Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DISPATCH WHOLE?_NI MliKlc. i| 546, -RICHMOND." VA.. TUESDAY. MARCH 15, 1898. THREE CENTS l'KR COPY'. -as--??*??*? -?-? - ' BT~I THE SHlfS'ABE 00B& Two Fine Brazilian Cruisers Bongbt bj Uncle Ham. SPUN TRIED IH mm TO GET THEK Mot the Least Agreeable Thin* About the Matter. SMITH PROCTOR CALLS OR MK1NLE1 He Will Not Say, Homer, What In formation, If Any, He Imparted. NABE MARES SUNDRY DENIALS, Says There Has Been No Spanish Over ture at Washington Regarding Cuba. i 11/in ?.ii UHB, .in., ii \s Kirn iim:|] Hi- I? ?liioleil a? i??n>|nk That II, Think? Wnr In li?mlneiu--|>r?,|..nrii. tl.m? for llefrneo < ontInue?Tli? llrooklj n a? l'nrt BBBIBBi a tot th* |.m chas., ,,f um |U?I ?about complet.?! Lrmstre-SB in Maglaad for th? i you I] ted ib,..-? warships are DOW th? aa.l -?Ail - at t., this country forthwith '"'"' in ? itrtvtng to ohuia a tianRer.ii.H ?i. ii,-,, pty ?f oAosra in th?, I branch vf th* Mr] iaas b.-cll *" ' i -""I tu?' i has 1, . ' ' ' ' a. Of it? (i,, . ., N irai foil rait li . u?r called at tin? Whltl I ? th lb?- Bresbb nt. a ararda ts My ?aayt-taia ?4th a ii i Infnameilua b.* may ??ve tra iled. r b,?!o y Beraaha, th- ?Spanish Min :?illy tbatt anj com? - Blah Gor? . b- i, ?n u aahteatoB t?. Baske ores - :??r UrSBfl ? | with the , ' I >uj?d thai ib.- pro? ire ??I Bpenlah torepda a f,?r ii ibaaa led. ?ad t no relation ? ?lit COIUlIti" ' ! " " ? he 1 , il m, -.ii as to the Ondtaga of tb "Uft f?f irmuiry int.? the Mslne dit IS bat that _ls pi opinion is thai BpfeaiB? m .???'nt. , i ni. ?i ?Sen Ht.-r ?Praetor i ?,t visu to Cuba, Bar? tho Am-TH-aiis on the bd?nd liare no doubt the dlB?_t< r through Spanish ?genoy, though liny bnsn nothiiiK antb ii which to base tin It- l? ' th" Insurganta .,?? in tetter ahape than e\er h? ioi- B, ttptt that Bit cnn?lltii>n of the I .ble ill tht extr?me, but i : Amerifiir ' nr.ii.s' to make it-? If .imornf thetn. a.-i ?Park? r B] eau? ta the highest tens id the work doto? ?FltShegh l.*?*, .'r.. B |. ?aniv? ?I ilt ;-.?. Sunday. lb v -n . nt aiBtnt i: la reported t?> hare i aaaoag other things, that in his Spain ami this ountry Is Imminent, though ?diplomacy woiil.i 1?. ta.v 1 t?i tin- utmost to pre II lb thought that while tin- re port ?>t the .Ma:!?' court ??I Inquiry Bais not 1 public, its purport b pro? i ably known to tb?- authorities at Wash i 'hat his father is in I t <?f vi"!?'ti' . ii- denied ?also, k?-?l th?- United . , . In setnl Ill'ire' ,. .! : protl 'Bon of \n hen jroung U?, h a. ,n i the impft -si.m there , an tin ht I an official Inquiry to bi- ,i ,. v.. ii aa Importent r?e? II his tether i?j the s? cratery ?>f .a Washington. I anaor? d i raiser Brooklyn ?r i ,.rt Montos y.'.-t? r?iay. Bh* ?rIB HM Mihlieap?lis and tl I. an?I this !??a v ili I,,u. ! {1'" "*? ion," which hais PP Bpoki 0 of . aobability. of Ordnance rent? id?? , putt i'T a large Bupply "f ?rmor ; -ai? s. aviii'iy Cruisers ?mel la Now *i.,ik. B- or.i. ra .. N?VJ B. ?.lili.? at an, t?. hurry l'l It? II IBM *?? ** \ltSIIII'S. \ easels Vmmi *mm?m Urn Mm Trgteg tu Hu> B?sirait WASHOfOTOM Iton*. n'x "**** : to-day by the l.v th. Naivy DspSltSM-t in tut and , at E:-v.ick for th.- Brasilien . . i ??MM] tib ''- le . ,; tip the bU ?.inn-r I?. cause <?f W><- kiioal.-d-*.; .-: mi ah a?, tus ha?i i- n striving ... i,,.... v i.. .-mi-, i" whom, It ...< tb. v would be or mu?!, greater of trouble, than to the -tiotl lH how to g?1 Bit i has u'?t yet been ? retan o? the . o as a CI??! < ?" ' b? ?aaaoaas, Bh? ?dJl Mart Sia.t.s. The other vessel toil?? at Hi? earliest possible aw* TEBMS BBCRMT. Mm* of sale aie -??nt. Mr. . . ,,t ,.t ?the ompan) aaid to-day that - tvv" *toP* , ii,,.-t ?i.^irabie acquisition . ?vy, a? they .w th? . a i products ?>f ih? famous . | ,. im., of tin- ships Is m e\try r.-sp?-.l. has In r coal a ai ?jnmunltloa oti board, and a .1 at any Bin? r? will b.- n?. trouble In bringing this .m adequate lore? from .--. cured for tilt il is Haiti the coati un?! ammuni tion on b ' ?i wi'ii the eaM '" tb?, Bulled Sla'- The rtminiiiritlon is ? f tb- klntl la use By the United . ,, s?t that the KUp'ily ofaiiimu ? ,-s.iiy adjunct t" the i?? ?' Bblpa ?itlK-r ?hip has been, but H will take sonn- time to make her I for a?-:i Mr. Ban. however, that there will b- no difficult) In Dring In* her ?ver imm?, if It 1? UtalfcU ?o?d U to? '" ",?r""lon*?-* ?h? ENdINKKR OFFICMM WANTED. ?ran?r^rM -?f***"*? la the angteesT Of AtYalru >. \ ?.M.,,,,,. nil?. Stall" ...ton r?;,M r1- ,,,",iKlu "' * -* bu s r . '" ,1('"*"" ***** ('?nimittee. wti i'",'',1 ,s f*"-"' "H**** ******* I, ,,? ?" *_* * " ? *vl,l?'h < w_i '"r. in th. sbap, ?f an amendment, "' '"Vl"? I'" number of engineer offlcer? m in?- mi \ |,,. <"l"i?i Heywood, th? commandant of ne BBarlae corps, i..-i,,v mad? Ira d. "" * "f marlass for crulaers now belna "I oi ready for commission. There are two drafts of each for th.- ?Pnuadei i'hia amti the Charleston, one or 9 tor N?w?rk, at Norfolk, ?ad i?., et ... **?* '"; ,!" Columbia and Minneapolis "t League island. PROCTOR AT uni ri; iiolSE ' ", ?Halted the Wim? h ?nd up town deportments tu-dav ,-,1 to* ,;"' *' ?ted -. I.I .I. a! of |nt< b*ni half an hour with s.c Alger, explaining, it la believed the mill ' "'>' Mtuatl.n ruba. and afterward bad * conference with Judge Day Assist tant Secretary ?f Bute. Then he Went ( ih?- w bite House, sad was .1.1 ,,,M' " ' ''" ?-Id? m for tWQ hours niel a quarter. When b< earatged from the room be courteously declined to speak regarding the nature of the Information h< had communicated to the President N. F. Balm, 1, representing the Qutn tard Iron Works, of New York, which built the engines of the Main.-, wats at the Navy Department to-day In Consulta tlon with tin officiala r?espectlng th.- con version of vessela of the raerchsnl ma Ins into war ?raft. While not a ahlpbullding firm, the yuin t ?! Workfl have don,. ;, kr,.;,t ,|,.;il ut wotk on the engines ?ad Interior flt UngS of ships, WhlCh is just the clii.-r ??f Work that would be te-piin-l in the case of the auxiliary cruisers. DEPARTMENT OF THE MISSoBBB Because of a proie?! from sum.' of the west? in people, tabs Secretary of Wat has modified his order of last week, olmaglng the oamea of booada of Um ii".v military ?leparttnents. so as to ?retain the name of the Department Of the Mis souri. To <io this, however, it was neces sary to ?hond?n the naming ?>f "The De partment of the Platte," and th.- terri tory in.-lu'letl within th?- prtst-nt limits of that department ?ill be known as the Department of the Missouri. Tne old Department of the .Missouri continue? Ita new- name of the Department >t tit? Lakes. honor Bo!?? > ?Bernab?, the new Spanish Minister, received a number of dispatches to-day from the Minister ??f stat?- at .Madrid ami from Captain-General Blanca Those from General Blanoo were resssurtng in tone, and stated ?thai th? situation nt Habana ;tmi throughout the Inland waa quiet and ?atlsfsctory. The Minist? r oi Bt U ' - ? Ing In substance: "Th?i uprising In the Philip pines is ??> insignificant thai it will be ended ! > th? time you recelv? this." DENIALS PROM BERNAB? The Minister ?asked that ?n mph itt? ; i?, made, In bis nsiae, ol th? re ],, 1 a., that ' ?'?baiios hsd been in Washington, ?mmissloner from Bpanish Qovernment, to ?sake over? tures for t?iins ..t aettlement with the (liban iiisul.. s. nor Bol.?.- attention araa called to the reports from Spain as t?t the pros pective .-.ihn? of the Bpanish torpedo flotilla i??t Habana, ain.i to Ibe slgnifi? Which bad l"?n a I tau'lcl in this country to tins movement. The Mini?? ter saiii th?- movement ??i torpedo aia't haul t.ttti long ? ont?mplat<il. Tln-ir coming ha?! no rotation whatever. h< . t r? at ? oi'litinii?. as the.?, wile wanted for work along the Cuban ? ?SPANISH maim; INQ?tRY, The Mimst?! bas received m Intimation to the flndingi of the Bpanish Nsvsi Commission which is Investigating the Maine dim at? t Hs saya t tits commission is proceeding with the ?rame formality and ?secrecy ais th? 1 nlted Btetea court of in qulry, and that no Intimation of its And? wouM b? Justified until the formal 1-,-itort is presented t?> the Spanish Qor? arnment M. Bob? Milili ?I thatt his personal belief, however, ww thst there is no doabl th? Spanish commission will report ihait the Maun?' explOSlOfl Wats du? to iiccitl? tit. ali'l raya be was ?jonvlnced thai this ails?? would be the conclusion teached by the people la this country when all the fsets m the matter ?n mud?- known. The ?recruiting bi inch of the N?vy be? paiitin?! t is naturally one of the IHggeat brsnehea of ths service hist now, ii is in tin* temporar) qommand of Captain Hemphlil during the absence la the ?loath of Captain Hawley, auni be was busy t?> wiib representatives of the ?railroads, in arranging for terms for transportation of recruit? to the aeab ard, and ? f Bail ors a!t'eai?iy in the servio? from one port to ?another, mad?' necessary by th? ?com mission of new ships, a ?problem thsl confronta the ?recruiting office Is to ?pro cure tin- pecessery force of enlisted men for maaalng the two ahlpi ?hlch hut? ii.-t n purchased from ?Brasil. cul ONEL PARKER'S REPORT Colon? 1 M] ron M. Bark? r, one of the leading b? " " of Washington, who mpanl? d s? nator ?proctor In hla ?recent visit tO ?'uba. saiitl to-.laiy that the An. it tains on the Island had n" ?'"?bt that ths disaster t?i the Main? was caused through lsh ai;?-n?-y. Their ?belief, liowever, ,i,i. eoold ti b. tfaaifl t?? any au thoritative source. The Insurgents, Colo nel Barker thought, were in better sh il" than evei Ih for?, ?ad ?would be able to mpllsh their Independence In Un The Cubans, ?fl a rub', he tn-li.?, ? ?I. would be ?ytad to eee the island come under the Americ?n Bag, and would do what tin v could to brlqg about thai ie suiB The Colonel reiterated his ?tBti"?^cnt of last niKlit that the situation of tin* re oonoentradoes was deplorable in th? eat treme. They ?were confined within narrow limits, and practically B ft t?? starve. The OSity Of the Amsricsa p.'ople, how t vt r. wais tieglnnlng t?> be felt, ?nd the extreme distress ?ma ?pmdaally being r? n? ived. ii?- spoke in the highest turns of Gene ra] i.?-e ami ti., work lu- was doing, and also of Consul Barker, who had made Mai 1 icrificea for th? etanrtog p?opl? Within his district. NAVAL MIB1TIA UNIFORMS Kt-i.resi ntative Elliott, of South <\n.> llna. called at Ihe Navy I Xpartm? nt t?> duy to talk with the BBB-tala respecting tlio Clothing ?Of thS naval mllltla. tlie existing regulations the department has m? authority to ?gpsjid any Of the small allotment of funds made by Con grsSfl for the use "t the naval niillthi for ihe purchase of clothing. It is all OIUIBIiamfl in the purchase of Boats, equipments, arms, books, siKnal flags, etc. Kor several years the militiamen haive m en trying hard B? secure a modification of th? law, that would permit of the np pllcfttloa of at least a portion of the Militia appropriation to the purchase of uniforms. This has h??a accomplish. ?I at last through the inclusion in the pend ing nival bin of a suitable amendment, but this new umler ordinary ? Ir cumstinces would no! go into aBYeci ?.. for? July 1st next. Representative Elliott 1? endeavoring to secure tint ?li-partineiifs help in having the section g?? Into effect ?mmedlatelv upon the passag?- of the bll?. In whi'h c;is.- u consl.ierahl?- bo?ly of the Bouth Carolina mintia aaa be put into active s. l-vh-e at once. Th?- department is thoroughly committed to the rmmsure. MOVEMENT <>F WARBHIPM The tug Usrdsa, a tine steel tniat. has i?. ? ordered from Newport t?) Key w? ,?.,. received nt the Navy Pe teOKCLV-DED ON SJfiCOND PAGE.? i IHK PRIMARY TODAY UltKAT IKTRHKST KKLT AataO A LARGE VOTB KXI'EI TEII. MANY MEETINGS HELD LAST NIGHT. I..-IIUIH* lit?!??? ||| I ?inli'i, mi' nuil *pee<r-ht? H-4? Itefore Hie ? luli? lliM-h Money at Stake?Clay Wsr.l'i Tlckt-t Hie binm-i. Enter th? primary! The political aren? Ih crowd.-?! with men who, for we-k past. have fought a desperate fight t?n popular faivor. and now await the verdlcl and ih,; prizes. The election t o-?ia> closes on?- of the municipal cam paixns ST?? PSgSd In thin city, a ?am palga, mateo ?Bl, thai has been highly ?plced with hit ternes?. The ?polla will be op.-ned at every p?e cinct In the city at I ?.'. i??? k this morning ?ad will be ClOBSd at 8 o'clock to-nlxht Tl,?- Imlii .iti?,iis ai?- that the vote polled will be a very Mrga ??n?, sin? ? both th? Dsaaocrotle ctnba ?ad Um Iisagiis t?.r Qood (?'Veriiln. lit will be represented t? M.T0I "I ?Hit lent workers, aji? the m-my ?aiaili,bites will also be strain ing avery nerve to bring tas retan out. I B< ?SE I'd BE NAMED. The pi unary to-day Is for th? pun o-. Of iiomlnatiriK a candidate for each of th?. followiag oftic.s: Mayor, Common wealth's Attorney, Ooauntasloner of Um Reven??, Aadltor, ?'By Collector, Sheriff, High Constable, and cuy Sergeant; aiao, live coufHlim-n for ?at h ward of the city, ? \, ?pi .Bit ksoi!. and aldermen tia follows Clay Ward, tirO? Monroe Ward, o?:? Mad. " Ward, mm; Jefferson w.u.a two; Marshall W'artl, two; three Justices of the pen.e for each of saild wards, ex cept Jackson, and live members of th* City Democrat!? Committee for saeh ol said wards. Each iintl every rater shall vote for one t ainiMiit?- for each ??I tin- city ?tflces, by BCiatehlng tin; names of all others from his tkket, and he will also .??! for the full number of councilmen and ablernten, justi, . s of th?' ptaie, and mem bera ?<i tb. City ?D?mocratie O?emitter to be nominated in his ?raid, n more t lia n the ?proper number of names are left for any office, the ballot will be in v iiid as to thai office. The tickets will all b* very l?mg one.?, but longest of all in Clay Ward, where it win oonteln ?o lesa than sixty narara Such a ticket as this will r?-?iiiire tim?' to rote snd tins the conditions of the election afford. The count will aiiso ton .inn Ii Bine and may n?.t b.a cora pleted .n s'nii" precincts before morning. ah whit? Democrats are antl?tled i?> rote, an?! those who b?ve not don? so may register or obtain transfers to-d?y, When tb? polls are cktsed th? votes win be nouated by the election officer? In the preoenee ?.t repreaentettvoa of the 1. i I i ? I _T canillilales, of the clubs, anil of the lesgue, snd will toen !?? certified to ?'By Democratic ('??mmlttee, which Will nie.t at S?nger Haill at 10 O'clock to-night for the purpose of rscMvlng the III 1,1 a the TICKETS GIVEN OUT. 'I |M "lll.'lal baillots for ?-a? ll |.illct, which aii-e the only one? that can be used, were sealed aimi delivered t?> the alection judgea i,? the Powhatan Club last night by S.? rt-taty OoTdOB, ol to? City Coinniit lee. Th" club-in? n war.- v?ry ein? r pTtstng, holding no ISSB than --ix mi . titiKS, a f?ct whi. n tax?-?! tin- ?uiioi leal powers of th? candidate.- who sssaysd to vi.-it th? m all, an it did th?dr power? of I? ? ?iiiioilon a meeting ?f th? le?g?e workera la Ctey Ward wats lnld in tin- evening, but no thing ??i Importance transphed CLUBS MAKE bb a TICKET. The clubs have ?BSMt?d anti-league tl? k?is in I'Vii'v W?rd, an?r look for a ?b d victory, in j??terso? Ward they ax pect a ?.lean sweep, atnl have chosen t?t represent them John M. King snd Wil liam M. Turpin for the Board of Alder men, ami for tira Council, M?organ tb Mills. T. H. Williams, Jam?s T. N. ab, W'. 11. Mullen, and Bhil. Sla-a. In Marshall Ward the club ticket which necessarily embraces some candidates Who haive also been endorsed by th?- Qood Qovernnyant Lengua is as follows; F,,r the Board Of Al,brin? in- N. T. Mosby ami .1. ii. E.iw.i.r; for the Council?W. T. W'ooily. John B. Grimes. W II. t'uttls. I'. IB C.aib.r, an.l Allie .1. Vaiimhaii. Th.- Otay Ward club-nun will be .1. M Bla.nk.s. Charlee Winston. S. H. Cottrell, William (lib-.'ii. Jr.. and IB W. Mlin.r foi the Council, and Draa Bassd ami m. Bhil S. foi the in m ob: "n Wenf, where Ismsa T. For rit.i ?s unopposed for the Board <>f Ai?i?-r ttii ti. the CounctLticket will l?- f. W. Mor ris, w. i:. Dorset, Iterry c. Olenn, Julius A. HobSon, anil W. Belli. Sut b. rlainl. In this ward, however, the club-m? n tin t,"t SXpecl t?? eh it more than two cnnu-iUn? n. In Monroe Ward the clubs eiid'orse B S. Brook, it., for tin- Board, ami James ras kl. . P, J. ?Biffin. Thomas B. Hicks, Jaunis T. Martin, ami J. M. Wiltshire for tin Council. Tin: i.eageh v::.\ ibibebbe. Several ol the Ii igue Issders, who were aeen ymterdsy evening, appeared b fairly Jubilant over the prospecta of suc cess for th?ir ticket, snd ctsim thst they win sleet twenty-fiv? out of the'thlrty t bree csn?Udst? s. a good tb-ai ??f money will change hands ?m th.' result of th? ?Motion, whlch?*ver way it mav i;??, f'ir mtny bets hav? be? n manic, i'i'1 th?' odds aft- Invariably short. One <?f ihe Isrgssi wagsrs of th?f cam paign wats Bti.i yestetdsy o? a Bombta? tion, wherein the ?bettor undertook; t?? ? me Bre out "i aeven arlnnera for elty oltitl'S. The fact that the workers wi'l m.t be alb wed to hold tickets, as they have done h. r.tof.Ue, it is said, will ?liscoiint their usefulness to a rsry oonsldsrable extent, and the new plan, It is thought, will re sult in a silent vote, that will be a v.-ry *, nt factor In the re-ult. Numerous conferences were bald >es terdey between the candidate? aad their worker?! and the streets were early ?le s-Tt??! at night? a calm which pi,-.-?- | a storm. The llanleln' Final HitII). The 1 ?nin. Is bred th-lr tinnl sun of the campaign ?with a ?Mg m??s meeting at ? )1?1 .Market Hall last night. An immense t rowil wais on haind. iind the ?Oten were r*Kai'd with speeehe? by the various candidate?, ?nd with inspiring music i?y the Citizens' Band. S-v?ral strong anti Coo?) tiiivernnient L-??ague speeches were m ule, though for the most part the can didatea contented themselves with pre senting their own claims. Mr. Sam Stern called the meeting to ord. i-, ami a lengthy si?-,- h. In which he paid high tribute to his audi ence. He ?aid that so far as he ktnw the Qood Government League W?a tbal. Said he, "I hear them say so BBUCh about tin- t?oo Goos. hut I don't see none of them. I don't believe there is any of them in ttafferaon Ward. Theea ?tik StOCklng folks of the West En I. they doii't think much ??f Jeferasa Ward pea pie, Th?y mad* their money have?that la. many of them dld-nnd many of them ItVed down here. They have moved away, though, hut they want to dictait? to us aa to how to make our ?elections for insilli liman I don't know much about thia Council biiHlness, any how, 1 hear men say ther? I? nothing in It, hut ull of them aay at the name time, 'for Qod'a ?ak? send me back there.' " After Mr. Stem'? remarks he prexented the various candidate-, for Justice of the i'.nt-e. The CoaaflM candidate? followed. aad many of them merely preaented their , i.- mi.- arid withdrew. Air. Mullen mude a acathtu- aoecch lit denunciation of the league and its paper the "Primary Pointer," which, he de clared, ought to have been culled the "Primary Lier." He ?rua person?! ?s well nt very pointed In his denunciatory remarks. After the ward candidates ha?i beea heard, the BSptrsnta tor the general offices spoke, and wem given clos-i at tention. The Other Clal? Meetl-s?. At "Mike Moore's." No. .133 south S?'Cond Btteet, und at Km bank's, on brook iiv nue. the clubs rallie?! tiielr forces last night. Great ilitticulty was experienced In getting sufficient candidates I.? k? t> the ball rolling, and In one club, at least, i ture was an adjournment pending th appearan?-?? of a willing victim. At Moore'? place Mr. Ixiuis Wendenburg w.a-< tin- orator ?if the evening, and he took as hl-s text "The D? BBOCT?cy of the Sltua / tlon." He denied that the leaigue was a I ? muera tic orgainlzittion. It wais eom peesd, In1 said, of a '?w hankers ami brokers, who hail dl* ??rered ? w.aik ptaca In the primary plan Of two y?ar.- age?, and ha?l laken sdvantsge <>f It In such a way that, by dint of secret m.-etltu pledges, whB-h h id since bee? Imkert, they ha?l centrlveil so that the minority ruh-d the majarity. The ?principles of the leairile, hr- said, Wer? laid down by a B? publican and a "-Oldite." The Bone "f tin- pn.-i'tit lamps lg li. h?* sabl, was whether l>cmocra?-y should pr? v.,il ?.v.i pluto?-racy. '1 In- baxtie, be continued, ? B now eompo-i.t] of ai iiaindful of -.-mi ff? publicans, who got together l hind Closed doors? mi?! put ip a ba? bluff on th.- pe?>ple, sending out manifesto after manifesto. There were n<> Midiera In the ranks; all were "?.loin Is. Ht read a let t? r. which had l??-en written confidentially to one of tb?- ten lidatea endorsed i?>- the league, anil on the atrength of It in asked whether the course of endorsing ai candidate for Office and salting bim to (?'?p thai endorsement Beeret, was n??t ?t eonfoaaiou thut it would hurt the candi date ii it became known. ONLY AN ADYEBTISING ?MEDIUM. The i|n.ikir also reat! the platform ol the ?? ague on salan?- and wait?-, issued two yesra ago. and contended that even pledge bad ?sap broken. Re critl?cis< length tru- financial BSixsdtj ol Hi? ptet t?nt ?Vvincif and sabl the RecapttOl committee was noting mon? than an ad vertlslng medium for the league In ?On? elusion Mr V\ en<b-nburif s:,i,l. '-When you see a banker running a political party. snd he tells you he has no axe to grind don't believe him"; ami th-n he charge.) that the bangers ha?! netted MB.0M by th* increase in the value of Klchmoml boada during the present City Council i t' i in Tin* Worklngman's Club met at Whal Hall, and waa Visited b) many caiiid! A resolution ??f thanks t?> th? pr-s.s f,,r courtesy shown wais adopted, and It was decided thai the club Should bold i meeting ?very Monday night. Then wag a large crowd ?I MeOaa ough's Hail last n?Knt. and th? proceed ing? wees of a decidedly breesy nntura, WAS 1NOT mi. Tii.i.irs RPaBMOM. 'b-iiiairK?. ,,t Another (.eiilleiiin n KrriiueiiiiNl.. A11 rl biiteil to Ulm. Th?.- following card, win? h . \plains Itself, is designed to correct an ?nur that the I'ispatch made un ?Sunday la its re l-oit of the me.-tiag held by th* CM] Ward Actives ?Saturday night 1 To : b? Votera si i ley v. ard: Bi _undey*a Issue of the Dispoteh, un ti'r the caption, "Claj Wsrd Actives' Meeting," tiie following appeared: "Mr. C. W. Tyler said be was not op posed 1" running a tickst Bgstost th? 0.i Qovernngaat Leagu?, bul he thought the ticket should be aomlnated In ;i ?yon Uem?nly manner, and all should b.? con sulted. He wit- oppoasd t?? kicking nan ?>rr the ticket, ami brged Ural all the ?n didate? should coin?- together to - th? fortunal" fiV? .an.I th- dici-i in should not be ?reposed In three or four men who aatmyttt to ihe whole,? B 11',| " The aiitivr- language ittribeted to ni ls without the alight eel foundation in tact, atai absolutely Incorrect la every part Bular, ami I beg bave to refer to the lai).;?' audience pr?-?nt ?>n the ooce m??ii. and particularly to M? mm W. I. KlmbroUijh, Entrer H J.-nkin-?. nml H?nry w. Rountree, arho w?ra in at tendance at the meeting. C. W. (NAT) TYBER. Mr. Tyler is ?correct in saying that he ?ii?i not use the Mngusge attributed to him. The speech attributed to him was mad? by on? of tb* oendtdnte? tn the t '.?iiiu-il, and th?' error was in accidentally substituting the name of Mr. Tyler for that Of the couiiiilin.iiiic aispirant. Mr. Tyler is a* candidato foe Justice of th? Pi ,.... an ??ili?''' that he has worthily Blled for .i number oi yean, snd his lake? n?> part whatever In the Bghl betweeu the ?liibs and the league. TMAOEDT AT JOHAKHESBl'RG. Trustee of lliirii?-> lliiriial??"'? Esliile Mint anil Ivllleil. CAPE TOWN, Maireh *.4.-W.? ,|f .!?? 1. nephew ami ?traste? Of t ht- ?state of the late ?Barney Barn,it", ?he Booth African mlllioriaiie, wh.t committed -ub-nb- last Jone, irae ahoi |? his offtoa ?t Johannes bur;,' Bus morning by a former BoldiST, nain..I l-'t loth, in. The latter then tried to i'i.m'iiit siiicBi". but ?failed. H? was ted. l-'eldthi-in entered Mr. Joel'? ???Ii??- ami ?! ??a inded ,J. " "'. Being refused, be bed g r?'V"l\?r from a d?sh nr,?l brill. The bull?' ?snterad Mr. .)?>? !'s fore bead, ami he fell to th. ?ground B?d ex i .i. d. ANOTHER VERSION. i.? ?ni a in, Mam h 18 The Cape Town ipondenl ol the i tally M ill, ?who the murderer's nanu- as v*on V?lt lit-im. ii? i- reported to b* tin tun* at m whose supposed body w?i found la Ih? Thsmes, ?bound with r??i?'. Ural ysar, hut who afterward? nun? i up, aervlag as u trooper In the Cape p?>i??'" at Vryburg. Mr. Joel and Mr. ?Strange, hi- ltlan?gl I, received Von \'?ltbeim In Mr. Btrangt'a room. All three ha?l r?. volv.-rs, g clr ? iinistanc? ?-xpliiin? d by the m?'tit that the meeting wats m.t ?a ??rdltiairy one. Tb?- tust shot is -aid t,? hav? b? ? II by Mr. Strang?, at Von Veit heim. who had tried to s? iz.- Mr. Joef? to V..IV1-I-. v-.ii Velthelm then Sred ?I Mr. joei. th? bullet entering bis aye ami causing almo-! Instant Lath. S? v.tal shots wsre >xfterw?rda Bred Th.' cleri cal staff rushed in. ami Von ,-uri'il. after a BSVCre BtTUggle. "The motive of the crim? was Biilure in an aitempt to blackmail." I (?Mil ?UIMIIKY IMIIM'?)*?!'!). II i? I h > ?i--inn ?Irilers lllm ?o ?lie ?..?.?!i or Frniicc. LONDON, .Miirch 1"?.?It Is officially ;in trunced that the Margate of Salisbury, lb? Bi'i-.-nier and Minister of Foreign Af tair?, was greatly fatigue?! by Friday's Cabinet Council, an?f a return of the weakness, from which he has suffered, following attacks of Influenza, with the ttsult that l?r. Bro.idb. nt. his physician, a ??vised him to take a complete reat in the South of France. Mr. A. J. Balfoiir, th.? First I.? rd of tit? Treseary, and government leatler in the House of Commons. ???> far as necessary. Is now dealing with the Foreign Office business. The press association saya It Is author I7..-.I to ?JBctere that tin rumor that tin Mi.r.-uia of Salisbury contempl?t? s re signing either of hta offices is groundl? H The Marqul? starts from Beaulleu In about a week's time, und will stay th? n about a fortnight. I iiliii -?'u-l?i-iiiiiiii?-r Found lienil. MDNTGOMEKV. ALA.. March 14. J B Price, a tobacco ?Irummer from B ville. N. C, wus found dead In his b.?l ' ?arioke, Ala., this morning. The I'ttroner'a lury found that he came to his death from strangulation, raus-.I b\ o\i ruao of whiskey. The remr<U?- -will be saut, Lomo to-morrow. DEATH OF MR. JOLLY. PASTOR OF I! i M i? 11 ru--. I ui; i;i IGI ? ?jl I I I SLI1DKXLY. TAKEN ILL WHILE AT CHURCH. He I.I ti-.-i - nut I II ?le Oter Twenty lour Honra unit l'a??. ? I', ?a? eft ill, Avray?-?kPtch of III? Life?Haccenn fttl Pastorate Here? I be Fanerai. 1 he death of Rev. \V. T. Jolly yesterday sfteraoon, ??totally su?iden as it was, ? am.* upon the community in the nature of a sad surprise. He was deeply L.ved by the members of his flock, and will be brig and tenderly mourned. f?.r during the six years of his incumbency of the pastorate of Kamlolph-Street Baptist church he won the respect atitl a?lmira tlon of all with whom he came In contact, regardless of their religious affiliations. ' For several areeks Mr. Jolly haul i,?-.-n far from Being well, ami had bSM fNgUSBUy beard to speak of his indispo sition, though, as ho continued unremit ting In his labors, his condition was not BB.V. W. T. .I"BBV. regarded as i? k .?i .,'; gggloag. Ob ?March itii h?* want to Bhelbyvtlle, Ind., t?> assist in the si-nil-ci-ntcnnial eel? bra tion of th?- Baptist church there, which had been his sAmnd char:;-. His visit made a gr?ait impression ii,???n him, f??r his reception bad been cordial to a ?l> giee. Psepla fl?" I.?-?I t?) th.- chup'h from nul's around, and after the servi?-.; ho h?d to stan?r for an hour ami a ?|iiai"Br M gift tho? Who ?prassed forward to gTSSP hi? haili'l. on Sunday Mr. lolly ?ttsndad Sun ?lav school ?is usual, although la?' '"iii ptalBSd ?if feeling ill. but he grew BO much worst* tliat after h-> liad dlsnti?sed 'h?* acholara he returned home, where be wais Brisad with a *trok" ??f punti and had to be carried to his room. Hla aadferlngB were lotcnss. snd lie lingered painfully until i ?*c1oeh pnMradaj ?after? iio.iii. retaining eoaaciousnesa until about half an hour before his desth. AN 1BEAB SHEPHERD OP ?SOULS. Mr. Jolly was fairly Idoltaod by the raenibera ??f hla Oongregstion, and their in.inii. itatlona of gri? f ?I hla demise have be? n unieetralned ?nd rery tlbm ii?- wag an Ideal am a mdlng an.i hgftBS RaMBt iu the hUBh?MB of the Master. whom b? aerved with great devotion and ti?!. liiy. "There never area ai ?.tstor more b? li.veii by hla p.opie." s.u.i ai prominent member of the ?Randolph-Street church ) ? -it i -day, "ami though WB are all poor i.pie, we Intend to show ?very nrarh of love and ?respect t.< his memory." He h.- Intimnt? ?friend ??f ?-v.-ry num ber of his congregation, and in time ,.f alckneea wna often at th?* bedride of the sufferer ?before thu doetor could arrive. With his means, limited 'hough they erara, he was open bended to a degree, sad ha delighted to h<-ip o\h poor and suffering, not only with aim*, but >v> u in a more ?praotlenl w?y, for when he fourni poor woman too weak ami ill to dO lier Wink, he has been klloWll to prepare the bbssI? ?and to bwsbbj the boll..?* Those who know him best Bay of him that ho was as BlWipl? mlndod as B Child ?nd as gentle ?a a woman, though h> was a gieat power for good ami st.-rn md oncomproflaiatna wh?a ?Ma wns to be. rebuke.l. As B pr.-a? h?r he WSB di rect, foreRd?, ami emim-ntly practlcttl, but at times he was also v-ry slOQUSBi. ii a wats never Bsteaiatioufl or boastful. ??d no "ir.linistatlice better illustrates this than the fact that he would not bring bom.- ?with him a copy Of the Bhelbyvlile paper, which contained the sccount of his recent visit, becauae Im aald that it Bettered him t?>.? Baueh. ?SKETCH Of HH BIKE. Mr. lolly WB? horn in Cinipb.-ll county, Ky.. February 10. 1KB. His father ?nd mother were Jams? m. ami Asssriea Jolly. lie wa- eilticated in the schools of his county and graduated fromQeorg? lowti College, Kentucky. He was or dalned as s minister Jua? U, MM, at Plag spring church, of which h? bad been a ni'inl" r fot many years. Re wais called t?? tl" his first work as at pastor at his ?mother church; after? waitis he ministered at BhelfayvlIM, Ind., ami at Aahland, Kv. On Septepiber l, IMS, be ?wi - called to take chargg of the Randolph-Stre t mission. In this city, which had been organised but a short titne before th?t date with a mem?bershlp of forty-aeven. The new church buOdfng bald ]u-t been begun, ?ad Mr. jolly la bored im!, taitig.tbiy for its completion. Th.- m. mberahip "f the ehurch at the time is v*>. Mr. Jolly tiiarri.-d Miss I?l.t M. Gary, of Rising Sun. lad., who, with one little daughter, Bged U years, survives him. An other daughter, Lizzie, ?lied ?luring h.-r lather's ministry at Asbiatml, un?! .t s .n. J Garv Jolly, died ?n th.* ;ith of Juta? last. ag?d it yeure. [Osee??sd i>is<? lean two broth, r- Mr. | M. Jolly, of Mentor, K?, ?nd Mr. J. V. Jolly, of I ?ay ton, (l. THE FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS, Th.- fiin.-ral will tak?- place to-morrow nfi.rnooit at 4 o'clock from Randolph t church, and the interment will be in.,?!.- at Itlvt-r-Vit-w C.-met.ry. Tne ser a:U be ? olalu.ted by the Baptist Mia* Biers' < 'onft-reiice, presided ovi-r by B? v. Dr Hatcher. Those who will take an ac tive part are Revs. J. B. Hutson, L>r. \V. IB B. Smith. L?r. I. M. Merc-r, Dr. George i'o.ipe?- Rar. H. A. Ilagby. Kev. J. U. H.iriBon, and IB v J ??. Kirk The honorary pall-beaters will be: Rev. Its. U. J. Wllllngham. J. c. Ilideti, J. B. Taylor, J. W. Jones, James Nelson, ?'. IB Ityland. J. T. Tucker. R. H. Pitt, J S. Dill, A. K. Dickinson, U R, Thornhill, ,n.I Rav? W. E. Hurt, W. K. Halght, and J. A. Sullivan. The a? tive paill-bearer? will he the dVa t?.ns of th.* church: M'-ssrs. M. It. I J. J. Mitchell. J. L, Dick.-rson. J. F. But ney, I? W. Perd, F, H. Ellys.iu. and J. L. Kit? hen. MR. JllllX M. HOIK BEMS M IH1F\LV. ?tritU.n W bu.- nt Work Mini Live? Only ?i Few lloara. Mr. John M. Rose wus stricken down while engaged at work at the Tred egar Iron-Works yesterday morn ing, and died four hour? later at his res No. 1713 Taylor ?tree!. Mr. Kose, while at work, was seen to fall. a*id wheu friends reached him he wau? aaaaaaflham. Th? arabuJactcs? with L>r. Suck.?Is In charge, was summon? . a ad the sick man was taken to his borne. Here Irt*. K. J. M?>st-ley, the family phy sician, was called, and saw Mr. Rose a short while !> fore he ?lle.l. He said he had ?ongestlon of the lungs. Deceased was 49 years of age, and leave? ? wife ? ml four children?one eon and three daughters. The funeral will take piso* to-morrow morning .a 11 o'clock from Epworth Methodist church. Interment win be made In HI* ?jr-Vlew Cemetery. The circumstance* surrounding the teeth of Mr. ?Rose an? peculiarly sad. He had been out of work for some time, and only yester?hty was engaged at the Tredegar Works. It was his first day. and when he left home In the morning he aeimiil to be unusually cheerful. Ho told his wife what he would like for sup lir, and asestad t? take a new lean? on a-? \ little ?>v r six bo?*? later he ? a corpse lg his own h?>me. WKI.I.-K\?nv\ Toi \C. WAN >ir. w. i*. 1,iii-ion i'a??.. Away Oilier Demises on tb?* Mubheth. Mr. Williaim Cutler ??lbson. a well known young r?silient of the W'.'st Eml. II?-.I Sunday night at 11 Bj ,,"clock, at his home, Ma .122 south Ch?>rry street. De ceased had been HI only a short while, having b.en ai sufferer from meningitis. Mr. ??ibson was a clerk la the employ of Harrelson & Cramp, ami was highly ? st.-.-tnetl by th.-m, and poPUlAf with ai liirge circle of frienda. He was about 21 years of age. The funeral will tak.- plan 'a "in Qrove-Avetiue Baptist church 'his afternoon at l o'clock The Interment will be in ?River View Cemetery. Mr. G.g?? a Confederate ruta* ran, died on Saturday night at the Sol di.u-s' Home, and wais burled Sunday In Hollywood, Rev, Mr. Staples officiating. Mr. Wlnm- was ai member of the Twelfth Virginia R?glaient, Mahone's Briga?le. II w.t- a Petersharg man, and at the home was. greatly beloved by his com 1 rades, being alwaiys kiml and OOnatdSrate a Of them ami In many ways serving to ; swke their lives brighter. Mr. Brands Gallagher an old gentle man In his 7J?I year, dtad Sunday after noon at 8 o'clock, at his rssMS-Ca No. 20 north S"Vt tiicetith street. His funeral! will tok? PteCC at ? O'clock this morning *!th reqaMm high mass from St. Betel's 1 'at h?'drill. Mi Brands Dimue died ?I " 1~> o'clock Sunday morning, at the resilience of her son-in-law. Mr. S. ?'. Ball. No. 610 Mushy -tr.'.-t. B? , ? a ?l was in the 79th y. air of lier aig?'. Sh?' halves four children Mrs. S C. itaill. Mis K. C. ''hiles. Mrs. B. A. Mason, and William DUMM. The remains will be taik. 11 to Caroline county for In ii-rni-nt Mrs. M. Maissie, of this city, has re ceived1 information announcing th?? death' In Home. Italy, of her mother, Mrs. Ag in se Valent!. THF. BATT-MBHIF M?HE. \ Souvenir ??f Onr lll-Fiitetl W nr-lil-i ? ?r Ilis|IHt('ll It. ai.1er? Since *A?iltspr.aitl ami liveliest interest C?iitrt-s round the on?-?- niatgnliicent bat tleship Main?', which now lieg wreckctl at the bottom of Habana harbor, ?ad sine?? her <l?>struction is Ilk.*? to mark a great apeak M oar natloa'g history, we have pasparad tor the leaders of the DISPATCH, ai sonvnlr of her. It Is a colored picture 9 1-lxl?, cleverly executed in ?very detail, aim! token from an oll-pnlntlng il??ne by I-'. N. Atwood In I8'j6, and OWBOd by Brigadier-General H. A. Wheeler. It will be f.iund admirably suited for framing. In order to obtain the picture, cut ?nit a coupon which will be found in g day or two at th* bottom ??f th?- last ?-?.lumn of the first page of th- DISPATCH, and bring it with five e,.(|t.s t,-> OUP eounter. It must be remembered we ar?; not maill Ing iho picture, but It Is only deliven.-d at our counter at the shove named rata N. B.? On account of un.iv?)i?laible delay in transit of th. se pictures, they will not be delivered until the BOupO? SPpS?rB In the pap.-r. W<- Itust that will be In a day or two. To the Voter* of Itlclimiintl. 7h?" Deniocrai i?- I.? |gu? for Good Gov ernment has been chargsd with lncon sist?r. y In endorsing the ctindldacy of Major E. T. I). Myers, president of the Richmond, Pred? rlchsburg ?nd Patomae B:iii| Company, ami refusing to en dorac that of Mr. R. B. Brock, Jr., who Is believe?i to be With tht) Rlchmoad itaiiw-aiy and Blectrlc Company. There 10 no lnoon?jlsteacy ta Bus. as the rights ami toute ??f the Rlctuaoadi ?TreaV erickshurg sad Potomac Railroad Com pati- have ?Iraady been grantetl'by or? dinnnce, ami this company has nothing further to ask. on the other hand) lb? rights of th? said Street ?Railway Company to those Valuable rOUteg along M.llll alllil Broad ?streets will exi.ii?- .11 1'"?", ?ad Um com pany will be ain appii'-ant. for a ranear?! of those rights. I'mloubtcdly, If the per sono? I of the Incoming Council is favor able t.? this corporation, such application will b?' maule to than ?Council, Not only is this true, but during l!i*n>, or before, probablv. the Council will have to deter mine the rate of taxation to be imposed on this ?-oinpainy for Its uso of the stre?-ts. It will thus be seen that there is no laconslsunoy In the ao tlon Of the I? aia^ue, and every citizen who Is truly Interested In the welfare of th? city will endoJpB Its action In this mat ter. We - ?peat, n?> man can t.erve two master? DEMOCRATIC LEAOUE B'?B 0000 GOVERNMENT. By Its President. WuaU tor Frank < tiniibuli. To the I?. mo? ratic Vot?*rs: The card appearing !n yesterday's Leader, aigaad "Ealr Play," Is correct in stating the gross income of the Collec tor's ?iiti. ? for the last, nine years. The fact should be borne In mind, however, that fully one-half of the Income of the office has been paid by the Collector for expenses. He has to employ two deputies til the year, ami In ihe early part of ? ach year it Is necessary for him to bar* eight or ten extra clerks for the purpose of making out the tax-bills. i'.iptain Cunningham has given 'he liest years of his life to the public aer vi?-e, and has made an efficient, accom modating, arid business-like otflc.r. He has always been ready to respond to any reasonable call upon his resources, and deserves the high place that he holds in public estimation. LM every citizen wh?) arlshaa to endorse a faithful offlc.*r ami trag man go to the polls to-?tay Bad vote for Captain Frank W. Cunningham for City Collector. A LOVER OF JCSTICE. Fifty ? ?tu? .... the Hollar Balance of Gentlemen's Furnishing Qaa?B at BO cent? on the ?lollar Under UOOr, Suspenders, and Neckwear. Fine chame for bargains. E. LESLIE Sl'ENi'B 71?; east Main ; He is Certainly Fleeted. Many of the candidates are In doubt to day, but there is no doubt about one. Everybody will vote that Hum?-Minor Company, Ninth and Broud, se?! th? best F?anos, ami at the lowest prices. WSHWpSHAY ri.lB. >lu?l? Frai Iva I. April 22d and 13d. Oadskl. Camp?naH. Boston Festival Orchestra. Old paptrs for aal? at tea Dwaicb Office. TWO .NEW CRUISERS. PI HCIIAHR OF V1IUOMH A*l> NRB ISTFR SHIP ?COISFIRVH >?. RECEIVING FINISHIXG TOUCHES. ? Issued for t ??!?-H Mutes Illa? Jacketa In TrVe PoaaeaMon of i b.-o.-i t.ei will R? Katremely" laefuL WASHINGTON. March 14-The report' ed sal?} to the United States of Ihe tw? Bnicllian cruisers, An.axona? and Ad? mit al AbreueU, now receiving th?*tg finishing touches in an Eugltab ship? yard, was confirmed her? this afteenoonv It Is learned also that Spain haa mil purchased the O'Htggln*. and that Chili will not sell her to Spain. it Is said further that Spain has net purchase?! ami -.innot purchase ships from) either Chile or the Argentine Republic < n ?iers huva been sent to Commodore; Flow? II, commander of the Eurotpean sUm tion, to send men from Sun Francisco t? take poss?ssion and hoist the Untied Siatcs flag on th.j Brasilias ship?, that are ready to go Into commission at New castle. This would prevent any diflftrul ties, if hostilities should break out, m th? ships would be under the dag, but lying In a friendly harbor. Tho two vessels will he extremely use ful additions to the navy In ?ether war on . in the opinion of Secretary Long? who ?cknowledgea that they bave bee? bought by tlu United State? They are si.,.|-sheathcd and copper-bottoaned, with twin screws, and will be the drat of th?? cruiser? fn ?or navy to embody that most useful to?fea t . naval eonatriMStnn, sheathing, Tur which Chief-CouaU-otor lllt'hborn has worked ear neatly for many years past. He finally mceeeded tn having some ?if the smaller gunboats constructed on this princUile. AMAZO?AS'S GOO? POlNTa The Amazonas Is rated at S.WU teas 41?? plu ?nient, with an indlcat? i horse power under natural draught of T.MWi calen t? develop twenty knots ape*d. Thus, while the ship is about the sise of the Charleston, she Is rauch faster, liar armement Is also much more formt ?labio, not .?o much in calibre, for the mala bat tery Im made up of six 6-lnuh guns, but these guns, as well as the four T-?nch puns, are of what Is known as SO-callbr? length, giving them unusual range and power. In addition to this there ?re ter? 6-pouiiiler, quick-firing guns, four 1? pound? rs. four Maxim quick-firing bo?? <>r BeM guns. Tho torpedo tubes are tin??.' to iiumli'T, The seal capacity ts S?0 tons, giving her an effective steaming radius of ?orno knots, a most valuable f?*atur?\ Inasm?ch as 1? ?would enable the ship to orosa and re cross the Atlantic without coaling, Such ;t vernal used as a commerce-dnatroyer* would be vastly more effective than what se.m to be mor<< powerful ?^raft, because Of her ability to get alo*ig on Ion? cruises without touching at neutral ports to coal, und thus exposing hersHf to capture. The new cruisers carr- no armor tn tho ordinary sense, but their machinery is protected from the fire of guns by un arched atosl <i?-ck Just below the water? line, varying In thickness from LM to Si Inch**. Tho battery has nn train, being arranged to fire three ahead and three astern of the principal guns. LAVTCMDia OF u t ri i.c-mr* "Kentucky" and "Kearaage," Man a iUth. The Chesnpenke and Ohio railway win run a 81'KCIAL FA?T TRAIN from Hi. Iim'iai'l to th?i launching, lesv-lng Richmond at 8 A. M. March 14th, ar riving Newport News 9:9 A. M., st ONE DOLLAR for the round-trtp, good going iimi returning on the special trains only. Itettirnhig, the Special will leave New port News at 0:15 P. M. and arrive Rich mond 7 P. M. ?i i i n-. YOLR \ \i I Mil Is. S-------?. SBaaa Them lu \ Oitlul? Trim! Co .'a Fir?- ?to?! iliiruliii*-l'r?ior linlit. The Virginia Trust Company offexs ab solute security for all valuables deposit ed In its storage vault, the only one in Virginia. Parties are invited to avail themselves of such security. the boxee in the safety vault of this companv cannot be siKrpassmi. Roth vaults ubBolutely fire and bw-glar-proof, nuil located In the only ire-proof otiles building iu this city. Charge? very moderate. - ?> PI T THEM IV ? I 1 I l M \ Mv TA?LTU. ?.-. iite Place ?or l\ .-t-nliiif Vntir ttmm ?ui Hi.? and ?libe?- \ The State Bank of Virginia invites the publlo to Inapect Ua vaults for th? ?safekeeping of Bonds, Sfocks, etc., and , tily its storage vaalU for th? safe keeping of silver-plat.* and other bulky valuables. They are regards?! ss safe sa human Ingenuity and skill could malee them. At night, they are guarded b> a rsiUble, trustworthy guard. Ruitd C? ?he System with ihnt greatest of Alterative Tonics? in David's Iodo-Ferrated Barsaparlll?. It mskea pure, rich, red blootl, snd brings bloom to the cheek snd health and vigor to the body. There la more pur? health? riving OKdit'lne in a single bottle of Dr. Da?.?.i's lodo-Ferraied Barsaparlll? th*? n a gallon of the mueh vaunted patent medicine? I*'m*mb#r, Dr. David's lodo? erratett s tts.iparllia cures that tired tjeling permanently. Old papers for sale at this office. A 8MOBV Colo. If n?g tectott, oftea at tac 1rs tu < lungs. Bsowg'g Hkonchul Taocan ?give mre and immediate relief. Sold eoly in lux?e. !-Ti?*e '?Tjo. anoostou Bittbm, tae wortd-reBOiraed sp? >stlser snd lo'lgorator, imparts a ?leiu-ious laror to all drink* aod cores dyspepsia, dlar b?e?, tarer aad aguo. Try It, but beware at < unwreua. Ask for tbe genuine Aftioeiura, uauuf?, tured by Dr. J. ( ). A ?leiart ? ?one. For Dlaeaaea ?f Ihr Liver, Stomauk, ad Kfdaeys be Water of tfce limen bru.* While Bidph? -print? is the moat valuable In Amen?e. Fi'BCBix, Udo A Go. Wholesale Agesta The Weafrher. WASHINGTON. March li Forecast for Tuesday: , For Virginia-Increasing eloudt. n?tt?, posfltbly ?lib showers In eg? treme southern ?portion, eaeterij For North and South Carolina I loudy weather, with light showers; east? prly wjnds. THE WEATUBB IN RICH SB s bright and warm. Slate of thermometor: ', A. M. .?* ,.83 I A. M. 12 M. . B. M. i- \!.M U night.?. .** n a u-mpvratuu.*-H