Newspaper Page Text
- ...... THE RICHMOND DISPATUH-TU?SDAY, MARCH 22. 1898._ 7 ' 9?HIJIK?PS Ca?aaj \ -.*&' xNcw'clablc Preparation for As sicrakiUng the Food andlic^ula 10 Stonu&hs and J3owels of I WAN 1S < H11 i> h i \ 1 Vornote;* Ptgestion.Cheerful ?nd Kcst.Contains neither i .liuimMorphinc nor Mhmral. notNarcotic. Profil bf W DrXAMlZLnrCOEn j4!\ Swtnm /,'~?.fU SJti - Am h Strd * /Iff*mint - #tCm*mm*S*im* \HneSme r/<?T/W Jufnr . frintoTr"** fi*mr 'ect Remedy forConsliM ^our S tonwh.Diarrhoea *\ ?nits.Convulsions,feverish ?ludLossor Sleep. Facsimile Sifnature of NEW VOHK. A* o ni o n Hi-? old CXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. CAS? The ?Kind You Have Always Bought, Bears the Facsimile Signature ?of? ^#^? ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE. THE KIND YOU HAYE ALWAYS BOUGHT. TM? CtNTtUK COMPANY. NtW YORK CITY. ?III. ROOK'S MOI?' Fut M). tl Had l.nln In the lloek r??r >l?.?< t imu i : i? lit Weaka. ?ils i T ? - i in, tw> the I it by two : that neighborhood, :. M? m and i ?harlsa Crow, red to Blllupe*a nadertakins-i -' ' da on it was - iks ""! sad ?nt- . Rock, It i r '! ?m Jaaaary, ?and Ii with whom i," ?i.i i > l i- i - ti.- time, that h? bad -. i i. ?lrown? A, Hla fi h nda how hoUKllt te - ? iiii,i ,\ ment, and a - I -i him in M with whom , uslnt B up ii.'in Norfolk and n p and ti" onsmunlented with, ? h ?fot mm wee naturally . avail. ! B prevailed J ?.\. T the U|, a is l'i . ?, op and tba i thla I I 'clock Boor " and Croa s Ib the. of Twenty-Hit h win e.liitr-liiukinK ob thc s'irf.i?.- of the s.? 1er on the ?"?uth ?sMO <( the dock. Taking a it to tl "f trn? ? talned tbai it was the f a man Boating The ?body frutii 1 in the p?"'k? is ?if his was it area loft of Cbarl The Cm oner a heatly t . - t.?;-1. was nothing to tad ? 'aw turned tbe body over to I I B Of Mi 0 - : the IS a - m :., d and It iv?so two ohii - bla BOme Tim?- Mr. R hi. - -,. id Full fore 1 had work he ru .?. be lw huu ; , -t state th.i, kin?,' B litt!?-, tnit that 01 ktcatsd "ii ' M H lunch mt r of Franklin Bl . ts. I at, . ' J 1 v I. H tcher. < \lo i.i. i? 11 DREI*. i h \\ ?irker" BeSS ?Maleen Month? to lli-i from HI? Lahor?. i i . .i " Manly, wl . i. n- M ?n of k manufacturer, of : US ktichti . n a abort while ,, Hi | a anal) : i i oser? of this eltv out .. :.' a Police morning, and, oi : ir months In houses who .-tin?.' \v .\ Hammond, f??i I oj ; i?. a. Brawn, llv. $1.50. throufh eoanael Br Smith, Ji -i ?f?llt? i" ??ii threw hims.if ???i the ol tbe ooort. The valise which a nun w raluabis, t, m.-, ooaaistlng ?>f ?sosno ?n?i tett? i- sad artiii? s of ?-???th M..e, | raise 8i ,. Barougbty, ag to ?strike h? r !. ; - Ifan, !.. s ni.- a! th aha Mid oho i.i hi 'ti. ami itebdeld, sfter ?? :..- , I" W it I that i-i'l'?- .?lone was ?behind the !f?rc?i). atrlklng Jennie Hunt with i-(! to I : the smith was also charted with , on Rei ' ' -ntliiued until Thut. John 'a ?er lia?-', i Iraaas I m iviii'H before, it ?Moas 0 Btiri court pi?['uiatii,n ini?l lla ii d tho ?punch ?owl ?Saturday ?j? ,r.?l th? -, w. nt t?. th?- pollce - ! bars. u ui ICB l\ ? UM .1' oi THiii m < . " 1? m Fuklihi' fr??m Su???'. CotiaO Ju?tl<-?-. k in ?? ^,??i talas, sad carries s I ilm?\s It ? ?ar, a? wa? uniquely Illustrated i ? "..i, |. -terday motm/ix mi <i?uiy mat Jnatsas J?i,i\ ejtvoa i ?II? ?l?|e O'clock, ?Sunday o Iffibaslon, unie?? the Invitation * ' ni-. audl<-nce can always I ! t!, r. v I str ? P?eeOj -I? m,;i?,i as large and en !husla?UcaIly fsv? rabie. Am?,,-u; tbose who round their way int.? nipie yesterday mornlaa was ' R ?Vallaee, .. young man of I sPPeni ? ? w iliaca did not * aWi,.v .k i'.v the door, bal ?rao up in the 'bald-headed row'-in fact, he BOBS Ina, m int? ranted apecUtor, b?-iiiiKi ine peat Justice himself, when Detec Bergeani a. m. Tomllnsoc and i>. lOetlVe C. A. (ilbs',,1 ?topped up to him an?! mildly advioed him that !,? v.., under arrest on the charge of Mag a rugitlve from Justice, as dispensed in )\ overly, suoo? i county. a ?short whlla ago Cblef-of-Pollce How red .1 letter ?Irani T. w. ?Doyle officer of Waverly, saklni him to arre?! Wallace. The letter waa tun,.,! over to i w? f-of-Detective? Tomlfroon and with ins aeeeelatee, the ?Sergeant has kept his t"r WsJlsce ?-v.'i- rince. Coming int?? court y?ssterdsy aa a witness. at Tomllnson waa not long In hla man atandlng In the con ?position tu- ha,i tak, n. Thai he : wi,e? ti,.. ?-dBeera ?made their court eel ea t?< him expreeuea it but Ij. He sold, "< ?h, acuse m?. i don't know you, ?gentlemen." Sergeenl TomHneon Informed him of the i?;-;,sur? h? ha?! in making his ac quaintance, and his tvunt, aloe, that he could ?."i excuse him. Wallace was ?laken to th.- ?Second sta tion house, and is held there t?, await the u.v.iiy ?aflscer, who I | Hou sed. BOBB * \-i s IQ II8ST i un. >< m iwsiaaBBs in uiii?h Basas Cawsafca \\ ?er?- t ??.?i. It. If, Cuy, who c.iine si, mar ?hakim, th- dual ?,f Richmond fraa hi- I - ?le'.lay olght, after htiTfnf psoood fraud uii-ni checka upon r?ur inarahnnta here, s? ?ma t" havr ?- --? ? k he ?pre* tit.-,i bore the ap pearance of genulneneaa, so skilfully was the work ?Jone, Thai bo did am swindle i waa ?prohal ly ?ana to the lie t that most bOBtaeoa houoea have a loelded Bveralon t ? ? accenting ?'hecks from onetOSaera whom they do not know. Cary end? ivor, i to pasa off a S9.7.". ?heck at 'i'. A. Miihi's drugstore in pay in? nt fur UM worth ??t mein? mes. H< arate his order on tho back oi the i?u>i I of "H B Buck." Mr. Miller tomer that he did not as a lit ?heck? in payment f??r a und r? fnaed to put op the ;o??S.s unies? he was paid In CSSh Cary .ft the slot?-, requesting Mr. Biner i<> ,..,), the ordei as lie would ratura hnrtly with tho mnncv At MX. D. A. BSuWU'O harness nhop tarter parchaaed a UM lap-rabe and re? ahred UM in change i'??r the k.'jO check i. n raato ?being taken out to ay the OSI huiKe upon it in, attempted to work the 5- and 30 tora wnh a oheeh for B.B? tit ai?l he wanted a couple "I d??llats' worth but the maniiKer lor the firm :,, accept th,- check. The aaer h.iiit. however, ?lid not have any othe,r ?jasen f'?r ool accepting 'h? cheek on? id that it was a rule of the hou??e not , ?Jo so unies th" party prOBOnttag It M Wel| known to them. Th" Cheek, hO lid. appeared t" Im ?jontilae, an;;, I- BtTUCh his til St snai; a? , | 1: [ .p.iny's up-town .te Tlicr.' I'.! Pif--'' ntcd a leek ,n I'lvm.-nt f"i a Ol ,,ne wale, and was told that he wouM ,v? t?. nay ?ash. CSry ?replied thai he OUld cum back in a few minutes with ,. money, sad then left the ston-. Th? promptly telephoned tho police au lorltieo and advised them to look into ? matter, ss thou thought Cary srss ideavorlni t'? pees off i?"k?is ?'h.-cks Tl?. lareo satch.'! owned by < ary which .. police COUld not open at the . -tiou Saturday alsht. was fonn PA-, to ont,In :. completo out lit for e '-mannfa.'turinp- of th- frainlulent iccka There wer?- rubber Stamps and raral Wads of ink. and also toner Ids! business cards, sad mher -, ,. , ,,, m II. MKKTIMHTO-MfillT. Int Se??io?i ?I ' ??OlneB and ?lie iioi-rii to BeH *t H. ['hero will tM ? J"?"- s,SHlon of th<' ?aid of Al.lcrm.'n and O?nimon Council .ayjajht at 7 ?.'dock, when School Tru? ,,?1 Free-l?r?dt;e Commissioner? will elected The Board *rlll Bteet an hour er to take up 88*8*8] 8aatt*r8 tora? rd to ?treet improvnicnt? which ooaM . i ?f at the as me?-tliiK [ )>., disponed or ai i"' ,u ,he lack of a tw ?-thirds vol.-. Hot!) ,?lon* will be quit,- important. at-Armo George C. Kuoktii received " telegram from Mr ru,., peeesdeat of the ?Newpori ?hi., liullding Company. Invttins "memtil "f th?coun.1. te be present M?v C.IIOSR IN BII.TIMOBB. * ajuarad hik???"'? *-* "^ ,n tl,?. MoiininenMil Oily. rn Nellie 0W8?. w!l0' whlle llvlng n8 v.if? Of John F. Grose, had him ur t.d lor maltreating h.-r. and then fled Ml a warrant chanOn? her with iimy waa sworn out. is *aid to tie in ..........?,,.. ini.irmatlnti to thla effect h* b?-en received at the eountv Oeart-houea lad It Is hardly pr.ibable that th. wom.-.i will be ?ont fnr. The fount? Court y. ?t?r?!oy wax In ?e? roa tot a ?hurt while yeaterday mornln? windln* up the term The will ?f Hebmm FraaW wa. admit t??i ?o probate. The ?ex, ? rm w(1, t^to th MondA) In April. h,.((r?'?r?7, T;V,l"r "nd T"*** .-h-ele, th? h"KU? f.XMolle.t.irH wno wen ii,.uu.nri,] to serve f?rti-llM. ?Jay, ln ,;i|, "J Hquirea W.l-honsas, and who asked rm ? "?'i"'-1 have withdrawn thai oppllca ?? ? ?dtoorj their sentence! THKV BOBB IN | It MI'HIt. Mesar?, .inrv,. ?,,,, p^^ ^^? ^ Mor??.? n,.,i |?n|,| ? B#., Another unique election uci wa? pain taBl night when, a? a result of Taylor'? r? nomination, KsaSfSj, J'.rdan a,?j ThaBOM ,.?ILir? nltchwl th,shelves to a jumper, and. ?Starting Bt "' ??Traf of Twenty-flfth and V-u i',m Ann ." i;11""' Utmn ,'',m s ,irv? M8 Arthur hharp to Llbhy-HIII Pork I he fa?-, that the ride WOUld take plae. taet night had beea freely adrartlsed, and at 8 ocicKk, the appointed hour ,,, imm.-nse crowd was en hand to run. The four heroes of th(J , , lomptly on hand, and w C...WI1 Bhouted Messrs. jarvis and -Shan tofik their H.,,ts ami Uooars. Jordan sad i '-'bard, cat? him; hold of the Miafts Btarted off. Several hundred boys with caadles followed in? Jumper, and while th.y ?inJorad to the mil. t. tbi v opportunity for ?poking tun at rb two gentlemen pulling the rebl? !.. Th i in turn did an the) ? ?mid to osaka "f th, ir paaai ngera ancomforta ?le si ?i every stone In the road was run'cVSI The entire round-trip was mad?' by the quartette and crowd. I HI. l)\i |\ Bflj I oi rti, -Mullera or n Itiiutlne >ii|?r?- i:,i faSgNB Attention ?>f Tlieae Trlliunnl?. in tin- ,'iriuii Court yesterdsy Jndg? ment was ,, n?l. r? ?I in favor of V Page vs. ,;. org, i. Crawford ?v Co. C< i I In Hi" ?La* ami I ;? in ! t > Court suit wavs Instituted by Trsylor A Eppea va. a. w. Manner .V: <'o. for ROI. Suit was al-i institut??! i,y i ,v Brother vs. Ilaiiii, i .v ,'?i. for IHjo. The suii of tbe Oerrnan-Amei Haliklntr Ui?| KuiMlrii; Association V I 1; Throckmorton is ?being tried in this oourt The ?ptalatUt ?eeka l domagsa smouatlag to BNJI Judge Writ! is si. k at hls home. an?l the Hustings Oourt was yssterttay ad journed until tn-?l.iy by Judge W'< llfor.l. The case agelnel Walter Traylor (col .I)i charged with aasaultlng Bm< lia ivy. Wbteb was Ml for t"-day, will ?probable ?go ov? r te the n?xt term on account ol the Illness <d' the woman. KvnntTclint j ... i Roete*. The. special asrvtoo last night at the Flrst Daptlst church was largely at? Unded lad the peoi le u? re mach pi with the sermon of the ?preacher, Rev B, Hoe, Bwesa, His aubjeel was. "The story ?: Tare (Jatee,'1 from the atory of Peter* deliverance from prison try the ?angel. A large ehorua choir furnish?.i ?xocllent music lu stlrrlni;. itagp I day two aervtoea ?rill !? - bold it i p hi, and S I?. M. The sulij?-et at the niifht ?service will ?be ' How a Man Mad?- inm ?eif Miserable and Berry." On Thurs? ?lay afternoon 'he rabjecl will !,?-, "Will WO Known our I an?i the H'surr. ! tion?'' On Frida Mr. Sw-em will tell his OSperi? I how h?' s is kepi from ii ilng on th? Hi? ?. rmons are Snely lllueti forcibto, und tender, Tbe promise of on In? " i ring i- ' i M in tho saeetlngs la encouraging, "iiiiii" Bas8alle?sS ill. Robert .J. Bnrdette, 11 ? * - humorist, who has ?i? lighted so many sudioncea through? out -.his sountry, is 111, .?nil wiii um be iblO t" ap'-ar at the roUBg -Men's ?'lirii llan A??oeiatl<?n In lOCtUIW, a> has he. n innounccd. Another ?sate vwii be opon, ami th?- ?admirera "i Mr. Burdctte win yet h? Kiv.ii a ihsnco t?? hear him. I-'?ir lh?- SulTeriiiK < ?ilniii?. M r, h :'l. lvv rc tho lain ir <'f i???- Dispatch: I ?1.-ire to ecknowledge J-;". from <;. A. [tavenport, ?Seo* ol this city, for the itarvtag Cubasg. JOHN B. ?nOGINS. rfealth is Wealth. DR. E. C. WEST'S IERYE UNO, BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL. ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS, iBoldundar positivo Written l?uarantee, i;&utlioriz?xi agent? only, ?to cure Weak Memory, , Wakeful nee*. Fits, Hyt-teri?, Quick it Loeae?, Evil Dreams, Lack of Confi izzin.v?, WakefnInee?,_Fiti>, Hyjiteria, Quick N?k' ' nee, NarrousriMia, I^vsaitode. all Drain?, Yonth d Errors, or Exrcssivo Use of Tobacco, Opium, r Liaaor, which leads to Mi?ery, Consumption, inanity and Death. At atore or by mail, $1 a >x; ?ix tor f 1; with written guarantee to ore or refund money, Hample pack? ge, containing ?ve days treatment, with full iBtmctiona, 25 cents. One aimole only sold to ich person. At btoro or by mail. fJTRed Label Special Extra Strength, e For lmpotency. Loes o, Power, Lost Manhood Htorility ?r Barrenne?? f l a box; aix for $5, with; ^written gu?rante B_ to euro in 30 days. Ateto; lC/HjRCor by mail. ?mh f>-Tu&Sanr> CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS. CURE lick Hoadseheand relievo all tbotronbtM Inci laal t<i ? liiliom bu:uuf the ayauiai. ?uch u )izzinos?, ?au??'?, Prawslncsa. I? tress after ?ting, l'alo ln the bide, Ac. Whua tL.-ir ru???i emukable aurroM lias beea ahuwn ln curing SICK [Asdache, yet Carter'? Little Uver Villa are pially v?laatiolui:uii?UiM'.iun,rui-iii?(aijUpro untlujt thl?annoyin?i complaint while they al?o ?rrt-ct all disorder? of thoatemaeti.atnuulatath? fat sad reguUto the liuwela. Eren If they only HEAD rho th?7 would lx aim oat pHcale??? to th?isawhJ iffer from tlua.UalKMiug complaint; butfurtu itelytheirgoodnea?d ? *notendhcre.andIj>wi tio oDi-o try them will find then* little pill? v ilu? dein aoiuauy way? that they will not b? wll? tig to du without them. But ?after allalck Oe?4 ACHE th? bane of ?o many lire? that here 1? wbou a make our great boast. Our pills cure it while her? do not. Carter*? .Util? Lirer Pills are rery ?mall and iry eaay to take. One or two uiU? iu*a? a doas. ley are atrictly vegetable a.n. do not grip? or uye. bat by their genU??vtioa pleas* all who etlieai. In TiaUat 25ient? ; flvefor |1. Sold ' drugj;i?t?)ov?irywhero, or acnt by mad. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New Yodu 02? F?L Small Dose. Ufrici (Th. Sa. ?M. * w> A temper-wrecker ?wash-day with soap. Standing on feet, hard work in the midst of soiled clothes and fetid steam, aching back, wear and tear to things washed? enough to make any one grumpy. line occupation for a civilized woman ! A temper-soother?wash-day with Pearline?wash-day with the unpleasant features left out. Easier, quicker, better, healthier. No woman can find fault with it. Soaking, boilin?r, rinsing, instead of rubbing on a washboard. " ?59 WS if? 8-Tij.Tb.Sa-Aw eo w '--*???.. SjjjBSttj'I.*"' COTTOLE.NE. That Can marked Cottolene, contains the ??hortening that makes evf?rvthing else in the market buslcct more fit for food. It is the sign of a healthy house hold, where lard has been thrown aside; wherein thrift and good living and freedom from dyspepsia result from the use COTTOLENE POULTRY NETTING. " Pre? r.istinatiori is the thief <>f time. " ami t?> <l<> well you must Start right. Do not dekvy, trat ?apare your ?poultry yarda now. Ptrahry Netting was nevei ?so ?heap, nor our stock ever so complete and well assorted. We can ?give vim anything from 12 to 72 inclus hi^li, and from *{ to 2 inches mesh. Call and inspect our but I'oultrv Netting catches the t ?stock. The earlv chicken catches the worm, cliickcti. Catatognei for the ?asJdnsj. BALDWIN & BROWN, Headqiiartersfor Poultry Ni-ttinj*. V-Crimp ?and Corraaated lEtoollna;, <'?>n ?l?i?-tois, (Hitters, I-'.xt rus, gps., Hardware. CtarriagS ami Wilson Materais, I'aint. I.pad. Oils. Varnish, (?lass, 1'utty. &o. 557 ei??t Haln ?.trret (opp.i. ?)l.l Market,? Warelioiia?. : Track 1 ;, V. ?I <)., Kl.luiu.iul, V? S. ULLHAN'5 SON'S. I.IIOI i:nv II\It(i VINS SPECIAL TOR UBNTEN BEASON. BUCH PO! ha v i. NE\ ER SEEN. Suii EV1 EVER WILL AGAIN. SLASH l-.K IN PltH ?SS TUAT ASTONISH ILL OTHEK DEALERS BUT *A L AKJii l'Hi; HOUSEWIFE'S FRIEND, A.Nii fc'ANT TO MERIT THE NAME. AN 3XTRA FORCE OF CLERKS, WHO ,v ILL (il\ L VOU PROMPT Ai 11 > I'loN. COME EARLY. Orsnulated ?Sugar, per ?pound.. ?> lall Salmon, ?per ?pound . ? fiai oana Salmon Steak, ?per ?an... l?> 1'i.v our i,- -1 Snownaki Pati at Family Flout,. ?stade Kinia wheat, per bag. onlj. U Of, [" I lia I 1'i'i . quart? lm?.<?l ?Sour Kroiit. leal To ? P u > pot ?pound. IM tallfornta Raisins, ?per ?pound. Iweet Oi per dosen. U leotch Herrings, i?.-i box . II fUStard Sardines, 1 .T IMS . < ;.-iriy Roso ?Potato? s, ?por bush? i -" ap and Jsfferson Coffee, Java and Mocha gTadi only. In 1-pound ?. i ?pound . M lice .\> w ?Lemons, dosen. l'i :iotbes-Plns, dosen . i ;. Haass, i1 si ?pound . ? -pound cans J? lly . m Bags Bird Smoking Tobacco for.. 6 rt u? kle's Ariose Coffee, pound, . 10 s.iiy.s Pancake Hour, per i. * ouutry Jonrto, pound . ? [ome-Made Catsup, ?bottle . 6 ottage Boneleeo Hams, all leaa? pound . . ? resh Lemon Crnckera and Mc 1 "'in,! . :". aker*a Breaktaat Cocoa, can. 10 bW Hominy and Grits, i??iu?.l. 2 Arg? Irish Po ato? --. per pe? k ... . 8J ooper'a ?'??coa. beat on the market. per can . 14 urjre package wheat Flakes, dell , lou? foi i" ' ?ckage. 1" . , i Qlas? French Mustard. o Oiled oats. In --poun?l package, . 1 I?-r ?!"Z"ii bOX? I. .: ,??i Scrubbing and Blacking Brushes . r, ?V.K'" Pottle? ?I?'"?! Pickles., S. H.I.MAX'S ?SON, IgH AM) IB LAST .M.\L\ MKI'.i.l. Up-Town btore. i>08 east Marshall. Jhone 316. 'l'hone 36. it will ?pay y??'i t?? ?all for Of ?rite f?r lo of our conn let.- price-lists. (no H-8a.Tu.BTh) Ulhard, Pool, and Plg???n >le Table?, New, Remodelled, dS*cond-Hand (all makes), west prices, basy TSKM-i. Dean's Billiard ! '. d Pool-Table Cushions, tub i.ivest, qi-kju r AND TRIEBT IM THB WORLD. All kinds Bll- ' rd and Pool-Table supplies. Best grades ' >th, I-.50,110.M) and H2..V), for both Be?l and . Ils; Cues, 12.75, SS-30, Rao and $* per dozen ,', d upwards; best Cae Tips, a,",?, per box of * .assorted sizes ?fan?*/ stripe Pool Balls,?W.fO i. 112.50 per set. The, Dean Pool Balls aso e bist; die STBiros Win never wear .. ? 19 per set. Best Bllllsrd Chalk, 76c. ' gross; Rod Leathers, 40e. per ?et; green ' il Table Pockets, with frimre, |l.W and 12 ?el. Decn's Fancy Leather Pockets will , :last three ?ets of any other ~lnd?12.25 per .with fringe. 'A BLES OVERHAtLED AND PIT H PERFECT ! jer. Pigeon Hole and Bagatelle Table-,, ?r R Fixtores.Beer Drawing ou'.iita. Billiard ?les ruade into Pool or Combination Tables, i ?ling Balls and Ten Pins. My Billiard and ? >l Taf>lf* arf nit lurpaticd by any other maki j a?curocj/ni?dp^r/ff-lKm. C. P. DKAN', 10 Governor street, Richmond. Va. C 'rite for catalogue and prices. Out of town *.- will have my prompt attention._ (no ?-Su. Tu ?c F) aMssaaaasj or. PR?HGK'S (RAINS OF HEALTH L CONSTIPATION :ru CONGESTION ! Of HEADACHE^ 0 F?. Fougera es Co.. New York aasw (COl'?-Tu.V.'t) PAUITS. LEWIS'S PURE LEAD, LLWIS'8 PURE LINSEKD-OIU I all material for painting, only the t Quality kept In stock. Writ* for tatioi.s. PURCBLL. LADD * CO.. I Wholesale Druggists rders for printing sent to thu Dispatch apany will be given prompt attention. the style of work and prlcea will sure to please you? -, STREET-RA?LWAY TRANSFERS On ?iixl after Sunday, Feb ruars 20, 1898, a passenger will be entitled to I>.\K trans fer on payment of a ?single fa re. Transfers to Fourteenth street, .Richmond, and to Hull street. Manchester, will I)?? allowed inly on ?payment of ? ;ls?? fare. PasMngen desiring transfer irkets will notify conductor aIh'Ii fare is paid. ?ICHM0ND RAILWAY ? ELECTRIC CO. laell-tti DEPARTIR? OF STEAMERS. L^ Q L D DOMINION ^iV^V ''^-^kSIlII'C'OMI'ANY. ?Wfi^V. DAILY (.INK ^% I-Oil J NEW ?OKK. Pa?sensers can leave liichmon.l DAILY la Ch? ipeake and "hin railway ?t 8:48 '. at., or Kn hmoinl ami Petersburg rail oad (Norfolk and w ?stern route) n \ I., connecting at Norfolk wild Old I ?o )inlon Line ateaBasr, sailli,, ing for New York ALL-WATKK ROUTB. Steamship >'.'1 ?DonalalOfl loaves BJeh )oau every Monday ,a ? p. ?i ror v ' mk via joansa river. Ticket? on sal? at Richmond Transfer ompany's, SB east Main si? sake ami Ohi.? railway, an.I Richmond n,i Petersburg railroad denota i.n.i . Mnpanjfa office, 121:' east Main street .ichmond. llaglfnge ?heekeil throne-), ? REIQHT * ' ? N.-vv fork '""' all p'.mts beyond can ,. shipped by direct steamsr iallh?? rom Ki.-hinurid .very MONDAT , - ..M., als?), ?-y Bteamera leavln* Ri.-h ?ml .very WEDNESDAY and ?ATUrI 'ay '.. 0 P,*-*?' Norfolk.??nnectlns 1th si.amer for New fork. . * Maalf? ?Sl I lOSSd one hour befor?, ?jailing Freight reoetVBd an?l forwarded bom .rough bill? of lading I8SUM for a Drthern. eust<*ni. and toreign ports FROM NEW York Pasacngo.? can leave dauy ,.? t 8 iy, at ? * ? (aaturdav * > I. to Norfolk or old Point rk^# p ?'?eetitig with Norfolk Jai vVe? llroad or ? he lapeake and Ohio rallw?v '""'-river V,,. ' ?Tl KUAY8P. u 'J,, ^"'/ r and freight), d freight by sieanm? , Norfolk every MONDAY an ' w - 1? BSDAY at :t P. M. ' >v LL> loJUnga Hum ?"?iiipany's pier, No ?v irth river, root o: Hea.-h atreei relght received and forwarded daily cept Sundav, ,} "or further Information apply t,, JOHN F. MAYER. Ag-nt l-i- aaal ?Mala atrest, .. . ~ ,? , ... I{l,'hrnond. Va. \. L. C.inllaudeu. Vlce-Presidenl and ?t file Manager. New York._m h I OCEAN STEAMSHIP?. FRENCH l.|>?: m |tn?11 le ?.?11? rule 1 m iiiiillui, | |.,ar lIltECT LINK TO HAV'tE?PARIS IFRANCS) Hing every VVedneaday and Saturday at 10 a m.. urn PI- i No. ?8, North river, foot Mor ton ?trcet. Bretagne, Ap yiL.i Norsa'dle, An30 ?gne, Ar? K, j . P-mrr? Navarre, Ap Ml ?La Toumlae, My H neral Agency for u ultra H tat m ana ? :i Uowlm? Green. N V eh m un ?I rr.-MiKf.-r Co.. OOI Main Ht. idrew Welsh, 018 E. Mslaa St. le i."-,].;m EIROPEAS STEAMERS. VA Pol .in OU i Di "1 1 n j o, f MERICANLINE? WYOKK?soi lllASProN (Looaou-Parts.) ' B? TWIMKHKWt S. ?Alt,. TkA?'-IHPi? ' "' .-.alun? ereir WK?N (?SUA Y at 10 A. *L W YOK8.8sn't.2.'ii l'AKi.H.April 1? PAUl.Mareli :i?i M. PAUL .April 8? LUI'Is). ..April U i?T. LUU ID....April *1 EI) STAR LINK, i SS SIR lUKk VOASrWBttr. biling every WEDS Es DAY at neco. SrBKNL't)..Sh.'?3| KMIK?LANI). .Api II 1 MWAKK..8I!. 30 KBMSlNUTONApL "? )KI?LANU..ApL ?i ! WS8Tg?*l.'l? Apt '?7 > rUKN A rioS Au N W ' ,., . !? ? . ? >-. Pier? 14 anl 1?. Norib ltt??r. Ullce. 0 Howllua lir-jju, M. C. W. B.r,ALSK?<*Cl., U l??Tu.T8?3sls l?-.-Uii?J-L mo I ?mi C: :. I li RAtLROir) m-?fs. CHESAi'fiAKB AND OHIO RAILW4Y. K3*'-?-tlvr- ?ir.-l. I?. lSflS. THAIS* u. \v I. HICIiMOM). DROAD HTI'.l.r:T STATION. 8:5? a, ii.. Dally with Pullman car. for Norfolk. Portsmouth, Old Point. Newport Nows? and principal station n??tsP dally with Ol minion steamships for -New York. ,, .,. 3:40 l\ M., Dally, with Pullman, for liions. N New;?. Old Point, Norfolk, and Portsmouth. 10:00 A. M.. Lo?:al train, except 8unaay. for Clifton I'"?" nect? at Goroonsvillo fur Orange, Culpeptr, < ton. Man mass, Alexandria. Washington; at Union station. ?hurt tteevllle, for Lynchl.urg; at H-sic for llagerstown. 2:13 I i nly. with Pullman?, to ClnclnnaU. Lo.nsvlin*. an?l .St. I..,ms, v nnectlng at CorfngtOO, Va., for Hot Spiings. Stops only at lm jK.rtant ?talions. Meals ?erred on Dining-cars. No. 7, Local Train, Sun day, follows above train from Gordonsville to Staun ton. ?.'to J\ M . A" otnmodatlon. except Sun <lav. for Chariottesvllle. 18:88P.M., 1'iily. f??r < in?-Uinati, with T. P. V. I'ullmans t.? lllmon. W. Va . aas G?>r?lonMvlil6 to Cincinnati and Louisville M<als wrved on Dining Conn? - at Staun? ton, except Sunday, for Winchester, Va., and ol Coving ton, Vs., dally, for Uct Springs. TRAINS LB.AV8 KHillTH-STHKI-lT s I ITIOB. II?88 A M., Dally, r??r Lynehbnrg and ? 'lift on Forge Connects at Hrt-mo, Sunday, for White Hall, except Sundav. i, It.ile.'iiy for Lexington. and at Clifton ? with No. i? for Cincinnati i:iM> p, M., H'lnday Local ?ac commodation for Columbia TRAIN* A88IVK a I' BICHNOND, IIItOAD-MitKKT STATION. 8:88 A. M . Dally, from ein? innatl ii IB A. M.. Dally, from Norfolk ?ml oil I'olnt. 3::t0 P. M., Daily, from Cinclm i LolllsV'Hl?-. 8:80 P. M , Daily, from Norfolk and OH I'olnt. S:15P. M., bbtcept Sunday, from CHftoa For?e. TItAINH ARR?VK EIGHT - STREET STATION. iVRO A. M.. Kxcept ?Sunday, from Pn I itnhl i. 020 P. M , Dally, from LyachbuffR an?! ? llfton Korue. and, except Sun.lav. f.nm Lexington and White Han .fOHN D. I'OTTS A?fll??tar?t Oner,I |? .ss-mrer Air? ?it. H^1 ?.U?l'HERN RAILWAY. Schedule Kffeotlve January IT, ISO?). TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND, VA. Mass Niant, ^?j. U, ."? " '"' ?sia*??? -. daily for Atlanta, Augusta, ui?u ? oints South, ??leepei Richmond to ?anvllle. Oree-iaboro', Salisbury. t'ulunitiia. and Augu?ta. Sleeper open at S3? f t?. atol ? at all stations between Kichmona and Danville to take on and let on passengers. Connects at Danville, Salisbury, an?! Charlotea with the Washington an?! ?Southwestern Limit ?.-d (Ne. 37). cairylng sleepers New York ta ABhevllle. H?* Springs. Chattanoo. go, and Nashville; New York to Memphis; New York to New Or leans; New York to Tampa; and 8/st class day coach between Washington and Memphis. Connec tion? are made for all P"?nta in Texa? and California. Sleeper open for occupancy at 9:30 P. M , l2;0O noon. No ; BoUd train dally for Charlotte, N. C, connect? at Mo?e ley with Parmvl.le and Powhatan railroad. At Kaysvtlle for <"larks vllle. Oxford, ll.-nder?on. atid Dur ham, and at Oreensboro' for Dur ham. Halelgh. and V'lnston-Salem; at Danville with No. 3?. United State- fast mail, ?olid train. ?a?:y ror New Orleans and point? South, which carrlea slipper? New York to New Orlean?, and New York W Jacksonville. Through ?leeper Salis hury to Chattanooga; also, full man tourist eleeper every Wedne? dnv W;i?hington to San Kranciaco. without change OrOOP M. No. 17, local, dally, except Sun'iny. for Kevsville and Interme M '-it?. TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. UU,l A M 0 2? r. If., from Atlanta. Augusta, Ashevllle, and Nashville. 8:40 A M . from Keysv'.J'ie LOCAL FRF.TOHT TRAINS. No? <n and C2. between Manchester and ] 1 reapo?ls. Va. I ?ORK-R?/ai LINS m wmt point, TIM-; KAVORITE PULTE .Milt I U. LEAVE lili IDIOM). 4.3U l'. M , -no. iu, i,a?,,i,iuui Limited, dally, except Sunduy. fur West Point, theru making cloae connec tion on Mondaya, Wednesday?, and l'iwJuys with steamer for Balti more, aUo, with ?ftage at Lester Manor (or Walkerton ami Tappa hannoek on Tuesdays, Ihursdays, and Saturdays. 2:30 P M.. No. io. local expreg?, Mon days, \Ve?lneadayo, und Frldaye, ror West ?Point and Intermediate ata tSons. Connects with ?tage at Les ter Manor for Walkerton and Tap? aloo, at ?.'.'est Point with steamer for Baltimore. Stops at all ftatlons. i < 5:00 A. M , N" 46. Local Mixed. Leave? ; dally, except Sunday, from V!r ^n!a-8tr?et Station for West Point and Intermediate stations, conneet 'nt: with ?tnere at I.???ter Manor for ' ,,- ,i. ... . -r ,...?.- . TRAINS ARRlVb AT RICHMOND. ?it a. M . dally. I >:40 A. M-, Wednesdays and Fridays I -j.ily. i:00 P. M., dally, except Sunday, rrom Weat Point and laMrasedlate sta tions, itcnm.irs leave West Point at ? p. M. ondsya, Wedne?days, and Fridays, snd iltlrnore at ? "?M Tuesdays, Thurs- . ys. and SatUiT?^?,, Heket Office ?' station, foot of Vlrglpta set Open from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M , T froml-M P- M. to U A. M. City ticket Ice 908 rast Main street. M I,P. ?W. A TURK, [ raffle Manager. Gob. Pass. Agent ... ?;\.\.\'?.V I.u?,! .; , ..,;p.-.? Manager Washington p ( W. WK8TTtTfnT. Travelling Pat- I ?ger Agsnt. 920 case Main atreef. Rieh- l? jrd Va oes DEPARTL'RH OF ITEAUESS. iHTXADELPfl?*, KICU MOND AND NORFOLK awSAiwaiS Cuill'A.NY. ppoinu-d sailing days: Every TUBS Y, FRIDAY, and SUNDAY at it. Ife UJ; It. "relgh' received daily until 5 P. || are (Including m?.-als a;id berth), |d on day'? steamer. or further information apply to J. W M'CARRJCK, ?eral Southern Avent; office Ri?.ketts w P 'i.Yi'i: a <-o; ' 1 _ Gencrai^Agent?. Philadelphia. fc^. ?IBGIIIA ?AYIGATION r*^ JAMES RIVER \ DAY LINE. .earner POCA?ONTA8 leaves Mo.W Y. WfclDNL-JDAk. and FRIDAY st T M. foi Norfolk, Poitnuioutb, old at, Newport .New?, ciareuior.t, and u-s-rtver landuig^ ajid cuiimscting at Point and Norfolk for Washington, tlmore. and the North, ate-rooma reseryed for the night at lerate prices. lectric-cars dlrwt to the wharf. Fare r $1.50 and 11 to Norfolk. Music by nd Orchestrion. " *" eight received for above-nar d ploess all points in Eastern V.,g1n!a and th Carolina. IRV1N v iCT''I?'KR ^_ fJeneral Manager. H. Drewry. Prealderr?. M if i !> X)K AXD JOB WOtili MBATLY BX5W?TB1* arras DL-i'Al'CU 1'itl Mi vu.ilo'i. 4 7; S; 8:i FR 4:4 8:i S ? I .1 ?: i RAILROAD MSBS. A. C L ATLm,c'coAs' LliNE. Schedule In ...i.-et Jnu??-, 17, f^of TRAINS LEAVE Rl< IIUOM>-l M?> DEPOT. 8.00 A. Ii., D.iiy. Aiilvea Puierstuii ?Ml A. at, Norfolk 11.? A M. Stops only ui letu'; Waveriy, and S?ifl 1 0:03 A.M. Dally. Arrive Furi'SOUr ?JO A. IL, Weide A. M.. 1 . |:0J 1 ?liarloston luJw P. M 12.? A. M.. Jack ill' 7:8) a. M. k'ot ?L? (,-jh p. M. Conn?, t Wilson with No. ?17. ar Og Uol.lsboru' 2:10 p. II Wilmington 5 ii f. M. PaU iiiau Sleeper Ne? York ? Ksouvdle. 2 35 p. M., Daf?r. Locai. Aritves Pa '. 1 burg 3:42 P. M. Make all ?tops. 3.80 P. M . Diily. Arrives Petersburg, 0.15 P. M. Makes ?II lov* stupe, Richmond and Peter* bu.g railroad. 7.80 P. M., L.ny. Arrive? PetersWur? 8 01 P. M '. ?>- ?* Norfolk and Western i" Norfolk and ?nterin points, Emporta ? 1 ... eta w'th A a ad 1 >. (01 1 1 ?. H i A I). leak. P. M.. I >rt lanada I' XI. sKW UNi: TO MII'DLB GEORGIA POINTS. .1 lug Aik. 11 IM A. M . Aufuv ta 8:10 A. M . Ma?on 11 A? M Atlanta If.? P. M P-i'! in in 81? ej - V ?it It t< Wilmington, Jacksonville, p.,rt Tara/s, Alken. Augus ta, and M it SU P. M. Daily, arrive* Peter*burS 9.31 F M.. Weldon 11 JO P. M Mikes local stop? oe? twicn Petersburg and Wei? d??n. 10 Oo P. M . Dally, except Sunday. The New York and Florida BBS? ttiii arrives ?'harlcston .:M A M.. Savannah 1:01 A M . Juck*<?nvtlle lud 1 M., it, Augustine 2:10 P. M , ?. ? :us P M. ?Pullman Vestl pitiK-, Dining-, Ll v -. and Obaervati-in IO SO P M l'ally. Arrive? Petersburg 1! I?) P. M., l.VII? bliljlg .1 .Ml \ M Rqanoks I II A. M.. P.rtatoi II21 A. M Pullman : r Richmond to Lynch, burg. TRAINS ARRIVE RICl'"iOSI>. 4 OO A. M, Dolly, ttot? Jaeksoavil vsunah, ?Jharl. ?ton, AU?alg, Ma, on. Angu.-la, und Sd points S?iuth. 5 IB A. M-. Dslly. except Sunday, At laato, Athen?. Raleigh. Heo. deraon, I -ynchbur -, and the W?BBt. ? .IT A. M.. D.'ily. Petersburg local, s 33 A.M.. Dally, except Monday, front T.napu, Jack?onvill?, Sav&B nih, and Charleston. 8-00 A. M., Sund iy only, trom Atlanta. Atli-ns, Raleigh. Henderson. I4 o. hliiirg. and tlie \\ a I 1 08 A. M, Dally. Norfolk, Suffolk, and Petersburg. T'lS P. M.. Dally, Jacksonville, S ivan r.ah. Charl.-?t??i), W liming? t ,11. Goldsboro'. and all polola South. 6:38 P. M., Daily, 'Norfolk. .Suffolk, Wa v? rly. -?lid Pt'ieisb'trg. S:06P. M.. Daily. Petersburi Lynch burg, and the West. R. KENLY, T M EMERSON', General Manager. Traffic Managet) H. M KMKKHON. General Pusaena?-r Anent. C. 8 CAMPHFLL. Jg IK Division Pass.mjer Agent. Schedule in Eiset D?cerner 8, 1S87. KAVK RICHMOND, DYRD-STRFRT STATIoa. s.00 A. M.. Daily iikniuoud and Nor folk. VE8TIBUL? LIM if? Kp. Second-class tickets not accepted un this train. BOB A. M., Daily. "THE CHICAGO EX PRESS." lor L>ncl?b.!?. Koanoke, Cuiumbus, and ?Tiu-ago. Pullman Sleeper iluuuoke to Culumbu?- aiao, lot Kadford. Hrutol. Km X ville, Chattanooga, and m ti 1 mi-l?ate points. r;30 P. M? Dally, for Norfolk. Huff ilk, auj Intermediate a'ntlftas 143 P. M., Daily, for Lynchburg and Roanoke. Connects at It .1 noke with Washington >nd cii.ittariooga Limited. Pull man Sleepers Roanoke to Memphis and New Orleans. PULLMAN SLEEPER h-tween IlICH OND AND LYNCHBL'RG ready for 00 ipancy at 9 P. M ; also, Pullman Sleeper -tersburg to Roanoke. Trains arrive Richmond from Lynch ,rg and the West dally 1:15 a. M., and ?? P. M. From Norfolk and the East ;<* A. M.. and Vestibule?! Lin.ited 4.M. P. . Office: 82* Main street R. W COURTNaTT, District Passenger; W. B. REVI Li?. General Pa?seng?r Agent fjeoeral Offices: Roanoke. Va. de I ?3 l ; ?* ' barg ? Potomac. hedule In Effect Janeary ??, 1M1S. AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON. LEAVE B?HD-STRKBT STATION. .IO A. Jd.. L)all>. lei 1. ...?nu.a points Norm. Stop? ouly ?' Mlllord and Predericksburg. Puiiinaii ?Us-apero to N?w ?O A. M, Sunday only, for Washing t.iii und NortJ M at Elba. Glen All? A ' land, Taytorsvlil?, Doswell, R?ther Glen, Penols, ?luinwa. S 1 in m 1 t. Fred? r1, ' -?.tilg. i;ii)?.k'. and WldewaieT. Pullman :43 A. M. I >a 1 ! y except Sunday, ?*~r Washington a n 1 points North Stop? ' 1 ' \sh l.iti.l, Tayl veil, Puther '.len, p. nola. Mil? f.,n1 WfKxtslane. Oui: . in m i t. Fi*??- ri kat.'irg, Wtdewoter. 1 illman e..r. 03 A. M., Commencing January 2"tri. dal . ' r \\ .-hington. Haltimote, Phil, ??.hi,1. and New Yora. Thi- New York an?! I 1 special. con.;?--'! <nt:rely of Pullman ?*> ? - din ing- an ' N'-> extra ,-IiMr<.- "' r ? regular Pullman fare. Do??e n??t ?t?'p i?t I'll? ?. DO SI. Dally Wa?hln):t"'. a n ' 1 ? lots North Btot s at Kit.?. Glen Allen, Ash!? i?'1. I ?o^well. M t I t ') r ?I I-r-,!??rirU-t, nrook?*, and Wl?l?'w ? I?rlor car. AI?o. connects with Congresolonal Limited 13 P. M. I?illy. f??r Washington find points North - ?be. ?x ?his ml. Deswefl, Mi'. dertcksbarg, Hrooke. Wldtrwot l 'her ?to? ta Sunday?. Sleeper Rich RRIVK BYRD-STREKT STATIOB. 10 A. M., Dauy- '-"L ' a. W 1 '.? water, Brook?), Fredencksburg, Mil. f.ird, l^oswell, Ashlan?T, and Elba, and other station? Hundays. Vlei-per N??w Yorg to Hahmond. 13 P. If., Dally, except Sunday. 8*ops a t Wtd? water, R r 00 k e, seburg. Summit, Milford. I?. Ruther Olen, Dos* well ind. Glen All?n, and Elba. Par .1 fr?,m W.'-lilngtir 0 P. M., D.? only at Frede? rickaburg. Do?weH and Aah? land, mid Elba Pullman cara from N?w Y??rk. W P. fti.. Dolly Stops ..t Widewater. Brooke. K'r.-derleHsi.urg, Summti. Guinea. Woodslnne. M'.lford. Pen?la. R?ther Olea, Doswell. Taylorsvllle. Ash land. Gten Aden, and b*. Sleeplng-rar. 0 P. M.. Coinmenclns: January IVt. dally except Sund??, th? New York and F!cr?d* Hoe Tlne,. ,.?,1 ,.. nr.Rlt u -.?'?. ACCOMMODAI IOS. (Dally except Sunday ) 8 P. M.. Leaves Byrd-Stre. t Station, 0A. M.. Arrlv. s Hvr?l-Stre?rt Statioa. -1MIU.M) T8A1BS. (Daily exseatBaaday.; 1 A. M . Leave? Elba i? P M? Leaves Elba 9 A. M . Arrives RWe. ? P. M.. Arrive? Elba ? CA. v.iYU'ii Traffirt Manager. * 31 X). M YKH8, PreaidouW Jg M