Newspaper Page Text
THE RICHMOND DiSrATOii-TUESDA?. MARCH 29, 1898. RCH Suits and Skirts. I he cream of the ?styles, choicest of work, and the lowest prices. A combi nation that simply can't be beat. >l'<?< ial lino of Tailor-Mad.? m\\ m.-xx sli.-nl.'s and ink ' $10 i sait, worth $1160. I .?il o r - ? ? Tu\?- o_?r .!?> COS ! V*WU -aits, in ^^ !\ ltii\- ?Q -. trim . in braid 115 suit, la il or - Is Suits, i n ]> 1 a i n s ami : 01*88. at salt, ?17.50. Full line Silk I Suits, ; ?lack in ?'??luis, .-ils?? tight-fit Eltons that ? .-m be nraed open m i .; 115a suit, worth 120. > AM -silk Brocaded Skirt I . ?regular $6.50 value. fc k-J oedS -,,, ?. t ?.-, I II ONE.PRICE HOUSE, Fifth and Broad streets; SHOT AM? J1LLED. M ?.It?) X|| I I ? Ill X i II XT II XM)s ?II \\ l \K\?lXX \ XX III I I. XI XV DICK SMITH WAS THE VICTIM. in the xi?-1.-,- Xii.itii.-r Calaras Maa, ?i.lil.- Illllii|i?. Il.o.'is <'k a Hull in 111? Xrin ?'Mir X|n? XX llh |8s 1' I -, ' iBBlag tbtnea with a lUK?: ti in front <?f ' ' -.? r of ? so un ,?nii lo th. m. h t Blllups, . Tlio ? Smith 1, \\ ti t?. IB? ? moi. .. turn bung di-r the i ntiu, : Mil, II ' thoi., -. h,> Is ' - tii? m. and .. I i . Tlita :. Smith replied with <t th? .V HIS PU Nu . thaa th?-1 I blank at m the : liv? r. i, ran Into ir?room and ?tai leave 11 ? ?t ??H t?, illowed hii i within ;? ?! through the iltb. The white : tWO ' :Ii,r .-!i??t I " I follow? ?i !?.- th nipiinion. DUD IX THl-I A.M1M LA' i ?Jan until lu- naciioi v ? am? .-. that tin. i had 8 Basil i SI i tin, 1 ?r. M? ? ; . ? i, .i i hi? i:\< niiiK. : .: t, ,i a ':-> ami 11 - M A H for t???' i?l Hapii . <|ii!t? m x i n <?i ?h??, a -i ? na, X Mot laslliimlil?. I.a?l>? Mrnni;? Xiilinul Trusslliiu ?boill. WELDOS, N. ' ' (Sp?cial ) i Halifax. 'lv III f-?r .? k ?if as a lady of t . bad atea} B on frl? ti.t?. wti?, I. .? mi ?With th? ; , ' ? '.. ?; i D are iv t t),,. ;ijip.-aliili? ti nge but unknown anlm il H mi is I ?aw 1 l ami ?1ml t it, but without apparent efl -, : ... . m\ ?tea. .< ; a wolf, whll? otli'ia be ? lari? wild? at KB? ii. -ir Auk Un? . - a few ?laya a_o. and It la ?tateu that be li^td a yellow chill. MOKE LIKE PEACE. Tone of Things Id Administration Circles H?re Reassuring SPAIN IS (ONCILI.UORY. Sue Will Kot Object to Our Sending Farther Relief to Recenr.ntrados. I XI,K AW IIRIM'i: XN MIIIIXTIOV I hi? la Now X?ainiiliiK I iiuuililo Kiirin??tpnnlKh Maine M?-|??iri !!? - ? ? Is?-il it? \X llsliliiuOni ?XX nr I're i.iii uii.,11? < ominue. ?VAHHINOT??.*. ManD ^?-To-da. ! ? n ?.:? .,f ai tioii In BVSry hlanih of oftl >. :?i,,in baa a 8a] i,?.-,?> r? plats wltB i ? tiiaiij ,i.v. ras sad baejartaai I "f a single, uinl rat, throughout this artivity t!:. pr? vailing t.-ne, as roo.iv. i fron adrainlatratlea ? .?urces. B9A ?>.-. n moi?.- te.i-??irinK. MAtt in the lim- of peses, than It has bsBfl f??r "in,?' Sara Tills ??is the impresi?n con : i-v Cabins! oil. | , ,|,,| ?'a 1.1 il I BBBSlsSl. 'I'll? num.' ?? ii(im.-nt .. t? i iz? S tl at i Bui in Con? . WhtCfa nff-.i'?l?-.l th,- i;t.,it?st 11,1,1 for anll-Spaiij-li am! RrarlUU ., rata ?if ?iisiconteni sad saaaslnesB pre vail, .1. after !'?.- I'l, ridant* S j,. ti,.- M.iii.? report ?rar? ratmUttod, ? i illy ?m the H? 'i !.- Pn ?aid? i.' mlt-Ung th? Mai'?- ooapsni I .. Mi-- main srenl <?f th?- d WbO had anti.ipd'td that t\ would contribut? t.? the sggiwsMre aplrii wen i .. , .,ii." l loa waa ii?M i? : ?it's m? - ' ?age, ?ii'i na?i<- ?parti? alarly t,, com :- vet opmenta in ih? nagotiatlonfl now proceed? a)lth Spain. ?Taaee had sasaaaad a ?Said, ?mi.ta? im.- not only th.- Slain? '?"H. l'Ut l!i?' ? ntir- ?Cuban pro!?!.m 'IM.- ?anawar of ?Spain was in band t.? th? in m : : bro-ugh Mitunter xx*??? d w.-.-k. ?tatliiK that the COndlMOfl "f ? !uban afta * i abl? iInlti ! stat?m coala i, mam itia? tiw ?toward It- Th? ?,f the Spanish aaswar unpreassd tin- and ?'ahiii^t i?. -? tli ?t og h v/aa lie r::! - that the OUtlOOh a lia-1 itOl ,?' II ?V?- \? nulil mak? ? ii,it an ..' :just , i.i?nt .-?train. ,i ralatlona . -l. bow? v. r, by the ' that tit? . .. | |nt had n??t y.-t ,,? tli ?t War. ?A !?: rohablltty. v i billtjr. TWO NEW i'1-r \M III .1 ii 11 it II - ' ; : 'm?'iit it- t.i Minister VVoodford, ?and tl?.-Spanish Ifin later, ?Se?or Polo ) ?Seraaha, ?ass m v Ith ,Iii?1k- I ' ? t., tl.- "Ij.^mmt. ?The n :, ' S| inlah .Mini.Ht? r and i ?,-, ,. an aft? i th>- <-?ihin--t eon? ?V ? i ... i tatfoi tnltted through him ?ii?l no! at two of these new phasss sub tbe Mni!-<f? r ar- | tat?le I!- -.' : ' woul . naanltarlan oto ' ' . I'llited Btst? .ment : | tali, f to th? ra in ai a far greater ?cal? tha b hit ; mpl ?t?-!. ? ?ii tii known t!. . Ola? - animating tins country, ?and td?-. it doea doi - * . -1 ? * t thai purpos? s will be ex?-? ut.-1 in - a wa i - ' naitica for frictloa It is i,?t espaciad that ins relief will ii warshtpi would Intro *? s ?political as, v human-. Thl by Span :,?r th?- ?Preaident'a m- --.,- ??f the h? xt few .!.',>- ?laklng a larg? spproprls? Uon : it.-f m' the dastltut?oa in ?Cuba Another importan' docu iii. nt which i? i bad the government du? : IM ?lay VU ? n ahstlact ??f t ?. Naval Commb xvhi' !? tlgated thi ?traction ?f the Maine, it i. th? only aaswar ?Sp?h lion o? tiii ?ubmlttlng to Bpaln through ford the finding? oi duatons r? ,-?i by the I Ion are d lv the ?'pi' ' the Am? il?- m court. No demand? ? mad? In a tin- Main,-, and, th?r? - i th? I inlsh r? p?,rt. B?R1 >PEAN MEDIATION. i-, Boating Um ? ail of th- Bpanlah Hin? i-i, r ;?t the Bl '- i ' p ?itm, i '. th? ?French ?Nii,!?a-?-dor, M. Cambon, held a eon? 'I in- t? nawed the mik of Eui II ?n, which turning tangible (??rm. Th? Spain Ii ready ami OU? f"T this move, and bas- !? ? n ?ti it at the European capita v . --pa! tmenl .?iitinii. ?i The N:,v !'t made plan? for -, in,s?|uito Bast." t.? ba cosapoasd af tugi >A' tu~ r.",iy ""'* auxiliary It. -t. I'l,.. XX'ar I ? pari mi nt made nun. 2 3_ 9 "Three from two you can't,* gays the schoolboy- Kight ! Three from two you can't, either in dol lars or dividends or sarsaparilla. It takes the best sarsaparilla root to make the best sarsaparilla ex tract. The best sarsaparilla comes from Honduras, C. A., and the Dr. Ayer Co. practically controls the entire product. Yet others claim to be making "best"sarsaparilla. They must be making it out of tho remainder left after subtracting three from two. Hut, " three from two you can't." You can't make tha bast sarsaparilla without best root You only get the best when you act Ayer's Sarsaparilla which is made wholly from the best root imported from Honduras ., BBS toy at I? Uni M?g-hBBl great, takhm fUmtmt kamwm. Adlssavl t ?-?t mtrnw it go?? ?a*. tfcsVd farther ?kan anv otfaar braeS. POWDER Absolutely Pure ?cv<u. as?iN4 rowoaa ? ahifta la th- location <?f ?r..->[> ? In th Waal with a vteu t. thalr speedy ?son oentrntlon. ?Jen.-ral Flau It. the Chief ?? Ordnance of fro* War 1 > part inctil ! t., a numlier ?if rompa:. traotn for furnlshln? the d-par?m. nt wit! disappearing carrhsfes for the h-, i?k aa l.'-lni-h Kun omnl.ic-iiu.nis whl'h an? BOl ?balng ,-oiisttin ?fed st 1 I fortlll ? atioM A.VI I-ADMIN88TRA1 ION miiAU, Atta* t!?<- a?l)<?uriim? tit ??f th- II day, there was considsrabls ?i over a l -n-.i'll'latloti ?if :' In ?i?-- tiouae, which favor aoass f<srm o num.?ha?- action on the ?Caban laaus Thsra ?aas .-. ?str?ng feeling sh??w:i i??. tli.i avoidance in the meso-ags <>! definite administration iM,iir>-, am a ??add? .1 Ii-; oaltl? ; ; n nt n?,t t? ay further delay or laaort t?> t.-m port sins Baeaaoi aa Tha pr? ,j.-ct to furnlal ad id', relief i?. ta- Cuban non-? ?>mi. ?? ?mts I- in? tinu with opposition, to win? ! lie ml,' t-s .?n !???' h si?!?--, of th- H L'?v-n volca in ?private dlacuaoion; first, <.t th- ?roitml thai Spain ?atom f??r th- eoadltton ?if thiiiK.s on thi lalaad, and swond, thai th.- xt.-ndinp o -a, h larga aad continu? ,1 aid ai unjufll to tli- paaple of this country. Ti.. st-1- tahen to*day on thin Uns war ?,1 an lnf'.i tual Baturs, i:-pr? - Hall, "f Iowa, ' hail man ?! th- H Commltl.<n Military Affaira, Is the ttiiivi-m? nt for prompt act fan. CONFERENCE WITH ?PRK8IDENT A number of Sal ' R? i ?'??th parti---* confarrad with tin l'rfsi'i. nt at the xx'hit?- ii,,-- to-nlgtvt. i - m ei that the ?ootnion ?sraa sapreai t tboa? ?who t.?ik. i with Mi McKinley wm th.?t Cbaj Incline?? lo ,,?i? ? t t?> furth? r d?alay In .? ?wttlemen a) the Bpanioh ?i ind thai unie? rudl-al Ii? Id It At tl- ? ' mtnitt? . itor l'i -?ill move thai i remain In i i until th? queationa i> la and S) . ttled. Mr. I-'"rak?T wil Introduce to-mon nizliiK th? Ind. !? n-1- in in i: i ix im; s?ti xintov I oniino.lo re Selil.-> InU-? ?'omniHiM In Due l-'o mi. r? ?i:T MONRl IB, v.x . Man h a (Wltl ti:?- Aassrleaa ??flying wiuadron, ?Hamptoi l: ?a.i.s, March a.) Mora than 11 enthnalasBB tfut diaplarad to-day by t?, Oflta i- ..i.l ni'-n ,?f ,,f th. Am-! lean tl-. l?i. ?! !? t- "k ?,immand. lex k th? ? ommander ??f th? Brooklyn with ?iotas ?petty ot?cert, tool Commodore Bchley ai?,,'ir?i b launch, an? i ?.?m to th? ?Seat, a bleb B? n? ? t N? S -, Th. ? ?liitii",!"i It was ?Mthltad usual : ?' nu litte? i i.- i- isa i up th? Brookl] Within a half-hour after boarding th? ... in full uniform a oi the Baal wars !i bbbm ,i to quarter? with t? manned, the m.,. d? ? k. ' | an?! gui I ? 'ommo - - ;,p. ?l t?, the brtcbj Of Hi- 10 ?.< ,k!> n, ami r-.n!i:,. -i"i? ss ?l'inmaial-r, t.? ?k p- lalon. A BM instant his ?Sag \'. M fr ? ?m ?tha Brooklyn'? ma.-ti of tha big ?juna ?belch? ?i f?orUi whi' h waa anawered from 111 Ma Bett?, lying W-OOD1 ?ill? \M) SPAM. Xnntlii-r Sl?ir.s"?? burn?- Thai i? ici'iii of lli'hi-1.. i.<'Nii(i\, Marsh Ml?Tha Madrid e.,r nt of the Daily M ni fit - slon of the t . Halted r Woodford and ths Bp ? ? ablnt t last week differing - what from thai ghren yestei ' the ?Standard's Madrid com n n says: "The Bote which ?tlenaral Wo pi-.-, nt. i oa Wadaaeday w,i!? <?f com mit)..tory natura it demai Spain pul an en?l tO tilt- War In Cuba Im medlately, recapitulating th? done to Amei ? nd furth. i ?hinting ti;.?t th?- war wai \ dang? r to th? ?public health of ?the Halted Sti t< 1, the , on? m,.. ,, of ? taba and Ploi Ida h-itm th? - the yell low-f? i >t Un's r< I - that the War WOOld !:av, | ,il;ii bal f?,r ths mat-rial and moral help and support ths rebel? were continually receiving from the I ; ?in ha?, not .-.?mplalni d of the poltey of th?- I'nlted ?States in ?l.niiifi'1 |Bg from Spain th? t? rminatlon ??t a War whi? h th? Halted States Were virtually ?maintaining !-y th? BCSOSBCS of a ?qua.lron in the neighborhood <>f ?Cabe, an.i i.v orgaahaag sooeor for the reooncentrado? in a manner that would !?? i?ff,-n.-i\. t , any nation, as well a-, by bsapHlg Id Habana S l'oinni! wli?. Ik publicly the agent and representative of the r-b-ls. "Spain abaolut-lv r? ???Is- all i?l?a ?>i yielding, ?n?l apparently n-lth.-r .! n,,r f, ar? war with the 1'nitsrd B4 i ? t Spain kno H ' ! with the most serious .??ntli i -li- but had to -in,?' the Napoleonic wars. Tl an ominous abnancs ?>f eadtena?sat among the people, whoae on? ?topic la ths i blllty of war. It is th.- ilsa t-1"' atona, which win break srbea ?the Ameri can ultimatum com? s ?.rneral ??rnlinni K.-l u nu uu. .lAi'KSi'NVII.l.K. FI.A.. Mar, h .- \ ?,,l t?. th?- TiiuKs-i'iiion and Cltlaen fr??m Si Auguattne Fla - - n? ral Graham, commander of the 1 >-i?ii tm- ni of the Oulf. United ?Stataa army, aad ?taff, i? this Ing from Miami It was the latan? ,i,,n ,. Graham t.? v to K? . \s eal from Miami and th? 'anana un I IM-,, la, but it is sai'l tl ?gram fr..m waahlngton neeem chant,'?? of plan?. Iw si salas Oaaei ? <;r.i 1, itn back. IUibbImii Flaa Sneered? ( hineae. IK kin ?Men '? M ttsois wen withdrawn fr?tn Port Arthur and Tl U'M'.-XX an IO-day, th? Itunsian? lamlinK an.i the Itus-slan ?Sag wax hoist ed at !>oth pla.-fs ??Mil? l.t-niK ?ilorrd Xow. ki:y WBVT, FI.A ?March ?. ?By night ?11 ?he ships' in the harbor, ?sseapt th?' ?'uuimiatl. w-re punt? 1 a i.ol color, ,, aat.r-llue to amokaatach t.?i?. Tha ?Cincinnati will t>e finii?h?wl to-m.orrow. The Wilmington ?aiK-?l for Jacks..iivilla to-night._ ?ii l.?l.? Defeat ?iniiiu??h. SAVANNAH, OA., March A.-ScrTe: h h a Savaaaah .looooisoo-i 8 4 llalilmorrt .20il3?l)0?x-' 9 4 ?Batterie?: Holloweli, Nolan, and ChiBbce! Kltion. l'ond. and liowtrnian. Anton Neldl lload. N'F.XV V'iKK. March JB.-Anton B. I,II th- famous musical director, ?lied at lu at? o'clock to-ulght, in thi? eity. of unisonlng, probably from eating Huh. WAR-TALK STRONGER The President's lossage a Disappoint menf All Around. ! CONGRESS READT FOR ACTION. ' Question Whether Leaders Will Be Able to Hold It in Check. not in xi?n i iti:i.n:t mfss %?;rc. II XXIII I'rol.nlils V,t ||,. | orill eo in I n n for s.-, oral Di? ? ?XiDnlnlw trnllon nuil lia Aille? Afrnlil Hi l'ri-el|illnle Delinte. WASHINGTON, I) ?'., M.r.h . , ? XX ar talk to-night is stronger than it I I al any time sin?-?- th- Maine ?n-ast.r or the BotggaBtod recall of Cms? Fui-?*,.-.i- ral ?Lsa by tha Spanish Qevara? ment. The I'l ? - id? nt .- mesnage to-ilaj , was a dlsappointm?'nt all around, and bal ? for the Bdjeanunaal Imanxllstslj art.-r it ?/unt of the ?l?ath of Bapcaa ??stallet simpkins, of Met is. there would have I?*?--, i-volt In ?h<? H ! Interviewa with members ,?f ail parttea i dtaeteee ths iBcl that <'??i?ki for sctlon .?t? ths Cuban matt?-r. at-, i H is now a <i?i?s'i.?n wB-sther th- Bp>a><a .ami th,- oth. r K? punli? an 1. ad-rs ai SMS to Icl'l their ??arty In check f?.r the I .. It is .linnet authorltativ.iiy ?Matad t night that t! I itutlng aii'.ut ?sending Ida ?aaasssBS recommending th' m f-or t'a-- ?reUef ?t th- starving Cabana to-morrow, as it WB WOUM do. ;ti.!?t ?if ?Sanatora i of both the dominan! parti? ?my to-mghl tint under no drcumstan? -s win they ?rots for ?ueh a proportion, and-ar the ?xintinK dittona In ?Cuba They ar- willing to rots for th.- pi .?p.?s-.i t? it, t, i : ? th? : i <>f the Inder* : of ?Cuba, aitb -t'ti-'i ?Intervention, if ti lt is -ar? to Bay that th.- szpect?sd ta li? f m? - iga a : :. 'i be forth omlng for s-i-r ,1 ,: tml tral alii-s ar.- afraid to l?r-? ipltat- a d on the ? 'ni, m qu? ?tlon. In ths : i tamper of Congreas. a? an Indi-satlon of thi?. tli?, ?Speaker . ?ii?.?i four m?Mnbara ..f tl ?'.?iii iniit.-?- of ths Houae, two of I' ble i;? pubii? an ?'uban sympathisera to .mpany the r<emaln? of R?rpr?Mentatlvc sin ; Maoaarhnai tu ?on x\ . Of cours.-, .il ?'?iban bills intro du? ?d win leu. i?, i., i. ferrad to this ?"iniiiH; . -|..n ?.ii tha Cl! Ii? f or .,?,) ,- I.? r i lid b 1VS I' ll., il-lay-.l I . a, . mi ml Notwtthatandlng tha la ll .. :,? ?, of 11?.- Wall . tr-.t an.l moneyed Interaatt, by which the ?jutminl?? tratiiui is b.uki.i, lbs outlook f'?r war al an arlj lhaa erar. Ths :??!, to-night is that it will be a ?iisi;?.,..- aad sham- if, aft?-r ?tha controversy, la Ui - long, over tha < ,'ub i ration of tl of inn??? nt people on the island, and the munter of Ml Am? h .?m i by th" d? -ti 'I'ti'.n of th?- I - ?hip Maine by Spaniards, tins gov?srnmanl do? s no! a? t promptly si this ertsli put an ? ml to ?Spanish barbarity an?l la? humanity ,,n this ? 1 ?-? Ill.ltXIXI. I I H>s 1 f. SsBBjeMBBl XX ho Dlsii pp.-a roil from For? Xl.iiiro?- nt >.,nt Ii |i.irt, V ?. XVH.MINOToN. N. ?'., M I I ? lal to the Star from ?SOUthl pa V al Moi . ?lay, apparently ?Buffering from I vue twenl ta .'i in bla rg? important plans .iu?l ?.rawi... ? in arrival h.-r. -, C tptala :. in ? ??mm ,i,,I at F? : ' ,nini. ?ii it- ly eauaed hit srr? it, i-it Um rned ? I his inn. m?'tit i for 1 , vs. or b !,- rsabouta of bla i hern? win -pro-bablj i- ) :.? ?aadar guan? tO-moCTOW to Foi Itallroitil lliiiitili? l>> 1 e.lnr-Worl??. A?!. by the Rich mond Cedar-Worn? of the Norfolk an 1 ? 'amd'-n railroad, and of the l ont? m; . ?ii of a pi mi at th t' rmli . n Elizabeth rlv? i. Mr. T. Kirkpatri? k Parriab, the < Work? Company was out ??i ths y entera tnation ol the d? al, k ??r mora .xt th? werha In thla ? m? i to ?know aught i..-r. ? ii ndlilii te? fur ? onfl rninllou. Ths e.\ainii?.i'i"i? "f ?lbs confirmation ?i? I til.Ill EVUIJ d on Sun,lav ?if:- rn??oii in numb? i ut ti,?? ? indldat? - wers Ml Elisabeth von N. Roaenegk, Mini. . Emma Pui - n?, Nan? nie Frommer, Catherin? Prick, Anule Fiick. Blal? Brauer, Ann!? Mensel, Fran cl? Kolle, Lixsh Wollt, Rom Oipperick, Hattl? Enders, and Willie Qrtmmell, Fred. .ii. Kaaten, Freddie Poehl? r, x\ Herman Zank um! ?'ar! Killer. Th? win be confirmed bj Rev. Paul i.. Men sel, D. D., next Sunday._ with some derangement or irregularity in the action of the organs distinctly feminine Neglect and wrong living will ?bow them selves first ia the most delicate organs of the whole body. With su?A weakness and sickness ?o prevalent, it is to be expected that the bearing of children would be fraught with dread and danger. It should not be ?o, of course. Nature never meant it tobe so. The ?performance of the high est function of which a woman is capable should not be accompanied by pain. If perfectly natural iisiiwr were the rule, it would not be so. As live? are lived, some thing els? must be done. A remedy must be found. For over thirty year?, Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. During that time he ha? treated ?thousand? of women. He has found in bis " Fav?arite Prescription " a never-failing specific for female complaints It strengthens the whole body and when taken during gestation, shortens the period of labor and makes childbirth well-nigh ?painless. It also promote? an abundant secretion of nourishment tor the child. SeheduU of the Rieh????! Malla? .1,??? ! *. ??wll l?r a?* 9*4 On* With our Cwi??nim?-?n??. Because it's winter on Saturday and summer on Monday, that needn't puz zle you. We're always prepared for warm weather or cold. Wet weather or dry. Man or boy. Clothing, Hats, and Fur nishings. We'd make a special men tion of our $7.7^ Spring Top Coats?worth $10.00? as. ?f you act, it'll prove such profitable reading to you. Temple, Pemberton, Cordes & Company, rand 9 West Broad St. Colored Dress Goods. a tlioi'?)ii^lilv complete ?assortment at all raicea, to suit all purses ami tast??s. Wool Chcxka, I-i^uri-il M??liairs, Fancv Mixtures, , S?ll ami Wool Mixtures, MeHoartte ci?>th-, Diagonal Cox-erl i Woo! Checks, ?Covert Cloths, ) Setgea, ) Che v tots, Melton Cloths, ) Covert Cloths, Wool Check-, Granite ?Cloths, Silk ami Wool Mixture-, 50c. 75c. 85c $1. Wool ChalKes. Very ?d?sirable, full as <??itincut of ?entirely Dew patterns. 50c. ??Satin-Striped Challies, A 75t. ) Iteslsiil? ?.rosslnif In Interest. Til. m-'. ".II-,.-1 at Ora? Sir?-, t tab : at.- evidentl) ?growing in power. The congregation? >.u Sunday were Immense, Dr. Dab's appeals ?Mamad to st:r the people to ti?- depth? ol their i Tin, number >>f convor at night, following h.? "Prodigal ?Son " Tl en were ten eon? v?ralo L Dr. H ?will i Boon ??ii "I'll?- Cbriatlan Lamp." and to-night on "lax? use- for Not Becoming a Cbriatlan." Mr. xx'a: ?Inga .?t in,?-? 0f th?SM ?ervlces, ami Laet niKht. 1;. v. K He*. Swam h ?having . real ?la manifest??*. Th? ?ermon last night on toa was an . -[?. ? tally line one. Tiler.- will b? BOCTlCefl to-day at ?.' ' and I i'. M. Tb?, al'" a hour Is glvn to HI).!.' study. ?On Wadnasdey aftarnooa ths Evangelist will ?repeat, br requ-aat, th? s.-rmoti on recoin it ion of depart.?,! In the future world. The sinning by th? chorus at the night s? i -, ic - is s ver? at tractive feature, and greatly adds to tli 1 ,' rest of t1,?- bear. Tin- revival servies, which conducted .?t ?Centenary by ?Rar, l?r. Tudor will 1??- continued ?luring the w? Many conversion? have b>-< n professed : in?',; tie revival has ?been ?n pi? ! Illl IX SIPKOI.K. I net.try ?nul I'lniil iik-XIII| Hnrneil ? Other Property l>e?tros e<|. ?SUFFOLK. VA.. Mar,-!- | ,[., About 1841 o'? l.?ck to-night fire brok, at H. .W. I'.radshaw's box-factory an?l pianino-mill, at th?- BOOthcm . nd of amor.- ?itreaC T!,?? BbbBSB wer., ti. re. an?l 1? irne.1 rapidly, making It imposslhlo to -?v.- any of th?- valuable plant. A dwcll Ing-le ?1 i.?xt to ,-u? i the factory, and belonging to Mr. iirad Shaw was also ?1. -troyed. as k.i.s Mr < ; \\". Whltley's store, with stork of >? OH th- west of the factory. The Suffolk l'.aiiut ?.?mpanv's factory was In Imrnl Beat danger, but that and oth?-r a.tja "-nt jrop.rtv v. re auooi by th.- efforts of th?. Fir.- lxpartm.-nt aad iltlz?-ns. the latter extinguishing sparks as they fell on th.? roofs of building?. The total loss is about lia.??'", m.-,.i taae, jo.?w. CSLUMUBD \AITI1 wiiini n John ?mbbtrfleld X pprehrii.l? ,1 In the ( l?> of Hoanobe. I!? i AN'i ?Kl* \'.\ , y ,r?h Detective Thomas I,. Frit a, of this city. treat I John StubLl? ?elfi last night on the charge of murdering Abe Ryan ??vu a game of crup., at |?.mbr.oke. m flOes county, on March 15th. The prisoner was taken to Peartsburg Jail thi? morning. Miss Maggie Balthls. of Front Royal. a member of the graduating class of th? National Business College, died this ?f taraeea of braajv^erer. The n-maia? were s.-nt to Front Royal to-night. It.-lrliatnic Adopt? Navy Dill. lUilU.IN, March ?The Relch'tag to day ?leiinit. Iy adopted the navy bill v.lth out division au?l amid cheer?. The Imperial Chancellor, Prince Hohen l??he, an?! the other MluUters, congratu lated Admiral Von Tlrplta, th? Secretary of the Navy. .1 Brown Windsor, Be. i k? Elder ?Flower, Be. ? Turkish Huh. le. -tans. I'alm Soap, lc. ?itry ? hub, Be. ? ake ?Hen Sulphur. 'Sic. cake. X'iola. I??-, cake. C ?-til.? Soap. I*C pound. Packer*? Tar. 11,. cake, P ,r'.~ !''?- ?:te,I. I***. I ?i, ?.ike. '"?i me! Castile IB*, cake. Violett? s ?\?>t?. Hie. ?ake. Hutfrmllk. :?. T? ar's Bcea, i l cake. Oakley's Soaps. Heliotrope, Violet, I.?las Blsa 18a cake: i - lOc. cake; Scant? ?1 ' lOc. ike: ? 'allfonda Violet, II?' ??ke; Sweet BtlOT, Be. 1,. ; Violet Soap. ?? , ,k. ; Vi.ib-t Soap, lOc. ? ?I,? , s III?-, eak?-; I.??tl - Ii? . ake, Mower Soap, lOc. cak?-; Flotilla ' ?ake; OlyCerin? whit, Violet ?tc cake; Csl? hi i:??i? mi? t. i lc r.-ikc Colgate's Soaps. Turkish Bai " T I Bo ip. 1?-' cake; <'??!?i ?'r.,ini ?Soap, i??. ??.amphor Ice >Soa| 10 ? ?k> : Vlroel?, (largi it th '? i-???!?, ?Be. m?-. ? ake; ?Sulphur, lo k? Caahmera li-unjuet ?.large siz. ?, -i?, ?ake; Caahmera Bouquet, IS Rich Make home Upholstery. <?>*<y and com K * forUble a t j small outlay. We'll help you. 1 'am ISk ! " Ip? IT, f"r IT h- ivv ?loman colors. M In -width, *?*?- yard. j Colorings sad Designs, a?? Inches m width. 88? &?-inch ?Brocatell? in a'i ?solera, . ??. . ?yard BTrocatelle, in light ?jhtsdes, y? Inehe-i wide, >S8e. rara. wide, 88c. var?!. Klondike Draperies, in pretty spring flow- r : att, 11;--, I?)?-, yard. ? I,?!!. ?, . :i all colors, 7? . Figured I ?.-min. in width, AM . ird. Plain i>.trim, ?ame width. I8c. ?yard, l-.a-.t ?i K ??ilt Sash Net, .i?? in? !> with rume, BBc, ?jrard. Muslin for Curtains, in dott< ?1 ?sad ilcur ,,! i?? inch? - aid?. ibc. i?s ??rid?, la i ~? \ ,r?l Ruffling f-ir ?'un lo yard. An Introduction T?> ixiit to Our Unens.,ing-y-*-tro d u c e our Linen Department to the ladies of Richmond whose chref home pride is the beauty of their Table Linens, and who really appreciate fine ?joods, we will plaoe on sale ten pat terns of the world-famed Stiller Liii??ns.(iermany's best product, imported by us to sell at $i.2> anil $i.-,o a yard. At S??x?-nt.x-l'ix?' ( ?'Mis. I in- ,i?l N |?a:- ill tWO yard , ? Clover-L? I - ? ik-Lea!, lerlte, S??i?i? --XV. !.. Wlld-ROse, and such !ik.-. Napkli i ??i ', i . i I slaes to match n-arly all of th?- -ii?, ax I I loy. . rly 75c i " " dos? n. Dami - u?)V- n Into ? of i-'in.- Huck Towels, quite ?new. hemstitched, Imported ><> .- n at half dollar, to-morrow ., fili-inch Puro-Unen, stripe and PtalB l-'urniture Linen, every yard worth for :?7 i ? yard llandaome Double Satin ?Damask Table? Cloths, in ail i.-ngths. from i i-:: te i \ar?l.? l"iiM. at tile earn? prii that ths ?lam. .-r vara. Special valu.-- at $1 il 'An, ami V? p.-r yard. Napkin? to match every pattern. Th.- i:.-? ?Scotch Turkey-Red and Oreen ?Damanh ???overa, txlQ sin-, ll.T.V Limn ?Sstra-Heavy llmk Crash Towel-', for IO<- each. m .',,./.. i, ,,f th? rin.-st Oennaa Oam? aak Towel?. In xx'hit- aad color? ?! i: ?1? signs. M f? - "" Sale of Some recent White Goods. *y- a v' Y Pe chases enable us to offer some extra good values to-day. Il Will?-. ?a.- v.-ry lowest prtee ' . 18 About 7"?" Fu??- Wh . . i ' I <;,?,.! qu ,iit I llaue at S.V. Regular Ill-la arad? ?Lace ntnp?-U Or 7 :: l -. ,r,l. r lue. grade Heavy Figur*! i , re at ?* '. lo-inch ' I ? A[?r??n Laxvn at Iflc., In 4.?-ln?*ti Embroidered Apron lavn, the al 12 ?l-Sc. ?lity SMnch India l.ltion at i I I ( ,,?,?1 . ?. l.ltion. I 7 * leal Sheir India IJnon, ft at IS i-Sa. tVERYTHINO FOR EVCRYfti <*.mtiie. ?So. safte; Oaeet-veeaBi Ii . OatimaJ. ?,-. eaki , l'alm. 8c. rake. Roger ? Gallet's Soaps. Violette ?le ?Parme, a?*?-, cake; ivau do ... ??.. ra*?; 11.11?.trop- Malm, 80 ?>ik?': Vein Violette, ?a.-, cake; Viol? t Soap. 81c. cuke; l.llac Soap, Bl? ,?k< . S,i\??ii ?!e Hi ti i Bl? take; Hoiiiju?-? ?I?-? .-xmnurs, ttttc. cake, A L Iris Blanc, 88c. i ak? , Savon Lachuga, Sffc, cake. Qelle Fr?res' Soaps. Violet, l?Sc. rake: ?Savon a Is X'loletie, 18 ?ak.. ?Savon i.Has. ia<- cake. Sarat?oga s?.-?p. ?..??.i-siz. cake?, sic ?Umax Soap large ?ak?', 8c <; iniaii Mottled Soap, large, ?olid cake, I \. ma Soap, 7c. ..! nelllea Boap, the finest ma?le. spe cially adapted for flannels, la??? fine draperies, also for washing palm? and wood-W k. give It a trial and you \?,ll asa no other, cake, Tc. ttlng Cottoa-OU S??ap, best made, double cake. Be, Hand sil.-x??. for th? toilet, Be. Meyer'? Uygisns ?Soap Powder. p.u-k Bg? I Armour XVa-h I'owl. r, 2 for Be. Baos Hoy Wash Powder, large pack aga Be, Lace We have engaged flaking. thc s^v?ces of ail expert maker of Laces, ?Bsttenburg, Renaissance, Point Ap plique, Modern Point, and Princes?. ?She can be found In the waiting-room, on the balcony, every Tuesday after 11 A M l'n ti at ?sat hour's duration, .">?? .. sight i? ?aeon, $a. Wash Goods. The loom A Sale. queens of two countries take arms here, and, aided by nur little prices, march out accord ing to your orders. ?The ?! llnfles? ; .' Unen '?lnr liiiiis, in Hlue. Pink, and lila? lc , b? cka; h? i? :t:t The Finest import,! O-raandlee. vxit?x the newest and most desirable ?1? slgns, lu ?plaid and floral effect?, ;?t H Fin? American Madras, in large pat? terna, ?regularly ?u-te ; h?-re at 9%.-. ThS regular l2l-2>\ Ma.Iras, ?tripes, ptaldfl, ?.'il ?hecks, lu ?hurt lengths, at 7c Soltd-i'olor piipi.-. light and dark, at S-rl'tly All Pure Unen ?ir. n, line. In rich !pe and eh?--k effects. that sella gen?rally at e<;<\; here at BSc Indian ?Dimities In ?L?ln?y floral effects and invlsl!,!?. checks and ?tripes, 10o. Domestic Always offering Specials. va.,ue/, thrttt brimful of merit, we pass these to you to-day. Alpins Rom ?Bleached Cotton, fine, ??-?ft texture, Mil? generally at I31?8c? I?? i- at M i-a.-. '.' l-J >.ar.l -w!?l?. lltlea Hbach.-d Sheet - la.,', ?very piece brandi l. and ?s much as y,,ii wart f.?r 1(1 B-8& a yard. I Shi ting for 8MB yard. Apron ?llnghnm, in lilu- u,?l llrunn . heck?, f r '?'. yard. Full Site, (P? Hemstitched bleached Sheet? heavy round thread. . for 31?c. each. nistltch.'l tjer m.m Hols' : yards long, for 11 ' ?eh. Hematttehed Unen PUlow-Casea, MxM Im b? s, f?,r .11?c ??ach. ? imbue Plllow-Caae?, l.'.xM. U 1-lc. \ lllle, for He. , Easter We ha ve a s p I < n - Novelties. <*-(* assortment of 'dainty Easter Cards, Booklets, Hangers, Fan cy Ribbon and Satin Novelties? ?je. on up to St.'yO. 8 \ ?Sana, w.m't break, 2c. each. I 1 In box, I?? News of Jf you watch your Notions, spendingsyou should watch our offerings. Read these: U ?piart ?"'?mhln.'itlon Fountain Hyrlnge an?! Water Rag. Z hard rubln r pips;?, B ? 0, artille, BBC latent Hump Hooks and Kyes, i<? gross. Jo-inch Tain- Measures, lr. each. Kxtra-Heavy Mm h Whalebone?. Se l-'ast-Kla.k Silk l?r.-s? Shields, closing out the lot for Be. pair. Hone Casing. ?Ilk stitched, enough for a ?lress, ilc. All-8ilk S.a.") Binding, Me. Hece. 3c Satin XX a Ist band Hupporter?. 18c i'anfM?! DretM Shields. No. I. She. ?pair. Kgg-Daroera, lc. each. "8e?e?ttre Ks*tener" Hotw Bapportrrs, ladies', ml?*, a. an?! children's talse, ??.sir. lo?" Shlrt-Walat Shield, wnshable, and warranted 1m ;. BBc; No. J. 88c.; No? I, a*-, pair. EVERYT Important Sale of French Challies, Direct from New York's largest importer come? the first noteworthy shipment of Fine French Chai lies Rich mond has seen in years. The Challies represent the top-notch of light fabric-making. The,y come in all their prismatic colorings and artistic designings, b?:t? Shorn of their Costliness. They get first showing to-day. They ar? suitable for Streit Dresses, Tea Gowns, Children's F recks. Dressing Sacques, House Wrappers, and such like. V.,,..! Grenadine Challies. with plain herring-bone or Wall? of Troy ?Ilk srrlpei??? light grounds, ?iiimlsome floral ?lesUrns. tn comfol nation s of heliotrope ?r.d gr.-en. lavender and sage, salmon and tan. yellow, turquoise, red. ??r and tan, and nine others. Imported te ?ell at 8k. |3C? All-Pure-XVooi French' Ch allies, stripes, poUia-dotn and rich floral -_t|\^. ffects, In exquisite combinations, mostly light grounds. Imported _5.i#Ce ell nt -Cc. IP-re. :,'"L' "' ?StrtCtly-AU-Pura-Wool Fine French Challies. handsome, navy, black. M am ?nd light ground??. In the season1? very best ?ieslgnings, imported *lT?>?fCa II at ?9?'. Here. Richmond's Greatest Soap Sale. The features of the sale are no limit to your time of pur chase, and enough Soap to last for all comers. IMiiaudN Violet Soap, 112 f? romno Buttermilk, ?V. Caticur?8o?p, 11?-. Cl?sar Glrcerlae,ft?., \x??rtH "Mi.'-Oiioa. Armour's 1*1?.?Hin?; Soap, 4e. eak<?, :i lor 10?\ sfi??\?? scouring s?uip, ir?u??l mm Sap?)lio, Sa The Famous Whit?? Soap, SSMS8S mftM) Of amiYOry ?similar tea Ivory, le. eake. Juni? Dealers tu Krpurt Hulls. The junk dealers met In the office of the ChU-f of Police yesterday, and had the law recently pass?<l by the Legisla ture In regard tu their trade explained to them. The most lmi?ortatit section L\er> junk dealer doing buslnees In any city or town shall, every day (? Sunday) before U o'clock in th? f.???-t??-?!i deliver ?o th? Chief of Police jf auch city or town, on a blank form to scribed by such ?'hlef of Polka, leglbl?- and transcript from t book or boohs of hi? transaction? of tl prevloua ?day. No junk dealer ?hall ael melt, change the form <?f. or disposa ? any article bought or received by hi which he U rs-^uirrd by this ?*ct to mal i ..f und report wiihiu flvw da; after auch report." The blank? vsill l-?? r*a?ly ?n a dag ? two. ami the Chief notified Iba d?alei that th??lr f1r?t rifort would ?be ??sect* neat Menda-jr taeruin? ?before 11 amoCB,