Newspaper Page Text
WHOLE M rSfBEk, 1,4,662. THE RICHMOND ( RICHMOND VA.. 1TKSDAY. MARCH DISPATCH. 22, 1898. THREE CKNTS PER COPY*. KXPECTEDTHDRSDAY Report o? Maine Court Anxiously IllUN in Washington. D CONFERS WITH PRESIDENT. la a Yery Udbsd?I Thing and is i.erelore Si^nifiCiDt. ^ TUSK WITH RESPECTTO REPORT fHHl# Will Be Promptly Laid Be Spain, aad Sent to Congress. ,n: UDWI To \< i \ r.u\ >.,<?>. Paya Hi- um >(.?,| it,.,,,., i.> ? ni.m h v,,n?. ,-,.,.?, \\i(Il ,tr \x,(h. Ipata*? ( .m-nil-IVM-mlmr* I miel Itliltl.r ?m l'roj! , tll. m. urt of in ?i i m Waaalii > ' Gtovern. 1 ' * nt '" pub m i e with h t?. ?re th.' " i- man? ' Whit* - red a nun ilonaJ i. ui ' M:!- '' .1 11 nit tee n ib? rai? ut, and naturallj n Mi.i Seci i..i y : :.. ! - f..r I It bout ?m have non i come to . a routine on .:. ,,. . lUons, reported, nrv not asaumlng prom? m allowing the bub nd . m.! k. t I for fttr '. projectile? for (Va.) Iron? ount "i Mil. . lona. . Chandler, in an editorial in his (K. H.) pa v >:lt lu tir United b . I that li" would .i" .in. if try *h.)u!d fall t.. glv< Ita aaaent. ruablng \v..rk mi it-. un? mpl? ; ! wai -v< Tin i ? i. i., i among . h ' i Ion the In th. - liM'iilll lAI'IK TED lili 1IMIW. ! in? ?.i \ i-1 in h m uve I'akea With Re %l < ? ! to ll. \\v ?N, .'i m b -i. I'll' pro? anectloa with th< n poi t of the ..h t of Inquiry t.> tin pr< InU i.'i. ?I i" be pur . d i" rem h Washington > st ..f it will l>c laid before the . i ai done the . . .. time. The p >? t i<> aril] Btpai I ?i. m : tatlng Hi it Ivlng th.- report the conclu mu from thai ii" i m "i mtimatlon of th< nndinga : |. . . ,., utlve authoi II tune im m follow il opinion eapi itly at Habana . . i '. lala ben R re u I ?ith. .n.i iii. m 111 M that the Maim Thi .. ,; . . WhO to tl III..11 IV ol D the ; was .i.i ii.t. mal ? ?ploalon. \r \\ II 111: Hol t in til.- ! . - tl,.- Wt.i:. '''' '' menta. pfjK aim-II,; tll'?l m m Uitt. i foreign Affaira. The ., ;.?.>ui lean make i till on "' , ,s i'. eon ban and II , though nelth Bununloal tai v Long a:-- bad " wt< '"'"' . witii i '-nt. bul s" fa* thing I r. latiiiK I :t'-!l 'l?'-'M rn y ?iiyl lia without iiit.tiiiptii.N, although a '. - rafttlai ,i. s<> waiahl] aad the negotiation* "' a promt? Ing ai . i | thai tl Ptetee oan .. mark? an ?.m.*? (,( the War Depert i prt-Ncnted a very buay aeene to-day. ! Al Ii.. .|.i I !!!' ill . . I I.Ill ?ll l.r eei T pai a.U ii.i\ aloi ii- .. II; , acq don 11.11 Tl wai day par. Mil Cub peni imp? Tl .mi.. the the won ion, this f. i : th, ' that this bllitj ihm. My ..f it If ' n.M Inter altali Will . icpnr Th. tluii . unit-* of nt; romp Mollit" llHtH crtiu for A out. / with Ktoyf? tated iron '"'"" with about l.pjo cant. projectile? for with ahl.-h t? aeaeoaat cannon. Th?. i*?..i . . ' lm' ''"-tin. at Ions. Urtah?u?? ?* for m ,2-'?<'' ? ? """bella. welHhlnif m iHMm.i- .... i. ..... ?an 1he fortin. at Ion "i Pat :*io u-.m, tl ?,,? ?ratghina lorn ?l? /"'n,h m,,r:;'r-'?< ? . ?:.. hi,", f...,H:,K- n,'mf"r -* ?>n? ntraet. ami th?. to ;-."?... < .,,,..,:;;.:;;. ;;,.";:;',.;:;;;rg ..A .1 "' VN"rki "'?? '?? K'.li .., -,;".. ? ' ?.; > pr.;?..,i upply the KMnch thol al Rim each one-half to be delivered n forty d we remalndei i? aeren?? ?aya, The I* '" h aballa, of no ,llu| , ,M, ,,,,,.?.I- ...?.? mpony bid to rurnlata at ajLPJ end .- .'.. reapecuvely, offering t.. ?apply kln.l in forty dayi and the remainder at quick Intel i The NVlaeh stun the Rome in. v i Ua> ihlne-Worka offered to ?uppty at ?it-:. sa h. th.' delivery t.. begin la one week ind they agreed to turn ?mount tn four w.'. ks. ?ver the en i in; HAMPTON ROA DP PQUADROM. The battleaklp Teaaa atarted northward com K.\ Weal to-day, thua aettllng the |U( Btlon as lo th. lotnialloli ol | I ontl n it "i h..h Hampton Roa la it 1 ?add thai Um Maeaachueetta will fol ou in a t. u ,; ?he anal or thai mov? have not been need?. The Navj Department received a pre Imlnary report to-daj from one ol ha ?i ms. who is at Haben i, watching tm ..f the wrecking. Jt is under tood thai thla refera mainly t.. tkx i ..i work ol "eahrage, and nol to the 'i atton "i .m-. The Judgi -edvocati - eneral'a office, wheri the report wai re a ?I. n.>i dlaclo? t..' .1. talli ..i be i - : The K"\' i run. nt bal made no I lurchaai bul |ta m lona in that line have been productlv? at aal ol one Important n lull namel). In Rtabllahtag thai if the battieahlp Qew ral I'HIgglna ii....- nol become the property - it will run !.. IL Spain, it la confidently aaaerted, will ol !? able to aecure ti ce ber chancea any better than ..r as thoee of the Unit* d Btatee Prai - Ic ill). the atme condition pn ralla ai i i ffi min. arm.., .! i rUtSei San Mar- j Ino, which will become the propertj of ivernmeni If ll iut of the amis of Argentina The Bpanlab Mini -t. r called at th" I i ?> ;..artim-nt to-day, and present' .1 ' ?ngulo, Val? ra, and Cadi n in. ere the direct rep* I I hi utonomoua Cablee) at Cuba. With this reaentatlon, negotlatlona toward com i< ratal treaty will be op a high officer ..r thi navy, who baa In? mate knowledge of its affairs, aaM t.. i. . "The greeteal difficulty la being ex rlenced by the governmeni In procuring dpi from abroad, but II la bard at work, ? i i- making aa much progreaa aa could naonably be expected under the clrcum Spain |i ruahlng work <?n its is. The Pelayo, Iti largeal and 1 haul.-hip. is practically ready for a, and its aecond Mggeal shin, the irloa V, win be ready In fortnight or ka The officiai? of the Navy parttn.nt are doing everything In their prepari for any poaaibli con? ct." maim-: NOT vi: r WIPED OUT. .k to the ordi i - t.. naval of . is. issu. .i by the Navy Department -day, th? battieahlp Main, la ?till In ex ence. AI leael two of the order? luld seem t" give that Impn ley read ai follow?: "Lieutenant A. W. tiin. r. s M. c.( detached Maim, and !.; utenant < ;. K W. Holma n, t ell',i Maine, borne and wall ordere." I the ill-fated battle lp will not be strli ken from th. finally .ii.?-h.ii beyond the possibility of ubi that the ?hattared bull cannot be - .1 from lt.- pr?sent bed of mud In harbor of Habana ind reconatructed .. .a I? ,-t i semblance of its former f. iltbough there la a areely ground for imp. that the ve ?el can be ral* d red t., the nai y, the di i*;n tnv nl ! nol abandon Ita i (torta In thai dliec n until th>- wreckera now at work m it repoi t thai it la Impoaatble. It hough there is nol much pn g the Maine with it- r? poi ted K. n backbone, th n la good rea eon to , ..m the n porta of t mam. If i ot all, of ihe gum iacovered i ventually from the vw ck, i put In place where the) may be abl? n nder good aei vice, he <.!'! ra ol < ten? ral William Graham, uming command ol the new military .it ..t the ?lulf, have been re red at the .ums headquarters bi re. h no Information t.. that eff< t \. i been reci Ived It la thought that leral Qraham baa taken up his atatlon Atlanta, which la to be the head? rtera ol the neu dt pertinent Id ber* I bal no Immediate movt - it ..i troope, as th>- reeuH of changea be linea ol the military dlvialona n I) put into - .t- t, la contempl?t) d, that the mov? anenta for the t be confuted m the transfer oi ai-ui troopa i" man the fortincatloi I] compli t< i? , nii.-tni.nt branch of the Navj i > m.'in t....lay laaued large poster i tlaing for man for thi Unite I E ,-. Th. reel nl putting Into con of tn.' cruiaera Columbia and Mln? tolla, and the prospective demanda will be neceaeary aa reauH ?it th< laltlon ?.i the Brasilien ship Ama . and the Ann 11 in yacht May quire UM .' Of il m-n. THR BENATR IN srsi'KNSK. a sh..rt ?eaalon of thi Benate to-day quite for Ina Brat working of the week. That no one waa pre re on with any pending mi i area given aa the explanatl m, bul itely the opinion waa atated by i of the senators that, wbU< the i: question reman:?.1 In stich sii ,. there was no dealre to tak.- up m .m legial 'ti..n. outlook aa to Cuba was diecueeed itora alraoal to the i Kcluaion ,ptci. and th - belief waa quite ed that the admlniatratioa is pre to take a positive position within text week, Baverai aenatora made '" " redlction thai the Cnited Bi i int.-!'.' m Being pi they atated thai Ihej bad reached conclualon aflar mure or less con . ??th executive olheera bul al a I ml r. I ha he r,,, 1 ha< ml fo| sat COI M Coi ? loi Au CU Bhi rll| i h A Mr. th. coa beb a hin, bin? Silo al. bed i tion , 1., Mim nol Its , any the um- time saying quite emphatically oui it,, v h id n" p ?eltivt Information ?n loint. nut th.y coaatder the proba ignition of Cuban Inde ,. prob ible than Interven Action in th.s direction will proba Maim report, regai dlOW 'he purport n kstii\ o\ 1% rUN BMTIO?. Im?- fur 11 I? Red Here \?m?. II \\ III Soon tome." Ul \. March L'l.--"lf the time for antkw of the United states in th. i of Cuba is not here now, it aooa ?m..," xai.l Senator Thurston t.. a tr to-ilay. Peaator ?ays thai UM only soln f the troubla is rack Intervent on, uie people cf the United state? linng t<. look on and aes the work rvatlon. already so fur advanced, i. : The i.M'oncentradoetf are ah v witiioiit hjope, "mi if Ike daath n gay part of the laland ?re de ig It 1? only because the material rvatlon lo ? * "i"* '" K|v,n?f ii that th.- roeoaeontredooa nan <io. heir home- and Implement? dc p, the their little farm? devas ??,1 growing up '" W,"N ,,l,'.r ?C?X'DBD UN TlUi'.U pAOaa.1 by ahoi Was her Mi t'epl) havl mur gold gene now the . Aft r.-ma and eonsl sent? contt Th. Mr. 1 bore !.. t n the 1 Si? III seen, pure. John and state ?II made ekcti (i 11.Wl'TlIci PETITION. riTV PPaaMIIIRR Pjaj IIX m;< <u \T VOTF.H OAPT POU i OMHI-iMIOlNKK. URGE MAJORITY PAYOR THIS COURSE II Will He I'm in To \ Ik in?aaeasnna, >i un ford .i Pkeaa* ?In? Iteiirenf-iueil hy ( oautel? ?.ni.jeei Deaaaead ?t Lajaujpba. The City Daaaacratle Committee met In the 1'owhatan Club Jam night, and by ' rote, of PJ t.. | decided to Kraut the Patlttoa of Mr. O. A. Hawkins for a r? count of th.- rotea caei in the reeaai pri mary for tic office of Commissioner of Re venae. Th.- i orijinju,.,. was caOei together by Chairman Wallace, aad the nature of the buatheaa tu be transected resulted m a lull attends . member being*In when the bod] waa celled to ?-ni. i ai I i'. .\i. The ?lut? and its approaches were thronged with prominent politicians, and thi Uveuesl interest w.i- ahown In Ike Inga, though thai w>t, coaduotid behind closed doors. l? fon Ing Mr. Hawkins's de mand for a recount, m? unmmHla? de elded t.. mi two eacanclca in th? Clay? Ward delegation, ao thai the awry im portant question might be eonsadered b) i full committee Mesera, \v. j. Kim trough and W. <'. Hill, two of tl i. im n who a i to the i ommit? l th.- primary, and win? will \>> n.mi., is of Hi.- eommlttee thai aill take ioi.i of the peu tj it m- next July, sen ? lecti d to till I OPENED IX)H ARGUMENT, panel filed with the chairman of b< ommltti by the contestant, Mr. . and which was publiab .1 Bun ii\ morning, was than read. Thla pre? Ipltati d a lively di i uaaion, and V d to oanj auggestlons, one <>f which was that mother primar) should be held. Finally mol Ion, ofTei i d b) Mr. < lordon, lo How Mr. Hawkins, the contestant, and R. i: Munford and K. m. Noble, h" con) Irty mlnuti s each, in rhlch to pr.sent their argumenta for : against a recount, was adopted b) a irge majorlt]. coiop. i Munford, a ho was waiting In be reading room ol the dub, appeared, nil .1 by M.--I-. II. at Smith, Jr.. ml B l:. Munford, his counaet, and a aw minutes later Mr, Hawkins end his ounsel, Mr i,, o Wendenburg, 'ame in, avlng been notified ..r th.- commlttee'a Ctlon. Mr. N..||e. having been notified y 'phone, was also present. MR. WENDENHURO'I AROUMENT. .Mr. Wendenburg opened the cam of ir. Hawkins, his argument being an laboratton ol thu presented by ir agawkina in his petition, The Brat round taken was that th.- petition of Ir. Hawkins not having been answered v Mr Munford, it ahould be accepted by ie commit!. :i- tille. Ml. Munford, he ild, having publicly atated that h.- did .? objei t to a recount, made his task - counsel for Mr. Hawkins pa. much the isi'.r. He eulogJaeri th" present commis oner, and aald that he was quit would BOl accept the position for a aple .lay nnlesa he were fairly and niarely elected by the bellota which had en sealed In the trunk by the "ommif .. He argued further thai tha law ol made prlmarlea legal In order to f-at deceit and fraud Th? I ' mm -., | ?e irtv. he said, had always 1.n proud of - primaries and JealOUf thai BOM Of - famlllea eould complaha; .i. t?tere re, bad la, I down rules and regula? ill? for their COndOet, and if these had n carrie,l out properly there would be , room for canting dlscredll upon then; it. he argued tbeae ralea and regula ma had been violated; bellota bad been itiibuted over the <?tc contrary lo th in, and a great man] liregularities ,| by the Judgi - i i my, in fact, that a irreal many people ire not aatiafled as t.. whether h had or had not been correctly re if the bellota were n count? i. he [ t, nded, it could only entail a little uk on a fi ? an mi' ne n, and it mattered re thi office went, tho-.- ?ama :..> 11,11 wool.i bavt ih" consdounnesa duty well performed. No harm eould dorn b) a recount, h" aald, becanaa ballot? w? re there to apeak for ms"i\ 1E8ENT8 COL MlXl'i'KD'S Slid-: lr. Smith, for Colonel Munford. eon ,|. ,| that Mi. Hawkins bad tail, d lo :k< out his ceae; that th,- Irregularitiea 1 error- alleged \\>re trivial, , "I il, it ground for a recount exist? L h said that Mr. Munford ha I been ?quoted in the newapaper mtervtewa .n.-.i m b] Mi Wendenburg, tor be i never departed from the ground that would h. willing t" cede a r? room it grOUnda were within Ike law. i combating the plea that im i been unaccounted for in the com lonerablp fight, Mr. smith read the owing statement to enow that the i. pencil i- existed in the otlu r !. t-; Votes Cnae i MjBce. counted Por. er . i a nmonwi ilth'a Attorney . i?.' ni r of Ravenna . 18 Ittoi . > Collector . riff . PR h Constable . PR Sell.'.-a nt . II.". Piral Pre Incl n rd, be aald. Richardson had been KB rotea behind othi r ofllcera; al Fourth Jeffi rson the lined rote loi High Constable ran ind ii' voi- -. at Becond Madlaon the bin? M icti t. r City < !olk ctor ran ke i loi and ' Becond Clay the com d vote for AmHtor was N votea t. Th,- plan atated opceUactliy. b< , that the committee must i?- satis thai there vw??" n.i grounda for a ont. und he contended thai the petl s"t forth n . ground at alL It the tlon had 1? ?ii won I,y any trail.) Mr. forii would not nave the oaece, t.ut a alngle allegation of fraud had e. The primary, he continued, ?as gailsed on. ind entailed a v expense, and It would onl) defeal ?bject if it were liable to be opat I bj ble. Mr. Smith touched upon itatemenl thai vot< s had I? en thrown Ii, F'!.-l l'i. ?net, Marshall Ward. the regiatrar, and and? avbred to , that thla eould not be no sime there no material discrepancy In the num ,f \ otea ??st and count".I. aki-.I'.W 1TB PRESENTED. , Wendenburg cloaed the argument, in? very briefly, H<- paid ha a u .-,,) to that Mr. Munford, after iK accepted them without a mur for SeVSral days, and reaped the n opinions of the pul,lie that the mus -> num. m - had brought him. repudiated those intervl ara before omniittee 111 seer?'t M's.-loll. r th.- attorneys hud eoncluded their rk? they and their prim ipal.- retirad, the committee, m executive session. dered the sffldarlta which ware pre ,1 on behalf of the contestant und otee, re-i? etively. aftadavMa praaantad on behalf of [awklaa wan six In number, and all on the futeetton of ballots having prepaurod at other paoeoa than in KOOtba ?r even at the polls. Tims, iX ?worn ?tatement? that they had or known, ballot* to be thus pr. ? ran w. J. Kelly, i T. PUgraaa, Henyllne, R L Kord. A. Williams. lohn .i. Flanagan. Mr. Ptnnagan'a rient 1* a? follow?: the forenoon of March 15. 18S?, I out ref ular bail?la to be cast In the jo, being held that day for John 'h l. i i., ? "i 'l ad I Bo Fa v ' Kl | K? I mil A did fit aw ,i.i. for i ' i !.. \"t pre wit mil to ? h pol tiv. day a?ki app be - Visa son verj m< i the fairl no | the IH ci at last Tom ctllt' e,l rate, and? the and W. to-?h Alex ?; Th r?Ku Hall cerel W H?lala IB and John T. Fegram. I Ubi ti.? marking of mM hall?te In rear of the ahop on south aide or Main ?treet, between Morrl? and Short ?tr?. "ts, a pomt luu to IPJ from tne polling place at First Precinct, ciuy Ward. 1 further certify that I marked ballot? on Cury street, kdtween Beech and Ri -. r voir ?treet?, for Fhll. A. Harris and Frank Krltaer, and at the same time gura a regular blank ball??! to - *? ?'heatham. to be voted at the election hein?; held that day. and that all of the ballot? mentioned wer?, eecured from Flrat Prerlnct. Clay Ward I further certify that about '.' o'clock, on the morn iiiK of th" day of March, J saw Mr. W. 0. 8tea;?r inside th> oefRag place at Flr?t Precinct, Clay Ward, and that he had ballot? In his hand handlins; them. "JiiHN .1. PINROAN. "Rlfhmnnd. v.-i. March is. iws." ST AT KM K NT Of MR. STKCKK. Of the affidavit.? presented on behaM of Mr. Munford. that of Mr. W. 0. Mager, me '.f his deputies, la perhapa the meal ntei-estlag. Ml Bteger, after exptalntnu tbdl h- was ?oojaestad by Mr. m - a liazehrook to go In the First Pr?t inct Of ia> Ward to take the place of Mr. C. Wallon banadera who had t<> leave the m, further makes oath "that about - I'etoek, as aforesaid, wi;n the consent of lu- ofhoera of the aleotlon, he took Mr. launders s pla. .-, and leCOlVCd from Mr. Muiadera bis -mail ntemorqndom-b?BOk, ihowing th.- ajote for Mayor and ?'?.mmis i'.ii.r ,,f th?. Revenue, those behaf th" w.. otiieers in which Mr. Banadera was an J . lot k that night ntll in o'clock th.- morning of the Mth he \at. ind the ...mir for the general offices, ind during that time and not pul his lands upon a Mngle ballot; that up ;,, 1" 'clock only the vote for the general of? . ! I .-n f minted bv the tli tien w aa - arork he want Inanect? hl and during tha- time he '-riiii-s thai i?' di.i not put bla beads up id a alngle allot in any wa) ah . or form what? oever; that the count for the general of? . s being o\, a at R o'clock aa afor? - ild, and be ? m? no furtlter Int?r?t ted, started to leave th" prednct, 1 fie Vole Was i d. but th'.' urgent aollcltatlon ol the offl er? of election, tiny representing to him bat be ought not to desert them, sa they era rery tir.-.i and overworked, be eon anted to remain and oaatal th? m In th. 'unt of th> ticket of the Council, Jui ce of the pi City Committee, nd h, did OSeiat th.-m in this i It I em about M o'clock until it was finish i. - .\ about I The tell) in* being then >mpleted he left, bul h>- agela reiterates iat before ti*- put t,?- band upon alngle iiiot ever) rote t?>i the general, s a.) h.-.-n kalll-d and nial k",i apOU th? ill) aheei und the telly sh.-.t laid aald H.- forth? i certlflea thai he n.-ither aaw ii auaptdonad any fraud or Ir regularity bateoever |g the counting or tallying handling of the bellota In the Mid "einet and lo- )? . i .- cheerful testimony . th. fact thai th.- rery laborious duties i pr< pa i I out -i.i" of t he regular meetly, faithfully, and accurately; and - further certifies that during the day the election to-wlt, on the llth be a?, present at the precinct, gad was eii iged 'her., the beal portion of th.- day Itside WOrhlhg for R. If Munford; that r. Wirt K. Taylor and a number of bars were there al the aaaae precinct irintr the ?iny working for Mr. O. v. :iwkln?. and that it is true that ballots tre pn pal ed outside of the rgular oths prepared by the ufflcers ..f elee in ; that, in fact, it w i- \>r> frequently .ne, and that no objection was releed ret., during the day, although the at? ition of th.- ?aembera of the commit? a ami ofBcera "i election arere called to It being t'en.-rally eon? -- -1 ? - ?* i that OWing th?. burga Buaaber of votes cast al at precinct that th? number of boothe ?vlded waa manlfeetly Insuffident, aad at h.- ddea Bot believe the! thi- irregu* it\ h.ip.-d or hurt one . am lid. it.- more in the Otear.*' Hi -i-. .1. K Winsion und H. I ?. I!. t" certify to th?- correctaeaa of Mr. 'icr'n statement. The former alee is abat it bavtag become apparent that booths provided for the Piral Precinct Clay Ward, were nol auflmteal t.. a? nmoUaie the voters, the attention of pertatendent Clyde w. Paundera was led to th.- fad ami he designated other tees, ail of which were within the ty-foot limit. Mr. K. K. Bernard k"s oath thai nearly oa oaaay bellota i., prepared outahta oi the I.the as re prepared laaMe at Fourth Clay. 1>I 1 > NOT PRRPARR BALLOTR ir. Harvey L. Davis, Deput) Commis n.-r of th.- Revenue, certifica that while apt m" turn in < lid Mark't H .11 the day of th.- primary, be did not in a booth, handle a ballot, of assist I '. paring "le . nor did In- -, . any mi or Irregularity. a number of /. in- endone this statement. ir. a a Cavado, Judge1 al the First .in.'. Marshall Ward, certifies tii.i r,' wees only nine ballots Improperly ir. lied in in- precinct, Ineti ad of ' '.. charged la Mr. Hawklns'a allegations. THF. RECOl NT ORDERED, fter a debate of neerly two hour-, committee adopted a resolution, of? .i by MP. O'Bulllvan, to adjourn until light at H O'clock, and th"ti to pio i to recount thi rotea cast for the > of Commissioner of the Revenue. to vote by which the uaotlon waa pted was as follow - r? Messrs. Allen, Black ?iount, iiino'iy, Doherty, Duke, Doyle, an, Heeke, Hulcher, O'Bulllvan, Red id, Baunders, Btern, Walah, Price, ibrough, inn. ami the chairman in. mm Maaara Cordon links, Hail. Mc tay, Lacee. Wetalgi i I was about midnight when tag paav ee adjourn? .1. Kti.n: CAXDIDATBg i\ H.H. iiiiini ir n Rseawari Will Ra I abed A i'nir Deal Itue-l ione.l. a meeting laai Saturday ol the can il Ctej Ward who for the Council ander G.I Government I'M. il Was ,]e i to !?! ? in.' matter of petltkmlng i recount of votes to the Ifixecuttve initie, of ti-,. G.i Government pee. No meeting of thai bod] baa been called, bul Mr. k. a. Cntlln, Idem of th?- league, area at the t1..? n Club last night m consultation Been tery ?Gordon, "t th? l It] I !om !.. ? ha! step- to tak. Ill ot.t.-r ount. an interview with a Diapatch re i Mr. Ciithn raid that th.- Kx- u ?'..nimitt.> would probably meal to and while soni,. ill taV'ol jl iK for a reeoaat, ami they had i- i a oached by many peopi,- outside the ie who urged them to tins course. oubted rerj otach 11 it arould be au tle to make th.- requeat, for tne rea that a lair aal s.ptai" ...unt Was doubtful. There Were many K'litle on th,- City Committee, he - ltd, ..t btgheet Integrity, but there ware s who would not acrupla to deal un , and on that a..unt h. thought tition would he fram.-d in behalf ot "lay-Ward candidat- s. a i.iuie BBaatlaa Beaafl. in? th. aaeethag of th. CRy ivmo rjoaaaalttae al the Powaataa Club Bight Mr. Carrol Johnson and Mr. a Miii.-r beeaaea mvotved la a ?ntn , and several bard blow? 'were pass efore the combat.lilts wer. s.-p., . and it was some time before an ibte settlem-iit was arrived at. and natter a?IJU?ted Ly apologie? made .n-? en ted Noiuiiiiilloo" I ??n Brined. HHINiiToN, Mar. h :'!.--The S-liate y confirm?-?! the nomination of J. M. nd.r. to I??- poHtmnster at Daw ?on, of M'-dlclnn will hold a ir meeting to-night at I.e.- lump Dr. liordon will read a paju-r on ral localisation. I?,, l Jet i R . I \\ , ? ; s. i l liai I i ' tar B I. : P A. T Bee f.d tlvi a I . ;ioi ire.i Lei n< i ..t : chu hell ?on liai and a ll Ai uUl liril chr D. of t thin and Tl You mer the chit tue?. SUNDAY AT Y. M. C. A FOnrV-KOtHTM AWIVERSARY FIT TI.X.LY OH.HKHVKI? IS Hit IIMOM). BIG MEETIKG ?T THE AC?DRMY. Two < < ? iTiuir? anil a l*r??.Men f i 11 Aaplrnnt WiiUe TnlUs? Service* In Fifteen I'lirlitiiin t'horcliefl In the Afternoon?Mimy Speaker?. The forty-fourth anniversary of the Young Men's Christian Association was n ost fittingly OboeiVOd her?- Sumiay with big meetinKS In the afternoon and ap propriate aeevleea in fifteen different churches in the evening, (treat prepara tion* had been made for the ?sah biatlon, and the workers for the cause had BO raaaon to fed disappointed at the result of their ef??rts. Th.- first service was that for Workers, held la the asso?-InMor. parlor, at 3 o'clock sharp. This si-rvic- was well att?mied. ami addr.sse.l by Mr. Jl. < ). Williams. In the absence of Mr. Mutter, of Waahlng ton. th.- boys' m.-, in ? vas conducted b A . - ant-S? ? r- i. ni Stiibl-s. In associa tion hail at | o'clock The college meet? Inga were well attended and helpful. The vent ,?r the day, h??w. v- r. was th?1 great raedlng at the A?cedemy in ?the afternoon. ? >\. r M people wie in at iendan." upon this meeting, ami the iiioM profound Inl manifested in th.- proceedings. Th-- opening exercises were In charge d Geni la's ;.'.- rnor i n -. Tyler presided, and the audience upon the platform waa a most dlstingulsh ?i due. Th.- larga attendance ?if aemls a "! ' by, in t h.- aiidt n " a I number of prominent ., ? pie THE VIRGINIA EXECUTIVE Bt. Mark's Episcopal church choir ran lered valued aervtee, while Miss Pannle - and Mr. Hodden s. Wathlna ?ang with unusual sw.-tiiess. The ho response of Mr. Wathlna ?reatad n <i.->-1 ? Impression. After the pre Imlnary aervl?ce, Generad 1 cretarj BcXee, in a few well-chosen words, pro tested Governor Tyler to the audience, uni the Rxecutlve waa recdved v.,th rlgo oua applause, in fact, when the Oov? irnora ??f the Vlrginlaa entered the nudl? ?nee applauded and almoat cheered. Qovernor Tyler aald be arouM be remiss f he did not take occasion t?j express da i, art-fell Internal In the Christina rork thai the association h doing, and ?Id that th.- association is doing u. Teater work than any other organise? km, save th.- Chunh Of our libss.d Re? learner, and that its influence is being ell throughout the entire world. H hen wdcomed, with great plea eure to the Hate and city. Hon. OeOrgS W, Atkinson, im.mor of West Virginie, and in a moat Bppy Mtd pteaalng manner introduced im to th.- audience Governor Atkinson was recdved with ?ml and COntlnoed applause, and OK? teaaad greal phmaura at being abi?# i be pr?sent on ouch an ocoaaton, eape lally to find th?- C?.mi nor of Virginia i the fore-raah ami endondng no inert? uious a w?irk by his words and present??. QOVERNOR ATKINS? i.\"S TALK". Qovernor Atkthaon apoke upon the oo? ai featuree of the Toung Men's Christian aooctatlon, and bandied it In a most h!. and point, ?i atenner, emphaahdag ie great Bead and opportunltlea of aiiiing our fellowmen t?>r Mi? M he ?jovernor also said that he had a tmblc pleasure in being present on this k oaten, thai of me.-tin?.' and beeng upo;, ie same platform with 1 he ? ?..v? I in-r Of irginla, an?i to apeafe for a work prs iied ovar by one whom he knew favor My and well, ''General-Becretary s. K. . K"". a Wbeellni man. who Was sent as aample of th>- wen rais.ii out tapre." When Qovernor Atkinson concluded overnor Tyler presented to the audience on. Joshia? Levering, ?>f Baltimore who, a most telling, pl?aaslng, and able man ir, ?poke for twenty nrtnutea upon the lyslcal mam Mi. Levering la a most woeful and eloquent apaaher. After be offei Ing Secretary McRee eeented Mr. Walter C, Douglas, general . ret irj of the Philadelphia association, 00 made an instantaneous hit. HI- ol .-s ami replete with eloquence, pathna, i?l humor, and he got ri",ht to the h-aits nun. Mr. DoUgUU la a native-born rglnlan, and mad.- a wonderful impres in upon Ihe audience. rie- meeting was cloaed In a most ?m "-siiiK manner, and several signified a -lie to lead a new life. I'he Interesting setviee was partblpat.d not only by the ?hoir ami ministers ove, hat alao b) Rev. Thomas Pottai ?v. Dr. Wlllingham, Roe. W. V. Tudor. d ofh'-rs. THE nicht MRaTTTNOR lervie.s were hpM, as arranged, la Bf n different f burches, and as a result, i only a dear conception of what theas I ??ion aeeka lo do, bul a largely lo as.'ii interest in what it ha- already empllehed, and with proper aaeana it capable Of doing was giv.-n the people lerally. 'h- folhrWlBg will give an ld.-a Of the etlnga held and by whom nddre ? ? ond Bapt k I ehun b H-.n. Joehua rerlng, "f Baltlmor? v.ntii Christian church Hon .ru,- W Atkinson, of Weal Virginia. list pn -i,\ church \\ altar l '. Bgfaa. of Philadelphia. M"ib -di-t church?Rev. .- Wither-;.n. D I? Baptist bun b Rev. R n. W ll?ll<S. ! reel Presb) teda a eburch t c %-. laid Guthrle. ark-Place Mdbodlal church \u-\. \v. Starr, i?. D. -a.-'i Baptlat church?Rev. .J. Uam Jonea, D. d. race Rpiacopal church Rev. Thomas ma I . tiny-.-i reel Methodist Mr. II. ?> Wll II-, Intern.itio?:.11 S Mark'i Episcopal church Right Bar . Pentck eat-Vlew Baptlat church Btate-Becre , L A. Coulter. .Mibiiiige-str.-et Huptwt church Rev i. Dill. D D. rat English Lutheran church Rev J Morehead. N? iTKW < IRTHT AI ?I IR BBRRfl i- adflreec of Mr. Levering al the mi Baptlat church w..- a mod for? > - ami tdllag one, and wi,? be produc ?a! excellent frutt The huit that ualneaK-mun ol so greal promlnenca ability has for thirteen ft nt ol the Baltlmon Ai . Is the strongest kind of a testi ly to the etli' on. y of the work. Mr. ering commendad la the tdgheal otan? the Richmond work. Th.. ad Ir. Donada? at the First Presbyterian r?h was not only strong, but BBOSl ful and practical. Governor Atkin? s oddresa al the Beventn-Btred Chris church was thoughtful, Moquant, forceful, and held the attention of r^e oua?enca for fully *> minut?e nong tin- qfldraaaaa denvorod Sunday t. tmne was better than (Mat of the iant editor Si the North CsrdlnS stlan Advocate. Rev. Tilomas N. Ivey, '' It wa* a masterful pre.entatlon ie Interent of th.? Young Men's Chrls A -so? latlon. ami was full of str beauty. e Anniversary Committee of the 0g Men'? Christian Association, th ibera of the Board of Director?, and general secretary of the local a??o on, are to be congratulated upon the ??a of thla great undertaking, and pn Tl Oh pa Tl i M 'I'M i o| 7 / A. am 'i ahi -I.. pei ?Ir. I H ?!: Wit T. It I i,|,? to gin lit 111 'll.. , a .- i El beta don to., Foi lb? HpH Mi< y hive ?-et g pa?-', which. If followed throughout the South. Will he productive of antead good t<> th* work. ?. u.V. Marsh n.?John Cal low, a negro, was lynched near Hound Mountain. In Northern Alabama. last nit/tit II., 1...1 I....... r,:,vin. u ?I en I ion Lynching? In Alabama. ATLANTA low. I Mountain, i .xinni Aimaisi, ?us? nicht. He had been paying attention to a young white girl, whose name la Stout, for several months. The young woman's fath? i became I ngBMBWl of the affair only y. stenlay. and the lynching followed. For <?ni-?.i-I ..?? h MiiliHcrlbera. The picture Maine will be ?ent to our patrons out of tOWB. Yielding to the urgent re.piests of our subscribers In various part? of the State, we have con cluded to s?n?l the handsome souvenir picture of the Ill-fated battleship Maine by mall, upon the receipt of MM couixjn and 5 cents. It Is a colored picture. 9 1-4x15. cleverly executed in eveti datait, and taken from an oU-patntlng don.' by f. N. At wood in IV.?.",. ami owned by nrlgqdjm flaansiel H. A. Wh.el.r. It will be found admirably suit-d for framing. In Order to obtain the picture, cut out a coupon, which wiU be found at th? bot tom of the last column Of the first Page. of the DISPATCH, and bring or send it to the 1 dapatch with > c nts. Patties deelrtog tin picture by mall should be careful to write theft Bamea and addressee t?ialnl>. Paamea fur the llulne Pletnrea. The Mayer Btorc will frame the Maine picture in an Inch-Wade cut Moulding, with glauM complete for ? cents. m-:\\ ?*i.kepi\?-car hoi tk I lie At limit?--CtntMt Line lit Com mence On?* Miiii'Ii ?li< Th>. Atiaiiti. - '??ad, roiBmoftrlng March Rat, will run through aleepar from Richmond to Augusta, Ga., on tram ?avine; Richmond IM P. M . arriving tuguata TV, a. IL, ami having Augusta ,n Train No B at I N P. m . arriving tichmond i A M. Pnaaengara for Rich? aond can remain In car until 7::??i a. m. c. s. CAMPBELL) iH\i-iou Paeeenger Agent. Cl RM vain riliUfiRlifl, lore Them In liruinln lr-isi Co.'? lire- iiii.l lliiralnr-Proof Yaulta. The Virgula Truel company offen ah* olute security for all valuables dt-poslt d in Its storage vault, the only uii" In irnlnla. Parties are invlt"d to avail hemsdvea ?>f auch security. I lie l?,x, - In the safety vault Of tills ompaay cannot he aurpasaad. Moth aulta Bbadutety tir.- and burgler^proof, n<r locate.I in the only fire-proof OBOM ulhiltig In this ctty. Charges very lodsrate. A Delightful It.-...? l At a little OVOr half hour's rid?- from .Manta, ??a., on the main line of the outhern railway between Atlanta and Urmlnghem, la a delightful health Bad eaaura raaort, known as i,nina springs, a. It Is ..tiled lia Bpringa from th" lit the place has an abundant supply i the purest nthi.i arelar, which M m Oahlng and palatable to the i , eii as bealth-gldng NMtling ht a 4 verdnnt oaks, maples, otme. ni towerlag ptees, with a variety of ?liage and BBOXCellad, is a spa ,?us hostelry, whose broad [flattaa and autifuliy kept Burroundlnga Indicate ill ' the most reflned oomforta ol civilisa? ja. which is ? ail..i Bwettwatw Pork otel. Til?' hotel and grounds w? re pr.' ii".I at no small expense, while the tililing contains about Ml moms, fitted lih steam beet, open gratis, hacan acent llghta, electric hells, privat.- t,,i I ami baths, over 7'"' f? "t of porch, s ?1 sun-parlors, Urne ball-room, s' id gsatlemen'a free bllliard-rootBi ami m-ions ether edvantagea, Under the i y ?oof ?if th.- lintel 1.- a costly bath it.-.,, off<rring to tin- patrons ateam, por, electMc, maaaage. and mineral Mis The mineral water bora wiie?! for its curative powera over ins I i . dr. ii. T. Blake, '.he coarteoue ami at? ittvs proprietor of th.- Bw?etweter irk Hot- I. will he glad to furnish any formation didjied upon arrtttaa i Jthta BprlBga, Ga., ''an be raacbed mi any direction via th.- Southern rail ly, wims,' auperb s, t- v i - . magnlflcent lins, ami une?nialle?l achedUl?Ba have id.- it universally the railway Mi,- South among r * ? - public in gene i. Excursion mt?m are available tr?>m my pointa ?>n th?' Southern railway to BJa Springs, ??a., and any repres.nta e of th?' Southern railway pass.ingl r ?artnient or C. W. \\ ?-tl.ury, Trav-d l Passenger Agent, Ml ?ist Main . t. Richmond, Va.? nill ha glad to nlsh further Information opon appU? Ion. \i.him?i\\i. TlttlN IBRVICM r I lie I iiiuieliliiK nl Newport \m?, March, BUR ii order to tak?- proper ears of the kctpated larga crowd for the launch? oil the Nth ill taut. the lie -ape.iK" I Ohio will i?.- prepared te start the t train at ; o'clock A. M., running ins at intervals up to | A M. The t train from Richmond to aitaeaa the nchlng will ba M i A. M. OBT ?ill It TICKKTfl Hie Lumich In?; on \\ . ,1 nesila v lit . ?V o. Punseiiger ? Hi? . ,soy Knat iiln Street. o prevent Inconvenience and delay in curing your ticket? to the launching iraday morning, the Chesapeake and o win -eii them --ii v\ of its aafunsr oases, Ml ead Main atreet, for iraday morning tra?na, at n for the nd-trii). The .l?-IT?-r?oii Hotel ktab, Ruaafna, and Blectrli Baths are ipi.t" in i'v.'i > department Open from M. to l-i P, AI. I. oh. s' hours from M M-toi p.m. Monnaya, Wadneadaya Fridays. Try Mem f??r rhciimati-m Free of Ta?. Mi United Hanking and Fullding Ci.m y offen i"" aali until April i rea <>f its prepaM stock at BH per re pays a need cash dtvkfaad of *\ cut. p.r annum (fr>v of tax;. YVith Aahie oay tun?- after two year?. .r furth'-r Information apply at the of of th- eogaaaay, n?>. ?ji cast Mala et. M.i.i.i If the *>atem : that greatest Of Alterativa Tonics? Dsvtd'a lode-Ferreted Baisapa fills. akes pure rl-'h. red t?lo->d an?! brings m to the cheek and health and vigor Ba body, 'there ?a more pure health Ig medicine in a ?Ingle txittle of Dr. id'? lode-Fat rated BarssparlUa than gaROO of th.- much vaunted patead l.-iru-s. Kem-mh.-r, Dr. Davide lodo ated S'irsaparill-i cur. s tritt tired ng permanently. fel Tower Concentrate?! Fruit Jutcee are to m1 in diff?rant flavor?, and mix? a dail beverag??- Trr than. IT He at t? Lado A tola Agent?. Dlaeaaes of th- liter. Stoaaaeh, ? r.U* Batea ->' ta? Ureouonar wmm Sniyuur tas I? the moat raluabta id America. PaaafRa. linnacn., u/nolan-?)? Agvnta. gf In; 1 CO a ch orl pa> Of J an th, . ft ?!r, t- i ho, o'' 11. I ol P In mu F, in t H-;U. T I .?1 ?? i 12 S 3 i * I i: | > *? ,*< CAUSE OF SECESSION ? Vaheas ?KM-niRD din? i igamj ?sajaj <|i I -II<>\ I.AST 111.11 |. REFERS 10 GEI?. LEB AS" OUahTZ. The -on-? of Veteran? and a l.arai tn.lieuee l.intea to ?Be Mpleadll AUtire???Reeeauabaaa i . 11 ? - - uni furnia. Lea ?-amp Hall was crowded last night when Jtidv?? U. wily It. Wellford, J?r., de tal?te the S?.ns of Veterana ai mtereetiag a ? .* ? i r? -s on the "History of thi > -ii and th.- Causea That Led l"p t< It." The Jadg I ahumarse was a ?i-ien ?ti.l effort, and he gave a dear outline ol the con.lirions . listing in IMG and 1861, which caused the civil strife. The proo.-e.iiiiKs were opened wllli by Chaplain Cooke, after which tke BveasM bamdaara? two ia?i?. reauaaaaaj a plan.? and violin duet, whlcn wa? a verj creditable pertoratanea ami highly en Joyed. mi I-:. U. Thomason Introtluced thn arabtv of the evening, in doing ?o h? stated the object? of the ramp, one o| which was to ?ee that th? true history ol ?t Btanaggm wa? told to coming yetaerataom it wa? with th? latter ot> l?ct in view Mutt Judge Well ford hud been invlt.d to addre?? the organisation. BEAUTY i >F MUAI. PIKTV. Jit?l?e VSellford, Whan RM applaus? with ?bien ha was grewted had ?ubaldwd, ?aid hat the highest of all social pi ? sag hilal piety. A. ciytlng that duty as is landmark, th? camp had a right to ex it of long lite to thon organisation. Th.-rii iad been ii time, ?wid the speaker, whet? ta had Inlehod his hattudhaotorp r<mar??, aben the South had not bean given her lue, but now, e/hea th.- aaaw?clOfjlg wee? owerlng over the country, thero waa no lealtant \ upon the poHltl??n which i" Sons of the South arOUld occupy, ami ii" \il.-t South-hater BOOOptad BOW "th?? "f your < unfed, rate ?Ire? aa a ?uarantee of Ike r????rd? which the .seam .ill mak. in th.- hour of n?"-d." 'And his wind? South,'' sai?! he, "from the Pa. un i?, the Atlantic, from is*a k?aaa t<? h?- gull's, thrills with patriotic pt ; nitilinle t?, that typical Confedera!? ;, rural hobiing up at his pjo?t the inter? sts of mis oeantry. Our Pita, a Balaam epreaantatlva ?>f Virginia, ?taud? te-aap ?lore America Bad the areadd a? the r?i>. esi ntatlve of Ike honor of the American atioli." (?Great applause.) UBI hist?.i:y BE tiuk. Th?- pun ??s,- of the nrionlaatliiii whi?-h a was adereesaBgr, he ?aid, wa? totnako tue reoord of the peat. "You gaaana i Insist that history Khali be planted p?-n the bad mak ?>f eternal truth. Th? aople <?f the Bouta." ?aid he. "did not ?ht for the perpetuation <>f ?lavery. i the very ad of eecenalou they bandoned -ill tteadlag the area i stare territory. They gava up all th? rritorles to the North; they ins? : : leir Constitution an inhibition against te importation of alavas. The i uu-d tatea Constitution lett it peemlaalva with tmgraaa t.> tolerate the aleve traute But lis war w la fought from start, |U flnlail on one aingle principle, a principle ni? h commanda it ? r t-, the conaden?oa ni to Ma- bralna of every American ligan, whi, h is written in the ioun.l.? i?n of th?- American Goverssaeat, and Which, up to UM, tn. i.pie of the nit?'.! Btatea w.?-* pledged by rnmeat, ami by ever) t of th" Executive, or Cougr?Bsa. Th?? opl" --: th? South foiiirht this war for dependence Tbay claimed ?he right ish their own institutions and I Morn at th.-ir own pi, i? y claimed it was a right which their than had taught them oraa the natural -hi ol mankind. Tiny clalmd it a? a {ht that their lath, rs had aeeorod and u for them, and at the anata time won r th.- Stat? a .f Hi" North, in the I tlonary war." OUR BILL Off Kleins. I'he troublent pr?sent waa, tie- si m ?ii t.? my, that Hi? birtery waa in rrectly Written. Ha thought Dr. J. tiii.un .buns (who was present) would fee wUlh him in the nt.c>m. oi. Ja?!?;? , Uford ?bowed thai under the virglni.? il Of IthMits. "th,- Aral bill erf right? er adopted bj a fi ," that tho ople of thi-, had Just groun?ls proteattng agnhmt the action of the ?rth. This Hill of Hiehts wa? adopted and itllrmed, ' said h? . "without the dotting an "i' or the cro?sing of a "t" by ; i onveatloa of Virginia .si it, th.- greeteef body of aabu the apon Mi-- Americea Ooatlaeat, which icmbled bere ami adopt?ad th? Consti ion -.f IMP, among them J'din Mar til. James Madison, and Jam?? Monroe, fathers of th? Constitution." Wrilford oovered a' length th? ' th?- late war. and ?tate?l Me nu.,i- ? f th.- Southern Btatea for n concluding, the apeaker said there lid be BO HUaatlon that ??-cession WB| lght, ami when the Qulf Btatea is?- t?. aecede, it waa a mattaf of choi?? h them their decision of It nii.r have closed the queetloa. "War dust them?" aald he, "waa wick*?d." aVellford'a r? marks wuia long i banrtlly apt landed? ;""i a vote of nks wa ' htm f??r bia splendid irt. 1'pon the conclushm of tho ad ss, the Tony Miller Combination eri r 11 n -1 the authenoa f??' about half an ir ?With th" r?million of several In imenl M edecttona, including a number | ji^, ..:,d ?>i? ?k-down?," t set h iin-viiig to the tuna ?be lively ni', The Weather. -1 WASHINGTON", March 2L? m I' raoasf fat Tuesday: For Virginia?Threatening wee thar Bad rain; ?lightly warmer astern portion; southeasterly winds; h cold? r Wednesday ,r North and South Carolina-Showcre In- Interior; fair weather in the west; h.rly winds. ?C VVEATHBJR IN' 1U<HM')\D IT Kill? A Y w?a clear and pleasant, it?- of thennom . M.? . M.'3 1.? . M.C M. lischt .W_ ,|. m i? nip irai ? .?? 1-g -" "e !????i?*e>1hs^e,*? e,?^**'^?^?*?^ " Haine" Coupon I -FOU- \ m DISPATCH PICURE. \ Cr.t thi?- out ami UktJ with Till l'ISPATC? , i.tiijtc-t an.l net tho l)t'?uti- I ul souvi'Utr. a* ^^*^?.^*?'Se'^N^4?ia?0