order? of Ter .," n ?S JnT ?>eavy.c.llbr. ?u. ?tllJ. .J*??* ?^?.r-piercln* pr. ahe a Th? ,,,',,k-?lt"'-'"'? and torpee th?sl.rJ """"xt and .h,, SS?7a,?ft *H"h'n?. M? be?* mnr? ?i P???'??>H eai-h. ?M ,a.,n,.h ,, '" "-reins shell,; m UVUuh ?,_,,? r H "??n ??_?*d: H9 S-'"'>' ?rmo, gerclng sbelU; w nn?-i, snnor-plerota anot, cspood. '''>'" *" |.r..j?*etf?s pr* f,?- ,,?. ,)f.av foI ?L?UBB no* Pwantsd along th ??r. has.- I, ?,., to ,? ?.?,? ,?,,,? ;' ." ?>-million drf,?,,. ?,?, but Is in an ti<ii??'.ti.ui of the fortifications bin. whlc j" 'i is and powder. ?ta the making of heavy prejeetOee wii tabs eoneiderabl? ttmpp, the contra.,! sil oe i?t ahead of the pssssge of th- bOl having been Urea from mei m contr?es that no quaation would b raieed m to the regularity of this pro Ing. The entire amount la deslg ill the heavy euna now in tailed.and , ?,... ,? -?. |>llt |n ,,];,,.,. durim sung year, a full ?roots o? projc* and powder. The U-lnch shot ar? among th.? Isrgeel sssde. The cost of ? ingle round of this ?lass of proi H t'.tl. imn* from the large ordere t.? ba plaoei ?pnday, the em rg? n?cy ?Mil will perml additional ordere to ni?! t th? require meats of auch forttflcaUon ?uns as msj ountsd for emergency. The pveseni order la for the actual needs of the ?yum moauted, without refer no to snj Ing emergency, slthongh it bae bssi made all th mon* Imperative by th( Spanish cr?ala MINISTER POU) y ?BERNAB? The Bpsnlah Minister, ?tenor polo, re i a diapstCh to-day from Caiptuln d Blent?, atstlng that the condition of the Cuban rseoneentra?doea was great? ly Improved. Qeneral Pian??? stated alee thai h?a had ?prepared full data oa thla subject, t?? a* torn*t?**I to Waahlngton. s? nor Polo has n?. ?/el opened bu nations with the Bttta Depsrtmsnt, except In the f??rmal matter of pr.-s.-i.t Ing hie credenttale. h?- is Ural attsodlni to the eoctal iiu'i.-s Incumbent on ?? new minister, snd sfter oslling on the Preel dent to-day, he epeni the rest of the day oslling on ambaaasdore snd minis ters. OBI >RGIA GRATIFIED, Benstor Hsooa, of Georgia, was si the War Department to-day, and aatpreaaed ids gratlflcaUon thai G?orgie had been made the centre of the n?sw department, ?with headqusrtsre at Atlanta. This atep, .Mr. Baeoa aald, was dm entirely to mili taire considerations^ snd no pononml or ?political motives had figured In the transaction, n? retofore there hsd bssn naiiiiary centre along ,l"" At lantic namely, thai si New Forh bul the ?present cosditlon of affairs asada it apparent, from s military standpoint. that it was Sealrsble to hSVe another Centre On the Booth Atlantic. As a re suit, tin? interior military oentra, here known ss the Depsrtmsnt of 1'exss, hsd bssn m?oved ssstward, an?i CStttn ?1 at Atlanta. Ths Bursss of construction of the Navy Department _oda Itself eatceptlon* an-,- wiii prepared for any emergency work Umi it may i?o called ?apen to per form in connection with the auxiliary cruiaers. it is esld that leae than sa hour's work would be required in the bureen ofBee here to complete ell ths pians tot ths trsnsformstlon of two of - -t slims on the Atlantle Into auxil iary .ruis,.?s. 'j'iie detailed work of re conatinotion couiti be accomplished ?with lik.a dispatch at the Lssgos Island navy yard, NEW RECRUITING STATION. i he - - retery of the Nsvy has dlreeted that e ? ? ? fin t in?.- ststlon '? ' opened in Washington Immedlstely, the special par pose being to aeeure ordlnsry a asm an and msemmsts, Ths Naval liiapiirilnii Board hse gone Molk to eXSmiSe thS Ma?-idais, just returned from Me Asiatic etatloa by way as. In.- I'-iti. lail'il with supr?li?-s foe the Buffering Cubana, arrived a.i Matanzas, i m?a. irmn Kt'y Weal to-day. C?ptala Cowles m-rely reported his arrivai to tin Nsvy Department, without making any mention of the condition of affairs ?it MStSnSSS. After discharging part of hll th? re, ?'apt,?m Cowlea will pro? d with his v.'.-s.i t?> Bagua, and leave the i malnder SIGNIFICANT A8SIGNM BNT. Clvll-Englneer A. J- Menocal has been detached from th League taland navy yard ?and Ordered tO Key West. This is regarded as elgaiflcant, and as ladl . on tin l'.itt ?if ths Nsvy rtmeni to make Immediate and con alderable Improvementa at the naval sta tion m h? ) w u r.ii John M. Will on, Chief of Kngineera of the War Depart ment, to-'iay after a trir? ol over I WO miles, which he aocompllabed .?i one w< k. Naturally his visit itbern coast points, where extensiv? fortification work is m progresa, has ex? cited much ?somment. ?Qeneral Wilson . ,i, how? v? r, to dli ?aas in any wsj tfiis phaae ??f his trip, it la nnderatood than li?' ?ylaited Cumberland river, Bl joim's river, and the worka ai Tampa, a a 1 l\. . f\ ' . FUi. in-:pa itFEES i OF nil'! QULF. 'l'lml I? Tille ??I >ew > ?>..Ilieru .1III1 tau-j in?.-. WASHINGTON, March 11?The text oi the War Department order establishing the new Department of the Gulf, ?and making other chang?e? is as follows: "Oensral Ordsra, Na I.- Hsadqusrtere Of the A i my. Adjutant-??fil?, t al's . ?Il.e? , Washington, Mardi U, INI?The follow orders have i" a s oslvsd from the War Department, snd srs pubttaned tot tt,?- information and guldsnoe of all con cerned: "War Depsrtmsnt, Wsshington, March n, UM. By direction oi ihe i'i. .-ni? m. tt.',- following ohanges are mid- to the i, n it,.nal limits, designations, ?and bssd? quarters of geogrephicaJ Jepartmsntaj i The i" partmenl ?of ths Best \-iii ,,??.',.?. ,(.. Nsw England States, Non York New Jereey, Pennsyhrsnls, i'?i.i ware, Maryland, District of Columbia, West Virginia, Virginia, snd North Caro lins, with hssdqnsrtsra st Govern? land, New ?-ork.' ' a depsrtsssni Is ?hereby eatsbliebed, ? , ,. known as the Depsrtaseal of th? to consul of the Btatee of Wle ,?, minois. Indians, Ohio, i ;,-k.\, snd Tennessee, with headqner? ten at Chicago, DL ___. ... _ -a Th? Deportment of Dakota will em the BUtea of Minneeots, North Da k? t . Booth ?Dskots, Montana, and bo much of Wyoming and IdBaho as Is.en. braced In the Tellowstone National ?park, with i. aaadquartara si Bt. Paul, Mton. -4 The I" psrtmenl of the Columbia will embrace the Btatee o? WssWngton. Oregon, Idaho (except so much of the lat ,.., ?s is smhraced in the Yellowstone National Park), and the '^"^?l .Mask.., wi.ii iwsdquartera at Vsassnvw haii.iks. Wsshington? _11# ... t The l??*p..nn.ent of California will embra?- the States of CsllfomlS and N? vada, with h.a.Wuarteis at ban 1- ran . ,-',,.' DMSrtSSSBl Ol the Col.,r.?l., will',. ths BtataS Of Wy..rolng(ex. Otpi M much thereof as is embrace 1 In THlOWatone National Park) .Colo rado, and Utah, and the territories Cl ?Stions a,n<lN.w.M,xlco, withi??*ud4uar U'-7 r^tu'^tonLt Of the Platte will agphnce tin tmutn ef I?* ? *_*_*_ Missouri Kansaa. and Arkansas, the In San iv rltory and the Territory of Ok Tahomt, with headquarters at Omaha. N?'a department Is h.?r*by r?tabllshe?! to be known as the ^.''r'/^'V?. H -.u.-f to conalat of Uie States of ? ?n ? !.. f ta u I, < arollna, Georgia. Florida, Alabama, i ataeJppt, Louisiana, and Texas. ??th h? quarters at AtUnta, ?. . "Tho department* of the Missouri i Texas are hereby abolished. Tl. o'. tin l??-i?artinent o! the Misou.1 ? be transferre4 to the Department of Intakes, and those of tho Dep irtrmnt Texas to the Department of pie ?; i!r. "Msjor Ganeisl Broke is seen ed to the eommaiitl of th?* DepOTtSB? t.t tin Ulk?-?, ami Brlgndlet general wniu M ?traham to th?- romm-md of the I partment of the (lulf. "Th" officers of the JOVOfUl staff dMN ments now on dutv in the Departmci Of the Mlbi-ouri and of Texas ere .'??si?. "I to like duties In the Departments the Lakes and the Qulf, respectively. "The travel required under these tt?i? li? BSCeCssry for the public servir?. (Sinned) "R. A. ALGER, "Beeretary of War "Hy c.tmmand of Major-General Mil? "ti. c. Cerhfu, A4Jutont?Geners?M General Orshsm telegraphed the \v Department to-day that he would ?ro Atlanta on Monday next to establish v in idquartera th? i POI.O V III UN \iii-: PHP.SF.NTP.D. Ills It.-iioirk? a ml the I'reMlileiil Cor.lliil ? l'iii-lli<-. WASHINGTON, I?. '-. March H?Sea Luis Polo y Benote, the nt-w Spanl: Minister, who SBOCCOd? Se?or Dupuy ? Lome as the r?-prt-sentatlve of Spain a tins ?aipitaii, w.,s form.iiiy presented FrasMsat McKinley at 11 o'clock to-ds The roooptiOS took pISCC In the Lit parlor. The Introductions to the Prea dent ?were mad?- liy BsniOlBIJ Sherma Th<- exchange of grsstlaga was aae eordial, and o.iupled about 20 minuit In ?addition to the Pnsl'U-nt and tl ?Spanish Minister S?d his party, the on persons pr?sent were former Vles-Frea dt nt Lev! P. Morton and Colonel Pini ham, the military attacha t?? the Prea ?lent. The ceremony wais each a* nasal on such occasions, and passed o without Incident. The Spanish Minister, on being pees? a e?i. aald; "Mr. President. -I have the honor I pti Knl to your Excellency th?- eredei tlal letters wMeh nocredlt me in the c? padty of envoy extraordinary and mini: t?-r plenipotentiary of bin Majesty, tfe King Of Spain, In the United S' America. "The principal object of my honorai?! mlealon la to endeavor, so far a 11-. t<? maintain and draw closer b? tween our two oountrtee the most friend ly nlaitions. In order tO attain this t n? so much in harmony with niy own pel s..nail feelings, I am ready to omit n fffott whataoever on my part, and dOUbi n?U 1 shall suce?-*? ?1. if. as I hop? I shall b?* fottonste In caiintny the lit-n<"v oto?es of your ?Sxoellency ;in?l your el fectlve oo-operation "III ob-(lit ti? to the si??? ill ebSTge ?. her Majesty, th.* Queen Regent of th klngdoss, I have the honor to cxprea to your Excellency the wishes of m; aagiial aoverelgn for your personnl 1".; t? pinces .'uni for the prosperity of th ?people of the Pnit'-ii ?States of Amsrlcs.' TEE PRES-DENTS RESPONSE The Presldf-nt replied as follOWS! "Mr. Minister i am happy to from your bsnda th>? r? ? y a 11 i? tt?-rs. where i?y bet Majeety, the Queen Regent, ?i the name of his Majesty, the ?Sing o ?Spain, accr?dita you in the ?sapaetty o ins Majesty's envoy axtrsoedtnsry am? mlniater plenipotentiary la the fuite? States of America. "It is very gratifying to ma to the sssuranc? - ?yea have Just ?nada o your ?purpose i" andeavoi t?i malntali and diaw eloo? r la all po rfbU nmst friend!) relation. Itetw<sea the tw? eoiititri's. an?i in leeponee i assure yei that my own efforts and thooc of thk government will no lese earnestly bt i towsrd the sann high end. 'v?.u cu?n?- hither, Mr. Mildster, wltl the prestige of a distinguished nssae borne by your honored father, whom aerrlcea In promoting k?>o?i ?will between Bapsln anu? the United States have abroad) Into the domain of history. To this yam add the qualification of a per sitnatl acquaintance with tins ?country and Its ?people, derived ?from y??ur ?le vions official .sojourn at this capital, so that you bave a doubla title to mir (?Ul li.Ida?-!- an?! sympathy. 1 offer you my ?personal good uiahes, .ir.<i I would ?have you convey to h?-r Majeety, the Queen Regent, mi i appreciation ot ?bee M.-.-ty's frtendli ?greeting, and my owe desire thai ?happiness maty Im lier ?portion. Snd thait Spain at ?I th?- Spauiish people may enjoy the !?l? Sing, of p?*ace and a it.V." ?ill III.1.1.It V ?FOR IHK SEABOARD. X ira iiueiiieiili. for II? Tri? n ?,?>,,r(al lo? from Ports in Hie Went. CHICAGO, Mai.ti 1$.?Qusrtenni Qeneral Lee, of the Army Department of the i.akt-s, is staking arrangements t.. transport batttri.-s of artillery now at fortS in the WCS! to tho Atlantic SSSbO M'd :iti?l the ?liilf of Mexico. To-day, the weatern rallrosda hevtng hesdqusrtera iti Chicago, Bt. i.onis. and other western ?A.r?' invited to telegraph by noon .?f the 15th Instan' propossls for the transportation of a battery of artillery from Furl RUey, ?Kan., to For! Monroe, v.l.. another from Port RUey to New Or l.i., and a third from Port Ritey to Bai annah, < M. Bach bsttery con ..f fire officers, atxty-flvs men, fifty-five horses, four gone with caissons, batter) forges, aim! ? attiip equipage, amd will re quire one Pullman-, air. two tOUTis! a-h-p 1-, three pelsee atocks-cats, three ist and six frolght-csrs. Bach bettor) is to ha run through men, horses, nuns. snd property?together in one train, of one or more sections. The equipment must go through from th. Initial point without change, and will be ready t?? leave Fort Rlley by noon of the Mth m btant. PROCTOE AT JA? KMIWII.I.K. II?- H.-pudlnt?""? Interview I'u I.I i - I. < ?I I111I1T Key WSSt lint.*. JACKSONVILLE, i'i-\. March UL S'-nator Proctor, who is supposed to hav? bssn on a privait.' mlssloB to Cubs, for ?President ?McKinley, psssed through tin tity to-night, accompanied by Colonel Parker. Phe ?Senatof refused to make a state nn nt as t?> what be SSW in Cube, or as t?, tin- ?prospecte "i trouble with Spain. He etated, however, ths! be wooM most tria.Inly stand by the administran.>n In whatever action It should take. Colonel Parker Stated that the suffering II ?Culm hail by no means been ated. Botk gentlemen icpudlatod tin illcged totervlew published la New York ?apt is under Key WV-t damm, IFAEISfl FLOTILLA SFOEM E?f?DBB. -irtniiili of SpnnUh \i?n >, Arrordlna I? II l.lhernl. MADI'ID, March 12.- The Spanish tor edo flotilla has not yet left Cadiz. The easels win snfl for the Csnsry islands s soon as the weather modi-rat.-s. The Liberal gives the following as the resent stiansth Of the Spanish navy: 'lotertitl slops. 17; unprotected, 20; gun oats. ?V; torpedo-boat destroyers, 14; [irpedo-boats, 14; transp?trts, 25. III STUM AT THK XAVV-YAHD. 'lie M?ehla? lii?p?-cl?r?*l Yesterday ? Workius Feras i?.? r?-?.-??*?i. NORFOLK. VA.. March 12.-(Special.) 'he Machias was Inspected to-day by he Board of Naval Inspection, which rrlved unannounced. She may be or ered to Key West. A large number of ?en were t?Ucen Into tho y?ird to-day. nd the force will bo lpcreased by un Uiuf ?<?ued Monduy. WILL VOTE TOESDi The Exciting Primary Fight Is I nfarini? Us Clos?. Uli KAHES ON THE TICKE List of Those for the Various Cilices Be Filled. PEATVESM OF THK CEESBEG DA* l.?ii>tl-?..i\ ?-riilio-n I I .-:,_,,,- Inane? Address to the Xotera?l.l\ely Me? ion ot the ?Tiny-Ward Actives?T lr.u..f.T Matter. Next Tuesday ?il1, present the closl aoenee of ess sf tiu* hottest municii camt?alKns that have been wag.-d In Rlc mond for many years. The end will brl infinite relief to every one connected, 1 th?j strain liais bees lnt< ns", and ev those who are Indirectly connected w; the canvass, as well as the candidat who he Ta born?- its burden and Its hea will br? ait in- a sia^h of r?li>-f v.h-P t ^\m .-inks into its wCStsra feats" on Tu? ?lay evening: Given fair areather, the ?sote polled w according to present Indications, be record breaker, it couM not w.n be oth? ?sise with nearly two hundred ca i?;s In the Held, t?i say nothing t!i.' ?i|iin race f??r tin- various oHi?-.*s, a the rivalry betWCCB the. (jood OOVCI'lima IjC.iKue an?l the clubs. There art- rusa? re aSoal that a dup este ticket has been Issued ami is befe circulated. Several gentlemen who w?a seen yesterdsy, say than they bave m men who haive SSSU this tickst, but ti Impossible to tr.i? the mitt I?? Its source. If su? h a thing exists tact, it is mor.- than ?probable that win i??- brought t?? llghl aooaer or lat? for the lynx-eyed leaden are en th?' ?i rlva for any li regularities. Tin: PRIMARY TICKET. 'lia. Dispatch glvee below the ticket a it win b.- ?printed, ?giving tin? nemaa of ? the candidates for each oStoa The i cumbsnte who ?stand for re election a Indicated by a , and tin- ? f. ah.' Council who hav? been endorsed i tii. Q.i Qovernment League, i?y two ' This is th.- ticke! : Mayor John s. ilarwood and Richa M. Taylor. Commonwealth'a Attorney?'Dk C. Rlc ail'ilsnti. Commissioner ?if th?? Revenue?-*Robe p.. Munford, <?. a. Hawkins, and p. : Noble. Auditor- K. A. p:iri???r. Charlee W. Ft lows P-. rf- ? Valentin?-, an?l J. WS t. n. City Collector?Prank T. Bstss at Frank W. Cunningham. Sheriff i: f. Folkes. ?John T. Hughe i: ?ben i'. Jennings, Jr?, and Piii!. Par 1er. High Constable ?; orge McD, Blah i: t Oarriaon, J"hn Krause, lt. K. lia I -t.?ta, ait d ?:. I '??II- til. y si j City Bergeeni Robert T. Briggs, ! Claiborne Upps, ?Edward B. ?Hose, and , ?'. Smith Clny Wfird. ?BOARD OP ALDERMEN, t ?yets f"i Two i m: t. ii Myers, M. Fill Beny, "W. M. \, oodWair. common COUNCIL, ?\ ?Me t"i ii\..? Mohn M. Planks, W. H. Brock, i:, u. ?Coiigin, *8smuel H. Cottrel "M J. Dimmock, II. W. Eub.onk, I-:. r. Ford. William Oibson, Jr ?Joiin i: Oilman, **?Jobn J. King, K. W. Minor. * ni!! Montague, "M. B, FOCO, lohn T. Pow.-rs. it. N. Tiller, Charlea p.. Winstoi JUBTICSfl OP THE ?PEACE iVotc tor Three > ? luis a. ?Brothers, Philip Helletsrn, H. a. Jaoob, J. 'J'. Lewis, ?.'. 10. Richardson, ?'. W. (Nat.) Tyler. CITY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE (Vote for I i Mcjlwslnc Archer, ;. I., (jerry) itioum J. J. QrSVCS, .'.'aller O. Hill, i., i-:. (Jack) Kemmerer, w. j. Kimbrough, Charlee c. Mettert, i\?i.- W. ?Sounders Harn t.. Wut&on. .l.-ii.-i ???i? WHr?I. BOARD OF ALDERMEN, (VetS for Two ? Adam Dtoeoot, ?John M. ?King, F. W. Stiff, "Win. M. Tuipm. o IMMON COUNCIL. (V'ott- f,.r Five.) j. W. Andornen, Val. L. Bloomh rg, i;. Can ras, John P. Donleavy, A. S. Dunkley, It. H. Hard-sty, D. s. Hardy, ?Albert Miller, Morgan R. Mills. w. H. Mullen, .i ni? i T. Neale, Phil. Bh?ea. T. p.. Uiiii.ims, Albert Witt.-. JUSnCEi ok Tin-: PEACE (VotS for Tlir-'?'.' Charlee a. Cake, Oeorge C. Bhmig, i- ..a. m?? it;., i. a. p. Mongom? ry, Jo?seph ? ?. ?Phillips, Marshall K Hamos (too, \\. Bchlteser, Stephen L. Wood. ciTV DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE i pote for Pise.) William H. Adams. H. P. i'uh.-ll, K. J. Pagan, John li. Redwood, .i. i;. Taylor, H m. Tyler. Mnillioii W ard. BOARD OP ALDERMEN. (Vote for un...) James T. F.rrit.r. COMMON COUNCIL (Vote for Pire.) M. J. (Ni? lu ?'cas.-, W. R, Hors.', "F. ?'. l'.if 1, Hait y C. ?tll.-iin, "T. A. Harrelson, Mulms A. Hobson, ?'. w. Moins. w. pel Sutherland, K. l!. Thomason, J??s. Wallersteln, John T. West JUSTICES <'K THE PKACE. (Vote for Three.) lohn l'.impoiionico, Oeo, C. Oornleh. Prank P. Jones, B i: Joins, H.-rman No!t?\ i'ITV DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE (Vote for Ki?. ? <"". A. lloyce. Jamoe W. <><?rdon, Cunningham Hall. Tboa. i>. Marrlck, JeITers?)ii W.-.ll.i? Marshall Ward. BOAUI) OF ALDBRMBE. (\'?He for Two.) **OSOrge A. OOOde, ?f, H. Lawder, N. Thomas Mosby, JelT. C. Powers. COMMUN COUNCIL. ?.Vote for Five.) W. H. ?'urtis. ?'A l?. K.tKUsson, -?P. H. ??arber, John H Grimes, H. A. Hawkins. ??J. II. J?>nes, T. H. Pesco, Ain.* J. Vaughan, \V. T. Woody. JUSTICES "F THK ?PEACE (Vote for Three.) F. A. BOWfy, W. H. D?*nn. John W. (iotKle, James P. Sharp. CITY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE (Vote for Flw.) Jas. M. N. Allen, James A. Rlack, Ed. C. liieka. A. L. Lucas, W. T. Snellings, J"hn II. W.-lsh, J. W. (Sport) Woodward. ?Iiiiii-tii* Ward. BOARD OF ALDERMEN. (V?StS tor Onu.) R. S. Broek. Jr., **C9t Drewry. COMMON i'oi'NVlI.. (VatO for Five.) W'm C Camp. * Mames Caskle, p. J t?rlffln. * Mess Qunet, TbomaS n. HUkr, Jumna T. Martin. R. L. Peters. * *-' W. J an v j. M. Wiltshire. C?? Je to I?. be 111, JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. (Vote for Three.) D. a Cates. W. A. ?Ix>n.) Gravei Henry B. Urubbs. CITY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE. (Vote for Five.' Herbert Anderson, Walter C. Duke, 8. L. Kelley J. E. MeKenny, William A. Price. Ordway Puller. John F. Savllle. Jackson Ward. CITY DSMOOMATK COMMITTEE. (Vote for Five.) Benry P. Reck. J. W. Carmody. James R. Doherty, Michael J. Dohertj W. J. I>oyle. A F (Tony) Hulel\j-i C.'iarl'-s K-ppier, H. \V. Stein, Thes. R. Thornton. Michael Woods. A. P. Hill. WHO THE REGISTRAR? ARE. It Is a fact that does not seem to b generally known that It will be posslbl to Psglster or to get transfers on th ?lay of the election. The registrars fo the various precincts all over the cit are as follows: Marshall Ward-First Precinct, R, A Cuvedo; S?cond Precinct, Joseph P. Hub bard: Third Precinct. W. M. Williams. Jefferson Ward?First Precinct, J. Cas kit- Cabell: Second Precinct, B. P. Red ford; Third Precinct, Thomas P. Shea F??urth Prt??-lnct. Wilton T. Atkinson. Madison War?l?First Pr-cim-t. Thoina Itiai.lit; s.?'.,n?l i'r??lni't. ?'onway K Johnson; Third Precinct, James H. Pecor Jr.; Fourth I'tniint. T. W, Walsh. Monroe Ward?First Precinct, A. W Mlll.-r; ?Second Precinct Robert B. Snead Thirtl Precinct, Andrew Krause; Fourtl t. Jostah Rylsnd; Fifth Precinct Marcus A. Allen. Clay Ward First Precin? t. II. V. R Moors; ?Second ?Precinct, .lohn H. Rev? ridge; Third ?Precinct, P. s. Burford Fourth Precinct, Georgs J. Hooper, Jr. Fifth ?Precinct, L K. Busssr. .1 ickason Ward Firs! ?Precinct. F. W France; Second ?Prertnct, It. B. Pelthaus Third ?Precinct. William J. O'Nell; Fourtl Precinct. W. K. City THE M'tl.lK ISSUES AS ADDRESS ill Appeal to Hie litter? to Support Itl < iin<lliliit?-N for the Council. Presiden! E a. Catlta, on behalf of the Good Qovsrnmsnt League, issued the foi lOWlng a?!'li?-ss hist night: To the ?D?mocratie Voters in the city of Richmond: The end of th?- campaign is before us, and the issue la to !?< decided on Tuesday nexl by the votera of Richmond i.?t us briefly review the ?pointa which are aub mitted by the ?Democratic I s ague lor Good Government 1. We Increase our bonded debt, for that is airead) large being now three tim.s ais Isrge, and even eight times as large ae thai of citlee of like size and ?population In the country. I We cannot Increase our flouting Seht, f'ir that must ! ? eventually met try turn ing tt into e bonded debt :;. We cannot Incresse taxstlon, f?>r that is already laid on our property, which is a a ; : > per > ent. t.. 9 pot ? * nt be '.?iiaii its market value and though nomi nally (for city and State) 11.80, U is really MM, when brought to the same basis ot taxation as in other cities. Th?* question before us le ?m?* really which not only affecta the fuiur.? Ufa and growth of our city, but the wages, ealariee, and proiits of every laborer, clerk, and merchant within the l'iiv limits, or dependent upon it for a livelihood. We may blink ;it or Ignore the condi tions lliat Confront ?>ur corporate lift-. Are we prepared to place our industri?-** and our business on ths ?same plans of competition with other all?e in the land. or are w<? prei.i to Ignore the hand writing on the wall, "that the fittest only ?survive in th- race f??r commerdsl lit?".' The Democratic League for Qood Gov ernment believes, snd knows, that the whole fortune of the city-its ?business in terests, manufacturing Interests? Isbor in terests?art' dependent solely upon ai fixed purpose to maintain our expenditures within the limits of inoome. Their per* eonal severance from all pursuit of i (Bee within the girt of tin- city, anu? the char? and probity which is cos?eed<sd to its membership, la th?- guarantee of good fatitli and civic paitriotism. Tin y have with Infinite trouble and much personal labor aucceeded in sub tnltting t?> ti,.- people of this city tickets in ihe s.v.ral war.H for membership in the ?.'ouncll ami ?Board of Aldermen, which should command the unqualified support of every citizen who has the desire t?> sustain the city's best Interest. They do not claim for these tickets that they an- p.-rfeet; but they do claim, un hesitatingly, that they are the very b?'Ht that th?- .-?vie patriotism of this city gives them to ?support ?Having labored in the oause without hope or desire of reward, aavo such as ball i.?- open t.? the enjoyment of each and ?every citisen, ex ?well :?s to thorn eelves, they submit th.? matter to your ?h ? Ision The candlilaites who have accepted the endorsement of th?- league air?? committed to the policy "to Uve Within income," either expressly or b*. Implication, snd It is Incumben! upon all who believe in that common-sense ?policy to sink persons! preferences and persons! opinions. Th?* league ticket should i??? sustained as a whole for la this way, ami this alone, can this policy, the wisdom of which even our enemiee admit, ti- msintatnsd. in doing tills you encourage to further labor those who hav?? liorri?: th?" burden and heat of tin Campaign, and whose only Interest Is ths malntonanee of good gov ernment. DEMOCRATIC LEAGUE FOR GOOD <;? IVERNMENT. HOME Allot T the TEAMSTERS. Ho?* the Mailer St un ?I??The (iin iiictiiiK State rasnto it?ii.iii..i There ere no n?w developments in the ntattt-r of tho sllSgSd fOSged transf.-rs. 'I registrare are letting the matter rest, and both Mr. BoOpST and Mr. Pever itigt? say they will not take notice of the fergertee alnoe th* objeel was clearly not to ti. iraiinl. Mr. White put In an appS ir ?n? ? yesterday, and saked' Mr. Hooper toi* ins tranafer. Be asM that some Weeks BgO Mr, Hawkins haul visited the Allegheny shops, where ti?- (White) is ens* pi" ?1. B* happened to mention the fact that he ?had moved ?from the Fourth Pre in.?-, and Mr. HsWklnS volunte.?-.-d to oblata a tranafoe f??r hit*. He had not gives the ssstter a thought sine?? ti.-n, and th?> BBSttor * MSSpsd his nn-mory un til he saw his name tiguring In the Dis pstok in connet ti'Hi with the transaction. Mr. Kuhn ht al present ta Philadelphia. Mit HAWKINS'S BTATEMBNT. Mr. Hi.a kins s.-rit the following atate mt nt to the Dtepeteh yeeterdsy: s? reral dsya ?ago i me! J- Samuel wn kln-on In Ho- store "f Messrs. Jennings ,\ t'?t. N?>. 4H north Sixth street, and gSVC him tho names of BCV? rai gentlemen who wish? ?I transf?re, and also gave him money to pay car fsre ami ?get postage statrnps. as one or two of the parties had formerly resided outside of the city. Among the names gtv?en him were those of R. I>. White and W. H. Kuhn, the latter to be transferred from Third Clay to ?Second ?Clay Precinct. Again. I m?-t him at the City Hall, gave him additions! namea and more money. On Monday last I called him into the dining-room of Mr. Henry Schlelser, on Marshall str??et be tween Sixth and Seventh streets, and In the prsssnes of Mr. Colr-man Ware gave him the SS8SSS of two gentlemen to be transferred and tl In money. These are the tacto, as far a.-? I know anything about the matter. Respectfully, o. a. hawkins, I attest the truth of above statement as to what occurred In my store. JENNINGS ?t CO. I citify that the above Is an exict statement of what occurred In my pres ence on Monday last. COLBMAM WARE ME WILKINSON DENIES, Mr. Wilkinson reiterates In a very positive way his denial that the names of Kuhn and White were upon th? lists which he- acknowledges having received from Mr. Hawkins, but which, he says, he returned without going to work on them. As a result of the complication. Mr. Wilkinson, who has been a "runuer" for very many years, has returned all his commissions to the various eandid;it?-s, and has declined to get any more trans f?-rs. The offence, by whomsoever It was committed. Is against the State laws, but es no serious consequence has been Involved, It is the genera! opinion that no steps will be taken to detect the - -1?g?; T withor of the alleged forftrles. unler, the matter la brought to the attentio i, of the grand jury. CLAY-WARD ACTIVES MKET1SG. Otrer FIto Hsndred P*?**?!? Allen? the H-illv lu Belvidere Hall. The main audlenec-room of Relvlderi Hall was crowded with the members o Clay-Ward Actives and their adherent last night. The long array of candidate tiled before the audience, presenting theli claims, snd all were accorded s heart* ' reception. r' Mr. .). T. Powers said he had hear?! that tiie club hud combined to elect ? select ticket cf five. If suuh wer? th? casi*, he said, he had not been maul? aware of It, and be stigmatized It as at act of Injustice. Mr. C. W. Tyler said he was not op e posed to running a ticket against th? t Oood Government League, but he thoughi y the ticket should be nominated In a gen tlemanly manner, and all should be con suited. He w*? eppo-sed t> kicking men - ?iff the ticket, and urged that all the cun didates should come, together to / dOOt . th?; fortunate live, and the decislor . should not be reposed In three or foui men who essayed to represent the whol* s v_?rd. Mr. J. inn Montague said he wanted not only the endorsement of the (Joo?l Government League, but of every Demo* cralic club In the w:ir?i. He was not th? i man, he said, to repudiate the ?endorse ment of the l?''igu?*. He thought When fi candidate place?! himself in a position of refusing the vot?-s of reput ?ble citizens ; he halt' nni.'li bettet* withdraw altogether. ; Mr. F it. ?'iiigin r.'aoi ?several extracts from "Primary Pointers," the organ o? the Good Governmral League, which he ' criticise,). H,? sal?! he had the same message to ?deliver to the Oood GoVSSn* ment league as MossS ?le'iv? red to Pha . rpeh "Tel my people go." Mr. Evan Sneaul went into an exhau-? , ttve criticism of the present <*ity Council, and said while much goo?.' had und'uiht? I ly been accomplished, much pernicious legislation bad been nipped In the bud by the Hoard of Aldermen. He de nounced the action of the Hood <?ov?-rn ment Leugne In endorsing candidates who. he said. dM h"t come from the people, but from behind Closed doors. Mi. ?Phil S-av Introduced a quartette. who sang "We're doing I'p to Heaven," with ai refrain, the first ?foe of wht?-h propounded the momentous question, "What are you going to do with the Qoo-Gooof When the genera! ticket was reached thero were rodferoue cads for the va rious candldstea favored by gentlemen ektlled In ni.irvt?ous feats of vocal gym llaistics. The Bsnthalde aSoelSl nn?l Political ?dub nut hist night at No. HI south Fifth Street Many of the candidates were pr? s.tit. and the meeting was both lively and interesting. Woetlnu-N to lie- Hold To-Morrow. The John W. Dainiel Club will have their hist ?demonstration before the primary .it tin- ??Id .Market Hall, on Monday eve ning at 8 o'clock. Tlure will lie a p?ranle, flreworka, ami mus??-. There will be a meeting at th?* W'.-st Bnd Doaaooratle and ?-???-aai! Club, "ou ??-st Broad etreet, Monday night. Mr. Won denborg win b.- ?preeenl t?> address ths dub In behalf of the councllmen of the different wan is. i lu. last meeting of the First Precinct (Jsekson Ward) Club will be held ai Straus. Hall. Ill Brook avenue, on Men ?lay night at %M O'clock, The last, rally of ?lay-Ward clubmen will be held at Mike .M?i'?r? 's pine, No. :; south jSaoond stret-t, tn-tnnrtow n!glit. Among other things. ":i full brass hand" is advertised as one of the particular at tractions. I ne SVorktngmen's Democratic Club of Jackson war?! win hold its regular sreekly meeting at Whelen'e Haiii to morrow night, and, as this Is tin.? list meeting bosses the primary, every mem ber is requested to attend. WHAT EACH HIDE CEASES, How the teuders of tin? I ? neu?- und the Otaba itt'iiMi'ii the Mtnntssn. Of cours??, every eSSdtdstS that is out tor g public- office claims that his election is assured. They tell It ta confidence. and proclaim It from the platforms at public me? tlims. Tiny have visited all tho workshops, offices, an?!, as some of them choose to put it, "every hole ami corner of the city." They are all good men and true, but at this time the Inte i? -t in the race for the City Council Is tar more vital. At the outset of the campaign the clubs challenged the Good-Governmenl League, and made a ?pointed Issue !..? tWOen their rccpoctlve nominees. The answer to that challenge was long de layed, but it came In the form of a ticket, which, it has been conceded, is a wry strong one. The bague leaders have been challenged to opi-n d?'liate, but they have prttf?.*rred a ?'afferent modi: of campaigning. They have had their workers canvassing la every ward, mid thti leaders who met on Friday night, ami received the rejiorts from all parts Of the city view ths BltUStlon with satis tactkMS ?SITUATION IN TEE WARDS. They regard Maidlson and M?onroe wards as absolutely safe, ami say that durmg tne last tw?> weeks the feeling in ('lay Ward has undergone such a revul sion, that they wfl Ihevs a much larger majority there than they .anticipated. This OhSagS has b?en due, they say, to dtSSStlsfsetton Bt thu efforts to select rive men from the sixteen candidates t,j r?pr? sent the clubs, so as to narrow tho light down to an Issue between the league nit n ?sad anti-league men, but further than this, they contend that the vltup? i i tlon and abuse lavished upon the league by Its opposers has won many votes for them, and the canvassers have done tin rest. The candidates endorsed by the league in Marshall Ward are regarde?! as sure of election, but not a word Is said as to Jefferson Ward. SI OK <iF THE CLPH-MEN. The club-men, on the other hand, say that they have matured a plan for shut ting out any candidate who may p<?sslb!y receive the support of leaguers In J?f ferson Ward, and they are confident that they will make a clean sweep there. In Marshall Ward they concede that some of the candidates named by the league i ire sure of election, but they think that they will return some of the men who are not endorsed by the league In Madi s??n and Monroe wards. Out In Clay Ward arrangements have been made for putting a ticket in the field to represent the l clubs, and the following combination has been agre??t upon: Messrs. J. M. Rlanks, Charles Winston. 8 H. Cottrell, W. Gib- I on. and E. W. Minor. This leaves off j ?lx men who are in the field for the Council. Those dissatisfied with this ticket argue that it leaves the south 9*nt - of the ward practically 'in represen ted, * ?riving the north side one candidate?Mr. ? J. M .Hlariks-aiid the m?dele of the urard the other four. MOLD <?VKK ALDERMEN. Of the nine members of the present Rrard of Aldermen who do not come up , 'or re-election the league claim five, who. . they say. are In sympathv with their platform as follows: Messrs. Otway 8. Mien and 8?>1. Cutchlns. of Mailifon Ward; Mr. C. W. Hardwlck?, of Jefferson SVard; Mr. James I. Smith, of Jackson I Vard. and "Mr. W. H. Zimmermann, of ?vionroe Ward. ? Mr. H. ?* Carter, of ?Clay, and Mr. J. B. Montgomery, ?>f Marshall, were club fa- t ??rites m the last campaign: the position * if Mr. nu?jb?n Burton, of Monroe Ward, *| s not known, and he Is c'.iimc 1 by loth aides, while Mr. James Rahen does nos t lelong to the Democrat!? party? \ d AMERICA ADMIRED. Uncle Sam's Prompt Preparation foe Defence inspires Respect HOT TO BE TBIKED WITH, The Lonaon Speaker Calls Spanisn At tr-ntioD to t?e Fact. ill low JOtftJALISM AT M Milling It Seems to He as Itu mpitiii ?a at Beene Points In Tlilit Oman! : - t'arllst Aail-tlon?Saltsbary Re ported III. (Special lyirnlon Cable Lettter; Co-?y? righted by th?; Associated Press, 1*1.) LONDON, March 12.-A diplomat, who probably la the recipient of more conn? Acuses than any man in Iamdon. has ex pressed himself as follows on th? Cuban gnesttani "If America hud designed with a act purpose the events of the -past week she could not by any possibility have de v? loped anything which In its Impresslvs dignity would have had such sn effect upon Europe as th? way in which tho Executives Congress, and the people hsva net the crisis and risen to the responsl? bilitUs involved In dealing with the Cu*? ban goeetton." Such Is undoubtedly the general feel ing. ?Svsey one liero now recognises that the 1'niUil Btatea does not desire war, but Is actuated by humanitarian senti ments, a"?l will not shrink from war if It Is necessary to right the wrongs of CUbh ami essct satisfaction fr??m Spain. In the course of a long article tho sp mker mumesie the opinion that th? p?,?)?)0,?>J0 appropriation for the national defence really makes for psSOS, The Speaker adds: "in the face of at ? le th ti. it, a bank crisis, an?! tho suspension of the revival of Industry, th? United States has deliberately shown th? world that It will not b? trilled with. The gpsnlsk patriots would do well to heed the wanning." The Spectator soys: "?Juotlng Kipling, the Americans ale Irresolute and full of, double up to tile point when they wake 'the drumming guns that have no doubts.' After th:U there Is n?? moro in -olutlon till the last shot Is Bred." The oswepepere hen* generally reg.irrt favorably the Niciotiail's proposition thai the United c'a tes annex Cuba and as euuM in r debt. Tin* feeling In the money market is that if arar is hesTllahls much gold arts ?probably go to New York, an?l in?>n?y, therefore, win i? ? ame desear. The mar kets are uneasy at the danger that a large, amount of gold may be withdrawn from the Pauk ?>f Elig?an?!, whose re serve is altea dp leas. SENSATIONS IN MAPBIPl In ths mean wh?e. Madrid is deluge<l with Bsnaational journalism. Canard is piled on canard, to be denied in the next ?dition, .and eventually ahandonsd in tUrot of Irish ?xoitement. The Jingo t iran?es of the Impnreial anil pap?"rs of Its class -u?- keeping the nation amused, thus distracting attention from the op. pfoachlng eleettons, at which th?- govern ment anticipates the! the Liberals will capture M por cent, of the Beats. A goott saitnp!?' of the literature wl'h which the Bpaaturda are regaled eppeesu la the ?ttriist organ, the Correo, it is in the shatp?. of a letter written to Dun ?'arlos from s correspondent In New Ymk, and says: WS are In th" crater of ai ?volcano. It seems as though ?So! only tie- Meine but the wh<?i?- i nion Beet ha? t. .n Mown up i-'raii*m?-iits of ships are falling like Bevy rain upon this city. Ninety-nine per cent, of the people blame Ipsnlsrda tor ths eetaste?npbo. Th<? fan t is tlie feeling prevailing among thest? hawksre is one sf terror. For a couple of years they have bSSeved that the Cuban question was all thorns for SPS?i and ?dl !?>r IhSHMSlveS. Now, tlmling them selves suddenly chastised, words fall t?? describe thstr f?air ??n.i sssssssneeU. if we now had at the hea?! of our govern in? nt a worthy main, he would be master ?if the situation, and show to the world these people in the ridiculous light ihoy ?deserve, We tam Spaniards, who, for OUT sins, tind OurSSlVSS in this gabt -. 1011 lg II lia that If S[>aln gave a nai'k. energetic blow, they would not resist, :i:i?i .would ?iiuckly cry for mercy, tor a prolonged wir to this country anuid psora a terrshla foe. ?Men of m abound, but they have no spirit snd no s. If-.-.u rirt.o. If we quickly laud??! g few sharp blows, the demorallaatbai Would be, am! they would surrender at discretion. Who! a pity w? ?are lotting slip this pccdhlHty, tha opportunity ProvldonsS Will give us of gaining at one stroke respect, gloiy, ? i? ?lit, anil mon? > . lion Jaime, thS son of Don ?'.irlos, will receive the ?CarUal dspetiaa .?t t.'annes. ??here ho la Maying, and he declares he will then to .Spain. ?I.-daring him self tin- [tretender, if this is true, th? psure l- very important, but th?? Spanish Oov? rnmeni professes to have no fear of a ? n list sstbesak, .\:i ominous rumor In circulation has It that tin Mar<QOla "? Salisbury U suffering from Brlght's di M\Y HEHPSTKAD Hi.1? F.ASILV. I.ltfhtulns Btatikma at SSSV Orleans His lo Her. NEW OHLKANS, I.A., Mirth l2.-May liempstead romped In an easy winner lu the Lightning Stakes, for S-year-olds, at ftve furlongs, to-day. She was bumped into and knocked off her stride at the Btart, but liert Knapp handled her w'.'.h ?kill and judgment, and her '.aurels were never in danger. The weather was fine and the track fast, with the usual half-holiday crowd in a?tt?udance. First race- sev? n furKWiga?Everest (I lo li won. Meddler (3 to 7, and *ut> se?*ond, Uussela (5 to 1) third. Time. 1;3K Broond lace?mile and tw?n:y >aids? more i? to 6) won. Joe Shelby ill n> 1 nui 3 te -) second, Ontnoor (7 to I) tbir?J, linn ,1:11. Third race?six A. Qrey O to 2) won, tt to 6 and S to > ?l, Ella Pensanc? t? to l) third. inn., ISA, Fourth raee-Ughtnlng Stakes, for t ear-olus, live furlongs -?ay Hempateud ?J to S) won, Sir Florian a to I ?*nd out) to ond. Dr. Ham. 0 to 1) third. Tin?. Fifth rac?8?mile and onc-alxwenth-y .akevlew Palace ?2 to 1) won. Tag'? Hi .? 1 and 4 to 1) second. Jhp Conway i~ ?o ) third. Time, |Jfc Sixth race-six furlongs?Hums ? t?? ?) ?von, (Sold Corn <U to 1 and 4 to 1) socond. s'annl? Dunn ?r. to 1) third. Tim?*. 1:1k ni? *a\9 EMI Bm?ran?% l>i;?'ATl'K, ALA.. March It?~!re to la y ?i'-stroyed !he large raw- sad plain? ng-mll! of Aranta Brothers. Thla was on? f Hi?' laigest mills in the State, and Old heavy business with Engl.ui I The loss on the mill plant alon? was M.oOO. to sav nothing ot the toss on other ulldlngs and tine lutob?r. Tafcere was no as?ranos on the mitl plant, and but fa?, ? on the uiinti? r-ynrd. This mill furnished the quartered Oag -. IL NmjricrbiU's New Ywrk r^at.