Newspaper Page Text
r... pinrrtii rnrun haui THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY, MARCH 22. 1898, 3 i?i, vniiii uu lUUI I'VII. x tittle ?;?mmI ItBaws whi.-ii t ?mi will B*U Wedl to t iitiKlii? , ni i |(|M ! ,,ne when wc n n ; 11 ?ml? i to ?pritiH. low ordi r <i vltalit) , ii??.?.i doea not floe so fut? or i ; w ?il know this from our . ! those ??t ?'.ii .,? ,. what a tei amount and other ri - ! drawn in reath it la a time for : i i-.?- Bj ?tern ton- ,i ? ; h proper : ' V Die Ii*?- of h> whiskey. Thla 1? II I. but the tro il ; i Indeed, there is but ntly and certainly i thla purpose, and thai la Pure Mai; 1 ; ; ' win bring imonia off I llev? ?1 more <..s*, - than ilme which ha* | i ? t on ha:.i and u p~E'?R"?g>'E"?"E"Eii? w#aa#aaBJ ) Temple, Pemberton, t Co?s&Coi, 1 and 9 west Broad street. Underwear. We ?carry an imm?ense "Hii'-iH (?f Ladite. itlemen's, and Chil M e ?I i um-Weight 1 . ?I? rwear, specially ?I for the presen, Light, .v P TB li. msn'8 Lie king Mei Draw ?itural, $1, |1 88 I .Ml ' ..Il m bXTS* ?. Ught-^ - Ight Wo? v -.?> ?;.-. rs , .) m ?.i it - I Mil iiw i \a. ?.i ,? ger'a n I 'nderwear, and n ' ?K "f all -.'. . I 1 [mil -.'.-Ii TO=DAY Ul IHL lAItSI MMllllSIN Tailor-Made Suits and Skirts will be shown here. Some very exclusive styles will ha\e their first introduc tion. Our stock is the largest and best selected in the city. Tailor-Made suit< of fine lity mixtures, in ?'til the . . also Blue ami |10 suit. The same ?goods, m Blouse rfmmed with braid, ?at i Suits, m Ktoii Blouses, tailor-made, handsomely m.-.I in flu' very latest i IV.iiii SI" to $20. . Black1 Serge skirts, silk i;? remarkable, at > ">. Lai..: line o? Skjrts, in pretty mcy mixtures, at $1.50. Tailor- Made Suits, in Brown, i. nui Blue mixtures, with lined jackets, a peal 17.60 i. ir 3 Thalhimer Brothers' 0NE-.PRICE HOUSE, f ?Hh and ftroacl Sts. (tnh :.' ' It; I \ I VI. SMOO? IM. \l VH M I Killi-d mi?! llt^pul.?-Mieriir PauasTorawali ? aiiaSed I . IBIA, MISS., Mareta B W I put] : I ounaoi' "I"i tahla .liant walked ? roaa the ii - : . Il . up bis t. ng oui to rl : no! t.. ?come an iking ... || through the Hi.iMim RATTLE > Ki:vM? lv . ? Mea KJUwd m??i Tw/a ?taJawaS \ I'll III I I.1 I ?Uli. I ' rille. k) BMUintalna .... ,n OB l'a?-',: it sK in which a) . - T.iv?.-r. The Bbootlng . n the outcome of an i|| Ige U I ???ru. j? ? ii.ihIii lit-?-?f aairfaaali m i; ] ?: i ?.>iij-1> 111 at , ,,,. Kit it ii ?treat with a tion ol k , liver t!"'i: : 10 <I shyasolas has ?flvon ?,?, l only hlh iiur.1? ?hall be ?''- j ior lea mon Esttvnr Rueknor, of Kon? . . . .. ?n?t ?it that e-ni on u Claiborno, wtat On f??r oast it- ?i Mr EXPECTEDTHOfiSDA? ?1 BD i'K-'M rrajn. PAGK) Cnu^Sd,^ l0 *"? ?>? r?>r ?He ; ;- -Hpiai? i??SSTi, . " ' '" drapai, and take ' ) ? an . An ii . . ' lavi "'" "hole lalsnd - ' ? w;?h,,i';;;!,r , 'h""! W?? ,l,.r ' ""' ' ""?''? !"??.?! ; 0. lu ,?e l!,,''\'i.n have H- ?.m :;;:., :< r1;, v "-^ ??"' ?riso ,,,., deelare Ibem? 1 ; '." me, many BpaBlard ,,,.' ; ' ? ? <" OpportUBltr 10 Lan, ir ?,,,. w,.h ,,K:ir<1 to 4m "' " ' .- he '' '' wen treeted with r? ny bittern, kept concealed. But he ' ; ;";'.,""" by the rabble of Habana with to Vio ladle, of tMr^paV , "" " ,M '" "'',. ?hat the Maine wa* wown up r , , ,, , X|ili .,, ,' '-"?'"i having Informs? , .... which rm m opinion, he said that be had was blows up ""1)1 Wltlvjtit. ,:! ' ORT Of Tin-: BOARD. "k"<!. "the report of th< " auch wa ' ' ny could not be ' ,' , '" Bowrraa. "deterntm -'-.I '" proper Indemnity, snd "ir the r, port of the Rnvnl ?Board of KJa1; ? -..M.,. blowing up oi . I do you think ; "I would consider the blowing op of d declare war think the administration will to" elthei the general or a question of tadem? srbitr ' "!" U '"" "' how it could." renHed the I do .,?.t believe h would" I ntNs DIOOIR? WORBfg i tut FOOD i p H.iicf Thai ?talas ?im Hamm fr?.m Bgasalah WasWhlp, NEW YORK, March fl. Di who, for the pas? ba ? 'ii the rank of Botone! in the my und, r Geni ral Calixto ?; ir? Od Who was present when yotmg " ' auldde on aeelng his *'1'1' Eaceo, rail, is in this city. ni ! i loado earns by the stoamshia ge al Habens? Ha luded the vigilance of the Spanish au II? s. snd travelled under an aaoumed ..mi". When Colonel Ghado left New v..rk tw? weighed SO pounds. To-day . welgha 111 i".iin?is. : omethlng of the al : .i In this country of ti?,' dial n ?'ul..!. and of th?- thousands that have lied of Btarvattofl and are dying of atar? Id to-day. "Nothing that has been publlehed, no? hing thai can i??- pubuahed, could tell be ?tory as ?t really is. tow to my own knowledge that in nany section of Cuba they ara digging . irth foi ' bi woi ma l bal th< v may uni. It I rery , ne s bo is able t?? i ?if th? people ai.- su weak that ta move. ,?-, ing by the th he men who are ?i dag, or hope to do, be fighting that av?mtually must and In the poor women, tha chll? ren, am ? a ltuin la 4 re visible. "Spain has been guilty Of acts that must i.ike ? . nd appalled, and v are infinitely WQI M . tin,? since th? pan. vi?'t tin for the ? ?f the i liQj among the Span? irda at Habana, < ?olonel I lhado na] omlng m??! a hostile t,. ami 11? ?jry day. -i b< re h a f< ling among th?'in," he lid. "thai the United BI it? a are afraid , fight, ini'i ih h they can ?do anything i mi aa firmly man can be thai thi blowing op of the ... ,s not due t?? any Bubtnarlne Pnla bell? 1 la ohared i.jr all Cu t th. Mim? WIS blown up by a irpedo. ?Further, I believe thai tl me from the Spanish warship Ifonao Mi' oar reaaona foi thlnklni : that tie .fore th. Main?- explosion, tha a anchored near, wi iHeb m,'?' as :. th?- fast thai m?' obi a since plosion, has St I ?;, irine from the Alfonso been si wed tf? go ashor?. Th? only Inference ,!,.,, | BfraM |he ,,,,,. IntOXl? Ml? ! ami talk too mil." i-,,i,,ii' i i'1" to N? \\ *> orh r medical and aurgli al treatment, hli b? Ing paralysed om privation, ? apoa ire, and a wound, natlv, ?Cuban, and one ol the Uve of the Insurgen! HI grown children still ren H, I m rved as surgeon-gen ,i und, i <: Garcia for tha past . . bul at length, unable to ride ,!,. u blmaelf, be r? Ineurgenl command* r an Indu lte furlough aa invalid, i ahall ii"'? return to ?Cuba until ild i m i.m.i: i o M \SON \l < l.l'll 1). rinlnanaan ?/?alauBtaara i ixin 'i*i,i,t laaultavd f???* Etna. ,\ [NONA, Minn . Msrch -i la IV , tbe halb ase of Baron ?Bgardo, e fcfarqula of ah? villa. Madrid, Bpatn, Bghl s de* i with Banator Mason, ol InoU, for the latlel's ultciaie ,s 111 th. oafe, H?. ?Osorga Porell, of ?Laeroaae, .. cabled Hi?' following s-eosptanco ?^ e challenge In Mason's atoad: To liaron EJlaordo, Madrid, Bpaln: rough the prosa dlspstchea l am in -n,..i that von have , hallenged Bene ., ,., mortal i ombal for werdi of hh positton si a amplon of the patriotism and prtnci ? ,,f i,i- country und its paopla In the tited Btatea Senate, with aaual Bpanian leroslt) ' ' oWn weapon, ?Sen itor M ' " "' '"' o,, pursuit ol i naora humans ling and In walks ,,f civilisation which r) i,?, poorly Bttod Mm to moot ad aa "?i . ,: i,.? . M.l.'i ?I n hli go l.a H th who has .-K1 uhjectloliali!? 0 MERCURY No potash?no mineral?no danger ?in S S. S. This inean-? a Kr?'1?t' deal to all who know the disastrous eifnets of these drug?. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed jrsly Vegetable. S 8. 8. force? the disease out through the akin-doea not dry up the poison to decay tbe bones, like uiercuriatmixtures do. ??almost ^ phralosl cl, the reault of -urisl tresliuent lood polsuu ; B H.H. real blood remedy, it cured me per entlv." Henry 1.1*4?South Ninth ?t. St. Loula, Mo. ta f roe, addreaa, Bwlft Spaclflo Cov, Atlaata sss A?: oa oat th? ? t ,.\ ? i ful i.i. qui . it fro th? dla n : by \y< m? the ni?. i n I.' vi. list pul he is "I OCI L/*^?**^B ?-EBERS at a wo * H ?wam's heart he uaually comea in disgui?e. Doean't want it known what he'? up to. If ahc knew ?11 about the little ' rascal, would ?he let him in ? That's s question. Women are apt to look upon love und marriage as purely a matter of sentiment and af fection. That is pretty near! v rijrht ; vet there is a practical ?iae to it too : and the beat way to preserve the ideal a?pect of marriagv and maternity is not to forget the practical part of it. A woman cannot be a thpr oughly happy wife and mother unless the distinctive pkyah .il organism of her sex is in a healthy and vigorous condi tion. The best friend that wo man ever had is the " Favorite Prescription, " of Dr. R. V. Pierce, Chief Consulting Phy . sirian of the Invalids' Hotel in?l Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y The " Prescription," i? a perfect and infallible remedy for every fo?tm of "female weakness.'' It cures by rest?t,irjg health and ?trench to the inter nal -organism, which cannot be reached by "local applications , " thus the cure is radi cal, complete and < ?institutional. Dr. Pieree's eminent reputation a? a phy sician of wide learning ; and his special knowledge of the delicate and intricate cr Uanisni of women, accounts for the unpar alleled confidence, which women place in his "Favorite Prescription," over evrry other remedy. Its ssa obviates the neces sity of dreaded "examinations" and the Itereotyped "local treatments ' Dr. R V Pierre. /A?a? Sit -I ?.ufftred fourteen ?/ears with female weakIUBB. nervousness, and reneral debility tryiag ?tverythiag I could find So help me ??ll to no ?vail I then heard of [)r Merce'a medicines and although I ?i< thor ntghly discouraged. I thought I would try once ore to find rebel. I took vour " (?olden Medical Discovery" and " Favorite'l'rescription," and too peat praise (cannot he given for the rapid relief hey gave me I am now irrt from the former rouble*. Xtty sincerely yours. (Mrs.) <44umzvv. s<srdg and patriot!) ra ol B, n itor '. a plsinsmsn, a wi aterSer, on? i known or typical American i bt rasa ii bonis prini ipie and pa rlotl m ahov? price, Sad be, losa it i,. murdi i in the Si M d? grea annot be paid fOT with gold bSTl tepl your challenge, and name the arm) dato!, the oi?i torty-foiir, the organ ' iviiization. the Instrument with whtcb !.? American pioneer measured justice sins, end whii.neatly ne? uring ?you and all yoor kind thon snds of men of my type ata?d n t? p in m> kracka sad pick up mj ' it should fall, i awcerely thank the < preeentative of a th'.nsan.i ?,f > arbarism for tin* opportunity to Bra a hot In revenge for the rsnkee Ballon ,h.? fed the oharks In the bottom ol ll.IV, "GEORGE POWELL* 'TtBcrosse, v l i\iii.I'i:\iii:\i t: OF < t n \. ropoae.l Jnini It ? ?.iliil ion Heeuu iiBinK its BsJsteaea. WASHINGTON, ?March & i: i?iv?- Dag, of Utah, Introdnet i to-day ie following .i??itit reoolutlon, lotng the Indep? nd aba : red, by the Senate and the Ronat Representative! Thai the republic <>f uba haviag establlabed and aaatotalBed n Independent government, capable of irformlng those dutlee, foreign and Bo? eotlc, whit h appertain to Indai ?veramente, and it appearing thai there no longer any reasonable prospect ol ie successful prosecution of the wai Spain against - : E II la i ape enl and proper, ami in COnfOTmlt ia laws of na , tice oi lis governmenl In like caess, that the .1? ?" i .?Luit political ? alatence of aald at, i a, knows, dgi d by the ' lot ern ? lit of the lui:, il St..' REPAETHEXT OF THE 01 II". i-ii?- iii I (iriiliiim lu Mal. e n Tone of [ Ini?|i?'t-ll?iii. Atlanta. Ga . Ifarcb &. i.i? it ilonel Hall, AdJ K iBt-t hnu ral ol the -pat tin' nt of the Gulf, arrivt d In At? nt,-i t??-?' He wa compact? .i by i.e ti uant Bamut i R r, of the Blgnal corpa of the depart Bat, ?m . I'.i.mi, iah r Major B. Dodge. te?era! < Ira mpanlt d bj Li? . tianl Beber a i d Li< nti nant I is leave Atlanta to-morrow nlgl tour of bun a ill go st to Savannah. . ': they Will ntlnue down the ooaol tor .? close in ri of the d I 'ompanjr B, of the Fifth Infantry, le iva it McPheraoa to-morrow nlghl for Bt igustine, i" i list ' the small companj w atatloi M'MMi:) IBOl l TO \< T. ill s.n.i Relief la ? alaa with ar wiiiioni Bpala*a ? aaaeat. -, ,\? ? n:i ? n. i!.. Mareta V S, Bator llllam n. ?Chandler, In sn editorial la Concord Monitor to-day, aaya thai ..-? i, m McKlnle) is snoot to take a?? n. m lb?- name of the Halted Bl : love tii?- famine and t Cuba Food and a ad clothing ,.-. "given by the ?s? neroua p? o United Btati - will be aent, with the >ioval ??i ?Spain lilora and dli ra a Itboul that approval, if she ia not .mine and toiture is ir at hand. Every hum.m person in - country should blesa the President In i i,,i lamntion, ? hlcta is to c tuse the William McKinley to be hi Id by the Cuba lerattoaa, ai Lincoln'? msmorj la aaed by I be col.I raes la Am CHANDLER CONFIRMA ABOVE WASHINGTON March .'1. Beaator m?lier's attention was called to the ,,it ?n th. Concord (N. H.) Monitor. own pap? r, thai the ?President waa Bg to aend relief auppttea t?? tl is. with or wltl - i onaent -.ii.i that ?justa was ins Information, i b< bad > very i oaon to i" Beve that it i Uli?'. is this I in: itirott i I lirj Paeinagra *>t OSlnlal Pasw leal? llroiiiilii \ li> Marix. i:v ?WEBT, i'i-v. Marsh BL?du lg, - ?ocate Marls. ? I the ooort <?f Inquiry, i. SBbOCS at ^ O'otoeh thla afternoon. laapnnlad bj an ara?ad orderly frcm Iowa, a bo ai i led ?> bulky i? i itii.'i.ii documents watch ?was handed r tu i:? ar-Admlral Stoard, i-< behaved the flor am enta ?*ra tiio Undings of tin' ?-ourt of hsqutry. atenant-Commandsr Manx, when stioned on this subject, rofgssd to , r ?I? i.y Ot confirm, but SB BfaV t n the Iowa aald the Soeusaaats were long-expected rapsrt ?on the Maine st? r. M papers wir?- Immcliately examined the Rear-Admiral -u?<? ?Com n rider t it is presumed that, If thaaa docu tba iiiiJiiou??ly-?\pected report, will be taktn to Washington to ros by l.l'Uteiiaiit-Coii)))?ander Marix. MSPAIS is t:\ii ti tTEDw" Sh>m 1*> > Mm ran II?Mi?- Maul ? counts?.' tul. lnd?'p?-ii?len?-?\ tlTBBEIif Mali h 21.-A ?llHpat? h to Solr fr.?m Madrid describe? un Inter i with ?Sonor l'y y hfaissul, ?it on? > president of th?' Spanish centr ic- and chief of the ministry. In which s represent' taring thai ?uba. rarticalK lost to Spain. pul? It cxhauated," be la reported bt oil ti th Bt w th ed wt th, do, thl th t'i dl J St. to Mi gn Ml am hu 7 thl tie thi St., be? Ign t.k i ? li km on .m m ant out BSt ?i? ,i fro i wi the n... hi ( V a? saying. "'Ph? must withdraw her trouSS ?nd recognlie Cuban Independence before It I? too late. hy nn Immediate recognition ?he would obtain payment SB HOB of the war ?I? bt and ???mmerelal advaataaee." THE 81 i i i:iiim. in a it?. Tara BnadWud ami i i?, i t.. ..?..i?.i Paswsasa Ahaaalatoly iieotitute. Ni:\\ rORkt, Mareii IM.-Hr. Louis Kmpech, now In ('uba, in chsrgja of the Ani'iean relief work, abb s fr,,ni Un ban... ;;!, ! i .1.1. .( ;.' . .,, the i Th.- attunttou is sim | . Two hundred ;.n?l fi\. thousand ??. . te-. : r, ov.-r M a? h ?? heiph'ssiy deatltote. Un?aos ws regularly, without a t.r.-.ik. 3??, : " ' ( tard DT ba? or, every we.-k. we e.iiiie.t ff.-c rellev? the Buffering Bpasmo?dfC ?n?i unsystematic rffari Bill bul defeat food intentions. ?Condeneed milk is seod? ?Fifteen tbouonnd weekly will feed rvery ?starving man. woman, and child in uba. Small. Irregular spasms uiv oui.'. tantolkttng/' Uli: A E ASO SAI RESABED. 'he I? \???v ill?- >?'?s Orleonaai the \ l.r>.null Hie llluiiiv. WASHINGTON, D. ? . \i , r, h :i s ary ?Long loaned an orb r tu-?l,iy that h?- Am i/.onas. th?' croiser recen) 'haaed a' E<rw?caatle-on-Tyne from the Iraslllsn ?fJovernmeat, sh-iii hereafter ?? the mini'' ?.f New I n hon?>r if th.- prtaelpaU City ?>f Louisiana. Th?- ei uisi'i Abrouall !. le in bonot "f tie- capital of th?1 :m: In : \o Spnnlsli I ?met Report \ ? !. LONDON, Mir h 8 Tl a ?Madrid ? iOf it ol ti., i ?,,iiy m ;?i Mys: "Senoi ngssts, the premier, dectarea that the 0V< rum- n: I,.i < not I? ? ? Ivod Hie r? p.?it rom th" ?Spanish :. court on the laine disaster; thai no definite news has .m?' n m Washington m regard to the tatter, ami that statement? with refer me t" the fuit, 1 I i f liming an idemnlty ?.r offering t?> submit th" Maine ueetton to arbitration -.U" pura Inven sot,rni Besa the Qneern MADRID. Mareta -i. Ueutenani i.m!? t JoSM I'll Sobral. f.,t in, tly ttei ba p. at Wash igton, v i ail h ttai Q to?day. our Boarol f??r WaraalRe, LONDON, M.?r, i, mander Wll? til H. Brownson, t nlted States navy, ho la visiting Europa in th?- int. n- t'nit-'i s'il?-- Nav) i ?? paiiiiieiif. baa irte?i for ?France, to Inspect the ships hi? h .ir.- ?being built at La S. \ m- (op. lulon, "M th?- Mediterran? an.? f.,r r;,zii, concerning whlcl , gotl i uns bave been pr??, eedlng. ol It EELATIOSI WITH ?IPAfE. int ('?um resolana i Caaaaalttee Pre? i,i,?e.i by Oeaesal aVaselor? WARHINOTON, D. ?. ?March L'l.-Rep sentattre Wheeler, <?f Alabama, : trodueed in the ii lb? following ti : Ived, That a joint committee, insisting ?'f .-v.ti members of th.? .- !' appoint? d by the Vn | - .-si,lent, ami BeVCfl in? minis of the "i-. t.. i?- appointed by tha Speaker, ted to consider th,- question of r relatlona with Spain, growing out Cuban war, sad that ail meaaurea aetotore origine, or which may bare tor ?His?', from that ?pi? ation ba n rred t?? tin- committee; tint suck ti,tn:-tee i,,- authorlaod to a? i.s .in.i papera, ami t?, take eel < i administer oaths t.? witn<raaeo? that id ? ?miiiii: i.e authorised to employ and "n?' a st? ii" aphi r. and a mi d that aald mmiit.e report with ?is little delay aa -.sit,?,, til?- true eondltlona which pre II in Cuba, what ?portion ??f the Spanish burden upon ri renui m given to - and Aim rlcan Interests in the 'if ?Spanish Gov?trnment, and ? truth regarding th" Inhumanlti, o. ?ties which have come to our know!? ".- t! i - : ?, f - < > 11 i i L1 ami Othsr nniitt? . wiii :,]-., .,. omm?rnd to ion should ba taken this body. unite? sii.iii have t i :< p.,it at .i' V < . It \ll.\\ AI I OMMISSIOR. M in Supreme I iiurl Decide.I ? i.oxenioi- itn?>. ii Bastalaed. WASHINGTON, March B. In the it'.1 States ?Suprema ?Court to-day the !? ?f j. W. Wilson i . ib- s rth Carolina, is the r? lotion of I* ?'. dwell, was dismissed oo the ?ground t the court was wlfnout jurisdiction North ?Cnroltns to n oaova m? m ? of the Railroad Commission fr??m ;: nn?!' r tha I ' iw "f MR, and ; right w is sustain'?! l?v to-?l,iy'- ?l' on. i. Wilson was formerly chairman ol mi < "oiiiiiiloalon. sad was asna? riiy ?removed on the ground that bk Broad sto.klpil?!? r, contrary to law, aiul L. ?'. ?'aldw.ll Was appolnt in his otead Mr. WUaoo refused t?> ate, ami Mr. I'aMw.-ll bOOJSa B QUO rranto ?pro, ding ogalast nlm ? i titi. t., th.- ofaca, Tha ?State ,ainst Wil- OtiOOe, ami . \i?w was jT.i? really by .l.j.ision rendered to ?day, h?olding the t.,i ?Btatoa Court to be without jurta ion istioa Psckham, la dochtlns I I that as- the, "'I- ' I 'In-lvely a tf ?itlicc, tie COUri had J. il only with the question whether ?Wilson wsa deprived of any ri^iu raateed to him by th? Federal ?Don ation. He had not l>? ?'n s?> d??prtved, rdlngly the court was with., it - ii. tion. m ? a.s?' ?Uso Involved a proceeding, on motion of Mr. Wilson, t?. punish Mr. Iwell for oontosopt In procoodlsg tii??ii judgment of tha ?Statt eosn while r,i.-e was pending In the United es Court. This was oiSO dlSBBl .- gppSSrsd i'al.lwe, Of the fai't ?thai th- curt Sa. n cognisance of tha Contempt r^> I i 111'. ? . Fatal Plan ?? iiutte. i r;:. MONT-, March -i The ii ,. larga ?ihres story brick building Iway, us? ,i aa a lodging boardlng-heuea b) ?minora In the loy of thO Ana ?>ii la < 'ompaii}, WBB rely deatroyod ly a tir? which broke shortly after S;?-k this afft-r i. S?> far as known, two m?, n are I t'run) injuries received in JumphiK i windows, another is dying, ind Bty ate missing, while a OSnrch of ruins may disclose th>- fact that y transient loi", lost their , "Aycrs ,herry Pectoral ivetl my ?lttle pris' lives when they had hooping cough/' Mrs. A. H. BEEKS, Barnes, N. Y. HALF-SIZE BOTT1.FS. .,oc. Tl tri b. ' i n.i bli ba n, ?it an Sll Tl li te, k , !' Th lot P ? Hoi BT, ' II in doi v ilia oea ti"! ::i?! lie tan j Sh. M tali pas Pat I>r? the wat of ?lib tha ? i pla the cha i,lo? last fie. ratl ? as in..' Wit tnfi is a pie? Tl forr D? ed t and law: !- ! affS? aucl we?i thfi whb men con? ter. Dr lost moa tres can IN FAVOR OF WISE. HKIMIHT OK ?l Il-I OMMITTBE O* (i)\TKSl ISAlBST f?rs?. MINORITY GIYEN TEN DAYS? .indue Itnrk. of Trail?. Will Miiki- nn Able rresentntlon of I ?iiitestee'? Mile ? Knlciult l'ont innsteruli Ip I ?-.I.;? i bai e.? s Against It ail? >. WASHINGTON, D. C, March 21.-(8pe elaI.)--Thls wis private-bill day In the lion-, hut Immediately after the read ing of the Journal. It.'pi. -cn'ativ?- M? sick, if Michigan, halrman of the Sub-Com mittee of Blectlona Committee No. :?.. which has hail charge of the WhS>T?0Ung ontest from th?- ?Seventh Virginia Dis trict. rspo?rt>*d th, -" t?> the House ?favorably for tha fsattstsBt Judge Uurk. of TeaaSi the Iienio. ?ratio inenib? -r ?f tin' aub-coanmtttee, will now prsi u Saa minority report in fBVUT of j:?'pre tentatjva Young, and f"r this IBS minority lav?- ?been given ten ?lays, it is said hat the majority report wsa prepared of the contestant's counsel, a lormer Hi?hmon?i lawyer, now a resi st New Vork. The minority has a sii?u . fudga Lurk will make au al i'.n of Repn Foune/o aldi. rhl, h w iii have conoid? robla wi Ight, v? n with th?- K? publican im nil il'- House. > s slleged report ?s rolondnoue, ?-.?I shows th,. ?ar-marks of the former tlchmond lawyer above refSrred tu. Th" ,i uoder Bvo ?lifr- r. at I follows: "1. Bvtdenoo t..k?n at a number uf prc Incto i?? show tint th.- contestant re ell ' 'I ' lar?? r numb? r of V"t<-s than WOB ?turn?"l f..r him. "t. K\ i??. OCa :.'k' :i ,t a numb? r InCtO to show sieh fraud on th -u Oflct m as i otiip. Is tin ? "in litte to throw OUi th? ' I :i ?.-t alto ther. (. Evidence token ..t a number 1t pti - InotO to show that a lame number of qualified, present, and ry effort : their right : it.:m Mae, were hindered, delaj 'I ! : ?.In dOfaSg so. i. Evidence touching a number ??f pr? incto showtnii fraud ??n the pari of tin action "tiii'is m that their n , turns for ?conl In each than the |..,||,,ts Wbil It I m J id h' OH ? alb ! upon to | ; is fof "lit' slant. ".,. Fraudo aiijJ lrre?gutaritlea at a num r ol pre? tacto w bleb do not fail und? r '..'.iti'.IIS." OUR ELECTION law. Th?- Executive r?seommenilnUen t?> tha Irgtala l?sglalofura tasl Docessbn B ration of th?- law is .piiitcl ' foli?n "i i?-?.tfully recommend material I langea in our etecUoa laws. The pti it statute is by no fi.ans sat. : ' a vast majority uf the peoph' of i l Ion to !: is not confln? ?i ( * i any political |?aM>. The tat? -".' I ( m ?.? tlon - I 'I'e stlon, ?i and oui Bf la imp? ache?1. There ar?-, in ih<- ei i ting act, previstona which make fraud sy, ami t?ml t?> Ion upon i actions, as w? 11 as upon th I e a?t. it virtually dlafranchlsoe many ' ni opens ortdo the door for corruption "li'-sty." . report con? ludes as follows: "In ?air opinion tha rota of the Second [rj onnl Dlstrlcl al t'.i?- ?lection ol ivember, IBM, it' fslrlj received and anted, would show Dr, WlsCa ?majority is that whicii is here accorded m. Wo ate of ?the opinion that from a return-, the following should i?- de nted: Vote of t>tn precincts, a t forth. V',17; vot?. of fourteen predncta ?Above set forth. 1.7"?",; making a l,SB, ami tha' t.? the vut?- r.'turm ! for -. Wise sh.iul.l bO ?added au lie t" in ?fort] -four i ?ve s? t rib. of g857. Tiie rote at twenty-nine . i.'??. Bbould i.ictnded. Th?sss ^ from Mr. Young's and ad,li fts to I ?r. Wi-.'s ?rota entitle Dr. Wi-. his BOSt by B majority of ."..119." TH-ORP-BPES cask. In effort win i.?- iseda to take up the orp-EBea oonteat, from ?tha Fourth Dis? et, in th?- House to-morrow, but it is llevad this evening that II will be laved off" by th<- Intrcdueaion of the ral appropriation bill, and It hi proba? that none of the Virginia oonteota will ..,'..! upon until after IBS 1st ?if next .nth. Mr. BBSS has an exceptionally ?eng cas.-, ati'i h?, h a. hard-worfclng I ?popular representative, OBtoemed k?' by Republicana ?and ?Democrato. ii: iii:i< usa \th r?assembles. I'ri.ccc.ll iiu? 1)1 miwlcrl > from ? Ii - Slnrl. IFNNA. March H.?The Hei.hsratli r?' ombtad to-day. There was full at? of deputise, ami tha public ?jai ra Altad Rerr Fuchs. Catholic ,'s ?party, a Ident <;, itnan People'.,- part). the Pr? . i, tha ?'hristian s?'i-i.iiists, th.. ?Scheea? rs, an?i the So< i.ii ?Dem?crata ?li.i sot tldpato In the eh ctlon, and th incement of Il?rr FUChs'a oleotlon was ,-,.1 with shouts of "Disgraceful"; I i a' iriminal, and ought to I? laii"; "Hs belongs to the former presi lla] bur 'hile Heir I'llchs was Iliaklllu' his ugorai speech, Herr Bcboenerer un ataaiy ?lhoatod rtennnclatlona Mo is were afterwards submitted for the leachment of Count Hadenl, the for l'r.-mler. for I itiOB of the ruagO ordinance.*. \N \i M BBS AT Tan AC IDBMl . - i?. < ? r?i i k 111 > W/elaaaaad in a l'ln> l?> l'uni KpNter. a.latne .lanaus.hek surely holds th? uman of perpetual youth. Sh t?ad at the A i'1-my last njyht In il Kester's play, entitled "What osaa May Come," ned ker ~r many powerful scenes in whi? h sh" the COntrnl ligure showed no sinn We.'lklle-S or ?leerepitmle, W?11I?' til?' tleneea of her act ?piite ovsrohndowed : Of h*r ?roSBSjer associates. Dreaana May Cosse" ?^ a strong , full Of human int. r.sf. It ?grsspa attention in a lirm bold bscaooa tha nr> charaetoro of ti? ah an?l ?i. ami the artificiality ?from which night's performance w,.s not wholly ?lue in a great measure 1er feeble repr.s? ntatloti. thounh the was strong where strength waa . -ntlal. The play H >. tha ?tSeet of nperatltition and tha "f will on mln?l. an?t as such it n Interesting psychological study. Tha I Is well mount?'?!. 1?re will be matinee and evening per innceo to-day. 1 w l net th. wb ail ml mn wh I fro tell I.?? ai | q m ? ra 111! el.l ?if itoi Ma m . wi 0 BhS Uli? abl 'lie mu bul i ..Le it In I in?. cay is natural, b?;t It Is oft.-n baa y overtaxing the power?, by exceaaes, by various violations Of BBtUTe'S L The blood and nerv-'s beOOOM utm 'A and body and mind suffer extreme tlon. It has been, and is. by ?tiring cases aa these that Dr. Greene B t Fourteenth Btreet. New Vork city, -minent specialist, has won hi? f.irr?' h is world wide. Dr. Ore?-iie'? trent t and remedies never fall Y?>u OSS ult Dr. Greene, peraonaliy or b\ free. If you need a. physician 000 Ureene or writ.- hin to-day. It will you BOthlBg. He has developed th?. : p?rfest and wonderfully BBCeooofUl [m<-nt thro?l?h cr.rresp.iitd? -nee. He cur* you. ? 01 l.l'e ?Saal dut fon ver o? (?ill A i ut, C&*fmi Or^e^THE SIGHTS OF THE Q J CITY. Imported Dress Fabric News. With a comprehensive showing of more thanahun dred different designs in this group of magnificent foreign fVpKgi** textiles, we feel that the display is worthy rfig$P your consideration. Qfi JSSp These rich creations of French, German, fffli?fo and English art mutely appeal to you through tti^eVT tne'r unmatchable beauty, their perfect tex ? T?f?^ ture, and their appearance in general. W^fi\w Mark you, there's not any two of them alike. You are assured of their exclusivc ness. No other Richmond store can buy the same pat terns. We control them. Prices range $1, $1.25, $1.50 on up to the top-loftiest it $'^.75 the yard. A Selling of Shirt=Waists. Fright Color??! Importe?! Embroidered Swl - ?Shlrt-V. lettj < Iraatia. ihle coltara and cuffs, m eell f-?r one dollar and a naif. ?%Q?* Bale prloo . uttc rhe Chair A truly phenom Sellirnr. "ml' sa'?- ^?won ler. The price tags here tell a difTer i'iit story from those found in ? xelusivestores. Of many wor thy sorts we teli of two. lilt ?Chaira h>onastiy ?worth be lUtifuily trimme?l and rt< hly finished here at $ Porch and Cottsaa Rockers, Batural olor and Red, fte. you f-Hii't match i te m ? sisee bei, lastcr This is indeed wcl lillinerr ,/0,m> nrws- The ?peiiitlg. ?*? h;"'\ ? T 1 ? BBklng a hout it for ?in?' days past. Wednesday, Thursday, and riday will I)? OPENING DAYS. Rich .mil recherche creations Heading Paris and New York lilliners R ill he shown in con BCtiOB S/ith magnificent pro urtionsof our mvn workrooms. Vou arc very welcome. Come. .ad?es' Knit We have a Jnderwear. "|;Min,^centiine Kihbed Silk est, in Pink, Blue, and Cream, it Ii handsomely embroidered loulders. SBBg fitting, silk iped neck and arm holes. Price ic. Easily worth 7-,c. Knit Cndervi I ni-,i- d, Light Blue and l'mk H atripea, heavy lace trimmed n??k an?l ?les, 18? . Ie-Tnre id Vesta, In Solid-Black and Whit?', line It.-strip? and novel ty ribbed, silk toped neck and aaan 88c i } ?ine Rlchi lien ?Ribbed Vests, I n?', k aad araabolea regular 12 l-iv. ?grade, at Be, est Ribbons Of the 1,950 t a Quarter, y r d s thLat started the Hing huta day or twoagothere mains enough to last perhaps ?other day?enough todeserve ?other killing. Thuy are the guiar 7^ and 50e. Ribbons, hut iced by us 25c. the yard. 'here Ore U styles in the group. We toll of ?i fen -Inch Embroider? i B rip - and Tsffe 1-2-lnrh ?Side-Rend snip. Taffei Inch Lace-Strips Qro ft Inch Roman-Stripe Moire 1-2-Inch Bright Two Fa ad Satin Btripi ' Inch White Moire Taffeta, Intersect ing strip--,, quarter Incb wide, Black and colon, -inch White Taffeta, narrow satin edge and Battenburg-otltcb embroidered. ai.i. at gac. Tin-: yaim?. EVERYT I'll Kill I' < ?>!! > MFKT1XO. Mmri BeaatteB n.-?<.i.-.i i'BleSy <<> It?.iillne Work. !; SlOStlng Of Picket! ?'amp Isaf night i rery short, nothing hut routine bUSl? s h.diig transorttil Ctunoannder HiLh. laosi thai mp's Auxiliary. . . a- heing given another ball, had requ? ?ted tb : BOB I"1 a short one. ;,:,.| |n h this reajuBot, tha reo<tttns "l th' lutoa af the just moating, ami ?.tie.r ,.i preliminary ro?stlBe, was diap? h djataal McCurdy read an Inell l n i...- Camp, BOaa ??f Veterana, to at i th? ?.-,(?! by Judge W?allfOrda at Camp Bali? which waa accepted, and . iBlcatlon fr?;m th?- head? rters <?f th? Unfl rate \ .-t n*. announcing the death, SB the -4th in??, m ?QoBSslee, Tex., of Bsjof Qw I William if. Beyers, tate command- r the Tesas Division .?f thai <>rganiza i gad the opselntnaenl of Bt ior-(lcneral W. T. Men iw t, com ider of the sub-dlvlaion or tin South t to the Vacancy thus SBSSBS i motion, a committee of three, cn mg ?.f Comrade? KaaSlWOOd, Winston, was appointed to draft autt .ulion? on the death ?>f ?BSV. rgo (' vandt rs:i ?rhsalols ??f cams? ami ?Coooamndsr Ofhhe, botero ling thiin. took ofssiloa to briefly. touchingly, refer t?> tin- honored i ie r.flgiiatton of ?.' R. P. Smith, foiiahaoTor wm? reluctoattj aaeopted, ii.. ie Woody even going ??> far i ?? a request for it? withdrawal. Mr. th. h?'w.v?r. esptataed niai bi* oo thos.- of a n.. inhi-t of the pollco a of hi* dty 'Srora ?ach thai he wa? w..l.!??m able to bo at the m??etittga he cami?. ?;iu? fur this n ison, snd alone, he had mail? th? r? ?i???el. number of reports from Sick ? ?, for tha most part of on ?SV*? il t. w 111 (.'41 s lip if I.?' We intend to do the leading ?Shirt-Waist business of the city. We've made preparations for it, and will see to it that the lion'a share of Shirt-Waist buyincr will be done here. Raat Print Shlrt-Walsis. ma?!* of Oar i> r'? best p'Ti'al'S tatoSt initke. de tacbable co*. all th?? "catchy" spring colors, made to sell for 3Qs ?>ne dollar. *il" price . ?J^v. and Black ('neck Madras Shlrt Waists, witii il.tachable collar? of Ulack. Al?f>. Uann with ?OOf? lar? and cruffs of White. In R/lr any color. -rw? Percale, ?Trench Gingham, and i?awnf Shlrt-WaiHts, In all th- swell pluld and strip.?! effects, at fl.SO ?811 fU\ The Muslin 11 was Underwear 5ale. fo/ V" nate for you and us that the maker scijt us orders to sell at any price. You get capital bargains and we get good ad vertising. The pricings run something in this way : Th, ?'. ?-. ? ?owns at .'We. The UM Skirts at $1. rii" si.::. ?Cheaalua ol M The ?Be. Drawers at iWc. '!>? Be. Drawers .it .Ml? The 98c. CbTMt-Cwvi rs at ?Baa Children's Knit For the free Under-Waists. a n d e a 8> movement of he youngsters there's nothing io helpful as Knit Under iV'aists. Children's Knit I'nderwalsta rlbbi d, ??.???I and dursbl? . ISVfcc The "K. /.." Waist, mad? ? I i uniform? ly knitte.t elastic fabric, with tubular ?traps, thai support the panto, draw ers, or skirts, directly from th" ?houl d? is; wearable at a a; f??r children fr?>m 1 to 13 y, BSe. Stair Here's good news for tarnet. koBBskAjkaTt. Time splendit? designs of ngrain Stair Carpet. Extra ood value -good, serviceable olorings?21C. the yaid?should e 40c Seven very cbol 1 ?toi of ?Ting Tip."-ttS/ ?RmsssB -tT'*ic., rnst. 7:,". )tir $4.50 Such selling Metallic Bed. * f Metallic lieds is intii? ?I ew to Richmond. What other tore sells a White Metallic Bed t $4.}osuch as we tell of here ? me PoUohed-Braai Trlmm?d ?Yalta h'namclled Iron Iteds, with Woven wire ?prlngs! can tie put up an.l taken down In a moment; eaetly folded; spring ar..l bed fit p? rl B; look like (10 bed?, tl 80 kerf :OUr Lots Of The salo embroideries, started at a lively pace esterday. Crowded counters ttest the values offered. IA>\ l-Th? r.gular fe Lmbroidertaa at Jc. Lot 2-The regular 8c. Km broideries at The regular ?Jon, LmbrolderUa at Ba Lot ^l-Tho 1 EmbrolderiM it FVERYT ar nature, were made and thfn ths mp adjourned, after having been la ??ton b'it little over twenty minutes. ) ? .-...?.. i? and llrlefs. Uis. W. J. Johnson ha? return-'?l to e city aft'-seun absence <.f four months, d Is stopping at the Mt. Vernon. rhere Is u ?pedal meeting hel?! every k at I ?'?lock Tuesday afternoon at iphzlbati Home tor -jetting forth trutha ?ring r?f?ren?a t?> tho i^aiing pf dts ?ie in answ.r to prayer The home is at eaet Maiii wirt-ft. [hr. I. If. Go*?, of Athens, Ua.. whose <n under treatment nt the Ht. il .! . left with his wife and ughtiT for horn? yesterday .norning. ?. Goss I? much bsnoflted by the Mitaient received at th? hoaplt .: ?a is a cousin of Colonel John V. a of the clerk? in the otile? of ?gas idltor uf 1'ublk- Accounts. lit? liiiiondi-r? In V?'%? Vorl.. ,'F.W TORE, Match ? j. Wilson. Jr., St. Dent?, Mis* 11. ; . r. Ijdorf; K. II C ?wan, M A . own. ifof?man A ? uni ir.gham. <A nningham. Imperial; <;. Watson and f?; Aah'^nd; C. W. Tanner, Muntnuiao. II? M,|,|,.,i t p?.H a Taek. Ir. If, W. Haslswood Is quite 111 st bio til.-n? . un Church Rill. He stepped Ji) s nail In his bedroom recently, and s full length into his foot, ?nd I? nOW Unable to Walt. WHO SU?* ??.at iron |W?W ! ? *. Mnnuatw, ??> \ '?dakMUisaeaila'StY^aiaaaal w**i. , .tutu?? Are You i 111 UT / (>u n^sfst-aul::< V S v?*? <**Bi M" ** *** '*? Vtaad ^*? -^ and a ?rose serve-???????:. Soff's; ImuiMon^ t vj.>,..?,*mtu.?Jiiakt, ???th? tiwu?aaj??d?MuaUMH??tas ?una 1 Hot ?tiki ?if dim. line ?m bfr