Newspaper Page Text
.____ THE RICHMOND DISPATCH-TUESDAY. MARCH 22, 1898. E m ."?n i .-?' w .?ara'*. SAT1S1 ACTION^! Our Best Vilvor?MMiirut isa ?.,1 isfi-rtl < iiHtnnwr. .? STOKIKS. your friend ? ixls ami ?prioM stro STOKIKS. |fc|,i,oinis.\i.i-:si\ om: WEEK :? ?! foi ;t ?_i'oco!'v sioiv. : - do wonder, considering we hive lo sell, ?n-.,! the ,il st think or it : i Finesl California Pi .11 Ii? b, full three-ponnd i .?.1 these ?goods oos1 $_ ?it : -i j we ?o?. closing out per can, ?it 10c We l??ve other 1 ?i i_r bargains, oannol spare as ti? ?ulvt'i't is?-. \\ ? i-(?ul,l this a hole side. HI I? I I) II VWs VM? ll\? OV. . ; on thia \ lr world t ft? lit. ?tin ti it i m. IBJEB1 in . US ten, H w m only cost, IR/? . 1JU I VMM V I I 111 It. . per hnrY'l i van. $4.50 Butchers' T?ir?l. per pound. ' nee . ,.,. k. 5c. . w?1. : i - , Rp . wu vP . f* :. i r fir? . "v. ! 11 d . 8W** 1 . 1U"' 1flr r?r. lul/? ) I ' iea, white t(|p 10, ? cans . 1VU 10 otlchs Electric Ifln . 1UU air ? vv? ?POTTED B VM on >Li? in i DECKTE. Iflf for . lut'> . and Ging' 1!? Rp Pippins, In 4- tflp . *"" 10p . lvlj' in 10- QRp . with han : uuu 9 ?P . LyJ[" s Import) ?l Ollv Rp ly ?jflp : . IUU fill? . 1Ut? Mix? d . < n iriiiiM v i.v \r??n \ i i n ri vi iii:s. California ORp Apple? ORp . ?M? 10c. 25c. 85c. $1.25 5c. 5c. Finer i State ? ? ; I . untaln Rj a v\ h 'i . 51c i im ?i ?.mi \ TIBOI HV Mil'. of this ! Kj- Rflp . Wt* , miK i; W BS1 ni\ I ..N..-III. VUI. TivioriiY. 60c . uul/l ' . sad Ry< Wal 7Rp . ,u Whiskey, I C?j OR d . fueii ly, ?-r CQ? . ' - quart. OUC. F"anHij ' rK'- i ' '' fie. Billy Hour, 3Q(j I . ' P Im Soup . yuu ? ) . I VI. I'HIt l> TO , i \ imAB ,. : 'phono your num i v..;, r tea mln? the time the uid? r II pul BD. D. 0'SULUV.AN, ?i^hteenth and Main Streets, Richmond, Va. ,mh i'.?.*.a,Su.TuATti>_] vs. w i i:i?. N'G MAN. A ! IKNIS1IK1' ? locality. ' vv ^ i : i?. G Ml.K.MAN' AND WIFE, TWO , ?IWe. _ - VV VV I ' I? ,'i, r m K.i order? h .n?t- r west t W VVIl'IJ. , Wheels, which we build Ho un te li-o .\ns__ LiOlKSIgJ ' * *?*?}*}J? ..... thaE.a?^:^W^ ..t? . . Return *??, h,J,J ffi~ ?v.r * _.n.l??.r?.o.. ThlUa*., la. <j> l-Tii.Su&Tuly)_ AMtMEMKSTS. v? vni'vtv OE Bl Mi IfONDAT \N'H TKKSI'AV. MARCH -" ' A-N" --',' M VTINKK 'i I KSDAi MBttfij .1 VN VI >? iieK i; ru.Ml'ANV 01 I'l 4Y1 ! lu vviiVT BBBAMS vi iv COBusV* imh ??10 .._ o?d oawn toJ ?* uwdl?a SSaegj JAKE ANDJT1E TRAM Vl" Miw "?"?"KVIVti U- ty T||K TOW> ok CTIVHI.OTTE. a mi ? j? L.DS. Tho Prn,?o,..VV?rk Indlcnte? ?.?nt "' III,, ??? ,,?.,.,. in Urnt Kn "".,-n'? * *> M,.? ir<. >Iollt P'easlalaa? N;;i-',n^ ?. C, March 21.-(S,? ?*r Wen, .,,,,, tweie. ?r the ?? arrived her? hut night, ?ndar ,|:' i!?e,M,,.ai. rourot " sbotd, Lotenberfl Bpsrhe ?=h?HH a,.- v., ,? .?,,, ''"', ?P"" ' The club took its flrat ' 's afternoon at Athletic Parh aaed to I,?- In "' r u,liter's r. st. If the by their ?lay's p.;,, Rlehmond l-uhiic will have hS alarmed ,. ,?, Ihnl will i. pr< ? ?it m.'m. TI i ' earnest Efeoo .md ?Ua tWO CStChers, t.>.,k turns Ivlng at th.- plat- end throwing t?. ?second. HtHi ?both appeared t., i?? ?ball? sense <?t the word. 'I'Hi; NEW PLATERS. by was at s.-.',,ml. ami BtlOWl ?1 ii|, a all aa bs do, s .-,, igort Klopf * moaotrated that h. is a ?splendid autn short, and Ehuvdon's praotlca vrork at third is simply great. w.-iis and s-. dele took turns ai Brat has.' in i. burra absence. Kan, and Bari 1 <>M-tlmc ability, Which Is all ta ,t can i- Baked tor, and the ?amount of ground that Crosier corered in ?ton and "-!? In which h?' did it stacks ?highly ' - his future. ( ),? Ma... Stiininell. and Connlff t.?ik turns in tooolng th.-m ap for IbO i?'?\s ti? bat, anil all seemed In ex .1 lenl form, though Manager vwiis ?foes not allow th.-m t.? let thSnaoulvea oui and show their speed. The Richmond public ki ?wo stimmen an?! Cheebro, ?and Con n?t, the y??iiiii? left-hand.-r. will, ti?, doubt. himself fell in the i? aajui. Th.- all ai?.ami practica w??rk \?IK rely ?snappy and enthusiastic, and, as n whole, to work was eery ?satisfactory to M,m .ie,r VV.IIs it ml thus?' who witnessed th? practice. '. nit ?Sppa acoousjonleo tire team, apendlng a week here for recrea? tlon. it. H. CgVrLBTT No more. Thlo BsBdaewi Btaaataa ?Lawryee Dies V ?-nterdiiy i:??-ii|iiK. ?STAUNTON, VA., Barch 21.?(Sp"mi ) Mr. Richard Henry Catlett, one of Btaunton'a mofel promlneoi lawyers, cap?? i opt ratons, ?ii..i at his home this evening of Brlght'a Mi. Catletl woa born In F-uquler county 7" yearo ago After an education in the leal s'h?"?is h?' studied law at the celebt kenbrough School ?.t i.? xlngton, and th.n began the practice of hla ?profession. At the outbreak I war he waa adjutant and treasurer ol the Virginia Military Institute, . no waa In Intimate ?relationship with "Stone wall" Jackaon, then a profei oi at the Institution. Kntering the Confed i e, Mr. I'ath'tt was made stat? Ofa neral John Bcholo, his autMts quent law ?partner, and dOring th?- oloalng Of the war was ?lift of . tall' t?? k. K? mper. in IhB ho tbe practl?.f law hors is part? net of tha Arm of ?Schlols, ?Bell ? Catlett, and enjoyed an extensive and lucrative ?business. Thirty years ?sao. with k?een ptlon, Mr. ?'atletl foresaw the I I vi? Virgil . to cut In the Iron and coal trade ?.?f the future, He Invested largely, and became a wealthy man. Through his footramentaEty mil ol northern money were 'nv : end oonl prop, rtli a along the peake and < >hto rraUroad. ?Lsrj? ly to hla efforta is due the estobllshmenl < !' the Low Boor furnaces ?and tha dev lop? of the ?Flint-Top coal-nelda. He i. .i with < '?His P. Huntington in the ?reorganisation of the Ch?asap, ika and < ?hi" ?railroad. HIS KAM II.Y CONNECTIONS. Mr. catlett was twice married, hi a Miss Patton, daugbl * of i ?r. w. K. I'att.iii. an eminent rurgron In the KnH'd stat.s navy, and a : of Mis. John R. i oose, of Richmond. By thia marriage there were two ?sons Br. Charleo Catlett, auperingenoenl of th? New-River Coal and Coke Company, and Mr R. H. Catlett, Jr., a prominent young lawy, r of tins city. H* ?second wife v Bit i K.niui?' Oay, of thla city, who aurvivea him with four daughters. Mr. ni.iiii,' r of Trinity Epis copal church, and was a vestryman for -. . IP ?rea o man of flne ottalnm, nts, modest and ?retiring, and did not court popularity, bul his sterling worth cosa ?ii,a the ?regard of all who knew Mm. Many rove?* ":d,'; lw,M A[n,{,[ him ,l . warm fri? nds. He ,. Q 0| e. i? roue, kindly feeling ?a of iiis esni |?v? liberally In ; a . . ntatlous wav. wreferring thai left hand ohould noi know what the ?righl The run? i wiM '"' '" 1'1 v*'"'~ . ;,, 9 A. M- at Trinity church, d nl will i?,- at Thornroeo Ceme BBJPLOTHBMT WAXTS. VV VNTI.O. IPPRENTICE GIRLS- NONE BUT ,!,,V .: w.a- need apply. Mra, B, W. ? ?SKY, N<>. 3OT ? ast Broad strgi t. mh --' _ VV WTIill, AHITE BOY. NEED NOT APPLY mless well ?recommended. Mrs. B. \s. s . so. e"7 east Brood street. _ VV VM'KO. \ OBNT1 BMAN OP GOOD ADDRESS, r outside salesman. Salan W Pet : ?- . , !. art Apply. 8 to |0 A. M 4 t.? 7 " M ?8t Clair Hotel. ALEXANDER , MM"--tL WASTBD, >\ ?BXPEHIENCED COLORED WO i,a,i as dining-.m wrvanl and cham irrrAald. Apply aj thla offlc? SALESMEN OR HIOH-GRADE SEED8. PALMS ,:i, \\u,',i-. s. -k Highest commlo ion? md salarl? s. Buperb outfit? free. ' '' , ,kk BROTHERS COMPANY. mh 17-Th.Su&Tu?J Roch? liter, N 1 W ISTBD. i BTRST?CLA8S COOK. ALEO, A .,,,.,,.ie Housemaid. Referoricea r? ., ,,,i Apply from I to 11 A- M , ?.r ?. ,, 1 1- VI al Bo. n BSYth -^Ixth street. mh B-Itj_ -" V\ A > T BD, ;Y A TOUNO MAN. A SITUATION a wholesale Brm to travel. EJ1I cork on commUslon. Kan furnish ?test ,f references. Address N. < -. core PlO itch oflce._ " ". a-TuaTh:'t'_ w tvri'ii, N A W HO LESA LE CLOTHINO Salesmen f??r Virginia. .N??rth nu?i buth'Carolina. No one need applj un . Kperieticed m tbe road ?J? that ?nd hnvlns non an establlohrt hwt-Ofnee ?Boa JL ?Sal ?ore. ".lh --" ll1-' vv \vm:o. V WIDOWER DESIRES A OOMPE WbO wants :, I"nn.. .m bons*, aa Housekeeper and reacher ,r small children. Addrfao Bob B, Vavi ,lx- Vil- _ . W A8TBD, ?aOOO COOE AND LAUNDRESS -,,, woman without encum ,.,?., Qood wag??' R?f?renc?e rs m:m r,n<\>- av.'W"'' tab B-ta VV A?TBD, MltST-CLASH CCJOB- ,A,,1,;,'V BS geen w ami i si ?> ^ith Hossa m urth i'ourttviith Itfeet mh a-n* SKINS ON FIRE Skins on fire with tortv.rinjr, diaflpirinp, itching, linriiiinr, hU-ollina ?caly, ami plaspty humor?, BBNSBttf NMSObb bf a warm hath with (T ti'ika KOAKja ?intilfi application of t'iTici ka (ointment), the (jnHit ?kin cure, ?ml a full d'Mo of I inn lu BJaO-VSSrl. I?,Ufhotitth.wnTld.PnTTFii D.?iC.''oir,?.''i?i Pr..],? , IL.?lui lli.?4nr,ur.To?tuiin? HuBiftn." fr?.. R?RYS ?KIN ',c,:!"}n'.! ,ii???'rir)fl.?i t??! B?? tif?Ml by ? fu?'?? !><>?r. STOCK MARKET DOLL HIMI.K? TIliN Of? m,| up um) m>|. rv i ion OTBB CUBAS m BOND MARKET ALSO DULL. Barney ?m Call lhmy?PferllWa I'x eataagae rinmr- vv ii.-m simn. in. ?I?' ' hniini?| orn Mrm-tliit?. V.l vasaoo Eae a ?al sao ?Dali? NEW VORK, M..! h j The only feature discernlbla In t.?-?lay's martlet waa its dttfneaa, This ?iui was th, enact n Bei tlon, bow ever, of tho .?"uta ami hesitation which prevail in all financial <ir <hs over the n.xt week's probable <>ut ooma <>f the Cuben ?situation. Then a limited volume of ?salea f"r ?short a?-. oounl at it.penlng, whkh resulted in Sharp .le.'lims t?> practically th.- low l'oint of the day. Tint.' WOT0 lower prices mail- m ?some few ?stocks later, in the aimlesa drifting <?f the ?market. Busl le-- waa ?however, aim?,.- aaognunt ?after th?' opening until near the ciboe, when there was a ?sharp rallj in prices, oppa ?rently due t?> the rebuylnj "i st??cks s.?i,i at tt.?penlng. There was no spirit or animation in the tally, however, and prices drifttd downward again at the ? lose. Th? r.- Was only a small volnni?' of BtOi ks Offering all ?lay. hut th?' ?hinainl thing, n-! tbe thiit pria are lowea ail around, I r, aching a point in ?some of the 1, ??ding .--i" claltlee. Thi i?- ;- ? \ ery Indication ??f a large outstanding short Interest in the market? bul in i e of th. ?possi. billtlea <>< tiie present outlook this Inter In decUnlni covi r. It is tbe ?prevailing belief that early de velopment ilngton will Include the report ol the Maine Board ? ! In , ami the ?Pi that ami Cuba. This k? - | ,,iit of th?; market, ami ?m tbe other hand, the shoi t Interest warn:. 11 i. . . to pi.'i with caution, ti.ivsequence i- ?semi? itiun, ?such as waa witnessed t" day. Buch salting as there waa was at? tribut, 'i to W ishlngton ?account, ami th- !? v.aa aome a Hing also bj large in dividual operators. London was seller, I "it ie,r t,i a ! nt. Tin- \ stocka and bond -i ol I a abort ?m?', ?the market ?being narrow. Bterll tied slightly t" day, and no engagement was announced <?f ?'??f! for Import? The outlook hero fa ash r m? n? , , on account of th.- ?gold Importations already arrived or on the way. Hanks an- n,>t yet disposed t.? make thue loans, and < th.- buy ing "i ? "nun' i' lal j' i|" t ,- also mai. ? The him?! market was mi a rorrespona in? scale ??r dulneoa with stm-ks. and i ? w : glow? r. Toi ?. United Btntea ?new I's were i - ii lower, .?ne Hi,- old l'a " ?jiaten d, l-t lower, while the "i?i is. coupon, and tbe go were i-- IiIkIi ar bid, The tots! sah - <-f atocha wi re 11 abures, including Chicago, Burlington, ami Qulnc]. : 'I [jou in.- no,i Nash rille, r,.:')?); .Manhattan. 7.B?H; Metropolitan Street Rallwaj. 11,11!?: Noi tb? m Pa pr?fet red, I BZ; Si ?Paul, 8 I; Union Ka mi.', I1.8K; Sugar, BLMi MONE1 AND BXCHENOE. :t 1*. M. Moaey aa call easy at ?n-i.i ! .<: i?~t loan, 13-t; prime m? i - cantUe pap? r, i i-?' ) '? M pet cent ?t' run?.; exchange firmer, wllii a buslnesa in bankers' billa at M.M?H.B 1-i man?! and M-81 l-iu?i.M 1-d for slat) ?lavs; ?posted ?rates, M.?2ilH_! 1-2 ami M.85 1-:; ?-"111111' i. i ?I billa M-B '-I'' <t " i Stiver certificates, Mexican i:.. Qovernmenl ?bonda weak. SI I dull. Railroad bonds i si'? n'Ks in I.? iNDON, Th?- ?Svening P saya: The atock marketa her- were llfe ,.,? t. at ir? ' to-day. Am??ri ana were atagnanl ami dull, ?pending th, port ?ai ih-- Main,- disaster, aso tha dis closure "t IT? ltd? ai M? Ki!il'\'s plans re gardlne ' hiba. Artoltrag? k> ?- i?"?k . when it o mar jins, hm otherwise there was no auppori i,,? Americana Bpanlafa ra were w?sak. Brasil wt re ti it, th? I the low, il a i.rd. The Indian bud?yet was i, ,., r than anticipated. The ?i, chne in P,-,.,,, i, . v. m it ige la bell? n d to be ?partly ?jue io bj mpathy with the fall ol her? . and ?partly t<> i he the Kunk ??f l-'iam ? is ?parting ii freely with >- "'"! iskW kOBKBTUCS QO0TATIO8B ait Mocas. Stell!??/?. ?-oneSa?')-! wan >/? . i) Hsu aon, proterred. Baltimore ?.uj o..\i . ' M laiiaui? i'*-ia . . "' : auaua .southoia. "' ontrol i'aciOc. * USassnaaaT --* ""-. . ,* MX*?? au,: A mu . . -.? '-' CU'.c??o, DurnuDi?!m i V naey. JfWJa L'bl.'sgo ?at tSMtorn llhuoia.i a. C ?V. ?al st. I. ais. '- -, Cti.C.aBd at. farms preforred. 8 De'ttwarc and lludaon.|?jj D?.iRwar??. lytt'-aiwratinivaiiJ We??ern. i 0 Lx-iiT^r huit Kiooraoo?. ''* * ? Uetterauil rtio?iri?aie, pr??erruJ. 44 ?Vie m*?).. .?.- . '*M trir iuow . loi arei?rr? ;. 04 ?>ort Wavup.''?i Ureai-Nortueru, proierreu . i?_ ia. ....^ v (tuey .^ . u I liDOis ?'?iutnn. ?I* L?a?-n? 004 ?v*4iern .18 Ltt?o tilt-ana Wi-'i-ru, preterr?-d.. . 88 I.?te >!ior?.18.?V? uouiiviil.? and .Nashville. *^ 'ii Manhattan 1.1''? Meii.iuoiuaii ivacttoa. ' 'Mi aichleao ?.'?nirai. .l*-i<, M)iiii????/t?iili 1 ">t. I.'iai?. Xe|| Lloosen!? onost. t.oui? lat urorerr?j? 84 Ml ?ouri i' . 88 iiobilcandHU'o. "' Ui??ouri t?. ana 1. "'?4 Bioanan. s ob?! i? ?yesssrred . "?m Sew Albaiiv aim? L>\>nt<>. vewAlbaeroadCBIoagO urnferrel. B4 n?.? J?r??v i-.uurai. '-'U-i Sew i ora ueatrai.l?08fj Sew v ara? uaieoee mu oa. _. Il 1 Y.. v hicajto ?u?i >i. 1- is- nrerrtrred... n?4 s. f.< I'liii'sso *uu?i. u '.'J tirt-jerret.'.'1> ??ir.l western . . |1M feral American Company. ? -h <? rtl)?rii ra.'itlc." I ? \? rtliern fsoint jrei?ri??J.... .,1 k n.tart? au?i Wo?i?ro._ J-tu, ) ?-noi? li- ??ii'l >av.m. 441? regon xtxou Lta*. . '-' ?'>, lttaours. 1 s loadlos .-~--. . I?8B iocLiHiau?!. . .. 88|| ii. Uiui? and pom Kran *-??..- 61? .t. l.ouiaaod *ian Kiauc."'o l?turet. ??Va t Loett ?n i san ?Traaelaeo M aaeft. tl DuPeai. hi>Si Sl.faui o.-*>etr?:?. I : . .? ?l.i'auiaDdOr.iAtia . .H% ?t. faul and Omaha, uref erMd.1 ,<j .1. I'aui. 8. BBS 8. 181 outbernl'aolQj. l?fi ,NgW t ORS bTOCR ?COTATION? ( liMilnE Btoek? K>ut?ierTj. -51 ?ouibem. ur?'ferr?<l.?.wm -"** leia?racinc.'.. <*J4 r Dioo Pagine. 60*1 l.r.D.endO.,. ?*i w^'-H-t. > - '.'n-. 111 iviv.?a * 'i ftiiifi.. 't. Koul? in ) Pactflc. pr?tarreo.. Il ?i,..-;ii??',i wi? Kile. >'-. fVbeeiis?: sod ha Se Sri? nr?f?rr?l. ???t Kxrasxi covpahibv Adam? Fxprew.101 A m erijan Kipre??.188 l nlteo?tates Bxereea.M. -; ' Well? rani"-ipree?.Hi mSUIXANIOU. Arowtoan ?Vottou Oll . \(\^i Amertcaii I utton OU pr?fWred. 071* A ni ?r lean spirit?. ?La A ?nerii-an "?pint? preferred... ?< Aii.i'ii? vi 'I'obac'o Co.'. i'fiH I A?n?-.n48i ToliacwoCo. preferred.1 Kl I Chi-?Kl Ua? . ?i?4 j Consolidated <.a?.1.94 Corn t I? ?ompany.tes. ,)it.,I,0 i Col. ?"nel&I. _...'. 1"^ ! IB General Kleine.I ?"l? ; Illiiioi-Hteet. 4"> LaciaOo woo .- il UadTraar. '-'"tt ! I.eau orwiorreo.......lO-'l National ;.ln-e.>l ?Ml.>. 18 "ieir>?tiliiian?Teiaant <.'o. V"?v? j PaciflcMait.... . i:t*? ' l'uhtiian fata.;?.170 siUeri ??rtitlnte? . BAffj Mandar?! Itopo and Twin?. ^>4 A m ?ri.-n r ?)u?ar rcannerr..11 ~\ A'ie-r,,?an Saga* Keflnirr, nret...107 T. C. and Jron.10H'4 I . B l.eitti'T. M liaeC preferred. B8M i . s. snober. mv% I . f>. ku fiber preferred. H'-v ? ? rnlinion. 8.v*i NoaiBwao?ani. .11 ~re Northweotnrn. rir.-r??trp?t.17;IV4 m. Loaissad Soothvestera.-. * st. Kann ?m! South wwHtera lut preferred. ''' * KtoOrainle and Wintern. 2-t hlot.ranile and We.'ern. pretorrel. 84 l liti-aio ? ?r < (? t U'?HMTI. 1**4 Hawaiian ('?.uitn'-ri-ial Oompsay.. :,7a. h-ailing lut preferred. BSSg 81810 ?LIST. t'nltedStata? 4'*. now. registered.ISIU I oued g ta tOO ?Ta, new. coapon-?.1211^ I Ii'.led M nes ?t? r??K??lerel.lU'.i-Vi Uaitso si.?''.a ?.'-? United Ststw ?TaooupoB. ggC Uslutd States ?'?* reKistor?) i......til ( lllt?-,| Stolen .". 1 ? .HJ!.?'!!-! .Jll l)i?trii'i:i ,Ij? .?I?l Alabama (C'la?-s \.l?7N4 Alnliama (Clans hi.J07 Alaterna fia?? C)....... M Alabama Currency. Hg At!-b!".?ii4'?. Si,4 At, hi?on ndi. 4 ?.. . B7?S| < miada Soutneru 'i ,i4 i . | V P.,t r. ?*. gftZ < lie?aa.eaU" ?t Ohio ,V?. I \\\U^ C. II. I O, -i'i'i? ...(o!7??re?l)l<i4?fi I D-nterA IL ?). lata.?OM^ ' l'en ver IBBi'l. .* i: H i i %et reaaeaoeo loto.?o.'ii?, Krirt /. n,?ral -i i. nnu 1 W. a O. loto. t. r. bou 1 "-i ? r.n i.le.'trl .i m.|?;l i?. 1,.a a v. ?>?.....ios g. It ,t S. \. ?,)?.10:1 ll.JC'I. Central Vs.(OfTeredil 10 11. O T. central ?sea ,;'*. lio Iowa c. i*t*.ido h ni, san I'a'lfli-? ?n ?'.:-.. t. r. .l')D4 usa.Pao tala (vea uto.\ t. r.1:1114 Loniiiana tiew?'oitso!s. 4's,.loi I.. .v N. I'fll. 4|. KO MiHDOuri i??.100 M. h. I.'.M?. ahVf? M. K. T. 4?...-,._. ?1,4 Nsw York Central ist? . New Jarees Ceaual ??"a.lis ^|?r,I! uorottaa > >.1 ::, Norm ? arotmai'4. ?n.l Nnitberii i'aciticist.(?offared 11?? Nortueii?'a -me -. s. .-,?.114 NorthernPBciSe 4'a. ?.'|i4 .n. Bt U4*a .i??:t Norfolk ?sud ?y est era i.?. its Ni,rtiiw"sterii' ''?in.ll*. iifTor?-?l 14 4 NorUiw "f?-! i- leo. ? h.IJo ??M'^L'U Natigettou 1st.its Oreaoa NsTtgatlau 4's.m ?? a lAoeO'a. t.r.j?fti ? ?. S. ,.ii,,.., .. t. r.. . offure.ji Wr? O.lmprot?ment i?ti, t ? ?. liBonarement '?'a, t. r.. .,:t Portai ??'(*of ?? ?.108 Keadutsa'a. . sj It. O. W.Isi?. ijou Ht. !.. 8 1. IL eonaol >'?. si)-* M. I. ,t S K. ?,'s,.117 st.l'aui t'enao?a .-..1411 m. r. 1 .aF. ist-.. .1 ik S_ Paul G *1\ <?,. .114^4 beataera Ksmws??V?, .. us Standard Kotpe and Twlne ira. 53 renaeeeeo if>* si>t:iein?>nt .Ts,. .h? 'lexasTai-ida 1-?.. Ihi??. miu lex?, l'a 111 cregtatere ij j. g| l . r. n | Uulf ist?. ,-,4 Wahasti 1st.>'.?.... .10?"t \Snl,;iSti fds.^.i4 w.-s, siior? l'a.lo7?.s Vlrsriala L'isntaries.. eii Virginia deferred. 1 Mol it? and Un 10 4'a. 7:t4 Nortoik and a/estera ooaooi 4s. -.?.i Nurtolksad Wassers i?r.-t ?tock. 4 - MKJ8MON0 filo ;B ma< I ' r. KiCfiinN,', March ', ;. Il f?. ooritaNMKNT n : g t usa kij. ?eaea KDlte1|St-ites 4?, l?t)7. 118 STAi: '-' I l?S* North Caroflaa ?1. 104 Nortta Caronas (Ta. 188 vtraialaS'a osai.- 17 7??i rug?alateatury. us ?.s** ctr\ ascua?*? ? BkrbiBoed ?Ity a'*. -.. i:t|? 'attoaaaoad <Wt?r o'a. 118 Kichmon.l ?Jlty "? ?. Ill ... ?OnsmoBS Ttitr la. ?04 i{a]!k<mi) ssssa Atltiiua and t'n-iriolt? Ht 7 1. .. 11!) Atluuta an l Cnaruite ?'I'd la. Sa . ...? l(?2V? ... t i,ar ..?.??i .v Aug. 8d ?n... .... - 183 Ueorguv.eeeta?ara8SlortSO ?"* 100 1UIV4 Polarsi uni " i?asa Al ?>'-. 118 ... reteraburif ?CI??? M? d'?. 1"' Klt.m aid and Meca leu bur? Hi (Ta. *'' Soutien' < i i?v ?v. Int..?. 88 UeorgiaA Alabama pref. a'.?. ... 103 ItM ?.. ir^ta ami AlSbaOBB eOOSOla. ?7 rtk'bmond 1 rs??uoa ?'? -.. U'">V4 ... .Ni.riolk and Western lat in,,rt. ? ? ii. I per cent . 7!) 80 Itiu.KOAP . roi k-. l'ar. Atlanta and ciiarlotte.inn SB North Carolina.100 ISO .. Norfolk and Waaiora prof.. 100 88 47 loura.100 1 K? U . 1 .-m ? r. commoa. . .mo IvtO ISO Kirimiiiii.i. ?PredertcXaburg ?MOfotooaaediv.ooiissu/a.100 ... 118 Hl?tilli,U,l fill 1 I'oiersi lire... ?? < 11 7m >,,a.."vn liai.way. oral. 10i> :.'?! rn It'iliway. ? oiiiiiiuii.. !?),) ; M, ni*and Alabama, tared '.".?i, :n Georgia aad Alabama osot 10)4 liv^ ??Mi sroosBi OlUaeoa a-cbaage. 88 ... '.'"'., NotioaaiBsBhof Va. 100 101 lud burg Savings and la aaraaoe Oooapaay.10 :i4 .M, s, nrtty.too lo7J4 .... -tut?- Baas of Virgtata.100 kik I ii 1??ti hank of Iti.-luii.jinl ... .'?0 114^ ^iiMiigs Kank oi lti'.-binond.. '?*t ?7 ' '>& ^fOVBABOS COMfAnibs. Virniuiar'lreaui ?laria?.... '.'"? .?4 H4V? Virginia .itat-j . '- > ... SB Mist Kl 1 a s sor* American Tob?ceo Conijii uy /yr-lerred).100 III Aiu.-i 1 -un I ?j ?- a>0 -?up my ( ? uiu'.-u). .. M M tit v 1.-1 nroUnaChemtcJl i>rei. mo I07M 118 Va.-CiuronBacnamlaaleoos.100 .... a7 'inio'.atioiis am for bond? maturing in not lees'than t?'ii yssm. QBAIN AND COTTON ?BXCHANQB. mond, \'a.. Mai? h B, t.iti'ins: rry, Be. to .?i?'K mixed, :?:? . to $!."!: Bbortberry, Be. 01; ?o. I ledi M "i. Corn?Whlta Virginia, beg Iota B t? Ml-fc.: No. -' white, M to :;#i-:'?.; No. :i white, &". l-:' t?? No. - mixed, BI-3 to Be.; No I mix? I, 38 t?. ttl-fc. ?'a'- No. .' mU'd, :;! 1-.' to Be; No. ;? mix?.!. :tl t'. :!ll-^c; ?inter ?seed, ?> to 4?m-. Rye?No, u, .'?7 to Mc. _ K.I?TIM,?NI> TOBACCO BAEKBT. Richmond, Va.. March B, UM. Private sal? s to-day were h follows: Wrappers, t b?Wshea?ls; Oilers. 4 ?ioks heed?; cutters, " bonheada; leaf (<l?rki, ,, hogsheads; lu?-.?, ? bogsheaula T??t.ii, 37 hogsheads. United States lnternal-r?-y?-nue ro'l.e ti?.ns for th?- city ??f Richmond. Va.. t?> aere: Tobacco, *.:..'.'.?:.::,. ??gar? and itt?.-. 14.00.71. Total, I7.H?-IS. u V?'arehouoe will ?Save a break of !>"th bright and ?lark ?>o-?B?orrow. Messrs. K. 1.. Dibr?41 and I'at. ??urman, , i I'inyill?'. w.-re callers on the trade Mr. I* Miller, of Mew v??rk city, und Mr. .!(i!n? Archibald, of Qranby, Quebec. Canada, are her?, ?having headaiuriero with M? are, <; ntry .s- Moore. RICHMOND UVE-eTTOCE MAKKKT. Richmond, Vh., March B, lim. ripto: Cattle, Vai ?bead, nim-i', iw he.i.l; hogs, 7J?J head. , itlle, V>? ?bead; Sheep, IOO head; fjo head. 1 ?'attle. be?t, K to Vtc. KrOss; medium to ?jood, 3 to 3\c. ktohs; commun to fair i to ^%'' grojos. hulls. .'?, to 3 1-1?-. gross; aheep, ?x% to 10. Kroas; hog?, ?Um to S4 tr BALTTMOEE ?rHODUCE MAKKKT. OaLtIMOEE, Murcli ag-Klour?Wulet; ThcTower, Cor. Second and Broad. Lowest Notch IN THE HISTORY OF Interesting is the display, tempting the prices, which will send hniidictls of nncnt holts into the houses of this city. Double-Told Fancv Ore?? Oeo?ls, usu allv s.lis for ? f-BC, t??-?Iay'.s price, tl .'I ?e Be. ?Drena Oooda in all spring patterns, lie ??ranlte ?'loth? In all Ohsdeo; v?-ry st\iish thing fOr taUor-made suits, selling where at ;.", ami "i;,-, ??m- price, 88?. vaVire;iu\ ?Suiting, n Inchea wide, real I'arislan novelty. i?al vain.- Mi.. l?ur price 88, Corkscrew Serge, 41 lnch?'s ?wMe, real valu- $\Jf.*. i >ur pile-. |1. Covert Cloth, M Inches, real value n. Wo hav- In all new mixed Shades f.,r M m. vt K BBBSS MOBS. Qreat variety at th?. lowest.notch prices. Black Caahmere, Be. valu?', for 15c. Black ?Serge, all-wool, u.V. Black Bern, ?all-wool, +4 lachea srtda reel value Be. ?>ur price, B8c, Black Granite, a great novelty, shown eloesrhero at Be, our price. Bane. I'.i.nk iiavM ?Motil, ?great ?Perlaiaa DOvelty, r*al valu?? Be, >ard. Our lOW price, ?w. Mlack ?'repon. Ff Ik and wool. 44 Inches wide, worth MJO yard, for 11.88. Oreo! Bargains in Black i?r?ss ooo?is at M ami 7.V. KID MiOYBS, ??r-at ?ut in New ?Bprtng Qlovea it would pay you t?? buy and (tut them assay for Buster. 11.26 fSf?! Olove In Tan ami Black, all new Btltcfhlng, T8c UM Black Two-Claep Qlovea new atltchlng, ?ti?'. f\ " Kid ?Ihiv-s In all new abadas, with brasa but tona four Initions ami new atltchlng, ?no. VIII I IM.ltV. We ?I?. ma k.r-p Trimmf?! Millinery, hut we ?hove ail kinds of Kntrimnieii Shapeo ami Sailors at great ly-?'i)t price?. ri.ovvKitv Inspect this department. Y?ut will find a regular florel ?garden. Prices range 11 "in ." ?'. to $i .80. itl. ViK SBTS, Th.- latest ?Parisian Novelties are K.i.tck All-Over Neta. We ha v.- them from 48c. tu |." a ynrd. TBIMMIMB8. Oreal variety of them. Hundreds of Btylea to select from at the lowest-notch prtci s. Julius Sycie & Son. : n superior, HXY'iti.",U ?lo., ?-xtrn 13.35; ?lu., family, Sl.^iH.??; win''r wheat patent, ii.,':Viit:. spring d.i.. l5.8MnE.40; spring w hi at straight, i'"i$.',.K. Wheat?'I'nsettled; apot and th" month, "??I lc; April, ?'4*8? 6-8c. ; May, ^1. ?t? amer ^y. '?. n d, :?' - M?9 ?southern ?srbeat, l?y sample, ;?.',?. ?<1. do.. .,! . :-;i?../-' Corn Bt? i,i-,, apot and tin- month, - |33 1 I?-.. April, 33 I-+W833-8C.; May. /::'. 7-?c.; steamer mixed, B 6-ag ::<< .; southern whit?- corn, S3 l-iffM 1-io.; do., yellow, ^*4ii:K'-,?-. (juiel ; No. 8, white, i No. j, mixed, <!??.. ;'-i! Kye ?Dull; ?o. 2, near-by, ."? '?* * .: So, '-'. west, : n. e?,'..?-. ii i) Steady; cholee timothy, m ?Oi?llS. ?llalli Kr. i? h t.- li.-lllafl'l \erv flat, and ?ai? s ,,|,p,-ar t?. b-- ea.-v, st. am t?> Liver pool, per bushel, '. 1-1.1, Ma}, Cork l'or orders, ?per Quartier, as, i"'-?i., March; la *%i. ?aSs. Bd., April. Sugar- ?Strong; ?granulated, MB*A Muit.r ?Stead) ; fancy creumei j do., Imitation, 17618! ; do., ladle, 150.; g.i ladle. I'.'ilic: store-packed, h?'?/!.'?-. guiet; fr?-sh. USAc. ? |i....-se -St. ,u!v; fency .N'?-w York, lurge, :? i-t r.?'.^ ; do., medium, '.?'/?i I?"-. ; do. small. 1?) 1-IUl"' -a-. Lettuce, 81.00^181.75 per basket. Whiskey, fl 2MIH.27 ?per ?gallon for finish ed goods in car-loads; |i 28691 _"., per gal ? Jobbing lots. NEW rOEE PRODUCE MAEKET. NEW YOEK, Mar? h B.?Flour-Nog . but t m Ij sti idy. Kve ?Flour Dull. Buckwheat Kl??ui -Nominal. Buckwh?tat ?Fil m al 14c. C'ornmeal I mil ; yellon western. Be. Rye Quiet; No. ::. 57 :!-4-<<.',s l-2c. ; B . - Barley- Dull; feeding, 41 l-fc. > Barlej Moll Dull. Wheat Spot oaoy; Na u nd, ii.?.?n-i<\ Options opened steadier at a -'?-v. gd? i ? over ?Saturday's late curb ?pricea with sborta buying on o cold-weather Kare, renewed clique rapport, and bet ter cablee than expected. The Btoadlneaa continued until near the cloee, when, under realising, pricea oaoed off quite sharply, and were finally l-4ft3-8c higher than Saturday's curb, bul i i tfjfli-ic. ?be low thai ?? close; No. I r?,i. March, cloaed at UM; May closed at ssB-tc, ? !orn -Spot ' isy; No - Options opened fairly steady, with wheat, but encountered moderate offerings, which, in the absence of ??utsi?!.- support, caused weakness, and pricea do? | j *.-. net lower; May closed st B74c.? July closed at :::, i-??'. Oata Sp'it dull; No. '-'. B 1-lc. Options ?lull ami ?barely ateady, with corn, eloetng t lower; May closed at B I Kit III. Cut-M.ats Dull; pickl?-?l bellies. 5 .'-SI/ Il-lc.; pickled shoulders, | i-.'ni?V8c.; ?pickled hams, 7 ::-4iim . Lard Steady; western, ateamed, ?" i". Refined quiet. Pork- Dull; me.-s. j'tT.Vujin. Butter Firm; weatern creamery, 160 Be.; do., factory, 12016c., Elgino, lie.; Imitation creamery, 1401I l-2c. ; ?State dairy, it 1-:"./i",-. ; do., creamery, ' Cheese?Dull; lari<e white, ?September, I l-'lrtn: State and Pennsylvania. 1'? ::-)?; M<\ : western, fresh, 1?> ::-!? .; south it, i. 10 1-2910 :t-*'. Potatoee?Bt?sa<ay and unchanged. Tallow?Steady; city, IS-lc.; country, I5-863 3-4C. Cottonseed-Oil??Quiet; prim?- crude, 191-Sit 20c.; do., yellow, 221-: Petroleum ?Dull. Rosin Steady. Turpentine?Weak at XJifiJI l-2c. Iti?. ?l-'irm. M ?lasses Bteady. Cabbage Steady at fc^itS. Coffee -Optlona opened hnrr-ly steady, with prices 5 point? lowsr, ruled mud? rately active, with ?witching a feature. Market depressed by ?heavy Kruzllian re ipts, iiisiibpointin? European and Bra slltan cabloa bearish Btatlstl?cal out!o??k. in?! w.-ak loiidltlon of spot mark? t. lus.-d ?pip-t and unchang?-?! to *> points net lower; sales. tO.OM bHK?. lncludlni{ May, to.?):; July, Spot itto w?-ak. So. 7. Invoice. 5 ?-Sc. ; No. 7. JobblllK. ?i-8c. Mild ?piiet; Cordova, 8i-4c. ?Sugar?Raw barely steady; fair i? Inin?. Il-lc.; c?.rtrlfugal, W-dexreo test, i l-io?'. iteiined galet BaYW YoitK ?TJST-aOQM MARKET. NKW YoitK. March B?The dr?ary ireather Brodueed quiet st.-re-tra.lina- to lay, which WH? the m??st notlceeble haiiK? in conditions noted. .lotibcr? did i f iir buotaeea Bui ?by n?> means m haevy i ?m? a? during the early part ?if last ?VVea. In primary mnrk. to, th? r.- I? lit tle or n?> change. Cotton k"<?1s con [Inue gulet. with many adver?e Inhu mes evident. The export mide In (tuple cotton drills, duck?, and oth. r Brown goiid? is decidedly better, other cottons are generally ?iulet I'rlnt l??th? ?re weak, though nominally ?juoted II ai-8c.. less 1 per i. nt. Actual busl in extra? can only be done on a basis of ll-llo. Prints are ejutet CHICAGO I'K?.?l?K('K MARKKT. ?'HK'AUO, March 21.?With the excep tion of ?May, the closing prices of wheat FIJSAItCML. W7?.P0RTERFIELD& CO. MAIN OFFICE, 1104 EAST MAIN STREET. 'PHONE 318. ? _ Hraneiies nnd correspondents throughout t?i?> Southern Rtatea Bank refesenres : Any prominent bank in tile Houth. Especial Attention Given to Out-of-Town Customers Our advices are subject to tlie controlling influence; from day to day. Send for oiiril.'iily market ?otter to keep posted. to-day. compared with Satunlay's close, ?showed v.ry little change, duly deeed l-Sc. lower, all a Ivan? ? cans,,! l,y f. ins ?>f fmst in th.- winter-wheat r.-iihrn b?'lnx lost under the late realising. Leiter was a haver ??[' Bay, and that future was strong, cloalng ! J-4c. ?higher. Corn was linn most ?,f the tim?-, but CrOOOd I-i?-, low.-r. oats advanced 1-4?-. Pro visions wen v.-ry dull, but the tendency ?as toward an Improvement in prices, siiijig advances ?being ?recorded, K?ailing futures ranged as follows: opening. Highest. l-oweat. Closing. Wnr.AT?No. v. May.lOSleelOS 108M ]0:tUi> 104*i luly. Tfl?iaT| BftyfiM -s-<4 ?iV?a*>4 CORN?No. '.'. May.88J?S8S "?"-? *?h'<,a:.'9 BBW July.:iurhHi4 :mu SMS .lOfe?** ?ept.SIM 3I?h ai?4 .Ufe Oath-No. B * '. ' ^H S8M MU 'uiy.81 yilfe '.'3 WkM lasaPoas Pee ku. Mar. *<).K7fe Ifl.S'i 10.87V?, July. !?.H.? tit).". U.S. S.Wfe Lard-Her 10,? in?. May.*.Vt)7t? 15.10 I.Y071?, 15.10 '?'y. .'?!7fe r,.i7% aid ?.i7\i oanas ma.??iv?r 100 lbs. M?7.88.83 13.0714 15.03 S.V07I4 July. ...Id 8.18M 'r?.lo 818M ?'ash Quotatloao were as totloaro: No. 2 yellow porn, HMo. Flour easy. No. > spring wheat, IBlSSC.; No. 2 red, U8M N?>. I corn, B&-SC.; No. I oats, Sl-8c.; No. 2 white, f. o. b., Bl^tyJOl-tc.: No. .'! White, L'S'&?k'. No { iv, ,'?, No. ?j barley, 34??4i)l-2c, No. 1 fiaxseed, 11.17; BOW, tl.'.'?? 1 -.'c Krim?' timothy ?seed, B.B, Mees ?pork, ?per ?barrel, BBO B871-1 Lara, ?per l??? i>??un,is. fS.I71-8t> 15.10. Short-rib aides, loose. I4.90fit6.15; dry -alt.-il shoulder?. hosed, ii 7 ?figi; shorts? 1. ar si,i.s. boxed, *:..-j:.-.i?...m. Whis key, distillers' finished ?roods, per gallon. B.lll-2. Butter steady; creamery, lJ-?i> 18c.; dairy, Ml-BBMc. Cheese Quiet at BBUJ1-4,-, Eggs say; ?fresh, > . CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI, o.. Mardi B.?Flour Easy; fancy, ll.:j.Y?ifl-"..; family, B.70O H Wheat?Easy; No. l' red, B l-Se. Corn Active fiinl lower; N?>. 2 mixed. Be. Oats?Active; No. J mixed, 28^29?.'. Ry? Kasv; No, t. ' -''. Kara ?Steady at UM, i'.tiik Beats-Steady at E.15. Bacon Steady ?st IG.SG. Whisk? y Kinn at 11.89. Kutter -Dull. Sugar?Kaay; hard r? tine?!, 11-::? k-v . KKKS I ml) at b . Cheese Stead) good to prime Ohio, Bat, SwSl-aa HT I.oKIS. ST. I.oKIS. ?March 8 Khun Lull und unchanged. Wheat- Spot lower; No. 2, "a*h, eleva tor, !<;' . bid; track, ' ??"l Li/Ol?V4c; March, M' ? ; Slay, ?tyc; July, .' < 7 ic i?l?l; No, 2 hard, .ash, lac. Com - Bpot steady; N?>. 2, caol , Man h, H 5-??c.; .m . l-4c.; Jul- , 28 l-8c aoked; ?September, 814e, i?l?i. ??.us?H},?,t lower; No? t, ? asn. Mc. 1 ??.-t; track, '.Vi'-.?-.; March, Mc.? May, Bl-4c.; July. 22c. asked. No. 2, white, 28%? -' Ktati Steady; ?Seat, track, Backed, >7?-. Hutt er?Unchanged. Whiskey, P.E. i i I m. si v- i -i?-. Kork ?Lower; standard mess jobbing, ?.871 -.; prime ?steam, fi!?.:' : holce, tt.yr?. Uoxed Meats?Bacon shoulders, ?5.T2'/?i' B.82; Kan, track, ? lear, B.St%; :H>s. Skill shorts, BI7V4, Lry-g ill Mi its- Should? rs, o '..?',<i ?32? - extra short clear, $&.12V?. ribo, 15.26; short-?. ' :'.. Tin: COTTi >N MARKET? I.TVERPU ?K. March B, i P. M.-<'?.t t'.ii spot i|iii?'t( piie?s favor buyers; American middling. SU-Cd. The saleo of the dav were 8,08) ?hulea of which ?08 were for sp?culation and export, and ?minded 7.s??? American Receipts, B,<S80 hales, lncludln? 10.200 American. Futures opened quiet, with a m demand, and ?los. .1 quiet. American mld iiin? low middling clause, March 117?44d., Mai' h and April I K-?;t?!. buyers; April and May, 117-64fc? ii ?'.?!.. ?eilers; May an?l Jun.'. I K-'H-t-', IK Md., bliyero; July, IhMMd., buyers; July snd August. :: i->-?vi'i('t i'?-?;i'l. ?sellers; August acl September, 318-?+U3 19-64 d., sellera; September und Ootoher, :t \H-MfnZ it? ?;i?i., teuer?; ? fctober and November, buyers; November and ?December, ". 18-641., huyera: ?December and January, 311-448., buyers; January and February, :: iv?;i,)., .mow TORE, Mareta 21 -Cotton?Dali; middling, Il-Sc.; im?! receipts, 111 hales; ki'oss receipts, .',.'7'.? bal?es; exporta to the Continent. ' - ' bales; forwarded, I s??? bales; sales, i.:?ii ?bales. Bplnnera, n balea; stock. 181.114 b Totala to-day Net receipts, 35.941 ?baleo; exporta to < Ira at Britain, 5, 87 balea. to th?> Contingent, I7.42S l?al? a; stock hales. ? !onsolidated- Net r? i bales; sxpoi ta lo ? Ir? al Brit iln, 6 M7 bales; to the ?'oiitiiunt. ?8,740 ?balea. Totals since September 1st - N? t receipts, 7.7,1 ..; .: bale?; exporta to Great Britain, ?.284.028; to France, 724,134 ?baleS; to tho l'ontInept. '.V.K.. - rotton futures opened steady; salea, '. !'-i hah-s: March, IC.M tpril, 8xM>; Bay, 16.94; Jun?*. ?15.95; July, ?>.&>; August, i?;; September, tS.SB; Ocl " November, <', M; I ?ecember, ! #: Januar] Cotton futures cl< ly; sales, fi,. ".'?n baleo; Mareta B.W; April BIO; May, r.'.M; June, B.B; July, B.98; August, B.OI1 s? ptembi r, K '?4 : ' " t,,;? r >' B; Nov H M; i ? c? mber, B; ! inuarj Bpol cotton i'I'j-??I dull; mlihiiinp )ip :-?? ; middling Oulf, I 1-80., ?aalea 1 Ktl ?balee. NKW ORLEANS, March H.-Cotton? Puturee dull; aales, 17.h?? ?bales; March, t-: .V. bid; April. V? ' I?/! '..V?; May, V>.bV& ?J?.Wt; June. I Juiy. t;. ' ?'. V??-".; Aimu.-l. >.". ??."'i?-. >'S S.-t't.mi,, i-, $T..< Novemher, I L.-cember, f?.ff?it |at)7; January, g,.?7a < 1 NAVAL-8TORBS MARKBTE. CHARLESTON. S C, ?March -'l.-Tur 1? i.iiii'- Market tirm. at 32? : sal?ss none. ltosin- Kinn and unchanged; sal w, non?'. savannah. ?; \ March 2L-Splrito rurpentin? Firm olea to) asks; rec? Ipta, Ml casks. Rosin -Firm; sales l,S17 barrels; receipts. 7.T ?barrels; A. B. C, and D, B.1R; K and I'. 11 I? . <;. P.80; H and I, 11.10; K. UM9 H.75; M, 0.70081.81; N, H.754ifl.B; wln?l??w <iass, UM; water-white, t~. WILMINOTON, N. ?'. March :'i.-Tur l>entln??Kirn), at 28'u-'?'ac ; r.-ceipts, ^1 asks. Itosin-Steatly, at B?IMJIU>I| r.-c.-tpts, ;i" b?rrela ,'rude Turpentine? Firm, at ll.r>KiJ2; ro iet?ta :<~ bair.-N. Tar- Steady, at :?'- ; reeelpta, 430 b?rrela. THE I'falAN? T VAHKKT. NOEVOLX, va.. ?Mareta '-'i - ,spe.,ai.) 'eanuts-Farmers' market active; fancy, i:i-Tu3c; strictly prime. 2 l-:"a.' :;-!< ., uliiie, ^l-4c; common, lib2c; Spanish, sa PfrrBRSBURO COTTON BAEEBT. l'KTKKSK.Kit?;. VA., March II 'lal.,-.VIarkel st.-.idy at & 7-Sc. for BOOS] ots. PKTERSBCRO PEANUT MARKET. PRTER8BURO, VA.. Man h ?l (Sp4> i.ii.? Virginias Hrm. prime 17-1 ra prime, le.; fi?my, a l-ac; t?paab*h tgm, r.i prt il ..-. KKTKKSK.KU?; TOBACCO MARKET. PBTER8BURO, VA Muren :i flPO 1.1! 1 -Market firm. ?^ it h ?geed desaaad for ill gradee, at following quotations; Lug?-Common to fair, i.V.,IK good to lne. Bfct* 50 ?'ommon. short. $3.C0*?*i; K"?hI to air, ?hurt. !5<i$?v. Wrapi>er? M.dium to good. 17^11150; roo.1 to fine Shipping-Medium to good. t9f'l3; line, K' ; " ? ?m ??? OM ?aptrs tor sal? at the Uuyatca )f3cc. Richmond Perpetual ling, Loan and TrustCo. 922 east Main street. 4H Loans Made on Real Estate At Moderate Charges. Negotiable Paper Discounted? Deposits of $1 and up wards rcceivtd ami inferest allowed thereon. .? i.Tu.-magq^ Wc Of fc-r for Seile State Bank of Virginia Stock, Virginia Trust Compeny Stock. National Bunk of Virginia Stock, Virginia is. Virginia-Carolina Chetn'csl ( o npany Preferred 8 Per Cent., Norfolk Street Railroad 1st Vs. Charleston and Western Carolina 1st 5*8, ?in t ??tiii.r ?ttrn'-tiT.) Investment aeoarittea. John L Williams & Sons, hankers and Brokers, Richmond, Va. _ife 5t8TB.Tb8So]_ LANCASTER & T?CKE, BANEBBI ami BBOKBBS, 1107 Main ?Street, Hl<-lini?in?l, Va. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Of ALL KINDS DEALT BN BOTTOHT AND ?SOLD ON COMMISSION, LOANS NEGOTIATED ON COLLATE? RALS AN*!? i'ITT PR?>PKKTY. f<> 1." Til Tll\e?|| ' ~seine iitj;i.AU. linen w^eaaaaaas? Asu t'tiTTiiN ??ILL net- W9??m?m?* tin?; of ? ?i y ! ?criptlon in stock un?l made to order. ?JVe haadb the ! "in i,- branda ?<f Seine Tbread. "**? oinpl' te ?tock of Twines. Une?, Rop? ?, Cork?, Oil Clothing, itubtn-r llouts, 8c. Lowest prl?-???j. K. XlCHTENSTEIN'S SONS, c(,r. Seventeenth and l?'i uiklin atr? ?Sole Importera of tbe 1.1*)" Brand Heine Thr? ' I. ?piallty un ?ranE? ? _f" t-Tl.Trl.tSi 1 " . ?' 1 .1 nOVEBftOB i OTHM.f.i'Ki.? AT8BJL n.' ?Salla tli?' it?.i?mlln 14- H1II.IM4 in III?' Sl?'niner < l.<".i> i.t-ii Uf. NEWPORT NEWS, VA.. March B~~> . 1.) Oovernor J. Ilosr.? Tyler. \'1r? ginla's Chi ?jenled i?y his fritnily, steiun? ?I past t!i|;< liarl, r a( .*> o'clock this afternoon In tha steam? r route from RlchntOtld t?? Tidewater, to view tbe oyater-oiTouiadB and t.? B/Hnesa lbs ?doubla lauacnlns ?boes Thurs.iiy ??f the battleohlpo 1 an?! K? ntii? ky. <J?>v> nun- Tyler will J?)lu his statt at WllUaasabura Thuosdajr morning an<l eomo i!lr?-ct to Newport N NO BORE ?POLITICS K??i: HIM. Bevor \v. ... Post announced publicly tlits afternoon thai he would ism I u candidate for n ?election at tho municipal ? ie. tlon this spring. Mayor Pool ? m t??r i? fusing t?? enter Cm tie primary that his dutSBU us ' ?nisiilt Ing angineer at tha ahlp ?yard will present him from ?zlvlng the ufBc? tl.. proper at tention, as ti?- will l? bu?ily .inc.'?,? 1 th<? MX) two years in lailldlng the million? doller dry-dock. This fifpsaa th?- n?i?t us other a-puants, snaong whom will b<* Dr. Carter Perkins, u kinsman uf Coagi asan John Kam!). m> " ' ' ' "-s M\ni\i: i\ti:ixi<;k>i'r. MIMVI'l IM! ALM AN V ' MAH Sun n s .I t?? HIOH TIDE Sun Beti.1:23 Mornlns. Moon ?et? .... ?' If? Kvenlng. (PORT OF RICHMOND, BAB. B, UM. AKItlVKl). mer Winyah, Simmons, Phil plu i, na r, hand ?*. Clyde Line mer Kl'hmon'l. 1; .\, ?v York, merchandise and pas?cngere; 018 , iny. Schooner a. J. White, Link. Boston?, f.-iiili/.. I. SAILED. Steam? r PocshontsS, Graves, Norfolk, , i ; BAOengnr?; Vlrgtwe , ion rompany. Steamer Richmond. Hlakeman. Neat York, m? and p * ?Ivt Dominion Steamship Company. Hchooner P. P. Bhulti, Losrrjr, Nesf Vork; PORT OF BERMUDA HUNOBBD, VA., MARCH -1. 1W1 (By telegraph.) ARRIVED, S?h?or.i- Beeoto lirown. Smith; to load luinli? r. (AILED. Beb sont r fi. B, Bossina, Linman, luro h? i ; llanipton. Y i. PORT Of NEWPORT NKW8, MAU. 38 i'.y iilagiaoav) ARRIVED mer Santanderlno, Ualvcston. Steamer Erie. Oalri oten. Seh??.n. r Bertha Dann, Providence, 8A1I.KD. nderino, Uverpool. Steamer l-.'rl?-. Hamburg. Steamer Saturn ont-r Mur-. I, New Haven. PORT OP NEWPORT ?NBWS. MAR. fl. (I!y telegraph.) AK!N\ Kl? Si?ani. r R. Jikai), l'hll ulilphla. H irK?' Nyack, Provld? Barge Brooklyn, New Y.?rk. r .i ? t:. ton, New York. i Allyn'e i*. int. S. A. Staples, Hosten. BAILED, in.-r ? ?rlon. Beotoa. S'? .n seid, Hamburg. mer Viktng, New Hat H ?rixe [?one Smr, in tow tug Under? writ? r, ! ' l i ?Barga Kini?tou, ?seosaa, lel'.T of WEIR POINT, MAR. U, IBS, (By telegraph,} ARRIVED, j Steum?h!i? Baltimore. Murpby. DelUU mere^ passenger? and general cargo. SAILED. Steani?hii> Boiutuore, M .rptiy. llalli? mine; ?.iBscnsoi? and general carino?